PROPHECY: Multifaceted Death And Resurrection Of Jesus-Fifty Greatest Days
Updated October 15, 2011

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Some time ago, Tracey Meeks presented a teaching on USAPROPHET RADIO regarding the multifaceted death that Jesus Christ experienced in atonement for us, so that we might not have to taste death any more in any of its' forms. We have since done more radio programs on this subject, and you will find the links below.

This teaching stirs up a great deal of commotion in the realm of the spirit. Many people get their hackles up and are ready to fight over their own particular beliefs on these things, but what do the scriptures say? So, I was interested this week when my #2 daughter began to inquire on this subject.

Brother Tracey had sent me six pages of teaching on this subject by regular mail. Tracey tells me that he obtained it while he was in bible school in Arkansas, and the author is unknown to him. Apparently, the first to teach these things in the modern era was E.W. Kenyon, in his book "What Happened Between The Cross And The Throne".

In order to answer my daughter, I scanned the six pages Tracey had sent me and emailed them to her.

Now today, I have put in a whole day to take a fresh look at all of this in an attempt that we can fully understand everything that our Lord purchased for us and just how He did it.

So, below you will find the 2011 work I did on this subject and the six pages of teachings that brother Tracey Meeks sent me. They include a number of alternate translations from other versions of the bible, where the author has indicated.

To me, it is quite elementary to understand that in order for me to have been born again of the spirit, I was at one point dead in my spirit. Isaiah 53 just screams this whole theme of the "great exchange": that we only obtained that which Jesus bore for us.

The only thing that could have overcome that "deadness" in my spirit is Jesus, taking my place, bearing my suffering, punishments and burdens. He had to experience it, and carry it, overcoming it as He also overcame the death of soul and the death of body.

Furthermore, the only way you and I could obey the command of Jesus to be born again of the Spirit is if Jesus was born again of the Spirit. Acts 13:33, says that He was begotten again of the Father, a second time, at the time of His resurrection. You can only be born again when you recognize, by faith, that you are dead in your sins. In the same way, Jesus Christ was dead in OUR sins. He suffered this form of spiritual death, or separation from the Father. He never ceased to exist for even a fraction of a second.

And again, you cannot be born again of the Spirit if Jesus was not born again of the spirit. Neither you, nor Jesus, could be born a second time if you were not spiritually dead, in sin, and separated from the Father. Death must precede new birth! Jesus had no sin of His own, but all of our sins fell upon Him. Jesus was dead, in our sins, and was raised to life by the word of the Lord, so that we too could be raised in newness of life.

For some, this is difficult to grasp. The teaching is not elementary, so study it carefully, and pray as you go.

As I was considering the previous contentions that have occurred between me and others regarding these things, I feel that the Lord would have me offer forth an analogy. Many of us drive cars every single day. We sit behind the wheel, turn the key on and we drive, but we do not have the slightest idea about how an internal combustion engine works.

In the same way, there are a great many people who are saved who do not understand or comprehend all of the details and levels of the salvation that Jesus purchased for us with His blood at and prior to His sufferings at the cross in His death, His burial, His journey into hell, His resurrection on the third day, the quickening of His spirit and His ascension unto heaven. Each of these victories of Jesus obtained things for us that are of inestimable value. We cannot let any of it slip.

Today, the manchild with the iron rod in his hand is instructing the sun clad woman in the wilderness. She is being taught the correct word of her testimony, so that she can correctly reckon, by faith, that every aspect of her judgement has been accomplished by her identification with Jesus and that which He has accomplished. There is nothing left for God to judge with respect to the one who has this testimony on his lips and in his heart.

Likewise, the manchild is proclaiming present judgement against a covetous harlot church, a synagogue of Satan, that has taught that which it ought not preach and has not received by faith the payment for judgement that was made for it. And so, a present, horrible judgement remaineth even unto this day.

Turn around and look behind you, at the Lamb, caught by its' horns in the thicket. Execute a 180 degree turn from that which this present harlot church has taught you, and listen to the voice of the watchman "And thine hears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left" (Isaiah 30:21).


Stephen L. Bening

The Greatest Fifty Days

Christ's Our Death-Page 1

Christ's Our Death-Page 2

Christ's Our Death-Page 3

Jesus In The Pit-Page 1

Jesus In The Pit-Page 2

Jesus In The Pit-Page 3

The 15 minute radio program that starts automatically when you open this page is an audio introduction to these things, entitled "Hard Sayings". I recorded this program and it was broadcast on shortwave radio on June 17, 2008. You can get a quick treatment of these things here that should get you up to speed with just why these things are of absolutely critical importance to your spiritual survival in these times.

Here is the link to the radio program from April 14, 2007, where Tracey Meeks and I entered into discussion on these topics regarding the testimony that the Sun Clad Woman should have. 04-14-07 Cook, Meeks and Bening (Rec 04/08/07)New Life-60 Minutes

Tracey Meeks and I did a radio program today, June 23, that is very strategic and key to understanding what God is doing with His remnant right now. Incumbent upon your success in this hour is your understanding of the testimony that God expects His remnant to carry, concerning everything that Jesus Christ has purchased and obtained for us. Included in this are those things Jesus obtained for us in His death, which was multifaceted, His descent into hell, and in His resurrection from the dead. 06-27-08 Meeks and Bening (Rec 06/22/08)"Word Of Thy Testimony"-60 Minutes

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