Over 220 Godly Christian Prophetic Warnings For The Future ‘Invasion Of The United States’; Future War To America & On Her Homeland Soil!
Updated: 10/12, 2006; Pages will need to be numbered by hand after printing this document!)
Most Current revelation just released 10/13, 2006:
Dear Christians, and The Bride of Jesus Christ;
It is with great delight that I can send this to you, it appears, and I am releasing this to you before the event occurs, which is what God does with us... in the godly prophetic, He tells us before the event occurs...
Now that is hard on ministers who can not handle this, but tuff on them, they were to be advanced and are not many of them... and they were to be teaching us correctly in the godly prophetic from God, and many are not... and in fact, are way behind...
What did Jesus say?
And you are a teacher in Israel and do not know these things...
Below is a high level intercession meeting that just ended, and a man of God just came back from it with this powerful testimony...
I have been to these meetings and they are real!
May God bless you all and you will find the attached godly prophetic for the invasion of the USA updated... to reflect these current godly revelations.
For those of you new to this prophetic list, in short what all this means is the set "Invasion of the USA on her homeland soil" from Russia and China and six other countries would have occurred before 2010, but God was clear to Prophet Dan Bohler early this year 01/2005, that if Roe vs. Wade got reversed by the end of 2007, the righteous redemptive judgment that is coming, for it is set, will occur well after 2010...
So, we now know "from God, praise God" that it will be delayed, now I suggest all of you get to your knees and thank God with tears and weepings... in deep gratitude... for this means that some of your family would not have been killed, it meant that you now have food to eat, and electricity to heat your homes in the winter and gas for your cars and all the rest... for when that invasion occurs, you can forget a lot of those things... they will be history for many... it will be that awful, and massive deaths in the USA will occur as well as around the world... read the attached for those of you who have no understanding of what God has released regarding the invasion of the USA.
Now read your Bibles, what does it say, about 2/3's I think it says, or about, that will die... God is not kidding, it is in the Word and these are soon the days, like within less than 2 decades it appears, so you and I need to prepare for massive deaths... just as the New Testament church had to endure... as well, during her time... in the first century...
We in the godly prophetic know that the next about 13 or so years, will be big and awful in the sense of what the devil will be doing and even God's righteous redemptive judgments coming all throughout the world; and also wonderful in the sense of the revival... to America and to eventually the whole world... two revivals coming... it appears... first to the USA, and second it appears some time later to the whole world...
May God bless you all and yes, here at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles that ends tonight at sunset, and there is now one High Holy Day left, and that starts tonight, and it is called in the New Testament "The Last Great Day of the Feast", it is a separate day and it is a High Holy Day of God...
Well it was when Jesus welcomed all to drink freely... read it in your New Testament... it is a wonderful day...
I cannot personally tell yet if it is to be in fulfillment before or after the Millennium... or both... will occur... we shall see...
Must go, but had to get this out... for it truly is good news for the USA...
Please pray, another person of God will be sending me more notes from Nita Johnson's meeting... and pray that she can get that to us soon, very soon... ask God to help her get her notes typed up as fast as she can... and get them released to us... God usually calls for two or three witnesses...
This was a high level weeping and intercession meeting for the sins of America and Abortion... that just occurred...
These Christians are usually advanced, they are on the floor and crying their heart and eyes out for America... something the Church needs to wake up too doing... soon... learn intercession!
May God bless you all during this end of the Holy Day seasons...
And please join me in thanking our most wonderful and gracious God for delaying the invasion of the USA to well after 2010... we deserved this invasion, but it is just like God to delay it from all those who in the USA & around the world who knew and have faithfully prayed in confessing and repenting of America's sins... it took all of them for this to get reversed, and we thank all those who did their parts in the long hard process of getting abortion reversed in the USA... especially our blessed and Holy Spirit filled Christian President, George W. Bush Jr. and Laura... (Keep praying for Bush's safety... and his family) May God richly bless you...
Never forget one of the main reasons that God wanted this reversed is the horror of killing babies... but also, He wants to use the USA to help bring in the over one billion souls to His kingdom... and now He can...
I have always felt a lot of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are in England and the USA... and some of the other countries as well, but look, never forget: Israel, England and the USA are allies... and God has been treating us different for a long time... Yes, we have sin and many have sinned... especially leaders, but I tell you when all is said and done, do not be so surprised to find that the English Throne is housing David's Throne... that the Bible promised had to be here... so where is it... ?
I have done a great deal of work on this subject and one day if God will help me to present to you all that I have and what He will release now as He restores all things... here at the end of the Age... well you will see it is to my understanding as of today, the English Throne...
Yes, many have fought it, just as they fight the real Ark of the Covenant is right there in Jerusalem in Jeremiah's Grotto that God revealed to us... but who cares who fights it, if it is truth, it will stand even against all who could not discern... worth a drop, including ministers of God... they will all give an account to Jesus... as to why they could not discern... as they are His direct reports... in His government... under the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah!
Now never forget that the devil will be doing big stuff even now... all this good and evil will be overlapping... so do not think all is well in the world... for God has allowed this...
Do not think bad things will now not happen to the USA... we know in the godly prophetic that the Islamics will be doing things, we know that the Patriots if that is what you call them in the USA will be rising up and fighting the USA government... we know all this from God already... so we need to pray against all this and get it held off as long as we can so we can get the world wide harvest of souls in...
Now ministers of God need to prepare themselves God is going to use the youth, the young, who are ignorant to many advanced things in God... so what, God is going to use them to bring in the Harvest... so ministers of God need to prepare for this... and let the youth be free to work the works of God... yet just direct or guide them as Minister Mentors if you can call it that... but let them have the freedom that is needed to do the work that Jesus will be doing in them... and yes, they will have all kinds of problems themselves... and they will still be bringing in the Worldwide harvest of souls...
Jesus is going after His souls...
But we can rejoice, we have gained a giant victory in the USA... so rejoice... be glad... and thank your God... for He has been gracious to the USA again... and yes, most are totally ignorant to what has occurred... in the spirit realm and now soon in the physical realm it will be showing up and you heard it before it occurred... so praise God and learn to understand how the Godly prophetic works... everyone of you will need it in the days to come... current fresh godly revelation from God, God has never and never will shut up... and many of us are glad about that...
Now, thank God for Seer Prophets Nita Johnson, Sundar Selvaraj and Neville Johnson, these three Apostle Seer Prophets of God have had a direct hand in the good that has just occurred to the USA... you need to uphold them and thank God for them... they were given as gifts to the Body of Jesus Christ worldwide... from Jesus the Head of the Church... so thank God for all their fastings and weeping for the sins of the USA... I know for a fact that some of them have fasted for forty days for the USA... now do you realize how they love God and the American's... who need to come back to God as their forefathers did... the Revival will help all that seed out there that needs to be saved here in the USA...
I must go... and get this out... it is truly good news...
May God bless you all and your families, and we thank God for His goodness and grace and mercy to all of us and our families... in Jesus name; s.r.
----- Original Message -----
From: rachittenden@aol.com
Sent: 10/12, 2006 9:48 PM
Subject: Nita Johnson: "We Won!! We Won!!!!" - Roe v. Wade will go down
Praise the Lord!!!!!!!
"We Won!!! We Won!!!", proclaimed (Apostle Seer Prophet Intercessor) Nita Johnson, after a period of heavy intercessory repentance followed by a prophetic act where everyone marched around the room seven times, following the pattern where Israel marched around the Walls of Jericho seven times. After the seventh time, Nita told us all to say, "Wall come down!!! Wall come down!!!". Which we did. Then the shofar team all began to blow their shofars, and we all praised the Lord with great joy.
Soon thereafter, Nita began to say, "We did it!!!
We did it!!! We Won!!! We Won!!!". Roe v. Wade will be overturned! She did not give a specific date, so I will try to verify that it will be before 2007
[Comment not by Bob Chittenden: What God told Prophet Dan Bohler was that it had to be reversed by the end of 2007, so we already know the date, it will occur before the end of 2007!].
Then Steve, a leadership person, said the Lord told him at that point in the meeting that the Lord is going to release 16 years of revival in America, which Nita confirmed!
[Comment not by Bob Chittenden: We already knew from God that there would be a seven year revival, which Seer Prophet David E. Taylor received from God a few years back and it was released to you all on this prophetic list. Now here is new information from God regarding this 16 years, and it appears it starts from now counting, this year 2006 to 2022, and yes this is the date or close to it that I was pondering the invasion moved to from before 2010, if Row vs. Wade was reversed and it will be before the end of 2007. So from what I told you all before it appears that the West Coast real bad quake not the other little ones but the biggie, the one that state falls into the ocean type one, will occur first, and after Chicago quake and around than the Mississippi River and New Madrid quakes and somewhere in all that the Florida mess, and about one year after Chicago quakes the invasion of the USA will occur... now that is a light type of timeline but it is what I know kind of so far... maybe one day I can work on putting it all together but we shall see as God reveals more godly revelations! I know the West Coast to my understanding as of today from the Godly prophetic gets it big before Florida and Chicago, I said big, not all the other quakes... I am referring to the big ones, the huge ones... ]
During the Thursday morning meeting (10/10, 2006), Nita said that the night before (10/09, 2006), the Lord Jesus assured both her and Ricci that Roe v. Wade would be overturned. Nita said that neither she nor Ricci could sleep much at all due to the excitement from the great news they heard from the Lord.
I will try to ask Nita how the 16 years of revival would affect the timing for the USA invasion.
[Comment not by Bob Chittenden: To my understanding as of today, as I recall somewhat with my forgetful memory at my age, but I recall that if I remember correctly, the revival will overlap it appears the invaison and that would be right... as I am looking at a light timeline of things in the next 2 decades... let me tell you all this is it, the next two decades will be the biggies, big time... so prepare for all to change... —Anonymous Christian Scribe.]
She may or may not know that detail just yet. Since the revelation about the 16 years for revival was just given, she may have to spend time in prayer to learn how this will affects things like timing for the Russian-Chinese invasion. Also, I will try to confirm that Roe v. Wade is going down before the end of 2007.
More later!!! Blessings to you, Bob C.
Revival often precedes (comes first) before “hard times!”
The 1906 Los Angeles, California Revival came, and during the same year was the 1906 San Francisco, CA earthquake, and soon after was World War 1 & World War 11, the Great Dust Bowel & the Great Depression, etc.
“Listen to Me,” said Jesus. “What you are about to see and hear is true. Take heed you ministers of the gospel, for these are faithful and true sayings. Awake, evangelists, preachers, and teachers of My Word, all of you who are called to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are sinning, repent or you will likewise perish.” —Jesus Christ to Mary Kay Baxter, Seer Prophet
“Stan Johnson of “The Prophecy Club” mentioned on his radio broadcast that the Lord Jesus spoke to David E. Taylor, and He (God) was not happy with the Pastors in His Church for not warning His people…” —Stan Johnson & David E. Taylor, Apostle Seer Prophet
Then “I saw the invasion, at the Bay of Delaware, and on the coast of Virginia. Then suddenly, just after the terrible earthquake in the Midwest, I saw ministers, priests, elders and Christians who had rejected the prophecy… these now seemed like dead men — all their strength was gone, and many fell on their faces before God crying for forgiveness.” —Chuck Youngbrandt, Seer Prophet
This collection, is possibly from only 10% of the 100% of Christians who have received these warnings; and will be updated periodically, as more revelation is received or located. Below is the sweet (the prophetic has been located and is in one place for easy viewing) and the bitter (the prophetic from God reveals hard and difficult things to occur soon) of the scroll!
Attention: All of these Warnings are posted as a call to Prayer! Use them to help you pray for the events, places, and people mentioned. Keep in mind that as the Church prays these events can possibly be altered—this is one of the purposes for this Collection.
01/27/06—Roe V. Wade Update: As I was praying the Spirit of the Lord spoke this admonition to the Church: "if my people will begin to cry out in intercession for the reversal of Roe VS Wade I will overturn this case by the end of the year 2007. I have warned my Prophets and Prophetesses of the coming invasion of America by the year 2010. I will have mercy on you America, and postpone this invasion, if you repent for the bloodshed of your most innocent!!!
In My Judgment, I will remember Mercy"...
In late 2001 Dr. Bohler first began to get a word from the Lord that Roe V. Wade would eventually be overturned.
Since then there have been changes in the Supreme Court and Congress that make this prophetic word appear to be closer than ever to coming to pass.
Now is the time for the people of God to begin to pray for this word to be fulfilled.
From: Dan Bohler, www.propheticwatchman.com
09/22, 2006, Minister Gwen Shaw, “The Word Of The Lord For 5767—2007 As I See It”:
Please pray for our nation, our states, our cities, Our President, and all those in authority over us…
n Only by fasting, intercession and alertness in the Spirit will the nations be able to avert the increasing demonic terrorist attacks. Only the nation whose intercessors are faithful will survive the increasingly demonic attacks that will come from more than one foe. While fanatical (so-called Moslems) will be the most evil and demonic, there will also be many new demonized groups of terrorists who will arise out of unpredictable places with new names.
n While the main target of these evil inspired, almost sub-human people will be the United States and Israel other nations who sympathize with these two nations will also receive unexpected attacks, such as what happened in the Madrid train bombing, the London subway bombing, the Bombay train bombing, etc.
n The great end-time harvest has begun, world-wide, and it will increase through miracles, signs and wonders in many different, unexpected ways among many different cultural and religious groups, such as Islam, Hinduism, the Sikhs, and there will even be smaller supernatural visitations of God and revelations of Jesus Christ among the Parsies, Buddhists, and especially in Judaism. Many will become secret believers of Christ in all these religions (because of the intensity of persecution against them).
n In the Church:
o a.) The Christian faith will begin to take two different, opposing sides. A large majority who do not have a true born again experience and are not filled with the Spirit will become more and more sinful and live in sin openly, even forsaking the covenant of marriage between man and woman. Some will live openly as gays, and others, of opposite sex, will just live together as man and wife without any marriage ceremony, legal or religious.
o b.) These two different Christian groups will separate more and more as time goes by: those who truly love the Lord will become more and more on fire for God, and be mightily used of God to bring in the end-time revival in the nations through the gifts of the Spirit and the true fruits of the Spirit operating through their lives. They will make great sacrifices for the Lord, and go through great trials for their testimony which will include persecution from other so-called Christians.
o c.) There will be an increase of persecution against the true children of God whom God is using: lies, rumours, false accusations will be maliciously spread against the best of God's saints who are having the greatest impact against the kingdom of darkness by those who are demonically controlled and filled with hatred and venom from the serpent who invaded paradise and attacked the bride of Adam. He will again seek to destroy the Bride of the second Adam.
KJV:1 Timothy
{4:1} Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
{4:2} Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
{4:3} Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
{4:4} For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
{4:5} For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
o d. There will be many spots of revival in the United States and Canada.
o e. God is going to raise up the First Nations people to bring a great visitation upon this nation. The day of Hiawatha has come!
o f. God is going to expose sin in the lives of many who are prominent religious leaders and highly respected by the saints. This will cause great grief, and cause a relaxing of our moral codes.
KJV:1 Peter
{4:18} And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
o g. There will be an increase of signs and wonders and many never-before-heard-of types of miracles that will take place. Some of them will only be revealed in photos taken by cameras. The natural eye will not be able to see what will be made visible by camera and some of this will be broadcast nation-wide during live televising. This will cause a great stirring among the nations.
o There will be increased signs and prophetic warnings of the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Bride.
n There will be attempts of peace and reconciliation between opposing nations, but in spite of it all, while the outward seems peaceful and leaders play a charade of reconciliation, underneath the surface plans will continue to be made for war and destruction. It will be like a hidden volcano that could erupt at any moment bringing death and destruction.
KJV:1 Thessalonians
{5:3} For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
n A nation's worst enemy will be on the inside, even as a politician's worst enemy is in his own party, a Christian's worst enemy is a fellow-member of the Church, and a person's worst enemy is a member of his family — a brother, a sister, a close relative — sometimes even a husband, wife or child.
{10:36} And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
{10:37} He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
{10:38} And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
The more the righteous are persecuted, the greater will be their glory and anointing. God will balance it out!
From: Gwen R. Shaw, 09/22, 2006, Prayer Letter, End-Time Handmaidens and Servants • P.O. Box 447 • Jasper, AR 72641, Website: www.endtimehandmaidens.org
08/14, 2006, Current Prophetic From God, “The Warnings Have Ended:” “These words are not my own, and I write them with a heavy heart, but on three separate occasions while in prayer, I heard the same phrase repeated, over and over again, ‘the warnings have ended, the warnings have ended.’
“…the warnings have ended. No new messengers are waiting in the wings, no new warnings are coming, but merely the visions and forewarnings of the specific judgments that are about to unfold.” —Michael Boldea Jr., (Apostle Seer Prophet D. Duduman’s Grandson)
08/14, 2006, Prophetic Word, “The Age of Indifference,” I Heard The Same Phrase Repeated Over And Over, “The Warnings Have Ended, The Warnings Have Ended;” Merely Visions & Forewarnings Of The Specific Judgments That Are About To Unfold (now)—
{13:11} And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
{13:12} The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
My heart is heavy, my soul is burdened, and as so many who have been called, anointed and charged to preach a message of warning and repentance to this nation, I am a weary man. Though the time is upon us, though undeniable events continue to come to pass, still most of Christendom suffers from a severe case of abject indifference.
I often feel as though I am a man standing outside a building engulfed in flames, screaming at the top of my lungs for those inside to come out, to save themselves, to escape the fire, while all the while, those inside stand by the windows and wave merrily, coffee in one hand, donut in the other, unaware of the tragedy that is about the befall them.
Seeing that they will not heed the warning, the only option left is to run into the burning building and drag as many out, by force if need be, and lead them to safety. This is the mindset that I have adopted over the years, for since early youth, when I served as my grandfather’s translator, I realized that some would hear, and heed but most would not.
There is no doubt God has been merciful to this nation, first having raised up men from within your own borders to speak a heavy but needed truth, men who were promptly dismissed or ridiculed as being instigators, those who would enjoy to stir up provocation, simply for the sake of being provocative.
Though the message fell, in large part, on deaf ears, they labored, and wept, and labored some more, for it was their calling, their mission their sovereign duty toward an omnipotent God, one they could not as readily dismiss, as the message itself had been by the masses.
Then in His infinite mercy, God called on faithful servants from half a world away, and placed the same message in their hearts, in some cases almost identical, and sent them in the hope that perhaps the nation might heed the message if spoken from new lips.
These too were promptly rejected, either for being too harsh, not having the right credentials, or not having graduated from a proper theological seminary. We have found a reason, and an excuse to reject every messenger that has come, that has spoken and that has warned.
In their hearts, some consider, that surely God is merciful enough to send yet another messenger, to give yet another warning, as though they were waiting for a bus, they think to themselves, ‘I’ll catch the next one, I’ll believe next one’, but I say to you this day, the warnings have ended. To be clear in what I am trying to relay, for this is the core reason I write this article today, I will repeat myself; the warnings have ended. No new messengers are waiting in the wings, no new warnings are coming, but merely the visions and forewarnings of the specific judgments that are about to unfold.
These words are not my own, and I write them with a heavy heart, but on three separate occasions while in prayer, I heard the same phrase repeated, over and over again, ‘the warnings have ended, the warnings have ended.’
The time has come for the true servants of God to weep between the porch and the altar, to lament and cry out, to stand in the gap and be fearless for righteousness’ sake.
If you must stand alone dear brother, than so stand, for you will be in good company, counted among such giants of the faith as Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. They too stood alone in the face of overwhelming odds, with only the truth of God’s word on their side, but the truth proved to be more than enough.
So I say this day, to you whom God has been urging to step up, to take up the charge, to be on the front lines of the battle that is raging, be fearless in unmasking deception, and propagating righteousness, for you are on the side of right.
If our desire were to spread a false gospel, to deceive the sheep, to bring division to the house of God, then there would be reason for fear, for God Himself would be set against us, but since He stands with you, since He is the one urging you into battle, be bold, and brave and confident in Him you will always be the majority.
Recently I was rereading Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, and weeping thought to myself, where have all the valiant defenders of truth gone, those that even in the face of death would proclaim the name of Christ, and pour out their lives to their final breath for His sake, with a smile on their lips?
Is their time past? Surely it cannot be, for this is the greatest time in the history of the Church, the time in which God needs warriors, faithful and true, fearless and uncompromising to do battle against the forces of darkness.
No, the time for the valiant, faithful soldier is not passed, but rather many of those who have been called to this service are quick to bow out, finding either excuse or justification for their unwillingness to do battle.
The time has come to blow the trumpet, while time still remains, for it is quickly running out, and the sheep that slumber are too many to number. It is incumbent upon all servants of righteousness to proclaim truth, and defend it, if need be with their very lives.
{1:20} But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
{1:21} Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
{1:22} And of some have compassion, making a difference:
{1:23} And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
With love in Christ, Michael Boldea Jr., ttp://www.handofhelp.com/michael_18.php
(Apostle Seer Prophet D. Duduman’s Grandson)
“It is my opinion that this ‘Invasion of the USA Collection’ will be in the ‘underground war rooms’ in America when this invasion hits or soon after, for hopefully some Christian will locate an updated copy of it and get it into the hands of those leaders who will be left to try to save America from the Russians & Chinese. This is the largest collection of godly prophetic that exists for the USA. This ‘Invasion of the USA Collection’ reveals the details of what is to occur to America in the very near future. You are blessed to have a current copy of it whether you realize it fully or not.”
Righteous Redemptive Judgments: A seer prophet stated: “The process will begin while the church is still here. In fact, it has already begun and will continue until all is fully executed...”
The Holy Scriptures are very “legal,” the devil and his military know their rights. There has been set up a warning system from God, if you can discern, regarding when the “cup of sin” for families, cities or areas, or a nation is too high and about to overflow—for that family or home, area or city, or nation will suffer physical, or natural disasters, or utter catastrophes (disaster, calamites, ruin, tragedies), and cataclysmic (dreadful, tragic or earth-shaking) results; here are some of the things that will occur when humans will not confess and repent, nor change their ungodly outlook, actions or inner heart attitudes (this applies to Christians as well):
n arctic extreme cold spells (and loss of life)
n blessing removed
n bombs or warheads
n children: loss of or death of
n cyclones
n dams breaking
n deaths: untimely deaths
n diseases: many kinds
n dust storms or bowls
n earthquakes
n energy & electricity blackouts
n everything you touch rots
n fear and terrors
n financial loss and job loss
n floods
n fire (s): forest, land, homes, vehicles, etc.
n food: loss of food—famine
n hailstorms (small, medium and very large hail stones)
n heart failures
n heat waves
n hurricanes
n ice severe storms
n land area will disappear
n land areas will change in appearance; once dry land will become lakes or rivers
n life—loss of life
n lightenings
n many things would happen would be of an unusual nature, such as natural disasters that would seem improbable or even impossible, at least for a particular geographical area will now occur
n meteors
n micro bursts—winds with or without rain
n military: severe diminishing of nation's military, lack of ability to defend
n mud slides
n people become broken humans, pride of power removed
n persecutions
n plagues: many kinds
n prayers not answered
n rain—to much
n rain—to little, drought
n sickness
n sink holes
n snow severe storms
n speed of hurtful and harming events: sequence of destructive events start picking up momentum until succession would be happening with gunshot rapidity
n storms
n strength and power removed physically
n sun: danger from the sun or not enough sun, or darkness comes
n thunderings
n tornadoes or twisters
n typhoons
n volcanoes
n war: enemy attack
n water: loss of clean drinking water
n work for nothing
n work: loss of ability to work
n yoke—under the yoke of your enemy
The above are just a few of the disasters to occur, but hopefully, they're enough to drive the point home; these things are not unusual accidents, as some would have you believe, nor are they just satanic humor on mankind. Church, please realize that the Lord commanded in prophetic revelations many if not all of these above to His prophets and lay Christians in the events to occur in the very near future in America.
God has also revealed to His prophets that most if not all of these above are part of the sequential calamities which are warnings ultimately leading to full judgment assigned to this country—the USA, which will be an invasion on America’s homeland soil—war.
The above warnings are like blinking red lights along the “path of judgment”—“Go back!” “ Stop!” “Repent!” The end is at hand!
Will you hear?
Will you pray?
How in His great mercy would He gladly stop or minimize catastrophe for His praying church! Will the Church in America heed these warnings? When you see these thing occur above, and begin to accelerate in speed, you can begin to realize that as they get covered, that finally there will be war!
After reading all the above destructions, on has to ask, “would it not make sense to just get right with God and receive all His good things, for He is so loving and generous?” Yet, most non-christians and even Christians will not do that, will they?
Above the nation was an angel with a mighty sword in his right hand, and a measuring rod in his left hand. The angel spoke, "This nation is being weighed in the balance; repent and seek God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" On his measuring rod was written Jeremiah 7, a warning to the United States of America to "repent and amend your ways", or the Sword (war—invasion) of the Lord would descend upon the nation, and the measuring rod of God would draw out new borders and coastlines in America. God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, nor does He desire bringing calamity to a nation. But nations are now being weighed in balance, and the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
This was a quote for another nation from a true prophet of God, but it also applies to America as well, see the over 220 godly prophetic warnings from God for America below!
Latest Update On Revelation From God To One Of His Prophets Regarding The Future Invasion Of The USA On Her Homeland Soil:
07 & 08/2006, Discerned Prophetic Word, If Roe vs. Wade Is Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur “Far” After Year 2010 — Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, stated in her 07/08, 2006 "Prophetic Reformation and The Fires of Revival" newsletter on page 22, quote:
My friend Dan Bohler says that Jesus appeared to him and told him that America has until the end of 2007 to overturn Roe v. Wade. So, we will be praying over this until we see victory. Dan further said: If our Nation succeeds in this endeavor, the Lord will hold back war well beyond 2010. So, it is a noble war to be fought and won.”…
From: 07 & 08/2006 “Prophetic Reformation & The Fire Of Revival” Newsletter by Nita (LaFond) Johnson, page 22.
03 & 04/2006, Discerned Prophetic Word, If Roe vs. Wade Is Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur “Far” After Year 2010 — Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, stated in her 03/04, 2006 "Prophetic Reformation and The Fires of Revival" newsletter page 24, quote:
“The Lord told Daniel Bohler in a visitation in late January: ‘If the Church will fervently pray so I can overturn Roe v Wade by the end of 2007, I will protect America from war far past 2010.’”
[Comment not by Nita Johnson: To my understanding, Prophet Dan Bohler received this word—01/27, 2006.]
From: ricci4wfjm@sbcglobal.net for www.worldforjesus.org.
01/27, 2006, Jesus Christ Revelation—Prophetic Word, If Roe vs. Wade Is Not Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur Before Year 2010—If Roe vs. Wade Is Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur After Year 2010 —“As I was praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke this admonition to the Church: “If my people will begin to cry out in intercession for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade I will overturn this case by the end of the year 2007. I have warned my Prophets and Prophetesses of the coming invasion of America by the year 2010. I will have mercy on you America, and postpone this invasion, if you repent for the bloodshed of your most innocent!!!” —Prophet Daniel E. Bohler (Read other details at section on Bohler within this collection.)
It appears there has been a quantum leap in the incidents of godly prophets and ordinary Christian people having significant glimpses into coming events through the godly prophetic (godly dreams, trances, visions, visitations of Jesus Christ, or a holy angel of God, or taken to the 1st—generally shown a map of the USA in the spirit realm, or 2nd or 3rd heaven—3rd is God’s Throne Area and 2nd is where the enemy has his kingdom powers, etc.); while it is true that in many cases the data is peace meal, in some instances such as in this document it is like reading tomorrow's newspapers. Keep in mind that these Christians come from very diverse backgrounds, and many have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in addition to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Do we know that all these prophetic voices are from God? Of course not, but to ignore the accumulative data that is available is to stick one's head in the proverbial sand. There are simply to many Christian voices echoing the same essential message to turn away and ignore that America and the Church needs to confess & repent of its sins quickly for additional grace and mercy from God because within this document it clearly shows that an invasion will occur to the United States of America in the very near future, and that invasion is “SET;” that means we cannot get it removed, but we can do confession of sins & repentance for America and request a little longer delay, or lighter judgment, or more great grace and mercy, and or more souls won for Jesus in America and worldwide as America is used by God for the huge harvest that is soon to occur worldwide, and for our family members to be saved as well, etc.
It would be to our loss as Christians in America to ignore the Christian godly dreams, trances, visions, and visitations that were received by: George Washington in Valley Forge in the winter of 1777; A.C. Valdez in 1929; Reggie King in 1940; Prophet Teacher Kenneth E. Hagin in 1950; Prophet A.A. Allen in 1954; T.L.’s wife Minister Missionary Daisy Osborn in 1957; Seer Prophet William M. Branham in 1961; Seer Prophet Intercessor Timothy Snodgrass in 1974; Apostle Seer Prophet Intercessor Nita Johnson in 1979/1984 & 1989; Seer Prophet Henry Gruver in 1986; Prophet Jonathan Hansen; Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj in 1991 & 1999; Seer Prophet Dumitru Duduman in 1991; Prophet David E. Taylor in 1992; Prophet Thomas S. Gibson in 1994; Evangelist Edgar C. Baillie in 1997; Prophet Dan Bohler in 2000; Seer Prophet Annie Schisler in 2001; Seer Prophet Bob Jones in 2005; Prophet Eric Graham and many others in this collection that have received prophetic warning from God; totaling over 200 fully documented in this collection below—basically all have been given pieces from God of the puzzle for an invasion of the United States of America by approximately 8 nations that will be allowed by God to unite against the U.S.A. in a war on her homeland soil. These nations appear to be: Russia, China, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Korea, and Prophet Bob Hickman may have received the other two nations of Venezuela and Brazil.
Many of you who have received this document will give an account to the Lord Jesus Himself for what you did or did not do with these godly prophetic warnings of this coming invasion. Did you keep this serious information to yourself; did you confess & repent for America and try to warn the Church in America; or did you choose to ignore these warnings. Below you will find the sources sited and most if not all can be verified with a little work to locate each person. However, there are many testimonies from Apostle Seer Prophets, Seer Prophets, Prophets, and or Evangelist, Ministers, or Pastors of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of these testimonies are from known Christians in the Body of Jesus Christ—the Church in the United States of America.
You may not want to adjust to the information in this document, but whether you desire to agree, adjust, disagree, or whatever, you will soon be faced with what is in this document the same as the Twin Tower destruction on 09/11, 2001, the same as the Gulf Coastline and New Orleans destruction at the end of 08/2005; each of these had godly prophetic warnings given before the destruction occurred and whether you liked it or not, whether you agreed with it or not, it never mattered, the destruction occurred without your personal approval or opinion. Now we have a most serious warning again, and this time it will be an invasion of the United States of America on her homeland soil. You can read this first section or just skip it and go right into the testimonies of over 200 Christians who have received the very soon future invasion of the United States of America on her homeland soil.
You are free to share this with anyone you desire, it was freely given to you, it has been spreading through the Internet and updated often as more godly prophetic is received from Christians. You are free to take only what you think is more accurate prophetic within these pages or all of what is in these pages—and get this warning out to America, but especially to the Church and Bride of Jesus Christ in America.
If you are not a Christian, you can go to the end of this document and pray a prayer to God requesting that you become a Christian immediately, so that you can receive all your sins forgiven and so that you will not have to go to Hell when you die, if you overcome to the end of your physical life.
The collector desires to remain unknown for the Lord Jesus visited the collector in the summer in 2004, while praying for President Bush; and informed the collector of their destiny calling—the collector was informed that the scribe will be scribing “the last days events”—this is what the Lord Jesus has told the collector. It is a very serious calling and it is essential that the person remain unknown to the world and Church as much as possible. Repeated twice: “It is vital that the person remain unknown for the sake of their destiny and for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Kindly honor that request and if you know who the person is, keep it to yourself please. There is no reason for the person to be known, all sources basically are sited below. This document is authorless, because it needs no author, all testimonies are sited basically.
It is true I could have made a lot of money in creating a book from this godly prophetic and I am in need financially; but my desire was to give it free to the Body of Jesus Christ, His Church and you are to do the SAME. Freely you have received, freely give. The Head Prophet of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ will hold you personally responsible for what you do with this collection of warning prophetic for America. I will tell you that if you do decide to use any of this, and you are free to do so; you may charge for the paper and what it cost you to create whatever you need to, but no profit is to be gained from this document aside from doing what is necessary to get it out to the Church and all costs involved in that. You never did the major collecting, and it took years to collect all of this and get it into what you now have in your hands. Most all prophetic that you see on the Internet may have come from this original collection, and some prophetic here and there did not. In addition, you may find a better way to make the document look better, go for it… just do not charge above the price of creating the document only, there is to be NO profit made on this collection! You will give an account to Jesus Christ one day!
May God have mercy and grace upon us as we enter into a time of reformation, revival, destruction, war in Israel, great signs, wonders and miracles from God, another huge harvest of souls—final Gentile harvest, America being invaded on her homeland soil & becoming a 3rd world country (back to like the 1950’s?), and all nations being judged, the whore church rising (Roman Catholic Church) and deceiving many, and the antichrist becoming known (he was born on 11/23, 1933), Tribulation, the catching up of the Bride of Christ, and the Great Tribulation & Wrath of God, mark of the Beast, and battles, a greater harvesting of the Jewish souls for God; and that great battle of Armageddon, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, finally the Millennium period and all that follows these things. (This paragraph may or may not be in perfect order of the events when they actually occur and all the other events as well!)
Prophet David J. Michael received a most interesting vision: “…I heard millions of distraught, disappointed, shocked, horrified, frightened, angry, offended Christians (offended with God for allowing "IT", whatever 'it' was) crying out, and that God was immovably unwilling to respond to that outcry, as it was HE who was so wronged and so violated and so aggrieved and it was we (Americans) who had for so long become steadily more and more out of step with the Divine Lord. This 'vision' (though it was not visual, but entirely audial) scared me to pieces…”
[Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: So what offended the Christians? Could it have been the horrible invasion of the USA? That certainly will offend many Christians who believe in the prosperity gospel while not being in balance and realizing that the Apostles were in suffering situations as well, and Christian’s who have refused to believe that this could happen to America, or to them as a Christian. Many will depart from the faith, and deny Jesus Christ because the prosperity gospel they held onto disappeared and reality set in, and they now have to suffer for being a Christian, something they are not prepared to do!
There are maps that different prophets were able to contribute to this document showing different parts of the USA and what is to occur, but because of the Internet and e-mail account, these vital maps are not here within these pages. But the names of those who contributed maps are: Seer Prophet D. Duduman—his map showed what coastal cities will be bombed; Apostle Seer Prophet Intercessor Nita Johnson—she has two maps, one is vital to locate, it shows three levels of destruction and ‘white’ areas that appear to be safer places to live; Hatie—her map showed areas of Texas and up the middle of the USA; and Thea Eroes—has a map the Lord showed her of ‘areas of safety.’ Prophet David W. Kocurek, Sr. has a map now showing some of the details of the invasion on the west coast and that I-40 interstate will be taken over by the Chinese all the way to the Mississippi River, the Chinese will be stopped there at the Mississippi River because Seer Prophet Bob Jones received from God that the Mississippi River which now is about one to four miles wide will be changed to 35 miles wide—read the details below.
Do not forget that we have several areas that we look at to see what is going on or what will be happening in the near future:
n WHOLE Bible
o sub categories of bible codes, and etc...
n Prophets—what is God revealing and what can be released from His prophets
o sub categories is collecting prophetic from God in subjects and linking them together to see more the over all of a subject... or warning, etc. Each get “parts” of an overall subject, so put the parts together.
n Lay Christians—what prophetic revelations are they receiving from God as was stated in the Holy Scriptures they would be!
n Biblical Astronomy—the heaven, look up to the sky, what story or signs of warnings is God revealing to us? About 2,000 years ago, the story of Jesus’ birth was foretold in the sky, the wise men followed the “star” to where Jesus was born. The story of the Bible is up there in the night sky, and “when this moves into that area” it means “this or that” and etc... Do not get godly Astronomy which Adam, Enoch, Noah, Daniel, and David all knew about confused with demonic Astrology! Astronomy, this is how they new about Jesus' birth, etc. Well it works the same today... When things happen it shows up in the sky... and if we can “read it correctly” we get the answer... “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible Day of the LORD come.” Joel 2:31 “And I shall show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath... The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable Day of the Lord come:” Acts 2:19—20
o The red moon total eclipse, a "blood moon" has long been thought, since Biblical days, to be a portent of doom, an ill omen of God's wrath and punishment of man's sins to come.
o A "blood moon" is also noted in the Bible's book of Revelations of Saint John The Divine, as a sign from God that the book of seven seals had been opened as evidence that God's wrath was upon man. (Notice that in 1997 there were several blood moons. Often during a total lunar eclipse, the moon is not completely dark, but is faintly illuminated with a red light refracted by the earth's atmosphere which filters out the blue rays.)
o The sages in the Talmud understood that a red lunar (moon) eclipse means that God will be bringing judgment to His people, Israel. (Notice that can be for both: House of Judah—Jews, and for the House of Israel, and America could be housing a lot of the House of Israel and She is!)
o The next total lunar eclipse visible in Jerusalem, Israel is: 3/3/2007. The then next Passover observable in Jerusalem, Israel is: 4/3/2007. (Notice that Seer Prophet Nita stated that 2007 will be a pivotal year, important year... )
o Eclipse = Of course, never look at the Sun — either with the naked eye or through an optical instrument — without a safe solar filter.
n What is the “world condition” in matters.
n What is the condition of the “Laodicean Church of Jesus Christ?” Right now most of Jesus’ Church is in the “Dark Ages” and will be entering “Gross Darkness” soon, but is unaware of it, She is asleep and needs to be woken up fast! In fact, read the Book of Revelation, in the Laodicean Church, for the most part Jesus is outside the Church, knocking to be allowed to come in, be invited in the Church!
n In addition take note of the below comments regarding the possible timing of the future invasion of the USA:
o “During the 1997 vision of Basilisk, Bob (Jones, Seer Prophet USA) saw this prince of darkness approaching land between two bridges utilizing the winds bringing plagues, viruses and natural disasters causing considerable misery. It was revealed in the vision and confirmed through Jewish literature that this evil spirit prevails during a certain season of the year. This season is called Bein Ha'm'tarim by the Jewish writers. This term means "between the straits" or "dire straits". This season is a three-week cycle beginning on the 17th of Tammuz extending until the 9th of Av in the Judaic calendar.”
o “Historically, the twenty-one days extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV represented a notable time of bitterness and destruction for the Jews. According to the Rabbis, the demon that prevails during this time is also called "ketev" meaning destruction/bitterness. The Jewish Rabbis regarded "Ketev" not solely as a plague, but a demon with authority to cause death and destruction through plagues. It was during this precise time that the Lord's prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem was fulfilled. On the 17th of Tammuz 70 C.E. the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem. For three weeks Roman troops ransacked and destroyed the city until on the 9th of Av, they burned the Temple. In both the Babylonian and Roman captivity, the Temple was destroyed on this agonizing date. It is reported that during the Holocaust, the Nazis systematically chose the 9th of Av to carry out murderous and other demonically inspired actions against the Jewish community.” [This can also apply to the House of Israel in the USA! Many believe America is housing a massive amount from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel! If so, watch to see if the invasion of the USA occurs during this serious time period!]
All comments within this document in gray tone color are basically or usually the collector’s comments and not in the original testimony. —Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous]
[Comment not from Baxter: Quote from Seer Prophet Mary Kay Baxter’s book: “A Divine Revelation Of Hell;” the Lord Jesus and Mary Kay Baxter are in Hell for a visit, Jesus had Mary Kay write this book and reveal to the people on the earth, and the Body of Jesus Christ—His Church, that Hell is a real place in the spirit realm, and what it is like to be in Hell.]
“We walked directly past some of the evil beings, which didn’t seem to see us, and stopped at another pit of fire and brimstone. In this next pit was a large-framed man. I heard him preaching the gospel. I looked in amazement to Jesus for an answer, for He always knew my thoughts. He said, “While he was on earth, this man was a preacher of the gospel. At one time he spoke the truth and served me.”
I wondered what this man was doing in hell. He was about six feet tall, and his skeleton was a dirty, grayish color, like a tombstone. Parts of his clothing still hung on him. I wondered why the flames had left these torn and tattered clothes and had not burned them up. Burning flesh was hanging from him, and his skull seemed to be in flames. A terrible odor came from him.
I watched the man spread his hands as if he were holding a book and begin to read Scriptures from the make-believe book. Again, I remembered what Jesus had said: “You have all your senses in hell, and they are a lot stronger here.”
The man read Scripture after Scripture, and I thought it was good. Jesus said to the man with great love in His voice, “Peace, be still.” Immediately, the man stopped talking and turned slowly to look at Jesus.
I saw the man’s soul inside this skeletal form. He said to the Lord, ‘Lord, now I will preach the truth to all the people. Now, Lord, I’m ready to go and tell others about this place. I know that while I was on earth, I didn’t believe there was a hell, nor did I believe You were coming again. It was what people wanted to hear, and I compromised the truth to the people in my church.
“I know I didn’t like anyone who was different in race or color of skin, and I caused many to fall away from You. I made my own rules about heaven and right and wrong. I know that I led many astray, and I caused many to stumble over Your Holy Word, and I took money from the poor. But, Lord, let me out, and I will do right. I won’t take money from the church anymore. I have repented already. I will love people of every race and color.”
Jesus said, “You not only distorted and misrepresented the Holy Word of God, but you lied about your not knowing the truth. The pleasures of life were more important to you than truth. I visited you Myself and tried to turn you around, but you would not listen. You went on your way, and evil was your lord. You knew the truth, but you would not repent or turn back to Me. I was there all the time. I waited for you. I wanted you to repent…”
“Reader, make sure your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Ahead of us I could hear voices and the cries of a soul in torment. We walked up the small hill and looked over. A light filled the area, so I could see clearly. Cries like you have never thought possible were filling the air. They were the cries of a man.
“Listen to Me,” said Jesus. “What you are about to see and hear is true. Take heed you ministers of the gospel, for these are faithful and true sayings. Awake, evangelists, preachers, and teachers of My Word, all of you who are called to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are sinning, repent or you will likewise perish.”
We walked up to within fifteen feet of this activity. I saw small dark-clothed figures marching around a boxlike object. Upon closer examination, I saw that the box was a coffin and the figures marching around it were demons. It was a real coffin, and there were twelve demons marching around it. As they marched, they were chanting and laughing. Each one had a sharp spear in his hand, which he kept thrusting into the coffin through small openings that lined the outside.
There was a feeling of great fear in the air, and I trembled at the sight before me.
Jesus knew my thoughts, for He said, “Child, there are many souls in torment here, and there are many different types of torment for these souls. There is greater punishment for those who once preached the gospel and went back into sin, or for those who would not obey the call of God for their lives.
I heard a cry so desperate that it filled my heart with despair. “No hope, no hope! He called. The hopeless cry came from the coffin. It was an endless wail of regret.
“Oh, how awful!” I said.
“Come,” said Jesus, “lets get closer.” With that He walked up to the coffin and looked inside. I followed and also looked in. It appeared that the evil spirits could not see us.
A dirty-gray mist filled the inside of the coffin. It was the soul of a man. As I watched, the demons pushed their spears into the soul of the man in the coffin.
I will never forget the suffering of this soul. I cried to Jesus, “Let him out, Lord; let him out.” The torment of his soul was such a terrible sight. If only he could get free. I pulled at Jesus’ hand and begged Him to let the man out of the coffin.
Jesus said, “My child, peace, be still.”
As Jesus spoke, the man saw us. He said, “Lord, Lord, let me out. Have mercy.” I looked down and saw a bloody mess. Before my eyes was a soul. Inside the soul was a human heart, and blood spurted from it. The thrusting of the spears were literally piercing his heart.
“I will serve You now, Lord.” He begged, “Please let me out.” I knew that this man felt every spear that pierced his heart.
“Day and night, he is tormented,” the Lord said. “He was put here by Satan, and it is Satan who torments him.”
The man cried, “Lord, I will now preach the true gospel. I will tell about sin and Hell. But please help me out of here.”
Jesus said, “This man was a preacher of the Word of God. There was a time when he served Me with all his heart and led many people to salvation. Some of his converts are still serving Me today, many years later. The lust of the flesh and the deceitfulness of riches led him astray. He let Satan gain the rule of him. He had a big church, a fine car, a large income. He began to steal from the church offerings. He began to teach lies. He spoke mostly half-lies and half-truths. He would not let Me correct him. I sent My messengers to him to tell him to repent and preach the truth, but he loved the pleasures of this life more than the life of God. He knew not to teach or preach any other doctrine except the truth as revealed in the Bible. But before he died, he said the Holy Ghost baptism was a lie and that those who claimed to have the Holy Ghost were hypocrites. He said you could be a drunkard and get to heaven, even without repentance.
“He said God would not send anyone to hell—that God was too good to do that. He caused many good people to fall from the grace of the Lord. He even said that he did not need Me, for he was like a god. He went so far as to hold seminars to teach this false doctrine. He trampled My Holy Word under his feet. Yet, I continued to love him.
“My child, it is better to have never known Me than to know Me and turn back from serving Me,” said the Lord.
From: Seer Prophet Mary Kay Baxter’s book: “A Divine Revelation Of Hell.”
Urgent: Read below what was said in a secret—covert speech by high official in China in 2005! What is the motive for China planning to invade the United States of America?
The speech below that was given secretly by Chinese Defense Minister Mr. Chi Haotian was not intended for public dissemination. It was obtained by “The Hai Turner Show” via covert means through contacts in Shanghai, China.
In the speech Haotian set out the CCP’s strategy for the development of China. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare for a future massive Chinese colonization.
“Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air. Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but even its survival is gravely threatened, …”
“Anybody who has been to Western countries knows that their living space is much better than ours. They have forests alongside the highways, while we hardly have any trees by our streets. Their sky is often blue with white clouds, while our sky is covered with a layer of dark haze. Their tap water is clean enough for drinking, while even our ground water is so polluted that it can’t be drunk without filtering. They have few people in the streets, and two or three people can occupy a small residential building; in contrast, our streets are always crawling with people, and several people have to share one room.”
Many years ago, there was a book titled Yellow Catastrophes. It said that, due to our following the American style of consumption, our limited resources would no longer support the population and society would collapse, once our population reaches 1.3 billion. Now our population has already exceeded this limit, and we are now relying on imports to sustain our nation. —Chi Haotian
The speech below that was given secretly by Chinese Defense Minister Mr. Chi Haotian was not intended for public dissemination—distribution. It was obtained by “The Hai Turner Show” via covert means through contacts in Shanghai, China. Read some of the most shocking comments from the speech below:
“Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place. According to the computation of the author of Yellow Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and that figure would be more than 800 million people!
Just after the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today the official figure of the population is more than 1.3 billion. This yellow land has reached the limit of its capacity. One day, who knows how soon it will come, the great collapse will occur any time and more than half of the population will have to go.”
“We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack [on the United States], the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States. If, however, the attack fails and triggers a nuclear retaliation from the United States, China would perhaps suffer a catastrophe in which more than half of its population would perish. That is why we need to be ready with air defense systems for our big and medium-sized cities.”
“Here some people may want to ask me: what about the several millions of our compatriots in the United States? They may ask: aren’t we against Chinese killing other Chinese?
These comrades are too pedantic; they are not pragmatic enough. If we had insisted on the principle that the Chinese should not kill other Chinese, would we have liberated China? As for the several million Chinese living in the United States, this is of course a big issue. Therefore in recent years, we have been conducting research on genetic weapons, i.e. those weapons that do not kill yellow people.”
“…as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites.” —Chi Haotian
So who wants the whole world today, the earth?
n God’s Son, Jesus Christ for He will rule during the 1,000-year period called the Millennium, which is very soon to occur after 2017 A.D.
n The devil, his military, and all his occult people!
n The physical Anti-Christ, Beast, and False Prophet humans with all the evil spirits possessing them in Europe.
n The Muslim—Arab peoples of the earth.
n The Chinese, huge “China” and its people—notice below that this major leader in China states from 5 to 10 years they intend to invade the USA, notice that was released in the year 2005, notice if you took the low figure of five years, minus one year because this is year 2006, you have about four years left?
n The Russian peoples—Russia.
n And any other group of peoples!
So who will finally win and get the whole world, the earth? God—YHVH! But it will get all burned up eventually, and a new earth created.
Many need to understand, the earth will not be fully destroyed no matter how mankind tries to scare you, till after another about 1200 years… the Holy Scriptures state that there will be a Millenniumal Reign of Jesus Christ out of Jerusalem, Israel and we also know that there will be about a couple hundred years it appears after that reign. However, do expect now and in the next few years before the Reign of Jesus in Jerusalem, the false Antichrist to show up to try to deceive those who will falsely believe he is the true Christ, when he is obviously not, and there will be massive deaths of humans and destructions of many cities—many cities are built on earthquake fault lines, and the earth will change during this time in appearance, some parts of the earth will go underwater and some new earth will rise up as well during this new—Reformation Period; during a Reformation the earth changes like it did during the Reformations of: Noah’s Flood, almost 2,000 years ago with Jesus, and Martin Luther and now this new Reformation that God’s Holy Angel stated started in 2001 A.D. What is about to occur on the earth and in the air, will be awful, horrible and shocking; expect it, for it will be as such, but no not fear that the Earth will be totally destroyed, it will not for another over about 1,200 years to go, before the Earth is totally destroyed and God will create a New Earth at that time!
Godly Prophetic Revelation Warnings From God Have Been & Are Being Released Today: The Christians had over 140 who received the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York before it occurred on 09/11, 2001; and other prophets who received the righteous redemptive judgment of the Gulf Coastline and the city of New Orleans before it happened in 08/2005 (Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson received it in 07/2005, and Prophet Kim Clement, and Prophet John Mark Pool received it before it occurred, and the prophetic revelation was released on The Elijah List on the Internet before the destruction occurred during 08/2005.)
Today in the year 2006, the Christians, with some being ministers of the God, as well as prophets of God, have now received over 215 godly prophetic revelations in the many ways God so chooses to release them through: godly dreams, visions, trances, visitation of the Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ, or visitation of a holy angel of God, or “Cloud of Witness” person.
There are over 215 godly prophetic revelations revealing from God—YHVH the details of the soon future invasion of the USA by China, Russia, Mexico, Cuba and four other countries united in the attack against America; equaling a total it appears of eight untied countries attacking the USA.
God has now released about over six hundred pages of details regarding this awful attack that will be coming to the United States of America, and He has delayed this attack about 3 times now, and in 01/2006 has let “the Body of Jesus Christ—the true Church” know that if they will pray, fast, confess, and repent for the sins of the United States and get the abortion law, Roe vs. Wade reversed by the end of year 2007, He will delay the invasion of the USA again, till past the year 2010; otherwise it appears this horrible invasion that General George Washington saw in a vision from God in Valley Forge, in 1777, will occur before year 2010. This vision of Washington is recorded in the legal documents of the USA, anyone today can locate it on the Internet to read it; it speaks of three great wars to the Republic—Union, that were shown to General George Washington over 200 years ago as America was being founded:
n the first was “The Revolution War,” which was for independence;
n the second was “The Civil War” which was over freeing slavery;
n and the third will be the war with China and Russia because of American’s killing of over 80 million aborted babies, etc.
Christian “Intercessors” need to start confessing, repenting, fasting and crying out to God for the USA, and “praying in” that Doe vs. Bolton which is in the courts it appears now in 07/2006 be reversed, and more so that Roe vs. Wade abortion law be reversed before the end of 2007, so the invasion can be delayed again to after year 2010, at some point! —Anonymous Christian
{65:17} For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
{66:22} For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.
KJV:2 Peter
{3:13} Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
{21:1} And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
{20:3} And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
“Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there (USA) and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, …”
“It is historical destiny that China and United States will come into unavoidable confrontation on a narrow path and fight each other! The United States, unlike Russia and Japan, has never occupied and hurt China, and also assisted China in its battle against the Japanese. But, it will certainly be an obstruction, and the biggest obstruction! In the long run, the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle.”
“The hidden message is: we must put up with America; we must conceal our ultimate goals, hide our capabilities and await the opportunity.”
“Thus we will understand why we constantly talk loudly about the “Taiwan issue” but not the “American issue.” We all know the principle of “doing one thing under the cover of another.”
“Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden.”
“From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people.”
“Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for the birth of the new society. Therefore war is the midwife for the birth of China’s century. As war approaches, I am full of hope for our next generation.” —Chi Haotian
The speech below that was given secretly by Chinese Defense Minister Mr. Chi Haotian was not intended for public dissemination. It was obtained by “The Hai Turner Show” via covert means through contacts in Shanghai, China.
In the speech Haotian set out the CCP’s strategy for the development of China. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare for a future massive Chinese colonization.
In this speech, Mr. Chi Haotian spoke openly about China’s need for “more living space” and stated bluntly that the United States, Canada and Australia are the only places large enough to accommodate future Chinese needs.
He notes the need for a quick, effective biological attack upon the U.S. to depopulate it as a prelude to conquest, and plainly states that China is working genetic bio-weapons to kill everyone except “yellow people.”
His chilling remarks boast of a recent survey of the Chinese public wherein upwards of 80% were willing to “shoot and kill women, children and prisoners of war” as part of such an effort.
More frightening was his admission of an ongoing deliberate deception of the U.S.A. with China portraying itself as a peaceful business partner, while actually planning to kill “one or two hundred million Americas.”
He also noted that thanks to trade, income from Chinese exports is providing the financing needed to vastly expand Chinese military might in preparation for an attack upon the U.S.A. which he seems to indicate will occur within “five or ten years.”
The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare it for a future massive Chinese colonization (of the USA!).
More Small Excerpts From The Below Speech:
“Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space? First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard for us to do anything significant to Taiwan and some other countries! Second, even if we could snatch some land from Taiwan, Vietnam, India, or even Japan, how much more living space can we get? Very trivial! Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.
Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the white race. We the descendents of the Chinese nation are entitled to the possession of the land! It is said that the residents of the yellow race have a very low social status in United States. We need to liberate them. Second, after solving the “issue of America,” the western countries in Europe would bow to us, not to mention to Taiwan, Japan and other small countries. Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the mission assigned to CCP members by history.
Published on 02/15, 2005 on www.peacehall.com, “China Intends To Invade The USA For ‘More Living Space’ & Kill Off Over 200 Million Americas” —
The following is a transcript of a speech believed to have been given by Mr. Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense and vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission. Independently verifying the authorship of the speech is not possible. It is worth reading because it is believed to set out the CCP’s strategy for the development of China. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare it for a future massive Chinese colonization.
“The War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century” was published on 02/15, 2005 on www.peacehall.com and was published on www.boxun.com on 04/23, 2005.
This speech and a related speech, “The War Is Approaching Us” are analyzed in The Epoch Times original article “The CCP’s Last-ditch Gamble: Biological and Nuclear War.”
“War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century”
Text of the speech:
I’m very excited today, because the large-scale online survey sina.com that was done for us showed that our next generation is quite promising and our Party’s cause will be carried on. In answering the question, “Will you shoot at women, children and prisoners of war,” more than 80 percent of the respondents answered in the affirmative, exceeding by far our expectations [1].
Today I’d like to focus on why we asked sina.com to conduct this online survey among our people. My speech today is a sequel to my speech last time [2], during which I started with a discussion of the issue of the three islands [3], mentioned that 20 years of the idyllic theme of “peace and development” had come to an end, and concluded that modernization under the saber is the only option for China’s next phase. I also mentioned we have a vital stake overseas. Today, I’ll speak more specifically on these two issues.
The central issue of this survey appears to be whether one should shoot at women, children and prisoners of war, but its real significance goes far beyond that. Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the Chinese people’s attitude towards war is: If these future soldiers do not hesitate to kill even non-combatants, they’ll naturally be doubly ready and ruthless in killing combatants. Therefore, the responses to the survey questions may reflect the general attitude people have towards war.
Actually, however, this is not our genuine intention. The purpose of the CCP Central Committee in conducting this survey is to probe people’s minds. We wanted to know: If China’s global development will necessitate massive deaths in enemy countries, will our people endorse that scenario? Will they be for or against it?
As everybody knows, the essence of Comrade Xiaoping’s [4] thinking is “development is the hard truth.” And Comrade Jintao [5] has also pointed out repeatedly and empathetically that “development is our top priority,” which should not be neglected for even a moment. But many comrades tend to understand “development” in its narrow sense, assuming it to be limited to domestic development. The fact is, our “development” refers to the great revitalization of the Chinese nation, which, of course, is not limited to the land we have now but also includes the whole world.
Why do we put it this way?
Defense Minster Chi Haotian (Jonathan Utz/AFP/Getty Images)Both Comrade Liu Huaqing [6], one of the leaders of the old generation in our Party, and Comrade He Xin [7], a young strategist for our Party, have repeatedly stressed the theory regarding the shift of the center of world civilization. Our slogan of “revitalizing China” has this way of thinking as its basis. You may look into the newspapers and magazines published in recent years or go online to do some research to find out who raised the slogan of national revitalization first. It was Comrade He Xin. Do you know who He Xin is? He may look aggressive and despicable when he speaks in public, with his sleeves and pants all rolled up, but his historical vision is a treasure our Party should cherish.
In discussing this issue, let us start from the beginning.
As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by the Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in Africa. Therefore, no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China. The Peking Man at Zhoukoudian that we are all familiar with represents a phase of our ancestors’ evolution. “The Project of Searching for the Origins of the Chinese Civilization” currently undertaken in our country is aimed at a more comprehensive and systematic research on the origin, process and development of the ancient Chinese civilization. We used to say, “Chinese civilization has had a history of five thousand years.” But now, many experts engaged in research in varied fields including archeology, ethnic cultures, and regional cultures have reached consensus that the new discoveries such as the Hongshan Culture in the Northeast, the Liangzhu Culture in Zhejiang province, the Jinsha Ruins in Sichuan province, and the Yongzhou Shun Emperor Cultural Site in Human province are all compelling evidence of the existence of China’s early civilizations, and they prove that China’s rice-growing agricultural history alone can be traced back as far as 8,000 to 10,000 years. This refutes the concept of “five thousand years of Chinese civilization.” Therefore, we can assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself, “descendents of Yan and Huang,” the Chinese nation that we are so proud of. Hitler’s Germany had once bragged that the German race was the most superior race on Earth, but the fact is, our nation is far superior to the Germans.
During our long history, our people have disseminated throughout the Americas and the regions along the Pacific Rim, and they became Indians in the Americas and the East Asian ethnic groups in the South Pacific.
We all know that on account of our national superiority, during the thriving and prosperous Tang Dynasty our civilization was at the peak of the world. We were the center of the world civilization, and no other civilization in the world was comparable to ours. Later on, because of our complacency, narrow-mindedness, and the self-enclosure of our own country, we were surpassed by Western civilization, and the center of the world shifted to the West.
In reviewing history, one may ask: Will the center of the world civilization shift back to China?
Comrade He Xin put it in his report to the Central Committee in 1988: If the fact is that the center of leadership of the world was located in Europe as of the 18th Century, and later shifted to the United States in the mid 20th Century, then in the 21st Century the center of leadership of the world will shift to the East of our planet. And, “the East” of course mainly refers to China.
Actually, Comrade Liu Huaqing made similar points in early 1980s. Based on an historical analysis, he pointed out that the center of world civilization is shifting. It shifted from the East to Western Europe and later to the United States; now it is shifting back to the East. Therefore, if we refer to the 19th Century as the British Century, and the 20th century as the American Century, then the 21st Century will be the Chinese Century.
To understand conscientiously this historical law and to be prepared to greet the advent of the Chinese Century is the historical mission of our Party. As we all know, at the end of the last century, we built the Altar to the Chinese Century in Beijing. At the very moment of the arrival of the new millennium, the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee gathered there for a rally, upholding the torches of Zhoukoudian, to pledge themselves to get ready to greet the arrival of the Chinese Century. We were doing this to follow the historical law and setting the realization of the Chinese Century as the goal of our Party’s endeavors.
Later, in the political report of our Party’s Sixteenth National Congress, we established that the national revitalization be our great objective and explicitly specified in our new Party Constitution that our Party is the pioneer of the Chinese people. All these steps marked a major development in Marxism, reflecting our Party‘s courage and wisdom. As we all know, Marx and his followers have never referred to any communist party as a pioneer of a certain people; neither did they say that national revitalization could be used as a slogan of a communist party. Even Comrade Mao Zedong, a courageous national hero, only raised high the banner of “the global proletarian revolution,” but even he did not have the courage to give the loudest publicity to the slogan of national revitalization.
We must greet the arrival of the Chinese Century by raising high the banner of national revitalization. How should we fight for the realization of the Chinese Century? We must borrow the precious experiences in human history by taking advantage of the outstanding fruition of human civilization and drawing lessons from what happened to other ethnic groups.
The lessons include the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as the defeats of Germany and Japan in the past. Recently there has been much discussion on the lessons of the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, so I will not dwell on them here. Today I’d like to talk about the lessons of Germany and Japan.
As we all know, Nazi Germany also placed much emphasis on the education of the people, especially the younger generation. The Nazi party and government organized and established various propaganda and educational institutions such as the “Guiding Bureau of National Propaganda,” “Department of National Education and Propaganda,” “Supervising Bureau of Worldview Study and Education,” and “Information Office,” all aimed at instilling into the people’s minds, from elementary schools to colleges, the idea that German people are superior, and convincing people that the historical mission of the Arian people is to become the “lords of earth” that “rule over the world.” Back then the German people were much more united than we are today.
Nonetheless, Germany was defeated in utter shame, along with its ally, Japan. Why? We reached some conclusions at the study meetings of the Politburo, in which we were searching for the laws that governed the vicissitudes of the big powers, and trying to analyze Germany and Japan’s rapid growth. When we decide to revitalize China based on the German model, we must not repeat the mistakes they made.
Specifically, the following are the fundamental causes for their defeat: First, they had too many enemies all at once, as they did not adhere to the principle of eliminating enemies one at a time; second, they were too impetuous, lacking the patience and perseverance required for great accomplishments; third, when the time came for them to be ruthless, they turned out to be too soft, therefore leaving troubles that resurfaced later on.
Let’s presume that back then Germany and Japan had been able to keep the United States neutral and had fought a protracted war step by step on the Soviet front. If they had adopted this approach, gained some time to advance their research, eventually succeeded in obtaining the technology of nuclear weapons and missiles, and launched surprise attacks against the United States and the Soviet Union using them, then the United States and the Soviet Union would not have been able to defend themselves and would have had to surrender. Little Japan, in particular, made an egregious mistake in launching the sneak strike at Pearl Harbor. This attack did not hit the vital parts of the United States. Instead it dragged the United States into the war, into the ranks of the gravediggers that eventually buried the German and Japanese fascists.
Of course, if they had not made these three mistakes and won the war, history would have been written in a different fashion. If that had been the case, China would not be in our hands. Japan might have relocated their capital to China and ruled over China. Afterwards, China and the whole of Asia under Japan’s command would have brought into full play the oriental wisdom, conquered the West ruled by Germany and unified the whole world. This is irrelevant, of course. No more digressions.
So, the fundamental reason for the defeats of Germany and Japan is that history did not arrange them to be the “lords of the earth,” for they are, after all, not the most superior race.
Ostensibly, in comparison, today’s China is alarmingly similar to Germany back then. Both of them regard themselves as the most superior races; both of them have a history of being exploited by foreign powers and are therefore vindictive; both of them have the tradition of worshipping their own authorities; both of them feel that they have seriously insufficient living space; both of them raise high the two banners of nationalism and socialism and label themselves as “national socialism”; both of them worship “one state, one party, one leader, and one doctrine.”
And yet, if we really are to make a comparison between Germany and China, then, as Comrade Jiang Zemin put it, Germany belongs to “pediatrics”—too trivial to be compared. How large is Germany’s population? How big is its territory? And how long is its history? We eliminated eight million Nationalist troops in only three years. How many enemies did Germany kill? They were in power for a transient period of little more than a dozen years before they perished, while we are still energetic after being around for more than eighty years. Our theory of the shifting center of civilization is of course more profound than the Hitler’s theory of “the lords of the earth.” Our civilization is profound and broad, which has determined that we are so much wiser than they were.
Our Chinese people are wiser than the Germans because, fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs. As a result, we have a longer history, more people, and larger land area. On this basis, our ancestors left us with the two most essential heritages, which are atheism and great unity. It was Confucius, the founder of our Chinese culture, who gave us these heritages.
These two heritages determined that we have a stronger ability to survive than the West. That is why the Chinese race has been able to prosper for so long. We are destined “not to be buried by either heaven or earth” no matter how severe the natural, man-made, and national disasters. This is our advantage.
Take response to war as an example. The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, they enemies would have already reached Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial things. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “The Party’s leadership is prompt in making decisions. Once a decision is made, it is immediately implemented. There’s no wasting time on trivial things like in capitalist countries. This is our advantage.” Our Party’s democratic centralism is built on the tradition of great unity. Although fascist Germany also stressed high-level centralism, they only focused on the power of the country’s executive, but ignored the collective leadership of the central group. That’s why Hitler was betrayed by many later in his life, which fundamentally depleted the Nazis of their war capacity.
What makes us different from Germany is that we are complete atheists, while Germany was primarily a Catholic and Protestant country. Hitler was only half atheist. Although Hitler also believed that ordinary citizens had low intelligence, and that leaders should therefore make decisions, and although German people worshipped Hitler back then, Germany did not have the tradition of worshipping sages on a broad basis. Our Chinese society has always worshipped sages, and that is because we don’t worship any god. Once you worship a god, you can’t worship a person at the same time, unless you recognize the person as the god’s representative like they do in Middle Eastern countries. On the other hand, once you recognize a person as a sage, of course you will want him to be your leader, instead of monitoring and choosing him. This is the foundation of our democratic centralism.
The bottom line is, only China, not Germany, is a reliable force in resisting the Western parliament-based democratic system. Hitler’s dictatorship in Germany was perhaps but a momentary mistake in history.
Maybe you have now come to understand why we recently decided to further promulgate atheism. If we let theology from the West into China and empty us from the inside, if we let all Chinese people listen to God and follow God, who will obediently listen to us and follow us? If the common people don’t believe Comrade Hu Jintao is a qualified leader, question his authority, and want to monitor him, if the religious followers in our society question why we are leading God in churches, can our Party continue to rule China?
Germany’s dream to be the “lord of the earth” failed, because ultimately, history did not bestow this great mission upon them. But the three lessons Germany learned from experience are what we ought to remember as we complete our historic mission and revitalize our race. The three lessons are: Firmly grasp the country’s living space, firmly grasp the Party’s control over the nation, and firmly grasp the general direction toward becoming the “lord of the earth.”
Next, I’d like to address these three issues.
The first issue is living space. This is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race. In my last speech, I said that the fight over basic living resources (including land and ocean) is the source of the vast majority of wars in history. This may change in the information age, but not fundamentally. Our per capita resources are much less than those of Germany’s back then. In addition, economic development in the last twenty-plus years had a negative impact, and climates are rapidly changing for the worse. Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air. Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but even its survival is gravely threatened, to a degree much greater than faced Germany back then.
Anybody who has been to Western countries knows that their living space is much better than ours. They have forests alongside the highways, while we hardly have any trees by our streets. Their sky is often blue with white clouds, while our sky is covered with a layer of dark haze. Their tap water is clean enough for drinking, while even our ground water is so polluted that it can’t be drunk without filtering. They have few people in the streets, and two or three people can occupy a small residential building; in contrast, our streets are always crawling with people, and several people have to share one room.
Many years ago, there was a book titled Yellow Catastrophes. It said that, due to our following the American style of consumption, our limited resources would no longer support the population and society would collapse, once our population reaches 1.3 billion. Now our population has already exceeded this limit, and we are now relying on imports to sustain our nation. It’s not that we haven’t paid attention to this issue. The Ministry of Land Resources is specialized in this issue.
But the term “living space” (lebensraum) is too closely related to Nazi Germany. The reason we don’t want to discuss this too openly is to avoid the West’s association of us with Nazi Germany, which could in turn reinforce the view that China is a threat. Therefore, in our emphasis on He Xin’s new theory, “Human rights are just living rights,” we only talk about “living,” but not “space,” so as to avoid using the term “living space.” From the perspective of history, the reason that China is faced with the issue of living space is because Western countries have developed ahead of Eastern countries. Western countries established colonies all around the world, therefore giving themselves an advantage on the issue of living space. To solve this problem, we must lead the Chinese people outside of China, so that they could develop outside of China.
The second issue is our focus on the leadership capacity of the ruling party. We’ve done better on this than their party. Although the Nazis spread their power to every aspect of the German national government, they did not stress their absolute leadership position like we have. They did not take the issue of managing the power of the party as first priority, which we have. When Comrade Mao Zedong summarized the “three treasures” of our party’s victory in conquering the country, he considered the most important “treasure” to be developing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and strengthening its leadership position.
We have to focus on two points to fortify our leadership position and improve our leadership capacity.
The first is to promote the “Three Represents” theory [8], stressing that our Party is the pioneer of the Chinese race, in addition to being the pioneer of the proletariat. Many citizens say in private, “We never voted for you, the Communist Party, to represent us. How can you claim to be our representatives?”
There’s no need to worry about this issue. Comrade Mao Zedong said that if we could lead our allies to victory and make them benefit, they would support us. Therefore, as long as we can lead the Chinese people outside of China, resolving the lack of living space in China, the Chinese people will support us. At that time, we don’t have to worry about the labels of “totalitarianism” or “dictatorship.” Whether we can forever represent the Chinese people depends on whether we can succeed in leading the Chinese people out of China.
The second point, whether we can lead the Chinese people out of China, is the most important determinant of the CCP’s leadership position.
Why do I say this?
Everyone knows that without the leadership of our Party, China would not exist today. Therefore, our highest principle is to forever protect our Party’s leadership position. Before June 4, we realized vaguely that as long as China’s economy is developed, people would support and love the Communist Party. Therefore we had to use several decades of peacetime to develop China’s economy. No matter what -isms, whether it is a white cat or a black cat, it is a good cat if it can develop China’s economy. But at that time, we did not have mature ideas about how China would deal with international disputes after its economy is developed.
Comrade Xiaoping said then that the main themes in the world were peace and development. But the June 4 riot gave our Party a warning and gave us a lesson that is still fresh. The pressure of China’s peaceful evolution makes us reconsider the main themes of our time. We see that neither of these two issues, peace and development, have been resolved. The western oppositional forces always change the world according to their own visions; they want to change China and use peaceful evolution to overturn the leadership of our Communist Party. Therefore, if we only develop the economy, we still face the possibility of losing control.
That June 4 riot almost succeeded in bringing a peaceful transition; if it were not for the fact that a large number of veteran comrades were still alive and at a crucial moment they removed Zhao Ziyang and his followers, then we all would have been put in prison. After death we would have been too ashamed to report to Marx. Although we have passed the test of June 4, after our group of senior comrades pass away, without our control, peaceful evolution may still come to China like it did to the former Soviet Union. In 1956, they suppressed the Hungarian Incident and defeated the attacks by Tito’s revisionists of Yugoslavia, but they could not withstand Gorbachev thirty some years later. Once those pioneering senior comrades died, the power of the Communist Party was taken away by peaceful evolution.
After the June 4 riot was suppressed, we have been thinking about how to prevent China from peaceful evolution and how to maintain the Communist Party’s leadership. We thought it over and over but did not come up with any good ideas. If we do not have good ideas, China will inevitably change peacefully, and we will all become criminals in history. After some deep pondering, we finally come to this conclusion: Only by turning our developed national strength into the force of a fist striking outward—only by leading people to go out —can we win forever the Chinese people’s support and love for the Communist Party. Our Party will then stand on invincible ground, and the Chinese people will have to depend on the Communist Party. They will forever follow the Communist Party with their hearts and minds, as was written in a couplet frequently seen in the countryside some years ago: “Listen to Chairman Mao, Follow the Communist Party!” Therefore, the June 4 riot made us realize that we must combine economic development with preparation for war and leading the people to go out! Therefore, since then, our national defense policy has taken a 180 degree turn and we have since emphasized more and more “combining peace and war.” Our economic development is all about preparing for the need of war! Publicly we still emphasize economic development as our center, but in reality, economic development has war as its center! We have made a tremendous effort to construct “The Great Wall Project” to build up, along our coastal and land frontiers as well as around large and medium-sized cities, a solid underground “Great Wall” that can withstand a nuclear war. We are also storing all necessary war materials. Therefore, we will not hesitate to fight a Third World War, so as to lead the people to go out and to ensure the Party’s leadership position. In any event, we, the CCP, will never step down from the stage of history! We’d rather have the whole world, or even the entire globe, share life and death with us than step down from the stage of history!!! Isn’t there a ‘nuclear bondage’ theory? It means that since nuclear weapons have bound the security of the entire world, all will die together if death is inevitable. In my view, there is another kind of bondage, and that is, the fate our Party is tied up with that of the whole world. If we, the CCP, are finished, China will be finished, and the world will be finished.
Our Party’s historical mission is to lead the Chinese people to go out. If we take the long view, we will see that history led us on this path.
n First, China’s long history has resulted in the world’s largest population, including Chinese in China as well as overseas.
n Second, once we open our doors, the profit-seeking western capitalists will invest capital and technology in China to assist our development, so that they can occupy the biggest market in the world.
n Third, our numerous overseas Chinese help us create the most favorable environment for the introduction of foreign capital, foreign technology and advanced experience into China. Thus, it is guaranteed that our reform and open-door policy will achieve tremendous success.
n Fourth, China’s great economic expansion will inevitably lead to the shrinkage of per-capita living space for the Chinese people, and this will encourage China to turn outward in search for new living space.
n Fifth, China’s great economic expansion will inevitably come with a significant development in our military forces, creating conditions for our expansion overseas.
Even since Napoleon’s time, the West has been has been alert for the possible awakening of the sleeping lion that is China. Now, the sleeping lion is standing up and advancing into the world, and has become unstoppable!
What is the third issue we should clinch firmly in order to accomplish our historical mission of national renaissance? It is to hold firmly onto the big “issue of America.”
Comrade Mao Zedong taught us that we must have a resolute and correct political orientation. What is our key, correct orientation? It is to solve the issue of America.
This appears to be shocking, but the logic is actually very simple.
Comrade He Xin put forward a very fundamental judgment that is very reasonable. He asserted in his report to the Party Central Committee: The renaissance of China is in fundamental conflict with the western strategic interest, and therefore will inevitably be obstructed by the western countries doing everything they can. So, only by breaking the blockade formed by the western countries headed by the United States can China grow and move towards the world!
Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space?
n First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard for us to do anything significant to Taiwan and some other countries!
n Second, even if we could snatch some land from Taiwan, Vietnam, India, or even Japan, how much more living space can we get? Very trivial! Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.
Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the key to solving all other issues.
n First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the white race. We the descendents of the Chinese nation are entitled to the possession of the land! It is said that the residents of the yellow race have a very low social status in United States. We need to liberate them.
n Second, after solving the “issue of America,” the western countries in Europe would bow to us, not to mention to Taiwan, Japan and other small countries. Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the mission assigned to CCP members by history.
I sometimes think how cruel it is for China and the United States to be enemies that are bound to meet on a narrow road! Do you remember a movie about Liberation Army troops led by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping? The title is something like “Decisive Battle on the Central Plains.” There is a famous remark in the movie that is full of power and grandeur: “The enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road, only the brave will win!” It is this kind of fighting to win or die spirit that enabled us to seize power in Mainland China. It is historical destiny that China and United States will come into unavoidable confrontation on a narrow path and fight each other! The United States, unlike Russia and Japan, has never occupied and hurt China, and also assisted China in its battle against the Japanese. But, it will certainly be an obstruction, and the biggest obstruction! In the long run, the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle.
One time, some Americans came to visit and tried to convince us that the relationship between China and United States is one of interdependence. Comrade Xiaoping replied in a polite manner: “Go tell your government, China and the United States do not have such a relationship that is interdependent and mutually reliant.” Actually, Comrade Xiaoping was being too polite, he could have been more frank, “The relationship between China and United States is one of a life-and-death struggle.” Of course, right now it is not the time to openly “break up” with them yet. Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology, we still need America. Therefore, we must do everything we can to promote our relationship with America, learn from America in all aspects and use America as an example to reconstruct our country.
How have we managed our foreign affairs in these years? Even if we had to “put on” a smiling face in order to “please them,” even if we had to “give them the right cheek’ after “they had hit our left cheek,” we still must endure in order to further our relationship with the United States. Do you remember the character of Wuxun in the movie the “Story of Wuxun”? In order to accomplish his mission, he endured so much pain and suffered so much beating and kicking! The United States is the most successful country in the world today. Only after we have learned all of its useful experiences can we replace it in the future. Even though we are presently imitating the American tone “China and United States rely on each other and share honor and disgrace,” we must not forget that the history of our civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.
We also must never forget what Comrade Xiaoping emphasized “refrain from revealing the ambitions and put others off the track.” The hidden message is: we “must put up” with America; we must “conceal our ultimate goals,” hide our capabilities and “await the opportunity.” In this way, our mind is clear. Why have we not updated our national anthem with something peaceful? Why did we not change the anthem’s theme of war? Instead, when revising the Constitution this time, for the first time we clearly specified “March of the Volunteers” is our national anthem. Thus we will understand “why we constantly talk loudly about” the “Taiwan issue” but not the “American issue.” We all know the principle of “doing one thing under the cover of another.” If ordinary people can only see the small island of Taiwan in their eyes, then you as the elite of our country should be able to see the whole picture of our cause. Over these years, according to Comrade Xiaoping’s arrangement, a large piece of our territory in the North has been given up to Russia; do you really think our Party Central Committee is a fool?
To resolve the issue of America we must be able to transcend conventions and restrictions. In history, when a country defeated another country or occupied another country, it could not kill all the people in the conquered land, because back then you could not kill people effectively with sabers or long spears, or even with rifles or machine guns. Therefore, it was impossible to gain a stretch of land without keeping the people on that land. However, if we conquered America in this fashion, we would not be able to make many people migrate there.
Only by using special means to “clean up” America will we be ‘able to lead the Chinese people there.” This is the only choice left for us. This is not a matter of whether we are willing to do it or not. What kind of special means is there available for us to “clean up” America? Conventional weapons such as fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to “reserve America for ourselves.” There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal (deadly, fatal or poisonous) weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.
From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to “clean up” America, and reserve America for our use in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that as long as we make it happen, nobody in the world can do anything about us. Furthermore, if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies have to surrender to us.
Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place. According to the computation of the author of Yellow Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and that figure would be more than 800 million people! Just after the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today the official figure of the population is more than 1.3 billion. This yellow land has reached the limit of its capacity. One day, who knows how soon it will come, the great collapse will occur any time and more than half of the population will have to go.
We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack [on the United States], the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States. If, however, the attack fails and triggers a nuclear retaliation from the United States, China would perhaps suffer a catastrophe in which more than half of its population would perish. That is why we need to be ready with air defense systems for our big and medium-sized cities. Whatever the case may be, we can only move forward fearlessly for the sake of our Party and state and our nation’s future, regardless of the hardships we have to face and the sacrifices we have to make. The population, even if more than half dies, can be reproduced. But if the Party falls, everything is gone, and forever gone!
In Chinese history, in the replacement of dynasties, the ruthless have always won and the benevolent (kind, caring, or compassionate) have always failed. The most typical example involved Xiang Yu the King of Chu, who, after defeating Liu Bang, failed to continue to chase after him and eliminate his forces, and this leniency resulted in Xiang Yu’s death and Liu’s victory (during the war between Chu and Han, just after the Qin Dynasty (221-206BC) was overthrown). Therefore, we must emphasize the importance of adopting resolute measures. In the future, the two rivals, China and the United States, will eventually meet each other in a narrow road, and our leniency (mercy, compassion, or kindness) to the Americans will mean cruelty toward the Chinese people. Here some people may want to ask me: what about the several millions of our compatriots in the United States? They may ask: aren’t we against Chinese killing other Chinese?
These comrades are too pedantic; they are not pragmatic enough. If we had insisted on the principle that the Chinese should not kill other Chinese, would we have liberated China? As for the several million Chinese living in the United States, this is of course a big issue. Therefore in recent years, we have been conducting research on genetic weapons, i.e. those weapons that do not kill yellow people. But producing a result with this kind of research is extremely difficult. Of the research done on genetic weapons throughout the world, the Israeli’s is the most advanced. Their genetic weapons are designed to target Arabs and protect the Israelis. But even they have not reached the stage of actual deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these technologies to protect the yellow people. But their technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years before some breakthroughs can be achieved in genetic weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer.
Old comrades like us cannot afford to wait that long, for we don’t have that much time to live. Old soldiers of my age may be able to wait for five or ten more years, but those from the period of the Anti-Japanese War or the few old Red Army soldiers cannot wait any longer. Therefore we have to “give up” our expectations about genetic weapons. Of course, from another perspective, the majority of those Chinese living in the United States have become our burden, because they have been corrupted by the bourgeois liberal values for a long time and it would be difficult for them to accept our Party’s leadership. If they survived the war, we would have to launch campaigns in the future to deal with them, to reform them. Do you still remember that when we had just defeated the Koumintang (KMT) and liberated Mainland China, so many people from the bourgeois class and intellectuals welcomed us so very warmly, but later we had to launch campaigns such as the “suppression of the reactionaries” and “Anti-Rightist Movement” to “clean them up and reform them?” Some of them were in hiding for a long time and were not exposed until the Cultural Revolution. History has proved that any social turmoil is likely to involve many deaths. Maybe we can put it this way: death is the engine that moves history forward. During the period of Three Kingdoms [9], how many people died? When Genghis Khan conquered Eurasia, how many people died? When Manchu invaded the interior of China, how many people died? Not many people died during the 1911 Revolution, but when we overthrew the Three Great Mountains [10], and during the political campaigns such as “Suppression of reactionaries,” “Three-Anti Campaign,” and “Five-Anti Campaign” at least 20 million people died. We were apprehensive that some young people today would be trembling with fear when they hear about wars or people dying. During wartime, we were used to seeing dead people. Blood and flesh were flying everywhere, corpses were lying in heaps on the fields, and blood ran like rivers. We saw it all. On the battlefields, everybody’s eyes turned red with killing because it was a life-and-death struggle and only the brave would survive.
It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths. But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party. That is because, after all, we are Chinese and members of the CCP. Since the day we joined the CCP, the Party’s life has always been above all else! History will prove that we made the right choice.
Now, when I am about to finish my speech, you probably understand why we conducted this online survey. Simply put, through conducting this online survey we wanted to know whether the people would rise against us if one day we secretly adopt resolute means to “clean up” America. Would more people support us or oppose us? This is our basic judgment: if our people approve of shooting at prisoners of war, women and children, then they would approve our “cleaning up” America. For over twenty years, China has been enjoying peace, and a whole generation has not been tested by war. In particular, since the end of World War II, there have been many changes in the formats of war, the concept of war and the ethics of war. Especially since the collapse of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European Communist states, the ideology of the West has come to dominate the world as a whole, and the Western theory of human nature and Western view of human rights have increasingly disseminated among the young people in China. Therefore, we were not very sure about the people’s attitude. If our people are fundamentally opposed to “cleaning up” America, we will, of course, have to adopt corresponding measures.
Why didn’t we conduct the survey through administrative means instead of through the web? We did what we did for a good reason.
First of all, we did it to reduce artificial inference and to make sure that we got the true thoughts of the people. In addition, it is more confidential and won’t reveal the true purpose of our survey. But what is most important is the fact that most of the people who are able to respond to the questions online are from social groups that are relatively well-educated and intelligent. They are the hard-core and leading groups that play a decisive role among our people. If they support us, then the people as a whole will follow us; if they oppose us, they will play the dangerous role of inciting people and creating social disturbance.
What turned out to be very comforting is they did not turn in a blank test paper. In fact, they turned in a test paper with a score of over 80. This is the excellent fruition of our Party’s work in propaganda (misinformation or half truths) and education over the past few decades.
Of course, a few people under the Western influence have objected to shooting at prisoners of war and women and children. Some of them said, “It is shocking and scary to witness so many people approving of shooting at women and children. Is everybody crazy?” Some others said, “The Chinese love to label themselves as a peace-loving people, but actually they are the most ruthless people. The comments are resonant of killing and murdering, sending chills to my heart.”
Although there are not too many people holding this kind of viewpoint and they will not affect the overall situation in any significant way, but we still need to strengthen the propaganda to respond to this kind of argument.
That is to vigorously propagate Comrade He Xin's latest article, which has already been reported to the central government. You may look it up on the website.
If you get on the website using key words to search, you will find out that a while ago, comrade He Xin pointed out to the Hong Kong Business News during an interview that: "The US has a shocking conspiracy." According to what he had in hand, from September 27 to October 1, 1995, the Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachëv Foundation, funded by the United States, gathered 500 of the world’s most important statesmen, economic leaders and scientists,… the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as well as George Soros, Bill Gates, futurist John Naisbitt, etc., all of the world’s most popular characters, in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level round table conference, discussing problems about globalization and how to guide humanity to move forward into the 21st century. According to what He Xin had in hand, the outstanding people of the world in attendance thought that in the 21st century a mere 20% of the world’s population will be sufficient to maintain the world’s economy and prosperity, the other 80% or 4/5 of the world’s population will be human garbage unable to produce new values. The people in attendance thought that this excess 80% population would be a trash population and "high-tech" means should be used to eliminate them gradually.
Since the enemies are secretly planning to eliminate our population, we certainly cannot be infinitely merciful and compassionate to them. Comrade He Xin's article came out at the right time, it has proven the correctness of our tit for tat battle approach, has proven Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s great foresight to deploy against the United States military strategy.
Certainly, in spreading Comrade He Xin’s views, we cannot publish the article in the party newspapers, in order to avoid raising the enemy’s vigilance. He Xin's conversation may remind the enemy that we have grasped the modern science and technology, including "clean" nuclear technology, gene weapons technology as well as biological weapons technology, and we can use powerful measures to eliminate their population on a large-scale.
The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing the preparations for military battle.
Currently, we are at the cross road of moving forward or backward. Some comrades saw problems flooding everywhere in our country—the corruption problem, the state-owned enterprise problem, the bank’s bad accounts problem, environmental problems, society security problems, education problems, the AIDS problem, various appeals problem, even the riots problem. These comrades vacillated in the determination to prepare for the military battle. They thought; they should first grab the political reform problem, that is, our own political reform comes first. After resolving the domestic problems, we can then deal with the foreign military battle problem.
This reminds me of the crucial period in 1948 in the Chinese revolution. At that time, the People's Liberation Army’s “horses were drinking water” in Yangtze River, but they faced extremely complex situations and difficult problems everywhere in the liberated areas, and the central authority received emergency reports daily. What to do? Should we stop to manage rear areas and internal matters first before moving forward, or press on to pass the Yangtze River with one vigorous effort? Chairman Mao, with his extraordinary wisdom and mettle, gave the marching order "Carry on the revolution to the end," and liberated all of China. The previously thought "serious" conflicting problems were all resolved in this great forward moving revolutionary wave.
Now, it seems like we are in the same critical period as the “horses were drinking water” in the Yangtze River days in the revolutionary era, as long as we firmly seize the most basic principle of preparing for the military battle. The central committee believes, as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites.
Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for the birth of the new society. Therefore war is the midwife for the birth of China’s century. As war approaches, I am full of hope for our next generation.
* * *
[1] Sina.com is one of the largest on-line media corporations in China. The on-line survey was launched by sina.com’s branch Sina Military (jczs.sina.com.cn). It started on February 2 and ended on March 1, 2004 and there were 31,872 persons who filled out the survey. The web page for this on-line survey is at “http://jczs.sina.com.cn/2004-02-02/1644180066.html” but this page has been removed and cannot be viewed.
The question was “If you are a solider, and if are under the orders of your commanding officers, will you shoot at women, children and prisoners of war?” 34% of the visitors answered they would shoot under any circumstances even without permission from their commanding officer. 48.6% of the visitors replied that they would shoot when the lives of themselves or their companies are threatened. Only 3.8% of the participants held they would not shoot under any circumstances. Those who agreed to shoot were mostly under the age of 25.
[2] “War Is Approaching Us”
[3] “Three islands” refer to Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands, and Spratly Islands.
[4] Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997). Officially, Deng was the leader of the CCP and China from 1978-89. Actually, after Mao's death in 1976 Deng became the de facto leader of China until Deng finally died in 1997.
[5] Hu Jintao (1942-). Leader of the "fourth generation" of CCP officials. In 2003, Hu became President of the People's Republic of China.
[6] Liu Huaqing (1916-). Commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy from 1982 through 1988, vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission (until 1997). Liu is considered to be responsible for the PLA’s modernization efforts.
[7] He Xin (1949-). Senior Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
[8] “Three Represents” states that the CCP represents the requirement to develop advanced productive forces, an orientation towards advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China. It was put forward by Jiang Zemin, former Chinese president.
[9] Three Kingdoms refer to Wei, Shu, and Wu, three countries that overlapped the land of China during the period A.D. 220-80.
[10] “Three great mountains” were said according to the CCP to have weighed on the backs of the Chinese people—imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic-capitalism.
(Comment by Apostolic Scribe: Notice this quote below and think carefully:
“According to the computation of the author of Yellow Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and that figure would be more than 800 million people!
Just after the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today the official figure of the population is more than 1.3 billion.”
China now has over 1.3 billion people and they could have lied about that figure because they are an atheist nation (The majority do not believe in God); the 10 Commandments do not mean anything to them, they can and do lie if they feel it will help their nation—they admitted it in the above information.
On 07/23, 2006 in a meeting in Illinois, Seer Prophet Mary Kay Baxter who wrote six books now, and one is called “A Divine Revelation of Hell” where the Lord Jesus came for 30 nights about 3 hours a night—and He took Mary Kay into the spirit realm and into Hell for a visit to have her write that book and reveal to the doubters that Hell is real, which the Holy Scriptures give a great amount of verses for Hell; well she spoke about some ministry traveling she had been on and she mentioned going to China to minister, where the men make their women work hard. She described the food that was served to her if she wanted to eat it, and these are some of the things that are commonly eaten today in China: all kinds of birds, cats, dogs, snakes, frogs, brains—which looked yellow (needless to say she mentioned she did not eat). The point being made here is that China is hungry, they are running out of resources and food to feed their massive population, so they are eating anything and everything. Hungry people are desperate and they will do anything! The above secret meeting shows you very clearly they are desperate to colonize outside of the land of China for food and land so the Chinese can live, and anyone in their way will be killed in the process. From the meeting above, China has one concern, themselves, that is it—and all will be killed who get in their way!)
From: The original Chinese article is available at: http://epochtimes.com/gb/5/8/1/n1003911.htm
08/05, 2003, China Losing War With Advancing Deserts:
Lester R. Brown: China is now at war. It is not invading armies that are claiming its territory, but expanding deserts. Old deserts are advancing and new ones are forming, like guerrilla forces striking unexpectedly, forcing Beijing to fight on several fronts. And worse, the growing deserts are gaining momentum, occupying an ever-larger piece of China's territory each year.
Desert expansion has accelerated with each successive decade since 1950. China's Environmental Protection Agency reports that the Gobi Desert expanded by 52,400 square kilometers (20,240 square miles) from 1994 to 1999, an area half the size of Pennsylvania. With the advancing Gobi now within 150 miles of Beijing, China's leaders are beginning to sense the gravity of the situation.
Overplowing and overgrazing are converging to create a dust bowl of historic dimensions. With little vegetation remaining in parts of northern and western China, the strong winds of late winter and early spring can remove literally millions of tons of topsoil in a single day—soil that can take centuries to replace.
For the outside world, it is these dust storms that draw attention to the deserts that are forming in China. On 04/12, 2002, for instance, South Korea was engulfed by a huge dust storm from China that left people in Seoul literally gasping for breath. Schools were closed, airline flights were cancelled, and clinics were overrun with patients having difficulty breathing. Retail sales fell. Koreans have come to dread the arrival of what they now call "the fifth season"—the dust storms of late winter and early spring. Japan also suffers from dust storms originating in China. Although not as directly exposed as Koreans are, the Japanese complain about the dust and the brown rain that streaks their windshields and windows.
Each year, residents of eastern Chinese cities such as Beijing and Tianjin hunker down as the dust storms begin. In addition to having problems with breathing and the dust that stings the eyes, people are constantly working to keep dust out of homes and to clean doorways and sidewalks of dust and sand. Farmers and herders, whose livelihoods are blowing away, are paying an even heavier price.
A report by a U.S. embassy official in 05/2001 after a visit to Xilingol Prefecture in Inner Mongolia (Nei Monggol) notes that although 97 percent of the region is officially classified as grasslands, a third of the terrain now appears to be desert. The report says the prefecture's livestock population climbed from 2 million as recently as 1977 to 18 million in 2000. A Chinese scientist doing grassland research in the prefecture says that if recent desertification trends continue, Xilingol will be uninhabitable in 15 years.
A more recent U.S. embassy report entitled "Desert Mergers and Acquisitions" says satellite images show two deserts in north-central China expanding and merging to form a single, larger desert overlapping Inner Mongolia and Gansu provinces. To the west in Xinjiang Province, two even larger deserts—the Taklimakan and Kumtag—are also heading for a merger. Highways there are regularly inundated by sand dunes.
In the deteriorating relationship between the global economy and the earth's ecosystem, China is on the leading edge. A human population of 1.3 billion and a livestock population of just over 400 million are weighing heavily on the land. Huge flocks of sheep and goats in the northwest are stripping the land of its protective vegetation, creating a dust bowl on a scale not seen before. Northwestern China is on the verge of a massive ecological meltdown.
While overplowing is now being partly remedied by paying farmers to plant their grainland in trees, overgrazing continues largely unabated. China's cattle, sheep, and goat population tripled from 1950 to 2002. The United States, a country with comparable grazing capacity, has 97 million cattle. China has 106 million. But for sheep and goats, the figures are 8 million versus 298 million. Concentrated in the western and northern provinces, sheep and goats are destroying the land's protective vegetation. The wind then does the rest, removing the soil and converting productive rangeland into desert. (See data.)
The fallout from the dust storms is social as well as economic. Millions of rural Chinese may be uprooted and forced to migrate eastward as the drifting sand covers their land. Expanding deserts are driving villagers from their homes in Gansu, Inner Mongolia, and Ningxia provinces. An Asian Development Bank assessment of desertification in Gansu Province reports that 4,000 villages risk being overrun by drifting sands.
The U.S. Dust Bowl of the 1930s forced some 2.5 million "Okies" and other refugees to leave the land, many of them heading from Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas to California. But the dust bowl forming in China is much larger, and during the 1930s the U.S. population was only 150 million—compared with 1.3 billion in China today. Whereas the U.S. migration was measured in the millions, China's may eventually measure in the tens of millions. And as a U.S. embassy report entitled "The Grapes of Wrath in Inner Mongolia" noted, "unfortunately, China's twenty-first century 'Okies' have no California to escape to—at least not in China."
Planting marginal cropland in trees helps correct some of the mistakes of overplowing, but it does not deal with the overgrazing issue. Arresting desertification may depend more on grass than trees—on both permitting existing grasses to recover and planting grass in denuded areas. Beijing is trying to arrest the spread of deserts by encouraging pastoralists to reduce their flocks of sheep and goats by 40 percent, but in communities where wealth is measured not in income but in the number of livestock owned and where most families are living under the poverty line, such cuts are not easy. Some local governments are requiring stall-feeding of livestock with forage gathered by hand, hoping that this confinement measure will permit grasslands to recover.
China is taking some of the right steps to halt the advancing desert, but it has a long way to go to reduce livestock numbers to a sustainable level. At this point, there is no plan in place or on the drawing board that will halt the advancing deserts.
The entire world has a stake in China's winning the war with the advancing deserts given its economic leadership role. But winning will not be easy. Qu Geping, the Chairman of the Environment and Resources Committee of the National People's Congress, estimates that the remediation of land in the areas where it is technically feasible would cost $28.3 billion. Halting the advancing deserts will require a massive commitment of financial and human resources, one that may force the government to make a hard choice: either build costly proposed south-north water diversion projects or battle the advancing deserts that are marching eastward and could eventually occupy Beijing. Copyright © 2003 Earth Policy Institute
[Comment not by Earth Policy Institute: If I understood correctly, and I think it was the History Channel—a statement was made that China is now 1/3 desert! Consider that if it is true, and now you have another reason why China wants to colonize another location in the world and they picked the USA to take it over in the very near future in a war with Russia and China, after they take over the USA they will as the expression go dump Russia… ]
From: 08/05, 2003: China Losing War With Advancing DesertsChina's Environmental Protection Agency reports that the Gobi Desert ... But the dust bowl forming in China is much larger, and during the 1930s the US ... www.earth-policy.org/Updates/Update26.htm - 31k - Cached - Similar pages
When you read below in this document of over 210 prophetic revelations from God warning America of an invasion coming you are going to want to know what Holy Scriptures apply to all these revelations to America. God has revealed below to many of His prophets warning of the near future invasion that is to occur to the United States of America—Scriptures are provided throughout this collection.
The Angel of the Lord told Seer Prophet Dumitru Duduman, in the book “Through The Fire Without Burning,” on page 145: “When I heard all of this (details of the invasion of the USA) I said, ‘If you are truly the Angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible.”
He said, ‘Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8—15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14…’”
Furthermore, regarding this invasion to the USA will happen, on page 170, God sent an angel who told Dumitru to get his bible and read Hosea 4:6—9 and Hosea 6:1—3.
The Holy Scriptures have seven depth of meaning to them—never forget this. Keep in mind that when talking about Babylon there are a number of subcategories such as the Roman Catholic Church and the One World Religion are also Babylon, the New World Order is Babylon, there is an actual location on the earth called Babylon and it will be falling in the near future as well; furthermore, the Antichrist spirit now resides in the spirit realm over the city of Babylon in the Middle East (there is also an Antichrist ‘person’ who is alive here on the earth today working under the spirit of Babylon), and the list goes on… and yes, the USA has fallen to a state of Babylon as well, so has England in areas also. Because of America’s world influence and world financial situation, and because she fell into many evil and occult areas, she is being dealt with firmly by God, and plays a large part in this evil Babylon system that has many parts to it! At the same time in America there are many true Christians who belong to the Kingdom of God. So, try to keep all in balance as you begin to understand what is happening and what is God saying to His Church and America. I may not have explained this in the best way, but now you can begin to understand this subject of Babylon, and its many parts and players, etc.
{51:8} Babylon is suddenly
fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be
{51:9} We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed:
forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment
reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.
{51:10} The LORD hath
brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us declare in Zion the work of
the LORD our God.
{51:11} Make bright the
arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of
the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the
vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple.
{51:12} Set up the standard
upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare
the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake
against the inhabitants of Babylon.
{51:13} O thou that
dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the
measure of thy covetousness.
{51:14} The LORD of hosts
hath sworn by himself, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with
caterpillers; and they shall lift up a shout against thee.
{51:15} He hath made the
earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath
stretched out the heaven by his understanding.
{18:1} And after these
things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the
earth was lightened with his glory.
{18:2} And he cried
mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and
a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
{18:3} For all nations have
drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth
have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed
rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
{18:4} And I heard another
voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
{18:5} For her sins have
reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
{18:6} Reward her even as
she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup
which she hath filled fill to her double.
{18:7} How much she hath
glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her:
for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no
{18:8} Therefore shall her
plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be
utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
{18:9} And the kings of the
earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail
her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
{18:10} Standing afar off
for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that
mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
{18:11} And the merchants
of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth
their merchandise any more:
{18:12} The merchandise of
gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and
purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of
ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
{18:13} And cinnamon, and
odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and
wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls
of men.
And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all
things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find
them no more at all.
{18:15} The merchants of
these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of
her torment, weeping and wailing,
{18:16} And saying, Alas,
alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet,
and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
{18:17} For in one hour so
great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in
ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
{18:18} And cried when they
saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
{18:19} And they cast dust
on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great
city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her
costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
{18:20} Rejoice over her,
thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on
{18:21} And a mighty angel
took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus
with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found
no more at all.
{18:22} And the voice of
harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more
at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any
more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of
the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy
merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all
nations deceived.
{18:24} And in her was
found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the
{14:1} Behold, the day of
the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
{14:2} For I will gather
all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the
houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into
captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
{14:3} Then shall the LORD
go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of
{14:4} And his feet shall
stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the
east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east
and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the
mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
{14:5} And ye shall flee to
the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto
Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the
days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the
saints with thee.
{14:6} And it shall come to
pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
{14:7} But it shall be one
day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to
pass, that at evening time it shall
be light.
{14:8} And it shall be in that
day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the
former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter
shall it be.
{14:9} And the LORD shall
be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name
{14:10} All the land shall
be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be
lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of
the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the
king's winepresses.
{14:11} And men shall dwell
in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be
safely inhabited.
{14:12} And this shall be
the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought
against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their
feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall
consume away in their mouth.
{14:13} And it shall come
to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and
they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall
rise up against the hand of his neighbour.
{14:14} And Judah also
shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall
be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.
{14:15} And so shall be the
plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the
beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague.
{14:16} And it shall come
to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against
Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of
hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.
{14:17} And it shall be,
that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to
worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.
{14:18} And if the family
of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague,
wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of
{14:19} This shall be the
punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep
the feast of tabernacles.
{14:20} In that day shall
there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in
the LORD'S house shall be like the bowls before the altar.
{14:21} Yea, every pot in
Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they
that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day
there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.
{4:6} My people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will
also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast
forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
{4:7} As they were
increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into
{4:8} They eat up the sin
of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity.
{4:9} And there shall be,
like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward
them their doings.
{6:1} Come, and let us
return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten,
and he will bind us up.
{6:2} After two days will
he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his
{6:3} Then shall we know,
if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and
he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the
KJV:2 Peter
{3:8} But, beloved, be not
ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,
and a thousand years as one day.
“When I heard all to this I said, “If you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible.”
He said, “Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8—15, Revelation Chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth…” (Page 145) — Seer Prophet Dumitru Duduman, “Through The Fire Without Burning”
Word Of The Lord For The United States of America:
This is the word given through a compilation of the prophetic releases from the Body of Jesus Christ—Christians, within this document. There are differing variables that can affect the timing and/or coming to pass of these prophetic words:
1) All prophecy not contained in scripture
is conditional. There are verses in the Scriptures about America, these verses
will be quoted in this collection—God has directly informed prophets and
ministers that these verses apply to America.
Scriptures can and do have dual, two-fold meanings as God so directs. (Advanced
mature Christians know that the Holy Scriptrues have seven levels of meanings, one level is at the time it was given, and another level can be at some future
date, and there are other levels of depth as well!)
2) The timing that the prophecy comes to pass may
not occur in a one year time-frame and can be over several years, or
it can occur in a much less time period than one realized.
3) It is possible that the prophetic warnings given may cause the person
or corporate nation to repent and thus turn away the judgment prophesied, or
lighten the righteous redemptive judgment prophesied. However, in
America’s case the judgment is “set” and will not
be removed but fulfilled.
Biblically, judgment was delayed in the past when Jonah prophesied to Nineveh, and the whole city repented causing God to relent for a time period—however, she did receive judgment approximately 100 or so years later. It is believed by prophets of God today that the United States’ judgment has been delayed several times already because of a level of confession and repentance of America’s sins by a small number of Christians. However, it is vital to note that the Book of Revelation must be played out, so there will be a point that America’s righteous redemptive judgment must be completed—it can be delayed no longer. We are now living in the time frame of the end of this season or age; during this time judgment begins in the Church of the Lord Jesus; and also to all the nations! We are in a Reformation which started in 2001 when the Angel of God came to Jacksonville, Florida and announced it started. And we are soon to ender a Revival along with this Reformation; and the demonic will be getting ready for their super awful final evil events as well—read the Book of Revelation. We are living in amazing days of both wonderful and awful things to occur. Put on your seat belts it is going to get very bumpy in the days to come, be in obedience, prayer, and doing what the Bible states to do if you are wise!
(Unbelief is sin! In addition, Seer Prophet Neville Johnson has explained that many Old Testament verses when the prophets gave them forth had double or duel meanings—first for the time that the prophets were living in or soon after, and second for the latter days, now!)
{3:8} Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation
in the wilderness:
{3:9} When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years.
{3:10} Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway
err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.
{3:11} So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.)
{3:12} Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief,
in departing from the living God.
570 Greek, apaistia {ap-is-tee'-ah}, from apistos; faithlessness, i.e. (negatively) disbelief (lack of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience):—unbelief.
{3:15} While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your
hearts, as in the provocation.
{3:16} For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came
out of Egypt by Moses.
{3:17} But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had
sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?
{3:18} And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to
them that believed not?
{3:19} So we see that they could not enter in
because of unbelief.
570 Greek, apaistia {ap-is-tee'-ah}, from apistos; faithlessness, i.e. (negatively) disbelief (lack of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience):—unbelief.
{4:6} Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to
whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
{4:7} Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long
a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear
his voice, harden not your hearts.
543 Greek, apeitheia {ap-i'-thi-ah}, from apeithes; disbelief (obstinate and rebellious):—disobedience, unbelief.
09/09, 2005 — “About war (America on her homeland soil), it is SET. It will happen, we just don't know when as the Lord keeps forgiving because of our repentance, so it keeps getting delayed. I have had too many personal visitations over it though, so I cannot be flimsy about the grave future. Happen it will, but the Gatherings (Gathering Of The Eagles—G.O.E. meeting throughout America for confession and repentance for America’s sins in the last approximately 5 years & other Church meetings in the Body of Jesus Christ for confession and repentance for America.) are keeping it held back. That was promised in a 3 hour visitation.”
03/2006, Sharing My Heart Newsletter — “For five years we have passionately poured out our hearts, our lives and resources for the healing our Nation. Back in 2000 I sat in the presence of the Lord in a three hour visitation wherein I was reproved for my unbelief and resulting disobedience concerning this call. After which He commissioned us to work toward bringing revival to America. Jesus told me the vehicle was to be called the ‘Gathering of the Eagles.’…
Third: I yearn passionately for revival. Jesus told me that if the work He required was completed He would send revival before He would allow WAR to come to America. If not, America would be destroyed and there would not be revival. So I yearn for revival for the sake of seeing millions saved before WAR. Also, I long for the Church to know the heart of Jesus in such a way as can only be done in revival.
We don’t seek the glory that belongs only to Him, we seek only to obey and do our part. I realize that the central issue in the Lord’s heart is the horror of the shed innocent blood. If our land is filled with this terrible stain, Jesus will not come. If the blood is cleansed by our tears and His mercy, He will come. It is that simple. As a Gathering of Eagles people from all over America have come together and wept. No one person can take glory for anything that has taken place. One person could not have secured God’s grace alone, it took the corporate Church. Only Jesus can heal our Nation. All we, that is this ministry and our faithful friends, have done, is give place to His will. For this, Jesus is going to give us revival.
We will experience this outpouring of revival in Washington D.C. this April. I believe other ministries will also begin to see the cleansing rains of revival. We are only one of the ministries that will experience that wonderful part of God…” —Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson; www.worldforjesus.org
The other day when I was in Dayton, OH, at the International Ministers Forum Convention, I had an opportunity to speak with Brother Carl Hahn who's still being visited by (holy) angels. He's now almost eight years into having daily visitations of angels. I asked him, what are the angels saying about what's happening in New Orleans and in our Gulf States (08/2005)? Can they stop it? He told me no, he had been talking to the angels and this is what the angels said to him when he asked them that same question: they replied, no we angels cannot change our Father's judgments. Then he began to explain how there are two kinds of angels that are active now. One kind is our own bodyguard angels which we call our guardian angels and they are our protecting angels. The other angels are the judgment angels - the ones that are sent by decree of God to judge the world or the nations for their sin, and so one group of angels cannot work against the other group of angels; and therefore their assignments must be carried out. So we see that nothing can stop the judgment of God, for the angels will not intervene at this time. They are taking their hands off.
The only way in which the guardian angels can be involved at this time is to give special protection to the saints of God. Those who are walking in holiness, righteousness, and obedience to God like the children of Israel when they stayed in their houses, obeying God's command, putting the blood over their doors. That's the only protection we as Christians will have now, if we walk in obedience to God and keep the blood of Jesus over us. That will be our safety, and our guardian angels will stand at our door to protect our lives. Other than that, even many Christians who are not under the blood of Jesus will taste of the terrible wrath and the judgments that are to come.
So may God help us in this dreadful hour as we are living on this planet earth which is ripe for judgment because of the wickedness of our sin and the guilt that is marked on the Books of Judgment against us. May God help us to walk in obedience to God not missing God, lest the wrath of God fall upon any one of us. —This is from one of God’s Great Generals, Ministers, and Missionaries: Gwen Shaw, Jasper Arkansas
9:00 p.m. Eastern Time—One Minute Of Prayer For The United States Of America
"I'm only one, but I am one. And I can't do everything, but I can do something. And what I can do, I should do… And by the Grace of God, I will do." —The Bride Of The Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ!
The United States Of America Christians are Uniting Daily in Prayer at the same Time throughout the whole country! See chart below for your time slot of “One Minute Of Prayer” for the U.S.A.
This is the time you would pray for America in your location: |
Hawaii Time |
03:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Alaska Time |
05:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Pacific Time |
06:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Mountain Time |
07:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Central Time |
08:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Eastern Time |
09:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
“The Silent Moment Of Prayer Or The Following Prayer”
Dear Heavenly Holy Almighty Your Majesty Father God/YHVH, Lord of all spirits; I come before You to confess and repent of the many sins of myself, my spouse, my family original & extended, my neighbors, my city, my state, and my country, the United States of America as well as Israel & England; I confess the sins against the First Nation American Indians, Eskimo Americans, African American Blacks, Jewish Americans, Mexican Americans, Chinese Americans, European American Whites, and all Americans; and all sins against aborted babies—now well over 80 million; sins against abused children, adults, elderly, and sp0uses; disrespect to You first—Almighty God, to parents, elderly, & to Christians, and disrespect to spouses; the removal of prayer from the American schools—and the Ten Commandments removal; all sins of killings, lying, stealing, sexual, homosexual, sodomy, & witchcraft – spoil their attacks against me, my family, against Israel, America, & England God; I confess the sins of all Your commandments that have been broken & all sins of Israel, America & England;
I ask for Your forgiveness Heavenly Father, and I pray for Great Grace & Mercy and a delay regarding any terrorist attacks, or invasion, or war to come to America’s soil [George Washington’s Vision & the over 200 Christian Witnesses to this Invasion Coming to the USA], my earthly homeland; so that the great revival & great harvest of the world can be brought in with my country America along with Israel & England and the worldwide Body of Jesus Christ helping; I ask for more serious laborers & intercessors for the helping of the world harvest of souls to be brought in which You have let us know will be over 1 Billion 0f all unbelievers worldwide, as well as over ½ of all Jews will come to salvation; I ask you to bless & I now bless Israel, Your Jews & all my family members, also praying for the PEACE of Jerusalem & Israel. I pray for all the enemies of Israel, America, England and me and my family; for salvation and growth in You, God. And I ask You, God to bless & put Your favor on me & my family members & favor and bless all my original & extended family member’s & future generations to the end of your earthly plan", also Israel, America & England and all the Bride of Jesus Christ worldwide for Your glory God!
I pray Psalm 91 holy angel protection over our President and Vice—President of the United States & all of their family members—cover them & their family under Your wings of protection, I am asking that they each be protected & guided by You, God; I especially pray that whoever the inside or outside person or persons or anyone that the devil has planned to use to destroy our President or any illness to the President or spouse—do not let it happen God, I “unite” with all the Christians praying against these attacks and that the devil’s plans will be spoiled, bring these traitors/Judas’ out in the open and remove them from being near America’s President and/or their family members; I pray “Long Live The President Of The United States Of America, According To Your Perfect Will Only God.” I thank You for them all, God!
God, please cause the witchcraft attacking Israel, America & England’s leaders and the Bride of Jesus Christ, & me & my spouse, & my family—original and extended to be stopped and blocked, as well as against any of their military men and women serving, and all the Bride (Church) of Jesus Christ worldwide & Your true ministers of the Gospel, I pray for all their protection and salvation in You, Lord Jesus; and I thank you for them God!
If You—God permit any disasters or bombings in Israel, America and England like You did 9/11/01 in New York, I ask God that You would arrange the saving of many souls of those who will have to give up their life as well as when the invasion occurs to the United States of America, I pray that many will have received salvation before they die—those who will die; and remember me & my original & extended family for salvations, deliverances, baptism of water in Jesus Christ’s name, baptism the Holy Spirit, divine healings, intimacy with You God, come to read the Word of God/Bible, come to understand the prophetic and what is about to occur, protection, and all needed supplies met now & in the days to come; I pray for godly protection, clean shelter, clean and abundant food, clean water, clean cloths, warmth in the winter & cool in the summer, divine healings, electricity, knowing the Holy Scriptures, unity & oneness in You God, help us to complete our destiny course—be overcomers to the end of our lives each of us… God let the Gift of Faith flow in each of our lives, for each situations, put great faith, grace and mercy in each of the Bride of Jesus Christ worldwide and me and my family as well.
And I also pray the saving of the souls for any military men or women who will give up their lives in protecting Israel, America and England; protect my original & extended family members in it all and where we all live in Jesus Christ’s name I ask; and I ask for great grace, mercy, provisions, & help—God to each of us; I especially pray You would protect me, my original & extended family, & Americans, & Jews, where ever they are in the world from the very evil behaviors of the Antichrist, antichrists, evil United Nations and Europe leaders, Muslims, Arab’s and people that are cruel in their behaviors, as well as what the occult witchcraft demented people are doing.
Apostle Seer Prophet Intercessor Nita Johnson, Apostle Seer Prophet Intercessor Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, Seer Prophet Wendy Alec, and Seer Prophet Neville Johnson expressed that it was revealed to them by You God that there is a another major holocaust coming to the Jews, and it will make Hitler’s holocaust look like child’s play… God, I cry out that you will do all that You can to bring great grace, mercy, help and salvations to this awful and horrible situation when it comes, and find many hiding places for the precious Jews, while many are led to their true Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.
I pray that Osama Ben Laden will be brought out to a place of vulnerability along with his key men so that America can capture them; and if they are planning a major strike/s, I pray that You will thwart/spoil their intentions for as long as You can;
I pray for the purpose of Your very heart to be fulfilled in Israel, America, England & the earth; and that the hand of You/God will overturn the darkness and spread LIGHT across the earth, May The Glory Of The Lord Fill The Whole Earth;
I pray for Israel’s Prime Minister and England’s and America’s President and for the nations of Israel, America & England, the Bride of Jesus Christ worldwide, and that I & my family —will all fulfill our God appointed destinies & be overcomers to the very end; I pray for the heart of Israel, America & England to be turned to do Your will God! I pray for repentance in these countries that Your judgments might be overturned or delayed as long as possible.
Prepare each of the Bride of Jesus Christ, me and my family, in where we are to be in the time of the invasion coming to the USA, and what we are to be doing for Your Kingdom, God. Please allow us to set up camps of safety or cities of refuge that will be needed and the underground Church of Jesus Christ as well, also as networks to get the Jewish people out of America and back to Israel.
I also pray for Psalm 91 wings of your protection from You & the Blood of Jesus Christ be put on my doorposts and mantles this day & night forth and all the rest of the days and nights to be upon me and my family—original and all extended & the Bride of the Church worldwide; I pray for all Your Missionaries and for their needs; I pray for all your Intercessors, that those who have been called to this ministry will adopt a nation of the world and be faithful to pray heavily for that nation so that all nations of the world are covered and the great tidal wave that has happened in Asia on 12/25-26, 2004 or the USA Gulf Coastline destruction from Hurricane Katrina during 08/2005 will not be at the level it has been. Where were the Intercessors God? I pray for all Your five—fold ministers and that they will be lined up with You God & Your Holy Scriptures in these last days, and stop controlling the Church of Jesus Christ in the wrong manner, but teach and train them to bring salvation to the whole world for the final harvest. I “ask” God that You will direct Your ministers to train up massive laborers for the final harvests here at the end of this age.
I confess and repent of all the evil that America and England has done to Israel and the Jews, I pray for all peoples & leaders in America & England to become a true friend of Israel & the Jews; I pray for me, my family, Israel, America & England—I ask for great: grace, mercy, protection, redemption, provisions, salvations, deliverance, peace, food, water, electricity, needs supplied and all of this prayer according to Your “perfect will” only God and that the “Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit & Christians” would join in agreement & unity with me in this prayer before You/God—YHVH; I unite myself with all the prayers of the Bride of Jesus Christ worldwide that are in Your “perfect will” God. I ask for a protection for all the Bride of Christ and Christians against the demonic homosexuals, witchcraft peoples, Antichrist, antichrists, and their evil agendas especially in Israel, America and England, and worldwide, spoil their evil plans God, and help us all as we have to go through awful horrible things, help us to never deny You, Lord Jesus during the difficult times and hardships ahead!
And I now take a moment to express my deepest thanks & gratitude to You, I raise my arms to praise You, express my heart blessing to You, degree my deepest love to You, and bow myself before You to worship You Heavenly Father [YHVH/God]—my Creator, Jewish Messiah Lord Jesus Christ, & Holy Spirit God; I do all this in Your name, Jewish Messiah Lord Jesus Christ, the Elect One, Amen.
In W.W.II there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and for peace. Because of this wonderful action many awesome good things happened to England at that time, below will be a small example of such divine intervention by God to help England in Her great time of need while in war, England would do well to return to this same awesome God who has delivered Her in the past. Israel, America & England need to confess & repent of their nation’s sins as well as their own personal sins, and plead for the great grace, mercy and help from God at this time and for the near dangerous future—here at the end of the age.
There is now a group of people organizing the same one “moment of prayer” here in the United States of America, for several reasons—these people are basically anonymous: first, America has sinned terribly against Her beloved God—a serious “cup of sin” has filled up to the danger level of almost overflowing in America, which when one studies the Holy Scriptures indicates that war will soon be to the land.
The United States of America’s God is the God of the Holy Bible; Christian American’s lift up the Messiah—Lord Jesus Christ God; America does not acknowledge any other demonic gods. She was raised up with Her foundations built firmly on the Holy God of the Holy Scripture Bible of both the Old and New Testaments, which the history of the United States bears extreme witness of being fact. She does not acknowledge any foreign demonic gods of the Muslims, Hindus, Islamics, Indians of India—where there are millions of demonic gods (330 million pagan gods), nor Budda, nor any oriental gods, nor ancestor worship demonic gods, nor allah demonic god, nor any other demonic gods, and certainly not the unholy fallen angel Lucifer—known as Satan, dragon, snake, the devil who is the father of witchcraft & wicca, witchdoctors, and all occult involvement & the church of satan.
Because America is a collection of many races, She is full of foreigners; many foreigners brought their pagan demonic gods into America when they came to live here. American Christian’s have tried to keep peace among these groups with demonic gods, however in doing so American’s have “compromised,” a sin that many Americans now repent and regret deeply over—let it be known that the only true God is the God of the Holy Scriptures—the Holy Bible; and no human has a right to change anything in the Holy Bible no matter what church or leader of that church says. God holds the supreme right to the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures! If anyone tries to get you to disregard the Holy Scriptures or any leader of any church to override what was written in the Holy Scriptures, by the authority of YHVH/God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you are to disregard that church group no matter how powerful it maybe, and you are not to be afraid of it, for you will submit yourself only to the God of the Holy Scriptures and are not to do manmade rules that are not in line with the Holy Scriptures of God!
The God of the Holy Bible was never created, He has no beginning and He has no end, but all other beings whether angels, or humans or animals, they are & were created beings. Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, Popes, Gurus, spiritual leaders, Maharishi, sages, spiritual guides, counselors, and all religious leaders have died and many will die, none of them were or are the Jewish Messiah, the Jewish Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, He met all the Old Testament qualifications for being the Son of God, no other human did this.
Of all the gods, America as a nation (for our nation has stated “in God we trust”) & all Christians in America only bow their knees and hearts to the Holy God of the Bible, no other demonic gods. The Holy Scripture God is One God, with three beings: Father God—Lord of the spirits; Jewish Messiah Lord Jesus Christ God—The Elect One; & Holy Spirit God! God—YHVH, has chosen to manifest Himself in three main manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit God for the Earth Plan purposes and all of His other reasons as well! However, they can walking into each other and are One God.
05/1940, British Arm Versus Adolph Hitler—England—English Channel, WW II—Civilians In River Boats Set Forth To Rescue Trapped Army Across Sea—Dunkirk Beach/Belgium/French Coast — Equally unpredictable were the miraculous events of World War II, when the German nation was again plunged into an aggressive war under the fanatical leadership of Adolph Hitler. A whole sequence of miracles happened at Dunkirk on the French coast early in that conflict.
For seventeen exhausting, horror-filled days and nights in 05/1940, the British Expeditionary Force had been fighting the mechanized might of Hitler’s Nazi troops in France, striving against tremendous odds to break through and connect with the armies of their French allies. Then the news came that King Leopold of Belgium had surrendered to Hitler.
That left the British flank exposed. Their situation was hopeless. Obviously Hitler’s forces could slice through behind the British army, cut their supply lines, pound their landing ports, and attack their rear. Only a swift retreat would prevent the British from being cut off and pulverized between two heavily armored Nazi forces.
To avoid the capture of their own heavy armament, which they could not hope to transport back to England, the British soldiers were ordered to destroy it. They must be lightly armed to move fast enough that the Nazis could not cut them off. While enemy planes thundered above and bombs were falling all around, the men hammered and cursed and sobbed, battering motors into uselessness and demolishing machinery that must be left behind. Most of them must have known that was little equipment left in England to replace what they were ordered to destroy.
After destroying what they must leave, they turned from their shattered armaments and started back, with bombs still raining around them; while explosions were tearing holes in their paths.
But suddenly, there was a strange feeling of peace and safety among those retreating soldiers. Many of them spoke of it afterward—an inexpressible, irrational feeling that something wonderful was happening… a peaceful serenity beyond explanation. Even little dogs, trotting placidly alongside them, seemed aware of the feeling. Hungry and thirsty like the men, they stayed optimistically alongside all the way to Dunkirk.
The troops arriving at the waterfront in Dunkirk were trapped, with little more than the small arms they could carry, between the big guns of the Nazis and the stormy waters of the English Channel. They gathered on the beaches there, a mass of dark uniforms against the sun-bleached sands. The pounding waves of the Channel held no more promise of a miracle for these retreating men than the Red Sea had seemed to hold for the fleeing Israelites centuries before.
But across that storm-tossed Channel a nation was on it knees in prayer. The churches of England were filled… the King and Queen knelt in Westminster Abbey… the Archbishop of Canterbury… the Prime Minister…. the Cabinet… all knelt in prayer. The military high command had requested it. All England prayed… in stores… in hospitals… in restaurants… in the streets… young and old, alike… all praying for the salvation of their loved ones, praying for deliverance and peace. And in the evening… all classes of people… dropping to their knees at 9 o’clock for that Silent Moment of Prayer which was to be observed faithfully through the evacuation and all the war days to follow.
As the British troops turned back to the English Channel, Prime Minister Churchill warned the nation that no more than 20,000 or 30,000 troops out of the 200,000 British soldiers could possibly be rescued from the exposed beaches of Dunkirk.
Then came the miracle. At first only a few fortunate factors—seemingly unrelated—a succession of happy accidents—or was it?
There was the odd hesitancy of the seemingly invincible German military machine. Nazi General Von Rundstedt ordered a halt for regrouping of armored units at a canal crossing only twelve miles from Dunkirk. And Hitler decided to hold the armor there indefinitely. The Luftwaffe alone was given the job, without the aid of Nazi tanks, of destroying the retreating allied forces at Dunkirk. Herman Goering had boasted to Hitler: “My Luftwaffe will complete the encirclement and will close the pocket at the coast from the air.
But the most decisive factor was—the weather.
Although it seemed a hopeless rescue when the British first began arriving at Dunkirk, it proved, instead, to be a conspiracy of the elements against the Nazis as they pursued the retreating British. From the very beginning, the threatening storm winds proved a decided hindrance against which the Nazi bombers and their protective fighter planes had to labor, expending great quantities of fuel as they flew their bombers from distant bases.
Furthermore, those same storm winds and the waves driven by them were breaching the dykes in the low countries, flooding roads and threatening to mire down Nazi tanks which could have supported the Nazi air strikes with appropriate ground action.
Following the storm winds, there was a dense fog that shrouded the retreating British army. And if a land breeze blew the fog seaward, it also blew dense smoke from nearby burning fuel tanks across the beaches and the rescue fleets, obliterating them from the view of the Luftwaffe bombardiers even more effectively than clouds or fog. But neither the fog nor the smoke rose high enough to obscure the Nazi planes as the British fighter planes attacked them.
Finally, as the fuel dumps burned low and the billowing, thick smoke began to abate, there were unseasonable, impenetrable rains that hid the embarking British.
What the storm, fog, smoke and rain hid from the view of the Luftwaffe pilots was surely the strangest rescue fleet in history. From the British Navy’s first day of evacuation, it had been obvious that more shipping was needed. So the call had gone out to all boat owners.
The response was prompt. Down the rivers, out of the marinas and harbors had come the private boats, piloted by bank clerks, fishermen, Boy Scouts, yachtsmen, barge operators, college professors, and tug boat captains. They gathered at the channel ports opposite Dunkirk… small fishing boats from far up the coast, harbor defense vessels, armed yachts, river launches, cabin cruisers, life boats, rusty trawlers, barges and tugs.
A word of encouragement, with directions to “steer for the sound of the guns,” had been their final instructions. They headed out, 1000 tiny, oddly—assorted boats on the towering Channel waves, braving the storm winds to steer toward the thunder and danger of guns and bombs. All moved valiantly forward into that danger as quickly as their various motors would let them. The prayers of a nation enfolded them, as they set forth to undertake one of the most hazardous, logistically impossible, yet divinely aided feats in all history.
Books have since been written to try to tell the whole story of Dunkirk. It will never all be told, for some of the heroism of that supreme hour in British history perished in the Channel waves. But even fragments of the whole picture are piercingly vivid and thrilling.
Three men who offered to pilot boats to Dunkirk were put to work on the balky motor of a long-unused houseboat moored in the Thames River. They worked almost all night and finally got it running at five o’clock in the morning. They steered it out of the Thames and into the heavy of the Channel. It took twenty-eight hours to maneuver the clumsy river craft the forty miles across to Dunkirk.
The trip back required even longer—about thirty-six hours—because they were overloaded with men to such a extent that the deck was under water.
“Each class of ship had its own difficulties. To each the operation presented problems wildly, almost insanely beyond its proper purpose. They overcame those problems. They defied insanity.”
As odd as the gallant, little cockle-shell fleet must have looked, the sights they encountered at Dunkirk must have seemed even stranger to them.
Sunken wrecks and protruding masts dotted the water and threatened navigation even by small boats. Shells from the big Nazi guns and wrecked the docks and were already pounding the makeshift loading berths devised for boarding ships.
Threading among the clutter of wrecks could be seen a London fire brigade fireboat; a boat manned by teen-age Scouts; a river barge with colored sails; an R. A. F. seaplane tender; and men on an oyster dredger [ferrying troops to a yacht] who were wearing enamel bowls and galvanized buckets on their heads as helmets.
Soldiers ferried themselves out toward the rescue ships on rafts made of barrels. One man rode the waves on a wooden locker; another on a door; a third set out in a inflated inner tube and rowed strenuously with his rife butt.
Arrival of the small boats speeded loading operations because they could go into shallow water and pick up wading men. Some could go right up to the beach. They would return again and again to the shore under fire after depositing all the men they could carry onto one of the larger boats.
Uniforms of hundreds of thousands of troops, including French and Belgian forces, darkened the sands of the beach and dunes and spread into the water itself. Waist deep in the harbor, one group, oblivious to shells and bombs, listened to a one-man harmonica concert of lively tunes… Farther up the beach, two opposing cricket teams played imperturbably, except for taking cover when bombers approached. Four British engineers did stunts on motorcycles. A soldier on a chestnut horse went through the actions of a Cossack circus act.
If the thunder of the big guns was ominous, heard at the outset of the voyage, the combined noises as the little volunteer flotilla straggled into the waterfront was maddening. In addition, oily scum covered the water. Heat from burning fuel reservoirs scorched the faces of soldiers and rescue crews. It even scorched the skin through their clothing.
But through all the danger, difficulties, and discomfort, the boatmen felt that same strange assurance which had been felt by the troops from the time they started their retreat toward Dunkirk.
Later, those boatmen declared that it would have been inexpressibly horrible, “except for that strange feeling we had that something wonderful was happening.”
All kinds of improvisations were speeding the loading of hungry, exhausted, thirst-plagued men—inspired ideas, such as the resourceful officer who tested the depth alongside the breakwater jetties, and found it deep enough to bring some of the larger boats alongside. Rapid loading onto these larger boats began after he had ordered wide plankways laid atop the breakwater rocks and piling. And like enterprising officer with a convoy of trucks. All trucks had been ordered destroyed upon arrival at Dunkirk. But, he did not take his convoy out to the are set aside for burning. Instead, he ordered his men to drive into the outgoing tide in a long line, ordered planks collected and lashed from cab-top to cap-top and thus had a swiftly built pier for loading troops three abreast.
An ingenious barge captain also created a loading pier of his barge by ramming it up onto the beach at low tide. At the front end, soldiers could come aboard via rope ladders. At the back end of the bulky barge several boats could come alongside for loading. When high tide lifted him off the beach again, the barge captain left for England with a full load.
In a thousand such ways the evacuation seemed to organize itself. No one thought of his own needs. Each thought only of getting the job done—of saving the fellows on those beaches. Men seemed endowed with inexhaustible strength and inventiveness.
On the boats bearing them back to safety, the men wanted to pray. They said prayers on the gawky houseboat with its decks awash. They said them out loud. Many of them had never prayed aloud before. Some of them had never prayed before at all.
Back in the camps in England, they still wanted to pray. In one camp a concert had been set up to give the men something beside the horrors of the recent campaign on the Continent to think about. In the midst of the concert some of the men stood up and asked if they could have a prayer. Thereafter during every concert given in that camp, a short prayer service was included.
Voices of the rescued were added to those of the rest of the nation praying not only at the 9 P.M. “Silent Moment,” but all through the day and night, little flash prayers as they went about their duties. Without doubt, those prayers helped to strengthen the boatmen who still toiled with superhuman endurance to save the troops yet remaining on the beaches of Dunkirk.
On the English coast, too, those who received the men off the weird, conglomerate rescue fleet worked with an inspired efficiency that accomplished miracles. One such group was composed of carpenters, divers, mechanics and engineers—a small army of ships’ repairmen who worked around the clock in a vast ship repair yard improvised at Dover. They skipped sleep, rest, and meals time and again to get damaged ships on their way back to Dunkirk.
The incoming flow of hungry, thirsty and exhausted men was met at Ramsgate, at Dover, at Newhaven, at Sheerhaven, and at Folkstone. At each port, a tireless compassionate army of women offered them tea with biscuits, sandwiches, or rolls made by other thousands of indefatigable women. Local bake shops closed their sales rooms and sent all they could produce to the water front.
Children collected and passed out postcards and pencils to the men, then collected and mailed their inscribed messages to anxious families. Nurses and near-nurses treated minor wounds and burns; and sent more serious cases to improvised medical centers, where dedicated doctors, apparently supernaturally sustained [as who wasn’t in that whole hallowed, heroic enterprise?], worked ceaselessly around the clock to treat the men who had been snatched from the inferno of fire, bombs, and bullets at Dunkirk.
Amidst all the heartening and loving services rendered by thousands of volunteers, the flow of men in and out of the coastal area was a wonder of efficiency—the shuttle of buses from docks to waiting railways trains, the threading of those trains through and around the great population centers of England—the prompt dispersion of those retreating but uncowed British soldiers—these, too, were part of the miracle of Dunkirk.
It was while recording the losses and gains of the Dunkirk evacuation that the British began to realize with an almost eerie elation that their prayers were being heard. They had to be. Their unbelievable successes in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties had no other explanation.
They could not be Dunkirk to see the actual accomplishments of prayer and faith—but they knew that according to all previous military experience, the rescue of that many men, under such conditions, against such military odds—was logistically impossible.
Moreover, these rescue figures continued to mount.
Only, 7,669 troops wee evacuated the first day. But as the weather continued to protect the stranded British, on the second day 47, 310 troops were taken to England. This was more in a single day than they had dared to hope they might rescue in the entire evacuation!
On the fifth day of the week, 53,823 British soldiers were brought back to England. Sixth and 7th week day totals were also clear days and the German planes took a terrific toll of life, planes and shipping. The losses were so devastating that the British command ordered only night time evacuations from then on.
What they did not know at the time, was that Nazi Baron von Richtofen was equally dismayed and frustrated over Luftwaffe losses; and that Hitler had ordered a change of targets, directing that all planes be made ready by 06/03 [the following second day of the week] to bomb airfields around Paris.
First day of the week, night 26,256 men were evacuated from Dunkirk. The final total, after second day of the week, night’s evacuation, was 338,000 troops, including 139,911 French and Belgian troops.
A startling fact of the evacuation was that the small craft not only accomplished wonders shuttling men off the beaches to the larger boats; but that they actually transported a total of 90,000 men all the way to England. The small boats had ferried to England more than three times the highest total the Prime Minister had thought could be taken off the beaches of Dunkirk—three times the 20,000 to 30,000 total he had estimated as barely possible to rescue! At least one out of every four or five men who returned to England had made the trip on a small boat.
Dark days lay ahead for Britain; but the miracle of Dunkirk lit the darkness with hope and optimism. The British situation was desperate, but the British spirit was undaunted. Indeed as the miracles of Dunkirk were told and retold in the press of two continents, British spirits rose in a high tide of confidence and courage.
And how that confidence and faith was needed, for with the destruction of British equipment at Dunkirk, Britain only had the rifles with which the men had returned and military equipment for scarily two divisions—against the 200 splendidly equipped divisions of the Nazis. No matter, the British had their faith.
Prime Minister Churchill afterwards revealed that in all of England, following the evacuation from Dunkirk, there were only 500 eighteen-pound guns and howitzers, many of them stripped from museums. Moreover, Britain’s French allies were in dire straits. Nazi bombers were pounding the airfields of Paris and Nazi tanks rolled relentlessly toward the French capital. Britain had little enough to offer France in this agonizing crisis; but what she had, she offered, increasing the supply in spite of her own crucial needs, as the situation grew worse each day in France. England only asked that France hold on and give her a chance to rearm. But it was to no avail. The Nazis were already behind the main French fortifications, and the armies of France were in tragic confusion. The surrender of France came all too soon. Britain stood alone.
But the triumph of lifting 338,000 men out of the jaws of death at Dunkirk stood out against the stark reality of the nation’s dark dilemma. Like the crossing of the Red Sea, it emerged as one of the most magnificent and miraculous, one of the most unique and courageous performances of a nation in all recorded history… a beacon to further greatness… a rainbow of promise shining against the dark clouds of war.
Margaret Lee Runbeck, The Great Answer [Boston: Houghton Miffin Co., Cambridge Riverside Press, 1944]
William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall Of The Third Reich [New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960].
A.D. Divine, Dunkirk [New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1948].
Richard Collier, Sands Of Dunkirk [New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1961], Readers Digest, 08/1961.
Adolph Galland, The First And The Last [New York: Ballentine Books]
National Geographic, 08/1965.
09/1940, Churchill Versus Hitler—Battle Of Britain, The Power Of Prayer In Large Quantities At An Appointed Time & Supernatural Angel Flown Airplanes Manifested As England’s Royal Air Force, Battle Of Britain—Something Supernatural Confronted Invader Planes — It was a crucial moment in British history.
Deep in the underground operations room of the 11th Group Fighter Command on a First day of the week, morning in 09/1940, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his military advisors sat watching the lights on the electrical battle charts.
Because of the demolitions during the previous retreat to Dunkirk, the British were dangerously short of defense materials. In all of England there were only 500 eighteen-pound guns, many of them stripped from museums, with which they could repel an invading army; and they were equally short of all other defense material.
Intelligence reports from the continent clearly indicated invasion of England by the enemy was under preparation.
As early as month 07, Hitler had ordered his Luftwaffe [the German air force] to begin shooting Royal Air Force planes out of the sky to make air defense of the British Isles ineffective, if not impossible. This had been a difficult job, for the Royal Air Force had fought furiously, and had shot down 164 Nazi bombers that month with a loss of only 58 of their own aircraft. In month 08, despite insufficient sleep and rest, the out-numbered British downed 662 Nazi bombers, while losing only 360 of their own.
Yet, even though the Royal Air Force continued to inflict heavy losses on the seemingly inexhaustible supply of enemy aircraft, the men watching those electrical charts in the underground operations room knew that the scores could change. They knew the capacity of the Nazi war-time factories had been increased to produce more modern planes and to produce them faster than the British could. England needed a miracle and needed it soon.
As Churchill watched on that momentous 9th month, first day of the week, a sudden alert showed more than forty aircraft approaching from the French seaport, Dieppe; more than forty approaching from another direction; more than sixty from still another; and even more than eighty aircraft approaching in one unit.
As each Nazi formation neared the English coast a British squadron would rise to meet it. Since there were only 25 squadrons assigned to the 11th Fighter Command defending southern England, soon all of them were in the air.
Tension grew in the underground shelter.
Air Vice-Marshall Keith R. Park requested reinforcements from Stanmore to the north; but they could spare only three squadrons.
“What other resources have we?” Churchill asked.
“None, Sir,” was the reply. The room was silent.
“The odds were great; our margin small; the stakes infinite,” Churchill wrote later.
Then inexplicably, the discs on the wall chart began to move eastward. The great Nazi air flotilla had turned back. With 185 of their aircraft downed in flames, they were in retreat! Miraculously, against all logistical probability, the Royal Air Force had won the battle!
Just why Royal Air Force pilots continued to win against unbelievable odds may or may not be satisfactorily explained in the records of the Imperial General Staff. But British Intelligence officers received strange information from three different members of the Nazi armed forces. One was from a Nazi pilot captured after his crippled plane was drowned in England.
“Why did your formation retreat when only two planes were attacking you?” the intelligence officers asked the prisoner.
“Two!” exclaimed the pilot. “There were hundreds!”
After the prisoner had been dismissed, the British intelligence officers exchanged puzzled glances. They all but dismissed the strange reply until a Luftwaffe officer, captured later, asked them in perplexity, “Where did you get all the planes you threw into the battle over Britain?”
His British interrogators managed to mask their surprise. Actually, the powerful Nazi bomber force had been met by a mere handful of little outmoded Royal Air Force Spitfire and Hurricane fighters. There was no sky full of Royal Air Force planes! Only a few dog-tired pilots, making anywhere from their third to their seventh combat mission that day, had met his mighty bombers.
Perhaps visionary planes rode the skies in formation with the Royal Air Force and perhaps only the Nazi could see those planes that convinced them they were confronted by overwhelming numbers.
It was the remarks of an imprisoned Nazi Intelligence officer captured still later that came nearest to disclosing the divine source of the plane-filled mirages which had confused the Luftwaffe pilots.
“With the striking of your Big Ben clock each evening at nine,” the Nazi told the British Intelligence officer, “you used a secret weapon which we did not understand. It was very powerful and we could find no countermeasure against it…”
He was right! There was a powerful force set in motion each evening as Big Ben struck nine. It was the powerful force of a nation in heartfelt prayer, against which no countermeasure could hope to prevail… a nation in prayer to the omnipotent God of creation. Each evening as Big Ben in the clock tower of the Parliament Building struck nine, the people of the British Isles and of the far-flung English Commonwealth halted for the famous “Silent Moment of Prayer.”
Inspiration for this Silent Moment of Prayer had come from a prominent industrialist, W. Tudor Pole, as a result of a conversation years earlier with a soldier buddy in World War I. As Pole and his friend chatted in the mouth of a cave near Jerusalem on the eve of battle, a moment of silence fell;--then Pole’s young companion turned to him and said, “I shall not come through this struggle. Like thousands of others, it shall be my destiny to go on now.
“You will survive. You will live to see a greater and more vital conflict fought on every continent, on every ocean, and in the sky.”
Pole’s friend continued with a plea for a spiritual response from all those who would fight in that future war. He stressed the power of silence and urged a moment of silence each day. Then he said, “When those tragic days arrive, do not forget us.”
The next day, as he had predicted, the young man was killed in battle. Pole was severely wounded and was captured, but managed to escape with an overwhelming sense of miraculous aid.
He never forgot his friend’s parting words. Years later, during that “greater, more vital conflict fought… on every ocean and in the sky,” after he had become a wealthy industrialist, Pole put his visionary friend’s suggestion into effect. He proposed the Silent Moment of Prayer. Through his influence this daily, prayerful observance was begun during the dark days of the miraculous evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940.
Did these prayers materialize into the hundreds of visionary planes which the defeated Nazi pilots thought they had seen?
Were these prayers the “secret weapon” the Nazi Intelligence officer asked about! One can only note that the “secret weapon for which we find no countermeasure,” operated “with the striking Big Ben at nine P.M.,”… The Silent Moment of Prayer!
Albert La Fay, “Be Ye Men Of Valor,” National Geographic, 08/1965.
Sharing Magazine, 02/1961, San Diego, California.
Round The World At Nine O’clock [London: Big Ben Council]. By kind permission of W. Tudor Pole.
From: Strange miracles, ancient and modern—that have turned the tide of history. The book “Hand On The Helm” by Katherine Pollard Carter, ISBN: 0-88368-080-7, ®1977, all above except the last one.
[03/17, 2006 — Comment by Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Because this is such a serious matter, I wanted you all to know what I know so far on this subject of the very near future invasion of the United States. Here is an exchange of an e-mail conversation about a prophetic word that I wanted more discerning on, between this Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson and me—Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe. She rejected parts of the prophetic word as not being accurate (I am not including that word below for it is not the main point of this comment), but she reminded me of the way things will play out in the invasion of the USA. The whole point of including the below remarks from this Apostle Seer Prophet is regarding the invasion of the USA only, and when it will occur which is after Revival starts in the USA. Submarines could be used for any number of terrorist attacks but the actual invasion war to the USA will not occur until after the Revival starts, and the revival should be starting in the year 2006, if my understanding is correct. So any time AFTER 2006… you will see the invasion of the USA depending on whether or not the Lord’s Church will do praying, fasting, confessions and repenting of America’s sins including the deaths of the First Nations Indians, African American Blacks and abortions, and intercession to delay the invasion.]
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:01 PM
Subject: …Visions…
Hi _______, …I will say that many of the things they saw has been prophesied, it is nothing new. In fact I myself have prophesied them long before people were excepting prophetic words of this sort. However, the things he said he saw with a dates attached I do not accept. In fact several things I do not except.
If they were to happen as he said, the Lord is unjust. As I have mentioned to you many times in the past the Lord promised me that if we were faithful with the work of the GOE's He would protect America from War until AFTER revival. So the Lord could not possibly have shown this person in 2005 that He would allow New York and other cities to be attacked by submarine prior to the great harvest… Hug's, nita
[Comment by Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe— Below starts the collection of over 200 Christians in positions of Apostle Seer Prophets, and Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, also including Intercessors and lay Christians who have received over 200 godly revelation witnesses from God that there will be a soon invasion of the United States of America. Each one releases parts and pieces of the overall puzzle or revelation to the “Invasion of the USA.” Every piece and part is vital to understanding things about this invasion coming. The wise will take heed and receive this warning from God and take action for themselves and their families. The foolish will not take heed! Below provides the two or three witnesses the Bible requires, in fact we have over 200 witnesses! America and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in America is without excuse in this mater! What will you do about this serious matter? I suggest you get to your knees and start confessing and repenting of your sins and your family and America’s sins fast and ask God to help prepare you and your family for these events to occur. All nations will receive righteous redemptive judgment so moving to another nation will not solve this problem of America being invaded.
For a long time it was not thought that God allowed America the over 100 years that Nineveh received when they all repented. But in Washington DC in 04/2006 Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson revealed that God had either given her a vision and/or prophetic word or both that during Abraham Lincoln’s time the nation was ripe for righteous redemptive judgment and God held it off from being destroyed for His future purposes. America was to be destroyed at that time, so without out a doubt we have had the over 100 years of grace and mercy from God, and recently we know in the prophetic that about 2 or 3 times now America was ripe in the “cup of sin” and due for the invasion of the USA, we know that if America had not gone into Iraq the second time, the invasion of the USA would have already occurred. But again God held it off, America is living on borrowed time and the Church in America needs to wake up FAST!
Now from God’s warning to given in the 04/2006 meeting in Washington DC, if Roe vs. Wade (abortion law) is reversed by the end of 2007, God will hold back the invasion of the USA till after 2010, if not, it will occur before 2010 it appears from the godly prophetic below, and I know Prophet David E. Taylor received something from God that it could be during President Bush’s final time in office see below. America needs to wake up fast!
Some Christians need to locate the “One Moment Of Prayer” that England had during Her times of great difficulty and some Christians in America need to make this a popular prayer time throughout the USA, so that this country can become united again at least for one moment of prayer, and gain the benefits that God so graciously will provide if this is done. This is no small thing to do, if some Christians can make this moment of prayer popular in America and influence the young and old to keep the 9 pm prayer time, this nation can again send up a united moment of prayer to God, that will affect this nation in a way that would be amazing and shocking, it is our last chance Christian, who will go forth and popularize this “Moment of Prayer?”]
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
“Washington’s Dream/Vision,” Entered According To Act Of Congress In The Year 1857, By Currier & Ives, In The Clerk’s Office Of The District Court Of The South Dist. Of New York. To Obtain A Copy, Contact End-Time Handmaiden’s Ministry, Gwen Shaw At Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, ARK. 72641, Or Call: 870.446.2665.”
Do you realize that God warned in a godly visitation of a holy angel of God sent to George Washington as the nation of America was forming, to inform him of the very outcome of the United States of America! God warned Washington in the year 1777, and that was about 230 years ago! Every nation has what is called a “cup of sin” and when this cup gets full and runs over the cup, that nation can expect war—righteous redemptive judgment on their homeland soil, it is just that simple. Yes, God in His great grace, mercy and compassion allows a period of time for humans in freedom of personal choice to confess, repent and change from sinning, but at a certain time you could say a line is drawn and the opportunity is over. History shows us the story of the Israelites and other nations that have sinned and received righteous redemptive judgment. We all in America would do well to heed God’s warnings, and pay close attention to what is in this document, for it contains the many godly Christian prophetic warnings, the same as were given before 09/11, 2001; and the same as were given before the Gulf Coastline destruction, and the loss of New Orleans “in one day” during 08/2005; these are just a few of the judgments that have occurred in the last several years. More are on the way, many more in America. America is receiving righteous redemptive judgment, and you will see many other nations which will also receive righteous redemptive judgment, for this is the time of such things, for we are at the end of the age, or called a season.
We Americans would be wise in heeding the warning contained in President/General George Washington’s Vision. God gives visions such as this one, to world leaders, for the purpose of warning! American’s need to go before God, confessing and repenting of their personal and their nation’s sins, and “ask for forgiveness” from God for the sake of each one individually & their family members; in addition for their country the United States Of America. The Holy Bible will define sin, however, in it’s basic concept you can look at “The Ten Commandments” of God to mankind, for understanding of what sin is!
The Body of Jesus Christ, the Church in America needs to confess and repent of the following sins immediately, if you do and continue to take these issues before God—He will “MARK” you:
1. Blood shed of the innocent American Indians and the taking of their land, God has not forgotten what was done to them and the destruction of their families. God told His Apostle Seer Prophets this, as well as the below sins! We can forget, but God wants repentance of this nation, that is the only thing that will hold back the dangerous righteous redemptive judgment, and even then only for a given period of time.
2. Blood shed and destruction of families of the innocent Alaskan Eskimos, and the taking of their land.
3. Blood shed and destruction of families of the innocent African Americans, and the not paying them wages that were honest and rightfully theirs. Americans & European American Whites need to repent and treat the African Americas with respect, and repent of the Jim Crow ungodly laws (Jim Crow was not a person but laws made to oppress the African American Blacks). The African American’s have more pain than they know what to do with, we are endanger here in America of another Civil War, unless God intervenes to stop it from the Body of Jesus Christ praying in confessing and repenting of the massive sins done to the African Americans.
4. All abortions, the killing of innocent unborn babies in the womb and even the killing of born babies alive. This innocent blood that is shed has along with the rest of America’s sins fill a terrible “Cup of Sin” that is soon to overflow, and when it does, there will be war on the soil of the United States of America. However, confess and repentance from true Christians who say, “We Americans have done these sins,” for we cannot say they did it, we have to do intercession and stand in the gap for America; if this is done, God will keep post phoning the invasion until He can complete what He needs to by using America, and the Body of Jesus Christ in America. But be warned, after this occurs, the war will occur on American soil, for the WAR is SET, this means we at this point cannot get it removed, we can go for delay, or lighten the righteous redemptive judgment, and for help for ourselves and family members.
5. All sins against the Chinese and Japanese, we used those horrible bombs and now what we sow we in America will reap, some of our major coastal cites around America will be destroyed by necular bombs.
6. All idolatries, all false religions and cults (including Roman Catholic Church, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Masons, Islamic religions, Sciencetology, and Christian Science), and all idolatries of the American’s hearts.
7. Despising and disobeying God’s law, His Holy Scriptures.
8. All sexual sins, including adultery, and the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah listed in the Bible.
9. Governmental and judicial injustices and corruption.
10. Liberal Press, also in lying and bearing false witnesses.
11. All war crimes.
12. Forcing Israel to give up her defense around dangerous Palestinian areas in Israel; America was behind this in forcing Israel. This can cause war also to America.
13. Now pray for God’s revival to come to America to help the nation to confess their sins and repent and become Christians, saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary! Pray that God will remove those leaders who will try to stop the Revival, two leaders have already stopped the revival… Ask God to either straighten them up or remove them, whatever is His ‘perfect will’ in the matter!
1.1 Winter of 1777, Prophetic Word & Vision & Visitation, United States Of America’s Three Great Wars —
Book “Dreams, God’s Chosen Method Of Communication’ by Howard O. Pittman; Chapter Four—George Washington’s Vision: One of the greatest events of United States history, involving George Washington, occurred in the battle of Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78. It was the darkest hour of the history of the Revolution, in mid—winter, the Continental Army was short of ammunition, food and just about everything else. General Washington appeared to be downcast, then something happened to change his whole appearance. He had a vision, delivered to him by an angel. This vision would give him courage to go on and face impossible odds.
Let’s take form the pages of history that actual scenes that George Washington faced that day.
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania –An area about 20miles (32 kilometers) northwest of Philadelphia, PA, Valley Forge served as the headquarters of General George Washington and the encampment of the Continental Army in the winter of 1777—78, during the American Revolution. The major portions of the original camp are now part of Valley Forge National Historical Park, along the Schuylkill River in southeastern Pennsylvania. The 3,465—acre (1,402—hectare) part includes Washington’s headquarters, re—creations of log buildings, fortifications, and a memorial arch.
The Continental Army of about 11,000 encamped there in 12/1777 after the battle of Brandywine and Germantown. The site was chosen partly because of its strategic location between the British army in Philadelphia and the Continental Congress, which was temporarily quartered in York, PA. Thousands of soldiers were barefoot and without adequate clothing in the bitter cold. Many died of exposure, and more than 2,000 deserted. Horses starved to death. Congress was unable to provide help despite Washington’s pleas in this darkest period of the Revolutionary War. Yet the troops did not lose their courage or morale. Under Baron Frederick William von Steuben the soldiers received instruction in military drill. When spring came, the troops emerged as a well—discipline and efficient fighting force.
After holding his bedraggled and dispirited army together during the difficult winter at VALLEY FORGE, Washington learned that France had recognized American independence. With the aid of the Prussian Baron von STEUBEN and the French marquis de LAFAYETTE, he concentrated on turning the army into a viable fighting force, and by spring he was ready to take the field again. In 06/1778, he attacked the British near Monmouth Courthouse, N.J., on their withdrawal from Philadelphia to New York. Although American General Charles LEE”s lack of enterprise ruined Washington’s plan to strike a major blow at Sir Henry CLINTON’s army at Monmouth, the commander in chief’s quick action on the field prevented an American defeat.
In 1780, the main theater of the war shifted to the south. Although the campaigns in Virginia and the Carolinas were conducted by other generals, including Nathanael GREENE and Daniel MORGAN, Washington was still responsible for the overall direction of the war. After the arrival of the French army in 1780 he concentrated on coordinating allied efforts and in 1781 launched, in cooperation with the comte de ROCHAMBEAU and the comte d’Estaing, the brilliantly planned and executed YORKTOWN CAMPAIGN against Charles CORNWALLIS, securing (10/19, 1781) the American victory.
Washington had grown enormously in stature during the war. A man of unquestioned integrity, he began by accepting the advice of more experienced officers such as GATES and Charles LEE, but he quickly learned to trust his own judgment. He sometimes railed at Congress for its failure to supply troops and for the bugling fiscal measures that frustrated his efforts to secure adequate material. Gradually, however, he developed what was perhaps his greatest strength in a society suspicious of the military—his ability to deal effectively with civil authority. Whatever his private opinions, his relations with Congress and with the state governments were exemplary—despite the fact that his wartime powers sometimes amounted to dictatorial authority. On the battlefield Washington relied on a policy of trial and error, eventually becoming a master of improvisation. Often accused of being overly cautious, he could be bold when success seemed possible. He learned to use the short-term militia skillfully and to combine green troops with veterans to produce an efficient fighting force.
George Washington was a man of great talent. He was knowledgeable in agriculture, and was a surveyor with a good reputation. He was honest and of great moral character. It is said of him that he was a most gentle man and had a commanding appearance. He was tall, standing just over six feet four inches and weighting 225 lbs. It has been said that he was the most impressive of all our Presidents.
At age 21, he was appointed Adjutant of the Virginia Militia, and in that position, he so distinguished himself that at the age of 23 he was made Commander in Chief of the Frontier Forces.
Washington was described by colleagues and writers of that day as, “straight, tall, wide—shouldered, with head well shaped, large straight nose, penetrating blue—grey eyes, a long handsome faces, with a firm chin, clear fair skin, firm mouth, and a commanding countenance; with speech, movement and gestures which are agreeable, differential, engaging and graceful.”
Dr. John Grady said in his booklet, “GEORGE WASHINGTON’S VISION AND PROPHECY FOR AMERICA,” that the most important of all was, “George Washington was a man with a total sense of responsibility, unquestioned integrity and deep devotion to God.”
At the time of the Revolutionary War Great Britain was the most powerful nation on earth. They had armies and navies all over the world. There was only 3 million people in the American Colonies, and less than 10% served in the Continental Army. This presented impossible odds. Only men of GREAT FAITH and complete TRUST in God could challenge such odds. George Washington was one such man!
There are several versions of George Washington’s vision. History tells us that most of them agree in principal. The one we report here today is the one Dr. John Grady reported in his book, [name listed above]. The vision itself is recorded in the Library of Congress.
The place was Valley Forge, in the cold and bitter winter of 1777-78. The army had suffered several reverses and the situation was desperate. Some of the troops had no blankets, shoes or food. Many of their horses had starved to death. Congress was not sending supplies or replacements. Morale was at an all time low.
Anthony Sherman was one of the first people George told his vision to. Anthony tells it this way:
“You doubtless heard the story of Washington’s going to the thicket to pray. Well, it is not only true, but he used often to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safety through the darkest days of tribulation!
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George Washington—The Prayer at Valley Forge
One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, through the sky was cloudless and the sun shown brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about an hour, Washington, gazing upon his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone commanded, related the event that occurred that day.”
Washington than told this vision in his own words. “This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.
“By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.
“A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor. Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.
“Presently I heard a voice saying, “Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world—Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America, the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.
“’Son of the Republic,’ said the mysterious voice as before, ‘look and learn.’ At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid—air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid—ocean. For awhile it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.
“A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.
“Again I heard the mysterious voice say, ‘Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.’ At this, the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel on whose brow rested a CROWN of LIGHT, on which was traced the word, ‘UNION,’ bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation and said, ‘Remember ye are brethren.’ Instantly, the inhabitants, casting form them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.
“Again I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon JOINED into ONE. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.
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“Instantly a LIGHT as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word ‘UNION’, and who bore our National Flag in on hand and a Sword in the other, descended form the heavens attended by legions of WHITE spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.
“Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land VICTORIOUS!
“Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure Standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: ‘While the STARS remain, and the HEAVENS send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the UNION LAST.’ And taking from his brow the Crown on which blazoned the word ‘UNION’ he placed it upon the STANDARD while the people, KNEELING down, said, ‘AMEN.’
“The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, ‘Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus INTERPRETED: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the THIRD, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall NOT prevail against her. Let every child of the REPUBLIC learn to live for God, his land and the UNION. With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.”
There is no doubt in my heart God showed George Washington the Destiny Of America in that vision. This vision has been reported from time to time, down through the pages of our history. It is recorded in the Library Of Congress and is now listed by the Library as privilege information. This handling by the Library of Congress as privilege information greatly disturbs me. Because it is listed as privilege information, that means the general public is DENIED accesses to it. In order for one to gain accesses, as recorded, one must have special permission from the United States Government authority.
The only reason I can see for the government to declare it privileged information is for the revelation contained in the last part of the vision. The revelation of the predicted chaos to come upon our nation in the last days, these days in which we live now.
The vision showed America attacked and invaded by vast military forces from Europe, Asia and Africa. He saw those forces set aflame our cities. That town and city alike was looted and burned by invading forces and local mobs. Mobs fomenting anarchy and revolution, the whole nation devastated, and millions dying in mortal combat.
The U.S. Government wants to deny you the information contained in George Washington’s vision. I suppose they think it would cause panic among the people. For whatever reason they tried to HIDE it, they could not. We have revealed it to you, now what you do with it, is between you and your God! We as Christians know that God’s will, will be done. However, this judgment upon America does not have to come to pass. We could avoid much of the suffering ahead if we as Americans would repent and turn back to God. 2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV: “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: A warning for modern Americans—below is a more detailed interpretation of the vision God released to George Washington, through His angel. There have been a number of wars but these are the three wars below that the holy angel delivered the message from God to America’s first President, General George Washington, as the nation—the United States Of America was being birthed:]
“You doubtless heard the story of Washington’s going to the thicket to pray.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: America was build on praying Christians, President & General George Washington was an excellent example of such godly character (Yes, he was at one time involved with Masons, but we all have sinned and repented, give him some slack, do not be so quick to bring up another’s sins, you do not want yours brought up! Remember King David, he sinned but God forgave him!). God heard and answered the prayers for this nation. You would do will to take heed and return to prayer for you and your family immediately, for the days ahead will be similar, yet even worse than during George Washington’s time—you will need all the GRACE, MERCY , HELP and COMFORT from God that He will provide for you, your family and nation; holy living will bring these kinds of benefits to a family and nation.]
Well, it is not only true, but he used often to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safety through the darkest days of tribulation!”
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The father of our country, George Washington, was a man of prayer.]
Washington than told this vision in his own words. “This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: God released a holy vision to George Washington, and sent an angel to deliver it at an appointed time in America’s history. God uses both male or female looking angels in His plan—so do not buy into the garbage of those who tell you there are only male looking angels, they are in error on that subject—God has revealed that there are both male and female looking angels; there is no need for sex in heaven for there is no marrying in heaven, however, God uses both the appearance of a male or female, at times He will allow a manifestation of with or without wings shown on the angels as well. Angels will also come in appearance of the majority of a race in a country, if China—the holy angel of China will appear usually as looking Chinese. If Africa—the holy angel of Africa will appear usually as dark brown, etc.]
So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: George Washington did not realize at first a holy supernatural event was occurring to him, from God.]
“By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The Holy Bible reveals these types of experiences from God.]
“A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor. Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The First Peril: “The Revolutionary War” [1775—1783] predicted by God & given as a WARNING to the Republic or States] —
“Presently I heard a voice saying, “Son of the Republic,
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: America in God’s heart, is a Republic, America is not a democracy as most think, but a REPUBLIC according to God of the Holy Scriptures!]
look and learn,’ while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Toward the Atlantic and Europe; God wanted to reveal to America, dangers coming to her as a nation .]
I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world—Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: With the prophets of God, often God would take them as if above a nation or the whole world, as only He can do, and show them a picture of things to occur, from a view of the whole nation in sight. This is a supernatural thing that God does! Every detail from God in a vision is vital information to consider.]
I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America, the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.
“’Son of the Republic,’ said the mysterious voice as before, ‘look and learn.’ At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being,
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: This type of angel appears to be used by God to bring judgment of some type, it could very well be under the devil’s rule, which God has allowed in His plan—because it is speaking of a dark—shadowy being here. There is a fallen angel called Lucifer, who has become known as the devil or satan, and the Bible tells you that 1/3 of the once holy angels chose to rebel and sin—in doing so, they have now become devils, with their own kingdom of hell, where unfortunately many humans will end up one day, unless they confess & repent of their sins asking Father God to forgive them and asking Jesus Christ God the Jewish Messiah to come into their hearts and save them, as well as they need to learn how to live by reading and understanding the Holy Scriptures—Bible.]
like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid—air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand [WEST], while with his left hand [EAST hand] he cast some on Europe [Angel is facing the South]. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid—ocean. For awhile it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: This is the first major war on the United States soil. This may be interpreted to have been “The Revolutionary War” then in progress!]
“A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view.
A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Westward expansion in America — approximately the end of the 1700's]
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The Second Peril: “The Civil War” [1861—1865] predicted by God & given as a WARNING to the Republic or States] —
“Again I heard the mysterious voice say, ‘Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.’ At this, the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach our land.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The Second Peril: Slave Trade From Africa Is Used To Instigate ‘The Civil War’—God wanted the African slaves freed—God loves and wants all races freed; not one race is of less importance to God or loved less!]
It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter [Our Land]. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: This is future prediction from Washington’s time of the “The Civil War” – known as the war between the states, the major issue was freeing the brown/black race from slavery which was God’s perfect will to do so. The major character involved was Abraham Lincoln—used of God. God created all races, and it displeases Him that any race would look down or abuse another race, this needs to be confessed as sin and repented of before God. Included would be the abuse to the American Indians & the killing of all aborted babies in the womb—these types of sins when compounded will bring WAR to a nation as judgment from God. However, confession of sins on your knees, and with tears from your heart will bring God’s Great GRACE and Mercy instead. The choice is yours America and the Church or Body of Jesus Christ; what will you choose? War or Repentance? During “The Civil War” time they choose war!]
As I continued looking I saw a bright angel on whose brow rested a CROWN of LIGHT, on which was traced the word, ‘UNION,’ bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation and said, ‘Remember ye are brethren.’ Instantly, the inhabitants, casting form them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The Third Peril: “The Russian, Chinese, & other total eight nations united against the United States Of America War” predicted by God & given as a WARNING to the Republic or States, this war is yet to happen as is at our door steps even now in 2006—it is estimated that we have maybe a few, very few years left before this “Invasion Of America War” is a reality; even now a few prayer warriors of God are interceding to DELAY this war, however we know from God it is “SET”—meaning we cannot get rid of it but we can delay it; it will happen for God has released at least over 200 known godly visions and dreams from Him that verify this war is on its way—Americans needs to prepare, confess & repent of sins immediately, this war will occur after the year 2005 at some point in the very near future.] —
“Again I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: EU: including Great Britain, Germany, Asia: Russia, China, and Africa: Arab countries including Egypt??????? We know for sure from God that China, Russia, Cuba, Mexico, and several other countries are coming against America. The holy angel of God—Gabriel had a visitation with Dumitri Duduman a seer prophet of God and it was revealed to him these countries would come against the United States of America—here is a small part of the prophetic word from God that was received: “It will start with the world calling for “peace, peace.” Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries which I cannot remember, will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn.”
However we have as to date approximately over 200 who have received from God regarding the invasion of the United States that will be coming up, and we know that Russia and China will be two of the major nations coming against America. There are many more of these revelations from God but they have not surfaced yet among the Christians, as these revelations do surface they are added to this collection.
Apparently again the demonic is permitted to be involved in this war against America or even used by God—notice the dark shadowy figure? President Clinton was involved in some things against America, that would severely endanger the United States in the near future—there is too much to include here. President Bush Jr. is God’s choice for President of the United States of America, two terms, for God has revealed this to His prophets—also stating that President Bush is a Christian (Yes, his family sinned in places but God has saved President Bush so quite telling that he is not a Christian, God revealed that he is a Christian and he has repented of his sins!)—God has also revealed the devil’s kingdom wants to have Bush Jr. killed in office, God wants Americans to pray for him & that he will finish both terms as President of the USA—that is God’s choice in the matter. God did not say all the choices President Bush makes are perfect, but God did reveal Bush Jr. is His choice for America’s president at this time & that many of his motives are excellent and of a good godly heart, we would do well to heed this Americans, and to pray and fast for President Bush Jr. However, he did step out of God’s perfect will for him as King David also stepped at times out of God’s perfect will for him. When President Bush Jr. divided some of the land and allowed the PLO access to Israel in a destructive manner, this has caused God in 01/2006 to give forth a severe warning to America and President Bush. You can read the warning below, it is serious from God. Some of the dividing of the land in Israel in the early part of the ‘Roadmap’ was of God, for Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson received this from Jesus Christ and firmly so.
The Third Peril, it appears Phase 1, the Buildup of Foreign Troops in the USA—which has already occurred—largely by President Clinton & as well as the combining of the United Nations Troops with American Troops: UN foreign troops are brought to the USA, and stationed on recently "shut down" military bases in the USA—many of American’s bases where shut down in the last few decades. These troops are told to wait, until Martial Law is declared in the USA apparently. Phase II, maybe an accidental nuclear bombs of a few/couple of our major cities; Phase III, will probably be the actual invasion by China, Russia, Cuba, Mexico—Mexico even now is receiving missiles from Russia to be used on America, and several other countries united in an invasion of the USA to take our cattle and goods, which is called to ‘spoil’ America. Remember in China there is over 1.3 billion people now, in India there is over 1 billion people—that is 1/3 of the whole earth in those two countries; also remember that there is close to 300 million in America, about 100 million in Mexico, and the New United States of Europe is about 450 million or so. The point to consider is that China now has it’s 200 million man army. Also consider that in China the families wanted boys to have their name carried on, so many girl babies were killed, for you are allowed to have one child in China. There are if I recall correctly 1 girl to 10 boys in China, so when this invasion occurs, the Chinese will rape the American girls and women, also remember that to China, they could care less if all the 2 hundred million man army dies, for they have to many people according to their outlook. Do you see the point I am making? Now on other thing to realize, of the 300 million Americans, how many are children or old people? What are there, only maybe 100 million that are not either too young or too old? See the point! In addition, it has been revealed that Mexicans have been being persuaded that if their families in America will join in the invasion against America, these families will get the homes of Americans once either killed or taken as slaves to foreign countries. Do you clearly see the point, it is time to wake up. Regarding the missiles being brought into Mexico to be used against America—that is public knowledge for it is in the papers in Mexico! America Wake UP! It is time to get to your KNEES in prayer!]
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Also from D. Duduman’s vision: “As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia; a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China; and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russia controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud.
The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. “I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind.”
A voice said to me, “Watch where the Russians penetrate America.”
I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.
(Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: We also know it will be from the East and West Coasts as well as from the south!)
Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.”
The other two presidents spoke, “We, too, will fight for you.” Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.
All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, “We’ve sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together we can destroy America.”
(Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Again we have about over 200 Christians who we know have received from God and have released what was given to them, but there are many, many more who have not released yet regarding what they have received in godly visions and dreams regarding this invasion of the United States future event after the year 2005 at some appointed time allowed by God.]
Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon JOINED into ONE.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Under the United Nations (UN) and New World Order (NWO) organizations this will occur to its fullest control of all humans on the earth—or known as the time of taking the evil ungodly “Mark of the Beast” which is part of the devil’s kingdom and if you take it you are lost forever in hell—for those of you who have been asleep, there are several groups on the earth today who want the EARTH as theirs but the major ones are: United Nations, the Chinese, the Russians, Europe, the Arabs, the Catholic Church & the occult people—so you have a lot of players here wanting to secretly or at times openly get the earth one way or the other for themselves! In times past, nations just took what they wanted, you will see this again in your life time. We are at what is called the end of the AGE (it is not the end of humans or the earth as some wrongly suggest for there is at least another 1,000 years on this earth the Bible clearly shows) —or it could be called SEASON. In the Bible it tells you clearly there will be GREAT WARS, and now they will get even greater—the foundational reason is the sins of nations which comes from individual and families sinning—who make up nations, this have filled a cup to overflowing before God & God is a righteous God; and it is now time for righteous redemptive (meaning as awful as it is or going to be—God is going to use it for the good) judgment (judgment—meaning God is going to allow it to happen as He did regarding 09/11, 2001 which was a wake up call to America to get to her knees in prayer and repentance for sins of killing over 80 million babies aborted, etc.). Nothing happens in life that God does not permit to happen, there is no fight between God and the devil in the area of who is ruling, God is ruling, He was never created, all other beings were created by God as perfect and holy, but in the process of life many chose to leave God’s way of beautiful holiness and they choose evil, and in doing so you now have the devil’s kingdom, which by the way God is even allowing because all beings whether angels or humans will have what is called “freedom of choice.” Do you want God and His goodness or do you prefer evil and the devil and his kingdom? Our whole life is about this major choice: Heaven/God or Hell/devil for eternity! Read it in your Holy Scripture Bible it is all revealed in there. Instead of watching TV for 70 million hours, read your instruction manual from God! It is time to take HEED! War is coming to America!]
Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: If you desire to know about the many, many revelations God has revealed to His prophets today you can just type in on the Internet “Invasion of the United States” or “Prophetic for the Invasion of America and/or United States”, you will find massive revelations from God’s Christians on what He has revealed to them before the events occurred. Christians had about 140 who got the Twin Towers event in New York on 09/11, 2001 before it happened, for the Christian’s God has promised in the Holy Scriptures He will reveal to them things that will occur before they happen and He has kept His word! We Christians today can tell you which cities in America will be bombed, where earthquakes will occur, and who will be invading America, etc… God has revealed it to us!
For those living in the Chicagoland and Cleveland, Ohio and western side of Michigan areas, you can expect a MAJOR earthquake… God has showed it to us in visions already, along with of course the Mississippi/New Madrid area earthquake/s to occur in the near future. Yes, their will be the MAJOR west coast and east coast quakes also.
We are in what is called a REFORMATION, which God started in 2001, so now you will see land/nations/governments/ and the Church change, for that is what happens in a Reformation. Past Reformations were involved with Noah, Jesus Christ, Martin Luther, and others, but we are in a Reformation right now! We will soon be having a MAJOR REVIVAL in America, it will start in St. Louis, MO—during a Revival many get saved and come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior for He died on the cross of Calvary as God in flesh for all humans to save them of their sins, if they confess their sins and repent and ask this from Father God.
The God of the Holy Scriptures is ONE, but He is made up of three manifestations for His plan with humans. He is Father God, Jesus Christ God the Son—human’s Jewish Messiah, and Holy Spirit God.
The only fight between God and the devil is for SOULs… of humans whether they will go to heaven or hell for eternity. God grieves when His creation chooses hell, for it is horrible in hell; there is no life, no trees, no beauty, no water, and it stinks, it is full of demons always hurting for they are evil. God has shown us this in His holy Bible and in prophetic revelations as well. The devil has done what is called ‘deceived’ or blinded people to not think about this matter of where they will spend eternity. So many unfortunate souls today do not even believe in hell or heaven—this includes some ignorant Christians as well… poor souls that they are, the only time they will find out the truth is when they end up in hell for eternity. Many blind souls do not even believe in God today—so unfortunate as they are. But they had a chance as humans do to know God and they refused, their destiny will be in the horrible hell for eternity never getting out. Whereas, the Christians will be in heaven and eventually get to come down to a NEW Earth that will one day be created by God after this earth is burned up at the end of the Millennium period.
And in heaven there is life, all is alive, all is clean, beautiful and lovely, but most of all God is there and He is awesome! Full of wonderful things for us to be doing for eternity… which by the way never ends! Man is made up of spirit, soul and body: where will you choose to spend eternity. God never made robots, so it is a matter of your choosing, and if you refuse to choose, by default you will end up in hell for the only entrance to God is through the Jewish Messiah Lord Jesus Christ because the sin issue needed to be taken care of. So God came in flesh and died for us. As much as we love Mary the mother of the Lord Jesus, she never died for us nor was she God so we cannot depend on her to give us Salvation, only the Lord Jesus is qualified to do that as the Holy Scriptures show clearly.]
“Instantly a LIGHT as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: A nuclear attack involving a massive amount of nuclear warheads, each one being as bright as a sun when it explodes; this will be coming it appears mostly from the submarines of the invading nations which will be very near America’s shores as well as possible from the actual countries. From the visions God has released to us, for sure it will be from the submarines near enough to our shores. Also we know that the invading countries will be allowed by God because of America’s sins to invade America and overtake America but for a period of time only. Many, including Christians, will lose all that they have acquired in America. For much goods will be shipped back to the invading countries who have invaded America. They are especially looking for food: cattle & America’s storehouses of food will be sent abroad! God has revealed to us which cities will be bombed in America, here are a few: Miami, Tampa, New York, Los Angeles and etc. This nuclear attack along with the holy angels of God coming forth will be the timing for a change in America… read on!]
At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word ‘UNION’, and who bore our National Flag in on hand and a Sword in the other, descended form the heavens attended by legions of WHITE spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Just like the destruction in New Orleans, in one future day/hour, the nuclear attack will come and even be over for the surviving Americans… but her country will never be what it once was. Even today the United States of Europe is gaining the new power of the world for their season before it will be destroyed eventually—but for now Europe will ride high, as she unites nations and becomes one, taking over political & economical, the next short lived world super power group of nations, etc… in the world just before the final happenings before the start of the Millennium Age or season of which the Holy Scriptures declare from God.]
“Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land VICTORIOUS!
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: “The Future Destiny Of The United States” predicted by God & given forth to the Republic or States; She will survive the last war above, but end up being close to a third world nation after this next war that is soon to occur to Her! God save the United States for His preplanned purpose & destiny; She will be entering into the Millennium or called 1,000 year period the Holy Scriptures speak of that will be coming forth in the not to distant future, we in America are in transition even now, just as when the Lord Jesus our Messiah/Savior was in transition from the Old Covenant of Moses to the New Covenant that He would bring forth from His death on the Cross of Calvary; so now we are in transition from “The Church Age” which was the last approximate 2,000 years to “The Kingdom Of God Age” which will last approximately 1,000 years or called “The Millennium” in the Holy Scriptures.] —
“Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure Standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: ‘While the STARS remain, and the HEAVENS send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the UNION LAST.’
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: But no longer as the world's superpower.]
And taking from his brow the Crown on which blazoned the word ‘UNION’ he placed it upon the STANDARD while the people, KNEELING down, said, ‘AMEN.’
“The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, ‘Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus INTERPRETED: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the THIRD, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall NOT prevail against her. Let every child of the REPUBLIC learn to live for God, his land and the UNION.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: If only we Americans would learn to live for God & by His standards in the Holy Scriptures.]
With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.”
1.2 Winter of 1777, Prophetic Word & Vision & Visitation, Three Perils Befall The United States Of America — An in-depth analysis of George Washington's vision . Three great perils will come upon the Republic. 1777/1778 – A vision received by George Washington.
The father of our country, George Washington, was a man of prayer. Many of us have read of how he went to the thicket many times to pray during the winter his army was at Valley Forge. However, little publicity has been give to the vision and prophecy he received at that time.
The account of this vision was given in 1859 by an old soldier. He gave it to a writer, Wesley Bradshaw, who published it. In the vision God revealed to George Washington that three great perils would come upon the Republic. He was given to know that America was going through the first peril at that time. The old soldier who told the story of the vision said the nation would soon see [soon after 1859] the account verified by the second peril descending upon the land.
We give the account here as printed in the U.S. war veterans paper The National Tribune, in 12/1880. The National Tribune became, "The Stars and Stripes", and this article was reprinted in that publication 12/21, 1850.
Preface — "I do not know whether it is owing to the anxiety of my mind, or what, but this afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaging in preparing a dispatch, something in the apartment seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite to me a singularly beautiful being. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of the visit. A second, a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of the eyes.
By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to speak, but my toung became useless, as if parylized. A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresitible, took posseession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily , vacantly at my unknown visitor.
Gradually the surrounds atmosphere seemed to fill with sensations, and grew luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor also becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations I sometimes imagine accompaning death. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move. All were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly on my companion.
The Introductory Part Of The Vision — Presently I heard a voice say, "Son of the Republic, look and learn,' while at the same time my visitor extended an arm eastward [toward the Atlantic and Europe]. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon the strange scene. Before me lay, out in one vast plain all the countries of the world -- Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America lay billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific. 'Son of the Republic', said the same mysterious voice as before, 'look and learn.'
The First Peril: The Revolutionary War — At that moment I beheld a dark shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right [West] hand, while with his left [East hand] he cast some over Europe [angel is facing South]. Immediately a cloud arose from these countries and joined in mid-ocean. For awhile it remained stationary, and then it moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through at intervals , and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American People. (This may be interpreted to have been the Revolutionary War, then in progress.)
A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud drew back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view.
Westward Expansion In America — A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, 'Son of the Republic, look and learn.' I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and town cities spring up one right after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them. Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, 'Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh [end of the 1700's], look and learn.'
The Second Peril: Slave Trade From Africa Is Used To Instigate The Civil War — And this time a dark shadowy angel turned his face southward. From Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach our land. It flitted slowly and heavily over every town and city of the latter [our land]. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other [the Civil War]. As I continued to look I saw a bright angel on whose brow was traced the word 'Union.' He was bearing the American flag. He placed the flag between the divided nation and said, 'Remember, ye are brethern.' (This may be interpreted as to have been the Civil War.)
Instantly the inhabitants, casting down their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.
George Washington's Vision: Foreign Troops In The USA — ~ The Third Peril, Phase 1, the Buildup of Foreign Troops in the USA: UN foreign troops are brought to the USA, and stationed on recently "shut down" military bases in the USA. They are told to wait, until Martial Law is declared in the USA. ~
Again I heard a mysterious voice saying, 'Son of the Republic, look and learn.' At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe [EU including Great Britain, Germany], Asia [Russia, China], and Africa [Arab countries including Egypt].
Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these continents arose thick black clouds that were soon joined into one [under the United Nations (UN) and New World Order (NWO) organizations]. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark read light by which I saw hordes of armed men. These men, moving with the cloud marched by land and sailed by sea to America [where they were temporarily stationed on recently "shut down" USA military bases], which country was enveloped in the volume of the cloud.
George Washington's Vision: Martial Law In The USA — The Third Peril, Phase 2, Martial Law in the USA: The UN foreign troops, brought to the USA and stationed on recently "shut down" military bases in the USA, are used to implement and enforce Martial Law in the USA, as a key part of the plan to bring the USA under the UN by 1/1/2000.
And [when the USA's president declared Martial Law in the USA] I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities, which I had seen spring up.
As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I again heard the mysterious voice saying, 'Son of the Republic, look and learn.' When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.
George Washington's Vision: Nuclear Attack On The USA — The Third Peril, Phase 3, Nuclear Attack on the USA: Nuclear attack on the USA, the surprise ending for the Third Peril: Babylon the great is fallen, in one day/hour. ~
Instantly a light, as of a thousand suns [a nuclear attack involving a thousand nuclear warheads, each one being as bright as a sun when it explodes] shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments of the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shown the word 'Union,' and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh over come [in one day/hour, Babylon the great falls, and the nuclear attack is over for the surviving Americans], but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks, and renewed battle [a great revival breaks out in America among the survivors?].
Again amid the fearful noise of the conflict I heard the mysterious voice say, 'Son of the Republic, look and learn.' As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped the water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark clouds rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious. [A spiritually revived America will leave Americans victorious.]
Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seem them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard cried with a loud voice: 'While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.' [But no longer as the world's superpower.] And taking from his brow the crown which blazoned the word 'Union,' he placed it down upon the standard while the people, kneeling down said, 'Amen.' [A great Revival in America.]
Summary Of The Vision's 3 Perils — The scene instanly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor, I at first beheld. This also disappeared, and I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor who, in the same voice I heard before said, 'Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not prevail against her [if we can learn to live for God]. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union.
With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been showed me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States."
Source : George Washington's Vision: 3 Perils befall the USA
[Comment by Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: First, I would like to state to all of you, yes, we know that George Washington was in the Mason group for a while. Ok, we know today it is sin… and the devil would like to convince all of you good Christians that now Washington was not a Christian, a true Christian. But I ask you, did anyone of one of you ever make a mistake? Of course you have! Apostle Paul, before salvation, killed the Christians… while in the Congregation of Israel considered the Old Testament Church. Yes, we have all make sinful mistakes. Allow George Washington to repent of his sins and mistakes whether he knew it at the time or not—if you have found and read the prayers of George Washington you will find he repents for his sins (that includes unknown sins as well!). For mature Christians, we know he was a true Christian who make a mistake, probably more than one; the same as most of us have. How would you like all that you choose to do be put out for the whole world to see… and they could judge you on what you finally confessed and repented of? Of course you would not. Do not let the devil deceive you, George Washington was a powerful Godly Christian, and you will meet him in heaven when you get there. Yes, he made some mistakes—sinned, so have you and I. Let it go, become mature and see that he confessed and repented of all his sins, known and unknown before God. Did you ever read Martin Luther’s life, he made some big mistakes—sins as well, over the Jews; and Hitler even used it when he was demon possessed and killed so many Jews. Yet, Martin Luther was a Christian as well. Some Christians have made some real serious sinful mistakes, yes, and they have confessed and repented of their sins that includes known and unknown sins. Furthermore, we are all guilty usually some where in our own lives as well! If you are not, do not be so self righteous about it. The main thing to remember is do not let the devil cheat you out of discerning. Yes, Washington made a some sinful mistakes and yes, he repented for we have many of his prayers on recorded today. However, he still was a Christian the same as King David, who had a man murdered and he committed adultery with his wife, but he also confessed and repented and yes paid a penalty for those sins as well as they traveled down his bloodline. King David is in heaven today. I am not promoting sin, but I am telling you that repentance will remove it in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, that includes for George Washington as well! Do not let the devil deceive you in this issue; if you do it will be to your loss.
Judge Charles F. Cook of La Mesa, California, wrote a legal opinion of Washington’s vision, stating that he had found Washington’s vision printed in the ‘Philadelphia Inquirer’ newspaper, in old papers as far back as 1858 [two years before the Civil War]. The story of the occurrence and content of this vision was published in the American war veterans’ paper “The National Tribune” in 12/1880. That paper is now known as “The Stars and Stripes.” The vision account was reprinted again in “The Stars and Stripes” dated 12/21, 1950. The occasion of the vision, as told to publisher Wesley Bradshaw.
Originally published by Wesley Bradshaw. Copied from a reprint in the National Tribune, Vol. 4, No. 12, 12/1880. Also published in “Will Our President Die In Office” by Gordon Lindsay, 1980. Source: Endtime Visions. ]
From the book: 1World War III And The Destiny Of America by Charles R. Taylor, ©1979, ISBN: 0-8407-5681-X. 2The book “Hand On The Helm” by Katherine Pollard Carter, ISBN: 0-88368-080-7, ®1977. 2A Adapted from First In Their Hearts by Thomas J. Fleming [New Your: W.W. Norton & Co., 1967]. 2B History of George Washington’s Bi-Centennial Celebration, Vol. 1 Literature Series, p. 258. 2C Adapted from ‘The Day Washington Was Almost Shot” by Howard Criswell, Jr., Parade Magazine, 02/17, 1963. George Washington’s Vision Of America, the National Tribune, [National Review, Vol. 4, 12/1880] Reprinted, The Stars And Stripes, by Wesley Bradshaw, 1880, Reprinted 12/21, 1950. 3www.angelfire.com/fl3/gammandim/news.html .
2.1 Prophecy 1855, Vision, “I Have Seen A Vision” A Great War Will Encompass The Whole World — Dr. Hudson Taylor, 1832 – 1905, was a missionary to China. For 40 years the sun never rose on China, but Hudson Taylor was on his knees for the salvation of the Chinese. On one of his furloughs to England in 1855, Hudson Taylor was preaching when he suddenly stopped. He stood speechless for a time with his eyes closed. When he began to speak again he explained.
“I have seen a vision. I saw in this vision a great war that will encompass the whole world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars. After this, I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings.
In Russia, I saw there will come a general encompassing, national SPIRITUAL AWAKENING so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw the awakening spread to many European countries. Then I saw an all–out awakening, followed by the Coming of Christ.”1
2.2 Prophecy 1855, “I Have Seen A Vision.” — In 1855 a great missionary and praying man named Hudson Taylor was preaching in England, he stopped preaching, to say he had seen a vision, “I saw a revival come to Russia, it’s one of the greatest revivals I’ve ever seen, people swept into the Kingdom of God, 100’s of thousands swept into the Kingdom of God, I see the revival coming to a close, followed by the return of Jesus Christ.”
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Perry Stone stated on the audio that this has happened in Russia, this great revival…2 1From an original Russian article titled “Spiritual Revival” published in Finland in 1945.
Was this the great revival in the vision of Hudson Taylor or is there one yet to come for Russia?]
From: 1End―Time Handmaidens and Servants, Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Ark 72641, Binder titled “The Day of the Lord is Near” volumes I–IV, a collection of prophecies, visions & dreams, $25.00. 2Perry Stone audio, “Living In The Last Days,” 08/1998 [not quoted word for word].
3.1 190o’s, Prophetic Word, Invasion Of The United States — The following are some of the prophecies of John Koyle, who lived near Salem – Spanish Fork, Utah in the early 1900’s. Concerning the impending invasion of the United States…
...Political authorities would search the length and the breadth of the land to find a strong man who could cope with this chaos (economic collapse), but no such man could be found and there was no presidential official possible.
By the time it was time to collect taxes (4th month), there would be no Federal Government left to collect them, and consequently the paper dollar became worthless, having no intrinsic value...
He spoke of Russia invading Turkey at this time to gain the Dardenelle-Bosporus Water-way. He said that at this time there would be trouble in Palestine or the Mid East, which in turn would cause war to erupt in the Balkans as Russia made a great military push toward Palestine and practically wiped Turkey off the European part of the map. This war would be brought to our coastline, but we would not be invaded at this time. However, a Russian invasion of the U.S. and Canada would come later.
He said that after the Reds took over most of Europe, Asia and Africa, they would invade the United States and Canada, and because of our chaotic condition, we could offer very little organized resistance. He said the Reds would get as far as the Missouri River before they were stopped by divine intervention. (George Washington said that this divine intervention comes in the form of angelic armies fighting with the Americans - BW).
The Chinese would invade the West Coast and get as far as the Sierra Nevadas before they were stopped by divine intervention, and that these invasions would not reach us here in these valleys of the (Rocky) mountains.
From: http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/koyle.html .
4.1 1911, Prophecy Word, Prophecy Of Russian Monk — “An evil will shortly take Russia and wherever this evil comes, rivers of blood will flow. This evil will take the whole world, and wherever it goes, rivers of blood will flow because of it. It is not the Russian soul but an imposition on the Russian soul. It is not an ideology or a philosophy, but a spirit from hell. In the last days Germany will be divided in two. France will just be nothing. Italy will be judged by natural disasters. Britain will lose her empire and all her colonies, and will come to almost total ruin, but will be saved by praying women. America will feed the world, but will finally collapse. Russia and China will destroy each other. Finally, Russia will be free, and from her believers will go forth and turn many from the nations to God.” The old monk then said to Abbess Barbara, “You will live to see Russia free, but you will not live to see the Antichrist.”
From: End―Time Handmaidens and Servants, Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Ark 72641, Binder titled “The Day of the Lord is Near” volumes I–IV, a collection of prophecies, visions & dreams, $25.00.
5.1 1929, Open Vision, I.C.B.M. [Inter–Continental Ballistic Missile] Hits Berkley (California) — In 1929, I was preaching in Vancouver, British Colombia. I had gone to the Sixth Avenue Church that seats one thousand people. The old building is gone now. I sat down on the platform, and looked down at the congregation for the Sunday morning service. There were eighteen people.” I had crossed the continent from Los Angeles to get to that meeting. Eighteen people were in my first service.
My first thought was, “My Lord, and my God, the nerve, asking me to come across the country to stand here in front of eighteen people.” Now, that was my first thought. Now, I no sooner thought that, when God spoke to my heart and said, “Son, I want you to comfort these people. They needed comfort. Brother, he gave me the capacity to comfort them. I started preaching comforting words. If I had given way to the human, brother, I would have skinned them alive, and tacked their hides up on the wall. People in a condition like that don’t need a skinning, they need comfort. God helped me. He poured in the oil and the wine. He helped me to comfort those people.
They began to cry all over the place, as they needed comfort. The tears began to stream down their cheeks. They had gone through a terrible trial in that city, and wasn’t very good. The things that they had put into the newspapers were enough to keep most anybody away. I had eighteen people in the inside, and thousands on the outside. God began to work, and the Spirit began to come forth. By the following Sunday the place was well filled. The Holy Ghost began to bring them in. By the end of the third week they had to take down the partition that separated the coat room from the main auditorium to put more seats in that auditorium that seated a thousand. It packed out.
They packed the place, standing up and down the winding stairs, and outside of the church building, and out into the street. The glory of God came down. Souls began to get saved, and the sick were healed. We had a glorious victory over the world of flesh and the devil. The ministers were so happy. They said, “Lord, in spite of that death, you’ve given us victory.” Right in the middle of that victory, I stood in Sixth Avenue Church one day with the power of God on me.
All of a sudden the ceiling just disappeared. Now when I say vision, my friends, I know that some visions are what the Bible calls “night visions,” like in a dream. You will find that in the Bible. Dreams are also called visions. Generally speaking, a vision is differentiated by what you see with your eyes open, that which you see when you are not asleep. In this particular case, I was standing on my feet, when all of a sudden the walls and the ceiling just faded right out. I began to see this vision, and the Lord showed me. I looked up. I saw what answers to the description of an I.C.B.M. [Inter–Continental Ballistic Missile] just as real as any picture that you would see, or the real thing if you’ve ever seen one of those missiles. It was just as real as you would look upon one if it were right in front of you, two or three feet away! I saw it! I was passing over a skim of clouds. Not heavy clouds, but a thin skim of clouds. I was standing on the side of this mountain, a residential district. I was looking over into a bay area. It would appear like I was in Berkeley, if you’ve ever been to Berkeley, and the Berkeley hills. I was looking into the bay area toward San Francisco, the San Francisco bay region. I saw the freeway. I don’t say that it was the Oakland freeway that is there today.
I don’t know where it was, my friends. I do know this, that I was standing on the side of this mountain, overlooking a huge metropolis. I saw this missile directed toward the city, and suddenly, being electronically controlled, no doubt. It plummeted right down into the city and then exploded. Then I saw the fire ball which answers to the description of what I have seen in a civil defense film release of the first hydrogen bomb explosion. This happened in 1929! The atom was not split until 1932! Yet, I saw it as clear as I see you here tonight.
There was a purpose in it. I have been warning people ever since that this thing is coming!! As the day approaches, my friends, I feel more vibrant than ever before! I have got to bear testimony to what I saw with my eyes! I have got to warn God’s people that they must live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and be filled with the Spirit, if they want God’s protection in these last days!
I saw this thing blossom out in all of its beautiful colors. Did you ever see a picture of it? It is a beautiful sight, but it is a horrible sight. All of the colors of the rainbow you can see in that big ball as it swells out. Then there is the pressure that it creates following the explosion. It demolishes everything before it. It leaves a cater over 300 feet deep and over two miles across. It is capable of destroying a huge metropolis the size of New York in one blast.
Even though there were no freeways in 1929, I saw freeways. I saw people run and jump in their cars to escape, but there was no escape! I saw the aftermath of this explosion. I saw all of the details.
The Spirit of the Lord picked me up. Like St. Paul, whether in the body, or out of the body, I don’t know! All I know is, my friends, that God took me and whisked me across that area where the bomb hit in the midst of that huge metropolis. There was nothing left. The center where it struck was molten, like molten glass. It wasn’t, my friends, until I was carried way beyond the residential area, that I began to see any signs of debris.
Finally, I came to what looked similar to snow or sand drifts piled up against the fences and buildings. I saw piles of iron, like broom straw, only much finer than broom straw. It was in piles and in patterns. Everything was completely destroyed! Finally, way, way out, beyond what I felt was the residential area, I began to find signs of human beings, only in pieces! Torsos, heads, hands, arms, and legs were scattered around everywhere!
The Spirit of the Lord carried me out further. I began to find signs of life. People were running. Everybody was blind. I didn’t know in 1929 that if you are 35 miles away from the explosion and you happened to be looking in that direction you will never see again [become blind]. I didn’t know that at that time. Everybody was blind, my friends. They were running and screaming and bumping up against this and that and the other, bouncing back. Children were blind and screaming, and crying out for their parents, and parents for their children. The farther I went the more the confusion and the cries increased! My friends, even tonight, while I am speaking to you, I can hear those cries! I can hear those cries, children and parents screaming out for one another! It was a terrible sight to behold! If I were to live ten–thousand years, I know I could just close my eyes and hear those screams, and see the terror that was written all over the faces of parents and children! A terrible sight indeed.
Then, my friends, the Spirit of the Lord took me, oh, I wonder how fast I was going. I could see the mountains, and the hills just passing before me. I came sweeping down over a large valley. In the distance, I could see as I began to approach a body of people that looked like tens of thousands. I don’t know how many were there. It was a sea of people. Long before I got there I could see, as I came down closer, I could discern them. They had their handkerchiefs, they were wiping the tears from their eyes.
Then for the first time, I began to hear heavenly anthems. I could hear the Hallelujahs, in bass, tenor, soprano, and alto voices blending together. That mass of humanity was lifted together by the heavenly music. I came right down in the midst of them. There they were, God’s people. This is what I saw, friends. They were all dressed up like they were ready for the Sunday Service. Their hair was parted, nothing was disturbed. There was no soil on their shirts, they were cared for so perfectly that everything was in order, my friends. Their faces were clean, their clothing was clean. Everything was in order!
The only word you could use to describe them would be meticulous! Meticulous! Glory to God! It is going to be a marvelous thing to be in the hands of God, in these last days! Glory to God! What a wonderful thing to be in the hands of God! I saw that God is going to protect his people, in these last days. IF!… they live in the Spirit, and walk in the Spirit, and keep filled with the Spirit!
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Reminder of what A.C. Valdez stated — if you are 35 miles away from the explosion and you happened to be looking in that direction you would never see again. You will be blind.]
From: 35 Prophecies, Dreams, & Visions For America; Updated 01/01,1999; The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.478.1112
6.1 Open Vision & Voice Of God, Coming Tragedies Soon To Befall The World: Floods, Storms, EarthQuakes & Famine — One evening while in meditation, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me. I began to tremble from head to foot, as I felt the power fill the room. The place began to vibrate and pulsate with the glory of God, and I began to realize that a supernatural phenomenon was about to take place — I trembled in the presence of God Almighty. It is not a light thing to come into the presence of God. Moses of old could not bear to see the face of God. He could only see God from the thighs down, and his face shone with the glory of God when he came down from Sinai. Being just a mere human being, the effects of this remarkable occasion stirred every fiber of my being, and I trembled and said, “Please, dear God, this is so marvelous and so glorious. It is more that I can bear. God, I will die unless you help me.” At that moment I felt the peace of God fill my soul, and the glory of the Lord came upon me. I was then strengthened and able to bear what God wanted to show me.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord speak to me. He spoke in an audible voice, and said, “My son, I am going to show you great tragedies soon to come upon the face of the earth. Destruction will be great; for I have called men night and day to call upon Me, and to worship Me in spirit and in truth; but man has gone on in his own selfish way, and has served the god of mammon. Man has not harkened unto Me, and great destruction will come.” He said, “My son, look upon these things, and take the message to the uttermost parts of the earth, and tell men and women these things will surely come, and My coming is near.”
Dear friends, there stood before me a panoramic picture. I looked, and saw the skies become angry and dark. I saw the black clouds begin to lower. I was as wide–awake as I am now, and saw this remarkable vision. I heard the thunder roar and saw the lightning flash, as nature broke out in her greatest fury.
Then I heard the sound of rushing waters over the land. A dreadful, solemn sound as it moved over the land — it was the sound of a tidal–wave, yes, even flood waters. Then, as the sky became black, an opening appeared and I was able to peer through the dark clouds, and I saw a tidal–wave sweeping over the land; and on the wave were human bodies and the bodies of animals and beasts. Then I saw it knock down great buildings and move across the land. The destruction was great — a horrible sight. I wish these feeble lips of mine could describe the horror of that terrible sight.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord speak to me again; and He said, “O son, look and see; for a tidal–wave shall come, and floods shall come sweeping over a great portion of the land. Thousands shall die; for I have spoken, and this it will be; for I have called and plead with man to come unto Me. Yea, I have sent My Son to die for man. I have shown My love, but My love has been resisted, and man has gone on in his own selfish way. Yea, My son, My anger is kindled against the children of men, and great destruction shall come, and thousands shall die of man and of beast. But those who love the Lord their God, and that serve Me, and that harken unto the Lord their God, I will protect them, every one, in the hollow of My hand.”
Then, my dear friends, this vision passed away; and again, another picture appeared before me. This time again I saw the dark angry clouds roll in, and I heard the thunder roar, and saw the lightening flash across the sky. The elements of nature began to break forth once more in great fury. This time I heard the sound of a great wind. Yes, my friends, I heard the sound of a great hurricane, the sound of a tornado, a terrible wind–storm.
Then the sky began to break, and I could look through and see the results, the devastation of this terrible wind–storm. I saw great buildings knocked to the ground, I saw trees, mighty trees, huge trees, lifted up by the roots and carried through the air. I saw huge concrete and steel buildings twisted and torn like tiny toys. I saw human–beings carried through the air, and I saw beasts and birds in the air. I saw them, as they were dashed against buildings, and their bodies torn asunder. I saw human torsos with arms and legs gone, their heads gone, and they were disemboweled — a horrible looking gruesome sight I ever saw in my life. I hope to God I never shall see a sight like that again.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord speak to me, and say, “My son, I called upon the children of men everywhere. I have shown them my love. I have called unto them in the morning. I have called unto them at the noon–tide; but they resisted the Lord their God. Yea, my son, My anger is kindled against the children of men who have been disobedient to Me. I have been longsuffering, yet they have resisted My love. My wrath shall come. Tornadoes shall sweep through the land, such as men never have seen before, and wind–storms. Yea, I shall call the winds from the east and the west, the north and the south, and they shall blow, and destruction shall be great to man and to beast; for it is I, the Lord God, who has spoken, and thus shall it be. But, my son, they that love the Lord their God, they that serve Me with their whole heart and mind and soul, they that cherish My name and worship Me, I will protect them in the hollow of My hand; and not a hair of their heads shall be touched.”
This vision passed away, and again, my friends, another picture came before me. This time I was very weak; for it was the most horrible sight I ever dreamed of, or read of before. And I said, “Please, dear God, you’ve got to help me! This is too terrible.”
I know God sent His ministering angels to minister and to give me strength in this hour, for I felt renewed strength come into me.
This time I saw myself walking down the streets of a great modern city with huge sky–scrapers. It was a large city. As I walked down the streets of this city, a strange feeling came over me. I noticed the ground begin to move, and buildings sway. A great earthquake came. I saw huge buildings curl and look like a corkscrew. I saw large buildings, made of concrete and steel, twist and fall to the ground. I saw destruction and bloodshed on every hand.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord speaking to me, and saying, “My son, look what shall come on the face of the earth; for I shall send earthquakes in divers places. Great cities shall be destroyed. Thousands shall die. Destruction shall be great, because men and women have not hearkened unto the Lord their God. They have forgotten the house of the Lord. They have forgotten to worship Me in spirit and in truth. Yea, my son, My love has gone out to the children of men. I have told them of My love. Yea, I have talked to them night and day, but they continue to resist the Lord and go on and on in their own selfish way; and because they have forgotten Me, My wrath is kindled. Because of their disobedience, I will send earthquakes in divers places. Destruction shall be great, and thousands shall die. But, my son, they that love Me, they that serve Me, they that worship Me, they that are the sheep of My fold, I will protect them in the hollow of My hand.”
Then, this last picture came before me. This time I was carried by the Spirit into the midst of a great wheat field. The wheat was ripened unto harvest. You have seen a beautiful wheat field ready to harvest. It looked so tall and stately. The wind would move over it until it looked like an ocean of gold. I stood in the midst of that beautiful wheat field and admired it.
Then, I noticed the sun became so hot I was not able to withstand the heat, and I felt faint. This came very suddenly. I wondered, at the time, why people didn’t come to harvest the grain; but, apparently it was because of the terrific heat that came so suddenly. I said, “Dear Lord, I am overcome with the heat of the day. You will have to help me!” And immediately I was refreshed and made new, and every bit of faintness was gone completely. I stood there, and I could see the effects of the terrific heat from the sun. It didn’t effect me at all; yet, I could see the effect upon the field. It seemed it would burn the field up. I could see the grain, as it was beginning to wilt; and I could see the fruit of the land begin to fall to the ground.
Then I was carried by the Spirit into a great city; and it was like walking into a mammoth morgue. It was a city of death; for the people were starving to death because of a great world–wide famine that had hit the country. People walked the streets like human skeletons: their eyes sunken in, their cheeks sunken in and hollow. They were pale and gruesome, silently walking down the streets of this huge city, starving to death.
I shall never forget seeing a woman that looked like a skeleton, with a little baby clutched to her breast, with her bony fingers clutching the little infant baby in her arms. The little baby looked like a skeleton. It was a most sickening, gruesome looking sight. This baby looked into my eyes. I never saw such a sight in my life. It looked like a skeleton with skin stretched over it – a little baby starving to death – a ghastly looking sight!
Then I heard the Lord saying, “My son, hearken; for these things shall verily come to pass; for I have called upon the children of men. I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the world. The Gospel has been preached. Men and women have heard the Gospel, but they have not hearkened unto the Lord their God. They have followed in their own selfish ways. They have left the house of the Lord.
They have turned away from the God of their fathers. They have gone on in their selfish ways. They have been disobedient. Yea, my son, My wrath is kindled against the children of disobedience.
“A great famine shall sweep the whole earth; and depression shall come. Depression greater than ever, shall come on the face of the earth, and millions shall die; for it is the Lord that hath spoken. But, my son, go to the uttermost parts of the earth, tell men and women everywhere that these things shall come; for surely, my son, I have spoken, and surely it shall be. It shall come, but, verily, they that love Me, they that serve Me, and they that worship Me, they that are the sheep of My fold, I will protect them in the hollow of My hand, and not a hair of their heads shall be harmed.”
Dear reader, are you prepared for these things that are to come upon the earth? Don’t wait until these tragedies hit. Make sure you are ready now. God has protection for you against these things if you are His child. He will protect you in the hollow of His hand. God to Church. Seek God. Pray and read your Bible.
“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of life, an so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come upon them that dwell on the face of the earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:34-36
Our safest and surest defense against impending danger is the protection of Almighty God. “They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which abideth forever.” Psalm 125:1
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: This man is the son of A.C. Valdez, and very few knew that this prophetic word existed.]
From: A older yellow looking track from Pilgrim Tract Society, Inc., Randleman, N.C., with no date on it; Gary Rogel, 65635 State Road 15, Goshem, Indiana 46526 sent it to me.
7.1 01/03rd 1933, Supernatural Visitation & Prophetic Words, Antichrist & End Time Events & America — This account is privately published by the late reverend Saleem Bishara Kawar (1912-1988), an eye witness and the main transcriber of this account as it happened…
The Booklet: “Signs And Wonders In Rabbath-Ammon, Being An Account Of Divine Visitations In Amman, Trans-Jordan, 1933.” — Divine Revelation, Jesus is coming soon, Miracles, Visions of the future, The antichrist at work, Tribulations in Jerusalem, Stories of salvation, Jordan a land of peace and prophecies & Russia and France will unite for war. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Revealed to Om Saleem, Copied in Arabic by Saleem B. Kawar.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Forward — On the night of 01/03rd, 1933, a Christian woman living in Amman, the capital of Trans-Jordan, Hanneh Elias Aghaby by name, the wife of Bashara Mutanis Kawar was granted a supernatural visitation which must rank with those recorded of saints of mediaeval times such as Francis D'Assisi and others, and in some phases will recall those Divine phenomena which accompanied the outpouring of the Spirit in Apostolic days; for this was but the beginning of a series of Divine visitations and supernatural manifestations that have been continued for months at varying intervals. Great interest was stirred up locally and in the Arabic speaking countries of the Levant, especially as accounts were published in various Arabic newspapers. The result has been to many a spiritual quickening and revival of faith in God. Eventually relatives and friends of Mme. Kawar arranged and published in Arabic an account of these miracles and prophetic utterances; for as such they must be classed. The result of the publication and circulation of these Arabic pamphlets has been a blessing to many, and it has seemed right to give to the English speaking world this account of these modern miracles, in belief that in a materialistic age it will be a proof of the reality and power of the Divine.
It may be added that this account is in the main a translation of the Arabic which was drawn up by Mr. Saleem Kawar, the eldest son of Mme. Kawar, and a clerk in one of the departments of the Trans-Jordan Government. As such it largely follows the arrangement of the Arabic pamphlet which was entitled, "The Wonderful Occurrence in Amman, 1933".
Witnesses of this series of Divine phenomena are many and include both local people and foreigners. The writer of the foreword and translator, in the main, of the Arabic account has had the privilege of following up these occurrences from the beginning and, being a neighbor of the family, has had every opportunity of obtaining first hand information, or of personally witnessing these events.
It is to be hoped that the value and power of these accounts and messages will not be lost in translation but as in Arabic, so in English, they will prove a blessing and inspiration to many.
7.2 1993, Supernatural Visitation & Prophetic Words, Antichrist & End Time Events — Signs and Wonders in Rabbath-Ammon, Being an account of Divine Visitations in Amman, Trans-Jordan 1933, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Revealed to Om Saleem, Copied in Arabic by Saleem B. Kawar, Translated into English by Pastor Roy Whitman, Redacted by Ron Banuk.
Redactor's Preface, Ron Banuk—1993 — The following transcriptions were first spoken under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by the Seer of Little Zion, Om Saleem (1893-1958), in Arabic. The scribe, her son Saleem B. Kawar (1912-1988), initially wrote these revelations in pen onto 40 booklets of various sizes. When a foreign language was introduced, either the seer or a bystander would transcribe that portion of the message into Arabic. On some occasions Pastor Roy Whitman (1904-1992) would aid in translating the original "utterances", but more importantly, Roy did nearly all the translating from Arabic to English. What follows is an eyewitness account of the events in Amman, Jordan written in the same year as the manifestations while there still was a buzz in the air and word of the miracles was on everyone's lips…
* Hanneh Elias Aghaby was known as Om Saleem and The Seer of Little Zion. In the Bible Hannah was the wife of Elkanah and mother of Samuel. The name Hannah means “grace” in Hebrew. Her middle name, Elias, is the Greek form for the great prophet Elijah and means “the Lord is my God”. Her last name, Aghaby, is the Arabic transliteration for Agape meaning “love”. In Arabic there is no letter “p”, but the closest to it phonetically is “b”.
Introduction, Ron Banuk and Zuheir Kawar—2001 — On the night the visions began, Pastor Roy Whitman was visiting the pastor of the neighboring Christian community in As-Salt, Trans-Jordan. In 1933, As-Salt was the largest city in the Hashemite Kingdom with a population of 18,000 Muslims and a few hundred Christians. Roy had planned a week-long revival in As-Salt helping his good friend Pastor Saul Benjamin. Later in the week, he would return to the church he established in Amman on 06/06, 1926. On Tuesday night (01/03, 1933), Roy told Saul that a strange power had came over him as he was praying. The Holy Spirit’s presence was so intense, he felt a manifestation was immanent. The following morning, a call came from Amman, a town with only 5000 people at the time. It was Ibraham Kawar, a young member of the Kawar family that lived upstairs from him. He was ecstatic. His mother, Hanneh Kawar (Om Saleem), had a vision just a few hours ago in the early morning hours. People were now gathering at his house from all around and Roy Whitman was entreated to come quickly to oversee the matter. Roy was overwhelmed, but he was also committed to the revival and could not think of leaving until Friday. Wednesday night, Roy preached about the Blood of Jesus and on Thursday night the topic was the Second Coming—two very relevant sermons considering what was happening 30 miles away in Amman.
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Pastor Whitman lived next to the Roman Theater in a tri-level house on the Italian Hospital Street. He lived on the first floor just above the farm animals, which were on the ground floor. The Kawar family lived above him while the owner, Salim Jacob Jammal, lived in the third floor penthouse. The first child of Bishara and Hanneh Kawar was Saleem, hence the parents became known as Aba and Om Saleem. They had two other children, two daughters and Aemile.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
The Home of Bishara and Hanneh Kawar in 1933 Pastor Roy Whitman (1904-1992)
06/26, 1936, Hannah was taken in the spirit to the Mount of Olives, many bombs and explosives cut people into pieces and threw them into the valley, Hannah was terrified, and asked, the angel, how could God allow the shedding of blood to occur. The angel answered, this is the result of the increase of wickedness of the human beings because their hearts are not righteous. Don’t you know that all tribulations and wars are bound to happen these are the last days, there shall be no peace, kingdom will rise against kingdom, because love will be taken from the world and darkness will cover the earth.
09/16, 1937, Hannah saw a bright light, in the light were three men with white beards, the middle man was younger than the other two, he said, ‘God shall destroy 1/6th of the earth with earthquakes,’ immediately she hear a voice proclaiming ‘Glory to Him the everlasting One, His dominion is from everlasting to everlasting.’
Then she saw heaven getting darker and darker with thunder and lightening. Suddenly when she was looking she saw two huge animals appear, and they were fighting each other, until the smaller one was divided into two pieces and thrown into two different directions.
Hannah heard a voice saying, God shall tear apart your kingdom you who are prideful and strong, then she saw an angel dressed in a green robe sprinkling black soil on the earth, herself standing on the Mount of Olives near the wailing wall watching people fighting each other…
Then she saw European soldiers who were also targeted to be killed, the European soldiers were climbing the wailing wall she heard a voice saying you shall see the blood running, hunger and pains, wars and disturbances shall be in your midst, take heed and warn everyone so you won’t perish, she heard explosives and saw airplanes targeting people on the ground to be killed and thrown on the ground and their blood was running like a river. While she was under the power she said, ‘which kingdoms are these? ‘ Russia, Japan, America, China and England.’ In these days God have mercy upon them.’
Soon all these events will be fulfilled. She heard an old man with a beard saying, ‘Woe to the world for it will not take heed, the universe will be disturbed and darkness will cover on the earth.’
And a voice declared, the believers will be praying, some will be backslid, when they experience the disturbances of the universe.
Another man said, 1/10th of the population will die from the water and diseases.
09/25, 1933, Hannah as under the power, the angels said to her, remember everything and don’t forget these are the last days and all the events will come to pass these are stressful times in the entire world. The fear of the believer shall disappear, the fear of the believer shall disappear and they shall be bold, the believers must not endanger themselves and they must be wise.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Some of the above came from a small booklet available, and some of the information came from an audio tape, see below for ordering both the booklet and audio tape.]
The Om Saleem prophecies from 1933 and 1934 were collated from a collection of 40 notebooks into a single huge Arabic document of about a thousand pages in 1973. The collator was Saleem B. Kawar, a Southern Baptist missionary. Forty years earlier, this same man had been the principal scribe, who wrote down the prophecies as he heard them from his mother, Om Saleem.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: The actual full account of the prophetic received by Hanneh is not here in the above. What is included above is mainly what she received about the nation - America. I do recommend that you read the booklet available, for Hannah received some prophetic regarding the antichrist and other issues which is most interesting.]
From: For any questions Please contact the Sons of Rev. Kawar at the following E-mail address: nskawar@kawars.com, or visit the website www.kawars.com . Gwen Shaw’s 28th Annual Convention in Boston, MA on 07/08th, 2003, Samira Kawar was the guest speaker. Engeltal, also known as End-Time Handmaidens and Servants Ministry, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, AR 72641, 870.446.2252. You can request both the booklet and audio tape available.
8.1 Late 1940’s,Vision, The Great Russian—American War, Russian Invasion as Seen By Reg King (1940s)— In the vision things happening, and understood in my mind, as it was revealed to me, as to the location and who they were.
The Russian forces were coming out of the area of the Bathurst Inlet. I remember how astonished I was, because they were there undetected. They had a large mobile military attack force, with heavy armour.
Then the scene changes and I saw Russian and U.S. fighter planes in aerial combat, which is near the Saskatchewan border. The invasion route was in the general area of the Alberta and Saskatchewan border along 110 degrees longitude. I was very amazed that hostile aircraft could get so near to the U.S. border, and not be detected and intercepted before that time.
Again the scene changes and I realized the enemy land forces to be just North of the 60th parallel, also as yet undetected, and without any resistance from either Canadian or U.S. forces.
The visionary experience was given to me in the late 1940’s and I remember my absolute amazement that an enemy could penetrate so far into our beloved Canada and not be detected. Also, lastly, a date was given to me, but not the year, which was 01/26, ????. And the enemy was using bacterial or germ warfare.
From: www.telusplanet.net/public/tsgibson/russianus.pdf & Thomas S. Gibson, tsgibson@telusplanet.net.
9.1 09/02, 1950, Open Vision, War And Destruction To America — This is sent in from Susan Garcia. From "The Word of Faith" magazine, the 11/2001 issue, which is published monthly by Kenneth Hagin Ministries:
I wanted to share this with all of you. This if from Kenneth E. Hagin Sr. He received this from the Lord on 09/02, 1950 at a revival in Rockwall, TX. Please read and begin to pray.
As I lay under the power of God, it seemed that I stood on a plain and could see for miles. There was no sign of life. I felt so lonely. To the west I saw what appeared to be a tiny dot on the horizon. As I watched, it grew larger. It was a horse with a man upon it, riding toward me at full speed.
The horseman came to me, stopped, and handed me a scroll - a roll of paper twelve or fourteen inches long. As I unrolled it, he said, "Take and read." At the top of the page in big, bold, black print were the words, "WAR AND DESTRUCTION". I was struck dumb. He laid his right hand on my head and said, "Read, in the Name of Jesus Christ!" I began to read what followed on the paper, and as the words instructed me, I looked and saw what I read about.
First, I read about thousands upon thousands of men in uniform. Then I looked and saw these men marching, wave after wave of soldiers marching as to war. I looked in the direction they were going, and as far as I could see there were thousands of men marching.
I read the scroll again, then looked and saw what I had just read about. I saw many women - some old with snowy white hair, some middle-aged, some young, and some teen-aged. Some of the younger ones held babies. All of the women were bowed together in sorrow and were weeping profusely. Those who did not carry babies held their hands on their stomachs as they bowed over and wept. Tears flowed from their eyes like water.
I looked at the scroll again, and again looked up to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer I saw its skyscrapers were burned-out hulls, and portions of the city were in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities.
The scroll was written in the first person; it seemed as if Jesus Himself were speaking. I read, "America is receiving her last call. Some nations have already received their last call and will never receive another." Then in larger print it said, "THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND." This statement was repeated four or five times.
The scroll continued, "All the gifts of the Spirit will be in operation in the Church in these last days. The Church will do greater things than even the Early Church did. It will have greater power, signs, and wonders than were recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. We have seen and experienced many healings, but we now behold amazing miracles such as have not been seen before.
More and more miracles will be performed in the last days, which are just ahead (referring to the end of the last days), for it is time for the gift of the working of miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the area of the miraculous. Many of My own people will not accept the moving of My Spirit, and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at My coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of satanic origin. But follow the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and Me, and you will not be deceived. I am gathering My own together and am preparing them, for the time is short."
There were several other exhortations to watchfulness, to awake and to pray, and not to be deceived. Then I read, "As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be. As I spoke to Noah and said, 'Yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth, forty days and forty nights, and every living substance will I destroy from off the face of the earth,' so today I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance, and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah's time.
"Warn this generation, as did Noah his generation, for judgment is about to fall. And these sayings shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon. This is the last revival. I am preparing My people for My coming. Judgment is coming, but I will call My people away, even unto Myself, before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful and watch and pray." Then the message concluded with the words, "For the time of the end of all things is at hand."
From the book: 1 www.agapeharvest.org, and “I Believe In Visions,” by Kenneth E. Hagin, ISBN: 0-89276-508-9, or www.etpv.org or contact Kenneth Hagin Ministries.
10.1 1950, Dream, God Warns Those In The Prophetic Before War Comes — [We know in the prophetic that God will warn a number in a nation that war is coming to that nation whether they fight the battle on a foreign soil or at home on their nations soil. ]
“In 1950, I kept feeling that war was coming. I said to God, “If war comes, I want to know it.” I wasn’t being disrespectful. I wondered if it I had prayed enough for our boys during the Second World War. This time I wanted to be sure that I did the right thing. “If You will reveal to me when war is coming, I promise You that I will pray for our boys as I have never prayed for them before,” I told HIM.
We went to Tulsa, Oklahoma to visit my brother and mother. I kept feeling that war was about to break out. One night, about four o’clock in the morning, I had a dream. God revealed to me that war was indeed coming. I saw a very peculiar rainbow outside. I ran outside and my husband ran after me. The rainbow stretched from one end of the sky to the other, touching one end of the United States and the other. But it wasn’t a beautifully colored rainbow. It was a deep gray, what I would call a gun-metal gray. In the rainbow I saw the White House, the Capital, and many other government buildings.
The Lord spoke to me very plainly and said, “There’s going to be war put not on the soil of the United States. The Capital will be affected, the White House will be affected, and the government buildings will be affected.”
When I got up in the morning, I told my mother and my brother.
He said, “Oh, that’s just your imagination. I just killed a black snake. You must have dreamed about that.”
“No,” I said, “War is coming.” I could feel it in my bosom.
That was 06/15, 1950. Ten days later, on 06/25, the Korean War broke out; a war that caused much hardship and much suffering. Later, my own son was drafted into the army and went to Korea.”...
10/1975, Vision, New York City, Atomic Or Nuclear War? — … I had some very unusual experiences through the years: When I was going to Israel, on 10/06, 1975, I took a local flight from Richmond to New York. Going into New York, I was saying to the Lord, “I have always admired these tall buildings. Could this be the city that will be destroyed in one hour in the Tribulation? I don’t think so, Lord, because I believe it is an Asian city.” The only reason I thought there might be a possibility of it being New York is that the UN is located there.
On the larger plane, going over the ocean, I was again admiring all the tall buildings of New York. But, as I looked to the ground, I had an unusual experience. I couldn’t see buildings any longer. The city had disappeared and in its place was what looked to me to be a pile of crushed charcoal several feet high.
I looked to the sky. The sky nearest me was filled with good angels that had come for the good souls of those who had been killed, apparently by atomic or nuclear war.
The half of the sky farthest from me was filled with evil angels that had come for the wicked. I knew that in reality it trouble came, the good angels and the bad angels would all be mixed together. But God was showing me the amount of good people in New York.
I said, “Lord, I can’t believe there would be that many good people go up from New York City. [Since that time busloads of folks from New York are coming down to our camp meetings and conferences and being blessed of God.] Also the Holy Spirit has drawn new ministers into New York City and the spirituality of the city is increasing.
Later, I looked closer to the plane and saw a very broad angel. He was half again as broad as most angels I have seen. I could see him only form the waist to the feet. I said, “Oh, what a powerful angel! I have never seen such an angel, so broad in the hips.”
God told me, “You are as powerful as that angel because you have the Holy Ghost in you.”
1988 - 1991, Prophetic & DREAM, Iraq War & Hard Times Are Coming & Another Depression — …We are nearing the end of time. For several years beginning in 1988, God told me that we would have war in 1991. God showed other people the same thing. I mentioned it several times in conferences and camp meetings. Just as God had said, we had war with Iraq, and it turned out well. But, because of the success of the war, many have taken an ease in their spirits. This is dangerous because the devil will rise up again… Time is short.
Many changes are coming and God has a purpose in it all. He wants to change us for eternity. Let that change come.
We have a great opportunity now, but a short one, I feel. Don’t neglect spiritual things. Those who put God first are going to be blessed the most… God has an abundance of everything, which He is ready to impart to those who put Him first.
I feel so strongly about the future. Thank God for the present we enjoy in America, but I AM SURE THAT HARD TIMES ARE COMING… I AM SURE THAT WE FACE ANOTHER DEPRESSION…
God showed me a dream that there will come a time when we will have NO transportation… God will permit this to happen so that we will cry out for HIM to come… We will get to the place that we will cry out, “Oh, Jesus, I can’t live another day unless You come.”
God has promised to send “the early rain” [that was the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost] and “the latter rain” [which is the outpouring of the Spirit in these last days] together in ONE month. That might not mean a month of thirty days. It may mean, simply, that it will happen in a very short space of time.
I believe trouble will cause this great combined outpouring. When my mother got the Holy Ghost, it was persecution that drove people to seek God. I believe that persecution will again cause us to seek HIM. When we cry out to HIM, God will help us.
A few years ago, I was alone in my living room. I was fasting and praying. I said, “Lord, I know You can tell me when that great day is coming. Whether you want to tell poor little me or not, I don’t know. But I would like to know when that time is coming that the early rain and the latter rain will fall together in ONE month.”
The Lord said to me, “When the first city in the world has either a hydrogen bomb or a nuclear attack, the outpouring will begin.” [This of course was long after the bombing of Japan in the World War.] Every other city in the world will think their city is NEXT, and people everywhere will begin to pray. That’s why I am sure trouble is coming…
Press in. The greatest revival the world has ever seen is just ahead of us. It may take more trouble than we have ever experienced to bring it, but it’s coming.
God is going to MAKE IT EASY FOR PEOPLE TO GET SAVED. Trouble always drives people to God. All of us pray more when we’re in trouble than we do when God answers prayer and we’re lifted out of difficulty for a while. It is so easy to forget God. It is so easy to relax spiritually when you live on EASY STREET…
I want to see the Church maintain its hope. I can only remember, in my teens, hearing of two preachers in all the United States who were teaching that Christians would go through the Tribulation and that there was NO such thing as THE RAPTURED OF THE CHURCH. This is the great and glorious “HOPE” of Scripture. Now, many people are teaching that this HOPE does NOT exist. Don’t be FOOLED. Don’t lose your HOPE. Jesus is coming for HIS own…
Early in my ministry I had a vision in which I was conducted into the very throne room of God…
The devil is going to put up harder fights in the future…. Time is short!..
God is keeping good pay records. So many churches have closed their doors on Sunday night and during the week. It’s tragic to me. What do those preachers do all week? We must do more, not less…
We must allow our FAITH in God to be increased to the point that we can believe HIM to multiply our food, to multiply our gasoline, to multiply our money.
I have opened bureau drawers a number of times and found money that I never put there. God is faithful. When there is a NEED, He uses people as much as He can. When people WON’T LISTEN, He has to supply supernaturally for you, and He will do it.
I have had him put money in my pocketbook. There it was right in plain sight. No one visited me that day. God did it.
God told me something very interesting about money many years ago. He said, “If I gave somebody a million dollars after they got saved, I’d never see them again or hear from them until the million dollars was exhausted.” I believe He was RIGHT.
He wants us to call on Him every day because He wants our FELLOWSHIP. He wants us to LEAN upon HIM> That’s why He gives us a little today, a little tomorrow and a little the next day. That assures that we will come to HIM and say, “Lord, my pocketbook is empty.”…
Many fail because God TESTS you sometimes until the final minute. That’s what makes your faith GROW. And God does strange things sometimes to teach us how to TRUST HIM.
Churches Founded By Rev. Edith Heflin & Her Husband, in: Ashland, Callao, Bristersburg, Farlmouth, Richmond, Weems, West Point & the Campground, Virginia.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: The 1929 Depression was very severe, they were truly called ‘Hard Times.’ In 1929, you could expect a weekly salary of $18.00 and if you did well, to be around $25.00 – a government job. Rent could be around $8.00 a month. Church offerings were as low as $.45 cents, the people did not have much money. You collected and paid a preacher around $3.00 to bury the dead. A loaf of bread was 5 cents, eggs were 10 cents, and gas was 10 cents a gallon. Banks failed in 1929, the nation entered into ‘The Great Depression.’ Unfortunately, when the stock market crashes as it will again and the banks also close… you will see these kinds of prices again, the dollar as we know it today will be history. The Great Depression was approximately 75 years ago in America [from 2004]
Edith Heflin is very old and still alive at the Calvary Pentecostal Campground in Ashland, VA as of 2005.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: The late Ruth Ward Heflin, descendant of the great revivalist, Jonathan Edwards, and Pentecostal pioneer parents, Wallace and Edith Heflin, founded a prophetic worship intercession ministry, Mount Zion Fellowship, in Jerusalem in 1972. ]
From: The book “I Serve The God Of Miracles” ©1991, ISBN: 1-56043-043-5, by Edith Ward Heflin, the mother of Ruth & Wallace Heflin, from Ashland, Virginia. Calvary Pentecostal Campground, 11352 Heflin Lane, Ashland, VA 23005-7616.
11.1 1954, Open Vision & Voice Of God, The Statue Of Liberty–America Invaded —An American evangelist, A.A. Allen recorded the following supernatural open vision in the year 1954.
The Background — “As I stepped inside the elevator at the Empire State Building, I never dreamed of the experience which awaited me just 86 stories up.
“My ears began to close, due to the sudden increase of altitude, as the elevator shot upward to the first observatory 86 floors above the ground. This was the first time I had gone atop the Empire State Building, and it was a trip I had been eager to take, since no visit to New York City can be considered complete without a trip to the observatories up the 1472 foot tall building…
“As I stepped off the elevator and went onto the outside terrace, I went expecting to see all of New York City, New Jersey, Manhattan, the Bronx, and on across the Hudson River to Westchester in a great panoramic view. But little did I realize that God had an even greater view awaiting me there; as, through a supernatural vision, He would let me see that which is soon to take place on the whole North American continent.
The View — “As I stood there. . . , just to the south of me, on Bedloe’s Island, I could see the Statue of Liberty illuminating the gateway to the new world. To people everywhere, this 300 foot statue has become the symbol of liberty. It was presented to the people of the United States by the freedom–loving people of France in 1883. . .
“I looked to the east. There I could see the United Nations Building, which has been called “The last sacred temple for the rediscovery of human brotherhood.’ The great statesmen of the world have declared we must remain at peace with one another or die…
“ ‘The Empire State Building, located at the intersection of 34th Street and Fifth Avenue, covers only about two acres of ground, yet it is so high that people in the observatories can see the sun rise a half–hour sooner and set a half–hour later than on the street… From the 86th floor observatory, if you look up, you will see the huge television tower rising 222 feet above the previous height of the building. This tower sends the signals of all of Manhattan’s important TV broadcasters, who have their transmitters in the building.
“ ‘The 102nd floor observatory, 1,250 feet above the street, is glass enclosed so that one may see in all directions the surrounding areas of the city.
“ ‘The 86th floor observatory has both indoor and outdoor terraces. When you step on the 86th floor terrace, you are standing where famous people from every country of the world have been before you. . . As I stood there, I was aware that I was only one of 10 million people representing every nation on earth who have visited the Empire State Observatories. But I still did not realize that I was to be the only one of the ten million to whom God had chosen to give such a revelation as I was to receive atop that great building.
A Giant Telescope – And The Spirit Of The Lord — “ ‘There, on the east side of the terrace, I noticed a giant telescope, of the kind into which you can drop a dime and see for approximately fifteen miles. I knew that a dime slipped into that telescope would enable me to see much farther than the natural eye could reach. I got a dime from my pocket and held it in my hand, ready to drop it into the telescope when the man in front of me was through viewing the scene. . . As I stood with my dime between my fingers, waiting my turn, suddenly the Spirit of the Lord came upon me. I noticed the two giant eyes of the telescope as the man who was manipulating it turned it in my direction. I was amazed that the Spirit of the Lord should so move upon me, there, atop the Empire State Building. Why should I feel such a surge of His Spirit and power there?
“Thou Shalt Have Wars” — “ ‘Then suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord. It was as clear and as distinct as a voice could be. It seemed to come from the very midst of the giant telescope. But when I looked at the telescope, I knew it hadn’t come from there, but directly from heaven. The voice said,
‘The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole world, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.’ [This was a direct quotation from 2 Chronicles 16:9]
“Immediately, when I heard the voice of God, I knew this was a quotation of Scripture. But never before had I had a thing come to me so forcefully by the power of the Spirit. The ticking of the telescope stopped. The man before me had used up his dime’s worth. As he stepped away I knew that I was next. As I stepped to the telescope and dropped in my dime, immediately the tickling started again. This ticking was an automatic clock which would allow me to use the telescope for a definitely limited time only.
“As I swung the telescope to the north, suddenly the Spirit of God came upon me in a way that I had never thought of before. Seemingly in the Spirit I was entirely caught away. I knew that the telescope itself had nothing to do with the distance which I was suddenly enabled to see, for I seemed to see things far beyond the range of the telescope, even on a bright, clear day. It was simply that God had chosen this time to reveal these things to me, for as I looked through the telescope, it was not Manhattan Island that I saw, but a far greater scene. . .
An Amazing Vision — [Note: The next portion of this vision–revelation is in the form of an allegory wherein the evangelist sees a struggle and the fall of the Statue of Liberty. His vision of the action of World War III comes at and after the fall of the statue.]
“ ‘That which I was looking upon was not Manhattan Island. It was all of the North American continent spread out before me as a map is spread upon a table. It was not the East River and the Hudson River that I saw on either side, but the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. And instead of the Statue of Liberty standing in the bay on her tiny island, I saw her standing far out in the Gulf of Mexico. She was between me and the United States.
[Note: As though he was looking at North America from the northern coast of South America.]
The U.S.A., As Viewed From The South — “ ‘There, clear and distinct, lay all the North American continent, with all its great cities. To the north lay the Great Lakes. Far to the northeast was New York City. I could see Seattle and Portland far to the northwest. Down the West Coast, there was San Francisco and Los Angeles. Closer in the foreground, there lay New Orleans, at the center of the Gulf Coast area. I could see the great towering ranges of the Rocky Mountains, and trace with my eyes the Continental Divide. All this and more, I could see spread out before me as a great map upon a table.
God’s Portrayal Of Judgment To Come — “As I looked, suddenly from the sky I saw a giant hand reach down. That gigantic hand was reaching out toward the Statue of Liberty. In a moment her gleaming torch was torn from her hand, and in it instead was placed a cup. And I saw protruding from the cup a giant sword, shining, as if a great light had been turned upon its glistening edge. Never before had I seen such a sharp, glistening, dangerous sword. It seemed to threaten all the world. As the great cup was placed in the hand of the Statue of Liberty, I heard these words:
‘Thus saith the Lord of hosts… Drink ye and be drunken, spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send. . . ’
“As I heard these words, I recognized them as a quotation from Jeremiah 25:27.
“I was amazed to hear the Statue of Liberty speak out in reply, ‘I will not drink.’
“Then, as the voice of thunder, I heard again the voice of the Lord, saying:
‘. . . Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly drink’ [Jer. 25:28].
“ ‘Then suddenly the giant hand forced the cup to the lips of the Statue of Liberty, and she became powerless to defend herself. The mighty hand of God forced her to drink every drop of the cup. As she drank the bitter dregs, these were the words that I heard:
‘. . . should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts’ [Jer. 25:29].
“When the cup was withdrawn from the lips of the Statue of Liberty, I noticed the sword was missing from the cup, which could mean but one thing. The contents of the cup had been completely consumed! I knew that the sword merely typified war, death, and destruction, which is no doubt on the way.
[Note: A cross-reference to the above statement is found in Ezekiel 21:28: “And thou, son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God . . . The sword, the sword is drawn, for the slaughter it is furbished to consume because of the glittering.”]
“Liberty” Staggers — “ ‘Then, as one drunken on too much wine, I saw the Statue of Liberty become unsteady on her feet and begin to stagger and to lose her balance. I saw her splashing in the Gulf, trying to regain her balance. I saw her stagger again and again, and fall to her knees. As I saw her desperate attempts to regain her balance, and rise to her feet again, my heart was filled with compassion for her struggles. But as she struggled there in the Gulf, once again I heard these words:
‘Ye shall drink and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more because of the sword that I shall send among you.’
“As I watched, I wondered if the Statue of Liberty would ever be able to regain her feet – if she would ever stand again. And as I watched, it seemed that with all her power she struggled to rise, and finally staggered to her feet again, and stood there swaying drunkenly. I felt sure that any moment she would fall again – possibly never to rise again. I seemed overwhelmed with a desire to reach out my hand to keep her head above water, for I knew that if she ever fell again she would drown there in the Gulf.
The Skeleton – Shaped Cloud — “Then as I watched, another amazing thing was taking place. Far to the northwest, just over Alaska, a huge, black cloud was arising. As it rose, it was as black as night. It seemed to be in the shape of a man’s head. As it continued to rise, I observed two light spots in the black cloud. It rose further, and a gaping hole appeared. I could see that the black cloud was taking the shape of a skull, for now the huge, gaping mouth was plainly visible. Finally the head was complete. Then the shoulders began to appear, and on either side, long, black arms.
“It seemed that what I saw was the entire North American continent, spread out like a map upon a table with this terrible skeleton – formed cloud arising from behind the table. It rose steadily until the form was visible down to the waist. At the waist, the skeleton seemed to bend toward the United States, stretching forth a hand toward the east and one toward the west – one toward New York and one toward Seattle. As the awful form stretch forward, I could see that its entire attention seemed focused upon the United States, overlooking Canada – at least for the time being. As I saw the horrible black cloud in the form of a skeleton bending toward America, bending from the waist over, reaching down toward Chicago and out toward both coasts, I knew its one interest was to destroy multitudes.
Three Puffs Of Searing Vapors — [Note: This part of the vision refers to a MIRV – type distribution, unknown in 1954.] “As I watched in horror, the great black cloud stopped just above the Great Lake region, and turned its face toward New York City. Then out of the horrible, great gaping mouth began to appear wisps of white vapor which looked like smoke, as a cigarette smoker would blow puffs of smoke from his mouth. These whitish vapors were being blown toward New York City. The smoke began to spread until it covered all the eastern part of the United States.
“Then the skeleton turned to the west, and out of the horrible mouth and nostrils came another great puff of white smoke. This time it was blown in the direction of the West Coast. In a few minutes, the entire West Coast and Los Angeles area was covered with its vapors.
“Then toward the center came a third great puff. As I watched, St. Louis and Kansas City were enveloped in its white vapors. Then it came toward New Orleans. On they swept until they reached the Statue of Liberty where she stood staggering drunkenly in the blue waters of the Gulf. As the white vapors began to spread around the head of the Statue, she took in but one gasping breath and then began to cough as though to rid her lungs of the horrible vapors she had inhaled. One could tell readily by the painful coughing that those white vapors had seared her lungs.
“What were these white vapors? . . . Could they be the horrible nerve gas recently made known to the American public?
[Note: Nerve gas works on humans in the same way insecticides work on bugs. The parallel is more than a coincidence. In the middle thirties, Dr. Gerhard Schrader of Germany discovered nerve gas during a search for new insecticides. The Nazis immediately realized the potential of Dr. Schrader’s discovery and in 1939 built a plant to produce various nerve gases at Dyhernfurth, near the Polish border. Production got under way in 1942, but the Germans did not use nerve gas during World War II, presumably because the Allies’ air superiority gave them the power to retaliate. After the war, the Russians took over the Dyhernfurth factory and its trained personnel. It has been producing nerve gas for the Soviets ever since.]
The Vision: God Speaks Again — “As I looked with wonder upon the vision God had given me, I wondered: ‘Could it be that it was the horrible nerve gas which was causing the Statue of Liberty to react so violently as it floated about her head, looking like an innocent cloud?”
“Then I heard the voice of God as He spoke again:
‘Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
‘And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; . . . as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
‘The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word.
‘The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.
‘The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
‘Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left’ [Isa. 24:16].
The End Of “Liberty” — “As I watched, the coughing grew worse. . . . The Statue of Liberty was moaning and groaning. She was in mortal agony. The pain must have been terrific, as again and again she tried to clear her lungs of those horrible vapors. I watched her there in the Gulf as she staggered, clutching her lungs and her breasts with her hands. Then she fell to her knees. In a moment she gave one final cough, made a last desperate effort to rise to her knees, and then fell face forward into the waters of the Gulf and lay still – still as death. Only the lapping of the waves, splashing over her body, which was partly under the water and partly out of the water, broke the stillness.
“Run For Your Lives” — “Suddenly the silence was shattered by the screaming of sirens, sirens that seemed to scream, ‘Run for your lives!’
Never before had I heard such shrill, screaming sirens. They seemed to be everywhere – to the north, the south, the east and the west. There seemed to be multitudes of sirens. And as I looked, I saw people everywhere running; but it seemed none of them ran more than a few paces, and then they fell. And even as I had seen the Statue of Liberty struggling to regain her poise and balance, and finally falling for the last time, to die on her face, I now saw millions of people falling in the streets, on the sidewalks, struggling. I heard their screams for mercy and help. I heard their horrible coughings, as though their lungs had been seared with fire [Note: brimstone?]. I heard the moanings and groanings of the doomed and dying. As I watched, a few finally reached shelters; but only a few ever got to the shelters, and above the groaning and the moaning of the dying multitudes, I heard these words:
‘A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lamb hath a controversy with the nations, He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. . . . Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth, and the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground’ [Jer. 25:31-33].
Destructive Rockets Rise From The Sea — “Then suddenly I saw from the Atlantic and from the Pacific, and out of the Gulf, rocket-like objects that seemed to come up like fish leaping out of the water. High into the air they leaped, each heading into a different direction, but every one toward the United States. On the ground, the sirens screamed louder. Up from the ground I saw similar rockets beginning to ascend. To me, these appeared to be interceptor rockets although they arose from different points all over the United States. However, none of them seemed to be successful in intercepting the rockets that had risen from the ocean on every side. These rockets finally reached their maximum height, slowly turned over, and fell back to earth in defeat. Then suddenly, the rockets which had leaped out of the oceans like fish all exploded at once. The explosion was ear-splitting. The next thing which I saw was a huge ball of fire. The only thing I have ever seen which resembled that which I saw in my vision was the picture of the explosion of the H-bomb somewhere in the Pacific some months ago. In my vision, it was so real I seemed to feel a searing heat from it.
Devastation By Terrific Explosions — “As the vision spread before my eyes, and I viewed the widespread desolation brought about by the terrific explosions, I could not help thinking, ‘While the defenders of our nation have quibbled over what measures of defense to use, and neglected the only true defense, faith and dependence upon the true and living God, that which she has greatly feared has come upon her! How true it has been proven that “except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”
A Very Significant, Final, Bible Quotation — “Then, as the noise of the battle subsided, to my ears came this quotation from Joel, the second chapter:
‘Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
‘A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.
‘A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the Garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
‘The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.
‘Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. Before their faces the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.
‘They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.
[Note: Observe the change of pace here, for the next verse indicates a very definite change from organized assault to looting, rioting, and acts of anarchy.]
‘They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.
‘The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining’ [Joel 2:1-10]
“Then the voice was still. The earth, too, was silent, with the silence of death.
Concluding View: God’s Protection — “And then to my ears came another sound – a sound of distant singing. It was the sweetest music I had ever heard. There was joyful shouting, and sounds of happy laughter. Immediately I knew it was the rejoicing of the saints of God. I looked, and there high in the heaven, above the smoke and poisonous gases, above the noise of battle, I saw a huge mountain. It seemed to be of solid rock, and I knew at once that this was the mountain of the Lord. The sounds of music and rejoicing were coming from a cleft, high up in the side of the rock mountain.
“It was the saints of God who were doing the rejoicing. It was God’s own people who were singing and dancing and shouting with joy, safe from all the harm which had come upon the earth, for they were hidden away in the cleft of the rock. There in the cleft, they were shut in, protected by a great, giant hand which reached out of the heavens, and which was none other than the hand of God, shutting them in, until the storm was over-passed.”
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: A.A. Allen was a famous evangelist during the 1950’s time period, God favored & blessed this man and his meetings, they were a praying group of Saints. God often blessed the Christian people under the huge tent with the Moses burning bush type of Holy fire on top of the tent. The local fire departments would send their people out to put the fire out, but could not because it was supernatural and of God. Many are alive today who will bear witness to this truth. You many contact Henry Gruver because he was in those meetings – an eyewitness, as a young man and he will tell you the Holy Fire was on top the tent and on the pillars holding the huge tent up. This occurred at different locations where the meetings were held. The power of God was awesome. You may reach Henry Gruver, at P.O. Box 144, Woodbine, Iowa 51579-0144]
From the book: World War III And The Destiny Of America by Charles R. Taylor, ©1979, ISBN: 0-8407-5681-X.
11.2 Either dream or vision, New York Financial Institutions and Statue Of Liberty Fell — There was a terrorist attack on the East and West Coast at the same time, some financial institutions.
Also saw the Statue of Liberty fall, in place of the statue was a ROMAN SOLDIER.
(Maggie's husband reminded me that in 1933, the Great depression, what happened, by 1936 President FDR sold our country to the banks, and in America we filed bankruptcy... the Federal Reserve is not America... it is owned by private people--banks... etc.
Regarding the fall of the Statue of Liberty, I recall A.A. Allen's vision about seeing the Statue of Liberty fall and it was in the Gulf of Mexico... when it fell... now I ponder if the destruction in the Gulf of Mexico (08/2005 hurricanes Katrina & Rita), America's coastline will have had something to do with the fall of the Statue of Liberty? Or will there be another hit to that coastline, the oil rigs & Mobile, AL? I always wondered how the Statue of Liberty got to the Gulf of Mexico... when it fell in AA. Allen's vision.
Maggie also mentioned something about bible code and the year 2011, major USA, and the year 2014, something ends... Rabbi, bible codes... )
Maggie's daughter had a dream, lived in Oregon at the time, in the dream it snowed, 3 or 4 days later it snowed, it was PAST the snow season.
From: Maggie, I think this came during the first week of 10/2005 at the GOE Birmingham, AL GOE meeting, and from possibly margaretrichards1957@msn.com, if not I missed getting Maggie's e-mail address.
12.1 1954, Night Vision, Invasion Of America & War — I was almost afraid to tell my vision of war and invasion in America, so I called Bro. Roy Johnson and asked him if he thought I ought, and he said I should, as no doubt God had given it as a warning. But now a lot of people got stirred up, and left the coast, and I have been told that they are laying the blame on me, saying I told them to go. But Jesus knows the truth and that is all that really matters, only I hope it doesn’t hurt my ministry for Jesus’ sake. I’d hate for my friends that I love to think such a thing. I only told what God showed me and then told the people to pray.
I was praying at home before I ever went to South Bend, Wash., and God spoke to me in prophecy and said, “You will see what they see, hear what they hear, and you will sit among them and be astonished seven days, and you will put your hand over your mouth.” I couldn’t understand what He meant, but I never once doubted that it was from God. And it was, for it came to pass.
I had the first vision two nights before going – it was in the night, before I had gone to sleep when I saw a big relief map of the USA – no states marked off, and just in colors of greens and tans. Then I saw a black strip come on the west coast as black as black paint. It came quickly like taking a paint brush and making a quick stripe down the west border from Seattle to lower California. Then it began to spread slowly like ink in a blotter, and I cried out, “What is it, Lord?” For I could not understand it and did not think of war. Then all at once the word invasion I heard, I believe, in an audible voice. I said, “Lord’ will they take all of America?” And He answered no, that it would take the Western States. In fact the exact words were, “They will not be stopped until they reach the Middle West.”
I woke my husband and told him. He did not want me to go to South Bend, but I felt I must go to South Bend and went. I was not afraid. In fact, I told him this. “If it’s God, He will confirm it. If not, I don’t want to listen.” So I forgot it entirely the first two weeks in South Bend. The third week, I was awakened out of a sound sleep as if someone had shaken me roughly; then I saw the terrible war. The soldiers were Chinese and a few Russians; they were dressed in red coats and caps and light khaki trousers almost white. They ran in a sort of hop/skip way and they squealed as they fought. [They looked in a fiendish glee.] They would plunge their bayonets in the people’s belly and rip them up. They were devils. It was fiendish hell turned loose. This time I did not intend to tell it, either, but I called Bro. Johnson and he said to go ahead. I still didn’t intend to tell it but on Monday evening at Aberdeen fellowship meeting I told it. Seven Holy Ghost filled people, the best I can remember the number, came and told me visions of the same. For one solid week people came and there was such a stir that I found myself astonished, almost afraid to speak. Finally I caught myself with my hand covering my mouth as God had said, and I was determined not to mention it again. I saw a third vision of Christian martyrs and remembered what God had said and that’s how it went. The vision of the saints suffering was the worst, and I can never forget it. There was torture and rape and everything was terrible.
When I came home and told Kirk, he said we will leave the coast. I cried and begged him not to go. I told him God was our refuge and strength and he said, “God showed you what to do. Do you think He will bless us if you don’t obey Him?” And moreover he said, “Everything you have ever told me came to pass so why should this fail?” So I prayed, “God if you want us to go, sell my house for me.” I’d had it in five realtors hands in the past three years and it hadn’t sold. I said, “Sell it soon if it’s you.” I listed it one day and it sold the next.
Now, I am not telling people what to do. I only know that God directed my move and told me many would die, many would flee, and some would live through the war. One thing I know, I believe this to have come from God, so much so that I’d stake my life on it. I do not know when, but I do know it is coming.
I never told the visions at Sioux City, but a lady came and told how God gave her a vision of troops being sent West by the train load and by bus over a pavement that was not as yet built when she saw it, but is now built right where she saw it in her vision.
Ezekiel 38:10 – Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: 11. And thou shalt say, I will go up to the unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates. 12. To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
Isaiah 13:1 The burden of Babylon [America], which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. 3 I have commanded my sanctified ones. I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness. 4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. 5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. 6 Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. 7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man’s heart shall melt: 8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. 9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. 10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. 11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. 12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger. 14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land. 15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. 16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver, and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. 18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. 19 And Babylon [America], the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. 21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. 22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.
From: 35 Prophecies, Dreams, & Visions For America; Updated 01/01,1999; The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.478.1112 or www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/4393/2ndcont.html .
13.1 1955, Open Visions, Riverside, California, Chinese Communist Soldier, In Full Battle Gear, Holding A Russian Made Automatic Rifle, Coming In Through Mexico & Los Angeles, California Gets A Neutron Bomb Blast — [Cary Goodwin writing] I was talking to one of our Elders Apostle Paul Cunningham about some of the things the Lord has been showing me and he began to tell me of a couple of visions the Lord gave him back in 1955. In Paul Cunningham's words:
Vision # 1 — I was standing in a travel trailer in a mobile home park, in Riverside California, in 1955, after a time of prayer. The Spirit spoke to me, "Go outside and look up in the air, to your left". I opened the door, stepped outside, and looked up to my left. This happened shortly after noon. As I looked up, I jumped back, very startled by what I saw! It was so vivid, I thought it was "physical"... Standing "in the air" about 100 feet from me, was a Chinese Communist Soldier, in full battle gear, holding a Russian made automatic rifle, "at the ready'". I fully expected to feel the impact of bullets... as he seemed about to fire. I heard the Voice of God saying, "even so shall they stand in this place"... In the spirit, I knew they would come in, through Mexico. That was the extent of that vision. I have told it to few people as most who have heard it, dismiss it as "ridiculous"... After all, "we live in Christian America, and God would never allow anything like that to happen here". One thing I know, 'WHEN GOD SPEAKS, YOU CAN TAKE IT TO THE BANK"!
Vision # 2 — I was in a time of prayer, driving into Los Angeles, from Riverside, Calif. The time was 1955, and they had just begun building several new highways..(the interstate highway system was new). As I neared Los Angeles, I saw the "high rise buildings" and thought, this is becoming a major metropolitan city, much like New York. Then I saw an "open vision"... A brand new City Hall, ( the one that exists today) and several new Interstate Highways, I-5, I-10, and other "links" that made a "layered, ribbon effect" in the vision. As I watched crowds of people moving, in cars, and on foot, suddenly there was a brilliant "Flash" and the whole sky "lit up" with the effects. I saw it was a "bomb blast", and looked to the west and south, and there was the 'afterglow" of the bomb. In the spirit, I heard the words, "this is a Neutron bomb blast"..."it will not harm any buildings, nor destroy anything except the people." I watched as the people in the vision turned into "shadows on the walls"... and were gone. I knew that this scene would be a reality in the end time. I told the vision repeatedly and many scoffed. However, I described the "New City Hall" explicitly [it had not been built yet], and when it was built in a few years, some who had heard the vision, became believers. They came to me and said, "If the City Hall is real, and you saw it long before it was built, then the rest of the vision is real too." Some years later, our Government announced they had developed a "Neutron bomb" that would only destroy people, and leave "no collateral damage".... Surely this vision will "speak in the end time, and will not lie." This is the extent of this vision. Paul J. Cunningham
I know Paul Cunningham and I know he would not lie about this vision from the Lord. I know the Lord and I know He doesn't reveal these things just for theatrics.
From: www.etpv.org or www.apostles-gathering.com, cary @apostles-gathering.com or Apostles Gathering Ministries, Cary Goodwin, P.O. box 2953, Summerville, South Carolina 29484, 843.875.2621, cell phone: 843.412.0294.
14.1 1957, Vision, End-Time Vision; I Saw The Face Of The Earth Changing, God’s Wrath — I lay sleepless and horrified, greatly vexed in spirit. The Lord visited and showed me things that will shortly come to pass. The judgment and wrath of God will soon bring disaster and havoc to the world we live in. The die is cast. God’s clock is set. Time is running out.
In a vision, I saw… “I saw the face of the earth and changing the shape of America, it was drastically altered and reduced in size through terrible disasters, hunger and suffering were everywhere. The devastation caused by volcanic eruptions and fires were widespread and horrifying during this terrible holocaust. I saw Christians clustering together from all walks of life and many church affiliations. They did not care about their sectarian doctrines. The tie that bound them in that desperate hour, was their common faith in Christ. They clung together as though their survival depended upon each other.
After these terrifying cataclysmic events which the Lord showed me, all the evils of sectarianism and apostasy vanished among the Christians desperate struggle to draw strength from one another.
Those who had been luke-warm, cast aside besetting sins, and sought identity with the true believers. Cigarettes, pills, social drinkers, marital cheaters, were repented of, and amends were made. A new sense of values gripped the conscience of Believers. The “New Morality Standard,” and modern license for laxity was like a remorseful hangover. Most of the Christians in the visitation, “were amazed” that we “were experiencing” the “terrible day of the Lord,” and “witnessing His wrath and judgment.” Many social Christians were ill prepared. Their frivolous, unwatchful, imprudent lives had gambled on mercy and grace, which they thought required no reckoning, ever.
I saw hordes [believers] lost among the religious and Jesus Christ rejectors. As I looked, I saw where mountains were flattened. Believers were fleeing to the desert to take shelter in caves and rocks.
The desolation was so terrible that it seemed no one would be spared, Luke 21:34-36 [KJ] — Matthew 24:20-22ab. All but a few were full of remorse. Lamentations could be heard everywhere. It was heartening to observe that during the fearsome disasters, unshakable faith held like and anchor among the Christians. They knew they would soon see the Son coming in the clouds of heaven and with power and glory.
After the vision, and recalling with utter dismay, the horror on the faces of unbelievers and their cries of doom still rang in my ears. At first I thought to keep this experience a secret in my heart. I shared it with T.L. [the famous T.L. Osborn], my husband. He was silent, then said, “it’s so scriptural. It is sure to happen as you’ve seen it… and very soon.” We decided I should write it. We must warn the people, as never before. May God cause you to run with you… Christian witness wherever you can find or visit or gather people who will listen.
Each hour of each day must count. Material things are secondary, now is the time to work, to give ourselves, our time, and earnings. Time is running out. “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion.” Don’t procrastinate!
At the Lord’s return, there will only be two types of Christians, the overcomers or those who have been overcome [prematurely killed].
Comments by Brother Royal — I personally believe that Sister Osborn walks as a prophet-teacher-evangelist, including her husband, he has an apostolic anointing on him also. I believe this vision is from God. But I ask, “what is our motivational, dedicated, commitment answer, to all this? I believe God is giving me, at least some answers, in the Word, that He is putting in my mouth, Ex. 4:12. Ja. 1:22, do these Words!!! JL. 1:13-15, 2:12-17, 1-2, 3:9-15 – Am. 5:18-24, 6:1, 9:8-10 – Zep. 1:2-9 – JL. 2:18-20, 23-27. Thus saith God!!!!!!! “Read these words, hear my Spirit speaking; again, do these words, then weep, mourn, and cry aloud, wail and travail, and groan, for the pain of my people, which is about to come to pass!!!!! Set aside all, everything and everyone from your self-gratification, personal, unfruitful, unnecessary leisure and pleasure, for I am requiring your spirit, heart, soul, mind, and body at My hand, in righteousness, holiness, Agape and My faith. With Me, there will be no respector of persons, either the Godly or ungodly.”
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: T.L. & Daisy Osborn, were the great “Soul-Winning” Evangelists during the 1960’s – 1985’s, around this time frame… I suspect they won through the Holy Spirit over millions of souls for Jesus Christ. For over a half a century, in 73 nations, they have shared the good news, with pubic audiences of 20,000 to 300,000 people.]
From: I called Dan Bohler’s ministry to get this vision, he mentioned it in his video titled “Coming Judgment OF America; either the 1st or 2nd one, from The Prophecy Club®, on a great amount that is in his book. The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, Kansas 66675, 785.478.1112, $25.00.
15.1 1959?, Open Vision, Airplanes Strafing Ground And Buildings In Durango, Colorado — I am just coming to the realization that the vision I had when I was around 8 yrs old is really true and not a figment of my imagination. I have carried it with me for many years (since I am going to be 51 on 9-1-2002). I was out playing in the yard at our rural home outside of Durango, Colorado. I looked into the sky as I heard a strange noise. The noise, it turned out was jet fighter planes flying in formation over our ranch. I thought at first, how weird that this was happening. They were coming from the east and they were bombing or shooting every building in their sites. I think that I had this vision 2 times if I am remembering correctly. Anyway, I never forgot it, but I never knew of people "having visions" so I have thought it must have been just my imagination until I have been learning from others that what I saw truly was from the Lord. Just wanted to share for what it is worth.
From: brylin@frontier.net .
16.1 1960, Prophetic Word & Visions, The Word Of The Lord For America — God began speaking to Daniel Rodes in 1960. God told him that the Walker Manufacturing building would fall down and people would be killed. His warnings were ignored. Three days later the building fell and several people were killed. Daniel has been a missionary since 1983.
Today he is Bishop over 175 churches. He will give us the WORD OF THE Lord FOR AMERICA. The following is a small portion of the prophecies God has given him for America.
War & Bloodshed — In these visions I saw missiles and nuclear warfare being used on American cities. Our coastlines were surrounded by enemy nations, and Americans willingly surrendered to their authority. Americans became slaves to the enemy and were used and abused at their will. I saw the sovereignty of the United States turned over into the hand of enemies and saw our shorelines monitored by destructive military equipment. The whole land of America was in a state of confusion as men and women were demanded to yield up all their American heritage for a "new and better way of life." The American people will completely lose their citizenship as Americans. Their property and everything they own will become the property of the new government. Every person in the world will become the property of the new age government. Because they have rebelled against the Lord God of Heaven, they shall suffer severely. I saw the deadly, dangerous peace keeping force who were unmercifully beating and tormenting anyone who would resist their take over. I saw many of the cities in America being destroyed completely by fire and massive military artillery. I saw biological and chemical weapons being used on American soil and against her people. In one of these visions, I saw a yellowish, pale, gooey looking substance fill the air with a cloud completely blotting out the sun and multitudes of people were dying on every hand. This, I believe, was a nuclear fallout or a biological or chemical substance, but the Lord didn't explain it to me. It made me feel like panicking, but suddenly I realized it was not affecting me. I don't know if that means the faithful people of God will escape this or not. The Lord did not give me that direction. However, I do feel that we should pray as Jesus admonished us in Luke 21:36.
Persecution — There will be persecution coming upon the American people and some of the so-called Christians will be taken as slaves and put in work camps similar to that of Israel being in Egypt. Because we will not submit ourselves to the right ways of God and because we have taught our church people contrary to the Holy Scriptures, there will be much persecution. Many Christian pastors will be killed and others will be threatened and greatly tortured. I saw mothers crying as they were being tormented and watched their children die before their eyes. I saw so-called Christians bring great attacks against the holy remnant and I heard the word of the Lord say to me, "Come out from among her, My people." I heard the Spirit say to me over and over again, "If they do not separate themselves from this evil system, they will become a part of the plague that is coming upon the whole world. They will either separate themselves now or they will be separated in eternity." I saw this deception become so great that the American people were calling good, evil and evil, good. The so-called Christian world tried to stop all who would dare to interfere with their evil ways. Some so-called Christians willingly took the mark of the new age system as the right thing to do. I saw that while the church was facing severe persecution, the Glory of the Lord appeared and great revivals were taking place among the God-fearing children of God. The more persecution that was put upon them, the more they were purified and made holy. When some of the people who were against Christianity saw how the people rejoiced in the time of persecution, they also became Christians and were willing to suffer with the righteous. This persecution completely destroyed denominational differences and the only goal these Christians had was to line up their lives according to the Word of God, instead of their doctrinal opinions. The Lord informed me that He will not come for a church that is in a state of division, but that His believers will be unified in love and compassion and in the knowledge of the Word of God. The Word of the Lord said to me, "I am coming for a church without spot and wrinkle."
Famines — I saw famines of such destruction that multitudes of people were starving all across the world. These famines were unlike anything else ever known to man. The ground was opening up with huge cracks and suddenly the whole earth in those parts of the world became nothing but dust. I saw wind blowing in excess of 200 miles per hour on a sunny day, which was so destructive it destroyed everything in its way and whirled up dust and large clouds that blackened the sun. I saw the whole area covered with debris left by these raging storms.
27th War and Bloodshed: I saw in these visions missiles and nuclear warfare used upon the American cities. Our coastlines were surrounded by enemy nations and Americans willingly surrendered to their authority. Americans will become a slave to the enemy and will be used and abused at their will.
I saw the sovereignty of the United States turned over into the hands of the enemies and saw our shorelines monitored by destructive military equipment. The whole land of America was in a sate of confusion as men and women were demanded to yield up all of their American heritage for a “new and better way of life.” The American people will completely lose their citizenship as Americans. Their property and everything they own will become the property of the new government.
I saw many of the cities in America being destroyed completely by fire and massive military artillery. I saw biological and chemical weapons being used on American soil and against her people. In one of the visions, I saw a yellowish, pale, gooey looking substance fill the air with a cloud, completely blotting out the sun. Multitudes of people were dying on every hand. This, I believe, was a nuclear fallout or biological or chemical substance, but the Lord didn’t explain it to me. It made me feel like panicking, but suddenly I realized it was not affecting me. I don’t know if that means the faithful of God will escape this or not. The Lord did not give me that direction.
The Lord said to me that nothing will ever be the same in America after the year 2000 because He hand is being removed from the USA.
I saw the American people, who seemed to have been so centered in on their own way, that they were arrogant and proud of having such an exceptional relationship with God. They boasted that they had sent missionaries across the world and that America had done more to spread the gospel than any other nation.
Then I saw a radio and television pastors assuring the people that America would never be destroyed and if trouble did come, they boasted that they would be raptured out with all those who believe in the rapture. When I saw this, I became very disturbed because in my spirit I knew something was wrong. Then the Lord opened my understanding and I began to see that we have peddled every kind of religious philosophy and tradition across the world, but few were preaching repentance and a change of lifestyle. Then the word of the Lord came to me and said, “My people shall surely go through persecution. Because of her iniquity and because of her careless living, she will have to be refined in the fire of affliction that they may come forth as gold tried in the fire.”
From: The book, “The Word Of The Lord For America,” Daniel Rodes, also a video is available from The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.266.1112, $25.00 for the video.
17.1 01/27, 1961, Seven Visions Of God & What Is To Come & The Church — “But to those chosen for special ministries such as Prophets. Such are ordained from the womb and built in such a way so as to live in 'two worlds' at the same time - the seen and the unseen.”
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Prophet William Marion Branham: The End Of The Gentile Period/ Entering Into the Bride Of Christ Period – Who is this man to come sent from God? Has he been here? Have we seen him or have many of us missed him? You say “surely we did not miss him, for we are alert – are we?” The religious Chief Priests, Scribes, Elders and the Pharisees; many of them missed the Son of God – their very Savior – yet He was right in front of their faces! They knew the Holy Scriptures and were supposed to be looking for HIM, for His time to appear as the Messiah was at hand!
Before you read further, yes, there will be more with the Spirit of Elijah, but this man had a special calling from God—William Branham. Could this man of God, William Branham have possibly been the man sent before the Lord Jesus – you decide? Will there be one coming or was this man the man sent by God before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ? There was a man named William M. Branham, a seer prophet of God, who lived in America during the last century. All indications and proof given appear to show that God sent him – as the ONE in the “Spirit of Elijah” and as a forerunner before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Church, The Bride. It appears that many of us have missed the Word of God through this servant of God. May I suggest you read what God did in and through his life. You judge for yourself, I am only presenting what became available to me, and you decide if God kept His word and there was already a forerunner from God sent in the “Spirit of Elijah.” It appears strongly that this was the ONE sent by God before Christ’s return. Read what was spoken to HIM by God regarding the “Spirit of Elijah.” It also appears that many prophets will be here in the Spirit of Elijah, and today many of these prophets of God are truly here. And yes, there could be another one coming in a much stronger Spirit of Elijah, we shall see.
However, there was to be only One forerunner as of the type of John the Baptist. Was it William M. Branham? Did he meet the qualifications? Have we missed what God did through an extremely poor family and man, the same as He did through Joseph and Mary? They also were very poor, too poor to even pay for the normal sacrifice, but had to give the cheapest one, even for the SON OF GOD! Or will there be another one sent in the Spirit of Elijah?]
The Saviour Himself was cradled in a manger. When His parents took Him to the temple for circumcision, the family could only afford merely two turtle doves for the sacrifice. According to Lev. 12:8 this was to be the sacrifice if the parents were too poor to afford a lamb.
“As Brother Branham was about to baptize the seventeenth person he heard a Voice which Said, "Look Up!". And at that moment a blazing Star came whirling down out of the heavens with the sound of rushing wind audible to all. It hovered right above the Prophet. As many ran in fear, and others knelt in prayer, a Voice spoke from there, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent for the forerunner of the first coming of Christ, you have a Message that will bring forth the forerunning of the Second Coming of Christ." The Prophet [William Branham] stood in fear and trembling before God.
And I went back, and all the people there, the--the foundry men and all them, the druggist, and all of them on the bank. I had baptized about two or three hundred that afternoon. And when they taken me out, pulled me out of the water, the deacons and so forth went up, they asked me, said, "What did that Light mean?"
“The first public appearance of the Pillar of Fire in this Age was on 04/06th, 1909, in a little log cabin, when a young woman gave birth to a boy destined to fulfill the ministry of a prophet. Only a few were present at this event to witness the appearance of the Pillar of Fire as It came in through a window opening in the cabin, moved along the wall and stopped over the baby. That baby was named William Marrion Branham.
The second Public Appearance of the Pillar of Fire was on 06/11, 1933. The location was on the shores of the Ohio River, in Jeffersonville, Indiana. The circumstances surrounding this appearance was an Open-Air Gospel meeting which was concluded with a Water Baptismal service. Approximately 4000 people had gathered for this service. The Preacher, the one Baptizing the converts was William M. Branham. The Lord was about to commission His prophet, giving him further insight into his peculiar ministry.
As he was about to Baptize the seventeenth convert he heard "a Voice" saying , "Look Up!" Looking up, William Branham saw a strange Light, like a star, whirling down toward him, coming to a stop just above him. The witnesses standing on the bank of the River were over-whelmed by this unexplainable phenomenon. Some ran for fear; others fell to their knees and worshipped. Many pondered the meaning of this remarkable occurrence.
In the Old Testament a "Voice" spoke from the Pillar of Fire (Cloudy Pillar) to Moses. In the New Testament a "Voice" spoke again from the Pillar of Fire to Paul. So also a "Voice" spoke to William Branham saying: "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the First Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, so are you sent to forerun His Second Coming..."
If people can believe that God revealed Himself to Moses, and Israel, and Paul in a Pillar of Fire, WHAT HINDERS THEM FROM HAVING FAITH to believe that God could, and did, do it again in the Twentieth Century?”
Mal’akhi 3:1 [Malachi] “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.”
Luke 1:15, 17 - “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb. And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” [There would be a first before the Lord’s first coming – John the Baptist & there would be a second before the Lord’s second coming. Isa. 40:3; Mal. 3:1; Matthew 3:1-3]
The miracles surrounding William M. Branham were most amazing. God permitted many of the miracles to manifest and been seen when pictures were taken of them as each occurred, these were supernatural events permitted to be photographed. It is most amazing to behold!
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Holy Angel’s hand on Prophet William W. Branham’s right shoulder |
“Immediately over the head of Rev. Branham, was apparently a supernatural halo of light.” |
NOTE: “Mr. Ayres mentioned above in the Houston Press was the photographer who hours later was to discover the supernatural light above Rev. Branham's head on the photograph.
After conferring with Rev. Branham, Gordon Lindsay arranged for the negative to be turned over to George Lacy, considered the greatest authority on questioned documents in that area. Mr. Lacy then submitted the negative to exhaustive scientific tests. Rev. Branham was certain that the negative was genuine but considered it wise to have absolute scientific proof of its genuineness.
After a most thorough examination, Mr. Lacy gave a certified statement indicating that every test showed that the negative was absolutely genuine, and had not been "doctored" or retouched or been given a double exposure of any kind. The full text of Mr. Lacy's statement is found in the G. J. Lacy link...
God allowed the Pillar of Fire to be photographed with His Prophet at the Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston, Texas, on 01/04, 1950. The only supernatural Being ever photographed and documented authentic, appears over the head of Brother Branham. The same Being, appearing in 1933 before hundreds of people, spoke to him and said: "As John the Baptist forerun the first coming of Christ, you will forerun the second coming."
“Mr. Becker stated to us, 'I saw a light around Rev. Branham's head when he was standing there on the stage after the debate; it was not a flash bulb, it was a halo about his bead.”
“At another time Brother Branham was in a large city for three nights of services. The first one to be prayed for was a small child, whose feet had been drawn up by polio, causing him to have to walk on his toes. Suddenly it seemed as if a bright light had been turned on him.
Evangelist T. L. Osborn, who was present at this meeting, thought that a worker back stage had turned a spotlight on Brother Branham, but looking up they discovered it was the Pillar of Fire casting it's Light over Brother Branham and the child.”
Prophet William M. Branham made a most interesting comment about the time of the Gentile period being over. If it is true, then we know that the Gentile period ended, around 1967? Would the ending of the Gentile period and the fullness of time be the same or different time periods? We know from Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, that God has in St. Louis, Missouri meeting in 08/2003 revealed to her in a vision that the “fullness of time has now been reach.” Also David Michael received regarding the fullness of the time of the Gentiles, if I recall correctly.
Brother Branham told that the time of the Gentiles was over… and it is agreed that one needs to pay close attention to Israel. Well, Israel became a nation in 1948… if you carefully read this next paragraph, you should also come to the conclusion that Prophet Branham was right on! You will see that apparently the time of the Gentiles is OVER!
“Bible students agree that the "fig tree" represents Israel and that Jesus was indicating that it would be a "key sign" at the end of the world [age or season] to awaken His [Gentile] elect (Matthew 25:5-6) to the awareness and consciousness of His Second Coming. This is further proven by the Words of Jesus in Luke 21:24,
"And they (Jews) shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the 'times of the Gentiles' be fulfilled."
Note that Jerusalem was to be under Gentile control only "until" God finished "calling out of the Gentiles a people, a Bride for His Name.”
Since 1967 – the Jews have possession of Jerusalem, it appears we need to count from 1967 because of the above verse!
I do not fully know if this was the Elijah or called spirit of Elijah that was prophesied to come, you read and decide for yourself between Our Father/Lord Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit God. The fullness of the Gentile period is completed and we are now transitioning out of it, we have been in the transition period for some time now… did it start with William Branham’s ministry? It appears it could have, you decide.
“…Not unlike some of the Bible prophets, the birth of William Branham was marked by the Presence of the Supernatural. The first child of Charles and Ella Branham. It was a beautiful morning in the hill country of Kentucky. In a humble log cabin the voice of a baby was heard. The parents of this child were delighted over the birth of their first son. But even from birth he would be a peculiar child. On this morning, God Himself would confirm that this child was His choice. The young mother and father watched in astonishment as the Pillar of Fire came into the little cabin, moved across the room and stopped directly over the sleeping child. Little did the mother know that this little five pound infant would be used of Almighty God to deliver His people from sickness and bondage. God would use him to carry the Gospel all over the world. No wonder, the neighbors, who had gathered to see the new born baby, spoke of a strange feeling of awe in the room. No doubt it was caused by the Presence of the Angel, who would later speak to him and guide him through his life and ministry…
…As told by Brother Branham himself. I was on my way one afternoon to carry water to the house from the barn, which was about a city block away. About halfway between the house and the barn stood an old poplar tree. I had just gotten home from school and the other boys were going out to a pond to fish. I was crying to go but dad said that I had to pack water. I stopped under the tree to rest when all of a sudden I heard a sound as of the wind blowing the leaves. The afternoon was very still and there was no wind blowing anywhere else, only in the tree. I stepped back from the tree and noticed that in a certain place about the size of a barrel, the wind seemed to be blowing through the leaves of the tree. THEN there came a Voice saying: "Never drink, smoke, or defile your body in any way, for I have a work for you to do when you get older."
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1950, Divine Healing, The Healing Of His Majesty – King George Of England — The Year was 1950 and King George was sick, suffering with multiple sclerosis, - not being able to stand on his legs for more than five minutes at a time. Through his Private Secretary, he had heard of the Ministry of God's Prophet, William Branham. His Secretary was a friend to a Brother Walt Amen, a businessman in the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana who was also suffering from multiple sclerosis. During a Meeting at the Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle, a vision come over the man and he was made perfectly whole.
The King's Private Secretary heard of this and through there, King George himself sent word to Brother Branham, requesting that he come to England to offer a personal Prayer for him. Not being able to go at the time, Brother Branham sent word back, expressing his regret, but advising the King that though he could not go to England, he would pray for him and God would hear his prayer there in America. I have his statements, and have his letters of his seals, to come pray for him with multiple sclerosis. And so I couldn't go up that time.
Copies of the Royal Correspondence in Brother Branham's files reveal that King George sent another telegram, requesting that Brother Branham come to England immediately. It would appear that God had everything planned beforehand. God had laid it on Brother Branham's heart to go to Finland for meetings. En Route to Finland the Branham party stopped over in London to pray for the King. Arriving at the Airport, Brother Branham was summoned to pray for Sister Florence Nightingale of South Africa - She was dying with cancer. She had already contacted Brother Branham, asking him to come to Africa to pray for her; but upon hearing of his stop-over in England, she flew there. Her healing would be a sign to Brother Branham that God wanted him to go to South Africa for special meetings.
Brother Branham went to the hotel and prayed for Florence Nightingale and she was healed - therefore God had great things in store for South Africa; He then proceeded to Buckingham Palace to pray for King George and he was also healed - fulfilling what The Angel told him in 1946. He was told that 'he would pray for kings and potentates, etc'. After a few days in England the Branham party flew to Finland by way of Paris. In Finland the vision was fulfilled of the little boy being raised from the dead. God does all things Well!
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Speaking of King George's healing, Brother Branham said, "When I went to England, over there to see him, the Lord had healed him. He couldn't even stand up over five minutes at a time. And he, I believe the second day, he played eighteen holes of golf. And never was bothered with it no more until the very day he died…"
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: I think these seven visions were very interesting, some will not like what they read here below but if the shoe fits wear it is all I can say, I put it all in here because this was an unusual man of God, I am not saying he got everything right, but I am saying he was of God! I am a woman and I can see God was in the below prophetic visions & word! You would all do well to take heed!]
The first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would "fall at his steps." That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and would not believe it. But it happened that way, He just walked in there with his modern arms and took over. The natives didn't have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was said.
The next [second] vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.
The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, Fascism Nazism, Communism, but that the first who would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, "WATCH RUSSIA, WATCH RUSSIA. Keep your eye on the king of the North."
The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the second world war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic-bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Lets look at the 5th vision, it is a hard vision for women! You can tell I am not a people pleaser or I never would have put this vision in this document! Watch your reactions women to what you are about to read, it will tell a tale about your heart! Do you really want to please Jesus or you?]
The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote. Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights. She adopted men's clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.
The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: I am a woman. I do not think God was against the women voting at all, He is just stating that at this time is when women lost it in many areas including modesty! You would all have to agree this is TRUE! It is true many women today are in rebellion. If you look at pictures of women and their apparel or dress in the 1800’s and now today, you would see that in the past without air-conditioning these women wore long dresses fully covering their bodies and their bathing suits were fully covering their bodies; if you think God is pleased with today’s clothing that many women are wearing you are very much mistaken; most bathing suits today are porno outfits and many Christian women are wearing them! Many of us have had to repent of these terrible sins. God showed this vision about women, because apparently it has gotten seriously out of hand, I am sure men need to deal with themselves also in many areas; but God showed this vision to William Branham about women! We are going to have to deal with this whether we like it or not, ladies! That is if you like the TRUTH! Do you want the TRUTH?]
Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: I would think William Branham is referring to married women who no longer are submitting to the authority of their husbands, for single women are not in authority of a husband. When God gave this vision to William Branham, He had already had Maria Woodworth-Etter, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Steven L. Skelley’s preacher grandmother, and a number of other women preachers, so God is not talking against women preachers here! Regarding hair cut off, today most women want to jump over the Scripture regarding long hair is a woman’s glory… but it is in the Holy Scriptures whether women like it or not and it has only been about the last 50 years that women have chopped most of their hair off to the point that they are wearing men’s hair dos! I am sure this will upset many women, but we are still on this earth and women need to look like women and not have men’s hair do’s! Talk to Jesus and ask HIM, He will tell you if I have stepped out of bounds on this one! You can talk to Him now or when it comes time for your rewards in the judgment hall in heaven, which would you like?]
She adopted men's clothing and went into a state of undress,
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: God has made it clear in the Scriptures that we are to dress separate, women are to look like women and men to look like men; this may or may not mean women wearing pants or dresses; for in Jesus time men wore robes or what we would call today long loose dress robes. However, we do see the cross naming of girls today given boys names, we see the cross dressing; you can get behind some women today and you would think they are a boy or man from the cut of their hair and their apparel—this is not acceptable to God and His Holy Word. Yes, I know even some minister women look a certain way today, but I can only say this, in many areas of their life they maybe fine with God, but the Holy Scriptures state certain things for us while we are still here on this earth, and guess what, we are still here on this earth we are not in heaven yet! So, it is simple, do what the Holy Scriptures state while you are still here on this earth! In heaven there is neither male nor female, we are not in heaven YET! Here on this earth there is male and female which is called mankind, and we each have a part and role to play out! The poor men are having a tuff time for mothers think it is real cute to name their daughters today what is commonly boys names… example: Shirley was originally a boys name, but around the time of Shirley Temple guess what her mother did, she named her daughter a boys name! And the girls took over the name Shirley, my poor father struggled with his name being Shirley until he had it legally changed!]
until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: It is possible this is God’s church William Branham saw, or God was showing us it is both His Church and women need to deal with some issues as well according to the Holy Scriptures. I have seen other prophetic from God’s people revealing the Church looked like a whore before God’s eyes at times. So it is possible men, that you are included in being the Church and the Church of Jesus looking like a whore before God, for we could deal with all that you have done, like sexual sins, porno, etc… you are also loaded… need I tell you more, incase you think self righteously of yourselves? A woman is often referred to as the Church! The reason I make this statement is that in the 6th Vision William Braham is kind of showing you that he is not fully sure, read it and see if that is what you get also, if so, you men are also the Church of Jesus Christ … and it means God is not pleased with you men either! Ask God what He meant by this 5th vision, I suspect it is both: the Church looks like a whore and women looked awful as well; for take a look around, I have never seen women look so terrible; we have more appliances and clothing and we look worse than the women of 100 years ago, and we have less cloths on with air-conditioning! Women, it is time to get cleaned up and into holiness again. Now before you go off on the deep end, this is not about wearing expensive cloths, it is about being fully dressed and being modest, and looking like a female/a woman and being an example to the younger women and girls. And on another note, there are many categories, when unsaved people come to church, no matter what they look like leave them alone so they can get salvation, and let the Holy Spirit and ministers help them get cleaned up! We do not need to go back to throwing people out of church because they do not dress right. On the other hand, we need to dress right, MODESTY is the holy pure word that you need to implement in your life immediately, women!]
Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.
The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.
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Notice that the “black means darkness” in the Church
01/08, 1961, Great Light/Pillar Of Fire & Manifestation Of Drawing/Sketch On The Wall Of The Seven Church Ages — Pillar Of FIRE, DRAWS ON TABERNACLE WALL, Divine Vindication.
“To the above is a sketch of the "drawing" of the Seven Church Ages, as drawn by Brother Branham on the blackboard while teaching a series of sermons on "The Seven Church Ages". The final message in this series was preach on 01/08th, 1961. A total of fifteen Messages were delivered, showing the spiritual history of the Church.
With the Bible and history, Brother Branham traces the moving of the Spirit of Christ and the antichrist down through Seven Ages - showing the influence which each had on the Church.
At the conclusion of the final Message in this series the literal Pillar of Fire (in the presence of many witnesses) appeared in the Tabernacle and drew out (on the wall) the sketch of the Seven Church Ages exactly as Brother Branham had drawn it on the blackboard. Thus, once again, God publicly vindicated His servant and prophet to this last age…
Now, there's hundreds and hundreds of witnesses there to prove that.”
“…the prophet would reveal the prophesied "darkness over the earth and the GROSS darkness over the people" (Isaiah 60:2). The Messages on the Revelation of the Seven Church Ages shows the ever increasing darkness which crept over the church world through Seven Ages until in the end it goes into a "total blackout" of the Word with Christ outside the door of the Church (Revelation 3:14-22).”
“God's Seventh Church Age Messenger Prophet stood on the earth, revealed the Mystery of the Seven Church Ages, showing how the Holy Spirit of Christ and the unholy spirit of the antichrist have battled down through seven Ages. To help visualize the scenario of the Ages the prophet drew a diagram on the board (See Image at left). In the circles the "light" portions represent the Presence of the Holy Spirit and the "Light" of the Word revealed by the Holy Spirit in each Age. The "dark" portions represent the antichrist spirit and the influence of man-made religion, by-passing the Holy Spirit and using a man-made priesthood to interpret the Word to the people.
At the conclusion of his series of sermons on the Ages, Brother Branham showed (by the drawing he use), that the church world goes into "total spiritual darkness". Then the Pillar of Fire came into the Tabernacle, moved over to the side wall and in the presence of MANY witnesses supernaturally drew out (on the wall) the same drawing which the prophet had on the blackboard.
Our Gracious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, was confirming the Scriptural Truth of what His servant preached. A further confirmation and proof was in the lunar eclipse that followed. It was in six stages, with the seventh being a "total eclipse", signifying the "total spiritual eclipse" of the church world in this Seventh and last Church Age.
In the book on "The Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages", Brother Branham makes reference to the "Sign in the moon" coinciding with the visit of Pope Paul the sixth visiting Palestine. Here is the direct quote from the book...
Matthew 24, mentions signs in the heavens concerning this last day just before Jesus comes. I wonder if you noticed such a sign recently fulfilled as to portray the very truth we have been discussing. That truth is that Jesus has been steadily pushed aside until in the last age He is pushed outside the church. Recall that in the first age it was almost a full orbed church of truth. Yet there was a little error called the deeds of the Nicolaitanes that kept the circle from being full (referring to the above drawing). Then in the next age more darkness crept in until the ball of light glowed less, and darkness covered more of the circle. In the third age it was eclipsed still more, and in the fourth age which was the Dark Ages, the light had all but gone.
Now think on this. The church shines in the reflected light of Christ. He is the SUN. The church is the MOON. Thus this orb of light is the moon. It had decreased from almost a full moon in the first age, to a sliver in the fourth age. But in the fifth age it began to grow. In the sixth it took a great step of growth forward. In part of the seventh age it was still growing, when suddenly it stopped short, and waned to almost a nothingness, so that instead of light it was the blackness of apostasy, and at the end of the age it had ceased to shine for darkness had taken over. Christ was now outside the church. Here is the sign in the sky.
The last eclipse of the moon was a total eclipse. It waned to a total darkness in seven stages. In the seventh stage, the total darkness came as the Pope of Rome (Paul the Sixth) went to Palestine to make a holy tour of Jerusalem. He was the first pope to ever go to Jerusalem.
The pope is named Paul the Sixth. Paul was the first messenger and this man goes by that name. Notice it is the sixth, or the number of man. This is more than a coincidence. And when he went to Jerusalem, the moon or the church went into total darkness. This is it. This is the end. This generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly!”
“Three years later in a message entitled, "Recognizing Your Day And Its Message", preached 07/26, 1964, Brother Branham again makes reference to the Sign in the moon and it's significance.......
Now, on the papers (pictures of the eclipse) you only get the six ages. It's because the Laodicea church was blacked out completely. And if you notice the spiritual application? As God said it in the heaven... When I said it here on earth, I left a little bitty space, as you see, just a tiny little bit of light (in the 7th. circle); that was just before the very elected was to be called from the earth - the reason I placed it on there for the seventh age; but when God put it in the heavens it was totally blacked out. Means maybe the last one is called from that Laodicea age; we don't know. There could be a sermon on it.”
From: Bible Believers Association, P.O. Box 2503, Sta. C, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 6E8 or www.biblebeliever.org/biblebel.htm .
18.1 01/27, 1961, Vision, Vision Of The Wrath Of God — in Sarasota, Florida, Robert Lambert and two other brethren beheld an unusual vision pertaining to God’s judgment of America. The following account was written by Gerald Derstine, president of Gospel Crusade, Inc., in Bradenton, Florida, and appeared in the 04/01, 1961, issue of Harvest Time magazine.
“At five o’clock [in the morning] I heard a knocking on my door, with someone crying out, ‘Brother Derstine! Brother Derstine!’ When I opened the door, one of the men, trembling all over, pleaded: ‘Oh, Brother Derstine, please lay your hands upon me and pray for me! God gave me a vision of the wrath of God, the judgment God is going to send upon the world and upon our land. Oh, my God, my God, I wish I had not seen this…’
“Upon returning to the room where he and the two other man had been sleeping, the Lord came into a portion of the room and the power and the brightness was so intense that the men shielded their eyes with their arms and cried out for the Lord not to come any closer, for they could not stand His presence! The fear of God was upon them. Then the Lord spoke through Brother Robert Lambert, as his voice and his whole being took on a different form, giving forth this message: ‘Write this down; this is of the Lord! the vileness and the wickedness of man have come up before me as a stink in my nostrils and I will not be able to stay my hand any longer. I am sick to my stomach. The mockery of my word in the religious systems of america are an abomination to me. I have come to my bursting point and will spew out my wrath upon the land….’”
The next morning a group of believers assembled in Gerald Derstine’s office”… to hear in more detail what happened through the night concerning the vision by Brother Lambert. For four hours he admonished us and prophesied to us under a strong anointing of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes he would tremble and shake; sometimes he would kneel. It was as though God was speaking directly to us! It was awesome! The Lord declared: “The wrath of God, the Day of the Lord, is here now! These things shall be known around the earth! There will be others, this particular morning, that will know that this is the hour, and that I am not going to wait any longer!”
God always confirms His Word. Three other brethren had the same exact type of vision on the same night as brother Lambert did.” The next evening, we had a service for the public and a minister from Orlando, Florida was led of the Spirit to come to this particular meeting to have fellowship with us. He did not know about the visitation we had, until he heard the speaker relating the testimony of the great vision. With great fear, this visiting minister of Orlando told us of his terrible dream [vision] he had the same night concerning the great wrath of God coming upon our land. He told us he saw such terrible things that he wished he would have never seen this dream. This was identical to the vision Brother Lambert has on the same night. Three days later we received a letter from missionaries from Haiti telling us of a great unusual visitation of God, which they experienced on the night of 01/27. The missionary, in writing this letter, stated what his wife experienced in her vision that particular night: “The Lord showed her terrible persecutions that are coming on the earth and how that men will be killed and maimed. She saw a large city whose buildings were falling upon people and huge fires were to be seen everywhere….”
Several days later brother Derstine spoke at the Regional Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International in Washington, D.C. In his message, brother Derstine proclaimed what the Lord had revealed to the brethren in Florida. Then “…a man from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada who stood to his feet and trembling, began to tell the congregation in this meeting that he also had an identical vision from the Lord of the great wrath of God coming on the North American continent. He said it was such a terrible sight, he wished he had not experienced this. This significant fact was that his vision also came on the same night as the other three afore-mentioned.”
As time passed, J. Preston Ebby, a former associate pastor of the Revival Tabernacle in Sarasota, Florida, and one of the men who was with brother Lambert the morning he shared his vision, wondered whether or not he and the others had misunderstood what God had revealed to them. He expressed his feelings in an article entitled “America Under Judgment,” which appeared in the 02/1981 issue of End Times Digest. “Over and over again we received the message: The Day of the Lord is – now! The judgment of America is – now! ‘I shall pour out My wrath upon this people and upon this land – now!’ So terrible were these words that I literally walked about for days gazing into the sky, fully expecting to see Russian missiles attacking any minute…!”
“Years later as I meditated upon the visitation I asked, ‘Lord, did we misunderstand you? Where is the judgment you promised?’ Then suddenly, like a bolt of lightning flashing from within some tortuous cloud, the revelation burst upon my astonished spirit as a vast panorama of events spread clear as crystal before my wondering eyes. I saw! I understood! The judgment has come exactly as prophesied! The judgment is here! now! And like a gigantic tidal wave rushing through the sea it surges on to a swift and certain conclusion!
“In my opinion there is no greater certainty than that the judgments of God upon our beloved country began just when God declared they did – in 1961! It should be clear to any man or woman with one eye to see and half sense, that during the past two decades America’s power, pride, prestige, and purpose have been broken!”
Brother Ebby concluded his article with a rather lengthy dissertation on how America’s myriad failures over the past two decades can be attributed to this nation being under God’s judgment. These failures include the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Russian missile crisis, the U-2 incident, President Kennedy’s assassination, the hippie movement, the Viet Nam War, Watergate, the Iranian hostage crisis, and worldwide communist expansion.
I totally agree with brother Ebby and with the other men and woman of God: the United States of America is under God’s judgment.
God vividly revealed this truth to me after a severe winter northeaster pummeled the Atlantic coast. The next morning, as I was driving by Washington Rock State Park in New Jersey, I saw an American flag in shreds, but still flying. After I had driven by it, the Lord said to me, “This nation is torn,’ I began to weep, knowing that torn flag was symbolic of America’s already being under the judgment of God.1
18.2 1961, Vision, Vision Of The Wrath Of God Coming Upon America & North American Continent; Message Given By Gerald Derstine At Christian Centre In Surrey, British Columbia, Canada In 1970 — ". . . the church itself, who we claim to be a part of, we're going to feel first the greatest effects of this coming of the glory of God. The presence of God coming upon this earth is going to affect us, through other people. As the presence of God comes, other people are going to try to disturb us. By that I mean, they don't know God. They don't know that God is coming. They don't know that God's kingdom is coming. They don't want to believe it if we tell them. They say, "you're crazy, impossible." We know it's true. God' word said so. Jesus Christ is returning. And when He returns He's going to have a church without spot or wrinkle, a church that's being perfected by the powers of evil that are upon the earth as these tests and trials come upon us, and it's going to get much worse. It's going to get much worse than what it is. I mean the tribulations are going to increase, as God's presence comes closer upon the earth. . . . The presence of God has been changing me, been perfecting me, been testing me. And he's changing you. He's changing many of us. We're living in the end of time where His presence shall come, and it's going to move upon this earth. In 1961, let me tell you this. In '61, in Sarasota, we had an unusual experience. . . . 'had a vision of the wrath of God coming upon our American cities and this North American continent. Put your hands on me and ask God to remove it from me, I can't stand what I am seeing and what I've been seeing,' and he was really disturbed. I could tell by the way he was talking and crying that he really did have a genuine vision.
Of course, I didn't know what had happened until daylight, when I was out of bed, and I then was only out for a short while when I met these other two brothers and they began to tell me what happened. They said, 'Brother Derstine, when brother Bob left your house and came back, we were still in the room. We knew that God moved in him in a tremendous way. In fact, he was crying and groaning.' When he left, that was the condition he was in. He figured he had to see me. Came over to my house. But when he came into our room, the glory of God was so great and so tremendous. It was so strong. As he was walking in the door, it seemed like a great, great glory, a brightness. It caused us to tremble. We were on our beds, but our bodies began to tremble so violently we couldn't stay on the bed, we were so frightened, and we cried out to God, we literally screamed out to God, 'Don't come any closer, don't come any closer,' and he said, 'we fell off our beds, and were laying on the floor, just trembling,'
And then this Bob, his voice began to speak the most unusual way--if you can imagine somebody speaking while they're spewing, bringing up everything inside, and here are the words that came out of his mouth and they both heard it clearly: 'The vileness and wickedness of man has come up before me as a stink in my nostrils. And I cannot stay my hand any longer. The mockery of my word in the religious systems of America is an abomination to me.' As they were coming out of his mouth, supernaturally, these words.
That was in 1961. And during that day, that morning, as we were assembled together, the Holy Spirit was still moving through this Bob, and one of the things that he said to us under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, said that what had happened here that morning, had also happened in other parts of the world -- that same message and vision was given to others of God's people. And I was glad to hear that. . . . We had the first evidence of it the next day. The next day God sent a man from Orlando, Florida, to our service. He said, 'What this young man is telling you about this morning, that identical vision I saw. For several hours I cried and I wept.' He said, 'I couldn't stand it. I asked the Lord to remove it from me. I saw cities, I saw people crying in a terrible state of desperation at the wrath of God coming upon the cities.' Well, this really shook me, you know.
I thought, Goodness, the next day already I hear one that had nothing to do with it in our own town but in another city 160 miles away. Three days later I received an air mail letter from the country of Haiti, describing a vision and it was the same night, the same time. And they told us about the vision that came upon them. Several of them had it the same night. One of the missionaries couldn't sleep all night long. The Holy Spirit was just speaking to him and telling him what's coming to pass. And the other one had vision of the judgments coming upon the earth. In fact, one of them saw unusual things. They saw people that were being destroyed, and there was another people with those people that were not being harmed. They saw a people that were seemingly hid away. But they were amongst the tribulations, but they were hid away -- they were not being affected by it.
Then they saw still a third party of people that were right in amongst those that were being in this state of terrible sorrow and tribulation, and crying for help. And they heard a voice cry out and say, 'how come YOU are not affected by this?' Because they saw they weren't being hurt at all. They said, 'because we are the children of God and have already overcome the world and the powers of the world.' Now this was written in that letter that came from Haiti to us. I still have a copy of that letter; I think I have it written in this particular leaflet entitled, "God Spoke," which hundreds of thousands of these have been printed already and distributed all over the U.S. and Canada and many countries of the world. (The little story I'm telling you now.) But anyway, then I received a third confirmation of this. . . . He was weeping and crying. And he said, 'What brother Derstine is telling you about, the same thing happened to me that same day -- that same morning.' So in just seven days' time I had the confirmation of at least three other people beside our own experience that happened, and I was satisfied. I knew that God spoke.
From the book: 1Spare Your People by Richard Swanson, ©1986, ISBN: 0-88270-596-2. 2 Part of a message given by Gerald Derstine, Christian Centre in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada in 1970 & Robert Lambert.
19.1 11/1963, Vision, Thousands Of Chinese Troops Gulf & Pacific Coast — During Revival at “Everybody’s Tabernacle,’ Indianapolis, Indiana. After the close of a service one night during the Revival in Indianapolis, a tremendous burden struck me and I began to cry and travail in the Spirit. It didn’t seem to effect anyone else so I left the auditorium and went to my quarters and fell prostrate on the floor before the Lord. I cried and travailed for about an hour when all of a sudden I was lifted in the Spirit and began to see visions of things to come to pass in our country. I did not get any definite time as to when these things would take place, but it was so real that I feel compelled to set them down to paper so that they will not be forgotten. They are the most horrible visions I have ever had. Surely, America must be awakened before it is too late.
I saw and beheld a terrible darkness as one beholds when the moon is hidden behind the clouds and the stars do not give their light. Therefore, I feel that most of these things shall happen in the nighttime. I saw this darkness as it began to cover our land and on it’s heels was a terrible destruction. The destruction came from the East. However, I turned and looked toward the South and toward the West and as I did I saw thousands of troupes being released out of boats on the Gulf Coast and on the Pacific Coast. Also, they were coming on foot from Mexico. By the thousands they marched and as I beheld their faces I saw that they were mostly Chinese. However, among them were also Africans and Latin Americans. They were horrible men to look upon; their faces were hideous and mean. I felt that they were demon possessed for murder was in their eyes.
Then, I looked over America and it seemed I saw porch-lights coming on in all the towns and cities. Everything was still and tense. A dark cloud of terrible fear hung over the entire nation. One could not hear the stirring of a soul. It seemed as if everyone was sitting in their house—just waiting—and waiting. Then, I saw these troupes again as they were dispersed across the whole United States. I saw two or three of these soldiers as they would approach a house armed with rifles and bayonets. They would quietly knock on the door and the whole family would be lined up and led away down their side-walks to the street and up the streets they marched at the point of a bayonet. Not only the men were taken this way, but the women and children, too. Some were taken to concentration camps, but the ones that defied (challenge or rebel) the soldiers were lined up and shot to death. This was the most horrible sight I have ever seen for I saw hundreds of people being piled on top of each and burned. I saw piles and piles of these human bond-fires. It was unbelievable! It made no difference whether they were women and children for they did not wish to be bothered with the care of the children and so, they were burned along with their parents.
I saw many people that I know personally being led away in these lines. I prayed and cried out to God to save them from this day. I felt such peace then that they could be saved from it.
The terrible part of it all was the fact that there was no way for the people of the United States to defend themselves. They had no weapons with which to fight back at the soldiers. They did not own any guns for prior to this time a law had been passed that no person could own a gun. People had fallen for this scheme and plot and so, were defenseless in this horrible hour. In fact, our whole nation had been disarmed. I saw no one in America lift a gun or a sword. It was simply pitiful. The foreign troupes were dressed somewhat like the Nazis dressed during the second world war. They had on helmets of a grayish green color. They were fully armed and no one could stand against them. I did not see any American soldiers rallied to ward off these foreign offenders. America had been disarmed almost completely, but no other nation had!
After these terrible scenes had ended I asked God what protection would there be and if there was any way to escape. The Spirit so sweetly comforted my heart and made me to know there was a place of safety in Christ Jesus. He also made me to know that many are entering into that place of safety in Him even now. However, He also said that the time to seek His face was now—this is the hour to prepare!
From: Evangelist Evelyn Eagle & David Failla, ziofailla@aol.com.
Year 1967—Interesting Comment: ~Lord Jesus revealed to Apostle Seer Prophet N. J. (male) that the last Jubilee year was 1967, and that very, very soon after the next Jubilee year which is 2017, the “catching up” would occur! This was revealed to me personally during the first week of 08/2006 in St. Louis, Mo., by a very close Apostle Seer Prophet friend of N.J.~
20.1 11/24, 1969, ,Taken To The 3rd Heaven & Visio ns & Visitation Of The Lord Jesus Christ, This Is The End Of The Age Of The Gentiles — [David Michael’s visions were put in this invasion series for the vital reason that we are at the end of the Gentile Age – what is in this prophetic word is vital to your understanding!]
Preface – The Lord Jesus has revealed – very powerfully – to quite a number of His servants in various parts of the earth the truth that we are standing at the portal – the ending of one age and the beginning of another. I am only one of these many prophetic voices. In my case, the Lord Jesus brought me into His presence, and I beheld Him seated on His glorious throne. Standing before Him – facing Him, were many thousands of joyful, glorious, redeemed worshippers. From this seemingly heavenly room or auditorium, all of us could “see” or know what was occurring directly below us in the air or surrounding the earth. Most of what we beheld on the earth was horrifyingly chaotic. But, we also knew the full sequence of events, that combination of God’s glorious works, which had overwhelmed the enemy’s desperate onslaughts, and that which had led up to that very moment preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule the earth. The date on which the Lord Jesus appeared to me was 11/24th, 1969, and it was almost midnight. I was 18 years old. During the next summer (1970) I spent 2 1/2 months in Israel, and the Lord frequently visited me with dreams, visions, opening the Scriptures and almost daily for 10 weeks was speaking to me profound revelations concerning the chosenness of the nation of Israel, and the specific role of that special nation in God’s plan for bringing salvation to the world.
All this was amazing to me, because He showed me in spiritual vision so many things which had happened in history, particularly Jewish history, from Old Testament times to the present; and of the vast majority of these things, I previously was entirely ignorant. In fact, history had been my worst subject. The foundation for what God taught me and what I saw revealed in visions became established at a time (age 18 & 19) when I saw the Lord Jesus and subsequently studied in Israel. During my ten-week stay I read more than one third of the entire Bible. God’s visitation was steady and intense. For the next twelve months, I was overwhelmed with the things I had seen in the Spirit and in prophecy, and of course, I was pretty shaken up. Not feeling confident about speaking of these things, I safely and wisely held them in my heart. One particular thing I saw in some detail the night I saw the Lord was the manner in which the various Soviet Republics became independent nations, which did occur all together over twenty years after I saw the Lord Jesus. Strangely, it was this part of the vision which I was most reluctant to tell, not only because we all know it would have sounded unbelievable, but mainly because I couldn’t understand it myself! I had seen it in a vision, but I still couldn’t comprehend how such a thing was possible!
For nearly twenty-nine years I kept most of the details locked up in my heart. In 09/1998, God strongly challenged me to speak of the vision to apostolic leadership. To my amazement, it was entirely embraced by these leaders and by pastors, and evangelists with whom I was ministering in England. Most of what occurred at that time concerned Israel, Great Britain, and one particular former Soviet Republic to which our ministry teams soon went. And then, in mid-11/2000, I was given an urgently strong prophetic word by a powerful apostolic leader from Britain (who himself has carried the gospel to India, Russia [as far east as eastern Siberia], Nepal, Croatia, South America, Ukraine, parts of Africa, and numerous other nations of the world, resulting in multitudes of people coming to salvation in Jesus Christ. This most recent admonition was a command to write down what the Lord has revealed to me, and an affirmation that He will put it into the hands of His people in churches. I promised to obey Him.
I asked the Lord to please show me which particular aspect He desires me to write about, as I had no idea where to begin. He clearly spoke to me to begin with this teaching concerning the end of the age of the Gentiles. This subject in itself is the broadest overview! It is not a small subject. While much of it is gloriously powerful, some issues contained therein are terribly sobering, even horrifying. Please be assured that without the prophetic urging from the Lord Himself, I would almost certainly not be writing about these maters at this time. But, I am now convinced that it IS the right time.
This Is The End Of The Age Of The Gentiles — When our Sovereign God in His unsearchable wisdom chose to bring the Gospel to all nations, to allow the Temple (which was called by His name) to be destroyed, and to cut off some of the Jewish branches (grafting in new believers who were being saved from among the nations), it was a time of unimaginable turmoil, change, violence, and bloodshed. The abolition of the Levitical sacrifices for sin, the destruction of the Temple, the scattering of the Jewish people to every nation under heaven (which resulted in a terrible physical and spiritual desolation of the land of Israel), and the inclusion of multitudes of uncircumcised people among the people of God, all of these things were simply unthinkable. Most of these developments were completely unimaginable, even though the prophets of old had made specific references to each of these drastic things, which would occur. Yet even the disciples themselves, whom Jesus had personally trained and had warned of these coming events, found it very difficult to accept and to keep up with the intense period of transition in which they lived. We face much the same situation now in our day. The way the Church has always assumed things to be is suddenly going to change, as both Old and New Testament prophets assured us would happen.
The age of the Gentiles has an end, and we have now reached a time wherein it must honestly be said that it is finished, first for the western world, and very soon for the regions of the world which are just now experiencing a major last-minute harvest, areas such as the Orient and the 10/40 window. The 11th hour harvest in the still-unreached nations will be one of the most vast and earth-shaking things that have ever happened. It will be a great harvest! But, it will not take long to finalize. While we measure such a span by the phrase “a very few short years”, they are in fact so few that they could conceivably be referred to in “months” rather than in the usual “years”.
When God broke off some of the Jewish branches, which had always been so dear to His heart, and adopted many children who were previously strangers, there were three main visible signs of the enormous spiritual changes which were going on worldwide. These three signs, which introduced what has been called “the Church age”, are being exactly duplicated or repeated as the signs that indicate the end of the period of the Gentile age. As it is the “Jew first and then the Greek” (that is to say, the Gentiles in general), so Israel had two thousand years to shine to the nations and then judgment fell, and now the Church has had two thousand years to fulfill its call, and judgment is here.
The three signs which began the Church age and which will now end it are these: First, a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Lord’s House (this first happened on the day of Pentecost); Second, a brief but intense period of world evangelism (this occurred in 30 to 70 A.D.); and last, unparalleled violence, bloodshed, and slaughter of God’s people, even at the same moment that the message of salvation was going forth to bring in the harvest (this was of course the war culminating in the destruction of the Temple 70 A.D.) Notice that the known world was evangelized in forty short years, and that this enormous evangelistic thrust immediately preceded a frightful judgment which began at the House of God.
We have all heard that now the time has come in which judgment must begin at the House of God. We have heard it so often that we almost think we can quote it. We imagine that it means that God is about to clean up His Church, starting with the preachers and elders. But, when Peter wrote these words, he was in essence saying: “Look! We have now come to the time when God is going to send the judgment and the promised destruction to the Temple, as our Lord Jesus solemnly warned us! And if it begins here with us, where will the Gentiles end up. If God’s people experience such fierce things, what shall happen to the unbelievers, the sinners, and the ungodly?” He penned these words immediately before the destruction of the Temple and the desolation of Jerusalem. And what he wrote then is right now taking on new significance for us, upon whom the ends of this age have come.
There are two opposite demands which God has made, and they are now about to come into a most drastic collision. These two issues concern His feelings towards the nations, and they must both be satisfied. First is His overwhelmingly gracious heartbeat towards all peoples of the earth: He loves all; He desires all to be saved; He is intensely hot about getting the entire world reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom; and He fervently labors to take out of the Gentiles a people for His Name. The final judgment of the world has been delayed for thousands of years because His desire to save every possible life takes precedence over His desire to repay evil deeds with vengeance, and also because it would not have been possible for Him to ruin the harvest fields by flooding them with judgment and still somehow to be able to guarantee the integrity of the full harvest. So, judgment just has to wait. The second factor, in opposition to the first is the demand for Him to judge the earth which is soaked with the blood of His people, Jewish and Christian, whose blood has been shed with mocking haughtiness and impunity for thousands of years. The Word of God is replete with accounts of the coming day of judgment when God’s wrath will be poured out on the Gentile world. Moses sang about it in Deuteronomy, and the saints in the book of Revelation are still singing about it in heaven. Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Luke, Jude. I and II Peter and many other books in the Bible speak of the final time of judgment of the Gentiles.
Now notice carefully that Jesus addressed this very principle (of the conflict between God’s obligation to judge and His desire to safeguard the whole harvest) in the parable of the wheat and the tares. Remember that it was His fieldworkers (pastors, teachers, evangelists. Etc.) who heavily urged Him to rip out the tares and destroy them right away. “Not so,” he informed them. He revealed to them that there was no possible way to rip away the tares without losing some of the wheat, and He was not and is not willing to lose even a single one. He said that the separation would occur at the time of the end. In which all the wheat would be gathered into His granary, and the tares would be burned up in the fires of judgment. This speaks of something more than the fires of hell, which is amply covered in Jesus’ teachings elsewhere. It speaks of a fiery judgment which will occur on earth.
For the remainder of this message, I shall move through several building blocks of truth which will prepare us for the final conclusions. Let us begin with the following issue: Why is God growing so impatient with the nations that the harvest must be speeded up? The answer may shock you, but I saw it expressed visibly by the expression on the face of the Lord Jesus Christ! I saw a look of terrible hurt and utter grief, total disgust and a stern, burning anger with the Gentile nations because of the Holocaust. His lips were not speaking, but He was thinking so loud that it was FRIGHTENING to behold. He was essentially communicating to me the following thoughts and impressions: How can the nations behave so disgustingly! If they are going to behave like Devils, savagely butchering my brethren whose blessings have been long delayed for the sake of these Gentiles, I will HASTEN the end of the period of grace upon the Gentiles, and turn now to Israel with comfort and favor.
I also saw a frightening, horrified look in His eyes, which, in a slow deliberate, steady, angered look of resolve, portrayed the following concept: They will pay for this. They’ll pay a price so heavy that they are incapable of bearing it. They will see a side of Me they never knew existed. They will be shocked to see the One they imagined to be a distant, historical figure from the ancient past emerge to violently shake and crush the offending peoples.
Now you can believe me, or you might not believe me. Neither the belief of the Lord’s people nor their disbelief will move me on this matter, because I saw our Lord, and these words were easily discernable by the look on His face and by the thoughts that He shared. (I can also say that if you had seen such intensity on His face, you would have trembled like me, and after trembling, you most likely would not have any energy left to argue about it.)
But wait! The strange thing is that He showed what had been in His mind and upon His face as the Holocaust was occurring and at its end. These events transpired several years before my birth which was 04/1951. So the Lord Jesus allowed me to see (even in the smallest measure) what he felt in 1945-1948 as the entire world stood guilty before Jesus the Messiah, having annihilated – or neglected while others murdered His own family. And even then, in the late 1940’s He had an intense yearning for His Jewish brethren, and He wanted at that time to rain destructive and fierce punishments on those nations, and simultaneously take the people of Israel to His bosom, and comfort them, and dry every tear, but He couldn’t do all that throughout the entire world as it existed during the time of 1945 and shortly beyond. Do you know why? It was because the harvest was not anywhere near completion! Hundreds of millions of souls were not yet reached. Nations were not yet reached. The Church by and large had been neglectful of its duties to get the Gospel to every person on earth. And I actually saw the resolution on the face of the Lord Jesus, which was sufficient to portray these thoughts. “All right… It will have to wait a short period for the ingathering of Gentiles. But, I will make it wind up very shortly. This evil deed of theirs is going to shorten their time of hope.”
And saints, consider that the Holocaust is actually the most recent and largest of a tragic succession of obscene, satanic, abominable murder sprees of the past 2000 years, the majority of which have occurred in those very nations which claimed to honor the Savior of Israel, Jesus the Messiah. He will NOT be implicated in their wickedness, which is actually an expression of their hatred against Him. So, I will sum up this part in a single sentence: God is hastening the end because of His anger and grief over the centuries-long and increasingly murderous and insane raging behavior of Gentiles against the Jewish people, who are His own nation.
Now the hardest thing of all to ponder, as we consider all things mentioned in the Word of God concerning these matters is this: What does the Scripture mean when it says that some of the native branches (some of the people of Israel) were broken off, and some other branches, wild by nature (some of the Gentiles) were grafted in? This subject is so agonizing to write about that I have actually put off for a while my duty to inscribe it for the benefit of God’s people. But, I know that the following things have to be stated, whether or not I can bear to say them (and they must be written whether or not others can bear to read them.)
The branches who were cut off were the lives of the one and a half million Jews who perished in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., and the several million Jews throughout the Roman world who were murdered within a century of that horrific desolation. The event in the year 70 is known as the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple.
Now it is very important that God’s people should understand the following things. Jesus is Luke 21 (and elsewhere) spoke very specifically about the siege of Jerusalem, its fall, and its desolation. He sums up that the time period surrounding the destruction of the Temple with these words: “These are the days of vengeance, that everything that is written shall be fulfilled”.
So, the agonizing sufferings of the slaughtered inhabitants of Jerusalem (of which Jesus prophesied, and which are amply recorded by eyewitnesses and historians) were not going to be averted ---- because the Son of God Himself declared those days of vengeance. The details of the fall of Jerusalem are excruciating. It is almost unbearable to read about it or think about it. At one point, hundreds of dead bodies lay strewn about in the Temple courts, unburied, rotting, and untended. This had been the Holy Temple, the holiest place on earth, and the site chosen by the Lord Himself, and called by His own name! (And may I say that this was not only the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesies concerning the time of God’s departure from the Temple, but is also a horrifying picture of judgment coming on Christendom at the end of the Age.)
But, the two details from the destruction of Jerusalem which we must face – and I shall mercifully limit it to these two things – are the ripping open of living Jews for gold coins, and the crucifixion of hundreds of small children. It is recorded that desperate Jews swallowed gold coins, hoping to escape over the walls of Jerusalem at night, avoid capture by the Roman soldiers, retrieve the coins through elimination later, and be able to begin a new life elsewhere. The Roman soldiers heard rumor that there was gold inside these escaping persons, and so they cut their stomachs and bowels open while they were still alive in order to pocket whatever coins they found! Josephus, an eyewitness, declares that in one night, two thousand people trying to flee the city were thus dissected! And, God held His peace, because these were the days of vengeance, and the promised great salvation, of which He had spoken, was now going to come to the Gentiles.
The Romans captured and crucified and average of 500 persons a day, and displayed their bodies on crosses which faced the walls of Jerusalem. This was done so that the inhabitants could see the horrible spectacle and might thus be encouraged to surrender to the Romans. However, these mass crucifixions only incited more hatred against the Romans, and aroused a greater desire to never surrender. So, seeing that this wasn’t working, the Romans began the practice of crucifying young children in hopes that this heartbreaking and revolting sight would get the people to surrender.
Saints of God, I will tell you by the word of the Lord that these hundreds of tender, young Jewish children who were crucified outside Jerusalem were among the “branches” who were cut off so that you might be grafted in! Jesus spoke about the young children in Jerusalem who would die in the siege, being slaughtered. When He spoke about it, He wept. These little children died calling upon God – who would not and did not intervene to save them! They were descendents, all of them, from God-fearing Jews who had come back from Babylon under Zerubbabel along with Mary’s and Joseph’s ancestors and descendents of what Acts 2 calls “devout Jews” from surrounding nations who came up to Jerusalem for the holy feast days. God who is love, and who had promised Abraham that He would be the God of His children forever, restrained Himself and didn’t act as He normally would have at the cries of dying Jewish children – children who were in fact the young branches who were being cut off, branches who would never grow to adulthood, never live life as God desired them to live it, branches which would never produce fruit or offspring of their own, branches who were completely cut off to make way for the Gentile believers. How God restrained Himself we cannot expect to know, but we do know that Jesus said that He and the Father are one. And we note that Jesus Himself had a very difficult time bearing the knowledge that this horror was to befall Jerusalem’s children, for we read that when the Son of God looked out over Jerusalem, and saw in the Spirit what was about to occur, He wept inconsolably. He experienced a grievous anguish of mind and soul.
When Jerusalem was being destroyed, God bottled up the stifled cries of these dying children, and preserved their cries, to be heard at a future time. That is to say, God did not wholeheartedly listen to them with the intent to avenge and judge the Romans at that time, for if He had done so, the branches would not have been cut off at all. His pity is simply too consuming. But, He deferred in the timing of being moved to fury over such abominations.
Why? It is so that you could be saved! It’s so that you and the entire Gentile believer who have been brought into the body of Christ for the past two thousand years could be grafted in. Jesus consistently taught that the first would be the last and the last would be the first. Many privileges first given to Israel would now be given to the redeemed among the Gentiles, who were last to come to know the God of Israel. So God looked away from the scenes of the slaughter and screams of agony from a few million first-century Jewish people, concentrated on the praises of hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of redeemed saints from among the nations – people who were formerly Gentiles, lost and without God in this world, but now would be washed in the precious blood of the Lamb, the Son of God who is the Savior first of Israel and also of all those Gentiles who put their trust in Him, as Isaiah prophesied. Israel was suffering because those were the days of vengeance, but Gentiles from all around the world were being given their first-ever opportunity to become part of God’s family.
What the Lord showed me is the holocaust so ignited His fury, even to the point of igniting the WRATH of the Lamb, that God speeded up the world harvest and the grafting in again of the native Jewish branches. As He beheld the butchery, Satanism, occultism, murder, cruelty, and hellish barbarity of the Nazis and the Europeans in general, as well as the collusion and/or indifference of the rest of the world, He in distress and grief said in His heart which I might try to capture in these brief words: “It was for these wicked, ungrateful Gentile peoples that I allowed such sufferings to come to my own people Israel? Well then, their time is now up! I will NEVER fail to judge the world for this, and I will never treat it as small or overlook it, because it so violates My heart and My very nature.”
(I am so sorry, saints of God, I cannot possibly put into human words what I saw in Jesus’ heart and face. I saw horror, disgust, resolution, and regret as well as pity and yearning to regather, redeem, restore, and reinstate the nation of Israel. But, the words which I have written are so woefully inadequate to express what I saw revealed in His face. I am nearly ashamed to write words that are so scanty a description of how He feels. I don’t think that I have captured even 15% of what He was saying, thinking and conveying to me. I am sorry. Forgive me for not being capable of doing any better than this.)
A large part of the reason our Lord Jesus is returning with fire in His eyes is because of this ungrateful, dastardly, traitorous, murderous, haughty, and proud way the nations have treated the people of Israel, who are a people that were blinded for our sakes. There are lots of other reasons as well, reasons which do not directly concern Israel. One of these involves God’s growing impatience and displeasure with those nations who have “had” the Gospel for hundreds of years, and who still do not love God, obey the Gospel, or produce fruit. The Scriptures show that this anger in God is the cause of His sending the nations that strong delusion so overwhelming that “they might be damned.” Another verse says that it would be better for them if they had never known the way of truth than to have it and turn away from it. We’ve always applied that verse to individuals only. But, I am telling you plainly that it pertains to nations as well. There are national destinies. And, there are according to the Word of God, nations that are going to be utterly destroyed, exterminated, overthrown, wiped out, and literally annihilated, all because of their rage against Jehovah. The Bible doesn’t just state this truth once, twice or three times. It is clearly said repeatedly in the Word. While this was never God’s desire or intention from the beginning, it will happen simply because they will bring such a thorough curse upon their own heads.
And so to conclude this teaching, we shall state again that he biblical pattern is this: First, judgment in the house of God, then the overthrow of the ungodly (destruction of nations). Also, the Bible speaks of “nations of them that are saved,” which shows that many, and perhaps hopefully most Gentile nations will be left with some survivors, even after coming judgments. Note this however: There is a big difference between the judgment which befell Jerusalem in 70 AD and the coming judgment which will answer the Holocaust, (and all other crimes of bloodshed in human history). God’s Word abundantly promises the survival of the Jewish people, the future glory of Israel, and God’s favor upon them and presence with them forever. The perpetrators of the many slaughters inflicted upon God’s people through the centuries are promised NO SUCH THING! There are specific words in the Bible directed at Edom, Amelek, Rome, Babylon, and others which declare that they will be burned up or destroyed, leaving them neither root (ancestors) nor Branch (descendants). And, isn’t it interesting that God promised that the natural branches of Israel would one day be rightfully grafted back in to their own tree, but that those nations whom God shall burn up will not even be left with any braches at all! Or, in other words, when these branches are broken off, they-unlike Israel-will never, ever, EVER be given life again. When Jesus comes back to rule the world, there will neither be Babylon or Babylonianism (including sorcery of any kind), Rome or Romanism, pagans nor paganism, nor any proud exaltations by any Gentile people against Israel or Israel’s God. Nor will any mountains of Edom (Mecca, Medina, and the corners of Esau’s territory) survive the prophesied visit of the “Star of Jacob,” the Lord Jesus Himself.
I have delivered my soul of this burning weight, a most serious and heavy concern, which I first saw in the face of Jesus Christ. I have desired to express that the Age of the Gentiles does not end all in five seconds everywhere on earth, but it exactly parallels the curtain of darkness that naturally falls across the globe every day at nightfall in the western world, and with the final hour of daylight, the Orient and other unreached regions will be harvested. We must work while it is still daylight, as Jesus admonished.
The end of the Age of the Gentiles is here, and we have been living in a transition period without fully comprehending how much our day is a fulfillment of the Savior’s words. Actually, we have moved most of the way through the transition period without fully realizing it. We are just now seeing the 11th hour workers come in and labor in the harvest fields. This means that we have less than one hour of daylight remaining in which we must complete the harvest. We will move through the remainder of it with jolting evidences (plural) that the old age has ended, and we most certainly cannot go back.
Finally, my beloved and precious fellow-believers, those saints who are worshippers of our glorious and soon-coming Master, Savior, and Lord – Jesus our much anticipated Heavenly Bridegroom – please be aware that I have written this in such fear of God as to make me tremble. I know that these things are very true. But, that doesn’t make it easy to state them. Nevertheless, be assured that I have done the very best I know how to do. May God richly bless you, and give to you further insights into these matters. Sincerely your brother, David Michael.
From: David Michael Ministries, P.O. Box 1544, Hemet, California 92546 & this also is posted on Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s website.
20.2 10/07, 2005, Horrible Vision, Christians Falling Away In America —David Michael was asked if he had seen any visions regarding the invasion of the United States of America, he answered this comment below, it is not word for word but quick notes to the best of my ability:
Vision: I had the most horrible vision, it was a vision with no picture to it. I heard the cries of many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions; many were Christians, crying out, they were in shock, in horror, and had an offense with God, they were shaken to the core at God; "we can no longer believe... He/God must have fallen asleep." It was awful, I heard it coming up from all across the country; America.
What could be so awful? Did Washington D.C. or did the Constitution fall, or did the Antichrist come to power? There was this great offence on their part. I heard or felt "a firm" on God's part!
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Comment not by Seer Prophet David Michael: The great offense to the Christians, could it be the invasion of the United States by the 8 united countries that we now have over 200 prophetic witnesses for—this would be a huge horrible shock in many areas including simple things like no: electricity, water, food, shelter, gas, heat in the winter, or air-conditioning in the summer, and some being taken as slaves to foreign countries as well as many being killed, etc.? And/or has the invasion of the USA overlapped also into the Tribulation period and many Christians believed they would be "caught up" before the Tribulation (Instead it appears strongly that the rapture or catching up will take place after the mid point of the Tribulation, but before the "wrath of God" period during the Great Tribulation at some point?)
David Michael was asked a second question about the Antichrist and could he or was he fathered by the fallen archangel/cherub Lucifer, since we have a number of records in the Holy Scripture about (some) fallen watcher angels who intermingled with the daughters of men and offspring's were born unto them, who could never be saved, (which they were called Nephilims)... and later could the fallen Lucifer when thrown out of the second heaven with his 1/3 of the angels; could fallen Lucifer now possess a body he had prepared for himself, his very own offspring, the Antichrist? Was fallen Lucifer permitted as at least three other times this occurred in the Holy Scriptures: Before the Flood at Noah’s time, the fallen angels left their first estate and came down and intermingled with the daughters of men, and offsprings called Nephilim or giants were on the earth. We had after the Flood during the time of the exodus from Egypt, the Israelites were to take the Promise Land, and it appeared again there were giants; and during King David’s time we know of Goliath and his four brothers who where giants. There may have been more but the Bible records these time periods with Holy Scriptures showing this really did occur. So, it could be more than possible that fallen Lucifer came down and also intermingled with a daughter of man, and had an offspring on 11/23, 1933 called the Antichrist, who’s seed was from evil fallen Lucifer. And it is possible that when fallen Lucifer is thrown out of the second heaven he now has a body prepared for himself. And the Antichrist would have the powers from fallen Lucifer being his father, as well now as a double type of anointing when Lucifer comes to posses his own offspring!
David was not able to give me any information about this theory above.
I was only able to get some quick/very fast notes - even missing some comments that were vital; what I was able to grab was not even complete expressed thoughts, here are the bullets I grabbed in the conversation between us:
n Jesus said "I and the Father are one" John 10:30; John 14:7--10
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Seer Prophet David Michael: The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) says God has Fathered a Son (this son is part of Father God and part human, with no earthly human father but a earthly human mother—Mary); did God allow in the earth plan that fallen Lucifer would also have a fathered son? The Antichrist? If so, do we have records that fallen angels (some of the watchers), fathered offspring's, called Nephilims?
Yes, in fact several times throughout history: before the flood, and Giants were here after the flood, during King David's time, and now they are here but not in giant form, but very giant in the evil kingdom (Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson let me know this), and may even show up still in giant form in the near days to come—it would have to happen quickly however for time is moving fast!]
n 2 Thessalonians 2:9 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, ..."
n David said something about the Greek word "coming" (one needs to look it up...)
n David made a strong comment that it is known that the birth of the Antichrist; it was a "very demonic birth." Very evil.
From: Quick notes from a personal conversation with Seer Prophet David Michael, Birmingham, AL, GOE Meeting, 10/07, 2005.
20.3 12/16, 2005, Horrible Audial Vision, Christians Falling Away In America — “…anything about that 'coming strike on our country' that you spoke about, and asked me about, and I told you that I heard MILLIONS of distraught, disappointed, shocked, horrified, frightened, angry, OFFENDED Christians (offended with God for allowing "IT", whatever 'it' was) crying out, and that God was immovably unwilling to respond to that outcry, as it was HE who was so wronged and so violated and so aggrieved and it was WE (Americans) who had for so long become steadily more and more OUT OF STEP with the Divine Lord. This 'vision' (though it was not visual, but entirely audial) scared me to pieces, as I wondered if I would be one of those believers who was displeased with the Lord? I sure hoped NOT! Anyway, when you spoke to me at Birmingham, it was THE foremost question on your mind, and as you spoke, a stirring occurred within me…”
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Comment not by David Michael: Again, this could be the Invasion of the USA! For it will be terrible, we know in the prophetic that as I recall the USA would be taken back to before the 1950’s before it is all over. This will be a HUGE shock to many Christians who are not paying attention to the signs of the times.]
From: 12/06, 2005 e-mail from David Michael.
21.1 Before 1970, Godly Vision, I Saw A Spiral Staircase Going To Heaven At Age 10—When I was 10 years old I saw a stairway going to Heaven in my front yard as other children played around it but they didn't notice it. This led to the first poem I'd ever written out of around 300. It went, "Spiral staircase leaning toward the sky, children play in the summer haze never know why. Question to the answer will never be asked, road to the promise will never be passed." Jacob saw this in Genesis 28:10-19
21.2 Godly Dream, First Time I Saw God In A Dream— The first time I started praying I would pray in tongues 2—3 hours a day. That first week I had prayed 16 hours and I had a dream, I saw a bright light and a voice spoke to me Ps 27:14 "Wait on me and seek me: be courageous, and I will strengthen you: wait on me and seek me."
21.3 A Dream and a Vision prior to 9/11, 2001— I believe I saw the events of September 11th, once in a dream and several times in a repeating vision. The dream was in 1993, in it I was in a large marble hallway like an airport concourse that was totally empty except for two Muslim men crouching down whispering to each other. I walked over to hear what they were saying and I knelt also. One said, "We have the ability to shut down every airport in this country!" That was the end of the dream, I thought that they would use the shoulder fired surface to air missiles that we gave to the Afghans to fight the Soviets to shoot down our airliners from secluded spots near our airports. Though I believe this still may happen, all the airports were shutdown for 3 days after 9/11. The repeating visions would always happen as I would watch stock market reports. The market would rise higher and higher before my eyes would appear a large blackened floor of a burnt out office building as though it were a 100 stories high and yet it was like a giant freight elevator that was about to crash downward, it groaned, buckled and shifted. This was so distressing to me that when it was at 9600 I called my sister who works for Merrill Lynch and warned her to get out of the market, it was high enough and any more greedy pursuit would be disastrous!
21.4 Godly Dream, Ezekiel Type Dream Of God When The USSR Collapsed — Once in 1991 I took a week off from work as a curb number painter, which I still do today, to seek the Lord. I prayed the whole time, read my bible, and listened to his unbelievable words. The last day of my time alone with Him, as I awoke I asked Him how he wanted me to spend my last day with Him. He said, "I want you to spend the whole day praying in tongues!" So I spent the day praying in tongues, 16 hours straight. That night I had a dream, in it I was in my mothers house looking out the back window and a furious storm was approaching, it had gold colored lightning shooting all through it constantly and I started yelling, "That's God, that's God!" Thinking of the vision in Ezekiel chapter 1.
Ezekiel 1. "Now it came to pass that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. The word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest and the hand of the Lord was there upon him. And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire." As the storm approached it suddenly became a large tree in my neighbor's backyard directly behind our house, (as a tall full tree is shaped like a rising thunderstorm). A chain-linked fence separated our properties and the owner was outside with a large ax and with one swing brought the tree crashing down. When I awoke I immediately turned on the radio and the first thing I heard was, "There was a coup in the Soviet Union over night and Michael Gorbachev is under house arrest on the Black Sea!" Immediately I thought I had the interpretation, my mom's house was America, the neighbor's was the Soviet Union, the fence was the Iron Curtain, every tree which brings not forth good fruit, the ax is laid at the root, and God came down to accomplish this.
21.5 Healing The Sick In The Streets With Angels Assisting In Signs And Wonders— The first dream I had with the two angels in it I was crossing a street with many businesses on it, walking towards a man with metal crutches that wrap around the forearm. There were 2 men with me just behind me and on both sides, and I was wondering who they were. Without saying a word I laid hands on the man and instantly he was healed. I kept going down the street and two more people were healed. Then we came to a busy intersection filled with people and cars. These 2 "men" took my hands and lifted me into the air and all the people and cars stopped. I started preaching Jesus to them, "Jesus this, Jesus that, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!" To me the greatest miracle was the sermon.
21.6 Godly Manifestation Of Looking Like Being On Fire, Co-worker witnesses me on fire— One related true incident happened when I was contemplating starting a ministry and was praying one night that God would give me the power to heal the sick. I heard him say, "When you lay hands on the sick you'll be as a flame of fire!" I had a vision of my body filled with the fire of God. The next morning as I was at work waiting tables, it was before we opened and I was spinning a tray on my finger when a waitress came in from the kitchen. She stopped, stunned and mumbling something in shock. Then I finally heard what she was saying, "Fire! Fire! It looked like you were on fire!" I asked her if she'd ever been involved with Pentecostal Christianity and she said "I used to be into it," and I told her that God had revealed to her what He'd shown me the night before.
21.7 Holy Angel Communication, Real Encounters With An Evil Angelic Principality And 3 Angels Of the Lord— About the same time as the above incident in Houston's Galleria area, I'd prayed to the Lord to teach me how to cast out devils. A few days later I was on my sofa when suddenly a man shaped being walked through the window behind me into the center of the room. He had a long green robe on that covered his feet; he appeared to be a king. His entire head was covered with a cloud so that his face was not seen. He reminded me of how the Williams tower often is topped with a cloud. I said in anger, "Get out of my house in Jesus name!" He turned and walked right back out of the window. Suddenly I noticed there were three angels sitting on the arms of the sofa, two on my right and one on my left. One of them on my right leaned over and said, "That's how you do it!"
21.8 Godly Dream, Muslim & Mexican Gorilla Attack On My Neighborhood— As I was writing this letter I prayed in tongues for 3 days straight and I had a horrible dream. In it I was lying in the sun in my back yard when I heard some explosions. Behind my house is a bayou with a jogging track on both sides. Suddenly a pickup truck loaded with Muslims or Mexicans armed with machine guns came down one side of the bayou shooting at the houses and a small tank like a Bobcat mini- tractor came down the other side of the bayou. What made me think they were Mexicans was that 2 Mexican women came running down the bayou toward the attackers. When I saw them I tried to run but 2 armed men jumped the fence before I could escape. This dream shook me. There are 200,000 Muslims in Houston and could be a 5th column in a war with Iraq.
21.9 Godly Dream, Laser Weapons Attack Houston's Oil Refineries From The Air—Once I dreamed that I was driving along the Houston Ship Channel in heavy traffic at night, driving in a circular (roundabout) intersection. It was an overcast night and across the bay there were many oil storage facilities. Lasers were coming down through the clouds and lighting the giant oil containers into flames. I couldn't tell whether the lasers were coming from satellites or aircraft, it was too cloudy, but they seemed to be on a stationary platform like a satellite.
21.10 Three Godly Dreams, Nuclear War In America & Nuclear Cruise Missile Destroys Houston As Angels Assist— I've had three dreams of nuclear war in America the latest being in Houston. In the Dream my wife and I were being escorted out of town by the two angels that appear as men. We were walking down a four lane freeway, out in the middle of nowhere; I thought it was I-10 between Houston and San Antonio. There were no cars on the freeway. Suddenly a cruise missile came toward us about 40 feet off the ground and was headed for Houston. A few minutes later it looked like the sun went off over Houston a hydrogen bomb. This dream reminds me of the story of Lot being led out of Sodom by two angels in Genesis 19:14-26. The Russians have now manufactured the "Sunburn" cruise missile. When I was in St Louis I dreamed that I had stepped outside my apartment, as though I had heard something, and saw two huge mushroom clouds. When I was in Denver I dreamed that I was walking along a small ridge east of the city when what appeared to be a lightning bolt struck the foothills of the mountains. I thought to myself, "That must be some thunderstorm!" But when I looked up I saw a mushroom cloud and thought that the lightning bolt I saw must've been a ballistic missile coming from space. As I looked back down I saw an ocean of fire racing across the city toward me. I quickly tried to dive behind the ridge and the dream ended.
21.11 1998—1999, Godly Dream & Prophetic Word, Damascus Destroyed In A Counter Attack— I spent a year in New Zealand from '98-'99 and started a 24-hour prayer room open to the body of Christ in a shopping district. Every time I listened to the Lord for a scripture that whole year, He kept giving me Isaiah 17:1 "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." After I returned to Houston it happened a couple more times. One of these times I was so shaken by it that I told a Messianic Jewish minister about it. Three days later the King of Syria died and his son took over. One night in Houston I dreamed I was in the valley of Meggido. It was night there and an attack was coming from Syria around the north and south sides of the Sea of Galilee. Immediately I knew a counter attack was the solution.
21.12 US Soldiers March Into A Meat Grinder— Around 05/2002 I saw before me a vision as I read my bible. Hundreds of US soldiers in desert camouflage were bunched together going into a meat grinder. A few days later I was window shopping at an army surplus store. I talked to a young man who claimed he'd just returned from the Kandahar airbase in Afghanistan I told him that from reports I've heard they can hardly protect their perimeter. And I told him about the vision. Astounded he said curiously, "I've never heard of such a thing!"
21.13 05/2002, Vision, Prophecy of the USA in Obadiah—During the Gulf War the Lord said, "Do you want to see this in the Bible? Look at Obadiah." Though the first war was a cakewalk, I believed it wasn't over and it appears to be coming to a head now. Obadiah 1 "The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the Lord, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised. The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes? 6. How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him. Shall I not in that day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of Edom and understanding out of the mount of Esau? And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter."
21.14 My Background Testimony— The reason I'm writing is that I believe the Lord spoke to me to show men of God in Houston prophetic things He's revealed to me over the years. Jesus has had me hidden away from the church and the world as I've been seeking Him and studying for the ministry for 20 years now. I'm now entering my 40th year "on" Sept 26th 2002. I believe I'm called to a low and humbled position in the Body of Christ, (though men think of it as a high one), that of the dusty feet, (as the foundation of the New Jerusalem shows), that of an apostle. "For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised. And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it: Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day." I was saved watching Christian TV and went 3 years without finding a church though I studied 8-16 hours a day full time through TV ministries and private studies. The only church I attended for any length of time was in St Louis. I moved there specifically from Houston to attend that church. At one time I believe the Lord told me to quit my job by faith and trust him to support me while I volunteered myself as a minister of intercessory prayer at my church full time. One morning when I started praying the Lord said, "I want you to pray for America. A blackness settled in the prayer room as though the Lord had turned His back and was showing me that no matter what I said He was not going to listen. I sat there stunned for 8 hours, with my hand over my mouth, frightened by His wrath. Eventually I was kicked out of that church as that pastor is a TV Evangelist and lived the million-dollar lifestyle and the Lord, after several years of attendance their, told me to tell him it wasn't right. As Paul said, "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain (prosperity) is godliness (godly doctrine): from such withdraw thyself."
This is one reason why God is set to destroy America besides the fact that the USA must be gone to fulfill scriptures of the end times. "For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart." One reason I haven't settled in a church is stated here, "For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it." I submit for your scrutiny some of my encounters with the Lord.
Love Robert XXOO,
Ecclesiastes 9:13. Here is another thing that has made a deep impression on me as I have watched human affairs:
There was a small city with only a few people living in it, and a great king came with his army and besieged it. There was in the city a wise man, very poor, and he knew what to do to save the city, and so it was rescued. But afterwards no one thought any more about him. Then I realized that though wisdom is better than strength, nevertheless, if the wise man is poor, he will be despised, and what he says will not be appreciated. But even so, the quiet words of a wise man are better than the shout of a king of fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one rotten apple can spoil a barrelful.
From: Mary at Mtoyama60@aol.com. New Message on Cummings Family Adventures, from Robert aka Preacher Creature, <NOBR>Preacher_Creature</NOBR> (Original Message) Sent: 4/19/2006 5:28 PM, from: kairostransport.
22.1 1970’s, Godly Dreams, Fall Of The Nation & Chinese people who had invaded the U.S. — A few of my friends from my brief 'Jesus Movement'-like days back in the 70's, for instance, had dreams regarding the fall of the nation. Donna, the teenager who witnessed to me, had a sobering vision about martyrdom and a guillotine -- She was rather shaken by it for days, feeling rather corrected in the dream . She never told us some of the details. The 'pastor' at of our small house church (Alan Redrup -- last I knew he was has since been in the People of Destiny group for many years/started by Larry Tomszak/C.J. Mahaney) had a dream in which he was corrected for being 'out of shape' -- He had to run for many miles while these military Chinese people who had invaded the U.S. chased him. An unrelated (to our fellowship) young Charismatic Catholic lady up in N.J. had a dream in which the Chinese military who had taken over the U.S. entered her home and demanded her and her husband renounce Jesus. She was pregnant at the time, and she and her husband refused. They killed them both. One of the revelations she got out of this dream was that she could trust the Lord that one day she would indeed be married in the future.
From: www.harvestnet.org/prophecies/americadreams.htm .
23.1 1972, Dream, America War Zone — In the dream I was walking through America, it was like a war had occurred, there was burning, it was really ruff, with some people desolate. America was desolate and burned, it was the USA I knew in the dream.
From: Chuck Aho CAHO7@msn.com .
24.1 10/07, 1972 & 09/1973,Visions, Visions of Coming Calamities—God has given me two visions in the past eight years that have changed my life and ministry. In these two visions, He has shown me events to come that will affect the lives of every man, woman and child in this nation, …as well as throughout the world.
Jesus said to me, “..My people need to be informed and prepared for the difficult times ahead, …I want My people to not only be informed, but to seriously and diligently devote themselves to the building up their faith and to seeking My guidance in every detail of their lives, …Some of the things which I have shown you have already come to pass, and it has taken some time for even these things to occur. In the same manner, the rest of the vision will come to pass, but it will take time for it to occur. I will bring all of the things which I have shown you to pass in this generation. … By My Spirit, I have shown you things to come that My people might be prepared. I want My people to be one step ahead of everything that will occur. …Tell My people that I will provide protection in danger, food in famine and faith in persecution. I will be true to My words and My Covenant with them. I will keep them in the coming difficult times and My hand shall be upon them in special ways, but they must do their part to seek Me and to cooperate with My Spirit by diligently nourishing themselves with My Word, building up their faith and seeking My guidance in every detail of their lives.”
10/07, 1972, Vision, 14 Months & 4 Judgments—Completed: The first vision came in 10/1972, giving 14 months for 4 judgments. This has been fulfilled.
09/1973, Vision, : The second vision came in 09/1973, regarding which Roxanne says in My Vision:
“…About two weeks prior to the vision, God, moving in a very miraculous and powerful way, had commanded me to buy several acres of land in northern Florida. I went ahead and bought the land, but because I was so amazed at the strength and power behind His command, I asked Him, ‘Lord, why is that land so important to You? Why would You make us move from beautiful Naples up to the northern part of Florida?” He answered me more fully and powerfully than I could have anticipated—in a vision form.
Late one afternoon in early September I was relaxing after a hard day’s work, thinking about business details, when the Holy Spirit came upon me and opened my eyes to see what was to come in these next few years.
First, I saw a very clear picture of Florida. The southern two-thirds of the state was baked dry in the sun and in a state of severe drought. But I saw clouds filled with rain move down and gently drop their moisture over the northeast corner of Florida, exactly in the location where I had bought the land.
Then, I sensed that something awesome was about to happen to the southern half of Florida, and as I shifted my gaze southward, the most eerie and incredible thing I have ever witnessed then occurred. The ocean, like a giant monster rose silently and calmly and began to move across the land. It moved miles inland, flooding everything in its path. Later when it moved back, the drought continued and the sun baked the ocean salt into the land.
I knew the area where I bought land in northern Florida would be protected and watered by God, and certain areas where God led other Christians to buy land and farm would also be protected. But most of the country and world would be under the supernatural siege of God with ever increasing and worsening droughts, flooding, earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, pestilence, etc. I knew that because of these natural judgments of God that many crops would fail and millions of people in different places of the United States and the world would be starving. It is not a pretty picture and is therefore very difficult for me to talk about, but I saw millions of people starving and trying to find edible roots and grasses to eat. I saw presidents of corporations reduced to nothing except their homes and the food in their cupboards. One man was trying to warm watery soup for his family on a fire in his backyard.
It seemed to me that many houses were very dark and cold which would signify that somehow there was a shortage of electricity and heat. Money was not much more valuable than paper. The only things worth having were land, food, seed, wood for fuel, a home that was not mortgaged, farming tools and machinery, and certain everyday products which were no longer available.
Many people simply left their jobs and tried to grow enough food to live on. Many of our largest and most trusted corporations went bankrupt. Many valuable machines were setting idle because they lacked the one necessary part to fix them. Many people who were living beyond their means and who had mortgages on their homes were turned out into the streets. Insolvable problems presented themselves in every area, in politics, as well as economics and weather. There were so many quick changes, that by the time we had heard of one change, another change had already occurred. The church became heavily taxed and many of its activities were curbed by the government. Much persecution broke out against Christians who preached the gospel and witnessed. But in the midst of all these calamities, the (true) church of Jesus Christ waxed valiant and became stronger than ever…millions were swept into the kingdom.
So, in short, it would be good to begin to set our houses in order and prepare ourselves inwardly for His coming, and outwardly for the events that are coming. None of these will come upon us suddenly, but we can see the beginnings of everything I have mentioned already. These problems will just increase and cause some people to begin to seek God, for they will realize there is no other answer…
Whatever you do, don’t run ahead of God! Just use this as an incentive to spend more time with Him, praying and reading your Bible, and waiting upon Him so that He can speak to you…
Summer of 2000, Visions, Norm & Kathleen Rasmussen: I have had but two visions in my lifetime. The first came to me in 1958, when a vision of God took me from a little town in Pennsylvania to New York City to work with teen gangs and drug addicts. That was not a false vision. [The beginning of Teen Challenge, insertion mine]. Now, years later, its reality is shown by the youth centers spread all around the world. Gangs and addicts have not only been converted, but many are even preaching the gospel as ministers and missionaries.
Summer of 1973, Vision: A second vision came to me this summer (1973). It is a vision of five tragic calamities coming upon the earth. I saw no blinding lights, I heard no audible voices, nor did I hear from an angel. While I was in prayer late one night, these visions of world calamities came over me with such impact that I could do nothing but kneel, transfixed, and take it all in.
At first I did not want to believe what I saw and heard. The message of the vision was too frightening, too apocalyptic, too discomforting to my materialist mind. But the vision came back to me, night after night. I couldn’t shake it off. Deep in my heart I am convinced that this vision is from God, that it is true, and that it will come to pass.
Who wants to listen to a message of economic confusion in a time of great affluence? Who wants to be told judgment is coming when so many can’t even cope with life as it is? Who will ever believe that the religious freedom we now enjoy will soon be threatened and that a Jesus revolution will turn into a Jesus revulsion movement?
Parts of this vision will come to pass in the very near future. Some of the events are more distant. But I believe all the events mentioned will happen in this generation!
Chapter 1 then begins addressing the first of the “five calamities.” For sake of space, I’m only going to share certain key sentences to give you a “taste” of this book. The first sentence of Chapter 1, starts out with:
There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision, this is the clearest thing I have seen. Not only is the American dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. It is not really a depression I see coming—but a recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage earner in America and around the world. Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also. Arab countries will especially be hurt. The world’s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion, and an international crisis of fear will develop.
I believe we are going to witness the bankruptcies of some of this nation’s major and most popular corporations. I see tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are going to be many people unable to pay off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near-chaos. Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies. Three, and possibly four of the major religious denominations will be forced to operate with a skeleton organization due to a lack of funds. More than a few churches are going to go bankrupt and a number of independent missionary societies and church organizations are going to have to pull back. All but a few of the radio and television ministries will have to be abandoned. Tight money will trigger a wave of uncertainty and fear. Those who have money will hold it in reserve.
The United States government is going to “overreact” to the confused economical developments. I see a flurry of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies—but these hasty efforts to shore up the economy will backfire. Almost every economic indicator will be gloomy. It will be spotty at first, but will eventually affect nearly all industry.
It is not a time to go into debt. It is a time to prepare, a time to get clear and out from under heavy financial burdens.
Gold prices are soaring, but those who are investing in this commodity, hoping to find security, are in for a tragic surprise. The price of gold is going to rise astronomically, but it will not be sustained over a long period of time. Silver will also become a very precious metal, and its price will go wild. But neither silver nor gold will offer real security. The fluctuation and uncertain value of gold and silver will be a part of the total picture of economic confusion that grips the world.
Believe it or not—even gold will not hold its value. Gold hoarders are going to get hurt—badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.
There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system. And even though the dollar will appear to be gaining strength just before the coming major recession, a new crisis will develop that will shake the entire financial world. . . .
Some kind of a world credit system will develop and nations will be able to utilize blocks of credit. Although a universal money system may be far off in the future, a world credit system between nations will soon develop, setting the framework for the future world monetary and trade system.
Be prepared to hear of world trade agreements “policed” by an international governing committee. Strict guidelines for international trade will develop and a “world market” will be closely monitored by big power interests.
To put it plainly—we will soon witness the development of a world trade policy, supervised by a super secretary invested with unprecedented powers by all nations involved in international trade.
I seem to see a picture of a partial and almost complete recovery from the coming recession—but the world economy will continue in confusion until the time of the Antichrist. From this day on, there will hang over the entire world a sense of fear and uncertainty about future economic conditions. Never again in the history of the world will there be a time of complete confidence and trust in world economies.
Elane Durham's Death-and-Back Vision of Coming Calamities and Triumph: The following account is taken from Elane's book, "I Stand All Amazed: Love and Healing from Higher Realms." Elane was clinically dead for an hour and was being prepped for the morgue when she came back from the dead. Meanwhile she was given a tour of heaven as well as a vision of what could happen on this planet given our current course.
A Changed North America: As the angel pointed in front of me a wide view of land and water opened up, so that at first I thought I was seeing two countries. Instantly it was made known to me that I was looking at a vastly changed portion of North America, which was completely divided by a large body of water, and which had lost a large part of both eastern and western shorelines. As I saw this I was given a total understanding of the natural and man-made disasters that would need to occur to make these changes, and I was informed that these might or might not come to pass according to our choices as a people—according to my choices as an individual.
Great Destruction: In this scenario icebergs and polar icecaps were melting. Earthquakes had occurred and there had been hurricanes and fierce storms—the whole country had been ravaged by these things. I could also see massive fires burning here and there—not so much the flames as the smoke that was ascending toward me—as huge areas of the country seemed to be burning or burned. There were also explosions in some areas, sort of like sheet lightning in a dark sky, that were doing great damage.
Where Washington and Oregon had been there were mostly islands, the water coming inland over most of California and Arizona and parts of Utah and Nevada. Yet there were also islands there, massive ones, so it wasn't like it was all ocean....
On the East Coast I saw that much of the eastern seaboard was gone, though the water did not come so far inland as it did on the West Coast. I was also aware that the southern half of Florida was under water.
I don't remember seeing anything like Central America or South America, for water surrounded what I was seeing, and I didn't really focus on what was beyond that water. Yet at the same time, I had the understanding that the waters had risen around the entire earth, and that everything had changed to one degree or another.
Two Separate Countries: The area of water in the middle of . . . the United States was massive, and was widest or most extensive in the north. There were no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all of them had come together into this huge sea that extended northeastward into the ocean. The inland sea also extended southward, filling most of the Mississippi an Missouri River valleys and widening by many, many miles the Mississippi River where it flows into what we know as the Gulf of Mexico. This sea was so vast that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United States had become as two separate countries.
A New Seat of Power: I was also aware that the seat of power, or patriotism, had moved away from Washington, D.C. There was so much turmoil and warfare on the eastern side of this body of water that no authority really existed there. I understood then that in the scenario I was being shown our country had come to the very edge of destruction—to the brink of losing everything, because myself and hosts of others like me had chosen to seek worldly things rather than loving or serving others.
Additionally, we had refused to care for our precious natural resources. Because of our greed and selfishness our national government had lost most of its power, and could no longer completely govern or control. National laws were ignored, and there was no true nationwide governmental infrastructure left. What government there was seemed to be territorial, sort of like large tribes or groups of people who had banded together.
And I saw that because of the ramifications of these day-to-day choices the people, especially on the eastern side of this new body of water, lived in great danger and fear. There was tremendous anarchy and crime—sort of like the Los Angeles riots spread nationwide. And the normal citizens kept themselves hidden away from all this, barricading themselves into their homes or wherever they had gathered together for security. Many children didn't go to school; commerce as we know it had pretty much ceased; many people were starving to death; there was terrible violence from people who seemed like roving gangs—it was just an awful scene of confusion and turmoil.
Yet in this scenario there was less of that turmoil on the western portion of our country. There was even a certain amount of prosperity, and it was there that I could see the new seat of power, if that is what it could be called. This area, or city or whatever, while on the eastern edge or shore line of the western portion of land, was located in almost the exact center of the combination of both halves of the country. Later when I looked at a map of the United States, I realized that it would have been very near present-day Kansas City.
From this location I could see power radiating outward, almost like light flowing out to strengthen and stabilize other areas. This power was what I called patriotism or strong moral character or spirituality—a true spiritual force that was the only real governing power over the whole land. This is why I called that area the seat of power.
But I must state this power was totally spiritual—a true power of spirit such as the angel beside me was exhibiting, or that I had felt emanating from Christ while I had been in His presence.
The Native Americans: I also sensed that some of the Indians—the Native Americans—were partially responsible for the peacefulness that was on the western side of this water. Some of these Native American peoples had a knowledge of how to live from the land, or how to be in harmony with it so it would bring forth in abundance according to their needs. They were teaching this spiritual knowledge to the people around them, and all the people were starting to learn to live in harmony with each other. At the same time they were beginning again to prosper by becoming harmonious with nature, or the natural elements upon which they depended.
From: www.propheciesusa.injesus.com.
25.1 06/ 1973, Revelation, American’s Will Be In Bondage & Controlled By The Government & No Gas — There will be only government transportation for America’s bondage. Fuel will not be available for private transportation as there is now. Americans will be herded, so to speak; and they will be controlled by schedules issued from the government.
25.2 06/28, 1973, Dream & Night Vision, The Government Of The United States Will Be Taken Over — Last night I had a dream from the Lord. Afterward I was immediately awakened from my sleep and was astonished and greatly troubled for the following several days. The dream was as follows:
I saw a television set that was tuned in to a live national broadcast. On the screen were many congressmen and political leaders gathered. One of the men walked to a podium and addressed the gathering proclaiming that the government [United States] was now taken over and that there would be immediate change. I heard word for word what he said, but I could not retain knowledge of the words because of the shocking trauma of his statements. I was fearful and felt devastated.
A great wave of shock and despair came over a few of those politicians; but it appeared as though most of them were aware beforehand that this incident would happen. Several of those who were uninformed had been fighting against this for years and realized the futility of resisting it any longer. They knew what would happen to them for having fought against this and immediately committed suicide.
Two scenes followed. The first was that of police cars stopping at many homes simultaneously following this announcement. Key figures who had resisted this change were being placed under political arrest in the middle of the night.
The second scene arose involving my realization that they would next come for me and other ministers of the gospel. I began to run for the house. I stopped and wondered about the implications of what I had just seen. Then I awoke greatly disturbed by the realization of what was to come.
My seeing ahead of time that they wanted to arrest me and being able to flee freely represented believers having knowledge in advance by the word of the Lord that they might be prepared and not bound apart from God’s will.
25.3 09/1973, Vision, Missiles Launched From Gulf Of Mexico Targeting American Cites — Missiles launching submarines in the Gulf of Mexico. American cities are targeted.
25.4 01/30, 1974, Dream, American Christian’s Imprisoned, Beaten & Soup Lines — Recently I had a dream concerning the future. Many Americans were in jail without having committed crimes. I was among them. I don’t know if all the people were Christians, perhaps most of them were. The prison had been a schoolhouse at one time. The treatment was terrible and the prison filthy. I was clothed in filthy rags along with all those incarcerated.
I looked out of one of the windows onto a football field, where I saw military personnel feeding many Americans in a soup line. They were being fed only one small bowl of slop each day. After the feeding, more troops rushed onto the field to herd them away. They were running and chased the people from the field. The ones who didn’t run fast enough were beaten. One man fell and four soldiers converged on him. One swung his rifle butt and hit the man in his pelvis hard enough to break his hip. The others began kicking him.
25.5 05/1974, Vision, Christians Tortured Physically & Mentally, Mental Tests “Do You Speak In Unknown Languages?” — I was in prayer tonight but couldn’t find a place of intimate communion with the Lord. I began to cry and ask God why and was reminded that God had commanded me to record all the dreams and visions. He gave me about the United States. I repented for not writing in my journal about one I had received two months earlier. I hadn’t recorded the following vision because it was too painful for me to consider and I wanted to forget it.
Christians in America will be tortured physically. The main attack against them will not only be political, but it will come from the psychiatric field. Psychiatric doctors will say that the Christians are deluded in thinking that the Spirit of God indwells them. They will use the evidence of what they consider to be unusual and irrational behavior to prove insanity. Friends, relatives, and strangers will hail believers before judges. There will be actual “quickie trials” in private. The judges will have a list of predetermined questions to ask to see if the believer is in need of psychiatric aid. One of the questions will be, “Do you speak in languages you have never studied or learned.” They will examine Christians by questioning them about their actions and attitudes toward the world and will find their interests to be out of harmony with those of the government. Thus, they will condemn them as being unfit to benefit society. Believers will then be committed to institutions for experimentation and study [torture and cruelty] to affect the mind and bring normality. Surgery will be performed on the brain and body to affect the psyche. Drugs will be administered to effect changes in behavior.
25.6 1991, For The Church In America – Prophetic Word, Home Churches — The Lord spoke to me while in prayer that I should focus my ministry of the United States and begin writing again because His people in this nation are getting ready to hear His word [and do something about it].
He also said that an exodus of many of His people from the institutional churches would occur and a grass–roots home–church movement would arise and cover the United States. He will specially bless the homes where hundreds of thousands start new meetings for Him to inhabit as they gather to Jesus alone.
From: The book, “Visions Of America” by Timothy Sheaff, IMF Publishing, P.O. Box 3079, Denton, Texas 76202, 940.566.3260, ISBN: 1-879882-02-7, $7.50 which includes shipping & handling for1-3 books, discounts for bulk purchases available, book released in 1999.
26.1 07/02, 1973 — 07/05, 1973, Series Of Open Visions For Several Days, The Chicago Earthquake (& Also Received The Invasion Of The USA) —In 1973 the Lord gave me a vision of a massive earthquake striking the Midwest U.S.A. centering in Chicago, Illinois on some day in July in the future…
In that vision I saw a huge jet airliner on a glide path to land at O’Hare Airport north of Chicago [after the quake] when Lake Michigan roared out of its lakebed and swept over the city in what was a wall of water 100 feet+ high. The huge jet airliner turned on its jets full blast and black smoke poured out of its engines as the pilot frantically worked to pull up and away from the wall of water that was destroying Chicago.
I was puzzled at the time [07/02, 1973] because the aircraft I saw was a massive two stories high, unlike anything I’d ever seen. [In 1973 the Jumbo Jet had not yet arrived, it was being designed].
While the Jumbo Jet [747-400] with its two story bubble in the front of the aircraft looks “like” what I saw in 1973, this new airliner, the A3XX, shown in the 06/24, 2000 newsclip [The Dallas Morning News, Saturday, 06/24th 2000, 2F, Airbus gives green light to superjumbo jetliner] “is” 2 stories high and looks more like what I saw in the 1973 vision.
I make these observations, as they surface, only to keep track of developments that tell us we are entering “that time period” when such aircraft will exist. According to this news article the AEXX superjumbo jets will be ready for delivery to airlines by the year 2005.
From: The Staff and Sword Ministry, 917 West Jackson Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99205-3338 newsletter, dated 10/18, 2000, page 25.
07/02, 1973, Series Of Open Visions, Chicago Earthquake — [Chuck has a whole book on these subjects below, however, I will try to grab a very interesting sentence and paragraph here and there, but understand there is much more in his book.]
“I was witnessing the destruction of Chicago by a monstrous earthquake, followed by a huge, destructive wall of water…” [page 43]
‘I was driving from Des Plaines to Villa Park, Illinois. As I drove toward the Tri-State Tollway, I clearly saw the aftermath of the quake-homes destroyed or heavily damaged, roads broken up, underpasses collapsed, trees uprooted and lying everywhere. On the Tri-State moving south toward the O’Hare Airport exit and nearing the Oasis underpass, I again felt the prelude getting my attention. The earth rumbled and roared as before, and I watched from about 300 feet away as a huge section of underground granite or similar material just jutted through the Tri-State road and plowed through the Oasis. Its upward movement stopped bout 20-30 feet above the roof of the Oasis; all told, the wall of stone appeared to be about four or five stories high.
The massive ridge of stone that jutted in the air appeared to be sliding east-west in movement, moving back and forth. I seemed to know that south of that ridge of stone the ground had dropped much lower than the ground on the north side of the ridge and facture. I seemed to know then and now that this was the fault line.
When the wall of stone rose through the Tri-State and through the Oasis, it happened so fast and caught me so much by surprise that I jammed on my brakes to avoid hitting that wall of stone before I realized that it was only a vision not the real thing. Past the O’Hare Oasis going south on the Tri-State there is an air bridge.
I clearly saw this completely destroyed after the earthquake. In every direction I could see raging fires, pillars of black smoke, wrecked houses and factories. The destruction was so great that it defies description.
I came upon a building, 15 stories high standing on the east side of the Tri-State, called the O’Hare-port Hotel of North Lake. I saw the wall of water move over the city, and when it hit that 15-story building, the water was just above the roof of that hotel.
In that vision of a future day, I also saw a jet airliner coming in for a landing at O’Hare airport just at the time this wall of water made its appearance. The pilot also noticed it and from the black smoke I saw coming out of the jet exhausts, I knew he was accelerating to get up and out. I wondered where the aircraft could land. I thought of Milwaukee, but then I saw that this city, too, was flooded and being destroyed. I thought of St. Louis and saw it also broadly flooded and drowned out of existence. It was then that I began to realize some of the real scope of this future destruction, and only later realized that there has been no parallel in history for what is apparently coming upon us.
I noticed that the wall of water was deepest through the heart of Chicago and that further south the depth tapered off, and further north also it was not nearly as deep.
I noticed the overpasses and underpasses will collapse, and be buried and blocked; that roads will be buckled and broken in so many places that all traffic will be at a standstill. Escape after the quake, if one survives it, will prove to be almost impossible.” [pages 44-45]
“I suddenly saw the Loop area in a vision. By the way the shadows fell, it seemed to be twelve noon. I could see traffic moving through the downtown area; however, my attention was focused on the base of a huge building. Again came the prelude and the earthquake. Autos were literally flung off the streets into buildings by the violent movements of the earth. A horrible chorus of creaking, scraping, and grating sounds filled the air, not unlike masts of great sailing ships in a storm, as the skyscrapers swayed to and fro.
The giant building began to shear off from its base about 20 feet from the sidewalk but surprised me by not falling. Brick, stone, glass, debris of every sort fell into the streets below like hail driven by a storm wind.
As the quake ended, I heard many voices speaking of their ‘great luck to be alive.’ Many awaited rescuer parties, but none were giving thanks to God.
(Comment not by Youngbrandt: Christians do not use the word “luck” but they use the word “blessed” instead. It has been revealed that the word “Luck” is a curse word. So change your vocabulary.)
Suddenly my view shifted to the lakefront. After the earthquake ended, the waters of Lake Michigan swiftly calmed down; lying still in a strange and ghostly silence. The calm water then seemed to tremble or beadup, and as I watched, the level of the water began to drop quickly. There was a ‘whooshing’ sound as the water literally disappeared in a northeasterly direction, leaving only some large puddles, here and there.
A period of time then passed in that same day; but how much time I do not know. From a vantage point at street level in the Loop, I suddenly heard a terrible roaring sound. The sunlight was totally blotted out and everything was engulfed in a suffocating darkness. Later I was to see an aerial view of Chicago’s downtown area, when the returning wall of water from Lake Michigan would crash into the Loop with unbelievable force, surrounding the greater skyscrapers still standing. They would withstand the waters for a moment; then they would slowly twist around to fall and vanish forever in the churning waters. I clearly received an impression that the buildings north of the Loop, [at least past the fault line] would survive somehow.
The wall of water was not a wave, not a tidal force, nor a crest-it was the whole of Lake Michigan-moving in a massive body westward with irresistible, terrifying unbelievable, force. Everything in its path would be pulverized—totally obliterated. Although the water was over 15 stories high [using the Eisenhower Expressway as a central measuring point], the depth of the water dropped sharply once one traveled — 12 miles to the south or north — however, the shallowest I was shown was still about 20 feet of water.
Since 1973, we have realized that the earthquake will cause a geographic depression in the land, turning much of the city into a cause-way for this flood of water; while in places north of the fault line, some land areas will be elevated above the water. The Lord showed me that Calumet City, Illinois; Hammond, Indiana; East Chicago, Indiana and other places on the southern tip of Lake Michigan will be under as much as 60 feet of water. At Lake Michigan’s southern tip, I saw a vast plain of water, with no buildings showing above the water’s surface. But on 07/05, 1973 in Des Plaines, I saw the water up over the speed limit sign on Ballard Road, and the water there appeared to be at least five feet deep, or deeper. The Tri-State bridge on Ballard Road had collapsed, and I saw cars piled up on either side, with water running through the broken concrete like rapids as the water surged west. Here, the Tri-State mound or road was higher than the water.
07/04, 1973, Vision — I was driving east on the Eisenhower Expressway. Again I saw the aftermath of the earthquake. Autos were piled up bumper to bumper, exit ramps were either broken up or blocked, bridges were down everywhere. It was a warm day and a number of drivers were blowing their horns [which didn’t much help the chaotic situation], when suddenly the wall of water appeared in the east. Some people just froze, most ran to the right or left trying to hid or escape. One man got out of his car and knelt down to pray.
He was the only smart one, for he would meet his Maker on his knees. The water engulfed them all. Houses were pulverized into nothing in an instant. Concrete and asphalt were peeled back, the roadbed was swept away in a moment, and then I saw 10 or 20 feet of earth flushed away in a instant.
In a nearby cemetery, I watched the headstones, the dirt, the concrete boxes and the coffins as well as the clay beneath them, torn quickly and successively away by the force of the water. Then the water moved over me, and my view shifted to the top of the water. There was that man who had knelt to pray; bobbing on the surface like a cork, unharmed. The Lord God saved him right out of the midst of destruction, because the man trusted in Him.
During the first of the visions I was a stunned observer, hardly believing what I saw; but 07/04, 1973, the reality of this future disaster reached my heart. I thought of all the people who would be destroyed, and I shuddered at the carnage. Then, for the first time since 07/02, I turned to the Lord God in my spirit and asked: “Oh Father, will it be? must it be? might it be avoided?” In that very instant of prayer, I was swept into the Spirit and found myself over looking the whole city of Chicago. An angel of the Lord had his hand on me; below I saw the massive-saving Hand of God placed between the city and the lake, and I heard this loud, strong voice say, “This will I do if My children turn back to me!”
Later, I remembered that throughout human history, no major natural disaster ever came upon man without man having first been warned by prophets of the Lord God. Now, by the Holy Spirit I saw an old colored man with a bell in his hand moving through the black neighborhoods, ringing the bell and calling the people to repentance. The old man was cursed by many and spit upon. I saw him crying, crying for those hard hearted people. At one point a band of young toughs with murderous intent circled him and closed in on him from every side. A band of angels appeared about him and the would-be killers fled in fear. Those who would kill him could not, for he was commissioned to warn many. At the time, my heart went out to him, for his mission was so difficult, but also rewarding, for I saw many repenting of their sins.
Though I’ve never met him in the flesh, in my vision the old black man was striking in appearance. He was almost bald except for a patch of white hair on the sides and back of his head. He was cocoa-colored, his eyes brown and full of kindness and love, and he had the kind of Christ-presence that makes a person strong, resilient and impressive. His face was lovely to look upon — full of years and blessed by the grace of Jesus Christ. He was wearing a cape of light gray. In his right hand he held a brass bell with a wooden handle and in his left hand, and old black leather-bound Bible. Although he was old and moved slowly, his voice was clear, distinct and strong. I heard him say ‘The Hand of God’s wrath is upon thee; turn from thy wickedness and repent or the wrath of God will soon fall upon you and destroy you for your evil ways.
Hear this, for it is from the Lord thy God …” So it is, so it shall be-for now I know and see many prophets bringing ‘final warnings.’ Some are killed, some are injured, the warning is delivered. Let those who hear, heed the warning.
07/03rd and 4th, 1973 — After the wall of water had engulfed the city and swept it away, I observed what seemed to be an endless flow of water moving steadily westward. Because I had seen St. Louis swamped and drowned out of existence by a broad body of water, I assumed that the water would connect somewhere with the Mississippi River, and move southward, causing the Mississippi River to swell greatly beyond its banks. Again, I watched the water roar westward for days; I lost tract of how long it moved like this, but was aware that the larger part, if not the whole of Lake Michigan was emptying out. Farther from the city, to the west, I did see areas that were above water and intact except for earthquake damage, and some years after these first visions was able to identify the Chicago suburb of Woodridge as one of those areas that will be partly or wholly above the flooding waters. I did see ditches here and there, with water running over them, and in the ditches, I observed masses of canned goods stripped of labels but largely intact, in the water and mud.
I also saw the bodies of the dead, human and animal, floating everywhere. Dismembered bodies covered in the disaster area; thankfully, most were buried in the churning tide of mud that moved beneath the water.
When the water subsided, I could see corpses caught in the branches of uprooted trees through all the widespread wreckage. When the water actually subsides, after the real earthquake, we will view a vast mud plain with islands of refuge. The stench of rotting flesh, decomposing vegetation and the stinking stagnant water in the hot, humid weather will be unbearable.
Almost immediately after the worst part of the destruction, in a vision, I saw flying overhead U.S. aircraft of various types dropping supplies by parachute to stranded survivors. Later, the airplanes stopped coming, but I did not then know why.
After the flooding waters passed a given area, I saw survivors coming out of the water, some adults and many children, all injured and half naked or altogether naked and in shock. They were received by certain Christian communities; clothed, tended to and later given places to live. I was not clearly aware of it at the time, but today know that these ‘communities’ or isles, spared from the wastes destruction will be peopled by Christians who have prepared to some extent. When I saw so many young children, I couldn’t help but wonder how a three or four-year old child could survive the waters, when their parents did not. The Lord would later tell me, “Because they are innocent.”
I also observed others emerging from among the survivors; those I would later identify as ‘marauders.’
These men, hoping for gain, would search among the corpses, taking rings, gold and other jewelry and even look for gold fillings in teeth. They were armed, and when they came upon the surviving communities, would take them by force, raping torturing and killing as they wished. With no government or police in organized operation, these men followed their basic natures. I realized then and now that the Christians would need to be prepared to defend themselves. My knowledge seemed to indicate that it would be almost a year before troops arrived. When they finally came they were bearded, tired, dirty, hungry and tattered.
They quickly disarmed the marauding men, killing all of them on the spot, then marched on. That sequence of events puzzled me at the time of the vision — I did not understand why U.S. troops would be on foot; why they would be so ragged, and why they shot the marauders immediately, with no hint of due process of law.
I looked over the Chicago land area after the waters subsided and the mud dried; and I was astonished.
Lake Michigan was gone, only a hilly lakebed remained to be seen. Mud everywhere-dried mud stretched over a vast expanse of what was once a great city. Bleached bones of the long-dead protruded in places. The toll of the dead was beyond estimation. There were not trees, no grass, just a dead silence. To the north I saw ruins of buildings. In the northwest areas here and there, were desolate skeletons of homes and buildings.
I arrived at some conclusions about this future disaster, from what I was allowed to see in those July days of 1973. The day of the earthquake would be bright and warm with no clouds. The earthquake would strike late in the morning, very near noon — I was sure it would take place in the summer months. One impression hit me; one should watch for birds — when they go, the quake is near. I felt that the disasters would strike on a weekend, but of this I was not sure. The Lord did not give me a precise date at that time, but I knew ‘it is near but not yet.’ I noticed after the flooded land dried, that the entire area was engulfed in a dead calm. No wind blew; and with the heat and the stench, the air seemed to turn blue-green. A few survivors hid in closed rooms to escape the stench. The stillness was awesome. It seemed as if the whole world was holding its breath.
On 07/05, 1973, I could bear no more of the vision and cried unto God to take it from me, and He lifted it from my seeing. Later I turned to the Lord and asked Him when all of this would happen. I was given a vision of the number 17, made up of what looked like fluffy white clouds. I did not know if that meant 17 days, weeks, months, years, or centuries, I had no understanding.”
26.2 Mid-1977, Visions, Chicago Earthquake — We have met and talked to dozens of Christians who have had a vision of the earthquake destroying Chicago or a vision of the wall of water crushing the city sweeping it away. One minister told us in mid-1977 that he was in Chicago praying when he had a vision of the building he was in; the walls were cracked and everything was ruined. He than said he heard loud ‘banging noises’ and saw the pipes suddenly rupture and explode with considerable force. Next, he heard a roaring noise and suddenly torrents of water broke through the east walls of the building. He had no idea what it meant but someone who had heard our tapes suggested he visit us, and so he did. What hit me was that as the wall of water would move, it could cause intensely high pressure in the city’s water pipes just ahead of it, resulting in the pipes exploding. [Page 274.]
[Comment not by Youngbrandt: Or the movement of or soon after, the earthquake, it could cause the pipes to explode, and probably will causing loss of water or gas or sewer; if gas—this will cause fires to occur all over; if water pipes break, this can cause further flooding in homes, etc.]
From: Seer Prophet Chuck Youngbrandt, The Staff and Sword Ministry or usaprophet.com/wpanewmadridearthquakeprophecies.html - 14k -.
26.3 07/02, 1973—07/05, 1973, Open Visions, “I Saw An Overview Of The Mid-western & North-eastern United States—I Saw Smoldering Ruins From Nuclear Attack”—This is the vision of the earthquake that swept me up from 07/02, 1973 to 07/05, 1973. I didn’t know why I’d seen it or what I was to do with this vision… I typed up my notes, filed them, and tried to forget the vision, albeit unsuccessfully. [to page 51]
First, I saw the Chicago earthquake, then an overview of the mid-western and north-eastern United States. I saw smoldering ruins from nuclear attack.
When looking at the Midwest, I saw caked, drying mud and ruins everywhere. However, many small cities and towns were intact. I saw many injured people. Many were hospitalized. Confusion and fear gripped the land.
Then I saw a great Russian fleet steaming out past Western Europe towards the United States. Western Europe cringed in fear, for God’s Spirit held them and they were terrified to move or to intervene.
I saw a lone but great United States Aircraft carrier capsized in a bay on the East Coast, half sunk in the mud.
Then I saw the invasion, at the Bay of Delaware, and on the coast of Virginia.
Then suddenly, just after the terrible earthquake in the Midwest, I saw ministers, priests, elders and Christians who had rejected the prophecy… these now seemed like dead men — all their strength was gone, and many fell on their faces before God crying for forgiveness. [page 325]
This is the vision of the earthquake that swept me up from 07/02, 1973 to 07/05, 1973. I did not know why I had seen it. On 07/05th, 1973, I could bear no more and cried unto the Lord to take it from my seeing.
From: prophetic-revival e-mail list, Bob Yaussy, Email: alandewalton@yahoo.com .
From: the book, “The Staff And The Sword,” by Cliff Collins and Chuck Youngbrandt, 1979. The Staff & Sword Ministry, 917 West Jackson Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99205-3338, 509.326.7389. Video available called “The Coming Occupation Of America,” from The Prophecy Club®, on a great amount that is in his book. The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, Kansas 66675, 785.478.1112, $25.00.
27.1 1974, Dream & Vision & Visitation Of Jesus Christ, America & A Great War & Earthquake — …The first dream the Lord gave me involved a great war, and I saw a group of people who I was acquainted with hiding in a basement in California waiting for missiles to arrive from China. They knew they had exactly twenty minutes before the missiles arrived, and that there was nothing they could do except wait. In the dream, while everyone was sitting and looking at the clock I found myself outside the house gazing up into the sky. It was nighttime, and suddenly there appeared five shooting stars streaking across the sky which made a thunderous noise, leaving white tails like a comet. The people in the basement below were safe, but approximately eighty miles away in the city center of Los Angeles three million lives were suddenly extinguished in a blinding flash of light as five nuclear bombs exploded. Approximately 15 seconds after the flash of light there was an enormous earthquake, and it felt as if a giant hammer had struck the earth.
…It is interesting that the first prophetic dream I had concerning China was given immediately after the Lord appeared to me in 1974. After this the dreams and visions continued, and night after night I witnessed many scenes of judgment, wars, natural disasters, etc. One night I asked the Lord, “Why are you continuing to show me all these scenes of destruction?” And the gentle voice of the Spirit replied, “For such a generation you are born. I am showing you these things that you may help prepare My people for the Day of Trouble, and warn them to repent and prepare the way for My coming.”
… There is a time coming in the future that travel via natural modes of transportation will be very difficult, especially international travel. Even if this coming Third World War is averted there will still be a GREAT SHAKING, which will shut down all airports and virtually every means of commercial transportation. Even traveling from state to state via automobile will become very difficult because the roads and highways in most regions will be damaged from seismic activity or flooding. I believe that it is during this period that God is going to release many new gifts upon the Church that have been dormant for centuries because of the great need and shortness of time to fulfill the Great Commission.
27.2 1986, Dream, Time Of The Lord’s Return & America — …In the dream I saw America during the time of the Lord’s return, and I was somewhere in Northern California, walking upon green hills as a bright light shone from above me. I was aware that many of our young men and troops had been sent off to fight in some war, and I looked into the sky and the heavens were suddenly filled with bright lights like fireworks shooting in every direction. These were angels, which preceded the Lord of Hosts. And the glory and fire of the Lord engulfed my being as His presence filled the earth at His appearing. But this is the point I would like to make: at that time of the Lord’s appearing America was still strong and had not fallen, and the covering of the Lord was still upon her. Amen! This is what I intercede for, not judgment. Yet at the same time I am aware that there great judgments coming upon all the earth, and America will not escape the coming geographic cataclysms. If you live on the coast be encouraged that God has placed you there for a reason, and in the Spirit I have seen [in America] that God will give several days warning before the final shifting of the earth’s plate. I have seen a long line of cars and vehicles, with people’s belongings tied to the top of their car, driving away from the city of Portland, Oregon, from Seattle in Washington, and from other regions, evacuating east as safe distance from the Cascade Mountain Range. During this period, those who do not heed the early warning from scientists on the west coast will perish.
These events are described by John in the book of Revelation. In Revelation 8:5 John says:
“And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.”
In 1987 the Lord took me in the Spirit to this time, and I was standing in Central Oregon on the east side of the Cascade Mountain Range [several hours from Portland]. What the Lord showed me, till now I have kept to myself and have shared with on one except for a small handful of veteran pastors and leaders, but the Lord spoke to me this week that now is the time to share this vision. This is one of the visions the Lord has given me of the great shaking. Although I saw these events from the perspective of one living in Oregon, undoubtedly a similar scenario was happening around the globe in other regions. Isaiah said concerning this time that “Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place,…” [Isaiah 13:13].
As I was standing in Bend in Central Oregon, looking west towards the Cascade Mountains, suddenly my stomach dropped and I felt as if I was on a roller coaster, for the earthquake I was experiencing did not begin as a shaking, but as a dropping and shifting of the earth beneath my feet, which was so sudden and violent that it literally took my breath away. Then the shaking began. Such a massive earthquake I have never felt or imagined. It was night, and I turned my eyes towards the mountains of which Portland lay on the other side, and the sky was illuminated with thousands of bolts of lightning, which appeared to be an electrical reaction to the volcanic ash which spewed up from the Cascade Mountains. This electrical reaction is impossible to describe, so awesome and terrifying, so massive, stretching as far as I could see from Oregon into Washington throughout the entire length of the Cascade rim. And I could understand the words of Jesus, that “Men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth…” [Luke 21:26]. And then in the Spirit the Lord took me to the other side of the mountains into the Portland area, and Portland was no more. Tidal waves the size of skyscrapers were crashing against the Cascade Mountains, and where Portland used to be there was only water and fire. The sky’s were darkened by the volcanic ash [Isaiah 13:10, “For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine”]…
Then after the great shaking I was taken again in the Spirit into some of the same regions, which were devastated by the great geographical cataclysms. In one area along the Western coastline of America [which had been swept by large tidal waves] the waters receded back into the ocean and new land appeared which I could not recognize, for all of the old landmarks had been swept away, and there were new hills, new lakes, new mountains and new valleys, very vast and beautiful. And many among the remnant who survived returned to the ruins of their old dwelling places, and out of the ashes they rebuilt great cities dedicated to the Glory of God. And I saw the sons of God who came down from heaven and freely interacted with the sons of men, and saw great and marvelous things in the heavens which I am not permitted to utter. And for a thousand years there was an era of peace, prosperity and spiritual enlightenment such as the world has never seen.
“And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in” [Isaiah 58:12].
“For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee” [Isaiah 54:10].
27.3 1987, Prophetic Word & Vision, A Vision For Training Bases —In 1987, prior to my first international commission from the Lord, I was caught up in the Spirit and taken to the Hawaiian Islands, where I suddenly found myself standing in a large house. The house was located on a hill, and as I looked out the window I could see the ocean below and ships sailing in the harbor. I was there in the Spirit, and the time frame seemed to be something in the future, for I had memory of friends and acquaintances who I had not yet met, and knew that I was married. [I did not meet my wife until four years later in 1991.] The house seemed to be a part of a training base for equipping and launching out missionaries into the nations. Then I was taken again in the Spirit into various locations of the world, in Europe, Australia, Asia, the islands of the sea, various cities of America and I saw a network of training bases which were all interlinked and networked together, whose focus and vision was for training and raising up great men and women of God who would take the nations for Jesus Christ. I saw massive provision released in the natural realm to birth the vision: finances, buildings, lands, tools, houses, etc. There was no lack of resources or provisions.
Immediately after the vision the Lord spoke to me through Haggai 2:4-9 which says, “Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am with you, saith the Lord of hosts: According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the nations, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts. The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.”
This vision for end time training centers is yet to come, and I believe that I will see it in my lifetime. I have not yet seen the house in Hawaii which the Lord promised me, although I have been to Hawaii several times since my vision in 1987. I have a special love for the Hawaiian Islands, and recognize them as being a key geographical area and a bridge which connects the East with the West. Hawaii is a strategic launching point for sending ministers and teams into China and Asia. There are many strategic areas scattered across the face of the earth, and being planted and based on the right geographical area is of utmost importance. Some are called to be stationed in one place for a long span of time, while others are called to be on the constant move, and must learn to follow the cloud from one place to another, stopping only for short periods of rest. As we draw nearer to the end of this… [age] many Saints may have to make some radical changes; some may have to relocate to different cities, or different nations. In the past we could afford for a season to choose where we wished to live, but in the latter days we must be extremely careful, and allow the wind of the Spirit to guide us to the home of our anointing and destiny.
27.4 05/31, 1993 [Memorial Day], Prophetic Word & Vision & Warning, The Coming Judgment Of America — The following is a detailed account of a prophetic warning received on Memorial Day, 05/31, 1993, through a vision. I will report exactly as I witnessed it, not subtracting, neither adding one detail, but only reporting that which I’ve seen. For I report as an eyewitness of that which is about to occur, it not intercepted. I believe that it is not the Lord’s will that even one of these judgments takes place. Nevertheless, unless the Saints of God intercept these coming events through their prayers, intercessions and active obedience to God’s Spirit, these events shall shortly come to pass.
My journey began on the east coast of America, in the city of New York. I watched on the shore of that great city as ships sailed into the harbor late at night, and the lights from the massive skyscrapers and buildings reflected off the water. Then looking up into the starry sky which blanketed the city, the peaceful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a bright light. It had the appearance of a falling star, traveling quickly towards the heart of the city, leaving a white tail like a comet. When it hit the city there was a blinding light and a clash of thunder so terrifying loud that I felt as if every cell in my body had been ripped apart. I watched the skyscrapers, which took on the appearance of giant candles. The city was a fiery inferno, and from the skeleton of buildings flames danced into the air like solar flares. There was another explosion, and then another as the missiles landed with deadly accuracy. As one bomb exploded in the distance I watched as the shock wave ripped apart the top portion of a giant skyscraper and threw the metal skeleton across the city like a tiny pebble blown by a strong wind, and the portion of the building which remained standing erupted into flames like a bright orange torch against the velvet night sky. Only the spirits of the fallen in New York could observe as the full scene unfolded, for God allowed them to watch. They could have prevented this catastrophe if they had heeded the warnings from God’s Spirit, but they were too busy with their jobs and the cares of life to listen.
As my journey continued into the Midwestern states, I witnessed war in the heavens. Small jets and large bombers from the Chinese alliance flew over many of our cities, and there were many clashes and dogfights in the air between their planes and ours. As I looked overhead I saw one very large supersonic bomber which was escorted by four small fighters flying in a “>” formation off the wings of the larger bomber. I quickly came to the realization that these were not our planes because after they flew over a large city in the distance [about 20 miles away] there was a flash of light and I became dizzy and fell to my knees from the radiation. I watched as two mushroom clouds arose over the city. Some of our F-15’s and F-16’s scrambled to intercept these enemy aircraft, but to no avail, and many of our fighters were shot down. I watched them fall from the sky leaving a trail of smoke as they plummeted to the ground.
From the Midwest I journed to the west coast of America, and in California I saw great devastation. Most of the city of Los Angeles was left in a pile of ruins. Ships observing in the distance looked upon what had the appearance of massive storm clouds rising upon the crest of the horizon, but what they were actually seeing were clouds of dust, ash and smoke.
Then I journeyed into the days immediately following the war, and saw among the survivors in the USA massive famine and poverty. Many people were dressed in dirty clothing and wandering around aimlessly, having a look of hopelessness and death written on their faces. Many were ill and dying from the effects of radiation, and it took a great effort for many just to walk from place to place. They had no energy left in their bodies and were slowly starving from lack of food. American citizens were no longer seen as individual entities, but as numbers on a piece of paper, and all forms of freedom had been stripped and abolished from our country. In one area I saw a long line of people waiting for food, and each family had a number, which entitled them to one bowl of soup and a small piece of bread. No matter how large the family was, they had to share the bread and bowl of soup between them. Some husbands and wives would give all the food to their children, and were slowly starving to death. In the line I saw one of my friends whom I had known prior to the war, and he looked very pitiful.
I do not record this vision as a prophet of doom and gloom, but to testify of these coming events in obedience to the Holy Spirit in order that America can chose her destiny, for it is not God’s will and desire that America should fall. If God’s chosen ones respond to this warning from God’s Spirit, and if the walls of covering are rebuilt around this nation by the repentance and obedience of God’s elect, then God shall respond and this war shall be delayed for a season. And then when the war does come, the involvement and outcome of the United States in the war shall be altered, and America shall not fall.
I believe that the apostle John was writing of this war in Revelation 6:4, which says:
“And there went out another horse that was red: [The color of the Chinese flag is fiery red.], and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they shall kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
This is the first judgment mentioned by the apostle John in the book of Revelation, and seems to trigger the rest of the judgments throughout the book. The second judgment, mentioned in Revelation 6:5, is famine [the black horse]. The third judgment, in Revelation 6:8 is death caused by chaos, famine and plagues [the pale horse]. The fourth judgment in Revelation 6:9-11, was mass martyrdom. The fifth judgment, in Revelation 6:12-16, is enormous seismic and volcanic activity so great that islands sank into the sea and mountains were removed from their place. I quote the above verses from God’s infallible Word to emphasize that this war ultimately cannot be averted, only delayed. But I must also emphasize that during this time certain nations and regions will be supernaturally covered and angelically shielded from the bulk of these judgments, and during this period God will begin to separate the goat nations from the sheep nations…
…I’ve talked to many Saints from behind the Bamboo Curtain during my travels to the East, and many have received the same vision of a coming world conflict in which the communist Chinese government falls, and a massive revival and spiritual awakening follows. In my vision I saw the Chinese landing on our shores and gathering up people into camps, not because the Chinese government had won the war, for it appeared that both the Chinese government and the American government fell simultaneously. We were temporarily in a period of great chaos. I saw in the vision massive devastation across the country of China, for the United States and its allies had retaliated heavily. Some regions in China were left almost totally unpopulated from the massive nuclear strikes launched by the U.S. and its allies. Likewise, many of the nations which allied with China during the war were also devastated, and among the nations of the earth there was turmoil and chaos. People were in a state of shock and confusion.
27.5 12/2001, EarthQuakes, Seismic & Volcanic Report — The largest earthquakes to occur in U.S. history occurred exactly 190 years ago along the Mississippi River, during the winter of 1811 - 1812. The first quake took place on 12/16, 1811, and was estimated to be in the 8 or 9-point range. It set off a series of over 2,000 aftershocks, which lasted until 02/07, 1812. Five of these aftershocks were greater than 8.0, and could be felt across the entire eastern half of the United States. By winter's end, few houses were left undamaged within a 250-mile radius of the epicenter in New Madrid, Missouri.
On 11/20, 2001, Timothy was given the following word: "If America wishes to divide Jerusalem in half, then America shall be divided in half". Approximately one month after that word, on 12/16, 2001 Timothy was given an alarming vision of the United States being split in half along Mississippi River. The vision was very detailed as to the boundaries of the division, which separated from the Mississippi River at mid-point, and then moved NE instead of NW, towards the Canadian East Coast. Not being aware of the history of the New Madris quakes, after doing some research this week we found it extremely interesting that the vision occurred on the 190th anniversary on the original New Madris earthquake on 12/16/11.
27.6 06/01, 2002, Dream &Vision, Third World War Fought Between The United States And India-China & Vision Of Chinese Missiles Raining Down On Los Angels And New York — Message from Timothy Snodgrass: 06/01, 2002 - In the 1980's I interviewed an immigrant couple from China, who escaped to Hong Kong just prior to take-over of Communism in China. The father of one of the couple had a vivid dream which he passed down to his children, regarding a third world-war which would be fought between the United States and India-China. Until recently, this prophetic warning sounded ridiculous ... why would the United States fight a war against India? But now the prophecy makes perfect sense. On Memorial day, 1993, I received a vision of Chinese missiles raining down on Los Angeles and New York. The alarming vision inspired my first book, "The Destiny of America". One portion of the vision has always been a puzzle. I saw thousands upon thousands upon thousands of refugees fleeing from Kashmir to Central India. The puzzle now seems to be quickly coming together. Pray for India and Pakistan, whereas if nuclear war breaks out in Asia this summer, America may not be able to avoid entering into the war ... especially while our troops are in Pakistan. Pray for angelic intervention.
27.7 06/21, 2002, Dream &Vision, Earthquakes Coming To America – I Saw A Vision Of America Ripped In Half Like A Veil From East To West… — SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS QUAKE A WARNING. 06/20, 2002 – On Monday, 06/17, as the world was awaiting President Bush’s proposal for a Palestinian state, a 6.7 earthquake shook the Santa Cruz Islands, 210-miles NNW of Vanuatu Island. Within less than 24-hours, a rare 5.0 quake shook Indiana, just south of the U.S. Great Lakes.
What is the significance of these two earthquakes? Exactly six months ago, on 11/20, 2001, I received a vision of America being ripped in half like a veil from east to west, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that "if America wishes to divide Jerusalem in half, America shall be divided in half". In the vision I witnessed a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault-line which literally divided America in half from east to west, creating a new gulf which stretched from the Great Lakes in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south. Six-weeks after this vision, on the first day of 2002 I received another vision of a great quake, this time centered in a separate portion of the United States: The quake – somewhere in the 9.0 range – was centered on the U.S. West Coast. Many freeways ended abruptly, cut off by new lakes which were created by the quake. In the vision the Holy Spirit spoke to me that this great quake would occur "after the 2nd Polynesian quake." Within only a matter of hours after the vision, a 7.3 quake shook Vanuatu Island (1st quake), on 01/02. The second quake which the Holy Spirit referred to (of 7.3 or greater in the Polynesia-Melanesia region) has not yet occurred, but I believe that Monday’s quake (the largest in the region since 01/02) was a strong warning.
Second Vision Of New Madrid Quake Received On 06/20, 2002 —On the morning of 6/20/02 I awoke weeping and interceding the thousands of souls who were about to perish, after receiving a second vision of the coming seismic rift. As the Holy Spirit took me into the depths of the newly created gulf in the Central United States, I was shocked at how deep the water was. It was a cold, black abyss which dropped perhaps ten-thousand feet into the earth. I could hear the voices of thousands of people crying out to God who had suddenly lost their lives in the quake.
The Key To Averting Major New Madrid Quake Is Jerusalem — The above event (creation of a new gulf in North America) will eventually take place as the course of natural history, but need not take place in our generation. The key to delaying the formation of this gulf in the United States is Jerusalem. It is extremely important that we keep President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Sharon covered in prayer during their terms in office. Last week, during my daughters first birthday party, we lit one candle on the cake for my daughter Esther, and one for President Bush, with a prayer that God would clearly speak to him as he spoke to Moses in the burning bush. Three days later, we discovered that my daughter’s birthday – 06/12 – also happens to be the birthday of George Bush Sr.! Nothing occurs by accident. Just as President Bush's father won the Gulf War, his son can also win the current 'gulf war' (a war to prevent the formation of a new gulf in North America).
Vision Of 06/19, 2002/ Warning Of Nuclear Terrorism — There is an immediate terrorist threat to the United States of America, involving nuclear devices which the enemy intends to detonate in several cities simultaneously. This must be avoided at all costs. On 06/19, I was shown the terrible consequences of what would occur if these terrorist attacks are not averted: A World War. To avoid war between 07/2002 and 12/2003, the Lord in his grace is releasing a series of significant earth changes – storms, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions – to extend our window of time, for the sake of the harvest. This period of earth changes will last roughly from 07/2002 through most of 2003. Our ministry is calling a 40-day Daniel Fast (no meats or pleasure foods, just fruits and vegetables, juices, water) from 06/29 to 08/08. During this fast we will be praying specifically that: 1) U.S. authorities are angelically directed to uncover and diffuse every planned terrorist attack. 2) Wisdom for President Bush in dealing with Israel and the Palestinians. 3) We are also suggesting that everyone who participates in this 40-day fast choose one region of the world to intercede for revival (my wife and I will be praying specifically for the islands of the Pacific, which are particularly vulnerable during some of these coming seismic events. We have decided to remain in the Philippines until the 9th month. We will not leave until we see revival and seismic-stability in the Philippine Islands and the South Pacific. During our 40-day fast you will find us standing on the sea-shore, interceding that the waves would be calm, and tsunami minimal during some these coming events along the Pacific Ring of Fire.) Our adjusted departure date for relocation to South Africa is 9/24/2002.
27.8 07/22, 2002, Israel & Palestinian State And The New Madrid EarthQuake To Occur —
QUESTION: Dear Timothy, on 11/20, 2001 you described a vision of the United States being ripped in half like a veil from east to west along the New Madrid Fault Line, in which the Holy Spirit spoke to you that "If America wishes to divide Jerusalem in half, America shall be divided in half". I find it very interesting that the peace process originally began in 1991 in Madrid, Spain. Has the Lord given you any timetable as to when this Great New Madrid Quake might take place?
ANSWER: This great earthquake will be one of the final climatic conclusions to a long series of earth changes. This particular quake could occur as early as 2004, and as late as 2033, depending upon your particular end-time views of eschatology. The Great New Madrid Quake will be a Tribulation level event, which will take place during the last 3 1/2 years of the 70th Week of Daniel. If the "generation" in Matthew 32:34 -- which began in 1967 -- is referring to a biblical generation of 40-years, then this quake will take place sometime between 03/2004 and 09/2007. However, when considering the duration of a "generation" we must realistically consider that the average life-span in some parts of the world today is over 70-years. If Matthew 32:34 was referring to a natural generation -- instead of a biblical generation -- the Tribulation Period may not begin for another 10, 20 or 30 years. Although the Great New Madrid Quake may not occur for years to come, a long series of other seismic and volcanic events will soon be heralded by one specific event: the "2nd Polynesian Earthquake". On 01/01, 2002, I received a vision of the earth being shaken by a major quake, magnitude 9.0 or greater. The Holy Spirit spoke to me in the vision that this quake would occur "after the 2nd Polynesian quake". Within a matter of hours, a 7.3 earthquake shook the Vanuatu Islands on 01/02. We are now monitoring the Polynesia-Melanesia region for the second Polynesian quake (of magnitude 7.3 or greater).
27.9 08/12, 2002, Inspirational Word, Many Large Churches & Ministries Which Exist In 2002 Will Not Exist In 2003—
HAGGAI 2:18-19 "From this day on -- from this 24th day of the 9th month -- give careful thought to the day when the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid. Give careful thought: Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until now, the vine and the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. From this day on I will bless you, saith the Lord".
The Holy Spirit does not require sacrifice, but obedience. Without obedience, many will not survive the tumultuous days ahead. God promised that once again he is going to shake the heavens and the earth. Revival is our goal, but it cannot be achieved without judgment -- and judgment must first begin in the house of God. The extra time we have been allotted by God must be used for personal judgment, repentance, and preparation for the shaking that is now upon us. Prepare yourself, and your household, for judgment is now at your door. If you do not prepare, you will fall. Many large churches and ministries which exist in 2002 will not exist in 2003. Those who have made money their god will soon watch their god collapse. You cannot serve both God and mammon. But those whom judge themselves first -- preparing themselves for God's just judgment -- will not be shaken by the fire and storms ahead. Promotion and prosperity do not come from man, but from God. I foresee a time of famine…, but those who have washed their robes and prepared themselves will rise above the famine as kings and priests before God, and shall prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. - Timothy Snodgrass
27.10 08/16, 2002, Book, “Earth Changes Approaching” — Note: We have received numerous requests for copies of Timothy's latest book, "Earth Changes Approaching". Although this book has not yet been printed, note that as soon as it is printed we plan on sending a free copy to all those who have given to this ministry in 2002. We are currently waiting for the materialization of printing-costs ($2,000 needed for first batch of books).
Excerpt From The Book “Earth Changes Approaching” — Historically, the largest earthquake to ever be recorded (since the invention of the seismograph in the 1850's) was a 9.5 earthquake in Chile, which took place on 05/22, 1960. This South American quake was so powerful that it sent tsunami rippling across the entire Pacific. Over 2,000 people died in the earthquake and tsunami which followed. Fifteen hours after the quake rocked Chile, the tidal wave hit Hilo, Hawaii (61 deaths) ~ 7 hours later, the tsunami reached Japan (over 200 deaths). There were also casualties reported in the Philippines, New Zealand, Samoa, Indonesia, and across the entire Pacific Rim.
The tidal waves triggered by the Chilean earthquake were relatively small, ranging from 10 to 60 feet high, yet had a devastating impact on the half the globe. One of the greatest threats from tsunami comes not from earthquakes themselves, but from underwater landslides which are triggered by the quakes. For example, the largest tsunami ever recorded took place on 07/09, 1958 in Lituya Bay, Alaska. The tsunami was recorded as being 1,720 feet high (530 meters), yet the earthquake which triggered it was only 8.3 on the Richter Scale. Although this Alaskan tidal wave was enormous, the underwater area involved in the landslide was relatively small, and the tsunami only affected Lituya Bay, which in 1958 was only inhabited by moose, bears, and a few fisherman and hunters. Thus, the loss of life was minimal. But this event was a turning point for the way scientists viewed the threat from undersea landslides. After 1958, a study of underwater chasms and valleys became a priority of seismologist, so that vulnerable areas could be mapped and identified. One of the greatest landslide threats discovered lies off the coast of Oregon, near the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This undersea chasm is so expansive that it makes the Grand Canyon look like a gopher hole. A major earthquake occurs along the Cascadia Subduction Zone approximately every 300 years, and the area is now overdue for a major event (the last one occurred exactly 302 years ago in 1700 AD, which triggered tsunami that wiped out several Indian tribes in Oregon).
Alaska has had its share of major earthquakes. Six years after the 8.3 Lituya Bay earthquake, another mammoth earthquake took place in Alaska on 03/27, 1964. The Prince William Sound Earthquake measured 9.2 on the Ricther Scale, and is the 2nd largest earthquake ever recorded. The tsunami from this quake, although small compared to Lituya Bay, killed over 110 people from Alaska to Crescent City, California.
Only four earthquakes have been recorded in history as exceeding 9.0 on the Ricther Scale ~ 2 of these quakes were located in Alaska. On 03/09, 1957, the third largest earthquake recorded in history took place in the Andreanof Islands, Alaska. This 9.1 earthquake was a turning point in the study of volcanoes, proving that major earthquakes can indeed awaken volcanoes that have been sleeping for generations. At exactly 2:22 in the afternoon, as the 9.1 earthquake sent tidal waves crashing across the Andreanof Islands, Mount Vsevidof violently erupted on Umnak Island (a volcano had been dormant for over 200 years). The connection between major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions would be further established 3 years later in 1960, when a chain of dormant volcanoes violently erupted in Chile during the unprecedented 9.5 earthquake.
Although all of the above earthquakes were large, none can compare to the New Madrid, Missouri quakes, which occurred during the winter of 1811 - 1812. This series of quakes lasted for 5 months, and took place long before the seismograph was invented. If you compare this series of quakes to the 9.5 Chilean quake (which lasted for 3 weeks), the New Madrid earthquake would have to have been comparatively much larger (lasting 5 months).
The magnitude of the New Madrid earthquakes had to be truly enormous. In 1964, the Prince Williams Sound earthquake (9.2) could only be felt as far away as Seattle, Washington. But 18 of the New Madrid earthquakes rang church bells as far away as Boston, Massachusetts, and could be felt across the entire eastern half of the United States. Over 150,000 acres of forest were destroyed, new lakes were formed, and tsunami crashed along the shores of the Mississippi River, leaving a graveyard of destroyed boats and debris. Witnesses reported that the entire river appeared to be flowing backwards during 5 of the largest quakes. Although there were roughly 2,000 quakes during a 5-month period, the five BIG quakes occurred between 12/16, 1811, and 02/07, 1812. The first 2 of the 5 big quakes were epicentered in Arkansas, both occurring on the same day (12/16th). The third earthquake was epincentered in New Madrid, Missouri (01/23, 1812). The fourth and fifth quakes occurred in New Madrid on 02/07, and were the largest of the series. It was these two quakes that destroyed the city of New Madrid, and toppled houses as far away as St. Louis. (Note: Although some sources report that there were three large quakes, technically there were 5 mega-quakes [2 on 12/16/11, 1 on 1/23/12, and another 2 on 2/7/12]. The USGS, although conservatively estimating the New Madrid quakes to be in the 8-point range, have recently published a report indicating that 5 of the earthquakes had to be at least 2 to 3 times large than the Prince Edward Sound earthquake, which measured 9.2 on the Richter Scale.
On 11/20, 2001, I was given a detailed prophetic vision of another series of quakes which will soon shake the United States Midwest. The coming quakes will exceed the magnitudes of the previous New Madrid quakes of 1811 - 1812, and will result in significant earth changes along several areas of the Central United States. In Arkansas and Missouri, the earth changes that began 191 years ago during the New Madrid quakes will reach maturation. Along the New Madrid fault line and several other fault lines which wind there way up to the Great Lakes, there will be a sudden drop of elevation. The size of the Great Lakes will decrease, as water drains into the newly formed rift and cascades southward into the Gulf of Mexico. Within less than a day, a new gulf will appear in the United States. North America will be literally divided in half from east to west. The majority of changes will take place within 24 hours, but aftershocks from the quake will continue to rattle the region for 7 months. The force of the water cascading from north to south during the birthing of the initial rift will lay the foundations for diverse topography and landscapes along the newly birthed shoreline.
Inland Tsunami And Displacements Of Rivers And Lakes —Prior to 1811, tsunami were believed to be only an ocean phenomen. But on 12/16, 1811, a new precedent was set for tidal waves. When an earthquake approaches or exceeds 9.0 on the Richter Scale, earth changes are imminent. These changes can be anywhere from minor to catastrophic, depending upon the geology and terrain of the earth. If a body of water happens to be near the epicenter, one of two things can happen: 1) The quake will generate tsunami, or 2) The body of water will be displaced, and shift to another location. During the New Madrid quakes of 1811 - 1812, fortunately the course of the entire Mississippi river did not change, but tsunami along the river destroyed many boats docked along the shore, and overwhelmed many smaller vessels that were further out in the river. As fissures opened and closed below the surface, the agitated water gave the illusion that the river was flowing backwards.
During major earthquakes, the elevation of land rises and falls. The greatest earth changes occur not when the land is thrown upwards, but when it collapses. In Alaska, during the Prince Edward Sound earthquake, many fertile valleys and farmlands became transformed into water-filled marshes overnight, as underground water reserves filled large portions of land that collapsed. In New Madrid, the shaking was so intense that land waves could be seen rippling across the face of the earth. The elevation of the earth rose and fell over an area of 78,000 - 129,000 square kilometers, extending from Cairo, Illinois, to Memphis, Tennessee, and from Crowleys Ridge, Arkansas, to Chickasaw Bluffs, Tennessee. Many new lakes were formed, including Lake St. Francis in eastern Arkansas, which is 64 kilometers long by 1 kilometer wide.
The future map of the Gulf of the North America, which will extend from the Great Lakes in the north, to the Gulf of Mexico in the south, is not without precedent in earth history. The Gulf of California, which runs along the San Andreas Fault, was once connected to Mexico. But at one point the region violently collapsed into an eternal blue abyss, known today by Mexico as the Sea of Cortez. The northern end of the Gulf of California is very shallow (no place greater than 600 feet deep), then gradually merges into the marshlands of the delta (similar to the marshes created overnight by the Alaskan earthquake of 1964). The future Gulf of North America will have at least 3 to 4 times the mass of the Gulf of California. The tsunami triggered from the drainage of the Great Lakes will move southward at a catastrophic rate, engulfing entire cities in its path as it winds its way south into the crystal blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. To the northeast of the Great Lakes in Canada, newly formed channels will connect the Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean. Although this inland tsunami will indeed be large, it will be small compared to the tidal waves generated by the earth changes throughout the Pacific Ring of Fire.
27.11 03/17, 2006, Open Vision, “Long Beach, California; Scent Of A Nuclear Blast & Mushroom Cloud” — 03/29, 2006 (My apologies for the delay in emailing this March 17 Report. Although it has been posted on our website at Elijah1.com since 03/17, this is the first opportunity I have had to email it.) 03/17/06 REPORT
Yesterday my Boeing-747 arrived safely in the Philippines after a long international flight from Los Angeles, and am currently packing my bags to depart for Indonesia. Until only recently, I was not aware that Benny Hinn would be arriving in Jakarta the same week I am arriving to hold crusades in Jakarta. I believe that this is a very pivotal time for the nation of Indonesia, and that we need to keep these islands in fervent prayer throughout the year. During 2006-2007 we are entering into a potentially explosive season for Indonesia, Polynesia and other Pacific regions which are on the verge of being visited by some major seismic events which will trigger significant tsunami, unless there is divine intervention. Only a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, obedience to the Holy Spirit and the bold preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can hold back or lessen the magnitudes of some of these events.
As many of you who monitor world news are aware, shortly after my plane lifted off from the Los Angeles International Airport a 6.8 earthquake shook Indonesia while my plane was en route to Asia. The quake, which occurred at 6:57am on March 14 (Indonesia time), triggered a large tsunami which was roughly five to seven meters in height (16 to 24 feet) near the epicenter in Indonesia's Maluku Islands. Although hundreds of homes were destroyed in numerous villages on several islands, only a small number of people died because the majority of residents evacuated to higher ground following the earthquake. But those who did not heed the warnings to flee to higher ground perished. The timing and the unusual details surrounding this quake appear to be a further confirmation of the great urgency to intercede for Indonesia and the islands of the sea this year. It is highly unusual that an earthquake this size in 6-point realm would trigger such a large tsunami.
BREAKTHROUGH ACCOMPANIED BY SIGN OF SNOW — Shortly after I arrived in the United States on 02/26, one evening while driving along the California coast late at night I received an open vision of a bright flash of light over one of our ports near Long Beach. Immediately after the vision, my car was suddenly filled with the strong scent of a nuclear blast. Directly in front of my vehicle towards the coast I noticed a large cloud forming into the shape of a mushroom. I was alarmed that perhaps an accident had just taken place on the freeway, but as I approached the cloud I could see that there was clearly no accident. It was simply a large white cloud which had formed as the fog rolled in from the ocean, resembling a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. In other words, the validity of the vision was immediately confirmed by two signs. After this experience, for the next three weeks I began to pray heavily for our ports in the United States during all of our prophetic meetings in California and New York.
During our two meetings held in the Gilroy, California area 03/08-09, I received a vision of the hills along the California coast being covered with white snow. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that the snow would be a sign that we had received a breakthrough with our ports, and that the glistening white snow would represent God's righteousness, faithfulness and mercy for the sake of his elect. The following morning, as I went out to my car to begin my trip to San Francisco, I immediately noticed that the hills were covered with a beautiful sparkling layer of white snow. That evening I was scheduled to speak on Treasure Island in San Francisco at the International House of Prayer, and half-way to the meeting I stopped at a gas station to fill up my gas tank. Walking into the gas station to buy something to drink, I noticed the bold headlines at a local news stand: "United Arab Emirates Abandons US Ports Deal".
The rare snows would continue to fall in California until my plane departed for Asia. In every city I visited, from the deserts of Yucca Valley to the hills of San Francisco, God's righteousness and faithfulness glittered from the majestic hills everywhere I traveled. On 03/12, I almost had to cancel my final US meeting scheduled at the BCLA Chinese Fellowship in San Gabriel, California (near Los Angeles), because a rare snow storm had closed the I-5 freeway. Pastor Moses Tok and his congregation continued to pray for an opening in the roads during the afternoon service, until the Highway Patrol finally opened the I-5 at the Grapevine Pass at approximately 5:00pm. That night we had a powerful meeting in San Gabriel, with visitors attending the service from Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore and China.
I look forward to returning to America again this summer during June-July, which I believe will also be a very pivotal time for the United States. Your prayers are appreciated while I am traveling in Indonesia and the Philippines over the next several months. I will not be able to update our website on a regular basis while traveling, nor do I even own a computer that works at this time. Everything I own is now packed in my two pieces of luggage, and I am ready to go wherever and whenever the Lord says go. Blessings from Asia, Timothy Snodgrass, Email: king97848@yahoo.com.
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: Experts from the book “The Destiny Of America,” by Timothy Grant Snodgrass, P.O. Box 1242, Bend, OR 97709. Email: thelordsarmy@hotmail.com, or www.thelordsarmy.net . Another address is: P.O. Box 463, Kimberly, Oregon 97848 [7/22/02]. Also, a Prophetic-evangelistic ministry, based in the Philippines, relocating to South Africa 2002.
From: Celia R. Okhuysen, I must also add that I received further visions, dreams and prophecies in abbreviated format on the same subject by e-mail which unfortunately are not posted on the Web. One particular e-mail was on a brief excerpt of a book entitled "Destiny of America" by Timothy G. Snodgrass (Prophetic Intelligence Network, P. O. Box 1242, Bend, OR 97709, www.expage.com/tgsnodgrass ). He outlines one particular vision in which he saw a nuclear attack on America. He details the ensuing death, by radiation, of many people while many others "wandered aimlessly, having a look of hopelessness and death written on their faces." Famine and poverty were everywhere. He was carried in the Spirit throughout the country to witness America’s post-nuclear attack and destruction, particularly California. He also speaks of the "war in the heavens." There were "many clashes and dogfights with the Chinese in the air." He also saw Chinese troops "landing on our shores and gathering people into camps." (See ARTICLES—"The Coming American Holocaust") He gives a strong, graphic account of everything shown him which lines up with many of the visions and dreams referred to here. www.angelflire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html or Email: alandewalton@yahoo.com. Both prophets Timothy Snodgrass and Dan Bohler received prophetic that a 9.0 quake was to hit CA, God delayed that judgment, but it will occur in the very near future, a godly Seer Prophet let me know that God had delayed that judgment for a short time.]
From: The binder “The Day Of The Lord Is Near,” Volumes I-IV, a collection of prophecies, visions and dreams, Gwen Shaw, End-Time Handmaidens & Servants at Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Arkansas, 72641-0447, 870.446.2252, $25.00. www.eth-s.org, ethinc@eritter.net or www.TimothySnodgrass.com, or some are excerpts from the book “The Destiny Of America” by Timothy Grant Snodgrass.
28.1 Fall Of 1976 Or 1977, Open Vision, 100 Foot Wall Of Water Covering Saint Joseph & Benton Harbor, Michigan — Another vision that I would like to share was one that I would call a flash vision, this vision occurred while driving my vehicle, probably in a split second. I was remarking to an individual as I was driving along the beach of Lake Michigan in Saint Joseph, Michigan. I was about to enter onto the main highway, and I was telling the individual that in the last days there could be water come over this town, and as I said it I saw a wall of water possibly 100 feet high, wash over Saint Joseph, Michigan. And this wall of water was so great, that I believe it was capable of not only washing over this city but over the next town which is Benton Harbor, and way out into the country. By assuming this wall of water is capable of washing over the city then it is very evident that the entire coastland, the entire eastern coast of Lake Michigan will suffer the same fate… The wall of water of this magnitude could take place by an earthquake, an atomic blast along… in Chicago, or along the western shore of Lake Michigan and possibly other means… this vision was in the fall of the year approximately 1976 or 1977, in that area.
28.2 Late 12/1986, Open Vision, I Saw A Prophet Of God Standing In Washington D.C. Prophesying To America — It is my hope that these dreams and visions will help prepare the body of Christ, especially those who are overcoming in these last days. The first vision I would like to share was that I saw a Prophet standing on the steps of the Capital in Washington; this individual was prophesying the Word of the Lord to America. Two things that I heard him speak in his prophecy that stuck in my mind; one of them was that he was rebuking America for killing all the innocent children in the abortion clinics. The second thing that I remember hearing was that he was rebuking America for allowing homosexuality to flourish. I don’t know what happened after he finished, however, the scene changed and I saw the sea and the waves roaring exactly as it says in Luke 21:25-26, what I saw is the powers of the heavens were shaken and men’s hearts failing them for fear, and distress of the nations was happening; the sea and the waves roaring; and that was the end of that particular vision. That vision took place in late 12/1986.
28.3 12/26, 1986, Open Vision, America Being Attacked — The next vision I would like to share… This vision that I saw in late 12/1986 also, is around 12/26th I was on my face before the Lord interceding for America when all of a sudden I heard sirens and possible communications off of the television and radio regarding an attack on America of severe nature. I looked up, in front of me even though I was in a building I could no longer see the walls, I saw a next neighbor in his house through a picture window, running back and forth in his house frantically, and I saw him commit suicide rather than face the consequences of a nuclear blast that probably did not even hit locally in the first place or nearby in the vicinity, such people, like himself, I see many people begin to commit suicide across America rather than to face a world after a nuclear blast, which most people do not realize is very survivable. While in a manner of prayer on my face before the Lord, I heard the nuclear blast going off in intermittent spaces, some close to each other and some farther apart; minutes/seconds, seconds-wise between the others, I actually felt in the ground the vibration of the blast taking place. At this time when the warning was going out, I heard a vehicle go down the interstate highway at a very high rate of speed.
28.4 01/1987, Open Vision, South Side Of Chicago Or Gary, Indiana There Appeared A Volcano — The next vision I would like to share was one that I saw in 01/1987. I was standing, and in the day time I saw the scene in front of me, the walls disappeared, I was above the earth many miles, in the vicinity south of the tip of Lake Michigan, which I am well familiar with, the surrounding area of Gary, Indiana, possibly Chicago. I saw a fully formed volcano that was bubbling inside, very similar to what you would see around the world and in Hawaii, as we would witness in an active volcano, while miles above the earth I saw what is described very similar to Matthew 13:41-42. Where I witnessed the son of man’s angels carrying an individual between them to be cast into this volcano, this man was kicking and squirming trying to break free from the grip of these individuals, it was known to me that this man was to be cast into this volcano burning with fire. This active volcano that I saw was south of the Gary, Indiana area; the distance is very difficult to determine; it could be 50 miles, or it could be 100 miles in that vicinity, I am not sure, I knew… I know that it was south of the tip of Lake Michigan.
28.5 1990, Dream, Major Solemn Event To Happen In America/Warning Of Two Weeks Given Before The Event — The next dream I would like to share occurred about the same time period as the other that I mentioned. And in this dream, I saw what is described in scripture as the double element, in it a double interpretation, so that what is actually taking place will definitely occur, it is established by God to take place. I was made aware of a broadcast I believe on television by a news broadcaster stating very solemnly that something is going to occur in two weeks, then the scene changed and I saw a high ranking military officer come on stating very solemnly that something was going to happen within a, within a two week period. The gravity by which these two men spoke was of such urgency unlike we have ever seen on a broadcast to this date. It was of such solemn nature that it was a period of warning, that I believe God is showing His people that He will give probably two weeks prior to a major event happening to the United States of America.
From: Gary Rogel [Pastor], 65635 State Road 15, Goshem, Indiana 46526, 219.534.7400 or 219.536.5611.
29.1 09/1977 & 05/1988 & 09/1988, Visions; War & Earthquakes & Famines And Plagues — We know from the testimony of Scripture that the last days will be the greatest time of trouble the world has ever seen. A good portion of the loss and devastation will be the result of unpreparedness. Such peace and relative prosperity will precede this time of trouble that almost the entire world will have been lulled into tranquility until evil is released like the springing of a great trap. Once the unraveling of these events begin they will accelerate with breathtaking speed. If we are not prepared before this flood begins, it truly will be too late. Now is the time for us to put our houses in order.
We are now entering a period when wars will increase and then subside until there is almost total peace in the world. There will be some devastating attacks by the most cruel weapons, even nuclear exchanges on a limited basis, mostly between third world nations. More will perish by plagues and natural disasters than by wars during the period of this vision. The very foundations of civilization will shake and erode. Even the most stable governments will be collapsing, losing authority and control over their populations. Eventually it will be hard to find anyone with the courage to take authority. This will ultimately cause paranoia and anarchy to spread over the entire earth.
Devastating earthquakes will continue to increase in frequency. Some of the most deadly will strike areas that were previously considered safe from earthquakes. This will make them more deadly because earthquakes were not a consideration during construction planning. Also, with there being fewer faults in these areas to shift and absorb the energy the shock waves will be transmitted over much greater distances while maintaining a high level of energy.
One of these killer quakes will hit the east coast of the U.S. with such force that it will be felt on the West Coast. Damage from this quake will extend west of the Mississippi River. An earthquake will devastate Florida and break it off from the mainland. The western coastline will be drastically changed by a major quake. In some areas the ocean will extend inland until it reaches what is now desert. Both Asia and Southern Europe will be repeatedly hit by record breaking quakes, some of which will almost wipe out entire nations. One major nation in southern Europe will disappear except for a few small islands. Because of the destruction of powerplants and powerline systems large sections of the most advanced and modern nations will be without electrical power for years. This will so drastically change the lifestyle of these areas that it will be more like the nineteenth century than the twentieth.
The spread of AIDS will continue until it becomes one of the greatest killers of all time. The nature of this virus will change so that it will be transmitted through casual contact, mosquitoes, and even food.
Huge mobs will attack everything in their path. The infrastructure of the great denominational churches and large visible ministries will be one of their primary targets — many of them will vanish almost overnight. Pagan religions, cults and witchcraft will spread like plagues but these will also become targets of the mobs. By this time governments will have broken down to the point that lynchings and mass executions perpetrated by these mobs are overlooked by the authorities.
Light Is Stronger Than Darkness — Fear and deep darkness will cover the earth but this will accentuate the glory which will appear upon the saints. Masses of people will be streaming to the Lord, the inflow so great in places that very young Christians will be pasturing large bodies of believers. Arenas and stadiums will overflow nightly as the believers come together to hear the apostles and teachers.
At this time few congregations will remain separate in individual entities. Many elders and pastors may be stationary but groups they oversee will be constantly changing. Some of these will be moving on because of persecution and others because the Lord will scatter them to carry His message abroad like seed.
Near the end [of the vision] the body of Christ is like a great flowing river sweeping about as freely as the wind. One day there will be meetings in public auditorium or stadium, the next day in a park, and there will be saints meeting continually from house to house. Great meetings that stir entire cities will happen spontaneously. Extraordinary miracles will be common while those considered great today will be performed almost without notice by young believers. Angelic appearances will be common to the saints and a visible glory of the Lord will appear upon some for extended periods of time as power flows through them.
There will be no plague, disease, or physical condition, including lost limbs, AIDS, poison gas, or radiation, which will resist the healing and miracle gifts working in the saints during this time. Food will be multiplied day after day where there is no other provision. At times the Lord will provide abundant supplies from heaven like He did with Israel in the wilderness. Apostles and prophets will stand up to bless fields and cities in the name of the Lord and to remove every trace of radiation from them.
Conferences of apostles, prophets, pastors, elders, etc. will be called and used greatly by the Lord without denominating and separating from the rest of the body. Their unity will be in Jesus and He alone will be the Head of His church. Eventually, the Lord’s presence will be so great during this revival that, like the twenty-four elders in Revelation, all crowns will be cast at His feet and spiritual presumption will be unthinkable. Those in leadership will be the most humble of all. Those who presume leadership without calling will be apparent to all. The leaders of this move will be true servants and not interested in reputation or position. Their humility will open them to become channels for wave after wave of living water.
This harvest will be so great that on one will look back at the early church as a standard; all will be saying that he Lord has certainly saved His best wine for last. The early church was a firstfruits offering, but truly this will be a harvest! It was said of the Apostle Paul that he was turning the world upside down; it will be said of the apostles soon to be anointed that they have turned an upside down world right side up. Nations will tremble at the mention of their names, but they will also be healed by them.
Summary — The magnitude of the troubles or the revival cannot be adequately expressed here. I have only been given to see a small part of the actual unfolding of these events. As stated in the introduction, I did not see the end, but my vision ended with increasing chaos and increasing revival. More of this revelation will be given in due time. We should now [around 1989] concern ourselves with the preparation for this great harvest. We must seek the Lord for his strategy and vision and give ourselves completely to His purposes.
There will be other words and exhortations, originating from the very throne of the Lord and carrying great authority, coming to prepare His church for the days to come. Not to presume this is all that He will be saying, but we will soon hear His prophets and teachers begin to emphasize the following:
a. Build upon the only foundation that can be laid — Jesus Himself.
b. Remove the barriers and facades that separate us from the Lord and each other.
c. Abide in the Sabbath rest of the Lord.
d. Heed the spiritual preparation which may be reflected in the natural.
e. The just shall live by faith, not fear.
f. The Lord will soon open our understanding of His word and purposes to a depth beyond our present comprehension.
g. We must each be intimate with Him. When Job lost everything but the Lord, he then understood that he didn’t need anything but the Lord. Neither do we! He is everything that we need for these times and for all time.
The above is only a small portion from the book “The Harvest.”1
From: Rick Joyner, Morning Star Publications, 16000 Lancaster Highway, Charlotte, North Carolina 28277-2061, 800.542.0278/or 704.542.0278, fax: 704.542.0280, “The Morning Star Prophetic Bulletin,” March Forth, 1995, http://www.morningstarministries.org/. 1www.elijahlist.com . 2From the book “The Harvest” by Rick Joyner, ISBN: 0-88368-503-5, ©1993.
30.1 Before 02/1978, Prophetic Word, Chicago EarthQuake & Nuclear War In America — In early 1978, we were blessed to meet with Ann Soleman, who was carrying on a ministry of bringing God’s warning to the nation. In her 02/1978 bulletin, Ann presented these soon-to-come events in America; this was before we either knew of each other or had met [Chuck Youngbrandt is making this statement].
1st Jesus Christ is coming soon. But all political, religious and economic systems… will fail… including America. [Revelation 21]
2nd A great army is being raised up from among the believers to walk by faith under a full anointing of the Holy Spirit; they will move victoriously across the land, unharmed by the devastation about them. [Psalm 91]
3rd Unity in families will be seen across the land. [John 17]
4th An earthquake will devastate Chicago and surrounding areas [including St. Louis and Indianapolis].
5th A thermo nuclear attack will be made upon America within a few days of the earthquake.
6th Foreign troops [Russian, Chinese and Japanese] will invade the land from both coasts.
7th Prophetic voices and evangelists are going through the land this year, proclaiming the messages of the Lord, for God’s judgment against sin and rebellion in our land, is upon us.
From: The book called “The Staff And The Sword,” by Chuck Youngbrandt, page 272. The Staff and Sword Ministry, 917 West Jackson Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99205-3338.
31.1 All Prophecies Before 1979, Visions, Los Angeles & Iowa Attacked & Three Christian’s Visions —
1st In California, a Christian relates of a vision some five years before where he saw a MIG fighter airplane [communist built] with swept wings and red stars on the wings that was making an attack on part of Los Angeles.
2nd The son of an Iowa farmer tells us about a vision he had a year ago where he saw a MIG jet fighter make an attack on a nearby farmer’s buildings in Iowa.
3rd A Christian tells us of seeing a vision [about two years ago] of the sky filled with aircraft flying out from the north, south towards the United States. He did not know what it meant then. [Russian aircraft?]
‘I am about to bring judgment upon this nation but no one wants to believe that it is at hand. People shrug off My warnings and insult My prophets. My children believe but cannot foresee nor comprehend the extent of the disaster that is upon their country…’
From: The book called “The Staff And The Sword,” by Chuck Youngbrandt, page 273. The Staff and Sword Ministry, 917 West Jackson Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99205-3338.
32.1 1979, Vision, War To USA & Israel & Other Events & I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. —Vision of happenings to occur & in the USA:
[Editors note: I don't normally post revelations given to Mormons because I do not want anyone drawn into that cult but this lady has been given a warning from God to them, which she is delivering in seminars. God will save a remnant from among them. It appears that judgment begins with the World Trade Towers falling.]
Sarah Hoffman committed suicide in 1979 and was told she had to come back and finish her earth life but first she was shown the end of the (age) world.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous Comment: Not a comment from Sarah Hoffman. An Apostle Seer Prophet in the USA confirmed that what Sarah Hoffman received in her vision was correct. Why God decided to give it to her in her situation is between Him and her. It stands as a godly revelation from God to His Church.]
"This panoramic view of the earth came into view and then came closer and closer like I had been out into space and was flying towards it.
I knew that this was to help me make my decision to go back to earth, to my terrible life, because part of me wanted to go back to the beautiful spirit world or paradise and part of me felt the need to go back into my body and change my life. It was kind of a tug of war and what I was going to see was to help me understand what I would go through if I went back into my clay body.
It played out again just like a video tape in fast forward motion and yet again I could assimilate and see everything clearly and perfectly. As the world zoomed up to me I saw the whole world and then the various countries.
I don't know the countries of the world very well, but as I looked at these lands I instinctively knew what countries they were. I was looking at the Middle East and watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel with a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran but people from Iran had been hiding it in Libya and fired it. I knew that it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately missiles started flying from one country to another, quickly spreading to all over the world. I also saw that many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from ground bombs of some kind. I knew that in the future there would be a nuclear war throughout the world and this is how it would start.
Then, my focus changed from the Middle East to America. I understood that I was about to see some of the things that would lead up to the nuclear holocaust I had just witnessed.
As I looked upon the continent of North America, I zeroed in on the east coast and then to New York. I saw New York with all of its buildings and people. Then I saw some tall buildings crashing to the earth with tremendous smoke, debris and dust everywhere (09/11, 2001 World Trade Towers and or something more in the future ?). I saw a woman holding a little girls hand running from the crashing buildings. The lady had long dark hair past her shoulders curled inward a little. She had on a beige business suit, heels of a slightly darker color, perhaps a tan color. No glasses. The little girl appeared to be about 6-7 yrs old with short brown hair, below the chin, in a sort of a pageboy haircut. They were running together, holding hands running from the falling buildings in the heavy smoke and dust and they were forced to let go of hands and thereby they got separated. The little girl was terrified and I could hear the little girl screaming mommy, mommy over again and again. I don't know if they lived or died. I can still see the face of the lady clearly and could identify her if I saw a picture...or could describe her to an artist to draw her. I asked if an earthquake caused the buildings to fall down and the impression was no, but I don't know what caused them to fall.
The next thing that I felt more than I saw was that shortly after this there was no commerce, no shopping, buying, and was impressed that there was no economy. The economy had almost failed completely and no one had any money.
The next thing I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease started by having white blisters, some the size of dimes appear on their hands, arms and face. This quickly developed into white puffy sores and blisters. They would stumble about and fall and then many died within a short time, maybe 24 hours. I also saw other people with blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes and ears. It started like a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the other white blister disease. The people who had this disease died even faster. This was more wide spread across the entire United States. There were hundreds of thousands of people stricken with these two diseases.
I knew that the diseases, and there were several different kinds, but at first primarily these two, came from small containers that had been brought into the United States. These containers were like quart jars and I was impressed that the people carrying them would just drop them on the ground in large crowds of people and the people would become infected without realizing it.
In these cities as the disease spread, the people tried to flee from the cities out to the countryside. There was complete chaos in these cities and a breakdown of normal society. There was no electricity in them either, but I don't know why or how that came to be. There were cars piled up everywhere, blocking roadways and most people then had to walk out with nothing. The disease started to spread beyond these initial cities.
As these people were fleeing the cities, there were gangs attacking them and killing them. In the cities that were struck with the disease, there was complete chaos, looting, rioting, murdering, a complete breakdown. Many people seemed to go absolutely crazy. I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere now and that nothing was running, there was no communication or anything anywhere in the country. Nothing worked, no radios or TV's. I watched people throw rocks and break windows to steal TV's which I thought was really crazy because they wouldn't work.
Immediately, as I watched this happen in the United States, I jumped back to the Middle East and saw the same thing in Israel, the same sores and I realized that it was the same types of disease or sickness happening there. I knew somehow that whatever diseases had been used in the United States was also being used in Israel.
This lasted for only an instant and I was back in the United States. There was a tremendously long winter that lasted into summer. It caught everyone by surprise and started the full famine. Actually, I realized that the long winter actually just increased the famine greatly to its full measure, because the famine had already been in progress because of the storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had been happening over the few years leading up to the long winter.
It seemed then that the year following the long winter was when everything started to go down hill very quickly or things piled up one on top of the other without any breaks. The sense of time though was not very clear because I was seeing several things that seemed to happen all at the same time or very close together.
During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy was completely gone and the electricity was also gone. There was complete chaos and anarchy all over the United States. There was no government, just a total breakdown. There was no food at all... I saw people trying to get food and were completely panicked because there was no food. I saw people digging in the ground for worms and eating them because they were so hungry.
Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little water and that almost all of the water had become poisoned so that if a person drank the water they would get the disease and die. Many did even knowing that they would die, because they were so thirsty.
Some of the people seemed to go crazy and went around in gangs killing people just for the sake of killing. Others killed for food or for things but the people who killed just to kill were absolutely terrible. They seemed like beasts, animals completely out of control as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people. I saw them go into people's homes and drag families out who were hiding there and rape them and butcher them.
There was such a fear and hatred that came upon the people...families, wives, husbands...loving ties no longer mattered...it became survival only. Husbands would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. It was absolutely horrible beyond description.
The air seemed to be filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned and no one put them out. As I looked upon the scene of chaos, destruction and smoke, I noticed that there were these little pockets of light scattered all over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them. I noticed that most of these places of light were in the Western part of the United States, with only three or four in the East.
These places of light seemed to shine through the darkness and caught my attention and so I concentrated on them, asking, "what are these things?"
I could then see that they were people who had gathered together and they were on their knees and they were praying. The light was coming from them and I understood that it represented their goodness and love. I understood that they had gathered together for safety and that they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small, with only a hundred people or so, but in other groups there were what seemed several thousand.
I realized that somehow many, if not most of these cities of light had been established just before the disease attack and that they were very organized. It was like they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I didn't see who or what had organized them, but I saw many people struggling to get to them with nothing but what they could carry.
These cities of light had food and were sharing their food with those who joined them in their groups. There was peace and safety in the groups. They were living in tents, all kinds of tents, many of which were just blankets, covering poles. I noticed that the gangs left these groups alone, choosing to pick on easier targets and unprotected people. They also preyed on the people who were trying to get to the cities of light. Many people in these cities of light had guns to defend themselves with and so the gangs left them alone but it seemed that the gangs just didn't want to come against them.
I realized that these cities of light, which is what I began to think of them, were only for a short time and then the people in them would go somewhere else, however, I don't know where they went but I seem to think that they gathered to the mountains, to the high places.
As I was looking at the cities of light, I then saw missiles coming and hitting some cities and mushroom clouds started happening all over the United States. Some were from missiles that I knew came from Russia and others were not from missiles, but were from bombs that were already in the United States. They were hidden in trucks and in cars and were exploded.
I specifically saw Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York hit with bombs. New York was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by a truck bomb or actually several, because I didn't see any missile. I also saw north of Salt Lake City have a mushroom cloud, a small one, but no missile.
In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I don't know if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds, but there were millions falling everywhere. They were very hot, of different sizes with most about the size of golf balls. As they fell from the sky they left a streak of flame and smoke behind them. Whatever they touched they started on fire, people, buildings, trees, grass it didn't matter. I didn't ask what they were or where they came from, because by this time I was getting sick of the whole scene and so I just observed and didn't ask many questions.
Almost right on top of these mushroom clouds I saw Russian troops invading the United States. I saw them parachuting in to a lot of places, primarily from the East Coast. I saw them parachute into Salt Lake City. I also saw Chinese troops invade from the West Coast, near Los Angeles. The people who were still alive started fighting them with their own guns. I didn't see any military.
This was the nuclear war that I had seen earlier and I knew that it was also happening all over the world like I had seen previously. I did not see much of this war, but I was impressed that it was not very long and the Russians and Chinese lose, but I don't know how exactly.
Now the smoke turned to a very thick, heavy dark smoke. Just as things appeared to be as bad as it could get, then the earthquakes happened. This happened during a winter. It seemed that this was the winter following the very long one and so the chaos had been almost for a full year. The earthquakes seemed to start in the West, around Idaho and Wyoming and then quickly spread everywhere.
I saw a huge earthquake strike Utah and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but were especially devastating in Los Angeles and San Francisco areas.
These earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the West. They started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air and the air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened even more because of the smoke and the ash that started raining down everywhere.
I also saw huge waves of water sweep over the West Coast and then I realized that it was happening all over the coastal cities of the entire world. Los Angeles was almost swept completely away. The waves were huge.
I saw a big wall of water, taller than many of the buildings, perhaps as high as 20 feet, sweep over Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange because it was so far from the ocean and I thought how could a wave from the ocean travel all the way to Salt Lake City. I was impressed that it was not from the ocean but from the ground. I quickly saw great cracks in the earth around Salt Lake City open up and water just shot out of the ground. I felt that under the ground, very deep, there was a tremendous amount of water in the ground and the earthquakes forced it up to the surface. When the water swept over the city, there weren't very many buildings left, in fact there was a tremendous destruction with hardly anything left at all, just a few buildings. The water went from Idaho down to near Cedar City and was very bad.
In the cities there was great destruction, and most of the buildings had been destroyed and there was a lot of rubble. Though the earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes, tidal waves killed a lot of people, most people died because of the gangs and everyone killing each other...not from the terrible devastations.
As I thought a moment about the… it seemed that the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible things that were happening upon it and was finally reacting. I was impressed that the earth wanted to cleanse itself of the terrible chaos and evil that had engulfed the people.
Because of the volcanoes erupting everywhere, there was now ash mixed with the heavy smoke. Ash was falling and it was almost complete darkness everywhere.
The diseases had become very bad...I saw people literally die on their feet. There was another disease I saw. They had these red blotches on them and then they quickly started bleeding everywhere, from every opening. Then, they literally disintegrated or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. I cannot even begin to describe what I saw. The dead were everywhere.
After this terrible winter, I saw the survivors pile up the dead into huge piles and burn them. The smell was absolutely terrible. I could smell it just a little and the smell itself would make you sick This burning of bodies had happened a little during the chaos, but not much because people were so worried about surviving that they just ignored the dead.
I then saw four more things.
I saw a huge earthquake in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge and that area totally sinks. It is miles wide and it opens up and the earth falls down. It seemed to swallow everything. Then water flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes, only they weren't lakes anymore, they became all part of a big inland sea.
I then saw a series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But it wasn't lots of separate earthquakes, it was all part of one huge, gigantic earthquake that shakes the entire earth. Because of this earthquake, waters come upon the land all over the world. Huge walls of water along all of the coasts. This earthquake and the walls of water make the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I don't know if the earthquake that (seemed to) split the United States into two parts was part of this worldwide quake or not.
I then saw a tremendous wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to escape it. It was tremendous and it blew trees and everything away. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed like everything was blown away.
I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the wind were somehow caused by a huge object, like a planet or something, that had come very close by the earth and disrupted everything and that it was near the end that this happened.
I then was back into space viewing the entire earth from a distance. I then saw this huge fireball, two or three times bigger than the earth approach the earth. It was extremely bright red and gold in color and then engulfed the entire earth. When I saw this, because it was so different than everything else, I then asked what it was. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is described in the scriptures. I understood that just before it comes that Jesus had appeared to the earth and the good people that I had seen earlier had left the earth with Him and were no longer on the earth. The only people left were the few wicked who had survived the devastations earlier, but there were not many."
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Sarah Hoffman: This last part appears to a jump to the end of the 1,000 year period at some point? Or there will be something very difficult to hit the earth before the 1,000 year period, but whatever it is it will not destroy the earth totally if it is before the 1,000 year period for that time has to be lived out. But after the 1,000 year period then at some point the earth does get burned up, so one ponders if in the vision she was jumped to the end of the 1,000 year period???????]
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com/visionofend.htm.
“The angel said, “Judgment is sure—prepare!”
09/09, 2005 — “About war, it is set. It will happen, we just don't know when as the Lord keeps forgiving because of our repentance, so it keeps getting delayed. I have had too many personal visitations over it though, so I cannot be flimsy about the grave future. Happen it will, but the Gatherings are keeping it held back. That was promised in a 3 hour visitation.” — Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson
10/2005 — (At GOE Birmingham, AL Mtg.) Nita mentioned about the "cup of sin" that gets filled up in nations. God spoke to Israel, your cup of sin is full, a cup that can potentially be filled with sin. America has filled up her cup to the rim. Repentance and intercession brings it down; repeat; as it hovers: earthquakes, and an open door, broken the law of God; Love the Lord with all your heart and soul, love your neighbor as yourself. Breaches were created, open door to the devil/Satan; to full up a cup, overflow, = judgments.
33.1 Age 9, Vision, The World In The Process Of The Judgment Of The Last Days! —At nine years of age, while I was playing in my backyard, I walked out of the natural right into the spiritual world. I found myself being escorted down a long, winding tunnel by a huge, magnificently beautiful angel right into the throne room of the Lord. When I entered this amazing room, I saw the Lord sitting on His throne to my right. I was instructed to walk over to His right side. He pointed t the wall which was off to the right and slightly behind Him. I walked closer to it, and as I did, the wall became a window to the future. I moved toward the window until I could see clearly. It was as though I was looking down over a hill into a city, but instead of the city, it was the world in the process of the judgment of the last days!
From my earliest Christian days, I have been told by the Holy Spirit of the judgments coming upon the whole earth. I have always been faithful to share what I’ve been given. The following communications however, have been of a different sort.
I didn’t ask the Lord for the experience I had at age nine; I was horrified by what I saw. Nor have I asked Him for what has recently occurred. It is His compassion toward man that moves Him to send forth messages of warning unto the world when danger lurks ahead. For some reason, in His sovereignty, He chose to grant me these divine encounters. He didn’t grant them to exalt a person, but as a ministry to the Body of Jesus Christ and as a warning to the unbeliever. [11 Chron. 36:15—16]
I didn’t ask to know these things, but I was called to share all that I’ve been shown with people everywhere. Some will believe it; some will not. Some that won’t believe it through me will receive it through another. I’m sure that is why Jesus is so diverse in the way He sends messages to us. His desire is that as many as possible will hear and receive His urgent warnings.
In addition to His instructions to speak of things to come and to give understanding as to why the judgments are being sent, He has also revealed to me what we can do in some cases to prepare. That which is contained in this book was given by the instrumentality of divinely granted appearances, and everything I share is backed by careful study in the Word of God. It will prove to be sure. Book: “Prepare For The Winds Of Change 11” by Nita Johnson, ISBN: 0.9656528.0.7, this book is free of charge, kindly provide shipping charges, you can contact the ministry at www.worldforjesus.org.
The Angel said: “Tell the people of the earth to prepare!” “Prepare for the judgments of the Lord are at hand.” “Babylon is falling, come out of her My people!”
33.2 12/1979, Open Vision, Persecution & War — I had been in a time of fasting and prayer about the future of our country. The Lord decided at that time to give me the first of many revelations about our tumultuous future. I saw soldiers from China as they were moving across America. I saw some of them go up a hill to a Christian’s home, force the man out of his home and try to make him deny his faith in Christ. When he wouldn’t do it, they beat him to death before my eyes. So, I was taught that America will be under siege by China. During the course of that siege, there will be Christians who will give their lives for Christ. [Matthew 24]
Just prior to that time, the Lord is going to clean up the leadership of His Church through a great revealing of unrighteousness. I saw leaders who were impure and some who were in reality serving Satan. The Lord would do this to protect the innocent sheep. Those who are really desiring Jesus and not to fallow after man, will run from these impure leaders and be brought in under the protection of true shepherds just in time for a very treacherous time for the Church. [Zech. 11:8]1
33.3 04/1984, Vision, China At War — A Japanese soldier was privately showing me the target areas long the California and Texas borders that China and Japan planned to hit when they came to war with the United States. They would hit us suddenly and without warning. I cannot remember many of the target areas, but this is what I do remember. In California, it would be Modesto, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. In Texas it would be San Antonio and Houston.1
33.4 05/1984, Vision, War With China & Los Angeles — I was with some Chinese students in a room in Los Angeles, California talking about the Lord. Suddenly, they darted out of the room and into the open air. I followed them, all of us in a panic. We stood and watched as bombs fell along the coast as far as we could see. It then began to rain. I knew this rain was in fact nuclear fallout. It rained like I have never seen it rain. We just stood there in shock, and I knew it was already too late to warn anyone! I wept.1
33.5 Mid–eighties, Vision, America Ravaged By A Strange Fire & Famine — “I was swiftly flying over America and viewing this awful sight from the air. America had been ravaged by what seemed to be a strange fire and famine. The very ground was mourning and lamenting over its desolation. It seemed that the whole of America was a desolate wilderness. Fruit trees were withered from drought of burned by fire. The grain and corn fields were laid waste and the vines were dried up. This fire had also devoured the pastures. Water brooks and streams were dried up or had turned bitter. It looked like a nation that had been blighted by plagues and ravaged by this strange fire! The land was groaning as it mourned over its own ruin.”2
Monetary Crises — We are going to experience two major economic collapses in our financial structure. One will be soon. The other will be in the total judgment of Babylon. I’m not at all sure that the first collapse won’t be somewhat engineered through the government as a way to introduce the new world currency. I saw positions like corporate presidents going for salaries of twenty to thirty-five dollars a week. It was no longer a matter of perpetrating continued lifestyles of luxury. Survival was all that mattered! Of course, that affected every area of the economy and every manner of living.
I saw ministers and ministries, both large and small, well known and basically unknown, go under. Ministers by the thousands left the call hoping to find stability in the world, thinking they could use their gifts and talents to make a living at a secular job. It was a heart-breaking and cataclysmic economic collapse. I was given the scripture John 10:12 – “But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf [Satan] coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.”
Businesses, large and small, went under. The whole world was in upheaval. People were killing themselves over their severe losses. Families were losing homes, cars, and furniture because they hadn’t prepared.
Get out of debt. Get mortgages paid down substantially or paid off. Pay your cars off, as well as furniture, etc. There isn’t much time, so you’ll have to put every spare dine into wise use. 2
33.6 11/1985, Dream, Comfort For The Family — War is soon coming to America. I know that God will put a supernatural covering over those who are truly living a holy life. But, my family members, aside from my daughter and her family, are not living holy lives that are satisfactory to the Lord. Consequently, I began to grow very concerned for them. I wondered what the Lord would do concerning them. So, He gave me a dream.
My whole family was under my tent. I looked out and saw a “black cloud” approaching from Russia. As it passed over America, it destroyed everything in sight. Yet, my family was safe under my tent. When I awoke the Lord gave me; Proverbs 14:11 and Josh. 2:12, 13, 18, 19.
If we are living pure and holy lives, God will set our families apart for special protection and care during troubled times if they will come in under the safety of our homes.1
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33.7 02/1987, Vision, Jesus Weeps For America — In an open vision, I saw the Lord bringing His people to a greater solidity in their faith. Then, the body was thrust into a time of great turmoil. This was for the purpose of purging the elect. Then I saw Jesus standing up on a mountain. As He looked down over America He wept audibly as He spoke to America prophetically.
He cried: “Would that you had known personally, even at least in this your day, the things that make for peace [for freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as a result of sin and upon which your peace — your security, safety, prosperity, and happiness depends]! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For a time is coming upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank [with pointed stakes] about you and surround you Jerusalem and shut you in on every side. And they will dash you down to the ground, you and your children within you; and they will not leave you one stone upon another, [all] because you did not come to progressively to recognize and know and understand [from observation and experience] the time of your visitation [that is when God was visiting you, the time in which God showed Himself gracious toward you and offered you salvation through Christ]. Luke 19:42-44
Then my Master left, leaving me weeping for a great period of time. I wept and wept for America. How foolish we are to think to trifle with the goodness and justice of the Lord. How could I help but weep over my beloved America. 1
33.8 01/27, 1989, Prophetic Open Vision, Map Of The United States – Prophetic Visions Of Judgment —
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Map of USA & Judgments - Prophetic Visions Of Judgment
I was awakened in the middle of the night. The Lord said to me, "Why do you think I gave you that vision of the United States?" I replied, "I don't know, Lord, why did you?" He then responded, "A surrogate mother won't work. Sarah could not be one to Ishmael. It's not My way." As I was pondering what that could possibly mean, He followed with, "Only what is born of faith can work."
While the Lord gave birth to America's liberty and planted in her bosom a hope, He promised to be her protective covering if she would meet His conditions. He did not give birth to this sinful and rebellious nation. Although He has given birth to His church, a nation within a nation, He did not give birth to this antagonistic entity we call America. It was the blood, sweat and tears of man that gave it birth. Humanists swam in the womb with this nation and humanists have helped give it birth. They have nurtured it, coddled it and flaunted it as the son of their pride".
On the other hand, it was the church who fought for the right of motherhood. She fought for the right to set up the rules and even discipline the spoiled child when it was bad. But she, alas, has only been "the surrogate mother for a rebellious Ishmael".
It was Sarah who wisely declared at last, "Cast out this bondwoman and her son, for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son!" However, while this is true, Abraham suffered over releasing Ishmael and sending him away. Even so, our Eternal Father suffers over the future of the people of America. He must cast away the rebellious but He does it with great pain. What America as a nation doesn't understand is that we have been reaping the benefits of the churches inheritance for over two hundred years. While the church has not been the model bride anymore than Sarah had been a perfect wife, we the church are, nonetheless, God's bride and the spiritual nation of Israel. So while the Lord loves His "spiritual Israel" (the church) and although He must even chastise His elect, He will cast out the irreverent Ishmael (The United States). Though God loves man, He hates sin and will cast out from the inheritance those that choose to serve sin. For these it might be said; He has little regard. May we also remember it was not God who first rejected America. Although He has stretched His arms out to us, we are the ones who have refused Him. So, fear not Church, that which is born of Faith will stand. God has in His judgment remembered mercy. What I'm about to share is the way in which God is going to, in effect, cast out this rebellious America He calls Ishmael. The process will begin while the church is still here. In fact, it has already begun and will continue until all is fully executed I want to add one more thing before I share the vision the Bible tells us:
And if you say in your [minds and] hearts, How shall we know which words the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or prove true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (Deut 18:21 & 22) So we are to judge the word which is spoken in the Lord's name by waiting to see if it comes to pass. If it does, we need to believe it and respond to God's warnings through it.
33.9 01/27, 1989, Open Vision, Map Of The United States & Invasion – The Open Vision — On 01/27, 1989, I had been in a spirit of prayer all night and was finally just starting to dose off to sleep. Suddenly, I was fully awakened by a vision of a map of the United States. It was not a vision in my head but was what some call an open vision out in front of me.
The map was in a silvery light and was completely sectioned off into states, just as suddenly as it had appeared, I heard a voice, as robust as the sound of many waters yet with great intensity, begin to give directions. Starting with the West Coast, the voice would speak and that same silvery light would shoot down from the direction of heaven like a laser beam onto the map. The light would follow the path directed by the voice and then effects would follow as I will explain. First, the voice cried out-'The West Coast, California, Oregon and Washington, starting from the southern most tip all the way up to Seattle, will suffer natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and fire, and enemy attack. "The line shot up the map taking most of California and leaving only a small section that bordered on Arizona and Nevada. It went up through Oregon taking about half of that state and then on up through Washington, taking about one-third of that state, then out toward the ocean through Seattle. The minute the line touched Seattle, everything west of the line disappeared.
The voice then cried out, "Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois will suffer natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes and tornadoes, and enemy attack. Immediately, this line started at about where Lansing, Michigan, is and fanned down in what became two lines going south first. Then one line swung back up easterly through Ohio, going out over the Great Lake Erie through Cleveland. The other line swung down through Indiana and then headed back up northwesterly and went out into the Great Lake Michigan up by the way of the northeast corner of Illinois and out through Chicago. When it was done, it looked like two "u's" side by side. This affected areas all through the region, for instance, as far east as Detroit and easterly in Michigan to the Great Lake itself on the west. The whole southern part of the glove experienced cataclysmic results.
Next, the voice called out, "Most of Louisiana and all of Texas will suffer natural disasters, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and enemy attack. "The line shot up through New Orleans east of Baton Rouge, up through Shreveport in a kind of wiggly way then cut off all of Texas. Texas disappeared. Louisiana experienced devastation but didn't disappear.
I was ready for this to end, yet the Lord continued.- New York down through Pennsylvania, the Virginias, the eastern Part of Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida will suffer natural disasters of every kind, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, etc. and enemy attack. Then everything that was east of the line disappeared.
The Lord continued, "The Grand Canyon will suffer natural disasters. "The line seemed to start at the bottom of the Grand Canyon heading northerly straight up to Montana through Yellowstone. This was also accompanied by cataclysmic disasters like floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, and fires. This affected a substantial area, including Arizona, Utah, western parts of Wyoming, the eastern tip of Idaho and southwestern part of Montana. The regions did not disappear, but experienced utter catastrophe.
Then Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Tennessee, Kentucky, and on it went. There were severe heat waves, hailstorms, energy blackouts, severe snow and ice storms as well as extreme arctic cold spells to the loss of many lives. I saw it so often occur in some the least likely areas. Famines, pestilence, plagues, and more. Nevada and Utah were all but destroyed through natural disasters of every kind and ultimately enemy attack. They did, however, remain on the map (Please note that I am not declaring that the states that disappeared fell off into the sea. I don't know why they disappeared, only that they did. Consequently, I am merely relating what I saw-not trying to interpret.) [Uninhabitable, or inhabited by invaders]
I was so dumbstruck that I felt numb, even bruised. It was hard for me to pull it all together in my mind. I just sat there in shock. Finally, I realized if I didn't write it down, I'd lose a lot of it as there was so much detail. So I wrote what I could remember. Some states, such as New Mexico, were lost from my memory. I couldn't remember what happened to them, so I didn't record it.
I distinctly remember, however, that the only part of the US that was not devastated was the Central United States, a region basically west of the Missouri River, as I have indicated on the map. [see attached map, page 203, Prepare For The Winds Of Change II] I also realized that many of the things that would begin happening immediately would be of an unusual nature, such as natural disasters that would seem improbable or even impossible, at least for that particular geographical area.
I was instructed that this sequence of events would start immediately, picking up momentum with time until eventually the succession would be happening with gunshot rapidity, until all fulfilled. It's important to understand that the natural disasters did not specifically follow "the lines", but the lines seemed to indicate the borders of the severely affected areas. The only one exception was the line that went up through the Grand Canyon north to Montana. In that case, the line seemed to symbolize the central core of action with a radiating aftermath both to the east and west. I saw natural disasters in Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands followed by warheads.
Finally, I saw a severe diminishing of our nation's military. Officers, and enlisted men, as well as the closing of many critical bases were part of the scenario. Our ability to defend ourselves was critically reduced, to a point of near ineffectiveness. (The Military cut down was not incorporated in this vision, but was seen many years ago.)
These disasters have already begun, just as He said they would. Since that vision, there have been two earthquakes in California, terrible fires, a hurricane on the East Coast that did what all the meteorologists said could never happen. The storm entered inland through Charleston, South Carolina, went north and headed back into the ocean through New York. Flooding for the first time in history was recorded in a community in northern Ohio resulting in unusual deaths. Most recently, there was an earthquake near the southern border of Missouri, and floods in the plains, and terrible disaster in Florida from tornados. Those are just a few instances, but hopefully, they're enough to drive the point home. These things are neither freak accidents, as some would have you believe, nor are they just satanic humor on mankind. Church, please realize that the Lord commanded everything that I saw hit the map. He also told me it was part of the sequential calamities which are warnings ultimately leading to full judgment assigned to this country. They are like blinking red lights along the path of judgment-Go back! Stop! Repent! The end is at hand! Will you hear? Will you pray? How in His great mercy would He gladly stop or minimize catastrophe for His praying church! …
Canada will experience as much devastation through various forms of natural disaster, as America. As I shared in an earlier chapter, it will be for the same reasons. Both will experience the purging fire of judgment.
33.10 1991, War To America — Jesus said that there will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet. War is coming to America and eventually to Canada. I will go into greater depth regarding this at the end of this book. He says in Leviticus 26:25 that through war He will execute vengeance upon us for breaking His covenant. That’s why it’s so important to repent as a nation and do what is right before the Lord.
When war strikes, we will not be prepared, as in 1989 I saw America dumping or emptying her military out, closing many major bases, making major cuts in military officers as well as enlisted personnel—about one officer for every four or five enlisted. In addition, there were major financial and armament cutbacks.
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s book "Prepare For The Winds Of Change II,” ISBN: 0.9656528.0.7, ©1991, page 159, www.worldforjesus.org.
Watch These Things —
03/1992 — There will be a major militant uprising against the government in both America and Canada. I hope and pray that no one who calls themselves a Christian will be a part of it.
09/12, 1993 — The time is coming when Christian leaders in North America will lament in deep grief over the fact that they have not done their part in preparing the Church for the treacherous times which are ahead.
Why? Because we will be a Church almost totally unprepared for the events we will have to walk through. Many will fall as a result.
09/12, 1993 — Yet, God will pour out His Spirit upon us strengthening us and helping us. So, the Lord spoke; “I will send revival to My Church, for in revival the heart, mind and soul are freed from fear and filled with faith. Therefore, I will send revival for the preservation of my Church in a time of persecution.” Revival, is already beginning to be poured out and will continue to grow in preparation for the near future!
09/12, 1993 — There will be a coup against the Russian government.
09/12, 1993 — Some cities in America will be spared from judgment and/or destruction as God will maintain His covering protection over these cities. Others are ripe for judgment and will not be spared. Where God’s protection remains, the Church will be at rest. (I saw this through angelic visitation.)
So, pray for the city of your residence. Pray for God’s protection and blessing in a dark hour. Pray for the people of your city to repent of their sins against God. Who knows but what your city may find God’s mercies and be spared.
09/12, 1993 — Canada is going to find herself involved with war and eventually fighting on her own land. Canada, pray for the spirit of supplication and repentance upon your nation that God may have mercy!
*The words printed in italics are the Lord’s, the words in standard print are my thoughts. —Nita Johnson
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s book "Prepare For The Winds Of Change II,” ISBN: 0.9656528.0.7, ©1991, page 198—213, www.worldforjesus.org. And at www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/4393 .
33.11 Devastation Map, From Nita Johnson — “Prepare For The Winds Of Change”, book, page 203. 2
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33.12 Next Rounds Of Judgments In America, Map From Nita Johnson — The shaded area will experience floods, fire, tornadoes, hurricanes, terrible and damaging thunder storms, drought, blackouts and freezes to the loss of life. “Prepare For The Winds Of Change”, book, page 304. 2
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33.13 02/1998?, Prophetic Word Given, At The United Nations Building — While in New York ministering, I was asked to join a party of individuals to go to the United Nations building and pray. There are many things I would like to share with you about that event but for the sake of time and space I'll wait.
The pastor had asked me to join them hoping to get some insight from the Holy Spirit. Many things were spoken to me that day, but I will share with you what pertains to Israel.
Upon entering the premises I was surrounded by a cloud of the Holy Spirit. As I entered into this covering, I was so overwhelmed by His presence that I could not speak in English. All efforts ended in futility. I asked Him why such a heavy degree of His presence, to which He answered: "It's a protective covering."
I didn't really understand why I needed such a covering until after we left the premises and headed back for the train. The Holy Spirit suddenly smote me so hard I nearly doubled over at an intersection. He told me I was to return to the U. N. and give a prophetic utterance against the reigning prince, which by the way is Satan himself. Please understand I would never do what I did without a directive from the Lord. Seasoned warriors learn not to trifle in matters in which they are not instructed to do so.
Upon returning to the property, the warfare against my spirit was most intense until the utterance was released, then the anointing flowed and I felt like I was walking on the wind.
What was the utterance! I told Satan that what he was trying to do prematurely would be thwarted. He was trying to bring war to the Middle East ahead of God's timing. Had he succeeded, we would have been thrown into World War III and God's purpose for Israel and world harvest would have been temporarily halted, not to mention loss of lives. Satan's idea was to bring open confrontation among the nations in 02/1998, way ahead of God's timetable. But, God's determined purpose prevailed. The Lord did not say it would never happen, only that it would not take place on Satan's time, but His own, and in the fullness of time, when sin's cup is overflowing. So, we continue to pray!
33.14 A Cycle Of Judgment — According to the scriptures, they are his chastisements. The Hebrew word for chastise means to train by discipline as one would train his son through spanking. The Word states:
Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten — I discipline and instruct them. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent — changing your mind and attitude. [Revelation 3:19 Amp.]
God’s first dealings are always by His Word and His Spirit. He won’t revert to the following unless one is in a settled place of rebellion, unwilling to respond to the former. In the book of Leviticus, the 26th chapter, we get a good picture of how He chastens. Next, He says if you won’t hearken to Him, He will do the following:
1st He’ll send sudden terror.
2nd He’ll send sickness.
3rd He’ll send financial loss.
4th Your enemies will rise up against you and win.
If you still won’t repent, He will chastise you further.
5th He’ll break your pride in your power.
6th He’ll not answer your prayers.
7th He’ll send no blessings.
8th You’ll work for nothing.
9th Everything you touch will rot.
Third time around — if you still won’t repent:
10th You’ll have loss of children.
11th You’ll have a loss of ability to work.
12th You’ll experience pestilence.
13th You’ll live under the yoke of your enemy.
14th You’ll not have enough food to eat.
15th You’ll face untimely death.
Some believe that since we are in the dispensation of grace, God will not deal in this manner today — at least not with His church. Read the second and third chapters of Revelation, and you’ll see that His punishments are just as severe. We must understand that while our Heavenly Father is loving and merciful, He is also rigidly righteous, a holy God, who unlike us, will not compromise who He is.
We see a profound but simple principle regarding the ways of God throughout the Word. The Lord will bring salvation to a man, cleanse him with His blood, and begin the process of sanctification. Yet all the time, He’ll leave the decision of whom we will serve at any given moment up to us. If we continue to make the decision to serve Satan more than Jesus, He will allow the aforementioned calamities to begin to work their process. Who is the direct author of these? Satan, of course. So we are now beginning to reap the harvest of seeds planted to sin. The cycle will continue until one day Jesus will say, “If that man still wants that life so bad, let it consume him.”
In that very hour, the destructive forces of Satan are unleashed to lord over us to our utter destruction. In other words, we chose our master, and Jesus lets us have him. Up to that final point, all the trouble that came our way was designed to bring us back to the Lord and into a place of safety. Once we cross over that line, the door of mercy is closed, and Satan is allowed free access to devour.
By the sword of judgment, God is releasing all mankind into the above-mentioned process. Those who are truly His and choose to walk in Godly fear and pure holiness will be kept from judgment in a place of refuge. Those who don’t fit in that category will begin to experience the course of chastisement ascribed in Leviticus 26.
The Bible says today is the day of salvation. Let the healing hand of God’s grace touch your home instead of the sword of judgment. You have full say as to where you stand with the Lord. Gird yourself in strength by walking in purity and see the dynamics that can be yours in Christ through these difficult times.
To those who are pure, those who love the Lord and live a life of obedience to Him — His mercy is a covering standard of protection. To those who love and serve people, bringing honor to the Lord, He is a hiding place from the storm. The Bible says His saintly ones are like precious jewels in the crown of their God, which He wears like a zealous Father.
God does not delight in the suffering of humanity. These warnings are designed to stir the readers into evaluating their lives. We can turn judgment into mercy and blessing if we will alter or forsake anything not agreeing with God’s Word, and instead embrace God’s way. So let us encourage one another in the Lord, draw close to Him and to one another, that we may be held secure and at peace in His name in troubled times. — Prepare —2
33.15 04/1998, Judgment Is Coming/Judgment Upon The Nations — In the 4th month of this year the Spirit of the Lord lifted me up and took me to the nations of the world. The Lord held a flagpole holder that was shaped like a bullet. As we hovered over the nation, He put the flag of that respective nation in the holder. Then we flew down into the heart of the nation with the flag in His hand, and He put it right into the soil. As the pole sank into the soil, He pronounced judgment upon the nation and fear gripped my heart. We visited nations in this order: First was America. After He pronounced the judgment, He said that she would be a sign to the nations of the world of their own impending judgment.
Second was Japan, then the United Kingdom, fourth was Germany and what was once known as the Ur. In Ur I saw Him put the flag right through a seal in what seemed to be Hitler’s heart. The fifth was the African continent. The fact that the flag holder was in the shape of a bullet indicated that each of these nations will be engaged in war as part of their assigned judgment.
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s book "Prophetic Insight & Family Focus,” ISBN: 0.9656528.5.8, ©2000, page 65, www.worldforjesus.org.
33.16 11/08th, 2000?, Visitation, The Five Angels Over Portland Oregon — On 11/08th while engaged in a radio interview with my two friends Pastors McCutcheon and Hill the angel of the Lord visited me. He came to unveil Yahveh’s plans and purposes for the Portland area.
He stood by my side and waved his hand in the air. As he did this I could see into the spirit and see what was happening over the Portland area. I saw five angels.
Each had something in their hand, which symbolized their particular mission.
The first angel descended with a large golden vial in his hand. The vial looked about three feet in depth. In it was a golden liquid. As we began to pour this substance out over the Portland area I asked the angel standing next to me about the substance. He told me that it was an oil that produces strengthening and stability through purification and holiness in Yahveh’s own.
Then I saw a second angel fly down and hover right behind the first angel. He also had a golden vial in his hand just like the first. I asked the angel standing by my side what the second angel held in his vial. He instructed me that it was a golden oil that would release the rumblings of Yahveh. It would reveal the rumblings of Yahveh beneath the surface. These rumblings would include such as earthquakes, a volcano, a tsunami, gang wars — ethnic wars, uprising in the schools, shaking in the government and ultimately war.
I then saw a third angel fly down and hover behind the first two. He also had a golden vial in his hand just like the first two. I again asked my angelic visitor what this oil might be. He replied that it was the golden glory of Yahveh. It was revival. The release of this vial would produce miracles, healings, and miracle faith. It would be the full cup of the John G. Lake anointing and more. It would release visions and dreams – the Spirit of revelation. The recipient would receive wonderful revelations from the word and the Spirit. People would come from many places to drink from the fountain that Yahveh will release through this angel.
The fourth angel then flew down and hovered behind the third. He held in his hand a stock of wheat. When I inquired about the wheat the angel by my side said that it depicted the famine that would come to Portland. It is in the famine of foodstuffs. Where one might pay $1.00 for a loaf of bread now. At that time it may cost $5.00 or $8.00 for the same thing because of the scarcity of supply. This is going to occur in conjunction with the calamities that are going to come to Portland.
The fifth angel had in His hand crumbled wheat. He began to pour it out over the city. I asked about it. The angel by my side said that it symbolized the great harvest of souls that would come into the kingdom during the hard times.
Later the Lord told me that Portland could have destruction or revival or both. It would depend on the believers in that city. If they will pray and repent for the sins of their forefathers and contemporary sins, the Lord would hold back judgment. It not, the city will lose the revival He has planned and destruction will ensue.
There was some measure of the repentance He is seeking. However, Yahveh’s warnings will continue until He gets what He wants. So, please pray for Portland.
The United States — The Father is continuing to deal with America through calamities. A warning was given a couple of years ago in an article by Keith Davis, Bob Jones, and I co-authored entitled “The Lance of the Basilisk,” which describes an evil prince by the name of Basilisk who desired to cause America great harm by destroying critical food products that would be needed in a time of war. These food products are grown in the nine Southeastern States indicated in that article.
There is a need for intercession and repentance for contemporary sins as well as the sins of the forefathers if we are to protect these vital food commodities. There has been some work done in this area of prayer. However the work is insufficient to protect us from continued attacks. In the year 2001 Basilisk is working toward another round of attack in the areas mentioned in that article [The nine southern growing food states.]. If the Church would gather together in prayer groups and seek the Father’s face on behalf of these nine states we could still protect ourselves from this great harm. Vital food products were destroyed this past year. We therefore cannot afford to continue to be apathetic about this issue.
You can find the article on the Bob Jones web site if you desire fuller information on the subject.
Messiah still desires to bless America with reprieve of ultimate judgment. He is looking for Esthers [who having cleansed themselves and are walking before Him in purity] who will come into His throne room and intercede on behalf of America. He is listening to our prayers and will continue to do as we humble ourselves and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. The Father wants to bless us and turn back His hand of judgment if only we will comply with His demands.
I saw a vision of severe rain and thunder and lightning storms across the US. I saw floods that were potentially devastating in their impact. I also saw a particular vision of a calamity striking somewhere off the coast of NY.
Revival is still in the wings as we continue to prepare for it.
33.17 09/12, 2001, Vision, The Capitol Building — In the vision I saw the dome of the national Capitol broken off its foundation and lying on its side. I saw scaffolding all around the foundation as though a team of workers were ready to repair it and put it back in place. Then, I suddenly saw a hand sweep down from heaven, pick up the dome and put it back on its foundation. I then knew that Our Lord was getting ready to position our government head in Washington to be put back on its rightful foundation of righteousness, securing us once again in divine strength and stability. I was comforted.
I believe the scaffolding represented the Church positioning itself to enter into repentance and intercession for America. As we do this, the Lord will restore us to a right and strong foundation. As we do this it will pave the way for the Lord to bring our government into right standing.
I believe it was a vision telling me that He is in the process of positioning the government for reformation and the Church for revival, setting all things right.
The attack against the Pentagon was allowed to deal with our pride of national security without the Lord who alone makes us secure. The attack on the Trade Center was allowed in order to deal with us in the area of our monuments to man’s genius and ingenuity: thus, restoring us to the foundation of our national dependence upon Him. Further, to discipline us over our national stand on abortion and bring us to repentance of shedding innocent blood in the name of greed, thus cleansing the land of the stain of innocent blood.
Again, the discipline was minimized because of our righteous stand with and on behalf of Israel, and because of the prayers of many Christians in this nation including those who joined us in the 5th month, Gathering of the Eagles.
33.18 08/02, 2002, Holy Angel Visit, America’s Plight With The Watchers — Will we as a body of believers stand in the gap for America that God will not destroy the Land. The last few days my heart has been breaking with God’s ;won grief. He wants to bless America, He wants to heal our land, but will He find the intercessors?
“I looked for a man to stand in the gap that I might not destroy the Land.”
Holy Watchers—A few weeks ago, I was participating in a week of services with my friend Sadhu Sundar. We were involved with some meetings in St. Louis with another friend of mine, Pastor Lenny Barber. During the coarse of these meetings, the angel who watches over America as Michael watches over Israel, appeared to both my friend Sundar and to myself. He told Sundar that if intercessors did not rise up and stand in the gap, we would experience another hit such as we experienced in New York in 09/11, 2001. It was at the end of that same service that this same angel appeared to me. Tears flowing down his face, he said again: “Will the people pray? Tell the people to pray that I might not destroy Land.”
It was an amazing thing to see an angel 30 to 40 feet tall with tears flowing down his face for America. A couple of days later, an angel clothed in fire came to me, giving me another warning about tears of intercession being needed for our Nation, hence, this article. I was in awe of the first angel, but when the second angel was sent to me I was gripped with holy fear. Two such holy angels terrifying to behold, because of the holiness that emanates from them is enough to shake me in itself, but for them to both come in such a short space of time with the same warning leaves me undone.
Weep For America—My dear brothers and sisters, we must weep for America. The Lord spoke to me in a vision nearly two years ago that He required tears of repentance and tears of intercession to save America. He said in another vision that I was to rise up leaders and intercessors to fill the land with tears, that He might save America. He is still saying the same thing today; fill the land with tears, that I might spare America.
One of the saddest things to me is to see a young man struck down in his prime. He reaches an age when his is about to enter into a life ahead of him. He has a young lady with which he is in love and they are planning to share a future building a life together. He has been well educated to enter into the work force and shows much promise of being a great value to society. He and his bride to be have spent months planning their wedding. Tomorrow is the big day. Their hearts are full of joy. Then suddenly he is struck by a car and killed. She is left bereft of her husband before they can ever marry. Whenever I hear of such scenarios, I always weep. It stuck me today in prayer that we stand in the same place in our nation. America has reached the prime of its age. We have moved into maturity and could be ready to take our place among the nations as a Father, a healer, and a righteous leader. But, carelessness stands to strike us down in our prime.
There are two types of holy watchers. One is angelic such as I mentioned earlier, the other is the human watchman, albeit intercessor or minister. Man is called a watchman when God sees in his or her heart His own heart to watch over the Nation in which they live. A prophet is called to be a watchman, some apostles are watchmen. Some pastors have the heart of a watchman. When a person cares about the Nation as though it were their own personal care, when he or she weeps over the sin and speaks against the unrighteousness out of a tender heart of care, they are watchman.
The Lord is looking for the watchman to rise up and weep over the sin of our Nation, He is looking to and fro over our country seeking those who will stand in righteousness for America to be saved. We don’t’ have much time, but He searches none-the-less in the hope that He may find them waiting and weeping just in time to hold back His hand of judgment.
Rachael of old cried out to Jacob, give me children or I die. Do we have in the body of Christ, those Rachael’s who will not be denied? Those watchman who look at the children playing in the streets and cry out, Lord spare us that they may live and learn to love You. Are there those who see young parents walking in the park, who will bend the knee and cry out to God, spare us that these might bring forth seed and raise children upon your altars Lord? Where are those who will look at the sin of witchcraft, the abominations of sexual sins, and feel the grief of hatred in our inner cities, see a nation in crisis and cry out to a merciful God that He might forgive and spare us. Where are the preachers who can no longer stand the complacency of the Church and will weep between the porch and the altar, Lord spare your people? Turn Your people to righteousness, Oh God! Where are they who will agonize with the Lord over the unrighteousness of our Nation’s roots, and who will not stop pleading until righteousness once again fills our Churches, schools, courtrooms, and government offices? Where are those who have broken hearts and will not rest until the inner cities are healed by God’s power? Where are the Rachael’s who are desperate for the womb of the Church to be filled with precious spiritual babies? God is looking, He is searching over the cities, towns, countries, states, across rivers, over mountain ranges, for those who will labor and stand in the gap for America that He might pour out His grace of healing instead of His judgments. Hence, the ever increasing question trumpeting forth from the heart of God, where are those who will stand in the gap that I might not destroy the Land?
How long can we hope to sing America the Beautiful? How many times must the Lord show America how vulnerable she really is before we get on our knees and weep for God to return to a Nation at the brink of destruction. My dear brothers and sisters, tears of repentance, tears of intercession, will heal the Father’s wounded heart. If His heart is healed over our sin, He will heal our Land. Weep while there is still time. If you cannot, ask God for His tears until He gives them. A mother cries over the death of her young son, can the Church weep over the death of her Nation’s righteousness? A widow weeps over the death of her young husband. Can the Church see the Nation to whom she is married die without weeping? All of England and half of the world wept over the death of Princess Diana, but who will weep over the death of a Nation that has lost its righteousness?
Men and women are gathering together in the Gathering of the Eagles twice a year to worship the Lord and weep before His holy throne on behalf of America. Will you join us? The Lord is giving us this last chance to prove to Him that we really do want America healed. Let no one be so naïve as to believe the revival of His glory will occur in America without tears. We must come together and weep over the things with which He says He is offended. Then we must weep on our own until our hearts are clean and pure before Him. We must hold on to the hem of His garment and refuse to let go until He turns and says virtue has gone out of Me, someone touched Me. If He can heal a women of Leukemia, He can heal a Nation dripping with sin, and He will, if He can find those who will stand in the gap. Pray America! —Nita Johnson
33.19 08/09, 2002, Prophetic Dream, Satan’s Plans & Purposes For America — Many prophetic voices are speaking today, one says one thing and another says the opposite. Who is right? And, why are there so many voices? So far as I know, much of the prophetic movement is saying that 9/11/2001 was not judgment from God. You have other vast movements in America saying, God is O.K. with America, no more reason to weep, just worship and proclaim the outpouring of God. Others are saying: "God is so angry with us that there will be no revival and America is enroute to destruction." Who is right, and who is wrong? There are so many trusted voices saying so many different things.
Now, I am going to add something more; not because I think you need more confusion, but, because I know that there are those of you who really want the truth and will hear what I am about to say.
Prophetic Insight — In a dream I found myself in an enormous, dank and dreary room. This room looked like it was an old English Library such as the great fictitious character, detective Sherlock Holmes might have had. On one side of the room was a very large desk; an extensive floor to ceiling library stood behind it and flanked both sides along the wall. Opposite of the desk up against the wall was what I thought to be a rather unusual concrete bench. It turned out to be a satanic altar.
I was so surprised by being in this room; I quickly surveyed it, to hopefully ascertain why I was there. As my gaze fell upon the altar, I quickly noticed a document lying upon it. I intuitively knew what it was and the seriousness of the document, even though it was seemingly carelessly left on this bench. It was not just a proposal but more a declaration of Satan’s plans and purposes for America. My heart was suddenly gripped with God’s own love for America. So compelling was this love, I was willing to give my life to protect America from the fulfillment of the contents of this document.
Just then Satan came into the room. My thoughts were so intently engrossed upon this document, attempting to fully ascertain its contents, that I was startled when I heard another in the room. I turned with a start, and saw Satan standing back behind the desk. I looked at him -- he looked at me, then he turned to look at the altar upon which he had laid the document. I knew he was going to run to get that important paper, to keep its contents from being exposed to the Church through me -- the intruder. I thought, ‘I have got to reach that paper first and somehow get out of here’. So, I turned from him back to the altar, and made a dash as fast as I could humanly run to grab that paper and hopefully escape from the room.
As soon as he saw me run, he flew into action and darted toward the altar. As we were both running for the document, I could feel Satan’s own hatred for our country. All the hate that I suppose he has ever felt for anything was emanating from him throughout the whole room toward America. I could sense and discern His hatred for America was two-fold.
First, Satan hates our Nation because of God’s great love for America. His hatred seemed to run to the very degree of God’s own love for our Nation. As much as God loves us Satan hates us. Secondly, he hates America because we send the Gospel out, all over the world. His heart was filled with a special vengeance toward us for this very reason.
Out of breath, I reached the altar, grabbed the paper turned to run, and realized I was trapped as he was right on top of me. So, I fell on the altar and curled up in a ball the best I could to protect the paper from being snatched from me. But, my feeble efforts were useless. Satan was standing right in front of me. He angrily screamed at me, “Give me that paper!” I could feel the very walls shake when he yelled. He then angrily reached into my arms and ripped the paper from me. I hoped that the paper was torn from the way he grabbed it from me, but unfortunately, it was not. He took one thorough look at it, and then turned his attention back to me. His face full of rage, he looked at me straight in the eyes, with blood in his eyes, his finger pointing in my face, and shouted: “I will destroy you for this. I will destroy your ministry,” he said with a snort. “And, I will destroy you.” Fear ripped through me, and I thought I have got to get out of here. Just then he turned to walk back across the room huffing and puffing as he walked. I thought, ‘if I am going to make it I must go now,’ so I belted for the door. I awoke!
I lay awake for some time, then fell back to sleep. As I slept, the dream picked up where it left off. I found myself running down a lone country road. I ran until I crossed over a bridge. Out of breath, I stopped for a moment and looked behind me. I could barely see him behind me. He was running as he was chasing me. I looked down over the side of the bridge into a valley and thought, “I have to get lost in the valley, and find another way into that room to get to that document and discover all of its contents.” So, I took the plunge and ran down the long hill and deep into the brush of the valley below. As I ran I continued to look for another entrance into that room from which I had just escaped. Suddenly it was right in front of me. I stopped, turned, as I knew Satan was not far behind. I knew he would never let go this easy. So, I took a deep breath and rammed by body against the door shoving it open. I sort of tripped into the room with a jerk from the impact of hitting the door. I steadied myself once again in front of the altar. As I walked closer, I saw upon the altar, the United States flag, the United States Seal resting just behind it, and my pocket book. I thought, ‘he really is going to attempt to do what is in the document. I have got to retrieve these things, he cannot succeed, or it will be the death of our Nation.’ I grabbed the items in front of me, turned and began to dart toward the door, when Satan appeared in the doorway, blocking me from going any further.
Again, he pointed his long ugly finger at me, and snarled: “I will destroy you and your ministry for this. You will never stop me.” I awoke!
I could not see everything he had written on the declaration, but I did see some things, which I will share with you, Dear Reader.
The Declaration — Before I cover what I was able to see on the document, I want to make something clear for our understanding of God’s ways. When God sends judgments against a nation, His purpose is to train, and discipline the nation to return to holiness and the fear of God. The way he often sends judgment is by merely pulling back His protection to allow calamity to strike from the enemy’s camp. Sometimes He calls forth the calamity Himself. Although it is deeply painful to Him to do so, He does it in His righteousness and just judgment.
09/11, 2001 was a matter of sin on our part rising to such a degree that the sin caused a breach in God’s protection over America, allowing Satan’s plan to succeed in small measure. God used it as a judgment of small measure. It caused a necessary shift in America -- humbling us and opening the door for His voice to be heard once again.
Satan’s plan is to cause us to breach God’s protection until we are vulnerable and subject to full scale nuclear attack. In sharing the below information, my hope is that the reader will see the seriousness of the hour and return to God.
The Contents — Standing a bit away from the Declaration on the other side of the room, I was not able to read everything on the document. However, I was able to read some of what Satan had planned. As I read the words with my eyes, I could feel Satan’s intent with my heart. This enabled me to better understand his plans and purposes.
The first thing I saw and felt was Satan’s utter hatred for our Nation. He hates America in a very special way. First, he hates this country because America is a special gift to the world out of the bosom of God’s own love. Like the prophet John the Baptist was much loved by the Father, and was given as a unique and special gift to Israel, he loves America in the same way. Of course, He loves every nation, and all peoples, thus wanting to bless them with the blessings He intended to give through the United States. Hence, He has a special love for America and the blessing He intended America to be to the world. Because of this special place America holds in God’s heart, Satan hates this country. He wants with the greatest passion anyone could possibly ever imagine destroying the United States just to hurt God.
The second reason Satan hates this Nation with such passion is the fact that God has brought much good to the world through America, first and foremost being the Gospel which has gone out throughout the world through the American Church. With that as a foundation, America has done much good to nations all over the world, because of the Good Samaritan heart God has put in the very soul of our Nation. Also, much good has come to the world through American ingenuity, technology etc. The Lord enabled me to clearly discern these things in Satan’s heart.
Secondly, I saw Satan’s rage over the fact that God’s love for America was so passionate, that He had provided a covering over America, which was seemingly impenetrable, at least by him. It is similar to the covering God had established over Job. Satan cannot break through. His greatest desire is to set up a frontal attack of nuclear proportions and utterly wipe the United States off the map. But the Lord will not let him. So, Satan stands over America fretting and fuming like Balak of old standing over the tents of Israel, threatening Balaam to curse Israel. But just as He did for Israel, God has set boundaries over America refusing to let Satan utterly curse and destroy us. This has further enraged Satan. He hates the goodness he sees here, and he hates the fact that God is not willing to abandon us because there remains enough goodness to justify His continued protection.
Third, I saw Satan’s plans to weaken and destroy us from within by teaching America to sin away God’s grace of protection, just as he did the children of Israel through Balaam. He has plans to send out new spiritual warfare meant to entice and incite us to new levels of sin, the end being the stripping away of the protection, so he can realize his goal of nuclear wipeout of our Country.
Fourth, I saw that new enforcements were being sent out, to cause greater deception, blindness, apathy and sleep to overcome the Church. His goal is to make us so complacent that we forget all about repentance and making right our wrong against God’s holiness.
These enforcements are spirits such as the following: spirits of Deception, assigned to bring confusion. Their goal is to make the Church so dull of hearing we don’t know who is speaking from God. Further, spirits of Greed and Lusts are being sent out in new measure to incite the Church to materialism and fleshly passions, such as adultery, covetousness, love of money, fornication, witchcraft, etc. The purpose of this is to cause a hardness of heart in the American believers, so we cease to reach out to the poor and needy, and grow weary with the burden of sending the Gospel out to the world. If we yield to this attack we will become so egocentric that we will die of the sins of abundance and fatness, having no care for the world to which we have been sent. We will spend money that once went to missions on expensive vacations, bigger houses, and cars, more elaborate entertainment and the like. The end result will be that we will bring upon ourselves the curse. A new battalion of spirits of Pride are being released, making us unteachable and unreachable as we concede to their enticements. Spirits of Bitterness are being released to provoke divisions and witchcraft in the Church to greater measure. Further, he is sending out such evil spirits as spirits of Divisions, generating divorce and family splits, church splits, relationship splits etc. Spirits of Rebellion with greater authority will be a new battle with the believers of America. Spirits of Unbelief, was another of many more new satanic recruits being sent out. I saw many such strategies and felt the venomous glee of Satan and his hordes over the resulting destruction.
I saw spirits of, Pride of Human Intellect sent out to government leaders, educators and the like, hoping to generate even greater insensibility to the Spirit of God. Spirits of Distraction were being released to keep ministers and intercessors out of prayer. These spirits would stir up constant problems, and other distractions meant to maneuver the believer out of the habit of prayer, and position them for other forms of attack. Greater, stronger, spirits of Abominations and Perversions are being released to incite uncontrolled passions. One of the greatest powers being released were spirits of Delusion, turning many from the pure faith. Finally, I saw spirits that would breed intense Hatred and Persecution, also spirits of Character Assassination, being released to further break down society and create racial hatred.
The Church has already weathered increased dimensions of these dynamics. But, it is going to increase even more as we move toward the end-time scenarios, as all that I saw operated in levels of authority not previously apparent. The antidote for this attack is humility, prayer, the Word, and seeking to be filled with the love of God and his holiness. This is the way for individual victory. For National victory, our quest for this hour must be the abiding glory and presence of God for our Nation. As we seek His glory and walk with Him in the deeper Christian life, we will see for ourselves, the need for a national repentance. No one will have to tell us.
Satan’s goal is to destroy America from within, that he might have the liberty to destroy it from without. However, with a Church ablaze with the burning passion for God’s glory, walking before Him with hearts bent in submission to His will, Satan will be no match for the power of the glorified Church. Prayer, repentance, worship, and obedience will further win the heart of God, and keep our Nation covered and protected from Satan’s evil schemes.
Gatherings — We are conducting Gathering of the Eagles around the country as commissioned by the Lord. He told me that obedience to this commission is the only way to National Revival. He said to fill the land with tears of repentance and intercession.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Comment not by Nita Johnson: Repentance is when you confess the sins of OUR country or self, and weep before God in the process from the heart – this needs to be done not just one time for either us or our country, America. We especially need to remember the spilt blood from the abortion of babies. In prayer, Intercession is when you pray for others. In prayer, Supplication is when you pray for yourself. Read Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj section and he will discuss these issues more deeply.]
By this means He would spare America from Satan’s evil plans. Many things are occurring throughout the American Church to prepare for revival, among them many movements of prayer. I believe most of these things are critical to our future. However, if we were to do all the other things and leave the Gatherings undone, we will not have revival, but rather destruction. For, it is the repentance that God is granting from His throne that is going on in the Gatherings that will cause the Lord to grant out National petitions for His glory. I am not saying this because I am the one carrying the burden for the Gatherings, but because the Lord told me this is the way it is. It is not because of anything we could do in our own strength, it is because of what He is doing through this vehicle of the Gathering of the Eagles. So, we will be faithful in our part. We would like you to join us. But, if you cannot -- be faithful in holiness at whatever level He has called you. Pray and weep for America, for your own personal holiness and for us as we continue to work toward the healing of our Nation. Then we will see the enemies plan thwarted; as God will grant us the counterattack of revival that will lift us high above the enemy’s plans.
There are some major issues for which God’s judgments have come upon America as a Nation. These issues cannot be overlooked if we desire to see the cycle of judgment we are under broken. These judgments are momentary breaches in divine protection over America due to our sin, thus allowing Satan to enact his diabolical plans of destruction. In this way perhaps we can call God’s judgments, His divine justice. It is a divine judicial decision to allow us to in small measure suffer the consequences of our sin, that we might understand our wrong and return to righteousness.
Following is a list of offenses upon the Lord’s heart:
n We must continue our support Israel, to do less will open the door to our national destruction
n The Church must return to holiness and the pure word of God
n We must fully repent and heal the ruins left behind from America’s wrong toward the First Nations People, and the African American. As for these two people groups, for full healing to come to our Nation and to their people, the healing of forgiveness must be completed.
n We must overturn Abortion
n We must repent of our greed, and love of abundance
n There must be a humbling and correction of our judicial system
n Sexual perversions must be repented of
We are in the process of dealing with these issues in the Gatherings. However, I strongly recommend that the reader also begin to intercede on behalf of these things that we might bring forth the good pleasure of the Lord.
It is because of the work we are doing in the Gatherings that I was the one sent to discover and seek to unveil Satan’s purposes for America. We are discovering and seeking to unveil and prevent Satan’s plans. For this reason Satan is fighting very hard to keep people away from the Gatherings. But, those who understand, will fight to stand behind this work and walk it through to the end.
It is very serious that as a Christian we live for the Lord and His holy purposes. If the whole Church would do this, America would not be in danger. No man lives for him/or herself. What we do in sin or righteousness affects our Nation. So, it is critical for us to repent and turn to live fully for the Lord in righteousness.
He that overcomes shall inherit all things; And I will be his God and he shall be my son. [Revelation 21:7]
33.20 Date?, Visions, Catholic Church Occult Entity & Nuclear Bomb & Other Prophecies — Other Prophetic Articles.
1. I received a vision on the eve of the Day of Atonement. In this vision, Bob Jones appeared to me and said the L-rd is going to rewire our brains, then He is going to fill us with His own love.
He was speaking of the Church. What is the rewiring of our brains? It is simply Yahveh giving us the ability to see things through His eyes. This is a must if we are to walk in His pure and undefiled love in any measure. (Col. 3:14; Eph.3: 16 –21)
2. I saw in a vision the future plans of the Catholic Church. Although we are quite aware that in many countries the literal worship of idols is common under the auspices of the Catholic faith, in this country they try to keep it fairly clean. But, what I saw in the vision was the whole structure of the Catholic Church. It looked like a veritable city, and it was underground. Suddenly a huge steam shovel appeared and began to tear away at the topsoil revealing the underground Church. I found the more that was revealed of this city, if you will, the more fear came upon me. It was as though its exposure was going to mean the death of many people.
The Catholic Church is going to be unearthed as the occultic entity that it is. As it will be completely immeshed in the one world religion that will come front and center, it will be responsible for the persecution and even martyrdom of many saints in the years ahead.
3. In a dream, I was sitting in a chair in a living room writing on my manuscript. Another prophet was sitting on the sofa across from me. He reached over and said: "That is going to be a good book, let me write a chapter in it." I know just the thing it needs. So, I let him. After reading what he wrote I agreed with him, it was just the thing my book needed. Then he asked me: “Did you hear about the nuclear power plant that is going in around Pismo Beach, California?” I answered him: “Yes, actually, I heard about it just this morning. I have longed wondered what could happen to cause an earthquake of the magnitude that I saw sweep up the West Coast. When I heard about the power plant I thought, what would happen if a nuclear bomb hit that thing? The man sitting across from said: “My thoughts exactly. It would set off an earthquake of the magnitude you have seen.
I later phoned some friends in the Pismo Beach area to see if there was an existing nuclear power plant or if one was being constructed. I learned that there is in fact one that is operative about 15 minutes from city center. Another one is being built which is considerably more powerful than the existing one about 25 minutes from city center. When war comes to America, which it will, that will be one of the targeted areas, as I am sure many others will be. When these two are hit back to back a massive earthquake will rock the West Coast.
In a recent newsletter, I published an article in which I reflected on a couple different visions that I had received regarding the plight of the African people.
In response to that article a friend of this ministry sent me a couple of video’s to watch. Well I watched the one; unfortunately the other had nothing on it. While watching the images pass before me, I wept. The tears flowed as I gazed on in horror at what was happening. I saw film footage of scenes I had seen in my visions. Desolation, starvation and mass murders of Christian families and Christian communities by the Islamic government.
The film showed how Christian children were being taken away from their parents and turned into slaves. There, they undergo horrible treatment. Other children would be forced into Islamic schools and beaten if they did not comply and accept the teachings they were being forced to hear.
Churches were being burned to the ground, sometimes with Christians in them. This is happening now. The African people need our fervent prayers. They have little help outside of the praying Church, as few missionaries are seeking to intervene and fewer yet public agents. If you could see what I saw in vision or in film footage, you would weep as I have since wept.
I do not want to cause anyone to hate those who are deceived by Islam. They too need our prayers. But, moreover the innocent needs our pleading before the throne day and night.
I would like to send some offerings to the ministry who is attempting to help in a practical way in this critical need. If you would like to give some extra this month and would like to earmark it for Africa, we will send it to them. The gratefulness of the African families will ascend to heaven on your account.
War In America — One night in the sixth month the L-rd kept me awake. Past midnight, I decided He must have something to say that I am not hearing. So I decided to ask Him what else was on His mind.
He began to show me a series of visions. I saw visions of young children, two and three years old. He would then say these will never have the chance to grow and go to learn about Me. Their mommies and daddies will never have the chance to hold them in their laps because they will die during war. The next vision was of 5 & 6 year olds. Yeshua then began to explain how these would never reach their teen years, never have time to enjoy the growing up process, and learn to walk with Him, because they will be killed in war. I saw many visions of many age groups all the way up to the age of grandparents who would never be able to hold their little grandchildren in their arms because they would be killed in war. I wept through each vision and wept for nearly two hours pleading with the Lord to please give us one more year from the Day of Atonement to bring repentance. Before I finished, I knew He had given us another year. By the Feast of Trumpets I felt that He had given us another three years.
There has been a level of repentance that has touched His heart. It is for this reason that we have been given a reprieve. So, please continue in your prayers for this country's repentance, and for our Fathers mercy. Nita Johnson.
33.21 05/05, 2003,— How it all began. The Gathering of the Eagles was established by the Lord to prepare America for revival. I did not know when we first began that the preparation process would involve digging into centuries of “The Pains Of Injustice.” Further, I did not know that in this spiritual excavation I would find so much injustice and sorrow. I am so very thankful, however, that like other archeologists who spend their lives digging into the past to find treasures that are at times monumental and historically revealing and yet in so doing find supreme joy, we will do the same. For us the joy will come in seeing the captives of our history set free.
The Lord dealt with me for somewhere between a year and two years regarding initiating “The Gathering of the Eagles.” The purpose was very clear; I was to prepare America fro revival. As He impressed upon me the enormity of the call, I turned cowardly and tried to get away from the task. To clear the weight off my shoulders, I mentioned to Him several other top name people who could do a better job, and immersed myself in my ongoing work. The number of times I did this was more than I can even remember.
On night while visiting a friend at their ranch I was awakened by the Lord to a series of visions by saying to me: “When are you going to let Me use you to spare America?” From that point on I began to see vision after vision of people of different age groups ranging from babies to the very aged. With each vision, He would say something to the effect that these will never know the joy of a certain future because war will take away their lives. I wept so hard all night for all the lives that would be lost because of war. I told Him I was sorry! But, you see I had run so hard for so long that I didn’t even understand how I was keeping Him from sparing America. I only knew I wanted to change whatever needed to be changed… (there was more to this…)
When my time was freed up at this conference it provided the right context and the perfect moment for the Lord to deal with me about America. So in the middle of one of the nights during this conference, I received a three—hour visitation. I was reproved for waiting so long to submit to the commission to begin. “The Gathering of the Eagles” in America. Messiah told me that He had a reason for bringing me up to Canada to work with David and Gideon. He wanted to remove the fear of such an undertaking. He showed me that just as I had given myself to His purpose in Canada and had seen some of the much fruit firsthand , the same would transpire in America. I was also made to see that David’ staff was no greater than mine. This commission was not an impossibility. Then He began to instruct me on all that He wanted to do through the Gatherings. I wept and wept in deep sorrow over my unbelief and the fear that had held me back. He told me I was behind schedule for America, and that if I did not agree to work with Him in this assignment immediately America would burn because of my disobedience. The night of this three—hour visitation was my last chance to say yes. I shook and wept some more. But, I said yes! Still I did not understand the import of what I was being called to. He had told me what He wanted to accomplish in America but not what it would take for me to learn and to be involved in the colossal work. Truly His steps are mighty and few can undertake to walk in them. Indeed, no one but those who are given the divine grace would dare.
In our first Gathering in Jacksonville, Florida, I learned that the next great revival was going to be given to honor the blood of the martyrs: the Lord revealed that to me during the meeting in a powerful prophetic experience. In our Washington DC meeting I stared in breathless awe when I saw how the Lord signaled the forceful establishment of a new righteous standard in our Nation’s Capital; a sword entered the city and was planted firmly into the ground by the Lord.
It wasn’t however, until the Seattle Gathering when the decisive stake concerning the entire orientation of the Gathering was driven home. The words of one of the leaders, Pastor Eugene from Alaska, served as a clarion call to address a central issue: “Well if you do not deal with the First Nation’s issue you are going to miss God in this Gathering.” Everything began to change and a new foundational direction came to the Gatherings. I immediately remembered how Messiah had appeared to me the previous day hanging on the cross as a First Nation’s man. As image after image came racing into my mind, I then understood many things the Lord had been speaking to me. We therefore affirmed that word and went with it, and have since had clear confirmations that it was a divine directive. We began to pour out the sorrows of the plight of the American Indian in that Gathering. Although, my knowledge was limited, I did not have a well from which to draw. The information was in the computer bank of my memory as years ago I spent many long months studying the history of these people. In the Gathering, some of us shared that bit of our history as meticulously as we could, dipping thirstily into the stream of compassion the Lord was releasing. Ministers and intercessors began to weep uncontrollably as we shared the burden of the Lord for these people who are America’s history. This was repeated in Los Angeles, CA, and again in St. Louis, MO, each time delving deeper and more expansively into the dark pages of history relating to one of the worse crimes ever committed by any nation upon any people group.
A person might wonder why it takes so many Gatherings to weep over the suffering of the First Nations People. The answer to the query is found in the fact that we are dealing with 400 years of the most insane abuse. How long should it take to weep over 400 years of social injustice? The only obvious answer is—400 years! One year of tears for one year of abuse seems fair. However, we don’t have that kind of time and, thankfully, the Lord of the harvest is the Redeemer of time. So we weep until He says, “It is enough,” at which time there we would not be denied the joy for the victory.
If someone was to ask me what the Gatherings are about I would answer it in this way. We are assembled to prepare the way for the healing of our land and the coming glory of our Lord. However, we cannot heal our land without healing its people and we cannot make a place for His glory without preparing the way for the people of the land to bear that majestic ark. Therefore, we seek to follow the One who has called us as He is the Author and the only One who can finish what He has begun.
The second and equally important reason for the Gatherings I will not cover in depth in this writing. It is the call to bring forth the “Apostolic Reformation” in the Church which was begun in the Jacksonville Gathering of the Eagles in 05/2001. Perhaps we will cover that in the next publication.
I will add one more thing and it has to do with what someone told me: I think it is pretty presumptuous for you, meaning me, to think that because the Lord has asked you to do the Gatherings in America that He wants that kind of work to go into other countries.
I want to take a minute to respond to that. In the earliest days of the commission of the “Gathering of the Eagles” the Lord appeared to me a couple of different times and told me that He would take the Gatherings to many Nations. In our most recent Gathering I saw a whole parade of angels coming through the center isle. Each one was caring a flag of a different nation. I didn’t even try to count the flags or the angels, for I immediately began to weep so hard when Messiah said to me, “To all these Nations will I carry the “Gathering of the Eagles” to prepare the world for My return.” This latest word of encouragement was more than I had ever dreamed about. I still weep over it when I think about it. … (there was more to this…)
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: The Gathering of the Eagles, is a group, anyone who desires too come, to meetings throughout America, for sessions of repentance for America. Apostle Seer Prophet Nita puts the locations on her website, www.worldforjesus.org. Anyone who is a Christian is welcome. These are not normal types of church services, they are more of repentance sessions for America.]
33.22 05/10, 2003, Audible Voice Of God & Jesus Seen In Person & Visions, Iraq & Several Visions Of European Nations Poised To Attack America — Prior to the United States going to war with Iraq, out of deep concern I decided to lock myself in prayer and hear what the Lord was saying that I might pray in faith and in agreement with His will. The first week was perhaps one of the most difficult weeks I have ever spent in prayer. Why the Lord allowed it to be so, I really do not know. But the time of seeking brought forth the fruit He desired so I am content.
He spoke to me through the instrumentality of over 50 visions, which I will not go into here. He not only spoke to me about the past and present but also a little about the future. I have a couple of prophetic ministries with whom I regularly share my insights, desiring to have correction or the witness of their very capable hearing ear. One of the prophets also happens to be a scholar. I say that as I want to make sure you know that everything I receive and release line up with the Word in the eyes of someone of stature and a certain caliber. This time, we delved deep into the general principles I was given to understand in my visions as they relate to the Word. Today, I want to thank then for their input.
I was originally scheduled to go to Israel in 3rd month when the Lord stopped me. Something had shifted in the Spirit and He wanted me in the United States to pray. This step of obedience turned out to be very costly for me in some ways but very fruitful in other ways.
The big question in the Church was first of all: Are we going to go to war? The next question: Is it ever God’s well for us to go to war with Iraq? Third: What will the ultimate outcome be? And fourth: Why were the prophets going crazy with “counsel from God?” Admittedly we had the biggest pot of Hungarian Stew composed of every kind of prophetic word about the situation. We also had those who were trying to justify all the prophetic differences by saying that too was God.
Although the Lord was speaking very clearly to me during the entire time, He forbade me to publish one word of what He was saying. In fact, I did not have a release until this very day to share even the basic consensus of His magnificent counsel.
To War or Not To War? The questions “Will we go to war?” and “What will be the initial outcome?” have already been answered in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Therefore we will begin with the second question; thereafter, we will go on to the question of the ultimate outcome.
Was it God’s will for us to go to war with Iraq? This seems to be the second most important question. When one considers the many nations in the world that are ruled by tyranny, why should we bother about Iraq, if in fact that was the reason we chose to invade?
Yes, it was God’s will for us to invade Iraq and for us to wipe out the regime of Saddam Hussein. I wept and prayed for the Iraqi people and for Saddam. I prayed for mercy rather than judgment. I prayed for time. I prayed for understanding, but every prayer was ended with: “But, Lord I want Your perfect will more than all my sympathies realized.” After many weeks of prayer, Messiah took me to Heaven. I was taken to a room wherein I saw the Heavenly Sanhedrin file in and take their seats. The last to enter the room was Messiah Himself. They had a very short debate about Iraq and the coming invasion. For some time before this divine council, they had been watching and waiting before deciding what to do. If repentance had occurred in Iraq, war would have been diverted. But that was not the case and now a decision had to be made, and it was made. When they all filed out they were sad. Every one of them wished they could have found a reason to make a different decision. But man’s badly chosen ways had tied their hands. Even the Lord followed them out with this same concern on His countenance. America was going to war against Iraq! It was not God’s best, but it became necessary. I had this experience just days before the invasion began.
Shortly before our invasion of Iraq, the Lord spoke to me in a vision that had a profound effect upon me. First, He spoke audibly: “Nita, I will destroy Babylon as we near the end of the age.” Later, while in prayer, I saw a vision. I saw the nation of Iraq set up as a stage. Upon this dark stage fell three beams of very dull light. Out of the middle beam of light arose the spirit of the antichrist. He rose up and was looking over not only the Nation of Iraq but the nations of the world. He was watching over everything as though surveying His kingdom to insure that everything was still intact. He had a plan, a most evil and diabolical plan that he was about to implement. He was reassuring himself that nothing was taking place that would render that plan inoperative. I saw that Babylon (Iraq) was the fountainhead of the antichrist kingdom.
The Lord immediately let me know that if we did not invade Iraq, the plans of this evil spirit would shortly be fulfilled. I was horrified. I told the Lord from that time forward I would only pray that we would attack Iraq and destroy the current regime, but that He would have mercy on the innocent. I knew by now that I had both the heart and the counsel of God. His heart was tender, wanting that none should perish. His counsel was that those who were in authority had given themselves over to an evil far too insidious to be allowed to remain. Thus using America to attack Iraq was God’s plan to implement a “measured judgment.”
Another question that has arisen since the war is: Was Saddam a threat to America?
I saw several visions of European nations poised to attack America. I saw that they were working with Hussein. Many secret plans were being made for the purpose of our destruction. Although each of these nations also wanted Israel destroyed, their first priority was America. The reason for it is that we stand as an ensign disallowing the One World Government to come forth. We are a hindrance to the plans of the antichrist. Therefore not executing a preemptive attack would have ultimately meant disaster for us. Also, I saw that a very severe attack had been planned against Israel. Our invasion of Iraq has greatly diminished potential Israeli casualties in this planned attack by the Arab nations. My remaining concern is about the weapons Saddam scooted out of Iraq. Where are they? Messiah did not tell me they were in Syria, but I nonetheless do have my concerns about this possibility. Syria is perhaps Israel’s greatest enemy. It is certainly one of her most dangerous adversaries. For Syria to have these weapons would be as disastrous as Iraq having them. If the weapons were shipped into some other port of one of Americas secret enemies, we would still face potential threats. What this war has since revealed is that America does in fact have a number of two-faced friends. So, I by no means believe it is time to forsake the prayer closet.
Was our attack in God’s timing? I believe so. We may have been a little delayed in His timing. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction that are now in a safe place because of our delay. However, even if it had turned out that Saddam never had such weapons, the Lord was among other things dealing with the future of America and Israel through this war, as I already mentioned. Further, in another vision I saw multitudes of people in Iraq who were being sealed by a blood sealing for destruction. Then I saw them destroyed as casualties of war. In hindsight I now understand. With such an appalling degradation of human rights as was present in Iraq, those in power who have perpetrated heinous crimes for a long time were ripe for destruction. With great pain and sorrow the Lord had made His decision. As I watched this sealing occur, standing in the minister’s platform in Singapore at the time, I wailed in agony as the grief of the Spirit overtook me. For the truth will always remain that He does not wish that any should perish but that all men might come to repentance.
Those marked for death had lent themselves to the spirit of the antichrist. Therefore, it wasn’t just what WMDs Iraq was storing, it was the plans of the antichrist with which God was dealing. While in Israel on a recent trip, I saw a huge whirling vortex travel across the desert and land upright on the Mount of Edom. Out of the center of this vortex arose evil princes. I knew they were there to set certain things in motion regarding the Middle East. This was a little disconcerting to me. Although I never mentioned it to the rest of the team, I could not get my mind off what I had seen and later came to understand about their presence. They are still there, formulating their overall plans for the future of the world. They will not be removed until such time as it is time for the next level of satanic powers to take over. We are on course with respect to the time and seasons of the end of the age. (Read the article on my website by Annie Schisler entitled “Visions From On High – The Days Ahead.” She give a little more detail about these things as she saw them.)
We are quickly nearing the end of the age. Plans were and are being made that will effect mankind. No one but the Lord’s prophets have been privy to these things. Not even those that the enemy is going to use to facilitate his plans have been told. I agree with all my heart that a friend of mine, who is a scholar as well as a formidable prophet, is right when he says that Satan never would have believed that America would violate his plans by actually going against public opinion and the many nations of the world and invade Iraq again at this time. He was in no way ready for stage two of the continuing saga of Iraq vs. America. In the vision I shared earlier, the antichrist was looking quite smug. He looked like he thought he had everything under control; he was just double-checking. With Operation Iraqi Freedom we have messed up Satan’s plans just a bit. I promise you he won’t be reeling from the surprise for long.
Although at the beginning of my seeking I felt we would be early to attack now, after about 10 days the Lord totally changed my heart. We were by no means early in our attack. We were sent over there to fulfill God’s purpose by neutralizing a present threat. Now we need to quit second guessing ourselves and pray for God’s covering and protection as we try to restore peace and order where anarchy now thrives. Further, we all need to pray that the Gospel will wash through Iraq and bring forth a great harvest, as that is God’s next plan.
What will the future hold for America? America will be attacked in the future. This attack will not occur because we bombed Iraq. The plans have been in the making for a very long time, and in all honesty would have happened much sooner and in a far more devastating way had we not moved upon Iraq when we did. So, again, President Bush has saved America from great suffering in his obedience to the Father. I believe we have not seen the last war on Iraq. The Lord said: “I will destroy Babylon as we near the end of the age.” I believe Him because a clear picture of that is given in Revelation 18.
We will see war again on the shores of America. Satan has had it in his heart for a couple hundred years. In spite of our rather shameful beginnings, the Lord does have a beautiful purpose in raising up our nation. A nation that has been given the power and authority over and among the nations cannot sit idly by when the Lord is unmistakably warning that danger is lurking ahead. We must with valor and simplicity act as we feel the situation demands. Consequently, we cannot fear what another nation might do to us if we do what is right. America really is the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We are a nation that has been endowed with great power and authority. The Lord has given this to us to watch over His will in the earth, until such time as His Church is ready to take over that position together with the nation of Israel, whose right it was as was promised many millennia ago. (The latter being made a reality in the next kingdom.) Satan is planning a One World Government. He has been working steadily toward this since the tower of Babel. Several times just when he thinks everything is ready and he can come forward to take his throne, the Father pulls the rug out from under him. Well, he has just been done in again for the time being, but he won’t stay down for long.
Because America has a measure of moral goodness and stands with Israel, Satan hates us. We will not easily bow to world totalitarianism. Therefore we must be diminished of our superiority, so Satan had planned and hoped. Even if we never invaded Iraq, the European nations such as Russia, Germany and her allies as well as China and her allies will not be content until we are no longer a threat. So, having said all that, I repeat: war is coming, but not because of Iraq; rather is still coming in spite of Iraq.
As I have warned many times in the past, following the firm warnings already listed in the Word, the day we perpetrate division of the land of Israel, war upon America will follow close on its heels. (Joel 3:2; Zech. 12:2-4; 14:2,3)
The final question is: Why so many varying “Words from the Lord?”
We experience different pictures painted by different voices in part because the Lord is forming a puzzle for his Church to search out. We see the same scenario in the life of King Ahab. Elijah painted one picture of his death, Micah painted another. Elijah’s picture made Micah look like a false prophet. However, when Ahab died, the total picture was made clear when both prophetic words came to pass without contradiction.
Messiah does not want His Church to live by the prophets. Rather, He wants us to live by His Spirit, who speaks through many voices and pictures. If we will take the words and pray that the Lord will reveal His truth through the many voices, He will begin to reveal the golden path of revelation. Before long, we will understand who is speaking-the prophet or the Lord.
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord and the Lord does not speak to him, we are not to fear him. We are to pray for him or her. Many ministers are running to and fro doing a lot to things right now, not all those things coming from the Lord. Prophets and ministers need to sit down and get back into prayer and lean when to speak and when not to speak.
Sometimes the pull from the body demanding a word from the Lord in moments of national crises can weigh so heavily on a prophet that he begins to feel obligated to give the first word that comes before sitting still and hearing the whole counsel of God. The confusion that follows is partly the fault of the prophet speaking prematurely, and partly the fault of the body demanding a sign/word. I went through a time myself when I fell into that trap so I am not judging anyone else. However, hopefully I have learned my lesson and will in the future always do what Messiah taught me to do this time: Wait upon the Lord; be still and know that He is God; and yield not to the demands of men, of which in my case are many.
What do we as a Church do now? We pray, and we live righteously before our holy God. We need also repent of our uncleanness and our errors with people, as part of the commonwealth of believers, and as a nation. If we will continue the process of preparing America for the coming of His Glory, no power on earth will be able to cause serious damage to God’s future plan for our nation.
Satan never forgets one thing my friends: God loves America! He cringes every time he hears it. I love to say that…GOD LOVES AMERICA! I love to say it because the Lord loves to hear it, and I love to say it because you need to hear it, and finally I love to say it because I love the fact that Satan cringes when he hears it. So, while we do have a formidable foe, we have a greater Friend in God! That is where we need to keep our minds focused.
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Lafond Johnson 05-10-03, Revival Fire Newsletter, Book 3 Issue 9, 3rd month/4th month/5th month www.worldforjesus.org , both the above and below sections.
33.23 06/26th, 2003, Visions, Divisions Division of the Land of Israel — What I am about to say is going to be very difficult for many to hear, but, it needs to be said so we can walk in agreement with the Lord on the critical issue of the division of the Land of Israel. What I am going to share will absolutely conflict with the doctrine of much of the Charismatic Church. However, as you read through this article you will come to see the wisdom of the Lord in events of the Middle East.
In Joel Chapter 3 we read: I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for My people and for My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have parted my land.
This verse seems to indicate the Lord’s righteous temper toward those who would divide the Land of Israel as being one of absolute intolerance. And, in fact if the act of partitioning the land is done in a spirit of war, His judgment will be sure.
America is not taking part in dividing the land of Israel with the intension of making its people castaways. The hope is to establish peace in the region, and to give the Jewish people a place where they can safely dwell. This is the opposite spirit of the framework being reflected in this prophetic word by the prophet Joel.
Zechariah chapter 14: 2 & 3 reads: For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle.
Zechariah is again speaking of a division of not only the land of Israel but, also the city of Jerusalem. Those who make war on Jerusalem (Israel) will know war! America is not making war on the land of Israel, my Dear Friends. America is attempting to make peace for Israel. I would say that no one knows Presidents Bush’s heart better than the Lord. And, He sees a heart that wants to make peace in the only viable way he knows how. (Remember, President Bush visited the extermination camps in Poland to better prepare his heart to deal with Israel. In shocked horror he exclaimed, “Never Again!” Meaning may there never again be such a holocaust against the Jewish people. This is precisely how the Lord sees his heart, as I will share. Twice now in a few months the Lord has revealed his heart to me in supernatural experiences.
The Journey — Several years ago I was invited to take part in a Congress to pray for Israel and America over dividing the land. Only days prior to this Congress, the Lord Himself visited me and gave me the “rod of iron” which is described in Revelation 3: 26 & 27. As we at the Congress prayed that God would forgive and cover the two Nations with His mercy concerning dividing the Land I experienced a release of this governmental authority that was both unique and substantial. I immediately knew that the Lord had heard our prayers and answered us.
Admittedly I was still a little in the dark regarding the whole issue of the Oslo Accord. I read and attempted to understand the premise of this Accord. However, most of my involvement with Israel up to that time had been centered in the Word. Therefore, this was a time of learning for me. One thing I did understand as I had seen it in a vision, some version of the Oslo Accord would transpire, as there was billions of dollars involved to insure that it would. My understanding of the Word led me to believe that this would not be pleasing to the Lord. So, this began a deep and intimate involvement with the issue being discussed in this article.
In the fall of 2001 we had a Gathering of the Eagles meeting in Washington DC during which I had had an experience regarding the Land of Israel. I was lifted up in the Spirit and taken to a place wherein I could see all the land of Israel. I saw the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem divided. Up out of the divided land arose a document signed and sealed. The document read: “Division of the Land of Israel.” I clearly saw that America spearheaded this proceeding. I will not say thus saith the Lord on this; however, I strongly sensed President Bush JR was still in office when it became official. What I saw was not a nebulous concept. What I saw was an irreversible, completed transaction.
When I shared this, feathers were ruffled, many became upset and distressed. I was told that I had given a false word. As we can now see, the Word was not false. Nevertheless, I felt that the reason President Bush would be involved with such a thing at the time would be because he didn’t understand God’s plans and purposes for Israel. So, my prayers for him became more fervent.
Many trips were made to Israel and much prayer went forth on behalf of this single issue. My heart hurt to think that a Christian President would be guilty of dividing the Land of my forefathers. As we, and so many others prayed the division was put off and put off. I feel that this was the will of the Lord, for there was a perfect time to bring this forth.
In the fall of 2002 I had a Prayer Summit in Portland. Hundreds attended it. The central commission of this conference was for us to pray that President Bush would stand behind Israel. So, we followed the Lord’s directive and prayed fervently until we had our breakthrough. It was an incredible meeting. We asked the Lord to give us a sign that President Bush would stand behind Israel throughout his administration. This was at the Lord’s own encouragement. What we asked for was not what the Lord had in mind however, but that was my fault. We asked that our sign would be that He would not partition the land and that he would openly declare that He would not do this during his administration. The sign that the Lord gave that our President would stand behind Israel was an earthquake in Alaska about two days after the conference. As I heard about the earthquake, the Spirit of the Lord descended upon me and I began to shake violently. He told me that this was His sign that He had answered our prayers. He further said: You have caused a quaking in regions of the Spirit, foundations of Nations have been shaken, and you will see the effects of it soon enough. Later I called a prophet, David Michael, who is a friend of mine to share what had happened. Before I could tell him however, he told me the word of the Lord just as it had come to me earlier, confirming this critical word. The Lord later revealed that the time of intercession set the stage for the Iraq invasion as well. (I have already written an article on this, and it is on my website.)
12/2002, when I went to Israel to pray, the directive was to pray over the borders of Israel. I was to travel the borders and state that the boundaries belonging to Israel would be Israel’s and the land belonging to the Arab Nations would be theirs. I obeyed this commission. During my stay in the Land at that time, two of the Seven Spirits of God as seen before the throne of the Great King, visited me. During this visit I was lifted up into the sky to see the true boundaries of Israel and that which the Lord once again solidified through my obedience. I won’t go into a great deal of discussion about this visit here as I have already written about and published it previously. But, I will say, that the terror of the Lord rested upon me throughout the entire visit. I was told that this was a most holy thing. Mans boundaries in no way reflect the eventual outcome of God’s plan.
In 05/2003, the Lord spoke to me audibly saying: “I am about to do a thing in Israel that will make the ears of all who hear it tingle.”
I asked Him what it was He was going to do. He gave me a vision of the words “Oslo Accord”.
That brings us up to the present moment. Here we stand on the threshold of what seems like eternal decisions being made that will apparently negatively affect our two nations. Many feel that God has not heard our prayers at all. But, this is not the case.
A New Season — The Lord has heard our prayers as I will now undertake to share. I want my reader to understand that God is shifting foundations in the earth right now. We are travailing through to a new era in the earth. To walk with the Lord during this time and pray according to His will we must walk higher than ever before and hear clearer than we have ever heard. For, He is not walking in such a way in anything He is doing, as we think He is going. It is a new time, a new season!
I was suddenly pulled up by the Lord and told that I needed to go to Israel and be there by 06/03rd or I would miss something of critical import. He further told me to begin my trip by traveling down to Eilat. At the time I had no idea that President Bush would arrive in Aqaba, Jordan, which is across the boarder from Eilat, for a summit with Prime Ministers Sharon and Abbas on that very day to discuss and begin the implementation of the “Road Map”. Upon my arrival, after traveling through more road blocks than I have ever experienced, I was to later learn that the meeting went as planned and the victory speeches had been given. I wept! My heart was utterly broken -- and I wept uncontrollably.
The Lord told me why He sent me down to Eilat. I did as He directed then headed up toward Jerusalem where I would stay on the Mt of Olives until I departed from Israel. During my prayer vigil the Lord appeared to me. He had in His hand a legal pad. As He spoke to me He kept tapping this legal pad like an attorney might do who was trying to make a point. He said: I have a controversy with Israel, Nita. He pleaded the Scripture Isaiah 57: 15 - 18. Then He said this is my controversy with Israel. I realized as I listened to Him, that the dividing of the Land had to do with this controversy that the Lord has with my people.
Isaiah 57: 15 – 18 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in a high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite spirit to revive the spirit of the humble, and revive the heart of the contrite ones. For I will not contend forever, neither will I be always wroth: for the spirit should fail before me, and the souls which I have made. For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and I smote him; I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart. I have seen his ways, and I will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.
During another prayer session, as I wasn’t getting the message quite as clearly as He thought I should, He came to me and took me into the Spirit. I saw the Spirit of the Lord begin to burrow down into the earth. He trenched and trenched. The long ditch went deeper and deeper until we were all in hell. I stood there with the Lord astonished. I surveyed the walls in which I saw prison cells. They were the most ugly cells I have ever seen. They looked like something out of a horror movie. And, they were made right in the walls of hell. I watched in amazement. Suddenly I realized that these walls with their cells were actually breathing. This further frightened me and I pulled very close to the Lord. Why were they breathing, I thought. Occasionally as this whole room would breath many more cells would suddenly appear all up and down the walls and the room would have grown. The Lord quoted the verses right out of Isaiah 5: 13 – 16. I was so frightened and overwhelmed by the monstrous sight before me, the smell of sulfur and death that was everywhere, I just wanted to leave. But, when He quoted the verses out of Isaiah I heard His heart, saw His face gripped with pain and compassion, and I momentarily lost sight of myself.
Isaiah 5: 13 – 16: Therefore My people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore, hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled. But, the Lord of Host shall be exalted in judgment and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness.
After Messiah spoke these Scriptures with more passion than you could possibly ever comprehend, He looked deep into my eyes and said: “Nita, I do not want My people to come to this terrible place. It was not created for them, but for Satan and his angels. Their focus is on the Land, My focus is on their souls! Plead for My people!”
Then I was back in my room alone!
For those who are not Jewish by natural descent, I want you to realize that He feels as passionately about the souls of the Gentiles as He does about Israel. However, in this visit His focus was on Israel and so was His heart. This greatly intensified my intercessions for my people. However, admittedly my doctrines and dogma’s even in spite of all of this, still kept me somewhat blind to the heart of what He was attempting to say.
**This is the season for the awakening of my people. Intercession will work great miracles today in birthing the nations of Israel and the Arabs into the kingdom. For it is a new day!**
Once I was back home I traveled to St. Louis, MO to minister. The first morning of ministry during the worship service my thoughts were suddenly shifted to Israel and the Road Map. I began to weep uncontrollably. All the feelings of betrayal I had buried, the longing and yearning for my people to have their own land and to be safe from their enemies, the sadness and grief that accompanied the situation in the Middle East came flooding to the surface. I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to deal with all the pain I was feeling at that moment, as I soon had to minister. But, I couldn’t control what was happening to me. Finally, the Lord told me to turn to II Chronicles Chapter 11. Then He led me to verse 16.
And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel come to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the Lord God of their Fathers.
Then He reminded me that this occurred after the division of the Land under King Rehoboam. He then led me to the first few verses of that same chapter. Rehoboam had gathered together choice warriors out of Judah and Benjamin, to go up against Israel to reunite the tribes under one kingdom. You see he thought he knew the Word and that Israel was not to be divided.
But the prophet of the Lord came to him and stopped him. II Chronicles 11: 2- 4A The Word of the Lord came to Shemaiah the man of God, Saying, speak unto Rehoboam the son of Solomon, King of Judah, and to all Israel in Benjamin and Judah saying, Thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: Return every man to his house; for this thing is done of Me.
What was done of the Lord? He divided the Kingdom and the Land of Israel. Why? So that those who truly feared the Lord and wanted to serve Him could do it without fear. They would from that time come out of all twelve tribes to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord. So, after the Land was divided the Lord poured out His Spirit and sent a great revival to Israel. It will be the same today. It is for this purpose that the Lord has done this. As we pray, this discipline/blessing will produce an awakening in the hearts of my people. As He shared these truths with me He continued to baptize me with a love for these truths and reveal to my innermost being His love for the Jewish people of the world.
One would think that this would be enough to give me peace. It did, but only for a short season. Once again within a couple days sorrow gripped me and I wondered about the Lord’s part in all this.
I finished my meetings, and returned home. On 06/22nd, I had the most remarkable experience yet in His attempt to instruct me.
At 9:30 PM the Spirit of the Lord struck me with a bolt of lightening. He came upon me and spoke the words, “IT IS THE GOODNESS OF GOD.” Those words began to reverberate through my whole being echoing through every inch of me like a man’s words echoing through a canyon. Over and over again I heard the words as they traveled through me in a living way, awakening my whole inner man to His voice, shattering the darkness that overshadowed the truths He was working so desperately to give me. When my inner man was fully awake, He said: IT IS THE GOODNESS OF GOD THAT DIVIDES THE LAND OF ISRAEL!” The presence lifted and I was stunned!
Moments later, a shaft of light came upon me from heaven. Once again, the words: IT IS THE GOODNESS OF GOD…. were released into me. Every time the words were spoken my spirit and soul would swell a little more. Again, the words traveled through me awakening more fully my whole being to this truth. Resounding through every inch of my being, the words would shake everything they touched. My spirit and soul continued to expand with each new verbal release of these words until I was in such pain. It was a divine pain as I was being stretched to receive the wisdom and goodness of His infinite truth. I was wrapped in light like a cocoon. I could see only what He wanted me to see. I could see myself in respect to His goodness toward Israel. I was but a speck of dust, and grain of sand I was so small. His goodness was so vast I could see no end to it. It transcended time and space. I was wrapped in the terror of God. There was no longer any room for doubt, only knowing that His works toward my people the Jews was abounding goodness -- and only good. I could see with my natural eyes in an open vision, the land of Israel divided and surrounded by His goodness. The light of His goodness blazed all around the circumference of the Land. Then once again He capped off the release by saying, “IT IS THE GOODNESS OF GOD THAT DIVIDES THE LAND OF ISRAEL.” Oh, such swelling of this truth swept through my whole being once again. I thought I would explode if He did not stop the revelation.
The Lord then told me to call a friend who is a prophet. I did, and caught him just as he was walking through the door of his home. I was told to share my experience with him and that the Lord would deeply impress him with this truth also. As we talked and shared the best I could, as I was still under such a visitation that I found it very difficult to get hardly any words out, I would be at times swept into other realms of experience.
As I slowly shared what was transpiring with me David quoted the Scripture out of Revelation 15:3 & 4A And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous Are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways thou King of the saints. Who shall not fear thee and glorify thy name, for thou alone art holy.
As he spoke those words I was carried off into heaven and saw the saints worshipping the Lamb singing this very song over Israel. When the chorus came to an end, I was again able to communicate with David.
I heard the words: “The fountains of the deep broke open.” (Gen. 7:11) I asked David if he spoke those words as I was so lost in the Spirit I couldn’t tell from whence they had come. He reflectively repeated them, then said no. But, as he spoke the same words I was thrust into another realm and saw the fountains of the deep break open. I was overwhelmed. The sight before me was mammoth. I saw huge magnificent plates break open. The crevices were so deep I could not see their end. It was like watching mountains being formed; the movements and breakings were so magnificent. I saw the gushing forth of great waters, seemingly coming from the depths of these new canyons. I heard David speak: “As in the days of Noah so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” I thought this too will be as in the days of Noah. It seemed that whatever David spoke I would be taken there to see it unfold. I sense that what I saw was occurring at the present moment in the Spiritual realm as God sent kingdoms of this world shaking and quaking at the sound of His voice, as He moves ever forward giving birth to the Kingdom of God, but also I felt that I was watching an image of the great earthquakes yet to come in the world.
Then, I was taken to another place and saw a huge fountain spring up from the earth. It was a fountain of liquid light and it began to fall first upon Israel. This light was so bright I could not bear to look at it. (I am not sure I even understand what all this means. I am only sharing what I saw.)
David said: “We have just seen the dawning of a new age. Just as Noah came out of the ark and realized he could never go back to the world as it had once been, neither can we. Everything has changed. Nothing will ever be the same again.” As he further stated these words I saw an age begin to open like the dawn of the morning sun. Again I had to turn my eyes from beholding it straight on as it was too exceedingly bright.
So, my Dear Friends, to summarize, the dividing of the land of Israel is the beginning of the revelation of the goodness of God to my people. Not only is it going to contribute to the climate needed for an awakening of the Jewish people, but something more will occur. When Israel has done all it can do including giving up the Land and time goes by the antagonist begin another uprising, and war break out, the world will then be left befuddled. The sympathy of the world will at last be momentarily turned toward Israel. They will say Israel, go ahead and build your Temple. When this happens we will know that the Lord’s return is at the door. I want to encourage you to rejoice in His goodness and pray that the Lord will make this transition time as easy as possible for all involved. Pray that He will steadily pour out increasing levels of His light and grace upon Jewish people everywhere. And pray for President Bush that he continues to walk in the will of our Father. Lovingly support him in your prayers as no President in recent history has needed it more.
This is not just about Israel, it is about the Lord’s return. Israel itself will eventually be brought to grips with this truth as we pray. As for America, our intention is not to hurt but to help Israel albeit in the very limited and faulty wisdom of man. The Lord will look at our intentions. Of coarse we are still touching as it were the ark of God when we touch anything pertaining to Israel. Therefore, even though we are trying to help Israel we are still leaving ourselves open to Satan’s attacks by touching the ark (the Land) in a way that is not prescribed by the Lord Himself.
Therefore we experience a limited judgment as a result. But the Lord will not turn this into an invitation to war, because our motives are right. I believe that is why this had to be stalled through the prayers of the saints until America had a Christian President whose motives were right. It was His mercy toward America. As to other Nations involved whose motives are not right, woe unto them. May the Church raise up and plead with God on their behalf.
One last thing; the Lord recently spoke to me audibly in a vision and told me that it was not His will to destroy America. He said, He loves America and has a great plan yet to unfold. So stay in prayer protecting our Nation from destruction through interceding for it. And do not listen to prophecies or repeat them that talk about the Lord being angry with America over this land division, and ready to destroy her. We have many issues before the throne that need correcting so let us concentrate on purifying ourselves as Nation. Stand in the gap for the Nation of our birth, and pray for the Lord to bless her and turn her to Himself in the fear of God and holiness. Shalom!
[Comment by Apostle Prophetic Scribe: God revealed this to Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, and He was firm about it above in areas. Below you will read of what God revealed more recently to Prophet Wendy Alec, and He was also very firm about the current warning of where President Bush stepped out of a safe area and has endangered Israel, God warns President Bush, the American Church of Jesus Christ, who He is holding personally responsible for this matter and the nation of America, for endangering Israel. The revelation and vision Prophet Wendy Alec received was during 01/2006! All these pieces are accurate but play out at different time periods, and how God looked at things and how they were happening or what choices were being made. Both, what Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson and Prophet Wendy Alec received are words from God, and both are real, and both are for different time periods and reasons from God, keep this in mind as you read both of them so you do not get confused over the subject of dividing of the land in Israel, some was correct from God because the Jews were worshiping the land, and other parts of the dividing of the land in Israel was not correct and there can be righteous redemptive judgment over it… there was repentance done back around 2000, but now we have new issues to deal with and more repentance is needed over this serious issue that God has warned to Prophet Wendy Alec below! Touch Israel—the Apple of God’s eye, and you can have WAR!]
From: David Skelly at usaprophet.com/news.html .
33.24 Terrorism, Chicago Sear’s Building? — I saw the Star of David. It was in the form of a stained glass window. So, each of the points of the star and the middle were divided by melted lead. It was in gray. Suddenly as I was looking at this star, one of the windows opened like a shutter exposing to my view New York before the World Trade Center fell. The shutter then closed. A few moments later it opened again: this time exposing New York after the fall of the World Trade Center. The shutter then once again closed. Moments later, like a shutter on a camera, the center window opened. This time I saw a huge sky rise in a northern American city, which I felt to be Chicago. The shutter then once again closed. Several minutes later, I saw the same vision a second time. I will tell you what I feel it means. Test this with your own spirit and pray as you feel led to pray. I feel that the Father is warning me. The building, I believe is a financial institution just as the Trade Towers were. That is the first reason for showing me the Towers. Secondly, I sense that what happened to the Towers is on the drawing board for this second institution as well. I also believe prayer can prevent it. Where is the building and in what city? I believe the city is Chicago. The building, I feel is the Sears Building, perhaps the second tallest building in that city. I am now hopeful that intercession has brought intervention and their plot spoiled….One thing of which we can be sure, is the present threat of biological warfare. So, we must keep praying that the purpose for which this is being allowed will quickly be fulfilled. Our nation will return to righteousness and support of Israel and the Church will bow its knee in earnest supplication for purity to the Father.
Israel and the US — We learned that our Nation was leading a measure to declare a Palestinian State further dividing Israel. During the course of our meeting we felt it imperative to come against the Islamic influence that is creating darkness and confusion around the President, hoping to stall such a serious measure. I asked the Lord, “If it is Your will for us to combat this in the spirit to release an anointing for it.” Immediately the anointing was granted. So, I went up to the platform to lead the assembly in this warfare. After a brief time the Holy Spirit began to take me higher and higher in the Spirit. I reached a certain place in the Spirit and found myself breaking through a veil. On the other side was a revelation for which I was unprepared. Behind this veil, I saw that the dividing of Jerusalem was an accomplished fact. It was a sealed decree. I saw a signed document. All parties pertinent to the document had agreed of the division of Jerusalem. And, I saw a divided Jerusalem. I was stunned! (I know it is already accomplished in the Spirit, I am not sure if a physical document has yet been signed. If so our hope is to have it shelved.) Zechariah saw it! Zechariah 14:2. From: Gwen Shaw’s Newsletter…
33.25 End Of 08/2003, Inspirational & Prophetic Word, Week At The St. Louis, MO Meeting — Below are some notes that were taken at a week long meeting in St. Louis, MO during the last week of 08/2003. The below is not word for word but a summary of what was spoken by Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson & Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj.
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day 1 of Meeting, Service, Visions & Visitation, God’s Time Frames & Reformation — Nita was hearing and announced to the people, during this conference she heard the angels singing and the wind of the Holy Spirit.
When the enemy rises up you rise up a ‘standard.’ No dispensations [messenger was sent and told this], God moves in seasons! Opened a new season about two and ½ years ago. 1 Kings 6:
430 years – Abraham covenant promise to the giving of the Law.
480 years after
430 years – about – spoken voice of God through prophets to the Lord
1,500 years – Time of Christ to Martin Luther [Dark Ages], about the year 1517, God visited [Reformation], ‘the just shall live by faith,’ nailed to the church door.
480 years, now, ‘the Spirit of Reformation’ released again…
Time frames are coming to conclusion in the fullness of time, God works seasonally in the fullness of His time. Martin Luther – saw the Church ripping off the poor, and lying to them. If you would pay the indulgences – out of hell! The people who fell for it were the poor and needy. He had righteous anger. The Church was transformed. How could Martin Luther even have known that act was going to turn the world upside down?
Before the Reformation – that I [God] released through Martin Luther! God chose to release this through a man’s obedience. In a vision the Church was buried and all but dead. Vision of the world – secular – debauchery, authority used to gain wealth… horrible at that time. Kings cared for the pocket book, oppress the poor, ramped across Europe, same in all it seemed of the nations, greed and wickedness. Sheer debauchery – no man was safe. Church was dead essentially. So the Lord wanted to show what the ‘Spirit of Reformation’… come…
Vision – Church came up out of a deep sleep – signs of life, snow melted – life of God was flowing, Church came alive.
Vision – of secular world: Kings, Queens, princes come to the shining of God, to see what God was doing… Kings would get saved and bring the Gospel back and cared about his subjects. Witty inventions occurred; printing press – Bible, literature, and art – transformed. All because of reformation. Saw how order came to where unharmony reigned.
Reformation released in 1517 year. Witty inventions. Europe food shortages – shipment of food on boats without spoiling. All came with Reformation. America was born out of the Reformation. They wanted to worship God without dying – came to America. Government of America came out of Reformation. In the overturning the Kingdom can be VIOLENT. God was stirring up people to shake off the oppressions of evil, even through violence, to release the oppressors, God allowed this. The poor were raising up, to rise up against the government not to come and take all they had! Schools taught now from the Bible.
Why another Reformation [in our time?]? In America now not a lot of persecution yet! The Church in America is not fully alive yet… Sundays they do church and go home – worldly pursuits. If the Church was truly walking as God ordained for us to walk in, nations would be changed. We can talk a lot but God sees the TRUTH. Love neighbor, suffer for loss, and missions which are given very low funds…
When a church moves in the love of God, they care more about the needs of others and not their own comforts.
In the past they lived in poverty to serve the Lord… Today is the opposite, they want the money and the Glory – men have taken.
Another Spirit of Reformation, 1981.
The angel of the Lord came to Jacksonville, Florida a couple of years ago. A huge angel, with a star in his hand, throw the star in the middle of the group, and the Reformation has began. Do not worship the leaders, and the leaders remain humble. First to the Church reformation released and second, world governments, release – reformation to government.
In the gatherings [when Nita has the Gathering of the Eagles – intercessors for America, to confess the sins of America, weep over her, repent for her, pray for her, etc. She has had a number of these meetings now, and God has taken notice of the repentance for America.], when He has accomplished His will – we never knew it… Jacob said, behold God was here and I did not know it. Not about a man – no man will take HIS GLORY! Worship God only!
World governments – Feast of Tabernacles as a governmental anointing. Government reconciliation meeting = republicans and democrats!
Washington D.C. meeting/gathering right after 09/11, 2001, hanging over the city. Changes to government. Israel. Nita Johnson got many visitations regarding President Bush, doing GOD’s WILL in dividing the land in Israel. Purpose of God will even go into Iraq.
There was a major attack of several nations making plans to attach the United States, but God set it back by what took place in Iraq. Also, had America not attacked Iraq, Israel would be bombed. Nita Johnson stated she had over 50 visions regarding Iraq.
God is shaking Kingdoms – God gave us in America a President to do God’s will… the Church is not that much on God’s heart [the church is not where they should be regarding what is on God’s heart.]. Republican part is like huge in the republican part.
Decisions are being made about injustices that have not been touched in 200 years – but changes are taking place – coming down – correcting these injustices. This is the same thing that happened when God transformed Europe. Spirit of Reformation! Release ‘God in moving in the earth to reform world governments.’ In the ‘Spirit of Reformation’ order comes! God loves people. Church being touched by the Spirit of Reformation. God is working – Apostles and Prophets moving into new… Church brought into her purpose in the earth. 480 years after Israel came out of Egypt – Solomon build the Temple. Now 480 years on Roman Calendar. Reformation is different than revival, we can have both. Revival for the church, can have revival without reformation, but NO reformation without revival! Times of refreshing… is revival. Reformation = times of reform, to secular government and Christian government, through the Spirit of Reformation – God is building His temple, His Church lifted into faith and GREAT works of miracles – those who prepare themselves into sonship… only some people.
There is a difference between child son and adult son. Adult son into Christian maturity, in great love, even when problems occur! I love you means something! Love for family – love for brethren!
Big difference between human love and divine love – no man is more important. You would give your life even for an enemy… Love compels – even the worst area – not bound up in materialism and greedy.
Only 15% given to missions – come to end – people will give out of the LOVE of God! And used as God intended, selfless, preferring our brothers and sisters.
This authority and power is far greater than we have ever seen, coming to a people dead to self! A lot of knowledge but no HEART!
The dead and crucified will be LEADING, and crowds will be coming to lean HOW TO DIE, the GRACE to DIE.
In China, young, dying, leading, all they can to Jesus in route even without FOOD!
The gospel of the Bible means to disciple, sacrifice, and die! In the great move of God there will be a baptism of martyr. In the great leader will be baptized into martyr – to learn how to die, they will be walking in great glory.
God is going to raise up a whole new – closest to the first century believers – all died as martyrs excepts John. This will be this way also! Martyr – death, dying, suffering. With martyr that will be a grace given for it. They will count it a privilege to give their life – dead vessels, the crucified ONES! When a crucified one comes in, the whole CHURCH will know by the GRACE, LOVE and GLORY they walk in with.
Jew and Gentile – all nations will walk as ONE man – by this they will know it is God!
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day 2 of Meeting, Visions & Visitation, Coming Government — II Chr. 5 – Leadership – There are those who will pay the price… Not about popular, but obedience. God has jewels hidden away in the Body of Christ, they will pay the price. Just looking to please the Lord. Those whom the Lord treasures the most, the Body of Christ doesn’t not care for them! Most Christians like about five cents worth of God, Chuck Swindle said.
Ministers most are popular because people like them; her words, speech, act, etc. They are left getting what we speak, but far from where God wants us to go, Glory, beauty, majesty of God. There are not adjustments made… like having a child who is brilliant but lazy. God has cooed us, threatened us, bribed us, but the lazy child is wonderful and precious, but will not do much with what was given. Great capacity and promise, but lazy. They seek what only will satisfy the immediate need.
Because we will not change God will sift and make changes… Its not going to be the chiefs [fathers] that we think – The hidden away ones, well known by God but not the Body, they have learned His ways… Cave dwelling breaks us of all T.V., people, and we will have an aroma, the Church won’t like them now.
Vision – Capital explode, instantly burn to the ground. [This is not the capital of U.S.A. but the leadership of Church.]
Another vision – New capital raised up so fast. This is a new government coming to the Church. God is not happy with His current regime! New - will be men and women of impeccable character, sacrifice, no murmur or complaining – because they hardly notice, for they have been living in caves! John the Baptist, Moses, King David – types. When they speak the word of the Lord, fire comes. The passion in them will be electricifying even though they smell and look like the cave, the blinder will come off and we will want to be like them!
The Cave – cleansing, purging, breaking, devouring all that is not God. Like being in Christ’s presence…
Money – Poor and needy of the world, billions well go into their hands, no fame, the love of Christ will come forth – they will be busy giving…
The Church has been RAPED by those who want to GET.
Healing takes place in the heart! The nature of Christ clearly seen through these vessels. When love by one of these, all other love will pale… They will not allow you to sit around. Chide, poke, push, chasten you – will hurt you if you stay there. They will not allow you apathy, if you have no hunger for God, you will not like them. Roses with thorns!
Chiefs of the fathers… latter house glory. We want the latter house glory – when that glory comes if we are not pure and holy we will be devoured. The Church that is coming will not look like the Church that is… It will be hard when the flesh dies… God will call the Chiefs of the Fathers out of the Cave: ‘speak to My people so I can come.’
Pray God to prepare us for the change so we can walk through this with GRACE.
Visitation – Saw, taken up in Spirit, saw, what must have happened in the days of Noah, fountains broke open, raining, & waters from beneath, breaking – awesome earthquake, canyons created, ‘as in the days of Noah will be His coming’ and even this will be in the Last Days – shaking and breaking; earthquake and world governments and the Church. Even the Church. Because God loves His people He will give us strong leadership.
Noah – Seas breaking open, floods from the shy, all shaken, nothing left as it was, Noah was not afraid, he had a huge Ark, so will us if we get out hearts right now. Will not have to share with the animals… Purpose of His coming, prepare to bring up the Ark… We are here [at this meeting in St. Louis] because we want the higher things.
This reformation that has begun, such a work among the ministers of God. Deep workings of God, more of God can… seen by others. Sanctify & purify the ministry and Body…
In this out pouring He will have a pure leadership team to do His work, fivefold and Melchezedek priesthood, four distinction: Apostle, Prophet, King and Priest. Quicken dead, judge wicked, heal sick, strengthen God’s Church.
A change of government in God’s Church. When wind blows how many of us shake? - Basic strong wind, God wants to strengthen the bones of the Body, unmoved. He wants us strong, so we can do great exploits. Melchezedek is coming, the Church will be straightened out, changed, and lovely, looking like Jesus.
The fivefold, God is going to be strong – God’s going to bring ministers down, some will be part of new, some not. Our natural response is not good.
Pray that God will give you the GRACE for these changes… to STAND. Stay in the Word. Pray for the leaders, it is not easy, pray for them and love them, as God keeps some and replaces others. Pray for families and the Church.
True Apostle has great wounds, they are not the highly favored, but rejected. Kingdom Apostles in the Last Days are different than today – today they start Churches and oversee and some gifts… But Kingdom Apostles: strong, striking words that will bring terror to the Church – these are the Apostles Coming!
They know what it is like to shiver in cold, forced fast, bodies beaten and whipped for Christ. They will be the ones to say follow me as I follow Christ. Kingdom prophets will be just like them – real Kingdom business… Church will focus on heaven bound instead of SELF.
Pastors will be highly respected, they not allow the elders or people on how to run the church, but will be on their knees, healing to the Church, whole people, know what it is like to live, some will not be able to handle them!
Paul said, ‘do I have to come to you with a rod’ because of love… many pastors are afraid because someone might get angry, but these will speak the truth in love, correct: no abortions, no adultery, incest, homosexual in the Church! These Fathers will not allow it in their pulpits!
Deal with the situation in my Church! Holy men and women, when they stand in the pulpit – whatever God does will bring repentance & holiness and stability – and prepare them for the glory of the coming ARK. God wants to visit us heavily… the Church and His people. God wants to reveal Himself to His people. Reveal who He is… God will bring in the Chief of the Fathers and set us on FIRE… We will be crying out to God to make us Holy… so we can see YOUR face… we can stand before YOUR presence… Holy to go into the Holies of Holy… Learn to live in that place. God visited Egypt in great judgment - we want to be with YOU, prepare us for YOUR presence…we want to be changed into YOUR image.
Jesus is going to come down and answer those cries. Turning OFF the TV’s and computers. He’s coming to shake, change, recreate, restore the Church into His image.
Competition between leaders is WRONG. This is coming to an END by humbling the leaders. So He can heal His Church and prepare us for more than a visit. Things that are coming with this new government that will be wonderful.
Ask God to begin His work in your heart, you have to be holy to even appreciate the revelation coming from His Throne! It has to change you, you must be holy. Prepare my heart for your Glory!
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day 2 of Meeting, PM Service, Adult Sonship — Ps. 110:1-7. This wonderful thing, no comparison, we had Moses, Elijah; yet in these last days there will be many of such called priests after the order of Melchezedek. What did Moses look like when he came down? In London, in a vision, taken face to face with Moses, flashing beams of glory from head, shoulders, and face. Jesus said in these last days there will be those showing this glory on the outside at times [special], and some inwardly.
There will be those who will also walk in the power and authority, part of Melchezedek priesthood. These will change the face of the Church, we will never be the same. Those who desire God.
Melchezedek – had no father or mother, no beginning or ending of days. If this is speaking of Jesus Christ, why say ‘like unto Son of God?’ Jesus does not need to be made like Himself… No, this is a priest to come, enter into a place with God without genealogical descent or children.. These men and women will be made like the Son of God! They will be more like the first Adam, clothed with the glory of God… To be with them will be like being with Jesus.
This new thing, but was speckled throughout history. Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, John the beloved, a deep place in God, almost unapproachable, they walked in such love and such humility… we have our new life hidden in God in Christ.
As believers, authority and power in Jesus Christ. We don’t all walk in that authority and power, look at the Church! What happened to Jesus and all the brethren? What’s the problem? Lack of holiness, maturity, etc. The Body of Christ is not there yet! Lift up your eyes and heart, open your eyes, so you can begin to believe for the higher things in the Melchezedek Kingdom.
Hebrews 7:11 – Perfection is reachable and attainable, Melchezedek anointing, God will release. You can walk in the perfection of love… the perfections of Christ.. we are called to the perfections of Christ. A price to pay! The Body wants to sleep in its comfort zone… There is a price to perfection. Can’t be fed heavenly food and world food. We are called to the perfections of Christ & His personhood. He became the first born among many brethren, those like HIM. Adult sonship – the perfections of Christ. Few have made it… through history… It’s not complicated nor hard, but few have made it; call is STRONG, full of passion from the Father’s heart. Why did the Father send His Son? So we could be sin FREE!
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day 3 of Meeting, Service, Exhort You — Phil. 3:7 – A few will endure, --- part of the Church has become a little lazy.
‘Follow me [Paul said] as I follow Christ… for His sake I have lost all to win Christ… know HIM.’ To know HIM and to share in His sufferings.
Heavenly minded enough to be earthly Good! Follow me as I follow Christ… pick up YOUR CROSS and come follow ME!
When confronted with Jesus Christ, Paul walked away from it ALL! There is more to SALVATION than being saved, ---a place in God to be won, but not learned or bought. One had to go beyond ‘church proper’… many today use their faith to get MONEY.
We half to follow Christ! What Christ demands of us… to follow Jesus… Dim vision to world things… changed his senses… for the sake of winning Christ. Purpose and plans changed when he met Christ. He, Paul, had to turn and go deep into God, for this world was passing away. Just to know and follow Jesus…
We brought nothing in and can’t take anything with us, so why hoarding materialistic things…. The better finer treasures… Paul set out to kill Christians… burning to know the author of the glory… same glory Moses saw at the top of the mountain… Paul was 3 days blind… Holy Spirit working on his heart. The days are coming when you are going to wish you would have pressed in with all your heart. Paul lived not for ministry but to know Jesus… Paul lived to ‘know’ Jesus, union with Christ, one passion was to know Jesus… Paul called himself the least of all the Apostles. For Christ, he said he lost all… The things we’ve done, the person we are, all these things have become stink… they profit me nothing except the praise of man… which is worth NOTHING! Praise of men steals the vision of God! We say we love HIM but will we serve HIM if it COSTS us all? Christ asks for ALL!
We never squeezed in… plus; just naked and alone. Will we give it all up to serve… are we willing to suffer for His glory when no one understands… even the CHURCH will think you have sinned, where will you stand when it cost you EVERYTHING?
Paul, a servant to the Gentile people, the Church, and the Jews, had a hard time understanding this man: prayer, Word, sacrifice to answer the CALL! God’s calling a CHURCH to come up and out of this world. A BRIDE to rise up and run…
The days of Nita’s ministry is gong down, the Kingdom of God is coming! When the finger of God comes to the Church, will have no choice but to bow the knee…
The minute you say I will not, the growth in you STOPS! The Lord will remind you, you did not want to go on… I want to be known as ‘in HIM.’ I do not want to be known for Nita Johnson – but she was known only ‘in HIM,’ … she was dead, He lived… People who are ready to die that He might live… deeply and intimately known by HIM… Into His likeness…
I want to know your sufferings Lord! Paul said, I want to experience the sufferings for the Lord… Suffering because you want HIM to be glorified in ME! I want to lay this down, me, all I ask is that YOU transform me to be like YOU! Let them see the glory of YOU! Our glory can change NOTHING for the good, only one glory – Jesus… Our glory FADES… Passion, see Christ.
Jesus, change the nations for His glory… We are not to look for our glory! Exchange His glory for your glory – give up your glory, be like Christ… serve your brother, seek to die…
Glorying the flesh – they do not weep because of the holiness of the preaching… it’s not technology but the anointing, the power of the living God in His Church. Only when we are on fire we will turn the world around.
Lost: weep, suffer, for the lost! How much? Do we? Jesus gave His life for the lost. Without His fire, power, & love filling the earth – Church will go home full of all but souls… God is calling us to wake up, dark hours are coming… How will you know HIM if you are not willing to give up… Church, we have to wake up! We haven’t made it yet. There is something more to knowing God. Inside must be turned into purity. The out flowing of His resurrection is to die to SELF. The flesh must die!
Lord kill this flesh, keep killing this flesh in me till it is dead, I want YOUR glory…
There are those who will enter into the resurrection, great signs and wonders, for His Glory! God is ready to give the Church the world… ‘I’ll anoint you, appoint you, and I’ll send you…’ You must DIE that I might live – as we die His glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea… your Christianity will become awesome to you…. So let’s die together!
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day of Meeting, Vision, Worship In The Reformation — We can labor in the flesh but when God comes, He can do more in five minutes… John 4:20 – In every generation there seems to be a mountain where we worship – hard time moving to another mountain… wings to fly to this new mountain. Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth!
1979 Nita first gave her life to God, wanted to go higher deeper, first baptized of Holy Spirit, hours in prayer and worship, very young in Him, she was in an Assemblies of God church. She had hunger for the Word… very hungry… hunger to know Him to go deeper. At a Bible study, she learned worship… lifted hands and worshipped, presence of God came, cleaned a room out and had a room I worshipped God in… All these years later, we are at a downturn…. Some are like Elijah the Word is released in them, the minstrel before.. Nita is this way…
Hunger for the deeper things in God. God actually took Nita through a season He would stop her from worship externally… damaged throat… 1 ½ years it lasted… a new form of worship, heart to heart worship, NO mouth, no words, but heart to heart worship… the Bride ever seeking after the Groom! Men want to keep the walls of protection – animal instinct, that will allow them to come in and rest.. whole new area of worship. Over familiarity with God, disrespect came; the awe and reverence of who HE really is. Fall down or lay prostrate in an attitude of respect of someone who is GREAT. Closer you walk the more AWE He becomes, to the point you become fearful of the flesh near HIM, you want it to DIE so you can be at REST! Eph. 5.
Vision: What worship is not! Even with hands lifted up, God opened my eyes, I saw people like they were in front of a rock singer group. Nita began to hear their thoughts in their hearts… They were worshipping the worship team, even the thoughts of the songs so beautiful, and don’t I have a beautiful voice… house wives were concerned about roast in the oven. Such… flesh, but sounded beautiful, but was flesh. They were worshipping all but HIM…. Then His love descended, she cried more for we were an offense, but you visited us with His love. He said, most in this room will not enter into this again until next Sunday!
You will not woe God, He is not woeable – He comes because He chooses to out of His great love. When He comes what we were once struggling with becomes easy. Our spirit can be worshipping and yet be crying… worship is the intimate union between the Bride and the Groom… worship begins when the connection is made… If your not obeying – holiness; well you go for mercy.
God is provoked by our holiness – life of obedience. Song of Solomon, God was provoked with jealousy over her love… There is a trumpet worship, form praise to worship, Holy Spirit changes direction, like today, but for the higher realms is a sweet gentle song to the Lord.
Wives subject to husbands – husbands if you do not love your wife and hold her in esteem, it will affect your worship… if he wants a deeper walk – he must have a deeper walk with her. Wife should obey authority… ‘No man has hated his own flesh’ we know THAT! Let the wife see that she RESPECTS and HONORS her own husband! That is the way the church is to be to Jesus. RESPECT and REVERENCE HIM, esteem HIM, praise HIM, love and admire HIM – worship must be made up of these things – composed, Bride to Husband, respect and adoration! Song of Praise – Praise is not just adoring HIM, but thanking HIM! The Holy place – Praise is one of adoration, mighty works of earth or heaven as we adore HIM, relational, His to me, and me to HIM. Hebrews 2:11-12 – worship is what God requires, He shows up! In the Holies of Holies – only worship is adoration of His names and character and HIM and HIM alone! Inner court and outer court – Inner court, linger there… I adore HIM, can take you to Heaven! This song! This place – Holies of Holy, God will touch and change your heart, smell His smells, visions, Spirit to spirit, when we worship HIM in Spirit – we mature [not flesh]!
God is looking for those who will worship HIM in Spirit and in Truth! Whatever we do in the flesh causes our spirit to be stunted…. Our worship is about our honor and praises of the ALMIGHTY! There are some hymns and spiritual songs that help to take you some place in God! Spiritual songs are Spirit driven and take you up! True worship is Spirit with HIM! It is not who we are or what we need but HIM, about HIM worship. We have ‘men to men’ songs, or ‘help me’ God songs, or worship God songs – ‘song of the Spirit’!
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day 3 of Meeting, Service, Kingdom Of God — Time for the Kingdom of God is at hand, --- now about to occur, will be very higher. Kingdom of God, Eph 4, the church to be so much better than the church is now. Unity will be seen, tabernacle of David, but fullness of the Tabernacle of David – Restoration of worship, very important but, other components critical, a certain workshop to occur – The government of David, restoration of David’s the Government of God amidst His people: worship, unity, love of God, love of brethren, glory – calls forth worship, worship that is coming very important.
But the issue of the government is like foundational – before the rest. Eph. 4:2 = lowliness, meekness, forbearing one another in love – one Body, spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, God, Father – etc. But so many different churches – denominations… in the Body you do not feel ONE people but different groups – yet ONE Body – only One. Many nations but ONE Body – none more important – all important and loved… You look at the church and you do not see ONE Body! Panorama of the Church – so beautiful… ONE Body, one Church, One Lord! It’s time for the wounds to heal. Time to quit hurting each other… unforgiveness, it is time for us to get REAL. Let God have His way in our hearts… If One Spirit with all division, that Spirit is deeply grieved… His love is like oil seeking to be united. Fighting or peace and love? Today lots of unimportant pettiness… stumbling… the person we are angry with, God loves, sometimes not so petty, but we feel justified… when we hold these things we compound our own problems… God’s heart for each individual people groups. The oil was so filled with the love of God… So great is His love that we do not understand; ONE Body, ONE Spirit…. Important, but not most important – evangelism, worship, service, our calling is to become ONE with Him. Set your eyes on HIM and go DEEP in HIM… He has consumed us, owns us: mind, heart, spirit, flesh – that the CALLING! Perfection and union in Christ, this is our calling and hope, all of us… some hope, union with Christ.. One Lord… How it must hurt a parent to see the stupid things the children fight over… things that do not matter. The Lord feels it also… not liking each other… God loves us and has called us to peace… verse 11 – five fold – perfecting of Saints… unto a perfect man, fullness of Christ… doing the work of the ministry.
God never called the five fold to divide the Church… our hearts are to be with the CHURCH… whole CHURCH… Who give the fivefold ministry the right to divide the CHURCH, and why does the CHURCH allow it to be divided?
Division among leaders and groups – it is not good that we are not ONE. Skin, the beauty of who each one is. A Jew is a most neutral color – Jesus looks very, very Jewish… He has very blue eyes, otherwise He looks Jewish. Jesus looks very Jewish! Not to accept a race is not to accept Jesus and their creator. There has to come a day when we will lay it down, you reject me you reject HIM… Racism – love, acceptance, so that we were your equals… We do not come down but come ‘over’ to be with you – a place where we can come over and learn ‘love.’
Jewish – very stubborn… but the love that explodes through us. Leadership and in the Body to lay it down, lay it down all hurts, misunderstandings, - white race needs to humble themselves, lay it down, let it go, ONE God, ONE Body, ONE Spirit… not just Jew, Gentile, but all races, lay it down! We will never be healed until we are all healed, it is ONE Body – lay it down. Where it hurts, your favoring, the body makes adjustments, hurting, but have not made PEACE… commitment, decision to lay it down… The more we see Jesus the more we are compelled to LOVE… want to see Jesus go to the one you have been rejecting, you will see HIM and see HIM in His beauty.
Reformation – face of Jesus – because they will be walking in the LOVE of head, visions of Jesus learn love, humility, and sacrifice your life for your BROTHER, virtues, you will see the face of Jesus…
Seeing Jesus, anyone who wills can have a walk with Jesus, lay it all down… the laws, hurts, brokenness, misunderstandings and strife… You can see Jesus in the face of your brothers! Ps. 133 – Unity. Unity brings beauty and grace, strength, the unity brings, peace and stability in hard times. We need each other… some times we have to much freedom, give in to flesh… something about what you see that makes you love them… there is a beauty that comes out of SUFFERING of learning love, through differences… If you allow all little things to keep our differences… God will chasten us until we learn LOVE… persecution is coming! Persecution is coming and we need it, to learn LOVE…
Why is it the church is not overcoming the evil? Watching the demonic for hours on TV or Movies or Internet, etc…
Nita Johnson Speaking, Day of Meeting, Service, Visions— Several visions. A lot of hurt, between African American and white Americans. The tears of which still cry out from the ground. A lot more needs to be done… a burden to see these things done.
Vision: Pastor Underwood – a black man. Vision – black man and a white woman married, in America this marriage will come to pass. Not superficial. If those two relationships can come together… Heart exploding in love for them.. whole nations of people with love for each other. Blessing America with interrelationships – we just don’t know what we are missing if we do not LOVE. The misunderstandings of the past will be healed.
Vision: Book of Joel 3, in worship, a vision, tears falling in a pond: Lord’s or people or requesting the tears to flow? I saw a huge army transport canopy type, loads and loads of military people, went into trains, many, filled to maximum of people going here to there. Trains and buses were all over filled to maximum with people – then 100’s of thousands of soldiers marching in formation. I saw thousands of people walking in market place, directed by unseen force, all turned and moved in the same direction. Fear gripped my heart like terrible danger. Why God? I saw large rivers, great rapids, one after another folding into each other, many, many followed to a waterfall, these rivers are filled with the bodies of the dead, they come to head and they fall down… I said, ‘Lord why these bodies and waterfalls, miles of them, bodies floating down, where are they going?’ I saw the Lake of Fire. Every race of society and where they are headed. If He came to bring judgment, as at His return, millions would end up in Hell – heat breaking – my heart is broken for these lost going to Hell. Then thought about the Gathering [Where we repented and confessed the sins of America and weep before God.] The Lord told me if I was faithful to the vision [the vision He gave Nita], He would send REVIVAL. We are all paying a price, at the expense, we are paying a price $ and physically…
You can be fighting the forces of hell there in Nigeria, and when you get back home you fight them here. The St. Louis Gathering – the holy angels were carrying flags of nations. There is a price to pay, all the Gatherings will go to all these nations. The Gatherings are fun but demanding emotionally, physically, and overwhelming. I tell God, why not someone with a larger ministry…
The Lord was behind a judge’s desk – gave a decree, deep …into the sea… standing before the judgment seat shaking, about 20 million, tried to talk Him out of it, He would not hear it. You can actually feel the sins of the city… and then dump it into the sea, the sea even now is swallowing up the city – high rises and major highways. You go to bed, in the morning its gone. It’s of God and already begun… 18 million falling off into the sea – how do you turn God’s heart? [Nita is talking about a city as I recall in Nigeria, and this is already happening to this city now.]
God said He was going to WIPE cities off the face of the map in AMERICA – in one year three cities were!
In Logas [not sure I spelled this cities name correct], leaders weep, fourth night of weeping, the Lord Jesus appeared, said, He will give Logas more time to repent!
This is the time and season, God will judge cities, nations, the thing that stands between is the prayers of God’s Saints – intercession of God’s people. Joel 3:14. Day of the Lord NEAR!
Vision: Up, saw millions of souls in anguish in the Valley of Decision – a place in God, where He brings the souls to decide for heaven or hell, we all passed through this valley, as we wept through our decision. For years some of our souls was in making the decision to go or not in God, someone paid the price for your soul!
Vision: In Israel – dividing of the land – the Lord was showing – how the prayers of so many Christians had not stopped this, Jesus came and took me to Hell – the walls, like cave jail cells, peat moss hanging down over cells, the walls were breathing, see, feel and hear – the walls were breathing. The walls would breath, and more cells were created… Hell has enlarged itself. Jesus said My people – Jewish, is for land issues, but My care is for their souls. That is the bigger issue. Many times taken to Hell and was shown Hell. Once He took Nita to a movie theater, many well known American stars, some were childhood heroes – suddenly, one died, he was coming into Hell, one that was there, he said, ‘hey we were waiting for you’ – a river of blood came and rushed over the people, over this field, great anguish the people were, Nita asked to leave, Jesus was full of compassion. Jesus took Nita to a cell, she saw Marilyn Monroe, Jesus had compassion, even when Marilyn was young I [Jesus] revealed Myself to her, I came and took her to the beautiful city – up, I told her what would be hers, but she chose the god of fame and anguish.
Vision: One time Nita was praying for a David Wilkerson conference, Nita went into prayer, spirit realm opened, saw Lake of Fire, people were screaming in such anguish, coming out of that lake, soul’s trapped there for eternity. Nita went into travail, she wailed for three days, finally she could not carry any longer and God ministered to her. When people finally are determined for hell their souls are hardened, they would take the freedom but not serve Jesus. Most of the world will end up in Hell is a serious reality.
The Lord Jesus will sweep across America with His Glory ONE more time. Ask God to give you a broken heart for the lost. One time Jesus came and told Nita, out of each tribe who came to Him, 250,000 only of one tribe… pray for the Hebrews, that was how many millenniums? The least of a Tribe was 25,000 – over how many years – millenniums [I believe these figures were correct, I was writing fast]? We are going to have to pray them in… around the world… all races… multitudes in the Valley of Decision: African, Chinese, etc… Arabs… multitudes… millions of First Nation Indians – die and go to Hell because the CHURCH is not praying… Pray, God will send the anointing – God cares, about these wasted unloved humans, who cares, God cares… He knows what’s going to happen… unless TEARS… Jordan – death – look at the eyes of those precious people… the CHURCH has forgotten how to CRY! Where is the TEARS of the CHURCH? Why are our eyes dry when God is filled with TEARS… nothing but TEARS… weep when no one else will weep.
When antichrist is finished in Italy there will only be 6,000 living souls. Where are the TEARS of the CHURCH? Why are we not willing to pay the price… send out the NETS to bring them in… India – demon idols… but the Indian people, so lost, empty, pain, extreme oppression, you go back to win a few – bound through witchcraft and sorcerer – not just satan… children forced to sex sins… support world missions – turn your pocket book into MISSIONS – save any who can be saved. If God cries, why doesn’t the CHURCH cry? Our HEARTS are HARD and like cement and His tears can’t get through…. Those precious people can’t burn for ever!
Do not think children can not go to Hell, a pastor said the name of Jesus, the boy was killed. The boy told the pastor, ‘do not mention that name Jesus to me, what has He done to me’, the Lord showed him, the boy in HELL!
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Mary K. Baxter, Bob Jones, Aline Baxley and many other Christians have been taken to Hell with the Lord Jesus to show them things to report to us… the seriousness of things, especially eternal life in either heaven or hell.]
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Speaking, 1st Speaking of the Meeting, Holy Angel Visitation, Spy – Report – Execute Judgment – America & Enemies Are Right At The Door, AMERICA! — If you love, the love must be STRONGER to avert judgment. Psalms 104:4 – Angel appeared to Sadhu. Holy Angel said, ‘Every word, unveiling of the way of heaven to reveal to you how God sees this nation [America], specific works of the Holy Angels.’
The angel said, first part, angels in general and second part, another type of holy angels – ministerial angels. Heb. 1 – Angels sent to minister to us. Flaming fire – not ordinary angels, many kinds of angels. Bible reveals some, but many more… God has kept many SECRETS hidden… discoveries when we get to heaven.
Isa. 6:2 – Seraphim – not angels, different class, no word to describe, but angelic beings different, six wings, fly around God’s Throne. Rev. 4v8 – Living creatures, being category, not confused… Ezek. 1, Cherubim is different form four living creatures, different. A distinction in the two classes. Living creatures are like body guards around the Throne. Ezek 1 & Ezek 10 – Angelic being class four wings, guard glory of God. Other, some as high as 100 foot… Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj saw 50 foot tall Chief Prince of America holy angel. John saw an angel one foot on sea and one foot on land.
When angel appeared a solemn and severe word given. The angels told me – through history, to send out, to SPY the land, to see the sins…!
From the beginning of time in Genesis – to now – Christ comes again – SPY the land for sins… when they [holy angels] see what they see – cleanse the land by – execute judgment!
SPY, REPORT, EXECUTE JUDGMENT. Genesis 19:1-19 – Spied Sodom and Gomorrah… Lot maybe crying for the sins of the land… when angels come they take on the form of man, look like men, do not know, until they do something supernatural, then you know.
Angels told Lot they were sent to SPY the land, according to what they heard. What did they hear? After they speed the land – the people were so wicked that Lot protected the angels…
When Abraham offered Lot a choice, Lot picked what looked good. Lot chose Sodom, Abraham warned him, he paid a dear price… a good thing to protect the holy angels… once out – the angels execute judgment. Angels think, feel, love, joke and talk about us… ‘Have you considered this worship leader… etc.’
Holy Angel Visitation – A few years ago an angel appeared to me – he gave me a message… I asked him if I could ask him a question – ‘Why do you call me beloved?’
Even Daniel, ‘oh beloved, man of God.’ Such a person, a delight to God, when you keep yourself clean.
Ex. 12V21 – Angel went through the streets of Egypt, he spied the land… blood of lamb… angel sees the blood the angel will passover the land. Spying an execution of judgment, a preparing of the way, cleansing, by execution.
1 Chron. 1V27 – Trusting in the God of Israel. Rebuked by the prophet of God for David had numbered Israel. You chose: 3 years famine, 3 months etc., chose you, 3 days plague --- either a choice of blessings or righteous judgment.
Prosperity of God is only one side. King David did not know what to do, he fell at God’s feet and cried, for it was better than man. A huge angel went through Israel and killed everyone till Israel was cleansed.
Angels have been sent out to spy. Ezek. 9:3-7 – about 5 years ago, three days of meeting in Sidney, Australia – about 4:00 P.M. angel appeared before me, I was shivering and trembling, holy fear of God, I was privileged to see Gabriel, Michael, but there was an awesome presence of God with this angel – I have been sent to SPY this land and pour out judgment, I am one of the two that was sent to SPY Israel & Sodom. Sidney is like San Francisco, ‘gay’ capital…
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj fell on his face and interceded for Sidney, Australia for ½ hour before God. Asking God to stay His hand, angel would not pour out on this city… I will come with you this evening to see if they really repent.
If we love each other we will weep for each other.
A prophet’s job is to stop this if possible. Holy angel – either judgment or blessing.
I told the people, for forty-five minutes fell before God and cried, about 700 people, moaning, weeping and crying. Those were heard… 11 Chron. 7:17 – Humble self, forgive, and heal.
Now I’m leaving for a SEASON the holy angel said.
The angels of God are going everywhere SPYING the land. Angels take ORDERS from someone! What was told? Who told?
Daniel 4:13-17 – The king saw a vision, WATCHERS, and then they decreed a judgment and Daniel given understanding.
Watchers – are high ranking. And Holy Ones. Guardian and executors of God for each nation. The plan of God.
Daniel 2:21 – God has a time table for each nation. Time tables – God has a time table. Gen. 15:12-14 - I will give the land but wait 400 years… Israel slaves for 400 years – perfect will of God.
Be careful we do not pray the WRONG prayers…
When Job went through – it was the ‘perfect will’ of God. Job did not know how long it would last – God ordained it was 10 months or 400 years of slavery.
If you pray for certain things to be removed when God wants them – you hurt yourself. “Permissive will” of God – out of ‘perfect will.’ Perfect will of God – you missed your lessons, and another will come, another will come, patience has its perfect works. Put here to be perfected for heaven.
11 Tim. 3:10 – 12 – all those who live Godly will suffer persecution… except when you are out of God’s ‘perfect will.’ If you are clean you are Godly in God’s site… enemy comes to help you be perfect!
Jesus on the Cross – enemy actually helped fulfill the purpose of God! No devil can touch your shadow or you. The devil would have to touch the greater One in you first. No matter what happens the Lord will NEVER leave me or forsake me.
God is a good God! Nothing can move you… Rock – Lord Jesus.
These WATCHERS are guardians of the ‘TIME TABLES’ of God, and in charge of spying of the land, all these holy angels report to these holy WATCHERS.
1998 – Powerful angel, had a golden belt, Indonesia, sword, Chief Princes of nations all dressed this way, guardians or Gods’ ambassadors for the nation. Indonesia ruled by dictator for many years. She collapsed – she was at the brink of bankruptcy – she could have been wiped out – that opened the nation for a peaceful demonstration – over ruled the current dictator. Holy angel told Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, stated that all that happened was degreed by the holy WATCHERS. I told the people what the angel told me… and Sadhu saw the president and gave him the Word from God. But he was a Muslim man – read – and tears, bowed down his head and said, ‘please pray for me and I will lead this nation, what God says.’
What happens to a nation decreed by the WATCHERS? Daniel 4 – Holy WATCHERS – decreed… These WATCHERS and Holy Angels over God’s Plan, they have a host of angels to SPY out the land, if they see what they were told, they are to send forth the judgment.
St. Louis, MO. – WATCHER appeared before me [Sadhu], they look like men, very special watcher who watches over USA. Special Word for Dallas, if no repentance. Watchers told me – USA – many, many have been sent out all over the country to SPY the land and see if it is the same as what was told… Angel said, ‘time delay no longer,’ tell them to pray while it is still day – we must pray and intercede.
09/11, 2001 – example of the whole USA if GRACE gone.
Last year – on the last night here, this angel appeared, I saw about eight foot and other very physical, standing around Statue of Liberty, with sword stretched out to protect America, this angel was like FIRE… full of FIRE… Ezek. 1 and Ezek 10 – Amber – one of the colors of FIRE… the angel looked like the fire was waist down.
A greater than 09/11, 2001 is coming on this nation [America], can only be averted unless ‘river of repentance’…
Angel told Sadhu remove shoes, you are standing on Holy Ground!
When the WATCHER appeared in Dallas, said – ‘remind the people not enough prayer yet to God!’
Taiwan – Angel being/WATCHER who watches over Taiwan, angel said, I cannot understand why the people would not pray for their country.
Rev. 8:1-4 – Another angel, he had the ‘bowl’ in his hands of all the prayers for Taiwan, like incense, was barely at the bottom level of the bowl. ‘I cannot understand why the people would not pray for the land.’ Today, the angel reminded me of that!
There is a remnant that prays and intercedes – but larger that talks about other things…
We cannot use GRACE as a cloak to live in sin…
A greater than 09/11, 2001 is coming if America is not weeping in intercessory tears. Hot – a greater than 9/11/01 is coming!
God has not given up on America YET.
Many times the Church is doing things foolishly. The arms of the flesh… stocking abortion clinics, etc. The flesh cannot do anything, must humble self and repent and cry out to God!
If you will declare a fast! We are not standing in the gap, allowing things. Evangelize the world when our own country is LOST.
India has 330 million gods. India brought their gods into America – largest in N.J. [?]. Why heathen gods allowed in our country – we are told to destroy them! The gods she left behind becomes a thorn in the flesh! If Israel would have destroyed – no problem today.
America has compromised to much, Church needs to repent, we have sinned. Bend knees, humble self, fast and pray… for America.
These angels are the ‘eyes of the Lord,’ they go to and fro – they SPY the land [11 Chron. 16:9]. In Acts 12:21-23 King Herod boasted, he was judged.
Revelation 2:1; v8; v12; v18; 3:1; 7:14. These angels are also watching – seven angels.
Vision – When John received these messages, write to Samaria, seven angels received a word, each angel went to all the churches. There is an angel to each church. When God looks down He sees only ONE Church in St. Louis… One angel over all the churches in St. Louis, and every church has an angel.
The angel will say, – ‘these are the sins in this church and God wants you to address these sins.’
Apostle John, liquid love flowed forth, it was his calling card – crucified flesh – out pouring of God. This will heal the family, people groups, draw together as one…
Even while the antichrist is here… There will be a reform of the church leaders into the mind of Christ, and government to be agents of God. Workings of God – there will be GREAT upheavals, Glory of God will come out of it! HOT! Order out of kais – the Spirit of Reformation is here!
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Speaking, Speaking at the Meeting, Chief Prince Of a Nation Holy Angel Visitation, Spirit of Grace and Spirit of Supplication — I will pour on the House of David, ‘Spirit of Grace and Supplication.’ Zech. & Isa. 11:2 – Seven Spirits of God, two other Spirits = nine Spirits.
Spirit of Grace and Supplication = Intercession and revival, must have for revival.
Grace – undeserved favor, God causes the sun to shine on good and evil people. We do not deserve gifts, but they bring a gift.
Supplication – Intercessory prayer.
Dan. 9:3; Eph. 6:18; 1 Tim. 2:1 – Grace and supplication, supplication there, grace is poured out. Spirit of Grace, unmerited favor, poured out in answer to the Spirit of Supplication – intercessory prayer. Together – help believers and unbelievers – look on Jesus and seek Him whom they pierced.
People have a blindness and stubbornness – work together.
I promise you in Jesus name, no one will reject Christ – will work in these hearts, no more objections, ‘Do you want to accept Christ?’ They will say, ‘YES’ ….
Isa. 44:3; Ezek v29; Joel 2:28-29 – All flesh, Catholics, all! Jesus, according to your Word let all receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Very possible when the Spirit is poured out – so when will it be poured out? For that to happen, God is looking for intercessors – Spirit of Grace will be poured out on our city, state, nation, and world.
Ezek. 22:30-31 – I sought for a man among them to make up a hedge, I found NONE! Someone to stand in the GAP! Verse 31 – Result – Therefore have I poured out my indignation… because I found none My hand has brought judgment. God is seeking for people to intercede for the people.
The enemies are right at the door, AMERICA! As Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj was praying, ‘Dark cloud, coming to United States of America, through the GATE way of our CAPITAL, hand over our Capital, a company of angels standing guard, but these were waiting for instructions, but NONE given them, the Word of the Lord came to me [Sadhu], tell the people to PRAY!
It is the GRACE of God on 09/11, 2001 that protected the White House from being attacked – a white house should be white inside! The holy angels can only get their instructions as the intercessors PRAY. It is in our hands, only we Christians can do something.
Visitation: In 1995, In South Africa, waiting on God, holy angel appeared to me, the Chief Prince of Africa… then each Chief Prince of a nation would come. Angel gave an entire history of what will take place, if the people PRAY, the angels will get instructions from God. When you PRAY, the angels come down to help you! Holy Spirit sends information for what to do…
Note: Dark cloud approaching the WHITE HOUSE of the United States Capital! Holy Angels are there, but waiting for ORDERS – PRAYERS are needed!
Isa. 59:1 & 63:5 – God looks for an Intercessor! How Moses interceded. Ex. 32:9-14; Num. 14:13. Jonah 3:4-10 – pronounced judgment, in forty days city destroyed. Over and over, Jonah repeated, they all heard, fasted and prayed… 40 days… when they fasted they humbled themselves, turned to God… Spirit of Grace was poured out, instead of judgment – God’s mercy came.
Lord Jesus our greatest Intercessor… He PRAYED day and night we will bear good fruits. Luke 13:6-7 – cut it down, useless tree-barren.
Many churches have lost their time! The Lord Jesus cuts fruitless trees! What are the fruits we are to bear? What are the fruits so the tree does not get cut down?
Intercede in prayer and then preach, that is how it works! Souls!
Praying, redeeming the land, glory comes, walking the whole land. Jesus said, now My glory will come upon this land – you will see.
Eph. 6:18; 1 Tim. 2:1 – What is our part? I exhort therefore supplication, prayer and intercessions be made for ALL men – Spirit of Grace poured out on ALL! Bend knees, pray, and fast – entire city saved without evangelist crusades.
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Speaking, Friday Night of the Meeting, Vision, All Miracles Come From Compassion — When angels come, prayers are insufficient, why? With all the people who are praying, why are they insufficient? 1,000 believers, bang head on floors, weep and cry, until horse voices and no strength, so with all these prayers it is NOT enough… something is wrong… WE maybe the stumbling block! Why the Lord Jesus said it is insufficient? Why heaven considers the prayers are insufficient? We learn from one another, learn to do it right… we have enough intercessors but they are lazy, they don’t care… you don’t care about your neighbor… second nature to pour out your heart for someone else… the Remnant prays…
It is not we – ours, but me – myself… The bowl is not being filled… with prayers and tears… Exodus 2 – Prayers and crying of Israel, after 400 years the prayers finally reached God. Then it moved the hand of God.
While worship going on Jesus was here, the look on Jesus’ face, and manner. Jesus said’ plead with them, plead with them that they will learn how to intercede, and move My hand and I will rain My mercy on the land. I have walked through this land, they have fine church buildings and services, but few who know how to take hold of Me for this nation. This nation can perish, they are at her [America] heels… only God can save up.’ After Lord Jesus left, an angel came, if Esther would not have fasted for three days, she stood before God and her people. It is a tradition, no one can come before the king without being summoned, unless the king lifts up the cup. She fasted three days and three nights, I will go, if I perish let me perish… Lord, if you cannot save America cancel me out of the Book of Life. They counted not their lives dear to them. Today, we are a mess. We don’t care anymore. We really do not Love the Lord. How many of us need two or three conformations… when God wants us to do something. We hope we heard wrong or a change. God does not understand why you cannot OBEY! You deceive yourself in thinking He understands!
The same miracles He did for the Jews. 1986 in Tibet, Sadhu walked many miles, at 12,000 feet, barren wilderness, nothing exists, Sadhu did not know what was ahead, so NO food supplies here, he had to walk for twelve days… Sadhu for twenty-four years did not worry about food! God knew that Sadhu needed help… an American couple was appointed by God to feed me. The Tibetan people eat really hard bread… it has to be soaked for ten minutes to soften… Tea with salt instead of sugar… For ten days he was eating this hard bread and drinking this tea. Got up to pray… today I would like to have an Indian pancake and good cup of tea, I know it is impossible, but you are God and I’m your son, so I know it is impossible here. After walking five hours… junction of point where road meets, a house, I saw two men who looked like Indians, they stood up to greet me, asked for directions, the butler came out, he held a tray, Indian pancake, I told the Lord secretly, there goes my food. They brought the pancake to me, the impossible, I ate it, the butler came with Indian tea. I bowed my head, tears were rolling down, like how God rained down manna! Nothing is impossible with God.
If only you believe or if you walk right before God, God will do.
How we can intercede, right manner. So He will reign… prayers of intercession is for others and supplication is for you. It involves the WILL of another, God never over rules the will of others, He patiently waits, that all should come to repentance. Intercession prayers are for others! Understand where we have missed the MARK…
Intercession – far deeper, stronger and greater – what is intercession? Hebrew = ‘PAGA’ – to come and fall upon. Greek = ‘ENEEUXIS’ – meeting with. Gen. 18:23-33. A conversation is petition [I think he said petition… ]: meets, conversation of both, and petition. ENEUNCHANO = make intercession or pleading for another, begging, and you won’t let go till granted. Hebrews 7:28. HUPERENTUNCHANO = It means intercession on behalf of another. Rom. 8:26. Put three words together = Intercession. The act of meeting with God by falling upon HIM for pleading on behalf of another. Jer. 15 & 1 Tim. 2:5. When you learn to intercede, first you must come to meet HIM. Usually we do not meet God… how do you know His will? We don’t know how to pray, that’s why Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 2:10-11.
We want to intercede to God’s ‘perfect will’ , only the Holy Spirit knows all about God. When you intercede with Holy Spirit, He goes deep in you and knows the ‘perfect will’ of God, when such a prayer is prayed it will always be answered, because it comes from the heart of God. We linger in the presence of the Lord, fall at God’s feet next. Worship – reverence for God, bow and respect HIM, not just singing songs!
Angels gracefully dance before God… Why do people run around the room? The flesh does not want to be still! It is His will to make Himself known to His people, we are too lazy, we will NOT WAIT ON GOD, want instant, quick prayer and drive out… This is the reason why we are so poor in holiness… we don’t make a sanctuary for God to come… dwell among us. Ex. 25:8.
Church splits is never in the will of God, what you sow you will reap in rebellion.
Ps. 22:3 – God abides on the praises of His people – look for songs that PRAISE GOD!
The reason why not experiencing the glory of God is because we are doing things WRONG. Look at the old hymns – they are godly, the hymn writers had a personal relationship with God… they were broken.
Why should God come down in our midst? Do not say or pray, God show up, at a meeting… It is God’s grace that we are still alive. First - take time to meet HIM. Second - fall at His feet & hold His feet. Third - and then make petition on behalf of a person or nation. Now we are meeting with HIM.
Exodus 30:34 – ingredients for altar of incense. Secret in the process that we can apply… sweet fragrance, pure frankincense, light weight, make perfumer and pure and holy – verse 37 - only make holy, for the Lord. Four spices of equal same weight. Matthew 18:19 – two or three gathered – 2 = your spirit and soul = 1; 3 = your spirit, soul and with Holy Spirit = 1. Must be ONE – spirit and mind must be 1. Then Lord Jesus will be there before you. Humble yourself before the Lord, so hearts can become ONE. Once we become ONE with Holy Spirit, we can be in UNION or ONENESS with God.
Hebrews 4:15 – second spice = compassion, all miracles come from compassion. Comfort is different than compassion. Compassion – take your pain and give it to God. Compassion is I feel your pain.
Job 16:21 – I wish there will be someone who can plead on my behalf… Job was a millionaire, all his children died in one day, bankrupted over night, boils, animals gone… If your heart is filled with compassion. In a country the Lord came and filled Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj with compassion. At a meeting, Sadhu felt his heart breaking like glass, waves of compassion went out to the people… and the hurts of the people and their pain… waves came back to Sadhu, he felt the hurts of others… Great Compassion…
Without the Lord we are NOTHING, so pray first…. The compassion is the greatest gift you could ever ask from the Lord… don’t ask for the nine gifts or seven Spirits – Compassion is Jesus, and if you have Jesus you have the gifts and seven Spirits… Greater secret is the Compassion of the Lord, enough to move heaven through compassion…
Do not give up, if no answer. Sadhu interceded day and night, fasting and praying, till all family was saved. Now all saved! Over a five year period… what is the use if you won the whole world and lost your family, my family. One of the greatest weakness is you do not PERSIST… God does not wear a watch! All the time in the world in heaven… some places in earth – NO time – out playing.. or New Yorkers are like ants – how busy they are, CUT out all the weights that pull you down.
Vision: Ex. 32:10 – Moses holding onto God – holding His hand, I saw the event in a vision, pleading and pleading He told Moses to let Him go. If you will not forgive them then strike me out of the Word of God.
Why was Lot’s family saved? Abraham was God’s friend, God remembered Abraham, Lot was saved from destruction.
Another spice – Heb. 5:7 – When the Lord Jesus prayed He prayed with loud prayers, Jesus cried [KlAIO], loud expression of grief… Jews heard Him crying. Jesus – strong praying with TEARS [DAKRUO] = shed TEARS! No one cried like Lord Jesus… NEVER! Jer. 9:1-18 cried like that.
Pure Frankincense – Romans 8: - compassion, persistence, and tears, this is what intercession is… not a two minute event. Groan – you groan for hours – eighteen hours of groaning before birth of a baby… not a two minute birth?
Our ministers – blind ducks – dumb ducks – God said in the Word. Romans 8: - He ever liveth to make intercession.
Numbers 13:11-19; Daniel 9:4-19 – moral prayer of intercession, study verse 3 to see a pattern. Set, ashes, fasting… verse 5 – we have seen; verse 6 – neither have we harkened; verse 7 – unto us confusion; verse 8 – confusion; verse 9 – we have sinned; verse 10 – neither obeyed voice of Lord; verse 11 – curse on us; verse 12 – we have sinned; verse 13 – all this evil/ turn from iniquity; verse 14 – obey not His voice; verse 15 – we have sinned, done wickedly.
Daniel – righteous – but he prayed ‘WE’… have sinned, this is how to pray for AMERICA… study the sin in your city and state, nation, ‘we have sinned.’
Clinton signed the bill for fetus investigation, we must say ‘we’ have sinned! Jer. 9 – prayer of Jeremiah – greater judgment did not come… we all will be part of captivity… we must say ‘we’ have sinned. When you learn to intercede this you will reach God! Lord Jesus said, ‘Plead with them that they will intercede.’
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Speaking, Friday Night Speaking of the Meeting, Vision, Go Into All The World — One of the signs, this Gospel shall be preached in all the world. Matthew 24:14, all the world [only] then the end will come. How? Short time? Very difficult! God is raising up men and women to preach the Word! Sadhu walked twenty-five days up the mountain and twenty-five days down the mountain, for a three day meeting.
Radio, T.V., Internet, Satellite – answer, use airways go there with no problems… even church services, the government can not stop the airwaves.
1997 – Trinidad, wait on the Lord He will tell you what to minister.
1987 – Vision seen – saw satellite flying and your words will go in the five continents… back then it was kind of unheard of… beyond me to understand how possible.
What ever is your primary call, do not neglect it.
Ex. 19 – He thunders –Sadhu heart five times the Father’s voice, coming from heaven and striking your inner being. ‘This is my channel, I will use it in the Last Day, speak to the entire world.” [Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Sadhu was speaking of the new Angel TV station God has raised up for souls to be won.]
33.26 10/02, 2003, Series Of Visions, The New Reformation & The Coming Revival & In 2001 The Spirit of Reformation Was Re-released Upon The Earth. — Occasionally, the Lord in His divine wisdom and foresight releases His presence into the earth for the purpose of changing and transforming not only the Church but also world governments. This touch upon humanity is out of His mercy and designed to prepare the world for the next stage of His purposes and plans. Let me share a few examples of such interventions as are recorded from the past.
The first Reformation began in the days of Noah. The Father had come to an end of His longsuffering with humanity. In His infinite knowledge He knew that if He were to wait another ten thousand years to discipline the peoples of the earth -- still man’s propensity toward evil would not diminish but only increase. Hence, He determined that it was time to act, so He did. He raised up a just and righteous man, who had incidentally come from a long line of righteous men, through whom He would begin a Reformation in the world. Through this man’s obedience He would save the world from complete destruction. Further, when the floodwaters would retreat Noah would be the one who would establish a new righteous government in the earth and would raise up a new generation of people who would seek to live pleasing to the Lord. By this means the Father did away with the old and gave birth to the new, albeit through much suffering in His own tender heart.
Once again the world fell into corruption. So, after Noah God raised up another man through whom He would establish a righteous Nation in the midst of all the evil. This man He called Abraham. He would come to be called the father of our faith. This new Reformation although it began small would become the cornerstone of all the following works of the Lord in future generations. Abraham lived a nomadic life but through His testimony and righteous government within his own clan, he effected world governments and generations to come because unbeknownst to him he carried in his bosom the Spirit of Reformation.
We do not see the next intervention of Reformation until the establishment of the Nation of Israel at mount Sinai about 430 after Abraham. The man that God used was Moses. The event was the giving of the law. Paul alludes to the power of this one act of the Father and its international effect when he wrote in Romans that there were those who lived righteously although they did not have the law. The Spirit of the Lord affects willing hearts far and wide when He visits the earth.
Time continued to march forward, and some 480 years elapsed until King David who brought Israel into to a new era of national recognition as a formidable power in the earth and national prosperity, established his son Solomon on His throne. Solomon brought forth the next Reformation. The government he would establish was actually written by the prophet Samuel, and nurtured and cultivated by his father David. Israel would now as a Nation become monotheistic, running its government and national culture around the God of their father’s. The instrument the Lord used in Solomon’s hand to bring forth reformation was the building of His Temple wherein the God of Israel would dwell among men. However, Israel was not the only nation affected by this fantastic outpouring of God’s self-revelation. All the Nations of the earth were touched to various degrees sending humanity spiraling upward in awareness of the God of Abraham and His righteousness. The Queen of Sheba personally took the revival of Israel’s God to her own people. Egypt, Lebanon, and other Arab nations were genuinely affected by the outpouring of the revelation of the God of all creation. The Lord not only gained a people for His glory from Israel but also from the international seedbed of the world populace.
The next time we see the Lord reveal Himself in Reformation, is some 400 plus years later, more specifically 480 to 500 years after His last words to my people. This revelation began in the person of Jesus Christ and exploded upon the peoples of the earth in the outpouring of Pentecost. Paul himself referred to this vital outpouring of God’s self-revelation as a “Reformation” in Hebrews, chapter 9, and verse 10.
After many generations of supreme darkness covering the earth, again in 1517 God raised up a man named Martin Luther through whom He would transform the then known world, which we now call Europe. As in times past, this Reformation affected not only the Church, raising it up out of the slumber of Catholicism but also world governments. Kings and Queens came to the light of His shining and took the wealth of God’s love back to their kingdoms. The earth moved from a basic tyrannical type of government to various levels of socially aware, Imperialistic administrations. This outpouring of light did not touch all nations initially. Italy, for instance was touched very little and only in the extreme north. However, nations that experienced this powerful awakening were changed and brought into substantial revolutions in many areas such as industry, international trade, music, art, and philosophical thinking.
I was shown in a series of visions the impact that this particular Reformation had on the Church and the world. Such things as the Gutenberg printing press, the waterways by which goods are shipped via barge across England, and my Dear Friend, even America are a direct result of the reformation the Lord sent to the earth through Luther. America was founded and its governmental principals established on godly ethics revealed in God’s Word because Christians looked for a place away from the persecutions of Europe where they could worship Him in freedom. The Reformation brought with it light and understanding of God’s Word, His ways, and plans as well as fantastic inventers such as Benjamin Franklin. So, all nations have eventually been the beneficiaries of this impact of God. Again, the world benefiting from the light enabling it to come out of the dark ages of depravity, the Church benefited from the light that awakened it from its long slumber of traditions and false doctrines to behold the living Christ.
I was taken up into the Spirit and shown what occurred in the days of Noah. The Bible says that the fountains of the deep were broken up as the floods came upon the earth. As I watched this utterly amazing display of God’s power in the breaking up of these earthly fountains I was so awestruck at first I could not speak. I heard and saw the depths released, the plates of the earth broke apart and released their pent up waters from within the earth and sent them exploding upon the earth with such ferocity as to stagger the imagination. I felt like I was in some sort of sound chamber as all around me the sights and sounds of this cataclysmic event were exploding. Even this is as the time of the days of Noah. Meaning that certain things that will transpire in this hour will send the same shock waves into the world as was seen in the days of Noah. Earthly and spiritual foundations will be utterly shaken out of their place.
Reformation shakes the whole earth. When God visited the earth in the days of Noah, the whole earth shook. When He came down upon mount Sinai the mountain and the earth shook. When He visited on the day of our Lord’s crucifixion, and again on Pentecost the rafters, and the earth shook. He shook the earth in the days of Martin Luther. Kingdoms toppled and kingdoms were established.
In contradistinction, when the Lord sends revival the Church is blessed. If the revival is powerful enough cities and at times even countries are blessed. In 1905 when Pentecostal renewal came upon the world it experienced blessings under the spirit of revival. But we did not see the caliber of epoch events that occur when the Lord sends reformation.
I am writing this article for a very good reason. In 2001 the Spirit of Reformation was re-released upon the earth. The new Reformation was attested by heaven itself through visitation and in a remarkable display of the supernatural. It was after this event that the Lord gave me visions and began to speak to me about the difference between reformation and revival. This Reformation will open the new Apostolic Age upon the earth. It will open the life of the Spirit in the commonwealth of believers who desire it, and it will see the Kingdom and government of God brought to living panorama in the earth. It will also bear in its bosom the spiritual birth of the Nation of Israel. Governments will be changed and nations will be awakened for His glory during this hour. Melchizedek will be the new government in the Church. Through the Spirit of Reformation God is preparing the nations for revival of mega proportion. I repeat not only His international Church but also the secular world will be strongly affected by this Reformation.
When we take the GOE (Gathering of Eagles) into other countries as well as here in America we see government shaking events occur. Not to the glory of any man do I say this, but to the glory of God. His Spirit of Reformation comes upon a Nation and things begin to change that the Church had begun to think were died in the wool and were beyond being able to change. Even strong powers such as Islam must bow the knee to the sovereign power of the Almighty when He sends forth His word of Reformation. That is what He is doing today. Powers are bowing before His supremacy because He is beginning to reveal His Godhood to man in a new dimension. It is called His End-time Reformation!
The seeking Christian will find His place in God in dimensions such as Moses, Elijah, the beloved John and Paul knew. In fact a whole vast company of believers will experience various levels of this high and holy grace, walking as kings in the earth for God’s glory alone.
I was told perhaps 15 years ago that God would begin to remove the old regime of leaders in the Church to make way for this mighty reform at the dawn of this new era. While I was overseas I received word that two of our most powerful fathers in the Church have been taken home. This is a sign.
In 1517, the Reformation awakened the Church; in this Reformation the Church will open the very fountains of heaven upon the earth before it is over. Isaiah 61 will be a living reality in the heart and life of every willing believer. The Nations of the earth will be like so many torches in the earth revealing the light of His majestic glory. Israel itself will be enveloped with His flames. Pray for the fullness of Reformation to be released and prepare yourself for the glory of the Firstborn will be seen in this hour and you will know the stream of heaven itself upon your soul. The Church will no longer be a people standing afar off declaring we have seen His works. But we will be a mighty force in the earth that know and administer His ways. The world will see His signs and wonders and stand in awe, but the Church will know their God!
Isaiah 61:1-4: The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified. They shall build the old waste, they shall raise up the former desolations, of many generations. Prepare!
33.27 10/2003, Deliverance, “00” Year President Curses Removed — Hi _______, It is a funny thing. In this last Gathering [last week in Washington D.C.] we spent much time praying over and repenting for the broken treaties with the First Nations People. This was the first time we had ever done that. The power of God was very strong and we saw some incredible things occur in the natural as the Lord broke out upon us in the service to remove that curse off our land. We broke any curses that would have authority because of the broken promises as well. We nullified them. We did not know in the natural that there were 00 year curses on our Presidents.
The next day the Lord moved upon me in several different visions and revelations on how to continue the repentance on behalf of America. In a series of revelations He showed me war crimes that had been committed against countries in Asia. We repented with great lamentation over those war crimes, then we asked that the Lord would keep President Bush safe from any retaliation from Satan as a result of open doors because of those old sins. We came against any curses sent out against him from Asian countries, not knowing about this curse from the farmers. So, we took care of the threat before it became a threat.
The Lord further revealed the source of the major current threat which I cannot go into. There was such heavy travail over that. I thought some of the men would waste away for exhaustion. But, finally the joy came that said we had gained a certain victory in protection over his life.
Just moments ago before I opened your email the Lord gave me another vision. I saw a brand new curse sent out against him [President Bush] by witchcraft. This curse was sent out because of the victory over the Partial Birth Abortion. Human sacrifice was used. So we need to continue to keep him in prayer nevertheless.
I hope this adequately shares my heart on the matter. I am happy but cautious. Shalom, Nita.
(10-19-03 www.smh.com.au) Bush's 'spirit' cursed with black magic, tossed into river - The spirit of US President George W Bush has been trapped in a clay pot and tossed into a river in northern Thailand after being cursed by hundreds of farmers protesting US agriculture policy. A photograph of the US leader was sealed inside a pot amid black magic mantra chants, then tossed into the Ping River on Friday by demonstrators after they rallied at the US consulate in Chiang Mai, a farm group leader said. "This is a traditional northern Thai ceremony aimed at keeping his spirit down on the riverbed so he could not come and exploit our natural resources or suppress our (farming) brothers with his superior influence," Weerasak Wan-ubol, an executive of the Northern Farmers Alliance, said today. The 300 protesters, claiming to represent 20,000 members from seven northern provinces, railed against imminent plans for a free-trade agreement between Thailand and the United States. The act was also a protest against Washington's military intervention in sovereign nations, the Bangkok Post reported. A respected elder performed the voodoo rites, inscribing ancient Khmer scripts on the pot, aimed at trapping the spirit of the US president.
33.28 11/03, 2003, Visions, Directive America & This Secret Alliance Between Such Nations As Germany, France, Russia, China and Several Other Nations Including Arab Nations Etc. Is Not A Light Matter. The Plan Was To Devour Israel On The Way To Attacking America. — By Nita (LaFond) Johnson. What does the future now hold in its bosom for America? 9/11/2001 we experienced a major blow to America’s pride. America, the Lord, as well as Nations throughout the earth felt the pain of the impending sword as we bravely suffered the wound. You see, with only a handful of exceptions Nations looked to America as a Father of Nations. To see us so vulnerable made them feel all the more susceptible at their own borders.
Moving ahead, America soon responded by overt action against Osama Ben Laden in Afghanistan. We brooked no delay in gathering the troops to rifle the enemy and bring down the kingdom of our assailant. At home we hardly had time to properly mourn our loss before our focus was shifted to respond to the attack.
America’s people were standing behind our President rooting him and the troops along every step of the way. For the average American, it was news to discover the tyranny with which Osama ruled the people of the land. We were to later learn that we did that Nation a favor by our aggression. Enlightening!
We have moved along with the shoals of time: the waves of human government seemingly shifting us this way and that, still strong and steady, albeit a little wiser for the battles. We were soon met with another challenge. This challenge was to be found deep in the heart of Iraq. This war if fought would be labeled “preemptive”. But would that prove to be the proper title? Would history prove this analysis to honestly speak of the aggression on Iraq? More importantly, how will heaven look at our actions?
What might the future of America hold if we remain on our present coarse? Many questions. I hope to answer a few of them in this article.
Your Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts — The Lord says in Isaiah 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” I sense most of the Church may read that Scripture but deep inside they do not believe it. They think the Lord’s thoughts about recent history; as well as current events are as their thoughts. I talk with so many Christian Leaders around the world, including prophets, apostles and teachers. So many have different opinions about all that has and is transpiring. You can go to the Web and find so many different “thus saith the Lord” articles all insisting that their thoughts are the Lord’s thoughts, that it can make your head swim. What is the Lord saying?
Different prophets may say some even seemingly opposing things, but are revealing two sides of the same issue and both are correct. On the other hand, we have differences of opinion; one or both may be contrary to what the Lord is actually saying. The question remains, what is He saying anyway?
I do not necessarily know what the whole prophetic community is saying. And, I do not profess to know all that the Lord is saying, but I do know a few things that He is saying about all that has transpired since 9/11 and may transpire in the near future. I would like to offer those things to you for your encouragement.
Why 09/11, 2001? — This is not necessarily an easy question to answer, for the answers run very deep, but I will offer a few brief explanations.
First, the Lord spoke to me in a vision in 1999 that America had a “Security Breach.” Unfortunately hindsight can be wiser than foresight as 9/11 proved that America had a huge Security Breach. That might have been all right if our National relationship with God had been solid, but it wasn’t.
In I believe it was 1990, the Angel of the Lord came to me during a prayer meeting and showed me the attack against the Pentagon. I was standing face to face with this beautiful creature when he told me that it was a judgment from the Lord. Another word we may use to properly depict the nature of this event would be “discipline.” For it was disciplinary in nature and not meant for our destruction.
Surprisingly enough, the attack on the Trade Towers was first and foremost a discipline upon America for the many abortions that have occurred in our Nation. Again, just days prior to the event, I was given that instruction in a powerful vision I will not go into here.
After the fact, I was shown in another vision that all that had occurred was to set the stage for a realignment of our government with righteousness. Understand my Dear Reader, that the Lord did not say, that we would hereafter have a perfectly righteous government. The Lord was willing to add lots of grace to that equation.
I have received emails from prophets since that date telling me to repent of my backslidden ways because I will not say that America has exhausted the grace of our dear and holy Father. But, how can I say such a thing when America has a praying Church and a forgiving Father. It seems that it might border on sacrilege to be so trite with His goodness.
America does still have much for which to repent, for we have done much wrong since the very beginning of our inception. But, we also have a God whose mercy is beyond our human comprehension and will forgive us as many times as we will humble ourselves and with sincere heart repent.
As I published in my book, “Prepare For The Winds of Change” we are currently cycling through a cycle of judgment and will continue. We are in the last days and the Lord must discipline the Nations including America.
Further, the Lord was dealing with the Nations of the world. By revealing our vulnerability He was shaking the foundations of world kingdoms. You might say this was a wake-up call to all people everywhere to repent and turn from their National and personal self-sufficiency and come to the Lord. I think many missed the message!
Out Of The Rubble — Out of the rubble of our momentary suffering came a National strength that was almost electrifying. We didn’t sit around forever nursing our wounds but we quickly through the leadership of our President arose from the ashes, humbled ourselves before God and responded militarily to our enemy and to all those who would think ending America’s Leadership role among the Nations would be such an easy task. The Nation of Afghanistan is in better shape for our immediate actions, and so are we. Really I think few doubt the validity of our military response. So, I won’t tarry on this issue.
One finale word here: some think we did not as a Nation humble ourselves enough before God. I agree. However, He accepted what He saw and blessed us for it.
I want to keep moving forward to light on the issue of Iraq for a bit. To war or not to war against Iraq, that was the question. If we went to war against Iraq would the Lord be with us? Was this the Lord’s highest and best? Would He protect our backside when all was said and done?
The Middle East & Europe — First, let us take a moment and look at the realm of the spirit. Stationed over the Middle East are four very powerful evil beings. I saw them on one of my trips to Israel. Annie Schisler whose article we have on our website was also given to see them. These evil Powers are there for the express purpose of bringing the world into the One World Government and under the reign of the Antichrist. If you were to turn your head and look toward Europe you would see 4 more diabolical Powers hovering in the air working together with the four in the Middle East. These are relatively newly positioned ruling Monarchs. Another Reigning Power who has been there for millenniums actually rules over these European Powers as well as over the whole earth in conjunction with the Catholic Church. Again, I have been face to face with him on several different occasions. He is one of the three most powerful evil beings in the whole earth. None of these Evil Powers like America and they all hate Israel.
War On Iraq — Over Iraq, if you were to continue in your spiritual journey, you would see the spirit of the antichrist working to set up his world kingdom but still for the moment seated in a special way over Iraq. I personally saw him ruling over Iraq and making plans for world dominion. (Which will undoubtedly occur with a transfer of his throne first to Europe then to Israel.) You would also see the spirit of Lawlessness Zechariah wrote about. And finally you would see, the spirit of Harlotry written about in the book of Revelation. All these powerful evil spirits rule over Iraq and are working in conjunction with the four evil Powers functioning in the Middle East.
When I realized that we were seriously talking about going to war, I set myself aside to pray undisturbed until I heard the Lord’s counsel. As it turned out, once I felt I had received His full counsel He would not allow me to publish it. He told me to stay in my closet and say nothing to the general populace of the seeking Church until He said otherwise. It was not easy as I opened many emails sent to me by seekers wanting to know what the Lord was saying. Many reminded me that I have always been on the cutting edge of the Lord’s prophetic word to His Church and that I owed it to the Church to release what He was telling me. But, I obeyed the Lord regardless and remained silent. I saw many words being released that did not line up with His true counsel; this hurt me. But still I remained silent.
At this time I am being allowed to release only a part of what the Lord gave me in those long hours of seclusion.
Was it the Lord’s will for us to storm Iraq when we did? I want to begin answering that question by saying that my hours alone with the Lord totally revolutionized my prophetic perspective. The answer is yes.
First, it was time to strike Iraq! We were sent to confront wickedness in high places in the natural as well as the spiritual. As a military might, dealing with Iraq, we can only deal in the natural. Concerning the spiritual, if anything can be done, it must largely be done by the Church, or by the sovereign will of God. But, in this case could only have been done after the cleansing of innocent blood from the land through war.
Let me make a brief side note. The spilling of innocent blood can only be cleansed by three means: first, through repentance. Secondly, innocent blood can be cleansed through God’s judgment by means of war. Third, if all else has failed He will remove the people from the land and let the land enjoy its Sabbaths uninhabited. (Lev.26) Consequently, in this case America was through this war cleansing the land of Iraq of the spilling of innocent blood to some degree. I also saw this in a vision.
Second, I saw in several visions that many Nations had aligned themselves with Iraq behind closed doors and was poised for a strike against America. I think some of this alignment was revealed through the process of international talks surrounding the attack on Iraq. I want to caution the reader that this secret alliance between such Nations as Germany, France, Russia, China and several other Nations including Arab Nations etc. is not a light matter. The plan was to devour Israel on the way to attacking America. If we had not made a preemptive strike upon Iraq, we might be defending America against this international coalition at this very moment.
Third, I saw in a vision that Iraq was working together with other Arab Nations to strike Israel unexpectedly. Thousands of lives were saved because of America’s actions.
Fourth, I had some very powerful prophetic experiences wherein he showed me the innocent lives that had been taken enmass by the regime of Saddam Hussein. I was virtually taken to mass graves and was given to see what was later released through our own media. I saw much that was not revealed as well. After these experiences I was sick for days.
Fifth, there is a time for war and a time for peace, a time for judgment and a time to withhold judgment. This was Iraq’s as well as the regime of Saddam Hussein’s time for judgment. Again, I was carried away to Iraq while I was in the pulpit leading a congregation in prayer at perhaps the very moment we made our first attack on Iraq. I was given to see the Angel of the Lord moving across Iraq marking people on their heads with blood using what looked like a paintbrush. As they were marked, they fell dead from war. I screamed in agony crying out to the Lord to give me understanding of what the Angel of the Lord was doing. He said: “These are being marked for destruction, be at peace child.” Peace immediately filled my heart. I saw many visions that America was being sent to execute judgment upon Iraq and Saddam Hussein. I argued with the Lord incessantly through the days and weeks of intercession. Finally, I saw the spirit of the Antichrist himself ruling over Iraq. I saw the destruction he was planning if not stopped. When I saw him, I was overwhelmed with the incredible evil such as I have not known on earth. This so distressed me that I began to pray anew. I told the Lord I will not pray again to oppose Him, nor argue with Him pertaining to His will regarding this war if He would only make His instructions clear. The Lord then spoke to me audibly saying: I will destroy Babylon (Iraq) as we are near the end of the age. It is in My word. I didn’t at the moment think this war would fulfill that purpose, but that another war would ensue that would wipe Babylon, (a major portion of Iraq) off the face of the earth. But, I was given to understand that this was a strategic judgment from the Lord’s hand.
I continued in prayer for many days until the Lord gave me a supernatural sign in the natural heavens that He would be with us in Iraq and protect us from imminent war with the other Nations I had been shown in visions during the weeks in solitude. (That isn’t to say that war with Europe will not come, it will, and in fact it must, but not now.)
Dividing The Land Of Israel — I am not going to go into a lot of detail here as I wrote a fairly extensive article on this subject which can be found on our website. However, I do want to briefly cover it as it pertains to America and this President.
Contrary to popular thought, President Bush is moving within the Lord’s will in dividing the land of Israel. Now before you get very upset and seek to argue with me, remember I am Jewish by my natural bloodline and I carry a very strong identification with my people. For me to say something like this goes against everything I have ever believed. But, this is because I had not fully understood the mind of the Lord. The Scripture even reveals that there is a time when such an act would be accomplished out of the Lord’s own goodness. (I Kings 12:21-24)
Through many astounding prophetic revelations as well as the Scripture the Lord revealed that He was doing a magnificent thing through all of this. This thing is of Him! Following the land division, Israel will experience a great revival. It will be a repeat of the history found in 1 Kings 12. The key to protecting America in this critical undertaking is to make sure the work is done according to God’s whole counsel and not to add man’s wisdom or purposes into it. * See my article on this subject for a full treatment of this critical issue.
On Coarse — I am attempting to help the reader see that the coarse we are on is not defiantly working against God’s holy will. We are moving in the plan and purposes of God for yet a higher purpose in the end.
President Bush has been chosen by God to act in a way, as it may seem foreign to many Christians for the purpose of holding back Satan’s plan to bring forth the One World Government prematurely. It is the Lord’s objective to grant a worldwide Reformation and revival before the great and terrible day of the antichrist is unfurled upon mankind. * Read my article on Reformation and Revival.
Nations will rise up against America, but God will have His way first if we will only continue to pray. I received a vision of two terrorist attacks becoming four. These attacks would create great damage to America. I recently received an article that Al Qaeda is telling the Moslems to get out of Washington, Los Angels, and New York. I saw four attacks in different locations. So, there is yet another city to be put on the agenda. Another major East Coast city as part of that grouping wouldn’t surprise me. These attacks are not being planned because America has missed the mark on the above-mentioned issues. These attacks are being planned because Satan is inciting growing anti-Semitism in the world. America just happens to be another part of the Semitic puzzle needing to be removed to install his evil kingdom.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: It is possible that the fourth city maybe Boston???????]
Some said that if America strikes against Iraq we would suffer the reprisal of demons and Nations alike. We would see storms and wars for our boldness. However, my Dear Friends, the storms have been over the spilling of innocent blood in our own Nation, and simply because we are in the end of days. And the wars that are planned against America have long been planned and have nothing to do with the attack on Iraq or the dividing of the land of Israel, when in fact the land division does finally occur. The recent war against Iraq may be used an excuse, but it is not the reason. There is an enemy named Satan who hates America because we are still standing vehemently against the developing One World Government and on the side of Israel through this Christian President. He will continue attempting to make serious breaches in our Divine protection in hopes of destroying America by nuclear war. (See my article on: Satan’s Plans and Purposes for America.) Our hope rests in continued repentance and intercession over our Nation.
It is critical that we begin to support our Christian President with our prayers and our words. He may not do everything correct, but with our continued intercession he will do enough right to keep America safe for a while. If we do not support him in this manner, how will we stand against all the forces ranged against us? God alone will keep this Nation safe. No man in history has been called to stand against such Satanic Powers as our current President. Every Power I mentioned wants him out of the way. Satan has planned to take his life while still in office. Our prayers will keep him safe to fulfill God’s will, thus enabling America to fulfill God’s purpose in the earth. The Church holds the key. Will you use it? Satan’s plan or God’s, the Church will decide!
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment Not By Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson: We may have wondered for years why it would have been stated: ‘Long live so and so’ as they used to say for some kings and queens. Today, with my prayer partner, we speak out this for our beloved Christian President Bush. We say and prophecy forth seven times: “Long live President Bush” in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You may desire to join us!]
11/03, 2003, Al Qaeda again threatens New York, Washington and Los Angeles — A new message was posted in the last few hours by the Jeddah-based al-Qaeda-linked Al-Islah (Reform) society calling on Muslims to flee New York, Washington and Los Angeles in advance of major al Qaeda attacks in those cities. This is revealed by DEBKAfile.
The message accuses the United States of predetermining its end (doom) by its policies. “The Jews rule the Pentagon by remote control and (are the cause) of Muslims being killed in every corner of the world. The United States should therefore expect more blows.”
The message is signed on behalf of the al Bayan (The Threat) movement by “your warrior brother, Abul Hassan al Khadrami”.
Our Muslim expert identifies the name of the signatory as belonging to a Yemeni from Hadhrameuth, the Bin Ladens’ place of origin where Osama enjoys substantial tribal support.
DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources stress that warnings appearing on these forums are taken both very seriously and with caution by the intelligence services keeping track of the terrorist network’s electronic traffic.
Last 11th month, Jeddah-based fundamentalist forums addressed a message to an Al Qaeda member, saying whoever understands – understands; whoever knows, knows, but we are marching towards an operation that will take us to Paradise. Three days later, the Mombasa Paradise hotel was blown up killing 12 Kenyans and 3 Israelis and a failed shoulder-launched Strela anti-air missile missed an Israeli airliner at Mombasa airport.
From: http://debka.com/.
33.29 11/20, 2004, Visit Of Jesus Christ & Prophetic Experience & Vision, Strategies From On High & War To America — By Nita (LaFond) Johnson. Dear Friends: Often, I am asked what value we see in the Gathering of the Eagles (G.O.E.). Therefore, I want to take a moment to share my heart with you.
In the spring of 1999, we had our first meeting. This would be the prototype of what we would come to call “The Gathering Of the Eagles.” The Lord showed Bob Jones, several intercessors from the East Coast and me, that a serious hurricane would strike Florida, Georgia and the Southeastern Coast that year, leaving in its wake billions of dollars of damage. That same year, I was given a vision of the plans of an evil prince whose name is Basilisk. His strategy is to destroy America, working in a special way against nine Southeastern States and our national government. The impending hurricane was only part of his stratagem. By holding the Gathering on an Island off the coast of Georgia, wherein intercessors from the eight of the nine, targeted Southeastern States attended, we were able to see God’s intervention against this great storm. The only state not represented was North Carolina. Incidentally, this was the only state affected by the devastating winds that year when the hurricane hit the southeast. It resulted in millions of dollars in damage. This is a strong indication of the power of this type of intercession.
This meeting formed the basis of what would later become the “Gathering of the Eagles,” or G.O.E.’s.
In 11/2000, I had a three hour visitation during which the Lord gave me one last chance to agree to hold the Gathering of the Eagles in America. The Lord simply told me that if I did not obey His glory would not visit our Nation and America would see destruction. In a few moments time, I came to realize that I, and those who have heard the call and work with us, in a very real sense, had become responsible for saving America. While He has called about three others to do one thing or another toward the saving of our country, for reasons I may never understand, my obedience to have these meetings of intercession will in the end, be the determining factor. If the others do all that they are called to do, but I do not, America will perish, never having seen the glory. For this reason, we stay faithful and humbly work with leaders and intercessors to bring the glory of God to America. We will not stop until the glory comes.
In 03/2001 after spending many long hours over a period of months waiting upon the Lord for direction for the Gathering of the Eagles, I had a powerful prophetic experience. I was with my dear friend Sadhu Sundar from India when it occurred. Suddenly, I literally felt a huge deluge of blood pour out upon me. As it poured down upon me, I could hear the cries, screams and moans of perhaps millions of people from infants to the elderly as they were perishing form war upon American soil. I was dazed and reeling from what was happening. The voice of the Lord came to me saying: “If you do not do everything in your power to fulfill the commission I have given you in the Gathering of the Eagles, I will hold you accountable before My throne on judgment day for the blood of the American people who will perish in war.” If I live to be very old, I shall never forget what I heard, felt and saw that day! This responsibility lies heavily upon me.
In late spring of 2001 in Jacksonville, Florida during our first Gathering, the Angel of the Lord made it abundantly clear that God would be with us and would carry the Gathering to many places in the earth. It was during this Gathering that the Lord sent an Angel to equip us with the “Spirit of Reformation” to do the work we were being sent to do. This mantel would hereafter be the authority under which we would work to bless the Nations of the world in the future. Initially however, our major concern is America.
During that first Gathering, the Lord spoke to me in a profound vision. In the vision, I saw a baby removed from its mother’s womb to undergo heart surgery, after which, the baby was placed back into the womb to continue developing until the time of birth. It was a lengthy vision and I saw everything in incredible detail. As the vision came to a close the Lord spoke to me: “Just as this baby will never know what it has just been saved from, neither will America know what your obedience; (meaning the obedience of the whole army of intercessors who form the Gathering) has just saved it from.”
09/11, 2001 the Twin Towers were hit, followed by a strike on the Pentagon. On National News, I saw the affect on the Pentagon—as I watched I gasped as what I was seeing was the scene I had been shown by the Angel of the Lord back in 1990. He told me at that time that this event would be a measured judgment from the hand of the Lord. As I sat there looking at the horrific sight played out before me, the Lord spoke again: “America will never know what it was saved from by your obedience to do the Gatherings.” Honestly, until that moment I had forgotten that He had spoken those very words to me previously. Looking at all that transpired on 09/11/2001, I wondered just what He could possibly mean.
It wasn’t until this year that I learned that on 09/11, 2001, the terrorists had planned a perfect strike that would entail at least 8 hits designed to break the back of America. However, because of our intercessions earlier that year in the GOE, their perfect plan failed and the baby was once again safe in the womb of God’s nurturing care. The vision was finally made clear.
I could share many supernatural signs that have followed each GOE as well as many visitations that I have been given about the Gatherings, but I will instead concentrate on the blessings to the Nations that have followed our meetings… [there was much more, get the booklet].
The Continuing Journey—Reformation is in the earth. It is now in its infancy, but will, with the additional outpouring of revival, sweep around the world making global changes that will stagger the imagination.
As I travel the Nations speaking about Reformation, I am learning something of great value. The Nations are little in touch with the whole concept of Reformation. Consequently, I am engaged in attempting to instruct Church Leaders and intercessors regarding this valuable intervention of God, so we can work with Him in His endeavor to intervene against the darkness that is overcoming this present generation. (You can read briefly about Reformation on our website.)
Healing Nations is not a typical ministry project, as man would consider it. It is a journey upon which the Nation under the providential care of the Divine Father embarks. It is a journey designed by His eternal wisdom and love to bring about Divine normalcy to the Nation so touched.
Just as Martin Luther learned in his day, I am learning in this hour, the message of Reformation must be carried not only by mouth, but on the written page. The call and the message must be released by every facet of media and in every method of ministry. It isn’t a wave of God as revival might be called; it is the interjection of God into human experience that changes everything it touches, both the Church and all things secular. Reformation does not simply turn man’s reflections toward godliness, as revival does. It is not a temporary fix of man’s depravity, by a heightened awareness of his responsibility before a holy God. Reformation—revolutionizes by altering the very matrix of that which God has intended to reform. The intrinsic character of the thing is altered—redesigned, and in some cases recreated—to align itself with the purpose of its Creator. The word Reformation means: to bring into perfection. That is exactly what the Lord intends to do through this release of Himself into the earth. All that will not submit itself to His lofty dealings will be thrown into upheavals. Nothing will remain the same. Soon revival will fall, coupling itself with the work of Reformation. The two working together will create a force in the earth that twill bludgeon Satan’s Kingdom.
There are many books available that paint various pictures of live under the Reformation that Martin Luther was given the responsibility to spearhead. As one considers the many men and women represented in those books, who gave their lives as martyrs and others who served the Lord tirelessly to see His Kingdom come to the earth, one wonders at how such measures would be needed today. We will see even in this, our day, Reformation will always entail the demand of such sacrifices. We saw it in Christ’s first Reformation which gave birth to the Church through the early Apostles. We saw it for several generations in the second Reformation spearheaded by Luther. We will see it again! We are at the very earliest stages of this great and magnanimous journey the Lord has set us on as a commonwealth of believers. The deeper we travel into Reform, the more the Church will be aware of its mighty force operating in the earth, and the greater will be the price to fully birth the bridal company of the Lord Jesus Christ. When once the Church is born into her nobility and she is moving in great power and authority, we will all agree that the price for this reality of the kingdom is worth what we will pay… [See booklet for additional information here.]
Why do we do what we do? We do it because we have been commissioned as a ministry to so engage for the sake of preparing the way of the Lord and preparing the Church for the last day’s battle. I have spent years learning that I am nothing without Him. I can do nothing of any value if He is not doing it through me and if He is not the source of what I am doing, it is all in vain. We do it because co-laboring with Christ as we are is proving to be the most highly effective thing we could ever do. Having said that; I want to add that we do not desire to be seen as something great, but we do desire to share with the Church about the new day, we as believers are in, so we can all enjoy the wonder of a life lived in such an hour with Christ. And, finally, we fervently desire to prepare the Church and her new leaders for the revival that is soon to be upon us.
If you find yourself agreeing with what we are doing, and thinking how much this is needed, please pray for us, the growing vision and those who are working with us. We have added to our ministry team several new people. Each one that is joining us is in charge of working to spearhead Reformation… [See booklet for additional information here.] Loving Shalom, Nita Johnson
From: Revival Fire, 01/2005, Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, www.worldforjesus.org.
33.30 01/2005 & 11/27, 2001, About 50 Visions & Visitations & Taken To Heaven, War In Iraq—America — By Nita (LaFond) Johnson. I have waited all this time to share the revelations about the war in Iraq. As we were deciding as a nation to go or not to go to war, I was hidden away in prayer I received nearly 50 visions, visitations and incredible spiritual experiences over the war in Iraq. He revealed things that I had absolutely no knowledge about previously…
He did not allow me to share what I was being given accept to only two or three people. So, I stayed silent. Today I am sharing a small portion of what I received for the sake of our Nation and the hope of realigning the Church behind our President. One of the things He showed me was that our Nation was split right down the middle about the war as was the Church and the intercessors. I had to pray that through as well, for it was Satan’s goal to so divide our Nation at that time so as to ignite a Civil War in our boarders while going to war against Iraq. It would have been excellent strategy if he had been successful but as we can see through the intercessions of many the Lord protected us from the terrible evil.
Alaska—09/2001—America: I was in Alaska in a time of solitude before the Lord. (09/11/2001) had already occurred. I had received many visions about the purpose of 09/11/2001. Now I wanted to know what was next.
One night I was awakened by the sound of a mature bear roaring. It was not growling, but roaring, as a mature bear will do when provoked by an enemy. It will stand on its rear legs and roar as it is going to strike. It frightened me, as it roared a few times right outside my window, about 50 yards away. I lay awake and prayed. Finally the Holy Spirit told me this was Saddam who is poised to strike. In a few minutes I saw a vision. I saw a huge ship full of every kind of weapon of war. The flag that identified it was the old Nazi flag. (It was red with a white circle and black swastika.) This ship pulled up to a dock and unloaded all these weapons of war to use against America. Now I was fully alert and prayed the remainder of the night. I realized that this current battle with Osama Ben Laden needed to be dealt with quickly and we needed to turn our attention to Iraq, and Russia. For, if we did not a provocation would be forthcoming with Iraq—Russia would be behind it.
1.) 2002, July—Israel: While in Israel during a prayer journey many of us saw a huge whirling vortex, many stories high, moving diagonally across the desert floor from the highway we were on heading toward the southern tip of Israel. As it reached the mountain range of Mt Seir, it rose up, stood uprightly and settled up the mountaintop. It was then that I saw huge dark angelic beings rise up from within this vortex. They surveyed the land of Israel before them. They were of a fierce continence, and appeared to be very evil. They had war on their minds. I learned after that Annie Schisler saw the same thing in 1989.
2.) 02/2003, President Bush and America: Since the Angel of the Lord came early in this time of seeking when I began to seek the Lord in complete solitude in the second month a growing sense that President Bush was operating under the provocation the Lord began to emerge. This continued day after day until it became firmly fixed in my understanding. I began to perceive that there are certain powers such as I saw in the desert of Israel, (described in the afore mentioned vision.) in the Middle East and in Europe that the Lord is using President Bush and the strength and governmental authority placed upon America by the Lord to combat. These powers are trying desperately to pull the whole world into World War III through Iraq. I sense the Lord is attempting to use America to temporarily subdue these earthly powers which are being provoked by the evil Principalities which I saw on the plains of Israel and mentioned earlier. By neutralizing Iraq, who firmly plans on attacking Israel. Under the current plans of the government of Iraq, America would have to respond. When America responds, the other Arabian Nations could likewise respond on behalf of Iraq. If this were to occur, the world would be divided and WWIII would erupt with Russia, China and its allies attacking America. Consequently, for America to become the provocateur, we would hold a decisive edge in this battle, preventing the worse case scenario.
[Several more items are mentioned, get the booklet available www.worldforjesus.org.]
9.) 03/2003, Iraq: I was taken to heaven to stand by a door of a room where apparently they have meetings of the heavenly Sanhedrin. I stood and watched these lofty Old and New Covenant prophets file by me one by one. Elijah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Paul, John, on and on the list goes. Last but certainly not least, Messiah walked into the room. He began to ask the men their thoughts about what to do regarding Iraq. It was decided we would go to war. It was amazing to me that basically the decision came out of the hearts of the men and not necessarily the Lord. I know I heard His voice through them, but the decision came out of the men’s mouths. When they filed out, none of them looked happy about having to make the decision. Also, when I returned to my hotel room in Singapore, I discovered that the bombing had begun in Iraq while I was having the vision.
11) 02/2003, Babylon: The Lord spoke to me audibly saying: I will destroy Babylon as we near the end of the age. However, I don’t sense this is the time. So, I believe we may end up seeing another major attack on Iraq at a later date.
[Several more items are mentioned, get the booklet]
…Pray for President Bush and pray for Iraq. I spoke to the spokesman of the Christian Community in Iraq and learned that the Church in Iraq has been praying for America to strike the Nation for many years…
I want to close by saying one more thing. Our preemptive strike upon Iraq was one of the most critical positions our Nation has had to take in a long time. The powers of darkness that are drawing the European Nations together are extremely powerful. It takes a Nation with the spiritual strength of America as well as the military might (by which we get man’s attention in the secular world) to withstand the evil we are opposing at this time. Regardless of what the media is saying, the strike on Iraq protected America from ATTACK. Furthermore, we hindered the release of a great evil upon the earth, and continue to do so by our positional stance. Only a man of God can stand against such great forces; and only if he has much prayer support. Pray for our president, and choose to trust him in the Lord!
I hope this gives President Bush a cleaner slate in the eyes of our readers. Shalom, Nita Johnson
From: Revival Fire, 01/2005, Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, World For Jesus Ministries.
33.31 01/2005, Vision, America & Osama Ben Laden — By Nita (LaFond) Johnson. These articulate words from the Lord are telling us that Osama has a great evil planned against our Nation. However, each one indicates the Lord’s own will in the matter. Please read them and pray according to His will. Prayer will utterly determine how things will ultimately work out for us here at home. Shalom, Nita.
Suicide Bombers, Pastor Ray Obiaje—I was caught up in the vision to oversee the Nation of America. While I stood beholding the beauty of the country, I saw a young man walk into a Gas Station smoking a cigarette. With his left hand he held many sticks of cigarettes. As he got close to the pumps of the station he dropped the cigarettes on the floor and also the one he was smoking. So he waited expecting something to happen. Then the attention of the people around him was drawn to him. Suddenly they realized that the cigarettes were bombs.
Great confusion began to overtake certain people. Some of the people around who were men of God began to talk foolishly in my hearing: This nation is no longer safe for us. Our security system has failed us. Let us go to the Nation of Africa where there is peace.
While that confusion was going on, the man who dropped the cigarettes stood by expecting those bombs to detonate, but they didn’t.
The Lord then spoke these words to me. Pray for the Nation of America, that their oil is no hurt. Pray for the security of the Nation to be strengthened. Pray against suicide bombers attack on the nation.
Osama Ben Laden, Nita Johnson—God is getting ready to seal up the breaches over America in order to protect us from eminent terrorist attacks. Also I saw Osama call Arab men from all over the globe to come and learn terrorism. A serious attack was being planned against America and Israel. If a man could not come for training thane he had to bless those who could. On the other side Osama Bin Laden is planning another major attack on the U.S.
We must join together in fervent prayer over the following points.
—Pray that God will bring Osama into a place of vulnerability where he and other key men can be captured.
—Pray that God will spoil the protective covering of witchcraft over him, so he can be found.
—Pray that the Lord will thwart Osama’s plan against America and that no strikes will be allowed through God’s protective covering over our Nation.
—Pray that the purpose of God’s very heart will be released into the earth.
—Pray for a release of light from God Himself to overturn the great darkness of Islamic terror.
Also, that this light might pave the way for God’s plans to be realized.
I saw the Angelic Prince over all Africa. His name is Gabriel. He cried out, that God will not allow him (Osama) to terrorize the earth.
God instructed this prayer line upon line speaking to me in vision to know how to birth His will. If we will pray these things will now begin to come to pass. Praying in this way will align our intercessions with His will and the earth will be made glad. Blessings of Shalom be yours! Nita Johnson
From: Revival Fire, 01/2005, Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, World For Jesus Ministries.
33.32 09/09, 2005, Visitations, Invasion Of The USA Is SET For America —
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 09/09, 2005 5:30 PM
Hi _______, (The comment here is not written by Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson: Below is an answer regarding the dividing of the land in Israel and judgment to America. Many at this time are saying that it seems that America has received judgment such as Hurricane Katrina, Gulf coastline… destruction over President Bush/America and the Roadmap of dividing the land in Israel. This however is not true, the judgment that America is receiving is from her sins here in America first and foremost for Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson received several visitations regarding this from God. Go to her website at www.worldforjesus.org and read both documents called: “Dividing the Land in Israel” and “Prepare America.” The details of what the Lord Jesus revealed because of confession and repentance of sins regarding what President Bush/America did in the backing of the dividing of the land in Israel was repented of and God closed the issue.)
…Prophets that are speaking this have any of them said: I have had a visitation telling me that this is true? I don't think so. They seem to be speaking from natural thinking and calling it prophetic.
Incidentally, I would probably be saying the same thing they are saying if I had not had so many visitations over it. …I am going to be honest, sometimes the prophets don't spend enough time in prayer over things before they speak. I have been guilty of the in the past also. Or they listen to what others say then put there two cents in. Both things can get you in trouble. I hope I never let another prophet color my thinking again as every time I do I get into trouble. So I am not judging anyone, just saying that is why we get into trouble occasionally.
About war, it is set. It will happen, we just don't know when as the Lord keeps forgiving because of our repentance, so it keeps getting delayed. I have had too many personal visitations over it though, so I cannot be flimsy about the grave future. Happen it will, but the Gatherings are keeping it held back. That was promised in a 3 hour visitation. …Nita
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson regarding current updated revelation (09/09, 2005) from the Lord Jesus about the issue of President Bush and the dividing of the land in Israel; and America’s righteous redemptive judgment such as Hurricane Katrina which was not from being punished because of the Roadmap with Israel. Many were assuming wrong that this destruction was from what the USA did regarding Israel and the Roadmap, this is an error it is not true.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson has several books you will want to read, I suggest: 1The Ever Speaking Voice Of God, & Prophetic Insight & Family Focus; and 2Prepare For The Winds Of Change II. World For Jesus Ministries, PMB #402, 497 N. Clovis Avenue #202, Clovis, CA 93611-0373. I suggest you write to her and ask for these two books while sending her a check for $15.00 to cover the costs; in addition, request her catalog of items she has available. She will permit you to order 4 items per month only, send her $20.00 or so for the items & shipping/total price. Next month order 4 more items, and continue until you have all of Nita’s books and audio tapes. These are very high-level things of God, you will not be disappointed; you will never be the same again after hearing her audio sets. Audio sets range from 3 to 10 audios per subject. If you are smart spiritually, you will order these three audio sets first: 1st Wings Of The Holy Spirit, 2nd The Seven Spirits Of The Lord, 3rd Prayer Secrets In The Tabernacle all by Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, in addition Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s book called “The Ever Speaking Voice Of God.”
Perry Stone on one of his audios talked about when Abraham Lincoln was in the War Between the States, that he was losing to the South, but after he called a day of REPENTANCE and PRAYER, the war changed and the North won! That is how powerful repentance and prayer is folks!]
[Comment not by Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, 01/10, 2006 3:41 PM
Subject: …Apostolic...
Hi _______, Sundar and I are both Apostles and Prophets. We have both moved in the Apostolic for a number of years, so I would say you are already flowing in what he prophesied.
Blessings, nita]
From the book: 1“The Ever Speaking Voice Of God”, ©1997; and 2“Prepare For The Winds Of Change II”, ©1991; [1997 with editing changes], 3”Prophetic Insight & Family Focus” newsletter dated months 01 & 02, 2001, page 4-6; 4htt://jesusministries.com.sg/healing/christx.html. Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s web site is: www.worldforjesus.org .
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
34.1 1980, Vision & Prophetic Word, Panama City, Florida – Blood Slaughter — As a child I got things from God in visions, I’ve seen, the Lord showed me, in intercession walking down the beach, did not know where I was, somewhere near Panama City, in the Spirit walking on the beach, in this dream, in intercession, the water was blood, I asked the Lord if it all in the ocean had died or a great slaughter? The Lord said a great slaughter, the blood jelled and the water was cold and it was in the winter, in the winter and the blood was jelling…
1980, Vision, Mark Of The Beast — In the vision I was standing in line, they were giving injections, winter of the year I recall it was, there was barb wire, I had to get out…
Inner Vision, Invasion Of The United States — I saw the invasion of the United States, there were nuclear bombs, one point in Washington D.C. a marble building was falling on government vehicles, white vehicles…
I was taken in the spirit over the Hover Dam, late in the evening, Los Angeles and San Francisco, saw…
Heart of America, pray against what enemy planned against the heart of America, terrorists in Minnesota, I felt the Lord showed me.
1995, Dream Vision, Manifested Miracle Manna — I was in a house, there was a large group, there was no electricity, it was down south, not in the hot summer, word of the Lord, no electricity, I went into the kitchen, sun was setting, there was a glow on the ground, opened the screen door, on the ground was three triangular shaped pieces of manna, took a bite of one, it was kind of sweet, ‘There are enough vitamins and minerals and nutrients to sustain your life and keep us a live, & share with others…’
Also had with elderly couple in Mississippi, God did this manifestation of the miracle manna.
Manifestation of the miracle feathers, saw also in Birmingham; feathers everywhere, their color was brown feathers, this manifestation of feathers.
It would cost us everything, what He was going to do, laying down our lives! Persecution coming, will be, the Church is not prepared; the manifest sons of God are arising, and bringing forth. Cindy expressed that she felt we have absolutely entered the third day already, and are right after the dawn! She spoke about oneness, unity, proclaiming, prophesying, the now now time, lots of birthing is going on in the earth realm.
She said the miracle healing revival is going to be awesome here and throughout the country, awesome, creative miracles & healing, she said she has seen this in vision already. She told of Tommy Tenny at Brownsville, there was a move in the Spirit, songs out of arise, arise.. with healing in His wings, people got healed many, so it has already started. She mentioned she has an healing anointing also.
Every cell is needed in the Body of Jesus, very important, unique anointing.
About 1 ½ years ago, the Lord gave Cindy a warning of an attempt to kill President Bush Jr. at his ranch in Texas, she went into travail and prayed hard.
1997, Vision, Invasion Of The United States of America — I saw the invasion of the United States of America so clear, I felt Orientals were coming in, carrying sub machine guns, felt like they came in submarines. These submarines, we needed intercession over the ports, Port of Pensacola, they were wearing gray uniforms, box like hats, sub machine guns, and they were shooting down all humans, came into Pensacola City, I know Islamics and Orientals will be in…
1998?, Vision, Jacksonville Florida Nuclear Bomb — Jacksonville, Florida, I saw a nuclear blast, white flash over Jacksonville, and I knew it was a nuclear bomb.
08/2001, Vision, Enormous Tidal Wave—Pensacola Florida — I saw an enormous tidal wave, highway 98, to come into Pensacola, as soon as about tires, Pensacola, tires, bridge, Spirit of the Lord came one, on my left, enormous tidal wave, like dark smoky blue color, I said Oh Lord, this tidal wave is so large it would cover all of Florida, a bad tidal wave, serious before a storm tidal wave, I think it was about terrorism, this thing could cover the whole, just like before a hurricane, dark smoky blue, there are things coming in on the waters…
There will be an earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico & tidal wave. Meteorite also, not sure where it will fall.
Cindy said she was praying that the United Nations and/or Marshall Law would not come prematurely, delaying it. There will be a hit on east coast, it has a delay.
08/14, 2001, Prophetic Word, Twin Towers & 09/11, 2001 — The Lord woke me up and gave me a scripture, and spoke that what is about to happen is not averted, going to happen, but with prayer, and intercession & repentance it will be lessoned in the event that was going to happen. I knew after, this was regarding the Twin Towers, I was prophesying it… I told my chose prophetic friend, something horrible is about to happen.
06/2004, Prophetic Word, Jacksonville Florida Nuclear Bomb — A few nights ago, I heard Him speak to me, I’ll start asking Him questions, at 3:40 AM, I spoke out loud, I said if all knew what is about to happen the only thing important about how close we should get to Jesus, we would all get as close to Jesus as we could get, all the people for survival.
She said the southern part of Florida not a good place to be living in.
Cindy told me that she had logged these visions and gave them to Pastor Kilpatrick, Brownsville Assembly of God, which she apparently was attending at the time.
She suggested I get the book, “Seven Thunders,” by Van Tamner, she said it was a big deal book and I should get it.
From: Cindy Morrow, 5668 Blue Angel Court, Pensacola, Florida 32526, 850.457.2537.
34.2 04/2005, Vision?, China Tank With Red Star — I saw a tank with a red star, Muslim man came out with a white woman dressed with chains on wrist and legs, and he was guarding her so she could not get away.
The Red Star represents China Cindy said, but the Muslim man she was not yet sure of what that meant.
Another man saw a tank also in a vision with a Red Star, but his name was not given.
From: Cindy Morrow, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005.
35.1 1980’s, Outer Or Day Vision, Bay Area & San Francisco, California & Scene Of Destruction — Dear David Eells, Your emails brought back what I remember "seeing" years ago in the eighties. I was driving in the Bay Area and it was a beautiful clear day. About 5 miles away, across the Bay, I could see the tall, white buildings of the San Francisco financial district sparkling in the sunshine. As I admired the beauty of the city view, it was like a TV channel change and the same view became a blackened, broken, scene of destruction. I remember the remains of the Transamerica pyramid building standing out about 1/2 the size of its original structure, black, bent, and twisted. I blinked my eyes trying to figure out how in the world I could see the city like that, wondering if it was my imagination or what. Over the years, I have had only a few visions so this is an area of my spiritual walk I try to be careful with. God bless you all, I hope in the Lord's Mercy. Rory M.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
36.1 1980’s, Two Dreams, 8th Month Attack? San Francisco, CA & Atomic Bomb/Nuclear Explosion — Dave Eells, We lived in Grass Valley, California from 1983-1993 with a hilltop 360 degree view, that allowed us to see the coastal mountains all the way across the Sacramento Valley. In the mid to late 1980s I awoke from a dream that was from the Lord. In the dream I was standing on my hilltop looking out across the Sacramento Valley toward San Francisco, and noticed this huge column of black cloud going up 60 to 80 thousand feet and forming a mushroom head. I knew it was atomic.
Also in another dream I was walking in a hilly area such as I grew up near in the east side of Oakland, California. Walking amongst the oaks and scrub brush I came across three men. Watching them, I noticed they appeared disoriented turning this way and that as they carefully progressed. When they became aware of my presence, facing the sound of my foot fall they lifted their heads up to look at me and were holding their arm and hand up so as to shield their eyes from intense light. I now see that they were light struck from a nuclear explosion. When I greeted them I invited them to look at this map I had possession of. They milled over and peered over my shoulder, and this is what we saw. I saw a map of the California coastline. In this dream the San Francisco peninsula was gone as far south as Santa Cruz. The north peninsula was gone as far north as Navato or Santa Rosa. At the bottom of the map was a date glowing in red and blinking. It read 08/09th. (I'm sure about the month but the day I'm not sure). At the time I knew the day also and waited for it. When it arrived something did happen. On the Sacramento Channel 3 News there came the news blip of the opening of the National Democratic Party Convention in San Francisco being hosted by the Gay Caucus. David Whyte
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
37.1 1980’s?, Inner Night Vision & Prophetic Word, Invasion Of The United States — Estimated time this vision took place was during President Reagan time in as President of America; first fire came down out of Canada, a chariot of fire, I felt it was revival; Jesus said “Great lady in the harbor will be brought down,” I saw dragons come out of the eastern seaboard, they came up at the major harbors, the harbors were closed and in darkness, I felt they were submarines at the our eastern seaboard.
Holy Spirit spoke to me, in an inner vision & prophetic word; He spoke and said there would be gross darkness in the land, then I saw a number of dragons come up out of the Atlantic seaboard, they spit fire on these major sea harbors… for sure I remember New York, the Statue of Liberty was destroyed and the Spirit of the Lord said that the Lady with the light would be no more and the Great city would be in darkness and great mourning, this city was New York. I saw at that point, I was translated from place to place throughout America, I saw fire and smoke where ever I went… the land was dark… I saw ministers of the gospel reaching out to the people. The Holy Spirit said this was because we withdrew our hand from Israel, and also it was because we hardened our hearts against the Lord…we fell asleep, Jesus kept crying out for us to REPENT!, and for a long season we did NOT! I felt this was before the attack in New York. The Lord kept crying out to us in America and the Prophets of God kept crying out to the Lord, asking for patience and favor. He declared He could not wait any longer, judgment had to come. Jesus cried because we pulled back form Israel and its important to note Jesus said we did it because we yielded to world opinion. Other cities were bombed, 3 or 4 major cities were bombed, I felt they were coastal cities on the east coast, after the fall of our government there were other cities afflicted… there was a military attack to Chicago, St. Louis and I think Dallas & Houston as far as western cities… I did feel that after the attack, and things seemed to settle down under the new military rule, that there would be an earthquake along the fault, Mississippi; at that time a lot of health situations would occur due to the military invasion situation. The people began to seriously cry out to God! I felt it was going to be soon… as far as timing… I saw separate gorilla warfare throughout the USA. As the people began to cry out I saw God’s intervention, I saw this panorama view of the USA; big, this huge chariot, there seemed to be a fire, it somehow looked like it came down from Canada, as the wheels turned, the fire came out of the wheels and consumed the MAP, the way I saw it the chariot came down burning consumed the map God had laid out for me of the USA, it was symbolic, it started at the middle of the USA at the center, at the borders of Canada ad the USA, and it came down the center of the USA and the fire spread out to the east and west form there, it may have consumed the whole USA. The Lord said that because of His judgment that His church would begin to cry and repent, and TRUE revival would come. He showed me that out of the revival there would be a real awakening and an understanding that we should NEVER have abandoned Israel. And I remember seeing Israel surrounded; I felt such a sense of GREAT fear for Israel, I cried and said Lord these are Your people what will become of them and He said, ‘watch,’ and that’s when I saw this eagle it almost looked mangled but it was flying [I knew it was America the Eagle], it was flying in circles, it began to swoop lower and lower, then I could see down beneath it on the ground, there was a LAMB! I wondered what the lamb was, as I got closer it was draped with the flag of Israel, and the lamb was hurt and bleeding and the Eagle landed just beside the Lamb. The Eagle looked at it checking it out and spread its wings over the Lamb and when the Eagle died that the Eagle was restored… the wounded Eagle was now healed, because its feathers were all mangled before… and the Lord said to me this is like a Samson thing, she would never know the full power, but she would be back in the Lord’s grace, she would never be destroyed [at that time]. During the military takeover I remember something about the water it had become contaminated, the natural resources, I suspect it was radiation but I’m not sure… I sensed throughout the takeover small bombs and missiles were used… the Lord told me the water would be restored; that our natural water supply would be cleansed… He said something about the storehouses of America; they held America’s food supply, He had said they would be DRIED up, I saw that invasion people coming in and taking America’s grain and food from the store houses, for themselves and they show how sent it back to their homeland. God said that He would restore America’s store houses… there was something that He said about mourning the GREAT loss of the Great city which I knew was New York City, in my mind it was like New York had almost disappeared, destroyed and became the city of no hope. The other harbors they would be reopened: Norfolk, VA; Boston, MA; Savannah, Ga; Miami, FL; I think… and none of these cities would be restored to their greatness but they would function again. Chicago I believe it was, was hit almost as bad as New York. I saw in Chicago, the whole city lit up, in the vision I thought they dropped a bomb on the city of Chicago. End of vision. I had a sequence to the above vision, meaning I had this vision again, it was a recap of this vision.
37.2 Memorial Day 05/31, 2004, Outer Vision & Prophetic Word, UN Military & Chinese Troops — I [Jim Titus] had a vision, saw a United Nations troop truck, it was off white, and I saw Chinese troops dressed in UN military white uniforms carrying bayonets in the back of the truck, others I know have seen this same vision. Julie Turner has a newsletter, called the Corner Gathering Newsletter, she is in Arkansas. Also, Jim was telling me about 47 lead mines in the Ozarks mountains, it is believed that uranium is in the lead!
From: Jim Titus, jimtitus@hotmail.com .
38.1 Early 1980’s, Two Dreams & Visions, The Lord Began To Show Me Visions Of Russian TU 95 Bear Bombers & Jesus Christ Or anti-christ Who Will You Serve? — Today if we are watching we can see a shaking going on in every area of the worlds system. I would now share with you what I mentioned in my first letter about judgment coming upon America. America for its pride and its self reliance on her own might and not in God, shall be brought low, but will not be brought to a complete end, not like the goat nations as it is recorded in Mt. 25:33.
Back in the early 80’s a bro. Frank S. had two dreams and the Lord gave me the interpretations. I did not write them down so I’ll be drawing from memory.
First Dream — The first dream was this. Frank was standing out side his house at night, and he saw what looked like some thing flashing and silhouetting the mountains in the distance, end of dream. The interpretation was this. The flashes of light were bombs falling on the cities of America. I would come home from church and go to my room to pray and seek God, and as I did this the Lord began to show me visions of Russian TU 95 Bear bombers. I saw the capital hill building or White House crumbling. I kept hearing, Ezek. 38&39 over and over again, indicating I was to study these scriptures. Also Rev. 9 was impressed upon me that this scripture about the 200 Million army of the Kings of the east would be fulfilled at the same time. I saw in a vision the Russian leader at that time with a hook in his jaw. His face looked like a pig. Ezek. 38: 4, "And I will turn thee back and put hooks into thy jaw, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army." What I perceived to be the trigger to this event, would be a war between Israel and Syria. Ezek.38: 8 and 10-11, These scriptures reveal two Israel’s, v 8 is the Israel in the middle east , v 10 and 11 is America , v 13 a young lion. America is the only allied nation strong enough to defend Israel. For any one that would come against and conquer her would have to remove America’s arm of protection. V-13 says that, They would come to take a spoil, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take away a great spoil. Only America has cattle and goods that would be a great spoil.
Rev. 9: 16, China is the only nation at this present time that has a 200 million army. This is what I perceive will cause this scripture to be fulfilled. Russia and China at this writing has an alliance, but I believe when Russia begins her campaign against us she will double cross China. What will cause Russia to take such risk? Desperation for spoil. Sink or swim so to speak. After several weeks of these revelations I woke up one morning about 4:30 am. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I was standing there the presence of the Lord’s Holy Spirit manifested Himself to me. I was asked a question, "When would be the best time for an enemy to attack America?" Then in vision I saw little children opening presents, I began to weep profusely. "Yes said the Lord to me on Christmas between midnight and 8 am and these innocent are the ones who are victims of this evil generation.’ That was the culmination of the first dream. Satan Claus the materialist god of this age. Lifted up and paraded through this nation starting on Thanksgiving day.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: The only record so far found regarding any attack on America soil and 12/25. The American Revolutionary effort near extinction, George Washington turns the tide of the Revolution by leading his ill-equipped army of 2000 fledgling volunteers in a crossing of the Delaware River against 1200 well-trained, well-equipped German Mercenary Hessian troops in Trenton, New Jersey. Not one of the Revolutionary troops was injured in the attack, though the fear had been that they could be slaughtered if the Hessians knew they were coming.
Perhaps, the tables will be turned on us this (next future invasion event???) time. Stephen]
Second Dream — The second dream is this. Frank S. heard a knock at his front door. When he opened the door there stood a bear. He slammed the door shut in the bears face. Frank went and got his gun. He went to the window and opened it, there was the bear in a Russian uniform which he did not have on before. Frank stuck the gun out the window to shoot the bear, but the gun was knocked out of his hand. Interpretation—The bear ( Russia ) came the first time in peace (Glausenoff/ Parastroyka.) The second time the bear appears to us is to make war but our defenses will be knocked out of our hands. I was not shown what year this would happen.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Remember America only has about 300 million people according to the latest census. Now think for a minute, China has the 200 Million army, and remember that in China a family is only permitted one child, when many of the girls were born, they killed them for many wanted boys, in China today, there are not enough girls for the boys/men, if I recall correctly it is like a 10 to 1 issue – but you can check this out for yourself to be accurate! When war does come to America, there will be massive killings and rapings of our women and young girls. Also remember India now has a billion people while China has about 1.3 billion people, in addition, the new Europe will have about 450 million people – keep all this in mind when you think about the future invasion coming to the United States at some later date in the not so distant future, like very possibly in the next ten years counting from 2003.
American eventually will have about 8 nations come against her, Russia and China will be the two main ones. When you think of the 260—300 million in America, remember how many are children and how many are old, how many are Mexicans who will join with Mexico when this invasion occurs, now what you have left is what would have a percentage, to defend our country!
Today, in 2oo6 it is vital that you remember ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,’ get on your face on the floor before God in tears for the sins of America, especially abortions-the baby blood that has spilled on this land, and the dividing of the land in Israel, even though God is going to use it for Israel’s good, still repent for America’s sin here. In repenting, tell God you want to repent and confess the terrible sins of America, and ask for His forgiveness and Great Grace and Mercy for America and the souls here to get saved, etc – you must do this from your HEART. You can cry now or later, after the invasion, if you cry now from you heart you can hold off the invasion for a period of time? Remember to also pray for yourselves and family members, original and extended family. You cannot do this repentance and confession of sins for yourself and country only one time, it needs to be done often, even weekly. Make it a godly habit to set aside time to do this weekly. God will take notice of you, if you are sincere from your heart.]
38.2 Spring Of 1999, Dream, Chinese Man Took My Bible From Me — It has been almost two decades since we received these revelations. In the spring of this year 1999 I had an interesting dream, it went like this. There stood before me a Chinese man. He took my Bible from me. Then he said to me, " If I catch you with a bible again I will put you in jail." My interpretation is this and I pray I have the mind of Christ in this matter. Just to speculate on things such as important as this is dangerous. You have heard the story of the little boy that cried wolf. To much speculation of prophecy interpretations will cause the saints to reject the truth when they do hear it. We can start by examining scripture. As previously stated in Ezek. 38: v8 & v’s 10-16. Gog the chief of Meshech and Tubal come against Israel v18 Gods fury against Gog v21, and I will call for a sword against him through out My mountains (nations), saith the Lord God; every man’s sword shall be against his brother. Here we see GOD using some one to fight against Gog. Who is this sword God uses against Gog? Rev. 9:13 and the sixth angel sounded (the worlds trumpet judgments ). V13 and number of the army was 200 million Rev 16:12 the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water there of was dried up, that the way of the Kings of the east (China ) might be prepared. What it sounds like to me is that Russia invades Israel east at the same time invades Israel west (America). China is also our enemy and will take advantage at that time to invade the west coast of the U.S. while Russia invades the East coast. The Lord our God to insure that we will not be completely annihilated, will turn them against each other. In Ezek. 39 Russia is turned back which may mean that China turned them back. Here we have a possibility of that cruel lord in Isaiah 19 to rule over Egypt (world). The U.S. the most powerful nation in the world is reduced to nothing will not be able to resist there conquerors. This would make China # 1 and the rest of the nations submit to him. I would not be surprised if Mexico joined in the looting like Moab did to Jerusalem when she was over run by the Babylonians.
The judgment we see happening here in the states and all over this world is a wake up sign, and they shall continue to increase in rapidity and intensity and closer together. The finale crescendo of the judgments of God would be Ezek. 38. What is the purpose for all this destruction? What can we look forward to? The first question has a twofold answer.
#1 is Isa. 2: 4 "And He shall judge among many nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plow shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." That deals with the world.
#2 Jesus is coming for a church with out spot or wrinkle. Isa. 1: 25-28 The Lord speaking to His backslidden people. "And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away thy tin, and I‘ll restore thy judges as at first, (deliverers) and thy counselors as at the beginning ; afterwards thou shall be called , the city of righteousness, the faithful city, Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness. And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed." Zeph.1: 6 "And them that are turned back from the Lord; and those that have not sought the Lord, nor inquired for Him.’’
Question #2, "And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem; when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst there of by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning. And the Lord will create on every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night. And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from rain and storm." The presence of the Lord and His Shekinah glory. Ps. 91. Whether it rains or freezes we need to know we are in the arms of Jesus, not the anti Christ. The mark of the beast, I believe will be spiritual. For example, Ezek. ch. 9, considering the sovereignty of God in all things and Satan is subject to the word of God. What is communally interpreted in Daniel 9:27 as he (the anti christ) is He (Jesus Christ). Jesus shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. This covenant represents the church age of two thousand years. After the church age comes the Kingdom age.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Above is a reproduced from the latter portion of www.sosbbs.com/~ejhintz/L9.html , by Ed Hintz titled: “Jesus Christ or Anti-Christ Who Will You Serve”
From: www.harvest.org/prophecies/americadreams.htm .
39.1 Dream, A Huge White Cloud - Judgment Coming Upon America — Robert T. Heath, a family man and local contractor from Scotch Plains, New Jersey, has also witnessed a vision of cataclysmic judgment coming upon America.
“Within the past couple of years, I have had a dream, the significance of which I am uncertain, but which gave me a confidence in the Lord’s faithfulness towards believers who remain present when God’s judgment comes to destroy the ungodly.
“I was facing New York City from New Jersey when I saw a huge white cloud hanging close to the ground and dispersing rapidly in all surrounding directions. I sensed immediate impending destruction of my physical being as I stood in a kind of braced position on open ground. I knew that within the intense heat of that coming cloud, that for me, there was safety. It was as if I knew that Jesus was in it for me, even though it would otherwise be an instrument of destruction for the world of unbelievers.”
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Some of the prophecies in this section could very well describe a nuclear holocaust. They are also similar in scope to biblical prophecies depicting end-time events.]
From the book: Spare Your People by Richard Swanson, ©1986, ISBN: 0-88270-596-2.
40.1 12/10, 1982, Vision, The Sound Of The Trumpet—War & Map Of United States Of America—Area Targeted For Destruction & Saw Washington D.C. & New York City —
The Burden Of “Guiding” Others —
“During the night the mystery was revealed… in a vision…He (God) alone has all wisdom and all power. World events are under His control…He gives wise men their wisdom, and scholars their intelligence. He reveals profound mysteries beyond man’s understanding.” Dan. 1:19—22 NIV & LB
“But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any one living, but in order that the interpretation may be made known…” Dan. 3:20 Amplified
Last year (1983) the responsibility of helping guide Christians through the unnavigated seas of the closing years of this Age began to weight inordinately heavy upon me. In 09/1982, I started imploring God to grant me answers today for questions of tomorrow. (Isa. 46:10)…
I expressed to the best of my ability to never speak anything except that which God shows me either:
1.) In the Word;…
2.) In prayer;…
3.) In visions or dreams;…
Praying “Specifics” — For more than forty days, I presented my petitions with the consistency of the widow in Luke 18. Among the last things for which I sought God to reveal unto me was: “Will Christians in the United States be confronted with a nuclear attack, about which we should know, and from which areas we can flee?” “Lord,” I said, “You change not.” Mal. 3:6, and your Word asks:
“Does disaster strike a city unless the Lord sends it? But the Sovereign Lord never does anything without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets;” Am. 3:6—7 GNB.
Every day “without ceasing” I bombarded heaven with these questions. And although I know that we “ought always to pray and not to faint;” on 12/09, 1982, I “fainted.” In my prayers that day I said: as best I can paraphrase: “Lord, you have not shown me anything about the United States being involved in a nuclear attack for which cause Christians need to be alerted. However, you know, without solicitation, I’ve received several reports form sincere Christians to whom you obviously have shown war in the United States.
I am not going to treat these negatively, but consider that perhaps I have been praying much like George Washington Carver.” I reminded the Lord that recorded in the biography of this brilliant black scientist is the account of G.W. Carver going to the Lord every morning to get his marching orders for the day. Before closing his prayers he would always add: “And, now Lord show me the secrets of the universe.” Finally, God spoke to Mr. Carver and said: “George, that’s too big for you.” Mr. Carver then started praying: “Then show me the secrets of the peanut.” One day the Lord answered: “George, that’s more your size, I will.” I went through all this in my prayers adding: It may be I am asking for the ‘secrets of the universe’ but you’ve certainly shown me many things about the end-time systems, politically and economically and I’d believed that you would also show me this. But, from this day on, dear God, I will delete this petition and pray that you show me how I may live each day with clean hands and a pure heart, acceptable in your sight.”
“I saw by night and behold a “ map of the United States with thin black U lines surrounded by a huge U in brilliant yellow. “Then said I, O my Lord, what are these?” The answer came: “The black U lines represent the area targeted for destruction.” I beheld more closely and “saw” that it was the Washington, D.C. to New York City area. Then I was made to “understand” that the yellow U depicted the Fall—Out Zone for this nuclear attack. (See Zach. 1:8—9; Da. 8:15—16).
I defer to Mr. R. E. McMaster’s research in Wealth for All. Volume 1, some of which I quoted in February’s Economic Advisor. His work cumulatively points to the same general time frame for war in the United States as my Chart, although these studies were conducted from dissimilar backdrops, and independent of each other. I do not perceive that this “limited” nuclear attack upon the United States (depicted here) is the same one to which those researchers allude: but, rather that this is a preliminary, or sneak attack, which is to be followed by the Mayan “hell period” projected to begin about 1987; or that which Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler, creator of the Drought Clock called: “the death of the Old World and the birth of the New World between 1980 and 2000.”
The Good News is that these astute men of “science” actually determined, apart from Biblical application, that the end of this Age would occur about the close of this century, accompanied by “nation falling” wars, after which there will be, just as Dr. Wheeler indicated, “the birth of a New World.” (Is. 9:6; 11:0; Zech. 9:10).
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Mary Stewart Rilfe: Jesus revealed to the disciples that after he left he was coming back again at some point. This encouraged the disciples and they watched for Him to return almost 2,000 years ago, which He has not fully done yet but will be returning in the very near future (today being 2006). There have been many Christians who have received true prophetic from God in the many ways God has so chosen to reveal it to them, whether by godly dreams, visions, or visitations, etc. When these Christians see these visions, the vision is very real to them, many times it is as if they are in the event as well as it is played out. Can you understand that? Many times these godly visions affect your emotions, mind, and intellect. Some of these visions are about good things like Revival and others are about horrible or awful things such as war, etc. Just to be allowed to see one of these visions is amazing, much less now have to deal with ‘when will this vision occur;’ can it be delayed, or removed, or is it set? All these factors play out as time passes by. When you consider George Washington in 1777 received the vision of this third major war on American soil—how must it have affected him? You can rest assured he did not know what it all meant. God can show you these visions and not reveal to you what they mean or when they will occur, in fact many times this is the case to the one receiving the vision. With all this in mind, you will have some in the Body of Jesus Christ, His Church who would judge these Christians harshly, because they could not totally yet understand when their visions from God would occur.
God can allow a vision like this to occur soon or later, it depends on the Church usually and the appointed time for certain events to occur. So, with all this in mind, be merciful to Mary Stewart Relfe, for she was trying to more fully understand the timing of the vision to be completed. As of today, this vision has not been completed yet, thank God. Mary is not the first one that has been in this place of “when will the vision occur, Lord” that you gave to me? Mary by the way is basically correct, we have collected a number of prophetic for New York City to be bombed in the very near future, again the final question seems to be: “Just when will this occur?” Only God knows as of yet. However, He has informed us that it will occur. In one final comment, as of spring of 2006, Christians have collected over 200 prophetic godly dreams/visions, or visitations from God basically showing and stating that in the very near future there will be war to the USA on her homeland soil, and they have collected 140 who received prophetic from God for the Twin Towers before 09/11, 2001 when that attack occurred. God’s prophecy does work. Now we wait for the appointed time of the vision to occur! Be grateful these visions have not occurred yet and prepare with God for when they do occur.]
The “Specific” Answer — The departure in my prayers was so pronounced that the night of 12/10, 1982 is as vivid as last night. On 12/10, 1982 while asleep, I was “shown” the outline of a map of the United States. It was in color. The states were not delineated. Item #1 is as near a reproduction of what I saw as possible. Admittedly, the lines of both the targeted area and the fall-out area could be off even to a number of miles. “Looking” upon the map I zeroed in on the area targeted for destruction by the close black U lines and was made to understand “The Washington, D.C. to New York City are is targeted for total devastation.”
The Fall — Out Area was depicted in bright yellow. Since a picture is worth 10,000 words, I submit unto you, “The vision is certain, the interpretation sure,” Daniel 2:45. God had heard my prayers, but more important, He had answered! I like Daniel, “blessed the God of heaven, for wisdom and power are His!” Daniel 2:19-20. (I drew in state lines for my own study. You may wish to do likewise. And, please read again. “The Dream is Certain, the Interpretation Sure.” In Report #22.)…
All day Saturday, 12/11, 1982, it was a day of contemplation… “Lord, am I going to have to share all this? If so, when?” I asked. That evening, 12/11, 1982, I both saw and heard a command from God. (Remember Amos both saw and heard the Word of the Lord: Am. 1:1 & 8:2.) I awoke out of my sleep reading it. Though I prefer not to divulge the first phrase at this time, the gist was that I had no choice. Armed with these truths which God has allowed me to “see and understand,” I was to “walk through the world.” Additionally, the night of 01/11, 1983, I heard these words being read aloud to me while asleep: “The Washington, D.C. –New York area is to be devastated,” as though I needed a confirmation: or, was this given to signify the urgency for action on my part?
…there are many things yet I will be sharing in the Countdown Series in time: including dreams, visions and prophecies God has given to other dedicated Christians which speak of war in the United States…
While it is not recorded that any are found, later one discovers, some did escape! (Jeremiah 5:1. LB.) How? By fleeing into many places including Moab, Ammon and Edom. (Jeremiah 40:11—12)
(Remember, these were preserved by hearing, heeding, and fleeing! History will repeat, nevertheless, in the midst of Amos crying against the sins of Israel and pronouncing a destruction upon the land “like unto Sodom and Gomorrah,” (Am. 4:11-12 & Lam. 3:22); He also strikes a merciful note: “See the Lord and ye shall live;” (Am. 5:6 & 14).
Likewise, while Isaiah was enumerating the calamities coming upon Judah thusly (Is. 3:8—9); Isaiah suddenly departs from the theme of judgment long enough to say: (Isa. 3:10 NIV).
The first prerequisite toward procuring a “hiding place in God’s Pavilion” (Ps. 27:5) is to get your heart right with God, followed by getting your life straight…
Individual Security — Lest I impart a false security, let me say that repentance opens the door of God’s mercy, but God has never led me to believe that there would be national repentance in the United States. He has “quickened” to me that the United States can also be found in Hosea 10:13—14.
The United States Could Be Saved — The day before the Washington For Jesus Rally in 1980, while meditating upon its impact from my home in Montgomery, the Lord spoke these words to me:
“Nothing short of the scope of Nineveh’s repentance will save the United States.” (Jon. 3:5—10)…
03/03/1983, Letter From Minister — On this date I received a letter from a minister who wrote:
“I’ve been aware of World War III ever since my roommate at Bible College had a dream about it in 1971. He saw a limited nuclear war devastating the Northeast. The cities I remember him citing as targets included…”
Editor: He named eight major cities, and indicated there were others. I felt led to delete the list. All are in the area shown in Item #1 (Map).
“Thy cities shall be laid waste without an inhabitant;” Jeremiah 4:7
“The sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war—destruction upon destruction is cried, for the whole land is spoiled,” Jeremiah 4:18--19
“My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard. O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.” Jeremiah 4:19
From: Mary Stewart Relfe, Ph. D., Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 4038, Montgomery, Alabama 36104, 205-262-4891.
41.1 1983 or 1984, Dream/Vision, Provision And Protection In Tribulation & We Walked Right Past The Guards They Never Saw Us —REX B. VERON, THE VISION/DREAM 1983 or 1984: I was asleep in my bedroom in Lafayette, Louisiana and I remember leaving my body and floating above it for a while. I remember looking at myself and my wife and thought, this is strange. Then I floated up through the roof of my home and up into the sky. It was a beautiful night and I could see my home from the air as well as the neighborhood. Everything I saw was crystal clear. I began to go higher and higher, my home grew fainter and fainter and I began to see the earth and then I was looking down on the earth as it looked from the moon pictures. There were no other ones around me, at least that I could see and I began to wonder what was going on. The higher I went the darker it got. I noticed in the distance a very faint light and I perceived it was moving towards me. I looked down and could see nothing but darkness which was what I saw looking in any direction except up with the light growing brighter and brighter.
As it drew closer I could make out the shape of a body in a full cloth covering, He was too far away for me to make out details but I could tell he was coming closer. I was not afraid but I was curious as to what was going on. He drew closer and closer and I could see it was a man dressed in soft white clothes all the way to where His feet would be, though I could not see His feet. He had a belt around His waist and it had a sash cord tied to it that hung to about His knees, He had brownish colored hair shoulder length, only His hands were visible from the sleeves of His garment. When I looked to see His face it was a brilliant light and no features were discernable.
It reminded me of the light I saw when I gave my life to the Lord when I was 28 years old. When He was about five to six feet away from me He moved His hands from His side with His palms up and made a motion as if asking me to come to Him yet I knew I was not to move. I began seeing lights streaming up from below me moving at a tremendous speed. At first just a few at a time then more and more; it looked like fireworks. They moved up and up and went beyond where we stood and continued up until I could not see them any more but they continued to come up from below me. (They were not all leaving the earth at one time like “in the twinkling of an eye.” The Holy Ghost has showed me that these were saints that were being killed for the Word of their testimony.)
I began to weep and look down at my feet and cried out to Him and I said “I know I have taught there is no rapture and that it is a demonic teaching but I have faithfully followed you and I love you and I have given you my life. Does this mean that I will not be able to live with you because I do not believe in rapture. I was looking down weeping actually sobbing because I thought I had missed Him and was doomed. Finally He spoke to me. It was wonderful. The only words He spoke were, “Rex, I have need of you.”
Instantly I was in a deep forest with about 10 other people, both men and women. (I have since come to believe this forest was in North Carolina even though I have never been there.) We were dressed in raggedy clothes with well worn shoes. All of us there had peace and none of us were afraid. It was the thickest forest I had ever been in and I do not recall ever seeing the sun shine. It was always dark/hazy looking like looking through a fog but not really. Every day at a certain time, (none of us had watches but we knew when we needed to do something and we all were of the same mind at the same time) we would leave the forest and head toward the city. The city was completely bombed out. Everything was in ruins and there were guards at all entrance places to the city. My first trip into the city I remarked to one of the men, the guards will see us and take us captive, before he could answer the Holy Ghost told me to be quiet, the man never answered me.
We walked up to where the guards were. They had automatic weapons and were dressed in full battle armor and looked hard and stern as well as mean. I thought this is crazy they will capture us at best or shoot us at worst. While these thoughts were racing through my mind we walked right past the guards they never saw us. (When they wanted to take Jesus and throw Him off a cliff yet He passed right through them without them noticing.)
After passing the guards we split up entering the city. I went to a bombed out area which looked like an apartment complex, I began preaching the gospel and begging the people to come out. Some would stick their heads out of the windows and yell for me to go away, others would look out and then come down into the streets. Some of these, not many would receive and would stay with me as I walked through the area. Then all of us would show up at the guard area at the same time, without watches. They like me would have a few people that listened and received. It occurred to me that even though the guards did not see us come in surely they will see us leave for now we have others that did not come in with us. Again I heard the Holy Ghost say to me, “will you be still.” I obeyed and we all started out the gate past the guards at one time. They never saw us nor heard us even though we could hear them. They were complaining about their duty and the situation they found themselves in. We would head back into the forest to teach the ones that came out with us. When the Holy Ghost would tell them they were ready they would return to the city to bring others out also. I do not recall how long we did this but I do remember our numbers growing until we were a large army.
We did not forage for food nor did we worry about it for at a certain time each day food would float down through the canopy of the trees. It was flat, soft, had no smell and was in different shapes. When placed in the mouth it would fill the mouth and in a short time one was full. I do not remember drinking any water even though there was a stream that went through where we were. The next thing I remember is waking up.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
42.1 1984, Vision, America — (Received in 09/2002 from Linda Brocato.) I saw a worn torn, even almost desolate America. I saw a trench and was walking into it. Also, in 1997, a prophecy came forth – prepare the people make ready the way… I had a vision about the barren land thought to be America back in 1984.
42.2 11/15, 2003, Prophetic Word, United States Shall Cease — _______, Received word from the Lord Saturday between 12:15-1:00 PM. It is: The United States shall cease to exist as we know it today. He said to warn His people. I had a burden to write this to you.
The message I sent you I received in a grocery store out of no where and started praying for the people as they were coming and going. When I got home I just burst into tears and cried. This very rarely happens and I thought of telling you... don't ask me why because I don't know. After I E-mailed you the burden lifted. Again as the Lord directs you. God Bless You, Linda Brocato.
From: Linda Brochato, daisy940@aol.com .
43.1 About 1985, Visions, Vision On The West Coast—Saw Chinese Or Oriental Soldiers Marching Into America & Saw A Vision Of Major Flooding In New York & Miami & Vision Of A Great River Flowing Through Midwest United States —
----- Original Message -----
From: <RAChittenden@aol.com>
Sent: 05/23, 2005 7:38 PM
Subject: Thea Eroes
_______: I talked with Thea and her assistant Monique today. Thea sounds like she is in her 70's and Monique sounds to be in her 60's. They are still running their ministry and just returned from Montreal, they said. Both were on the phone when we talked...
I asked Thea if she had any visions of the Chinese or Russians attacking American soil, and she said about twenty years ago she had a vision on the west coast. She said she saw Chinese or Oriental soldiers marching into America...
She mentioned that in a vision she saw major flooding in New York and Miami.
She also said in a vision she saw a great river flowing through the Midwest United States, and she said it was real bad. Blessings, B.C.
From: Bob Chittenden, RAChittenden@aol.com & 05/2005, Thea Eroes is listed in directory assistance in Franklin, North Carolina as (828) 369-7046. Her address is 595 Anderson Creek Road in Franklin, N.C. 28734, MetAnge@hotmail.com.
44.1 1985, Book/Prophetic Word, America Is Going To Be Destroyed By Fire! — America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America - and this nation will be no more. God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its luke-warmness toward Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestations, its cheatings, its robbings, its dirty movies, and its occult practices. In one hour it will all be over. It's all over! Judgment is at the door! Our days are numbered ! The church is asleep, the congregations are at ease, and the shepherds slumber. How they will scoff and laugh at this message. Theologians will reject it because they can't fit it into their doctrine. The pillow prophets of peace and prosperity will publicly denounce it.
I no longer care. God has made my face like flint and put steel in my backbone. I am blowing the trumpet with all my might. Let the whole world and all the church call me crazy, but I must blow the trumpet and awaken God's people. America is about to be shaken and set aside by horrible judgments. Many other praying believers who have been shut in with God are hearing the very same message - "Judgment is at the door ! Prepare, awaken !" Before the great holocaust there will be smaller holocausts - the oil fields of the Middle East will be ablaze, and smoke will rise night and day as a warning of the greater holocaust yet to come. There will be bombs falling on oil fields, on shipping docks, and storage tanks. There will be panic among all oil producers, and shippers, and upon all nations dependent on that oil. (Note the 1985 publication date, several years before the 1991 Gulf War).
Soon, very soon, an economic nightmare will explode into reality. America is about to face a time of mass hysteria, as banks close and financial institutions crumble and our economy spins totally out of control. Gold and silver will lose their value. The chaos that is coming cannot be stopped by our government. The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless. God did not keep the three Hebrew children from the fire - he delivered them in it. Christ went with them through the fire, and, whereas they came back to ruin, we will be translated to Glory. 2
44.2 09/07, 1992, Prophetic Word, Coning Disasters To America — I was given a prophetic message nine years ago, and I delivered it at Times Square Church on 09/07, 1992. Let me share it with you now:
“This warning is not meant to scare you. It’s meant only for you to take to the Lord and pray. This is what I believe God has shown me:
“Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen. God is going to let down the walls. There will be unimaginable violence and looting. The violence will be so ferocious, it will shock the whole world. Our streets will be lined not just with the National Guard but with militia.
“A thousand fires will burn at the same time throughout the city. The Los Angeles fires were confined to a few sections of that city, but New York will be ablaze in all its boroughs. Times Square will be ablaze, and the flames will ascend into heaven and be seen for miles. Fire trucks will not be able to handle it all.
“Trains and buses will be shut down. Billions of dollars will be lost. Broadway shows will stop completely. Businesses will flee the city in an unstoppable hemorrhage. Such things are expected in Third World countries, but not in a civilized nation like the United States. Yet, in not too long a time afterward, New York City will go completely bankrupt. The Queen City will be cast into the dirt, becoming a city of poverty.
“You may ask, when will all this happen? All I can say is, I believe I will be here when it happens. Yet, when it does, God’s people are not to panic or fear.”
Calls and messages have flooded our ministry offices, asking, “Was the terrorist attack on 09/11 the calamity you were prophesying back in 1992?” No, not at all. What I saw coming will be much more severe. Indeed, if America rejects God’s call to turn back to him, we’ll face the same judgments Israel faced. And they will hit not only New York but every region in the country. Even the heartland won’t be spared. The nation’s economy will collapse, and violence will erupt. Fires will consume our cities, and tanks will rumble through the streets.
Perhaps you wonder, as I have, “Can any of this be avoided?” Yes, absolutely. I believe we’ll be given a reprieve if our President proves to be a Josiah. You may well remember Josiah as the king who sought the Lord with all his heart. We all should pray that God would give our President the same spirit that Josiah had, to tremble at his Word. The Lord spoke the following to Josiah:
“Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof… because they have forsaken me, and have [worshipped] other gods… But [say] to the king of Judah which sent you to enquire of the Lord… Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, and thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse… I also have heard thee, saith the Lord. Behold therefore… thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring upon this place” [2 Kings 22:15-20].
God told the king, in essence, “As long as you’re in power, trembling at my Word and relying on me, you won’t see the judgments to come. They won’t happen during your reign.”
I believe our window of opportunity to respond to God’s call is brief. We all should pray that our nation repents and turns back to the Lord. But our most intense prayers should be for our own hearts: “Lord, let me tremble not at the disasters, but at your Word. I want to hear your voice in all of this. Cause me to turn wholly to you.” Awake! Awake!
44.3 09/30, 2002, Excerpt From Times Square Church Pulpit – I Believe The Economic Crash Has Already Begun — Jesus tells us that in the last days, men’s hearts will fail them for fear [see Luke 21:26]. I believe that time is coming soon. I foresee multitudes, in America and throughout the world, numbing their hearts and minds to the coming terror. They’ll try to delude themselves so they won’t have to face any more fearful news. Right now, especially in New York City and Israel, masses of people suffer from sleeplessness. Clinics have opened throughout the city here because thousands are kept awake by a sense of dread. And according to Scripture, the worst is still to come. Whenever the Old Testament prophets received a glimpse of our day, they shuddered. I believe the economic crash has already begun. Over the past two years, more than $7 TRILLION has been lost in the stock market. There may be an upward trend for a while, but it won’t last. The buying spree will end. And credit-card debt will bankrupt multitudes. There will be weeping and wailing on all sides because of past spending. The real estate bubble is also going to burst. The market will be full of sellers but NO buyers. Even now, expensive homes are for sale by owners who are almost bankrupt because of falling stocks. A builder in New Jersey told me of a newly built, near million-dollar homes with no furniture inside, because the owners were hit so hard financially. Most frightening of all, I see war about to break out. The world will soon teeter on the edge of a hydrogen-warm scare. It will cause leaders around the world to tremble. I’m not trying to frighten anyone. But the body of Jesus Christ must hear the truth about these times. A devilish spirit is about to be unleashed on the earth. And as frightful events mount, believers are going to numb themselves to fear. Some will even narcotize themselves like heathen, through alcohol or drugs. Others will give themselves over to sensuality of all kinds. Satan has already provided them with a massive menu of filth, through TV and the Internet. This will all lead to a hardening among God’s people. In Rev. 16:9, John describes an awful, scorching heat coming upon the earth: “Men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God… and they repented not to give Him glory.” These sufferers will be so numb, they’ll refuse deliverance. They’ll prefer hell instead. Some of these blasphemers are going to be Christians. In the coming days, passive, lukewarm believers will experience a searing of their conscience. This won’t be a hardening against God; they’ll hold to a form of godliness, and believe they’re safe. But the time will come when they have no feeling whatsoever. And in turn, they’ll have no fear, shock or concern for eternity. They’ll stop growing in Christ. And they’ll become easy targets for satan.4
From: 1David Wilkerson’s book called “The Vision,” some of Chapters 1-5, ISBN 0-515-03286-7, ©1974. Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York City, New York 10019, www.timessquarechurch.org. 2From the book “Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth” by David Wilkerson, 1985, David Wilkerson, World Challenge, P.O. Box 260, Lindale, Texas 75771. 3The above was from a recent newsletter from World Challenge, Inc. Times Square Church, 237 West 51 Street at Broadway, New York, New York. Also, David’s book called “America’s Last Call.” David & his wife, Gwen, live in New York City, where he serves as senior pastor of Times Square Church. usaprophet.com/news.html or David Wilkerson texas@worldchallenge.org .
45.1 Month either 05 or 06/1985, Visions, America & Six Babylons & Elijah Mantles —
Visions from the Dallas, TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
MAURICE SKLAR (www.mauricesklar.com)
01/17, 2006 07:57PM
Dear Friends,
These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX revival in the summer of 1985.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil — Over twenty years ago, I attended a revival meeting in Dallas, Texas and during that meeting in May - June of 1985 the Lord touched my life in a powerful way during several days while I was sitting in the Days Inn motel room. I had a visitation from the Holy Spirit that included visions about God’s judgment upon America, the nations of the world, Babylon, the ministry of Elijah, and the preparation of the Bride of Our Messiah, Yeshua. I would like to share these now with the Body of Messiah, for God has finally released me to do so at this time.
In the first vision, I saw the earth from outer space. As I watched, I began to see what looked light neon lights began to appear in hexagon patterns. It started from the North American continent and then spread out to Europe and then around the world. The closest way I can describe it is that it looked like white laser lights that were traced in approximately 100 mile-wide hexagon patterns around the entire earth like an electronic or laser spider web. When the lights finally stopped tracing around the earth, it looked like the earth was wrapped in an electronic grid like a geodesic dome, similar to the white globe that is at the Epcot Center in Disneyworld, only it was not solid. You could see the earth underneath it, with its’ blue oceans and clouds and atmosphere.
The Lord then said to me, “This is what is shortly to take place. There is an electronic web that will encircle the earth like this. It will unite the whole world under the antichrist system of the end-time Babylon. At first it will bring great blessings and prosperity. It will seem like everyone is coming together and a new age is dawning for mankind.” I looked again, and I saw the earth from space with this electronic web around it once more. But then, I saw the continent of Europe. The hexagons from each nation began to grow dark and became opaque. It looked like black smoke rose up and one after another, each hexagon began to go smoky gray and then black. After a few seconds, I could no longer see Europe at all. Then this began to spread rapidly across into Asia, and Africa. Finally, Australia, China and even America were completely blotted out. I could only see the oceans. Then the islands of the seas became black. Finally, the entire earth was in darkness – even the blue oceans disappeared. I felt such evil and hopelessness. I heard the cries of millions of souls on earth that were trapped in darkness.
Then the Lord spoke again and said, “Do you see this? Do you know what this is?” I replied, “No, Lord.” He said, “This is the fullness of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This is what Adam chose for all of mankind in the garden of Eden instead of union and life with Me. They could have had eaten from the tree of life instead, and this never would have happened. ”
I was so confused. I really didn’t understand at the time. You have to remember, the “world wide web” of the internet was just in its’ infancy back in 1985. Only a few thousand computer geeks were “online”. I couldn’t imagine the world as it is now back then. The PC had just started to enter into the private sector. Of course, now, looking back, I understand this vision perfectly. God told Daniel that in the last days knowledge would increase exponentially and many would travel back and forth as never before in the history of mankind. If there is one thing that marks our generation now, it would be these two things. Worldwide travel has never been faster or easier and the knowledge of mankind is doubling every few weeks. Like a snowball going down a mountain and getter bigger and bigger as it travels faster and faster, knowledge is exploding like never before. What knowledge? The knowledge of both good and evil. It is now wrapped all around mankind like a giant tree with its’ branches going everywhere. We cannot escape from it.
The Vision of the Six Babylons — In the second vision, I saw America from the outer atmosphere. In a spectacular panorama, I saw America in a glorious sweep from coast to coast and from north to south. I felt like I was flying at supersonic speed like a rocket or a missile just several hundred feet above ground. It was so majestic and beautiful! I saw the big major cities of the east coast with their tall sky scrapers, the mid-west with its’ miles of lush farm land, crossing the mighty Mississippi, and then the great plains and the prairie lands of the west, followed by the awesome Grand Canyon, the majestic mountains of the Rockies, all the way to the west coast, the Golden Gate bridge, followed by a sweep of southern CA, and then to the Pacific ocean all the way from Alaska to Hawaii. Then, suddenly, I saw fire begin to hit in small pockets and different cities, almost like one of those cold-war nuclear war arcade games that came out years ago. That’s the way it looked to me as I watched. Then I saw more and more explosions. It got bigger and bigger, and then big giant explosions began to happen all at once. They all went up in mushroom clouds. For what seemed like an eternity, although I knew it was only a few minutes in the vision, I couldn’t see anything but these clouds of dark smoke. Then it finally cleared. I was stunned at what I saw! The entire land of the United States of America was burnt and charred. From one end to the other, there was not one green thing growing. It looked like black, charred, and burnt ruins from sea to shining sea. It was totally wiped out!
The Lord then said to me, “This is the end of Babylon. She shall be utterly consumed with fire.”
I said to the Lord, “Surely, this can’t be America. Why will you allow such a thing?” He said, “This shall be the end of all nations that forsake Me for the idols of Babylon. They shall be utterly burned with fire. They shall never be rebuilt again. Only in the time of My kingdom shall the nations be restored and then I shall create a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. When the time is right, I will allow you to release these visions to warn My people to flee from the wrath to come.”
“My son, there are six different Babylons in the scriptures. (Note: See my teaching “The Wine of Babylon”) If you do not accurately discern which I am speaking of, you will not understand what I revealed to the prophets. There are three literal, historic Babylons and there are three prophetic end time Babylons. Like King Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the tree that covers the earth, so shall the entire earth be seduced by evil and deception under Satan’s power before My kingdom is established upon the earth.
The first Babylon is the city that was built and the first tower was erected in the book of Genesis in that ancient city in the plain of Shinar. I judged it and scattered the people by creating many new languages on the face of the earth. This is the destruction of the tower of Babel.
The second Babylon is the ancient kingdom of Nebudchadnezzar where My people Israel were first sent into exile. It too was destroyed and will never be rebuilt again, though some have tried.
The third Babylon is the geographic region of modern day Iraq/Iran/Persia. The day will come soon when it too will be completely destroyed by fire and never rebuilt again.
The fourth Babylon is rising now. I also call it the Kingdom of Tyre by My prophets in the ancient world. It is the end-time worldwide economic system that will enslave the world through commerce, trade, and unjust usury (interest). Money is the God that is chosen instead of Me and shall enslave all that will not bow their knee at My cross and surrender all for My Lordship and My kingdom.
The fifth Babylon is called “Mystery Babylon”. It is the deception of all false religions that will ultimately ensnare all under the spirit of antichrist who forsake Me. The foundations of Mystery Babylon started in the ancient pagan world, but the foundation built in the church age comes out of the replacement theology of the Roman church. It is ultimately the knowledge of the spiritual GOOD in man that shall be the ultimate deception. Man’s good works apart from Me shall never pay the price of the redemption of a soul. Only My blood can do that.
The sixth Babylon is found in the wealthy nations of the last days that forsake Me and turn to idols. It is all the geographic regions of those that are made rich through the economic system of these times. They are found in the islands of the sea, in the havens of great wealth and nations where these resources are stored. When My people are finally removed from these nations and islands, my judgment of fire shall consume them. Do not think that America shall be spared, for she has turned away from Me.
A part of this sixth Babylon is a city. It is described in the book of Revelation as the worldwide center for finances, trade, commerce, art, music and every fine and desirable thing of mankind. It is the new covenant city of Tyre. Mammon is its’ God. Satan’s economic throne is there. His pagan throne of human sacrifice is found in Calcutta, India. His false religious throne is built upon the seven hills of the Vatican in Rome. But the great city Babylon is New York City. Its god is money and riches. It shall be destroyed in one hour after My people – both Jewish and in the church - shall be removed out of her. What city is like THIS city? It also shall be burned with fire and never be rebuilt again. America will also be completely destroyed by fire, if it does not repent and turn back to Me, as I showed you in this vision
Visions of the End Time Ministry of Elijah — Then I saw a vision of the prophet Elijah. I saw his whole ministry flash in front of Me like a very fast film. Then I saw him anoint Elisha with a double portion and I watched all the miracles take place in Elisha’s ministry. Then suddenly, also in a very fast panoramic way, I saw John the Baptist’s ministry and heard his bold preaching in the wilderness. Then I saw Yeshua come to him and receive the miracle mantle from John the Baptist when the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Then I saw a very quick succession of those from the early church that carried this same mantle, only much smaller. I saw miracle ministries of many “saints” and holy men and women in the middle ages. I saw revival fires start first in Italy and then in France. Then they started in England, followed by eastern Europe and then I saw all of Germany lit from north to south with many fires during Luther’s reformation. This then swept throughout all of Europe and then was carried by ship into many nations. Then America was lit with this same glorious fire and blazed brightly for some time. Then I saw what I knew to be the Pentecostal outpouring and it hit in California and quickly spread throughout the world. Then I heard a voice say, “This is the beginning of the latter rain that shall bring in the harvest of the nations. It shall last one hundred years. My glory shall cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. Many shall taste and see that I am good. They shall know My grace and blessings.”
Then suddenly, I saw one man with grey hair and a beard. He was on a ship going from England to America. I saw an angel come with a huge mantle and it came upon his shoulders. I heard a voice saying, “This is the mantle of Elijah for the harvest of the nations.” Then I saw this man preaching in the mid west in America in a large city and then in a smaller city. Miracles and healings burst forth from him. Then I heard him say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come”. After that, I saw a darkness overtake this man and soon that glorious light that was in him went out. Then I saw two angels come and remove that huge mantle and robe off of this man.
Then I saw a man on his knees crying out in despair. He was poor and was freezing in a little house and it was snowing like a blizzard outside. His wood stove finally went out and he huddled under a blanket trying to keep warm. Then I saw this same man standing at a grave site where I somehow knew that his wife and children were buried. He was crying until he couldn’t cry anymore. Then I saw that same man get up and start to preach in what looked like a small country church that was red brick. Then I saw him kneeling again in prayer in front of a large oak tree praying and he said, “Lord I give you my life. Do whatever you want with me.” Then I saw two angels come with that same huge mantle that was on that other man with the long cape. I knew that it was this same mantle of Elijah. They put it on him and he wept and wept. One of the angels said, “I will stay with him so that he can carry this. It is too heavy for him alone.” Then I saw this man suddenly light up like a flare and burn so brightly that wherever he went from then on throughout the earth, revival started everywhere. It came out of his mouth and just set everyone on fire. Then I saw this man one day say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come. I must now teach all that I know.” He opened his bible and as he did, I saw a snake rise up out of it. It looked like a green cobra. It began to speak instead of him. At first, it only appeared for a little while and would disappear. But then, it grew larger and larger and coiled around him. I could no longer see the blazing flare-like torch that he carried. I couldn’t even see the beautiful mantle on him. The angel could no longer stay, so another angel appeared and they lifted that mantle off of him and ascended into the sky.
Then I saw that electronic web again covering the earth like in the first vision. I heard a voice say, “Who will go for me to prepare the way for My coming?” Then I saw a number of young men and women who began to cry out in prayer. Then I saw hundreds of angels coming to the earth with mantles very similar to the one on the two men. They began to multiply until there were thousands of men and women clothed with these. They were lit up like small stars, they shone so brightly. Then I saw the earth begin to light up wherever they went like a Christmas tree.
Then I heard a voice say, “I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. This is the fullness of the prophet’s ministry for the last days. It shall surely come.”
Then I saw a refining fire begin in both the church, in the Jewish people and in the nation of Israel. I saw a bride coming down the center of a church and I heard a voice say, “My bride has made herself ready. I am now coming for her to take her away. Come away, By Beloved.” Then I saw the earth again and I saw these same mantles falling back into the earth being carried by hundreds and thousands of angels. They fell upon many Jewish people and I saw them going forth and prophesying very boldly. Fire came out of their mouths and then I saw terrible destruction, plagues and earthquakes and famines and even more nuclear bombs going off. I saw the sun grow red from the pollution and radiation from the atmosphere. Then I saw all the mantles converging upon the nation of Israel from every corner of the earth. Suddenly they all came together in Jerusalem and came back into that same huge mantle that was there at the first.
I then saw a fiery red chariot come into the earth and descend upon Jerusalem. Elijah got out of it and I heard his booming voice say, “Prepare to meet thy God O earth, earth, earth! Woe unto you, for destruction is come upon you.” As he was saying this, that mantle came back upon him and he stood under it once again as he had done in the Bible. Everywhere he turned, fire came out of his mouth and destroyed the earth in twelve directions as it went through the twelve gates and out into the world. Then after this, I heard him say, “I am now finished with the work that I was ordained to do. Take me home, O Lord of hosts!” Then he was suddenly killed and fell down on the ground, where he remained for three days as the whole world watched in glee and awe. Then, he suddenly came to life again and stood up on his feet, and that fiery chariot came and he got into it and ascended into the sky.
I did not know the bible as well in those days as I do now. I was very confused about these visions and they were very troubling to me. But the Lord said to me, “This shall be sealed into your spirit until the appointed time. Then you shall release its message for all who will hear. Some will hear, many will not. You will be a part of many hundreds of prophets that I have set apart for the final hour to prepare the way for My coming. Those that have ears to hear will receive and My Bride will surely make herself ready. She must receive the refining fire of Elijah and her beautiful garments. She shall be without spot or wrinkle and be adorned with her wedding garments and glorious jewels from heaven. For her wedding day is soon upon her.”
Then I saw an old fashioned oil lamp that was lit with a flame coming out of the top of it. Then it suddenly became ten lamps that were lined up side by side. The five on the left of me suddenly started to flicker. The flame got smaller and smaller until finally it just fizzled and went out. But the lamps on the other side were fed by a lampstand that they were connected to that was previously hid in the darkness. They just burned brighter and brighter until finally I heard these words, “Come up here and escape the wrath to come, for you are found worthy. Behold, the bridegroom comes!” Then they all disappeared.
The Lord then said to me, “Half of those that say they know me in the time of the end are liars. They have never been lit with the fire from heaven. They are burning with the strange fires of Mystery Babylon. They only pretend to know Me. Their lamp shall be put out in outer darkness and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But those who are Mine shall shine forever and burn with the brightness of my glory as the stars. For they are lit from My throne and fed with my oil and shall never go out. These are My precious ones – My glorious Bride who shall always be true and faithful to Me. It is for her that I died and rose again. It is for her that I am returning in the midnight hour. Tell her that I have not forgotten her! She is My beloved and I am hers! I love her with an everlasting love. I shall surely catch her up to My throne where she will rule and reign with Me in glory forever and ever at My right hand. Amen.”
This is the account of the visions and visitation that I received in Dallas, Texas in the revival meetings during May and June of 1985, as best as I could write it. It is only now that I can share the fullness of those experiences because I have been released to do so by the Holy Spirit. May He add His blessing and anointing of fire to these words.
May you be found among His faithful, wise virgins when He appears in the midnight hour. May your lamp be shining brightly, being lit with the oil of the double portion of Elijah.
Shalom and God bless you now, Beloved! Maurice Sklar
From: Maurice Sklar Ministries, www.mauricesklar.com, Email: info@mauricesklar.com.
[Comment not by Maurice Sklar: Some things to take into consideration.
1. Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson discerned and confirmed that the 1985 visions from Prophet Maurice Sklar is of God—with the comment of “Everything he wrote is accurate” refers to what Sklar title’s “The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good and Evil” document at his website www.mauricesklar.com:
04/02, 2006—Subject: Maurice Sklar Visions: “…Everything he wrote is accurate…”
2. The electronic or laser looking spider web could be referring to as he stated the Internet Web, electric web or grid or what is called the satellite grid which is worldwide and encircles the whole earth.
3. Notice Sklar stated the Lord said “This is what is shortly to take place” this was from 1985: At first it will bring Great blessings and Prosperity—next it changes! He speaks of the continent of Europe first, spread to Asia, Africa, finally, Australia, China, and even America—blotted out meaning ‘black.’ Next the Islands of the seas, finally the entire earth—darkness (some type of great evil). Referring to the Antichrist & antichrist system of the end-time (end of the age or season) Babylon.
a. Europe to
b. Asia to
c. Africa to
d. Australia to
e. China to
f. America
g. Islands of the seas
4. These visions here in this section are presented with a warning, some have died when they apparently mocked these visions and/or God, so be forewarned. The Bible reveals an Antichrist person, a False Prophet person, and a Beast; also a false whore church and a one world religion system or group. Today, we know that the false whore church is the Roman Catholic Church, as of yet it is not known who the others are, we know the Antichrist person is here and alive but we do not as of yet know who he is—however, he will be revealed soon enough.
It appears the Antichrist person was born 11/23, 1933. It appears he was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church on 12/15, 1933. He appeared from below to start to rule in 1963 (Year J.F. Kennedy was killed). He is here now and he will be 73 come 11/23, 2006. The seer prophet who received this under an Assemblies of God Pastor—minister was Seer Prophet Hanneh Elias Aghaby / Om Saleem 1893-1958, "The Wonderful Occurrence in Amman, 1933." Website: www.kawars.com.
1933, Revelations & Visions Of The Antichrist — “1933 Hannah was under the power of God… spoke several languages, suddenly she was taken to the 3rd heaven, it was beautiful scenery, angels singing, Jesus in all His glory appeared to her, she started to worshiped Him, immediately she heard a great commotion in heaven among the angels, Jesus said to her, the ‘false christ is born today,’ she heard a horrify voice saying ‘woe.’ Jesus declared it again, the ‘false Christ is born today,’ and again He stated it and he is born today, his work will appear after 30 years, when satan will enter him and he will start to rule and control the world.
The angel took Hannah in the spirit, they entered a home where she saw a beautiful lady laying in her bed and next to her a new born baby, the baby was crying, the angel said to Hannah, ‘he is the false christ, he was born today.’ Hannah asked the angel if he will take the child’s life, the angel said, ‘no,’ ‘it is God’s will that the end of the age will come to pass.’
Another vision, 12/15, 1933, the angel told Hannah that the antichrist was baptized, as she was looking at the child the child started to grow, and a chain was wrapped around the kings of the earth, and he was running and all the kings were running after him, and the gold from a European country was pouring behind him.
She heard a warning angels saying, ‘woe to the world, soon the end of the age will come, soon God will judge justly.’
Then she saw the antichrist and many beasts lined up behind him. Suddenly all the beast disappeared except for one, which had seven heads, this strong beast had great power and control, he is a leader who is in agreement with the antichrist from the beginning.
Then she found herself in a dark place and she saw a woman riding a leopard, holding a cup in her hand, multiples of people were running after her. The woman was spilling/sprinkling substance over the people from her cup and they shouted ‘long live our new king,’ ‘long live our new king.’
Immediately an angel appeared in the heavens saying, ‘This kingdom will only last for a for short time.’
Than she saw people killing each other, Christians were screaming and calling upon the Lord, ‘Son of David have mercy on us,’ ‘Son of David have mercy on us.’
Then she saw the crowd attacking the Christians and killing them, the woman who was riding the leopard filled her cup with the blood of the saints and drank it with great joy.
Again in the spirit, the angel took Hannah to a European city, she saw a child riding upon a huge serpent, the child and the serpent were running to a dark place, and multiples of people were running after him.
The angel said to Hannah, the serpent and the child are leading all the people to a dark place, without the people knowing where he is leading them, because they are in spiritual darkness.
Jesus said to Hannah, ‘the antichrist will have great power and he will control the world, he will perform signs and wonders.’
When the antichrist is revealed the beast, the leader who was joining with him will also have great power and control, yet his kingdom will only last for a short time.” — Seer Prophet Hanneh Elias Aghaby / Om Saleem
[Comment not by Seer Prophet Hanneh: As Christians we are torn between revealing or not revealing to the Believers what is above for the sake of not wanting anyone to drop death from unbelief or in ignorance mocking God and dropping dead. So in revealing this profound revelation from God which the Body of Jesus Christ needs at this time and since God stated it was for Believers, it has been released but with a firm and strong warning to this message—now if one mocks or whatever, it will become their own problem and outcome—for the warning has been issued along with the prophetic revelation. Since God Himself stated that this prophetic message is for the Believers, that is Christians; it belongs to the Believers to know.
“02/01, 1934, Vision — [This is the continuation of the vision on page 162 of the original notebooks6.] After the vision, the Lord told her that He would not give His secrets to anyone but true believers.”
However, we also want to protect others so they do not drop dead! So, this godly prophetic is sent out with a warning!]***
Who are the two or three witnesses that this prophetic word about the Antichrist is true? This prophetic word was discerned and approved by the three below of God’s minister government positions of 1.) Apostle Seer Prophet, 2.) Seer Prophet and 3.) Minister—Pastor:
a. The Christian godly Seer Prophet who God gave this prophetic: Seer Prophet Hanneh Elias Aghaby Om Saleem (1933), Amman, Jordan
b. Seer Prophet Hanneh’s Pastor (in 1933), Assembly of God Minister, Roy Whitman, Amman, Jordan
c. Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson (2004), of Clovis, California, United States of America discerned and approved the prophetic and confirmed that Hanneh was indeed a Seer Prophet of God.
5. Vision of America that Maurice Sklar had above:
a. “I saw a fire begin to hit in small pockets and different cities…” Is this referring to Revival, or to terrorist attacks or to both? Both are considered fires and both are going to happen soon!
b. “Then I saw more and more explosions.” Is this referring to Revival or terrorist attacks, or the soon future ‘Invasion of the USA?’ There have now been logged over 200 Christian prophetic revelations about the Invasion of the USA that is shortly to come to America; we know the invasion is ‘Set’ that means it cannot at this point be remove; delayed ‘yes,’ but removed “No.” As of 04/2006 we know that Prophet Dan Bohler received a prophetic word from God that if the USA reversed Roe vs. Wade before the end of 2007 that the USA would not see the invasion till after 2010.
c. New sentence: ‘It got bigger and bigger, and then big giant explosions began to happen all at once. They all went up in mushroom clouds… clouds of dark smoke… finally cleared… stunned… entire land of the United States of America was burnt and black, charred… from one end to the other, there was not one green thing growing. It looked like black and charred, and burnt ruins from sea to shining sea. It was totally wiped out!” Is this referring to the invasion of the USA due now in a short time, or is this referring to another time centuries from now? Or is this referring to both? We know in the prophetic from God that when this upcoming invasion to the USA occurs, it will not totally destroy America, it will however, cause great destruction, but America will come through it and end up being a 3rd world nation like taken back to the 1950’s.
So it appears there maybe a time elapse between some of these sentences or expressions, and it could be centuries or one millennium even. Notice the Lord says to him: “This shall be the end of all nations that forsake Me…” So not just America will receive this end but all nations that forsake Him! We know from other prophetic that all nations will be destroyed in the end, but Israel!
So, my personal guess is that this is referring to the end of another AGE or SEASON, that could be during or at the end of the 1,000 year Millennium period when the devil is loosed for a short time to do his final work and people are again tested in a major way. Now at the end of the 1,000 year period that will be coming to the end of the Earth Plan! So it could occur at that time because all nations are destroyed, but Israel.
America after the upcoming invasion from Russia, China, Cuba, Mexico and four other ‘united’ nations will appear to go back in living standards to about the 1950’s and She will be considered a 3rd world country at that time. We know that eight countries will unite to invade the USA, and the two main leading countries will be Russia and China. They have been and are preparing for this even now! But America will not be totally destroyed!
6. Visions of Six Babylons:
a. There are three literal, historic Babylons:
i. 1st Babylon is the city that was built and the first tower was erected in the Book of Genesis in that ancient city in the plain of Shinar.
1. I judged it and scattered the people by creating many new languages on the face of the earth.
2. This is the destruction of the tower of Babel.
ii. 2nd Babylon is the ancient kingdom of Nebudchadnezzar where My people Israel were first sent into exile.
1. It too was destroyed by fire and never rebuilt again.
a. An interesting note here is that an Apostle Seer Prophet has revealed that in the spirit realm the Antichrist spirit has been seen on a throne over the ruins/city; and there is physical work being done to kind of build this city up again, Babylon, Iraq…
i. Babylonia was situated in the area known as Mesopotamia (Greek for "between the rivers"). Mesopotamia was in the Near East in roughly the same geographical position as modern Iraq. Two great rivers flowed through this land: the Tigris and the Euphrates. Along these two rivers were many great trading cities such as Ur and Babylon on the Euphrates.
ii. Visit the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. It houses the restored Ishtar Gate of Babylon.
“Picture removed for faster E-mailing”
Ishtar Gate
iii. "Is this not Babylon that I have built…" –Daniel 4:30
iv. The Ishtar Gate, one of the eight gates of the inner city of Babylon, was built during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (604- 562 BC). Only the foundations of the gate were found, going down some 45 feet, with molded, unglazed figures. The gateway has been reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, from the glazed bricks found, so its original height is different in size. Reconstructed height is 47 feet.
iii. 3rd Babylon is the geographic region of modern day Iraq/Iran/Persia.
1. The day will come soon when it too will be completely destroyed by fire and never rebuilt again.
b. There are three prophetic end time (end of this Age or Season) Babylons:
i. 4th Babylon is rising NOW (Vision given in 1985, that was 21 years ago in 2006!). I also call it the Kingdom of Tyre by My prophets in the ancient world.
1. It is the endtime worldwide economic system that will enslave the world through: (money & merchandising)
a. Commerce
b. Trade
c. Unjust usury (interest)
2. Money is the god that is chosen instead of Me and shall enslave all that will not bow their knee at My cross and surrender all for My Lordship and My kingdom.
7. 5th Babylon is called “Mystery Babylon.” It is the deception of all false religions that will ultimately ensnare all under the spirit of antichrist who forsake Me.
a. Foundations of Mystery Babylon started in the ancient pagan world
b. But the foundation built in the Church Age comes out of the ‘replacement theology’ of the Roman church.
i. It is ultimately the knowledge of the spiritual good in man that shall be the ultimate deception.
ii. Man’s good works apart from Me shall never pay the price of the redemption of a soul. Only My Blood can do that.
8. 6th Babylon is found in the wealthy nations of the last days that forsake Me and turn to idols.
a. It is all the geographic regions of those that are made rich through the economic system of these times.
i. They are found in the islands of the seas
ii. In the havens of great wealth
iii. Nations where resources are stored.
b. When My people are finally removed from these nations and islands, My judgment of fire shall consume them.
i. “Do not think that America will be spared, for she has turned away from Me.”
1. America shall also be completely destroyed by fire, if it does not repent and turn back to Me, as I showed you in this vision
9. A part of the 6th Babylon is a city. The Great City Babylon is New York City.
a. It is the new covenant city of Tyre
i. What city is like this city?
ii. It shall be burned with fire and never be rebuilt again
iii. Mammon is it’s god
1. Its god is money and riches
2. It shall be destroyed in ‘one’ hour After My people both Jewish and in the Church shall be removed out of her.
iv. Satan’s economic throne is there
(New York City, New York USA)
1. It is described in the Book of Revelation as the worldwide center for:
a. Finances
b. Trade
c. Commerce
d. Art
e. Music
f. And every fine and desirable thing of mankind
v. His (Satan’s) pagan throne of human sacrifice is found in Calcutta, India
[Comment not by Maurice Sklar: India has over 330million gods, and over a billion people. From the prophetic revelation Maurice Sklar has given, and from the below hints in this article you know that India is sacrificing humans the same as it is occurring here in the USA by the occult witchcraft people. Here in the USA we have had a number of the occult people turn to God in salvation and after becoming Christians they revealed what is really going on in America, which of course is totally shocking, but a reality nonetheless. Now you know it is going on in India big time! I am amazed that Americans would use this evil demon god name—kali, but most must be ignorant and not realize. I know of a Christian who named her dog, kali! And remember “Gone with the Wind” and this demon god “Tara.”]
“Picture removed for quick e-mailing”
Prashant Panjiar/Livewire Images For Time
A goat is sacrificed to the goddess Tara. Most rituals no longer require live sacrifices
07/22, 2002, Asia, Killing for 'Mother' Kali; It was at most a fringe practice, but a spate of ritual killings in India shows that human sacrifice lives on by Alex Perry Atapur
Monday, 07/22, 2002—For the magic to work, the killing had to be done just right. If the goddess were to grant Khudu Karmakar the awesome powers he expected from a virgin's death, the victim had to be willing, had to know what was happening, watch the knife, and not stop it. But even tranquilizers couldn't lull 15-year-old Manju Kumari to her fate. In his police confession, Karmakar says his wife, daughter and three accomplices had to gag Manju and pin her down on the earthen floor before the shrine. In ritual order, Karmakar wafted incense over her, tore off her blue skirt and pink T shirt, shaved her, sprinkled her with holy water from the Ganges and rubbed her with cooking fat. Then chanting mantras to the "mother" goddess Kali, he sawed off Manju's hands, breasts and left foot, placing the body parts in front of a photograph of a blood-soaked Kali idol. Police say the arcs of blood on the walls suggest Manju bled to death in minutes.
Human sacrifice has always been an anomaly in India. Even 200 years ago, when a boy was killed every day at a Kali temple in Calcutta, blood cults were at odds with a benign Hindu spiritualism that celebrates abstinence and vegetarianism. But Kali is different. A ferocious slayer of evil in Hindu mythology, the goddess is said to have an insatiable appetite for blood. With the law on killing people more strictly enforced today, ersatz substitutes now stand in for humans when sacrifice is required. Most Kali temples have settled on large pumpkins to represent a human body; other followers slit the throats of two-meter-tall human effigies made of flour, or of animals such as goats.
In secret ceremonies, however, the grizzly practice lives on. Quite simply, say the faithful—known as tantrics—Kali looks after those who look after her, bringing riches to the poor, revenge to the oppressed and newborn joy to the childless. So far this year, police have recorded at least one case of ritual killing a month. In January, in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, a 24-year-old woman hacked her three-year-old son to death after a tantric sorcerer supposedly promised unlimited earthly riches. In February, two men in the eastern state of Tripura beheaded a woman on the instructions of a deity they said appeared in their dreams promising hidden treasures. Karmakar killed Manju in Atapur village in Jharkhand state in April. The following month, police dug up the remains of two sisters, aged 18 and 13, in Bihar, dismembered with a ceremonial sword and offered to Kali by their father. Last week on the outskirts of Bombay, maize seller Anil Lakshmikant Singh, 33, beheaded his neighbor's nine-year-old son to save his marriage on the advice of a tantric. Said Singh: "He promised that a human sacrifice would end all my miseries."
Far from ancient barbarisms that refuse to die, sacrifice and sorcery are making a comeback. Sociologists explain the millions who now throng the two main Kali centers in eastern India, at Kamakhya and Tarapith, as what happens when the rat race that is India's future meets the superstitions of its past. Sociologist Ashis Nandy says: "You see your neighbor doing well, above his caste and position, and someone tells you to get a child and do a secret ritual and you can catch up." Adds mysticism expert Ipsita Roy Chakaraverti: "It's got nothing to do with real mysticism or with spiritualism. It comes down to pure and simple greed." Tarapith in particular is a giant building site of new hotels, restaurants and stalls selling plastic swords and postcards of Kali's severed feet. Judging by the visitors here, Kali appeals to both rich and poor: the rows of SUVs parked outside four-star hotels belong to the ranks of businessmen and politicians lining up with their goats behind penniless pilgrims. ("The blood never dries at Tarapith," whispers one villager.)
There are no human sacrifices at the temple these days. But the mystique of ritual killing is so powerful that even those who actually don't perform it claim to do so. In their camp in the cremation grounds beside the temple, a throng of tantrics tout for business by competing to be as spooky as possible, lining their mud-walled temples with human skulls and telling tall tales of human sacrifice. "I cut off her head," says 64-year-old Baba Swami Vivekanand of a girl he says he raised from birth. "We buried the body and brought the head back, cooked it and ate it." He pauses to demand a $2 donation. "Good story, no?" While most of this is innocent, some followers, like Karmakar, are inevitably emboldened to take their quest for power to the extreme. Karmakar, like many others, was caught. But in the dust-bowl villages of India, where superstition reigns and blood has a dark authority, the question is how many other "holy men" have found that ultimate power still rests in the murderous magic of a virgin sacrifice. —With reporting by Faizan Ahmed, From the 07/29, 2002 issue of TIME Asia
vi. His (Satan’s) false religious throne is built upon the seven hills of the Vatican in Rome
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Vatican City State
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Topography Of Rome & Seven Hills/Mountains: “Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquilline, Palatine, Quinnal, & Viminal.”
"The woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. ... Here is the mind which hath wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth" (Revelation 17:18,9).
10. Visions of the end time ministry of Elijah:
a. Then I saw a vision of the prophet Elijah.
i. I saw his whole ministry flash in front of me like a very fast film.
b. Then I saw him anoint Elisha with a double portion and I watched all the miracles take place in Elisha’s ministry.
c. Then suddenly, also in a very fast panoramic way, I saw John the Baptist’s ministry and heard his bold preaching in the wilderness.
d. Then I saw Yeshua (Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ) come to him (John the Baptist) and receive the miracle mantle from John the Baptist when the Holy Spirit came upon Him.
e. Then I saw a very quick succession of those from the early church that carried this same mantle, only much smaller.
i. I saw miracle ministries of many saints and holy men and women in the middle ages.
f. I saw Revival fires:
i. start first in Italy,
ii. than in France.
iii. Then they started in England,
iv. Followed by eastern Europe
v. And then I saw all of Germany lit from north to south with many fires during Luther’s Reformation.
vi. This then swept throughout all of Europe
vii. And then was carried by ship into many nations.
viii. Then America was lit with the same glorious fire and blazed brightly for some time.
1. Then I saw what I knew to be the Pentecostal outpouring and it hit in California and quickly spread throughout the world. (1906)
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04—09/1906, Azusa Street Revival In Los Angeles, California: William Joseph Seymor. Teaching On Repentance; Divine Healings; Cloven Tongues Could Be Seen Upon Their Heads; Gift Of Writing In Unknown Languages & Gift Of Playing Instruments; Deliverance & Demons Gone; Angel Music & Heavenly Choir & New Voices & Gift Of Singing & Speaking In Inspiration; Tongues Convict Sinners; Holy Spirit Singing; Visions & Revelations That Jesus Is Coming; Holy Angel Visitations; Gift Of Languages — The gift of languages is given with the commission, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." The Lord has given languages to the unlearned: Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Zulu and languages of Africa, Hindu and Bengali and dialects of India, Chippewa and other languages of the Indians, Esquimaux, the deaf mute language and, in fact the Holy Ghost speaks all the languages of the world through His children.
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Russians Hear In Their Own Tongue — Different nationalities are now hearing the Gospel in their own "tongue wherein they were born." Sister Anna Hall spoke to the Russians in their church in Los Angeles, in their own language as the Spirit gave utterance. They were so glad to hear the truth that they wept and even kissed her hands. They are a very simple, pure, and hungry people for the full Gospel. The other night, as a company of Russians were present in the meeting, Bro. Lee, a converted Catholic, was permitted to speak their language. As he spoke and sang, one of the Russians came up and embraced him. It was a holy sight, and the Spirit fell upon the Russians, as well as on others, and they glorified God.
2. Then I heard a voice say, “This is the beginning of the latter rain that shall bring in the harvest of the nations. It shall last one hundred years. (04 or 09/1906 to 04 or 09/2006 = 100 years; will the New Reformation Revival hit in full force in 09/2006?)
a. My Glory shall cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. Many shall taste and see that I am good. They shall know My grace and blessings.”
[Comment not by Maurice Sklar: I personally admire the workmanship of Jesus Christ in both of God’s Prophets: John Alexander Dowie and William M. Branham, as I do with King David and the many others who have lived and died before us. Many have made mistakes and so have many of us, so it is by God’s great grace that I am sure both these prophets are in heaven right along with King David. But I desire to make sure it is on record that I have shown proper respect to both them since I must include some difficult things below. In no way however, do I want you to think I am showing disrespect to these two giant men of God. They both had a long record of working hard for God and being faithful as Christians, they just were not able to complete their total destiny calling. I look forward to meeting Adam and Eve along with both of these prophets in heaven and discussing things with each of them as I hope all of you do as well. I thank and praise God for both of these prophets, as well as King David!]
Apostle Prophet John Alexander Dowie, 05/25/1847—03/09/1907 “It was reported that… Dowie was smitten by the stroke during a communion service as he held the communion cup in his hand (I Corinthians 11:29-32), but that the power of God for healing REMAINED with him right up to his death.”
(Another one of God’s Five—Star Generals: Smith Wigglesworth; took Holy Communion twice a day!)
1847 – 1907, John Alexander Dowie, "The Healing Apostle" — Against hypocritical, opposing clergy, fierce and slanderous tabloids, murderous mobs, and relentless city officials, Dr. Dowie wore his apostolic calling as a crown from God, and his persecution as a badge of honor. He knew he was a man on a mission, but he had no idea of where or how his mission would be accomplished. The gifts of the Spirit began to manifest in his life and revelation abounded like never before. Because of his spiritual obedience, thousands were healed under his ministry. Eventually Dowie diverted from God's plan for his life that he embraced the suggestion that he was Elijah. John Alexander Dowie went down in history as an imposter, yet he was a genius (Apostle Prophet—carrying the mantle of Elijah—he was not Elijah) called of God.
· prophesied
the coming of radio and television
· prophesied the assassination of a U.S. President
· once dressed as a tramp so as not to be recognized
· married his first cousin
From: Comments from Minister Roberts Liardon and also from: http://www.christianhistory.org/dowie.html .
Both men that Sklar next mentions were of God’s 12 “Five Star Generals” during the last about 100 years—as Roberts Liardon called them.
Perhaps the first man Sklar mentions could have been John Alexander Dowie who to my understanding at this time came from Scotland/England on ship, and in the late 1800s and early 1900s long capes were used. He did have a long beard—see the picture above; he was in the mid west in an American large city called Chicago, Illinois; and then it was stated “a smaller city,” which could have been the small city that Dowie founded north of Chicago, called Zion, Illinois. It appears it may have been John Alexander Dowie, for it states that “Then I hear him say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come.”
That is basically what Dowie stated near the end of his life, and some kind of darkness did overtake this man of God. It has been stated that John Alexander Dowie died when he was taking Holy Communion!
It seems that John Alexander Dowie fits most all the details of this first man in the revelation; but you will have to discern this between God and you. I know of no one else that could fit these details as Dowie does. It appears John Alexander Dowie was an Apostle Prophet of God carrying the Spirit of Elijah mantle—but he was not Elijah.
What you may want to remember, if this is the man Sklar is referring to, that John Alexander Dowie did come with the mantle of Elijah from God, but he was not Elijah! See the difference and the deception the enemy managed to get Dowie to apparently yield—costing him dearly, the very mantle was removed! I cannot say he lost his salvation, however—it is one thing to not be able to complete your destiny calling as was the case with Dowie and Branham, but it is another thing to lose your salvation and end up in Hell, to my understanding neither lost their salvation but they did not fully complete their destiny callings.
Here are a few quotes about John Alexander Dowie: “Ministering in the Power of (the mantle of) Elijah, the Spirit of John the Baptist, With the Heart of a Shepherd, the Zeal of an Evangelist, and the Message of a Prophet” by Charles A. Jennings
n “As a forerunner of what God has prepared for His people in the next generation, He always sends a messenger "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord" (Luke 1:17). Usually, that messenger is thought of as being strange by the religious standard of the day and often strongly rejected by the ruling church authorities. One such God-ordained messenger who was the forerunner in preparation for the Twentieth Century ministry of divine healing was John Alexander Dowie. One writer recalls:
"John Alexander Dowie holds an unique and definite place in the development of apostolic ideals for the Church of the Twentieth Century. His life mission and work present a fascinating, romantic object lesson for those interested in progressive Christianity. Singlehanded, as Elijah of old, he denounced the decadent order of the day, and protested mightily against apostasy, both of the Protestant and Catholic divisions of the Church and heralded a New Day of a Thousand Years when Jehovah would hold sway over a redeemed people on the renewed earth."
n “On 05/24, 1847 Dowie was born into the home of highly educated and devout Christian parents in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. It was there he attended church and was converted to Christ at the early age of seven years old. Later he recalls the story of his early conversion…”
n “…original issue of the Chattanooga Tenn. Sunday Times newspaper dated 06/12, 1904. The front page of this vintage newspaper has an article about John Alexander Dowie of the Zion Church. He was in London England and the hotels there would not rent him a room.” (So here is where he could have taken a ship from England to the USA as was seen in the vision (?).
n “For many years following his death in 1907, Dr. Dowie was honored by many prominent ‘healing’ evangelists including William M. Branham and F. F. Bosworth. As reported in the Voice of Healing magazine of 05/1949, Branham and Bosworth held a joint healing campaign in Zion City for eleven nights in 04/1949.”
n The Healing Apostle. He lived at Shiloh House, Zion, Illinois. Born 05/25, 1847; died 03/09, 1907 = 60 years
n He stated he was a ‘Soldier of the Cross’ & ‘The Millennium will come; and you, John Alexander Dowie will be back for a thousand years’ according to God’s perfect will only – his last words he spoke and uttered…
n Will the City of Zion become a city of safety during the time of the invasion of the USA in the near future? There will be some cities and locations of safety for some Christians.
“The first city election had been a month earlier on 04/07, 1902 after Dr. Dowie had formed the Theocratic Party. “Theo” from the Greek, meaning God. Zion was to be the City of God, for Godfearing and Christ loving people, with the slogan, “Where God rules man prospers.” Today Dr. Dowie’s seal is still the City of Zion’s seal. The Temple Site he dedicated in the summer of 1900 before 10,000 followers, on it stands the Christian Catholic Church, which he founded, surrounded by the circle road “Dowie Memorial Drive.” The Dowie grave stone can be seen in Lake Mound Cemetery at Sheridan Road and 29th Street.
With my hand upon this lever, I hand to you tonight and to the generations to come a seal which contains all that Zion wants to be. “Ordinance: Corporate Seal — That the common seal of the City of Zion shall be circular in form and be so constructed as to impress upon the paper the words Corporate Seal above and ‘The City of Zion, Illinois,’ below in the outer edge thereof, with a Zion Banner in the center, surmounted by the declaration, ‘God Reigns,’ such banner having the word ‘Zion’ below, and a dove with an olive branch above; a cross at the left, and a sword and a crown at the right, requiring that the same shall be and hereby is so declared to be the Corporate Seal of the City of Zion.“ Look at the dove, which is the emblem of the Holy Spirit bearing the message of peace and love over the seas.“ The cross represents everything to us in Redemption, Salvation, Healing, Cleansing and Keeping Power.“ The Sword is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The crown is the crown of Glory, the crown of Joy, the crown of Righteousness, the crown of Rejoicing.“ I shall pass away — at the longest it will not be long (he passed away 03/09, 1907) but this seal is one that I hope will never pass away from Zion City, until the end shall come and a new heaven and a new earth be created.”
n Dowie may not have possibly had the Baptism of the Holy Spirit because of the trouble between him and Marie Woodworth-Etter over the Gift of Holy Tongues from the Holy Spirit, Dowie was against this gift it appeared strongly. 1844 – 1924, Maria Woodworth-Etter — David E. Taylor, at his website states “St. Louis Union Station site where Marie Woodworth-Etter stood frozen in a trance for three days during the 1904 World’s Fair. From: David E. Taylor, at www.MiracleInvasion.org.
Maria Woodworth-Etter, is called the grandmother of the Pentecostal Movement and was born in 1844 in Lisborn Ohio. "I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep." She was the only leading evangelist of the Holiness Movement who embraced the experience of speaking in tongues apparently at that time. God called her to preach at a time when people did not believe that women should preach. In fact, at this time women were not even allowed to vote.
3. Then suddenly, I saw one man with grey hair and a beard. (It appears strongly that the man was John Alexander Dowie, one of God’s Five Star Generals in the last 100 years!)
a. He was on a ship going from England to America. (It does not say he was from England it just says he was coming over from the location England. Could this man of God have been John Alexander Dowie?)
b. I saw an angel come with a huge mantle and it came upon his shoulders.
c. I heard a voice saying, “This is the mantle of Elijah for the harvest of the nations.”
d. Then I saw this man preaching in the mid-west in America in a large city (Chicago, Illinois?) and then in a smaller city (Zion, Illinois which John Alexander Dowie founded?).
e. Miracles and healings burst forth from him.
f. Then I heard him say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come.” (John Alexander Dowie: Even though he was given the mantle of Elijah, this does not mean he was Elijah—apparently he was stating he was Elijah before his death, this would have to be verified in the Zion records, for his home and the records are still there in Zion, IL; and a caretaker lives on the place now in 2006. And this deception maybe where the enemy got an open door to him and the mantle was removed from him at a certain point before his death.)
i. After that, I saw a darkness overtake this man and soon that glorious light that was in him went out. (There was a darkness that over took John Alexander Dowie before he died! This does not mean he lost his salvation however—he did lose the supernatural mantle and robe.)
ii. Then I saw two angels come and remove that huge mantle and robe off of this man.
Prophet William M. Branham, 04/06, 1909 – 12/24, 1965 (Notice the hand of the Holy Angel on Branham’s shoulder. It appears the man that Maurice Sklar is referring to here in his vision was Prophet Braham because he was very poor, and a number of his family died—wife and child, he also carried the supernatural powerful ‘mantle of Elijah!’ If I recall correctly, I seem to remember another prophetic person telling of seeing Branham in heaven after his death, and if I recall correctly there was a conversation and Branham stated it was by the grace of God. He was not gifted to teach and he was not Elijah, these areas apparently caused an opening for the enemy to get to him as he yielded.)
1940’s, "A Prophet of Notable Signs and Wonders" — William Branham was a humble, soft-spoken man familiar with tragedy, heartbreak and poverty. Semi-literate by worldly standards, Branham was educated through supernatural occurrences. Simple in his reasonings and poor in his command of the English language, Branham became the leader in the Voice of Healing revival that originated in the late forties. There were many healing revivalists who came to the forefront during this era and each had his or her own uniqueness, but none were able to combine the prophetic office, the supernatural manifestations and divine healing as William Branham did. Branham had an incredible healing gift, but having no Bible knowledge to match it, he turned into a doctrinal disaster. Had he remained in the plan of God, he could have been one of the greatest voices that had ever lived.
· laid
his hand on his dead wife after a fatal car accident, and revived her.
· had so much healing power flow through him that his
wristwatch stopped.
· had an angel from the Lord appear and speak with him for thirty minutes.
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A lithograph by Canadian artist Jerry Doell of the Kentucky Log Cabin where William Branham was born.
1937, Prophetic Warning Word, The Ohio River Flood – 22 Feet Of Water — The OHIO RIVER FLOOD, 1937, 22 FEET OF WATER OVER SPRING STREET. Sometime during the fall of 1936, while ministering in his Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Brother Branham, prophesied of "a flood" that would caused the waters to rise to a height of 22 feet over Spring Street in Jeffersonville. A number of people present in the Tabernacle at the time said, "Get next to yourself Billy. In 1884 it was only was about six inches on Spring Street." They laughed at him saying, "Billy, you're just excited."
But he stood firm and screamed out, "I'm not excited! It's THUS SAITH THE LORD! I seen a man come down from the skies, and take a measuring stick and put it there on Spring Street, and it measured twenty-two feet."
As the word spread about Billy Branham's prophecy, he was mocked. People said, "You're crazy. You're off at your head." When he advised the workers at the Falls City Transfer Company, of coming flood they said, "Ah, Billy, go on home." But less than six weeks from then, twenty-two feet of water measured over Spring Street, just exactly the way It said.
But little did Brother Branham know the implications that this flood would have for him, personally. It would have a "three-fold" effect on the Prophet:
1. It vindicated his
Ministry and Prophecy.
2. It would cause him to feel sorrow as he
would never know it again.
3. I t would be a turning point in his
Today, there runs through the City of Jeffersonville a wall - 22 feet high, designed to hold back the waters in the event of another flood. BUT that wall stands as proof of the flood and as a mute testimony to the "vindication" of God's Servant and Prophet to the Twentieth Century.
During the flood young Rev. William Branham, outdoorsman and experienced riverman, set out with his boat to rescue all the families he could from the swelling waters of the Ohio River. At his Tabernacle, the flood waters had risen so high that the pews and the pulpit had floated to the ceiling. And when the flood waters receded the pulpit came back down in the exact spot where it had been sitting; The Bible was still open to the same place that Brother Branham had left it and not one drop of water had touched the Word of God.
But while involved in the intense rescue efforts that were on-going for quite an extended period of time, Brother Branham became separated from his wife and children for many days. During the course of the flood large portions of the population were evacuated to different areas on higher ground. Make shift hospitals and dormitories were sit up to accommodate the sick and displaced people.
In the confusion of people moving from one place to another, Brother Branham was unable to locate Sister Hope and his children. He searched frantically, following up on every bit of information he could gather from others who had seen his family here and there. The end of his search would be devastating for the young Prophet and family man. He eventually found his young wife, but she was in a dying condition. As you will read in the page which gives details of her 'home-going', she only lived long enough to bid farewell to her husband. Within twenty-four hours of his wife's passing, he was notified that little Sharon Rose was also dying.
William Branham was overwhelmed with grief. Hurrying to the hospital, he ran to see his little girl who was now placed in isolation, in the basement of the hospital. He knelt and tried to pray as he watched little Sharon Rose's body quiver with spasms. He said that as he tried to pray, it was as if a big black sheet had dropped down. His wife was dead - sorrow! Now, his child lay dying - more sorrow! But now, even God had refused to hear his prayer - Sorrow beyond compare.
There in the basement of that old hospital, God called His Prophet into question. He was tried and found wanting in obedience. God held His peace while the enemy went to work on Brother Branham's faith. After debating back and forth with the Devil, his faith was triumphant. He cried out, "The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the Name of the Lord". Then everything began to fall into place. He realized the Truth of what his young wife had told him before she passed away. The Light began to dawn in his soul. He had disobeyed and refused to go into the field of Evangelism when God had called him just a couple of years previous. He was now learning obedience through the things he was suffering. From henceforth, he would always say, "It is best to always obey the Lord."
Thirdly, this experience in Brother Branham's life would be a "Turning Point" in his Life and Ministry. In obedience to the Lord's call he would now enter the field of Evangelism and his ministry would begin to spread across the Nation. Within a few more years he would be commissioned by an Angel sent from the Presence of God and his ministry would spread around the world.
Suffering, Daughter Sharon Rose Dies —Once again the "importance" of OBEDIENCE is driven home to William Branham. He would indeed learn obedience by the things which He would suffered. And when God was finished, the clay would be ready for the molding in the Potters hands.
From the lips of his dying, young wife, he was reminded of his disobedience in refusing to go forth and "Do the work of an Evangelist, and make full proof of the ministry." Now, God had taken from him 'the desire of his eyes' but once more the Lord would allow death to knock at his door. Again, Brother Branham continues his personal narration of the story.....
After Hope had passed away, I started home to see about the babies. How desperately I sought some peace of mind. I went to my mother's... I went to our house, Hope's and mine, everywhere, nothing satisfied me. I couldn't rest. Many of you people know what I mean. That night I finally went to bed and tried to sleep. Sometime during the night somebody knocked on the door. A voice called out in the darkness, "Billy, your baby is dying."
I'll never forget that night when I heard those words. I thought, "Oh, no! Not my baby!" As if it weren't enough that I had lost my wife that day, the friend had come with the news that my baby girl was dying. When we got into his little pickup truck to go to the baby, I thought life was at its very end. How could these things be!
When we arrived at my mother-in-law's house, we found the baby very near death. Dr. Sam Adair had come to the home and examined her. He told me that there was nothing that could be done that he knew of, but we rushed her to the hospital anyway. She had spinal meningitis which she had contracted from her mother. There was no chance at all for her ever to be well. They moved her to an isolated area in the basement of the hospital. I was told that she would be dead in a matter of hours. I can't express with human lips how that tore me up.
Dr. Adair told me that I shouldn't go near her because I might carry the germ to my little boy, Billy Paul. But I just couldn't stand it any longer. Thinking of her mother laying in the undertaker's establishment, I had to see my baby. I tell you, friends, the way of the transgressor is hard.
When the Doctor left the room I went down into the basement. I saw the little darling lying there. When I think of it now it just breaks my heart. As I walked in I looked at her and she tried to look at me. The flies was in her eyes. She was about eight months old, just big enough to be plump and sweet. The poor little thing had never come out of the spasm the meningitis had caused. One of her legs was drawn up and one of her arms was drawing. Her little leg moved up and down. Oh! Such a pitiful sight.
There laid my little darling, dying. I tried to talk to her. It was tragic - the agony was so great that one of them pretty, little blue eyes had crossed. It seemed as if my heart was breaking. I knelt down beside her and tried to pray. I said, "Lord, what have I done? Haven't I preached the Gospel on the Street corners? Don't hold it against me Lord. I never called them people "trash". Forgive me, Lord. Don't take my baby."
And while I was praying, it looked like a big black sheet came down. I knew then that He had refused me. Now, there was the hardest and most treacherous time of my life. I knew I had made a bad mistake in not turning loose of everything and going out into evangelistic work. I believe that the gift was ready to be manifested then, but I had neglected going.
But that dark curtain hung between and my baby was sinking. I raised up to look at her and said, "Sharon, don't you know daddy?" Truly I believe she knew I was there. It looked like she was trying to wave her little hand and her lips were quivering as though she were going to cry. You that have children know how I felt in that hour.
When God refused to talk to me then the Devil began to reason with me in my mind, trying to cause me to doubt the Love and Goodness of God. He pointed to a dead wife and a dying child, hoping to turn me aside from serving God. But then, down on the inside, he stuck that Seed of Eternal Life. Faith took over. I raised up and said, "Lord, you gave her to me and now you're taking her away from me, blessed be the Name of the Lord! If you take even me, I will still love you."
I prayed and laid hands upon her. But the angels came a little while later and took the little darling to be with her mother. I returned home, desolate and weary. Two days later we buried her in her mother's arms.”
“06/1933, Seven Major Continuous Visions, The Time Period 1906 to ???? — The Laodicean Age began around the turn of the Twentieth Century, perhaps 1906. How long will it last? …Seven Major Continuous Visions that came to me one Sunday morning in 06/1933. The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said that the coming of the Lord was drawing nigh, but that before He came, seven major events would transpire. I wrote them all down and that morning I gave forth the revelation of the Lord.
Seven Major Events —
The first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would "fall at his steps." That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and would not believe it. But it happened that way, He just walked in there with his modern arms and took over. The natives didn't have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was said.
The next [second] vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.
The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, Fascism Nazism, Communism, but that the first who would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, "Watch Russia, Watch Russia. Keep your eye on the king of the North."
The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the second world war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic-bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.
[Comment not by William M. Branham nor Maurice Sklar: This technology exists today, it is not yet in full production, it might be somewhere in Europe, that I do not know about, but here in the USA it is being talked about on car shows (2004), and they show the magnets in the roads, which are called smart roads. Did God only show Branham the beginning or well into this technology???]
The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote. Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights. She adopted men's clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.
[Comment not by William M. Branham nor Maurice Sklar: In reading more about this fifth vision, it appeared to me that it was possible that it could mean several things and both could be correct, as the Holy Scriptures have seven levels of depth to them. First, the woman could be referring to the real Church of Jesus Christ in America or worldwide which includes both males and females and God could be stating the Churches condition is awful! This may not be a total attack just against women, men left out. The church is called a woman.
Again this could mean both. Also, it could include the terrible change that has been seen in women here at the end of the age, many do dress like men, and it is true they have chopped their hair off so that they literally look like men—even female ministers—furthermore they did not just cut their hair short they literally shaved it off or cut it like men wear—in fact men today wear their hair longer than many Christian women; and there are areas today were women are very rebellious and disobedient in both to God and their husband. There is a lot that could be said but I won’t go there… However, my guess is—I not think God was ever upset about the woman having the right to vote, so I cannot agree with Branham on that issue if it was a full issue to him. It appears that God was stating at that time this problem started occurring stronger… with the Church and women. The Holy Scriptures tell us what God wants from both men and women in obedience, the truth is we need to do it while here on this earth. Some feel that there is neither male nor female, well that is a ‘yes and no’ answer; God is very clear in certain areas that there are females and He directs them clearly in the Holy Scriptures on what to do and not do; and He also reveals in other areas the equal of both men and women pertaining to certain matters in the Bible. And yes, God also tells the woman that the husband is in a position that was God made in the family. The women need to be in godly balance on these issues, the Bible is very clear about them and we are not living in heaven yet… so we need to do what God says while here on this earth.
Yes, the Church of Jesus Christ and many women look like a whore today, that is a fact! Take a look at the women today, they look awful. With more connivances available and more inexpensive material as well, the women today have tight fitting pants or shorter skirts on; ‘less material on’… which means they are revealing much more, truly the women in days past dressed much more modestly. Many female ministers will give an account to Jesus Christ for hair that look like a man’s cut—shaven almost; and the lack of modest apparel—older women where to have been godly examples to the younger women. Today many Christians do not want to talk about this subject, but King Jesus will discuss it with them when they face Him one-on-one!
You discern what you think God was revealing to William Branham, was it only women and some of their fallen areas or was it the Church as a whole? My guess is that it was both areas. I cannot tell if God told Branham about the vote or if He stated that after the women received the right to vote this occurred… meaning it had nothing to do with the vote but more of an explaining of the time period of when things started to change for the worse with both the Church and women in general.]
Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.
[Comment not by William M. Branham nor Maurice Sklar: God gave him the vision, but here Branham tells you right out that he does not fully know for sure what the meaning is. So, again let the reader go to God with both the 5th and 6th visions and find out from Him what He really meant. My opinion which could be right or wrong, is that it is again both, the whore Roman Catholic Church rising up into more power and a female who is evil that will rise up in some powerful position…; however, my first choice would be the Roman Catholic Church. But it would not surprise me if both occurred.]
The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.
[Comment not by William M. Branham nor Maurice Sklar: I was not able to find a comment by Branham on what this 7th vision means. My guess is that it means the invasion of the USA—for could not bombs leave a type of crater looking thing, and debris all over, and yes there would be the mushroom smoke; if it is not referring to the invasion, could it be something from the sky, or earthquake activity or volcanoes popping up in places not expected? Or a combination of all of these? As of today, 2006, my personal guess is it is referring to the invasion of the USA and all the others as well. If it is referring to the invasion of the USA, notice he also states “nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.” Yet we know that the whole land will not be devoured like that in the invasion. So possibly like Maurice Sklar, Branham stated it a certain way but it does not mean the whole land or is he also referring to at the end of the 1,000-year period? It just appears to be major massive when it—whatever it is—occurs. Again you will need to consult God about what the final meanings of this 7th vision is! My guess is it means the invasion of the USA and earthquakes, volcanoes, terrorists attacks, and all the other things that can happen in the USA as righteous redemptive judgment is happening, but we do know that America will survive all this, as awful as it all will be, and She will end up a 3rd world country when it is all over, and She will go back to about the 1950’s in living standards if I have understood the other prophetic that has been released correctly.]
Prophet William M. Branham, 01/1950, Manifestation Of Holy Fire Photographed
From: http://www.christianhistory.org/branham.html.
4. Then I saw a man on his knees crying out in despair.
a. He was poor and was freezing in a little house and it was snowing like a blizzard outside. His wood stove finally went out and he huddled under a blanket trying to keep warm.
b. Then I saw this same man standing at a gravesite where I somehow knew that his wife and children were buried. He was crying until he couldn’t cry anymore.
c. Then I saw this same man get up and start to preach in what looked like a small country church that was red brick.
d. Then I saw him kneeling again in prayer in front of a large oak tree praying and he said, “Lord I give you my life. Do whatever you want with me.”
e. Then I saw two angels come with that same huge mantle that was on the other man with the long cape. I knew that it was this same mantle of Elijah. They put it on him and he wept and wept.
f. One of the angels said, “I will stay with him so that he can carry this. It is to heavy for him alone.”
g. Then I saw this man suddenly light up like a flare and burn so brightly that wherever he went from then on throughout the earth, revival started everywhere. It came out of his mouth and just set everyone on fire.
h. Then I saw this man one day say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come. I must now teach all that I know. He opened his bible and as he did, I saw a snake rise up out of it. It looked like a green cobra. It began to speak instead of him. At first, it only appeared for a little while and would disappear. But then, it grew larger and larger and coiled around him. I could no longer see the blazing flare like torch that he carried. I couldn’t even see the beautiful mantle on him.
i. The angle could no longer stay, so another angel approached and they lifted that mantle off of him and ascended into the sky.
45.2 04/06, 2005, The Wine Of Babylon — The Wine Of Babylon, Maurice Sklar, 04/06 2005 06:15AM:
Dear Friends,
This past week in Singapore, I ministered with a prophetic bible teacher named Tamara Winslow. She began to teach a revelation which struck me so profoundly that I would like to pass it on to you. The Lord then added a few things to it for me to share with you also. This letter is a bit longer one, but please read it, beloved, for it will bless and strengthen you. Amen.
The end times are upon us. We see the rise of Babylon in our world like never before. The influence of the Satanic Babylonian system is becoming so strong now that it is influencing every realm of our lives, but most of us are blind to her deception and seducing ways. If we as the church do not wake up and watch and pray, we will become drunk on her perilous wine and be helpless like the lost around us! Wake up!! Wake up!! Wake Up!!! Do not abandon your post, church!! Watch and pray in this dark hour!!
"…Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that that sitteth upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the Wine of her fornication." (Rev. 17:1-2)
"Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. (Rev.18: 2-6)
What is Babylon in the Bible? It is representative of the rebellion of mankind or man's government of himself apart from God's rule. In our world today, it is the spirit of the philosophy of humanism. Man is his own god and does not need the Almighty God, it says.
There are at least six major representations of Babylon in the Bible. Three of them are literal places in history and three are symbolic and prophetic about Satan's end-time government of the world system. The number six in the bible is the number of man. The six Babylons are:
1. The city called Babel in the plain of the land of Shinar where a tower was built to worship satan. God judged it by changing the languages of man (from one to many) and keeping them from uniting. (Gen. 11)
2. The land of Babylon (present day Iraq) where king Nebuchadnezzar reigned in the ancient world. God judged Babylon by destroying it after they took Israel captive. God also judged King Nebuchadnezzar personally by making him like an animal and going crazy for seven years until he repented and acknowledged the Most High God rules over all. (In the same way, the entire earth will go crazy for seven years, becoming drunk on the wine of Babylon and be judged by God when He treads out the winepress of the fierceness of His wrath against her).
3. The ancient empire that was the greatest and most lavish in the ancient world. This includes not only present day Iraq, but also a number of other nations surrounding it. God judged it by destroying it forever and declaring that it would never be rebuilt as a literal empire or kingdom.
4. The spiritual power behind the end-time political and economic unity of all the nations of the earth. God will judge this by the return of the Messiah to the earth and smashing it into pieces like a piece of pottery is smashed by an iron rod. (Psalm 2 and other places).
5. The spiritual power behind the end-time religious unity of all peoples of the earth. All the earth will worship Satan as god and the man called the antichrist who will rule the earth during the last seven years of judgment called the tribulation.
6. The location of an end-time city and also the geographical regions of the earth called "the islands of the sea." The bible clearly describes and end-time city that will be the center of world trade, world finance, the arts and music, and every fine and great thing that is the pride of man. With this city also is described various end-time nations and peoples that are directly connected with it. They are living in a lavish, extravagant way and they mock God because of their wealth, their idolatry, and their great pride. They are called "the islands of the sea" by the prophets in the bible. God will judge both this central city and these nations living in "the islands of the sea" by destroying them suddenly in a catastrophic way by fire. The city called "Babylon" will be destroyed in one hour by fire. The "islands of the sea" shall also suffer the same fate and be destroyed suddenly in the same manner "in one day."
The ancient harlots and courtesans would always use wine to both intoxicate and to seduce their "clients." The more expensive she was the more spices and drugs were present in her wine. Right now, the whore of Babylon is spewing out her wine into every nation of the earth. God is also pouring out His wine for the church and the Jewish people.
You will drink from either God's cup or you will drink from Babylon's cup. You must decide now what wine you are going to drink. You cannot remain neutral because you have to worship something. Whenever you worship, you are drinking from a spiritual cup of wine. So, who is your god? All will know by which cup you drink from.
So, church, do you really belong to Jesus, or are you just pretending that He is your Lord? Have you taken up your cross to follow Him, or are you getting drunk on the wine of the idolatrous whore of Babylon? Remember, Jesus said that both the righteous and the wicked would grow up together as wheat and tares in the earth. You couldn't tell them apart until harvest time. But now it is harvest time in the spirit realm. We are going to find out who you really are by which cup you drink from now, church.
Let's get a little clearer and not so symbolic and metaphorical, ok? So, just what is the "wine of Babylon" anyway? Oh, I am so glad you asked. It is everywhere to be imbibed. You won't have to look far to find it:
n What music do you listen to?
n What entertainment do you watch: movies, video games, television, radio, CDs and DVDs and plays and magazines and clubs and "nightlife" and the internet?
n What is your primary motivation: the love of money and the pursuit of pleasure or the love of God and the pursuit of Him? You cannot pursue both at the same time. Which wine are you drinking?
n Is your job and profession of work (your "career") to build an empire down here or so that you can build the kingdom of God? Do you care at all about getting the gospel to the world and saving souls from hell or do you just care about yourself, your comfort and the building of your personal empire? Is money and pleasure your god? Do you serve it? Then, you are drinking from the wrong cup.
n Is your focus on eternal things or just the "here and now"? That will reveal which wine you have been drinking.
n How much TIME do you spend with God in prayer and reading and study of His Word? If you have very little devotional time with God, there is very little hope for you that you will be able to stay away from drinking of the wine of Babylon. It is everywhere! Spend much time with the Lord, Beloved! Drink instead of the cup of the Lord. His wine is the best, Praise God.
n Are you connected strongly to a local church that is on fire for God and preaches the uncompromising message of the Bible? Do they let the Holy Spirit have His way in your services? Are you hearing the clear voice of the Master from the pulpit? What kind of wine is your church serving? The wine of dead religion is the wine of Babylon.
n Is there known and/or habitual sin in your life? Is your conscience pure and undefiled? That is the acid test. You cannot drink the wine of Babylon without reaping the fruit of carnality. There is no way out of the sin and condemnation cycle except through changing the kind of wine you drink. Beloved, you must come to the Master's table and dine with Him. He has the bread of righteousness, holiness and healing. He has the wine of joy, peace, faith and love. The bread of heaven will satisfy. The wine of His presence will give you strength to live holy and pure even in these dark and perilous days. Eat the flesh of the Son of God. Drink His blood. Receive communion on a daily basis if you can. This is the bread and the wine of heaven.
n "Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the God." (2 Cor. 6:17-7:1)
Come to the Lord's Table and dine with Him. It is so wonderful to partake of the bread and wine of heaven. Let God purify and cleanse you now, by His love and grace. You will never desire the wine of Babylon again. Amen.
My love to you in Our Messiah, Jesus; Maurice Sklar
45.3 11/24, 2005, The Preparation Of The Bride, Maurice Sklar, Maurice Sklar Ministries—
Dear Friends,
During the past few weeks the Lord has led me to intercede for the nations. The world has experienced numerous disasters and tragedies and continues to do so. There is no question that we are living in the final days before the return of our Messiah, Jesus. This prophecy was given to me a few weeks ago, and I was reluctant to release it because it is so strong. But the Lord has compelled me to do so. I want to say emphatically that I believe that it is conditional. If we will pray and intercede, perhaps, many of these calamities can be averted and/or postponed.
I pray that as you read this, that you will keep an open mind and receive the main message: We must be ready for the Lord's return. We must return to our first love and live a pure and consecrated life if we are to be pleasing to Him when He appears.
May the Lord purify our hearts so we can be a part of His wonderful and beautiful Bride! Amen.
"And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write… I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew (vomit) thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white rainment that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." (Revelation 3:14-22)
As I was reading and meditating on this scripture, the Lord said to me:
"I am sending my refining fire into the church. I am separating My bride from the Laodicean church of today. I am preparing her. I am purifying her. She will be without spot and without blemish. I will return for her in the midnight hour. Only those that are watching and praying; only those who are embracing the message of the cross and holiness; only those that walk in the power of My spirit in moment by moment obedience; only those who are overcomers will be a part of My bride.
Most of those in the church will not be ready for Me when I come for My bride. Many think they are saved, but they are not at all. They are serving pleasures, lusts, and are in love with themselves. They are consumed with this present world and its' selfish ways. They are in love with money, success, and covet fame, position and power. They do not want to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Me. They refuse to forsake all. Therefore, they will not be ready and will be left behind to face the great judgments that are about to come upon the world. Warn those that are lukewarm and have left their first love for Me, that if they do not repent, I will vomit them from My body.
I am preparing My bride. This is her hour of glory! I am purifying her. I am adorning her with My crowns and My jewels and My beautiful gowns. She shall be without spot or blemish. She will be dressed in My robes of righteousness—pure, clean and white. Who will come to Me and buy from Me what they so desperately need? It still is not too late. Repent, and return to Me with all of your hearts, so that you do not perish with this evil world.
I am sending a mighty army from mainland China along the old silk trade routes and into the unreached nations that have been called the 10/40 window. When they finally reach Jerusalem, then know that the wedding day is upon you. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. I will then come in the clouds and meet you in the air! But, the remaining nations must still hear my gospel of grace. This will be the final and greatest harvest that the world has ever seen.
Many hundreds of millions are waiting to hear the good news in China, in India, and in the other Buddhist and Muslim dominated regions of Asia, the near east and the middle east, as well as the poorest of nations in Africa and central and South America, as well as the hundreds of islands in the oceans of the earth. I am shifting my focus to them. But you, O church of America and the West have prostituted yourself at every opportunity before every high place and idol shrine. You have substituted religion for My Presence. You shall surely perish when the fullness of My wrath comes upon Babylon. You shall be utterly burned with fire. You have heard and received the fullness of My love and grace, America. Still, you spit in My face and harden your hearts and refuse to turn back to Me.
Europe, you rejected Me and through Me out. For hundreds of years you provoked Me to wrath. You despised My people Israel and slaughtered them in a rage that reached to heaven after robbing the Jewish people and throwing them out of nation after nation. You did this all in My Name!! How can you escape the wrath to come?! You cannot. Therefore, you shall receive and drink the fullness of My cup of wrath. Prepare to meet your God, O Europe! Europe, you shall receive the King that you desire to worship instead of Me. He is soon to come forth. When you receive his mark, you will be eternally damned.
O Babylon, You drove My people from their homes in Gaza, and then started upon Judea and Samaria in Israel. Therefore, I will drive you from your homes in direct proportion, of 10,000 to 1, as you have seen in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the Gulf Coast. There will follow two more judgments – one in a major city of Europe and one in the Arab nations in the middle east before the end of this year.
I will shake California in a warning, and then there shall finally come the earthquake that I have mercifully withheld for so many years. Millions shall perish in the ensuing floods and the west coast of America shall be removed and fall into the ocean. Boston shall experience a major attack upon a great school that once preached My gospel in ages past but has left the faith of their fathers—never to return again. It will never be rebuilt again. There shall be 5 terrorist attacks that will hit America in ever increasing destruction upon the major cities. Before the end of 2007, a nuclear "dirty bomb" will blow up in a major city in the south of America.
New York City will receive 3 major judgments before the end of 2008. Each one will be more devastating than the last. One will shake the entire financial world and cripple the once invincible financial power of America. Millions will lose everything in a moment. It will make the crash of the stock market in 1929 look like a little thing in comparison. America will no longer be the financial leader of the world. Another judgment will destroy a major stadium during a sports event. Yet another explosion will destroy nearly an entire Borough of New York. But for the sake of the Jewish people in New York, I will supernaturally spare them. After this, I will cause the largest aliyah (return) of My people (the Jewish people) from New York (and other regions throughout the developed world to Israel) in all of history. But only after the entire financial system that they are dependant on collapses will they all return to the land that I have promised them.
Tokyo, Japan. Hong Kong, China. Johannesburg, South Africa. Calcutta, India. Sidney, Australia. Chicago, Illinois. Los Angeles, California. Paris, France and many other cities will experience major catastrophes in the next five years. Millions upon millions will perish. The aids epidemic will devastate the population in Africa to half of its' present size in the next 4 years. Many other incurable diseases, famine, drought and starvation will soon devastate the under-developed nations of the world in a way that has never occurred before. North Korea will launch a sudden nuclear attack and then be completely destroyed. Only the prayers of South Korea can stop it. Pakistan will become a leading center for world terrorism and will experience a nuclear attack, also.
Israel is soon to once again send their planes and blow up the nuclear "plants" of Iran. Syria will soon collapse economically and be replaced by a fanatical Islamic government. A major coordinated Al Qaeda terrorist attack will blow up many historic places in Europe that were once bastions of true Christian faith, worship, art and music.
If America does not stand up now and defend Israel instead of forcing Israel from their land, we will continue to face the devastating consequences here. At the rate of 10,000 to 1, we will continue to face destruction of our homes and communities. For every Jewish soul that is touched – I will require 10,000 souls in America to account for it.
This is but a fraction of what is soon to come if there is not repentance and turning back to Me.
I will shake all the nations, and then after each disaster, I will pour out My grace and bring in a mighty harvest of souls for My kingdom. As birth contractions happen with a pregnant woman, so will these events happen ever faster and greater. Each one will be more devastating than the last one, and each one will come closer and closer together. Haven't I said exactly this in My Word? Each disaster will judge and smash an idol that is worshipped by the world system of Babylon. I will then show Myself as the one true God over them all.
I will judge Hollywood and the entire movie industry for the millions upon millions of souls that they seduced and sent to hell. I will judge the news media and the television industry. I will judge the music industry. I will overturn the whole music industry in such a way that they can never pollute the world ever again. I will judge the internet pornography industry. Whole internet computer systems will be permanently shut down. I will judge the abortionists and their supporters. I will judge and reverse the Supreme Court. For a short time they shall change the laws to fear and honor Me.
There is coming a revival of morality and religion in America as a result of these calamities, but it will be a false one for the most part. God will become popular in the culture, but not the Bible and My name (Jesus). It will be a false gospel message. Not many will truly be born again. Only a remnant in My church will truly stay in right relationship to Me.
When you see me take Billy Graham and Oral Roberts home, you will know that America and the West have received their last call. As I said in My Word, unless the Father would shorten these days, even the elect would not be saved.
The deception of "Christian religion" will grow so great, that it will be nearly impossible to recognize the true prophets and teachers from the false ones. Counterfeit miracles and false "signs and wonders" will come and deceive many. Churches will preach a "success and personal achievement" gospel. Even false healing meetings will come and actually produce real miracles, but they will not bring the people to Me. The preaching of My supreme Lordship, the cross, My blood, holiness, and the fear of the Lord will become more and more rare, even more than it has become during the last 35 years.
Nevertheless, I have supernaturally preserved and kept My bride pure and faithful to Me. I will continue to do so. Most of My bride is in mainland China now. Many are in Asia, and Korea and India and Brazil and Russia and Kenya and Nigeria and throughout Africa. Most of My bride is hidden away in their prayer closets and have been persecuted and driven out of the churches by abusive pastors and false prophets, ministry leaders, and oppressive government leaders. Many are in prison. Some are daily dying of starvation and disease. Most of My bride has been beaten and left by the side of the road by the religious 'wolves in sheep's clothing'. They have been forgotten by the blinding greed of those hoarding their money and riches. Only the Good Samaritans can even spot them and see them. The rest are blinded. Only a few really love My bride the way that I do.
My bride is being purified through the fire of many trials of afflictions and persecutions at this present hour. Those that walk in My love and embrace the cross are being separated and persecuted by the Laodicean church. Those that are truly anointed and bringing the pure Word from My throne are being thrown out of the pulpits of the land and off of 'Christian Television' in favor of the confession of the Laodicean church: 'I am rich, I am increased with goods and have need of nothing. I am healed. I am blessed.' Really???? Are you???? It doesn't look that way from My throne in heaven!
Beware of any teaching that is selfish and appeals to your lusts and feeds the love of money in your lives. That teaching does not come from heaven. That is not My voice. My blessings come through seeking first the Kingdom and My righteousness, not from heaping riches upon yourself while the rest of the world starves to death and dies and goes to hell because of your selfishness and greed. You will see when you stand before Me what the true riches are. The souls of the lost are the jewels in the crown of My bride.
My worshippers and musicians, artists and those that carry special anointings have been almost systematically removed from ministries and church leaders in favor of what is popular and can bring in the most money and please the people. This is an abomination in My sight.
Watch and pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape the things that are coming upon this earth. Receive My grace through the refining fire of the Holy Spirit so that you can be a part of that beautiful lady and bride. I am preparing her! It still isn't too late! Join with her and take up your cross and deny yourselves and follow Me.
That is how to be truly blessed and healed and delivered and fulfilled in life! That is the only way that My gift of eternal life can shine into the darkness of the world around you"
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty…Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (1 Corinthians 6:17-18, 7:1)
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her (Babylon), my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4)
Love in Our Messiah, Maurice Sklar, Maurice Sklar Ministries
45.4 12/29, 2005, The Times Of Joseph, Maurice Sklar, Maurice Sklar Ministries —In the life of Joseph, we can see the clearest prophetic picture of Yeshua the Messiah in all of the Old Testament. In fact, it is the only place, with the possible exception of the book of Isaiah, that we see Yeshua as the suffering Messiah and the reigning Messiah. We can see through his life a perfect picture of God’s plan for the Jewish people as well as the Gentile nations of the world.
There were two Gentile kings that existed under a Jewish prophet in the Bible that are prophetically significant. One was Pharaoh under Joseph in Egypt. The other was Nebuchadnezzar under Daniel in Babylon. Both of these kings had dreams that are extremely important concerning the destiny of the nations and God’s plan for them. We will look at them a little later and see how important they are. But first, let us look at the parallel of Joseph in his early life to the first coming of Yeshua the Messiah as the Lamb of God that took upon Himself the sins of the world.
Joseph was the most highly favored of his brothers by his father Jacob. This was so much so that he made him a coat of many colors, which set him apart as the greatest of all of Israel’s twelve sons. In the same way, Yeshua was (and is) the greatest of all prophets and is exalted as both the Son of God and the son of David. He shall reign as both God and King of Kings forever and ever over all of Israel and the nations. Joseph was both misunderstood and unfairly mistreated by his brothers. They were jealous of his position, and so they betrayed him and decided to murder him. Instead, they ended up selling him into slavery in Egypt after throwing him into a pit. Then, after he came into Egypt, he was again unfairly accused and judged and thrown into the dungeon. In the same way, Yeshua was hated by His own people. He was despised and rejected because they were jealous of Him. He was betrayed, falsely accused and sentenced to death by crucifixion. Yeshua was both thrown into prison and death, and he went into the lowest pit of hell. To pay the penalty for our sins, He suffered for us all, though he had done nothing wrong.
Suddenly, Joseph is summoned out of the dungeon by Pharaoh. His name is changed and he is exalted to the second in command directly under Pharaoh. This happened in one day. In the same way, Yeshua, our Messiah, was resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven, after conquering death and hell, and sat down at the right hand of the Father. All things were put under His feet by the Father.
It is interesting to note that Joseph did something before he went before Pharaoh: the Bible says that he shaved and changed his garments. At first glance that may seem trivial, but it is a Hebrew idiom indicating that he forsook his Jewish identity and became Egyptian, at least on his outside appearance. Pharaoh gives him a name that made him like a Gentile god. He commanded all of Egypt to bow to him. In the same way, Yeshua, after His resurrection, ascension and several generations of church history, was clothed and dressed in gentile attire by the church fathers and the Constantine the Emperor. He was stripped of His Jewish identity. He was renamed by the early church and became the gentile God. For centuries until our generation, the Jewish people were stolen from, dragged from their homes, driven out of country after country, persecuted, tortured, and killed by the millions in Jesus’ name. This is portrayed in the life of Joseph when he treated his brothers roughly and sent them away. They didn’t recognize their own brother because he was no longer a Hebrew, he became an Egyptian. This is how the church has represented Yeshua the Messiah to His own people during the entire church age since Constantine.
A further prophetic picture concerning Israel’s end-time destiny takes place in Joseph’s life in Egypt during the seven years of famine. Jacob tells his sons in Canaan, “Go to Egypt and buy a little food.” This happens twice. On the first trip, Benjamin stays behind, and the brothers return with food and do not recognize Joseph. On the second trip, Joseph throws the Egyptians out of the room and is alone with his brothers. He takes off his Egyptian garments, and reveals himself as their brother. He seats them at the table according to their birthright (inheritance) and gives Benjamin 5 times more than the rest of them. This shows exactly what will happen to the Jewish people during the last seven years of tribulation. During the church age, only Joseph leaves the wilderness and goes ahead to the land. In the same way, only a remnant of Jews have returned to Israel from the Diaspora. When things get bad, the Jews will return during the tribulation. Benjamin, however, will not return until the end of the tribulation. Benjamin represents the wealthy Jews of the nations of the west, primarily America, that have received their wealth from the Babylonian system of the last several hundred years. They will not return until everything they have is stolen from them and they are driven out before the second coming. God will supernaturally protect and bring all of Israel back to the land. Once all of the Jews have returned, they will come back to their tribal inheritance and be “seated” in their ancient homeland according to their birthright. Then, Yeshua the Messiah will drive out all the Arabs, Palestinians, and other Gentile nations from Israel and they shall possess all the land that God promised to Abraham in the scriptures. At this point, the Messiah shall supernaturally reveal Himself as the King of the Jews and the son of David. Israel shall proclaim Yeshua is the Messiah and cry “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” They shall all bow before Him and worship Him, just as Joseph’s brothers and father Jacob did, and all Israel shall be saved.
Pharaoh has two dreams. They predict seven years of plenty followed by seen years of famine. Joseph interprets them to mean that Egypt must harvest and store food in the seven years of plenty so that the world will not starve during the following seven years of famine. I believe that these dreams are prophetic in nature concerning the end times. The earth was given to Adam for six prophetic days, or 6,000 years. Then, the Bible predicts a time of judgment that lasts for seven years called the tribulation or the time of Jacob’s trouble by the prophets. King Nebuchadnezzar becomes like an animal, loses his mind and goes crazy for seven years and then suddenly wakes up and worships the Most High God. We know from Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the metal and clay image, that he was the head of the gentile kingdoms. We see this same seven year period laid out by the Lord as the last of the 70 weeks of years after the Messiah is cut off, and before the Ancient of Days causes Him to take up His kingdom on earth. All predict the last seven years of judgment. This period is still to come. But its’ day is rapidly approaching.
However, before the tribulation arrives, the Great Commission must be fulfilled. Another way that Yeshua describes it is that the world must be harvested. I believe that between the end of the church age (6th day) and the beginning of the Messianic kingdom (7th day) are two seven year periods. The first is a time of plenty or worldwide harvest. The fullness of God’s glory will bring in the harvest; the gospel will be preached to every nation; and the blessings of God will cover the earth even in the midst of great darkness. I am convinced that this is the time we are in right now. I will not set any exact dates, but I am commissioned by the Lord to tell you the times and the seasons of His appearing and second advent. I believe that this last seven year period may have begun at the Jewish New Year in 2001. I may be wrong. I do not claim infallibility in any way. I can only deliver the prophetic word as I hear it. God can shorten time or He can lengthen times and seasons if He so desires. But I am convinced that we are that final generation that shall see the Lord when He appears.
I was preaching a week long revival meeting on the end times in New York on Long Island during 9/11. The night before, I was in the Spirit, and began to suddenly prophecy that something terrible was about to happen. Then I saw a series of ten judgments coming to our modern world. They were in a direct parallel to the 10 plagues in Egypt. In Egypt, God destroyed the false gods that they worshipped and proved that He was greater than them all. This happened before Israel left Egypt. God gave the children of Israel light in the land of Goshen and protected them supernaturally during this time. Then, at the end of the ten plagues, they celebrated Passover. At that time, God supernaturally healed them all and gave them all of the riches of Egypt when they left.
In the same way, I prophesied there are coming these 10 judgments. Each one will be more catastrophic than the last, and they will follow in succession in a closer and closer time frame—as birth pangs or contractions come with a woman giving birth.
We have had 3 of these so far:
n the World Trade Center;
n the Tsunami in Southeast Asia;
n and the hurricanes hitting New Orleans and the gulf coast region.
There are still seven more to come. God showed Himself greater than the Babylonian system of finance and world trade. God showed Himself greater than the false religions of the Moslem and Buddhist nations. He showed Himself greater than hedonism, witchcraft and gambling of America. This is small, however, compared to what is about to happen, some of which I detailed in the prophecy that I released recently.
One that I did not mention is soon to occur in mainland China. God will show Himself greater than the communist system that has trapped and persecuted the church there. After this, the nation will experience the greatest harvest of souls in it’s’ history, even greater than the past 40 years in China. “The bamboo curtain”, as it has been called by some, will fall, in a similar way to the collapse of communism in Soviet Russia. By the next Olympics, great changes resulting in much greater prosperity and religious freedom will unlock the gospel in an even greater way there. But it will be in the midst of terrible calamity. God is about to judge the great red dragon that has bound China for centuries.
There will be other smaller “contractions” surrounding the remaining seven major judgments: but I can tell you that each one will be much greater in both scope and intensity than the one before. I believe that we, as the Body of Messiah, can pray and intercede, and God can and will supernaturally protect us. But I do not believe that we can stop the birth pangs from coming. They will happen because of God’s sovereign and ordained plan.
Finally, I want to address the subject of judgment. Many have been preaching that we are still in the age of grace, and God isn’t judging the earth at this time. I have become extremely uncomfortable with the teaching that makes God into a Santa Claus. What bible are these preachers reading? I’m tired of listening to messages that sound the same as Anthony Robbins personal success and power programs or Dr. Phil. The most successful you can be is when you take up your cross daily, deny yourself, and follow Yeshua.
I went to watch “The Polar Express” recently. I thought it was a masterpiece of animation and it was a lovely children’s story about faith and Christmas, etc. I was happy that it was clean. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. But, I thought to myself, “People think that God is like that Santa Claus. They want a giant sugar daddy that gives them presents and candy and makes them feel good all the time. But even Santa decides who is naughty and nice!”
Why can’t we believe that God has a right to judge this earth? Don’t you know that He is a HOLY God? He will judge us and the whole world whether we want to believe He will or not. Pretending that it will never happen won’t stop it from coming. You can’t confess it away by quoting the promises. Sorry. God said it very clearly in the Bible in both the old and new testaments that He will judge the wicked in the world and His own people before His judgment seat. We like the God of love and grace, but we don’t want to hear about the God of holiness, judgment, and wrath. If you turn your TV off and open your Bible instead, you will discover that it has judgment in it from cover to cover. Do you think that He means what God says? It really doesn’t matter now, anyway. It’s coming, that’s all. That is what I am supposed to tell you. If you don’t believe this, then, well, just sit back and watch. or, far better, watch and pray and don’t just sit in your stupefied slumber anymore if you want to escape what is coming. Even “invincible America” isn’t immune. God will bring America and the west to it’s’ knees. Things are about to drastically change. Even God’s infinite mercy and patience finally comes to an end just as the time has run out.
Is this so bad? No. God will pour out His grace after each calamity as He has so far since 9/11. With each judgment, there will be a mighty harvest of souls and a further increase of God’s glory and presence in the earth. The true Body of Messiah that is walking with the Lord can trust Him for supernatural protection and provision. Many in the church will then receive God’s fire of purification and we will see pockets of massive revival taking place throughout the earth. You see, millions will only turn to God when disaster strikes. Sad to say, it’s that way in the church also. I would rather see people have a rough time down here and make it to heaven then for them to prosper their whole lives and die and go to hell. From that perspective, we can trust God to bring us through and fulfill the Great Commission.
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:36) Amen.
Maurice Sklar, Maurice Sklar Ministries, www.mauricesklar.com, Email: info@mauricesklar.com
From: Visions from the Dallas, TX Revival (May-June, 1985), Maurice Sklar, (www.mauricesklar.com), 01/17, 2006 07:57PM. http://www.injesus.com/index.php?module=message&task=view&MID=WT007QZF&GroupID=NB006VH2.
46.1 05/10, 1985, Vision, A Vision For America – Eagle/American Torn Apart – It Is Time For All To Wail & Weep For The Destruction Soon To Come Upon America, If You Wail & Weep – God Will Mark You & Your Family! — The Vision for America: as shown by God to His Prophet Jonah ben Noah. The following is a message to the people of the United States of America, as given me, Jonah ben Noah, the prophet to this nation. In the Bible, the Book of Amos, the third chapter, read beginning at the sixth verse: "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in the city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear. The Lord God has spoken. Who can but prophesy?"
I am the prophet Jonah ben Noah, so named by my Lord, as a sign to the people of this nation. And I bring you this message that God has given me to your nation. I give you this message and the vision and the meaning of it, freely, as God has given it to me. Now hear this message and take it to your heart. On 05/10th, 1985, I, Jonah ben Noah, (so named by my Lord as a sign to you), had climbed to the cliffs of the mountain in Montana to be with God. And later, as I was praising God for the beauty of His creation on this day, for the sky was perfectly clear and sunny, I felt led to look up at the sky, and above where the sky had been clear, I saw a cloud form and shape itself into the perfect shape of an eagle soaring across the sky with wings spread and talons forward.
And as I beheld, the right wing of this eagle disappeared and the head was pushed and crushed in and disappeared. Then the left wing was torn loose and the body twisted out of shape. Then this cloud that was torn apart, came together again in the shape of a ram's head with two strong horns and a face like death, as of a skull. And as I watched, the horns were twisted off or apart, as by two strong hands, and the head split into two separate parts. The upper part came into the shape of the head of a bear with it's face turned upward toward heaven, as though in exultation, it's neck or throat exposed. The lower part of the cloud came into the shape of a head of a wolf, with its mouth open and its teeth bared in anger, as though lunging for the throat of the bear.
Then they both changed, and became as nothing. I then watched, and I saw no more, and so I started to leave, when the Lord said to me, "Wait". And so I waited. The Lord spoke unto me and told me to sit, and so I sat. Then I looked up, and saw a raven soaring in the sky. I did not pay it much heed, as I was looking for more wonders, as the changing cloud had been. So the Lord said unto me, "What do you see?" And I looked, and said, "I see a raven flying, Lord." And the Lord said unto me, "He is soaring and flying by My will and My power. He shouldn't be able to fly, but he does, because of My will and My power. When he starts out, he knows he shouldn't be able to fly, and so he falls. But then I lift him up, and he flies because he knows he can, and My will holds him up."
The Interpretation Of The Vision — On 05/13th, 1985, as I Jonah ben Noah, was sitting in the house at my table, the voice of the Lord God began to speak to me and give me the interpretation. He said unto me, "The eagle that you saw torn apart is America, who has it's wings of freedom taken away, and it's mind of life, liberty and happiness crushed and vanished, and the body that remains is so twisted out of shape, it is no longer recognizable for what it was. It disappears by the power of two separate powers that bring death and destruction to the land. But then, as one is looking up and rejoicing in exultation over the destruction of America, it is attacked by the other, who is as sly as a fox and deceitful as Satan, who rules them both. But then they shall vanish into nothingness at the Lord's coming, who will fly through the heavens at My will and power near the end of the tribulation, when I pour out My wrath on all the inhabitants of the earth. My Saints shall be tried by the fires of torture, prison, flame, and terrible death. Many that thought they could not bear such things, will find that even as My will and power lifted that raven above the earth, so that he knew he could fly, even so shall these my blessed saints be lifted above their tormentors and pain, so that they also will know they can soar above it all. And they will even sing from the flames of My glory, and will pray for the souls of their tormentors as the headsman blade is falling. They will stand as a mighty rock before but a small breeze, because My will and My power will hold them up, and they will have a strength directly from Me. My angels shall behold in awe and shall give forth praise at this mighty outpouring of My love through these that I shall use. Know you this, that many shall fall, but with great glory. And as they said of My Son Jesus at Calvary, so shall they say of these. "Surely these are the sons and daughters of God." And many shall turn from evil and the beast, and shall seek My face on seeing their joy and peace in the midst of their torment. They shall surely, surely rise at the first resurrection, for they will be among my most precious jewels, saith the Lord of Hosts." This is a true account of this vision and it's interpretation as God has given it to me, and I so state it unto all that read by my own hand.
I am Jonah ben Noah, called by God and my Lord Jesus as a prophet to this nation of America. Called also as an Evangelist and a teacher of His Word to those who will hear this message. I was so named by my Lord in 1978, when He said unto me, "From this time on, I have named you Jonah ben Noah, and you are to use this name when you minister before the people. It is a sign." The Lord did not tell me at that time why He had so named me, I just trusted Him in the matter. But in 1985, when God gave me this vision, and the interpretation, and this message among others, He said to me, "I have called you as a prophet to this nation of wickedness to warn them of what is coming. You tell them the name I have given you, Jonah ben Noah, is a sign to them.
That as Jonah was My prophet of judgment and mercy, and Noah was my prophet of judgment and destruction, so I am torn between mercy for America, and judgment destruction, final and clear. Say to them, thus saith the Lord God, "I have beheld, O America, your works of mercy and good, I have seen how you provide for the needy in other nations. And I was pleased with these things. But the flood of your sins, and your wickedness and your disobedience to My laws and commandments, your corrupt and immoral doings that are worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, cannot be covered nor hidden by good works that many of you do anyway, just to receive the praise of men, not for love's sake only or for My glory.
Your wickedness is great in this nation, and it is a darkness on your land. You say you are one nation under God, yet your idol and images are in your streets, belying your words. Your worshippers of Satan show that you have turned your backs on Me, for you condone this. They even sacrifice your children to the evil one, and you allow this in your land. You refuse to teach your children My Word, for you know if your children heard My Word, they would be ashamed of their mothers and fathers, that they live in wickedness and disobey the Lord God. And you say that they cannot pray to Me in your schools, when I have commanded you to pray always, in all places. This is not the way your forefathers' fathers did. For they were men who believed in My Word, and they feared My judgment, and they lived morally upright before Me. You think that you have become wise in your own conceits to do evil before Me, as though I don't see the evil that you do in this land.
I beheld the whores and the harlots in the street entrapped by the devils, selling themselves so cheaply, when I created them for better things. I have seen the homosexuals and the lesbians in the streets, which you allow and condone in your land, possessed of the devils, and none come to set them free.
I have seen the many adulteries that you do, even to exchanging wives and husbands amongst each other. I have seen the fornication and the illicit doings that you do, and you think none sees. I have seen the lust of your heart and your women dressing in immodesty as they prance before the men to provoke them lust, and your men do the same.
I have seen the one-eyed idol in your land that you sit long hours before, and you behold the images that both speak and move before you, to teach you adulteries and fornication, and your entertainment is filled up with violence and wickedness and sexual immorality.
I have seen your love of money and the corruption that is in your land, and your officials that are corrupt, and how you all hunger for the material things, while your souls are starving. I have seen your men dressing as women, and your women dressing as men. This is an abomination in My sight. Turn you to the right ways.
And I have beheld the millions of babies who have been murdered in your land, and their blood cries out to Me for vengeance, but I say to you, I am a merciful God, and a loving God, and I will not send destruction, but first speak to by you the voice of your prophet, and warn you to turn from your ways. I will offer you My hand of mercy if you will receive it, for is it not written in My Word that I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Why will you die, O America? Why will you not turn and save yourselves from that which I have pronounced upon you? For I am a merciful God.
I withheld My hand before from you, for the good that you did in delivering My people from the wicked one and his attempt to destroy the Jews of Israel of the world. And in this I was well pleased with you, and I blessed your hand of help. But now I am about to intervene for Israel directly.
you now stand between mercy and destruction as a nation. If you hear the words
of this, My prophet, unworthy as he is, but he is a submitted vessel to My
will, then perhaps mercy is yours. But if you will not
hear, then sudden destruction
shall come upon your nation. If you stop him or imprison him or kill him, I
will accept that as your answer, and I will then bring the destruction upon
you. If just one kills him, for mercy's sake, another will come right behind to
finish his course. I know the wickedness of the hearts of some of those in
America, is why I tell you this now. That you may know that I, the Lord who
sends him, already know your plans before you make them. Do you not remember
Ninevah in the Book of Jonah? Where I intended destruction upon them, I sent
mercy, because they turned to Me with all their hearts, with great sorrow and
weeping grief did they seek Me, in sackcloth, and ashes, from the greatest to
the least, from the King to the poverty-stricken. The animals had sackcloth on
them. They wept and cried before God. They believed My Word that destruction
was coming, and they turned to righteous repentance. And if the people of this
nation of America shall humble themselves, and confess their sins, which are
many, if they shall repent of all the wickedness and evil that they do in this
land, and they return to My commandments and My laws as a way of love, as their
forefathers did; and if they shall seek My face for mercy and not destruction,
and if My people who claim to be called by My name, and claim to be of My body,
shall turn from their hypocrisy, from their disobedience to My laws and
commandments, from walking contrary to Me, to walk in righteousness and
holiness and true love, then I shall hear from heaven, and I will turn and
forgive you, and I will heal your land.
But if you will not do this, then sudden destruction will come upon you in one day, and in one hour, shall your cities be burned with fire, your flesh shall melt from your bones and you shall become but ashes; pestilence shall strike you in the fields and your enemies shall ravage and grind on your wives and daughters before your eyes, and your strength shall be as nothing and your knees as water. He that does rise in anger shall fall in death, for your enemies shall be fierce. Your enemies shall feast on the plenty of your land while you starve, and drink to the fullness while you thirst, and you shall see then that as you left serving the Lord your God, I have left you to your enemies. And you shall know that I, the Lord, have done this.
As you did not learn in Korea and Viet Nam, that there is no victory to the nation whose Lord is not the Lord God, and you fled from your enemies. Do you not remember? In Korea, it was only by your empty threatenings to use your great atom weapon, which is but a small thing to Me, that you caused your enemies to withhold from defeating you.
You returned home with great rejoicing, as though you had been victorious, when you knew you had not been. So I sent you to a smaller nation, of little significance to you, you said. To a small people who were but little men in straw hats and black pajamas and shoes made out of rubber tires, you said. And you, who say you are the greatest nation in the world, came with all your mighty men of war and your warriors, to make war against this little people to defeat them. With all your weapons of war and great technologies did you come to defeat this little people, and with your own eyes you did behold, as your mighty men of war fled from before your enemies. You yourself saw them fleeing for the flying helicopters and flying machines, to flee the land from their enemies who rejoiced over your defeat. They defeated you because the Lord your God was not with you. Have you not seen this?
And if you will not see this, I will send seven times more upon you, by the hand of My servant, and another, and by My own Word, drought and flood, earthquake, hunger, poverty, pestilence for the wickedness, more than before, and a thirst for truth that shall be slaked only by mercy or destruction. I, the Lord, have spoken these things by My prophet, Jonah ben Noah, mercy, son of destruction comes if you do not hear, is the sign and the meaning of it to you."
This is the Word of the Lord given to me, Jonah ben Noah, to warn all in this nation to return to the Word and the right ways of righteousness. For "he that does righteousness is righteous" as it is written in the Book of I John, and "All thy commandments are righteousness, O Lord", the psalmist said, then hear them and do them. Remember that for the sake of the righteous, God would not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. You that claim the righteousness of Christ, perform that righteousness before the eyes of this people. Remember that for the sake of Lot, one righteous man, who said, "Let me flee to the small city", the angels said, "For your sake I will spare that small city." Therefore, if you are living righteously, perhaps you will cause the sparing of where you are.
charge that whosoever reads or hears the words of this prophecy, by the command
of the Lord, that you are henceforth set to the charge of a watchman, according
to the command of Ezekiel 3:17-21 and Isaiah 58:1,
that you are to cry aloud and
spare not this people. Lift up your voice as a trumpet and show them their sins
and transgressions, cry the laws and commandments of God in their ears that
they may know the evil they have done, and know to turn from it, for if a man
does not know his sins, you must show them to him. And by the commandment in
Ezekiel, I charge you as the prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ that you do cry
out; if you do not cry to warn them, I will require their blood at your hands.
But if you cry and warn this people of their sins, and warn them to turn from
them, and they do not, they shall die in their sins, but you have delivered
your own soul. I so charge you in the name of Jesus, whom I confess is the living
Son of God, who died for our sins and has come from the dead in the flesh, and
in that immortal and incorruptible flesh has risen to the right hand of the
Father, that you may know what spirit I am of. And if you do not cry aloud, the
Lord has said the destruction of this nation is on your head, and their blood
will be required at your hand. Cry aloud, whether they will hear or forebear
Thus saith the Lord, "Do not think this prophecy is for a long time off. I have spoken it and I will perform it. It is not to be prolonged. Even in your eyes shall it be seen, who did not turn to obey my love as your forefathers did. He who holds his peace and does not sound the cry on seeing and hearing, is cursed forever by My hand", saith the Lord. For you have caused the destruction of your nation and the death of your brothers and sisters and neighbors and mothers and fathers, and are worthy of cursing. The Lord has spoken. Let him hear and believe who will hear and believe. Your belief will be shown by your deeds of faith in crying. He that casts this off as but a light thing, casts off this nation's salvation. Turn and save what remains.
And for those of you that say, "I have begun to walk in righteousness, but I do not see my neighbors turning. What are we to do to get the neighbors to turn and save the nation?" Thus the Lord has said unto me, "Say to this people: go to the Book of Jeremiah, go to the ninth chapter and read what I have written, beginning at the first verse: `O, that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people'. And then in the seventeenth verse: `Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, consider ye, and call for the mourning women that they may come, and send for the cunning women, that they may come. And let them make haste and take a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters. For a voice of wailing is heard in Zion. How are we spoiled? We are greatly confounded because we have forsaken the land, because our dwellings have cast us out. Yet hear the Word of the Lord, O you women of the land, and let your ear receive the word of His mouth, and teach your daughters wailing, and everyone teach her neighbor lamentation. For death is come up into our windows and is entering into our palaces to cut off the children from outside and the young men from the streets.
Speak, thus saith the Lord, even the carcasses of the men shall fall as dung upon the open fields, and as the handful after the harvest men, and none shall gather them. Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom. Neither let the mighty man glory in his might. Let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord which exercises loving kindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight saith the Lord.'" This is the Word of the Lord to you people, that He has spoken.
Hear, O women who hear this message. That the Lord cries to you to come together and to cry to God and to say: Show me this vision that you have shown this man, that I may see the destruction of my children in this land, that I may learn to weep before this people. And wash your faces of your paint and cast off your jewelry, and cast off your men’s clothing and begin to walk as women again. Wail in the streets with tears in your eyes and weeping in your voice. Weep and wail before this people in your streets, in your jobs, and in your homes. And walk as women of uprightness, and when they come to you and say to you, "Why do you make all this noise, and weep and cry like this?" then say unto them, "Because I have seen and heard the Word of the Lord. That destruction comes upon my nation and upon my family, and my children shall die. And surely the Lord will send it if we do not turn and weep and cry before Him.
" Cry in the streets. And when you go to these places where they murder babies, do not go in anger, do not hate them. And if they say, "Don't stand close", then stand far off, and as they go in to kill these children, raise your voices in weeping and wailing, and cry this out to them, "Alas, alas for this cause, this destruction comes upon our nation." And go to the places where they sell filth and pornography.
And go where they do wickedness in the streets, selling drunkenness, and weep and cry in their faces, and cry, "Alas, for this cause, this destruction comes upon our nation." And weep and cry before the faces of the men whose hearts have become hardened, who say do not weep and cry.
You women weep and cry and teach your men to weep and cry again. And when they say, "Why do you keep crying?" Say to them, "Because my children shall die, and my family shall perish and my husband shall lie dead in the streets." And teach them to cry. And when the men begin to weep, then you shall see that the Lord shall hear you from on high. If you shall weep and cry as they did in Ninevah, if you shall cry, "Oh God, have mercy upon us", then perhaps the Lord will turn as He did in Ninevah. For the Lord is no respecter of persons. As He delivered Ninevah and showed mercy, will He not show mercy to a nation that turns to Him with all their hearts, to return to the commandments and the upright ways of their forefathers, to have a pride in their God and their Lord Jesus?
For if you do not hear this message, then surely shall this destruction come upon you. You women, who will know, "What can I do to change them?
I am living uprightly." Dress yourselves as women, and no longer provoke your brothers to lust. Wash your face of your paint, and put on the ashes of mourning and the dark clothes of mourning, for death has entered into your windows and destruction is for your land if you do not cry out. And if you do not believe the Lord, go out of your houses and cry to the Spirit of God, "If this be true, Oh Lord, show me what this city will look like when this destruction comes", and He shall show it to you. And then begin to weep and cry as you see as I have seen, the destruction that shall be upon this land, for this is a true account by my own hand as God has given it to me, I, as a servant and prophet of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, and your servant for Christ's sake.
God have mercy upon all of us in this nation" is the prayer being offered from this time henceforth and forwards. Put aside your
petty arguments and cry, "God, have mercy on our nation". Return to
the ways
of righteousness that you may
live, for if you do not walk in His commandments, surely destruction comes. And
when they see you weeping and they mock and laugh at you, then weep the harder
and say, "For this cause, destruction comes on my nation; for they will
not believe, O Lord', and weep the more. All you women gather and weep and teach
your daughters to weep, and teach every neighbor to lament, for destruction
comes upon your nation.
you would receive the prophet in your area or a copy of this, I can send a
printed copy or a tape, there is no cost. This is freely given by God, His
mercy is great. Let no man think that the gift of God is for sale. This is a
gift to you that would hear it. It is your nation if you will deliver it, and
if not, and if you take it as a light thing, then
let it be said by this prophet
that the watchman has cried, and if none took alarm, then it is on their own
head. Let every man and woman and child that hears this message, begin to weep
and cry and see, that your relatives and your loved ones shall perish and your
land shall become your enemy's land. Hear this message and begin to weep and
cry before God, you women. Turn the hearts of your husbands, that are hardened,
that think they are men if they do not weep, to weeping, that their eyes may
flow down as fountains and their face become as a river, for the destruction of
America. For God has spoken. "The Lord has spoken, who can but
prophesy?" This is the Word of the Lord at my mouth. May God have mercy
upon us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
46.2 06/14, 1996, Prophecy, Prophecy For The End Of America — On 06/14, 1996 as I, Noah, was writing Bro Elisha in Florida, the Lord spoke the following word. Thus has the Lord spoken,
"America, you have NOW been weighed in the balance and found wanting and lacking in those things of righteousness, and love of holiness and truth. Therefore your house is taken from you, your freedoms are removed, you are to go into captivity and to watch your children so die, for your sinful and wicked unbelief in the Lord God and His words of prophecy to you. 'AMERICA, GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER' for you shall surely die!"
Amen, even so Lord God Almighty, for Thy judgments are just, righteous, and true, and all Thy ways holiness. Whoever reads or hears this, by the command of the Lord you are now set as Baruch in Jeremiah 36.
46.3 03/11, 1997, Prophecy, A Word Of Prophecy To America — On 03/11, 1997, I Noah, called as a prophet of God and my Lord Jesus Christ, was writing to a sister who had sent me what she felt was a prophecy from the Lord, and, as it is written, I read it and judged if it could be from the Lord. In this I received were promises that America could yet be saved and preserved as America. As the Lord showed me, I began to write to this sister, and was given the prophecy that follows.
This word is to all in America, but especially those who say they are of the faith, and of the Body of Christ. It has always been so, that when the Lord sends His words of judgment and destruction, the enemy will come in and will deceive some into believing that it is not so, but that there is peace and safety, or that they can still make it yet, despite all their sin, iniquity, working of abominations, stiff necked rebellion, and refusal to repent, etc., and all this after God had continually called them "as a nation" to repent, and return to the right ways.
Though they still stubbornly refuse to do so, some refuse to accept that God is not only doing all the judgments He has spoken by my mouth, and the mouth of a long line of other prophets, but will indeed do all that He has said, whether they believe or do not believe.
May God grant you who hear or read this to enter into, and to grow in His grace, that you may to come to the full knowledge of His will on America, that you may yet warn many to save themselves by turning to Christ and the Gospel of the Word of God in Christ, so that perhaps when the destruction of America comes they may be spared, or even a part and a piece may be preserved by their presence of righteousness there.
I am thankful for that which I received, for, as one of God's prophets, "who sit by and judge", as He said in Corinthians, I can now speak to all of what was sent to me. There is much good in a call to repentance on an individual level, and this is truth from the Lord always, but she had said the Lord will send judgments on America, whereas we are already well past that, and are now into seven time seven increase of judgments He spoke of, or the increase in intensity of judgments He has spoken by so many prophets up to and including myself.
She also spoke that the Lord has said He is willing to forgive and restore America to her true glory, yet the Lord said in 1996 in The Prophecy of the End of America, that America was to get it's house in order, for it will surely die.
He said America had been weighed in the balance and found wanting in those things of righteousness, love, and holiness, Therefore It's house was taken from it, it's freedoms were removed, and they were to go into captivity, and their children, and to so die, because of their wicked and evil unbelief in the Lord, and His prophecies which He had sent to them. This means that God is no longer offering America a chance at His mercy, for when He offered it year after year, they hardened their necks, and made their faces as stone to his offers of mercy and deliverance. America as we know, and knew it, shall cease to be, even as the Lord has said. How I wish it were not so, for I have fought hard to warn, and bring deliverance to this nation, but they would not turn from their sins, and their works of abominations, though many have cried aloud and spared not, in the hope that they would awake unto righteousness.
But they have only turned more to sin "as a nation", therefore has God said, "America, get your house in order, for you shall surely die." This does not mean His grace for the individual is cut off, but rather is an offer to the individuals to get their houses in order that they might save themselves from this untoward generation. Maybe even save a piece or part of the nation, but America as a nation shall be no more.
How I yet long for George Washington's vision to be so, but I know that this nation must be brought to the point of utter destruction, and fall on it's knees in repentance and supplication first, for it to be so. I have a remnant. That is more than I had when I began. That remnant is a testimony to the faithfulness of His many prophets and prophetesses, who did the work, but always made sure that they did it according to His Commandments.
It is already too late for America as a nation, but not for those who will turn as individuals. This nation is about to come to that destruction He spoke of in the first message, even that which comes in one day and in one hour, fire destroying cities, flesh melting from bones, eyes from sockets, all becoming but ashes. The land occupied by fierce enemies who have no mercy on those who are left. Multitudes going into captivity, never to see this land again, to die in captivity. The wives and daughters ravaged and used, those who are left, going hungry and thirsty, while their enemies are filled and slaked with what is left of the land.
Thus has the Lord spoken, and thus shall it be, though I would wish it were not so, but such wishing, or even praying, will not change it now, for when He offered us mercy as a nation, we did not accept. When the president and congressional leaders received the copies of the prophecies, they did not do as the king of Ninevah, in telling the people what the Lord had said, and calling them to repentance, to weeping and sorrow, to fasting, and putting on sackcloth. No! Instead they, as Jehoiachin, cast the messages aside, and didn't warn the people of the nation, which they were supposed to be serving, of what God had said to all in this nation. Especially to those who were supposed to be of the Body of Christ, who had divided themselves into warring factions in obedience to the evil one, even Satan, who laughed at how easily he had deceived those who said they were brothers in the love of Christ, but did not show that love due to accepting the doctrines of men as more important than the Commandments of God.
The Word to America is not, "Let not your hearts be troubled", but rather it is, "Quake and fear, O nation rejected of God, because of your continual sin and iniquity, because of your rejection of His mercy when He told you to choose, because of the flood of innocent blood shed in your land, because of the perversions and abominations that twist you to an abominable and abhorrent thing, rather than what God created you to be, for it is indeed a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, who offered you mercy “as a nation" and you would not accept it. Yes, let your hearts fear, and quake at what comes, and that by your own will and choice, for God, who has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, gave you opportunity, and offered you His grace and mercy, that you might save yourselves, and that His mercy might have rejoiced against judgment destruction.
He will indeed blot out your sins America, but not with His mercy, which you refused, but rather with His judgment destructions shall your sins be covered. For He has said that He is not mocked, but shall repay, according to His Word. For vengeance is mine, the Lord says, and I shall surely repay. As they have done to others, so shall it be done to them, and more so also, for what you plant, is what you reap, only more so. For when one plants but a grain of corn, he does not reap but a grain, but a stalk, with many ears, of many grains. So shall it be in the judgments. He that planted much good, shall reap even more than what he planted, even to his having the light, and the glory of God and His Christ, that when one beholds him, it shall be as when one beholds the glory of God, for so shall it be. Those also, who plant evil, and sin shall reap more than they have planted. They shall suffer the pains, and torments, and fires, of the outer darkness evermore. They shall be cut off from the presence, and the light of God and His love. They shall be things to abhor and to detest to God, who offered them His Life and Mercy, and they wanted it not. There shall indeed be great weeping, wailing, and eternal disappointment, with great grief and pain, not just to the body, but to the spirit and soul also. Yes, quake and fear America, for your destruction comes, and none can stop it, for it is the will of God!
This is the Word of God to America my brothers and sisters. Try to save what parts and pieces you can. Above all else, win the individual souls that are lost, into the Kingdom. Warn them to prepare for what comes. Do not give them false hope, but only hope that by your righteousness, you can save yourself, as it was said of Noah, Daniel, and Job, if we remember that in living righteous lives, we are demonstrating the righteousness of Christ in us, which we have received by Gods grace, through faith in Him. The nation has wholly corrupted itself, and is become as a menstrual cloth. Even an unclean thing to the Lord God. A nation which has trampled underfoot, not only the precious blood of Jesus Christ, but also the precious Word of God, and therefore the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the living Son of God, and the Saviour and Lord to all those who have believed unto righteousness, not only in word, but in deed also. May all the people of this nation begin to weep and repent before the Lord, asking for salvation, and praying that God does not destroy America "utterly". But I know your hearts and minds, that they are set to prideful and stubborn rebellion, and therefore to destruction. Then shall you who remain be able to say, "Behold what we have done to ourselves, and to our children". This is the word the Lord has given me on this day, to a people who choose not hear, nor see, the word of the Lord sent to them, and I testify to it's Truth.
The Lord has spoken to us all this day, and as God is not the author of confusion, Let us all be of one mind, and in one accord, speaking the same thing in the love and reverent fear of the Lord, as we strive to bring souls in during the destruction that comes. May God bless and keep all who are sanctified in Christ, in His Word, and in His Will, in righteousness, in the power of the Holy Ghost, and a willing, voluntary, service of love, which has great reward to those who find and exercise themselves in it, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
From: www.mttu.com/Noah/index.html, Jonah ben Noah, 569 N. Main, Kalispell, MT 59901, 406.296.3542 or 406.752.3401.
47.1 Mid 1980’s, Dreams, Three Nuclear Holocausts In The United States —
47.2 02/29, 2000, Dream, Coming Earth Changes — At 4:30 A.M. on 02/29, 2000 I awoke from one of the most profound and disturbing dreams that I have had since the mid – 1980’s when I dreamed three dreams of nuclear holocaust in the United States. On a scale of one to ten this dream registered off the scale and probably would register a twelve! This dream was awesome in scope as it encompassed a geographical that extended from central Arkansas eastward to Florida, then south through Florida to the southern tip of the state. From there, south and west to the Yucatan Peninsula, then due north back to central Arkansas. Now you know what I mean by awesome in scope. After awakening, I pondered this dream for at least fifteen minutes before I came to and realized that I must write this down as quickly as possible before I lost it, as I could already sense some of the lesser details fading… Therefore I will recount the dream to the best of my ability to remember it, as I not only saw the dream but in one part I experienced it… One point that I feel I can make, with assurance is this was not a dream caused by over indulgence of food drink, therefore I lean toward it as very probably of being of the Lord. My primary reference to this dream shall be the book of Joel, with secondary references to the dreams of Daniel, a great prophet, indeed! May the Lord Himself give to all that read this, insight into this awesome experience. Amen!
The dream began with a man standing before a very large television screen, which showed the geographical area of the south eastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico down to the Yucatan Peninsula. The man seemed to be telling the people what was happening, using a pointer in his hand and indicating to various areas on the map. I recognized this man as Pat Robertson of the 700 Club. This was a live picture that was projected on the wall screen, and I could detect changes occurring as I watched… “Changes indeed!”
From there on it was as if I were in the dream itself, yet above it all, as I seemed to be looking down and into the distance yet with great clarity and detail. At first glance, everything seemed normal then I detected movement, but not normal movement… My attention was drawn to the southern tip of the State of Florida. I noticed what looked like a fault line dividing the peninsula in half that went almost to the tip of the State. There the fault line turned abruptly to the east and at the ocean it then abruptly broke at right angles to the south and on into the Gulf of Mexico. On one side of the fault line the land was raised, [the west I think] and on the east and south it was lowered. I perceived that this was due to magma [molten rock & volcanic emission] displacement near the surface of the earth.
Then I was looking at a contour map of the whole area, where it showed circular lines indicating elevation changes, and also indicating bottom topography of the Gulf of Mexico. This included some islands, but I did not perceive which ones they were, so they seemed to be on the edge of the perimeter. My attention was drawn to what looked like a very large volcano to the south and west of Florida. This seemed to be on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. [I continued to see Pat talking and pointing to this large area – first one place, then another.] Then I seemed to come from a distant viewpoint to actually being in and experiencing what was happening.
As I was drawn into the dream I sensed that the location that I was drawn to, and placed in, was somewhere in what seemed to be south central, or the central region of Arkansas, somewhere in that proximity. Before I was zoomed into Arkansas I could see from viewing the map, that ‘magma’ was very close to the surface of the earth and was causing the rocks and ground to turn RED. From Arkansas this phenomena seemed to continue to the east across the northern part of the southern states. However, I was refocused on the immediate area that I had zoomed in on, and it was as if I were physically there. I had gone from being observant to being a participant. I was amongst people with whom I was acquainted, but not closely, and only in the dream. I was observing their behavior toward one another, particularly an elder couple who seemed to go out of their way to aggravate one another. They seemed to derive pleasure from harassing one another and causing consternation [concern, anxiety, alarm, worry] to one another without coming into direct physical conflict.
Somehow the geographic or volcanic problem became known and this particular place seemed to be a “hot spot” as the magma came ever closer to the surface. Then I perceived something that intrigued me, there were Christians living in the area. [I knew in my spirit they were there, all through the country]. There seemed to be some confusion as to sound or not to sound the alarm and “scare the hell out of everyone” or to sit tight and hope that it would subside. This is when I became active and moved into the Prophetic realm and begin to prophetically declare that I could indeed feel the fires of hell coming ever closer. I saw myself do a prophetic dance on a certain spot.
I perceived that there was going to be a major land displacement concerning elevation. I distinctly perceived that there were some quite large and very rocky hills, or small mountains around us. In this particular town/city that I was in, I did not see a major eruption. This was not a large city, however there were numerous people in the area. The ground appeared to be scorched and magma did break through to the surface and began to ooze forth. When the magma began to ooze forth is when I saw the elevation changes take place all through the southern states and through southern Florida. [During my prophetic declaration and dance, I seemed to be right on the very spot that the magma broke forth.] After this I was again observing from my panoramic view of the big screen. Pat Robertson seemed to know about this coming event and seemed to be instructing on it and narrating it. The volcano on the Yucatan Peninsula, was a big one, and seemed to be responsible for all that was happening to the north and east of it.
Comment From Timothy Snodgrass — It is interesting that in the first month of this year [I am assuming this occurred in the year 2000?] both Pat Robertson and myself both independently issued the same warning within hours of each other, which basically said the following: the first half of 2002 would be quiet, but during the second half the earth would be rocked by some major seismic and volcanic events. Although I am not expecting to see the full scope of Joeseph’s dream fulfilled in 2002, I am expecting to see some significant earth changes this year which will continue to increase in magnitude as we move into 2003. By Rosh Hashanah, 2003, I am expecting to see some major earth changes around the globe.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: One thing about the godly prophetic that always needs to be taken into consideration is that God can and does send His warnings to us through the prophetic, however, He can send the warnings to us any number of years before the event actually occurs, like 100 or 50 or 25 or 5 years or whatever time He chooses before the actual event that is being warned about occurs. When God warns, there is usually a set time the event will occur, but this can change depending on if the sins are repented and confessed by the Church with tears from their heart and there is time to allow for a delay – meaning at the end of the age time will now have run out and an event will have to come to its time of being for filled. God can delay or post phone an event because of the heart felt repentance of the Church, if enough are repenting. In the case of America, several prophetic people received that a major, like 9.0 type earthquake would hit California, and it looked like before the end of year 2002. But today we know that God delayed that event for a later date because of repentance and confession of sins, national sins of America. The earthquake is still going to happen, but it has been delayed, now exactly how long we do not yet know. So bear all this in mind when you read all these prophetic words in this document – a collection of the prophetic for America.
God delayed the righteous judgment of Nivenah, did God tell Jonah that He was going to delay the destruction until about 100—150 years later? It appears He did not right away! This is what God apparently actually did, about 150 years later this city was destroyed. So it appears the righteous judgment was set, but God delayed it through repentance of the city.]
From: www.TimothySnodgrass.com .
48.1 11/1985, Visitation & Word Of Wisdom & Open Vision, End-Time Events Revealed — Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj fasted for forty days, on the fortieth day of my fast, a great company of holy angels [hundreds of them] came into my room, and than I saw the Lord Jesus came down and He said “I am now going to reveal to you…” He showed me one event after another, after another, they all passed by, like a vision, [world events to 2000 and later]; the rapture that was going to take place, the antichrist that will take place in this world, and the great tribulation that will take place in this world, and than the great revival that will seep around this whole world. All the world events… a time span of so many years… He revealed all the future events concerning His plans, the destiny, the will of God.
48.2 Vision In Color, Warning From God To Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj—Nuclear Bombs Falling In America — As I (S.R.P.) was driving Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj to a hotel in 07/23, 2005 after the End—Time Handmaiden’s Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, I asked him if he had received any prophetic visions or dreams, etc.—from God regarding the invasion of the United States of America that we know will be happening at some point in the near future. He said that he had received a vision about it. He told me about the vision and my friend (B.C.) tried to get it to paper as best he could for he was a witness to hearing this vision from him. Below is what we can recall from the conversation:
In the colored vision that God gave Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, he was walking in the United States. He saw nuclear bombs fall in America. He said to himself, “Who would dare to attack America, unless God would permit it?” [This may not be totally word for word but it is very close to what he expressed, you can contact his ministry for perfect words.]
48.3 1999, Vision In Color, Warning From God To Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj—Nuclear Bombs Falling In America — Six years ago (from 2005), at 3 AM received a vision, I saw myself in the middle of the United States of America, I saw missiles coming. I saw myself shouting, “Who would dare to destroy, unless God would allow it. From St. Louis PrayerLink 2005; www.jesusministries.org, or jmusa@jesusministries.org.
48.4 06/2002, “Prophetic Message To The Church In America, ” Warning From God’s Prophets: Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj & Nita Johnson — From Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, God’s prophet from India. Delivered to the church in St. Louis, 06/2002 (Audio tape available upon request).
This evening I greet every one of you in the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please, kindly, everyone remove your shoes. Even the little children in our midst, please kindly remove your shoes. From this moment onward until this meeting finishes, please do not put your shoes on. Bow your heads, and please look up to the Lord Jesus Christ right now. The Bible says God is holy. And the people of God must worship him in the beauty of holiness. We are coming before a holy God. I stand before the presence of the holy God with fear and trembling right now, for what I was shown and what I was commanded to speak. The seraphim and the four living creatures around the throne of God cry day and night, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come.” From the innermost of our hearts, let us worship the holiness of God right now.
Holy Father, we stand before you holy presence, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Open our hearts, open our ears, dear Holy Spirit that we may hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches in these days. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Please turn your Bibles with me to the book of Exodus, chapter thirty-four. I was supposed to speak with you about the crucified life, as I mentioned last night. But today, as I was here during the worship service, an angel of the Lord came and stood before me, and he told me to do something else. That is what is happening right now. Exodus, chapter thirty-four, verses five onward. “The Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. And the Lord passed by before Him and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. And that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, to the third and to the fourth generation.” Please observe the last part in verse seven, “visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children and upon the children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.” I came well prepared to continue preaching on the crucified life. But as we were deeply worshiping the Lord, I saw the chief prince angel over the nation of the United States of America. He came and stood before me. I first began seeing chief prince angels of nations when I went to South Africa. That was the first time that I ever saw a chief prince angel that is in charge of overlooking the affairs of an entire nation. And he gave me a word concerning the nation, concerning the will of God, and what God’s purpose is for the nation. From then onwards, for the many, many nations that I would go to, the respective angels of those nations would come to me and give me a word for the nation: what is God’s word, what does God think about the nation, what has been happening in the nation, in the churches, and what is going to come to pass. Even sometimes, angels that are over churches will visit me, giving me a report about what is the state of affairs in each church, the good and the bad, and what is God’s word for that church.
So when the angel of the United States of America came and stood before me, …I tremble and quake every time I see an angel of a nation, I always tremble and quake in my heart, because of the awesome anointing and authority they have. When he came and stood before me, he told me, “An awesome judgment is going to come upon America very soon.” An awesome judgment. When he spoke, I felt a fear, a Godly fear running through my bones and my spirit. This is not a judgment that would destroy the entire nation, but something quite similar to what happened with the twin towers. But, it can all be prevented, IF…RIVERS OF INTERCESSION FLOW IN THE NATION. This is the word that he told me to speak. And I saw, that if you will take this seriously and pray, a huge river flowing all throughout the center of your country. If it flows --a river of tears, rivers of intercession (and as the angel was speaking, I saw this huge white river flowing from the east to the west)-- only that would prevent this judgment that could come.
And then I saw this angel, where he was positioned and where he was standing, guarding over the United States of America. He was standing very near to where the Statue of Liberty is. A huge, gigantic angel! If you read in Revelation, chapter ten, it is written, John saw an angel so huge and mighty that one of his legs was on the earth, the other leg was on the sea, and he stretched out his hand and he reached to the sun. Can you imagine what a gigantic figure he must have been? Probably as tall as the Sears tower or the former World Trade Center. …such a huge, gigantic angel standing guard over the United States of America!
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters, as he was speaking these words, he said “this is the word that you should preach tonight.” And then I saw the heavens open, and from the throne of God, this word came to me: “Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children unto the third and to the fourth generation.” …the judgments of God.
Don’t you believe any of the false prophets who preach to you after 9/11 saying, it was not a judgment of God. I tell you, as a non-American, and as a holy prophet of God, what happened was a judgment from God. Two days before 9/11 happened, a dear friend of mine, a very saintly prophet of God, was taken up in the spirit to Heaven. And while he stood before the presence of the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ called forth for a mighty, powerful angel. He came and stood before the Lord Jesus Christ. And a fiery torch was given to this angel. As soon as the angel held the torch, he became enflamed (engulfed) with fire from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. And then, the command was given to the angel, “GO FORTH! And cast this fire down upon the nations of the world.”
And the angel and this prophet came down, and they stood in the mid-heavens. And the angel told him, now see what happens. And the angel took the fiery torch in his hand and cast down fires in several parts of the earth. And when the fires were thrown, the angel told him, “From now onward, there will be bombings, fires and destructions in many, many nations around the world.” That (vision) was (given to this prophet) on the seventh of 09/(of 2001). On 09/08th, when he was conducting a fasting and prayer meeting in his church, the same angel came and stood by his side again, and repeated into his ear, audibly, word for word, every event that he saw the previous day. And the angel commanded him, “Now, declare to your church everything that you saw and you heard.” And with great fear and trembling, he shared what he saw and what he heard. And they all prayed. Several days later came the judgment upon America. It was not an ordinary terrorist attack.
If you read in the Old Testament, the five books of Moses, every time Israel would go away, go astray from the commandments and laws of God, the Bible says very clearly, “God will turn her enemies against her.” The hornets and the wild beasts will be let loose to come and create havoc in the land of Israel among the Israelites. If God can do that to the chosen nation, the chosen people, how much more YOU? God removed his protective cover, removed his protective hand, because you constantly turned your back against the Almighty God.
You know, when I first came to America, 07/04, in 1991, your Independence Day, I was in a conference scheduled to speak. As I was worshiping the Lord, I saw the heavens open before me, and the Lord Jesus Christ stood there, and He told me, “Now I am going to give you a word for this nation.” Among the three things that He showed me, they all have come to pass, but I will tell you one thing that concerns you right now: I saw the flag of America. -- you know, I have never seen a people like the Americans, who love their nation so much, and who are so patriotic about their great nation. That is good. When I traveled in your country, I use to see these huge, gigantic flags that fly so majestically in some parts of the country. I feel very proud, as if I myself was an American. The same American flag, I saw in the heavens. But instead of flying in the right direction, it was flying in the reverse direction. And the Lord Jesus Christ was standing at the flag and knocking …on the flag. And as He was knocking, I saw the words, “LAST CALL” flashing. Last Call was flashing and flashing. Then the word of the Lord came unto me, “This nation -- the flag that you see flying in the reverse direction is the heart of this nation that has turned away from righteousness, and is walking toward unrighteousness. She has turned her back towards Me. Yet, I am still calling her. Last call, last call, last call.
And for the three months that I was in the U.S. during that period, every church and every conference that I went to, I was commanded to share this vision. And ask the American people to pray for your country. But you know, I was very aghast to notice that the Americans, especially American Christians, take very lightly such words, because you think that the non-Christian Americans deserve God’s judgment. You really don’t love your country. You think you love your country, but deep down in your heart, you don’t really love your country. You have such a self-righteous attitude, thinking that the non-Christians deserve the judgment of God, and you deserve Heaven. Don’t you think that when the twin towers came down, many Christians also perished? When the economy of New York City came to a standstill, how many Christians also suffered economic losses, job layoffs. Thirty-thousand Indians working in New York City were sent back home. Overnight, 30,000 Indians lost their jobs. They came back home, among them, many Christians. They wrote to me for prayer. When the judgment of God comes, remember: even the righteous may have to suffer.
When God’s judgments came upon Israel, and she was taken captive to Babylon, righteous Daniel was among them! He was a captive. When Israel was under the captivity of another foreign nation, righteous Jeremiah was there! Righteous Nehemiah was there. The righteous saints also go into the captivity! Don’t you forget that. Don’t forget that. You have been duped by all the false teachers and false prophets in your country, deluding you and deceiving into thinking that no matter what happens, you will always be protected. As a result, you are suffering from spiritual lethargy, hearing only that which you want to hear and switching off when you don’t want to hear. You know, of you it is written in the Bible, “…those who have itching ears, only wanting to hear pleasant words.”
My dear brothers and sisters, the judgments of God are real. The countdown has begun. You know, India and Pakistan came this close to an all-out nuclear war. If the war took place, the whole of Pakistan would have been wiped out. Four northern states in India would have been wiped out. And the defense analysts predicted that Pakistan would have been uninhabitable for thirty years because of the nuclear dust that would be hanging over the country. The whole of north India would have been wiped out. Nepal would be wiped out. Tibet would be affected. They came this close to an all-out nuclear war. Somehow, God spared us.
My dear brothers and sisters, if you read the Holy Bible, forget about church doctrines, forget about vain traditions and teachings of men who only want to bilk you out of your money. I am declaring to you the oracles of God right now. From Genesis to Revelation, if you read the Holy Bible, it shows very clearly two things: redemptive judgment. God judges! …because He is a good God. From the garden of Eden all the way up to the book of Revelation, you will see these two themes: love and judgment. Not just love and love, and bless me and bless me. This is how your prophets and teachers are teaching you today. And they have not only corrupted the American church, they are corrupting the Indian church. They are corrupting the Eastern church, they’re corrupting the African church and they’re corrupting the European church. It (unbalanced teaching) has been exported! As much as God loved His first creation, His first-born son, Adam, HIS HEART PAINED when He had to pronounce a judgment, “GET OUT!!!”
Couldn’t He have done something else to keep Adam there? NO! He said, “GET OUT!!” You can never stay in the garden of Eden. GET OUT! From the protective nest, like new-born babies, thrown out, how could they survive? Although the Lord judged Adam and Eve, that judgment had a redemptive aspect. At the same time, the Lord clothed them with coats of skin, and gave them access to forgiveness.
Now come to Genesis, chapter six. For a hundred and twenty years, this righteous and perfect man, Noah preached to the world. 120 years! He was a preacher of righteousness. For 120 years, God was long-suffering toward the people. He was patient for 120 years. Patiently, hoping and waiting, that they would repent. As much as he was preaching for 120 years, he was also building the ark at the same time. As the cross is the sign of redemption, so was the ark in that day. Even if they would not believe Noah, the people had a visible judgment, an evidence of judgment right before their eyes, …this huge ark that he was building. They could not deny the ark that they were seeing with their own eyes, yet they chose not to believe the safety, the redemption that was right before their eyes. They ridiculed, they insulted, they made fun of Noah. Not a single person believed him. For 120 years, the Lord gave them space for repentance. Even until the day when Noah entered into the ark, the Lord waited patiently for another seven days, hoping against all hope that the people would repent; that at least one would repent, that they would enter into the ark.
Finally, there is a time…when the door of grace will be SHUT. And the Bible says, God shut the door from the outside. Why? Why didn’t Noah shut the door from the inside? When the rain starting coming down, when the first drop of rain came, everybody’s eyes were opened, that Noah was right for 120 years! And guess what happened, they all went and battered the door of the ark! Noah, open the door! Noah, open the door! The cries of little children screaming, “Grandpa Noah, OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR!” How your heart would feel if you were Noah! Wouldn’t you run to open the door? Noah must have felt like that. When God closes the door, no man can open the door. That is the reason why God Himself shut the door. He never allowed Noah to shut the door, because Noah might have opened the door. Only one family was saved. Only one family from an entire generation.
My dear brothers and sisters, in the judgment that came upon the whole world, love and redemption preserved one family. Now come to the book of Jonah: an entire nation walking in gross sin… but before we go there, let’s go to Sodom and Gomorrah. Two great cities of gays and lesbians. An entire city dedicated to the gods of homosexuality, worshiping homosexuality as their god, with no other god beside that. They were so gross in their sin that they even wanted to have sex with the two angels that went to spy out the land. Can you imagine how grossly, indecently corrupted, everything within them was corrupted with lust, so much so Lot had to step in, and was willing to sacrifice his own daughters, to protect the two men (angels). The judgment of God came down -- one family was spared. Redemption in judgment. But let me warn you right now, you can be so close to redemption and yet lose it in the end. Look at Lot’s wife. She was spared from judgment, running toward redemption, and she missed the boat at the last moment.
Let her story be a warning to you. In fact, the Lord Jesus Himself said, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Why did He say that? Because many people teach, “If you are once saved, you are forever saved.” That is a teaching from the pit of hell. Once saved is not forever saved. (Technically, I do believe that, but not practically.) Not from the viewpoint of God, because it is written in Matthew 24:13, “He that endures until the end, only HE shall be saved.” …Enduring until the end! Lot’s wife did not endure until the end. As she was on the road to redemption, she left behind her heart in Sodom and Gomorrah. Her heart pulled her back. And she turned and she saw, SAVED but then suddenly DESTROYED! Don’t be deceived! I tell you one more time with great love and all humility, don’t be deceived that once saved is always saved. Don’t be deceived that just because you are a tongue-talking Christian that you will be saved and caught up in the rapture. Don’t be deceived. He that endures until the end, only he shall be saved.
Look at the story of Nineveh. Jonah went there, preaching. It took three days to walk around the whole city. For three days, he was crying out, “REPENT! If not, then in forty days you will be destroyed!” From the king to the animals, they all fasted for forty days. They repented in sackcloth. God’s heart was moved with compassion. Judgment was delayed, but Nineveh was eventually destroyed because she only repented for a season, like you (America).
After 9/11, the whole nation appeared holy and repentant for a season. Now you are back to normal. You are back to your filth. You are back to your corruption, you are back to your sins. You have forgotten the repentance you did after 9/11. The vows you have made unto the living God after 9/11, you have forgotten! The altars that you had repaired after 9/11, you have forgotten! And they are back in ruins again! The Scriptures say, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.” My spirit shall not strive with man forever.
Now come with me to the New Testament, in Luke, chapter nineteen. The Lord Jesus Christ looks at the city of Jerusalem, His beloved city, His own city, He has no other city except Jerusalem. He looked at the city, and He beat His face and He cried, and cried and cried. No one had ever seen the Lord Jesus crying like that before. This was even before He cried at Lazarus’s tomb. He was beating His face, beating his breast and crying bitterly. Why? Because the very people for whom He came, as the very personification of redemption, they were going to reject the Messiah. And what would result from that rejection? Judgment. The Lord Jesus predicted, “Oh Jerusalem, you are going to be destroyed! They are going to siege you around! You are going to be utterly destroyed! Your city will be burned, you will become ashes!” He cried, like a mother crying for her baby. Thirty-three and a half years after the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, Jerusalem was burned to ashes. Not one time, but three times, the city was burned to ashes.
My dear brothers and sisters, did she repent? Did the church repent? In the book of Acts, when the church was born, born in fire, born in the power of the Holy Spirit, the foundation of the church was the power of the Holy Spirit and the purity of God. While the church was growing, just as pride entered into the heart of Lucifer in Heaven, sin came into the church in the form of one couple, named Ananias and Sephira. In trying to win good favor in the eyes of their senior pastor, Peter, they sold their property, kept half the money, and brought the other half of the money and lied to Peter, that this is all the money, the entire proceeds from the sale of our estate. We are bringing it and laying it down at your holy feet. If you read Acts, chapter five very carefully, you will find that before Peter pronounced judgment upon them, upon him firstly, there was a space for him to repent. Peter asked him, “are you sure it sold for this amount of money?” He said, “absolutely, yes, Peter.” ONLY THEN, the judgment of God came down, and Peter said, “HOW DARE you lie against the Holy Ghost.” Peter did not even say, how dare you lie against me. He said, how dare you lie against the Holy Spirit. Peter said, “DROP DEAD!” Ananias dropped dead immediately.
After three hours, his wife came around. Mercy and redemption were stretched out toward her. Peter asked her, “Tell me the truth, did you sell your property for this amount of money?” What could she have said? “No.” An opportunity was given to her to repent. Please take note of that. An opportunity was given to her to repent. Did she make use of it? No. She continued in the delusion. She continued walking in the lie. She continued believing in the lie that she and her husband invented. And she dropped dead next.
My dear brothers and sisters, let me lovingly tell you with great love, God never judges before giving space for repentance. Even when He judges, it is toward redemption. Judgment is redemptive, not destructive.
Now come to Acts, chapter twelve. King Herod proudly poses upon his great might (and power). And an angel of the Lord came and stood by his side, drew out his sword, and (smote him). In the natural, he dropped dead on the floor. The doctors would have classified that as a heart attack. But what happened in the spiritual realm? An angel of the Lord struck him dead. How many of your preachers have died suddenly? If they die suddenly for some medical reason, you may think it happened that way. But I tell you today, Acts chapter twelve was repeated many times: angels of the Lord standing there, striking them dead. If you read the book of Obadiah, chapter one, verse three and four, you will read the prophet prophesying there, “Though you fly up and make your nest among the stars, oh you eagle, you will be brought down low.” Who do you think that is talking about? Though you make your nest among the stars… How is your flag? “Though you make your nest among the stars, you will be brought down low.” …because you have been deceived by the pride in your hearts. …the arrogance in your heart, not by anything else.
America is good. A good nation, a giving nation, a helpful nation. And at the same time, a prideful, arrogant nation. She thinks that she has become great by the power and strength of her own might. She has forgotten that it is the Lord God that has lifted you up, blessed you, made you strong and mighty, but you have forgotten your creator.
Look at the Book of Revelation, chapter two and three, the seven messages to the seven churches that were existing at the time. None of them, except the church in Smyrna, received a (good) word from the Lord Jesus Christ. The rest of the six churches were receiving conditional judgment. If they repented, it would be well and good. If not, I will even remove, the Lord said (to one particular church), “I will remove your candlestick and you will be destroyed.”
I was once preaching in a charismatic church in Singapore. The pastor invited me to his house for Christmas Day dinner. Together with me were his two church elders. After dinner, before I left, he said, please bless our family before you leave. I stood to pray for his family. And the Lord Jesus Christ came and stood beside me and said, “For three years, I have been coming to his church and looking for fruits, and none are bearing. Right now, I am going to cut this tree.” Then I fell on my knees, and I interceded for the church. For twenty-five minutes, I cried to the Lord. “No Lord, please don’t. Please don’t. Spare them Lord for one more year.” The Lord Jesus heard my prayer and He said, “Because you asked, I will spare them for one more year.” After the prayer, I called the pastor privately and I told him this word (from the Lord). And I totally forgot about this entire event. But, 365 days later, exactly to the day, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me and He said, “The one year is up.” I totally forgot about it. He came and reminded me. “The one year is up. And during that one year, she did not bear any fruit. NOW, the reapers will go and will cut the tree.” From the moment the Lord Jesus spoke that word, I saw the tree of this church withering day by day, by day. Today, it does not exist. Even the pastor is no more the pastor of the church. The church totally closed up. This is just one example that I have told you. I could tell you examples of many other churches where the Lord came and removed the candlestick from the other churches.
(Another) church with whom I had a very close affiliation, it’s like I was a mother giving birth to the church (I gave birth to the church). But the very mother who gave birth to the church, -the very mother-, had to use a dagger to stab her, like Abraham did. One day when I was in your church, the Lord Jesus appeared to me and He said, “I am going to remove their candlestick.” When I told this to the pastor, he laughed at me. He said, “Brother, we are in the New Testament. We are under grace. How would God ever do like (what you have just said)?” I looked at him and I said, “If I am a true prophet of God, and if that word truly came from God, it will come to pass.” And I shook off the dust off my feet that day, and I never went back to that church again. But one year later, the candlestick was removed from the church. And that church is no more in existence.
My dear brothers and sisters, don’t take your salvation for granted. Don’t take your freedom for granted. Don’t take the mercy of God for granted. Don’t take the redemptive grace of God for granted. Several years ago, I was preaching at a conference in Sydney, Australia. You know the city of Sydney is exactly like the city of San Francisco. The very sins in San Francisco are the very sins in Sydney. The very sins that you see in New York City are the very sins in Perth. Two identical cities, on the east and west coast in your nation are the same (in these spiritual respects) cities in Australia, east and west coast. They are always gateway cities. While I was there, one evening an awesome angel came and stood before me. I am usually never fearful in the midst of angels, except when I started seeing the chief princes of nations. But that particular angel, when he stood before me, I trembled and quaked like a leaf. And he had like a bowl in his hand. And he looked at me with a fierce look in his eyes, and he said, “I am one of the two angels that was sent out to spy Sodom and Gomorrah. And I have been sent here to spy out the city and pour this vial of judgment upon the city.” Only then I understood why I was trembling. With fear, I fell on my face before God. I prayed and prayed for the city of Sydney. I said, “Lord, not now. There is still three more days for the conference, Lord. I will gather all the Christians to repent for Sydney, to pray for this nation.” For a long time I was lying on my face. Finally, the countenance on the angel’s face changed. He became calmer, and he said, “I am leaving now for a season.” And he left.
That night I went to the conference. Seven hundred people had come, and I shared with them what I saw. All the 700 people fell down on their faces before God. For forty-five minutes -- there was no message that evening -- for forty-five minutes, they were all crying, beating their faces, beating their breasts, and beating the floors…. The whole auditorium was reverberating and echoing with their tears and with their cries. Everyone from the oldest to the youngest were on their faces before God.
My dear brothers and sisters, I tell you one more truth today. As the chief prince angel of the United States of America stood before me, he said, “Like the angels that went out to spy out Sodom and Gomorrah, a host of angels are walking the length and breadth of your country, spying out the land in a similar manner to how the two angels did (at Sodom).” I tell you, when the white missionaries go to the East and to Africa to preach, we hear the gospel. We turn away from our millions of gods of wood and stone, and we turn back to worship the true and living God. But the gods we give up, you are now embracing, and you are bowing down and worshiping them. So who is the greater heathen, tell me? The nations in the East? No way! Because we are turning back to the righteous God. And the supposedly Christian nation is becoming a heathen nation where you have all kinds of abomination. You know, none of the Muslim nations in the Middle East will allow (except for Bahrain, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates, except for these three countries) -- the rest of the countries would never allow a Christian church in their nation. The largest Muslim mosque outside the Middle East is in the United Kingdom. In fact, the headquarters for their European operation and American operation is in the United Kingdom, a supposedly Christian nation. And the churches in the U.K. open their doors to allow the Muslims to come in and use their very premises for the propagation of Islam. Would they (Muslim countries) do that? They will not even allow you (to practice openly in their country). They consider Christians infidels. They will not even allow us into their churches. They will not allow us to build churches in their nations. Whereas, we, in the name of the First Amendment, -- you know, your very freedom has become your curse. The very First Amendment that you use to promote “freedom of speech” has become your very curse. That’s what the gays are now using. The First Amendment. We (the gays, in this case) have the right to speak what we want, and you (the church) cannot disagree with us. Your freedom, your liberty, has become your curse.
My dear brothers and sisters, unless you weep for your nation, great judgment is going to come. Unless rivers of intercession flow in your nation, unless tears of repentance flow from your eyes, flow from your churches and water this nation, judgments have been pronounced. You know, there is a certain group of angelic beings called the Watchers. We only read about them in one book of the Bible. The book of Daniel, chapter four, verses thirteen and twenty-three. This specific group of angelic beings are in charge of executing and overseeing the plans of God and judgments of God over each nation. At their command, they can execute judgment.
I was in the nation of Indonesia in 1998, just after the fall of a dictator that ruled that nation for thirty-two years. On the first day that I was in that nation, the chief prince angel over Indonesia entered into my room, and he said, “Whatever has happened in this nation has been decreed and ordered by the watchers in Heaven. They decreed and they said, let there be a change.” And overnight, the dictator of thirty-two years was overthrown. Overnight -- it did not happen over a long period of time. Overnight, he was overthrown -- decreed by the Watchers. The same decree has been passed. However, -- you know, when a person is sentenced to death, he can have one last final appeal to the president. Do you have this in your country? We have this (law) there. It is called the “President’s pardon”. If the President chooses to pardon, the person sentenced to die can be (have their sentenced reduced) to life in prison. You (America) are in that stage (or situation) right now, and your only appeal is to the Heavenly Father. The final pardon is in His hands.
If not (if the church in America does not give enough intercession and weeping), 9/11 was just a sample. It will be repeated…and repeated. I was sharing this with our dear sister, God’s prophetess, Nita Johnson, what this angel shared with me. And she shared with me what other things that she and other prophets, true prophets, have received. I believe she will share with you from tomorrow onwards.
My dear brothers and sisters, God loves you. If he did not love you, an angel would not have come to give that word. Let me tell you today how God works. If He wants to execute a judgment, He will just carry it out without informing His prophets. He would do that. Why does He tell His prophets? Amos, chapter three, verses seven and eight say, “God will not do anything before He tells His prophets.” Why? So that they will pray. God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but why tell Abraham beforehand? So that he would intercede and pray for the salvation of Lot. He (Lot) was under the same curse. He (God) could have just destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Why inform Abraham first? Even today, God follows this same principle. Why is God informing you? So that you can be saved. So that you will repent. So that you will cry out to God. So that His entire pronouncement can be overturned, and mercy can come upon your nation.
You know, it is not so much God’s wrath, but the hardness of your hearts, the hardness and sins in your hearts that must be changed, and the nation will turn back from unrighteousness to righteousness. You have an awesome call upon your nation. You know, the symbol of your nation, a flying eagle, was not chosen by your forefathers by accident. An eagle is a Heavenly bird. It’s supposed to be up there in the heavenlies with God, not down on the ground like a vulture, eating flesh. But you, the mighty eagle, have now become an ugly, flesh-eating vulture. The church is no better. The standards of the world have crept into the church. Are you pure? You are filthy and stinking! When I first came to America, the first television program that I ever appeared on was in Chicago. And after interviewing me, the host of the program asked me a question. This was my first visit to America. I was asked (what I thought of the church in America…)
When there’s a gay pastor standing in the pulpit, when there’s a gay bishop in the pulpit, and they sanctify same-sex marriage in the church. Wouldn’t you think the church would stink? And in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you stand in the pulpit and you declare all kinds of false prophecies and all kinds of filth, and someone declares (from the pulpit), “God told me to marry my secretary and divorce my wife.” Wouldn’t this stink? And in the name of Christ, Christians are adopting many worldly practices, including body-piercing. What is the difference between you and the world? You are called to be separate. You are called to be peculiar. What is so peculiar about you if your lifestyle is exactly the same as the world? What is so peculiar? Why then should non-believing Americans get saved? Why?
When the church is stinking, why should they get saved? That is the reason why many are embracing Islam. They are embracing Buddhism.
Did you know, let me tell you truth, Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in North America. Not Christianity, which is decreasing in size. The church in Europe is decreasing in size. Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe. What’s happening to you? The church is growing in the East. The church is growing in Africa. But you are shrinking. Why? Because (your lack of loyalty or fidelity to the teachings of Christ) stinks. Why should they, a non-Christian American, get saved and become like a pig? They are (already like this) in the world. Why should they be transformed into pig in the church? Tell me now in all honesty. Do you think that you deserve the grace of God? You don’t. Do you honestly believe, as you see your own condition better than I do, do you honestly think that you deserve the mercy of God? No. Yet, God is good God. His mercy endures forever. (The passage in Scripture states), “The Lord, God is good, merciful, forgiving, merciful to a thousand generations. In the many names of God that are mentioned in Scripture, three times it talks about His goodness. Only one time it says that He will judge, which means His goodness is three times greater than His judgment.
My dearly beloved American brothers and sisters, the Lord Jesus Christ loves you very much. But He cannot accept a corrupted church. He loves you. If not, this meeting would not have been held. He loves you very much. But He cannot accept a compromising church. He loves you, but He cannot accept deceiving teachers, and lying prophets. But the wheat and tares have been allowed to grow at the same time. He has allowed it, patiently waiting, hoping against all hope that you will repent. …Every little judgment that He sends to you, hoping against all hope that you will repent. But you are not. You know, I fear that your fate will be as exactly what happened to Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus said, “Prophets after prophets were sent to you, Jerusalem. Instead of embracing them, you stoned them to death. And (as) the final prophet, I am coming. You have not known the hour of your visitation, oh Jerusalem. And now, therefore, the hour is coming when you will be sieged all around, and you will be desolate. What would you like to choose?
Let’s all bow our head for a word of prayer. What will you choose? Will you cause a river of intercession to flow in your nation? Will you cause a river of intercession to flow in your nation? Or are you going to just sit here and let this word run down your back like water on a duck’s back? Can God count on you? Can all the hosts of Heaven count on you that you will intercede? That you will weep like Jeremiah? Can He count on you? If you are willing, get up from your seats right now, and fall down on your face before God. And lift up your heart and cry for your nation now! Lift up your hearts and cry for your nation now! Lift up your heart and cry for your nation. Oh, America, oh beautiful America, won’t you repent? Tear you heart! Tear your heart! And cry for your country! I am not asking you to cry for India! Cry for your own nation! Tear your heart…..Cry out to Him for His mercy! Tell Him, We have sinned Lord! We have sinned, Lord…. We have turned our backs against you, God! Cry out to Him…Cry out to Him now! Let the rivers of intercession flow now…Oh you daughters of America, let your tears flow now, let your tears flow. Cast away your good-for-nothing pride! Cast away your pride. Your military might is nothing before God. Cast away your arrogance. Cast away your sexual sin! Cry, cry, takes (America’s) sins onto your shoulders, and cry now. Let your tears flow like rivers now. Let your tears flow like rivers. The children in the East are repenting and turning back to righteousness. Oh My children in America, will you be destroyed? Will you perish, while they who are sitting in darkness are turning back to righteousness and light? Oh ye, that were of light and sitting in the light, why have you embraced darkness? Why have you allowed your understanding to be darkened? Why have your beauties turned into corruption? Cry out to Him. Cry out to Him now…
The Spirit of Christ is telling me now; the only way that righteousness can spring up in this nation is if the church will turn back to righteousness. And she will weep and sow righteousness into the land. Oh you daughters of America, don’t just mechanically pray. Don’t just pray because I asked you to pray. Tear your heart! Tear you inner heart! And turn back to God with weeping, with fasting, with repentance. Turn back to God!
(Spirit of grace and spirit of supplication, come and abide in us!) (Forty-five minutes or so of weeping and intercession is offered. Then Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj returned to offer these additional words.)
The angel over the United States of America is still standing here. And he showed me that all your intercession (just offered) is just a drop in the bucket that he has in his hand. And the word of the Lord that has just come to me is this, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, seek My face and pray, and turn back from their wicked ways, I will hear their prayers, I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land.” Lift up your hands to God, America.
(The following words were spoken by prophetess Nita Johnson at the end of Mr. Selvaraj’s message.)
I saw this angel and he had the American flag in his hand. And you know that crown that is on the Statue of Liberty was upon the head of this angel. And tears were flowing down his face. And he said if you love your nation as I love your nation, you will weep like this. And you will weep and you will weep, and you will not cease to weep until you break through in God for your nation. Those of you who are here who attend the gatherings, I want you to know that this does not negate anything we are doing in the Gatherings. The whole plea from the beginning was to gain people who will weep for America. God said He wanted tears to cover this land. Tears of repentance, tears of intercession for America. And He said if He did not get it, He would destroy America. Not the devil, but God. The child that He loves, He will destroy if He does not get the tears of repentance and intercession that He requires. Those of you who aren’t sure if you want to believe the word that Sundar gave, I could go right back through his word and give you date and time when I have received visitations from angels and from the Lord Himself with the identical word, over the last fifteen years. This word is very serious, but it is a precious treasure. It is a precious treasure given to you from the throne of God. He does not cast His pearls before swine. So He trusts you to do something with the word that was given. Don’t (just) receive it today, weep, and think you have done your part. You have not done your part until America is in glory instead of destruction.
You have got one call tonight. What is it? Weep. Weep, and weep, and weep, and weep, and weep some more. I talked to one pastor of a very large church, asking him to get involved with the healing of America. A very large and popular church. He was absolutely indignant. He wanted to know why he should have to weep before God. And why he should have to fast. He had an illness. This should break your heart, because these are the leaders you are listening to. These are the leaders you are following, and that is why your eyes are dry instead of weeping. The prophetic word, when it comes, the clear, concise, pure and holy word cuts like a knife, doesn’t it? The fear of God grips your heart, and you feel like you can hardly breathe. And it is a new experience for the church. But it is a necessary experience. We can’t keep running to the shepherds who want to stroke us when America is burning. So the angel said, if you love America as I do, you will weep, and you will keep on weeping until you break through to God. How many of you will not stop weeping tonight, you will keep weeping until God forgives America and heals our land? Bless your hearts. Weep for yourselves first, then weep for America.
[Comment not by Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, 01/10, 2006 3:41 PM
Subject: …Apostolic...
Hi _______, Sundar and I are both Apostles and Prophets. We have both moved in the Apostolic for a number of years, so I would say you are already flowing in what he prophesied.
Blessings, nita]
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, Trinity Television P/L, Bukit Timah, P.O. Box 322, Singapore 915811, info@angeltv.org, www.jesusministries.org . Bob Chittenden typed up the above from the audio tape of the actual meeting in St. Louis, MO. RichChittenden@aol.com . See section 134.1 in the above document for Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj’s web site and address.
49.1 12/14, 1985, Vision, Henry Gruver, I Saw The Russians Attack The United States! — Note this was all I was able to find in writing. Henry has produced some video tapes that tell of all the visions he has received. Henry Gruver of Joyful Sound Ministries, 601 Walker, Woodbine, IA 51579 (712) 647-3104.
I was in Wales, on 12/14, 1985. I went up on top of the Eagle tower in the Caenarvon Castle. It had eight points on it. Each of the points all it were eroded eagles. This castle was built in the 12th century. I was overlooking the Irish Sea toward the North Sea -- Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the tip of Scotland, Greenland, Iceland in that area. All of a sudden I was up above the Earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. As I looked down on the earth, I saw all of these massive amount of all kinds of ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway, out of this inlet. They headed down between the United States and Europe. They literally covered the whole Atlantic. Then I wanted to see what was happening to the United States. I looked over on the globe at the United States. I saw coming out of the United States these radio communication towers. I saw the jagged lines I like they draw to show that communications are coming out. All of a sudden, as I was looking down on them they began to sparkle down on the earth like dust. I thought "Oh no! They are not getting through ! They are not setting through . They don't know what is happening ! They are totally oblivious! " Then I began to see all of these submarines emerging from under the surface. I was surprised at how close they were to our boarders! They were in our territorial waters! Then I saw the missiles come out of them! They hit eastern coastal cities of the United States.
I looked over across the country where my family was over in the northwest side, and I saw the submarines. I saw the missiles coming out and hitting the western coastal cities. I cried out and I said, Oh God! Oh God! When will this be, and what shall be the sign of its coming?" I heard an audible voice speak to me amid say, "When Russia opens her doors and lets the masses go. The free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and feeding and caring for the masses, and will lets down their weapons and cry peace and safety. Then sudden destruction will come. Then is, when it will come." That was 12/14, 1984. Glastnost and Parastroika were unheard of at that time!
they shall say, Peace and safety ; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as
travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
38:10. Thus saith the Lord GOD, It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into the
mind. and thou shalt think an evil thought 11. And thou shalt say, I will go up
to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest. that
dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor
gates . 12. To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the
desolate places that are now inhabited , and upon the people that are gathered
out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst
of the land 13. Sheba, and Dedan. (Saudi Arabia and the merchants of Tarshish,
(Britain) with all the young lions thereof, (the nations that have come from
the British Empire, Canada, et cetera) shall say unto thee, Art thou come to
take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to lake a prey? to carry away
silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
49.2 12/17, 2000, Prophetic Word, War To America That Is Coming – Jesus Spoke To Me In 12/ 98 &01/ 99 & 12/2000 About It! — "Gather My Apostles" News Letter Vol. 16, Dear Brethren, On 12/17, 2000, I took a short trip to a neighboring town. As I began the trip I started to pray in the car. I remember praying that the Lord would make a way for me to be able to leave the town and state He's had me in for the past five years. Before I could pray anymore, He began to speak. He began to speak to me about the work He has called me to do. He spoke of the war that is coming. The same war He had spoken to me about in 12/98 and 01/99. The trip was about 40 minutes each way. All the way up and all the way back the Lord continued to speak to me just like He was a passenger in the car.
The Lord spoke to me concerning everything that He had been revealing to me in pieces over the past six months prior to this conversation. The first thing He let me know was that I had to remain in this place. I have a felt a weight, a real heaviness in the spirit as I write this letter. It has even caused me to review my own life. If I were not sure that this was the leading of the Lord Jesus Christ, I would not write it. The road I traveled that day I had traveled many times before. This day on the return trip the Lord pointed out exactly where the ministry center is to be and why. He told me the reason for His choosing the area and how to prepare the ministry center for the days ahead. He was giving me a great deal of instructions and many details. More were to come in following days. During the months of 12/2000 and 01/2001 the Lord continued to reveal His Will and to confirm, and reaffirm. It would not be possible for me to relate all that was spoken by the Lord during this time. There has only been a few things the Lord has let me tell a few people. I didn't feel like it was all for publication.
I don't know the timing of the things I write about here. I have learned the importance of walking out each step the Lord tells you to walk and then ask for more direction. This has been imperative in this work to Gather the Lord's Apostles. There was critical timing involved in each of the three Gatherings to date, that no man could have known.
I have struggled with what I am about to tell you here. When I was younger in the Lord I used to seek Him for revelation. There is a great responsibility that comes with hearing from the Lord. I never seek the Lord for words of prophesy just so I can prophesy. I would rather not. However I do have to continually seek His direction for what He has called me to do.
The Lord did not give me a great vision of destruction and I thank Him for that. Everything the Lord has talked to me about here is in direct relationship to what He has called me to do. It has all been delivered in a very practical way to show His Will for preparation. These things are not supposed to sneak up on the People of God. But we must take heed to everything He shows us and obey His leading.
49.3 2001, Vision & Visitation; Visitation Of Jesus & Gather My Apostles & War To America Coming, Only A Short Time Left, The First & The Last Presidents – War To America – Before 2008 & Underground Church – House Churches — Dear Brethren, It is hard sometimes to fully grasp the times that we are living in. I think we are all struggling with this. Even as I wrote that last news letter, I struggled with the words that I was writing. I found myself assessing my entire life and my walk with the Lord. I am continually impressed by the Lord that we have to accept this reality and continue to put our trust in Him and walk on with Him as closely as we can.
For the past couple of weeks the Lord has been bringing to my remembrance a vision or visitation that I had from the Lord about a year before the Lord brought me back to the United States. This happened after the Lord had been dealing with me and teaching me about Calling His Church to Order for four years. I don't think, I have written about this experience in full detail before. The Lord appeared to me as the King of Kings in all of His Majesty. He was partially silhouetted by this tremendously brilliant light. I could make out some of His features. What I remember most was His Majestic Presence. His voice was like the Apostle John described as a voice of many waters full of power and Glory. As He spoke to me it was as though my conscious mind was moved to the side, out of the way. I could actually see the words streaming from Him and going into my spirit. At the time I could understand every word and knew that they were full of His Glory. After the experience was over, I could not with my physical conscious mind remember what He had spoken. I literally shook for what I am guessing was about a half hour. During that time all I could speak was, It is very important that I do all that the Lord Commands me to do and I spoke it repeatedly.
Then on my return to the States, in great discouragement I sought the Lord to release me from the ministry of any kind. He spoke to me that day and said, "You must continue on in the path that I have set you on or you will die, there are no other paths set before you, there are no other options for you." Six months later the Lord Commands me to Gather His Apostles. The Lord has been bringing this to my remembrance to remind me of the importance of it all. For this same reason I share it with you.
The reality is this people, we are living in the year of our Lord 2001. The fulfillment of the end time prophecies written in the Word of God by His Prophets, is at the door. We are a chosen people and the Lord our God is revealing things to come. He who is Faithful and True is giving us forewarning and directions.
Almost immediately after I wrote that last news letter we saw China speaking to America with Bold threatenings. They have begun to show a boldness that could not come just from their own military preparedness. Their boldness comes from knowing they have a treaty with Russia and a plan. The Chinese Government used the incident over the surveillance plane, to purposefully foster hatred towards America from the citizens of China. They are preparing their people for war. This is just more evidence of their intent towards America.
All the while the Lord was speaking to me about this war that is coming, it was not just for the purpose of prophesying. But it was clear that it was about Calling the Church to Order and making preparations. We are going to see Greater things than the generations that went before. In the midst of many tribulations, we are going to see the Glory of God manifest. It will be manifest in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen. It will be manifest in the Lord's supernatural protection of His people. I am not saying that many will not die.
It is time for the remnant of God's people to line up with the Covenant of God. We must come in line with the Will and Intent of the Lord's Covenant to us. We must come to His Order and Ways.
In 01/2001 [2001] the Lord spoke to me to just begin the work of Calling His Church to Order. Let no man tell you that we can't do it the Lord's way. Let nothing tell you that it is not possible.
This is the time that we have to prepare according to the leading of the Lord. After the war begins we will not be able to meet like we are free to meet now.
There are many things that the Lord has spoken to me about that just wouldn't be wise to discuss in an open email. I look forward to the Gathering in OKC [05/15-17, 2001], so I can share this with you. As I said, the True Apostles of our Lord have an important role to play in these days ahead. I am strongly recommending that all of you Apostles that have been discerned by the Elders or myself in the past, be at this Gathering. Those of you who have been meaning to come, this is the time.
All of you who feel like the Lord has been preparing you for the last days should be there also. Some of you have received visions of this time. I don't want too get repetitious in this letter so I have included the last newsletter below this one. I suggest that you read it again. http://www.apostles-gathering.com/vol16.html …
We all should be anxious to help the Lord Jesus Call His Church to Order, in any way we can. I have felt His heart and heard His Words concerning this matter.
When the Lord was speaking to me about the war and the preparations He was letting me know we have some time to prepare.. but not much. There is no time to be wasted. Someone wrote me a letter saying that we should all be serving the Lord like it is the Last Day. This is true at any time, but it is particularly true of this generation and this time…
Nothing I've written here is for dramatics. I would rather not have to publish this letter at all. One day when I was struggling with all this, the Lord caused my Bible to fall open to Ezekiel Chapter 33 and let my eyes fall upon His word there. He was letting me know I could not be silent.
The day before the Presidential Inauguration, I was watching a news story about the same Bible George Washington laid his hand on during his inauguration, being put on an Am-track train to be at George W. Bush's inauguration. The Lord spoke to me suddenly and very clearly He said, "THE FIRST AND THE LAST PRESIDENTS". I understood what that meant. He was not speaking of assassination but of the war. This would mean that it could be anytime from right now to the year 2008.
There are several men in our time that have been given the awesome responsibility of having to publish great visions they have seen of the upcoming war. To name a few: A.A. Allen back in the fifties saw missiles being launched from submarines under the sea at America. That technology didn't exist at the time of his vision. Henry Gruver in 1985 had a Vision of submarines launching missiles as a first strike on America. Henry has had several visions of the times ahead. There is another man I can't remember his full name; Dimitru Duduman had a similar vision in our time... George Washington during the American Revolution saw a vision of what is about to happen. It's interesting to note that George Washington saw enemy troops coming by land, air and sea. And there are more… I have talked to three people in the last two months who have seen small visions of this upcoming war. The Lord is letting His People know what is coming.
A precious Saint of the Lord's sent me a video of Henry Gruver telling of his vision and the information he has gathered. Henry at one point said, There were 42 Kings who reigned over Israel and Judah before they were taken into the Babylonian captivity. He said, Queen Elizabeth II is the 42nd Monarch in England. Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States. During the time that Clinton was taking his oath of office there was some tremendously bad weather pounding Washington State the 42nd state to be admitted into the Union. Then Henry asked, if God was trying to show us something. It would appear to be so.
When the Lord was telling me how and where to build this Ministry Center. (This is the Ministry Center I saw back in 1979, when the Lord caught me up in the spirit and took me into the future). The Lord was telling me how to prepare it and letting me know that He was going to direct people to this place during the tribulations ahead. There will be many being saved in very severe circumstances and the Lord will lead them to His people in the earth. He told me that I was to survive what was coming because of the work He's called me to. As the Apostle Paul said, whether we live or die we do it in Jesus.
After the Lord told me to just begin the work of Calling His Church to Order, He let me know that we have to move fast. He wants this remnant of His People to be prepared and connected during this time being able to operate as an underground Church when necessary.
Has anyone else noticed that time seems to be traveling at a record speed? Whatever time we think we have, .well... we have no time to waste. As you can see there are many reasons why we need to take this seriously. This is not just about having House Church. Again, House Church in and of itself is not the answer to the problems in Christianity. We have been and are continuing to Gather the Lord's Apostles. The Apostles have a great role to play in the Calling of the Church to Order.
We must begin to practice our faith after the Order and Ways of God not of men. We must embrace the Lord's Covenant. We are not under the law but under grace. There is a conditioning from the systems of men that always suggest that if you are embracing God's Covenant you are going back under the Law. This is a very serious conditioning. This conditioning designed by Satan, is just another in his many strategies TO KEEP GOD'S PEOPLE FROM FULLY ALIGNING THEMSELVES WITH GOD. We are to be a light to the world. That light should be a reflection of the Covenant of the Most High God and His Messiah. There is no reason to believe that we are to embrace the doctrines of men and Trash at Will the Everlasting Covenant of God towards His People. We are to be known as Christians pure and simple. We must repent.
This is a comment from the Apostle Kenneth Stevenson one of our Elders: Dear Cary, Did I ever tell you that the name of the church God gave us "Everlasting Covenant" came from the very things you are pointing out in this letter. Truly the "Everlasting Covenant" is the final covenant and MUST be lived IF the "people that KNOW their GOD" are to "be strong and do exploits" as Daniel said...I have warned God's people as best I know how that if they are prepared for the rapture and surprised by the tribulation it will be awful.
Comment From Kenneth Stevenson — America does not know how very close we already came to WW III. In the fall of 1973, as a B-52 Commander I was sitting Nuclear Alert in California. As we had a full week of training alerts, I was shocked to hear the klaxon sound for a third time. Even before I reached my aircraft it dawned on me, "this is the REAL THING !" Once on board, with engines running, at runway's end and a valid GO CODE, we had a VERY limited number of options before launch became IRREVOCABLE...we literally came within minutes of WWIII and America never knew. In fact, our launch window was extended the maximum number of times allowed by procedures. While the full story is probably still highly classified, I will go as far as to say, the episode involved Israel, Russia and missiles that WERE actually launched and tracked by US defense forces in Europe.(USAFE) If you believe it cannot happen in today's era of all the "global village" hype you are GREATLY deceived. The difference between today and even the recent Gulf War era is SIGNIFICANT: our military forces are considerably decimated...in both capacity AND morale after 8 years of consistent downsizing. Furthermore, China has GIVEN our TOP SECRET Nuclear Technology, while at the same time Vladimir Putin (a rabid anti-Semitic) rattles the Russian saber.
...I have felt that war could come under Clinton and even now BEFORE George W. Bush has a chance to restructure our military....Russia and China are linking up.... any of a number of scenarios could precipitate WWIII....but few see it and even fewer HEED the CALL.....in trying to prepare the BODY for these last and EVIL days....I find repeatedly that such warnings are met with cries of "legalism !!"....from Apostle Ken Stevenson.
This is not just about America. But I believe America will be the major focus of the enemy. This will be World War III. It is not the 2nd Coming of the Lord, though it can not be far off.
I believe that there is only one reason why the Lord had me write this letter to you. This war is not the focus of this ministry. But I have been hearing the Lord over and over again tell me that we need to fully understand the time we are in. We are already in the Last Days. We must follow the Lord's leading more carefully than ever before. Our thinking and ways of looking at things needs to be adjusted by the Lord. Many false teachings and impressions have come before. Always try to look at things from the Lord's perspective. This is a Crucial time.
Millions of God's People have been taught that the only thing they can expect is a Rapture that will save them from any tribulation coming on the earth. This would truly be wonderful and I truly wish that it were true. Again, Satan always does whatever he can to disarm the greatest people on the face of the earth (the Redeemed of the Lord). The Lord God Almighty does not want His people to be spiritually unarmed and unprepared. Read carefully Matthew Chapter 24 and Mark Chapter 13.
There is still much the Lord has for His Church to do and to Be. There are still many who must be saved. There must be Order before we can have Unity. The problems in the Church, the Body of Christ can only be fixed by the Glory of God in Christ Jesus. And that Glory can not be poured out on a people following after the Order and doctrines of men and devils. God is Faithful to His Word and to us.
As much as I have spoken here there are still many things that can not be published in this way. We will be discussing this and more at the upcoming Apostles Gathering in OKC. I am going to encourage all of you to be there. Yes, we will still be Discerning Apostles. We are still getting out a Call to all the Apostles of Jesus Christ. But we must also be about this business of the Lord's, in Calling His Church to Order. I am still waiting for confirmation on the Hotel and will let you know as soon as it is confirmed.
It amazes me to see what the Lord has been putting together with this work. Only the Lord could do it. The Lord has been faithful to lead this work in every way. We are walking into very perilous times. We were all called to this hour. It is important that we meet this hour with all that is with in us, in Christ Jesus…
From: www.etpv.org or www.apostles-gathering.com, CaryGoodwin@apostles-gathering.com or Apostles Gathering Ministries, Cary Goodwin, P.O. box 2953, Summerville, South Carolina 29484, 843.875.2621, cell phone: 843.412.0294. The complete book “Gather My Apostles” by Gary Goodwin, ©1996, can be printed from the above web site.
50.1 1986, Dream, Martial Law In America — The Holy Spirit led me to spend a few days The Spirit of the Lord has given me many dreams and visions over the years. I always write them down. In 1986 I had a dream that the United States was living under martial law. We were not allowed to travel nor share the gospel of Jesus Christ with no one. There were so many militant forces, but they were our own people! Houses were monitored by the militant forces. They were trying to get us to deny Christ. They were very serious about it. They would kill you if you did not deny Christ. I was going and warning people to hold on to Jesus. Call upon the Name of the Lord. Some understood and some didn't. Dream ended. I know that we will some day face persecution. This country has been blessed. I pray that when that day comes we hold on to our blessed savior JESUS. Blessings
From: www.harvestnet.org/prophecies/americadreams.htm .
51.1 12/14, 1986, Vision, I Saw Submarines Attack America! — I was in Wales on 12/14, 1986. I went up on top of the Eagle Tower in the Caernarvon Castle. It had eight points on it. Each of the points on it were eroded eagles. This castle was built in the 12th century.
I was overlooking the Irish Sea toward the North Sea – Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the tip of Scotland, Greenland, Iceland in that area. All of a sudden I was up above the earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. As I looked down on the earth, I saw massive amount of all kinds of ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway, out of this inlet. They headed down between the United States and Europe. They covered the Atlantic between the U.S. and Europe.
Then I wanted to see what was happening to the United States. I looked over on the globe at the United States. I saw coming out of the United States these radio communication towers. I saw the jagged lines like they draw to show that communications are coming out. All of a sudden, as I was looking down on them, they began to sprinkle down on the earth like dust. I thought “Oh no! They are not getting through! They are not getting through. They don’t know what is happening! They are totally oblivious!”
Then I began to see all of these submarines emerging from under the surface. I was surprised at how close they were to our borders! They were in our territorial waters! Then I saw missiles come out of them! They hit eastern and western costal cities of the United States.
I cried out and said, ‘Oh God! Oh God! When will this be, and what shall be the sign of its coming?’
I heard an audible voice speak to me and say, “When Russian opens her doors and lets the masses go. The free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing, feeding, and caring for the masses, and will let down their weapons and cry peace and safety. Then sudden destruction will come. Then is when it will come.’”
That was 12/14, 1986. Glastnost and Perestroika were unheard of at that time!
I Thes. 5:3 – For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.1
51.2 01/1990, Vision, “Watch What I Will Do!” — St. Johns, North Portland, Oregon. I was crying out to the Lord; and I said, “Lord, I need, to see something that will encourage Your people.” And He gave me this vision. Then He began to speak to me through the scriptures cited [I Sam. 14:1-16; Isa. 29:6; Amos 1:1; Matt. 27:50-54; Rev. 6:12; 11:13 & 19; 16:18; Isa. 31:2-9; Eze. 14:12-14; Isa. 30:32]. It was simply me, searching out the Word to see if the vision was of God. I had never seen the context of these things before in the Word. I had never heard them preached. So, the Scriptures I have given to you are given as verification, through the Word, of what I will now relate to you. [If you find it difficult to accept this word, please search these Scriptures. Be a Berean. Search these things to see if they be true.]
In vision, I saw missiles coming out of the waters of the Pacific Ocean. I saw airplanes coming in and they were heading towards certain cities along the Northwest. When it looked like they would come and do their devastation, all of a sudden, I heard a voice speak from heaven, like thunder. It said these words: “Watch what I will do!”
As the word was spoken, the mountains along the coastal range began to shake and tremble and puffs of smoke shot out of them—they reminded me of Indian smoke signals. However, they shot out in all directions; and hit into the paths of the missiles and the planes. Suddenly the missiles just went, “z-o-o-o-o-o-m!” Then they hit the ground, but didn’t explode. They were duds. The “smoke signals” had destroyed the missiles ability to navigate. It destroyed their ability to fly through the air; and they didn’t hit their targets.
It was also like shields or domes came over certain cities. Even the contaminated air couldn’t go into those areas. It went around them.
I saw massive amounts of vehicles just coming in on our waters. They were like ships opened up in the front, and all these personnel, carrying things, came out armored. Here they came, right up to our beaches, and all these thousands of people began to head out. I saw the proud look on the faces of those that were driving the vehicles. I heard, again, the thunderous voice from the heavens. “Watch what I shall do!”
Suddenly, mountains puffed out smoke, and rivers of golden lava began flowing down a path—right across the beaches in front of the invaders. Terror came on their faces, and they turned back and headed to the sea, fleeing for their lives, as the waters behind them turned to steam.
And the Lord said, “I have people in this land that I will not let them touch—for they are Mine! They are My chose; and I will keep My chosen safe! For I have a work for them to do yet in this land, and in many lands.”3
11/26, 1990, Vision Of The Grizzly Bear — I had been teaching that something is going to happen in the middle east, and it is only going to be a test to see how the free world will respond — to see how well militarily they can raise up and go to the other side of the world and fight. And all of a sudden this little thing with Kuwait comes along. So on 11/26, 1990 I came home and told the Lord I needed a word from Him, and He gave me a vision.
In that vision I was going in a car up into the northwest territory in the mountains around Mount Rushmore. I had this little boy of about 18 months with me, and he was buckled into this car seat. I came to this area where there was a campground, and pulled in there to a parking place, and looked off to a beautiful, placid lake. The lake was between the big mountains and the campground. A highway bordered along the campground. I pulled in there and looked off to the lake. Here the forest ranger was coming across in a yellow canoe.
I grabbed the little boy out and was heading for the forest ranger, when all of a sudden I turned to my left hand and saw fresh cut flowers. I saw one of those old–fashioned crank-bucket wells. All around the casing of that well were fresh cut flowers. I looked on top of it and there was a baby grizzly bear lying there curled up like it was sleeping. So I go over to the well to see the bear. As I touched it, I pulled my hand back and said, “Oh, they’re all dead.” And the little boy says, “Bear all dead, bear all dead.”
Then the forest ranger came across the parking lot and said, “I’m glad to see you got here. Come on let’s get in the canoe, I have something to show you, but we have to go across the waters to see it.” I said, “What’s with the baby grizzly on top of the well casing?” He said, “Ah, don’t worry about that. You know people today, they’ll make a big ‘to-do’ today about anything. This is not why I called you here. Come on, we must go across the waters.”
So we got in. I put the little boy in the middle, and I got up front. We go across this placid lake that is so smooth there’s not a ripple in it. It was crystal clear. We’re going across and I’m watching the bank across the way and all of a sudden I stood up and said, “Hold it, those are grizzly bears!” There was about 12 or 14 of them coming out of the bushes and trees — very active, more active than a grizzly would be. They were up to something in and out of view. I believe the grizzly bears are the Arab countries. They were across the waters. The forest ranger says, “It’s all right, it’s all right we’re going to turn.” So I put down my oar to make sure we turn quickly. He then says, “That isn’t what I brought you to see. Keep looking in that direction and you’ll see what I brought you on this side to see.”
So I keep watching and counting these grizzly bears, and there were about 12 or 14 of them, when all of a sudden my gaze was broken by an enormous grizzly bear that stood up behind them back in the larger trees. It stood up with a growl and the hair on the back of his head standing up almost like a Trojan hairpiece. The great grizzly stood up and let out a loud growl that just echoed through those mountains like a powerful cannon firing. When I heard that, I screamed out and said, “Let’s get out of here! That thing could come right out here! This is nothing but a pond compared to that thing!”
He said, “It’s all right, it’s all right! That’s what I brought you over here to see. He’s the granddaddy of them all. That one almost got me yesterday! He’s the one you’ve got to watch out for!” With that, he turned the canoe, and I helped to turn it and row to get back as this big bear returned into the taller trees at the base of the mountain.
We got back to the other side and the ranger asked us in for some refreshments. I was then sitting on their couch, and his wife came out with some hot liquids of some kind, when all of a sudden the door directly in front of me literally exploded and the head of this great grizzly bear came in. He crouched down and came inside, and with that the forest ranger was looking at the bear and looking at his gun over the fireplace next to his wife. He couldn’t get to his gun without crossing the path of this grizzly bear. His wife threw up her hands and began screaming frantically. I took the little boy and just hugged him in my arms and laid back, when all of a sudden it seemed I was totally baptized in liquid peace. I didn’t care less!
As the bear comes in arching with his eyes on me, he begins to come over. I pointed at the screaming woman and said, “It’s all right, it’s all right! Don’t fear — peace, peace.” As I was saying this, it seemed the same peace that was over me came over the woman, and she began to relax.
I believe the woman is a type of the church. I believe the forest ranger is a type of the United States Armed Forces. He couldn’t get to the gun without crossing the path of the bear. What country is the symbol of the bear? Russia.
That enormous bear came up arching its back, came bending down, and it was coming right at me with its claws. Its claws were longer than my fingers. I’ll never forget the feeling, it was so real, as those claws came brushing by my ears. He brought those claws right down by my head.
I thought he was going to try to rip my head off, but I didn’t care if he did, I had such peace. As he came down with his claws brushing through the hair on the back of my head like a comb, as his paws were behind my head the tender part of his paw began to touch my cheek right by my mouth. He began patting my cheeks on both sides, and looking at me. His paw was as hot as fire. But he was patting my cheeks and he didn’t understand me. That was the end of the vision.
I sat right up in bed, for I was lying down and praying, and I asked the Lord, “What does this mean?” I knew He was trying to tell me something. I turned to Jeremiah 49, and here is the verse that my eyes fell on; “Flee, get you into a far off land. Dwell, dwell deep oh ye inhabitants of Hazor, saith the Lord. For Nebuchadnessar king of Babylon has taken counsel against you, and hath conceived a purpose against you. Arise, get you up unto the wealthy nation…” America is known as the wealthy nation. If you have done any international traveling you know what I mean. Where are you to go? “Get you up into wealthy nation that dwelleth without care, saith the Lord, which hath neither gates nor bars, which dwell alone.”
Isaiah 18 talks about the land overshadowing with wings, with wings that dwell from seas to sea. Palestine is not from sea to sea, but the United States of America is!” “And their camels shall be a booty, and the multitude of their cattle a spoil: and I will scatter into all winds them that are in the utmost corners…” What are the utmost corners of this country? Geographically, as far as the continental U.S. is concerned, it would be Seattle, San Francisco, Miami and New York. Is there any corruption in those cities, any problem in those cities?
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Henry Gruver states on his video that he was given locations of safety areas, but he chose to not reveal them. His reasoning was that each Christian should walk close enough with the Holy Spirit to find out from Him where to relocate too. In addition, reference Earlene Wallace’s vision regarding grizzly bear.]
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Henry Gruver is a wonderful man of God, I trust him deeply. He was in A.A. Allen’s tent meetings when the Holy Fire of God would fall and settle on top of the tent and go up the posts. The fire trucks would come out to put the fire out, but could not for it was the Holy Fire of God, it was supernatural.]
Prophecy from: 135 Prophecies, Dreams, & Visions For America; updated 01/01,1999; The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.478.1112 & videos available are: “I Saw Submarines Attack America,” and “Six Hours In Heaven, “ $25.00 each.
Prophecy from: 2End-Time Handmaidens and Servants, Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Ark 72641, Binder titled “The Day of the Lord is Near” volumes I-IV, a collection of prophecies, visions & dreams, $25.00.
From: 3Joyful Sound Ministries, Inc., Henry Gruver, P.O. Box 144, Woodbine, Iowa 51579-0144, this will also be in Henry’s forth coming book called: “Cross-Wise, The Visions Of A Walker.” Henry has a web site proved by Bob Phillips of Wichita, KS, it is: www.geocities.com/jsminis .
From: 44th month—6th month 2001, The Prophecy Club newsletter, page 4. http://www.geocities.com/jsminis or hjgruver@iowatelecom.net .
52.1 Vision, I saw The Coming American Revolution — I was with Pastor Ray Brooks of “The Open Way Church,” and Michael Sullivan. We were laying hands on each other, praying for each other. My mind was concerned with imparting strength to my brothers.
All of a sudden I had a vision. It was so real, it was as if I were there.
I saw a vision of a city in America. Many of the buildings were of fire. There was looting and rioting. There was a break down of law and order, no respect for law and order. Thousands of people were on the streets. There was burning, killing, looting, sirens blaring, ambulances carrying away the dead and wounded.
I saw bystanders; they were pulling their hair. The Lord let me hear their thoughts. They were thinking, “I can not believe this is America! I can not believe it has happened to us.” The people were petrified with fear and confusion, not knowing what to do. There was so much fear, thinking where to go to be safe.
I saw these bat-looking creatures flying all around, coming out of these dark clouds. I believe these are demons stacking people. Isaiah 2 came to mind.
I saw an eagle coming out of heaven attacking these bat-looking creatures.
I saw the whole earth. The sun was rising on the whole earth. I thought about the scripture of the son rising with healing in his wings.
When I came out of this vision, I was interceding and weeping for this country. I believe these things will come on America.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Evangelist Bobby Martz of New Covenant Church I Hampton, Virginia]
From: 35 Prophecies, Dreams, & Visions For America; Updated 01/01,1999; The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.478.1112, $5.00.
53.1 1987, Dream, Invasion Of The United States — I dreamed an invasion of the United States. Ships arrived to the shores, and there were soldiers swarming around the water and myself. I was alone, my family was not there. Then I woke up.
53.2 Dream, Invasion Of The United States — I dreamed I was sheltered in a round open rock. In a forest, foliage type area, and a soldier came up to me – I thought “oh no I’ve been captured.” But I then was impressed this was a angel, and I woke up.
From: In 01/2004, I met Pat & her husband at a meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she informed me of these dreams she had. I wish to remain anonymous & she did not wish to include her address.
54.1 Early 1988, Open Vision, The Coming War And Destruction Of America & The Salvation Of Zion — I had gone out to Lake Jacomo (south of Independence, Missouri) and I was sitting out there and praying about these "last days" and I had asked the Lord, "How will these things work? How will this really happen?" I have read all these scriptures and prophecies and I would like to know the mechanics of it. How are you going to operationalize this? How are you really going to make it work?"
And as I sat there, I was given the closest thing to a vision I've ever had. I saw famine upon this land. It was a famine for food, water, heat and light, warmth, clothing...a want for every needful thing that the people could have. It got so bad that there were riots, race riots, and multitudes of Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics, warring literally against each other for what few resources were there. People would be killed for the clothes on their backs. There were literally companies of vigilantes that had set themselves up to protect their neighborhood. And they went through the neighborhoods with guns to protect their neighborhood from others that would come into their neighborhood and take, and to protect their women and children.
And I saw paramilitary troops and there paramilitary troops were the ones who called themselves "survivalists". And they were trying to break up the race riots and they were willing to just kill any body who was not white Anglo-Saxon. As a matter of fact, they were willing to kill any Anglo-Saxon that loved Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Orientals, or anyone else who wasn't an Anglo-Saxon. And if you were willing to defend them, no matter how white Anglo-Saxon I was, they were willing to kill me because I was not one of them.
And I saw war and I saw two nations of this world. I saw China and I saw Russia invade the United States. They both came in through Canada on the north and from both coasts and they came in this way (using a blackboard, drew a map of the U.S.) And they kept working their way in and here is the Center Place right here (Independence, Missouri area). (Background remark..."...Similar to the vision of George Washington?"). I replied that I did not know about George Washington’s vision but I could see them coming in and nobody was left alive... NOBODY... not a man, not a woman, not a child, not even animals were left.
And every single city was demolished. And no human being and very few domestic animals were left alive... literally. And the paramilitary were in no condition to stand against them and our own defenses were off somewhere else in the world and no one was home to defend this country and there was no way to bring them back. And this whole country was laid to waste. And the invading armies of China and Russia moved right toward this Center Place.
Not only did I see war but I saw disease. I don't know whether it was cholera. There was AIDS and all kinds of other disease. Disease was rampant all over the country and death was coming in on every side by every means. The only way for anyone to escape this invading force was to be gathered into this Center Place in Zion.
And I saw in this vision the city of San Francisco and the west coast. And I saw the Big Surr National Park and there was a Reunion Ground there. I don't know if I have ever been to that Reunion Ground. And there were a couple of Missionaries there. I don't know whether they were Apostles or Evangelical Ministers of some kind. They had been preaching and teaching the people and sending them to Zion.
And right before the invasion came, they had a vision and the Lord spoke to them and came to them and said, "Gather my people together at this Reunion Grounds". And they immediately went out and gathered all the people together that had been remaining there, strengthening the people and preaching the Gospel and gathering them together. They remained in that place in secret.
And these warring forces of Chinese and Russian troops that had come in didn't quite make it in to the coastline as quickly as you might have thought or as I would have thought. The people were thus able to gather and God would lead people to them at the Reunion Grounds. I saw a family of five or six, I can't remember, and it was like a whole company of Chinese soldiers were right in front of them standing there. And they were looking at them and they realized all of a sudden that the soldiers could not see them.
There was a father and a mother and her children. They were huddled together and they were looking at these soldiers and the soldiers were looking at them. And they realized that the Commander of those soldiers was looking this way and looking that way as thought he knew they were there but they could not see them. And finally he told his whole Company to go that way and the family just stood there and realized they had not been seen. That Company of men left and they (the family) looked over here to the left and there was someone beckoning them and I realized it was an Angel of the Lord. He was beckoning them and guiding them and saying "Come this way" and they would follow in that direction. If they would stumble and they weren't quite sure which way to go, he would beckon and direct them again. And the Angel was gathering people to this gathering spot of the Reunion Grounds. And when the time came that everyone would be gathered, I'm not talking just about Saints, I'm talking about people who were willing to repent if they heard the Gospel, they were gathered there.
When they had all been gathered before this Army came in, these missionaries led them up to Zion ahead of the forces. If ever at any time they were to come under attack, they would pray and a cloud of God would be over them and He would protect them and they would not be destroyed. And then they would move on, going up to Zion. God went before them and God was behind them and God was over top of them and protected them. And that was happening all over this Country for those that God was bringing His Zion. And I had seen these things happening. This was the most real experience I have ever had. I saw prophecies taking place.
"Noisome Beats". What I had seen was a multitude of races warring against each other. Companies of vigilantes and running para-military troops. I said, "Lord, those are beasts"...that is what you mean by beasts...what I saw? Is that the noisome beast... noisome... is that wild and deadly...wild and deadly beasts...these companies of vigilantes... multitudes of racial rioters and para-military troops running among the people?"
I saw in this vision the border between Kansas and Missouri. This is the Missouri River. This is the North and this is Independence. This invading army came right to here to the banks of the Missouri River. What I noticed and what was completely visible in this was that when this invading force came, some people fled at the noise of the tumult. They were terrified. The reputation of this army and what had gone on before was well known such that the people who had been fleeing here who were not righteous, that when the Army came up to the banks of the Missouri River and up against the border of Zion, the people who were not righteous continued to flee. They were fleeing from before the Army, these who were not gathered. They had come here and thought they would be safe and that the Army would never come this far.
When the Army came this far, these people fled to the south where they thought there would be safety. They thought they could go south and there would still be safety but there was not safety. Everyone who fled out of this area was destroyed. (From audience..."I would like to confirm that my wife had an experience, a prophetic dream in which she was that same thing. The Armies were coming in on the borders of the City and the bulk of the people ran into the arms of the invaders:. Tom stated..."What I saw was that they just ran south and as they ran south, they were closed in upon".)
From: www.boydenweb.com/coming_war_and_destruction_of_am.htm .
55.1 1988, Visions, Numerous 747's Flying Over My House & Soldiers Parachuting — (This e-mail snipped down for length. It is included for it's testimony.) America needs Christians who are willing to pray and perhaps give their life for Christian values if necessary. America does not need people who are afraid. If people want to flee the country because they think impending judgment is at hand, then flee. I will not flee, I will stay and fight and America shall be saved. This is not about the destruction of America, it is about the salvation of America. If that salvation comes thru judgments then so be it. So what if judgment is coming on America, is that any reason to be afraid? Have the Christian people been given the spirit of fear and of fleeing? It is good for those few who are called to leave America to do so. All of us should listen to God and walk in our calling wherever that job takes us, but God has not nor will He call all of us to leave America. I have read many visions about America being invaded by foreign troops. I have had several visions of America being invaded but each vision that I had dealt with my individual spiritual life. The enemy comes in like a flood, and sometimes God must show us in a unique and graphic way what we are dealing with.
I have seen numerous 747's flying over my house and soldiers parachuting out of them and some of the planes crash landing and other soldiers coming out of the planes with machine guns and explosives. I have seen many visions such as this, one of the visions was around 1988 and the soldiers were Arabs, some people thought that the vision was a symbolic depiction of the Gulf War.
From: prophetic@revival.gen.nz or crux@kih.net .
56.1 10/15, 1988, Dream & Prophetic Word, Russian Invasion Of The USA & Nuclear Bombs — On Saturday morning, 10/15, 1988, at 5 a.m., I awoke and felt impressed by the Spirit of God (there was an anointing all over me) to fast and pray. I was tired, so I chose to do back to sleep instead. During this brief time of slumber I had the following dream:
I was driving my car into a shopping center parking lot, or just some place downtown somewhere, or in some town, and there was an older woman [who was leaving the parking lot] with a distraught look on her face. I thought “Oh, that woman needs help, so I’ll drive over and talk to her and ask if I can give her some help.”
So, I drove over to her and [did so], and she looked at me with a distraught face and said, “Give me some help? We’ve all going to need some help real soon!” Then she looked at me, and as I looked past her I saw what appeared to be a funnel cloud; it looked like a tornado and was heading right for us. So, I stopped and jumped out, and went to get out of it’s way, but didn’t see any way to escape this thing coming at us. I figured I’d command it to move in the name of Jesus, but it [had] already taken a turn. [Then the woman] said to me, “Well, that’s a funny thing. You used the name of Jesus to try to command it to move, [but it moved before] you even said it. So, it’s obvious you weren’t putting faith in the name of Jesus. You already saw it move.” Then the funnel cloud turned into the shape of a man, and somehow it looked like Stalin [the Russian].
In the next scene, there were airplanes. Big, modern, high technology airplanes and gunships that were flying over the area. It was very obvious they were dropping large bombs, and they were quite a distance from us. [They seemed like] nuclear bombs, and there was a lot of destruction. The first thing I thought was, “I need to go and get my kids and gather my children.”
The next scene was like we were all being recruited. We had on these army fatigues, and we were all looking real dismal because we were separated from our families. All the men had on army fatigues, and [it was like we were] in New York City. We were all being given these large, heavy machine guns or armament. You knew we were preparing for a last ditch stand. It was to defend America, defend our homeland. [America] had been pretty much wiped out, and we were going to fight to the death.
The next scene, there was a Russian police woman, and I was standing out on a cobblestone road. She pointed at me and said, “Get him!” Shoot him!”
She gave something to my little son and I said, “Watch out son! It’s a bomb, a thing with a bomb in it!” I took it from my son thinking I might get blown up too, and I threw it away, down the street. Then I grabbed my little daughter, and a car came up to shoot at them. Then I heard a voice say. “They do this all the time.” They were terrorizing me and my children, threatening to kill us, but not really killing us. So, I knew this was typical of their scare tactics.
The airplanes I saw, the high tech airplanes, had very clearly marked red stars [the Russian military insignia]. It seemed like there were some of our fighter [jets] engaging them, [American fighters], in the beginning. But in the end there were [none of] our planes left, just theirs, dropping their bombs and doing their work.
This is one of many dreams I have had over the past five years. Most recently, God has given me a prophetic word that judgment was set to fall on the United States of America…in the form of an invasion of our shores, and a nuclear holocaust that would make what happened to the Jews in Germany look like a picnic. God has told me to be a watchman and tell the people to repent. He has given me a faith picture in the form of a dream and a Rhema word, that if I would blow the trumpet and pull no punches, He would bring about a revival and spare this country as He spared Nineveh in Jonah’s day. Nineveh was given 40 days… This repentance must be real and genuine, affecting all aspects of our society, great and small, otherwise the destruction will be swift and complete.
56.2 09/27, 1990, Dream, West Coast Invasion — Dream: WEST COAST INVASION - HEARTBREAK & SEPARATION (received 09/27th, 1990 Thursday, having just moved from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Novato, California). Dream: I saw George Bush and he was standing in front of a white tent. I can't say he was doing anything. In the next scene I was called up to this high-rise mansion or called up to this complex area and I was told that my mother had died. I was issued a rifle and I had to search around for ammunition. I was only given a limited amount of ammunition and I was given a rifle. Then it was impressed upon me that I needed to go out and defend the coast. I went out along the California Coast and there were enemy soldiers coming in "IN THE HORDES" to take over the country. On this same beach I saw a young boy in the distance who appeared to be my son and who was running frantically toward me thinking I was his dad. As we got closer together and could clearly recognize one another I realized that he was not my son and he saw that I was not his father. We were both grieved and heartbroken, in this instance, because we, like others, had experienced separation from our families and loved ones.
In the next scene there were very long trains with open box cars having blue rubberized vinyl covers. Inside one of these boxcars, with the blue rubberized vinyl covers, were my wife and two children. They were real cold, and they were being transported to some location like Siberia where they were to be given a place to live. The place where they were to live looked much like the large apartment complexes built all over Germany after World War II. They really weren't that bad, but it was not an individual home like you would find in the United States, rather, it was more like the living quarters found in a European Country.
In this dream, my wife, who in reality is quite slim, was very heavy set with freckles on her face and a scarf on her head. She looked very much like a Russian Woman. My wife actually appeared more than heavy set, she actually appeared to be pregnant.
Once again, at the end of the dream, there was much separation of families between the fathers and mothers and the children with much heartbreak and grief.
From: Tom Heward, http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html .
57.1 Visions beginning in 1989, Visions From On High, The Days Ahead —
Visions from on High, by Annie Schisler; Date: Unknown:
2002, Introduction — The Lord has been directing me lately to group the visions I have been given in the last 13 years into categories according to subject matter and relevancy of important and strategic end-time events soon to occur in the world.
I never ask the Lord to grant me heavenly revelations. Jesus has determined according to His infinite wisdom and for the purpose of guiding and encouraging His Church to give me visions relating to His plans and purposes pertaining to world events and Kingdom realities since the day He saved me. As for my part, I live with an insatiable desire to seek His face and walk in blessed communion with Him. As I come before Him and seek His wonderful face, He carries me away into His place of revelation and opens my eyes to see the things that are on His heart and mind.
The days ahead are going to unfold many mysterious events for which our heavenly Father wants to prepare us. The things I will share through this series of experiences will be for the purpose of revealing His plans, and instructing His precious ones. Those who will heed His instruction can be fully prepared for the things that lay just ahead of us.
The Days Ahead — I went into my quiet place to be alone with Him whom I love with an ever-increasing and passionate love. As I was pouring out my love to Him He came and took me away into that place of His special covering. I know when He takes me to this special place that I am going to see things that are difficult to see. I would not be able to bear even the smallest detail of such revelations except that He covers me with His grace, and love which makes me feel safe, and protected in His care. Once I am covered with this powerful shelter, nothing I see, even those things that are the most alarming and terrible can harm me, for I am completely secure and protected by His side.
Once I was completely protected by His love, He opened my eyes and I beheld the great evil that is coming upon the whole earth. I saw vast armies of evil spirits released upon the earth in an unprecedented way. Anything and anyone not truly submitted to God, would become imprisoned by this increasing and powerful wickedness. The enemy was overtaking all that was not clearly defined for God. I was given to see this same spiritual dynamic in many different countries, confirming the original vision.
In the midst of this evolving darkness God was watching out for His own ones. In careful and definitive ways the Father poured out into His own ones ever-increasing grace that enabled them to abound in such authority and spiritual capacities as to overturn and overcome the enemy. In this vision, Jesus told me that He was showing me the manifestation of the outer operation, which reflected the inner operation He revealed to me in a previous vision. (A vision not listed here.)
He allowed me to view the sphere of God’s operation, especially in relationship to this higher level of authority that would operate through His own who had been purified and were surrendered to Christ. These surrendered ones were powerfully used on the earth as they were invested with the glorious, reigning, power of Jesus. As these high and reigning vessels of Christ would take dominion over these evil powers, these spirits would retreat from their greater places of dominion to a lesser place.
Even as these reigning ones would take ground from these evil spirits, greater enemies would in turn attack Christ’s reigning ones. This was necessary, as these chosen vessels would then manifest a more glorious power. This power was given to spearhead paths through enemy territories. This power, which was par excellence would penetrate, open, and defeat, the enemy absorbing the impacts energy in its target.
As His own ones moved forward in this operation of God, it would bring an immense harvest of souls, the Spirit moving with singular grace and power. In the midst of this tremendous conflict, there was found in His surrender ones a burning desire to run toward the provision of grace made available by the Lord.
Jesus urged me to share and bring to light these banns with promise to His own, as well as proclaiming it in the invisible world.
These two spheres are both serviced by the prophetic anointing. One stream of the prophetic anointing is directed toward His own ones who have been prepared to receive it. The second stream of the prophetic anointing is directed to the armies of the invisible world.
Holland, 1989 — It was during a conference in Holland in 1989 that I was alone and in the presence of God. Again, He carried me away to this special place that he has preserved for me and in which He sustains me when He wants to show me things that are terrible to behold. Once I was put in this special shelter, Jesus began to show me natural and spiritual changes that would happen in Europe and in the Middle East. He revealed to me how the geopolitical map of the European continent would change in a drastic way, particularly with the fall of communism. At the moment it seemed inconceivable that such changes could possibly occur.
Nevertheless in obedience to the Lord, I declared the vision in the conference on 07/09th, 1989. Some days later in a Church in England, I again shared the vision, however this time with more details. Within six months the vision I am about to share began to unfold in the natural.
The Four Fierce Angels — As I sat and worshipped my living Lord, He came and once again took me away into His place of revelation. As He comforted me and covered me, I looked and beheld four incredible beings. They were sent to stand on the four corners of the European Continent. These being were huge and impressive in the magnitude of their power and authority.
As they stood just above the continent, these evil, angelic beings began to show a reigning and dominate nature. Their appearance was fierce. They were given the power to shake everything. Soon it would be time for these forces to take action.
They would first operate and dominate in Europe then extend their influence to the rest of the world gaining their control little by little eventually surrounding and controlling everything. The importance of what would happen remained marked in my heart, since it will prove to be vital and crucial to the entire human race.
These huge, fierce, reigning angels of fearsome power were sent to change the development of the future, beginning now. They will shake every order both spiritual and political, known up to this point in time. Jesus gave me understanding that it was now time for the previous spiritual rulers to be replaced by these dominant powers of darkness. They were now staged to bring upon the earth a more subtle and powerful darkness than the earth has ever known.
In this vision I saw how the spirit of communism was devoured and substituted by these new forces. This new government would facilitate new and greater wars and much bloodshed as in past centuries. These four new powers of darkness now reigning over Europe would affect the whole world even more than the World War II. God is letting this occur to pave the way for the great and final king of darkness.
The Government of these Forces — The spiritual government being exercised through these dark forces was connected to the government of men. The political world and the government of men are intricately interrelated. I could see that it is like a spider web. When the web is touched it sends pulsating movement throughout the whole web. In this same way these forces will use their power to shake and change everything. In a pulsating fashion touching this system then that until their purpose has been realized. As a result, the activity of the whole world would enter into to a time of great transition and alterations. This would be particularly realized in the control of the individual and in the control of the economy.
Jesus showed me that at the beginning these powers, through present political movements had a benign and beneficial appearance. It would begin to look as though this new way was bringing great solutions and answers that people applauded. Then I saw a new alliances begin to form by human alliance. However, this bond was only a disguise to hide the implementation of an evil work that would come to light in a short time.
Power of the Middle East — The vision continued to develop and the Lord showed me that in addition to Europe, the Middle East was also released to new and higher powers of darkness. These powers would work great destruction, and by means of war, attempt to impose their control upon all other nations. The spirit of violence accompanying these global powers was so tremendous that they brought commotion and changes in the whole world especially the United States.
Such things as I saw this time though from the shelter of His love and the safety of His protection, made a deep impact upon me.
World leaders will be weakened bringing unimaginable shock and chaos. Due to the influences of the reigning powers leaders will make a lot of mistakes, many wrong decisions that would contribute to aggravating their problems even more.
All these things put together dramatically affected the United States in connection to its power and influence in the world. The reign of these spirits also entered the material sphere; gaining control in the economic world and provoked a progressive and severe financial collapse. As the vision progressed, I saw that the United States was about to be involved in another war, which would further weaken its political and economic arenas.
The European Bloc — The European Continent will be strengthened and united to other powers. World alliances will be formed creating a great economic, political and commercial bloc – globalizing everything. This will bring about a matrix of enormous world influence preparing the way for the coming anti-Christ.
As these powers unite and take control, everything will seem to unify and function remarkably well in the natural world – for a time. Then I saw the strength of individual governments being shaken. There will be a state of international insecurity further weakening the world financial institutions, leaving them without backing or reliability.
Devastating uncertainty will abound further incited by a great evil force called “spirit of fright and horror.” This cloud of evil will further weaken humanity preparing them for the coming anti-Christ.
The Work of the Ruling Spirits — I looked and saw a great cloak of darkness that hid tremendous evil. This controlling force enslaved and oppressed society. People who were under its control would lose all traces of goodness, purity, honesty, and morality, becoming inwardly empty. It reminded me of a trunk of a tree that had been devoured on the inside by termites leaving only a hollow shell of bark when the feast was finished. This state of emptiness brought on by their rejection of God, caused these people to become propitious toward the mandates of the evil one. Entire generations will live in this condition of internal emptiness, contamination and evil – totally impervious to God.
As I watched this time of evil unfold Jesus spoke to me saying: “This is a time of definition for the sons of God, as well as for all mankind.”
The Reigning Spirit, “Control” — This reigning force called “Control” is unimaginably powerful. As I watched it maneuver in the midst of great human need, I saw that his treacherous ways were subtle and barely discernable; but to those who were locked in the cloud of increasing darkness and fear, he seemed as an angel of light. He seemed to offer solutions in the midst of impending doom.
However, his solutions were nothing less than a predetermined path leading to the ultimate prison.
As I continued to watch this horror unfold before me I could see, not only the actions of this ruling spirit, but also his covert intentions. What initially seemed like benevolent solutions would in the end become a means of obtaining his goal of complete tyranny over mankind. His ruthless kingdom built on the foundation of hate and greed will become apparent only when he has a sure confidence that his throne is well secured among unsuspecting men. He will gradually bring the world into his new system, creating laws that will justify his global control. By this means he will acquire complete dominance over all men, preparing the way for the emergence of the anti-Christ and his new world order.
The Purpose of the Visions — These visions with their great insight into the uncertain future were given by our benevolent Father to encourage us. It is out of His abundant mercy that He is drawing His own ones to His side, that He might spare us from the intentions of the evil one.
The Father mercifully dispenses judgments to separate all who belong to Him from all that do not. Those who desire Him will be greatly touched and influenced by His justice, and will be preserved and kept for Christ Himself. Out of the love flowing from a pure heart His precious ones will run to His side, and be hidden under the shadow of His wings. There in this secret place He will reveal His tender love, care and supernatural provision for all who love Him.
He comforted me as He spoke: “My sons -- those who will come to Me, will increase their dependence upon Me and their knowledge of My person. They will no longer depend upon their own resources and thoughts. For I have prepared for them a supernatural revival.”
Further, Jesus gave me understanding regarding the proclamation of the visions saying:
“The prophetic word must be declared first in the spiritual realm, as that is where all things originate before they are reflected upon earth. Then it must be declared in the temporal to precipitate its fulfillment.”
2001, Present Day Europe, Transparent Place of Security — In the year 2001 I was unexpectedly called to Holland and England once again. Once we arrived we were met with incredible and circumstances that necessitated canceling all the plans that were made for us to journey and speak. We simply stayed in various cities and hotels and did nothing but pray. This imperative situation pushed me into the Lord’s presence to hear His will and obey regardless of my understanding. I was concerned about our sons and friends in Uruguay but, I knew we could not yet return, so we contacted our intercessors and immediate fervent prayer began to ascend to the throne on our behalf.
During this time of intense seeking of the Lord’s face, Jesus came and once again took me away into Himself. As I entered this place with Him He began to overwhelm my whole being with His liquid light. This washing of His wonderful light caused me to become submerged me in Him and in His love in an intense and tender way. I was impregnated by His presence, removing all fear. This prepared me for what I was about to see.
I was then placed in a sort of armor plated, transparent, crystal box. I could see this place was strong and well fortified. He carefully placed me there to protect me, preventing me from being affected by all that I was about to be shown. I felt a great security. I was there with Him, and in this covered place I knew nothing could harm me. After a moment I realized that this transparent covering was really composed of the precious blood of Jesus. It was His blood that made this hiding place impenetrable. For this reason no evil spirit, nor power of darkness could in any way violate me.
The Lord then told me that what I would see would be of great importance both for me, and the world in which I live. Further, He stated that this time in history is of enormous significance. As His words entered into me, my spiritual senses were much awakened and entered into an acute state of alert.
Spirit of “Hatred of God” — I saw the most powerful empire among the nations of the earth shaken. I instantly knew it was the United States. I could almost feel the affects of what was about to happen. Jesus was anticipating me.
Jesus continued His instruction. As the vision carried on, I saw a satanic spirit of great power and blasphemous hatred for God Himself released upon the earth. It was horrifying to see this infectious spirit spread its evil nature over the nations like a contagious disease. The power of every country it affected was weekend underneath its influence. His dominion resulted in disaster, disorder and great confusion.
The outstanding features of this terrible force were the violent and blasphemous words it released against God. His expressions were the result of his own vile hatred and fury against God. Men who submitted themselves to him became mere replicas of his own nature.
Its operations were indicative of his inner motivations. He was a cruel devourer, like a wild beast seeking his prey. He was characterized by a cruel and irrational instinct, void of any mercy toward its prey.
Spirit of “World Control” — This spirit was a force of uncontrollable power. It seemed to be Satan himself, controlling everything with great haughtiness. His actions had an incredible debilitating affect on nations and on men. Like dominos falling one after another, men and nations would be further shaken in their human securities, making them evermore prone to his evil entrapments.
It was most enlightening to see how these spirits could operate due to the evil conditions found in men’s heart. Due to all that had preceded the working of this evil force, being so long fed by pride and rebellion, these men were totally closed to the influence of the Spirit of God. They had no fear of God and now were completely uninhibited and defiant in their behavior.
These spirits were fed by their human counterparts and would increasingly be enlarged in their dominion, hardening people with sin and endeavoring to keep them insensible to their opportunities of life in God.
Herein is the double workings of God: on the one hand He allowed these forces to arise in great shakings and judgment on the ungodly, and on the other hand He purposed with great yearning to arose the sleeping and lukewarm in His Church to a conviction of their great need for Himself. All this temporal devastation was actually designed as tools in His capable hands to correct and purify His own ones and bring them to His loving side.
Beginning of the Middle East War — The visions concerning this theme came one after another. From His place of peace and protection I could see war starting in the Middle East, spreading through Europe and reaching America. The spirit of “Hatred for God” inspired this war that was brooding in the Middle East. It manifested as a blasphemous, violent and uncontrollable fanaticism.
I saw this spirit as a whirlwind in the desert, shaping into a nest wherein these ruling spirits of darkness dwelt. Like the winds blowing in increasing intensity they affected many of the Arabic Nations. The countries that were affected were given over to the false and deceiving spirits, and with total defiance and force sought spiritual control as they endeavored to impose a blasphemous god. Those given over to its power were totally possessed. The venom of its evil was primarily targeted at Israel.
The objective of these spirits is the total annihilation of Israel. Consequently because of the support that America has been to Israel, they long to unleash their destructive power upon America as well. At this very moment, this spirit is stronger and far more deceptive than what men believe or are able to discern. This spirit is never subject to men but men void of the spirit of God are subject to it.
Part 2: Visions from on High pt 2, by Annie Schisler; Date: 2002:
2002, Indications of These Spirits — The summery of natural signs consistent with the activity of these spirits is as follows:
1. An illogical and irregular behavior of governments, making great mistakes in crucial moments, causing confusion and chaos.
2. Countries will arise in war with more powerful armaments than they appeared to have. These will bring the destruction of many innocent people.
3. The most powerful country in the world, (USA), will suffer great changes because other countries will take advantage of its conflicts and will work to further weaken it. Because God loves America, it will not be destroyed. However, it will progressively decline in its status of being the first world power.
4. There will be great famine in several parts of the earth and multiplied thousands will perish from terrible disease. Though these cycles have scourged the earth in the past, there will be distinctive signs of the end-time plagues. These events will develop quickly, unavoidably and without control.
5. Natural disasters will affect the climate and will alter water levels, changing even the physical characteristics of the countries and bringing very detrimental effects to many of them.
6. All this world chaos will be the favorable environment for the enemy and his forces to facilitate their purposes. Great poverty, injustice, insecurity and criminality will be seen all over the world, paving the way for the anti-Christ.
7. After some time another President will arise in the USA who will be extremely hostile towards the Gospel, and will claim that Christianity and the US policy of defending Israel, are the cause of Americas current crises.
8. For a short time during this international crises Russia will stand with America. Then it will betray America provoking something even more serious for the United States with a view to an even greater conflict.
9. Argentina will be utterly devastated in all areas, including the economic, political, social and moral realms. Internal conflicts will increase causing great destruction. Argentina will be a laboratory of sorts to test expected results for other countries.
10. In relation to the economic order: in many countries the banks will run out of funds and will be left without effective backing ruining the current system. Therefore, the government will take control of everything, further restricting personal freedom and producing great fear and despair.
11. Europe will become the place of shelter for the anti-Christ. From there he will become manifest to the world in his proper time.
12. Countries planning to escape this unification will not survive. They will be forced to submit. Weapons of political and economic control will be used to force countries under this global control.
13. Implementation of a world court with increased powers and with authority to control all things will be increasingly stressed.
14. The operations of these reigning spirits that are assigned to bring about this one world government will seem to be soft on the outside. However, they will actually be very fearsome and powerful.
15. These high-ranking spirits will operate influencing and controlling heads of state, overcoming language, racial and cultural differences. I saw spirits enter these dignitaries. Although the bodies, personalities, and cultures of the dignitaries were different the operations of the spirits were the same and the many bodies they inhabited operated as though they were one man yielding all control to the evil spirit. These spirits will work through pacts and alliances and will gain widespread control.
16. Israel’s hidden power deployment designed to destroy their enemies will be seen in this upcoming war. These weapons are of such a nature as to have been unknown to mankind before. Bombs of great magnitude, capable of causing much destruction will be used. These events are only a link of the chain of events belonging to a sequence of predetermined incidents leading to the world dominion of the anti-Christ. Latin American countries will also be affected by these events. The whole world will only react as these things explode upon it, as though awakened to a living nightmare of which they have become apart.
A Call for Alert to His People — Jesus told me that His Spirit has released a call of alert for the Church to redeem the time as never before. The more I realize how fragile this world is, the more I am drawn to rest in Jesus, in His eternal Word and His supernatural resources for our present age.
A Place of Shelter — In these visions I was shown by Jesus that He is preparing a unique place of shelter for this hour for those who are committed to the person of Jesus Christ and walk closely to Him. His sanctified ones will be kept in this place of shelter and protected from all the storms and judgments that will come over the rest of humanity.
This will be a time when His beloved Church will be awakened, purified and prepared, being separated from all contamination, filth and delivered from all bondage. Just as the powers of darkness will increase in power so will the sons of light greatly increase in all that is God. Malachi 3:13
To His Beloved Ones — Simultaneous to all the afore mentioned events Jesus has prepared a great spiritual revival of life and light for this hour. This awakening will transform multitudes of lives in whom the reality and knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ will become most apparent. Although the future of the forces of darkness and their purposes in the earth seem so terrible, the Lord will use it to awaken people from the destruction of indifference, religiosity, and spiritual death.
I saw that His precious ones will be covered in the same armor plated cubical I was protected in while watching the visions unfold. The precious blood of Christ will cover and protect them from all evil. How wonderful His provision for His beloved will be. Neither the impure people nor the any force of darkness could penetrate the impregnable wall of His blood. Nevertheless only those who allow the deep work of the Holy Spirit in their lives will be preserved.
As I continued to watch the unfolding vision I saw that not only were His hidden ones loving protected and cared for by Christ Himself, but they will also be witnesses and participants of the fulfillment of His word and His will upon the earth.
Tank of Mercy — It was wonderful to enter into a place of infinite abundance now being accumulated for the purpose of soon being poured forth!
I saw the magnitude of the provision of His divine mercy. It had the appearance of a water tank the size of an entire city, but its provision was for only one person. It was an overflowing resource. Each of His own ones will be so endowed with this abundance in provision.
I was given to see things from the very inside of the person of Jesus. Things looked very different. The life that was in great activity in that place was ready to pour forth upon and imbue His people. By this great measure of God, which is only a small part of His person, will His own ones be awakened and strengthened in Himself.
I both saw and experienced this living and eternal measure of Himself. I was wonderfully amazed. What a sense of security it produced in me. How can I describe it? Christ’s control was absolute. It is light of very God, which cannot be enclosed or shut up. This new outpouring of His amazing life will greatly affect the world bringing about a great harvest.
Place of Appealing Capacities — What a tender and appealing welcome He gave me as I once again entered His presence. I will never understand why He loves me so. But, what a comfort it is when I hear Him tell of His great love for me again and again. This love has consistency and substance, covering and overwhelming all my person.
As I came into His presence He took me to a place and asked me to look. As I beheld this place, I could see that it was a place of appealing capacities. I saw a vast amount of light, which had different functions and capacities. The Father would use these capacities in His surrendered ones to let them also be used to affect the spiritual world of people, cities, and nations.
These capacities came as an avalanche of or flood of life. The main component was His power. When mingled with His fire, it all came together to create a mighty river of God Himself.
I saw how the surrendered ones were drawn to Jesus like a magnet. I marveled as I contemplated this.
The Affects of Appealing Capacities — While my spirit was absorbed in His wonderful presence, Jesus showed me again that place of appealing capacities. He allowed me to see my own being, very vulnerable and fragile. I saw Him infusing me with His strength. I knew that this impartation would accompany and support me at all times. What an amazing contrast between what I felt in myself, and what He imparted to me. This impartation of His very self filled my being and offset my weakness and fear.
The Place of His Shared Being — Through a new encounter of my spirit with Jesus, I entered a place I had never been before. It was very special and high as it was an exclusively separated place for someone very special and loved.
Upon entering, He let me know this place was for the beloved. The beauty was overwhelming and great peace and security emanated everywhere. The incomparable holiness of Christ Himself could be felt. It was place without a single spot of contamination, purer than the purest crystal and impossible to be described with words. There was a complete absence of sin.
I could ascertain that not only Jesus was in that high place. But also the Father and the Holy Spirit were there in perfect harmony and unity! How can the holiness of that place ever be described? No adequate words can be found. That translucent purity was the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that permanently flowed together in perfect and high love and unity. This infinitely high and sublime place was captivating and attractive beyond all description.
Afterwards I saw how Jesus Himself was that place. It was actually inside His own being. Then I was able to comprehend that the Father and the Holy Spirit were actually sharing the place that had been prepared for His beloved.
That place had been set aside for those who were completely surrendered to Him, the beloved who had absorbed Him as a sponge absorbs water. Just like the sponge has nothing in itself, it is empty in itself, but with great absorbing capacity, the beloved that enter into that place can draw into themselves the essence of the Trinity while being contain in the Trinity.
What a precious reward for those lives that walked the way of surrender! Being attracted by such pure and high love held in the Trinity and prepared for His beloved, is the most precious reward that can ever be imagined.
I then saw how His beloved changed from being like sponges into becoming liquid itself. They had undergone a metamorphosis so Christ Himself, being wholly integrated into His nature, could absorb them. They experienced this transformation for they had given themselves in love to Him.
I could identify with them as I understood that they were lives just like mine, because He had also made me part of that liquid. He rejoiced, and how greatly He expressed His joy that their surrender had prepared them for Himself only. It was a very beautiful condition with His beloved that had been prepared and awaiting Him. Having a body to share that beautiful something with produced in Him deep satisfaction, and fulfillment in the things done by Him. My whole being was moved by this part of Himself, and I was totally imbued with Him.
For instance he transported me out of this place and I saw extremely high walls without doors or windows. When He took me closer, I saw that the walls were huge beautiful angels that protected this place so that only those chosen by God were allowed to enter.
I saw how the lives that had been absorbed in Jesus inner world had received the capacity of going out filled by the power that emanated from Himself to accomplish His will.
It is glorious to mature and increasingly develop in the understanding of the things God was revealing. All things He showed me were brought to pass in an operation of permanent life, and nothing was wasted. I could see how the people that sincerely allowed and received this operation of the life of Jesus in their hearts, came into a place where God revealed ever-increasing understanding of Himself and His kingdom.
From inside of Jesus person, all things look so different. This life was prepared to imbue His people with the very essence of Himself. Hearts will be awakened and strengthened in God Himself. I could not help being amazed by all this. I felt such assurance as I dwelt there. His control was absolute.
It is the very light of God that cannot remain confined, but that will extend out from itself, bringing about a great end-time harvest.
The Wave of Pure Light — While in a time of adoring worship of Him for whom my heart longs, He came to me snatching me away and took me into the spheres of His wondrous light. When He receives me into His presence He invariably does it with those ineffable words that ring such peace and security; He tells me: Do not be afraid!
I know that I would not be able to enter His cloud of gory if He did not give breath to me with His greeting, since the reaction that provokes the taking part in so high spheres of glory and holiness is tremendously overwhelming. He has to protect me in this way from the affects of such grandeur, and refulgence, for if He did not, I would be devastated and I would not be able to bear it. He also covers me in His cloud of love and peace when He shows me the operations of this hour.
With tremendous strength and demonstration of purpose, the Lord talked to me about a great now when He would be gathering multitude of souls. In contrast with His chosen in whom He had been performing a profound work, this new operation would be carried out in a completely exposed way and with great clarity.
Jesus showed me a new and extraordinary wave of heavenly, pure, light and life that He is accumulating to prepare the manifestation of the great harvest, that will develop underneath the storm of evil which is forming. He told me that He would not wait or retain this wave anymore, but now had come. While being released by Him, it would flow over the earth, bringing multitudes of souls to the fold.
This new wave, full of powers and forces of light and life, was His instrument and had a double function: one function was to open as the incision of a sharp sword would make, and the other penetrated and went through beyond all defenses and accomplished what God determined.
In this new occasion the Lord told me: You will see now! Immediately I looked and saw a new and mighty pure wave of power that had begun to work under that terrible storm of darkness of evil and persecution. While the storm of darkness still followed its course, this new wave of so pure light and life that had been prepared for this hour, suddenly started to expand in an explosive and magnificent way.
I saw how this new wave operated. I saw what appeared to be gigantic arms extending out to gather countless multitudes of souls for Jesus. In amazing operations of God, in great power and strength, untold millions were taken for Him.
However, there were differences between the levels and conditions of these souls. The elect ones were obviously superior in development and light, but despite their inferior condition, the souls gathered under the storm were more numerous and equally precious to the Lord. He was especially interested in the great harvest of this multitude of souls. With great joy and power He was intensively working to fulfill this.
The inferior condition of the new ones was detectable not by their appearance, but by their relationship with God. Those who walked above the storm have a very intimate relationship with Him, characterized by a great intensity, as if they were linked with the same fires and torrents of the divine nature. When the new ones received abundant blessings from God, it was due to the fact that these blessings rebounded from His chosen ones. The blessings on one rebounded as a blessing for the other. Clearly the operation of God in this wave of light developed in the chosen ones through purity and holiness.
The wave of pure light was working in the midst of great darkness underneath the storm. He showed me an especially terrible and gloomy area that offered no promise, where the wave had not yet reached. Then He caused me to see that this light would expand in places where it had never been before and where the darkness had reigned without opposition. These places were many and were awaiting the manifestation of this work.
Jesus said He would take this manifestation of this marvelous wave of light and life to a certain state of development up to the same threshold of its explosion. Although He desired this wave to burst in this explosion force of purity, something was still missing prohibiting this from happening. The moment of this explosion would be precipitated and lit by the elect ones who were above the storm. Each of them individually had to open as if it were a door inside them and they also had to enter an even higher place of communion with Christ, which at the same time would open their inner doors to manifestation in power force of light.
While opening these doors that great wave of light would pass through them and would start to accomplish its purposes and works over the land of the final harvest. Although this wave, full of extreme power and force to the reaping, would gather multitudes, it would however gradually and progressively advance, taking its territory as long as the chosen ones moved forward and opened the doors to the new ones. The ones who were under the storm, though they received great provision of light and life that God shed, nonetheless they were allowed to be moved, shaken and buffeted. However, through this, the way would be provided in which the Lord would mold, transform and develop them. On the contrary, those who were above the storm of darkness, that is the elect ones could not be shaken as they were rooted and asserted in their relationship with Christ.
Jesus explained that these sons that would give way to this new wave, must be extremely purified. This purification is of fundamental importance, not only for themselves, but also for these new ones that will be gathered. This high, complete purification of the elect ones is equivalent to the opening of the doors inside them that will rebound in a force of great life and light to those millions that are still in darkness. Annie Schisler, Uruguay, South America
From: Ministry Contact: Ken & Annie Schisler, Casilla de Correo 6540, Montevido, Uruguay c.p. 1100, South America, Phone: 011 598 37 64793, E-mail ksisler@adinet.com.uy. The above was located at Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s website: www.worldforjesus.org.
57.2 Before 08/22, 2000, Vision, Preparation For The Great Attack — The Lord showed me how the imminent world upheaval will affect liberties and will bring about very evil alliances at government level. There will be a coming together with a unified intention to fulfill malicious purposes. As if it were a parody of the oneness expressed in the first church during Pentecost, authorities and people in high places will form sinister liaisons. Exteriorly these figures will be bland and unoffensive, but their covert schemes will be very malignant. United in their common purpose of worldwide evil, they will precipitate changes that will totally alter the course of mankind as known up to the time.
Even though the Lord was preparing His own for that hour, many were totally distracted, as if so engrossed in the naturals that they were rendered oblivious to spiritual realities. Although these deceived ones had a robust appearance, it was only a façade hiding the acute lack of the knowledge of God and of really being rooted in Him. This was the reason for their being so weak and vulnerable. The onslaught of the enemy would serve to bring a defining and separating of these people.
I saw how this vast host of evil forces invaded the earth with a great ability to attack, penetrate, and weaken any opposition. Nonetheless, the Lord showed how this time would of great strengthening for His Chosen, as they had never before experienced.
God showed me the place of security, as if it were a great control room, where all things were directed by Him. I saw that though the Lord allowed these forces of darkness to come against and assault, nevertheless in parallel form He gave greater measures of grace and Light to His Own, enabling them to take authority and exert dominion over individuals, churches, cities, and countries.
I saw that this enablement from the Holy Spirit came as a great avalanche or flood of Life and Fire in its manifestation to His people. The Lord then went on to show me how it would move in His Church and His own. This special operation would result in the Church being no longer identified as a mere conglomeration of people, but now there would be a most apparent identity of Christ in her.
Although these formidable powers were loosed, God’s power clearly and unmistakably was over all. All these powers were released in the spirit realm, there was a rebellion in the naturals of a power bringing much confusion as well as sinfulness. Already at this hour this is being precipitated upon the earth and mankind. Nonetheless, it was wonderful to see how God had everything under perfect control and how the time for the fulfillment of these things was NOW.
I was also given to see those whom the Lord is especially drawing to Himself in a way hitherto not known. But on the other hand it was also obvious how upon the Chosen great attacks of the evil were being unleashed, as if were in waves, comparable to the “blitz” used by Germans in the 2nd World War.
As the Lord carefully covered me with His Grace and the cloud of His presence, He allowed me a close up view of the fury that operated in those forces of darkness. With unleashed hatred and rage, these creatures became increasingly grotesque and horrendous in their ferocity against the Chosen of the Lord. It was marvelous indeed to see that despite the great disproportion of evil forces and the intense manifestation of violence on the part of these demonic hosts, His own suffered absolutely no harm.
I was amazed, for from my vantage point it looked like a lost cause, as the Lord’s Own appeared to be totally vulnerable and weak before such a vehement and vicious attack of the enemy. Nonetheless as I was given to look closer, I saw how the Lord took something from His own being and infused it into them. His Spirit filled them more and more, strengthening and greatly enriching them. Then His own arose in power and counter attacked, causing the forces of evil to retreat in disarray. Thus it was God causing His own strength in His own to overcome and defeat the enemy.
Note: For a historical precedent see Acts 4:24-30. This second outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the early church marked the onset of one of the greatest periods of opposition and persecution, but also of great power and authority for the Body of Christ.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: In trying to locate who the author is, it was found that the below website was not there any longer. My guess is that the author is Annie, of Annie’s Visions because Uruguay is in the location below as well as it is her style of writing.]
From: http://www.penieluruguay.org/visions/prepforattack.html, preparationforattack.html. The date on the sheet of paper given to me could have been the date it was printed off from the computer vs. the date it was given, but the date was 08/22/2000.
58.1 1989 & Before 09/06, 2002, Vision, Nuclear Attack To The United States – Nuclear Explosion And Mushroom Cloud — Hi Stephen and List – I remember back in 1988 a man wrote a book entitled, "88 reasons Why Jesus Will return in 1988". It was coming close to the 40th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel as a nation and people were expecting something to happen. As we can see Jesus did not return in 1988. There have been many such prophecies over the years.
The Lord started speaking to me prophetically when I was four years old and I have to say that what He showed me has enabled me over the past 35 years to not fall for the false prophecies. Since last third month the Lord has been dealing with myself and my husband about a "storm" that is coming to America. He has placed us around people who are prophesying nuclear attacks to the United States.
My first reaction was to just blow it off and place it in the category of the 1988 prophecy about Jesus' return. That's great except the Lord is refusing to allow me to do that.
When I didn't want to believe the visions of these other people He gave me my very own vision of a mushroom cloud. I was minding my own business as I was walking into Wal-mart and this vision came of a nuclear explosion and mushroom cloud. I know the Lord got a good laugh as I was forcing myself to not throw myself on the floor and cover my head--this vision was that real!!!!! Yeah like that would do any good in a nuclear explosion. The Lord has a sense of humor. The fight has been on to strip me of my cynicism.
Dream, A Certain 10th Month — I started hearing dates after that. People started having dreams of things happening in the 10th month of this year. My reaction was "Oh no I can not believe they went there!!!" I have heard so many people set dates and none of these things have come to pass. So the Lord with his wonderful sense of humor gave my husband a dream where he was looking at a piece of paper that had the word "October" written on it. This is my husband--I know him. I know how cautious he is when it comes to "thus sayeth the Lord". So Stephen, I have to say that I do believe the things you have mentioned in this post. The Lord will not allow me to disbelieve it.
Recurring Dream, Nuclear Explosion Mushroom Cloud — A friend of ours has a recurring dream where he is looking towards the west and he sees a giant cloud. Each time he has this dream a voice says "There is a cloud in the west". He lives in Oklahoma. He now recognizes this cloud as the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion.
I could go on and on about the confirmations we have received of all of this. You mentioned 6 or 7 people. There are so many more than that.
1989, Open Vision, Martial Law Situation? — In 1989 I had an open vision twice. What I saw was the downtown area of my city. All of the cars, traffic and people were gone. From the angle of the sun I could tell it was afternoon and this area is normally very busy at that time. I was standing at a corner-I looked to my right and I saw troop transport trucks parked where there are normally cars and a tank was coming down the street. To my left I saw the building of a local newspaper which is the second largest in our state. Normally there are cars parked around this building 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There were none. I have always thought this was a martial law situation. Do the absent cars at the newspaper building mean the press has been shut down? Two weeks ago I ran across a woman who has had almost the same exact vision. Like I said the Lord has a sense of humor.
I feel so uncomfortable in my spirit. I do not want to believe that anything is going to happen. The Lord will not allow me to disbelieve it anymore. Stephen, I have been able to relate to many of the things you have been saying in the messages you have posted on this topic. So I am waiting. I am in prayer. In my spirit I hear a very pregnant silence. An almost Holy Hush. The Lord has brought this passage to my attention: Jeremiah 4:19-21(NIV) "Oh, my anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain, Oh the agony of my heart! My heart wounds within me, I cannot keep silent. For I have heard the sound of the trumpet; I have heard the battle cry. Disaster follows disaster; the whole land lies in ruins, in an instant my tents are destroyed, my shelter in a moment. How long must I see the battle standard and hear the sound of the trumpet."
The point is that this is a painful word, and vision. I do not receive this word of destruction with joy but I receive it. Stephen your posts have helped me to come to a place of receiving the truth from the Lord instead of fighting it. I thank you for that. Julie Joyner
From: www.angelfire.com/fl3/grammadim/news.html .
59.1 1990, Dreams & Prophecies & Visions, America To Be Destroyed By A Russian Attack of SS18 Nuclear Missiles — During 1990, I met a man named Art Cormier. Art was a butcher: a meat cutter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. God was showing him some incredible things. He was having trouble getting people to pay attention to him, for he was receiving warnings about America's future. His English grammar was not very good, but I quickly saw the importance of what he was receiving and I felt called to help him, so, in a sense, I became his scribe. I began doing prophetic newsletters then, mainly filled with what Art was seeing. God led me to call them the "Gammadim Reports," after Ezekiel 27:11. This was still several years before I became aware of the Internet, yet God knew even then that I would be the only watchman using the name "gammadim" in the whole world in the year 2000 and that anyone, doing a simple search anywhere on the internet, would be able to locate my web site. AMAZING GOD!
I recall one event that changed me forever. It was 06/18, 1991. I had just visited the location of my previous employer at 666 71st Street. I had been showing a friend that place and laughing about the numerical address. I pulled my car into my office parking lot at 6 P.M.: the 18th hour of the 18th day of the 6th month of 1991---can you see all those sixes. Art Cormier was waiting for me. He handed me a revelation he had received that America was going to be destroyed by a Russian attack of SS18 nuclear missiles. Russia has named these missiles "SS18 Satan". Art had no idea where I had been---he had no idea that I had just come from 666 71st street. He had not even noticed the 18th hour of the day. He had not even noticed that it was 6/18, but I did immediately and I was changed forever.
59.2 About 1992, Prophetic Word, Earthquake “San Andreas Fault” – Quickly Followed By An Russian Attack — Many prophets have predicted a terrible earthquake along the San Andreas fault line, but God has revealed that this prophesied earthquake will be followed quickly by a "bear attack" against the United States; an attack by Russia against the coastlands of the USA.
Late in 1992, I the Lord spoke the word “Alaska” to me as I was thinking about this word. I was prompted in the spirit to do some research regarding the great Alaska earthquake, and as I was gathering that information, the Lord gave me an image in my mind: a quick flash of what will happen on that day. The Lord said the California quake will be like that great Alaska earthquake. After that quake, land on the ocean side of the fault was now up to 50 feet lower than land on the dry side of the fault. That is how it will be in the day of the great San Andreas earthquake.
59.3 07/24, 1992, Vision, Nuclear Destruction Of Miami — On the afternoon, at about 2 P.M. on 07/24, 1992, I was walking out of the front door of the home where I was staying on Golden Beach, in North Miami, Florida. As I walked out the front door, and walked west, toward me car, I was startled by a flash in the southern sky. I turned to look south. From where I was standing, I had a relatively unobstructed look at the southern Sky. As I watched, I saw a hydrogen bomb mushroom cloud rise to the south. I began to panic. I thought about the light I saw and the cloud and estimated it's distance at about 40 miles. That meant to me that Homestead Air Force base had just been nuked. I was thinking that if it had been hit by a Russian SS18 missile, which has a blast radius of 100 miles, that the shock wave must be going to reach me in 30 or 40 seconds, at any rate, that was my estimate.
I began to look around the yard, seeing if there was any culvert or drainage ditch that I could jump into to get underground. I found nothing. I resolved to just stand there and praise my God until the blast hit. Just as I began to thank the Lord, the mushroom cloud dematerialized in the sky as I was looking at it: it just faded away. It was at this time that I realized that I had not seen a real atomic blast, but I had seen a vision.
One month later, on 08/24, 1992, Homestead was hit with a direct hit by Hurricane Andrew and the destruction was compared to that which would be caused by an Atomic Blast.
Sometime later though, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I was to expect another, later fulfillment of my vision. It is to be fulfilled as I saw it transpire in my vision.
VISION— Boxcars were filled with Americans, crossing the American plains. This was a very short vision I had while I was attending a meeting of the Friends of Israel and the International Christian Embassy to Israel. Jan Wilhelm Vanderhoven was speaking. While he was speaking, I had a vision of a train of boxcars. Then, I saw inside one of those boxcars. It was carrying Americans. They were chained and standing. Then, I noticed that the train was traveling across the American plains, crossing land that looked like central Illinois: very flat, with very few trees. This vision has not yet been fulfilled.
59.4 10/20, 1999, Dream & Prophecy Word & Vision, 5 Kiloton Nuclear Blast In Los Angeles, California — Published 10/20, 1999, received 5 A.M.; still awaiting fulfillment. In a dream, I was standing in a room, looking out of a large plate glass window, overlooking a city that had low rise buildings of about 5 stories as an average. I was at a height of about 5 to 10 stories up myself. It was dark outside. All at once, I noticed a group of fighter planes heading my way. Suddenly, they fired a weapon in my direction. The weapon emitted three blue pulses of light. When they hit the area where I was, I had the sense of being exposed to radiation, or so it seemed, because the effect seemed to fade. I now realized that I was having a vision within my dream.
I went to gather my wife and my five children. Before I could move much, I saw the flash of a nuclear explosion. A voice accompanied the flash which said, "Los Angeles has just been hit by a 5 Kiloton nuclear explosion." I was frantically trying to gather my family to head downstairs. All at once, I found myself in a building that was familiar to me. It was Bening Square, in Carbondale, Illinois. My father remodeled this office building in 1963. He built a bomb shelter in the basement. I had been in this bomb shelter when I was a child. At any rate, we traversed the stairs, going down into the basement, trying to reach the bomb shelter ahead of the arrival of the blast wave.
When I reached the place where the bomb shelter was supposed to be, there was a little room in its place that was a prayer chapel. I discovered that the prayer chapel was operated by Dr. Zach Fomum of Cameroon, and his wife Prisca. Prisca began to pray with my wife Erica. I was concerned that I did not know where my eldest daughter Lorel was.
The dream then ended. I looked behind me on the bed and my digital clock was just turning over to 5:00 A.M. and the Lord impressed upon my spirit that the dream had been from Him.
Contents of this dream were summarized and quickly sent to Apostle Zach Fomum in Cameroon. After prayer, I was given some private interpretation relative to my own personal situation, but I have not been given any more light with respect to the national implications of the prophetic part of the dream.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Stephen had a visitation of Jesus Christ in person about 4 A.M. on 01/16, 1993.]
From: Watchman–Prophets–Assembly [WPA], Stephen L. Bening, usaprophet.com.
60.1 Early 1990’s, Dream, East Coast & Washington DC & Martial Law —In the early nineties I had a dream. I was living on the east coast at the time. In the dream my little brother and I were in some sort of war room looking at a map of the United States. We watched perforated lines come out of the Ocean. The first shots fell short of there targets. Thinking this was some sort of game we mocked the attackers. Then lines started hitting there targets in and around the Washington DC area. The scene changed and we saw words "Martial Law" written across the United States with a single red star underneath. At the time of the dream my little brother lived and still lives where I'm originally from, MN. There years ago God called me back home to Mn. I dare not say to know God's timing as to when all this will take place. But I read the dream concerning China and something struck me. When God called me back to MN I asked how long I would be there because there was a conforming word spoken over my wife and I while we lived out east. He seemed to say 5 years. We have been in MN for 3 years. In the dream my little brother and I had watched the scenes together. Whether my brother will come back with me out East, I can't say. All I can say for certain judgment laps on our shores, time is short! God bless Brother in Christ.
From: www.servingthelord.com/America_Book/america.htm .
Dream through Pete Kasbohm, America Attacked — I received this email from a brother who saw martial law and an attack on America. Thomas S. Gibson
Greetings! You may find this interesting. In the early nineties I lived on the east coast and had a dream. In the dream my little brother and I were in some sort of a war room looking down on a map of the United States. We saw perforated lines coming out of the ocean in and around the Washington, DC area. We thought it was a war game and mocked as the first shots fell short. We then realized it was real and watched as strategic targets were hit. The scene changed and we were looking at the center of the nation. Written across the center of country were the words Martial Law. Beneath those words was a single red star.
At the time I had the dream, as I said, I lived on the East Coast. My brother lived and still lives where I am originally from...Minnesota. Three years ago God called me to move back home.
While out East I was given a confirming word about pastoring in a specific area out east. Without going into greater detail I had a dream when I first got saved where my little brother and I labored together in the ministry. He is not saved. I say all to mention timing. That the hour of America's greatness is wanning away and destruction is lapping on our shores. Any case God bless you and your house! A brother in Christ, Pete Kasbohm.
From: Thomas S. Gibson.
61.1 Early 1990’s, Inner Day Vision, Saw Grocery Store In The USA With Empty Shelves —At the beginning of the vision as it opened up I saw a large grocery store, I saw all the shelves in the store they were 90% empty. The 10% on the shelves were like things no one wanted, like ash trays, etc. I saw no food at all. It was like things no one would want. I felt like it was a crisis situation, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit that what the food went for, the price would be extremely high. I had a sense, there was not going to be any known shipments coming in to restock the shelves. The vision ended. This vision occurred to Tim Herring himself.
61.2 About 1997 or 1998, Vision Testimony, Grocery Store Emptied —In a church my wife and I (Tim Herring) were attending, there was a guest speaker and he was telling about a vision that he received.
God showed him a large grocery store and the shelves were 90% empty. And ten percent that was left on the shelves were non food items.
This was the same vision I (Tim Herring) received, this was God's double witness that it was going to occur!
From: Tim Herring, Arkansas.
62.1 01/22, 1990, Dream, “The Remnant—USA “This dream portrays the remnant Church in America emerging unharmed from a catastrophic nuclear attack.” — ...there shall be left in it a remnant who will be brought out..." (Ezek. 14:22)
INTRODUCTION: Dream of 01/22, 1990. This dream portrays the remnant Church in America emerging unharmed from a catastrophic nuclear attack. God guides the remnant Church through the post nuclear attack aftermath and confirms His foretold destruction upon a once great nation, the Lady of Kingdoms (Isa. 47:5). The Interpretation, Interpretive Scriptures, and my Personal Testimony follow this dream. (See also Spanish Pastor [Father] Juan Paul Valdez' interesting prediction about nuclear WW 3: http://www.greatdreams.com/juan.htm)
DREAM: It was nighttime, and totally dark. However, I was able to clearly distinguish what I saw. I stood in the midst of a vast scorched environment on the side of a road watching a multitude of people of various ages approaching from the left. These men and women wore current western style clothing and appeared strong and healthy. No two persons walked together, nor did any one person talk to another. Their total silence was most extraordinary, and more interestingly, there were wide spaces of approximately five feet between each person. I did not recognize anyone, and after observing them for a while, I suddenly found myself walking in their midst.
The landscape and environment through which we walked were one of total devastation. A catastrophic event had occurred that left the environment, buildings, homes, properties and landscape in ruins. There was no evidence of electricity or burning bon fires in the dark anywhere. Uniquely, we were able to observe even the smallest details of the horrendous destruction around us near and far away in the moonless night. We walked through what probably had been either neighborhoods, large metropolitan areas, large and small places of commerce, and perhaps some recreational parks. We also walked in the midst of wide-open fields with only a few occasional houses' or buildings' foundations remaining in the midst of the rubble. There was no sign of life nor evidence of skeletal remains. (In a more current dream I saw several TREMENDOUS fire explosions occurring throughout the vast landscape, one explosion after another. I also saw people, properties and buildings go up in flames. Evidently, these explosions were nuclear missile strikes. People turned into torches right before my eyes. Properties, buildings, vehicles, etc. erupted into flames while I stood in the midst of an inferno as a mere observer. I was not burned or harmed.)
As we walked, we repeatedly glanced to the left and to the right. No one paused, or slowed down. It seemed as though we were on a conducted tour. Countless enormous and smaller buildings' steel girders were greatly twisted out of shape or practically melted. Almost unrecognizable were cars, trucks, public transportation vehicles and other types of transportation of all various sizes whose steel frames were bent out of shape and totally contorted. They had been destroyed by intense heat. Highways and overhead highway passes were broken apart, disconnected or nonexistent for the exception of the remaining, almost total or partially "decapitated," vertical cement supports. We witnessed utter devastation, charred ruins, chaos and desolation.
Throughout all that we attentively observed, no one spoke a word or expressed a mournful sound. We seemed to have an understanding of what had occurred, and were not grieved about it. We often looked up to observe remains of what at one time must have been tall buildings. We looked around at all the debris and wreckage that laid everywhere. Yet, and strangely, however, we walked on a very wide unlittered path. It was as though a newly paved road had been laid down in the midst of the ruins for us to walk on while we observed the surrounding chaos. It was an endless observation of charred destruction, endless ruins, rubble and ashes. These sights were all too familiar to many of us. Still, no one spoke, and the eerie silence continued except for the sound of our footsteps.
After an endless period of observation we began to see a faint hint of dawning light in the sky ahead of us. We changed our focus of interest and directed our attention ahead as the sky quickly became brighter. We sensed excitement building up in our midst as we became focused on the sky. Then, instantly, we were all dressed in long white robes! I quickly became aware that we were walking on wide open white grounds. We began to revel in the increasing brightness of the sky with tremendous excitement while running and sounding forth loud boisterous cries of joy while repeatedly crying out, "JESUS!" We became delirious with excitement and ran toward an even more overwhelming Light, almost as if we were soaring. While the Lord Jesus did not appear before us in person, we instantly knew that THIS WAS THE RAPTURE!
INTERPRETATION: The multitude of men and women coming out of the post nuclear attack ruins and destructions are the salt preservative within America: the remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. (See Ezek. 14:12-23 in Interpretive Scriptures.) This is in line with what the Lord had told me in June 1998 as I was about to post http://www.do-you-love-me.org/wsomers/gjoa-2.html that summer: "My Church will be kept here to preserve this nation during its judgment." Their presence and faithful integrity (see Job 27:3-6) during America's nuclear attack preserves her from total extinction, after which man will still be able to walk throughout the land, even as scorched and desolate as it will become.
MATTHEW 5 (13) "You are the salt of the earth."
MARK 9 (50) "Salt [integrity] is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another."
I compare what I saw in this dream to post WW II bombed out sites and post atomic destroyed environments of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. The destruction of a once thriving culture and illustrious nation which had been mightily blessed by God, a giant among nations, was tragic. Her shining glory had departed. Words fail me in trying to further describe these doomed and catastrophic scenes. They were horrendous to behold, and this emerging multitude of men and women are the remnant Church to whom God had previously revealed His declared judgment upon America (Babylon) in His Word (Jeremiah 50, 51; Revelation 18) as well as through visions, dreams and prophecies. They had already grieved in their hearts through prayer about this approaching calamity as God had repeatedly revealed it to them. However, it was futile to pray against it because "it was written" in God's Word. Their call as watchmen was to warn the Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the world of impending judgment. (Ezek. 3:16-21) What they now witnessed was the full prophesied manifestation of God's wrath (His JUSTIFIED spent anger) upon a disobedient, faithless, sinful, decadent and rebellious nation because she had willfully departed from God, rejected His Word, and mocked His grace. (Yet, all along she sang, "God Bless America.") She had legalized the killing of babies in the womb through abortion; legally ruled prayer unconstitutional in the schools and banned the public display of the Ten Commandments throughout the nation; openly exhibited acceptance and approval of sodomy, even the ordaining of homosexual ministers and performing homosexual marriages in some of the churches, and then allowing those couples to adopt children; abandoned herself to material idolatry, and prostrated herself to the worship of money. The tragedy of it all was that on her currency she had once declared "IN GOD WE TRUST" and yet that same currency became HER trust which she worshiped as her god. (Continue with the following scripture of Romans 1:24-32)
ROMANS 1 (24) Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, (25) who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (26) For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature [lesbianism]. (27) Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful [homosexuality], and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. (28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; (29) being filled with all unrighteousness [sinfulness], sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness [greed], maliciousness [spitefulness, bitterness]; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers [gossips], (30) backbiters [slanderers], haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, (31) undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; (32) who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of [eternal] death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
PSALM 46 (8) Come, behold the works of the Lord, who has made desolations in the earth. (10) Be still, and know that I am God;...
PSALM 76 (7) You, Yourself, are to be feared; and who may stand in Your presence when once You are angry? (8) You caused judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth feared and was still, (9) when God arose to judgment...
JEREMIAH 18 (7) "The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, (8) if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. (9) And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build it and to plant it, (10) if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey my voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it. (11) Now therefore, speak,...saying, 'Thus says the Lord: "Behold, I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you. Return now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good." ' " (12) And they said, "That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart."
MATTHEW 23 (34) "Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes..."
LUKE 10 (16) "He who hears you [My servants] hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me."
JEREMIAH 25 (4) And the Lord has sent to you all His servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear. (5) They said, "Repent now everyone of his evil way and his evil doings, and dwell in the land that the Lord has given to you and your fathers forever. (6) 'Do not go after other gods to serve them and worship them, and do not provoke Me to anger with the works of your hands; and I will not harm you.' (7) Yet you have not listened to Me," says the Lord, "that you might provoke Me to anger with the works of your hands to your own hurt."
ISAIAH 5 (20) Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (21) Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! (24) Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root will be as rottenness, and their blossom will ascend like dust; because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. (25) Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused...He has stretched out His hand against them and stricken them...
JEREMIAH 22 (6) For thus says the Lord...(8) "And many nations will pass by this city [nation]; and everyone will say to his neighbor, 'Why has the Lord done so to this great city?' (9) Then they will answer, 'Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and worshiped other gods and served them.'"
ISAIAH 3 (9) The look on their countenance witnesses against them, and they declare their sin as Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have brought evil upon themselves.
ISAIAH 1 (9) Unless the Lord of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.
EZEKIEL 14 (12) The word of the Lord came again to me, saying: (13) "Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it. (14) Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness," says the Lord God. (15) If I cause wild beasts to pass through the land, and they empty it, and make it so desolate that no man may pass through because of the beasts, (16) even though these three men were in it, as I live," says the Lord God, "they would deliver neither sons nor daughters [backslidden Christians and the apostate Church]; only they would be delivered, and the land would be desolate. (17) Or if I bring a sword on that land, and say, 'Sword, go through the land,' and I cut off man and beast from it, (18) even though these three men were in it, as I live," says the Lord God, "they would deliver neither sons nor daughters, but only they themselves would be delivered. (19) Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast, (20) even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live," says the Lord God, "they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness....(22) Yet behold, there shall be left in it a remnant who will be brought out, both [My] sons and daughters; surely they will come out to you,...Then you will be comforted concerning the disaster that I have brought...(23) And they will comfort you, when you see their ways and their doings; and you shall know that I have done nothing without cause that I have done in it," says the Lord God.
ISAIAH 3 (24) And so it shall be: instead of a sweet smell there will be a stench; instead of a sash, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, a girding of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty. (25) Your men shall fall by the sword, and your might [power; strength] in the war. (26) Her [America, the Babylon of Rev. 18] gates shall lament and mourn, and she being desolate shall sit on the ground [lie in ruins].
LAMENTATIONS 5 (15) The joy of our heart has ceased; our dance has turned into mourning. (16) The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned!
EZEKIEL 12 (21) And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, (22) "Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land...which says, 'The days are prolonged, and every vision fails'? (23) Tell them therefore, 'Thus says the Lord God: "I will lay this proverb to rest, and they shall no more use it as a proverb..." But say to them, "the days are at hand, and the fulfillment of every vision. (24) For no more shall there be any false vision or flattering divination...(25) For I am the Lord, I speak, and the word which I speak will come to pass; it will no more be postponed; for in your days...I will say the word and perform it," says the Lord God.' "...(28) "Therefore say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God: "None of My words will be postponed any more but the word which I speak will be done," says the Lord God.' "
EZEKIEL Chapter 7 [The reader is well advised to read and study this extremely graphic chapter which describes the Babylonian conquest over Israel. It is a preceding present day commentary on what America (Babylon) will soon endure through great woe, humiliation and suffering.]
JEREMIAH 17 (5) Thus says the Lord: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. (6) For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,... (7) Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. (9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? (10) I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." (13) O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who forsake You shall be ashamed. "Those who depart from Me shall be written in the earth [dust and ashes] because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters."
ROMANS 1 (18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, (19) because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. (20) For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, (21) because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (22) Professing to be wise, they became fools, (23) and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man--the birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
ACTS 10 (42) "And He [Jesus] commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. (43) To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission [forgiveness] of sins."
ROMANS 6 (23) For the wages of sin is [eternal] death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
JOHN 5 (19) Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. (20) For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does; and He will show Him greater works than these, that you may marvel. (21) For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will. (22) For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, (23) that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. (24) Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from [eternal] death into [eternal] life.
JOHN 11 (25) Jesus said..."I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. (26) And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die."
JOHN 14 (6) Jesus said..."I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
MATTHEW 11 (28) "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (30) For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
ACTS 4 (12) Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
ROMANS 10 (13) For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord [Jesus Christ] shall be saved.
PERSONAL TESTIMONY: During a desperate time in my life and not knowing Christ as my Savior, I dreamt three powerful and vivid dreams in May, June and July of 1975 which are too lengthy to describe. Briefly, in the first dream I was told that I had to change my ways. (I was deeply involved in the occult and witchcraft.) In the second dream, Jesus appeared before me and beckoned me to come to Him. The third dream was as follows: an enormous ancient book of an approximate size of twenty-four inches in length by sixteen inches in width, and about eight inches thick materialized before me, suspended in mid-air. A golden aura surrounded the enormous Ancient Book. With the bound edge of the book to the left, the black leather cover opened from right to left by itself. I beheld O-L-D ivory colored pages with Hebrew writing neatly written on each page. I had seen many Jewish newspapers when I lived in New York City and recognized Hebrew writing. (A Hebrew book is read in reverse; the bound edge of the book is at the right. Therefore, I was being shown this book starting at the end. Since I am living in the end time, that was the stage from where God wanted to begin His instruction in the Ancient Book, slowly taking my understanding back in time to where He had already foretold and made His sovereign declarations.) As ancient as this book was, there wasn't one smeared, creased, torn, dog-eared or a corner-ripped page. It was absolutely perfect in appearance. The same powerful Voice that spoke to me in the first dream began to speak in an instructive tone and said, "From this time on I will..." and then the Voice continued, however, speaking in a different language which I did not understand. I stood before the Ancient Book intently looking at each page while the Voice spoke instructively without end. The dream seemed endless and the pages continued turning by themselves, one at a time, momentarily pausing so that I could quickly gaze at both pages. Eventually this seemingly eternal dream faded while the awesome Voice was still speaking in the strange language.
Thereafter, for a whole year following those stunning dreams, I entered into a deeply anguished walk under the shadow of death. Those dreams were instrumental in preparing and leading me to finally understand that my deepest need was God's grace, mercy, hope, peace and strength found only in His Son, Jesus Christ. I responded to Jesus' beckoning call in the dream of 06/1975, accepted Him as my Savior, and surrendered my heart and my life to Him fourteen months later on 08/30, 1976. I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on 10/11, 1976. From that time forth, the Lord has ministered to me not only through His Word, but through dreams which continue to this day. From 1989 to 1994, I received a series of dreams which made absolutely no sense to me. I did, however, discern that most of them were end time dreams. The Holy Spirit prompted me to write and file them away. During an approximate period between 1994 and 1997, it never failed that whenever I opened any Bible anywhere it almost always fell open to the Book of Jeremiah! After this began to occur repeatedly I discerned in my spirit that the Holy Spirit was prompting me to read Jeremiah. I did, and also reviewed both the major and minor prophets until He called me to begin research work on the Web in 05/1997 for http://www.do-you-love-me.org/wsomers/gjoa-1.html and other subsequent posted dreams on the Web. Also in the fall of 1997, through a pastor, He prompted me to begin working on those dreams I had filed away a few years earlier. (I sought interpretative assistance from Pastor Paula Cavu for only http://www.do-you-love-me.org/wsomers/ju9h.html.)
Since 1997 I have searched the scriptures so as to present those which the Holy Spirit shows me agree with what God is revealing in each dream and is saying to the Church. I am deeply convicted in my spirit that part of those instructive words which the Voice spoke to me in the third dream of 07/1975 have a strong and overwhelming objective toward this end. Therefore, I urge (exhort) my brothers and sisters in Christ to heed (pay attention to) God's Word in these crucial and spiritually quenched desperate times we are living in. Do not be deceived, and do not lean on the arm of the flesh or on your own understanding. Judgment upon America is at hand. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and heed the Word of God as declared in:
Heb. 3 (7) Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you will hear His voice, (8) do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness, (9) where your fathers tested Me, tried Me, and saw My works forty years. (10) Therefore I was angry with that generation, and said, 'They always go astray in their heart, and they have not known My ways.' (11) So I swore in My wrath, 'They shall not enter My rest.' " (12) Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; (13) but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. (14) For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, (15) while it is said: "Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion."
Heb. 4 (11) Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. (12) For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (13) And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
(NOTE: No portion of this file may be used apart from its full context. (Scripture and URLs excepted.) If desired, this file may be posted on other Web sites in its entirety. As the Lord leads, download and share. -- Celia R. Okhuysen)
62.2 07/17, 1998, Dream, God’s Judgment On America – 11, My Church Will Be Kept Here To Preserve This Nation During Its Judgment — While in prayer at the beginning of the sixth month, I sought the Lord for mental, emotional and physical rest from all the spiritual battles, trials, troubles, confusions, temptations and ongoing stresses that have been a way of life for me throughout much of my life. I pleaded for time off where I could just rest from encroaching weariness. After I finished my plea, I heard the Lord say in my spirit, "I am qualifying you for the times ahead." A sound of thunder instantly exploded in my spirit which finally opened my understanding. Then I understood that I have been going through a series of lifelong extensive boot camp training exercises since childhood—sometimes through many fires. They have prepared me for God’s use for His glory—a strengthened, a qualified and a willing vessel that will be available for use at His appointed time.
During the second week of the sixth month, I was interceding for America and crying out to God to spare this nation from total destruction for the sake of His Word and His glory. I kept in remembrance before Him all His servants who throughout America’s history have gone forth from these shores throughout the world to take God’s Light to nations dwelling in darkness, and to feed them the Bread of Life, God’s Word. I also kept in remembrance before Him, the many, many missionaries that have been martyred in foreign fields for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ—His Word. And I continued to furthermore keep in remembrance before Him the God-fearing founding fathers who sacrificed their fortunes and lives for this nation, as well as their sons who in later generations also sacrificed their lives and shed their blood on foreign battlefields while also giving up their lives in the air and in the oceans throughout the world to preserve our religious liberty and heritage, our peace, and the freedom He so abundantly and graciously has blessed us with. I cried out and pleaded with Him to be merciful to America: "Have mercy, Father God, have mercy on America!"
What happened next was just like the loving and merciful Lord Jesus—still wanting to save more souls and desiring others to embrace Him as their Savior during a time of sorrow, woe and tragedy. I distinctly heard Him speak these following words in my spirit: "MY CHURCH WILL BE KEPT HERE TO PRESERVE THIS NATION DURING ITS JUDGMENT." Needless to say, I was stunned. I now bring His word to His Church in America. We will be kept here as salt throughout God’s judgment on this nation. "You are the salt of the earth." (Mat. 5:13—NKJV) If Jesus doesn’t keep His Church here throughout God’s judgment, I truly believe that this entire nation would be completely destroyed.
From: www.angelfire.com/fl3/gammandim/news.html, www.etpv.org/gjoa4.html or www.etpv.org .
63.1 07/18, 1990, Vision, — I see a white Light moving down from the sky between the clouds. I could sense the Presence of God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The next image was of an enormous black cloud moving from left to right. Then a massive White Cloud appeared moving from right to left. These two clouds met in the middle and the White Cloud wallowed the black cloud. The next image startled me that was out in outer space and I could see the planet Earth. Out of nowhere a large hot rock appeared. I could see the blacker outer surface with its red inner core glowing bright red. As the black rock hit the planet it bounced on the countries, continents, and the state of Texas that I had seen earlier in the vision. In the next image, I could see the Earth as you see it from outer space. It looked so beautiful with its white clouds and blue green water, I could even see the weather patterns. I don’t know from where Jesus Christ came from, but He was standing next to me as I watched the planet Earth. Then all of a sudden the planet disappeared and all I could see was black space. I remember I argued with Christ because the planet just vanished into nothing. He showed me the planet two more times and each time it disappeared into nothing. This really upset me for I kept arguing with Him. Then out of nowhere a new planet appeared, but this planet was three to four times bigger than the planet Earth. It had a bright white light on the outside of it with a dark center.
12/02, 1990, will be the beginning of the Great War in Heaven, and on Earth. The beginning of the end is at hand. Now satan is the devil of the sky. For he now has nowhere to lay his head.”
63.2 12/15, 1991, Prophetic Word In Spanish, — Hear Me, My sons and My daughters. This is Your God. This is Your God. He is going to burn the world with a star, with a piece, with a piece of a star. It is going to burn the world in a thousand, in a thousand, in a thousand, and so many years, in a thousand, and so many years, in a thousand, and so many years, with a piece, with a piece of a star of the sky, of the sky. It is going to come. It is going to come.
For it is in the Bible, in the Bible, in the Bible. Read the Bible, and you are going to be frightened. You are going to be frightened. There are going to be many earthquakes, many storms, many signs, many signs, the ocean, the ocean is going to move up and down, up and down.
Look at the ocean. Look at the ocean, and the ice, and the ice of the oceans is going to move. It’s going to move, the ice of the ocean, the ice of the North and of the South. The ice is going to move because I said the signs, the signs are going to be. Because I am Your God, I am Your God, and what I… going to be. Because I am Your Father. I am Your Father.
Go to www.pressie.org/dreams_visions.html and get 01/21, 1991 & 04/30, 1992 & 05/04, 1992 and 05/05, 1992?
63.3 08/13, 1992, Prophetic Word & Vision, San Francisco Destruction — I saw a sailboat. The Lord said, "The sail boat is coming to the San Francisco Bridge. Sail boat."
Prophesy over San Francisco. Tell San Francisco to Repent. To Repent or Die. This is the Word of Jehovah. Repent or Die. This is the Word of God Jehovah, the Creator, the Maker, the Breaker of the Universe. For I will not spare, I will not save the City of San Francisco unless it "TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY REPENTS AND CLEANS ITS WAYS." "For it's abomination is disgusting, it's revolting, and I will vomit everything that is evil in San Francisco."
For the day of the Lord Jehovah has arrived and will clean the City. For those who Love their lives, their Children, their Families and Friends, leave the City. "LEAVE THE CITY TODAY!" For My Hand will fall on San Francisco with vengeance, without mercy. My Hand will hit San Francisco, as I hit a fly. For everything in San Francisco is dirty, is filthy, and is an abomination to Me.
Take My Warning Serious. Repent and Correct your ways. For I will destroy San Francisco, the City by the Bay. The City of evil, at the appointed day, at the appointed hour, My Hand will strike the City of San Francisco and all that is evil. For My Ears and My Eyes cannot stand what is filthy, what is evil in that City any longer. If you're Clean, if you're Righteous, separate yourselves from the City of San Francisco TODAY! This Minute! For when My Hand falls on the City you will not have the time to run and hide, so saith Jehovah with the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.
My Christians, My Saints, My Lambs, if you love your lives, your families, your friends, LEAVE THE CITY TODAY! For Jehovah God does not Lie. For Jehovah God is Righteous, is Truth, with tears in My Eyes, with tears in My Heart, with the Love of My Son Jesus Christ, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, you have been warned. The Force of My Hand is irreversible, for what is evil, for what is dirty, for what is an abomination to your Lord Jehovah.
63.4 09/09, 1992, Vision, Guillotines — During prayer in church I had a vision of a guillotine and the Lord said, "The beast will reestablish the guillotine." Then I had a vision of a bookshelf that spanned the whole room from one wall to the other. It was full of human skulls from top to the bottom.1
A vision of the San Francisco Bay with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, then another nuclear explosion goes off. It was enormous. There was a bright flash at first, then this enormous ball shaped cloud at the center of the blast. It was incredible!
63.5 01/23, 1993, Vision, Rainbow Seen At Night In San Francisco Bay Area — I see something that is scientifically impossible. I see a rainbow in the middle of the night. I can see the city night–lights in the streets and building lights on. I see a full rainbow across the night sky and it looks like the San Francisco Bay Area, but I am not sure.
63.6 03/02, 1994, Prophetic Word, Beware Of San Francisco — During prayer in church service the Lord said, "Beware of San Francisco."
63.7 03/30, 1994, Vision, San Francisco Bay Area — I had the same vision I received about two years ago: Where these mountains of water hit a valley filled with suburban houses and totally destroyed everything. I can still see these mountains of water as if it was yesterday. This vivid vision did not have a location, but today the Lord revealed that it was the San Francisco Bay Area. The massive water hit Concord, California, in the county of Contra Costa, all the way to the town of Byron, some sixty miles inland. All that could be seen afterwards were the mountain peaks of Mt. Diablo and Mt. Tamalpais. They looked like two islands in the middle of the ocean.
Then the next vision was of a buoy swaying from side to side in the water.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Book by Raymond Aguilera, called “Prophecies, Visions, Occurrences and Dreams.” Write to Raymond Aguilera, P.O. Box 20517, El Sobrante, California 94820-0517 or check his web site below.
A couple of years back I received information that on the coast Christian accidentally opened a box of a shipment coming in and found out that there were about 100 thousand Guillotines in the shipment, what are 100 thousand Guillotines doing in America and for what?]
From: www.prophecy.org and/or www.prohetic.net/raya.htm or Ray@prophecy.org or www.pressie.org/dreams_visions.html .
64.1 10/26, 1990, Dream, 671 – Japanese Warship — Noah's flood began Saturday 05/11, 2247 BC? — I believe that Noah's flood began late on Saturday night, 05/11, 2247 B.C., in our modern calendar (early Sunday, 05/12 in the Middle East). The Bible says it was the seventeenth day of the second month in the calendar which Noah observed. Not only is today also a Saturday 05/11, but today also happens to be a multiple of seventy days since that ancient Saturday 05/11.
I'm not really expecting anyone to agree with me on this exact date, even fellow bible students who have also done a staggering amount of research into ancient records, including the Bible. I've noticed over the years that scholars simply don't agree on details like this, because everyone has their "pet" theory. I guess you could call this one mine.
Some proof is in the "putting," though, and I just wanted to put some basic information out, some revelatory experiences, and some speculation. Then, we'll see what happens today and tonight.
First off, one modern equivalent to Noah's flood is CHAOTIC MASS MOVEMENT OF PEOPLES, especially ARMIES. This is strongly hinted at in the book of Ezekiel, for example:
Ezekiel 26 – A Prophecy Against Tyre – 1 In the eleventh year, on the first day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, because Tyre has said of Jerusalem, 'Aha! The gate to the nations is broken, and its doors have swung open to me; now that she lies in ruins I will prosper,' 3 therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the sea casting up its waves. 4 They will destroy the walls of Tyre and pull down her towers; I will scrape away her rubble and make her a bare rock. 5 Out in the sea she will become a place to spread fishnets, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign LORD . She will become plunder for the nations, 6 and her settlements on the mainland will be ravaged by the sword. Then they will know that I am the LORD .
On the morning of 10/26, 1990, I had a dream in which I stood in a brook filled with countless dead white fish-like creatures. I held some in my hand, and a voice said, sad and resigned: "six-point-seven-one inches, same as last time."
Exactly six months later, I was startled to see on the television news, a Japanese warship, a Minesweeper, departed for the Persian Gulf on 04/26, 1991 -- the first such venture by Japan's military outside their own waters since World War II-- and clearly emblazoned on the side of the ship was it's number: 671.
Later, I realized that Noah's flood is described in the 6th and 7th chapters of the 1st book of the bible! In short, the dream was saying that while a flood like the one in Noah's day will not deluge the entire earth, there will be catastrophes and wars, until people learn the same Repentance and Belief that Noah urged! Put another way, until people learn to Hear and Obey God, this green earth of His will continue to be a place of tribulation.
64.2 12/04, 1996, Dream, Wave Of Asians, Especially Chinese Troops – Asian Invasion— On 12/04, 1996, which was seven-and-a-half years after the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China, I had a brief but VERY SPECIFIC dream which pointed out a couple of things:
The last time China surprise-attacked another nation was at dawn on Saturday 02/17, 1979... when on five fronts, Chinese troops poured into Vietnam. The dream pointed out something I hadn't noticed: That day was "the seventeenth day of the second month" in our modern calendar, and Noah's flood began on 2-17 in the calendar in his day! [The Jews and Israelis still observe that calendar, and this year, for example "Iyyar 17" fell on 04/29, 2002. In the year 2247 B.C., "Iyyar 17" fell on Sunday 05/12.] I am not in agreement with those who claim that the calendar referred to in Noah's account was altogether different than the Jewish calendar today.
Anyway, that 12/04, 1996 dream also suggested that regard a modern equivalent to Noah's flood in terms of an "Asian Invasion," so to speak: Not only mass movements of peoples, but one primarily caused by a "wave" of Asians, especially Chinese troops.
Interestingly, there is an ominous LACK of water descending on the parts of Asia, especially Taiwan...
Again, I don't think I'm going to convince anyone that today is in fact 4248 years since Noah's flood started, but the following photos and headlines are worth a look in any event, aren't they?
From: Watchman–Prophets–Assembly [WPA], Stephen L. Bening, usaprophet.com.
65.1 Before 1991 & 05/25, 1997?, Translated, Interview With Dumitru Duduman, America Will Burn — This material is taken from a tape titled, America Will Burn!, which is distributed by the League of Prayer PO Box 4038, Montgomery AL 36103. It consists of a conversation between an interviewer, Duduman and an interpreter. The nature of the revelations is somewhat awkward because the interpreter is doing a running translation of Duduman speaking in his native tongue. The voice we are quoting is the interpreter.
In the beginning of the interview, Duduman tells something of his experiences under communist persecution in Romania, and his supernatural deliverance with the assistance of the Angel Gabriel.
At a time of deep discouragement, after coming to America, he once again encounters the Angel Gabriel who has a message for him to give to the Church.
"He said "America will burn." I said "How will America burn?" I said why did you bring me here, why didn't you let me die in jail in Romania." He said, "I told you to have patience," and he said get on this here next me. I got on something. It wasn't a vision. It wasn't a dream. I was awake like I'm awake now. And he showed him all over California. He showed him Las Vegas. And he said, 'Do you see what I've shown you here?" He said this is Sodom and Gomorrah and all of this, in one day it will burn." "He went and he showed him New York and he said, "This is New York. And he said this is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." He went and showed him Florida. And he said, "This is Florida." And he said, "Everything that I've shown you, in one day it will burn." "I said, 'How will it burn in one day?'" Because the Russian spies have found out the most powerful nuclear warehouses in America. And when the Americans will think it's peace and safety, the communists from America will start a Revolution against the government, and the government will be busy with them. And then, he said, from the ocean, from Cuba, from Nicaragua, from Mexico, and he told him two other countries but he don't remember these. And they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. And America will burn.
I said "What will you do with the church?" He said "The church has forsaken him." I said "How come you don't have people right here in America?" The angel said "Remember what I have told you. You will go on television. You will go on radio. You will go in churches. No matter where you will be, tell them everything that I told you.
Tell them that I'm not with the church no more. Because the people give praises to themselves. The honor that's supposed to be given to Christ, the people take it on themselves. In the churches, there is divorces, there's adultery in the churches, there's homosexuality in the churches, there's abortion in the churches and every kind of sin in the churches. And they turn some of the churches for businesses for money. And all the evangelists, they only preach salvation and happiness.
But they don't want to show the destruction. They don't want to show the hard times that will come upon America. And that's why I've brought you here. Because thru your mouth I want to wake up a lot of people. Because I love this country. And I want to save the church."
I said "How will you save them? If America will burn, how will you be able to save them?" He said "Tell them this, the way I'm telling you." He said "The way I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire; How I saved Daniel from the lions den; I will save them the same way." He said "Tell them to stop sinning. Tell them to turn towards the Lord. Because he never gets tired of forgiving. And they must look for the Lord with all their hearts.
Because in a short time it will happen. Everything that I just told you. Tell them do not be afraid of trouble. Because I will be with you."
He said that "I will go before you and I will work powerfully. He said "I will heal a lot of people of their sickness. And I will open the door so you can go on television and on the radio." And that's what it happened. Because the Lord had done a lot of healing upon American churches. And those people that were healed they went on the television. They were in California, in Utah, in Indiana, in Missouri, and other states. And the Lord had opened the doors. And I spoke on the television; I spoke on the radio.
And I'll never keep quiet. As long as I have breath in me. I will sound the trumpet so the American Church will wake up. Because America took the bible all over this world. Because Americans did go as missionaries all over this world. But America fell from the truth. And the church from America; they fell from the truth. And Christ wants to save them. But only if they will stop sinning; and they will turn towards him."
And the Angel said also; he said that "The Lord has blessed this country. Because of the Jewish people that is in this country." He said that "over here he has 7 million Jewish. Which they never tasted of torture. They never went thru tortures; thru hard times; and the Lord has blessed them in this country. But they don't want to recognize the Lord. They started sinning. And they started all kinds of evil things. And the Lord wants to punish them together with America. And Israel is not recognizing the Messiah, because they put their faith on the Jewish people from America. And the Lord will punish America.
And then when America will be punished, all the people will be frightened. The Lord will give power to China and Japan, and other nations. And they will go against the Russians and they will beat the Russians. He said they will push them all the way to the gates of Paris. Over there they will make a treaty of peace.
And all the people, they will turn towards Israel. That's when the war of Armageddon will be. He said that Israel will be frightened. They will not have the help from America no more. And then they will call upon the Messiah. That's when the Messiah will come. In the help of Israel.
But the church must meet the messiah. We must get ourselves ready so we can meet the Lord. Because Christ will set on the Mount of Olives together with the church."
And he told him this, "Tell this to all the people. Tell them to read from the bible." I asked him, he said, "If you're the Angel of the Lord, where does it say in the bible what you just told me?" And he said "Tell them to read this. In Jeremiah 51:8-15. and Revelation, chapter 18. Over there it tells exactly what will happen to America. And how America will burn. And the battle that Christ will go against, he'll fight against all the nations. How Christ will fight against all the nations." He said "Tell them to read from Zechariah, chapter 14."
Whenever I put my hand on the Bible, I was learned by the Lord. Because everything, what the Angel of the Lord said; it was prophesied before. With the meaning about this country. Because all the evangelists and all the American preachers; they only talk about the salvation of the people. They talk about the happiness of the people. But they don't want to preach the true word of the Lord. And the American pastors they cannot speak the truth no more. Because if they speak the truth to the people, the people will leave the church.
But we will have to answer before the Lord of the teaching that we give to other people. And we must preach the true word the way it's written. And I wish to visit American Churches as much as possible. And I must tell all the people to turn towards the Lord. So on the day when America will be on fire, so they will be able to be saved. And a lot of times, in my suffering, when I was being tortured, the angle of the Lord was next to me. May the Lord bless him.
65.2 04/22, 1996, Vision, China And Russia Plan Strike — I prayed, and then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, “Stand!”
In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. “I woke you to show you what is to come,” he said. “Come with me.”
I didn’t know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, “Stop here!”
A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them. “Stand there, don’t move, and look,” he continued. “You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America.”
As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia; a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China; and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russia controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud.
The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. “I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind.”
A voice said to me, “Watch where the Russians penetrate America.”
I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.
Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.”
The other two presidents spoke, “We, too, will fight for you.” Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.
All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, “We’ve sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together we can destroy America.”
The president of Russia began to speak insistently, “Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!”
The man standing beside me said, “This is what you saw: they act as friends and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I’ve shown you is how it will really happen. You must tell them what is being planned against the Americans. Then when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken.”
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I am the protector of America [America’s High Ranking Holy Angel, assigned by God!]. America’s sins has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people.”
As I looked, a great army, well-armed and dressed in white, appeared before me.
“Do you see that?” The man said. “This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then the difference between the godly and the ungodly will be evident.”
65.3 Dream & The Angel Of The Lord Visitation, Destruction To California Cities & Place of Refuge — “…This is why I have sent you to America…” Next, it seemed we were over California. The angel said, “There is San Francisco. There is Sacramento and Modesto. Soon we will see Los Angeles.”
I had no idea there were such places in California, or even in the world. But I still remember the exact names…”
“…I want to tell you what will happen. You have seen a number of cities. The day will come when I will punish the citizens of those cities because of their sins. Their sins has reached into heaven. God will punish them just as he punished Sodom and Gomorrah.”
“How will this happen? Surely they are able to defend themselves against any imaginable invasion.”
“That is your opinion, not the mind of God. The Russian government will have all the information regarding the whereabouts of America missiles. They will have the exact locations of the weapons factories. Even now (1984?) they are preparing an attack against America. When America believes there is peace and safety, the Russians will lead an all out attack. They already have it planned! They plan to attack from such remote bases as Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico and the ocean. They have had these plans for a LONG time, but God has NOT yet allowed them to be fulfilled. Nevertheless, the day will come when America will be punished for her sins by fire.”
I was terrified…
“Don’t be afraid.” He spoke calmly and quietly. “The pure of heart will not be punished. Those who are untouched by the sins of others, and are faithful and true, will hear the trumpet of God and the voice of God’s angel crying, “Wake up!” They will be told where to go.”
“Where will they go?”
The helicopter soared again. I caught my breath, for as I looked down my eyes swept across beautiful cities. Two rivers flowed through one of them and growing alongside the other was a vast, lush forest. “This is your refuge when the times of tribulation fall upon California. Your family, and all those who hear the voice of the Lord, will understand the message of God’s mighty trumpet.”
Deeply troubled, I awoke from my restless sleep. The next morning I told my family the dream and began fasting for 21 days.
“If the dream is from You, Lord, I pray that I will have it again.”
From: The book called “Through The Fire Without Burning” by Dumitru Duduman, page 140, copyright 1991.
65.4 The Angel Of The Lord Visitation, Destruction To Cities And States In America: Las Vegas, New York, California, Florida — “…Suddenly a bright light came toward me…
…As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times… He said, “Dumitru why are you so despaired?”
…He said, “Dumitru, didn’t I tell you I am here with you also? I brought you to this country (USA) because this country will burn.”
…He said, “Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this.” I got on something next to him. I don’t know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now. He showed me all of California and said, “This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day will burn! It’s sin has reached the Holy One.” Then he took me to Las Vegas. “This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn.” Then he showed me the state of New York. “Do you know what this is?” he asked.
I said, “No.”
He said, “This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn.”
Then he showed me all of Florida. “This is Florida,” he said, “This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn.”
Then he took me back to the rock where we had begun. “All of this I have shown you—in one day it will burn!
I said, “How will it burn?”
He said, “Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you.”
I said, “How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don’t know anybody here.”
He said, ‘Don’t worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches, and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!”
I said, “What will you do with the Church?”
He said, “I want to save the Church, but the churches have forsaken me.”
I said, “How did they forsake you?”
He said, “The people praise THEMSELVES. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon THEMSELVES. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches; and all other sins that are possible. Because of the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live.”
I said, “How will America burn? America is the most powerful country in this world…”
He said, “Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety—from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,…” (He told me two other countries, but I didn’t remember what they were.) “…they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!”
“What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?” I asked.
He said, “Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them.”
The angel of the Lord also told me, “I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn’t want to thank God for the blessings they received in this country.”
“Israel doesn’t want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people of America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan and other nations to go against the Russians. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris. Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel.”
“When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That’s when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That’s when the Messiah will come. Then, the Church will meet Jesus in the air, and He will bring them back to the Mount of Olives. At that time the battle of Armageddon will be fought.”
When I heard all of this I said, “If you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all that you have said must be written in the Bible.”
He said, “Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8—15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory,” the angel said, “there will be one flock and one Shepherd…
…The angel left. My prayer had been answered. The dream had been repeated in a more powerful way through a real live revelation…
Why did God name America Mystery Babylon? 1984—“Tell them, because all the nations of the world immigrated to America with their own gods and were not stopped. Encouraged by the freedom here, the wickedness began to increase. Later on, even though America was established as a Christian nation, the American people began to follow the strange gods that the immigrants had brought in, and also turned their backs on the God who had built and prospered this country.”
Angel on a Red Horse. 02/19, 1989—I was asleep this afternoon, when I was awakened by the whinny of a horse, and the crack of a whip! As I opened my eyes, I saw a man on a red horse. “Get up, Dumitru!” the man said. As I stood up, I was immediately knocked down by his power. “Get up!” he repeated. I stood up, but I was knocked down again. I got up, and was knocked down a third time. I asked him why he did that to me. “To show you my power,” he said.
The man was ready for WAR. He wore a helmet, had guns and knives all around his waist, a machine gun hung around his neck, and he had a sword in one hand. He said, “I am an angel, and have been sent down by Gabriel. Why is your heart so sad because so many don’t accept the message? People are happy because there is peace here, but in a SHORT while it will change to WAR! I am sent to take peace off the earth.” (Revelation 6:3—4).
The angel went on, “In some places, wars will start. People will raise their swords against one another.” He continued…”
“Gold, silver and wealth belong to God. He will not let you down. You see, some people,” said the angel, “don’t want to believe the truth or the things that will happen. Only the ones who’s names are written in the Book of Life will listen and repent! Fight hard, because the fight will be harder as you continue. It will be harder than it has ever been until now,” he said. “The days are numbered, and what I have told you will happen.”…
With a noise like thunder and a flash of bright light, he knocked me down a final time and disappeared.
The Vision of the Mountain. 06/1989—While I was in Wisconsin at a pastor’s home, during a time of fasting and prayer, a sadness flooded me. I went into my room and began to pray in tongues. Suddenly, a huge mountain appeared before me. Half of the mountain flourished with green trees, and the other half was barren and desolate. Then I heard a big explosion, and a powerful voice said, “California is burning! California is burning! Climb to the top of the mountain! There you will be safe!”
…I saw California engulfed in flames. I began to climb the mountain, and when I looked back, I saw my wife dragging my three grandsons by the hand. “Get up here faster so you won’t burn!” I shouted. Then I saw my daughter helping her husband along, because he was afraid of falling. “Tell them NOT to look back,” the voice called. I yelled his instructions to them, and told them to hurry so they wouldn’t catch on fire.
Finally, all of us were on the top of the mountain. “Look down,” the voice said. Looking down, I saw fire bursting out of the ground, while trees and houses disintegrated before my eyes. People were screaming in agony and pain. I saw some of them trying to climb up the mountain, but most of them weren’t able to. Then, two men dressed in white appeared. One of them said in a loud voice, “Do you see how California is burning? This is how it will happen.”
Trembling with fear, I reappeared in the pastor’s backyard. Flames were erupting out of the ground, so I began to scream, “Get out of the house and climb up the mountain so you won’t burn! America is burning!’ Running out of the house, they screamed, “Save us, Jesus!” Confused, I saw the two men dressed in white appearing again. One of them said, “See what I have shown you? This is how it will happen. The mountain that you see before you is Jesus Christ. Those who live a holy life will be saved. When the attack comes and the country burns, only those who’s names are written in the Book of Life will be saved. Remember to tell everybody what I have shown you.”
When the vision ended, I told the pastor what happened and called my family right away. “Is there any fire? Has anything happened?” I asked. Hearing that nothing happened, I was overjoyed.
By standing on the mountain, we will be saved.
From: The book called “Through The Fire Without Burning” by Dumitru Duduman, page 144 & 163, 165 & 166 copyright 1991.
65.5 Map Of The USA — Dumitru Duduman saw nuclear bombs hit these cities; also Henry Gruver did too.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
[Comment by Apostolic Prophetic Scribe: NOTE: Dumitru Duduman (1932-1997) was a Romanian pastor and prophet sent to America in 1984 by God to warn the Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth of America's imminent nuclear attack by Russia and China. He wrote an autobiographical book in 1991 entitled "Through the Fire without Burning" which includes all his visions, dreams and prophecies about this forthcoming event. It can be ordered directly from HAND OF HELP, 1012 South Third Street, Watertown, WI 53094 at $12.00 a copy. The HAND OF HELP Web site is http://www.handofhelp.com and their phone number is 920-206-9910. Dumitru Duduman's grandson, Michael Boldea, will be on a speaking tour in America this fall. If you would like him to come and share his twelve years' traveling experiences with his grandfather as his interpreter please contact Gene Schmidt at the same phone number in Watertown, Wisconsin. His e-mail is handofhelp@globaldialog.com]
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Dumitru Duduman smuggled Holy Bibles into Romania, and for over four years he carried Bibles into Russia.
*Amos 3:7 — Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets.
*2 Ch. 20:20 — …Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.
1 Nita Johnson had a trance about the Catholic Church, you may reference it in this document, 03/1988, “Reigning Monarch Of The Catholic Church”.
2 One may wonder how the Mormon Church people could see into the spirit world so easily, I suspect because it is a known fact that the Mormon Church has high up occult involvement with those in especially high up positions within the Mormon Church, and that the Church in Utah is especially filled with evil spirits and it has been known for some time now, for they have been seen and it has been reported. The occult people can also see into the spirit world too! So for them to see a real Holy Angel of God was probably a big deal versus the evil or the devils angel of light beings they had been accustomed to seeing and experiencing.
Dumitru Duduman has passed on to glory. Before he died he reportedly said that if he died, it would be a signal that we are very close to the nuclear destruction of the USA.
Dumitru Duduman was born on 07/14, 1932 and went home to be with the Lord on 05/05, 1997. There were many complications but the cause of death was listed as renal and lung failure. He was a humble man whom God used in extraordinary ways. He was loved and he returned that love. Sacrificing himself, he traveled to spread an unpopular message to a country that was sorely in need of it. He was an obedient servant. When He was taken to the hospital on 05/01st, he was clinically dead and had been for over 20 minutes. He was revived and for 4 hours spoke to the family instructing us on what we should do, when we should give the remaining prophecies and what God expected of each family member. He knew he was going home and he rejoiced in this. His struggle was ending, he would at last receive his crown for all he had endured for God. He is and will be missed greatly but we live with hope and joy in our hearts knowing that soon we will be reunited. -Michael Boldea]
From: 35 Prophecies, Dreams, & Visions For America; Updated 01/01,1999; The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.478.1112, $5.00, and www.telusplanet.net/public/tsgibson/DUDUMAN.TXT or www.handofhelp.com, or handofhelp@yahoo.com, Hand Of Help, 1012 South 3rd Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094, 920.206.9910.
66.1 1991, Prophetic Word, Future Invasion Of The USA — I was at “Bible College of Wales” when this prophetic event occurred to me. I was sleeping the Lord woke me up and told me to warn my family, friends, and anyone who would listen that trouble is coming to America in the form of judgment, major judgment. A warning cry, to REPENT! The very next day and throughout the week He introduced me to three items to read: 1.) Tom Hess’s “Let My People Go;’ 2.) David Wilkerson’s book; 3.) George Washington’s vision. Also, economic stock market crash is coming. I knew it was a military invasion!
From: Bud Wilmot, phone: 225.291.2577, Lojian1@yahoo.com in 06/2004 at Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s G-8 Summit Intercessors meeting in Brunswick, GA.
67.1 07/16, 1991, Vision, America, Our Nation Emptied — Today while I was at work I received a series of mental images and words and impressions that I believe are from God concerning things that are to come to our country before the end.
Pray that the hearts of the American people will return to the God that was known to their forefathers so that this judgment of the Lord does not come upon us. Remember in revelation the message to the church in Laodicea? So it is with us; we are proud of our wealth and do not realize that really we live in extreme poverty. the Lord said to me, "You are an adulterous people who have gone far away from Me and so I will allow you to be infected with a disease called APATHY". There is an analogy between what AIDS does to the body and what apathy does to a people. We will have no resistance to confront the problems that come to destroy our nation.
Vision — I saw our nation emptied of people. The roads and freeways were cracked and weeds grew up. Where have the people gone? Many have gone to other countries, especially to Europe and the Middle East. This is in preparation for what will happen there at the end of this time. Also, there is little left of our health care system and so many who could be saved have died. Saddest of all is that very few babies are being born. There are wide spread fertility problems but also many who could have children don't want to in such harsh times. This childlessness is a judgment for not loving the children He has given us, for not protecting the children that have no one to keep them safe. This is also for mercy that no more children would suffer.
The government in Washington will still exist but with very little power left to them. to other countries what is left of our government will be considered a joke. Tax collectors will still be sent out into the country but people will hide from them. When the tax collectors do find someone, if they are unable to pay, they will be taken into forced labor. Let us call it what it is, it is slavery and few will survive it.
People living in the cities will be living in fear as under siege. Many will be hungry. The fortunate ones have fled to the country, any place that has fresh water and can grow food is a good place to live, especially in the deep wilderness which provides a measure of safety.
But do not fear, the Lord will not withhold His hand from His people. His Spirit will be poured out as never before. How will people be healed if we don't reach out with the Lord's healing? there will be great need and so there will be great miracles and great ministry.
So PRAY that there will be repentance, so that the fullness of this judgment does not fall on us, but also pray to KNOW the LORD MORE, to be guided in HIS paths, and to be EQUIPPED for whatever work He has prepared for you.
From: www.etpv.org .
68.1 1992, Prophetic Vision, Wake Up Call To America And The Church & Prophetic Vision Of The Third World War — The Lord gave me a prophetic vision in 1992 of a potential worldwide war. A description of that vision follows. As I have prayed about the horrible, tragic events that took place in our nation on Tuesday [9/11/01], I sense that they are a warning of the type of thing that will become more common if this war is not won by the prayers of the saints in the spiritual realm. I have spoken with several of the other prophets in the "Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders" and they are in agreement that this is a "wake up call" to our nation and especially to the Church. If the Church in America doesn't rise up and intercede for turnaround, we can expect more tragedy to befall us. On Tuesday, five thousand or so lives were lost (praise God that it was not the tens of thousands that could have been lost). I believe we will see that these lives that were sown will reap America's awakening and returning to God.
This is not a time for fear. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! We have a great opportunity as the Body of Christ to bring change to our nation and point it toward righteousness. God wants the United States to be a "sheep" nation (Mt. 25:31-33). For years we have been sensing that things were going to get worse in the world but better and more glorious in the Church. This is a time for us to rise up as the Army of the Lord, pointing the way to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
The Present War Of The Church — By Dr. Bill Hamon Note: This vision was included in the 1997 Word of the Lord booklet. We are reprinting it here because of its continued relevance. I sense that in the past four years the Church has won part of this war in the spiritual realm; however, more intercession and spiritual warfare are needed. In 1992, God gave me a prophetic vision of the Third World War that the devil has planned. Since then God has expanded on the vision and given me some more insight. I have preached and prophesied this message in several nations so that we can be prepared. Basically the Lord said He is going to work mercy until the end of 2002. After that, if the Church and government of America has not turned the nation back to God, then He is going to remove His blessings and protection. America has been receiving the blessing of Deuteronomy 28:1-14, but if America does not turn back to God, then she will come under the curses and judgments of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. I've had a lot of confirmation for the vision I saw from many in different nations who have seen the same vision and heard the same things. Since then we have also heard things from inner circles in the governments of the world that have confirmed this. Therefore, we have a great challenge in this area. The Third World War that is being designed by Satan is not Armageddon. It's not something God has planned; it's something the devil is trying to plan. God is working to adjust it based on His people's obedience. In the vision, I saw the evil spirit that has arisen every so often in men and nations with Satan's ambition to overcome every nation and rule the world. Every so often a person arises with that spirit behind him to take over the world. We had that with Hitler. We've had that down through the ages. The devil wants to take over this world. He thinks he owns it, but he doesn't. It belongs to God. This spirit will soon arise in China, the Islamic nations and a couple of existing communist nations. These nations have plans to become allies in this coming world war in their single objective of ruling the world, similar to how Germany, Japan, and Italy became allies in World War II. Negotiations have been taking place behind closed doors since 1992. The ensuing conflict will become known as the East/West War. The Eastern nations goal is to overthrow the European Common Market nations and then take over America and the rest of the world. Russia and America will become allies with the European Common Market nations. In the end, all the Eastern allies will be defeated IF the war is fought in the natural. However, the Lord revealed that after it is over, the United States of America will no longer be recognized as the dominating world leader to whom the rest of the world looks for security, prosperity, and stabilization. The united European Community will assume the dominating position in the world. What Satan meant for evil, God will use to fulfill His purpose. God will use the occasion to cause China to be open to the Gospel. And for the first time since the sixth century, all the nations that have been ruled by Islam will be set free and the Gospel will be preached freely in those nations. More people will be saved in that day and hour than have been saved since the third century of the Church. Satan has plans, but God has other options available. God spoke to me and our CI prophets to go to the nations in the Pacific Rim to give the word of the Lord concerning what is being planned and what they can do about it. We have gone to most of the nations of the Pacific Rim: the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand. The Eastern allies do not see them as a threat. They plan to seize their wealth and resources in one fast move. The word God gave us was the same for each nation. God said if the Church will arise in aggressive spiritual warfare prayer and praise, the plans of Satan and his world dominating spirit can be stopped or thwarted. When the three mighty enemy nations were allied against King Jehosophat, King Jehosophat turned to God with intercessory prayer. God responded by having a prophet prophesy some divine directives. The king of the nation of Judah acted upon the word of the Lord by going against the enemy in warfare praise, and God caused Israel's enemies to turn against each other and destroy themselves. God prophetically declared He will do the same for these Pacific Rim nations IF they will arise in aggressive warfare prayer and praise. He also said He will cause the Underground Church in China to become like Holy Spirit termites that will eat the heart of evil out of that nation until it crumbles like the communist empire of the Soviet Union crumbled. The European Community nations must also do their part for the war to be fought and won in the spirit realm. England, in particular, is at the very point of this thing between East and West. All the different nations that are involved need to be prepared and praying. We have an option. This war will be fought and won either in the Spirit or in the natural or both. If we win the war in the spirit realm against the principalities and powers that are motivating the Eastern allies, it will not have to be fought in the natural. There is no exact month, day and year set for this war to happen. It could happen any time between now and 2006. Everything is being weighed in the balance. What the Church of Jesus Christ does is the determining factor. The devil is determined to take over the world, but God is determined to open up China and all the Muslim nations to the Gospel. God's divine purpose will be accomplished either by the Church winning the war in the heavenlies or by an East/West war. The end result will be the Bamboo Curtain being ripped open for China to be opened to the Gospel, and the Islamic political and religious control being removed from all the Muslim nations. This will allow the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be demonstrated in all nations for a witness of the Lordship of Christ. If the natural war comes, nuclear missiles will land on major cities and strategic places in America. I saw several major areas being bombed. Multi-millions will die in this war, including thousands in America. Nothing will be able to be done by the politicians to stop this war. The war will be fought and won. It will either be accomplished through supernatural warfare by the Church army of the Lord, or by the natural armies of the East and West, or by a combination of both. It is all based upon whether a sufficient amount of Christians respond properly to take aggressive actions. The only hope for the world is Jesus Christ and His Church. The Church must aggressively go on the offensive with revelation knowledge concerning what to do to stop the plans of the enemy. We do not have to stay passive with a complacent attitude or a doom and gloom perspective that it is all predestined to happen and there is nothing we can do about it. We can do something about it! Let us pray that the Church around the world will arise and become the militant, spiritual army of the Lord for the sake of our Savior, our children, and our nation. AMEN. 1
From: 1The web site: www.etpv.org or Christian International Ministries Network, Bill Hamon @ www.cinn.net/attack/index.html . 2Bill Hamon’s book called “Apostles, Prophets And The Coming Moves Of God,” ISBN: 0-939868-09-1 © 1997.
69.1 1992, Some Of Chapter #1, Two Dreams, America’s Pride - America Was Going To Have war & Russia Would Overcome Her — Pride generally comes and attacks you in the area of your strengths. When you are strong in an area, this is where and when the enemy of pride attacks. It can go undetected because you are blinded by your strengths.
We live in America, but America is a prideful nation; she will not repent and America will be cut down in one day. God confirmed this yeas ago. The Lord showed me two dreams that America was going to have war and that Russia would overcome her. I saw bombs and how they attacked America and in the middle of that war Jesus was about to come back. Jesus split the sky and I woke up and out of the dream but before I woke up, I heard the voice of the Lord say: “Tell my people, I’m coming and that things are about to drastically change in America.” After this I received a video tape entitled “Wake Up America” of Dumitru Duduman a prophet from Romania. God sent the angel Gabriel to him and told him the exact date, time and hour that God was going to take him out of Romania and send him to America and it happened just like the angel said. God told him that he was going to take him to America because he had a Word for America. When he arrived in America the angel visited him again and said: “Tell America that She is going to burn.” This is the same thing that I had seen in dreams. America is going to burn because she had not repented. The angel told Duduman to tell America that Russian spies had already discovered the locations of all America’s secret nuclear bases and that from under the ocean they would attack. If you read in the Bible, whenever God’s people forsook God, He always allowed an enemy to bring them into bondage. We have left God. God is just; His ways are righteous and His judgments are true.
America thinks that she is untouchable but America will be attacked because of her pride and experience a great war. America is lifted up in pride. A lot of the recent events that America has experienced are a direct result of her pride. Ben Laden was a puppet. He was not the one waging war. America is beginning to and will go through judgment. She will be humbled through war. The Lord gave me a dream, years ago. In the dream, I sat in front of a television with two other preachers. On the television there were two world leaders, one from America and the other from Russia and they shook hands and said, “We are friends.” I could not believe what they said. I looked at the television and said, “You are friends?” I knew that they were NEVER friends. They were making a peace agreement and all of a sudden another leader walked onto the set and said, “I have a lot of power.” I saw the leader dive into the sea, under the sea and then come up on America’s side and begin to attack and bomb the nation. There was a great war, in the midst of the war, Jesus came back.
In another dream I saw George Bush and he was meeting with the Russian government about peace and during these conferences they would take breaks but during these breaks they were plotting war. Then the American bald eagle, sitting on a branch appeared and begin to sing a prophetic rhyme: “the United States and Russia are going to WAR.”… If you notice, America will only repent if a war is going on. That is false repentance. God is going to allow war to come here and that will humble America and bring her to her knees.
09/11, 2001,Prophetic, Twin Towers — God showed me that Bush would be in office when an attack would happen in America’s financial center. At 6:00 a.m. on 09/11, 2001; the day the Twin Towers fell. Myself, two of the members of my staff, and another prophet were at the Twin Towers. I was prophesying around the Towers that terrorists were going to bomb there and we left the area one hour before the first plane hit. America’s strength is her wealth and that is also the area of her pride. The spirit of mammon rules here and God is allowing America’s strength to be humbled. America is a modern day Babylon.
Pride is what the devil uses in his warfare against you to dismantle you and the authority that God gives you. Pride is the strategic tool of war, used by satan, to dismantle your strengths, protection, grace, covering and authority in God. If the devil can dismantle you with pride, then your cloak of authority is taken off, which makes you vulnerable to the destructive attack of the enemy. Take for example, King Nebuchadnezzar. God had blessed him to the point where he was very successful but he was prideful. God brought judgment to him in order to abase him. Pride attacks in every facet of life. Pride attacks all nations, all languages and all people. Daniel 4:1 …The reason that Nebuchadnezzar could speak to all people is because he was an emperor. He ruled the world… the king of Babylon… he was in rebellion to God… dream… he recognized Daniel had a different spirit, Nebuchadnezzar recognized that Daniel served another God, who was holy, even though he was wicked, he recognized holiness.
The Watchers: The angels decide what should happen and what should not happen on earth. Daniel 4:13 Nebuchadnezzar saw a watcher and a holy one come down from heaven. Do you know that heaven is watching everything that goes on, on the earth? God has angels assigned to watch this realm. I have seen this in dreams and I have seen this when God took me to heaven. God has certain angels and celestial beings that watch things that happen on earth. There are certain situations and circumstances that may go on for a period of time, and it may seem that God is not involved but He is involved in everything that goes on here on earth. He may allow you to do different things for a while but when the time comes, He will put a stop to it.
Heaven is watching what is happening on the earth. Decisions and decrees are being made in Heaven right at this very moment. God makes decisions about what is old and should become new; about what has been going on and should stop and about what should begin.
The angels are the ones who remove men off of God’s calendar in Heaven… remember when King Herod was slain, it was an angel who came down and slew him…
God wants you to be great, so to cause that to come to pass, He will judge you. Today in America most of the pastors preach grace and Gods ways are grace but they are also mixed with the way of His judgment… The judgment of God purges pride…
I have stood in front of Jesus face-to-face. I know what He is like. He is the most humble man you will ever want to meet…
Make yourself of no reputation. Just be yourself, and let God make your name great. If you humble your name than make your name great. But if you exalt your name then He can’t…
Humility is the lowly attitude of one’s mind and heart toward God and others; external [outward] and internal [inward]… The Saints of old understood that if you humble yourself, God will exalt you! Prov. 22:4
From the book “Victory Over Pride – Triumph In Humility” by David E. Taylor.
69.2 Chapter #7, The Sin That Dismantled Lucifer & God Uses Judgment & Rejection To Delete Pride Out Of Us! — The reason why the church cannot be the glorious church that God wants it to be is because there is a spirit of Lucifer in the church. This may be a hard word, but in order for God to do what He wants to do in this last hour with the Glory in the Church, we cannot do the same thing that Lucifer did. Why hasn’t the Lord come back yet? Why isn’t the church glorious in our day? What are we doing wrong? When you ask God questions like this He answers you.
Pride & The Glory: The Glory of God is so powerful that no sin, no demon can stay there. Demons hate the Glory of God. They hate light, because they love darkness. The Glory of God is light. It is the very existence of God. Demons flee when the Glory of God comes. Demons scatter when the Glory of God comes. However, there is only one spirit that can exist in the glory. It is the same spirit that caused Lucifer to change in the Glory. Have you ever wondered how could he change being up in that Glory? It’s pride. This is what is keeping the church form becoming the glorious church.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment: For a much deeper and better understanding of pride, go to chapters 1 and 2 – pride is not just being arrogant! It has many different categories involved. Pride was the first sin.]
Arc (ärk) n. [ME ark < Ofr. Arc < Lat. Arcus] in the Greek – 1. The beginning or the first kind or the beginning of things.
The ARC Angels: The Bible says that the angels in heaven are innumerable. Satan drew one-third of the angels with him out of Heaven. When the Bible makes reference to “one-third” it is referring to the section of angels that he was in charge of. There are many different types of angels. There are seraphim’s, cherub’s anointed cherubs, arc angels, angels, ministering spirits and spirits from the Lord. You have the seraphim level where they have six wings to cover their face. These angels are around God’s throne continually. They walk closely to God’s throne. Then you have cherubs and angels and ministering spirits, which are a form of angel. Most of the time, ministering spirits do not have wings. Angels have wings but ministering spirits look like men, but they are celestial in appearance.
For this particular study, I am going to stay with the arc angelic realm. There were three angels that were arc angels. One of them was named Michael. When Daniel prayed and fasted fro 21 days, the Lord Jesus appeared unto him (if you read more perfectly, that was not an angel but it was Lord Jesus that came to him because Revelation describes him the same way) and informed Daniel that: “the Prince of Persia withstood me and lo one of your chief princes, Michael, came to help Me.” An Arc Angel isn’t just the title of a high-ranking angel. It means first, beginning, chief or prince. That’s why the Bible calls Michael a prince over Israel because an Arc Angel is a prince. They are the first kind or the beginning of their likeness.
When God made the Arc Angel Michael a warring angel, he was like the protégé, type, and the first of all warring angels. Michael has an entire world of warring angels under his authority. Then you have Gabriel, the Arc Angel of messages. He was more like an ambassador or apostle. He stands in the presence of God and receives counsel and words for the world and gives them to men on the earth. He also has a whole host of messenger angels under his authority. At one time, Lucifer was one of the Arc Angels. He was over worship, giving, and bringing glory from the earth unto God. Every angel involved in worship was under him.
In the arc angelic realm you have three angels who were each over one-third of angels. So when the Bible says that satan drew one-third of the angels out of Heaven, it is talking about the one-third that were under him. The Bible speaks in Revelation 12:7 that “… Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.”. The scripture is referring to the angels that God put under him. When God made Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer princes, they had entire worlds and kingdoms to themselves. God trusted them with authority. When God calls you a prince, it is not just a title. The Bible says in Proverbs 14:28 “…but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.” In other words if you don’t have anyone under you, you are not a prince. You have to have subjects to rule over in order for you to be a prince.
The Problem With Lucifer: God trusted Michael to rule all the warring angels. He had a whole world of warring angels. The same was true with Gabriel but we see a problem with Lucifer. I asked God how could Lucifer be in Glory and fall like that? Everything in Heaven is perfect and I wondered how could anything in Heaven get out of order? I wanted to know how could sin enter Heaven? Have you ever thought about how everything could be so perfect in Heaven and yet things become disrupted? We can understand the earth because man fell in sin and God cursed the earth. But how could sin even begin or exist up there?
In studying Lucifer, we can learn about the Glory because the Glory is in Heaven. Heaven is the existence of God in everything and through everything. God began to teach me about the Glory of God and how Lucifer came out of that. You have to understand that when God made Lucifer, the Bible says he was perfect in all of his ways. God created him with STONES all over his body; the diamond, topaz and beryl. This creature was made by God with all of these beautiful stones and jewels in his body. He was not only beautiful; he was awesome. The Bible says that the outline of his body, his wings, the pipes, the stones were gold and carbuncle. He had stones, gold and diamonds all over his body. The Bible says that God worked tabrets, organs and pipes inside of him. Theologians say that his body would make sounds when he walked. His every movement would fill the heavens with the sounds of worship. He was awesome the way God made him. He had musical instruments ALL over his body. Lucifer was the master at sound and creating atmosphere. He was the one entrusted to bring worship and glory and to prepare the atmosphere around God’s throne. The Bible says that “you were perfect and I have set you so, I have set you on the holy mount of God.”
The holy mount of God is the place where God sits and lives. Not every angel gets that privilege. Most angels cannot even get up on the holy mount of God. The seraphim’s are the closest things around God’s throne. They are four beasts. They are around God’s throne continually. That is a great honor because not everyone can be that close to the Father. There are angels who are assigned to be around the throne and some who see the throne every once and a while, when they are summoned. Lucifer was one of the Arc Angels and not only that; he occupied two or three other offices with that office of arc angelic power. He occupied the office of “anointed cherub.”
God has seven lamps of fire burning and stones and coals, because there is an altar by the throne. Isaiah saw it when the seraphim were around God’s throne saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy” and he said, “Woe is me. I am a man undone.” The Bible says one of the angels took the coal from off the altar, by God’s throne, and placed it upon his mouth. The angel walked up and down, straight in front of the presence of God. It is a privilege to walk directly in front of God. Remember Gabriel when he appeared to Zachariah? He began to tell Zachariah that God sent him with the message that he was to have a son named John and that he was going to be great in the sight of the people. The Bible says that Zachariah didn’t believe Gabriel. In Gabriel’s response to Zachariah, he didn’t say anything about God; instead he spoke about his rank and who he was. He said: “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God day and night and you will be dumb for not hearing my words.” The closer you are to God the greater the authority you have. These arc angels have great authority because they would walk straight in the direct presence of God. There were angels that were under them that the only God they would ever see was the God on them when they came out of His presence.
I began to wonder how did Lucifer get so deceived as to think that he could get higher than God to exalt himself and even overthrow His throne and to cause war in Heaven? The Bible says that he was full of wisdom. And anyone who is full of wisdom has sense enough to know that they cannot overthrow the one who created them. But something happened where he got blinded.
I asked God how could a being that was perfect become disinherited like this. The Bible calls him the son of the morning (1 John 3:1). The fact that God called him “the son of the morning” show that God had a Fatherly love for him. They had a Father and son relationship. We know that it was PRIDE that caused him to fall. The Old Testament’s definition of pride is to be blinded by one’s own light.
The blinding light of Pride: Lucifer was so beautiful. To understand how brilliant he was you have to understand how brilliant God is. I have never seen the Father, though I have seen Jesus face-to-face. He has appeared to me. The Bible says, “We beheld His Glory.” When I talk about things like this people “no man hath seen God at any time.” That scripture is talking about God the Father not God the Son. Jesus appeared to John on the aisle of Patmos. So if it were impossible for Jesus to appear to people then why would he appear to John? Why would he appear to Paul on the road to Damascus? When the Bible says that no man hath seen God at any time, it is talking about God the Father. No man can look upon Him and live. I have been to Heaven and even in Heaven you cannot look upon Him. He is too brilliant. I saw His hands; I saw His throne. If you ever go to Heaven all you see is this brilliant light and the form of a man’s shape. Not only that but lightning and smoke and power come out of HIM – brilliant light! That is why the Bible says “He only hath immortality, dwelling in the light.” He is the only one who hath power to stay in that realm, which no man can approach unto.
Here it is, Lucifer is in heaven. He is perfect and is in the Glory of God; everything is perfect, everything is right. You have to imagine that he had stones and diamonds on His body. Have you ever seen a diamond that has no black flaws? When the light hits it, it shoots off of that diamond. That diamond becomes beautiful. Imagine this being, this creature made by God who had diamonds and stones inside of his body and around His body and now he’s going straight into pure light, brighter than the sun. Stones capture, hold and reflect light, so imagine him having ALL those diamonds on him. His body looked like a diamond and different other stones when he walked into the presence of God Almighty. When those rays from God’s presence hit his body he would come out glowing. He was beautiful and bright. He was LIT UP! That’s why the Bible says he was lifted up because of his beauty. What beauty? The beauty of the LIGHT that HIT the STONES. The Bible says you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness. How did the pride start? He started looking at the light.
The Lord said: “David, you have to understand, if Moses could shine being on earth in My presence what do you think happens in heaven. When the angels come before Me? Yes they are created perfect in their ways, but they are also being changed. Every time they come out of My presence they are being changed. Every time Lucifer came into My presence he would leave shining like Moses but even stronger. He would leave out with My Glory and He would look like me. Every time he would look more and more like Me. The reason that the angels that were under him could leave with him was because the only God they saw-the closest they got to Me was the God they saw on him. So when he would come out of My presence shining, they had great respect and reverence for him. Lucifer began to look at himself. And that is a danger. When you look at the light you get blinded. Teach the Church.”
This is why the people who are put in leadership by their pastors will have to be trusted. They have to be humble and submitted. I have seen pastors let people up and they get beside themselves. They have people under them who respect them and when they are ready to leave, all those people are ready to leave with them.
Pride always comes in the area of your strengths not your weakness because your weaknesses humble you. If people are prideful over certain things it is because of a strength in their life. If they have a lot of money, then that’s a strength in their life and they can become arrogant over their finances, their car or their high-paying position. You can be lifted up over spiritual things as well. You can be lifted up over the anointing in your life. This is what God began to reveal to me. God said: “when Lucifer would come out of My presence he took his eyes off of Me and started to look at himself.”
There is even a natural law that you cannot ride in your car at night with your interior light on. Have you ever been driving in a pitch-dark place and you turn the light on in your car; even though it was bright inside, did you notice that you could not see outside of your car? You could not see outside because the light was too bright on the inside. That’s the law. That’s why they tell you not to drive with the light on inside the car because you can’t see correctly on the outside. Even though its dark outside, you can see better if it is dark on the inside as well. A lot of people can’t see what’s around them because they have the light on, on the inside. As long as Lucifer was small in his own eyes it was okay. The Lord event old David, when you were small in your own eyes then was I please with you. God will exalt you because God is like that. He wants to promote you. He wants to exalt you but promotion only comes through humility because there is a danger if God promotes you and you are full of arrogance and pride.
Just like God told Joshua “this day will I begin to magnify you in the eyes of the people.” Not in his eyes. God said it is like a magnifying glass. If you put a magnifying glass up to something, on one side the things looks big but on the other side it is the original size. God will give you honor before people but He must be able to trust you.
The Lord continued to say toe me: “When I promote you, I put a magnifying glass on you so that when people look at you; you appear larger than what you are. But you must remember your original size.” You will find people who get beside themselves because God starts doing something in their lives. God begins to exalt and promote them but they can’t handle it and when other people begin to see that light, they start listening to the people. But you have to remember that what you see is not the real view! You have to remember that you are still small. God said that: “This is how Lucifer got beside himself. When he started to look at himself, he began to see Me on him. He saw My image. He would look himself and then Me and say ‘there is no difference between You and me.’ He started to forget where the glory came from. When you look at yourself you will forget where the glory came from.”
Lucifer was blinded by his own light. That’s what the Lord meant “…you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness.” His heart was lifted up because of his own beauty and he forgot were that beauty came from. Lucifer was deceived by the light that was on him.
The Anointing & Authority: You have people like that in the church. The pastor will nurture them, if they come in unsaved, (or if they come in saved, they’re messed up). God begins to lift them up and deliver them from various bondages. God begins to use them in ministry and they begin receiving a measure of honor in front of the people because the pastor starts giving them some authority in the church. Then one day they say “I am more anointed than the pastor. I’ve outgrown this pastor.” It’s not about your anointing it’s about authority! I don’t care how anointed you become, you never outgrow authority. I don’t care how bright Lucifer looked. I don’t care how anointed he became (because he was in the presence of God), he could not override God’s Authority.
You have people like that in the church right now. They don’t understand rank or authority, and they don’t understand submission. They think that when God starts to bless them with some type of spiritual authority or anointing that they don’t have to submit to their pastors anymore.
That’s why I don’t put people up to fast. I prove them. Because you have people come in that think they are anointed and they may be but they are arrogant over it. And people think that just because they are anointed, that’s all they need. “Well God is with me because I am anointed.” No! Lucifer was anointed but God threw his tail out of Heaven and you need to sit … down and submit to some authority. No matter how anointed you become, you must remember that is the Glory. You have people who will come to a ministry with nothing and when they start getting blessed (because the leaders help them), they want to turn their back and betray them. Why? Because they have become a little anointed and they may not have seen God use the pastor like that in awhile and they want to say “I am more anointed than him.”
You have some people who are arrogant.
69.3 1992, Vision & Visitation Of Jesus, Latter Rain Vision – Vision For St. Louis & The World, “God Won’t Make Your Name Great Until You Make Your Name Nothing” — In 1992, at the age of nineteen, the Lord Jesus Christ visited David E. Taylor and took his spirit out of his body to show him some things going on in the churches that were hindering the fullness of the outpouring of the Latter Rain. Standing high above the churches with Jesus, he saw in the Savior’s hand a large kettle of oil.
As he stood over one particular church, he was able to see a number of things occurring in the church that were obviously grieving the Lord. The pastor of the church sat in the pulpit and watched the things doing on but did not speak out against what he saw. At this point, the dream switched and now instead of sitting in the pulpit, the pastor was laying on his back on the floor, where members would come up for prayer. He had a microphone in his hand, preaching the gospel on his back.
Jesus then dipped one finger into the kettle and allowed only one drop of oil to roll off of His finger into the church. As soon as the oil hit the congregation, the entire church went up in a glorious praise. He knew that the Lord wanted to pour out the oil on His people, but because of what the pastor allowed He could not. Jesus left him with this charge: “I need a man who will stand on the authority of My word…be faithful.”
1995, St. Louis Vision, — In 1995, at the age of 22, David E. Taylor was requested to come to St. Louis from his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee to run a revival at a local church. With a full agenda of appearances scheduled, he anticipated the usual one-to-two week revival. A week into the services, an angel descended from heaven and appeared unto him in a dream. The angel’s feet did not touch the ground. The angel started by telling him how wonderful it was in God’s presence, then began to share with him, “the message is this, St. Louis shall be the starting place of God’s Latter Rain Glory and from here it shall spread all over the world.”
No time frame was given, so he thought that perhaps it would occur in three to five years but instead, that week, God began to call people form all corners of St. Louis as well as other states to this inner-city church. The move of God was so great that what started off as a two-week revival lasted for a full year!
The Lord began o confirm His words by many respected men of God (Kenneth E. Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, etc.) and other members alike. The anticipation began to mount concerning what God had in store. Something greater than the world has ever known is coming – the electrics of God are coming, the thunders of God are coming, the promise of power is coming! The greatest move of God that the earth has ever seen is about to invade the earth – this is the time and this is the hour! The glory of God is about to settle over the whole city and St. Louis will be the kick off of the greatest move of God that the world has ever known!
Book – Victory Over Pride – Triumph In Humility — I have discovered that most saints operate in pride and in many of its manifestations, without even knowing that pride is in operation. For this reason, the Lord commanded me to write this book. He commanded me to seek, exploit and destroy his spirit. If you do not study and identify pride’s behavioral effects, you will find this spirit operating in your life. This is what happened to me until God began to identify and expose what, how and where pride operated in my own personal life.
As you read this book, you will learn that there are different degrees of humility. What this means is that you can be ever so humble in one area but not humble in another area, therefore, a door is opened to pride. All open doors must be recognized, identified and closed shut. Those areas of pride in our lives must be confronted and crushed.
This revelation about pride came through a dream given to me by God when I was nineteen years old. At that time in my life, didn’t realize the magnitude of what was to come but years later the Lord was to send me to St. Louis. In 1995, at the age of 22, the Lord sent me from my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee to run a revival at a local church in St. Louis. I anticipated the usual one-t0-two week revival, however, a week into the services, the angel Gabriel descended from heaven and appeared unto me in a dream. The angel’s feet did not touch the ground. Gabriel started by telling me how wonderful it was in God’s presence. He then began to share that, “the message is this, St. Louis shall be the starting place of God’s Latter Rain Glory and from here it shall spread all over the world.” It was from this visitation, which was a continuation of an earlier visitation in 1992 that the Lord began to reveal more about the Glory. The Glory of this last hour will be the greatest that the world has ever known. God revealed that the nations shall flood into this city to receive of the Latter Rain Glory and take it back to their nations.
The reason the Lord began to infuse this revelation into me concerning pride, was because if we are to walk in the Glory [which is God, Himself] in this last hour we must be purged of the one deadly enemy that will not run from the Glory… Pride. We must be thoroughly equipped to recognize, attack and destroy this enemy so that we will not fall subject to the same fate as Lucifer.
69.4 12/15 – 19, 2003, Sid Roth Air Broadcast, Testimonies & The Future Of America — The below is what I could quickly get to paper from the audio tape, it is not word for word – you will need to get the audio and book. You can order the tape and book for full details. I have used bullets to get the points given:
David had a praying mother, as a teenager he had a visitation & dream, the Lord appeared with robe, nail prints in hands and feet, full of humility, eyes full of love, beauty, boldness, fire & humility. Jesus was so powerful, meek and humble. He was talking tome but His mouth never moved, we talked by spirit to spirit.
Heard the audible voice of God, was praying, questioning if the dream and visitation I had had was real and would God save me and give me His Holy Spirit so I could live right. God told me to speak in tongues, I had never heard or knew what it was, this holy tongues, I came from a Baptist church. God said it audibly twice, “Speak in Tongues.” I parted my mouth, a flame came, I spoke in this language I never knew.
I had a strong desire to seek God, a few years later, the 4th visit occurred. I had gotten frustrated when I had not seen the book of Acts in the Church. The Lord took me up over all the world, He told me “I’ve come to answer you… what you have been asking Me… He showed me a church, the roof was open. He showed me the worldliness in the Church, the church was not leaving the world. He showed me impure worship. He showed me we in the church try to combine earthly stuff with His way. Jesus is trying to bring the church out of the world. The expression on Jesus’ face was very displeasing with what was going on – in the churches. Then He showed me the pastor, this pastor knew what was wrong in the church but the pastor would not deal with it.
Jesus took me up over the church and pointed out things, a major church in America. The pastor he saw all Jesus pointed out wrong. There was worldliness mixed in his church which short circuited the power of God. Like rock& roll – we make Christian rock & roll; like rap, we make into Christian rap. Jesus was very displeased. Jesus’ expression on His face was that He was not pleased! The thing that He is displeased with pastors is that they do not speak out against these things. Jesus told David Taylor that when he speaks against these things, Jesus’ Glory will be poured out, liquid Glory, gifts, anointings, etc. Jesus told that now it was like one drop hit the church, the church went in high praise, but it all died down because of sins… Jesus said, My Church thinks they have the full, they do not, but Jesus wants to pour out more of His Glory.
Those who walk in pride, fall, so many of God’s leaders are arrogant, not humble. Pride is being blinded by one’s own light. Pride does not come in an area of failure, it attacks in your strength area. People get blinded by their own light, what they are strong at… Many could fall dead with the great level of Glory He wants to send.
Pastor lying on his back preaching: The Lord said, “I need a man who will stand on the authority of My word.” The leaders do not want to confront the people. The Apostles were confrontal with the people, what was wrong. Today, the leaders all want you friendly, but Jesus wants the truth. Jesus was confrontational. Many leaders today will not stand up for what is wrong, they are afraid they will lose money, etc. Leaders get blinded by money or the biggest churches in America. You can be a giant here on earth –but a very small person in Jesus’ eyes. Jesus felt very displeased with His church, especially with His leaders for they are the gatekeepers. You know the church today looks nothing like the church in the book of Acts. The Church represents Jesus and it needs to do a correct representation of Him, not a Hollywood Jesus. The world rejects how the church today represents Jesus, the world does not reject the real Jesus. God is raising up new generals. It will be a glorious Church, leadership will be changed – the Church will stand.
David Taylor stated, the Lord told me to take my children out of public school. Sid Roth stated, the Lord told him, if you love your daughter take her out of public school.
Sid Roth asked David Taylor if he had ever had a prophetic dream that never came to pass, David said, no.
David talked about the dream God gave him about the war in America with Russia, see above for the details. He stated Russia will use terrorist to attack. When the attack hits America, under the sea throw nuclear warheads, they will attack that way. Sid discussed with David that God had revealed to David that Bush Jr. would be president while Bush Sr. was president. David stated ½ of the dream has been fulfilled, war would begin when they started attacking the economics of America.
David expressed that he saw the Twin Towers come down, God showed him the night before they fell, and the day of he drove around the buildings at 6 am, God told him they would hit this place… David had witnesses to this, then God told him to get out of the area at about 6 am the day the attack occurred on 9/11/01. David had told the church, they were awed when it happened.
A lady in service in Cleveland, died… David was preaching a message… this woman came with a deadly cancer, her daughter brought her, she had a very short time to live. She died in the service… big commotion, daughter was crying, David went back to see but she was dead, no pulse, no breath, so they prayed and God raised her from the dead, and healed her.
While David was doing a live radio broadcast, he got a word of knowledge for a person, the Lord walked in, He told me, a lady in the last stages of aids is dying, and I am going to heal her. She actually called in saying she felt heat go through her, her doctor said she had no more aids, and she was sent to three specialists, and they told her she did not have aids. She even went with David to testify.
Pride always comes in the area of your strengths, who can help being humble when low, when promoted, the test of pride comes in your strength. Lucifer, because of your beauty, pride, blinded by ones own light. What God revealed, when Lucifer walked into the Throne of God, He walked up and down, when God shot into those stones, they shone… David said, I have been to the Throne of God, I was on my face before God. When we behold God’s glory we look like HIM. When Lucifer came out of God’s presence He looked like God, He got blinded by the light, pride… The angels could not get as close to God as Lucifer did. One day, Lucifer said, I look like God, we look alike… he got deceived. That’s how church splits happen, they do good for a while, they start looking to the junior pastors more than the senior pastor, it is pride.
When God lets the Generals go home, like Kenneth Hagin, etc., a new move is coming, not the gifts, or anointing, but the Glory! I woke a book, “Triumph in Humility” because God’s going to raise up His church. Only pride can dismantle when God pours out His Glory, and God’s people can fall. People can misjudge God’s level versus our levels, people can misjudge.
Couple of days ago, a major visitation of Jesus, mixture in the Church. Why not more of the miracles like in the Book of Acts? He said, Church was short circuited, but He told me if I wanted what the old Apostles had I have to do what they did, He told me I had to leave my original family, parents, etc… give up my career, all, so He could train me. When He asked me, I was excited about giving it all away. He told me to go on nothing, I gave all away, a pastor came to me, showed me a dream he had, and it was that he was to take me into his home, David was very broke at this time, and God showed David in dreams about K. Kulman, etc.
Next few years in America, a mighty move of God is going to occur, Gabriel was sent to tell David – 1992 visitation. St. Louis will be the start of the Latter Day Glory. Millions will come from around the world to be here for it. At the same time, a war to America. Sid Roth stated: “The number #2 oil producers in the world is RUSSIA, they are not falling apart at the seems, Sid stated.
David stated, I had a dream about 12 years ago, [I think from 2004], Russia and America will do battle. They have even caught Russian spies in America just a couple of years ago.
Israel, the Lord spoke to me, if you want to know where I’m going, watch Israel. Sid Roth, said, he was expecting a massive harvest of Jews before Jesus comes.
69.5 04/ 2nd, 3rd, & 4th, 2004, Detroit Meeting — The below are bullets that I pulled from my notes taken during 04/ 2nd, 3rd, 4th Prophecy Club Detroit meeting; please understand I was writing fast and you will need to verify things, this was the best I could get it to paper.
§ Dream: God said He will protect His people from anything that will happen to America. — David E. Taylor.
§ Age 30: At 30 D.E.T.’s real ministry would start, Jesus spoke to David in person and gave him his call to America, God said so!
§ Prophetic: Russian invasion of America, here a little, there a little [D.E.T] – [Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, Comment not by David E. Taylor: Prophetic prophets and lay Christians get pieces, we need to get all the pieces together—collect them.]
§ Holy Scripture Verses Regarding America: Jeremiah 50 & 51 & Revelation 18; verse 3 for years = America. Symbolic nature, God has reference to America as Babylon today. [D.E.T.]
§ Lord Jesus Visits: David E. Taylor has seen the Head of the Church the Lord Jesus over 150 times now, He is a Lamb and a Lion; both! Many like the miracles but not His words; Jesus will speak to you about what is wrong with you! To the church, I have some things against you… Correction, the churches hate this. God will speak a word against a nation.
§ Next Attack To America: Next attack happening, coming! The Lord Jesus told D.E.T. another attack is coming—to America. Out of the North, Russian Invasion. [D.E.T.]
§ Dreams: All godly dreams that David E. Taylor got have come to pass in the last 14 years, except the future ones that will be coming to pass.
§ 1991 Dream: God showed me the future of America. I saw Russia and America making a peace treaty, but it was just deception. D.E.T. said these words to them, Russia and America leaders – the two leaders; ‘Oh, you are fiends now, peace.’ A young Russian leader came on the scene, to military power. When Russia and America makes peace, a younger, military power & political man that will make war with America! After this happened, young leader, I saw this leader dive under the sea, submarines, missiles shooting at America! The missiles came up and hit the land of America.
§ 1991 Bush Senior: Before the invasion, if America does not repent, Bush Senior, at summit table, him & Russian, when they broke for 15 minutes, they were making war on the break time. D.E.T. saw Eagle Prophecy to me: Russia and America going to WAR, and God’s going to let it happen, and Russia’s going to win the war! This was sung by an eagle, David was stating, as God revealed it to him. If America does not turn/repent this will happen. I saw Bush turn young, this war will begin when Bush Jr., will be president.
§ Ben Laden: Russia was behind Ben Laden – to attack America’s finances, I saw the financial centers go down; 9/11/01 – Twin Towers. What I showed you about financial centers about to come to pass. Trade Centers we went around, I saw terrorist bomb this place [on 9/10/01 – day before], Russians are behind it. On 09/10, 2001, after service was told to go to Twin Towers, Trade Centers, God said prophecy again, to 6 A.M. on 09/11, 2001, now the Lord said get out now at 7 AM, got back to my hotel. Bombs happened. America is deceived, war has already come, and an invasion is coming to America. Russia has paid, it is a decoy, Russia is behind it! We have seen proof. The war has already begun, massive invasion coming, through submarines, attack financial cities/centers. If America does not repent – when David got this, God told him, Tell My people in America, I can change, even now. Devastation of war coming from the North, God showed David E. Taylor both sides; if America repents and if America does not repent. D.E.T. saw the bombs hit this nation, cities were gone, ruins. [D.E.T.]
§ America Needs To Repent: America needs to repent, this is the Word of correction. It starts in the home. I saw whole cities leveled, smoke and ashes. I saw the Russian army come and occupy regions, they were looking over us Americans wherever we went. Husbands and wives will be raped, children will be taken away. America will now be under the rule of another nation/Russia, devastation occurs during war. I saw radiation melt peoples bodies off them, people with one arms. I was told to tell America what war was about. The trade centers, we have not seen anything yet! People will disappear, I saw people disappear! People, America does not know about these plans. Nuclear warheads in Cuba! A man from Castro, called in and said, “This is true!” Secret nuclear places in Cuba. Russia has something secret we have not seen! America, no matter how many missiles shot we will not win! I saw Russia, their attack to America was a surprise, America was not ready… knocked out strategical cities and places and dismantled America’s warfare. Homes were devastated. It has already begun! God is giving a final warning to America now. [D.E.T.]
§ Current President George W. Bush & Dream: President Bush Jr. wants to meet with David E. Taylor now – asking to meet with him; and God gave this to David E. Taylor years ago in a dream. God has opened a great door for D.E.T. to talk to America’s President Bush Jr.
§ Future Event To Occur: I saw a huge blackout, major—this has not happened yet! [D.E.T.]
§ 3rd Heaven Experiences: I have been to heaven many times. Ministers with big churches & lots of people were midgets in heaven. How you exalt God or do not exalt God! God looks on the heart! God is not against big ministers but in the heart of the leaders! [D.E.T.]
§ American Cities Bombed: When Russia invades our sea shores with nuclear missiles: New York, Miami, California, Las Vegas—all will be sin cities—all will burn; Washington state will be a strategical point. If I understood him correctly, I think David also stated Washington D.C. gets nuclear missiles. Major cities hit—the hearts of the people to fail; paralyze your enemy before the kill – this is the plan of the Russians, these cities, then Washington State! An army is coming out of the North, Jer. 50, against America. Tree [America] grew and became strong; America, the earth does not know Jesus, but instead it knows America.
§ Some Saints: Jesus revealed, those who come out—separate yourself spiritually… I saw us walking through bombs [Supernatural type deliverance?]. We were set free from the radiation!
§ Revival: Even if America does not repent, there will be revival all over the world… , seven year revival! Angel Gabriel appeared to D.E.T., a great move going to begin in America. The Lord Jesus send Gabriel [Prince Messenger Angel] to tell me that St. Louis will be the starting area for the revival and after to the world! People will be coming to the Central/St. Louis! The war will be like to prepare repentance! Even though war is coming, God’s going to start the greatest move of God.
§ 04/04, 2004 Visitation: This morning I got a visitation, of a coming move coming. [D.E.T.] In spite of all these warnings, we the Church are not to be preoccupied with the warning or end time prophecy, without doing, bringing in the harvest! The purpose is to bring the people to Jesus. End-Time Speakers & Movements, after information, get to work! Occupy till the Lord comes. Jesus was the greatest End-Time speaker but He was doing the work! Stay with the pattern of Jesus, He is our greatest example. Dual message to America, prophecy to America, all is not war! Whether the war hits or not, REVIVAL will come to America. War was conditional but God is sending REVIVAL.
§ 1995, Angel Gabriel & Witchcraft: Witchcraft will be challenged by the power of God coming. Witchcraft and sorcery is deception. Area of witchcraft about to end… 1995 Angel Gabriel chosen St. Louis, greatest move of God, witchcraft people get saved or die. Put down your sorcery and get saved.
§ Holy Ones/Watcher Angels: Angels are watchers, holy angels, some angels destroy whole cities. Different ranks of angels in heaven, power and authority. Angels don’t always report in to God; they just do what is to be done. Angels do not know all about us humans. Never assume anything, God don’t tell angels all about us, only what God shares with them. I asked the angels if I would be used in the Revival, they told me they don’t know. Jesus came and told me [David E. Taylor] I would be used. Verse 17, decree of the Watchers, they are angels, and by the Word of the Holy Ones – who are the 24 Elders. Rulers of the Kingdom of Men! God is watching you! Angels are watching over whole nations. God has delegated authority… the angels just do it! God rules in the Kingdom of Men! One year I had a visitation from the Lord, angels used for times & seasons and have God’s mind in areas, God sends the Holy Angels to come down. Watchers are watching America! What you say and how you say it! The closer you get to God the more serious. Not standing in front of men, but God’s representatives, with Ananias and Sapphira – [These two in the New Testament dropped dead from lying to the Holy Spirit. Acts 5:3 ]. Watchers distinguish how long a nation has before judgment! “I’m going to confess before My Father and Angels in heaven!” These angels removes you off God’s calendar! When God turns things over to the angels it is out of your hands, done! Angels—Watchers come and cut down. Watchers are more like the Prophets! The angels stand over a Nation or Person and watch! Last night I saw five angels, they came to see if you are really listening to the Word of God. Are you being receptive. If you argue inside. I saw angels writing it down! God gives you space, but the angels keep writing it down. God looks how you take in… or notes. There is a big file in heaven. In heaven I saw books. The Watchers watch over nation, decree of the Watchers, verse 17, giveth to whomsoever He will! American presidents: Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., —not people, but who God wants, who God wants in that office! God can even put in unsaved people, King Nebuchadnezzar (2 Chronicles) …… he was not humble at first. God cut him down to help him… become humble.
§ Books In Heaven: In heaven I saw Books. I saw all the Books of all living in heaven. Big giant bible print looking books, white books. Open a book, on one side God’s Plan for your life; and on the other side blank (did you submit and complete God’s destiny for you?)! These are your books, book for a person. All that God wants you to be doing, God’s plan for you! The left side, God’s plan needs to line up with the right side, what you are doing! When you get to heaven God is going to deal with you about it! David E. Taylor was shown his book, he has seven chapters in his book, or seven chapters to his life. Chapter 1 – Appear; Chapter 2 – Voice Crying in the Wilderness; Chapter 3 through Chapter 7. David opened his book and saw the plan for his life. Let God choose your mate! If you failed, confess and repent, in choosing your mate, ask God, can You do something with this. Book that has been written. David, you remember me in thy books… God what is my destiny, what is your plan for me?
§ St. Louis Missouri Visitation: Seven [he said four years about something but I did not get it ???] years come to USA, after seven years; this great or greatest over all years.
§ Judgment: Death, about disrespectful people, they died when David E. Taylor talked to them! Lies, God is killing people! Twenty-four people died – disrespect. Real thing coming back to forefront! Angels are the ones that remove men off God’s calendar and billboard in heaven.
§ Demons: Some Christians live with demons! As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!
{24:15} And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
§ America: When God raises you up to be a super-power, people in other nations are jealous. Other kingdoms want America’s position! The Watchers cut down the kingdom, or man; God’s not against us but for us! Pride before destruction & haughty before a fall! Arrogant, destruction follows twenty or thirty years later can happen. You can be arrogant and nothing happen right away. Pride was the first sin, it changed Lucifer, a hideous form, constantly getting worse and more corrupt. God humbles us to keep us in a position. God’s got to get your attention. Whatever you do best that’s what you get arrogant over. TWA Airlines went down in one day, American took them over. Always give the Glory to God! When you are small in your own eyes. Submit to someone! It is immature that you think you rule, it is God who raised you up! God giveth it to whomever He will! England, Queen, King, President, etc. Be grateful – gracious. D.E.T. ambassador from Heaven, the heavens rules, God decrees! America has been around for about 225 years. America can be destroyed in one day! Heaven is decreeing something. Repent, grow and mature! All power was given unto Jesus, in heaven, on earth. Verse 27, do you want to see your home destroyed or America destroyed? Liberty does not mean an occasion for your flesh/sin! In God we trust – He is our fortress. Verse 17, easier way, break off by doing right! Adam and Eve, God did not make Adam and Steve or two women! Abortion is not a choice, but a baby you dummy! It is not the child’s fault to be killed. You do not have the right over another life in your belly! They have a choice. Abortion = devil of murder! When you killed John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, America went in a different direction! Whites & Blacks! You killed the true prophets of America, God sent true prophets, killed and cut down. This is serious, invasion coming! God can hold back judgment, lift or lighten judgment! How a people/nation humble themselves! Repentance for abortions! David E. Taylor told that at some point God told him, that American if you repent and turn to me I will turn from judgment, I will turn Russia and the invasion, for I Love you, I raised you up… America. Humble yourselves before me and I will hear your petitions… If America gets bombed you won’t have your money!
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, Comment not by David E. Taylor: At some point God told this to D.E.T., one would need to find out if the time has been lost or still available for this to occur. Today we know from Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson that the Invasion of the USA is now “Set.” So we are confessing and repenting for America for delay, to lighten the judgment, etc.]
§ Pastors: Jesus called some pastors a “dumb dog!”
{56:10} His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
{56:11} Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
§ Money & Offerings: Every where I have been when God told me someone was to give, it has happened. If you sit on the money, you will suffer! If you sit on your money you are going to lose it! If a true prophet speaks, you hear, and don’t obey your going to be judged!
§ Visitation Of The Lord Jesus: Luke 24:46?, Visitation, age 29 when visitation from Jesus, [age 17 met Jesus face to face in person]. The Lord wants to appear to each of you, believe it! An appearance to change into His image, Jesus to us, appear. Age 17, cloud in my room, God was in my room. I put all my time in seeking God, countless hours. I did not have a door to my room, but instead I had a bed sheet as my door to my room. An angel with a Sword was in my room, and a cloud in my room. Things happened all the time. God told me to leave my friends and follow God. You cannot love anyone to much over God, ungodly soul ties… American people put their families above God! It’s wrong. We must deny self! Some preach God first, family second, and ministry third, this is WRONG! God took a seven year old boy to heaven, he saw heaven, there are things you cannot talk about, because no law to judge by, there are colors that we can’t explain here on earth, unlawful, only because no rule to judge by. Both of David’s children have been visited by Jesus, their lives changed, and have been in the Glory of God. All who join David E. Taylor’s staff, Jesus appears to them. Great significance, seeing Jesus face to face, it can save you ten years. You become His friend. God gives people great authority because He trusts you, relationship. Not all prophets, have the same authority. God had it revealed to David E. Taylor, ‘Tell David I’m pleased with what he preaches, what I want to hear!’ Do not cater to people, or self, but cater to God!
§ When Russia Invades America: When Russia invades America, they will become atheist [nonbeliever], they will try to stop us from preaching; and greater miracles will come, they will try to torture Christians! Some have equalized the family, it is an idol with God. They will put your family in a torture camp! It’s not, God first, family second, ministry 3rd, that is WRONG!
§ Ministry Is A Heavenly Calling: Ministry is a heavenly calling! Jesus said, I came not to bring peace but a sword. A calling, ‘hello – come over here, come to me.’ IF you come to Me after I call you! Preachers made ministry into a business. Heavenly calling, heaven is first. Calling and God = 1 or one! The Voice of God is God Himself. God and the call is one, not your family next. First is God and His will! Next, second is your family! This is wrong, most preachers are hirelings, they work for money. Kathryn Kuhlman said, no one will ever know what this ministry has cost me. At age 17, David E. Taylor, my bedroom was like in Moses’ day. I saw Jesus at age 17… I did not know about Baptism of the Holy Spirit, etc. I was a Baptist boy, God said you need the Holy Spirit to live right. One night I said, Lord, in a dream, I prayed, it was real, manifest Yourself to me and give me the Holy Spirit, so I can live the way You want me to live. On 12/24, 1989 Jesus came! The Voice of God came in my room; ‘Speak in Tongues’, I did not even know what Tongues was, two times He said it… His voice filled the room. I parted my mouth, a flame touched my lips… I was changed. I was a witness! When the Holy Spirit came in, fire, you are a witness. I realized this was real. I would rush home to the room with the Cloud and an angel was there. I’d read the Word, I read Acts 2 and realized it happened to me! The Lord came in revelation. It can all happen today! If this is real, it is all real. I dove into God so deeply, what was for me. I had the Bible and I was dozing off, waking up, I kept the Bible in my hands reading, and God said to me to go to sleep, I kept reading, God shut the bible, and said, “I said go to bed.’ I made a vow, to God, three times a day… I would meet with God. I would come home and go to sleep because I was so tired… So I could wake up. This happened at least fifty times or more. Come home from school, go to sleep, it never ceased about twenty times, someone came and lifted my leg and woke me up and no one was there, I looked at the clock, it was five minutes before prayer time. God can wake you up to pray. God’ s doing it. One time while I was sleeping I heard a bell ring, woke me up at 4:55, five minutes before prayer time. When you set times for services God is here before time. God is always on time. I saw angels in my room daily, a huge cloud in my room, I spent 1,000’s of hours with God. Everything in this world means nothing, a new world the Kingdom of heaven. Three friends came to my room, they all fell on the floor, the cloud was in my room, they said something threw them to the ground. Moses, no man can enter for the Glory of God. They could not walk in where I was in the Glory. This is a Holy power displayed. God told me to breath on His people, God’s power goes over us. I’ve seen people try to come in my room, but they could not come in. When you go into God’s presence your knees will go down… a falling down. Someone comes and knocks you off your feet… the power of God. I believe witnessing on the streets, angel appeared to me from the Father, the people will come to you! I started to shine like Moses, people came running to me. I began to glow like the lights, it was notable, they could not hardly stand to watch, I did not try to make it happen, all in this Bible is true, it happens. A lot of services with no power from God today! If you want, leave your mother’s house and leave your career. I spent money, got a career, a good one, and then God told me to give it all up, sacrifice.
§ Kathryn Kuhlman: I had a dream of Kathryn Kuhlman, I did not know her, I was taken to heaven, and she told me what to do for a healing ministry. I watched Benny Hinn.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, Comment not by David E. Taylor: Some have a problem with Benny Hinn being a real Christian and having the calling that he has from God. Benny received a mantel off of Kathryn Kuhlman’s life and ministry. Ministers and lay Christians need to remember that a person’s ministry is one part of the whole and their character is another part. God is their judge, and we would do well to leave some things to God, lest we end up in some trouble ourselves. I have heard terrible things that some have stated about Benny Hinn, yet I fully know that he is one of God’s ministers. I choose not to touch this anointed man of God, and suggest you do the same. Yes, there can be an issue here or there, but that is in most minister’s lives anyway, but I choose to pray for him and leave it to King Jesus. I thank God for Benny Hinn and the millions that are now being saved in his crusades. Benny is in the family of God, on our team, lets not devour each other, it is not wise nor is it godly, and all who do it will give an account to God.]
God told me to leave my family [parents/etc.]. God will only use dead people, learn to die and surrender, you must pay a price for the power of God and a call on your life, and God will give it to you. God cannot trust people who are full of themselves, only a dead man. If you are a man, you could have a million dollars waved in front of you and a beautiful woman, a dead man will not move! Most want things their way. Most have no power from God, just a message, you need the miracle working power of God. A.A. Allen, he had thirteen things he had to do and he could have the power, God gave a requirement and they had to do it. So many got to have their schedule, forget about it if you want God, give up everything. Don’t struggle, just give it up, just obey, they struggle with doing the will of God. You learn to die and give up your life, God will give you His, the exchange is awesome! Your not comfortable down here on earth. When you experience God, nothing here holds you. God, I must have the real thing. At age 19, gave it up, cut all ties to your mother & family. Some wait till all is right, I had no money, some wait till all is right. Jesus came and appeared to me in His beautiful white robe, took my spirit out, came to tell me why, I saw the golden vessel of the last days Glory, I saw it. We could see through the roof, worldliness, people bringing the world in God’s house/church. Do not trust your flesh! A lot of preachers are out of tune with God, an Apostle brings order to God’s Church. I saw it. Jesus revealed that worship consisting of rap and rock displeased Him. Even when hundred’s got saved, God can still allow miracles, and not be pleased with your method, like Moses and the Rod/Rock, he hit the rock (1st time he was to hit the rock, 2nd time he was to speak to the rock!)! People want God, not the World! Many want to be accepted… but when they see Jesus split the Red Sea, and healed people, and cast demons out, and we will experience the awesome in Him… the Church looks like the world! What ever the World does the Church does it too! Jesus is the Head of the Church – leaders. If you hear the Word of God and fight it, your Church will be shut down. Jesus said be faithful to preach, David. Jesus took one drop of oil from the Golden Vessel and sent it to the people and the people went into awesome! It used to be that men like Elijah, etc. walked in the power of God, today’s preachers have nothing and I don’t follow them. God still heals/raises the dead. You Christians who say you are Christian and persecute those who are Christians speaking against them; touch not my anointed and do my servants no harm. You persecute other ministers, speak against them and think you are the police of the Church, He is going to shut you down. Who are you to judge another’s minister? Restore, not expose them, where is Jesus in them? God has to bring judgment to the earth, its not anger but Holy from God. Apostles are here to set order in the Church! God is love, He won’t, look out… God can not bring the Glory because they could not handle it, they would drop dead. The Lord said to be faithful. Sin short circuits the power of God. We do not have the greatest services yet. I [David], entered back into my body, I [God] need a man that will stand on the authority of My Word.
§ America Has A Racism Problem: Most are weak, to much rocking to boat, they compromise, the pastors, because they are weak. I believe God’s got 7,000 that never bowed, but the major of the pastors are not right. Jesus is displeased with you, you are not successful, it’s going to burn! Luke 24V46, 47, beginning at Jerusalem, God did not give you all black, all white or all oriental churches, you are out of order! Jesus at our level, Jesus’ don’t have tread locks or afro, form of racism, get free! Jesus is a Jew! With real power, you go to all races! King David felt that Goliath was too big, this was a good thing, I can’t miss him! The greatest level of the Holy Ghost was they spoke the Word of God with power! America has a racism problem. You cannot be racist… in this next move of God. Jesus is the Captain of the Lord of Host and He commands. Get on God’s side, He’s not on the black, white, Mexican, oriental; you do not tell Jesus, He tells you! I saw Jesus, smoke ever where, electricity coming out of His body, Light more than the sun, power coming out of His Throne, bigger than nuclear power, when you see God it humbles you. It isn’t about the color of your skin, it’s about submitting to God! Clean it out, get it together, get it in order. Some black, oriental, white, etc., are in superior in God, you submit. Blacks, Jesus is not a black person, He is a Jew, He looks like a Jew, throw out pictures that have Jesus looking black as a baby, or in your churches as an adult, it is in error! Submit. [Apostle Seer Prophet David E. Taylor, is a man of the black race saying this!]
§ Parents: You parents had better repent about teaching your children to reject or look down on other races! Blacks are good at praising God, and whites are good business people, learn to look at the good, use the good. If they know more than you, go to them for help, you go to the next level, in business or praise or whatever. You can learn from one another. Orientals are very smart in technology! In music, the black people like or have a high beat, the white people want a lower beat, clap together OK!
§ Reformation, Revival, Revelation: Move of God coming! Verse 49, Tarry in Jerusalem, power on high! Out of Egypt have I called My Son… Specific city, the Holy Ghost, tarry in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, it’s going to begin in Jerusalem. In 1985, Gabriel came to me, St. Louis, MO., The Father & Jesus had me come to tell you the beginning Revival in America will be in St. Louis. One of David’s cousins, almost died, was taken to the Throne of God in the spirit/Spirit, God talked to her and told her it was not her time to die, she was talking too much, Jesus held up His finger and she shut down, He told her she would be resurrected, she had been dead for a while, she set up under the white sheet, the doctors were shook! She was resurrected from the dead, she was told some directions from God. I David E. Taylor, heard her testify at my mother’s house. Did the Lord speak to you in a dream to me, she was like age 17, she said in a dream an angel came to me, come I want to show you about St. Louis; people were coming from all over, massive noise, massive healings, legs grew where there were none or amputated, people were expressing they felt heat, feeling heat in their bodies, healed. People came from all over the world, tell David E. Taylor to stay put in St. Louis, MO. David was about to leave, so this was another confirmation. A seven year old was taken to heaven, God showed him what would take place. In heaven, Lord Jesus sits on a smaller Throne than the Father, His is much bigger. They were looking on earth, millions came from all over to St. Louis. The Father’s Throne was empty, Father God was on Earth with David E. Taylor [Coming Revival]. From there I got the Latter Rain. Jesus is coming now in services, but in the Latter Rain the Father’s Coming! James, patience, don’t rush, Jesus has to reap the Harvest. The husbandman is the Father, until the early & latter rain. The Father runs this last move, stay in St. Louis, MO., until you receive the move. The Lord Jesus – Eternal Life gave. The Father, in the Cloud where all can see Him! He comes in the form of a Cloud, it protects us from Him, we would die! God placed this planet three places from the son, clouds for shade, protects us from the heat, and the ozone. The mountains, quake, when the Father comes, because thunder and electricity/lightening is a sign of the Father! When the Father comes down all will see Him; crocked made straight; high made low; etc. In this last hour, all will see God come down. This last move ‘notable of the Lord.’ I saw God come on Earth. A man was raised up off his seat in a service, and God raised up this man! Electricity, sign of the Father, tornado winds, God came in Kathryn Kuhlman meeting, the winds flying, mighty power wind blew for about five minutes, people were healed big time. True prophets carry great power, get the real thing! Great move, will start in America even though set for judgment, still the last greatest move of God will begin in St. Louis, MO., and then move around the World. The greatest move ever, Gabriel said so, in St. Louis! The center is a neutral zone, outskirts bombs hit. St. Louis, President deemed St. Louis City of Refuge, and when the Revival hits, it will last for severn years. You that love God, God will take care of you even though this nation will not repent. Tell God, Lord I am hungry for the move of God, Lord use me in this last hour! Jesus appeared to me, David E. Taylor, every time a Church was to shut down, it has shut down, a city or nation, 100% accurate on prophetic dreams. When Russia attacks America, America will be taken into captivity. 09/10, 2001 David E. Taylor gave this message. God has spoken and we must answer and say, Yes; or will you say, No? and see judgment come, war began in 2001! For twelve years, David E. Taylor prophesied the destruction of America. God showed David E. Taylor that even now Russia is ready to destroy America. When nuclear bombs hit, what I saw in the spirit, whole cities will be destroyed.
§ T.L. Osborne: Was in a country were God the Father came down, all Moslem nation, a Cloud came down, Jesus, all in the Cloud got healed, all saw it, Blood came out! All healed who did not run from the Cloud!
§ Smith Wigglesworth: Cloud of Witnesses – The fullness of your ministry is only revealed when you know your lineage! A Visit to heaven, in the year 2000 Jesus personally took David E. Taylor to Heaven and allowed him to speak with Smith Wigglesworth, the great Apostle of Faith of the 1800’s – 1900’s. Wigglesworth gave him a vital spiritual key if we are to be used in the Final Move of God that is about to hit the earth. That message is on a tape set that the Prophecy Club sells, “Lineage”.
From: This whole section above was taken in quick note form from the meeting where David spoke in Detroit, Michigan, you will need to get his material for perfection, I did the best I could, I wrote quick and fast… however, I cannot tell you all is perfect. Get the material for yourself if you want to check anything.
69.6 04/07, 2004, Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time. Stan Johnson mentioned some items most interesting.
§ Russia has motivated the Arabs to hit our financial institutions, this happened with 9/11/01.
§ David E. Taylor did not know D. Duduman, he heard in 1998 by the Prophecy Club Duduman’s prophetic word that was given. David stated that just before invasion attack, a nationwide black out, was the eastern coast black out a trial run that occurred recently? Stan speaking: In 1991, David, God spoke to this Apostle about the coming invasion of the USA, we also have Henry Gruver, and D. Duduman who received the invasion of the USA. Both David E. Taylor and Henry Gruver got the communications will be knocked out. David also go that in the presidency of George Bush Jr. Russia will attack unless you repent. It will start with Arab/ which the Russians put them up to this, now this happened on 9/11/01. David spoke about the President’s people contacting, for a possible meeting with David E. Taylor. Stan Johnson did all the speaking on this radio broadcast, and he was telling that all the people of the United States and animals will have to fast for 30 days, in order for the invasion not to occur. David E. Taylor got from God, that he was to work with Stan Johnson at the Prophecy Club! [Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, not a comment by David E. Taylor or Stan Johnson: This is probably why Apostle Prophet Nita Johnson released that the invasion is SET, she must have known this would not occur, Nita now was going for an invasion delay of America… and probably a lighter invasion—this would come with repentance and prayer by the Church! This is why she continually says, it will be up to the Church on what will happen in this area of the invasion of America.]
§ Henry Gruver: had a vision, saw ships & planes, as he was looking above the United States. Henry saw the radio communication stopped, America was oblivious of what was happened the attack. Henry saw submarines in our territorial waters, costal cities were bombed, hit with bombs/missiles; nuclear weapons up and down our coast. Henry stated, I heard audible voice, when Russia opens her doors and lets the masses go, free world will be busy with this! Stan does not think its happened yet in its fullness; on 12/14/86 – Glas/Per – cold war occurred. Henry commented, that there was a zig zag line, saw towers, he had never seen the towers in this vision before, like in the vision back when he got this vision in 1986, but now he has seen them, they are cell towers today.
§ Computer Chips: This is what the Russians have planned for years against the United States. To explode nuclear – magnetic pulse, fries up all computer chips – one nuclear bomb fires chips, nothing works with the computers, wake up, no alarm, not T.V., no electric, no car, no ability to do anything. Job gone, pay check gone, no electricity, and all will be fending for themselves. No love, waxed cold! And regarding this invasion of the USA, no pre-tribulation rapture, yet! Cars manufactured at or before 1985 will have no computer chips. To go anywhere you will need to: walked, horse, bike. No sewage, no gas, no car, no heating, & no electricity. As if going back about 100 years; all freezers and refrigerator will not work that use electricity. In the 1929, stock market, 80% were Christians and 20 % were non-christians; 80% were on farms; today – 80% non Christians in America.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, not a comment by David E. Taylor or Stan Johnson: From what we know today in the godly prophetic, it is known that the Bride of the Church will be here when the invasion of the USA occurs, for Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson has mentioned this, apparently she saw them here in a godly vision or dream. Furthermore it is known also that the Bride of the Church does not go through the Great Tribulation which is the wrath period of the Tribulation—Roland Buck received a visit from I think it was angel Gabriel and it was stated & the Bible states it as well. So the Christians who are spreading the false doctrine or lie that there will be no “catching up” at all before the second coming of Jesus and the Millennium Period of 1,000 years are in error! Now in the first week of 08/2006 at a prophetic church meeting in St. Louis (not David E. Taylor’s church), a high level Apostle Seer Prophet who spends about 7 or 8 hours a day as much as he can in prayer, told me personally that Jesus revealed to another Apostle Seer Prophet who is of the level or close to the level that Enoch was, and also spends a huge amount of time in daily prayer, that Jesus revealed that the last Jubilee was 1967 and that the “catching up” or called rapture would occur very soon after the next Jubilee which would be in 2017. You must not tell Christians that the rapture will occur in 2017, that would be false information, it will occur very soon thereafter, God knows the year and time; but He has now revealed to us the season. So we now know the season for the “Catching Up” of the Bride in the Church. Only the Bride will be going up from what the godly Apostle Seer Prophets are revealing, the rest of the Church, the Body of Jesus Christ will have to endure the full Tribulation with all of the many difficult things to get through. Now is the time for you to ask God to give you a personal “report card” evaluation as to whether or not you are the Bride of Jesus Christ. If you are not the Bride, you have but a very short time to get right with God and become the Bride of Christ. —Anonymous Christian)
§ D. Duduman: had visions, invasion of the USA would start with internal revolution in America.
§ Russia Nuclear Warheads: Today we have all kinds of troops from other countries here in America. Stan Johnson mentioned that in one report it was stated that Russia has 7,000 nuclear warheads!
§ Christian Radio Stations Stop Godly Prophetic From Being Released To God’s Church: Church in Kansas, said situation for the Church in Topeka, Kansas; Stan Johnson mentioned that none of the three major Christian radio stations will permit him to have a program, they do not want this kind of information released from their radio stations, Stan mentioned that it was very hard to get a radio station that would allow the truth about these prophetic matters to be released.
69.7 04/12, 2004, Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time. David E. Taylor mentioned some items most interesting.
§ Most Christian Pastors Are In Trouble With Jesus Their Boss: Jesus is displeased with most pastors in America for they have not told the American people the full truth, America is not prepared for the coming invasion.
§ The Gifts and Callings: Were put on you at birth, in your mother’s womb! The GIFTs of the Spirit are different, filled with the Spirit.
§ The ANOINTING: Regarding the anointing destroying the yoke. What most ministers do not know is that different anointing(s) destroy the yoke in specific areas, meaning you need different anointings for different yokes to be destroyed. [Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: Different anointings are needed for different specific areas to destroy different yokes]. The anointing will come for a reason to accomplish, in specific areas! The anointing comes for a reason and season for service, whatever anointing God has placed on you will be met, but other areas are not met. The Anointing is poured for service.
§ You, as a Christian, can stop praying as you should and the oil substance will stay on you for a while. This is what caused Peter’s shadow to heal the sick!
§ Jesus has said: a lot of my people are looking at the person/minister [Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: Those with Gifts or Anointings or in Callings/Ministry positions], and not at Jesus, but when the Glory comes, the people will see Jesus.
§ There is a difference in Gifts and Anointings.
§ The Glory: Fullness of God, all He is, God comes in the room, the Glory; God does not lack anything, but Gifts and Anointings are in specific areas, and so there can be a lack of a specific area. This is the difference with the Glory coming, no lack in no area! A few years ago, early in the 1900’s, falling in the Spirit was not regular, now it is, but the Glory is different. God took me [D.E.T.] to heaven and taught me the Glory, the Glory of God is God Himself.
§ God’s Glory: God is three dimensions—to see God’s back part, or God’s side or God’s face: 1st is Past: God’s back part; 2nd is Present: God’s side; and 3rd is Future: God’s face. You can see certain parts of God’s Glory! Moses saw God’s back part/past. The more you are in God’s Glory you are changed, your face and life is changed. Sin has death, God’s Glory has life. No man can see My Face and live, you will have to be in the future—die. The Glory changes us, after God passed a tree, that dead tree, it will bud. Aaron’s almond rod was by the ARK, Life, so it resurrected and budded.
§ The Glory is ETERNAL: there is not time in eternity. God moves at light—speed. When you are in the Glory you don’t age, Moses 120! If you will get into the Glory enough, and if you wear glasses, you won’t need them, the Glory of God matures. When in light—speed /God’s Glory, you will not age; others not in the Glory will age. This is for the time you are in the Glory. In the Glory time is suspended, it does not exist! When you get caught in the Glory, time is suspended. You can be in a Glory service and it felt like you were there forty minutes, but in reality it was four hours, outside—others aged 4 hours but you aged only forty minutes. People who serve God look younger! There is coming a move of God to earth, God wants to reap the harvest before the Lord Jesus comes back, we are going out with a bang! Jesus is coming back for a glorious Church! We will not be stuck on dehydrated food, just getting by, we got a work to do, a great harvest to bring in. The greatest signs and wonders are about to happen in our generation.
§ The Angel Gabriel came: even though the invasion of the USA will still occur, also a great light moving is coming! Basking in God’s Glory! It will be like 30 minutes but in earth reality time it will be 3 hours, the people outside the Glory will age 3 hours, and the people in the Glory only thirty minutes. This is why Moses looked young at 120, for he was in God’s Glory! God’s Glory wants to get in your skin and body, a body/temple that will radiate and electrify in the Glory of God. If Moses saw God’s face, he would have had to change to the future, for the Glory matures everything: sin or good! In order for you to be in the future, your not going to be here but living with God! —David E. Taylor
69.8 04/13, 2004, Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time. David E. Taylor mentioned some more interesting things.
§ President Bush Jr. is president when war/invasion to America: Stan Johnson mentioned that in 1991, David E. Taylor had over 150 face to face visitations with Jesus, also that during President Bush Sr. in power, David saw in vision, President Bush Jr., war – invasion to America. He has had over 1,000 dreams. Stan stated that David revealed that God will protect those “walking with Him.”
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe comment, not comment by David E. Taylor or Stan Johnson: This does not mean all Christians will be protected, the Christian has to be walking with God—obeying Him, etc., this is usually the Bride of the Church who will be doing this “walking with God.” David E. Taylor saw that Bush Jr. was president when war came to the USA on her homeland soil, now either that will occur after the end of 2007 and before the end of 2008 or God will allow a delay as He did Nineveh, and the invasion through confession and repentance of sins by the Christians—could be delayed for 5, or 10 years? The true American Church—Christians will be the ones to decide if this will occur through their prayers, fastings, confession and repentance of America’s sins—especially abortions, etc. Remember that in 01/2006 it was revealed to Prophet Dan Bohler that if Roe v. Wade abortion law was reversed by the end of 2007, the invasion of the USA would be delayed till after 2010!]
§ The topic David was speaking on was “True and False Prophets”: How to discern between true and false prophets.
§ Fire: Move of fire, result of the Lord Jesus passing by, Jesus comes down, walks up and down isles, healing someone, tumors gone. David said, I’ve seen Him heal someone, He moves so quickly. Learn to learn the moves of the Holy Spirit. To keep up with God, learn His voice, small voice. When God speaks to you, you maybe taking to long to digest it… and thirty minutes later it dawns on you.
§ Prophets: Any prophet who knows all is a liar, for it is line upon line, etc., we prophecy in part, we only have a part.
§ Prophets: Some prophets can really hurt others, when you come in another man’s house, show respect; Jesus is not a pusher, you must let Him in. He will give you the choice or opportunity. The servant is not greater than their master. Do not be arrogant and disrespect authority. The Roman leader said, “I am a man under authority”… because I submit, this is great, genuine faith, to submit to a leader. There are a lot of men and women with an anointing and gifts but their character is messed up, I don’t care how beautiful you are in the spirit, He does not give you the liberty to do… [Sorry I could not write fast enough to finish this line]. We must keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus. We must walk straight. Not arrogance or prideful. God wants to be able to trust you, if He can trust you, He will use you greatly.
§ The Lord moves as speed of light: We must keep up with the voice of God. The Glory is Light.
§ God’s 3 dimensions of Glory: 1st Past: was; 2nd Present: is now; and 3rd Future: is to come! God can go to the end of something and redo, things… like predestination, God goes to the end and then goes back to the beginning—light speed! This was how Phillip traveled in the New Testament.
§ Last hour preaching and prophesying: Gifts, Anointings, and the Glory! The Lord Jesus is not coming back right now, there are some things that need to be done first. God has chosen St. Louis, MO. God also chose Jerusalem, this city was chosen by God. When God is ready to invade the world He chooses a city. The Angel Gabriel came and said, the Father told me to tell you/David, St. Louis! The Revival will last seven years, people will be coming from all over the world, and we will be hearing about it soon! All cities around will get impacted. This Revival/Great Move to America, even though God will judge America.
§ Angel with Power Over The Wind: David spoke of another angel with power over the wind, but I was not able to get it all.
§ Not Anointing, or Gifts, but the Glory: In Eph. in the New Testament, God is coming back for a glorious Church. Glory Church full of Glory. The Gifts come without repentance. Anointing—more difficult to receive, the anointing destroys yolks in specific areas—a price to pay! It only destroys in the area of the specific area; like Jesus told of blind—seeing, bondage – freed/deliverance, etc., specific areas.
69.9 04/15, 2004, Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time. Stan Johnson reveals warnings that David E. Taylor just received from God. Stan made it a point to say that this is a “thus saideth the Lord,” for David E. Taylor told him that, but Stan was speaking and he said that he was only trying to deliver what he could as correctly as he could. Stan was planning on having David E. Taylor on his radio broadcast so David could tell the audience directly exactly word for word what God told him. In short, David had literally 20,000 magazines to one of his normal mailings, to be mailed out, it usually took 30 to 45 days for this type of a mailing. [Stan mentioned something about was God trying to tell us the time and/or was God telling both David E. Taylor and Stan Johnson they had better get their ministries going. Stan Johnson was stating that if judgment does not fall in 30 to 45 days—this would be around 05/06th—I think was close to 30 days and 05/20th was close to 45 days—this does not mean David E. Taylor missed it. Stan also expressed that we were in our last phase in our final opportunity to repent as a nation. If just one nuclear bomb comes can you imagine? Stan was staying D.E.T. called me last night and we talked about 1 ½ hours. And Stan was telling us on the radio basically what D.E.T. stated. Stan mentioned that he does not like quoting these types of things, unless it is on paper form, for he likes to quote accurately. Stan stated when it is a “thus saideth the Lord,” and it is not in writing yet, he felt he was not great at word for word recaps. D.E.T. had the second dream after the Detroit 2004 conference meeting. And the second dream nuclear weapons were used, attacking America, he was only shown two that hit, there could have been more, but he was only shown two, one hit Florida and one hit California. D.E. Taylor called Stan and told him he was shaken—he was crying to the Lord. D.E.T. wants to get this word out but there are only a few meetings to do it in. Stan Johnson expressed that if God is saying 30 to 45 days, and an attack takes place, Stan felt in his thinking that he thought we had either two years, or five years or seven years left before. Stan mentioned when D. Duduman came to America that he the warning went out for about 20 years now, was that enough to God and now was things going to happen? Stan mentioned that the average Christian does not see these warnings! Stan mentioned that the Lord Jesus spoke to D.E.T. and He was not happy with the Pastors in His Church for not warning His people, revealing. Stan Johnson mentioned I thought from what he knew of the prophetic from D. Duduman and others, that apparently the attack would be preceded by an electrical attack, something about the invasion and weapons being laid down. D.E.T. stated to Stan Johnson that he saw people being melted and evaporating. Stan Johnson mentioned that he has an 85,000 people mailing list in warning.]
Stan Johnson mentioned that on 04/6th, David E. Taylor received from God, this was a “thus sayth the Lord Jesus,” Jesus came to David E. Taylor in a godly dream, the Lord spoke to him in the dream and informed David that before he could get all the 20,000 magazines handed out, judgment will fall in America. [David had about 20,000 magazines printed in the dream and has handing these out—before handed out judgment would fall on America, unless the church does some repenting before God to delay this judgment.]
Stan mentioned that David was not exactly sure yet what God means by the message, it could mean several things. So you need to beware of that, you the hearer or reader. It could mean that before the invasion warning message is sent to America or gotten to America, judgment will fall.
When the expression Judgment will fall, could also mean several things, and not the full invasion yet…
I was only able to get what I could, so again for you to get the full details of the broadcast you will need to contact The Prophecy Club for the audio of the radio program for 04/15, 2004.
Something was mentioned about Russia is going to attack, they/Russia has more advanced technology than we do in America now. [Stan Johnson was speaking and he said that God apparently told David E. Taylor that Russia has more superior technology then we have now in America—that is what Stan said God told D.E.T. Stan was expressing that unless America repents or gets this warning message out in a big way…]
Stan mentioned that David felt the godly dream meant what was literally stated, that before David’s ministry could get the 20,000 magazines out, unless America repents enough, or message gets out in a bigger way, judgment will be coming to America.
[Since David got this on 04/06, 2004, you can count the 30 to 45 days it normally takes David and his people to get one of his mailings out, these 20,000 magazines. This will take you to around 05/05th 2004 being 30 days and 05/20th being 45 days – counting from 04/06, 2004 when the dream occurred.]
[Comment not by David E. Taylor or Stan Johnson: As you can see 05/05, 2004 has passed, so this date was not what God was warning about, or there was enough confession and repentance from some in the Church to delay whatever was to occur. It is possible and it appears so, that the godly dream is referring to something else in the future in David E. Taylor’s ministry and with magazine mailings; this is the main reason this is prophetic word is left in this invasion collection. America has seen some severe judgments after 2004, such as the Gulf Coastline and New Orleans destruction during 08/2005, and all the other hurricanes, etc. More are coming!]
Stan was stating that David told him this was “thus saidth the Lord”… but Stan said he talked with David on the phone and Stan is not giving his audience this word for word, he is having David on the program tomorrow to do it, that will be 04/16, 2004.
Apparently if it is understood correctly, that within 30 to 45 days from 04/06, 2004 we could see judgment on America, if a lot of repentance for America does not go up to God!
David told Stan it was typical for it to take David about 30 to 45 days to get one of his 20,000 magazine mailings out.
Stan, mentioned again that they were not 100% sure what this totally means yet. But that it was known that America is in the last stages for America to repent, before judgment.
Stan mentioned that David E. Taylor called Stan last night with this on 04/14, 2004, and David will be on Stan’s radio program on tomorrow, 04/16, 2004 with the details, to tell you personally.
Stan mentioned a second dream that David E. Taylor had after the Detroit, MI meeting that was just held in 2004. David was lifted above the earth, he saw missiles hit, only saw two hit. One hit Florida and one hit California, more could have been sent but David only saw two in the dream. David expressed to Stan he was shaken deeply. This attack could take place as soon as 30 to 45 days from 04/06, 2004. Stan expressed to the audience that he, Stan had figured we had either two years, or five years, or even seven years before the invasion, but now is pondering what is occurring with this warning just given by David E. Taylor.
Stan, spoke further about how the warning is trying to get out to America and the Church, and that God is very concerned with the level of sins with people, pastors and His Church, and that His Church is not teaching the truth. Stan expressed to the listeners that The Prophecy Club needs to get on 80 Radio stations to get this message out to America… and needs funds to do this! He also expressed that your money will do you no good after an invasion. He spoke about what are you as a Christian doing to warn America?
Stan, spoke about David saw people melting, and evaporating… before his eyes.
69.10 05/10, 2004, Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time—quick notes taken, may not be perfectly accurate get the radio program tapes for perfect accuracy for the week of programs:
§ 05/10/04 Stan Johnson Radio Program: Next few days David E. Taylor will on regarding a judgment coming and the time involved, and the 2nd dream of two nuclear attacks. David E. Taylor saw subs with nuclear weapons – shortly coming to hit American cities. D.E.T. had dream/s & 150 visitations face to face with Jesus—Jesus told D.E.T. he was given a miracles ministry; and Russian attack & defeat America. D. Duduman got internal, happened on 9/11/04 fulfilled, we have been attacked & already as a nation are starting to fall even now!
§ Ephesians 2—Prince, power of the air, only one=prince, but has a kingdom. Prince has a kingdom… demons; prince has a host under him he controls to work for him.
§ Christians get caught up in what the world does: Example: like britches off their butts, do not follow, you know not what evil spirits are involved in this, this is the world. A so called good looking thing is not a God thing. The spirit it came from is in prison, homosexuals; new prisoners are sexually abused; easy access that is what the britches hanging off the butt means; the britches are worn down low for when they come in the prisons to rape you! Someone came out of the jail/prison system and the world made a fad out of it… stores made cloths now like this; but it is the idea of a demon, evil spirits. Jesus was transparent. When you wear your britches down, you tell homosexuals you are ‘easy access!’ You are ready to bend over! Stop the evil spirits now!
§ Men wearing earrings in their ears, an evil spirit is involved: Jesus told David evil spirits, malikites, rebellious, they wore earrings in their ears as rebellious against God, even Christians men are doing this today; it is an evil spirit behind it; do you know where it came from? That evil spirit has come down the generations and hit our generation! This is an evil spirit that has traveled. Get your life right, change or stay the same way? Get the earring off your tongue, naval, and ears, these are evils spirits, get out of Babylon, come out from among the demons, do not partake with them. Ask God to clean you! Give God the praise! Get cleaned up… the right Spirit!
§ Keep worshiping God strong, it attracts God; when you fat you seek God; when you worship He seeks you, don’t look around; you keep yourself focused on HIM/God; when He comes you tell HIM what you need and He will answer you. Remain in worshiping HIM, not jumping up and down but worship HIM. You must understand all sickness, and wickedness is all the result of demonic; Jesus told me to tell His people that because you do not see demons you do not think they exist; but if the veil into the supernatural was rolled back you would see demons setting on cars, all over, etc.; the highest priority for demons is to get into people—you!
§ Get humility—do what God tells you to do immediately, do not be stubborn or rebellious. … in your belly, the Kingdom of God comes; healing, deliverance, saving souls; raising of the dead; etc., this is the Kingdom of God; this is a witness. Preaching & witness both together; will consist of signs and wonders, miracles! The reason not the work done as Jesus did; we preach the seven or ten steps program; but the Kingdom of God is saving souls; raising the dead, healings; demons cast out, deliverance, etc.
§ Many people were molested while young, and now have homosexual feelings from evil spirits; confess and repent and give your life to Jesus; confront demons; do not allow them to molest your little boys or girls. Public schools are pushing homosexuals agendas, I believe D.E.T. told that God had him remove his children from public schools; men kissing men in front of the classes of children to plant seeds into the children of homosexual. Homosexual is one of the ruling or the ruling princes of America, and we need to take them evil spirits down in Jesus Christ.
§ Jesus is not coming back until it is time, the real Gospel is preached, and it will include signs, wonders and miracles. Preaching and witness, both! Then the end will come, immediately after the tribulation of those days… we will go into part of the tribulation but not when the antichrist reigns fully, for the Holy Spirit is restraining him now, the Holy Spirit is great power in the earth today… the antichrist can be here now reigning but not he is limited UNTIL the Holy Spirit is gone!
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: Some do not think the Holy Spirit can or would be taken back to heaven, but it was that way before the Holy Spirit was sent down here by Father God on Pentecost when the N.T. Church started! Since He was sent He can return to Heaven! But, after the Church Age is completed the Holy Spirit will work in a different mode or way, here on this earth.]
§ It is not enough to sit on the pews as Christians; you are to rise up for all the whole universe is waiting on YOU, to rise up, no longer a babe in Christ and fed with milk. You are to grow up in the Spirit of God. There is a difference between a servant/babe and that is when you go into SONSHIP; do not stay a babe spiritually. All babes know is ‘Jesus don’t let me go’. It is time to mature to FULL measure of/in Jesus. The result of all sickness is demonic power, an evil spirit, there are NO gray areas!…
69.11 Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time— Regarding The Prophecy Club/Stan Johnson and David E. Taylor: A friend in Jesus, got the radio program earlier than I will get it [I will probably get it on 5/13]... and Stan Johnson has had David on the radio.
Either way, she gave a few items on the radio program that I thought you may want to read, remember I asked her to just give me a run down of what she could remember from the broadcast, so this is not word for word, if you want perfect or even close to perfect call The Prophecy Club and get the radio tape—personally I am glad she could remember this much to tell me—here is basically what she sent me from the broadcast:
"Stan asked David E. Taylor to tell us what exactly he saw. He saw the missiles come up, and pass by him and Jesus in the heavens. He saw them land in Florida, and in California. He saw nuclear devastation. He believes there is not a 'set' time on these missiles, other than it is REALLY close to occurring if we don't pray, get the invasion/war message out. He is meeting in Washington in the next few weeks with high level government people (maybe he said congressmen) to discuss the situation of Russia and where they are at in secret plans to attack us.
Stan told of a dream he had recently. It was rather crude. He felt that the message was about America and her position with impending judgment, and he was given a time on the clock when he woke up, that he believes signifies the date of this event/judgment. He is not releasing the date, as the date isn't the point, the message of repentance is the point.
David Taylor strongly felt that the dream was of God and that the interpretation was correct. That Stan was right on, in essence, there is really nothing NEW here, rather the urgency of the message is CLEAR. The message must get out.
David said that the Lord told him that TV and the crusades were going to happen, and that He would arrange for the finances to come in to do this. Getting the message out must include TV. TV is very expensive so the money MUST come in, or the nation cannot be warned...
Also, David prayed for sick people on the radio... The anointing on David's radio prayer was strong. Have anyone you know that is sick listen and agree in prayer. There will be many healings. I could feel Holy Spirit all over my body. Powerful prayer, spoken softly, so sweet.
David will be back in Michigan in Lansing, next month. He said that he will be talking more about his actual visitations. Jesus told him to make a whole session to talk about it. Probably an afternoon session. We are all to be having visitations and relationship with Him like David is having. He is to tell us how to do that."
05/11, 2004, Prophecy Club Radio Program — On 930 AM @ 11:00 A.M. Central Standard Time— Stan Johnson was speaking about David E. Taylor’s two godly dreams: 1st little time left & 2nd missiles hitting America: Florida and California. He went on t0 discuss is America in Bible prophecy? He said to read: Revelation 18; Jeremiah chapters 50 & 51; and Isa. 13. Stan went on to tell of Revelation 18, Babylon fallen—we are heading toward it fast. He was telling of the 30 million aborted babies blood crying out from the ground, homosexuals, evil side of Hollywood & music, Washington D.C.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: I have learned it was closer to 80 million aborted babies in America—for China it is far more than 80 million aborted babies since there are over 1.3 billion and they are only allowed 1 child, as well as many families did not want their female daughters so they had them killed so they could have a male child to carry the family name.]
Stan Johnson was making a very interesting point, other countries have gone into awful sins, [look at China where she has killed a massive amount of babies], and Stan was discussing the possible real reason why America is being judged now. He thought and felt it was because America has taken God as her God, and all nations know this. So judgment begins at the house of God the Church and a nation that has taken God as their God—America. Judgment of God begins at His house, His people! What is it that God is so upset about and would allow this nation to be pulled down over? All nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of fornication. What is fornication—married to one and going after another. God called Jews—God was husband to the Jews/Israel, and they were His wife in Hosea—pictures a harlot wife. The Church is the Bride of Jesus. Jews already married to Yahveh/YHVH God.
When you pull people away from God, the wine of the wrath of fornication. We in America have participated in going away from God. Here is what is getting America in trouble along with the other reasons… we are pulling other nations away from God. American movies are worldwide and full of corruption, filthy movies from America in Turkey, Japan, Mexico, France, all around the world, Stan was mentioned he was there in these countries and as he flew he saw them on the planes, etc. The world watches American movies. It is not just the filthy movies, but also music, and print media as well. The whole world looks up to America, all want to be like us/Americans, for we are successful—wanting to follow America—straight to the pit of hell.
When D. Duduman got to America, he was amazed at the filth, for Americans had taken holy bible to them in his country.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: So was Apostle Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj—he came to America and was so delighted for He thought we were such a godly country, he was stunned at the filth here.]
For all the nations of the world have cooperated with going away from God.
When you look at America, the rich or poor nations do, even if they hate America, or are jealous of her, they want to be LIKE US! Many think of America as arrogant, when these other nations are not there yet in perfection—many Americans are not patient with them for they want perfection immediately in these foreign nations and it is just not there yet.
Today we in America do not walk in the nine fruits of the Spirit, but many walk in Pride. First we in America need to stop sinning, and stop exporting the filth to other nations.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: Christians, stop now and pray this prayer right now, Heavenly Father God, I confess & repent of all sins, of myself, my family, my original and extended family members and all that any Americans have done in& with all the ungodly movies, music and printed material as well as all other areas, and especially in the area of pride; heavenly Father please forgive me and us Americans—and come with Your goodness Lord Jesus to lead Americans back to You in repentance and obedience; and I pray for all nations around the world that they would somehow come to know you God event though America has not been a good example in these days, help the other nations to come to know You, God in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!]
All nations have cooperated to sin against God, this filth came from America and the other nations went along with it. The reason God can be judging our nation America is because we Americans are causing corruption of other nations, when we used to be winning people to Jesus. Corruption spreads like a fungus or cancer will spread, it can start with a mold, you have to watch it, when it changes color, you can have cancer.
If God did not stop America she would corrupt the whole WORLD. Either we stop the filth here, and sending it out or judgment! In America—what are the chances anyone in authority will listen to the warnings? In Nineveh—they received the prophet, received the word, and acted on the warning and the judgment got delayed, they repented.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: We are aware in America that there are many wonderful crusades going on worldwide with Benny Hinn, R. Bonnke, Todd Bentley, and many others, but what Stan is saying is that the overall of America has now sent to other nations filth a great deal, in ungodly movies, music, printed word and actions and attitudes; yet we claimed God as our God. God is judging the church first and the nation that claims Him as God, that is America and I might add probably Israel also! God is America’s God! And He blessed her to bless the world to come to know HIM! But the devil has had a field day and many in America have yielded to him and opened doors, it has enlarged itself now to the point that as a nation we Americans are causing major damage to other nations by our filth, which is ungodly. At the same time God has not left us entirely, for He is using President Bush and others in America to work out His plan against the devil and the antichrist until they will be allowed their time as shown in the book of Revelation. Both are occurring today in America, God is using many and so is the devil, but in the overall of it, the nation has turned to the ungodly a great deal and in doing so, filth has spread to the other nations from this so called Godly nation under God, the God of the Holy Bible! Of course God will judge such a thing, a nation claiming Him as their God, along with a Church with His name as well.]
The after the bombs hit, we tried on the radio Stan states to warn the nation and it’s peoples especially the church. But many will say, you never told me, Stan was telling how he would tell them but it takes money to get radio stations and many radio stations will not permit what He reveals on their stations even, that is also true of godly radio stations as well. Stan was stating he is doing the best he can, they mortgaged their home in warning America.
69.12 05/05, 2003, Godly Dream, A Dream 05/05th, 2003 With Dumitru Duduman In It—“The Season Of Sorrow" —Dear Brethren,
Jeremiah 10:12-13, “He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens at His discretion. When He utters His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens: and He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasuries.
It was 05/05, and it had been six years since my grandfather had gone to be with the Lord. I spent the day with my little brother Daniel, the only other member of the family currently in the US, and we kept the memory of our grandfather alive by remembering. We remembered him not as Reverend Duduman, or the Romanian man who had dreams, but as what he was to us, simply grandpa. The man who bounced us on his knee while we were still toddlers, the man who became our instant hero when he stood in the middle of a river on a hot summer’s day, and proceeded to catch fish with his bare hands. It was a good time of bonding for us as brothers, and we both came away with the conclusion that even after all this time, we still missed him a great deal.
That night, after prayer, I went to bed and I had a dream. I dreamt I was on a very high ridge, with a great valley spanning out beneath me. The night was calm, the moon and stars shining brightly in the sky. As I looked around trying to get my bearings, I was stunned to see my grandfather standing next to me. He looked young and vibrant, his hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.
“Interesting times ahead my boy, interesting times ahead,” he said. For a minute I was so shocked I couldn’t say anything. Finally I blurted out the only thing that came to mind, “They’ve been interesting ever since you left. Trial after trial, hardship after hardship.”
“Now you know how Jesus felt when He walked the earth,” he answered, “always doing good, always in the Father’s will, yet always mocked and rejected, always misunderstood and despised. Besides, it was all a test anyway.”
“A test of what?” I asked.
“For you personally, God wanted to see if you would stay true to your calling even when all seemed lost. He was preparing you and purging you, refining you, for the time when He will use you, and speak to you as He spoke to me.”
Before I could say anything he lifted his hand to stop me. His fingers were no longer crooked from his arthritis they were straight, and normal.
“I know what you’re going to say my boy, it’s not what you want, it’s not what you asked for. But you should know by now it is the task you were chosen for. In this you have no choice, besides where can you hide from the face of God. Men have tried before, look how it turned out in the end. To reject what God has planned for you is to deny God. You know what the consequences are.”
Unable to find the words to answer, I simply nodded my understanding, and allowed him to continue speaking.
“As for why the ministry had to go through what it went through, God has already spoken that to your heart. You already know the answer. God wants all that know of this work, to be certain of one thing. It is He who sustains it; it is He who blesses it, and not the hands of men or their gimmicks. Do you think any of it would still be here after all that has happened if not for God? Never doubt God’s promises concerning this work, or His ability to fulfill them. Hope in God never disappoints, hope in man always leads to disillusionment.”
“Now for the reason I am here. I was sent to show you something. Look and see,” he said, pointing down to the valley below. As I looked, I saw the outline of a map of America then the outlines of states began taking shape. As I continued to watch this map solidify, small lights began to flicker on and off in some of the states. I recognized California, Illinois, Michigan, Arizona, Washington State, Florida, and New York, among the states that lit up. The light was rhythmic, almost like a homing beacon, constant in its progression. I continued watching the lights go on and off, waiting for something else to happen, but nothing did. Finally I said, “I don’t understand. What does this mean?”
“These are the places where those who were sent here long ago, to bring fear and cause chaos, have situated themselves. They lie in waiting, planning and plotting destruction. They are as coiled serpents, looking forward to the hour when they will be loosed upon this nation. If God’s children pray, once more he will delay the season of sorrow that is yet to come.”
We stood on the ridge in silence for a long time. After awhile the lights stopped flickering in the valley below, and the map began to fade away. Suddenly my grandfather turned his head toward the east, and began to sniff the air as he used to do. “Storm’s coming my boy, and it’s a bad one,” he said. “Now give an old man a hug, and let me be on my way. Be vigilant and work while you still can, it’s all God asks of any of His servants. If the Father wills it, we will speak again.”
As I hugged my grandfather, I began to hear the rumbling of a great storm. The sky darkened overhead, and the booming of thunder was now audible. In my dream I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was in my bed, awake. I wiped at my cheeks with the back of my hand, and realized I had been crying. As my eyes began to adjust to the dark, I saw that my wife was sitting up in bed, staring at me. When I asked her why she wasn’t sleeping, she said I’d been talking in my sleep for over thirty minutes. I tried going back to sleep but sleep would not come. Finally I gave up trying, went into the kitchen and prayed until morning.
Over the past few days, I have spent much time in prayer as to whether I should share this dream or not. I believe that I am supposed to, and this is why I have included it in this issue of the newsletter. My prayer is that no one would perceive it as a reason for fear, but rather a reason to hope. God hears the prayers of His children, and as long as He encourages us to pray, we must do so without reservation. The day will come, a day I anticipate with great dread, when God will speak to His children as he spoke to Jeremiah, and say do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry for them any longer. For now, while we still can, may we ceaselessly bring our petitions before the Lord.
May the grace of the living Savior abound in you, and may the peace of our risen Lord be ever present in your heart. As always, your prayers are coveted, and our prayers are with you.
Jeremiah 18:7-10, “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it.” With love in Christ, Michael Boldea Jr.”
§ God told D.E.T.—He said, unless we really get the warning out quick the judgment could come before the 20,000 magazines—which is just a marker in time, got 20,000 done; while you are holding these IT CAN HAPPEN, but I got to get these out so an opportunity is given to repent; watch and pray, accounted worthy to escape. Meaning some will not be aware of when it HITS, it will just hit… we are divinely commissioned by Jesus to get this message out and affect the world.
§ Stan Johnson had a dream on 05/09, 2003, I was only able to get parts of the dream as fast as I could write. He was lying down for an afternoon nap, he was going off to sleep, and was thinking about our loving God. In the dream Stan wanted it understood that he was representative of America, you needed to know this right up front. Stan was floating in the ocean, a navy man came floating, he may have been an office, this navy man was going fast, and now he went down under the water like a submarine, a voice stated: nuclear conflict; saw white sub marines moving, a hole I saw, I heard “jump in” ; so he apparently jumped into the hole like of a submarine, once in the sub, Stan mentioned he needed to go immediately to the toilet to purge himself. He was able to locate the bathroom, something about a hole, there was no hole for purging, some men came and laughed at Stan and Stan decided to go to the bathroom later instead. A mention of where is my locker, and they told him, you get a lock with a bar with 15 locks, Stan reached to take out a lock, someone took lock #3, what’s the combo? A musical song was done, something like ‘da nt don don’t’… Stan woke up. He was impressed to immediately take note of the time on the clock, it had meaning—3 digits, the numbers represented a date Stan stated—something about nuclear to USA. This whole godly dream will show up probably in Stan’s next newsletter or you can hear it now at the above website. Stan stated that D. Duduman said if enough prayed, God would give a date of the invasion. Stan mentioned that the dream was about America and conflict, subs, conflict, world will laugh at America & America was trying to purge herself, locker=things we want to keep/secure, lock=inability for America to protect herself. Most battles are won with timing and blessing but the next battle we will not get God’s blessing. Launch codes are set=3 digits date, America is scheduled for nuclear conflict and it is soon! The date is set. Launch codes are set! Stan mentioned Jer. 50V9=Arrows, ‘shalt at her spare no arrows’. D.E.T. mentioned that it is of God this dream Stan Johnson had, God is saying… we need to listen before it is to late! Stan finished up with he and his ministry along with D.E.T. was trying to warn America, needed prayers, repentance and money, who would join to get this message out! Stan Johnson usually reminds us that D. Duduman stated it will start with an internal revolution in America.
From: Audio tape: David Taylor, Testimonies & The Future Of America, Air Date on the Sid Roth Show, Messianic Vision, 12/15 – 12/19/03, Messianic Vision, P.O. Box 1918, Brunswick, GA 31521, 912.265.2500, www.sidroth.org, e-mail: info@sidroth.org. Davie E. Taylor, Resurrection Media Ministries International, e-mail: MiraclesToday@sbcglobal.net, www.MiracleInvasion.org . David E. Taylor, Kingdom Of God International Church, US Headquarters, 2915 Patterson Road, St. Louis, MO.
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe, comment not by David E. Taylor: Again, I grabbed bits and pieces of this broadcast, as much as I could write, so this is not word for word but a summary! It appears to me that there were two dreams, they may or may not be connected even. One dream is in 30 or 45 days from 04/06, 2004 and spoke of some level of judgment—now this could be current or for some future event to occur. The other dream spoke of missile hitting Florida and California somewhere – this could be a separate time frame event, and not connected with the first dream – this event maybe even connected with the limited judgment coming to America for the dividing of the land in Israel? Again, David will explain things more tomorrow on 04/16, 2004 on the radio broadcast.
About the author… David E. Taylor is first and foremost a servant of Jesus Christ, which allows him to minister as an apostle, prophet, and healing evangelist. He serves as the founder of Resurrection Media Ministries, International [RMMI] and Senior Pastor of the Kingdom of God for All Nations International Church… Before the age of 27, the Lord had graced David E. Taylor to have established churches of 1500 to 2000 people and others of lesser numbers…
He is also the author of three powerful books entitled: “The Voice Of God” & “Inheritance by Lineage: A Visit To Heaven,” also “Victory Over Pride, Triumph In Humility.”]
From: Audio tape: David Taylor, Testimonies & The Future Of America, Air Date on the Sid Roth Show, Messianic Vision, 12/15 – 12/19/03, Messianic Vision, P.O. Box
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: About the author… David E. Taylor is first and foremost a servant of Jesus Christ, which allows him to minister as an apostle, prophet, and healing evangelist. He serves as the founder of Resurrection Media Ministries, International [RMMI] and Senior Pastor of the Kingdom of God for All Nations International Church… Before the age of 27, the Lord had graced David E. Taylor to have established churches of 1500 to 2000 people and others of lesser numbers…
He is also the author of three powerful books entitled: “The Voice Of God” & “Inheritance by Lineage: A Visit To Heaven,” also “Victory Over Pride, Triumph In Humility.]
From: Audio tape: David Taylor, Testimonies & The Future Of America, Air Date on the Sid Roth Show, Messianic Vision, 12/15 – 12/19/03, Messianic Vision, P.O. Box 1918, Brunswick, GA 31521, 912.265.2500, www.sidroth.org, e-mail: info@sidroth.org. Davie E. Taylor, Resurrection Media Ministries International, e-mail: MiraclesToday@sbcglobal.net, www.MiracleInvasion.org .
70.1 1992, Vision, Visions Of America’s Judgment & Russia vs. America — Bro. Tom Deckard is a Messianic Jew and a Prophet who has been 100% accurate with every prophetic word and vision. Bro. Deckard has prophesied to presidents, prime ministers, and leaders all over the globe.
Fulfilled prophecies: The events of 9-11 two years earlier, the AIDS Epidemic two years prior, the end of the Cold War a year earlier, the fall of the Berlin Wall a year before, the Mississippi River flood six months earlier, and both wars with Iraq.
Future prophecies: Russia vs. America, the economy, banks closing, hunger, slavery, wars in the Middle East, old diseases will reviving, world wide plagues, serpent attacking the church, Aids growing, Famines, Hurricanes, Desert Storm, No more sweeping revivals for America, Waco, Sorrows have begun, and the great deception.
If you want to know the future don't miss Visions of America's Judgment! (The Prophecy Club)
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. Ezekiel 33:6
1992, Vision, The Sword In The Land -- This is one of the visions God has shown Tom that he will be sharing at The Prophecy Club meetings throughout the USA.
In 1992, I was given a vision by the Lord. I was driving down the road, and the windshield lit up as God took me into a vision.
I saw in an open field a beautiful sword that was driven into the earth at an angle. The sword was 60 or 70 feet tall, and the handle of the sword was golden.
The Lord said He had now taken peace from the earth and that the United States and world would be in great tumult.
Riots that were then taking place in California were the beginning of what would one day end in civil unrest in this country.
I also saw that the day would come when a police state will exist and be ordered by our government to control the people. The government will try to take the guns from the people and will fail for a number of years, but in the end they will prevail. Once the people have lost their right to own and bear arms, it will be very easy for the government to control the masses.
I also saw in the vision our military shooting and killing our own people. One of the soldiers threw down his weapon and said that he would no longer take part in the killing of his fellow countrymen.
Family members will up against each other saying all manner of evil against one another, even to killing each other; father against son, and son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother.
The government will be torn apart because of their battling against each other.
A time will come when the government will say that the Constitution of this nation is old and we need to change it to fit our society of today. I saw the government allowing God to be taken out of the lives of all who live here, calling it freedom of religion.
Racial problems will become worse after an extended time of what seemed to be restoration between ethnic groups.
Gangs in the cities will have open warfare on the street with automatic weapons. Police forces around the country will have to buy automatic weapons in order to compete against the firepower of these gangs.
Metal detectors will be installed in the schools of our larger cities to protect students from other students who come in with guns. I saw such violence in the schools that children will be afraid to attend.
During sporting events, fights will break out and people will be killed.
Drug problems will become worse, destroying thousands of families, who will send their children into homes for others to raise them.
I watched as the family unit became one--parent families instead of husband and wife.
Men and women were living together rather than marrying.
Check The Prophecy Club website for speaking Tour dates, for there are many more details that have not been revealed yet from Tom Deckard...
From: The Prophecy Club, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, Kansas 66675; Phone: 785-266-1112; Fax: 785-266-6200, www.prophecyclub.com .
71.1 02/11, 1992, Prophetic Dream & Resurrection From The Dead & Visions, Warnings For America — On 02/11, 1992, I was in Sikkim. That night, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw a yellow airplane hovering all over the world. As I was constantly watching that airplane, I saw fire coming out of the airplane; the flames of fire came down in several different groups all over the world. When that fire touched the earth, it turned a sort of shining green color. But the fire was used as a lethal poison, since it took the nature of poison itself. The fire dropped into small and great rivers, into seas and oceans, into small and large villages, and into forests.
As I was seeing these events in my dreams, in my spirit, I was taken to America. I saw the fire dropping into the oceans, rivers and lands. The rivers that the fire dropped into became poisonous. The fire that dropped over land produced smoke and poison which mixed with the air. These are signs of the last day’s sickness, violence and crime.
Then I saw, in America, a type of temple, a satanic temple. Many people were walking on a road through the left side of the temple. They had long weapons, which looked like swords, in their hands and they were coming out the right side of the temple with dangerous looks on their faces. Inside the temple, there were many satanic idols and blood sacrifices.
I saw, in America, different colors and races of people: black and white, tall and short, etc. I saw the riots and wars were going to break out in the third and fourth months of 1992. I saw that there were people who were saying, “Now is the time for war,” and the people were collecting weapons and ammunition.
In the future, satanic activities in America will increase dangerously. The war will begin from satanic activities; there will be an increase of murder, people will use arms and ammunition to kill each other, and many will be destroyed. The main satanic movement [or center] comes from the Southwest part of the country.
This same dream and vision was repeated to me on 08/11, 1993, in regard to the U.S.A. This time I saw three types of fire dropping from airplanes over America. The first fire that dropped started from the West Coast of America, near the ocean, swept through the homes and forests of coastal land, and went toward the east. This was an actual fire.
The second type of fire that dropped from the airplane was the shining green fire that represents sickness, disease, war, violence and calamities. The third type of fire, which I saw at the end of the dream, represents the fire of revival in America. The fire of that Holy Spirit is going to sweep through the nation of America soon.
On 10/10, 1990, and again on 01/18, 1992, I had another vision. I was in Sikkim when this vision was revealed to me the second time. I saw a round–shaped clock, which was ready to strike 12 o’clock. Both the hour and minute hands were fixed on 12 and the spring was wound tightly. As I was watching that clock, I saw a fire coming out of the keyhole for winding the spring.
The meaning of the vision is this: The time has fully come for all the signs to appear throughout the world. There will be all sorts of signs of the final hour all over the world. There will be signs of great pain, affliction and calamities. One country will call another country for help, but the signs of the events and problems of the nations will be beyond their help.
The fire that comes out of the keyhole of the clock is this: The heat of the sun will be intensified greatly all over the world. Many places of the world will be caught in fire and destroyed by fire and even the human beings will be burned with intense heat of the sun. The same vision was repeated on 01/21, 1992.
On 02/27, 1994, I heard a sound from Heaven and the voice said that between 6th and 7th months of 1994, all over the world many unusual events shall take place and many, many people will die, including many Christians. All over the world dangerous and fearful signs and wonders will increase!
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Yusuf Rai, who lives in Sikkim, is a modern day prophet who operates in vision and dreams. In 1986, he died of tuberculosis for eight hours, when he was still a Hindu. But God raised him from the dead. When Brother Rai received his life back, he woke up praising the Lord! He was not educated beyond fifth grade and worked as a manual laborer for many years. But, after being raised from the dead, he immediately began preaching the Gospel and the Lord immediately began to show him the present and coming events of the world in vision and dreams. Brother Rai has not been to many places within his own country, yet the Lord has given him some unusual visions and dreams about America, China, India, Nepal and other countries, many of which have already come to pass. Published by Gautam Silal, 2875 E. Parker Road, Plano, Texas 75074.]
From: The binder “The Day Of The Lord Is Near,” Volumes I-IV, a collection of prophecies, visions and dreams, Gwen Shaw, End-Time Handmaidens & Servants at Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Arkansas, 72641-0447, 870.446.2252, $25.00.
71.2 1992, Vision, Destruction Of America — while praying in the basement of my home, I saw the sky over America fill with many black, stealth bombers. There were no markings on any of the planes. Then the scene changed, and I saw nuclear explosions all around me! Then the scene changed again, and I saw the terrible aftermath of the nuclear holocaust. Not all but much of America as we know it today, was destroyed. And again, for the fourth time, the scene changed, and I saw hoards of oriental soldiers marching through all of the areas of America that had not been bombed. They had bayonets fixed to their rifles, and were destroying everyone and everything in their way. Then the vision ended.
71.3 1992, Vision, Exploding Eagle — while praying in the basement of my home, I saw a vision of a bald eagle soaring through the sky. I knew the eagle represented America. Suddenly, the eagle exploded, and the vision ended!
71.4 03/09, 1993, Vision, The Crippled Eagle — I saw an extremely large eagle. It had a small, round, white-looking implant on each side of it’s neck. It was stuffed and mounted with it’s wings spread out in a flying position. It was in a large room with mirrors encircling it. Underneath the eagle was a round pedestal which would raise up and down like a barber chair. The eagle was immobile, but the moving pedestal and the mirrors gave it the illusion of flying! [The eagle represented America] America seems alive, but in God’s eyes, the plum line has been set! “…I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” Revelation 3:1b
71.5 03/29, 1993, Vision, The Black Pope — I was taken in the spirit to the Vatican. I entered directly into the room where the Pope was. The doors and furnishings were made of massive wood. Pope John Paul II was sitting in a chair, dressed in his white robe. He seemed very relaxed. I ministered to him by singing in Latin. Although I knew I was ministering to him. I did not understand what I was singing since I do not know Latin. I could not help but cry while I sang. The Pope also wept while I sang because he understood what I was singing. I could see that his heart was good. But then I saw him wrapped in ropes, which represented him being bound by the control of the Catholic Church. Then he died.
Then the scene changed, and I was outside somewhere. Another man, whom people called “The Black Pope,” took the first Pope’s place. [I do not know if he was a black man, or if they just called him “The Black Pope.”] He was dressed in a black hooded, long robe. His face was hidden. He stretched out his left hand toward a being, shaped like a man. This being looked like an entity of light. Then the entity [False Prophet] extended his left hand toward the heaven. [This represented the “Black Pope” introducing the False Prophet to the world.] Then I returned home again, and the vision ended as suddenly as it had begun.
From: book “A Cry For A Deliverer” by Earlene Wallace, ISBN: 0-964647-0-0. Book forwarded by Henry Gruver, 03/1995
72.1 07/22, 1992, Dream, Judgment Is Coming To America — A dream awakened me on 07/22, 1992 at 2:50 AM. The dream is as follows:
My husband and I with our children were in a shopping center. When we finished shopping, we got in the car and were driving away. A short distance down the road, in a line of traffic, suddenly a group of about 20 Russian men on motorcycles separated a section of the traffic and forced us to pull over to the side. They were dressed in sharp black uniforms like very expensive motorcycle uniforms and helmets, and they carried machine guns. I said, “If we had been about 2 minutes earlier…” meaning we would have been ahead of this group and would not have been caught. We were all frightened because we did not know what they were going to do with us. We still thought of them as our enemies.
After we all got out of our cars and were herded into a place together beside the road, while the Russians walked among the crowd holding their machine guns on us, one of the Russians carrying a machine gun who appeared to be their leader said, “Judgment Is Coming To America. The Only Way You Can Prevent It Is For You All To Pray!” Then he talked about how the churches were full of homosexuals, even the pastors, and he had chosen us because he knew we were a true church. Somehow we were all from the same church.
So, with the black uniformed Russians walking among us having their machine guns turned on us forcing us to pray, all the people got down on their knees and started to pray. The Russians were scattered among the crowd, silently walking among us with their machine guns as a school teacher would silently walk among her class while a test is in progress. One of the men came over to me and said, “Your husband not only has a pastor, but he also has a friend.” I knew he was talking about our pastor. Even the little children were on their knees praying.
From: The binder “The Day Of The Lord Is Near,” Volumes I-IV, a collection of prophecies, visions and dreams, Gwen Shaw, End-Time Handmaidens & Servants at Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Arkansas, 72641-0447, 870.446.2252, $25.00.
73.1 11/01, 1994, Prophetic Word, The Great Russian & American War —I have been somewhat pleased that the people of this country have looked toward Me and sought Me in some ways. But I have not been pleased in the way they have sought for me. They have looked for a god that would excuse them of their sin and their evil ways and their evil ends that they have longed for in their hearts. ...[Edited]...
Therefore because of the evil that is in their hearts, I will bring various destructions upon them, but I will not judge them as I will and have other nations, because of the ones who do truly serve Me in their midst. I will bring only limited destruction upon them for a short time, BUT then, if they do not repent of their evil deeds, they will be severely destroyed almost to the last of the will to fight against their enemy.
This force that will come against them is the power of the demon of Russia. This force will come upon them without any warning. It will be as though they had peace in their hands, an absolute peace, that would rule the world, BUT THEN the destruction of world war three will intervene; and as they have said, “peace, peace,” and as I have said, “when they say, ‘peace, peace,’ there will be utter destruction!!”
It is My will that they have an understanding of the holiness of God and the knowledge of the ways of God. It is not My will to punish them for their iniquity or their evil ways, but to stand and say that they know the ways of God and do fully follow them. I mean to bring about an understanding of My ways, of My desires of the Spirit, and the things which are from above, not beneath. It is this that they have refused to understand, or try to understand. Indeed they have gone out of their way to avoid My ways, lest they have to repent and follow a God which will tell them what to do.
So therefore do not wait, staying on the path of destruction that the flesh will bring to you, but stay on the path of holiness, that My Spirit will bless you with, if you will simply look to Jesus the One who died for your sins that you may be justified before Me without any wrong on your book of actions. It is simple a matter of repenting of your sins and turning around to follow the will of the Lord God of Israel!
Look now to the ways of the Spirit of God. While others may suffer in their despair because of these things going on round about, you, if you walk after the Spirit of God, and not after the lusts of the flesh, which is to be selfish and want to do your thing and not My thing, says the Lord, then you can and will be blessed of God, not to be affected by any of the things which will fall on those who do not the way of the Spirit of God. It is a matter of commitment to My will, says the Lord God of Israel!
Russian Invasion—As America refuses to repent God is going to bring about an invading force from Russia (as well as China), to bring it to its knees in repentance. It is God's will that it repent. He will do whatever is necessary to bring that about. America will be drawn into conflict (war) after conflict. There will also be judgments designed to weaken the nation in preparation for the invasion. This includes terrorism and the economic crash, but it certainly is not limited to these two areas.
73.2 04/02, 1995, Prophetic Word, Reasons For Wars — This is the word of God for the new move of the Spirit which shall occur after the war years. This war shall occur in the next several decades and will be a few years in length. At this time I have chosen to allow this war because of the evil that is occurring in this nation and the one to the south. Canada and the USA have walked partly in my will. They have not walked before me in the way I would prefer. They have sought out ways to stay in the flesh and not walk with me, says the Lord of Host. I desire a nation that walks before me, therefore I will do the following. I will bring about a system of problems that will result in a third world war. This will bring My people, the ones who walk after the flesh and not after the Spirit, to stay before me in the Spirit and in prayer. It is because of this spirit of repentance, that I will make a great power out of this My people.
They will begin to lose that earthly interest, they will begin to lose that fleshly tie they have with the world, they will begin to say, "it is the Lord, we can do anything that God wants us to!" For this reason, they will become giants in the land. They will be strengthened in the Spirit, and a strong move of the Lord will begin to move in real strength and power of God.
Then you will begin to see that the leadership of the church, the ones I have put in control, will dedicate themselves to the things of the strength of the Spirit, for I have spoken this, says the Lord of Hosts.
You will start to see as this progresses, the people, those who have been born again for a few days or years, says the Lord, they will do the miracles: such as lifting up of Spiritual power for the world to see. They will raise the dead. They will stand and lay hands on the sick, and arms will be renewed, eyes will see, strength of the power of God; this will be seen by all, and some will believe and walk in the newness of the Spirit of God.
This is My will for all time. But it will take a war, a disaster, for My people to walk with Me, in the Spirit of God, the way they should. I have a few that do this now, but I must have all walk in this powerful way, if I am to take the gospel to all the world in power and strength, says the Lord God of all.
73.3 12/05, 1995, Prophetic Word, In The Year Of 2005 You Will Have Yet To See This War; But By The Year 2010, It (War) ?Will Have Come Upon You!!—I, the Lord your God, do require of you a repentance for your sins. It has not been forth coming, but rather I have been led down the garden path of repentance of a fake nature. I, the Lord your God, require a repentance of a true nature. One that does not mean you return to the things of evil that have plagued you in the past. I require of you a change in the heart–to not go after the evil, to not change your ways on the surface and claim that I am being served, when you won't even spend an hour a day with Me, you won’t spend an hour in prayer, an hour in repentance, an hour in service to Me, an hour in praise. You are so caught up in this earth, and this earth’s things, that you will not spend any time with Me, your creator!
You must repent a repentance that is true, is just, is real!! You cannot stand before the judgment throne and claim that you have served Me, because deep in your own heart you know you have saved yourself from hell in only a form of godliness, that is, unrighteous in its evil way. You who claim to repent, stand and show yourself approved unto God, unto holiness, unto prayer, unto righteousness, unto the ways of God, unto the only right way of the Lord.
You will not do this because you will not have the ways of God, when they will cause you to be laughed at. What is that to the Kingdom of God!! What is that to the ways of the Lord!! What do you think is going to be your answer in the heavens before the throne of Jesus! You will not have any answer!!!!
So thus says the Lord. In a few years from now, you will be impaled on the brink of war. It will come with very little warning. I shall bring this war down upon you who think you can serve the world, and claim to serve Me, saith the Lord!!
In the year of 2005 you will have yet to see this war. But it will then be but a few moments in time by the Spirit, till you will see it. It is close, it is coming, and no one can say, “I will hold it back, I will put a stop to it.” I, the Lord, have made a decision to judge the evil hearts of the people, and I will do it!
So it will be, that I have now spoken the year in which I will hold it back to: but by the year 2010, it will have come upon you!!
Now listen to this, that I will bring it down upon you in the following way. I will never leave My people unguarded concerning the horrors of the war, but they will come into a knowledge and into a peace about serving Me in this time. I will protect them with a supernatural protection from the throne of God.
Now as this occurs, as the war progresses, and Russia takes heart to overthrow the entire world, I will put an end to it. I will see that the time will come that they, Russia, will loose this war, and be changed in their political agenda forever. Russia will become a major world wide country to bring My salvation to all of the earth!
So it will be, that this war will come to an end in this way. That by a new invention, that I will see comes to the USA, they will win this war, but this will NOT occur until they have repented for their sins! They must repent before I will turn the tide of the war to them. I will bring them to the brink of disaster, to the brink of destruction, to the brink of all out loss, before they will turn with their whole heart to Me, says the Lord.
73.4 12/07, 1995, Prophetic Word, America At War & (2005& 2010) & Russia & By 2010 War Will Have Come Upon Us — I, the Lord your God, do require of you a repentance for your sins. It has not been forth coming, but rather I have been led down the garden path of repentance of a fake nature. I, the Lord your God, require a repentance of a true nature. One that does not mean you return to the things of evil that have plagued you in the past. I require of you a change in the heart--to not go after the evil, to not change your ways on the surface and claim that I am being served, when you won't even spend an hour a day with Me, you won't spend an hour in prayer, an hour in repentance, an hour in service to Me, an hour in praise. You are so caught up in this earth, and this earth's things, that you will not spend any time with Me, your Creator!
You must repent a repentance that is true, is just, is real!! You cannot stand before the judgment throne and claim that you have served Me, because deep in your own heart you know you have saved yourself from hell in only a form of godliness, that is, unrighteous in its evil way. You who claim to repent, stand and show yourself approved unto God, unto holiness, unto prayer, unto righteousness, unto the ways of God, unto the only right way of the Lord.
You will not do this because you will not have the ways of God, when they will cause you to be laughed at. What is that to the Kingdom of God!! What is that to the ways of the Lord!! What do you think is going to be your answer in the heavens before the throne of Jesus! You will not have any answer!!!!
So thus says the Lord. In a few years from now, you will be impaled on the brink of war. It will come with very little warning. I shall bring this war down upon you who think you can serve the world, and claim to serve Me, saith the Lord!!
In the year of 2005 you will have yet to see this war. But it will then be but a few moments in time by the Spirit, till you will see it. It is close, it is coming, and no one can say, "I will hold it back, I will put a stop to it." I, the Lord, have made a decision to judge the evil hearts of the people, and I will do it!
So it will be, that I have now spoken the year in which I will hold it back to: but by the year 2010, it will have come upon you!!
Now listen to this, that I will bring it down upon you in the following way. I will never leave my people unguarded concerning the horrors of the war, but they will come into a knowledge and into a peace about serving Me in this time. I will protect them with a supernatural protection from the throne of God.
Now as this occurs, as the war progresses, and Russia takes heart to overthrow the entire world, I will put an end to it. I will see that the time will come that they, Russia, will lose this war, and be changed in their political agenda forever. Russia will become a major world wide country to bring My salvation to all of the earth!
So it will be, that this war will come to an end in this way. That by a new invention, that I will see comes to the USA, they will win this war, but this will NOT occur until they have repented for their sins! They must repent before I will turn the tide of the war to them. I will bring them to the brink of disaster, to the brink of destruction, to the brink of all-out loss, before they will turn with their whole heart to Me, says the Lord.
So as these things occur, remember that I have foretold this in an accurate way. I have set up My prophets, My called ones that have been obedient to the Word of the Spirit, to the things of the Lord, to the ways of God-- them have I called to take control of the situation of prophesying this prophecy to the world, to the USA, to all those who shall listen, and obey the voice of God.
As My people will turn their hearts to Me in a total way, they will receive more power from above than they could ever dream about. This power will turn them into the holy ones that I have foretold in the "Ephesians book" of scripture, in the 4th chapter, in the 3rd to 15th verses. For I have said that they will walk in the faith, the one faith, not the divided faith, but the ONE faith!!! I am that faith, says the Lord God of Heaven. I am the one who you shall serve. Rise up into Christ the head!
As My people turn to the one faith, there will then come a persecution like has never been before in this earth, on this planet, in this time of the end--for it will start at the time of the end of the war. Satan will have fought for the destruction of this planet by first trying to take over the world through satanic influences in the country of Russia. But it shall not be.
This is one more situation to learn from. He, Satan, is trying to take over the world, to raise up a world kingdom of himself, the evil one. So it shall be, that this will eventually occur, but not at this war. This war will be the war that will bring the sudden destruction, and realization that war is inevitable, and most dangerous, because it cannot be controlled in the earth.
As the people stay away from Me, so shall they be destroyed by their own evil lusts for power, and their destruction shall be in their own mouth.
Now as this war comes to an end, there will be another fear on this earth like has never been before. Yes, it has come before, but not in the way that it will come from, and to, this time. It will come from this earth's system, Satan himself-- will go to those who will not walk in My ways, those who will not turn to Me.
I said there will come a time of heart's failing for fear. This will not be the time, but it will be a prelude to this time. The fear of war, which will rise up at this time, will be so strong that every politician will be overcome by this fear, and will try to appease the people with any kind of peace agreement, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. They will sign anything, as long as they can use it to convince the people war will never happen again. This is the tool Satan will use to bring about total world power in one being, in one place, says the Lord God.
So as this will come to an end, the war years, there will come a new peace upon this earth for a very short time. This will be the true time of peace, peace. For they will shout it loud and long. They will shout it loud and long! They will shout it loud and long!! They will not only be afraid of the peace that is not to be, but they will be afraid of their own peace accords, because they will know deep down that their own peace accords will result in another world war!
This is not the end of all war, but rather the beginning of world war! It shall so be done, for their master, the devil, will see to it.
Those who will walk with Me will see a new agreement in this earth. The agreement of true peace accord, that will be by My power, says the Lord. My power. My power! Not this earth's power, but by My power, says the Lord God of all!!
73.5 12/09, 1995, Prophetic Word, Judgment Of War On America —This war that shall occur on America will be My judgment on it. Not to turn it to ruin, but to turn it to Me, says the Lord. I am the one who they must serve. I am the one who they must turn to. I am the one they must listen to. They have all gone after other gods; gods of lust, gods of pleasures of this life, gods of this world's evil reign by satanic forces, gods of this world's money supply. (If they would not lust after the money by making it worth so much on the exchanges, I could change their system and they would no longer have the financial problems they have!!!).
These gods are now ruling the world. They are ruling the world's system through their master, the evil one. Turn to Me, says the Lord God, and I will make you strong again. Stay with your evil, and I will judge a great judgment on you!
So you see that they will not turn, for I have said this war is coming to those who will fight against the kingdom of Heaven, and so it shall be. They have brought it on themselves. They have robbed themselves of the blessing of total service to Me. (The blessings I could have given them!!)
This war will, with all its total cruelty from the earth's point of view, will finally bring about a true repentance and a true love for the things of God in those few who will turn to Me at the beginning of the war! Then those who will follow will make up a nation of true believers with which I can work with. For the nation now consists of those who call themselves Christians, but all those who truly serve Me in love and devotion could not be found except one in ten thousand!!
So you see, I must bring a judgment on them for their evil ways. There are those who will say, the God of the Bible is compassionate. The God of the New Testament is love, and not judgment. How can there be love, and not be judgment against the ones that refuse to accept that love?
There cannot be this sin of refusing my love shed on the cross for you, without a judgment on those who will not turn to this love. Thus it must be that evil will be judged in this land of America!
73.6 02/02, 1997, Prophetic Word, Judgment & America —For this word of the Lord is to make My people realize that the time is short. The time is short. The time is short! There is yet a little while and the beginning of the judgment on America will begin. So note that the time is short.
73.7 09/22, 1997, Prophetic Word, The Three Signs —This word of the Lord is for all those who have desired to know the times and seasons. There will come a three fold sign of the end times. This will be, no matter what else may happen. I the Lord have spoken.
1. The Fall of an American President
2. The collapse of the American economy
3. The infiltration onto American soil of enemy bands of soldiers to begin World War III
This word shall occur as spoken, says the Lord. Look not to the earth for your ways, but look to Me, says the Lord of all things.
73.8 10/22, 1997, Prophetic Word, Time Is Short —For this word of the Lord is to make My people realize that the time is short. The time is short. The time is short. There is yet a little while and the beginning of the judgment on America will begin. So note that the time is short.
73.9 10/26, 1997, Prophetic Word, Need for True Repentance —Oh, these days, says the Lord, that will pass from Me! For I will bring a wrath and judgment upon this nation of America. But it is not My will that they be judged in this way. I desire, says the Lord, that they repent, and turn everyone from their own way, fasting before me a true repentance.
BUT THEY SHALL NOT!! Therefore, in this hour that I will bring, wrath and judgment upon them for their evil, says the Lord.
73.10 12/29, 1997, Prophetic Word, The Judgment Of The USA — This is the word of the Living God to the nation of the United States of America. Listen to Me. Have you reaped holiness in all the sin you have sown? No! You have reaped sin and evil upon yourselves for the sin which you have sown. For what you sow you shall reap! Therefore you shall reap judgment and evil upon your nation.
Pray for it, that some would be saved. Pray for it that through the judgment of God, some would be saved. Pray that the people who realize what is about to occur will turn and tell their neighbor, tell their friends, tell the people that there is a great judgment of God coming. And when they do so, they may be laughed at, they may be scoffed at, but when it comes the people will remember and some will be saved through that witness.
That is the word of prophecy in this hour, to tell the people, to let them know, this judgment is coming, it is from God. And when it comes, know it, for it was prophesied by the prophets of the Lord.
Hear the word and know that God is seeking to shake up the people to a great repentance. For nothing to this day has brought a true repentance in the United States. But I will bring it, says the Lord, by judgment, for so is the way they have chosen. They will not receive it in another way, therefore they will have to receive it by judgment, and I will judge them until their repentance, says the Lord God.
73.11 01/02, 1998, Prophetic Word, Terrorists Attacks In America —Terrorists will turn to the United States in greater numbers than ever before.
73.12 03/01, 1998, Prophetic Word, The Coming Judgment & Bad Times & Revival — For this is the will, says the Lord, for My people, that they be not defined by the ways of the world, not defined by the ways of the flesh, and not defined by the ways that this earth thinks.
There is coming a time when the needs in this world will not be met by the ways of the world. There are coming bad times.
But those who put their faith in Me, those who put their trust in Me, those who walk after My ways, says the Lord, they will have their needs met, no, not by worldly ways, but by My ways; for I am all powerful, able to do all things. And those who walk with Me will always be with Me, and I will provide in every way for them no matter what the cause, or what the situation, I will provide, says the Lord.
Do not be disheartened by what happens in this earth in the coming years. Do not be disheartened. There are coming rough times. So be it. Let it be. It must be. It cannot be taken away.
Do not pray against it, but pray for it. For it is in these rough times there shall come a great revival far beyond anything you can imagine, there shall come a great revival. And though Satan will fight it with everything he has, it will not be stopped, it will not be held back. For I will have a great revival in this earth, says the Lord. And it will take judgment and the wrath of God to wake people up and bring it to pass.
So let it be. Trust in the King of Kings, not in the world of worlds. For only the King has the answer, and the world has only its own ways which will fall and fail.
There is this, says the Lord, that you understand that you can't walk with one foot in the world, and one foot with Me. You must choose which path to walk on. You must choose which path to walk on. You must not be turned aside after the ways of the world. You must choose the ways of God. You must make a final decision. Go with Me, says the Lord, or go with the world.
Too long My people have tried to play with the world, I will not allow it any more, says the Lord. I WILL NOT ALLOW IT. IT MUST STOP. IT MUST STOP. IT MUST STOP.
Great are the times to come in the spiritual realm. Many a prophet has wished he could live in this time. Yet My people are scared of this time. Why are they scared? I said I will take care of you. I am good for My word, says the Lord. I am good. I will not be disheartened by your attitude against Me. I stand fast on My promise. I will make everything work toward your end, and I mean toward your end. Every need you have will be met. But the lust you have for new cars and new houses, I will not meet that, says the Lord, it is not of Me.
When all this comes, remember it has been prophesied to My prophets, prophets upon prophets have desired to see it, because the power of the Lord will flow so strongly.
So set aside the things of the earth. Stand fast in the things of God, and know that never, never, never will the earth be shaken like it's going to be shaken. Never will the earth be shaken like it's going to be shaken. Never will the earth be shaken like it's going to be shaken. Never will the earth be shaken like it's going to be shaken.
Hear Me, says the Lord, the end is near. The end is near. But it is not as close as you think, but it is coming, says the Lord. And never again will I bring judgment like I will bring on this earth. But it will come, a little at a time, then more, then more, then more, till it finally finishes with My return, says the Lord.
So stand fast in My word and know that the Lord is on your side, and I am with you even unto the ends of the earth.
73.13 06/25, 1998, Prophetic Word, War On Your Knees & USA Will Suffer Hardship —This word is a warning to those who do not care for the Kingdom of our Lord. It is now at the time, when you shall see great wrath and judgment coming upon all the earth. It is now here, at the door. In just a short time you shall see it begin. From that time on it shall never turn around. It shall get greater, more strong, more severe, than ever before.
Never again will I bring wrath on this nation, and on this world like I'm about to do. Canada, the USA, and much of the world will suffer severe hardship because of their sin, and their rebellion against God.
Never again shall this be, except this time. But this time will last from now till My coming, says the Lord.
So hearken and heed the word of God. I will protect you and heed you. I will not be dismayed at those who turn around and say, "I give up everything in this earth that God has given me to go further and serve the Lord in the most hard places to reach."
Those people will be blessed, and I will meet their needs like you have never seen before.
As this comes, great miracles, like never before, will come. As they step out in faith, I will move with them.
But those who turn against Me, they will suffer hard. Those people who have led a sheltered life trying to protect themselves FROM MY WORK WHICH I HAVE CALLED THEM TO DO, trying to pretend they don't have to do it, they will suffer, because My wrath will be upon them, says the Lord.
Hearken and heed the call of God. Heed and know the Spirit is moving to end this age. And in the moving it toward the end of this age, you will fight a war against spiritual forces. YOU WILL DO IT ON YOUR KNEES, AND IN PRAYER, AND IN OBEDIENCE TO THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD.
73.14 07/05, 1998, Prophetic Word, Economic Collapse —This is the circumstances to which this world is now heading. It will lose control of its societies as it heads in to the greatest economic collapse that will befall mankind.
This collapse shall come fairly quickly, and as it comes people will stop obeying the law, because it is no longer convenient for them. As they become economically deprived they shall turn to illegal activities in greater and greater numbers, till authorities cannot control it in any way.
73.15 07/22, 1998, Prophetic Word Through Katie Jordan, Prophecy for America — Thus saith the Lord: How I love you My people, for if I did not love you so much, would I continually cry out to you? I weep as I see what is coming upon the world. I am deeply saddened as I watch judgment fall upon your nation, but I have warned all who would listen for over a quarter of a century. Have you listened? Have you understood? Have you believed what I have said?
Believe Me when I say that My WORDS WILL NOT RETURN UNTO ME VOID: FOR THEY CANNOT RETURN TO ME EMPTY. I spoke and the world came into being. MY WORDS ARE NO LESS POWERFUL TODAY. I have judged your nation, for her sins are so blatant as to have surpassed even those of Sodom and Gomorrah. They have even surpassed the sins of the people in Noah's time. I promised that I would never flood the entire earth again, and I shall not, but many may wish I had.
The blood of millions of innocents has been crying out to Me for years and years. DID YOU BELIEVE THAT I WOULD STAND BY AND ALLOW THIS INCREDIBLE SLAUGHTER? It is up to Me alone to decide when any human of any age shall die. IT IS NOT UP TO MAN TO PLAY GOD! There is no turning back. Again I say that I have judged your nation and I do not expect you to ask Me to change this decision. THESE ARE MY WORDS AND THEY SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED AND VERY SOON! I have told you before and I will tell you again, YOU MAY ONLY PRAY FOR MERCY. Your only safety is UNDER THE WINGS OF THE ALMIGHTY. PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD! MAKE STRAIGHT A HIGHWAY FOR YOUR GOD! PREPARE YOUR HEARTS; PREPARE YOUR HOMES; AND PREPARE YOUR FAMILIES.
Soon you will watch your nation totally crumble. YOU WILL SEE ANARCHY AS NEVER BEFORE. Men's hearts will fail them for fear because of the things they see coming upon them. If you are not close to Me and trusting Me completely, your hearts will also fail you.
There is not enough paper to list the sins of your nation and of her leaders. In the day of judgment, even Babylon, and Sodom and Gomorrah will be shocked as the list is read. BELIEVE THIS!
The church, My Body, has lived too much like the world. They have excused repulsive sins when there is no excuse. As a people you have backed up and backed up until your back is now against the wall. I say to you Beloved, look up and you will find that it is not a wall but the CROSS OF CHRIST. Now you must choose, either you will fall away or YOU WILL TAKE YOUR STAND BENEATH THE CROSS. THERE IS NO MORE MIDDLE GROUND. THERE WILL BE NO MORE BACKING UP. THERE ARE NO MORE EXCUSES. Soon there will be no one left in the valley of decision. The choice is yours. Decide this day whom you will serve. If you will serve Me then rededicate your lives to Me and TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME. Decide to serve Me with all your heart, and all your mind, and all your body and soul. I WILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS! BE VERY CERTAIN THAT YOU ARE STANDING UNDER THE WINGS OF THE ALMIGHTY WHEN JUDGMENT FALLS. AGAIN I SAY, THE DECISION IS YOURS!
73.16 08/11, 1998, Prophetic Word, Fall Of America & It’s Leaders —For this you shall see before your very eyes, the Fall of America, and The Fall of It's Leader. You shall see it, says the Lord.
Look and beware. For as the things I have commanded have come to pass, so you shall see the word of God come to pass.
73.17 11/14, 1998, Prophetic Word, The Fall Of A Nation —For thus says the Lord, when a nation falls, it falls for sin.
There has not been a civilization that has fallen, that has not fallen because I commanded it, says the Lord.
This time, at exactly this time, you are on the verge of the falling of a nation—so called, the greatest nation in the world. The United States of America has stepped so steep into sin that it shall fall, and fall hard! Make no mistake, this word shall come to pass in the very soon—coming time.
Thus says the Lord, nobody who follows the Spirit of God closely, nobody who follows the Spirit of God closely, will deny this. For nations rise, and nations fall based on their walk with God.
73.18 11/14, 1998, Prophetic Word, The Economic Fall — There is a time coming when the United States shall fall a greater fall than what you shall soon see. What you shall soon see, is the economic fall. But there is much more coming than just that fall.
73.19 12/17, 1998, Prophetic Word, Wars To Come — Thus saith the Lord, some have looked to wars in the east and have said, "there is trouble brewing."
But I say, says the Lord, there shall be much more than this going on in the years to come. Much more than one little war with one little nation by the United States. I say, says the Lord, there'll be many more wars, and many nations involved.
But you are not to look and fear these things, for the Lord is your God, the Lord is with you, even unto the ends of the earth.
73.20 12/23, 1998, Prophetic Word, Do Not Fear The Time & Much Disaster In The United States — This hour, this day of the Lord, be pleased to note, God is in control. He always has been, and He always will be.
There'll never be a time, never will be a time, never will be a time that God is not in control. In the coming months, days, and years, you'll see much disaster in the United States.
Do not fear it, as most will greatly fear it. For My hand of protection is upon My people. And I shall protect them with My power. The day of miracles is not over, it's just about to begin! And I shall protect them above all things, for they are My children, and I am their God!
73.21 12/24, 1998, Prophetic Word, Preparation For The Times To Come; Destruction & Damage To The USA — For this word is given to all that obey the Lord, that all may understand and be at peace: the God of all is taking care of His Own!
Listen to the word. Do not be upset at the times, for they must be. There is a long series of events that must take place in the near future, and a long series of events after that, that will take place in their appointed times. These events are total and partial disasters to various areas of the world.
In the days to come, you will see destruction and damage to the U.S. like has never been seen before. It is judgment coming upon them, because of their disbelief in the God of all things. He it is that is in control. Never before has there been a time like this: when judgment will start in earnest and things in the world will change very dramatically! Never before!!
Now listen to the commands of the Father. It is time you started to listen to the Spirit of the Lord. I have spoken to many of mine to tell them of things they ought to do, in their specific case, and most have not! So listen and know, that God is preparing a way for you, through these commands that I have given to some. If you do not follow them, you are not totally under the protection of the Lord.
It is time for many to repent and go back and listen, follow, and obey the Lord in His commands to specific people and specific things.
73.22 01/08, 1999, Prophetic Word, The Wickedness Of America — For look to yourselves, to the United States of America, says the Lord to the U.S.A.
Stand and note the glory of God has departed from this nation. It has departed for the wickedness of the nation. It has departed for the wickedness of its leaders. It has departed for the wickedness of the church.
73.23 01/09, 1999, Prophetic Word, The Dread of the United States — The great dread against the United States came in 12/1998 when they invaded Iraqi airspace to bomb Iraqi targets. That dread upon the United States shall not leave until the United States has suffered a severe blow—more than once, says the Lord.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment Not By Thomas S. Gibson: We know that God may not have been pleased with the 1998/Iraqi war, but God was pleased with President George W. Bush going into Iraq during this last invasion just before 2005—for God has let us know through Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson that it held back an early invasion to the USA as well as other things including an early invasion of Israel, that the enemy was wanting to push ahead on before the time for the things as well as freeing the Iraqi people for making a decision for God or not. So do not confuse the two wars with Iraq. Always remember not one prophet gets it all, compare what they all get that is truly godly and from God. We know the invasion is coming, we have approximately 170 Christians who have received it now in 2005! Prophet Thomas Gibson is one of the many who has received about judgment to the USA. What he received is important for it give some interesting pieces to the overall mystery puzzle of the invasion, as does what all that the other Christians have received.
The word of prophecy was about the 1998 bombing in Iraq and not Desert Shield/Storm. Clinton and Blair resorted to violence at that time that was not warranted when diplomacy was still possible. Therefore, it was seen by Muslims around the world as kicking Iraq when they were down. –anonymous person]
73.24 01/10, 1999, Prophetic Word, The Lament for America —For the Lord said, Take up a lament over the nation of the United States.
Oh, America, America, The Great America, How far have you fallen, How far have you fallen. The Great America, How far have you fallen. For soon is your time to fall, and fall hard, and fall hard, and fall hard. Soon is your time to fall hard. Soon is your time. Soon is your time. Soon is your time. Hear the word, Oh, America. Hear the word. Hear the word. Know the time. Know the time. Know the time. The Great America who could have been above all nations, and risen above them, and stayed above them has fallen, has fallen, has fallen.
The Great America who could have been above all has fallen for sin above all sins, says the Lord.
73.25 04/24, 1999, Prophetic Word, Woe Unto America — Kosovo, Kosovo, Kosovo. For they could have repented. They could have turned unto the ways of the Lord, but they did not!
Wow unto America. Woe unto America. Woe unto America. They time of judgment is coming. You do not see it. You do not understand. But woe unto America, for your judgment day is coming. You believe you have set yourself right, to do the things you believe can be done in safety and without harm to your army.
But I say, woe unto America, for little by little, war by war, piece by piece, YOU SHALL BE DRAWN INTO conflict after conflict, till you can no longer protect yourself.
America the Great shall fall, and fall hard. It has raised itself up and worshipped its own technology. It has raised itself up and worshipped its own design. It has raised itself up and worshipped its own might. And all of these things shall fall by the Hand of the Mighty God.
If America repents these judgments can be averted. But there has to be true repentance from the heart, not a cry for protection while they continue to sin.
73.26 06/13, 1999, Prophetic Word, War Coming To North America —In this dream I could see myself working along side of a building. There was a road in front of this building, and one on the side of it. I was working between the building and the side road, but quite close to the building.
As I worked, I had knowledge to be careful of gunfire, and yet I wasn't in the army. I was a civilian, working on some type of project with the building.
I could hear announcements coming from a radio, or perhaps some type of loudspeaker system, that warned of the coming of gunfire. Then I could hear gunfire starting and coming closer. I ran quickly behind the building and lay on the ground in a low spot. I stayed there as the gunfire came closer. It was coming from a vehicle driving down the main road, firing out the side as they drove. Bullets went over my head as they passed. I kept low as they drove down the main road, still firing, until they were out of site. After they passed, I got up and looked around. No one else was there, so I went back to work. It seemed unusual, but not out of place for this to occur. I woke up.
Then the Lord said this. There is war and bloodshed coming to this continent of North America.
73.27 06/25, 1999, Prophetic Word, Judgment United States & Canada — For this word is given that you understand that the United States has filled up its sins which I will allow. And I am preparing now, at this time, I am preparing now to bring the judgment that I have prophesied upon it.
If they will repent, even in this late stage, I will stay, and repair all that I have done to that point. If they will repent I will stay the wrath, I will stay the wrath. I will repair and I’ll build back up.
But, oh, if they do not repent, if they do not repent, if they do not repent, the judgments will become more and more severe, and everything that I have ever prophesied shall come to pass. Every last thing!!
I shall bring one thing after another, in My order and in My way. And I shall bring the nation to its knees.
Woe be tied, Canada. For you too, have not listened to the word of the Lord. And you too, have filled up your pages of wrath to come. You have filled it up. Your sin has come up to Me – a stench that I cannot bear.
Therefore you too, will be judged. Wrath shall be poured out. And I shall take that nation, and I shall utterly destroy it from one end to the other; for its (Canada’s) sins are so much greater, in many ways, than that of America.
73.28 11/04, 2001, Prophecy, Oil Industry And Other Targets — For thus saith the Lord. The oil industry will become a target of the terrorists. In days to come they will make major places a target for them to hit. Terrorism in Canada and in the United States will not go away until after I have brought about the Russian—Chinese invasion. And when this occurs there will be much greater problems on this continent. For thus saith the Lord. Under no conditions will I allow Canada and the U.S. to be a relaxed and safe nation again until it completely and totally repents of its sinful ways and its rebellion against God. Thus saith the Lord. This will come to pass, although many will say this cannot be, yet you shall see it in the very near future. For thus saith the Lord, nothing, but nothing that I say can fail except the people repent and I will turn from My judgment and begin to bless the nation again. So says the Lord God.2
73.29 03/27, 2002, Prophetic Word, Church—You Chose: Either To You Knees With Repentance Or To Your Knees With Judgment? Which Will You Have? — When this nation of America fully comes to its knees My hand of oppression shall lift. Either it will comes to its knees in repentance, or I shall bring it to its knees in wrath and judgment. So says the Lord.
73.30 05/06, 2002, Prophetic Word, Great Judgment On The United States — When you see great wrath coming on the United States know that I am bringing down the economy.
73.31 05/06, 2002, Prophetic Word, Persecutions To Americans & Judgment To America Over Israel —Those that stand against My nation Israel shall be judged—both nations and individuals.
Thus says the Lord, repent and listen to the word of God. Note that there shall be persecutions arising in all places, throughout the United States and Canada, and through Europe these nations shall rise up in persecutions against My people. It shall purge the church. Those of Mine, that are truly Mine, who walk in the power and are committed to Me, they shall stand in this persecution no matter what it brings. But listen to Me, and heed Me. For thus saith the Lord, I am God, and I am allowing this, for it shall purge My church. For there are many that shall quickly deny Me, shall quickly deny the truth, quickly revert to a world religion, shall quickly deny the power of the Word; they deny the truth of the Word. They shall quickly deny many things, and they shall become politically correct for the day and the age that they live. For they do not want to be in persecutions and they do not want to stand against the world--they love the world, and they are part of the world, and they were never part of Me. But they have a form of Godliness in the church, and they were in the church shining as Christians and looking as Christians in the outward appearance, but in their heart they were not of Me. This shall purge the church and bring it to pass that I have said, I will split the sheep from the goats, that is My people from the world.
73.32 06/06, 2002, Prophetic Word, Terrorism Will Continue In The U.S. — In the United States, says the Lord, I have directed terrorism to continue; and will direct it to continue. I will put My hand to them, and support them, and guide them to success, says the Lord. For the judgments of God are against America because of its sins which have come up before Me. Do not doubt--when I allow it, and when I direct it--there will be an attack against the U.S. again. This must be unless they repent. So says the Lord.
73.33 08/31, 2002, Prophetic Word, President Bush — The Lord says: George Bush shall not leave his office before the end of his second term, but rather shall be killed before that time.
73.34 06/01, 2003, Prophetic Word, God/ A Statehood For Palestinians Will Be Judged Along With Those Nations Who Support It —Thus says the Lord. Those wicked men and women who will create a statehood for Palestinians will be judged along with those nations who support it. Also, says the Lord, I will defend My Nation Israel from the evil of this new state. When it is here, and created by men and Satan, you will see that I have used it to bring My people to their knees in repentance and recognition of the Saviour and Messiah. Then I will judge that state of Palestine and remove it. So says the Lord.
[Comment: Thomas S. Gibson, 1125-6th Avenue, Wainwright, AB T9W 1G2 Canada, www.telusplanet.net/public/tsgibson/propheticwordlhtml and/or www.hispraise.com/prophecy/judgment.htm and/or www.888c.com/yTG182.htm#0 , www.anglefire.com/fl3/gammandim/news.html .]
From: Larry W. Taylor, Hyssop Chronicles, P.O. Box 735, Idabel, OK 74745-0735, 1Issue#1-2001, page 1&2, t12larrytaylor@webtv.net . 2usaprophet.com/news.html or tsgibson@telusplanet.net or www.do-you-love-me.org/wsomers/gtp.html.
74.1 11/15, 1994, Dream, Map Of The United States Of America & Attacked By Russia — Tuesday Morning Rohnert Park, California I saw something that looked like a map of the United States only it was covered with what appeared to be a white bear rug; or the form covering the United States looked like white snow mounded in such a way as to appear to be in the form of a white polar bear. Then someone questioned me and asked what I thought I was looking at and I replied, "A bear covering the United States and the bear is Russia." The head of this bear (rug or snow form) was on the west coast and the rear was on the east coast.
74.2 12/04, 1994, Dream, America’s Life Style Interrupted, Americans Will Be Shocked — Sunday Morning Rohnert Park, California, the evening prior to having this dream I had been reading through a collection of prophecies and dreams (dated 03/1994) regarding God's threatened judgments on America for her backslidden and immoral ways and published by a ministry out of Arkansas called "The End-Time Handmaidens".
In the dream I had contracted some kind of cancer (either prostrate or back) and it was necessary that I be operated on. In the dream I was shocked and very upset and dreading the pain of the operation and the certain aftereffects. I was terrified of the whole situation.
This dream puzzled me and for some time I went around having people pray and lay hands on me so I would not contract cancer or if I had it, for them to pray "In The Name of Jesus" that I would be cured. If you have had any experience in this realm of dreams you know the accompanying emotions and feelings after a dream can be quite real. If you don't believe me, read some of the accounts of the Prophet Daniel and how he felt physically after some of his visions and dreams as described in the Book of Daniel.
The interpretation of this dream came while I was on a partial fast and sitting in a class on "Parenting" at an Assembly of God Church in Marin County, California. My thoughts and the dream interpretation are as follows. "The Christians and leaders in this particular congregation of believers have no idea regarding the dread seriousness of the times we are now living in. It all seems to be comfortable America, with diapers, Power Rangers, scriptural parenting etc., etc., with little or no hint of the fearful judgments about to fall on America (along with California and Marin County) in the minds or hearts of the people going to church here. In the dream I was shocked and very upset that I was going to need an operation for this cancer. Like cancer, the judgments about to fall on America are not distant (something you can watch on TV or the movies) but "in your face", very personal, they will affect you where you live and the things you do. You will be shocked, very upset, dreading the pain, dreading the aftereffects, a terrifying situation. This is exactly how it is when you get cancer and must be operated on. It interrupts your whole life, you stop what you are doing and your entire attention becomes focused on this one thing. So shall the judgments be in the lives of the people of America. Their lives will be entirely interrupted, they will be shocked, very upset, dreading the future and the present, terrified.
74.3 01/23, 1995, Dream, Invasion & War To The Shores Of America — Monday Morning Rohnert Park, California, this morning I had a very heavy dream regarding war coming to the shores of America. In the dream there was an invasion and the citizens of this country were being taken prisoner. A group of us were considering taking SUICIDE PILLS to escape the tortures that came with capture. There was much sadness regarding the end of family life.
I feel this dream requires little interpretation but I would like to quote the scriptures the Lord gave me the morning I had this dream:
Isaiah 10:1-4 Woe betide those who enact unjust laws (justifying the perversion of homosexuality) and draft oppressive edicts (destroying the unborn while still in the womb), ......What will you do when called to account, when devastation from afar confronts you? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your children so that they do not cower among the prisoners or fall among the slain?.....
I might add that the movie "Schindler's List" is a good example of the realities that will face the American people, especially as regards the horrors of invasion and captivity, if there is not a wholesale repentance of this entire nation by both president, prophet, businessman and priest. God does not play games with nations that carry His name on their currency and flout such sins as homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, abortion, adultery and violence as a viable way of life. Deeming these sins as something worthy of writing books about and producing multi-million dollar films glorifying and making light of such abominations.
74.4 02/28, 1995, Dream, America’s Coming Destruction & Judgments — Tuesday Morning Rohnert Park, California I actually had this dream a couple of days ago, during a time in which the Lord was speaking to me out of His word regarding His intentions to destroy America and my responsibilities as a watchman and prophet to warn the American people of his coming judgments. In this dream I was standing off too the side of a highway or at the middle divider of a highway and I had a large green sign (about 18" wide by 8' long) which read: "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'I WILL DESTROY AMERICA WITH A FIRST STRIKE NUCLEAR ATTACK AND RUSSIAN INVASION OF HER SHORES!" I had made this sign when I was preaching this message in the major southeastern cities of the United States between the third and sixth month of 1994. This sign was in my hand, but it was rolled up, and only the nuclear radiation symbol was showing. I was not ready to unfurl the sign but hoped that people passing by in their cars or on foot would notice the radiation symbol and somehow take heed or understand what I stood for.
Interpretation: The fact that I was standing at a highway or middle divider of a highway signifies that this message needs to be preached at the highways and byways of the United States. It is not only for church people to hear but its fulfillment has dread consequences for all citizens of this country.
Being at the middle divider meant this message will cause division, people will take sides on this issue, some will say, "This is not God!", but such is the plight of a prophet with an unpleasant message of judgment to a people content in their ways. The American people are being deceived by the vast majority of Christian Leaders while being told that, "No sword (biblical symbol for war) will come upon this land. Didn't God promise Abraham that if there were ten righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah He would spare the whole place for their sakes?" And aren't we at least 10,000 strong in America who are 'the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus' (as currently put forth by the Word & Faith movement)." The fact that the sign, about a first strike nuclear attack, was rolled up meant that God had called me to The Role of A Prophet.
The fact that this sign was green "in the dream" as well as "in reality" meant that God was giving me the green light to once more preach this message at the highways and byways of America. My hope "in the dream" that the American people would understand what I stood for when they saw the radiation symbol, meant that - although this is a fearful message of horrible devastation - there is within this message the only hope left for this Once Great Nation Turned "HARLOT". America must turn back to God in true repentance or face unspeakable destruction and torment.
74.5 03/03, 1995, Dream, Hope — Thursday Morning 9:24 a.m. Rohnert Park, California I was climbing a shear faced cliff. Above me I saw a soldier (possibly Russian) with an uzi submachine gun. There was a partner climbing to my right and he also spotted a similar person above him. I grabbed the guy above me and pulled him off the cliff and fell with him to the ground below. As I was falling I spotted a gun emplacement (it appeared to be an anti-tank gun on a tripod) below me. I took the Russian falling with me and pulled him under me and used him under me to crush the gun emplacement. Then I saw a small jeep drive quickly into a tunnel in the side of the mountain I had fallen from. Interpretation: The Russians plan to take advantage of current and future internal turmoil stirred up in our country by terrorist bombings and the current militia movements eventually fulfilling the message given to the prophet Dumitru Duduman that "The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,..." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!" God has called me on a mission like Jonathan and his armor bearer which was the reason I was climbing this shear faced cliff. The person climbing to my right was my armor bearer (the Holy Spirit). I defeated a portion of this plan in pulling the Russian off the side of the mountain and crushing him and his gun emplacement. I was wrestling with him because we wrestle not against flesh and blood and the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God.
Application or follow through: Even though America has become exceedingly wicked perhaps even ten (10) fold in the past year. I believe there is still hope for repentance and a change of heart for this country. I was impressed to pray about this dream and specifically bind any Russian plots to overthrow our government and country. One or two days after I prayed the ATF or the FBI located a stash of AK-47 assault rifle ammunition - which had been purchased by an American dealer from Russia and stored in a secret warehouse. Not a few boxes but seven (7) railroad box cars full of the stuff. Praise God for intercession and dreams of insight. Elijah had similar dreams and visions often foiling enemy plots against Israel during a time when Israel was backslidden and vulnerable, but God was still merciful.
74.6 05/12, 1995, Dream, Righteous Judgment On The Church — Friday Morning 10:22 a.m. Rohnert Park, California, in this dream I had a job in a clothing or department store and the manager was giving me instructions on how to do my job. Later, when I was on one side of the store and the manager was on the other, I called to him from across the sales floor for more information about my job, more specifically, how much I was being paid per hour to do this job? He responded, telling me very quietly how much I was making per hour (I believe it was $28 per hour) and speaking of other important issues regarding my job. I could barely hear him so I raised my voice and asked him to speak louder to me. When I finished with my questions he spoke louder and told me how much I was making per hour and concluded by telling me to keep my voice down when speaking in his store. I thought to myself, "The reason I spoke so loud was because I had previously been preaching on the streets and speaking loudly as a way of communicating the urgency and importance of the message God had given to me for the American people. I thought that this store manager was being unreasonable in demanding that I lower my voice since he was not aware of what I had been doing in public prior to coming to work for him in his store." End of dream.
Interpretation: My first thoughts upon waking and pondering this dream were that it was insignificant and irrelevant to the message God had given me to preach or the calling on my life. This was not the case. The clothing or department store stands for the church in America and the manager of the store for its leadership. The purpose of the church is to cloth the members of the body of Christ with the garments of righteousness (equipping the saints for the work of ministry). This store manager was speaking very quietly and at some distance from me about the most important aspects of my job, namely my duties and wages. He became upset with me when I raised my voice in his store and asked him to speak louder regarding these issues. This is a picture of the error the currently exists in the American church today. Church in America has become big business and the managers or church leadership are more interested in maintaining a good image before the public than dealing with the critical issues of the day. Finances have become all important and in order to keep the business going, issues that could upset the apple cart are hushed up. God has given to His prophets and watchmen within the body of Christ in America a message to deliver that it's no longer going to be business as usual. The leaders, their congregations and the general population in America have become exceedingly wicked.
The only possible way this judgment can be averted is for the leaders, their congregations, and the general population of America to repent and turn 180 degrees from their present pursuit of wickedness. Need we be reminded again of the wickedness of this nation. The greed and love of money so cunningly disguised by the preachers and prophets of America as their blood bought rights to the blessings of Abraham. The coddling and politically correct acceptance of the most wicked and perverse of all lifestyles, homosexuality. There are numerous works written on the sins of America and I need not go into these things at length. My primary function as a prophet and watchman to America is to announce what Jesus Christ is about to let loose on this nation if we do not repent. Back to the dream. One of the most important aspects of any job are the wages and yet my manager was standing at a distance and speaking very quietly about this important matter. God is not standing at a distance or speaking quietly to His church and the American people regarding their wages, the payback, the bottom line. He is raising up His prophets to speak with a loud and clear voice concerning the wages of sin and the responsibilities of His people to live a clean and righteous life.
But the clothing and department store managers (church leadership) are telling them (God's prophets) to keep it down, to stop making such a fuss. After all, its not good for business. Instead of being warned about Jesus Christ's Wrath about to be poured out upon America they choose instead to teach in the greatest detail regarding the financial blessings of Abraham or how to believe God for healing, to include classes, books and videos on Christian nutrition, aerobic workouts, or divorce recovery (how to enter into your second or third Christian marriage and erase the guilt and condemnation that comes with being an adulterer or adulteress as taught by Jesus in the gospels). When I share the dreams God has given me or attempt to prophesy the things God gives me to speak to His people the leadership and often times their congregations are prepared to throw me off a cliff for being a false prophet.
The $28 dollars per hour pay I was quoted in the dream stood for the 28th chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy in which the rewards for obedience and the punishments for disobedience to the known will of God are spelled out in detail. I am well aware of the fact that this is the Law and we are not under the Law but under the Grace of God. But you must also remember what the new testament says, "Let everyone that names the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity.", and "How much sorer punishment will come upon those who have tasted of salvation yet continue to live in complacency and ungodly ways." (from the pastoral Book of Timothy and the doctrinal Book of Hebrews Chapter 10) End of interpretation.
74.7 05/13, 1995, Dream, Russia & Nuclear War — Saturday Evening Rohnert Park, California, in the first part of the dream I saw a dark submarine. In the second part of the dream there was a good looking couple commandeering a speeding train that was out of control, the train crashed, the good looking couple was crushed and they died tragically. In the third scene of the dream there was a man who was jumping over barrels, either being chased or chasing someone else, it looked like everything would turn out well, but he slipped and was crushed by the barrels.
Interpretation: The night before I had this dream I had gone to the movie "Crimson Tide" which is about a potential nuclear war coming from a breakaway Russian republic and aimed at the United States. It was an exciting and tense movie with much realism taking place on a U.S. Nuclear Submarine but with the typical Hollywood ending "AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER." The first part of the dream showing the dark submarine was setting the stage for the truth that the Spirit of the Lord wanted to convey to me. The second scene in the dream reminded me of the Hollywood scenario for the movie "Speed" (which I never saw) but which I believe involved a good looking couple who commandeer an "out of control" bus and go through a series of near brushes with death but always come out the victors. Boy gets girl and "they live happily ever after." But in the brief scenario of this dream, where God is the producer and director of the graphics, plot, beginning and ending. This good looking couple end up being crushed and die tragically in the runaway train they were trying to commandeer. In the third scene of the dream a man seems to be performing, almost superhuman feats, by chasing someone or being chased by someone while jumping over some barrels. Instead of triumphing, in his agility, he slips and is tragically crushed by the barrels. Once again, the Spirit of the Lord is directing this dream (a spiritual movie directed by the Lord) and opening my eyes to a certain truth He wants to impart. God is threatening America with nuclear war and Russia is one of the countries He has chosen to carry out this judgment. I felt "led of the Lord" to go to this movie in order to more realistically grasp the threats He has told me to preach to the American people. The point I believe God was trying to make through this dream is that His threatened destruction of America with a nuclear war, and a land based military invasion will not have a Hollywood, fantasy-land ending as depicted in the movie "Crimson Tide". This nation will come to a most tragic and pitiful end for ignoring His warnings through His prophets. America will be utterly and completely destroyed for her abominable behavior much like Sodom and Gomorra was wiped from the face of the Earth and remains only as a salt land where nothing lives or grows. On 03/05th of 1993 Dumitru Duduman, a prophet from Romania had a dream which is in agreement with the essential truth taught in this dream. I quote from his book on "Dreams and Visions from God" pages 32 and 33 entitled THE HAND THAT WROTE IN THE SKY. In my dream, it was as if my family and I were in a garden and we wanted to pick flowers. We were all looking around trying to see which flowers were the most beautiful. I looked toward the sky. As I looked at the sky, I saw the head and hand of a man. As I continued to look I saw the hand beginning to write: "Tell the people (of America) not to believe that the things I have said are FAIRY TALES AND UNTRUTHS (that America will burn in one day in a nuclear war). The DAY OF TERROR is fast approaching: it is close. I will not let one word that I have said go undone.
74.8 06/08, 1995, Dream, War Is Near — Thursday Morning 8:24 a.m. Rohnert Park, California, in this dream I was in the Army and felt fortunate since my job was on a base close to home. This dream was very vivid and real regarding my being in the Army and having a job which was close to home. My job was to watch over some kind of water or wastewater treatment plant.
Interpretation: This dream puzzled me until one evening, after a time of fasting I met with a Christian friend who has been used extensively by the Lord in prophecy, dreams and visions. During our visit and discussion the horrifying interpretation of this dream hit me. The fact that I was in the Army and it was close to home meant that this judgment of war, that God had been speaking to me about over the past ten (10) years was CLOSE TO HOME or the time was very near, even sooner than I was wanting to acknowledge, when the horrors of war would be visited upon the American people and upon our own shores. When American's would be widowed and raped, their children massacred and the survivors taken into captivity. A horror much like the Jews faced when Poland was invaded by the Nazi's during World War II… How much sorer punishments will come upon the populations of America, and especially the ones who name the Name of Christ yet fail to bear the fruits of righteousness. But instead, through lukewarmness and complacency set their hearts upon wealth and the pleasures of good fellowship, food and drink while failing to stand as the "Salt of the Earth" and rid their own land of the abominations that have come to be identified with the United States of America - "One Nation Under God". While millions are spent in Hollywood on such movies as "Boogie Night" glorifying such abominable behavior as pornographic movie making without a single outrageous peep from the Christian community… Divorces, pornography, drag queens, transvestites, homosexuals, strippers, Bat Men and Boys, Terminators and Power Rangers multiply outside their gates among the populations with whom they willingly mix for the remaining six days of the week in order to rake in the blessings of Abraham. The remaining portion of the dream where I was watching over some kind of water or wastewater treatment plant was a reference to my responsibilities as a WATCHMAN TO THIS NATION. I was both watching the approaching doom of war about to come upon our land and seeing the reasons for why this judgment was about to fall. The water or wastewater treatment plants stood for the churches in America, whom God was holding accountable for cleansing the foul waters of America and PURIFYING or FAILING TO PURIFY the pollutions spewing out from this land and contaminating other nations we so proudly claim to be evangelizing.
74.9 06/10, 1995, Dream, Prophets Do Warn Of War… — Saturday Afternoon 3:30 p.m. Rohnert Park, California, I was on a school bus and there were about fifteen (15) to twenty (20) kids from an Assembly of God church school on this bus with me. I was sitting up front behind the bus driver and my son was behind me. My wife was in the back of the bus and my daughter was somewhere in the middle. One of the royal ranger leaders was on the bus with us (the royal rangers are the Christian equivalent of the Boy Scouts in the secular world). I had a leaflet or handout with the word "WAR" printed on it like the headlines in a newspaper and CHAPTER 33 OF THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL was typed in its entirety along with several dreams God had given me regarding the judgment of war that comes upon a nation for turning its back on God. I was explaining to my son that I had been called by God to be a WATCHMAN TO AMERICA (one, who, like a prophet "sees" into the future through supernatural gifts and is held accountable by God to warn both the righteous and the wicked to walk in the fear of the Lord lest they be caught unaware by the coming judgment of war (to cleanse a land of wickedness) and their blood be upon his hands - much like the responsibility given to a Christian to warn sinners of the need to accept Jesus Christ as Savior or the sinner must face an eternal future condemned to hell - a place of eternal torment where the "worm never dies" and the "fire is never quenched"). That because of the WICKEDNESS OF THIS NATION and the LUKEWARMNESS OF THE CHURCHES AND ITS LEADERS God was bringing a CRUEL WARRING NATION AGAINST AMERICA and we would soon see real tanks in our streets and much killing and death everywhere. Almost immediately my wife marched in a "Gestapo like" fashion to the front of the bus to protect the children from hearing such things. Angry, that I was once again "going off the deep end" and being a false prophet and bringer of false tidings of "doom and gloom". The royal ranger leader also rushed forward to stop me from sharing this information with anyone, but especially these children. He had a clipboard and was writing down "charges" he intended to bring against me to make sure I was labeled a false prophet and a danger to the children and the Church of Jesus Christ. The intent of writing down these accusations was to have me dismissed from his church thereby removing my presence and influence. I was considered a danger to the body of believers at this Assembly of God church and especially to the children.
74.10 08/24, 1995, Dream, Invasion — Thursday Evening Rohnert Park, California, I was at a coastal town and there was a college campus or some kind of complex of buildings from five (5) to ten (10) stories in height. I was asking a woman on campus where the best place to go would be if there was an earthquake and one or several of these buildings were to come down. She pointed out a clearing and also mentioned an underground shelter about two (2) stories below grade where there were vending machines to get food etc. These buildings were all made of brick and concrete and there were many stone jetties and seawalls with the ocean coming up to the stone embankments. Then almost "out of nowhere" a large silver plane flew over (very high up) and dropped a bomb that looked a little like a missile. I watched it descend and then land in the ocean about one-quarter (1/4) mile offshore. This "missile thing" floated and upon contact with the water it opened while floating and began jettisoning various marker buoy's, floating radar equipment, and other such floating equipment. I knew immediately this stuff was in PREPARATION FOR A LAND BASED INVASION to direct landing craft and other military craft during an invasion.
I panicked, since I kind of knew what to do had this emergency been an earthquake, but a MILITARY INVASION OF OUR SHORE LINE OR COAST LINE was totally outside my scope of comprehension and I just had no idea how to handle such an event.
74.11 09/14, 1995, Dream, Florida —Thursday 9:57 a.m. Rohnert Park, California, FROGMEN and various workers are preparing the FLORIDA COAST for a possible LAND BASED MILITARY INVASION.
Comment: Just seven (7) months later on 04/22nd, of 1996 Dumitru Duduman, a prophet from Romania with Hand of Help Ministries, who was totally unaware of my dream regarding Florida, had a vision of an attack that was being prepared against America by China and Russia which included the points of penetration by these nations in their planned attack. The following is a portion of that vision:
As I (Dumitru Duduman) was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, and a short chubby man, who said he was the president of China and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one, "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind." A voice said to me (Dumitru Duduman),
"WATCH WHERE THE RUSSIANS PENETRATE AMERICA." I SAW THESE WORDS BEING WRITTEN: ALASKA, MINNESOTA, FLORIDA." The man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."
74.12 12/26, 1995, Dream, Nuclear Warfare —Tuesday Morning Rohnert Park, California, in this dream I was discussing, with a military commander (someone in the navy or pentagon), what our strategy was for a NUCLEAR ATTACK. Particularly if we were attacked from the ocean. The discussion seemed like it involved ships launching NUCLEAR MISSILES against one another. I asked this question and his reply was, "Well, what would happen is that they would launch NUCLEAR MISSILES from their naval ships against our naval ships and we would do the same." Then I asked, "Well, how would you know, or how would anyone know what the outcome was, whether they won or we won?" At this point he was at a loss to describe to me how we would know who won, because once the missiles hit their targets, THERE WOULD BE NO SURVIVORS. Basically it was an in-depth and at-length discussion about NUCLEAR WARFARE and in particular how you would carry out NUCLEAR WARFARE BETWEEN WARRING NAVIES, once the destruction had been done to the civilian population. In summary, the discussion was about NUCLEAR WARFARE; its implications for the military and in particular how it related to navies firing NUCLEAR MISSILES at one another, like the Tomahawk Missiles used in LIMITED NUCLEAR WARFARE. This discussion was taking place in light of the fact that we (the United States) were about to engage in WAR. The sense of the dream was heavy, foreboding, quite serious regarding the prospects of such a future event.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: You can e-mail the above Prophet who had these dreams at mysbabylon@aol.com .]
From: www.demonbuster.com/america.html .
75.1 1995, Dream &4 Part Dream & Visions & Prophetic, Attack Against The Family/Root & Homosexual Marriages & Time Of Quiet & America Loss Of Tax Exempt 501C3 Status For Not Marrying Gays & Persecution To American Churches & 09/11, 2001 & Nuclear Attack—Los Angeles, CA — About 8 years ago, the Lord had me read Joel chapter 1:4, about the different locusts. He then showed me a vision of a tree and showed me that the locusts were attacking the tree; one group attacked the fruit, another the leaves, another the bark, and the final one the root. He said that the tree represented the family and that the last attack would be at the root. In 4th /5th months of last year (2003), He reminded me of this again (just before the Episcopalians ordained the gay priest) and said that homosexual marriage would pass, but after it did, there would be a time of relative quiet. Then, the homosexuals would start going to mainstream churches for their weddings and the churches that did not allow them to be married there would be threatened with the loss of their tax exempt (501c3) status. He said that we would be surprised at the big churches who went along and performed the ceremonies because of the potential loss of their tax exempt status. He also said that when this happens, this would be the door through which persecution flows against the church in America.
Also around 4th/5th months of last year (2003), He gave me a vision of what the next attack would be like; He showed me a beautiful woman with a beautiful pearl necklace and a blue dress (I never saw the woman's face; I saw her neck, the necklace, and the top and collar of the dress)...out of nowhere a man's hand came and snatched the pearl necklace and the feeling of panic, terror, horror, shock, fear, was like nothing that I have ever experienced; it is beyond my ability to describe it...I don't know specifically what the next attack will be, but whatever it is, it is going to be much worse than 911 and horrible beyond our comprehension.
(Editors note: The string of pearls could be a group of cities that will be taken away from the Babylonish harlot of America.)
String of pearls: http://www.lampholderpub.com/new_page_67.htm .
I had a four part dream in the middle of a 40 day fast in early may of 2004.
In the first part I was standing on something, I don't know what it was, and the whole earth was spread out in front of me, like a map. I could see everything, all at once, every continent, every city, everything...to my left was the United States Of America, Canada, and Mexico; Europe was in front of me. For some reason, the whole world was dark, because every city had its lights on...I saw lights on in buildings, but I didn't see any people. Someone was standing next to me, narrating, explaining what I was being shown, but I don't remember seeing them. I just remember a light next to me and understanding that the voice was coming from the light, but I couldn't see who was in the light...anyway, I saw 9/11 [09/11, 2001] hit.... there were 'ripples' that went through the whole earth, like when you throw a stone into a calm lake or something...there wasn't a feeling of panic or fear, but mostly sadness; not even sorrow, really... more like when a friend is hurting and you go and pat their shoulder like, 'awww, it'll be ok', kind of thing, if that makes sense...
I saw people taking their money out of the United States and putting it in Canada and France (France was prominent in this)...I mean, rich people, movie stars, etc., thinking that their money would be safe... then I saw the next attack, which occurred on the west coast.... Los Angeles lit up like fireworks, at least 2 explosions... it was a nuclear attack... the ripples then went deeper and further than they did for 9/11....remember in the string of pearls vision that there was such a feeling of panic and terror that I couldn't even describe it? I felt it again in this dream, but the panic was not just in the U.S.- it was worldwide...
I suddenly found myself in Africa, and I was walking among people, and they were crying, because they were very afraid...and the people in the U.S. who had taken their money out of the U.S.A. and put it in Canada and France after 9/11, thinking that their money would be safe, were wrong...they couldn't get to their money anymore...the entire economy had locked up like an engine with no oil. I saw, superimposed (if this makes sense) over the whole earth, a mechanism lock into place, like some kind of lock...I saw this land mass, that represented the economy, slide off into water, and it didn't rise again, though I got the feeling that people were really expecting it to...it was explained to me that these attacks are being taken advantage of (I hate to say orchestrated, but that's the feeling I got) to lead us into a truly global economy, but first, the existing structure has to be destroyed, because the existing economic structure cannot sustain a truly global economy...a truly global economy not only means that there is no one nation that is stronger than another, but it also means that there is no one nation that is richer than another...a true global economy is not about getting the rest of the world to meet our economic standards, it's really about dragging us down into their standard; America is going to be a 3rd world nation as a result of this...the beginning of this is the outsourcing of jobs, which has been in the news a lot lately. Like I said, there were 4 parts and this was just the first; the second had to do with the timing of the attacks, the third had to do with secular and religious people not listening to the warning, and the fourth had to do with the church as a whole not listening....
The second part of the dream was by far the most disturbing. I was in the parking garage of the world trade center, but the parking garage wasn't underground or even on the ground level-it was 10 floors beneath where one of the planes was about to hit. I was holding onto a concrete pillar and looking out to my left, and there was a 'window', for lack of a better word, that allowed me to see the city...I think I was in the first building because no plane had hit yet; it was peaceful, sunny, and quiet, very serene and calm...I remember saying within my spirit, Lord, these people have no idea what's about to happen, but I know...I'm the only one who knows what's going to happen...as I held on to the pillar, which was about 10-15 feet away from the 'window', or clear space that let me see outside, I closed my eyes and prayed, 'is it now Lord?', and He said, 'No, not yet'...I began to tense up, because I knew in my spirit that the impact was coming, and that it was coming soon...a few seconds later, I asked, 'is it now, Lord?', and He said, 'No, not yet'....something in my spirit began to rumble (rumble is the only way I know how to describe it)....the intervals between the 'rumbles' got shorter and shorter and shorter and more intense, and I asked, 'Is it now Lord?', and He didn't answer...suddenly I felt the impact of the plane hitting the building and there was a dull WHOOMP!, and the concrete pillar that I was holding onto vibrated violently......as I looked out to my left, to the clear space, everything was still silent....and then a body fell, just one.....I was horrified...have you seen movies or pictures of parades when people throw confetti out of windows and how it flutters around everywhere and fills the skies?
Well, several seconds after the first body, the sky was full of bodies and body parts, like confetti...I saw arms, legs, I saw a woman in a brown skirt, falling, I saw what was left of a man, from the waist down: a shiny black belt, black slacks, black shoes, and the feet were crossed at the ankles...I heard the people's screams...I was close enough even to hear the wind whipping through their clothes as they fell...the sky was full of bodies and body parts...I could even tell which ones had jumped from above and which ones had fallen...the ones who jumped seemed to have a little more control of their bodies than the ones who simply fell; I saw a man bent in half, like he had jumped off of a diving board...suddenly, almost outside of my peripheral view, a head bounced into the parking garage...a man's head, no body, no limbs, just head, but it was alive...it was gnashing its teeth in the most horrible way that I have ever heard, demonically, repeatedly, and very loud...I got scared and I said in the dream, Lord, I don't like this; Lord, I don't want to see this anymore....the dream faded gradually, I woke up and sat up in my bed for a few seconds.
When I laid back down and went back to sleep the dream continued....this time I was in an elevator at my job...I work for PayPal, which I truly believe to be either the mark of the beast or the system that the mark is going to be based on; it's slogan is 'the new world currency', which most people who don't work here don't know about....I was in an elevator with 3 co-workers (we had an elevator at the old building that we were in until last year; we don't have one in our new building), all of whom are still working here and I see frequently....there were 2 women and a man; I was standing in front of one of the women, my face in her face, and I said emphatically, "there IS going to be a nuclear attack in the United States, and it is going to be in Los Angeles!”… her face turned red and she backed up, smiled, and walked away, and the Lord said, 'this is a religious spirit'...He helped me to understand that she represents the people who send those cutesy emails, the ones that say something like, 'say this prayer and send this email to 10 people, including the one who just sent it to you, and God will answer your prayer by the end of the day'...people who have no concept of Who He truly is...they think of God as being a cutesy all love all accepting God, not a God who has standards and not a God who demands righteousness....the other 2 people, the man and the other woman, were talking amongst themselves, and when I turned to tell them what was about to happen, their conversation intensified so that they were so focused on each other that they ignored me...I believe that they represent the people who don't necessarily reject God outright, but ignore Him...
The final part of the dream is the part that I believe has to do with the Church and our current state...I was standing outside of this massive building that looked like a school...I was carrying these things in each arm, burdens is what I heard in my dream, and I could see them clearly, although no one else could, but I got the feeling that because of where I was, people should have been able to see what I was carrying...I found myself in a huge auditorium, and it was like a party or celebration was going on...there was loud, raucous laughter, children running everywhere, even on the stage, women and men talking and laughing and smiling...papers were in the air everywhere...and I'm standing facing the crowd, with my back near the door, with these 'burdens' in my arms, and no one is paying attention to me, although, like I said, I got the feeling that they should have been, and that they should have known what I was carrying...all of a sudden, I feel the same 'rumblings' that I had when I was in the world trade center, and I'm getting agitated...
I see a young girl named Autumn (of all of the people in my dream, she is the only one who was called by name), who is about 6 yrs old and has a crush on my 6 year old son (in real life, this is true)...she's chasing my son and he's trying to get away; I found my wife and told her to get the kids because we had to get out of there NOW, and the rumblings are getting closer together and more intense...she said that she would but walked away and didn't come back, and I got frustrated, so I left and went outside and was going to go down some steps to get to away from the building, but as I stood at the top of the steps, I realized that they were very steep, unusually steep, and that the steps themselves weren't very wide; it seemed to me that if I tried to step on one, it would only be big enough for about half of my foot, or less, so I said, Lord, I can't go down these steps...they're too steep and too small and with these burdens that I'm carrying, I'm afraid I'll lose my balance and fall....then, I was prompted to look to my left and I saw a lush green grassy area that gradually went to a sidewalk and away from the building...I went that way and as soon as I cleared the grass and got to the sidewalk, the Lord said, 'go back', and I knew that He meant back into the building to try to warn the people one more time, and I didn't want to because the rumblings were increasing in frequency and I knew that whatever was coming was coming quick and that there wasn't much time, but I ran back into the building with these burdens and came back out with my wife and 4 of my 5 kids (my 6 year old son was still inside for some reason)....our car was parked right in front of the building and I yelled to my wife to go back inside and get our 6 year old because we have to go NOW!!! and that we don't have time to wait...my wife and I have 16 month old twins, a boy and a girl, and I was buckling my son into his baby seat and it broke, so I tossed it over my shoulder and said, Lord, what now? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red cord appeared from behind the seat, like where a seat belt would be. I was getting very agitated but my son was very calm and he was looking at me with his huge brown eyes, not worried about anything...I put him in the seat and tied the rope/cord around him and I remember thinking, at least if we get into a car accident, he'll be ok; this won't cut him in half...just as I'm doing this, the rumbling are getting closer and closer and more intense, to where I feel them deep within my bowels, and now there is no interval between them, and suddenly I sense something coming over my shoulder, and there is this large, round shadow on the ground, and I remember thinking, sadly, great, this is it; this is what was coming and we're not supposed to be here; we're not going to make it, and I woke up.
The Lord hasn't given me full understanding of everything in these dreams, but I do believe that timing wise, something is going to happen in the fall (autumn)...because autumn was the little girl's name who was chasing after my son, and of all of the people in the dreams, hers is the only name that I heard audibly...also, because of the dream where I was in the world trade center; fall begins in the ninth month.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
76.1 Late 1995, Series Of Visions, Cities Aflame In America — I have had few visions from God. But one I saw was most disturbing. I saw the entire East Coast of the US in flames. Utterly destroyed. The areas that were left were under the control of the UN. One very prominent figure who was in the Clinton administration, was still here in the US conducting the clean up. It was a very violent overthrow of our country, and humiliating to watch what was happening. One thing the Spirit let me know was the fact that this was the last resort. America’s leaders had tried everything to destroy our Country’s Constitutional Government and couldn’t. Notice, I did not say America’s enemies, but America’s leaders. Thus, because the US was a major obstacle to the plan of World Government, they resorted to violent (extremely violent) means. This vision still haunts me from time to time. It seemed as though the people simply could not believe that it was happening. They were shocked, absolutely shocked and very frightened. There were a few cool heads about that seemed to know and even expected that this was going to happen and knew that America as we know it, was finished. America had become a page in future history books.
I had this vision (actually, it was a series of visions) back in late 1995 and have had only a few since then. I do not know if this was a warning as to what could happen or if it was a sure word of what will happen. I do know that is was something that God wanted me to see. I also know it was at the very least a warning. This country has fallen a long, long way. We have allowed our elected leadership to remove God from our schools. A quick look at our schools shows now the devil has moved in. Abortions, Shootings, Drugs, Murder, Rape are all part of many of the nations schools. Wherever and whenever a people remove God, something else will come in and attempt to fill the void. The same can be said of our nation. Just look at it! This country really used to be the envy of the world. We had such a strong moral foundation. Our courts were, by and large, free of serious corruption. Our people believed in hard work and had a sense of loyalty and commitment to this once great nation. These things simply are not true anymore. Money is now being made, not through hard work, but through usury, lawsuits and graft. Most of the large ‘industries’ today are based on some sort of legal fraud. Entire law offices are devoted to suing wealthy individuals, whose only crime is being rich. Lawyers have become so ruthless that now many individuals are creating estate trusts to keep some of these deranged vultures at bay. Time would fail me if we discussed some of the fraud and money laundering going on in Wall Street. Insider trading, a lucrative way to make money, where hard work is not rewarded, but illegal behavior is. It’s the ‘everyday people’, who’s retirement money are in huge banks and brokerage houses, which are exposed in derivatives and foreign dealings which are often only quasi-legal, are very vulnerable to what I call the new financial Mafia. As I write, this new Mafia seem to be the real beneficiaries of the ‘prosperity’ we see in America in the late 1990’s. The problem is that other than debt and reams of paper, these guys don’t produce anything. If you charge a fee for passing or accepting these pieces of paper you are considered a productive American, If you make something worthwhile, like cars, textiles or homes, then you are an overpaid blue-collar worker who is destined for the ash heap of history. Hard work today is almost laughed at, as the society and the economic system now rewards this new type of ‘labor’, and denigrates the type of work that made this country great.
Murder, lies, theft and sexual perversion are the god's of America. God is preparing his response to America's rebellion and wickedness… by Mark S. Watson
From: Mark S. Watson, www.markswatson.com
77.1 The Amazing War Cycles Of America —
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77.2 06/1996?, Open Vision, Invasion Of The United States — TREMBLE YE WOMEN THAT ARE AT EASE, ISAIAH 32:9-15.
For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not; In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword. JOB 33: 14 - 18
Greetings in Jesus Name: (Please look up the verses as you read this.) Several years ago I prayed over our children and asked God to give a dream or vision concerning our future. God did this; and He gave Justin, my youngest son, an open vision. He saw a large ship full of people on the sea. The right side of the ship was full of people dressed in white, while on the left they were in black ( like the sheep and the goats [Rom. 13:11-14 and Rev. 19:8] ). A jet plane suddenly swooped down and shot a rocket at the ship and sank it. The people in black could not swim and sank. (The water represents the curse of the Word as in Noah's case.) Those in white swam around and built a new, smaller ship with the pieces and a smaller motor. At that time God gave me the interpretation that he through judgment would separate the apostate Christians from among His people (Babylon from among true followers). He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life (Rev.3:4,5).
06/1996, Dream/s, Invasion Of The United States — Recently (6-96), I had two very vivid dreams. First, I saw military bases in the U.S. being bombed and strafed. In the second dream, I was on one military base and saw a massive desertion of the military. I read the minds of military leaders who were fearful and confused. I saw leaders begging their general for orders saying, "We're being attacked. We must have orders." The general replied very anxiously, "I have received no orders; I don't know what to do." I knew that this was a large scale invasion of the U.S. I saw a group of deserters with keys in their hands looking for the military vehicles that their individual key fit. I rode with one of them as he frantically tried to get to his family in the South. An invasion front blocked his path; sadly, he had to turn around.
I have learned from experience that my dreams and visions are true; but for the sake of those that will hear me, I asked God for a confirmation. He said, "I've already given you one--Justin's vision!" The Lord showed me there were two interpretations to that vision. Both the religious Babylon of apostate religion and the civil or secular Babylon of the U.S. would be like a ship sunk in the ocean! ( Rev. 18:21, Jer. 51:64)But those dressed in white (Rev. 19:8, Rom. 13:11-14) will be saved.
07/1996, Above The United States A Gigantic Bomb — More recently (7-96), I saw the United States stretched out before me; and above and parallel to it, was a veil. Above the veil was a gigantic bomb hanging from a string! The United States was as if it were water teeming with fish. The fish were under the bomb, but they could not see it for the veil. It was then that I noticed a fishing pole in my hand. (Thanks, Lord, for this gift.) Standing where I was, if I caught the fish, they would be able to see the bomb and be out from under it. I live in the U.S. and have no orders to move, but I was out from under the judgment of the bomb (Ps. 91). The Lord is going to preserve through the midst of this judgment the hearers and doers of His Word (Mt. 7:24-27) because righteousness delivereth from death (Pr. 11:4,6). Afterwards God will prepare a table in the wilderness of the U.S. Then God's people will once again learn to receive deliverance, provision, and healing from Him and not from the arm of the flesh (Jer.17:5). When Egypt is destroyed, Israel will go into the wilderness to learn to trust in His salvation. When Babylon is destroyed, Israel will go back to their Land of Promise (promises) and build the New Jerusalem.
Vision, Nuclear Missiles Coming To The United States &White Spirits – Holy Angels Passed Between The Christians And The Soldiers — I visited a small church recently (my first time there), and a young Christian stood and testified that he had seen a vision. He said he saw nuclear missiles coming to the U.S. Then he saw the "Welcome to Warrington" sign, and there was nothing but a great huge crater in the area. He saw some Christians getting up off the ground, dusting themselves off, and going on. He saw this small church, which is in Warrington, with Christians inside and out. A foreign military convoy pulled up. The soldiers got out and pointed their weapons at the Christians. White spirit beings (angels) passed between the soldiers and the Christians, and the soldiers tumbled over backwards. A nuclear missile would wipe out Warrington and this church, but obviously God is saying that a "small church" would be preserved through the midst of the catastrophe. After this a lady testified that she had just seen great fireballs falling from the sky. I stood and testified of a dream and a vision of the same type as these. Another woman stood and prophesied that some standing there would be martyred for the cause of Christ. Sadly, the pastor got up the next Sunday and threw all of God's warning out the window, saying the rapture would happen first.
Wishful thinking should not get between us and the truth. In 70 A.D. the Christians who took Jesus' warning in Matthew 24:16-18 seriously were saved, and those who did not were destroyed! When the Turks invaded Armenia, the Christians who believed in the Word, dreams, visions, and prophecies escaped while over two million of those who did not were killed. In Europe before WW II, Christians of all types received dreams and visions of the coming destruction. This was well documented. Throughout Christian history God has done this before judging a country. Now it is happening all across the U.S. Many of these dreams and visions (like the ones in this writing) say clearly that the rapture will not happen before God judges the U.S. I am not talking about whether the rapture comes before or after the tribulation. God will judge the U.S. first (1 Peter 4:17), before the tribulation as an example to the world. After all, the U.S. is the leading exporter of the following evils: pornography, low life movies, fornication, abortion, weapons of war, backslidden religion, and materialistic love of the world. So do not listen to the wishful thinkers. Listen to God and prepare your soul! Ask God to give you and your family dreams and visions about the future of the U.S. He promised He would in Acts 2:17-18. Pray and cultivate a close relationship with our Lord and learn to hear His voice.
Curt's Dream #1, Explosions Of Bombs Everywhere — "In my dream I awoke to crying and screaming. Explosions of bombs were everywhere. Everyone was running trying to find a place of safety. There was no safety. No building was left standing. Nothing was recognizable. Black smoke was everywhere. No one was in charge. Everything was chaotic and crazy. Missiles were coming in from submarines off the coasts of the Atlantic and the Pacific. We didn't have a chance. It all happened so suddenly. Destruction seemed to be all over America."
On Ray Brubaker's prophecy news show, it was said that God spoke to their producer that something ominous (sign of something to come) would happen on 12/08th. What came to light was that the Russian nuclear missile subs were caught on the East and West Coasts, inside territorial waters, opposite our missile silos; and their attack subs were tailing our nuclear subs.
Eleven years ago the Lord appeared to me as a King. He ushered me into a great palace, that I now believe to represent the New Jerusalem. He showed me in this palace a tower that was built of logs like a log cabin but narrowing toward the top, where there was a place to stand. He said, "I want you to have this." He also showed me a payment book with so much a month in it. I have lived on an average of that amount coming miraculously from many directions, ever since. After this, in a vision, I was caught up high above Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where I lived. As I looked toward Florida, I saw that tower in Pensacola. A few months later God had miraculously bought me a house and car free and paid for in Pensacola, Florida, where I now live. Only recently have I really understood the meaning of the tower. The tower to the Jews was a place of refuge from an invading enemy as in Judges 9:46,51. From 887 B.C. Israel was at war every seventeen years for a period of fifteen cycles until 631 B.C. when Israel and Judah were taken captive and ceased to be nations (II Kings 18:9-13), the only city to escape capture, was Jerusalem (II Kings 19:31-34), which was called the tower of the flock in Micah 4:8. Only those in the tower escaped the invasion! Now history must repeat itself (Ecl.1: 9-11). These things happened unto them by way of example; and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come ( I Cor.10:11).
The U.S. is in a war every seventeen years and we are now at the fifteenth cycle when in Israel and Judah all was destroyed but Jerusalem, the Tower of the Flock! (See Addendum A) It is obvious that God is dealing with the U.S. as he did with Israel. He made an example of them to the world when they fell into apostasy--even to the extent of destroying them as a nation! Who will be in the tower of Zion? Ps.15, Ps.24 and Ps. 91 tell us. Pr.18:10 says, "The name (Heb; nature, character, authority) of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is set on high." Paul commanded, "Whatsoever you do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." This is not "saying" the name but abiding in it. Each of us should be building this tower of the name (nature) of Jesus in our lives, by counting the cost and bearing the cross (Lk.14:26-28 ). Those who don't will perish in the coming judgment ( Matthew 5:13).
Curt's Dream #2, Lighthouse & A Flood Coming— "In this dream I awoke and was on the top of what seemed to be a lighthouse. I could see nothing but rising water across the far side of the tower. Suddenly I felt the water which had risen to my feet and was rising fast. Off to the left in the distance was a row of hills that seemed to have spotlights on them. There were some people in the tower, and I was talking to them. I don't know who they were. The next thing I knew the water covered everything, including the hills; but we who had been in the tower were on debris afloat on the water." There is a flood of destruction coming, but those abiding in the tower will be saved.
Friend in Christ, if you are convicted that you are not where you need to be in Christ then turn your faith toward God. Faith is the "victory that overcomes the world" (1 John 5:4). Faith is calling the things that are not as though they were" (Rom. 4:17) until they come to pass. We must be "seeing that His divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness...whereby He hath granted unto us His precious and exceeding great promises that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust" (II Peter 1:3-4).
Christ made you "free from sin" (Rom. 6:18,22) so why should you "live any longer therein?" (verse 2) for you were "delivered out of the power of darkness" (Colossians 1:13) so "reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin but alive unto God" and "let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey the lusts thereof "(Rom. 6:11,12). "if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit (God's power) you put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:13,14). Believe God's promises and escape the lusts of the flesh. "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (II Cor. 7:1).
If you have a dream, vision, prophecy or revelation from the Word concerning this, call me. I have many others, some too long for this message. Please get Through the Fire-Without Burning by Dumitru Duduman at your Christian bookstore. If you would like to join me in warning others, please copy this and pass it on to as many as possible.
77.3 Judgment Delayed — God will not change what is written in his word. "For ever oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven" (Ps.119:89). His word is likened unto a rock, immovable, unchangeable. However God can change or delay what He speaks to you as a warning through prophets, dreams, visions or thorough His Spirit in many ways. In the case of a delay, when the word ultimately comes to pass it will be fulfilled as, and when, the Bible says it will.
God gave us an example of this in the book of Jonah. Jonah "cried and said, yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4). God had told Jonah to "preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee" (3:2), so he did. He was not a false prophet. Because of this Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, repented and God spared them. This angered Jonah because they were the mortal enemy of Israel and because his warning did not come to pass (4:1,2). One reason for me to share this with you is so that when the judgment doesn't come to pass when prophesied you won't disbelieve the prophecy or berate the faithful prophets. God spared Nineveh around 752 BC so Assyria could conquer Judah around 701 BC, and the northern 10 tribes around 720 BC. God delayed the destruction of Nineveh so she would bring Israel into bondage in their tribulation. Nineveh ultimately did fall around 612 BC…
In the Bible Code by Michael Drosnin on page 163-166 we see that we are warned of a third world war on 07/25, 1996 and we were told that it would be delayed. We are also told of a delay in a world war in the Hebrew year 5760 which is 09/99 – 09/2000. Thus is when I have believed W.W. III would take place even before I read the Bible Code. That makes two warnings that were delayed. I believe there will be 2 delays and then judgment. The year 2000 (Hebrew year 5760 is actually from 09/1999 – 09/2000) and the year 2006 (Hebrew year 5766 is actually from 09/2005 – 09/2006) are encoded with "atomic holocaust" and "world war" (pg 123). Delayed was encoded with both wars. With "world war", "Russia" and "China" and "USA" is encoded. Of primary concern to us is, how long before the plum line war I don't know, but observing Russia and China diligently arming up and considering the political climate, I would say we won't have long to wait. Whatever the date Father in his mercy has given us more time to prepare by learning to abide in Jesus…
Delayed is not cancelled. The faithful prophet prophesies true prophecies that can be delayed but will come to pass. The False prophets may also come to pass, but the motive will be to deceive or lead in the wrong direction (Dt.13:1-3). More often they do not come to pass. Notice verse 3 here. The Lord uses false prophets to prove who loves God and who doesn't. He does this to separate wheat from tares. This method will bring great separation in the near future. Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not (Lam. 3:37)? In this trial the righteous will not follow another voice (Jn.10:4,5). The false prophets are the many (2 Cor.2:17) and as in Jesus' day they are in the pulpits. They will lead a great falling away through their lascivious doctrines and lifestyle (2 Pet. 2:2,3,18). These will have the mark of the beast. Read your bible for yourself and love truth or you will be among them!…
As we can see some prophecies are delayed for various reasons that are stipulated in the Word. Others are prophesying in part (1 Cor.13). And others are what I call wolf prophecies. Remember the old story about the guy that cried "wolf !" "wolf !" until everyone wouldn't listen anymore. The devil can make true prophecies useless by injecting his own words of imminent, sometimes dated, fulfillments that do not come to pass until no one listens any more. God does sometimes give dates. In the 70 weeks prophecy of Dan. 9 are many dates. In Jer.29:10 God said there would be 70 years till the end of bondage in Babylon. In Dan.9:2, Daniel believed and acted on that date. Many times these dreams, visions and prophecies must be put on the shelf to see if they come to pass. God bless you with discernment to know.
77.4 Marks Dream #1, Tornados — There was a large crowd of people, who all seemed to be Christians (my family included), working inside a big building which had large plate glass windows on two sides through which one could see the surrounding country-side. Everyone was scurrying around preoccupied with their own little projects, whatever they were. I looked up and saw a giant funnel cloud coming so I screamed, "There's a tornado coming! Everybody get out quickly!" We all ran out the side door of the building and toward the back where there were big holes pre-dug in the ground for a new foundation which was going to be poured -- a foundation (Christ [1Cor. 10,11 / Gal. 3:1]) for the rest of the building from which we had just come. As we jumped into the holes, the tornado passed over and completely disappeared. Everyone was relieved; and the next thing I knew, we were back in the building working on our various projects again. As I glanced out the window again, there was a great mass of tornadoes heading our way even faster than the single tornado which had come earlier. This time I was terrified as I knew there was no time for hesitation. I screamed for everyone to drop what they were doing and follow me and don't waste time looking back (Gen.19:26); because I knew if anyone hesitated the slightest bit, they would not make it. We all ran back toward the holes dug for the new foundation (1 Kings 6:46-49) (see * note) and started jumping into them. I noticed that down in the bottom were steel rods to which you could hold onto fairly easily and that the only way to see what was happening above was to let go of the rods. I screamed for everyone to stop trying to see (for we walk by faith and not by sight) what was happening and grab onto the rods. I could see many Christians letting go to see what was happening; consequently, they were instantly carried away in the storm. They were sucked out of the holes like rag dolls. [When the whirlwind passeth, the wicked is no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation (Pr.10:25). Righteousness delivereth from death (Pr.10:2).] There were a few of us left after the storm; and we went back into the main building, which was untouched by the storm. All the rest of the country-side was devastated; the hills and the roads were covered with debris, and there was complete silence. In the distance, I heard the sound of an engine; and I could barely make out a yellow Volkswagen. Although I could not see the people inside, I could tell by their laughter that it was a friend, named David, and his boys. They were out joy-riding and spinning donuts on what was left of the dusty road. So I knew their family made it through the storm, too.
*Note: The main foundation for almost 2000 years has been that we are justified through faith in Christ's blood. He bore our sins. Another aspect of our foundation, which has only been emphasized in the last few years, is that he bore the curse of that sin. This, I believe, is the "new foundation" behind (less emphasized and important) the main foundation. However, if we are to escape the Death Angel about to Passover the U.S., we must believe the curse was put upon the Lamb. To understand this, compare Gal.3:13,14 to Deuteronomy 28:15-68; also read Isaiah 53, Ps.91, and Ps.34. Is the blood on your doorpost? If so, you do not have to bear the curse if you believe; for as Jesus often said, "Be it unto you according to your faith" ( Heb.4:2, Lk.1:45). Beware of willful disobedience, for it is not covered by this foundation (Heb.10:26-31 / Num.15:27-31 / 2 Sam.12:10-14 / Mt.18:35,35 / Mt.5:25,26)
77.5 Marks Dream #2, Huge Mass Of Destruction Was Creeping Over Florida Going North — In this dream a huge mass of destruction was creeping over Florida going north. You could not actually see it, but all the population knew it was coming and were being evacuated on large shuttles which would hold a few hundred people each. (None of the other people in the dream seemed to be Christians.) I was telling an Asian woman with children and a black man that they could take our family's place because we were not going where everyone else was going. I noticed that at any moment the great masses of people were going to realize that they were not going to make the shuttles in time to escape what was going to happen. Then there would be total chaos because they would soon all die. I do not know exactly where we (our family) were going, but it was a different place (see *note) than the shuttle transports, and it was not very far. I told my wife that the hardest part would be finding water for the 70 something days [God's people were in bondage in Babylon for 70 years before it was destroyed and they were set free]. Somehow I knew we would be all right; nevertheless, I dreaded going through it. The country-side we would be surviving in looked lifeless and dry like a desert or the remnants of a nuclear blast (not necessarily resulting from a nuclear bomb but from a giant wave of destruction).
*Note: It is always a different place for God's people. Noah and his family fled to the Ark, but the rest fled to the high places of the earth, which eventually flooded. (Compare this to Curt's Dream #2 in which the highest peaks are to be flooded, or to Scott's vision in which the eagles who survived flew into the storm instead of away.)
77.6 Mark W. Dream ,False One Church — I went to church and the altar to get delivered from smoking. There were many people up front. I knew that the pastor was walking toward me to get away from someone who smelled like smoke and I thought, "I hope he doesn't come down here because I smell like smoke too." Just then my sister came to me very happy and said "Oh it's OK now look over there." I looked over and saw this man light up a cigarette. There were some booths and a sign that read "smoking section." People said "you don't have to quit because now we can smoke in church." I said "no, I want to quit smoking" (spiritually smoking is to partake of an unclean spirit because "breath" and "spirit" come from the same word in the Old Testament and in the New. Smoke is an unclean breath. "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and is become a habitation of demons, and a prison [booths] of every unclean spirit...). Then the scene changed and I saw on T.V. that everyone was rejoicing because a great agreement had been made to have "one church". I saw the agreement was two stacks (two horns of the false prophet) of paper but nothing was written on them (a sign that everyone will drop their doctrinal demands, which in the case of Christians is truth, in order to have unity [Jude 3,4]). Then I went to this extremely big church. I couldn't even see the other end of it (obviously the corporate church). I happened to look in the wrong door and noticed a giant ministers conference. They were being shown a film on how to scan bar codes on the foreheads of their congregation with a beam of light (the world) without them knowing it. This is the corporate two horned false prophet who makes merchandise of the people of God (2 Pet 2:1-3) and the Word of God (2 Cor 2:17 in Greek) and marks those belonging to the beast in their foreheads (minds Rom 8:5-6)(Rev 13:16). Remember in Jesus' day, the "respectable" religious folks who walked after the mind of the flesh cast their vote against Him. They were followers of a "respectable" group of ministers who gave them that mind using the word (light). Remember 10 out of the 12 tribes and their ministers worshiped the beast (golden calf) and had his mark in their foreheads (mind) and hand (works). The false prophets are the ones who war against this word the most. It's an honor to have these against me as they were against my Lord Jesus. They protect their prestige, authority, position and bank account. Draw close to God and His word so you may be able to recognize them. Dan 3:4,5 says, "Then the herald cried...peoples, nations, languages... fall down and worship the golden image (of the beast). This word "herald" is the only Greek word in the text at a time before Greek became a world language. It is the same word used in the New Testament for preacher. The command to worship the image (Rev 13:14,15) will come from the pulpits in the form of a deception so strong that if possible even the elect (Mt 24:24) will be deceived. If the truth weren't hidden in the parable of Revelation, there would be no strong delusion. In Dan 3:7 all worshiped the image, even the Israelites except Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These three wouldn't bow because they wouldn't eat of the beast's food (word) and wine (nature) and be defiled (Dan 1:5-16). If you receive the word and nature of a babylonish false prophet you too will be defiled and bow down (Mt 15:6-20)…
From: David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
78.1 Summer Of 1996, Prophetic Dream, War-Perhaps In America — This is a dream I had during the summer of 1996. This dream involves a warfare situation. We, perhaps America, had been the subject of a foreign invasion. [I am familiar with prophecies that speak of America being invaded at some point so that was my impression.] Somehow I found myself a part of the army involved in the battle. Everyone was involved since this threat was so great that all citizens automatically became soldiers. I seem to remember everyone wearing camo fatigues and carrying small arms. As a result of the invasion we were forced to retreat in confusion. We found ourselves in unfamiliar territory, at night, and skirmishes were taking place all around. We had no idea where we were where the enemy was or what was going on. As the day dawned we could see that we were all on the same side and a cease fire went into effect at once. I don't know if I was an advisor or what, but I had an urgent need to get a hold of my commanding officer and pass along some critical advice. Based on my view of the situation there were three fundamental things that had to be done as soon as possible. They are:
1. establish communications.
2. unify the command.
3. take the city.
At this point, I felt I had discharged my obligation. It was now up to the commanding officer to act on these suggestions. Afterward, the Lord showed me the interpretation. The War in question is the coming civil war in the Church. The dawning of the day, with its cease fire marks the end of the judgment and the beginning of the blessing. It is The Revelation of Jesus Christ, much like when the Lord opened Baalam's eyes. Then he understood the situation and the danger he was in. Then he fell on his face and worshipped. Then he repented and became obedient to his Lord.
This is when we see that while we were fighting each other, we were really all on the same side. Now we would begin to fight the real enemy! The personal part I play was in a prophetic role, helping to lead to unity in the Church.
From: www.etpv.org .
79.1 1997, Vision, Huge Angel Over Dallas —There was a huge angel the size of a skyscraper over Dallas calling the people to worship God. [The could have been the reigning angel of the United States since it was that big.]
79.2 1997, Dream, Six Cities In America Bombed —I saw six cities in America bombed: two in Texas, one being Houston, also Miami & Los Angels too.
79.3 2001, Dream, Nuclear Bomb – Chesterfield, MO — I saw a blast, nuclear bomb hit, Chesterfield, MO and the “Spirit Of St. Louis” airport was hit.
79.4 02/13, 2002, Dream, Three Nuclear Explosions In Washington State —I walked up to a green clump of corn stalks. One was leaning over almost touching the ground. I walked over to this corn stalk and straightened it up. After straightening the stalk I noticed an ear of corn full grown on it. I picked the corn and gave it to someone standing near me. This person shucked the corn to eat it. I noticed that the yellow corn ear was only about 2/3 to ¾ full of kernels, next I was looking at either downtown Portland or Seattle from a high place. I then saw three nuclear explosions happen next to each other in the middle of the city. Each explosion covered one mile total destruction radius. The explosions formed three circles that slightly overlapped each other in a triangular formation. I saw the nuclear wind blow mightily as it fanned out. This wind blew over almost everything in its path. I saw a car parked in a Quonset type garage with a woman and three children. This building, car, and people were not destroyed. I saw radioactive dust being blown on many people who were outside the circles of destruction. I knew these people would die.
Next, I was in a small town in the Midwest. Someone told me where three more suitcase bombs were stored and gave me directions to get there. I knew the bombs were from the Islamic terrorists. I thought I should find these bombs to prevent them from being used. To get to the bomb location I walked down a dirt road between cornfields. I came to a wider area between the fields that had several large trees growing close together. When I walked up to the trees I saw a van with the bombs inside. At this time President Bush arrived with some secret service agents around him. I showed the President the bombs. Because one of the bombs had a detonator in it the President was concerned about the bomb exploding. I suggested taking the bomb to Seattle and placing it where the other ones had exploded. He did not like my suggestion and brushed me off. I felt humiliated by his response so a few minutes later I walked up to him, the President, and explained that since a bomb had already exploded in Seattle I didn’t think exploding another one there would cause any further damage. President Bush said he didn’t have time to listen to me because he had to many other things to do and walked off. Again I felt belittled as I watched him walk away.
[Comments by Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: I met Jim at Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson and Apostle Seer Prophet of India – Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj meeting in St. Louis during the week of 06/24th, 2002. In talking with Jim, I knew God had revealed some things to him through dreams and visions.]
From: gideonswinepress@msn.com .
80.1 1997, Dream, West Coast Nuclear Warhead Missiles — In 1997 I had a dream, in the dream I saw nearly 100 missiles, there was a bunch of the missiles, a row of them – one right after the other, it was the West coast, Seattle all the way down the West coast, it appeared to be 4 to 5 miles off the coastline, I was at the Long Beach area in California it seemed. But I did not see them hit their targets, but I knew that they went up to Seattle and they were nuclear big warhead missiles, this I knew…
80.2 09/02, 2001, Dream & Vision, The Eagles & Cities of America — I was walking along a wide path, a tree appeared in the middle of the path, an element of time went by, again I was walking on the wide path, this time a bigger tree appeared in the path, I went further, and an even bigger tree appeared on the path, this time I could not get around this huge tree so I climbed the tree and rested in the tree.
A giant bald eagle came and I climbed onto it’s back, we flew over the cities of New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Las Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Detroit. The giant eagle brought me back to the huge tree on the path and said, “stay here.” So, I did.
A blood red eagle came and I climbed onto it’s back, we flew over the cities of New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Las Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Detroit, and they were destroyed, I saw destruction, fire and smoke. This giant blood red eagle brought me back to the huge tree on the path an said, “wait.” So, I did.
A white eagle came and I climbed onto it’s back, we flew over the cities of New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Las Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Detroit. This time I saw masses of people, like a huge amount coming to a peak, and at the peak of this huge amount of people was a leader in a white robe, a Saint leading the Saints out.
I saw Boulder/Hover Dam, Coaley Dam, & Chasta Dam; there were rings of solders protecting the water in these dams.
80.3 11/2001, Dream & Vision, Chicago & Nuclear Bomb — The Woodstock REVIVAL is exploding and I have seen this Vision, besides the Eagle vision. Actually it ties in with it. Chicago is one of the seven cities that I saw with severe destruction. New York since the Eagle vision has been hit (09/11, 2001, Twin Towers & Pentagon destruction). Just like the Vision showed.
BUT the key to and for the Woodstock Revival is for Chicago. We are sending out the Word to all peoples in this area and I pray to all states, to come together at the Woodstock Revival to pray, to humble ourselves and bow down seeking His face and protection. If Chicago will only recognize the living God and break away from their worldly ties and give themselves to Him by honoring His Majesty. The Lord will hear and assign Angels in and around this great city protecting it. What we need now is intercessors. We are praying that the Mayor of Chicago will hear about this REVIVAL and attend along with his team. This in itself would wake this city from its complacency. We must send out the GOOD NEWS and bind ourselves together according to the written Word.
"I SAW WHAT I WOULD CALL, A MINITURE WAR HEAD, (NUCLEAR) GO OFF IN THE CENTER OF CHICAGO. IT DESTROYED SEVERAL BLOCKS IN EVERY DIRECTION. THE DEATH TOLL WAS EMENSE. I COULD HEAR THE CRIES OF THE HURT AND INJURED." At that instant I awoke. Oh God, hear us, hear our prayers. Let all of Chicago get on their knees and be of one mind to the only one and true God.
80.4 Week Of 12/17,2001,Prophetic Word & Dream, Condition Of The Church & Judgment — An angel of the Lord appeared to me in a dream and his visit was, I believe a warning to all of America. I am aware that there are many prophetic visions and dreams that are coming into play during these last days and all of them are for a very special reason which I believe is: The Lord sending forth His warning, which could be for the last time before HE moves upon this world with His final judgment. These disasters that we are seeing is only the beginning. According the written Word "If this nation will net repent and bow down seeking the face of the Lord. " If this nation that is called by His name will not obey His commandments as He has sent forth. If this nation will not stand united to worship the one God as the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, then He will allow destruction the likes of which no man has ever seen. This Angel made it very clear to me that the Church as a whole, referring to the leaders, (the Clergy) has completely failed to allow the Holy Spirit to have freedom within the body. They have all interfered with the Word, taking it out of it's true content. They have all whitewashed the true power of the Word by creating their sermons to satisfy the givers denying the truth. Because they have failed, the church is weak. The body does not have the Spiritual power to fight the enemy, (that ole Devil) and he is leading them into a spiritual pit. "The blind leading the blind". The Word of God, said the Angel, is the only way for us, His children to beat the Devil. He said the sixty six books that we have today is the most and only powerful tool to be used to not only prepare us for the return of the Lord but to get us through the final attack of the enemy. His onslaughts which are about to be loosed upon this earth are beyond the thinking of any man and the Clergy has failed to prepare His people for what is about to happen. The Angel also said, speaking about the Woodstock Revival, "This revival will bring forth the absolute truth, the way God intended and through these services will loose His Love, His power and His Miracles so that all will know that He has anointed this revival to shake the nation, through a bunch of nobodies that listen to God and tell it the way it is. Fearing nothing but the Lord Himself. The Angel also said that the Holy Spirit will cause many called men and women of God to appear at many of these Revival services and they will have a Word form the Lord that will prepare all that hear how to don the armor of God and walk with out fear that will enable them to stand in these last days. Except for the sake and the teachings of the elite all shall be lost. My dear sister Rose, please hear me now, this Angel was as real as anything that I have ever seen. HE is going to bring forth a powerful word on the last revival service of this year, 12/29th. I have no idea what it is but I know this. HE WILL NOT FAIL. HIS WORD WILL BE FULFILLED. God bless you and your house.
80.5 3 Weeks Before 12/29, 2001,Dream, Approximately 80,000 Seated Stadium Airline Crash Explosion — About 3 weeks ago, Edgar got another Dream from God, there was a stadium, seated about 80,000, it was like a super-bowl event, Edgar saw an airplane circling over, he realized the plane should not have been there above that stadium and so close... then he saw the plane dive, it was carrying explosives when he hit the grown and it all exploded... the explosion was so big it would have killed everyone in the stadium... the dream ended and Edgar did not know if the people died or not...
80.6 03/02, 2002, Dream, American Is In Trouble & Pastor’s Are Not Yielded To God — The voice of the LORD came to me many times. And I was always blessed, But this time I was filled with FEAR. OH, not the normal fear, like you fear for your life, etc. But I FEARED for the Church. The Lord showed me the Church as He sees it. And it made me sick. I was sick to my stomach to see how the religious factor, denominations, all of them have run their houses by control and manipulations. The clergy over these denominations have put their people in SPIRITUAL BONDAGE and kept them there by using the Word, (out of context) to hold them there. Then what He allowed me to see was, well I just cannot explain it. I saw tens of thousands of Pastors and there were what looked like ugly frogs sitting on every one of them. That scene really made me quiver. And the Lord spoke saying; "They themselves have not received the Holy Spirit and have prevented their followers from entering in to the Holy Spirit. They are the ones I spoke of in the Bible as "The Blind leading the Blind".
It was then that I turned to look in the direction of the voice. As I did I immediately fell to the ground with my face in my hands crying out "Oh, my Lord". The light that shone around Him was so bright that I may have gone blind had I not covered my eyes.
Then He spoke to me saying, "My son sit up and look to the West, and write down all that you see. This is what the Lord revealed to me. The first thing that I saw was what looked like hundreds of whales sitting off of the California coast, including up to Seattle. Then I saw giant bees coming towards American, too many to count. I thought they were bees because of the way they hummed, like buzzing. They were strange looking bees because there tails were on fire. At least it looked like they were.
Then my attention was on the United States and I saw what looked like the same destruction that hit New York, 09/11, 2001. Buildings were destroyed and falling. In Los Angeles, San Francisco clear up to Seattle. And many other cities inland. It was horrible.
I turned and called out to the Lord, "Oh dear God, have mercy on us. Put a stop to this. Do not let it happen." Then I heard Him say. "My son, if this nation which is called by My name will humble themselves and bow down seeking My face, I will hear them and save them. But I have already sent them a warning and they responded only for a short time, then reverted back to their old ways. The time of my returning is very near and I am coming for a righteous and perfect Church. They can only reach that point through the END TIME REVIVAL that I will open the doors for, in fact they are already opened."
The He allowed me to see that huge building again with thousands of people entering in with long faces and when they came out of the other end they were dressed in white robes and rejoicing with their arms in the air. As I looked out across the Nation I saw fires breaking out everywhere. It was Church's that were burning and the Lord said, "Son what you see is not Church's burning but the FIRES of REVIVAL that must come to pass. And will if the Clergy will seek Me with all of their heart , soul and mind. I will hear them and deliver My Church." And then I awoke.
80.7 06/02, 2002, Open Vision, Earthquakes — Everyone; The time is now. Gods angels are now moving to and from across all of the earth separating the Wheat from the Tares. I saw them. Those that have not made Jesus Lord of their lives will soon be experiencing a series of calamities and attacks, many of which cannot be explained. Confusion will run rampant, not only in the minds of people but also through out the business world. Fear will take over every person that does not have Jesus as Lord. Many more large corporations will be closing their doors.
Earthquakes will be on the increase in areas where most people have never seen or felt them before. Riots will break out in various parts of the nation. Also in other countries. Thousands of denominations will fall apart for lack of truth. I saw Church's all across America closing there doors for the attendance was dropping to almost nothing.
Terrorists were setting off some sort of bombs in many parts of the nation. I saw fire and destruction in many cities. Airlines were only flying a few routes as no one was flying. The airports were almost empty.
I saw our President and many, many other people in Congress seem to throw their hands in the air and I heard them saying, "what can we do, what can be done??" Then I heard His voice say..
This servant saw and predicted the St Helen Volcano 90 days before it happened. He also saw and predicted the disaster in New York, 60 days prior to it happening. What you have just read is coming. It is time to put aside our personal desires and ways and SEEK the face of the LORD. These are the END times. The Lords return is a lot nearer than you think. This world is on a crash course to total destruction. ONLY THE INTERVENSION OF OUT DEAR SWEET JESUS CAN PROTECT US.
80.8 01/2003, Dream/Vision, Plans Of A Future Russian Attack Of The U.S.A. — The vision came (01/2003) this writing is 12/2003. Pass it on, it was so real.
I was strolling down a hall in a building in another country, where ?, and as I walked pass a large room I heard voices which caused me to stop and listen. Because I could understand what they were saying and the door was ajar I glanced through the opening and saw two men talking. One was the Chinese leader, which I recognized and the other was a Russian, and I knew he was the Russian President.
How could I understand what they were saying as they were speaking in another language? (I realized that I was in the Spirit realm). Here is exactly what I heard: “The United States is a thorn in our side. We must unite our forces and destroy them. Between our nations we can cause them to fight on three fronts. When we divide them we will conquer them. In the near future we will be able to attack them both from the East and North, through Canada, and you will attack from the West and the South, through Mexico. Let us now agree and set our plans in order.”
This took place nearly one year ago. I just found out, (through Hal Lindsey) that the Russians and the Chinese have signed a pact together, uniting them as ALLIES.
Also, at this present time Canada is now considering making it against their LAW for anyone to use the name of JESUS in their country. They may have already done it. Also they are about to set into their LAW to accept the Muslim (so called Bible) as their Bible and honor the ways of the Muslims. This is actually happening, RIGHT NOW, in Canada.
Yes, this was a prophetic vision, in the beginning of Jan 2003, but now it is a fact, 12/2003.
The word is out that Brother John Kelly, (Dallas TX) has been and is now organizing and bringing together the real APOSTLES preparing for the onslaught of the enemy. "The first shall be last and the last shall be first.”
The apostles were the first chosen by Jesus and shall be the last set in order to prepare for the return of our KING. If ever we needed God's plans for the apostles to prepare the Church for the return of our Lord, we need them NOW. The world is on a course that is heading for total destruction. Only JESUS is the ANSWER. The Lord is coming for a "righteous and perfect Church" and it is the apostles that God will bring forth to lead them. HE is calling them forth, right now.
We, Christians believers, are about to move into a NEW DEMENSION with JESUS. A higher realm of Spirituality that we have never experienced before. It will fulfill the WORD, for all Church's, "APOSTLES, PROPHETS, EVANGELISTS, PASTORS and TEACHERS" for the perfecting of the Saints, in that order. It must be. " Jesus is coming.” This is NO time to argue the Word. It is time to UNITE together, as the Scripture says and look up, for it is nigh upon us all. Christians, you who are Christians, you had better wake up. Stop playing Church. It is time to get serious, very serious. It is time for INTERSESSORS to UNITE. It is time for us INTERSESSORS to come together, not just dozens or hundreds BUT THOUSANDS.
Please pray for Brother John Kelly in Dallas TX. and for the gathering of God's APOSTLES. May God bless you all, Edgar.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Edgar Baillie is a seasoned man of God in the five-fold ministry of God, I believe he is an Evangelist (30 years), but holding the offices also of Apostle and Prophet. His hand was burned off to the bones and God miraculously healed him in front of 68 witnesses. He has also had four visitations of Jesus in person (by the end of 2001). Edgar has seen the dead raised four times, blind see, deaf – hear, and knows the voice of God.]
From: 1Edgar C. Baillie has a book titled, “Our Lord Calls Me Edgar,” ISBN: 0-88419-176-1, ©1978. 2Edgar Baillie of Edgar Baillie Ministries, 12N249 Magnolia Court, Elgin, Illinois 60120, 630.540.2403, deepriver1923@aol.com or www.power-of-prayer.info .
81.1 1997, Dream, Washington State & Invasion Of The United States — Dreamed, nigh time, soundless black helicopters, ropes came down, small men in black came down and pulled people out of their homes and killed them on their lawns. I perceived this was an invasion and that they were going to possess the land.
From: sea@thcamp@foxinternet.com or Gloria Campbell, P.O. Box 1542, Kent, WA 98035-1542.
82.1 1997, Vision, Seattle Washington Bombed – Invasion — Leaving town on back of truck with her belongings, saw two bombs going to hit Seattle, Washington. She cried out to God, “no, no” but she knew it was judgment and inevitable.
From: sea@thcamp@foxinternet.com or Gloria Campbell, P.O. Box 1542, Kent, WA 98035-1542.
83.1 1997, Dream, The Emergence Of The True Church — I was standing in a three piece suit, in a stadium, I saw this river coming towards me, there were huge gold nuggets the size of golf balls, I will be entrusted with $5 Billion dollars for God’s work.
83.2 1997, Dream, United States Controlling Its People — Control by your government, but our United States government, with cell antennas, something with microwave, somehow they made people sick by the antennas.
83.3 2001, Trance, Saw Atlanta, Georgia Get Hit With A Atomic Missile — I was standing on a hill, in this trance, I saw a blast, I felt the heat on my arms, Atlanta, Georgia was hit with an atomic missile, a lot of people were made sick.
From: This gentleman works at Office Depot #104, 3195 U.S. Highway 98 North, Lakeland, Florida 33805 in 05/01, 2002, the prophetic words were received from him there, we only talked for a few moments.
84.1 1997, Dream, Gary Miller, Great Tribulation & Invasion of the USA— I was totally consumed in the Holy Ghost, I was in a city, there was total crisis, every where and troops were walking all over, wearing black swat like, patches read “UN”. They were rounding up people, there were a lot of buildings destroyed, and I was hiding in a crevis of a building and they knew I was there, the technology. They told me to come out or they would blow up the building. Holy Spirit told me to SUBMIT… God had given me authority. When I came out of the building they put hand cuffs on me. A vehicle with like tracks of a tank… they put me inside with several other people.
We were taken to a large auditorium and they had me stand in line, to the left of me was glass and you could see outside, wire was around the place, there were guards out there. There were two tables and two ladies at the table and government employees and guards entering the room and exiting the yard and to the population… they were giving out and some were receiving the microchip implant. I recognized two people from my church, and they were receiving the microchip implants. Another man would not receive and he got sent somewhere else. I got to the front and she asked me my name and address, etc. She asked if I was ready to receive the new microchip implant and I said “No mam, I believe in Jesus and I could have nothing to do with that microchip implant.” She handed me a pamphlet showing all the benefits for using the microchip implant. I looked at it, I felt indignation rising up in me… I crumbled up the pamphlet and threw it to the ground, and said “Look lady, I cannot DENY Jesus Christ Lord of lords and King of kings. And if I were you I would chop off my right hand and beg for mercy.” She laughed and said, “Oh we got another one.” They grabbed me and walked me to where you have your head beheaded… I started singing praises to the Lord Jesus, “I’m coming home.” And then I woke up from the dream.
84.2 Several Years Ago, Vision, Kathleen Miller, Invasion Of the USA — In the desert there was a group of saints, it was a community of Christians, men were like skin and bones, widows and orphans, they were hungry, evening was coming, and they were starving. There was an army advancement on Christian community, there were tanks and guns and they were going to kill us all. The Lord led me to advance forward the army coming at us, eyes shut, focusing on Jesus Christ, I clapped and lifted up my hands, walking in full AUTHORITY, as I was walking towards the army coming at us/me and God engulfed the army in fire, all were destroyed.
84.3 Dream, Gary Miller, Red Chinese & Mexico — I saw the red Chinese marching, coming through Central America/Mexico, and they were invading the United States of America.
84.4 Open Vision, Gary Miller, American Cities Destroyed — I saw this vision several times, I saw our cities in America destroyed. Armies were marching through our cities: Mobile, AL; Savannah, GA; Atlanta, GA; Pensacola, FL; and Tallassee, FL.
84.5 Inner Vision, Gary Miller, South Florida Completely Destroyed — I saw South Florida completely destroyed by a nuclear wipe out/weapon or power plant blows up!
From what Gary told me it looked like it was possibly at the half way point from Route 4 down to the end of Florida was gone… something like that… from the way he drew it on paper… meaning pick half way down from Route 4 between Tampa and Orlando… and somewhere halfway down was the area affected… the southern most point of Florida.
84.6 1997 or 1998, Witness, Philip Miller Brother of Gary Miller, Saw Guillotines In Savannah, GA — My brother, Phillip Miller, saw in Savannah, Georgia guillotines in either 1997 or 1998. He saw a crate bust open or they were taking a crate apart, this was real life and not a dream or vision, it actually happened in the physical.
From: Gary Miller, 304 Mignionette Avenue, Saraland, AL 36571.
85.1 05/29, 1997, Vision, Chinese Invasion Of US Cities — I wanted to share what I have been seeing traveling from our home to our church for the past six months. After reading about the different reports coming in I thought this would be the right timing, I have been asking the Lord what this means. I have been seeing (but wasn't revealed the meaning) except it was China taking over different pockets of the USA.
My family and I live about 40 miles to our church so we have to drive every Sunday to get there. For the past 6 months or so whenever we get to a certain area I begin to see these soldiers in black pants with red jackets, black boots with some kind of emblem on their lapel. (I cannot see the emblems impression yet I know it plays a significant role in identification and time). Anyway these soldiers are scattered in groups where they have taken over this area (roughly covering an area of about two small cities population).
I just see them standing around but sense they are from China and this has been a takeover of this area. There are no Americans in sight but a sense of devastation and imprisonment all about this area of Americans and homes being confiscated. That is all I have but it occurs at the same place every time. We live about 40 miles south of Nashville, TN and our church is approximately 2 miles from Nashville. The Lord has also confirmed this through my son which is 13. He has dreams of us being in underground caves fighting the Chinese, my husband as well has had dreams of our family being in the mountains fighting guerrilla warfare from enemy forces. They are too much to go into but the Lord usually gives the dreams to them out of the blue. Of course my son does not evaluate them, he just wakes up sometimes and tells me Mom let me tell you about my dream, and it is usually prophetic in nature of what the Lord is showing me as well as my husband. We try not to focus on the dreams so that my son will not manufacture them. Actually we do not even talk much about it but listen to what he says in the dream and take it to the Lord later by ourselves.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: The above is form Kathy Kritz, and was submitted to the Berean Bible School’s Prophetic Mailing List (now inactive?). ]
From: www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html or Email: alandewalton@yahoo.com .
“06/12, 2003, Dream Vision, “I said, "The Iraq war will end with a nuclear exchange between Iraq and Israel.” "Then you will see Russia attack America from the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes.”
“The upcoming Iraq war. Then I said to her, do you know what that war is going to be like? She said, it's probably going to be nuclear. I said, that's exactly right. You are going to see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel and then you are going to see Israel fire back and eliminate Iraq. After that you will see China and America going to war, and when we do, Russia will attack us from: the oceans, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, and out of airplanes. (This is the third time God has showed me this, and exactly what will happen, so be prepared.)”
“America, Taiwan, and Russia will be attacked by China. Jesus showed me China is ready for war NOW!”
“God will use Russia to judge America.”
“Dick Cheney will be the next president, visions received 12/13, 2003. “I'm President,” vision received 12/13, 2003. In this vision, I saw Dick Cheney, and he said, "I'm President," and in the other, I saw Dick Cheney being sworn in as President. There were only 4 people there, and it was a spur of the moment thing, and Dick looked very troubled.”
“I asked Jesus how many nuclear missile submarines Russia had, and I saw Russian President V. Putin in a vision, and he said, "Ten." Some submarines have up to 24 nuclear missiles, with many warheads per missile.”
“Submarines attack America from the oceans visions. In these two visions received on 11/28, 2003, the Lord showed me that Russia will attack both of Americas coasts, and from the Gulf of Mexico with nuclear missile submarines.
“In the first vision while praying, I saw about the Western half of America, and it was like an animated map, and the ocean. From top to bottom along the West Coast, and about the midway point of the nation was black stripes.
In the second vision, I saw the East Coast of America and the ocean, and again, it was like an animated map, and going from top to bottom along the East Coast was a dark black stripe.
I asked Jesus what this meant, and here are the words I heard, "This represents fire," ‘from the ocean.’”
“Attack Minnesota and New York, vision received 07/11, 2004. I later saw Russian President Putin in visions, and he said, "Hit New York," "Hit Minnesota." Hit means nuke!”
“Chicago will be destroyed by a nuclear missile, vision received 11/16, 2003. In this vision, it was like I was just above a nuclear missile, and could see it's nose, and it was heading for downtown Chicago.”
“Nuclear missile submarines, vision received 01/27, 2004. While praying, I asked Jesus how many nuclear ballistic missile submarines Russia has, and in a vision, I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "Lot's of e'm." All it would take to destroy America is one Oscar class of Akula Russian submarine. These have give or take 24 nuclear missiles.”
“Eight Kings that will rise and destroy United States of America, vision received in 2003. Jesus has already revealed to me in visions that: China, North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico will be in on the Attack on America. I was asking Jesus to show me the other nations, and I saw these two nations written in like neon letters, "VENEZUELA" and "BRAZIL." The Lord has not yet given me the second vision, so you can bank on the first 6 for now.”
“United States of America will be invaded by Russia and China, vision received 11/22, 2004. In this vision, I saw the word "Invasion." Jesus showed me U.S.A. will be attacked by Russia and China, and Russia will be attacked by Japan, China, and North Korea.”
“North Korea and Iraq war revelations. Jesus showed me in visions that the Iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a Palestinian State. Jesus revealed to me that North Korea does have nuclear weapons and will use them on Russia with China and Japan.”
“Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, vision received 01/10, 2004. While praying, I was asking Jesus to give me the vision of the earth reeling to and fro like a drunkard, talked about in ISAIAH 24. I know Russia is going to attack America from: the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, and airplanes; and if you read in ISAIAH 13, the world will be moved out of its place when this happens. I also know from visions Jesus has given me that: China, North Korea, and Japan will attack Russia. I know Russia will strike America first. What I don't know is if China, North Korea, and Japan, will hit Russia while Russia is hitting America. If you read in EZEKIEL 38, Russia is made to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, "The Battle of Armageddon." China, and all who are with her, are the one's who force Russia to do this. A man appeared to me in a vision, and said something like, "Let’s not do that yet."
“I quickly saw the popes face, and he was like new, and he said, ‘I'm the Beast.’"
“I saw the satan, and he was white like snow and he was dressed in his popes priest garment, which were white also and across his for head in red numbers was 6 6 6!”
—Bob Hickman
86.1 Summer, 1997, Prophetic Word, Russia Strikes USA & War To The United States Of America —God will use Russia to judge America.
86.2 Summer 1997, Vision, Indianapolis, Indiana — (1) Multi-warhead nuclear missile destroys Indianapolis, Indiana received in the summer of 1997. In this vision, I saw two nuclear explosions in Indianapolis, Indiana, and it was dark. It was a multiple warhead nuclear missile, and it came from Russia. The first exploded about downtown and reached all the way to about a mile from the Indianapolis 500 race-track, which is about 5 miles away. It coated the ground with fire like molten steel coming out of the furnace going down the line and I could feel the searing heat coming from it and it sounded like a car going over the cliff in the movies as it raced toward me, popping, crunching, and grinding noise. Then a second went off high in the air behind me and I turned and saw it flashing thru the smoke, this was over about the top of the indy-500 race track, and I knew this one was going to take me out because I saw what the first one did, so I asked God a question and He answered me and the vision ended. Here is the question I asked Jesus, "what about Bill Clinton"?, who was president at the time. God spoke back, "He is dead." I always wondered why I called him Bill Clinton, instead of President Clinton. I know now. He would not be president when this attack takes place.
86.3 About 1998, Vision, “China & Russia At War” — (10) Vision of China and America at war, vision received about 1998. This vision was spiritual, and I was fully aware of what was going on. In it, I saw a field, and it was dark, and I saw a tractor, way out in the field, and the tractor shot something like a bullet, and fire spewed out of it. Then I saw an America Jet starting to take off. (In this vision, I was aware America and China were at war, and they were here. I didn't sleep much after that that night for the fear I felt.)
86.4 Summer Of 1998, Vision, “Chicago & Missile Streak” — (27) Chicago will burn, vision received about the summer of 1998. While sitting outside on my pastor's porch, while he went away, I saw myself sitting on the Indiana side of Lake Michigan. I could see Chicago about 50 miles away across the lake. Then I saw a missile streak in, and explode above the city. It was like going into a dark room, and turning the light on. That is how quick Chicago was gone.
(13) "Chicago will burn,” I asked God what was coming to Chicago and He spoke to me and said, "Chicago will burn." In the vision Jesus gave me, I saw the Sears Tower, which is a dark colored building. On the other side of the building, I knew Jesus was coming. I saw this bright light got brighter and brighter and it got so bright that it actually shined right thru the tower. All of the building you could see, was it's skeleton.
86.5 About 1999, Vision, “The Russians Are Coming” — (6) Russia will destroy America, vision received about 1999. In this vision; I am with Bill Clinton and I am telling him as I grab his arm and shake it, "The Russians are coming," "The Russians are coming," and he shakes me off and keeps walking and the look in his face tells me that he does not believe me and that this is the most stupid thing he has ever heard. And I catch him again and do the same thing all over again and he does the same thing all over again. (This is where America's destruction will come from, American's do not believe that they are our enemy or that they have in military power or that they will ever attack us. Russia still has most of that massive cold war military and many nuclear missile and nuclear missile submarines.
JEREMIAH 50:3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
86.6 About 2000, Vision, Before Fall & War Weather & Russian Cruise Missile — (8) Judgment is coming when you least expect it, in this vision received about 2000. I am walking in downtown Indianapolis, and “I have my sweatshirt on” and “the leaves are on the trees,” and it's a sunny day, and I look up and see a cruise missile that was flying low and slow to it's target and it is so low that I can make out details on it which appeared to be Russian words, and I began to run and get inside this like cement shelter, and the missile explodes and the ground starts shaking violently and it is shaking so bad that the building I am in actually starts coming apart, so I run outside because I'm afraid of being hit by cement falling out of the roof, and look downtown and it is still there. When Russia attacks America, it will be like this, when you least expect it!
REVELATION 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
86.7 10/2000, Vision, “Judgment To US” — (15) Judgment to USA, get ready now, vision received about 10/2000. My neighbor and her church was having a cookout and I was invited and I decided to give that time to God, and in the vision I had while praying, I saw flashing thru the basement windows and I knew the attack had begun and I am running up the basement stairs and I am afraid in the vision because I did not feel I was ready to go back with Jesus. (Get ready, and stay ready.)
86.8 06/2002, Vision, “Plainfield, Indiana Destroyed By Nuclear Missile” — (51) Plainfield, Indiana destroyed by a nuclear missile, vision received in 06/2002. I am driving to Wal-Mart on a dark road on a rainy night. I was living in my car. As I was driving, I forget what I am thinking, and I am surely tired, since I stayed up late, and got up early. The "Prophetic Ministry ministries of ‘ministryofdreams’" is born shortly after this time. As I am driving, and it is dark, I heard a massive explosion, that seemed to just linger, and echo, and the sky turned into fire. My attitude quickly changed, and I felt like sinking into the seat of my car. My job and calling is to "warn people" of this judgment that is coming to America.
86.9 10/2002, Vision, Russia Attacks The USA— (2) Vision of coming Judgment to America, in this vision received in 10/2002. And this is the event that brings Jesus back and the event that brings the Beast in and at least one third of the population will be killed when this happens, and this is the day of the Lord spoken about in ISAIAH 13, REVELATION 17 and 18, and other places in bible. I saw me preaching to a small church group. (shortened) You will see China do something to deliberately draw America into war and when we go, Russia will attack us from the oceans, from Cuba, from Mexico, from Nicaragua, from airplanes. The next major event you will see is that war firing up again in Iraq. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel. Most of Israel will be destroyed. If you want the scripture for it, read EZEKIEL 7, where he prophesied an end is come and he is talking about Israel and he prophesied it from captivity in Babylon, he was talking about another time. Then you will see Israel fire back and the nation of Iraq will be completely eliminated and gas prices in America soar. One of the signs I saw said $5.01, one said $3.75, one said, $4.03. After I said this, they all got out of their chairs, and left, and the pastor stuck his head around the corner twice, and said unto me, "You boo bood," "you boo bood." The Lord has revealed unto me that the war will turn nuclear after a Palestinian State is created. It will be destroyed, and some of Israel, and that the nuclear weapons may be someone else’s flying out of Iraq, and also showed me what China will do to draw U.S.A. into war.
ISAIAH chapter 13 verse 18, And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
REVELATION CHAPTER 18 verse 8: Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
86.10 11/2002, Vision, Kansas Nuclear Missile — (5) Kansas destroyed by a nuclear missile, in this vision in 11/2002, I was high above the ground in the Kansas area and the ground had a dark brown color to it and the surrounding states were separated by black borderlines. The State of Kansas instantly exploded into a big fireball that completely engulfed the state in about a second or so, then the fire went back down, but continued to burn. Then God spoke to me and said, "Kansas will burn."
86.11 1/02, 2003, Vision, “Eight Nations United For Destruction Of USA”— (14) 8 Nations so far Jesus has showed me will be in on the "Destruction of America:" Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, China, Russia, North Korea. In another vision the Lord gave me, I saw two more nations: Venezuela and Brazil. I have not received the vision the second time yet. Posted 01/02, 2003.
86.12 1/03, 2003, Vision & Prophetic Word, “Communism”— (150) Missile defense motive revealed, vision received 01/03, 2003. I was praying, and talking to Jesus, asking Him something like, "what is missile defense suppose to protect us from?" Us, being the United States. Then I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "Communism."
86.13 02/2003, Vision, “The next major event you will see is that war firing up again in Iraq. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel.”— (16) Vision of the "End Day Message,” received about 02/2003. In this vision, I am in a grocery store, and I see two ladies I used to go to church with, and I approach them, and start talking to one, and she said some things back, and what I told her is what was coming. (In this vision, God was putting other visions He gave me together.) I told her the next major event you will see is that war firing up again in Iraq. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel. If you want the scripture for it read EZEKIEL 7 where he prophesied and end is come and He is talking about to the land of Israel, and he is prophesying it from captivity in Babylon. He is talking about another time. Then you will see Israel fire back and eliminate Iraq, and our gas prices soar over this. After this you will see China do something to deliberately draw America into war, and when we go, Russia will attack us from the oceans, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes. (shortened) (God has given me this vision three times now, and in one of the times, Korea was also named.)
ISAIAH 14:4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! The golden city ceased!
86.14 02/20, 2003, Vision, “The Great War” — (19) "The Great War," visions received 02/20, 2003 at about 12 noon Indianapolis time. While praying I saw these words in a vision “The Great War.” I was asking God who was involved in this great war, and I said to God, is this when Russia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Korea attack America? Then in a vision, I saw this mouth and it said, "Yes, Bob." (Get and stay ready for this.)
86.15 03/2003, Vision, “Sneak Russian Attack To USA” — (9) The sneak Russian attack, vision received about 03/2003. In this vision, I was inside my home and it is in the nighttime, and all of a sudden, on the outside, I heard explosions, and jets attacking, and in the vision, I'm fully aware that Russia is attacking, and I was shocked and caught by total surprise, and I'm running up the steps and just wondering in my heart something like, "How did they get in on us and we not know any thing about it. Where's our defense," cause there was nothing to withstand or I don't think there was, and I get into the attack in total panic, and I get upstairs and lay by the window and hold the window in, cause its trying to blow out by the explosions outside, and it was dark. Please be ready for this, it will catch lot's of people off guard.
JEREMIAH 51 verse 41: How is Sheshach taken! and how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations!
86.16 03/2003, Vision, “China Will Attack Taiwan, America & Russia” — (11) In this vision received about 03/2003, I saw these words in neon yellow, "Chinese Attack." Later, the Lord revealed to me in visions China will attack Taiwan, America, and Russia.
86.17 03/08, 2003, Vision Twice, “Russia will attack America from Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico” — (19) Russia will attack America, vision received twice on 03/08, 2003. In a vision, I was witnessing to a girl and telling her exactly what God has showed me. Here is what I said, "Russia will attack America from Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico.
86.18 03/23, 2003, Vision, “Russia The Bear” — (17) Russia is the "Bear,” vision received 03/23, 2003. While praying, I saw this huge Black Bear rising out of the ground. It was only about half way out, and it was as tall as a building. (This Bear is rising in Russia, and that nation is being stirred and angered, and it will not be long before that nation rises and destroys America.
86.19 04/02,2003, Vision, “San Francisco, California Nuclear Missile” — (12) San Francisco attacked by nuclear missile from the ocean, vision received 04/02, 2003. In this vision, it's like I'm in the ocean and I saw the Golden Gate Bridge, and I knew this was San Francisco, and I saw a huge nuclear explosion that just kept going.
86.20 05/05,2003, Vision, “Nuclear Explosion—No Warning” — (20) Nuclear vacation, vision received 05/05, 2003. In this vision, I was at the edge of a body of water, in the woods, a beautiful place to camp, or fish. To my left I saw a huge nuclear explosion. The fire went up into the heavens. (This is how it will be when Russia attacks America. No warning)
86.21 06/12, 2003, Dream Vision, “I said, "The Iraq war will end with a nuclear exchange between Iraq and Israel.” "Then you will see Russia attack America from the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes. — (21) End—Time dream, vision received 06/12, 2003. Many things happened in this vision, and I don't remember all, but I will tell you what I remember. It started with me in a church, and a service was going on. I believe the pastor said something, and I said, "You want me to take that further?" "You have to get in the condition where the Spirit of God can lead you." Next, I am in this house, and there are a lot of people there. I approach one and ask him, "Do you go to church?" He told me he did and started telling me where it was, and I told him, "I just left that church." Then I started rolling off some visions that God gave me. I said, "the Iraq war will end with a nuclear exchange between Iraq and Israel.” "Then you will see Russia attack America from the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes. God has showed me all this in many visions. You will see this when America goes to war with China. I have seen the antichrist, Jesus, heaven, & hell in visions. Then I told them the heaven vision, "while praying, I saw this City, that was like looking into Chicago and New York together, many different size skyscrapers, all made of like transparent glass, John described it like pure gold. This was New Jerusalem. Hell, while praying in a vision, I was in this dark room, that was about the color of the sky on a dark starry night, that dark blue purple color, and in the room there was a door open. On the other side of the door was Hell. I saw nothing but flames, that almost looked like liquid flames. We had all agreed to go somewhere and watch Dumitru Duduman's tape, "Wake up America," and we all left and I was telling a lady something as I was walking her to her car. I told her God showed me Russia attacking America out of Cuba. Then I stopped for some reason. I told her about Dumitru Duduman. I said, "the angel Gabriel came down and told Dumitru exactly what will happen."
86.22 07/07, 2003, Vision, “The Missile That I Have Been Warning About Is Here—A Complete Surprise." — (23) Nuclear missile heading to Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, vision received 07/07, 2003. In this vision, I am at the house I grew up in, in one of the bedrooms, when suddenly my mom calls for me, making me aware the missile that I have been warning about is here. I run into the kitchen, and look out the door into the sky, and I see a missile high in the air, streaking across the sky. It went pass where I could see it, and I heard it explode, and the sky turned like a yellowish color. I hurried the family, into the basement, there was more than my family there. I told my mom, "I love you" and I said, "See, if you would have only believed me instead of making fun of me," she was destroyed. My sister was balling like a baby. (shortened) (This was a complete surprise.)
86.23 08/02, 2003, Vision, “The Angry Black Bear—Russia." — (24) The angry Black Bear, vision received 08/02, 2003. While praying, I saw this very dark black bear, and he was charging at me in fury. (The Bear represents Russia, and that nation is getting angrier, and it will not be long before Russia attacks America.)
86.24 08/11, 2003, Vision, “Major American City—Chicago." — (25) "The night Chicago died," vision 08/11, 2003. It was like I was out to sea, and it was dark, and I was looking at a major American city, which looked exactly like Chicago, and most of the city was on fire. Thick black smoke poured out of it as it burned. Then the other part went up in flames. I saw a building, which looked like the John Hancock Building, just fall over. The whole city was on fire.
86.25 08/11, 2003, Vision, “Russia will attack America from the oceans, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes. This will happen when you see America go to war with China." — (26) "Destruction coming warning," vision received 08/11, 2003. It was like I was being interviewed, and I was telling “The End Day Message.” I don't remember it word for word, but here is about what I said. "Russia will attack America from the oceans, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes. This will happen when you see America go to war with China. I asked God to show me what China will do to draw America into war, and in the first vision, I saw China attacking one of our costal states, and in the second vision, I saw the President of China, and he said, "We will grab Taiwan". (shortened)
86.26 09/01, 2003, Vision, “Nuclear Explosions" — (28) Nuclear, vision received 09/01, 2003. In this vision, I saw this huge nuclear blast fire. It went into the heaven's, and seemed to spread for miles. It was dark.
(29) “Endtime Message,” vision received 09/01, 2003. In this vision, I am inside some kind of business, … in one of the visions God gave me, I saw two nuclear explosions, in this city, it was a multiple warhead nuclear missile. It's coming from Russia. I also told her that it would be after the Iraq war, which God has showed me in visions will end nuclear. She departs from me talking as she goes, and the vision ends. (memory) (We were in Indianapolis, Indiana.)
86.27 09/13, 2003, Vision, “God has showed me Russia attacking the U.S.A. out of the oceans" — (30) "Through The Fire Without Burning” book, vision received 09/13, 2003. In this vision, I am in my house, and some visitor's show up, and one of them is talking about God. I quickly responded back, "Since you brought it up, God has showed me Russia attacking the U.S.A. out of the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplanes. Then I told them to let me go and get Dumitru Duduman's book, “Through The Fire Without Burning." I told them God showed Dumitru Duduman the same things He showed me, just in a more dramatic way. … And I say, "I am reading out of that book," over and over again. (Buy that book: “Through The Fire Without Burning,” by Dumitru Duduman, the true story of a Romanian Pastor facing communist persecution, ©1st edition: 1991, 1992, 2nd edition published 1994 by Virginia Boldea, Hand Of Help, Inc., P.O. Box 450, Meneola, Texas 75773—0450, 903.569.6187.) (by memory)
86.28 09/17, 2003, Vision, “Russia has one of the biggest nuclear arsenals on the planet, and when the time comes, Russia will destroy (Attack) the United States of America" — (31) “Grizzly Bear in Panda's Clothing,” vision received 09/17, 2003. In this vision while praying, I saw a bear walking. It was very big, like a grizzly bear. This bear had the fur of a panda bear... the bear represents Russia. This bear being in a panda's bears skin, which is a harmless bear, means right now Russia appears harmless, and they like America. But it is still a bear, which is viscous, and a destroyer. That nation has one of the biggest nuclear arsenals on the planet, and when the time comes, Russia will destroy the United States of America. [Comment: America will not be entirely destroyed!]
86.29 09/26, 2003, Vision, “Russian Subs" — (32) America's destruction, vision received 09/26, 2003. (memory) In this vision, I am on this large ship, and the captain notices a small Russian sub, and turns the ship, and blocks the sub. We board the sub, and I start talking with one of the sailors on it, who shows me this like window in the sub, and lets me know that when it is done, ships won't be able to push it around anymore. I start to tell him about what Jesus has showed me. I told, God has showed me in visions that Russia will attack America from the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & airplane. It was like he argued with me and did not believe it. (God will give all the nations coming against America one mind when the time comes.)
86.30 10/08, 2003, Vision, "You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel, and a chunk of Israel will be destroyed. Then you will see Israel fire back and Eliminate Iraq.& After that you will see America and China go to war, and God has already showed me in visions what China will do to draw America into war, and when we go, Russia will attack America from the oceans, from out of Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico.” — (33) Testifying, vision received 10/08, 2003. I don't remember everything, but, in this vision, I was inside a business talking with the clerk. I was sharing with her some visions Jesus gave me. I told her, "You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel, and a chunk (most) of Israel will be destroyed. Then you will see Israel fire back and Eliminate Iraq.” If you want the scripture for it read EZEKIAL 7 where he prophesied, "the end has come," and he was talking about Israel, and he prophesied it from captivity in BABYLON. After that you will see America and China go to war, and God has already showed me in visions what China will do to draw America into war, and when we go, Russia will attack America from the oceans, from out of Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico. Her eyes kept widening as I was telling her this.
86.31 10/25, 2003, Vision, "There bombing us."— (37) President George Bush, vision received 10/25, 2003. I saw President Bush, and he said, "There bombing us."
86.32 10/27, 2003, Vision, “I saw Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he said, "We will attack you."— (38) We will attack, vision received 10/27, 2003. In this vision while walking and praying, I saw Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he said, "We will attack you."
86.33 10/28, 2003, Vision, “The angel ready to sound his trumpet" — (39) The angel ready to sound his trumpet, vision received 10/28, 2003. In this vision while praying, I saw an angel on like the top of an old castle where there are notches you fire arrows out of. He was wearing a white robe, with red trim on it, and he had a trumpet in his mouth. (It’s time for war, and the second coming of Jesus Christ.)
86.34 11/12, 2003, Vision, “Eagle Crying" — (41) Eagle crying, vision received 11/12, 2003. In this vision, I saw the head of a big eagle, and there was a tear in his eye that disappeared. (It is so sad to see America rapidly waste away, and falling quickly heading to judgment.)
86.35 11/16, 2003, Vision, “"When We Go Broke." — (42) Russia will attack America, vision received 11/16, 2003. I was talking to Jesus saying something like, "Will Russia attack America," then I saw President Putin in a vision, and he said, "Yes we will," then I finished my question, "When we go broke."
86.36 11/16, 2003, Vision, “Downtown Chicago Destroyed By A Nuclear Missile" — (43) Chicago will be destroyed by a nuclear missile, vision received 11/16, 2003. In this vision, it was like I was just above a nuclear missile, and could see it's nose, and it was heading for downtown Chicago.
86.37 11/26, 2003, Vision, “War Is On The Way" — (44) War is coming, vision received 11/26, 2003. In this vision while praying, I heard and saw these words, "War is on the way." (I don't doubt this.)
86.38 11/28, 2003, Vision, “USA Attacked By Submarines—Fire" — (45) United States attacked by submarines from the oceans, visions received 11/28, 2003. In the first vision, what I saw was an animated map of about the Western three quarters of America, and the ocean. From top to bottom along the West Coast and about the midway point of America, I saw dark stripes from top to bottom. In the second vision, I saw the East Coast, and it had a dark stripe from top to bottom, and I was asking God what this meant, and I heard these words: "this represents fire" and a moment later, I heard this, "From the ocean."
ISAIAH chapter 13 verse 6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
ISAIAH 13 verse: 19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
JOEL chapter 1 verse 15 Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.
86.39 12/07, 2003, Vision, “Warn People" — (46) My calling, vision received 12/07, 2003. While praying, I saw these words, "My calling, warn people," written in blue letters.
(read EZEKIAL chapter 3)(JOEL chapter2 verse 1:Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;)
86.40 12/13, 2003, Vision, I Saw Dick Cheney & He Said, "I'm President" — (133) Dick Cheney will be the next president, visions received 12/13, 2003. …I'm President, vision received 12/13, 2003. In this vision, I saw Dick Cheney, and he said, "I'm President," and in the other, I saw Dick Cheney being sworn in as President. There were only 4 people there, and it was a spur of the moment thing, and Dick looked very troubled.
86.41 12/17, 2003, Vision, “Judgment To Chicago" — (47) Judgment to Chicago, vision received 12/17, 2003. In this vision, I am telling somebody about the vision Jesus gave me where I was sitting on the banks of Lake Michigan, and could see Chicago, and saw a missile streak in and boom, exploded and the city was gone that quick. (memory)
(JOEL chapter 2 verse3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
86.42 12/22, 2003, Prophetic Word, "It’s Almost Time." — (48) It's almost time, 12/22, 2003. I woke up this morning, and heard these words, "It's almost time." (Disaster is no doubt around the corner.)
(JOEL chapter 1 verse 15: Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.
86.43 12/27, 2003, Vision, "US Adds To Missile Defense." — (149) Missile protection, vision received 12/27, 2003. In this vision, I saw these words, "US adds to missile defense." (memory)
(53) U.S.A. Missile Defense Plans, vision received 12/27, 2003. In this vision, I saw these words, "U.S.A. adds to missile defense." (memory)
86.44 12/30, 2003, Vision, “America you need to fall on your face and repent of your sins and cry out to God for His mercy” — (49) The surprise Russian attack on America, vision received 12/30, 2003. In this vision, I am sitting out on my porch, and all of a sudden the sky turns very dark from storm clouds and violent lightening. The wind was blowing so hard, and sounded like wild animals screaming. I ran to the front door to go in the house, because I was afraid of getting struck by lightening, but then turned back around and prayed to Jesus. At first I was crying out to Jesus, and then I noticed something. My voice replaced the sound the storm was making in the atmosphere, and I changed my message and said something like: America you need to fall on your face and repent of your sins and cry out to God for His mercy. You are dieing the death. You are about to suffer a nuclear strike from Russia. (It won't be long till Jesus uses Russia, and other nations to carry out judgment on America. Now is the time to get saved. Like the surprise storm, you will not have time when it comes to pass.)
86.45 01/01, 2004, Vision, “Indianapolis Nuked” — (50) Indianapolis nuked, vision received 01/01, 2004. In this vision, I was riding my bike, and went to a strip mall to visit a Radio Shack, which was closed. I looked out in the parking lot, and saw some Radio Shack stereo equipment and things on a table, so I go there, and there was a girl there, and I spoke with her, and I am going mostly by memory, "Back in 1997, one of the visions God gave me was I saw two nuclear explosions in the city of Indianapolis. It was a multiple warhead nuclear missile coming from Russia." Lastly, she is walking, and I tell her, "If you want to read the vision God gave me, you can go to google, and punch in, ‘Indianapolis destroyed by a nuclear missile.’” She said, "I will."
86.46 01/03, 2004, Vision, “President Putin—Get America” — (52) Russia is coming—American friends, visions received 01/03, 2004. While praying, I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "Russia," and I started to ask Jesus, "What about Russia," then I saw Russian President Putin in a vision, and he said, "We are going to get you."
U.S.A. will be destroyed, while praying on 12/31, 2003. I heard these words, "America will be destroyed."
86.47 01/08, 2004, Vision, “Last Days” — (145) The Last days are here, vision received 01/08, 2004. In this vision, I saw my angelfire webshell, and the page I was click on said, "Last days," in the page name bar, and maybe something else. The little line with the “Last Days” on it lit up "RED."
86.48 01/10, 2004, Vision, “The Earth Reeling To And Fro Like A Drunkard” — (55) Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, vision received 01/10, 2004. While praying, I was asking Jesus to give me the vision of the earth reeling to and fro like a drunkard, talked about in ISAIAH 24. I know Russia is going to attack America from: the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, and airplanes; and if you read in ISAIAH 13, the world will be moved out of its place when this happens. I also know from visions Jesus has given me that: China, North Korea, and Japan will attack Russia. I know Russia will strike America first. What I don't know is if China, North Korea, and Japan, will hit Russia while Russia is hitting America. If you read in EZEKIEL 38, Russia is made to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, "The Battle of Armageddon." China, and all who are with her, are the one's who force Russia to do this. A man appeared to me in a vision, and said something like, "Let’s not do that yet."
86.49 01/13, 2004, Vision & Prophetic Word, “It’s Working” — (151) Missile defense program readies, vision received 01/13, 2004. While praying, I heard, "Missile defense," and I said, "What about missile defense?" Then I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "It's working."
86.50 01/13, 2004, Vision, Star Wars, USA Missile Defense Program — (152) Missile defense is ready, vision received 01/13, 2004. While praying, I heard something like "Star Wars," which is US Missile Defense Program, and I said, "What about "Star Wars?" Then I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "It's ready."
86.51 01/27, 2004,Prophetic Word & Vision, “All it would take to destroy America is one Oscar class of Akula Russian submarine” — (56) Nuclear missile submarines, vision received 01/27, 2004. While praying, I asked Jesus how many nuclear ballistic missile submarines Russia has, and in a vision, I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "Lot's of e'm." All it would take to destroy America is one Oscar class of Akula Russian submarine. These have give or take 24 nuclear missiles. If properly planted across America, what the fire did not get, the radiation fallout would.
86.52 01/28, 2004, Vision, “War Is Not Over”— (155) I won the war, vision received 01/28, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw President Bush, and he said, "I won the war." Problem here is, the war is not over, and Jesus showed me in many visions the war will end nuclear. Just keep watching.
86.53 01/31, 2004, Vision, “Repent Now” — (57) Repent, vision received 01/31, 2004. I saw written in snow, "Repent now," on the trunk-lid of my automobile in a vision while praying to Jesus. Don't wait until tomorrow, to do what you need to do today. Repent until you have your day of "Pentecost" like the "upper room" bunch in ACTS chapter 2. This is how you are born again like Jesus commanded in ST. JOHN 3:3.
86.54 02/13, 2004, Vision, “I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "We will give you a REVOLUTION." — (58) Revolution coming in America?, vision received 02/13, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "We will give you a REVOLUTION." (rebellion, revolt, uprising, riot) I surely need another vision on this.
86.55 02/15, 2004, Vision, “China will be like a lure to draw America into war, and Russia will make the "kill." — (59) America will be destroyed, visions received 02/15, 2004. In the first vision while praying, I saw Jaing Zemin, who is over China's military, and he said, "You will burn." Then I started praying and saying to Jesus that Russia is suppose to attack America, and I saw Jiang Zemin again, and he said something like, "You are correct." China will be like a lure to draw America into war, and Russia will make the "kill."
86.56 02/24, 2004, Vision, “Russia is already testing a system geared at defeating missile defense." — (61) Russia will defeat missile defense, vision received 02/24, 2004. While praying, I said to God, Russia has top scientist, after learning that Russia is already testing a system geared at defeating missile defense. I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin in a vision, and he said, "We do."
86.57 03/2004, Vision, “Russia Is Ready To Attack America." — (63) Russia is the Bear and Lucifer is the leopard, visions received 03/2004. In one vision, I saw this man who was all white, and he said, "I'm the leopard." That man was satan. In the other vision, I saw the very large bear, and it was ready to attack. I was asking Jesus who this bear was, and I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin in a vision, and he said, "Me." There is no doubt in my mind that Russia is ready to attack America!
86.58 03/2004, Vision, “America Was Black." — (64) America will burn, vision received 03/2004. In this vision, I saw the earth spinning around, and I was high in the air, and the land was green, and the oceans were blue, and I saw where America was, and it was black.
86.59 03/18, 2004, Vision, “America Burned By Nuclear Weapons." — (65) America burned by nuclear weapons, vision received 03/18, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw the earth from a far distance, and the oceans was blue and the ground was green, and it was spinning around, and I saw the North America, and it was like America was separated by a neon white borderline, and I heard these words, "I will make this a burnt mountain."
JEREMIAH 51:25 Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.
86.60 03/23, 2004, Vision, “God Will Use Russia To Judge America." — (62) God will use Russia and other's to judge America, vision received 03/23, 2004. In this vision, I saw me, and I said, "Judgment's coming."
86.61 03/30, 2004, Vision, “Battle Ground Alaska." — (67) Battle ground Alaska, vision received 03/30, 2004. While praying, I heard "Alaska," and I said, "What about Alaska?" Then I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin in a vision, and he said, "Battleground."
86.62 03/31, 2004, Vision, “Alaska—Attack It." — (66) Alaska will be attacked, visions received 03/31, 2004. While praying, I heard, "Alaska," and I said, “What about Alaska,” and in the first vision, I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "Take it back;" and in the last two visions, I saw Putin, and he said, "Attack it."
86.63 04/09, 2004, Vision, “Russian President Vladimar Putin—Preparation" — (68) Coming judgment to America, vision received 04/09, 2004. In this vision, many things happened, and I won't tell you all, but what I will say is I was with my mom and sister, and we saw this missile high in the sky. It seems like I looked away, and then looked back, and there it was. It was flying so fast. It went past me and headed for its target. I saw me in a vision afterwards, and I said, "I was scared." I later saw Russian President Vladimar Putin in visions. In one he said, "We starting." In another, he said, "We started." I was wondering what they started, and I saw Putin again, and he said, "Preparation." Get ready.
86.64 04/21, 2004, Vision, “It Will Start With Alaska" — (69) Russia will attack Alaska, vision received 04/21, 2004. In this vision, I saw these words, "It will start with Alaska." Later I heard and or saw "ALASKA," and said, "What about Alaska, then I saw Russia President Putin in a vision, and he said, "Hit it." I was also thinking on Osama Bin Laden having nuclear weapons, and I saw Osama Bin Laden in a vision, and he said, "We do." When I finally was getting up, I heard these words, "It’s starting," then I saw me in a vision, and I said, "Let it start." America has very little in Alaska to prevent an invasion there?
86.65 05/15, 2004, Vision, "The U.S. will see an invasion by Russia."— (70) Russia will attack America, vision received 05/15, 2004. In this vision while praying, I quickly saw a newspaper, and the headline read, "The U.S. will see an invasion by Russia." Russia will launch an all out nuclear attack on America.
86.66 07/09, 2004, Vision, "Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "Were going to bomb you."— (71) America will be attacked by Russia, vision received 07/09, 2004. In this vision, I saw Russian President Vladimar Putin, and he said, "Were going to bomb you." In a vision earlier, I saw President Bush, and he said something like, "Were being bombed."
JEREMIAH 51:2 and will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.
86.67 07/11, 2004, Vision, "America Will Burn."— (72) America will burn, vision received 07/11, 2004. In the first vision, I saw or heard, "The United States," and I said, "What about the United States," and I saw the head of a white man in a vision, and He said, "It will burn."
86.68 07/11, 2004, Vision, "Attack Minnesota & New York." — (73) Attack Minnesota and New York, vision received 07/11, 2004. I later saw Russian President Putin in visions, and he said, "Hit New York," "Hit Minnesota." Hit means nuke!
86.69 07/15, 2004, Vision, "Nuclear Explosion In U.S.A. City." — (74) Nuclear explosion in U.S.A. city, vision received 07/15, 2004. In this vision, I saw a huge fireball in a downtown of some city. I can only remember seeing one very tall building, and the fireball was a small distance behind the building. This nuclear explosion may have came from the ground. Is a Russian suitcase nuke capable of an explosion like that?
86.70 08/06, 2004, Vision, "Hard times closing in on United States." — (75) Hard times closing in on United States, vision received 08/06, 2004. In this vision, I saw the blue sky, and it was darkened by a black cloud. I knew this represented America, and judgment is coming.
ISAIAH 47:11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.
86.71 08/26, 2004, Vision, "China and Russia will strike U.S.A." — (76) China and Russia will strike U.S.A., vision received 08/26, 2004. I was witnessing to a man in this vision, and I told him about Jesus showing Russia was going to attack America, and I did not seem to feel he believed me. I also told him Jesus showed me China attacking America. One thing that I said about China’s surprise attack was something like, "I don't know how they got in on us, and us not knowing anything about it.” Prepare to meet Jesus.
86.72 09/12, 2004, Vision, "Russia will nuke Alaska." — (77) Russia will nuke Alaska, vision received 09/12, 2004. While praying, I heard, "Alaska," and I said, "What about Alaska," and I saw the white face of an angel in a vision, and HE said, "It will burn." I believe Russia could easily take Alaska.
86.73 09/17, 2004, Vision, "Russia Invade USA." — (78) Is Russia telling U.S.A. the truth, visions received 09/17, 2004. In the first vision while praying, I saw President Bush, and he said, "We have been lied to." I was asking Jesus about how we have been lied to, and I saw this man’s face and He said, "Russia," and I said "What about Russia," and I saw President Bush again, and he said, "We think we have them won." USA will be attacked by Russia.
86.74 09/21, 2004, Vision, "I Will Invade You." — (79) U.S.A. will be attacked by Russia, vision received 09/21, 2004. I heard the word, "Invasion" and I said, "What about invasion?" and I saw Russian President Vladimir Putin in a vision, and he said, "I will invade you." Russia will destroy U.S.A.
86.75 09/22, 2004, Vision, " When Russia Hits America, It Will Be Short, Quick, &By Surprise." — (80) Russia ready for war, vision received 09/22, 2004. In this vision, I'm in a room, and it is underwater like somewhere in the ocean, and there are windows that have shades over them. There are two fish swimming outside, and I'm made fully aware that these fish are American nuclear weapons, and they just went by slowly, like they were not expecting anything. Then I saw the fish that represented Russia, and there were many of them, and they were nuclear. I could see thru the blinds that one fish even tried to look thru the blinds, and I could see his face and he was angry, and I felt like he wanted to attack, and was looking for a reason to. All he had to do was break thru the window, and then there would have been a nuclear explosion. I was amazed in my heart, and thinking something like, "I can't believe them (Russia), we only have one or two and they have so many." It was like I was offended. ( That nation is angry, and ready to attack America, and they have many, many weapons. America is rocked to sleep.) When Russia hits America, it will be short, quick, and by surprise.
86.76 09/26, 2004, Vision, "America Is Being Weakened Of Her Strength By These Natural Disasters." — (81) Judgment to America the Babylon, visions received 09/26, 2004. I believe that Jesus gave me two similar visions. In it, I saw like the satellite weather image of Florida, and I saw a Hurricane heading to Florida, and I heard this, "It's starting." America is being weakened of her strength by these natural disasters.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Bob Hickman: There were 4 to 6 Hurricanes that came through in the fall of 2004, very serious ones. Of the six, five affected U.S.A. Here are four that I recall: 1.) Hurricane Charlie; 2.) Hurricane Francis; 3.) Hurricane Ivan; 4.) Hurricane Jean.]
86.77 09/27, 2004, Vision, "USA Attacked By Russia." — (82) United States attacked by Russia, vision received 09/27, 2004. In this vision, I'm in my room, and all of a sudden I hear many explosions outside, and am made aware that the attack has begun. My room lit up many times when explosions would occur, and it seemed to me that America was returning fire. I left my room to go outside and see, but believe I was told to return to my room by the Lord. This day will come.
86.78 10/05, 2004, Vision, "I Saw A Missile Pop Out Of Its Silo." — (83) Missiles flying, visions received 10/05, 2004. In one vision, I saw a missile pop out of its silo. In anther vision, I saw three missiles flying high in the sky heading to their targets. When they come, it will be over.
86.79 10/05, 2004, Vision, "Putin Said, ‘Nuclear Strike’." — (83) Russia strikes USA, visions received 10/05, 2004. In this vision, I saw the words, "Fire in America," as the title for a newly posted vision, like the visions posted on this page, but I could not read the vision. I was asking Jesus Christ about this, and I later saw the President of Russia V. Putin in a vision, and he said, "Nuclear strike." That will do it.
86.80 10/09, 2004, Vision, "California" — (84) California will be destroyed, visions received 10/09, 2004. In this vision, I saw Dumitru Duduman, and he said, "California," and I said, "What about California?" and I saw another man in a vision, and HE said, "It will burn." I later saw Jesus and He had brown hair and beard, and HE said, "Ask for details," and I did. I'll wait upon Jesus.
86.81 10/14, 2004, Vision, "USA Attacked By Russia" — (85) U.S.A. destroyed by Russia, visions received 10/14, 2004. In many visions today, Jesus showed me judgment is coming to USA, and it is already planned. I saw President George Bush Jr. in visions, and he said, "Were going to get attacked," "Somebody’s nuke'en us." I saw Russian President Putin in a vision, and he said, "We've planned it."
ISAIAH 47:11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.
86.82 10/15, 2004, Vision Twice, "This Country's In Judgment." — (87) U.S.A. is in judgment, visions received 10/15, 2004. Twice in visions today, I was made aware U.S.A. is in judgment. In one while praying, I heard, "This country's," and I inquired, and I heard this, "In judgment." I believe I saw the head of a man speaking it to me. In the next vision, I saw a man who had curly hair, and He said quietly to me, "This country's in judgment." I believe that man was the Lord.
86.83 10/16, 2004, Vision, "Russia Attacked USA" — (86) Russia will attack the U.S.A. and it is planned, -received 10/16, 2004. In this vision, I saw President George Bush Jr., and he said, "Russia attacked us." In another vision, I saw the head of a man in a vision, and he said, "We planned it."
86.84 10/18, 2004, Vision, "Russia Will Attack U.S.A. Without Warning." — (88) Russia will attack U.S.A. without warning, vision received 10/18, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush and he said, "There coming on top of us." There will be little or no warning.
86.85 10/21, 2004, Vision Twice, "Government Building." — (89) Nuclear attack on a city, vision received 10/21, 2004. In this vision, I saw this city, and there appeared to be government buildings there. Lots of buildings. I saw this nuclear explosion that very quickly engulfed the whole city. By the time the vision ended, the whole city was just about destroyed. The fire from the explosion was still expanding when the vision ended. You will not have time to prepare when this happens, so now.
86.86 10/24, 2004, Vision Twice, "Were Attacking." — (90) America’s demise (end, finish, ruin, downfall—Comment not by Bob Hickman: however America will not be totally destroyed, even though it looks like it will be.) is already planned, visions received 10/24, 2004. While praying, I heard, "Russia," and I said, "What about Russia?" and in visions I saw the President of Russia in visions, and he said, "We're attacking," "Were attacking," "Attack." In another vision, I saw a man and he said, "They planned." This destruction according to the bible will last one hour.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Bob Hickman: We know that there maybe 2 or 3 attacks before the final takeover of the U.S.A. But the first or whatever hit could take one hour to accomplish it’s goal.]
86.87 10/30, 2004, Vision Twice, "America Destroyed." — (91) America Destroyed, visions received 10/30, 2004. While praying, I saw a man in a vision who had curly brown hair possible with gray in it, and He said, "America," and I said, "What about America," and I saw Him again in another vision, and He said, "America will burn." In another vision today, I saw Russian President Putin in a vision, and he said, "Attack." I believe the man I saw in the two visions was our dear Lord Jesus Christ!
86.88 10/31, 2004, Vision, “Plainfield & Indianapolis, Indiana”—(1b) Russia launches attack, vision received 10/31, 2004. In this vision, I'm in Indianapolis, and it is dark, and my brother is there. There was a nuclear explosion to the west, and I felt in my heart it was Plainfield, Indiana, and the sky seemed to just stay the bright yellow color of fire, which went into the atmosphere above Plainfield, and I want to get in the car and run, but, I know I could not go to downtown Indianapolis, because I knew the city was going to be nuked. I remember seeing a missile climbing into the sky, and I seemed to feel that this was an American nuclear missile, and it was heading for Russia. Then Indianapolis was nuked, and reddish color fire just hovered high above the city, and blanketed the whole city, and went into the atmosphere. I remember calling for my brother, because I want to leave, and he walks somewhere. I did not see the explosions either time, and unless you are watching right when the missile explodes, you won't, but what I did see scared me. I'm was wanting to run, and there will be nowhere to run.
JEREMIAH 51:25 Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.
86.89 11/04, 2004, Vision, “Putin Wants Alaska” — (40) Putin wants Alaska, vision received 11/04, 2003. In this vision while praying, I saw Russian President Putin, and he said, "We want Alaska back."
86.90 11/14, 2004, Vision, “This Is The Event That Brings Jesus Back.” — (92) Russia strikes USA, visions received 11/14, 2004. In visions, I saw Russian President Putin, and he said, "Attack," "We will destroy." This is the event that brings Jesus back.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment Not By Bob Hickman: It appears it will be a couple of years into the invasion of the USA before the Lord returns, is what we know so far. 03/19, 2005]
86.91 11/22, 2004, Vision, “Missiles Strikes Kansas” — (5b) Nuclear missile strikes Kansas, visions received 11/22, 2004. In this vision, it was like I was on one of my ‘angelfire page,’ and the background is red, and I the page was moving up, and when it finally stopped, it stopped on a vision name KANSAS. I could see the name KANSAS, and it was like it had been burned and was a little hard to make out, but I could. I was praying and asking Jesus, and I heard, "Kansas," and I was asking Jesus about Kansas; and I saw a man in a vision, that seemed to be dressed in overalls like a farmer would wear, but I'm not sure it was overalls, and His face seemed to be all white like an angel, and He said, "It got hit by a nuclear missile. Russia will launch an all out attack on America.
JEREMIAH 50:31 Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord GOD of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee.
(4) Judgment to America, prepare now to meet your maker, for when you think not—in this vision, I was outside and a man pointed to the sky and I looked up and saw three nuclear missiles going to their targets and I become afraid because I know the country is being attacked, then I see the one that is going to take Indianapolis out, and I start running, and I am looking for a pay phone very desperately because I want to call my mom and tell her I love her, and I run and run and finally find one and dialed the number and then the vision ends. (Do what you have to do now, because the day is coming when you will not be able to.)
(7) Indianapolis under attack, in this vision, I am in the car with my mom, and we are downtown (Indianapolis), and downtown is being bombed hard and I remember looking at my mom and there was a tear going down her cheek. (You don't know what you have until its gone and be prepared.)
86.92 11/22, 2004, Vision, "China & Russia Have An Agreement." — (93) Russia and China will have United States of America destruction planned out, visions received 11/22, 2004. In a vision, I saw these words, "China and Russia have an agreement." This attack on America will be planned out, and this is also when Jesus Christ returns. In the another vision, "I'm witnessing to a man or talking with him, and I think he talks back, and one thing that is said is this, "China and Russia have an agreement, and we’re the block. Were all that’s keeping them from ruling the world. Were being America. This basically means if you attack one nation, you take on both. They will be united on the destruction of America.
86.93 11/22, 2004, Vision, “ Jesus Showed Me U.S.A. Will Be Attacked By Russia & China, And Russia Will Be Attacked By Japan, China, And North Korea." — (94) United States of America will be invaded by Russia and China, vision received 11/22, 2004. In this vision, I saw the word "Invasion." Jesus showed me U.S.A. will be attacked by Russia and China, and Russia will be attacked by Japan, China, and North Korea.
86.94 11/27, 2004, Vision, "Plan for America’s defeat." — (95) Planned destruction of U.S.A., vision received 11/28, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "Plan for America’s defeat." In another vision received 11/27, 2004. It's like a small group of us was in a boat, and it was dark, and we saw a missile take of, and I seemed to feel it was heading for China as it streaked into the sky. Then out of no-where a missile appears almost over the top of us and explodes. There was only a moment or an instant to become scared, and the terror I felt was indescribable.
REVELATION 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
86.95 11/29, 2004, Vision, "Missile Hit Skyscrapers & Explode." — (96) City being bombed, vision received 11/29, 2004. In this vision, I saw a city and it was at nighttime, and there were skyscrapers and they had their lights on. Then I saw a missile come in and hit one of the skyscrapers, and explode, and the building was hidden behind the massive fireball. I don't know if this was a small nuclear weapon or not, but what I don't know is a conventional weapon is capable of a explosion like that. Then I saw another missile coming into the city. It seems like I heard jets, but I don't remember seeing any. I don't know if this was happening in America or somewhere else.
ST. LUKE 17:9 But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.
86.96 11/30, 2004, Vision, "Building Began To Explode." — (97) Destruction U.S.A., vision received 11/30, 2004. In this vision, it was at night time, and it is like at the bank of a river looking at the downtown of a city, and there are buildings there with their lights on, and like to oil or gas storage tanks at the edge of the city. Then one by one the buildings began to explode, and it went right down the line. These were big explosions that covered the whole building. Then the first like oil storage tank like what you see at a refinery explodes, and when the second one exploded, I think the explosion almost got me, and I was about a mile away. It's like I could see the skeletons of one or more of the tanks when they exploded maybe from the heat. These explosions seemed to big to be convention. I don't know what caused these explosions. I did not see missiles or hear fighter aircraft. All I know is America has kicked or is trying to kick Jesus out, and Jesus showed me judgment is coming.
86.97 12/14, 2004, Vision, "Unto Us The Angel Of Destruction." — (98) America will be destroyed, vision received 12/14, 2004. In this vision I saw these words, "Unto us the angel of destruction."
I CHRONICLES 21:16 And David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of the LORD stand between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders of Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth, fell upon their faces.
From: http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/whats_new.html .
86.98 2002, Visions, Iraq—Israel—North Korea—Russia—Palestinian State —
North Korea and Iraq war revelations. Jesus showed me in visions that the Iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a Palestinian State. Jesus revealed to me that
North Korea does have nuclear weapons and will use them on Russia with China and Japan
In many separate visions received in 2002, God showed me that war with Iraq will restart, Iraq will shoot nuclear weapons into Israel, and Israel fires back and completely destroys Iraq, and the USA finishing Iraq off with nuclear weapons and the U.S. is building up for this war now.
(1) Iraq eliminated vision, received about 01/2002. In this vision, I saw the nation of Iraq and it said, “Iraq” on it, and it was like an animation of the nation that was a light brown color, and it had a red circle around it with a slash thru the circle. I knew this meant "no Iraq"
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment Not By Bob Hickman: We have now had two wars with Iraq, but it appears there will be a third one, even Nita Johnson has stated the possibility of this coming. This is when there will probably be no Iraq, she will get nuked fully?]
(2) America at war with Iraq, vision received about 01/2002. In this vision, I saw a bomber plane bombing a nation that said “Iraq” on it, and it was like a light brown animated map, and U.S. flashed by the bomber plane and I was high above the earth and then I am suddenly on the ground and I am running yelling, "Iraq is about to get nuked," “Iraq is about to get nuked," and one of the girls that I was talking to warning, I was telling her while in this vision about another vision I had I believed was about to be fulfilled where I saw a Speedway gasoline sign and the price for gas was $4.03.
(3) Iraq will nuke Israel, vision received about 2002. In vision 3, I saw an Indianapolis newspaper in a vision, and the headline said, "Indianapolis reacts to Iraq decision to use nuclear weapons against Israel."
(4) Israel nukes Iraq, received in 06/2002. I saw this Arab man in a vision and he said, "Israel is about to nuke us." I was living in my car, and had the vision in the back seat.
(5) On 11/01, 2002, in a vision from God, I saw the United States building up militarily on like an island for this war now.
(6) Iraq nuked, vision received while driving 03/20, 2003. I saw these words written in like white neon, “Iraq nuked.”
(7) Go nuclear, visions received 04/26, 2003. I saw Saddam in a vision, and he said go nuclear. (It’s just a matter of time now.) (This is twice God gave me this vision.)
(8) You lied to me, vision received 05/11, 2003. In this vision from God, this man came up to me angrily, and he said to me, "Hey, you lied to me. You said the Iraq war will be nuclear." I simply responded," the war is not over yet. The visions are from God, and it will be nuclear just like He showed me." I told him that I was not going to call it on. (It's coming folks.) (memory)
(9) The Iraq war will turn nuclear, vision received 05/01, 2003. Lots happened in this vision, and I will just tell you some. I was separated from my car, and working my way back to it by bicycle. I ended up with this small group of people, and some words were shared. Here is what I told them. The next major even you will see is the Iraq war. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel. Then you will see Israel fire back and eliminate Iraq. When I said this, the people were in doubt, and started walking away. (This will happen.)
(10) The vision of America's and Iraq’s and Israel's judgment, vision received 02/23, 2003. (shortened) In this vision, I'm with a former girlfriend and I'm taking her home, and I start talking to her. I said to her (and I am going by memory), "You know what I used to be like, but now, I live for God, and He has showed me many things like the antichrist and his mark, I've seen Jesus in visions, and the upcoming Iraq war. Then I said to her, do you know what that war is going to be like? She said, it's probably going to be nuclear. I said, that's exactly right. You are going to see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel and then you are going to see Israel fire back and eliminate Iraq. After that you will see China and America going to war, and when we do, Russia will attack us from: the oceans, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, and out of airplanes. (This is the third time God has showed me this, and exactly what will happen, so be prepared.)
(11) Iraq nuked, vision received in 01/2003. In this vision, I was high above the earth and the ground had a dark color appearance, and I saw where a nuclear explosion had occurred and the mushroom shaped cloud rose high in the sky to about the level I was on and in this vision, I was made fully aware that this was Iraq.
(12) Iraq nuked, 01/2003, in this vision, I was in this house with this girl, and she said something like, "Iraq is getting nuked," and I looked out the window, and could see into Iraq and another explosion had just occurred, and there had been others, and I seemed to feel that these were coming from America.
(13) Signs of a servant of Jesus, vision received 09/21, 2003. A lot happened in this vision, but I will just tell you some of it, and I don't remember all… He asked me, "Do you dream dreams?" I answered, "You talk about dreaming dreams, I have seen the antichrist and Jesus.” "Here is one that has partially come to pass. The Iraq war is going to end nuclear. Your going to see Iraq"...
(15) Iraq war will turn nuclear soon, vision received 11/21, 2003. In this vision, I saw a man and a woman, and I asked them, "Are you Jewish?" I told them, "I am for Israel. That's Gods chosen nation." (As I said this, I was doubting, knowing Israel as a whole does not live for Jesus.) Then I told them about what Jesus had showed me about the Iraq war, that it will turn nuclear. That Iraq will shoot nuclear weapons into Israel, and Israel will fire back and destroy Iraq. (memory)
(16) Dick Cheney declares war on Iraq, visions received about late 2002 and/or early 2003. In these visions, I saw Dick Cheney, and he said, "I declare war on Iraq."
(18) Iraq war will end with nuclear exchange between Iraq and Israel with America finishing Iraq off, vision received 01/28, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw President Bush, and he said, "I won the war." Problem here is, the war is not over, and Jesus showed me in many visions the war will end nuclear. I was seeking Jesus the other day on when the war would turn nuclear, and I heard these word's, "It's past time." Is prayer holding it off?
(19) Iraq war will turn nuclear, visions received 01/30, 2004. In the first vision, I saw Saddam Hussein, and he said, "Eliminate Israel." In the second vision, I saw Saddam again, and he said, "Eliminate." Nuclear war is coming. Be prepared. Read EZEKIAL 7.
(20) Iraq war will end nuclear, vision received 02/07, 2004. In this vision, I saw Saddam , and he said, "Hit the button." The visions were from Jesus, and they will be fulfilled.
(21) The war in Iraq will end nuclear, visions received 02/2004. An angel of the Lord has twice told me that, "You already know," and that is when the Iraq war will turn nuclear. I do know, and the event approached. I will release the vision, if Jesus mercifully gives it to me.
(22) Prepare for nuclear war, vision received 02/21, 2004. I was reading, "when will the Iraq war turn Nuclear," and when I did, I saw a man who looked like Saddam Hussein in a vision, and he said, "Were ready."
(23) IRAQ war will end nuclear, vision received 02/28, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man who looked like Saddam Hussein, and he said, "We hit Israel."
(24) Destruction of Iraq, vision received 03/09, 2004. In this vision, I saw Iraq, and it was daytime, and I was high above the ground, and it looked like earth looks when you are about 10 miles high or so. All of a sudden, the whole nation of Iraq exploded. That whole nation will be destroyed.
(25) Nuclear war is coming to Iraq and Israel, visions received 03/28, 2004. In the first vision, I saw me, and I said, "When Lord." In the second vision, I saw a man who had white skin and hair and blue eyes, and He said something like, "When there is a Palestinian State, that’s when." I will ask Jesus to give me it again. Seek Jesus!
(26) Iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a Palestinian State, received on 01/25, 2004. While praying, and pressing Jesus on when the Iraq war will turn nuclear, I heard in a voice that was loud and clear, "It's past time." I was asking Jesus about when the Iraq war will turn nuclear, and in doing so, I mentioned to Him that another person said, that He said when a Palestinian State, and when I said this, in a vision, I saw this person, and this person shook its head, "Yes." B-red-e!
(27) When you see a Palestinian State is when war will turn nuclear, vision received 04/16, 2004. While praying, I said something like, and it was based on visions Jesus has given me, "The Iraq war will turn nuclear after the creation of a Palestinian State," then I saw a black man in a vision, and he said, "That’s it."
(28) The Iraq war was to prevent Russia from having control of Iraq’s oil fields, visions received 05/23, 2004. I asked Jesus for a long time to show me what the Iraq war was really about. Finally, in a vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "I beat Russia." At first, I didn't think anything about this, because there was no war. As God dealt with me, Russia had billions of dollars worth of contracts signed with Iraq for oil deals. I said something like, "Was the war over preventing Russia from having control over Iraq’s oil," and in a vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "Your right." In another vision, I saw Bush, and he said, "I won the war." That was the war to Iraq’s oil. In another vision, I saw President Bush, and he said something like, "Take Iran." Seek Jesus!
(29) After creation of a Palestinian State is when Iraq war will turn nuclear, vision received 07/26, 2004. In this vision, I'm talking to someone about the Iraq war, and I tell something like, "God showed me in visions the Iraq war will end nuclear. You will see nuclear weapons fly out of Iraq into Israel. This will happen after the creation of a Palestinian State. That Palestinian State will be taken away. Then you will see Israel fire back and eliminate Iraq. Iraq has 24 million people give or take.
(28) This war was over oil contracts, visions received 10/o9, 2004. I was asking Jesus about the real reason Iraq was invaded, and I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "I do," meaning he knows the real reason, and I saw Saddam Hussein in a vision, and he said, "oil." I was asking Jesus if President Bush really wanted to break the oil contracts Russia and France had with Iraq, and I saw president Bush in a vision, and he said, "That’s it." I was reading an article, and I'm going by memory, where Russia was saying that the war would last 30 days with an American victory, and the reason for the war was to seize the oil fields.
(1) North Korea has nukes, vision received about 02/2003. I was praying and wondering if North Korea had nuclear weapons, and in a vision, I saw the President of North Korea, and he said, "we have 7."
(2) North Korea President just having fun, I asked God if North Korea was going to start a war, cause it seemed to me like their President was teasing America, and God spoke to me and said, "He's just having fun."
(3) North Korea will attack Russia with nuclear weapons, vision received 10/17, 2003. I asked Jesus is North Korea was going to launch nuclear weapons on America, and in a vision, I saw the President of North Korea, and he said, "We will save them all for Russia."
(4) North Korea has nuclear weapons, vision received 11/28, 2003. While working on my website, I was thinking, "North Korea has nukes," then in a vision, I saw the President of North Korea, and he said, "Yes we do."
From: http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/whats_new.html .
86.99 Visions, Submarines Attack America From The Oceans Visions —
Submarines attack America from the oceans vision. Russia still has nuclear missile submarines prowling the oceans.
(1) Submarines attack America from the oceans visions. In these two visions received on 11/28, 2003, the Lord showed me that Russia will attack both of Americas coasts, and from the Gulf of Mexico with nuclear missile submarines.
In the first vision while praying, I saw about the Western half of America, and it was like an animated map, and the ocean. From top to bottom along the West Coast, and about the midway point of the nation was black stripes.
In the second vision, I saw the East Coast of America and the ocean, and again, it was like an animated map, and going from top to bottom along the East Coast was a dark black stripe.
I asked Jesus what this meant, and here are the words I heard, "This represents fire," "from the ocean."
(4) Russia will strike USA, vision received 05/26, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw like an animated map of the United States, and the states were separated by black borderlines. I saw a ball of fire streak in from high in the sky, and it landed on about the California/Nevada border, and a very big splash of fire shot up into the atmosphere. Be prepared to meet you maker.
(5) When America goes to war with China is when, visions received 07/06, 2004. In the first vision, I saw the words in red neon letter, "When America will burn will be." I was praying and asking Jesus when this would happen, and I saw the face of an angel in the second vision, and He was a white color, and He said, "When America goes to war with China." I said, "When will that be, when America goes broke," and I heard this, "They already are." True.
ISAIAH 13:6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
ISAIAH chapter 13 verse 6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. 19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. JOEL chapter 1 verse 15 Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.
REVELATION 18 verse 8: Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, Death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. verse 10: Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
(3) Prophet, vision received 01/15, 2004. In this vision, while praying, I saw a man, and he said, "Your a prophet."
AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
(4) Eight Kings that will rise and destroy United States of America, vision received in 2003. Jesus has already revealed to me in visions that: China, North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico will be in on the Attack on America. I was asking Jesus to show me the other nations, and I saw these two nations written in like neon letters, "VENEZUELA" and "BRAZIL." The Lord has not yet given me the second vision, so you can bank on the first 6 for now.
(4b) They will want to rule the world, received 11/2004. While praying I heard one of the kings say, "Let’s rule the world."
REVELATION 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
(5) Judgment to U.S.A., vision received 03/18, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw the earth from a far distance, and the oceans was blue and the ground was green, and it was spinning around, and I saw the North America, and it was like America was separated by a neon white borderline, and I heard these words, "I will make this a burnt mountain."
JEREMIAH 51:25 Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.
(6) Russian submarines prowling the oceans, vision received 07/2004. I asked Jesus how many nuclear missile submarines Russia had, and I saw Russian President V. Putin in a vision, and he said, "Ten." Some submarines have up to 24 nuclear missiles, with many warheads per missile. It's just a matter of time until Russia attacks America.
From: http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/shopping_page.html .
86.100 Visions, American & Taiwan & Russia Will Be Attacked By China —
America, Taiwan, and Russia will be attacked by China. Jesus showed me China is ready for war NOW!
China and all that are with her will force Russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, which is the "Battle Of Armageddon.”
America, Taiwan, and Russia will be attacked by China:
(1) China will grab Taiwan, vision received about 03/2003. I asked God for years to show me what China would do to draw America into war and in a vision God gave me, I saw the President of China and He said, "We will grab Taiwan."
(2) China's surprise attack on America, vision received about 09/2002. I saw China attacking America on one of its costal states. (It was like in the vision, I seemed to feel this was in the State of Washington.) Old America planes would go out to sea to fight back. (I did not see what the Chinese troops arrived on.)
JEREMIAH 50:24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD.
(3) God's starting to reveal, in this vision received about 03/2003. I saw these words in neon yellow, “Chinese Attack."
(4) China and America at war, this vision was spiritual, and I was fully aware of what was going on. In it, I saw a field, and it was dark, and I saw a tractor, way out in the field, and the tractor shot something like a bullet, and fire spewed out of it. Then I saw an America Jet starting to take off. (In this vision, I was aware America and China were at war, and they were here. I didn't sleep much after that that night for the fear I felt.)
(5) China will attack America to create chaos and attack Taiwan to draw America into war, vision received 03/08, 2003. I asked God if China will stage a “minor homeland invasion” on America and attack “Taiwan” to draw America into war, and in a vision, I saw the President of China and He said, "You are correct."
(6) America and China go to war, in this vision, I saw America and China going to war.
(7) How China will draw America into war vision, received 03/10, 2003. I don't remember every thing that was shared in this vision, but, I will tell you some of what I do remember, and I will also add that God gave me this vision, and what He did was put other visions together. In this vision, I am with a friend, and I say to him, “Do you know when Russia is going to attack America?” He said, "When America goes to war with China, is when.” Then I told him how China would draw America into war. I said, “China will grab Taiwan and do a minor homeland invasion, and when we go to war with China, that’s when Russia will attack us.” (By memory, and this will be the event that brings Jesus back, go to the bottom to read the China visions.)
JEREMIAH 51:57 And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the King, whose name is the LORD of hosts.
(8) China will attack Russia, vision received on 03/08, 2003. While praying God gave me a vision, and in it, I saw in yellow neon letters, "China will attack Russia." (China and all that are with her will ultimately force Russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, "THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON.” )
(9) China wants war, vision received 08/29, 2003. While praying, God spoke to me and said, "Red China" and I said, "What about Red China?" Then God gave me a vision, and I saw the President of China, and he said, "We want war."
(10) China ready for war, vision received 09/09, 2003. In this vision, I saw like a glow in the dark sign. And what it said on it was, "China wants to edge close to war" I had it twice.
(11) China is the dragon, in this vision while praying, I saw this dragon, and he was inside of a cage, and there were people all around the cage looking in. The dragon appeared to be very upset, angry, & impatient. (This dragon represents China, and all that is keeping China from attacking is the prayer of the saints.)
(12) China, Japan, and North Korea attacks Russia, vision received 11/14, 2003. I asked God a question like, are the sun and the moon blocked out from Russia attacking America; and China, Japan, and North Korea attacking Russia? Then I saw this mouth in a vision, and it said, "Yes Bobby." (I will ask Jesus for another vision regarding this.)
(13) China and America will go to war, vision received 11/20, 2003. I was in a Speedway gas station, and witnessing to a girl, and I told her something like, "China and Taiwan are into it. When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning," which is what God showed me, and exactly what the angel Gabriel spoke to Dumitru Duduman. As I am walking out of the station, I see the other employee which overheard some or all of the conversation in a vision, and she said, "That's right".
(14) China attacks Russia, vision received 11/27, 2003. While praying, I heard these words, "China wants to attack Russia." I asked Jesus why, and in a vision, I saw Jiang Zemin, who is in charge of the military, and he said, "I hate Russia." (I had it twice) China victorious, vision received 11/28, 2003. In this vision I saw the words and heard them, "China will beat Russia."
(15) Russia leads the way to the invasion of Israel, (EZEKIEL 38) vision received 11/28, 2003. I wrote down the word's, but, I just can't recall the vision, but I was inquiring of the Lord about why China was going to invade Russia, and here are the words I wrote down, "We want Russia to invade Israel." I kept asking why like a little kid, and I saw Jesus. He had white hair and skin and blue eye's, and He said, "They hate Israel."
(16) Russia helps China militarily prepare, vision received 11/28, 2003. In this vision, I saw a Russian bomber, and was made fully aware Russia was lending it to China.
(17) Chemical attack, vision received 11/28, 2003. In this vision, I Jiang Zemin, China's military leader, and he said, "Chemical Attack."
(18) In another, I saw him again, Jiang Zemin, and he said, "We have an agreement." I was asking Jesus about this, who this agreement is with, and I saw Russian President Putin in a vision, and he said, "us". (Russia and China have a military agreement. Take on one, you take on both!)
(19) China and America prepare for war, visions received 11/27, 2003. In these two visions while praying, I saw President Bush, and he said, "We want China." I saw Jiang Zemin of China, and he said, "We want the United States."
(20) Bush feels America can't loose war with China, vision received 11/27, 2003. I was asking Jesus if it was in the heart of Bush to go to war with China, and in a vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "Can't loose." (I'm sure he thinks this.)
(21) Red China wants Russia, vision received 11/04, 2003. In this vision, I saw the President of China, and he said, "We want Russia."
(22) Red China wants to keep Russia, vision received 11/05, 2003. In this vision while praying, I saw the President of China, and he said, "Were going to keep Russia."
(23) America and China prepare war, I read on 12/04, 2003 where someone from China is going to come to America to more or less issue a threat to America, and I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "Won't back down."
(24) War between America and China approaches, vision received 12/10, 2003. While praying, I was talking to Jesus. I don't remember word for word what I said, but was talking about President Bush's threat to help Taiwan in the event of war with China, and in a vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "We will." (It’s brewing!)
(25) Dick Cheney declares war on China, vision received about early 2003. In this vision while praying, I saw Dick Cheney, and he said, "I declare war on China."
(26) When USA goes to war with China is when Russia will attack America, vision received 01/31, 2004. While praying, I heard, "What about China?" And I asked Jesus, "What about China?" Then I saw a man who looked like the former President of China, JIANG ZEMIN, and who is now over the military there, and he said, "We want you." China is actively building there military at a rate that should get anyone's attention. We know they have 20 nuclear missile's capable of reaching the U.S. What about, what we don't know!
(27) China will attack USA first, vision received 02/01, 2004. In this vision, I saw Jiang Zemin, who is now over the military in China, and he said, "ATTACK America!" When U.S.A. goes to war with China is when Russia will destroy America.
(28) China will lure America into to war for Russia to strike USA, vision received in 2003. I was praying, and wondering if China was going to use nuclear weapons on America, and I saw the former President, Jiang Zemin in a vision, and he said, "Don't worry Bobby, we won't nuke you!" Russia sure will when China lures America into war.
(29) China is ready, vision received 03/27, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man who looked like Jiang Zemin, who is over China's military, and I heard these words, "There ready".
(30) China will attack Russia, visions received 05/23, 2004. In a vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "China will beat Russia." China will force Russia to lead the way to the invasion of Israel, which is the "Battle of Armageddon." I saw President Bush in another vision, and he said, "China will win." China will have at least two other nations with her from what Jesus has showed me. Japan and North Korea.
(31) God will raise Japan, vision received 06/27, 2004. While praying, I heard this, "I'm going to raise up Japan." I started asking Jesus why. Finally, I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "Tell him." And I said something like, "Is it so they can attack the Russians," and I saw the prime minister of Japan in a vision, and he said, "True." I read the not long ago, that Japan has enough nuclear material to build 100 bombs.
(32) Russia will be hit by China, visions received 10/02, 2004. Twice in visions, I saw Hu Jintao, the President of China, and he said, "China shall beat Russia." China, and all that’s with her.
(33) United States and China will go to war, visions received 10/02, 2004. Twice I saw President George Bush Jr. in visions, and he said, "Whip China." And in another vision, President Bush said, "Look who started," and I saw China’s President in a vision, and he said, "us."
(33) U.S.A. gets attacked, visions received 10/03, 2004. In this vision, I saw the words, "China attacks America." In another vision, I'm witnessing to a woman, and tell her about God showing Russia and China attacking America. I saw the President of China in anther vision, and he said, "We start it." China will attack America and grab Taiwan to draw U.S.A. into war.
(34) U.S.A. will be hit by China, vision received 10/06, 2004. While praying, I heard, "China," and I said, "What about China," and I saw the Chinese President in a vision, and he said, "Attack America." China will lure America into war for Russia to destroy America.
(35) The BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, vision received 10/18, 2004. While walking, I was thinking on the testimony Jesus gave me in visions, on how Russia will attack America: out of the oceans, Cuba, Nicaragua, & Mexico; then He showed me that China, North Korea and Japan will attack Russia and ultimately force Russia to invade Israel. As I said something like this in my heart, I saw the President of China in a vision, and he said, "We will." This will be the Battle of Armageddon.
(36) America will be attacked by China, vision received 11/08, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "China will attack us." This is one way China will lure America into war for Russia to destroy.
From: http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/custom2.html.
86.101 2004, Visions, Variety Of Things —
(15) Final warning, vision received 02/23, 2004. In this vision, I saw the words, "LAST CALL." There was probably more words, I couldn't make them out.
(17) Famine, vision received 02/28, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "There will be a food shortage." <br>
(26) Witchcraft in America the Babylon, vision received 03/19, 2004. In this vision, I saw this man, and he said, "I'm a witch." A witch is a devil server or a false prophet. Some one who has the wrong spirit. They can say they serve Jesus, write books, T.V., etc.
(38) Dick Cheney will be the President, vision received 04/07, 2004. In this vision, I saw Dick Cheney, and he said, "I'm the new President." In many visions, the Lord has showed me that one of the most powerful leaders in the world will be shot.
(39) Missile defense will be overwhelmed, vision received 04/09, 2004. I was out in the presence of the Lord, and I said something like, "Missile defense will be useless," and the Lord let me know that it won't, but I saw a man in a vision, and He said, "overwhelmed."
(43) Iraq war will turn nuclear, vision received 04/13, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw this man with brown hair, and He said, "Get ready for nuclear."
(46) Nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists, vision received 04/16,2004. In this vision while praying, I saw Osama bin Laden, and he said, "I've got the bomb." I was stunned, and saddened.
(53) Endtime dream, vision received 04/26, 2004. In this vision, I saw these words, "End times are now." They are!
(67) U.S.A. wants to keep Taiwan, vision received 05/2004. I was thinking on Taiwan, and I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "We'll keep it." It provides a military base and other things for America. The day is coming though when China will retake Taiwan.
(68) President Bush will win re-election, vision received 06/14, 2004. In this vision, I'm inside this building, and I see John Kerry, and I go to him and tell him about something Jesus has showed me. I told him God showed me in visions that the economy will collapse. I also told him that the Lord showed me in visions that the Iraq war will turn nuclear, "You will see nuclear weapons fly out of Iraq." I don't remember finishing, because he was on the phone and was not listening to me. I also told him that God showed me in visions that President Bush will win big. As I'm walking away and thinking on things, the thought hits me it will be because of his selection for Vice President, so I start to run back toward him and want to tell him he will loose because of his selection of a running mate. Kerry wasn't really listening.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment Not By Bob Hickman: It is history now but in the 11/2004 election, President Bush did win big!]
(69) Invasion, vision received 06/18, 2004. In this vision, I saw the word, "Invasion." I don't believe as I write this America is prepared to stop an invasion.
(71) Terrorism in U.S.A., vision received 10/13, 2004. In this vision, I can remember seeing like a dark blue webpage, and there were many words written on the page, and they were being read off by someone, and I seemed to feel that all these words were different torments and judgments to America. The one word I remember seeing very clearly was, "Terrorism."
(72) Appreciate your blessings now before they are taken away, vision received 07/25, 2004. In this vision while praying, I saw a bible, and it opened. One page was the book of LAMENTATIONS, and this is when BABYLON has invaded Israel, and taken them into captivity, and Jeremiah remembers and weeps. The other page looked like JEREMIAH 51, which mainly talks about two things, judgment to Babylon, one being the Babylon which existed in Iraq which Jesus cast judgment on long ago, and it is still a wasteland, and the other Babylon is America, and resurfaces in ISAIAH 13 and 47.
(73) Who will win the next presidential election, vision received 10/13, 2004. In this vision, I saw George Bush Jr. and he said, "I'm elected."
From: http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/photo3.html .
86.102 2004, Visions, End Time Prophecies, Last Days Prophecy, Perilous Times Prophecies —
(6) Terrorist in the USA-vision received 06/21, 2004. In this vision, I saw a woman who I used to go to church with, and she was a spirit, and she said, "the terrorists are already here".
(14) Most churches are just a show-vision received 07/24, 2004. In this vision, I saw like a page name bar, like what you see at the bottom of your computer when you click onto a page, and there may have been other ones there. The one I saw said, "angry at sheep". The church is for the most part asleep. I told a church last night during prayer request that Jesus showed me in visions Russia was going to lead an all out attack on America, and for today, they have a softball game planned. There were about 20 adults there when I told that, about 30 more came in late, and missed it, which was about 15 minutes into the service.
JEREMIAH 5:7 How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses.
(26) Churches have fallen from Jesus-vision received 08/20, 2004. In this vision, it is like I'm in a church, and painted on the wall at the back of a the church was words that went something like this, "to much people are longing in their hearts for a church". The church that exist today does not even mirror the first church, and I’m hoping there are exceptions.
(31) Put Jesus first-vision received 09/22, 2004-in this vision, I saw this apostolic Pentecostal pastor who is with United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), and he said, "put me first." Seek to please Jesus, not your pastor.
(32) America is loosing friends-visions received 09/2004. In both visions, I saw president of France, Chirac, and he said, "Destroy North America", and in the other, I saw him again, and he said, "were with Putin." America is becoming isolated, and the enemy knows it.
(34) Empty grocery store-vision received 10/02, 2004. In this vision, which I believe I was given again on the 10/03, 2004, I was inside a grocery store looking at the shelves, and they were completely empty. There may have been one or two items, but, that was all. This is the second visions Jesus has given me about coming shortages of food in U.S.A.
(35) Which bible in the English language has the approval of Jesus-vision received 10/03, 2004. In this vision I saw the words, "King James Bible," at the top of like a webpage. There was more there. The bible keeps getting rewritten and changed.
REVELATION 22:19 and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
(36) United states is Babylon-vision received 10/04, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man whom I thought was President Bush, and he said, "MYSTERY, BABYLON in America.". USA is Babylon.
(38) Jesus is coming-vision received 10/13, 2004. In this vision, I saw like a webpage that had a list of words on it. The background was black, and the words were written in white. The words that I seemed to focus on were, "THE SECOND COMING."
ST. MATTHEW 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
(39) You must be filled with the Spirit of God-vision received 10/13, 2004. In this vision, I saw the words, "The gift of the Holy Ghost."
ROMANS 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
(40) Right now is your opportunity to serve God-vision received 10/15, 2004. While praying I heard this, "the ones who miss it," and then I saw the words in a vision, "There's no second chance." If you die lost, or miss the rapture, your doomed. After the rapture, God turns back to the Jews.
(45) Who will win the presidential election of 2004-vision received 10/23, 2004. In this vision, I saw something like this, "BUSH ELLEDGEDLY WINS." I believe this means Bush will win.
(46) Tax raises coming to Americans-visions received 10/27, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "Running out of money." I asked Jesus what happens when we run out of money, and I saw President George Bush in another vision, and he said, "Raise taxes." Seek Jesus always.
(54) We are approaching the second coming of Jesus-19/2004. In this vision, I saw a man, and He said, "time is running out."
(55) The second coming should have already happened-vision received 11/20, 2004. I've been asking Jesus where we are at, and I saw a man in a vision, and He said, "It's past due."
ROMANS 9:29 And as Isaiah said before, Except the Lord of Sab'a-oth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodom, and been made like unto Gomor'rah.
(56) False pastors are witches-vision received 11/20, 2004. In this vision, I saw an apostolic Pentecostal pastor, and he said, "I'm a witch."
(64) Invasion of Cuba-vision received 11/30, 2004. In this vision, and it was very quick, I believe I saw these words written in blue letters. "America invaded Cuba." I don't know any details.
ST. MARK 13:7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
(65) Is another attack war brewing-vision received 12/11, 2004. In this vision, I saw George Bush Jr. and he said, "bomb Iran." America is inching toward her end.
From: http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/custom4.html
(234) Submarine-vision received 12/05, 2004. In this vision, I saw like a google page that had sites indexed, and it seems like the only site page name I had my eyes fixed on was a page I think named this, "submarine." It was in blue letters. A submarine is probably the deadliest weapon in a country's armed forces.
(250) Will Russia shut Americas military computers down right before they attack America-visions received 12/15, 2004. In visions, I saw a man and he said, "what's happening," "all systems go out."
(193) America will go to war with China-visions received 12/08, 2004. In these visions, I saw President Bush, and he said, "China," and I asked about China, and I saw Bush again, and he said, "Attack."
(194) United States of America under attack-visions received 12/08, 2004. In visions, I saw President Bush and he said things like, "Were under attack," etc.
(197) Asking Jesus how close it is-vision received 12/22, 2004. I was asking Jesus how close it really is meaning how close judgment to America is and I saw a man who looked like Russian President Vladimir Putin in a vision and he said, "Were ready."
REVELATION 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
(66) Destruction is coming to America-visions received 12/25, 2004. In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "we want details," and in another vision, I saw me and I said, "Russia's going to attack."
(73) Could a nuclear explosion cause an earthquake like tsunamis-vision received 12/30, 2004. In this vision, I saw like an illustration of an earthquake underwater and it seems like I saw a bomb or something there.
(140) U.S.A. will be attacked-vision received 12/07, 2004. While praying, I saw this man and he said something like, "Were under attack."
REVELATION 18:9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. 10 standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
(146) Woe to the Palestinian state-vision received 12/26, 2004. In this vision I saw a man with brown hair and He said, "Take away the Palestinian state."
(149) Woe to Alaska-vision received 12/27, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man who looked like Vladimir Putin and he said, "Hit Alaska."
(224) United States will be attack by Russia and China-vision received 12/06, 2004. While praying, I heard, "The United States," and I inquired to Jesus about the United States and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "Were being attacked."
MALACHI 3:2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? ÿ For he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:
(228) The beast will be the pope-vision received 12/07, 2004. In this vision, I heard "The Beast," and saw the pope, only he looked strong.
(231) Nebraska will be destroyed-vision received 12/09, 2004. While praying, I heard, "Nebraska," and I asked about Nebraska, and I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "Hit it." That means destroy Nebraska. That man may have been Russia President Vladimir Putin.
(232) Michigan will be destroyed-vision received 12/09, 2004. While praying, I heard "Michigan," and I asked about Michigan, and I saw someone in a vision and or heard something like, "It will be destroyed." I even had a vision where I saw me, and I said something like, "Show me."
(251) Taxes will be raised in America-vision received 12/20, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush and he said, "Taxes going up."
Russia will attack America-visions received 12/20, 2004. In the first vision, I saw President Bush and he said, "Were under attack," "They hit Alaska", and in the last vision, I saw a man who looked like President Putin and he said something like, "We got Alaska."
(255) Woe to Alaska-vision received 12/22, 2004. In this vision, I saw Russian President Vladimir Putin and he said "I want Alaska." I just walked by a T.V. where the person describe the American military as being the most powerful on the face of the planet, and that may be true, but, it would only take about 8 of Russia's missiles to destroy America, and America can not stop them once they are fired. Missile defense may ultimately get some, but, not all, and keep in mind, it does not take many.
(261) Will Iran be attacked by America-visions received 12/22, 2004. While praying, I heard "Iran," and may have even seen President Khatami, and I was asking what about Iran, and I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "Attack." I do believe he wants to do this, but, will he.
(232) Mahmoud Abbas-visions received 12/2004. While praying, I saw Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and he said, "We support Saddam." I just saw him again in another vision and he said, "I do."
(190) Is Bush going to get sick-vision received 12/31, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush and he said, "I'm going to loose my health."
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Bob Hickman: This you will want to pray against President Bush either getting sick or assassinated, asking God His perfect will on the matter, but seeing if we can stop this in Jesus Christ.]
(191) Putin wants Bush-visions received 12/31, 2004. In two visions, I saw Russian President Putin and he said, "I want Bush," "I want Bush assassinated." I was asking Jesus why Putin wanted Bush assassinated and was telling Him that they appear to be friends and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "they appear."
(89) Russia will attack America-visions received 12/09, 2004. In a vision, I saw the words, "I saw Russia," and I asked about Russia, and at least 3 times I saw Russian President Vladimir Putin in a visions, and he said, "Attack."
(108) Tomahawk missiles-vision received 12/21, 2004. I was reading about tomahawk missiles and how sophisticated they are and I was asking Jesus how hard or easy it would be to stop one, and I saw Dumitru Duduman in a vision and he said, "computer." That lets me know it would be easy.
(111) Gas station mystery-vision received 12/22, 2004. In this vision, I saw a skeleton sitting against a gas pump.
(122) Is Iran next-vision received 12/28, 2004. While praying, I heard and or saw, "IRAN," and I was asking about Iran and I saw a man’s face who looked like Iranian President Khatami and he said, "Were next."
(154) Jobs are moving away from America-vision received 12/10, 2004. In this vision, I saw this woman, and she said, "I lost my job."
(157) China will attack Russia-vision received 12/10, 2004. While praying, I heard, "China," and I asked about China, and I saw the President of China, and he said, "China will hit Russia."
(176) Is terrorism coming to America-vision received 12/09, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "Terrorists," and I asked about terrorists, and I heard this, "He knows there coming."
JEREMAIH 51:14 The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillars; and they shall lift up a shout against thee.
(181) Auto industry in trouble in America-vision received 12/09, 2004. In this vision, I saw the words, "car maker." It seems like auto production plants close often, and my belief is the ones that are open are in trouble.
(183) China will attack the United States-vision received 12/11, 2004. In this vision, I saw the President of China and he said, "We will attack America."
(184) Is an attack on Iran approaching-vision received 12/11, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush and he said, "Take Iran."
(147) United States of America will have an economic collapse-vision received 12/04, 2004. I was talking to Jesus about the economy in America, and I saw a man in a vision, and he said, "It's getting ready to collapse." That man was the president of a nation.
(149) General Musharraf-vision received 12/04, 2004. America under attack-vision received 12/07, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man, and he said, "Were under attack."
(168) Brazil will probably be in on America’s destruction-vision received 12/15, 2004. I asked Jesus if Brazil was going to be in on Americas destruction, and I saw the President Lula of Brazil in a vision and he said something like, "We will be one of them." I really need to have the vision again.
(144) Russia will attack Alaska-vision received 12/12, 2004. In this vision, I saw Vladimir Putin and he said something like, "I want Alaska." I asked Jesus how much oil in Alaska, and I saw a man in a vision with brown hair and He said, "enough." When I was talking about oil, I saw President Bush in a vision, and he said, "That's what we need." I also saw Bush in a vision and he let me know he knew Alaska was rich in oil.
(16) Chinese hatred for America-in this vision, I saw a group of Chinese people, and they were staring at me, and there was so much hatred in their faces, you could not even see their eyes.
(25) Jesus returns when you least expect it !! In this vision, I am at a church and a lady is giving me a gift and it felt like Christmas. Then the Spirit of God carried me to the outside of the church to let me see what was going on and Jesus was coming. I saw darkness brewing in the clouds, like a storm, and they were approaching, and I knew Jesus was coming.
REVELATION 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
(122) Iran attacked-visions received 02/28, 2005. While driving, I heard, "Iran", and I saw President Bush in a vision and he said, "We need to attack'em." I've seen many more similar visions from Jesus today.
(241) War-visions received 02/22, 2005. In visions, I saw President Bush and he said, "man your battle stations." I heard, "Iran", and saw President Bush again and he said, "that's it."
(239) Iran-visions received 02/22, 2005. I heard, 'Iran', and believe now I saw a man with brown hair and beard and blue eyes say it, and I asked, and I saw President Bush in a vision and he said something like, "attack."
(220) Destruction to the new Palestinian state-vision received 01/19, 2005. In this vision, I saw a woman that I think was like a white female spirit and she said "Palestinian state's going to burn up." When nuclear weapon's fly out of Iraq, that will be all of the new Palestinian state and part of Israel. READ EZEKIEL 7
(5) India will attack Russia-visions received 02/22, 2005. While praying, I heard, "India," and I may have asked about India, and I saw a man with white hair in a vision and he said, "Were going to hit Russia." I kept asking who the man was, and it seemed like I kept seeing the prime minister of India, and he may have even said, 'me,' in some or all those visions where I asked.
(19b) Russia will be hit by North Korea-visions received 03/17, 2005. In this vision, I saw a missile, and it may have been a mobile missile possibly on launcher, and I saw this written under it in like neon letters, "df-31". I saw the president of North Korea in visions and he said, "my secret", "I'll send'em on Russia." I believe from what I was shown, they just have one. I may have seen the president of North Korea and he said, "one".
(21) Revelations of China-visions received 01/21, 2005. In one vision, I saw: "RED ARMY," and I inquired about the identity red army. In the second vision, I saw the "Hu Hintao," the president of China and he said, "Were ready to kill." China has had much time to prepare.
(22) Russia's enemy is rising-vision received 03/03, 2005. While praying, I asked the Lord a question like this: "Is it already in the heart of China to attack Russia," and I saw President Hu Jintao in a vision and he said, "Yes."
(5f) Banks will close-vision received 07/04, 2004. In this vision, I saw the news like you see when you go to your Yahoo mail box, and one of the headlines said, "No cash." Banks will fail.
(9) Economic collapse coming to America-vision received 08/24, 2004. In these visions, I saw former President Clinton, and he said, "Economic collapse," "Economic collapse," and something like, "it's going to collapse." You might as well bank on it.
(10) Economic collapse-vision received 08/31, 2004. In this vision, I saw Warren Buffet, and he said, "The economy’s collapsed." America is on a collision course with economic collapse.
(11) No pension -vision received 09/26, 2004. In this vision, I saw a woman who is expecting to have a pension when she retires, and she said, "No pension." This is the 3rd time Jesus has shown me pensions are going to be a failure.
(12) Economic collapse coming to U.S.A.-vision received 10/02, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "Were bankrupt." Look at the huge budget deficit America is running, and projecting.
(16) America economy crash-vision received 11/19, 2004. In this vision, I saw President Bush, and he said, "The economy collapsed." Businesses are moving away, and the national debt is soaring.
(17) America is going bankrupt-vision received 12/04, 2004. In this vision, I saw a man whom I thought was the president of China, and he said, "Your government is going bankrupt." America has fallen from Jesus, and all that leaves Jesus left with is judgment.
(18) Social Security will collapse-visions received 12/04, 2004. In this first vision, I saw the president of a nation, and he said, "Social Security," and I asked Jesus about social security, and I saw the president again, and he said, "Bankrupt." Businesses are moving away and the deficit is swelling.
(19) Economic collapse America visions-received 01/23, 2005. In the vision one, I saw the President Bush, and he said, "our economy," and I inquired about United State's economy, and in the next vision, I saw a dark area light up and heard and may have even seen the word's: "It's collapsing right now." Prepare as led by the Holy Ghost.
(20) US economy crumbles-vision received 01/23, 2005. I was asking Jesus when the economy in America would collapse and I saw a young woman or her spirit in a vision and she said something like, "When things are going good." That is when you least expect it. Do what you have to do as led by the Spirit of God!
(4b) Collapse economic U.S.A. vision received 02/06, 2005. I was driving thinking that the economy in America does not have to collapse, and I saw President Bush in a vision and he said, "It will." America will see economic collapse!
(21) Economic collapse U.S.A.-vision received 03/13, 2005. I saw a white spirit that looked and sounded like Michael Boldea and he said, "The economy crashed." I believe the Lord showed me in visions the year this will happen.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Bob Hickman: When Bob is referring to America being destroyed we know she will not be totally destroyed. Also we know that the spirit of Babylon is in all nations, and especially has been active in America as well. Because Bob Hickman had a great amount of prophetic, for total perfection—in me editing it all, you can go to his website and reference it all there. I choose to pick out what was important only for this document from Bob’s collection at his website. I may have made an error here or there in bringing it all over and getting it ready for this huge document for I received it all at once, and it was a lot. So check Bob’s site for perfection in any items you are questioning.
I do not know if all that Bob Hickman received was 100% from God, when you go to his website there is a lot there to wade through. This Christian receives a lot of visions, and he just tells you most of them it seems, and a lot of them are not really understood by us because there is not enough information to understand them. It appeared to me that a number of them should have been deleted, and that Bob Hickman needed to have a personal diary, keeping all these in his diary, but pulling the understandable ones and only posting them.
I am not at all concerned about him seeing demons, that is part of the process with seeing into the spirit realm, along with seeing white spirits, or called Holy Angels usually. Also, I have noticed that he has a very sincere heart. In reading a great deal of his visions received, some where really amazing about who was in hell and who was going to hell, they were still alive now. Also, there were other visions that just floored me, I have no idea if they are of God or not. So in one final comment, I will say this, some of his visions have come true because the events have happened already. And other visions I am waiting to see if they are accurate. My guess is, he is getting some, if not all, of real events to occur. And like others in the prophetic, if repentance is done by the Church, some righteous judgments can be delayed. I know each person thinks they are getting accurate, but are they? Bob does a lot of praying, he is very sincere, and seems to be walking in a godly manner. Still some of the prophetic at his site, will blow you away. I am not saying it is not of God, I am just saying there is a massive amount and some of the items I have on a shelf because I do not know if they are accurate or not. Once you go to his website you will understand what I am expressing here. I felt I would add my comments so that you can decide for yourself if he is fully, or partly receiving from God; of if there are any mixtures included. I think the enemy may at times try to insert a few of his, and it appears Bob can catch some of them. See what you think. This maybe common to the prophets in their process of receiving revelation, having to discern if some visions are totally from God. One does learn a lesson at Bob Hickman’s website. So the final decision about Bob Hickman’s visions is up to you the reader, for I do not 100% fully know yet.]
From: Bob Hickman, e-mail: worldprophecycenter@yahoo.com or http://www.ministryofdreams.freeservers.com/catalog.html.
87.1 Before 09/30, 1997, Prophetic Dream, Russian's Mid-West Missile Limited Exchange — Received: A few years ago. I received this dream a few years ago. I cannot tell you with certainty that it was from the Lord. But I can tell you that I still remember it as vividly as the night I received it. I have not shared it to this point, but I now feel that, with worldwide circumstances the way they are, it is appropriate. It is your job to judge this against scripture (be Berean) and to hold on to what is good and to reject what is false.
"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)
I was downstairs trying to tune in the radio. My father-in-law came down the stairs and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was trying to find some information about something that had happened. I shook my head and said I didn't understand why I couldn't find out anything about what had happened. Whatever it was, it must have happened far enough in the past that it was no longer news.
Then I looked out the dining room window. It was snowing. Why was it snowing, I asked? It's summer. It's not supposed to be snowing. I then went over to the thermostat and noted that the heat was on and the furnace was running. Again I shook my head and said, it's not supposed to be snowing; what's going on? What has happened?
Then I spoke with my wife and decided to go out and get some groceries. A friend, whom I did not recognize, came with me. We went outside, but instead of getting into the car, we walked pulling a wagon behind us. We got to the first corner, where there was a menacing crowd. We ran back into the house to get a rifle. We then were able to go down the street.
We came to the first store. There was nothing on the shelves. We continued down the street to the next store. There was nothing on the shelves. Then we came to the third store. There were just a very few items on the shelves. Again I wondered, what has happened? I didn't understand. The grocer said: "Well what do you expect, considering what has happened?" "What has happened, I asked?" There was no reply.
We returned home and decided to go down to the stadium and hear someone speak, in the hopes we would find out what had happened. We went and sat up in the bleachers and listened to the speaker, but we didn't find out what had happened.
We then went home. I sat in the dining room, gazing at the snow, shaking my head and muttering that it was not supposed to be snowing.
Finally I called out to the Lord in anguish. Lord, what has happened? The Lord answered me:
The Russians had launched a pre-emptive strike against the Missile silos in the Midwest [it was apparently a limited exchange]. They had taken out the missile silos. But our submarines counter-attacked. I was even told the death counts: 6.8 million Americans and 4.6 Million Russians dead.
I flashed to my wife. She had developed a rash or something of the sort. She was worried about radiation. But then an angel appeared and said not to worry, that "??????" (it was a technical name that I did not understand) would take care of it. I told the Angel I did not understand the term. The angel said that "Retin-A" would take care of the problem and not to worry. Then I was in the dining room again, looking at the snow coming down in summer, shaking my head and saying that was not supposed to be happening. This was the end of the dream.
Considering the nearness of the Ezekiel 38 confrontation and the likelihood of some sort of exchange between Russia and the U.S. (see the previous newsletters on Ezekiel 38), I thought it appropriate to share this at this time. If the dream has no prophetic significance, then all that would have happened is that you did some extra praying and sought the Lord's guidance on how to prepare spiritually, mentally and physically. If it is correct, then the Lord has warned us in accordance with Amos 3:7. In any case, DO NOT FEAR, but trust Jesus. Maranatha!
I was surprised a few months ago to come home and find tubes of "Retin-A" sitting on my wife's dressing table that her Doctor recommended she try for a skin condition.
"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:36)
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: This prophecy first appeared in "Prophecy and Current Events," which is published bimonthly by: "To His Glory Ministries", P.O. Box 31, Syracuse, New York 13215. Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute for non-commercial purposes. Consider duplicating and distributing to friends, relatives, pastor or your church congregation. However, copying for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Copyright 1997, "To His Glory Ministries," All Rights Reserved. We value your comments. Please forward them to us.]
From: www.etpv.org or thglory@myinfonet.com or www.aplussoftare.com/thglory/thglor36.htm .
88.1 10/25, 1997, Vision, From Nita Johnson, Bailey’s Statement Of Purpose For America, America Was being Invaded By China and Russia. — (Nita Johnson writing) This article will be in two parts in a rather interesting way. I had been in seclusion and in prayer for 40 days before the Lord began to speak to me. The following is another insight He gave during that time.
I was lifted up in the Spirit. Then I saw Abraham Lincoln. We looked at each other and continued to face each other throughout the rest of the drama. Once the vision began to unfold, President Lincoln became superimposed upon the screen of this vision, so I was able to clearly see his responses as well as the vision.
We first of all saw a Mr. Bailey on a huge yacht or small noncommercial ship, which pulled a barge behind it. Upon this barge was a canvas which bore the United States seal. Over the top of the seal were the words: “Bailey’s Statement Of Purpose For America.” This ship and barge hugged the coast as best as they could for their size. In the ship Mr. Bailey yelled out over a loud speaker the contents of God’s statement for purpose for America as another person steered the ship. He attempted to warn Americans of the looming danger and call them to repentance. Repeatedly he pleaded with the people on the shore to repent and turn from their sins because was coming and there was no holding it back. Our only hope was to repent and get under God’s protection.
It seemed that almost no one even cared to hear what Mr. Bailey had to say. After a length of time the ship began to pull the barge out into the deep ocean, and President Lincoln and I saw the ship and barge sink under the great waves that came against it.
Next we saw another barge that was full of food and provisions. We could not see its contents, clearly, however. We both simply knew that it held food and provisions. It followed the same direct path that Mr. Bailey’s ship had traveled. At the same point where the first ship and barge went down, the second barge sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
Then President Lincoln and I saw a third ship. This ship was a military ship, that doubled as a submarine. It was a khaki green color, the color we would ordinarily associate with the army. We saw many men on top of the ship, and it was fully loaded with all the military equipment it would need for war. It came along the same path the other two had followed. At the precise spot where the other two had gone down, we heard war planes and missiles overhead. Before we could do anything, they dropped bombes on this submarine, and it was totally destroyed. All the men perished.
I then looked at President Lincoln. I was stunned and shocked and didn’t know what to do. He looked at me and wept. We then saw what looked like minute—men take their places on land all over America. They were manning missiles and other warheads on critical bases throughout the land. But, before they could fire one shot, bombs from planes and missiles came sailing down, killing everyone and destroying all the military equipment. We were being invaded by China and Russia. I wept in shock and horror. I then looked at Abraham Lincoln; he too was weeping. He then let me know that he had seen this whole scene in a vision while he was alive on earth. It hurt him deeply to see it come to pass. America was being destroyed by enemy invasion, and no one seemed to care. This started on the West Coast and ended on the East (Revelation 18). I was then given Jeremiah 30:1 and was told to write it in this newsletter.
While later talking with a pastor about what I had seen, he told me he knew the man “Bailey.” He said, “In fact, I think he had a similar dream. I’ll phone him then call you right back.” After a short while we spoke again, and I found that he was indeed correct. So I phoned Larry Bailey myself. This is what he shared: —Nita Johnson
09/01/1997, Dream, From Larry Bailey, Proclamation Of War — In my dream, I was at first in a fog. The view was not clear as it had been. I felt that I needed to see better, and that something must have happened to create this difficulty. Finally, things began to clear up, and I discovered that I was in the California coastal waters on a barge and ship. On the barge were written the numbers 5758—5759. On the ship was written P0102. The captain’s name was Jeremiah.
All around I saw machines of war. Airplanes flew low over me and I felt afraid. I feared not having control and was concerned that this barge and boat I was on might sink. I began to notice people on the shore. They seemed far away, however. War was going on behind them, which compelled them to keep moving. I began to shout, “The Lord can save you—just repent, shed all the junk you are carrying, and swim out here to safety.” They seemed not to hear. The captain of the boat that pulled the barge I was on was progressing at a slow but steady pace away from shore. He never said a word. I was doing all the talking. I found myself calling out names I didn’t know. Also I saw two people watching whom I didn’t know.
The machines of war continued to blast the land. Some people fell; others lost hope. Some began to jump into the ocean and swim out to the barge. Once the barge was full, people seemed not to care anymore.
The war was a frontal attack from China and it seemed Japan. I also heard concern for Israel. The war began and ended quickly, leaving America defeated. The captain of the ship then turned and looked at me, saying, “For redemption of the land, get all the liars. That is the most important thing. For redemption of the people, get rid of the false. The Lord will give redemption to both!” Then I awoke! —Larry Bailey, Shreveport, LA
11/06, Visions, From Nita Johnson, War to America—China & Russia & Confederacy Of Other Nations — I had never talked to Larry Bailey before. I had not even so much as heard of him. He is a man that God is priming in a marvelous way as a prophet. The numbers that he saw on the side of the barge reflected the Hebrew calendar dates of the next year, beginning with Rosh Hashanah in 1998. This is the year that his message will move out in a major way to America. I saw him traveling from the West Coast to the East Coast where his ship was swept over by the waves of the sin of the people. Further, the second barge Abraham Lincoln and I saw carried food supplies. We will be entering a season of serious lack of foodstuff wherein the enemy will be attacking our food supply. War is very close, so I plead with all who read this and who can speak to friends and family. It is coming. Nothing is going to hold it back. First China will attack, then Russia and a confederacy of other nations. The attack will be swift and deadly. Please repent of anything that stands between you and perfect fellowship with our Savior. This is the only way to get to a Place of safety.
On 11/06, I was given two more visions about this. Again I did not want this letter to be so strong, but the Lord instructed me very strongly that I was to share what I saw.
First, I saw bombs falling on the cities of America. A short time later I saw another vision. It was as though I was hovering over the ocean along the California coastline. It was about three or four o’clock in the morning. I was looking at a huge lighthouse, shining not so brightly into the night. It seemed to be on a small peninsula that jutted out into the ocean. Suddenly I saw a bomb fall behind it, then the prism of the light exploding as it does after a bomb is dropped. While I was still pondering what to do, another bomb sailed through the sky falling just a short distance behind the lighthouse. This time the lighthouse exploded under the impact of the bomb and fell shattered into a heap of ruins. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, “I am about to put out the lighthouse to the nations.” He wasn’t’ speaking of the Church, but of America, who has been responsible for sending more missionaries out to the nations than perhaps any other nation in the history of the Church. The Church’s light will never go out as long as the Holy Spirit continues His ministry in the world.
If you are living a holy life, when war comes, you will be all right.
This is what the Lord showed me in another vision. If we will go into our homes, shut the doors and windows, and get on the floor and begin to pray, God will put a divine covering upon our homes. It will then become more safe to us than the best bomb shelter. There will not be time to get to a human refuge because the attack will be so unexpected. God will be the refuge for those who are living holy lives and will trust Him to be that for them. Do not go outside your homes for any reason until the Lord tells you it is safe. If you will obey this injunction, your home will be as safe as were the homes of the children of Israel after putting the blood on the post the night the death angle came over the land.
It will also be as safe for you and your family as Rahab’s home was for her and her family during the takeover of Jericho. All Jesus asks is that we trust Him and live a Holy life. For that He will protect us while He is dealing with the sins of America.
I pray for you, my dear brothers and sisters, as we prepare for the treacherous days ahead. I do not believe war I coming in 1998, only the strong warning to prepare, and after that certain judgment. Only sufficient national repentance will protect America from war by the year 2000. Your friend, and one who cares for your soul, Nita
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Nita Johnson: We know now in 2005 that there was sufficient confession of sins and repentance by a number of faithful Christians in America, for the war to America had been held off, we also know that if we had not gone into Iraq this second time, we would have had the invasion already to America, so again it was held off. God’s great grace and mercy has been amazing. Even today in 2005, some faithful Christians are confessing and repenting of America’s sins, hoping to continue to hold this invasion to America off as long as God will permit, yet we know one day too soon, it will be here. Join us if you will, to confess and repent for the sins of your family—original and extended, and the nation of America’s sins.
There is also a 9:00 PM Eastern time prayer now circulating called the one moment of prayer at 9:00 Eastern time… which would need to be modified for your time to match up with the 9:00 PM Eastern time, where many Christians are stopping and taking a minute to pray for American families and their own families, this is aside from their normal praying for America. Please join this time, and ask for great grace and mercy for America.
Would you join in and unite with other Christians who are stopping their lives at 9:00 PM Central time to pray for America and for their families? Please tell your friends to come and join the faithful Christians in keeping this special time in prayer going throughout America.
Many miracles of divine help and deliverance was given to England when this country also during WW 11 kept the 9:00 PM “Minute of Prayer”. You can go silent during this minute before God or you can pray out a prayer for America. I would suggest you add Israel & England to the prayer as well! We know the time is getting closer for this invasion to the USA, so it is vital we stay faithful in prayer. When you pray tell God you unite with the other Christians who are praying in His ‘perfect will’ for America.
Hawaii Time |
03:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Alaska Time |
05:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Pacific Time |
06:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Mountain Time |
07:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Central Time |
08:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Eastern Time |
09:00 PM |
One Minute Of Prayer |
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s book “Prophetic Insight & Family Focus, ISBN: 0.9656528.5.8, ©2000, page 50—52, www.worldforjesus.org.
89.1 12/16, 1997, Vision, Judgment Upon America Over Abortion — I would like to share a vision and instruction that the Lord gave me when I was on an extended sabbatical which began 11/29th, 1997 and ended 01/08th, 1998. It was 12/16th, 1997 when the first vision came to me.
It was 7:52 p.m. I just finished reading and closed my eyes. All of a sudden it looked like I was thrust into a dark room where someone would develop film. I also saw an iridescent green light in this room. On the left hand side I saw a sink that was full to the brim with a black liquid. Above the sink I saw what looked like a spigot which was dripping some more of the liquid into the sink.
I said to myself: "This sink is full to the brim of this liquid and it's going to run over. What shall I do?" As soon as I thought what I would do which was to pull the plug out of the sink so the dark liquid would drain out, the sink started rapidly moving out of reach. The dripping liquid just followed it. It then looked like it fell down an elevator shaft. It went down, down, down. I sat up in my bed and opened my eyes, and said to myself: "What in the world was that? The Holy Spirit told Me to get up and write and He would tell I me what I saw. So, I got my prayer journal and began to write. This is what the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to write:
He said: "Abortion and the greed involved in it has and is moving out of reach and the killings are steadily going on. The truth of this hideous crime is hidden by darkness. But, the true picture is being developed and the consequences will be seen by all."
I said: "Wow!" I then just kind of pondered on it until about four in the morning and then somehow I just drifted off. Then I was back up early in the morning. When you're away on a sabbatical you don't need much sleep, the Lord gets you up faithfully to meet with Him.
I began to share what was on my mind with the Lord at that time. I thought I had I more clarity on the vision and I began to talk with the Lord in this manner. I said: "Lord, if the truth is being hidden why did You allow Satan to run away?" The Lord had revealed to me that the dark liquid that was in the sink was the blood of the babies crying out to Him. He told me: "I am developing the true picture of what this hideous crime involves." He further let me know that He didn't want me pulling the plug out of the sink. So, He made it move, because when it runs over, He said, there is no more warning. It's time for judgment.
So, that just kind of rocked my world and I began to read a lot about God's judgments in His Word, and taking notes on how God brings judgments.
From: www.do-you-love-me.org/wsomers/jabort.html or Bishop D.K. Jones, Emmanuel House of Prayer, 5326 N. Hillside, Indianapolis, Indiana.
90.1 12/31, 1997, Prophesies & Vision, Third World War, Two Angels Holding California And New Madrid Fault Lines Together – Gigantic Quakes On New Madrid And The West Coast — 12/31, 1997 at Morning Star, Charlotte, North Caroline, New Years Eve, Prophetic Conference with Bob Jones, Jim Bakker and Rick Joyner, transcribed from a cassette recording by Judy Curmi.
Bob saw two mighty angels. One was holding the "San Diego plate" and the other, the New Madrid Fault Line. When each cup is full the angel will turn loose and the quakes will happen. They will be SUDDEN.
Vision Of California Earthquake(s) — Mammoth Lake [east of Modesto, CA] is "going to happen" with an enormous earthquake and/or volcanic eruption.
When Mammoth Lakes quakes/erupts Hoover Dam will burst. Water flumes, including those to Southern California, will break apart. 25,000,000 people in the Southwest will be affected and without water. LACK OF WATER WILL BE THE MAIN DANGER IN CALIFORNIA.
Death Valley will become a great Inland Sea.
In the California quake Bob saw the ground quake for FIVE minutes. The ground liquefied and complete houses and buildings sank into the ground just as if they were in quicksand.
The San Fernando Valley – seat of pornography- won’t rise again.
Los Angeles: GET OUT!~~~Expect a devastating earthquake and terrorist attack(s) with nuclear suitcase bombs. Some of these bombs have already been smuggled into California. 126 nuclear suit case bombs are missing from the USSR. Many have been smuggled into the USA and Israel by terrorists.
Due to the eruptions/earthquake a plate will separate. The Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) to The Los Angeles River will separate from the continental USA. What is left of Baja California and Southern California east of the breaking/sliding continental plate will be an island or series of islands.
The cup is nearly full for California. [12-31-97] Expect quakes, terrorist bombs and virus’s. Get into your prayer closet!
Vision Of A New Madrid Earthquake — There will be an enormous earthquake somewhere along the New Madrid Fault line. A mighty angel has been holding this fault line together also.
Six great cities will be destroyed. Among them are Chicago, Morgan City, St. Louis and Memphis. Memphis will become a lake. The Mississippi River will be 35 miles wide when it is all over. The shaking will be felt all the way to Charlotte, North Carolina. Water from the Great Lakes will flow south into the Mississippi River and then into the Gulf of Mexico.
Other General Prophetic Words — *Our economy will be destroyed when a huge earthquake hits Tokyo and the Japanese pull their money out of the U.S. stock market. [Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Prophet Catherine Browne of Scotland had a vision some years ago of a horrific eruption of Mt. Fuji, which caused massive destruction in Tokyo and worldwide mourning.]
*This nation will repent when our cities are leveled.
*Some Midwest cities are going to experience 5 feet of rain in 2-3 days.
*There will be a Third World War
From: 1 www.etpv.org or whitedove@netpathway.com http://www.bobjones.org. 2Judy Curmi and www.angelfire.com/fl3/grammadim/news.html or [62.5] The Shepherd’s Rod Study Guide – page 9, Bob Jones with Paul Keith Davis, ©2002, www.bobjones.org or www.whitedoveministries.org .
90.2 11/2002, Jesus Christ & Holy Angle Visits & Prophesies & Visions, America’s East Coast & Third World War, & Major Earthquakes On The West Coast — On CD #1 of 12 CDs, Mike Bickle reveals some interesting things for America in a number of categories, a prophetic history & perspective about the end—times we are living in.
CD number one is called “Introducing Bob Jones…: Global End Time Drama” by Mike Bickle, it is the “Friends Of The Bridegroom” series.
I took fast notes from this CD, so if you want total perfection contact this church and purchase the set of CD’s for it appears to be $40.00, below is the site you can acquire information about purchasing.
Fast notes, contact the ministry for perfection: In this first CD, Mike Bickle discusses the prophets he knows including Prophet Bob Jones (not Bob Jones University). At times these are called the Kansas City prophets, from the International House Of Prayer (IHOP).
Mike is speaking and the notes I was able to write fast are these: Bob Jones stressed words for the United States of America as a whole, also some for Kansas City, MO.
Mike Bickle expressed that Bob Jones was one of his spiritual fathers in the Lord. Bob was born in 1929, he was 39 when he met the Lord Jesus, but he was age 9 and age 15 when an angel of the Lord came to visit him and communicate to him from God. It is common for prophets to have these experiences even before they met the Lord in salvation. (Apostolic Prophetic Scribe Comment not a comment by Bob Jones: This is common to prophets to have received visitations before salvation, the same occurred to Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson.)
Bickle went on to express that during 1982 to 1992, he was in constant communication with Bob Jones, almost daily correspondence occurred. Mike gave some information regarding Bob Jones’ life and his experiences to better help us understand him and his past. Bob was in the military, as I recall, and a doctor helped to get Bob addicted to prescription drugs during 1972 and 1973.
On 08/07, 1975 Bob Jones had apparently died or near death experience, he hemorrhaged with bleeding, he was gone, dies, or close to being pronounced dead if not dead. Bob Jones sees two angels of God who tell him about Kansas City, MO, and the Midwest of the USA, along with things that will be occurring in the very near future. On 08/07, 1975 he has this death experience, angels of God tell him that God has chosen Kansas City, MO and the Midwest. There are two major focuses on Kansas City and the Midwest which are prophetic and intercession, that will be coming out and touching the whole world. (Apostolic Prophetic Scribe Comment not a comment by Bob Jones: There surely are other areas that God has also chosen worldwide but this is the message for Kansas City and the Midwest areas.)
The angles of the Lord spoke and revealed to Bob Jones the prophet that an abundance measure of prophetic from the Lord will come from Kansas City. There were a couple of things told to Bob, first—Kansas City, God will cause to be a City Of Refuge. There will be several cities of refuge across America, not hundreds of them. Bob heard this from the lips of one of God’s angels.
Revelation 6:4 – The angel from God told Bob Jones another Great World War will come across the world, it is yet to happen, yet ahead.
Fiery red horse to take peace from the earth.
Mike Bickle stated there is coming another World War for sure.
Read horse—peace taken from the earth, it will be granted for people to kill one another: sword, hunger, death, etc.
In Kansas City when the next great war—several cities, God will cause Kansas City to be a City Of Refuge… (there will be some other cities in America as well), to be a bread basket both spiritual and natural, and throughout the Midwest. Even supernatural finances the Angel of the lord told Bob Jones. Prospering when there is not prosperity will occur.
Bob Jones saw a vision—a great light, like an atomic explosion gives off, a bright light, out of Kansas City, through the Midwest and went out… (Apostolic Prophetic Scribe Comment not a comment by Bob Jones: This was a powerful good thing from God in the good area, even though there will be coming in the invasion of the USA bombs for destruction as well at some point.)
Also Bob was informed that Arrowhead Stadium would be filled with many young people.
God gave Prophet Bob Jones confirmation that these things would happen.
Mike Bickle stated that he knows of many prophetic voices, about 25 that know of these things or have received them as well.
God had revealed to Bob Jones that on the East Coast there will be limited nuclear exchange in the mist of this war. War will cause disruption on the East Coast.
Mike went on to discuss George Washington’s vision while he was in Valley Forge, about the East Coast and that he saw three great wars to America, the Revolutionary War, and the victory; Africa and the War between the states over slavery; and at the end comes fire bombs from heaven on the East Coast.
Mike believes disturbances and tribulations is coming and we are to take serious what God’s prophets are saying, we are to take heed. East coast will have war and west coast will have a series of powerful earthquakes. God will raise up Cities Of Refuge. There needs to be intercession and prayer going forth from the Church.
God put wheat in the Midwest of the USA and oil in the Middle East, the Lord did this. With the drama at the end of the age, the whole global community will be after these two: wheat and oil.
God told Bob Jones, there will be flourished wheat… (Apostolic Prophetic Scribe Comment not a comment by Bob Jones: apparently at a time of great difficulty).
God told Bob Jones, the nation of Israel, that there will come a GREAT harvest to the Church in Israel. The Church of Jesus Christ in Israel. Jesus will become their Messiah—the Church in Israel. Revival coming. God told Bob Jones how important it was to HIM. Kansas City is called to be involved in all this…
A company of prophets raised up at this time, out of Kansas City and other places.
Harry S. Truman—1948, a valuable player for Israel having become a nation. During his youth he lived apparently in Kansas City, MO if I got this correct from the CD…
Petition God for Israel. There is war and revival coming. There is a huge movement in Kansas City, and it will be related to Israel…
(Apostolic Prophetic Scribe Comment not a comment by Bob Jones: There was much more on this CD but this is enough of the testimony to show that Prophet Bob Jones also received Godly visions and visitations from God that war is coming to America in the very near future, and Bob saw or had revealed to him from an angel of the Lord Jess the limited nuclear exchange on the East Coast.)
From: 11/2002, 12 CD Series called “Encountering Jesus,” Visitations, Revelations, and Angelic Activity by Mike Bickle, International House Of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, MO, WWW.FOTB.COM. Bob Jones, www.bobjones.org.
90.3 07/20, 2005, Dream, Sneak Attack Planned For Many United States Of America And Other Cities All On The Same Day! — Bob Jones with Joni Ames about Bob's DREAM: "'METAL OF HONOR DRIPPING WITH BLOOD' -- SNEAK ATTACK PLANNED FOR MANY USA AND OTHER CITIES ALL ON THE SAME DAY! INTERCESSORS MUST BE ALERTED!"
Bob Jones’
dream: Bob felt it important to get the word out again regarding his recent
dream: Bob had a dream in which he saw a Medal of Honor, dripping in blood, and
felt the Lord quickened him that this was a warning in regard to terrorism, the
enemy is attempting to bring forth in the USA at the present time.
Bob said that his sense was that terrorists may try to do something similar to
the TET offensive—North Vietnam did during the Vietnamese War. It was a
terrible, unexpected sneak attack on many cities in the same day.
Awhile back, I'd felt a similar warning—that the enemy would try to attack so many places (possibly as many as 30), at one time, that panic and chaos would fill our streets.
When a warning like this is given, we can come against the plans of the enemy in prayer so that we may either stop it or lessen its intensity.
We are at war in both the natural and in the spirit. Matthew 11:12 tells us that "The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." But our weapons are MIGHTY.
II Corinthians 10:3, 4 reminds us that OUR weapons are SPIRITUAL, NOT carnal,
and are totally effective to pull down the strongholds of the enemy: (3)
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
(4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling
down strongholds."
Let's pray Psalm 35: that the enemy would be turned back, brought to confusion, and caught in his own snare! Also Psalm 91 and Isaiah 54. (Also, see related articles: PANIC ATTACK & TERROR ALERT ELEVATED at www.joniames.org)
Prayer Points: Bob stressed that we are in the most critical times we have ever faced in this nation, and we MUST PRAY.
1. PRAY FOR THE SUPREME COURT: Bob said we MUST pray regarding the appointment of our new Federal Supreme Court Judges, for the sake of our children and grandchildren; for what these judges decree will affect us and them for 25 years to come.
2. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS: Bob said that we must pray for our troops, "ALL THE TIME; CONTINUALLY," as the enemy is trying to take them out. Pray for their well being physically, mentally, AND spiritually. Families and friends of these ones also need to keep in touch with them to help them know they are being supported back home and give them encouragement.
3. TERRORISM: Bob said that the enemy is trying again to step up terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the UK, but also the USA. (He said this Wednesday night, before the most recent attacks.)
God says, “Open the doors and let Me in!” I ran this by Bob, and am to include this as well . . .
God is calling for HIS "Strategic Air Command" to COME FORTH! For some time now, as I've been ministering across the country, the Lord has been having me encourage churches to OPEN THEIR DOORS FOR PRAYER during the day.
Every revival has begun with PRAYER. It's time now to OPEN THE CHURCH DOORS AND GATHER THE INTERCESSORS FOR PRAYER, even if only for two hours per day.
Many churches sit empty all week long, and some are even failing. Many of our retirees are crying out for a purpose. Let's use our facilities and our "armed forces" (intercessors) while there is time to PREVENT disaster.
What about the costs and dangers involved? Schedule a trusted person to oversee the protection of your facility, use the facility for a specific period of time, use limited lighting (in the daytime, you shouldn't need much), and provide a locked offering box so that those who can help defray the cost of utilities and restroom items may do so.
How should it be handled? This doesn't have to be a managed thing. It can be as simple as providing an open altar for people to kneel at. Or you can have a worship team and prayer coordinator. Do what the Lord tells you in this.
If you are able, you can put a board up for photos of servicemen or unsaved loved ones to pray for, and a box for people to put in individual prayers.
But I believe
when the Lord is saying, "OPEN THE DOORS AND LET ME IN" -- it's time
to do so. And the time is NOW. If no one comes but HIM, let's OPEN THE DOORS
and let HIM in!!
[Apostolic Prophetic Scribe Comment not a comment by Bob Jones: A Great Eagle... In the initial visions Bob saw the United States of America symbolically depicted as a great eagle. However, her demeanor was not that of a majestic bird of courage and strength. Instead, she appeared battered and confused. Her feathers had been dipped in the filth of this world. Under these conditions, she could not soar in her normal manner. Something had to be done and quickly!]
From: Joni Ames, A.C.T.S. Ministries, P.O. Box 1346, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32549, JoniAmes@aol.com, http://www.joniames.org. And Bob Jones, WhiteDove Ministries, P.O. Box 1634, Orange Beach, Al 36561, http://www.bobjones.org.
91.1 Open Vision, Russians —I was given an open vision of Russian troops being deployed in the local area. They came in via airplane. They parachuted in. They came in the winter. This vision shall surely come to pass for the sins of America.
Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And let the unrighteous man His thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, He will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:7-9)
Hear now what Jesus has been speaking to America for over twenty years. Judgment is coming and you need Jesus.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: LaVonne Parke, Lgldp3@webtv.net .]
From: www.demonbuster.com/america.html.
92.1 Prophetic Word, Warning To America For 1998-2008 — Updated: Stock market collapse, nuclear attack, civil unrest, social security collapse, natural disasters, tornadoes, tidal waves, the sea dying, 20-pound hail stones, water poisoning, food shortages, red tides, powerful Northwest earthquake, the 520 bridge will collapse [This is a mile-and-a-half floating bridge across Lake Washington from Seattle to Bellevue and Redmond, where Microsoft and Nintendo America are located], Mt. Rainier will erupt. Nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism in different cities throughout America as well as several attacks. New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles and Florida. In remote areas there will be biological, chemical and nuclear experimentation. In the Pacific Northwest and Casper, Wyoming there will be a nuclear incident. There will also be a nuclear attack on the U.S. Throughout the United States, as well as in the Northwest, volcanic activity will occur. Earthquakes across America!
To avoid the above, there must be a mighty, genuine revival [repentance] as in Ninevah [Jonah 3:5-10]. Or a powerful spirit of prayer must arise that will result in the mercy and grace of God as Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah [Genesis 18:23-33]. There is hope! If we meet the conditions of God [II Chronicles 7:14]. He will hear our call, forgive us, and heal our land! If we do not meet the conditions, judgment will fall and all of the prophecies will come to pass. From: www.world-ministries.org/america/america98.html
92.2 09/14, 2001, Prophetic Word, Mid–west Destruction — The following is a prophetic message from prophet Jonathan Hansen, of World Ministries International, of Spokane, Washington: On 09/14, 2001 I was on two live talk shows, one for one hour and the other for two hours. I stated emphatically that while I was in prayer that very morning the Lord clearly spoke to me. "More attacks are coming, and finally there will be an attack that leaves 1,000 times more dead than the death count of this present disaster." For example, if we bury 7,000 now, there is a day that we will bury 7,000,000 Americans! Only this will finally get the attention of some people.
Prior to the attack on New York, I spoke on a New York talk show, "Countdown", many different times warning New York of impending judgment. I flew to New York in 03/2001, personally and spoke daily on the television for one week. I also held nightly revival meetings in the Brooklyn YWCA auditorium, strongly warning them that "New York would burn, skyscrapers would collapse, and bridges would fall", naming the bridges. I warned them with tears and groaning that "blood would flow down thousands of faces but still the city and nation would not repent but would rise up and say, "we shall rebuild, we shall avenge", and join together with false religions in prayers of blasphemy. God warned that New York's twin towers would collapse, but people did not listen, and they are still not obeying the warnings of God. I went on to warn New York about how "after thousands died, God would continue to allow His judgments to continue until finally there would be such an onslaught that millions would die across America before finally a true revival would sweep across the land.
The latest attack is only the beginning of a continuation of attacks until finally millions will be buried. There will come a day when about every skyscraper will fall, bridges will collapse and New York will burn as a city. Mr. Hansen also states, however, that prayer can lessen much of the judgment.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: World Ministry, Jonathan Hansen, www.world-ministries.com, worldminit@aolcom.]
From: 1The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, Kansas 66675, 785.478.1112, Months 09 & 10, 1998 newsletter. 2Jonathan Hansen, World Ministry, P.O. Box 8650, Kirkland, Washington 98034.
93.1 1998 , Dreams, Red Alert & Chicago Hit By Missiles &An Attack On America & Concentration Camps — Watchman-Billy Blankenship. While America debates back and forth, whither they should "take out" as they call it, Sadam Hussein, Russia is building and working at a frenzied pace for the "demise" of America! While we have all the colored warnings, yellow, blue, and red. Mr. President, go straight for the RED! Your friend Mr. Putin, the one you say you can trust, is planning (along with China) to "attack" our Country in the very near future. If Russia is "our friend", then "Santa Claus" is very real. I trust that you will take heed those that read this message, for America will be attacked, and at our weakest moment. This is indeed: RED ALERT! …
You might ask: Brother Blankenship, what could we do, if those things are going to happen? The answer is the same one Peter gave: SEEING THAT ALL THESE THINGS "SHALL" BE DISSOLVED, WHAT MANNER OF PERSON OUGHT YE TO BE IN ALL HOLY CONVERSATION. While many Americans think Russia is a basket case "economically", the opposite is true in the Military realm. General Douglas Mac Arthur was fond of saying: "Never underestimate your enemy". Russia, China, and North Korea, are actively preparing to attack America. Part of "weak Russia" is it's huge industrial/military complex, which makes up nearly half of the Russian economy. It employs "millions" of workers, in several thousand defense plants, (most of which are completely hidden from view!) and which is continuing to produce record numbers of JET AIRCRAFT; TANKS; BOMBERS; TACTICAL, INTERMEDIATE AND LONG RANGE (ICBM AND SLBM) NUCLEAR MISSILE; NUCLEAR SUBMARINES; AND OTHER WEAPONS SYSTEMS.
The former Soviet Union, still has THE LARGEST MILITARY MACHINE IN THE WORLD; AND, THE LARGEST NUCLEAR MISSILE ARSENAL which former Defense Secretary Casper Wineberger says: still contains 25.000 warheads, THE LARGEST ARSENAL OF TANKS, ARMORED VEHICLES, NUCLEAR SUBMARINES, ISBM'S AND SLBMS (SUBMARINE LAUNCHED BALLISTIC MISSILES) AND WAR PLANES IN THE WORLD. Russia also has an 85-90% completed anti-ballistic missile system, (a nuclear shield against incoming missiles, from a first or second strike), and THE "WORLDS LARGEST ARSENAL" OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. THEY HAVE IT! Russia also now possesses virtually ALL of America's nuclear/neutron missile technology-transferred by Bill Clinton and his comrades, to the Red Chinese in recent years, and now shared by the Chinese with their Russian and it's Islamic allies. China also received Cray super computers; nuclear, neutron, missile, submarine, and fighter aircraft technology, which was also transferred by the Clinton Administration.
China is known by the U.S. militarily Intelligence, to have at least 25 nuclear ICBM's (CCS-4 missiles) with an 8000 mile range, capable of hitting the West Coast Cities of the U.S., and 20 of these are presently targeted on the U.S west Coast, and military installations. Thanks to the former Bush, and Clinton military transfers of technology to Red China, she can blanket the entire Continent of the United States. The previous "Rumsfield Commission" recently warned: THE UNITED STATES MAY WELL HAVE NO WARNING, BEFORE BEING HIT BY A MISSILE ATTACK! DID YOU HEAR THIS? NO WARNING!! RED ALERT! Beloved, IRAQ wasn't even in the equation then, Rumsfield was speaking of OUR FRIENDS THE RUSSIAN'S! How is it that in two Administrations time: We are suddenly friends? Thirty three years ago, I hadn't even heard of a Rumsfield. But the next few items I did see in dreams, and the dreams that God gave me then, are so real today, THAT OUR OWN GOVERNMENT IS SCREAMING: WE MAY BE ATTACKED!!
MY DREAMS: Twice, I have seen Chicago hit by Missiles. Once, I seen an attack taking place on America. Once, I saw the "long shiny missiles" as they came through the air headed for America. I again dreamed, that I was being put in a "concentration camp" along with some sisters from the Church.
My last dream was about four years ago [from 2002], I was watching through the window of the building I now live in, as I saw a large dirty black cloud of smoke come rolling toward me. I asked someone, what is this? They answered: They have started bombing! I ran to the window on the other side of the building, and looking over the tops of the mountains, I could see large flashes of light, where the Missiles were hitting nearby Cities. . These five dreams are (condensed), but they were as real as my breathing today. Once, Colin Powell made this remark to the Russians, (before serving on the present Bush Administration). EVEN WITH THE START TREATY, YOU (THE RUSSIANS) WILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO DESTROY THE U.S. IN 30 MINUTES.
Can you not see, why God has laid this warning on my heart? Can you not see the danger America is in? Can you not see that Russia is building for war? Can you not see, what our own Military leaders are saying? Can you not see that when the hand of Almighty God is lifted from this Nation, WE WILL BE ATTACKED?
Our leaders are crying every day that we will be attacked, but while they look in the caves of Afghanistan for the Muslims, Russia is building like there is no tomorrow, and, "there may not be for America"! RED ALERT! "UNDERGROUND COMMAND POSTS"! RED ALERT In spite of the supposedly weak Russian system, She continues to produce, and deploy, (annually) 75 strategic missiles, 8 nuclear submarines, 20 strategic bombers, (including stealth types). WHY? Are they building for peace? LISTEN PLEASE! (As this will be on "Short Wave Radio" also), RUSSIA IS CLEARLY PREPARING FOR NUCLEAR WAR, WITH NEW, ADVANCED "UNDERGROUND COMMAND POSTS", AND OTHER MEASURES. (Right now), Russia has in their defense plants, between 3000 to 5000 production facilities, and a large work force of seven to ten million people, AGAIN, "THE WORLDS LARGEST"!!
In America, WE HAVE VIRTUALLY NO DEFENSE SYSTEM. WE HAVE NO NUCLEAR SHELTERS, (WE ARE NOT BUILDING ANY EITHER) AND "ZERO" ANTI-BALIISSTIC MISSILE DEFENSE. WE CANNOT STOP EVEN "ONE" MISSILE!! Former President Reagan, while visiting one of our defense bases in Colorado, ask the question: If we see an incoming missile on the radar screen, what can we do? The leader in charge looked at the President and said: Mr. President, WE CAN DO NOTHNG! In the 1980s, Toshiba of Japan, bought extremely high-tech micro milling machines from the U.S. which were used to produce ultra-quiet propellers for subs. Two weeks later, Toshiba sold the equipment to the Russians. The result is, Russians subs run so quiet now, that we can't track them! Out of that breakthrough, the Russians built the Akula class nuclear ballistic missile submarine, again, THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD! "One submarine", can carry 20 SLBMs, (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles), with 200 TOTAL NUCLEAR WARHEADS WITH AN EXPLOSIVE YIELD OF 100 MEGATONS (OR MORE) EACH.
This is the potential of only "one" submarine. Russia has 18 Akula class fast attack submarines. Russia has spent $128 billions dollars, (not on her entire military buildup) BUT ON THE AKULA CLASS SUBS ALONE! Why? Because she wants peace! In a recent news letter from the McAlvany intelligence advisor, P.O. Box, 84904 Phoenix, AZ. 85701, and in my opinion, the very best of intelligence "Newsletters" in the entire United States. McAlvany states: In a situation where the Russians attacked America, their Akula 941 subs, would probably sit about one hundred miles off the shoreline near the Continental shelf, where they could dive deep to make a quick escape after the launch. LISTEN FRIENDS! It would take about "seven minutes" for the cruise missile to hit their coastline targets (i.e., cities like New York, Washington, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.). It takes "nine minutes", for the U.S. to declare a launch detection. McAlvany goes on to say:
The greatest danger to America, is the SUBS WE CANNOT DETECT! IF YOU CAN'T HEAR IT YOU CAN'T KILL IT! In the "two" extra minutes needed, many of our cities would already be in ashes! McAlvany adds: These huge, deadly, silent nuclear weapons platforms, can get close to the United States coastline, and thereby execute a surprise attack BEFORE WE COULD DETECT IT, or, use counter measures to stop it (if we had any counter measures)! Sixth month of this year, former Russian Prime Minister Viktor, Chernomyrdin said: (the world is moving close to the brink of war). WAKE UP AMERICA-WAKE UP CHURCH--WAKE UP!!! Church, do you mean to tell me that the Prime Minister of Russia, has more insight to the "end time happenings" that the Church? CAN WE NOT SEE, THAT THESE ARE THE PERILOUS TIMES THAT JESUS SPOKE ABOUT? Can we not see, that Russia is not playing games? Can we not see, that she is arming to the teeth, with every weapon of mass destruction she can build? Can the Church not see, that the time for playing Church IS OVER…
Can you not see, that I have nothing financially to gain from our broadcasts, or our internet? I don't have "easy escape" books, and videos to sell! God is going to hold me personally responsible, if I do not warn this Nation and the Church, to the best of my ability, that AMERICA IS GOING TO BE ATTACKED! RED ALERT!--READ THIS AND WAKE UP CHURCH! RED ALERT! Listen to this MOCK ATTACK ON AMERICA! Two Russian strategic bombers, on a "military exercise" were intercepted by U.S. fighter jets last Friday, near Iceland, and, another two Russian bombers flew down the Norwegian coastline, the Washington Post reported Wednesday. Four U.S. F-15 fighters, and an American P-3 patrol plane, escorted the two TU-95 Bear bombers in a clockwise flight around Iceland, which like Norway, is a member of NATO the newspaper said. Norway scrambled jets to meet a pair of Russian TU-140 Blackjack bombers, flying down the Norwegian coastline, but the bombers turned back before the interceptors reached them.
THE "POST" QUOTED U.S. DEFENSE OFFICIALS AS SAYING: THE "MILITARY EXERCISE" WAS THE LARGEST BY RUSSIA, IN A DECADE, AND, THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE COLD WAR, THAT RUSSIAN PLANES HAD PROBED WESTERN AIR DEFENSES! THIS IS NO JOKE! Col-General. Yury Baluyevsky, first Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff, said: The exercises were significant, in involving top military officials across the entire territory of Russia. "All forces" of five military districts, from the Black Sea, to the Artic White Sea, are now involved in UNPRECEDENTED MILITARY EXCERCISES, CODE NAME Zapad (West 1999), he told the news conference. They are so-called "Top Staff level" exercises, involving 560.000 TROOPS ON THE GROUND.
You don't hear too much about it, but there will never be a war unless there is the follow up with ground troops. Every Russian soldier is equipped with a chemical warfare suit, from head gear to the feet. Russia is not concerned of letting the whole world know, that the "war games" are against one country, and one country alone. AMERICA! Clinton told us, that China wants peace! She now has exploded their seventh neutron bomb, using OUR technology. The Neutron bomb can explode, (killing all living things) but still leave the building's, and infrastructure intact. Why is China continuing to "test"? Because they want PEACE of course. During the cold war, (if there is such a thing) Russia went "unchallenged as the enemy of the United States. Today, she has "the most powerful army in the world" and President Bush tells us that: HE BELIEVES PUTIN (AND EX KGB OFFICER) TO BE AN HONEST MAN! We are both young, Bush tells us, and we are trying to work things out for both sides! WHATS THIS? IS THIS OUR "TRUSTED" FRIEND? RED ALERT!
On ABC News, just last year, Putin is shown hugging China's leader Jiang. They also pledged in a joint statement: THAT THEIR COUNTRIES WILL REMAIN "FRIENDS FOREVER" AND NEVER BECOME ENEMIES. And the treaty emphasized, that the two nations WERE NOT FORMING A MILITARY PACT! If that were not the case, why should they make such a statement in the first place? ABC goes on to say: As part of it's military buildup, China has already bought "billions of dollars" worth of fighter jets, Submarines, missiles, and destroyers during the 90's, becoming the biggest customer for Russia's ailing economy. President Jiang Zemen of China flew to Moscow to cement a strategic pact with Russia. Designed to boost trade, and, to coordinate their opposition to U.S. dominance in world affairs. THE ACCORD FALLS SHORT OF A MILITARY ALLIANCE, BUT PROVIDES FOR SWIFT JOINT ACTION "IN CASE OF EXTRAORDINARY SITUATIONS OR, A THREAT TO EACH OTHER'S SECURITY" SAID ALEKSANDR LOSYUKOV, RUSSIA'S DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER. Which means in simple terms, when the time is right, we will help each other!
News Max.Com 08/06/2002 CHINA'S THREAT CONTINUES TO GROW. While we have been busy with corporate scandals at home, and with the war on terrorism Internationally, our so-called "friends" in China have "dramatically increased" their policy of hostility toward the U.S. and our real friends and Allies. Moreover, Chinese communists have "dramatically increased their military buildup and war preparations! (I wonder why?) Ignored by official Washington, this buildup is directed against the U.S. and our friends and Allies. Currently, Beijing spends $65 billion a year on defense, THE LARGEST MILITARY BUDGET IN ASIA, AND THE SECOND LARGEST IN THE WORLD, BEHIND THE U.S. (Why this buildup? Who is going to attack China?) According to a recent Department of Defense "special report", China's military training exercises increasingly focus ON THE U.S. AS AN ADVERSRY!
Beijing is developing high technology weapons, including laser and radio-frequency bombs, to improve capabilities to carry out warfare against the U.S. and, is using deception operations to fool the world about Red China's real plans and intentions. In mid 8th month of this year, China, along with Russia, will carry out their first war-games in fifty years. Guess who is the intended adversary in these games! You guessed it, the United States. Under these circumstances, Washington needs to take seriously the clear and present danger posed by Red China's growing militarism, which is in the "near future" could be more serious than the current obvious threats to U.S strategic interests and to the American people. (End of article). IS THIS LAUGHABLE? The Associated Press 7/25/02 WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. officials want to (press Russia,) "for greater access to information" about Russia's nuclear weapons programs as the countries reduce arsenals. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday.
There's no question Rumsfeld says, that even today, Russia is not transparent. THEY HAVE A VERY SECRETIVE APPROACH to a great deal of things. "It is concern. We're a good distance from feeling comfortable". The United States needs to keep some warheads in storage, in case its deployed warheads are found to be unsafe or unreliable, Rumsfeld says. The United States "does not" have a factory ready to make new nuclear weapons, while Russia-whose warheads do not have a long shelf life- HAS AN ACTIVE WARHEAD PRODUCTION LINE!. Amazing! I wonder why? DOES AMERICA BELIEVE THIS? NEWS MAX.COM --- FEMA -- PREPARING FOR MASS DESTRUCTION ATTACKS ON CITIES! FEMA is readying for nuclear, biological and chemical attacks against U.S Cities, including the possibility of multiple attacks with MASS DESTRUCTION WEAPONS.
The agency has already notified vendors, contractors and consultants, that it needs to be prepared to handle the logistics of "aiding millions" of displaced Americans who will flee the urban areas that may be attacked. The agency plans to create emergency, (makeshift cities) ready to go by 01/2003-in about six months. FEMA have told these firms, that they already have "tents and trailers" ordered. The tents and trailers would provide shelter for displaced populations. The firms are expected to provide plans for sewage, and electricity. On 06/ 19th, FEMA posted a special bid notice for one of the agency's largest contract awards EVER-offering contracting firms $3000. Million for a five year contract to simply PREPARE PLANS TO CREATE TEMPORARY HOUSE ON A SCALE NEVER BEFORE IMAGINED, AND THEN STAND BY! The name of the program is: Standby Technical Assistance for Disaster Related Operations! On 07/10th, 2002, a meeting was held at The Department of Education headquarters in Washington.
FEMA officials made very clear, that the purpose of one of the most massive undertakings in the agency's history: WAS TO PREPARE FOR POTENTIAL MASS DESTRUCTION ATTACKS ON UNITED STATES CITIES! Most of the meetings had to do with handling biological, chemical, and nuclear disasters. In decades of emergency response, why all of a sudden, is FEMA set to spend $3000 million just for architects, and engineers over the next five years, to simply be ON STAND BY? The evidence is clear, that FEMA IS PREPARING FOR MASS DESTRUCTION ATTACKS! I HAVE CLEANSED MY HANDS! Dear ones, I have shared my heart, I have cleansed my hands with this warning, of the blood of this generation! I have shared with you facts, that should startle most citizens, much less Christians. I have done the best I can, (as feeble as it may be) to tell you the conditions of our world, it is "explosive"! While we are off running around the world, (like a chicken with it's head chopped off) trying to clean up the terrorist, Russia and China, are building, plotting, planning, watching, for the right time to make their move. AND THEY WILL MAKE THEIR MOVE!
This is not a message I like to share all the time, but IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOW, and many of our Ministers are not doing it! The Pastor's, or Ministers today who are warning their flock of the present dangers, are very few indeed! I am not so dumb as to think I am the only one, and, I THANK GOD FOR THOSE WHO ARE CRYING ALOUD, AND SPARING NOT! DEAR BROTHER, YOU DO NOT HAVE LONG TO CRY ALOUD! SO CRY ALOUD! Whither they will listen or not, you will have done your job. Do it faithfully! KEEP ON, KEEP WATCHFUL, DON'T FAIL TO WARN THIS BACKSLIDDEN GENERATION OF INTERTAINMENT SEEKERS, THAT THEY BEST GET RIGHT WITH GOD, AND SOON! Many of this "feel good" generation, will be sitting by their videos, watching their (LEFT BEHIND) videos, and their "behind", will be LEFT BEHIND, in pile of dust! Joel 2:30..
And I will shew wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, BLOOD, AND FIRE, AND PILLARS OF SMOKE. 31.The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord come. . 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. 15.The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. 16.The Lord shall roar out of Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem: AND THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH SHALL SHAKE: BUT THE LORD WILL BE THE HOPE OF HIS PEOPLE, AND THE STRENGTH OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. To America I say: The spiritual condition of our Nation is at an all time low. Our houses of government are filled with perverts. Our dear precious babies are sold on the market like a butcher shop, all in the name of science.
Our schools are being taken over by the "humanist" and the sodomites. As same sex, and even Pedophilia is now taught in the schools. Our (born again) Leaders, now seek support in funding for the abortionist. Sodomy, Is an accepted lifestyle now, even in the White House. White House? Bush, has appointed several Sodomites to big positions in the White House, as they (heap praise) on the President as too the great job he is doing. As the time clock ticks in the Middle East, and, as Israel searches how to make her next move for survival, America had best come to attention, and assess her own position toward God. Her days are numbered! Pray, that God would give the Church more time, to get to the task of reaching the lost. Pray, that God will raise up truly "anointed" men of God, who will not sell out to the devil for "thirty pieces" of silver, as many have today. Pray, that God will send us men of God, who will seek to please God only, and not man. Just ONE APOSTLE PAUL, can do more good, than the hundreds that swarm the air waves, with every manner of false doctrine that can be conjured up today. Preachers are afraid to preach against sin, because of the loss of funds in their pocket…
From: www.anglefire.comhttp://www.usaprophet.com/news.html or Billy Blankenship http://www.worldwidehope.net/redalert.htm .
94.1 1998(?),Dream/Vision,— About seven years ago (2005), I saw an invasion, I was in the basement on my knees, there was a basement window, I saw Russian soldiers, I expected them to come and either shoot or hurt me somehow but instead there was a Christian Russian Soldier, a brother in Jesus, a Russian Christian the military and he did not shoot me.
94.2 2000(?),Dream, Soldiers Patrolling The Cities In America — I saw soldiers patrolling the cities in America, not Chinese, more like it was Martial Law being enforced, they could even have been own American soldiers. There was a restriction on the people of America, you did not have freedom.
94.3 04/2005, Baptized In The Holy Spirit, President Bush Jr. — David was telling me at this meeting that President Bush and his wife were now baptized in the Holy Spirit and could speak in Holy Tongues. I was told about 2 months ago, so it was approximately 04/2005 this occurred. Apparently this information came from Henry Gruver and Henry received it from another.
There was about 600 pastors in Washington, President Bush Jr. unannounced walked in and told them at the podium—President Bush Jr. tells them I want to thank you for all the intercession. I got to relate to you, my wife at the ranch in Texas, and I heard her in the other room using a language that I knew she did not know (holy tongues), she was speaking in this language. So he waits until she comes out, and it was discussed that it was a heavenly language, she lets him know that she was speaking in (holy tongues from God, on of the supernatural gifts from God.)
So President Bush Jr. went out in the woods, and told his security guards not to follow him unless you hear the dogs bark, got on his knees, and asked God for Baptism of the Holy Spirit and he got it from God!
President Bush Jr., told the pastors that day, I don’t care what my counselors tell me, I am going to do what God tells me in my directions!
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by David: This was a quick summary of what occurred with President Bush and his wife and I wrote fast. The actual testimony may or may not show up on the Internet one day soon, or God may decide to protect Bush Jr. and not allow it to show up. But praise God! Your president is in need of great prayer and intercession, please take time daily to pray for him and his family so the devil cannot get to him either directly or by hurting one of his family members. Church, you are held personally responsible for holding this man of God in prayer daily!]
From: David F., at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005, ziofailla@aol.com .
95.1 1998(?),Vision, Seven Years From (1998) That Time America Will Be Attacked.” — 2005—2014, attack in 2005 or 2006, or delayed because of repentance?
In 1998 I returned from Israel towards the end of the first week of 9th month. I had been home 3-4 days and took my dogs for a walk around 9:00 PM. I live in a wilderness community in Alaska and was in total darkness that night when suddenly a red, white, and blue meteor streaked from the east and exploded over my head filling a quarter or more of the sky. Then the meteor shot out of the explosion and disappeared into the west. I was dumbfounded; ran back into my home, called several people in town to see if they had seen it too and then called my daughters in GA and NV. No one in town saw it but me. I watched the newspapers for a week and talked with people through the years about it. It appears I was the only one who saw it, which was impossible because of its size and spectacle…
Then in 05/2004 I was at the end of a three week fast when the Lord would wake me in the middle of the night and for two or more hours talk to me about many things but mostly about repentance in my own life. One night after talking about an hour He suddenly said, “Remember the meteor you saw in 1998? You didn’t see it in the flesh but in the Spirit. That is why no one else saw it but you and seven years from that time America will be attacked.” That brings us to (the end of the first week or beginning of the second week of) 09/ 2005 and that is what I am preparing for. I dread telling this because of the personal responsibility and accountability.
(Note from Dave: Our friend Steve Wilkins knows sister Cate and says that she seems to be a committed and responsible Christian. Her revelation appears to be a confirmation of Olivia Longs Prophecy below.)
----- Original Message -----
From: Apostle Seer Prophet
Sent: 05/31, 2005 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: What about the below prophetic? Are we going into the Tribulation like w...
Hi _______, I am sorry but I didn't read her whole word. But I do not believe American is going to be hit that hard in Sept. I hope America will not be hit at all this year. I am not feeling that we will, at any rate. Last year when… another prophet was saying we were going to be hit in 09/2004, I didn't agree with him either. And, this is why!
His (God’s) promise to me was that if we were faithful to do the work of the GOE's He would protect us from war until after the revival. If we did not do the GOE's, we would see war with no revival.
That is where I must stand. I do feel we are still vulnerable to an attack on the East Coast, but not war, just a terror attack. We hope to get that sealed up by August. Anyway that is where I stand on things.
Because I don't agree with the major premise of what she has to say, I find it difficult to believe anything. Luv's, Nita.
From: Cate from Alaska, http://www.americaslastdays.com .
96.1 03/1998, Dream, America Invaded — .... I had never had a dream about judgment coming to America until about two months ago (end of 03/1998)... I was standing in a building with someone when I looked out the window and saw an enormous dark and ominous cloud fast approaching. The cloud covered the whole sky. On the leading edge of the cloud the earth was heaving upward--with the movement of the earth proceeding quickly forward, always staying in front of the cloud. I looked again and in front of this movement of the earth were three men on horses, and...this is strange...they were all dressed like American cowboys. Then I heard a voice say, "They've set off the biggest underground nuclear blast in history." (I'd like to note that this dream occurred prior to India's recent nuclear testing. And, in fact, at the time there was no talk of nuclear weapons or testing in the news.) Then the woman that I was with in the building turned and said something to me and I don't recall exactly what it was. However, at the same moment, I SAW NUCLEAR MISSLES FLYING TOWARD MAJOR AMERICAN CITIES AND COULD SEE THOSE CITIES BURNING. IT WAS DEVASTATING. Prior to this dream... I won't go into heavy details...but I had dreams that I WAS SEPARATED FROM MY FAMILY AND I KNEW WE HAD LOST OUR FREEDOM AND I WAS FORCED TO LABOR FOR SOMEONE.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: jwalker@ix.netcom.com .]
From: web site www.harvest.org/prophecies/americadreams.html.
97.1 05/1998, Inner Vision, Military Men Invading — I was at a church service praising the Lord when all of a sudden I went into an inner vision, I saw right before me a bunch of military men in khaki uniforms with gas masks on, and like a back pack, and with rifles in their hands, they were rushing in with their guns pointed out… they were breaking into wherever it was… it could have been and I felt it was possibly future break-ins to actual churches. I felt this strongly. It was so real that it really sacred me…
From: Jean DeCarlo, 23886 North Midlothian Road, Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047, 847.438.1990.
98.1 07/01, 1998, Vision, Foundation & Atomic Bomb – Middle East; City Of Jerusalem & America Will Help In The War To Israel — …My attention turned as I heard a rumble in the City of Jerusalem and saw that the ground was shaking. I saw terrified people scurrying for their lives not knowing where to go. Women with children were running wildly, bricks were falling from the buildings, and debris was flying everywhere. Then the Lord spoke these words, “America will enter into this war and help Israel, and America will be stripped of her power. This will happen very, very, very soon. It must happen so I may come and set up My Kingdom upon the earth.”
From: www.whitestones.org/kblkhorse/kblkhorse.htm or TempleMountFaithful.org .
99.1 11/25, 1998, Prophetic Word, A Word For The Church In The United States Of America —
Specific signs in the USA — The overarching theme for the USA comes from Isaiah 59:19 "Those in the west shall fear the name of the LORD, and those in the east, his glory; for he will come like a pent-up stream that the wind of the LORD drives on." I believe the time of judgment has arrived for the west, and we shall fear the name of the Lord. Those in the east will fear his glory, for He shall arise and demonstrate his great power in those nations.
There will shortly come a time when Wall Street will collapse. No longer shored up by public confidence it will swagger under the weight of a national debt. On a day of frenzied trading it shall tumble the nation into turmoil and depression. The attention of the creditor nations will be drawn to America. I saw a time of conferences and meetings, international concern and intervention by prominent international organizations in domestic economics and affairs. For the first time in US history international organizations will intervene in domestic affairs. I saw international troops on US soil. A National economic crisis, and localized crises will be announced, and utilizing certain powers the US president will call the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) into action. You will see black helicopters on television and this will be a sign. When she is weakest a set of disasters will befall the nation.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Andrew Strom's note: In 11/1998, on our international 'Prophetic’ email List, we published Robert Holmes' "Word for the USA". Included in this prophecy, which contained a number of specific predictions, were the following words: "There will be youth murders in Jefferson county (the state was not specified)." Six months later, in Jefferson County, Colorado, came the High School youth murders which shocked the nation. Robert Holmes is a prophet from Australia with an international ministry in prophetic preaching and writing. The entire prophecy is reprinted above... ]
From: Storm-Harvest Ministries at www.tagsmultimedia.com.au/shm or Robert Holmes at shm@peacemakers.org.au .
100.1 12/01, 1998, Newswatch Magazine, Russian Woodpecker E.L.F. Generating Transmitters System—Scalar Telsa Weapons Against The United States Of America—Waves — [Comment not by Newswatch Magazine: Because of limited space in this document, only sections of this report will be included below. If you desire to read the full report, which I suggest that you do, you can locate it at the below address.]
Around the turn of the century a man named Tesla filed for over 900 patents. Upon his death, some of the papers went to a museum in Belgrade [Yugoslavia]. When that country fell to communism, the papers disappeared. Russia has been making good use of the papers…
Destroy Them Which Destroy The Earth — Jesus Christ will return at the seventh trump, the last trump. Notice Rev. 11:15, 18: “And the seventh angel sounded [last trumpet]; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.”…
In the fall of 1976, the Soviets began sending out the most powerful man-made radio beams ever created. So vast was the magnitude of the Soviet transmission that they jammed various radio frequencies all over the world. Dr. Michrowski reported that the Soviet transmission “is something in the region of 40 million kilowatts generating capacity.” He added, “To understand how powerful that is you only have to realize the most powerful transmitter the Americans ever planned, not even built, was for only two million kilowatts.”
The Role Of Nikola Tesla — Nikola Tesla [1856-1943] was born I Croatia [then in Austria-Hungary]. He emigrated to the United States in 1884, worked for a short period for Thomas Edison, and became a naturalized American citizen. A pioneer in high-tension electricity, he made discoveries and inventions of great value to the development of radio transmission and in the field of electricity.
He invented the alternating current [AC] system by which electricity can be transported through wires of thousands of miles, then sent into industrial plants to operate machinery, and into homes to provide light, heat and energy.
He laid the groundwork for the development of wireless telegraphy and radio communication, and transmitted electricity without wires for some 25 miles and lighted lamps. As a result of his accomplishments, Tesla received 14 doctorates from universities all over the world, and patented over 900 new processes in the field of energy conversion.
Tesla also wrote of a method whereby weather could be controlled so that deserts could become farmlands, and where cold could be modified and heat tempered.
In this connection, weather expert Lowell Ponte wrote an article entitled, “The Killer Electric,” which appeared in the 08/1978 Gallery magazine. According to Ponte:
“Shortly after the turn of the century, Tesla theorized that by using coordinated radio impulses, it should be possible to manipulate the part of the earth’s magnetic field that resides at the edge of space up in the ionosphere by generating giant standing waves. These waves, said Tesla, could then be manipulated to change the course of giant wind patterns, like the jet stream, that shape our weather.”
C.B. Baker in Youth Actions News [P.O. Box 312, Alexandria, Virginia 22313] of 07/1982 brought out this point:
“Around 1900, Tesla invented and patented a system of utilizing the earth’s natural vibrations to transmit power through the earth without wires.
“Tesla’s system involved the use of Extremely Low Frequency [ELF] electromagnetic cycles per second. Tesla proved that it is possible to create gigantic standing electromagnetic waves [sometimes thousands of miles long] which can be used to modify the weather and create man-made droughts, floods and storms. Tesla’s giant standing electromagnetic waves can also create long-lasting high pressure areas.”
Bill Boshears of the Cincinnati Enquirer, writing in the 11/19, 1978 issue of that paper, discussed Tesla’s theories and then added: “At Tesla’s death in 1943 some of his papers went to a museum in Belgrade [Yugoslavia]. But apparently some found their way to Russia… If indeed the Russians have succeeded in uncovering some of Tesla’s lost secrets, the disarmament committees may be in for some real earth-shaking proposals.”
Such as what? Surrender or else?
How The Soviets Control Our Weather — The 05/27, 1983 issue of Don Bell Reports [P.O. Box 2223, Palm Beach, Florida 33480] contained detailed information as to how the Soviets are operating in manipulate the weather of the United States. According to that report:
Tesla’s secrets proved of great interest to the Soviet Union, whose engineers began developing and perfecting the theories that Tesla had blueprinted. Combining secrets gained from Tesla and technological materials and equipment obtained from the United States, the Soviets have constructed giant transmitting stations capable of producing frequencies of 40 megawatts, or 40 million watts. The highest radio transmission in the U.S. for commercial broadcasting is 50,000 watts. The Voice of America uses 100,000 watts in some of its broadcasts. But this is hardly comparable to the 40 million [40,000,000] watts used by these Soviet transmitters to project their scalar waves.
Another part of Tesla’s secrets is the use of extremely low frequencies, from 7.5 to 15 Hertz in most cases, frequencies very similar to those used by the human brain. [A Hertz is the unit of measurement used to classify radio signals. One Hertz means one cycle per second.]
Perhaps the most important secret of the Tesla “broadcast” is the fact that the waves are not projected into the air like ordinary radio waves, but are sent into the ground. These electromagnetic waves are said to be able to penetrate and pass through anything, including the very center of the planet. And, in a sense that would be difficult to visualize, the earth itself becomes a kind of receiving set; so these waves can form what Tesla called a “standing wall.”
Headquartered in Ottawa and having some support from the Canadian Government is an organization called the Planetary Association for Clean Energy [PACE], headed by Dr. Andrew Michrowski. PACE has been observing Soviet attempts to control weather since 1977. PACE explains that by creating “an extremely low frequency [ELF] magnetic field whose wavelengths are equivalent to that of the terrestrial diameters,” there are developed what are called “standing waves.” If these waves were visible, they would resemble gigantic oval bubbles lying on the earth’s surface. Part of the bubble would penetrate deep into the earth, perhaps to the very center of the planet. The upper part of the bubble would extend upward into the ionosphere, perhaps even higher.
The result: jet streams are diverted and radio signals in certain Hertzian cycles are interfered with.
In his previously mentioned article in Gallery magazine, weatherwar expert Lowell Ponte reported that in 10/1976, the Soviets “began tampering with the earth’s magnetic field.” And then Ponte went on to say:
“From a configuration of four incredibly high-powered transmitters three of them laid out in a giant triangle with points in cities northwest of Moscow, the Soviets began to send out coordinated radio pulses. The signals disrupted short-wave radio broadcasts and amateur wave bands throughout the world…
In 12/1976, the Soviet launched three new satellites to coordinate the signals from their ground-based transmitters. The impulses that followed were a classic experiment based on the frequency wavelengths Tesla theorized… As the 1977 winter approached, the Soviets began a new series of configured high-energy transmissions. On 11/21, a huge wave stretched along the earth’s ionosphere from the western tip of Alaska to northern Chile in South America.”
Dr. Andrew Michrowski and a group of scientists monitored Soviet extremely low frequency [ELF] transmissions from various stations all over Canada and published pulse-emission monitoring results from these far-flung stations, including information on dates heard, frequency bands, pulse width, pulse repetition, signal strength, etc. Dr. Michrowski also made photographs of the actual oscilloscope readings of the Soviet transmissions.
In a letter sent out in early February 1978, Michrowski stated:
“In the case of the winter of 1976-77, the Soviets have managed to establish terrestrial electric resonance; and then to learn how to establish relatively stable and localized ELF magnetic fields, which were able to hamper or divert the jet stream flow in the Northern Hemisphere.”
An article in the Washington Post on 02/02, 1981 described the jet streams as a bundle of powerful steering currents that move at speeds up to 300 miles per hour at 30,000 feet above the earth.
And then the newspaper continued:
“Normally the jet stream would wander straight through the middle of the country from west to east, pushing storms into a position where they could pick up moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and, as they spin clockwise, deposit it on the Midwest and East. When the jet stream alters course, the meteorological results are dramatic.
“In 1977, it skipped up and crossed Canada instead of the United States, dropping down south only when it reached the Great Lakes. This left the West in extreme dryness, while the Midwest and East experienced severe Artic cold mixed with snow created when the icy air met moisture moving northward from the Gulf of Mexico.
The devastating heat waves experienced by the United States in recent years are a direct result of the Soviets creating giant standing electromagnetic waves which caused long-lasting high-pressure systems that acted as a blocking mechanism to prevent normal weather patterns.
In late 01/1982, Dr. Michrowski reported that the Soviet ELF Signal had changed its pulse from 10 Hertz to 31.5 Hertz, and that the new pulses of 31.5 Hertz “cause giant standing wave “troughs” in the Rocky Mountains from Edmonton, Canada to New Mexico.” Also, Michrowski stated that the new 31.5 Hertz Soviet ELF signal had caused another giant standing wave trough running from Ottawa, Canada to Atlanta, Georgia.
The new Soviet ELF goes higher and raises havoc with the jet stream which normally goes from West to East.
According to Dr. Michrowski, the new Soviet ELF transmissions were the main reason for the disastrous 1982 weather because they were responsible for the extreme movement of the jet stream.
Why The C.F.R. Is Involved With Weather Control — For over 40 years the United States has been in the hands of those dedicated to the creation of a one-world economic and political order. At the top of the pyramid of this power structure, which has been called “the invisible government” or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, is the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]…
In this connection, it should be noted that in Brzezinski’s book Between The Ages, he wrote:
“Not only have new weapons been developed, but some of the basic concepts of geography and strategy have been fundamentally altered: space and weather control have replaced Suez or Gibraltar as key elements of strategy.” [Emphasis added.]
CFR/Trilateral Commission member Brzezinski also stated:
“Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need to appraised.
One nation may attack a competitor covertly… techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation’s capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor.” [Emphasis added.]
Obviously Brzezinski was aware of Tesla’s theories and secrets, which are now in the hands of the Soviets…
Mind-Control VIA E.L.F. — In his previously-mentioned book, Between Two Ages, Zbigniew Brzezinski stated: “It may be possible — and tempting — to exploit, for strategic-political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior.”
The research of Dr. Michrowski and the Planetary Association for Clean Energy [PACE] has previously been discussed regarding the weather war the Soviet Union is waging against the United States. [They changed their name.]
In its 07/1979 issue, the PACE newsletter, in a special section entitled “U.S.S.R.ELF [extremely low frequency] Emissions,” stated that, “At least five U.S.S.R. installations are operating simultaneously up to 24 hours daily since July 1976 with an intensity of up to 40 million watts. These emit pulses ranging from 5 to 6 Hz cycle per second.” [According to ELF researcher J. Morrison “In the brain, electrical activity ranges from .01-40 Hertz.”
Regarding the effect of ELF transmissions on humans the PACE newsletter then went on to say:
“Psychophysiological effects include influence of reaction time, timing behavior, ambulatory behavior, oxygen uptake, endocrine changes, cardiovascular functions, and precipitation-clotting times of colloids. Further characteristics observed by the ELF monitoring network include… hearing impairment, cortisone hormone production and irritability [especially in older humans].”
In 1975, an issue of the Soviet publication International Life discussed electronic mind-control developments in terms that infer the use of Tesla-style technology. The article stated that atmosphere electricity can be used to “suppress the mental activity’ of large groups of people. The Soviet journal said that a sonic generator, tuned to an infrasound [below the hearing level frequency, could create “feelings of depression, fear, panic, terror, and despair.”
A detailed study of ELF effects appeared in the 1977 book Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Extremely Low Frequency written by Asher R. Sheppard, Ph.D. and Merril Eisenbud, Sc. D. Shepphard and Eisenbud declared: “The one firm conclusion that emerges from a review of the existing literature is that relatively weak electric or magnetic fields are capable of evoking neurophysiological or behavioral effects.”
Andrija Puharich, M.D., LL.D. of Ossining, N.Y. has made a detailed study of transmissions via a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. In a report entitled “The Imminence of Electromagnetic Mind Control on a Global Scale As Practiced By the U.S.S.R.,” Puharich revealed that Soviet electromagnet transmissions appeared to be “higher hormonics of a fundamental frequency of 6.67 Hz.” In describing the results of experiments on humans utilizing the fundamental Tesla frequency of 6.67 – 7.83 Hz., Puharich stated:
“A weak [lmw] 8 Hz magnetic sine wave will modify human brain waves in 6 to 10 seconds. The psychological effects of such 8 Hz magnetic wave entrainment are positive and beneficial.
“A weak [lmw] 4 Hz magnetic sine wave will modify human brain waves in 6 to 10 seconds. The psychological effects of a 4 Hz magnetic wave are negative — causing dizziness, nausea, headache, and can lead to vomiting.”
Dr. Puharich believes that his research findings “can be produced on a global scale by means of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter — to the extent that large populations could be electronically incited to unstable behavior at the lower end of the Tesla scale, or to stable behavior bordering on hypnosis at the other end of the scale.
Dr. Puharich reported that such signals were being transmitted by the Soviets immediately before and during the big blackout in New York City on 07/13, 1977. Shortly after the power went out, riots and looting broke out all over the city.
The previous big New York City blackout in 1965 [before Soviet ELF transmissions to the U.S. began] created no such riotous behavior.
On 03/13, 1981, the NBC-TV network presented “NBC Magazine” in which David Brinkley stated: “It is known that the Russians are working hard on controlling the human mind by remote electronic means.”
Brinkley then pointed out: “The Russian government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences… And we do know that some kind of Russian transmitter is bombarding this country with extremely low frequency [ELF] radio waves.”
Why The Press Blackout? — Truly, this subject is of vital importance, but it has been ignored or “blacked out” by the nation’s press and TV [except for the noted David Brinkley break-through]. Why? The answer is tragically simple: The mass communication media in the U.S. is controlled by members of the CFR/Trilateral conspiracy who for decades have been seeking to find ways to control conditions whereby a World Government will be set up — a merger of the U.S. with the U.S.S.R.
Reference: Tax Fax No. 196
From The Independent American
New Evidence Of Soviet Tesla Scalar Weapons — Beginning in 1978, a short time after the Soviets started their Tesla Scalar transmitter, a series of mysterious booms were heard off the East Coast of the United States. No normal explanation could be found for the powerful sounds, which continued into 1979. Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden reported that the explosions were a direct byproduct of the Soviet Tesla ELF transmitters.
On 11/21, 1987, the area of Beaumont, Texas was hit with a very loud boom. In addition to the noise, many residents felt a strange rumble in the ground. Local law enforcement officials were unable to explain what happened, according to the 11/22, 1987 Beaumont Enterprise.
During his own lifetime, Nikola Tesla frequently created ball lightning and giant lightning bolts with his transmitter. Shortly after the Soviets turned on their own Tesla magnifying transmitter in 1976, parts of the U.S.S.R. suddenly began to experience abnormal lightning bolts and mysterious lights in the sky.
Thomas Bearden’s scientific article, Star Wars Now, stated that Tesla scalar weapons can be used in the “produce energy” mode to create a “massive electrical fireball” over cities. On September 23, 1977, such a form of electrical plasma was seen over the city of Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, located close to the site of one of the early U.S.S.R. Tesla transmitters.
On 08/13, 1986, the Associated Press reported: “People scattered over much of the eastern United States reported a mysterious light in the night sky, and residents of Kentucky said they heard a boom and felt their houses shake.” The events took place 08/12, 1986, about 10:15 p.m.
One witness, Edward Uiszkowski of Vestal, New York said: “It looked like a bunch of fireworks followed by a white cloud.” The Associated Press report added, “There were similar reports in other parts of the East. The mysterious light was witnessed by Americans from Michigan, Maine, South Carolina, Louisiana and Kentucky. Some people said their homes shook and windows vibrated as if there had been an explosion or earthquake, but it was just for a few seconds. They said the whole sky lit up,” which is exactly like the repeated observations of Soviet Tesla weapons and similar to the “air glow effect” created by the new U.S. weather-engineering system.
The 08/14, 1986 U.S.A. Today described the events: “A spectacular light show that pranced across the night sky east of the Mississippi had astronomer baffled.
The 08/14, 1986 Washington Post described the mysterious lights and reported that Denise Sabatine, Vice President of the Syracuse, New York Astronomical Society stated: “It definitely was not a meteor. Meteors burn off after seconds. This lasted five to seven minutes.”
The 07/03, 1987 Arizona Republic described a mysterious day: “A sharp, startling boom jolted northern San Diego County during the night, but authorities said they don’t know what caused the mysterious blast… It sounds like a blast from a cannon. It was a big momentary shaking. It is a mystery,” said meteorologist Wilbur Shigehara of the National Weather Service. “No earthquake was recorded on seismographs at Pasadena, California. There was no seismic activity.” The newspaper reported that the ‘boom’ could not be traced to an airplane or weather.
Shigehara added, “Last year, we had several shakings like this. It happened three or four times a day for a week. We never found out what it was.”
On 12/01, 1987, there was yet another mysterious light over the eastern part of the United States. The 12/02, 1987 Washington Times stated: “Mysterious lights were seen from Virginia to New York about 12:35 a.m. Eddie Quillen, a boiler room attendant at Wallops Island NASA Flight Center on Virginia’s Eastern Shore reported seeing ‘a big blue light that lit the whole sky almost like lightning.’”
Quillen added, “After that, I saw two balls like fire, only not a red fire… a white fire. That was one hell of a light, whatever it was.
The newspaper continued, “Reports described the lights as ‘fireball.’ There were no reports of rockets or planes crashing that could explain the big mystery.”…
Exactly As The Bible Prophesied — Isaiah 24: 18b-20a: “…the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is split asunder [NIV], the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard…”
Revelation 16:8: “…and power was given unto him to scorch men for five” [maybe from the earth being out of orbit].
Matthew 24:21-22: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
Luke 21:25b-26: “… and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear…”
Tesla Extremely Low Frequency Transmitters In The Polar Regions — The single most revealing piece of evidence about the real cause of the sudden depletion of atmosphere ozone is that it was not discovered until 1977. On 07/04, 1976, Soviet Tesla magnifying transmitters started their infamous “Russian Woodpecker” ELF signals.
There is strong evidence that these Tesla ELF transmitters interfere with the earth’s ozone layer. The 03/1980 P.A.C.E. Newsletter stated: “Powerful standing waves, such as ELF emissions, which have an innate tendency to shoot upwards from the ground, may be able, under certain conditions, to heat the ionosphere and thereby change it’s electrical activities to some degree.
“If magnetic ELF fields are present, a bending power, or an ability to distort the atmospheric energy continuum is introduced. Such ability has been recognized… in U.S. experiments of the transmission of ELF emissions from Siple, Antarctica to Roberval, Quebec…”
The 05/20, 1982 issue of The Ottawa [Canada} Citizen stated: “Wayward electrical currents, known to be polluting outer space, are returning to earth, say scientists, who fear the phenomenon is increasing the violence of thunderstorm in Southern Canada.” The newspaper continued, describing the dangers of this electromagnetism: “Essentially, what we are seeing is the largest-scale pollution of the environment man has achieved,’ says British scientist Dr. Tom Kaiser, in Ottawa for an international space conference…”
The Ottawa Citizen reported that environmental problems begin when low frequency electro-magnetic currents [such as ELF] “escape into space and travel thousands of kilometers before being attracted back to earth. In the process, the currents ‘significantly modify the environment at vast distances out in space and appear to increase the electrical conductivity of the earth’s atmosphere,’ says Kaiser, whose research team has followed the currents from Newfoundland, 20,000 kilometers out into space and watched them ‘leak’ back into the earth’s atmosphere in Antarctica.”
The 03/1986 P.A.C.E. Newsletter reported that scientists who place total blame for the sudden deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer on industrial gases, such as CFC’s, have chosen to bypass the problem of electromagnetic pollution. P.A.C.E. stated: “What has generally been ignored is that since mid-1976 another factor has emerged on the world atmosphere scene. For lack of coordinated monitoring , it has also gone ‘unnoticed’ by most scientists.” Almost daily, extremely-low-frequency magnetic and electric emissions have been pulsed from a number of U.S.S.R. installations at the rate of approximately 10 hertz.
As part of the secret 1974 Soviet/ U.S. polar warming agreement, the United States began to transmit its own ELF signals. The P.A.C.E. Newsletter stated: “Since mid-1979, the U.S. has been pulsing similar ELF emissions at 30 hertz.” The United States 30 hertz signals are far less directly dangerous to human health than the deadly 10 hertz Soviet Woodpecker ELF transmissions that have weakened immune systems and made many Americans vulnerable to a whole series of new and mutated diseases since 1976.
P.A.C.E. continued: “ELF fields usually propagate vertically to ground, creating ‘standing waves’ that tend to do down towards the earth’s core and up to the various strata of the biosphere. Like their ultraviolet photon counterparts form the sun, they [ELF waves] can redistribute energy and momentum in the troposphere through cumulus convection.
“It has been suggested that ELF induced charges in the ion electrical effects perturb the electric current and field patterns of the field circuit of the atmosphere, a field whose existence is established by ‘classical’ thunderstorm activity theory. It is known that the microphysics of the surface level atmosphere and other strata are dependent on atmosphere electric state.”
P.A.C.E. thinks: “The addition of man-made ELF emissions has modified the general atmospheric electric state as of 1976 in a notable fashion.”
The 12/07, 1987 Washington Post carried a very revealing story that supports P.A.C.E.’s observation about the relationship between ELF and the loss of the ozone layer: “Powerful radio waves, generated by navigational beacons on earth are causing ‘electron rain’ to fall into the earth’s upper atmosphere from the Van Allen radiation belts thousands of miles out in space, a team of researchers from four universities has found.”
The newspaper reported that the effects are: “The first ‘environmental’ effects in space traceable to human activities on earth. The Van Allen belts are vast magnetic fields that loop earth from pole to pole… The magnetism traps a barrage of subatomic particles, chiefly protons and electrons, flowing through space as part of solar wind… The particles are a source of beauty because, as they flow towards the poles, they cause atoms in the air to glow as an aurora.”
In the summer of 1987, “Cornelll University engineer of the low frequency radio waves from radio transmitters used as navigational beacons. These… dot the planet…”
The scientists used a research sounding rocket that rose about 257 miles in a 10-minute flight. “Near its highest point, detectors in the nose cone revealed showers of electrons raining in patterns correlated with beacons from the transmitters and with lightning bolts, which produce bursts of random signals known as static.”
Valentin Falin, Chief of the Soviet Union’s Novasti Press Agency, was quoted in the Washington Times, 03/08, 1988, page 6 article “SDI Versus the Plague,” as saying that the U.S.S.R. now has weapons that the U.S. cannot visualize. Some of the “new scientific principles” and weapons Falin was referring to are:
1) Electrogravitation [scalar electromagnetics, or unified EM/G fields,
2) EM induction of cellular death and disease at a distance, so that “biological warfare” is actually unleashed massively and suddenly on an entire population by electromagnetic means,
3) Beam, ray and directed energy weapons of startling power,
4) Real/time holography to produce geometric hemispheres, shields and forms of incredible energy density,
5) Launch/phase, midcourse, and terminal phase antimissile weapons and anti-bomber weapons of great power,
6) Scalar EM anti-stealth weapons of very high effectiveness,
7) Scalar EM underwater weapons, radar, and communications,
8) Time-reversed wave weapons, using a variety of waves such as sound, electromagnetic and mechanical waves and,
9) Weapon adaptations of Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, which energize the entire earth itself into electrogravitational resonance, making of the earth a self-pumped phase conjugate mirror, and then an order directing giant, amplified phase conjugate replica pulses of mechanical and electrical energy furnished by the earth itself at specific targets to cause earthquakes, massive mechanical destruction, etc.
Genetic engineering is one use. Cellular changes — including disease and death can be induced upon distant targeted populations. The Soviets have already deployed these systems. They can induce almost any sort of cellular death and disease, including lethal virus infections, bacterial plagues, nuclear radiation damage, etc…
U.S./Soviet Environment Collusion — More details about U.S./Soviet joint actions in using ELF waves for world weather engineering appeared in the 12/16, 1980 New York Times in an article about the Special Committee on Antarctic Research, and international body with representatives from the U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Communist East Germany, France, Chile and several other Western nations.
The New York Times revealed that the U.S. government’s part of the joint scientific effort was concentrated on generating extremely low frequency [ELF] electromagnetic waves. The newspaper described how ELF can influence the environment many thousands of miles away: “Scientists in Antarctica believe they have probably created an aurora over Quebec. The aurora should have resulted from an experiment conducted… to interfere with the earth’s magnetic field and, the scientists hope, lead to a better understanding of the phenomena that can disrupt long range communication” [just as the Russian Woodpecker signal does].
The newspaper continued: “…In the experiment, scientists ‘tickled’ the magnetic field with very low frequency radio waves… The waves follow magnetic field lines that extend from Antarctica to Canada. Electrons forming the earth-encircling radiation belt normally are trapped in paths that spiral around the magnetic field lines and reverse direction as they near the earth at each end of the magnetic are. If their paths are perturbed by radio waves, they fail to reverse and plunge into the atmosphere.”
The New York Times stated: “Scientists think the radio waves may induce wave motions back and forth along the magnetic field lines. Such waves could be thousands of miles long, almost as long as the field lines themselves.” [These waves are directly related to the giant standing waves which are created by Soviet Tesla transmitters. Such wave can be used to alter the flow of the jet stream and act as a weather-blocking mechanism.]
The newspaper continued: “When specific radio frequencies are transmitted, their effects [which induce electron showers, perturbations of the earth’s magnetism and disturbances in the radio/reflecting layers of the upper atmosphere] should all oscillate at a tempo matching that of the transmitted signal.” These experiments were based directly upon Nikola Tesla’s concept of matching resonance in wireless power transmission.
The 04/26, 1983 New York Times reported that there are seven separate Soviet scientific stations in Antarctica, and U.S. crews frequently join their Soviet and Czechoslovak scientific station, which was set up in 1957 “Because of its proximity to the South Geomagnetic Pole, which marks the axis of the earth’s magnetic field. It is distinct from the magnetic pole, to which compass needles point, and from the geographic pole.”
The newspaper reported on an international deep ice-drilling experiment at Vostok, involving U.S. and Soviet scientists. Because of this station’s strategic location on the axis of the earth’s magnetic field, the real purpose of the Vostok station appears to be the use of Tesla magnifying transmitters as a key part of the polar warming agreement.
The 12/25, 1984 New York Times reported: “Thirty Russian Scientists, 100 crew members, and 16 American participants” were involved jointly in the “Second Soviet/American expedition I the Bering Sea.” The same article described long-time joint U.S./Soviet work to Antarctica: “For a number of years there was always an American scientist at one of the American bases.”
The 02/04, 1986 New York Times described ELF generators in Alaska and Norway which appear to be secretly used in close coordination with the Soviet’s own ELF transmitters for the purpose of carrying out the 1974 polar warming agreement.
The newspaper reported that U.S. scientists in Fairbanks, Alaska are working to “manipulate and orchestrate aurora displays by beaming powerful radio waves up from the ground. Recent tests have also indicated that a related phenomenon, the polar electrojet, ‘a river of electricity flowing through the upper atmosphere,’ may have a practical application.
“In Norway the electrojet has been used to create extremely low frequency radio waves.”
The newspaper added: “The demonstration that the auroral electric current, or electrojet, can be used to generate extremely low frequency, or ELF radio waves has been reported in the British Journal ‘Nature.’”
The New York Times also described the special transmitter in Norway… which is close to the newly discovered hole in the ozone layer of the atmosphere over Spitsbergen, Norway: “A station on the ground, in Northern Norway, transmitted extremely powerful high-frequency radio waves into the electrified upper air through which the electrojet flows. This altered the electrical conductivity of the air, and since heating was intermittent, the electrojet was modulated to generate radio signals at such extremely low frequencies at 1,040 and 1,570 Hertz [cycles per second].”
The 11/03, 1987 Washington Post reported: “The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that more than 30 U.S./Soviet research programs on climate changes were approved by the two governments” on 10/30, 1987…
U.S. Patent Office Provides Proof Of Electromagnetic Weather Control And Scalar Weapons — Because of the secret polar warming agreement involving joint U.S./Soviet weather-engineering, the U.S. government has repeatedly denied that it was even possible to control the weather with electro-magnetism.
Government secrecy on this electromagnetic weather engineering system was blown on 08/11, 1987, when the U.S. Patent Office granted Patent Number 4,686,605 to Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund. The August 15, 1987 New York Times reported that Dr. Eastlund is “a physicist and an expert on oilfield development, who is a consultant for the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company [ARCO]… Dr. Eastlund assigned the patent rights to APTI, Inc., a Los Angeles subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield.”
On 09/6, 1987, the National Public Radio show, “All Things Considered,” carried an interview with Dr. Eastlund. NPR reported: “Dr. Eastlund stated that his new invention could be used to change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns [jet stream].
“The invention would use an earth-based power source to create electromagnetic radio waves and focus them way up in the atmosphere. Dr. Eastlund says the invention could steer jet streams, but could also be used to disrupt communications all over the world, and perhaps most significantly – might be used to destroy or deflect a missile attack.”
All of the characteristics describe exactly what the Soviet Tesla/scalar weapons have been doing to the United States since 1976, including the deliberate zapping of 9 U.S. rockets since 08/28, 1985.
In his National Public Radio interview, Eastlund stated: “I am not happy, personally, that the patent was issued publicly; this particular patent was under an initial secrecy order by the patent office. But, as I understand it, the Patent Office does not keep secret basic fundamental information, which they interpreted this patent to be. Specific discussion of military applications is secret – proprietary also. It’s what they wanted to do.”
On the front page of the official Eastlund – ARCO patent, there are clearly stated, direct references to the 02/1935 Liberty Magazine article about Nikola Tesla, and other Tesla articles in the 12/08, 1915 and September 22, 1940 New York Times.
The Eastlund – ARCO patent states that the apparatus will work by “…initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the earth’s surface, essentially parallel to and along naturally occurring, divergent, magnetic field lines, which extend from the earth’s surface through the region to be altered.”
The Eastlund patent described how the atmosphere is to be heated: “In one embodiment, this is done by transmitting circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation from the earth’s surface at or near the location where a naturally occurring dipole magnetic field [core] lines intersects the earth’s surface.”
The secret Soviet transmitter [with 7,000-foot hole into the ice pack] at their base in Vostok, Antarctica is located directly at the site of the earth’s geomagnetic South Pole – where the earth’s natural magnetic lines coverage – and this appears to be a prime example of what Dr. Eastlund is describing.
Eastlund continued, “Right hand circular polarization is used in the northern hemisphere and left hand circular polarization is used in the southern hemisphere. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which is based on the gyrofrequency of the charged particles and which, when applied to at least one region excites electron resonance within the regions…”
Dr. Eastlund’s patent described the heating of the ionosphere that will “enhance airglow.” Exactly the description that occurred when Soviet/U.S. Tesla scalar transmitters operated over the Eastern U.S. in 1986 and 1987, over Soviet Karelia in 1977, over Alaska and Saryshagen, U.S.S.R.
This patent of Dr. Eastlund/ARCO is important in understanding the production of the Extremely Low Frequency magnetic waves and who is destroying the earth.
The 11/29, 1987 Fairbanks Alaska Daily News Miner magazine supplement “Heartland” stated: “The most powerful radio signal in the Fairbanks area is not directed to a listening audience in interior Alaska.” The U.S. Government’s China Hot Springs station is titled “High Power Auroral Stimulation Facility.” The U.S. Government is also producing Ball lightning and other forms of light electricity. “Heartland” went on to state: “UCLA [University of California at Los Angeles] operates the site, drawing researchers from across the country. One of the main projects involves a team led by an Anthony Ferraro of Penn State University with assistance from the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute.” In 10/1987, Ferraro’s group “successfully tested a theory that heating the ionosphere makes possible the generation and transmission of extremely low frequency or ELF radio waves… The technique tested here involves shining a one million watt high frequency wave into the ionosphere, it increases the temperature of the region by 50 percent,’ Ferraro said.”
“Heartland” continued: “The beam heats a large pancake-shaped spot, 6 miles thick and 12 miles in diameter, in the ionosphere 40 to 60 miles above the ground… When the temperature of the ionosphere increases, the current produced by the electrically charged particles in the ionosphere changes and can be regulated by turning the transmitter on or off. In effect, this procedure creates a radio antenna in the ionosphere which emits radio waves that come back down to earth. The waves are extremely low frequency,” similar to giant standing waves used to alter the jet stream.
The Eastlund/ARCO patent specifically described how rockets can be shot down with this invention: “…Since the main electromagnetic beam which generates the enhanced ionized belt of this invention can be modulated itself and/or one or more additional electromagnetic radiation waves can be impinged on the ionized region formed by this invention… a substantial amount of randomly modulated signals of very large power magnitude can be generated in a highly nonlinear mode. This can cause confusion or interference with or even complete disruption of guidance systems employed by even the most sophisticated airplanes and missiles.”
The Eastlund/ARCO patent stated that “Weather modification is possible by… altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmosphere particles which act as a lens or focusing device.” This is exactly what happened in Greensburg, Kansas on 07/07, 1987.
Electromagnetic End Times Devastation — The deluge that inundated Georgia, Alabama and Florida in 07/1994 is “a flood that might happen once in 500 years,” reported the 07/09, 1994 New York Times. Unlike a regular storm that keeps moving, this monster came ashore and parked in the same area for many days.
“The storm was kept in place largely by a big Bermuda high-pressure system over the Atlantic [which] was part of a subtropical band of high pressure systems girding the globe. Other parts of the band caused Northern India, and then the American Southwest, to broil in temperatures of 120 degrees and more last month. Extremes of weather have become more common around the world in the last decade, but scientists are at a loss to explain why,” [07/10, 1994, New York Times].
These long-standing weather blocking systems are the direct product of giant standing ELF waves that are created by Russian and U.S. global weather-engineering that began in 1976 and greatly expanded in the 1980’s.
“The extreme weather of the last two years in North America is part of a worldwide pattern, scientists say and they are searching hard for an explanation. The U.S. has suffered through the extra-cold summer that chilled the Northeast in 1992; Hurricane Andrew in 08/1992, the most destructive American hurricane ever; the East Coast ‘storm of the century’ in March, 1993; the devastating flooding in the upper Midwest in the summer of 1993; and the seemingly unending snows of early 1994 in the Northeast, accompanied by record warmth in the West.
“All are part of a global pattern of sharper climactic swings over about the last decade say climatologists. Around the world, the 1980’s and early 1990’s were remarkable for the frequency and intensity of extremes of weather and climate.” [06/24, 1994 New York Times].
Insurance statistics demonstrate the devastation created by the combined effects of Soviet and U.S. weather-engineering: There were only 8 catastrophic windstorms worldwide in the 1960’s. By the 1980’s, that figure had climbed to 29…
Dangerous Threat From Powerful New Russian Chemical & Biological Weapons — The Russians have developed a deadly new germ warfare agent. In 03/1994, the London Sunday Times reported that Russia has a new “superplague powder” that is so powerful that 440 pounds sprayed from an airplane or in air burst bombs could kill 500,000 people. The newspaper reported that the West has no antidote. The deadly new germ warfare agent was developed in a secret biological weapons program run by the Russian Defense Ministry.
Vil Mirzayanov is a scientist who spent 26 years working on chemical weapons for the Soviet and then Russian military. He was jailed in 1992 and again in 1994 for revealing Moscow’s continuation of secret chemical weapons production. Mirzayanov smuggled out a shocking expose of very dangerous new Russian chemical weapons. That expose was printed in the 05/26, 1994 Wall Street Journal:
“As the public talks toward banning chemical weapons progressed, the more intense became Russia’s secret development and testing of binary weapons. The greatest results were achieved between 1985 and 1991… During that time, our laboratories created Substance A-230, a weapon about which I can only say that its killing efficiency surpassed any known military toxin by a factor of five to eight.
“Two major achievements took place in 1990 and 1991. First, a binary weapon based on a compound code named Substance 33 passed site tests and was put into production for the Soviet army… The second development was the synthesis of a binary weapon based on Substance A-232, a toxin similar to A-230. This new weapon, part of the ultra-lethal ‘Novichok’ class, provides an opportunity for the military establishment to disguise production, of components of binary weapons, as common agricultural chemicals, because the West does not know the formula, its inspectors [under the Chemical Weapons Treaty] cannot identify the compounds.”
The Chemical Weapons Convention was signed by 156 countries, including Russia and the U.S.A. in 1993. The treaty bans the development, production, storage and export of all chemical weapons. The treaty mandates that all signatories destroy current stockpiles.
Mirzayanov described how the Russians obtained loopholes in the treaty that will give them unilateral chemical weapons superiority over all other nations: “With the new binary weapons ready for production, the Russian team succeeded in inserting loopholes into the Convention that allowed Russia to proceed with its secret program… The list of prohibited poisons does not include what are known as Substance A-230, Substance A-232, Substance 33, or other toxins. If a weapon is not listed, then it cannot be legally banned, to say nothing of being controlled.”
In a vivid demonstration of current Russian military deception, on 09/16, 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed decree Number 508-RP. The order was actually prepared by the Russian military. “The decree’s list of banned products included the components for American binary weapons, but not for Substance A-230, Substance A-232, and Substance 33… Fifteen thousand tons of Substance 33 have been produced in the city of Novocheborsarsk in the upper Volga region…”
Russian Scientists Selling Woodpecker Technology To Secret U.S. Lab — Starting in the late 1960’s, U.S. and Soviet scientists began a series of joint efforts to warm up the Arctic [documented in Lowell Ponte’s 1976 book, The Cooling]. At the 1974 Valdivostok Summit, U.S. and Soviet leaders concluded a secret agreement designed to promote global warming. On 07/04, 1976, the Soviet Woodpecker ELF system began weather-engineering operations. By the late 1970’s, the U.S. joined in by transmitting its own weather-modifying ELF signals.
To improve joint electromagnetic weather-control actions, the U.S. has just brought a number of Russian scientists to work at the top-secret Lawrence Livermore high-tech weapons laboratory. The real purpose of this new joint Russian-U.S. project is being kept secret from the American people. It is officially disguised as “environmental cleanup research.”
The plan to use Russian technology was described in the 04/08, 1993 Journal of Commerce & Commercial Bulletin: “During the Cold War, in a research laboratory in the closed city of Gorky, Russian military scientists developed the “Gyrotron” – a high energy microwave generator designed to sweep the sky of Western warplanes.” [This description is identical to some functions of Soviet Tesla scalar weapons].
“Today, at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, American military scientists are weighting a Russian proposal to use those generators for a new mission – cleansing the atmosphere of ozone-destroying chemicals. The Livermore scientists began collaborating with their Russian counterparts last year, traveling to Russian research centers, engaging in joint projects…
“A technique to clean up the atmosphere could offer just such an opportunity. The proposal comes from Soliton Co. Ltd., a Russian Corporation formed to convert and commercialize Soviet science and defense technology.”
[The name of the Russian corporation offers a key clue as to the real nature of the proposed project. Soliton’s are a concept in physics for fields that demonstrate prolonged existence – the giant standing waves that are created by the Russian Tesla Magnifying Transmitters.]
“Some of the Russian science the Soliton Company has to offer is very much the state of the art… Andrei Tulupov, a Russian weapons researcher and a Soliton Company official, recently spent a week briefing Livermore scientists on a number of possible research projects, including using microwave radiation to eliminate chlorofluorocarbons [CFC’s], an artificial chemical suspected of damaging the earth’s protective layer. In developing their high-powered microwave equipment, the Russian scientists discovered the beams destroyed chlorofluorocarbon molecules.”
The new HAARP weather-engineering system, now under construction in Alaska, will have [among its numerous functions] the clear capacity to zap pollution and will also be able to increase or decrease upper atmospheric ozone levels at will.
The 01/11, 1994 Tulsa World provided additional evidence about the presence of the presence of the Russians at Livermore The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory has a secret 21-member “Project Woodpecker” team that just won a special award from the CIA and the National Security Agency [NSA].
Since the late 1970’s, the meaning of the term “Woodpecker” has been well known to radio operators all over the world. Because the primary mission of the NSA is to intercept radio signals from every foreign nation, that super-secret organization is fully aware that the term “Woodpecker” specifically refers to Russian Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters that are used for weather-engineering [and for many other weapons functions].
Thus, the NSA award to the Livermore Lab [when seen together with Livermore’s dealing with the Russian Soliton Co.] provides even more evidence that the U.S. and Russian government are engaged in creating state-of-the-art improvements on their secret joint global weather-modification systems.
Mammoth U.S. Weather-Engineering Project — The U.S. Government is now building a mammoth electromagnetic weather-engineering system, that is based upon the design of physicist Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund. On 08/11, 1987, the Eastlund invention was issued Patent No. 4,686,605. The patent was assigned to APTI, Inc., a subsidiary of Eastlund’s [then] employer, the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company [ARCO].
On 09/06, 1987, National Public Radio reported: “Dr. Eastlund stated that his new invention could be used to change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns… The invention uses an earth-based power source to create electromagnetic radio waves and focus them way up into the atmosphere. Dr. Eastlund says the invention could steer the jet stream, but could also be used to disrupt communications all over the world.”
On the front page of the 1987 patent, there are direct references to the 02/1935 Liberty Magazine article about Nikola Tesla; plus references to other Tesla articles in the 12/08, 1915 New York Times and 09/22, 1940 New York Times.
The 1987 patent states: “…Large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high altitude… weather modification is possible, by, for example altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns” which is exactly what the Russian Woodpecker ELF system does].
The 03/1988 Omni Magazine carried an article about Dr. Eastlund’s invention: “As he did his computations, Eastlund realized that the amount of energy he was dealing with was enormous. He calculated that once the radio waves reached the ionosphere, they would interact powerfully with the charged particles trapped there. The result would be a magnetic phenomenon known as the mirror force. Essentially what would happen is that a huge section of the charged atmosphere would be pushed upward and outward from earth by this electromagnetic force. ‘You can,’ says Eastlund, ‘virtually lift part of the upper atmosphere.’”
“Eastlund also says you could construct ‘plumes of atmosphere particles to act as a lens or focusing device’ for sunlight. By being able to intensify and control light, one could heat a specific part of the earth and learn to manipulate local wind patterns.”
“What this means, he says, is that by controlling local weather patterns, one could, say bring rain to Ethiopia or after the summer storm pattern in the Caribbean” [as just demonstrated in the 07/1994 Gulf storm that stood-in-place and flooded Georgia, Florida and Alabama].
“Because of the publicity about these aspects of the Eastlund-ARCO patent, the U.S. Government suppressed all further news about the invention’s weather-engineering features. Since about 1989, the invention has been disguised as a device for conducting “atmosphere research.”
HAARP System Constitutes A Grave Danger To Earth — Dr. Eastlund’s invention has been incorporated into a mammoth U.S. Government project titled “The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program” [HAARP]. Fortunately, a hard-working environmental group, The Cook Inlet Vigil – Box 916, Homer, Alaska 99603 – has uncovered shocking details about the severe dangers posed by this new earth-ionospheric zapping system.
The 12/15, 1991 Alaska Daily News carried a big article on HAARP: “Electrical energy floats high over Alaska, where it is visible as the aurora borealis, a shimmering white, green and crimson curtain. These brilliant northern lights are, in fact, the product of a huge natural generator that produces up to 10 million megawatts of power as particles from the solar wind crash into the earth’s magnetic field… There are concentrated currents, called electrojets, that flow in the ionosphere, and may sometimes reach millions of amperes. When the electrojet touches earth, as it sometimes does during magnetic storms, it can knock out telephone cables and power grids.”
The newspaper reported that researchers from the University of Alaska, UCLA, and Penn State all engaged in pre-HAARP work: “The scientists had achieved some promising results by beaming energy into the ionosphere to create extremely low frequency [ELF] waves that can travel long distances and to great depths.”
Describing the HAARP system, now being constructed north of Valdez, Alaska, the 11/15, 1993 Anchorage Daily News reported that the government “has settled on the Copper Valley village of Gakona as the spot for its $175 million research project on the ionosphere [the last layer of air between the earth and outer space].”
“HAARP will be built on the site of the partially completed over-the-horizon radar backscatter project.” [One of the numerous functions of the Russian Woodpecker ELF transmitters is over-the-horizon radar.] “The HAARP project will be a 30-acre field of antennas that beam powerful radio signals into the upper atmosphere.”
Despite the fact that HAARP involves the construction of the Eastlund weather-engineering invention, it is officially described as a scientific research endeavor designed to bring “greater understanding of the ionosphere’s impact on radio waves.”
Global Network Of Ionosphere Heating E.L.F. Transmitters — Because the patent clearly states that weather-control can be achieved by utilizing an ionosphere heating ELF system, details on the earlier pre-HAARP ionosphere heating ELF systems reveal a New World Order global network of secret weather modification transmitters.
The most powerful ionosphere heating ELF facilities [until HAARP is completed] were constructed by the Soviet Union at sites in Sura, Gorkiy, Monchegorsk, and Dushanbe [Tadzhikistan]. Western ionosphere heating ELF transmitters are located at Tromso, Norway; Arecibo, Puerto Rico; near Fairbanks, Alaska; and at Platteville, Colorado [which is now allegedly “closed”].
These systems, together with the Russian Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, have created a severe alteration of global weather patterns – beginning in 1976, but intensifying throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, as more ELF transmitter stations were constructed.
The new Gakona HAARP project is only the beginning stage of a much larger system. Later, the antenna array will be vastly expanded and radiate power of 1.7 gigawatt – billions of watts, making it the most powerful ionosphere heater ELF transmitter in the world.
The official 03/02, 1992 Federal description of the HAARP transmitter [Specification No. SS-HAARP-02] states: “One of the major issues to be addressed under the program is the generation of ELF waves in the ionosphere by high frequency heating. This requires locating the heater where there are strong ionosphere currents, either at an equatorial location or a high latitude [auroral] location… Ground-based techniques employ the use of high power, radio-frequency [RF], transmitters [so called ‘heaters’] to provide the energy in the ionosphere that causes it to be altered, or enhanced.
“… The potential exists for generating such [ELF] waves by ground-based heating of the ionosphere. The heater is used to modulate the conductivity of the lower ionosphere, which in turn modulates ionosphere currents. This modulated current, in effect, produces a virtual antenna in the ionosphere for the radiation of radio waves. The technique has already been used to generate ELF/VLF signals at a number of vertical high frequency heating facilities in the West, and in the Soviet Union.”
[Note: This official 1992 spec sheet admits that the system has been successfully used at many locations East and West. The 1987 Eastlund patent, issued by the U.S. Patent Office, clearly says that a similar system can modify weather and alter the jet stream. Thus, for the first time, open U.S. Government documents confirm the existence of a network of Russian and U.S. ELF weather-engineering systems.]
The official HAARP specification sheet shows how the system generates effects similar to those of Soviet Tesla devices: “…At peak power operation… modest amounts of energy begin to go into electron acceleration, resulting in modest levels of electron-impact excited airglow. The airglow enhancements strongly suggest that… wave-particle interactions and electron acceleration” is involved at the next stage.
“The Soviet, operating at higher power than the West, now have claimed significant stimulated ionization by elecytron-impact ionization… Given that the Soviet high frequency facilities are several times more powerful than the Western facilities at comparable mid-latitudes, and given that the latter appear to be on the threshold of a new ‘wave-particle’ regime of phenomena, it is believed that the Soviets have crossed that threshold and are exploring a regime of phenomena still unavailable for study or application in the West.”
“… What is clear, is that the gigawatt and above effectively radiated power, energy density deposited in limited regions of the ionosphere can drastically alter its thermal, reflective, electromagnetic [radio frequency] and optical spectrum.”
“…Diagnostic for ELF Generation Experiments: These could include a chain of ELF receivers to record signal strengths at various distances from the heater;… A magnetometer chain, to observe changes in the earth’s magnetic field in order to determine large volume ionospheric currents and electric fields…”
The HAARP specification sheet continued: “The most important diagnostic equipment is a set of ELF receivers in the 30-200 hertz frequency range” [a far wider ELF range than is admitted in most of the HAARP documentation, which claims that the new system will only generate ELF waves in the70-150 hertz frequency range] “located in the near-and far-fields of the heater generated ELF…”
HAARP will involve “the coupling efficiency between the generated ELF in the ionosphere down into the earth-ionosphere waveguide” where, its ELF waves will penetrate and interfere with the earth’s natural dynamo.
[It should be noted that Dr. Eastlund has not been associated with ARCO for some time and apparently is not directly associated with HAARP, even though the system is obviously based upon his government-assigned patents.]
After the 08/11, 1987 patent, two additional Eastland patents, related to his invention and the subsequent HAARP project, were released: Patent number 4,712,155; 12/08, 1987 [co-authored with Simon Ramo] and U.S. Patent number 5,038,664; 08/13, 1991. The 1991 patent describes how HAARP will work:
“This invention provides a method for establishing an upper region of a high density [i.e., electron concentration], high energy plasma as a selected altitude, e.g., at least about 1500 km, above the surface of the earth. Plasma [i.e., charged particles] which normally exist at a lower region, e.g., altitude of at least about 250 km, is excited by first electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase the charged particle energy. This is done by transmitting circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation from a point at or near the location where a naturally-occurring dipole magnetic field [force] line intersects the earth’s surface. The radiation is deliberately transmitted at the outset in a direction substantially parallel to and along the field line which extends upwardly through the region or regions of plasma to be altered…” [Part of the protective magnetic belt that shields earth, will thus be zapped on a large scale.]
“…The earth’s magnetic field is somewhat analogous to a dipole bar magnet. As such, the earth’s magnetic field contains numerous divergent field or force lines, each line intersecting the earth’s surface at two points on the opposite sides of the equator. The field lines which intersect the earth’s surface near the poles have apexes which lie at the furthest points in the earth’s magnetosphere, while those closest to the equator have apexes which reach only the lower portion of the magnetosphere and below… In both the earth’s ionosphere and the magnetosphere, plasma is present along these field lines…”
In addition to the previously mentioned network of ionosphere heating ELF weather-engineering transmitters, the U.S. Government has also been running other secret ionosphere-zapping generators inside America. A pre-HAARP system called the Ionospheric Research Instrument [IRI] was set up at Mineral Wells, Texas. At Stanford, California Stanford Research Institute is now running ionospheric modification programs. The official HAARP specification sheet also reports that the U.S. is running a “Brazilian Ionospheric Modification” transmitter.
Other pre-HAARP work has taken place at Poker Flat, Alaska. The ionosphere heater ELF transmitter at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, has been concealed as part of a giant radio telescope project at the same location. That ELF facility was apparently opened by the U.S. as part of the 1974 Valdivostok joint Soviet-U.S. weather-engineering agreement. The Puerto Rico transmitter was turned on about three years after the start of the Soviet Woodpecker system.
Unusual Lightning Effects During 1993 Great Floods Observed Over U.S. E.L.F. Transmitter — Strange skyglow anomalies and weird lightning and plasma-type effects have been seen all over the former U.S.S.R., near the Woodpecker transmitter sites. For example, the September 23, 1977 Washington Post reported that “…a strange, star-like ball of light was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over it like a jellyfish and showering down shafts of light.”
Similar plasma effects have been created by the U.S. ionosphere-zapping ELF transmitters, at the height of 1993’s Great Midwest Flood: The 09/24, 1993 Kansas City Star reported that a research team from the University of Alaska’s Geophysical Institute [which is involved in work on HAARP] discovered “mysterious flashes of light that shoot from the tops of storm clouds into the upper atmosphere… over the Midwest during summer floods.”
This sighting occurred when the area was being hit with giant standing wave, long-lasting weather-blocking systems that were generated by a combination of the Russian Woodpecker ELF waves and U.S. Gwen Tower VLF waves. The newspaper reported that these mysterious flashes “…resemble jellyfish. They are brightest where they top out – typically about 40 miles high – so you have the jellyfish body at the top with tentacles trailing down.”
Other similar flashes have been recorded from space shuttles and from high-flying aircraft. The description of these observations bears an uncanny resemblance to the 1977 Petrozavodsk, jelly-fish-in-the-sky sighting.
[At that time the Journal of Geophysical Research carried an article by Dr. B.N. Turman stating that U.S. military satellites reported sighting apparent monster lightning bolts over the Soviet Union. Dr. Turman revealed that the “superbolts” were thousands of times more powerful than any previously sighted there. He stated that these superbolts had electrical power to about 10 trillion watts and total energy of more than a billion joules. Such superbolts were first seen shortly after the Woodpecker system began transmitting. Prior to that date, the most powerful lightning bolts ever recorded were 10 billion watts and contained total energy of one million joules.]
Additional information about the mystery flashes over 1993’s Midwest Flood appeared in the 05/27, 1994 Science Magazine, which reported: “Atmospheric Scientists Puzzle Over High-Altitude Flashes.” The article described events over the Fort Collins, Colorado area during the floods. [Nearby, to the south, there is a powerful transmitter facility [similar to HAARP] that utilizes a high frequency vertical ionosphere heating ELF generating system. The government alleges that this site at Platteville, Colorado is “closed down.” However, the mysterious flashes were observed on 15 nights in an area of the upper atmosphere very near to that Platteville ELF transmitter…
Magnetic Earth — The 01/24, 1985 PBS television show, “The Nature of Things,” reported: A “magnetic force comes from the liquid core of the planet and forms an envelope around it from pole to pole… A great many processes on earth – life processes, and even our weather and climate may be affected by the fact that the earth is an enormous magnet.”
“… As the earth rotates, aligned with its axis, it is an all-enveloping field of force… The [earth’s] magnetic field is constantly on the move.” The field of the earth looks very much “like the magnetic pattern around the bar magnet. It’s called a dipole field.”
“… To give an idea of how it works, the lines of force of the dipole field of earth at the surface…extend down through the core, through the liquid metal. So as this core churns about, it winds and wraps these liens of force and stretches them around and round and round with the passage of time. And in fact, you eventually get a field wrapped up in the [earth’s] core.”
“… The field is prevented from dying away by the constant regenerating motions of the liquid core. The earth’s core is a dynamo.” The fluid motions are very slow, but are “still able to generate the field. It’s over such a large scale that it’s able to manufacture the field.”
“… If you watch the field closely, you discover that there are patterns in its variations. In addition to the slow churning of the field [generated by the core], there are continuous regular cycles.”
“… Every day at noon, the field strength rises and then dips. The magnetic record is like a clock, and it also follows the seasons… When records are analyzed, a number of other regular cycles becomes immediately apparent: monthly cycles, cycles in phase with the ocean tides, regular peaks and troughs in the magnetic field – which come not from the core, but from another – much weaker – dynamo. They’re generated by a system of electric currents flowing in the ionosphere.”
“As the ionosphere conductivity varies from night to day, and from winter to summer, the cyclic patterns are produced. And they are reinforced by even weaker dynamos, operating in the oceans. The earth’s field is a complex product of all the electrical activity within and around our planet.”
“Understanding earthquakes, volcanoes and other geological phenomena depends largely on fathoming the forces at work within the planet’s mantle, the thick layer of rock that stretches form the core to within an average of 30 miles of the surface. The behavior of the mantle seems to be determined by the core. The molten center also acts as an electromagnetic dynamo, creating the magnetic field that shelters earth from the high-energy particles that stream from the sun” [06/13, 1988 Time Magazine].
Artificial disruptions [such as created by the Russian Woodpecker transmitters and the new U.S. HAARP ELF system] dangerously interfere with both the earth’s internal dynamo and the external, magnetic shield – thus exposing humans and animals to deadly high-energy particles from the sun.
The 06/21, 1977 New York Times reported that the U.S. shipped a 40 ton magnet [the largest in the world at that time] and a team of American scientists to the Soviet Union. That 40 ton device could generate a magnetic field 250,000 times greater than that of the earth. The purpose of that shipment was to build a more efficient Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic power generator, which was used to greatly increase the power of the then new Soviet Woodpecker transmitters. This MHD power system helped the Russians repeatedly override, blank out, and interfere with the earth’s natural magnetic field.
The United States developed other powerful magnets, capable of disrupting earth’s own natural magnetic field. The 01/1988 Popular Science described huge new superconducting magnets: “The six D-shaped coils are each 20 feet tall and weigh about 40 tons… Each of the magnets reached peak magnetic fields of nine teslas, about 180,000 times the value of earth’s relatively feeble field. Fields of such high intensity generate enormous mechanical forces.”
Dangerous Earth Anomalies Have Appeared Since The Start Of Russian & U.S. E.L.F. Transmissions — Within a short time after the start of U.S. and Soviet through-the-earth transmissions, this planet’s internal dynamo was affected. The December 13, 1984 Washington Post reported that the earth had experienced a sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation. Although the planet’s spin had been gradually decreasing over a long period of time, this anomaly was so unusual that the normal compensation by U.S. Naval Observatory scientists [via a leap second added to atomic clocks] was not needed. The newspaper stated: “Why earth should have slowed… isn’t wholly understood.”
Scientists at the U.S. Naval Observatory and at the Jet Propulsion Lab found that the “earth, like an unbalanced washing machine,” has developed “wobbles as it spins” [07/15, 1988 Wall Street Journal].
The 07/1990 OMNI Magazine reported that between 01/24 to 02/03, 1990, earth’s rotation suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down again. U.S. Naval Observatory scientists reported that the slowdown was more abrupt than usual. The 08/09, 1991 New York Times described the causes of these unexpected sudden disruptions:
Geophysicists “…suspect that perturbations in the circulation of the hot fluid metallic core contributes to the rotational changes… The irregular rotational variations are the result of ‘fluctuating fluid flow in the underlying metallic core and the overlying hydrosphere and atmosphere,’ and… also convection forces within earth and the movement of crustal places near the surface” – which are all influenced by through-the-earth ELF vibrations.
The 12/11, 1986 Chicago Tribune reported: “Giant whirlpools, some nearly 60 miles wide, have been detected moving along Norway’s coast at speeds of up to four knots, posing serious threats to mariners… These giants whirlpools have no obvious center and are difficult to spot.” The newspaper reported that the mammoth whirlpools were unheard of before 1990 [a period after the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. began generating ELF waves].
Transmissions from the Soviet space station MIR were intercepted by Western Intelligence sources. “The MIR crew reported seeing an unexpected ocean phenomenon: ‘Powerful concentric waves going out in the midst of a serene sea.’ The cosmonauts did not report where they saw the wave, but said the circular features were many miles across” [03/16, 1987 Aviation Week & Space Technology Magazine].
Giant standing waves, called “solitons,” have been spotted near the Strait of Gibraltar. The 04/30, 1985 New York Times reported the discovery of massive internal waves in the oceans that do not appear to any large extent on the surface. “A dramatic series of internal waves has now been traced through the Strait of Gibraltar from photographs” taken from a space shuttle in 10/1984. A map in the newspaper shows a giant standing wave line on the western side of the Strait.
Scientists measuring ocean waves reported that “the Atlantic Ocean is getting rougher.” Measurements taken since the 1960’s indicated that “during the late 1970’s” [a period following the start of Soviet and U.S. ELF transmissions], “the waves did not seem to get bigger.” The 04/19, 1988 New York Times reported that British scientists have discovered that waves in the northeast Atlantic Ocean “have increased more than 20 percent since the 1960’s.” Ocean researchers consider this to be a “significant climatic phenomenon.”
E.L.F. Waves Tied To Big Earthquakes — In a 02/1912 interview, in the publication The World Today, Nikola Tesla said that it would be possible to split the planet by combining vibrations with the correct resonance of the earth itself:
“Within a few weeks, I could set the earth’s crust into such a state of vibrations that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet, throwing rivers out of their beds, wrecking buildings, and practically destroying civilization.”
The article, “Tesla’s Controlled Earthquakes” [07/11, 1935, New York American], stated: Tesla’s “experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the earth – called by him ‘the art of telegeodynamics’ – were roughly described by the scientist as a sort of ‘controlled earthquake.’”
He stated: “The rhythmical vibrations pas through the earth with almost no loss of energy… It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects… The invention could be used with destructive effect in war…”
In 01/1978, Dr. Andrija Puharich, M.D., LL.D. issued a detailed research paper titled, “Global Magnetic Warfare—A layman’s View of Certain Artificially induced Unusual Effects on the Planet Earth During 1976 and 1977.”
Describing early Soviet work with Tesla’s method of “controlled earthquakes,” he stated: “Of the many great earthquakes of 1976, there is one that demands special attention – the 07/28, 1976 Tangshan, China earthquake.”
Puharich’s analysis is significant because it describes airglow plasma effects created by the Soviet Woodpecker system. Ionosphere heating ELF systems, like HAARP, can generate similar effects.
He stated: “The reason that this 1976 earthquake attracted my attention is that it was preceded by a light fare-up of the entire sky over Tangshan. Also, this earthquake occurred during the first month of Soviet [Woodpecker] radio emissions…”
“The most prominent effect was that when Soviet Woodpecker emission was on at full strength – the sky would light up like an ionized gas lamp – just as Tesla had predicted.”
The 06/05, 1977 New York Times described the great earthquake, which destroyed Tangshan, and killed over 650,000 people: “Just before the first tremor at 3:42 AM, the sky lit up ‘like daylight.’ The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball.”
These electrical effects are tied to electromagnetic plasma and ball lightning and the strange array of flashes which results from Tesla-style and HAARP-like transmissions.
As part of the secret 1974 Valdivostok-U.S.-Soviet artificial global warming agreement, the U.S. began 30 hertz ELF transmissions from a site in the Pacific Northwest in Washington. Coincidentally with the increase in Soviet ELF transmissions during 1980, was a sharp increase in earthquakes around the world. The 01/30, 1981 Washington Post reported: “The world sustained 71 significant earthquakes during 1980, up from 56 the previous year, and the world death toll climbed to 7,140 – five times the 1979 figure, the U.S. Geological survey said.”
The incidence of ELF signals associated with earthquakes are continuing. The 03/29, 1992 Washington Times reported: “Satellites and ground sensors detected mysterious radio waves or related electrical and magnetic activity before major earthquakes in Southern California during 1986-87, Armenia in 1988, and Japan and Northern California in 1989.” An Athens University physicist observed electromagnetic signals in six out of seven… quakes in Greece over several years.
The radio signals before impending quakes have low frequencies. “They are known as very low, extremely low, and ultra low frequency waves, or VLF, ELF, and ULF. Such waves can travel through the atmosphere.” The length of the waves depends directly upon the particular frequency emitted.
On 09/12, 1989, sensors called magnetometers [at Corralitos, near Monterey Bay, California] detected unusual ULF [between 0.01 hertz and 10 hertz – the lowest ELF frequencies] radio signals, “which grew 30 times stronger 10/05, and then weakened somewhat. At 2 pm. on 10/17, the signals grew so strong that they went off the sensor’s scales. Three hours later, the San Francisco Bay area shook violently as the magnitude 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake killed more than 60 people and injured 3,800 others. The quake’s epicenter was four miles from Corralitos.” [One of the Russian Woodpecker’s main ELF frequencies is 10 hertz.]
The catastrophic 01/17, 1994 Los Angeles earthquake was proceeded by mysterious radio signals. The 01/19, 1994 Tulsa World reported that on 01/15, Jack Cole [of the Early Warning Earthquake Detection Network of San Jose, California] issued an alert of the impending quake. The two day warning stated that Coles “had noted increased radio signals including ‘magnetic anomalies and electrical problems.’” Cole said, “that meant a quake within three days that would measure more than 6 on the Richter scale.” The subsequent Los Angeles quake measured 6.6.
Some observers in Los Angeles reported hearing two loud “sonic booms” [which are typical symptoms of Soviet Tesla weapons usage] immediately before the earthquake. Others reported that the earthquake literally “exploded.”
Disrupting The Earth’s Dynamo — The combined effects of these transmitters, including the Russian Woodpecker, the new HAARP system, together with all other ELF and VLF systems [such as those in Michigan and the GWEN Towers], are very dangerous. When operating simultaneously and during times of geomagnetic storms, they present a severe threat to the entire planet.
The disruption of the earth’s internal dynamo, and the disruption and alteration of the upper atmosphere magnetic belts [which constitute the external part of the earth’s natural dynamo system], can create a premature reversal of the magnetic poles, worsen the newly discovered wobble of the earth’s spin and possibly create a total polar reversal or earth shift. “During at least one reversal, magnetic North may have changed direction by as much as 4 to 8 degrees in a single day” [05/1992 Discovery Magazine].
The 01/1978 Specula Magazine described Woodpecker effects: “An electromagnetic signal of certain frequencies can be transmitted through the earth which, when introduced into the earth at certain multiples of 30 degrees, will form standing waves in the earth itself… In certain incidence angle cases, the standing wave also induces a strange phenomenon: coherence to the standing wave is formed in the molten core of the earth itself, and a tiny fraction of the vast, surging electromagnetic currents of the liquid core begin to feed into and augment the induced standing wave.”
“At this point, one has established a sort of giant triode: the inducing signal one is putting into the earth is the grid signal, and the vast energy in molten core of the earth is the cathode and power supply. The established coherence serves as an amplification factor for the grid signal, and much more energy is now present in the standing wave than the minuscule amount being fed in from the earth’s surface. By interferometer type techniques, multiple ‘giant resonance’ waves of this type can be combined so that a ‘beam’ or focused effect of very great energy now exists inside the earth.”
“Depending upon the frequency, focusing, wave shape, etc. one can…induce a variety of effects such as earthquakes, induced at as distant aiming point, severe disturbances in the middle and upper atmosphere over the target area…and anomalous weather effects. This is called the ‘Tesla Effect,’ originally discovered by Tesla.”
The 03/31, 1992 New York Times reported: “The direction of the [earth’s magnetic field] has changed and even reversed many times since the birth of the planet…The oscillations of the inner core may be affected by many minor but important factors including the dynamo that generates the earth’s magnetic field.”
The earth has “a solid core at the center, ringed by a liquid layer of molten iron, which is in turn surrounded by the solid mantle and crust. Within the liquid layer are several constantly circulating streams of iron called convection cells, which work like oval conveyor belts… Electric currents generate their own magnetic fields, and the currents created in the convection cells now generate earth’s field. Disrupting the flow of the cells will disrupt the field” [05/1990 Discover Magazine]. Such disruptions are created by massive artificial ELF waves.
Typical earthquakes occur no deeper than 20 to 25 kilometers. A very rare deep quake just took place. The 06/18, 1994 Science News reported that on 06/8th “a magnitude 8.2 quake emanated from 600 kilometers below Bolivia, punching the planet hard enough to set it ringing like a bell… The quake was felt in much of North America, even as far away as Seattle – a fact that has puzzled geophysicists. ‘This is the first time we know of that a quake in that part of the South America was felt in North America,’ says Bruce W. Presgrave of the National Earthquake Information Center.”
That organization reported that the 350 mile deep quake was also felt in Los Angeles, Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis and Toronto.” Describing what Nikola Tesla had discovered many years earlier, Science News stated: “Like a bell, earth has its own natural frequencies – or normal modes – which start ringing if the globe is hit hard enough. The most persistent of these modes causes the planet to expand and contract every 20 minutes, almost as if it were breathing. Scientists can detect this mode even 3 months after a great quake.”…
Predictions Of Global Disaster Now Being Fulfilled — The global devastation created by the large-scale electromagnetic zapping of earth’s protective internal and external natural magnetic systems have been widely forecast. …
The Holy Bible contains many predictions that could be the result of harmful electromagnetic zapping:
“Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof” [Isaiah 24:1]. “The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly,” [Isaiah 24:19]. “The earth shall real to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage… and it shall fall and not rise again,” [Isaiah 24:20].
Revelation 6:12 and 6:14 state: “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth, and the moon became as blood… And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and every island were moved out of their places.”
Revelation 16;18 and 16:20 state: “And there was many voices, and thunders, and lightnings and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great… And the cities of nations fell… And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.”
Although these Biblical predications have existed for a long time, it has only been within recent years that U.S. and Russian scientists have developed the technical ability to generate such End Times destruction.
Volcanoes And Earthquakes — When these extremely low frequency magnetic waves penetrate into the core of the earth, they begin to heat it just like they heat the ionosphere. As the earth’s core becomes hotter, there must be a way for the pressure that is building up to escape.
The core of the earth is composed of both solid and liquid. The iron and nickel liquid core, and the solid core, mainly iron, act as heat magnets. Iron absorbs heat and retains it much like a sponge absorbs water, up to a point. When the maximum absorption level is reached, violent reactions will occur. These ELF magnetic waves heat the iron core much the same way induction cook stoves heat iron in pans to cook food. With this added heat, the temperature of the inner earth is raised, more of the mantle of the earth is absorbed back into the liquid core. This will, and is, causing more earthquakes than would normally occur. The earth is like a giant pressure cooker. The volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are like safety valves. Without these safety valves, the earth would literally explode. With the increased heat from ELF magnetic waves, if continued, one of two reactions will occur:
One – The earth will need a larger safety valve, blowing a large portion of the earth into space, relieving pressure, but causing a wildly rotating earth to move out of its orbit.
Two – The expanding inner core will actually swell the earth like a balloon. The tectonic plates, which float upon the mantle of the earth will have huge gaps between them. This will allow the plates and land masses to scoot around. Mountains will crumble, islands will sink, new ones will appear and cause a wobble in the rotation of the earth. Once more the earth will move out of its orbit.
Prophecy Concurs! — “Therefore I will shake the heavens and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger” [Isaiah 13:13]
“…and the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression… heavy upon it…” [Isaiah 24:18b-20a].
God tells us why all this horror is coming! “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down,… The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled:… The earth also is defiled [polluted] under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth… and few men left.” [Isaiah 24:1-6]
From: 12/01, 1998, Newswatch Magazine, “Hanging In The Balance.” A magazine making clear today’s news in the light of Bible Prophecy. www.newswatchmagazine.org .
101.1 Vision, Revolution In America — While praying and reading the Scriptures, I received the following vision of the times spoken of by Dumitru Duduman — when the revolution would start and America would have the places like Sodom and Gomorrah attacked.
In the spirit, the angel Gabriel took me to the West Coast where I saw foreign and oriental looking troops with blue hats, carrying machine guns. I saw helicopters with the signs of the United Nations and many thousands of Americans in lines waiting to receive the mark of the beast. Gabriel told me to watch as the Chinese Navy, on the West Coast base which we had given them, become a secondary staging ground for the invasion. The primary staging ground was our own military bases. The angel had shown me our New World Order U.S. Government officials had handed over these bases to the invaders.
I was horrified as I watched. Deep beneath many airports and military bases I saw people with red badges. These people were to be executed for their testimony, and had not shrank from the word of their testimony. Others, marked by blue badges, worked in factories and were periodically brought to reprogramming camps. There were rooms where unspeakable, inhumane acts were performed on them so they would repent of their belief in the Truth and the Word. Elsewhere, those with the green emblem smiled and went about life with peace on their well-fed faces. They did not fear, for they had felt righteous in that they were saving the planet — or they thought, falsely, in their hearts that surely the Lord would not cast them into outer darkness! Surely, once saved, they thought, I have eternal security, and the Lord Jesus I once received will not reject those He has taken into His arms.
Gabriel cringed, as though in intense pain, as he too witnessed this awful scene, for the told me that their beliefs would bring them to destruction for they knew Him not!
I asked, “What is the end of these things?”
He said, Those that will hear the words of the witnesses of Jesus and the prophets of the END, will be stirred and be saved throughout the kingdom of the beast. There will be a high level Masons, murderers, bankers, military men, teachers, doctors, laborers, and all the corporations of the beast who will turn over those who receive the mark of the “Sovereign Lord” on their right hand or forehead. Even those who had taken the Oath of the Evil One and those most detestable were among the number!”
As I watched, he said, “Behold, see those who feel secure in their righteousness are lost while these most terrible before men are now washed righteous in the Blood of the Lamb!”
In the spirit, I fell on my face weeping for those who call themselves by the name of the Lord, and the fate they will face in outer darkness.
Suddenly I was back beside the angel Gabriel, and he said, “America is Babylon and the Nations of the Anointing of Israel to bring the gospel to the world. All of these things must come to pass so that all the mercy and justice of a righteous God will be served.”
I again asked, “What will happen to America?”
He said, “Revolution will start when the Evil One is revealed in the Tabernacle, and the holy people are trampled underfoot, with the attack on America and the nations that call themselves after the name of Jesus.” [Pages 70-71]
From: The book “Clay & Iron,” Volume 1, Dr. William Deagle, The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.478.1112, www.prophecyclub.com, ISBN 1-58538-008-3.
102.1 Visions & Warnings, Maps Of Texas & The USA — Maps of Texas and the USA as seen by Hattie and others.
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Map Of Texas—What Hattie Saw In Her Vision
This is the Map of Texas as
Hattie saw it for the duration (two years) of the visions and warnings given to
For many months only the Rio Grande River was involved; then later for only a
month or so, the Gulf Coast tipped into the Gulf of Mexico and was covered with
The names of cities were not mentioned and no absolute details as to where the cut off lines are to be were given. She was explicit about the southern lines being perfectly straight and helped me produce this map insofar as her poor eyesight could relate. She always refereed to the straight southern border map as "ugly Texas" Very close to the end of her life she heard the Words: "I Shall Restore!" and saw the form, (map) of Texas restored back to it's original shape; her comment was. "Oh it is beautiful again!"
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Map Of The United States—What Hattie Saw In Her Vision. The “Yellow” Of America Was Seen By Dumitru Duduman.
This is the map of the United States as seen by my mother, Hattie; Dumitru Duduman, Dell, and Ephraim. The states were different colors on the purchased coin map which means nothing.
California, Florida, all of New York state, and the city of Los Vegas are yellow overlay and were seen by Dumitru Duduman as being "Sodom and Gomorra" and to be destroyed. The blue wavy portions of Texas are as seen by mother. The Mississippi River basin is outlined exactly as Dell saw it by the names of numerous cities that he was given. Mother and Ephraim saw that area to be larger toward the top as the Mississippi drainage area widens. Essentially the entire Mississippi River Valley is to be flooded by the Great Lakes draining through it.
Mother saw two mushroom clouds at the very top of the space and Duduman was told that a place of Russian penetration would be in the state of Minnesota.
The whole area is a well know geologic fault zone with the Madrid Fault underling the whole region. There are countless articles on the Madrid Fault disaster of 1811 on the net.
All of these visions and warnings to mother focus around Isaiah 18 with some references to Revelation 18. Duduman was given all of Revelation 18 and told "This is the United States!" The messages are about how repent unto salvation and how to live a clean life and not about fear.
From: http://www.aarons-advocates.org/map-texas.html .
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Note Russia & China have united and with the agreement of 6 other nations—eventually you will see the invasion of the United States. A missionary in Russia told of one of Russia’s military men revealing their plans to the missionary, of how Russia has been preparing for years now to invade the United States. In the Godly prophetic we now have close to 100 witnesses that have received Godly: dreams, visions and prophetic words from God that it will be permitted—the invasion of the United States because of her sins – especially of abortion. This invasion of the United States will probably happen after 2005 at some point – and within the ten year period from 2003 to 2013. From the Godly prophetic we know from God basically which cities will be bombed, and many other details.]
103.1 Before 1999, Vision, Vision Of Revelation 18 & Uniform Of Russian Officer & Missiles Going To Major Cities — I was asleep one night some six years ago when I awoke in the middle of the night. I got up and looked down and my wife was lying by my side but there I was too. I can only say I was fully conscious, wide awake yet looking at myself in my bed.
I walked out side and stood about fifty feet out in the pasture, in front of my home. I looked back and a man with a long beard looked at me, yet we said nothing to each other. I turned from looking at him and I gazed up into the night sky.
At that moment the whole sky from one end of the horizon to the other became like a big drive-in movie screen; in color.
This is what I saw;
A man who looked mideastern was standing in a uniform. The uniform looked like a Russian officer yet he was definitely mideastern.
Bubbles were rising around him and I surmised he was under water. (a submarine?) The sky then turned back to night, and then another scene appeared.
The sky was daytime and all of a sudden hundreds of jet streams went across the sky, people came out of there house crying and screaming for there worst nightmare had actually come to pass. They were missiles going to the major cities.
At this I awoke from the vision and in the flesh I went outside, awake in the body and kneeled down in the same spot where I saw this vision and began to weep for what seemed like hours. I went into the house, pleading with God, and I opened my Bible, to the page and chapter of Revelation 18. I felt a surge that I would call a 'witness' that God was speaking to me.
Who rules over the kings of the earth; we do (the U.S.A). Who has all the abundance of delicacies; we do. Who says were all gonna be raptured 'out of here' and we will see no sorrow, we do. I believe with out a doubt that God showed me the USA will be destroyed in one hour and then the sun shall be darkened... ship masters shall stand afar of for fear of her torment. Yes, God is going to judge us and it may be any day.
I had this vision before the fall of the USSR and now more than ever, despite what the President tells us, a nuclear war is our biggest threat we have today as a nation. Before I had that dream never asked or thought about end times, yet I feel strongly were are at the hour.
I wrestled with it each day. What was I to do? What could I do? I wondered, Was I deceived? Could it be the enemy? What was going on? I would share my vision with everyone I came in contact with. I wrote 300 letters to every church within a hundred miles warning of the judgment to come.
Two years later, after settling down and serving the Lord in many different ways over time, I was on my way home one day, very excited to have the house to myself. My wife was in Los Angeles. I would praise the Lord and thank Him for the wonderful life He had given me without any interruptions.
I was on my knees playing my guitar praising Jesus when the power of God came in the house. I began to shake and I felt that surge I felt before only this time it was in three specific areas of my body. My foot, my knee, and my hip. It was like rushing water.
Days later I realized I had been healed from three chronic illnesses. I was not asking to be healed I was just thanking God for life. A large bone spur on my heal was gone; A chip in my knee I was to have surgically removed was gone and my constant sore hip was all gone!
While I sat in the chair, basically blown away, I heard a voice clearly say, "Isaiah 10." I turned and picked up my bible and opened it to the exact verse. Don’t let anyone tell you God does not open the Book to the verse He wants to say to you, He has the power!!!
I began to read, Oh Assyrian .... I will send him against an hypocritical nation, Oh God, I yelled why are you doing this to me. I cried.
This is my testimony... I have come to the conclusion the best thing I can do is daily lead everyone I can to the love of Jesus, that is my most fruitful and biblical response I can have to please the one who gave Himself for me. In Love In Jesus Name. Brother Gene
From: http://etpv.org/search.html.
104.1 1999, Vision, Invasion Of Missiles Coming Down On America — In 1999 God showed me an invasion of missiles coming down on America. I saw extremely bloody and sufferings of the people. At that time He showed me that we needed to get serious about our growth and our relationship with Jesus Christ. The reason is because He would need strong Christians, because these strong Christians will minister to others, the suffering and dying ones, to lead them to Jesus before they die.
We have to become unshakable to the sufferings of others so we can minister to them for they are hurting before they physically die.
I knew they were big cities that where bombed: Chicago and Atlanta, wherever there were big bridges, physical bridges.
I saw a lot of weeping and gashing of teeth, it was very sad.
He also said all that we do will be reduced to the motive of “LOVE”…, that’s the ones He will use at that time.
From: Marjorie Glemaker, Fayetteville, NC 28306, 910.424.7522, magglemaker@aol.com.
105.1 02/28, 1999, Dream & Vision, A Nuclear Strike On America & The Deliverance Of God’s People —…I had been studying God's word all day and praying that the Lord would give me a fresh word concerning the storm of His judgment upon America. As I prayed, I fell off into a deep sleep and the next thing I knew, I was standing outside preaching to a great many people of the coming storm. I kept preaching over and over that all who trust in the Lord and believe in His warning should start to prepare themselves for the coming storm. As I preached, many started to prepare, but others just laughed at my words of warning and went on their way. I saw many families split as the ones that didn't believe in the coming storm departed from the ones that believed in God's warnings and were starting to prepare themselves. As I watched the believers prepare; the nonbelievers just went about as nothing would ever happen to them.
I continued to preach of the coming storm to all who would hear the warning. As I preached, we all heard the sound of a large plane going over our heads. As we all looked up, we saw that it was not a plane at all, but an I.C.B.M. nuclear missile on its way to its target. We all watched as the missile crossed the sky and disappeared out of sight. All at once, we saw a very large mushroom cloud going higher and higher into the sky.
I looked at all the people before me and told them the storm was upon us. I then yelled, "All who have trusted in the Lord and His warnings, take cover as God's judgment is now upon this country". I looked once again and the mushroom cloud had now started to recoil back to the earth. I yelled one last warning for all who believed God's warning to take cover. As I watched, I saw all who would not believe the warning just go about as if nothing was about to happen. I started to pray in the spirit as I watched the nuclear cloud cross the land before me, demolishing everything in its path. Just before it reached me, I took one last look to see that all who trusted in the Lord's warnings made it to their shelters.
As I lifted the door of my shelter and went inside, the door closed behind me as the power of the storm hit the ground. As I cleared my eyes, I saw that my whole family had taken God's warning and were in the shelter with me. We all started to praise the Lord for His protection. As I looked around in the shelter there was more than enough food and water to last through the storm. For what would become many months, the storm raged on and we remained in the shelter of the Lord. Each and every day we became closer and closer to the Lord as the things of the world were being stripped away through the storm of His judgment.
All at once, there was a great calm and the Lord moved me to open the door of our shelter. As I prayed in the spirit, I opened the shelter door and stepped outside. As I stepped out, I found myself looking at all the destruction the nuclear strike had caused. I then found myself calling to all who trusted in the Lord's warning to come forth. When I said this, one shelter door after another started to come open and God's people started to come out of the ground untouched. Because they trusted in the Lord's warning, He had kept them through the storm. We all started walking across the land and we could see that all who did not trust in the Lord's warnings, were lost in the storm.
We all started to praise the Lord and I woke up from my dream. For the next few hours, I found myself praising the Lord Jesus for His protection for all who trust in His warnings of the coming storm as I prayed the Lord placed three verses upon my heart all in PSALMS. Psa. 22:4-5, which says, "Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them", they cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were nout confounded. Psa. 32:7-8, which says, "Thou art my hiding space, thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with song of deliverence, "Selah" I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye. Psa. 91:10-11, which says, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plagues come high thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Source —Forest Drake Ministries.]
From: www.now-warning.tripod.com/judgement_America.html .
106.1 Spring Of 1999, Vision, I Saw Missiles Over Denver — In the spring of 1999, I was returning home one Wednesday morning from my usual walk with a friend. She had gone to her home, and as I started down the long hill, toward my house, I had full view of the area of SW Denver called Bear Valley. Suddenly, I noticed a missile come over the front range mountains, drop into the valley area, cruising easterly. It undulated with the ground surface, rising and falling as it moved over the little hill/valley areas. It was about 60–100 feet long, pointed front, small fins on the back, silver in color. As it went in front of me, I could hear only a slight "whirring" sound from it. It maintained a height of about 100 feet above the ground as it traveled along.
My first thought was I needed to get home immediately, but then realized, it would do no good and the Lord would have to keep me where I was. I watched it as it continued to travel east, thinking it was headed to the "Tech Center" in SE Denver. A friend later explained it was probably headed toward the radar bubbles in Aurora, where all of the US smart weapons are coordinated from. I also knew others of these same missiles were coming through the mountains along the 1–70 corridor and Sixth avenue as well, headed for the city. It finally flew past an outcropping of the valley and I could no longer see it.
As I continued my walk home, I realized it was a "vision," not an actual happening at that moment. A couple of thoughts that came to me were (1) nobody was aware of the sudden danger that was happening, (2) and it was such a calm, peaceful, lovely day, that was soon to be in totally chaos. Life was going on as normal.
I feel when it happens, it will be total surprise, and huge devastation and judgment. Only the Lord knows when. Thank the Lord for HIS PEACE in the midst of....
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: This prophecy was on Prophet Dan Bohler’s web site: www.propheticwatchman.com .]
From: www.propheticwhatchman.com/denver_missile.htm or www.agapeharvest.org
107.1 04/12, 1999, Dream, MAP Of USA – Chinese Ready For War — As we were on our way home Friday afternoon from upstate New York, as we had been on Easter Vacation, I dozed off as usual in the van. About halfway home I began to have a extremely vivid vision like dream where I was standing with some Chinese men in military uniforms. They were loading up trucks with nuclear missiles and other weapons and also arming weapons with the missiles. The man in charge said "This should teach Clinton a lesson he will never forget." The man in charge then showed me a map of the United States with large red circles in each place where they were going to attack - I could even reproduce the map he showed me. I looked down over a valley where I saw thousands of Chinese ready for war. The man in charge then shouted "It shall be done!" and they fired their primary weapons, it was so loud that I was slammed awake back into my body and almost fell out of the car seat. Carrie then told me that the news on the radio was talking about China and they were upset because Clinton would not allow them as a trading route until they raised the morals and the way they treat people in their country. So perhaps my dream was induced by the radio which I was hearing subconsciously but the dream was extremely real.
From: www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html or Email:
alandewalton@yahoo.com, or Eaglenet.
108.1 12/25, 1999,Vision, Interstate 35 & 29 From Canada — I saw interstate 35 & 29 from Canada, parachuters in the dark, I received this 12/25, 1999. Bombed Des Moines, IA and Omaha, NE, both we bombed. People were waking up and Russian and German soldiers were breaking into the homes. Western half of Iowa.
108.2 Vision, Washington DC & New York Airborne Attack — I saw like Pearl Harbor but now on New York, airborne attack and Washington DC.
108.3 6 Months Before & 3 Weeks Before 09/11, 2001, Pray — Six months before 09/11, 2001—pray. Three weeks before 09/11, 2001, I saw airborne the attack on New York, the smoke rising up, also saw white drops of righteous.
108.4 Vision, Russian Submarines Along America’s East Coast — I had a vision of Russian subs all along the East Coast of America.
108.5 Des Moines, Iowa Bombs — Des Moines, Iowa will be bombed, yes!
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: In the conversation it came out that apparently there are now more Jews in Des Moines, IO than there are/were in Beverly Hills, and they moved away many from New York/New York City. Apparently the stock market of USA/computers, this is in Des Moines somehow Sara was telling.
From: Sara DeMeulenare, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005, sldemeul@yahoo.com .
109.1 Just Before The 2000 Presidential Elections, Vision, Wars And Rumors Of Wars —
"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." Matthew 24:6
Just before the 2000 presidential elections, a friend who had just returned from an intense season of just seeking and spending time with the Lord, shared with me a dream he had received during his time away. The dream was in regard to the one that would eventually become the president of the United States and the enormous challenges that were ahead for him and the nation after he took office.
After watching the almost unbelievable events that surrounded his actual securing the presidency, and now watching all that has transpired beginning on 09/11, 2001, I am convinced that what my friend saw was surely from the Lord. The dream confirmed what many are now saying has become unquestionably obvious, that George W. Bush was truly ordained of God to become this nation’s president at this defining moment in our history.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
An Iceberg From Top To Bottom, This Came From Arig Manager For Global Marine Drilling, In St.Johns, Newfoundland, They Estimated The Weight At 300,000,000 Tons.
In the vision, my friend saw George W. Bush standing and holding the steering wheel of a large ship. As his father had been, now the son was at the wheel. Scattered throughout the water directly in front of the ship were a number of large icebergs. Some of the icebergs could be easily seen while others were submerged and hidden from sight. It was obvious that any of these icebergs, if hit by the ship, could cause great damage and could even spell disaster. Precautionary and evasive actions to avoid these icebergs had to be taken. On the side of the ship were written the names, Pride and Arrogance. The most noticeable thing about the president in the dream was that he had no eyes.
The president standing and steering the ship can be interpreted by the position he now holds as president. The ship of course is the United States. The name on the side of the ship indicates how we as a nation have become proud and arrogant and are in great need of humility and repentance. Pride always comes before a fall, while humility before God will cause a nation or a people to be lifted up. It is always far better to humble ourselves than to be humbled by the Lord.
The interpretation of why he had no eyes should be fairly obvious because what this president would need in his presidency would be much more than just the ability to see physically. President Bush would need to be able to see with a vision he was not capable of possessing on his own, if he was to successfully steer this nation around and away from the many obstacles and dangers that were waiting ahead. It also became clear that the wisdom and vision that was absolutely necessary would only be given to the president if the church prayed. Many in the church have answered this call and as a result both vision and wisdom has and is being graciously given to our president. Yet many icebergs lie ahead. One of those icebergs is appropriately named, war.
The Coming War — Even before speaking with my friend and again prior to the elections, the church in America was called to an increased amount of prayer and intercession. In our city of Mobile, Alabama, a 7-month 24-hour prayer initiative involving numerous churches was underway. It became apparent that many churches and cities alike had heard this call to prayer, which for the church is a call to arms.
We all recall that as soon as the presidential elections were over, the warfare surrounding the election intensified at a level few expected and that was unprecedented in our nation’s history. And what a war it was! The enemy was at work seeking to do what he is ordained to do. He was seeking, "to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" just as Jesus said he would do. (John 10:10) God’s purposes and people were under attack. However, the intercession of the saints saw Satan’s plots spoiled.
I remember thinking that if this president faced this kind of warfare just being elected, what kind of warfare would he encounter after he was in office. The warfare surrounding his election was indeed authentic but was also symbolic of the warfare that would begin shortly after he took office.
109.2 2000? Dream, Saddam Hussein & Moslems — A few years ago, I had a dream that now makes more sense than ever. In the dream I came face to face with the Saddam Hussein. Somehow, a door had been opened for me to meet him and share the gospel with him. He was listening intently when suddenly a man came out from the darkness. The man reminded me of a monk, probably because he was wearing a long solid black robe. He had a black hood over his head that prohibited me from seeing his face. His robe reached all the way to the floor. I sensed a spirit of gloominess and death surrounding the person who had suddenly appeared.
The uninvited guest then walked closer towards us and stopped between Saddam Hussein and where I was standing. Then, the man in the black robe turned around and pointed at me and loudly and forcefully told me to ‘GO’. In the dream, I did exactly that as I turned and walked away. However, as I turned back to see Saddam Hussein again, I noticed that he looked at me, and with tears in his eyes said to me, ‘send me something’.
I strongly believe that in this dream, Saddam Hussein was representative of all Moslems in general. The man in the black robe no doubt, represented the spirit of Islam, which is no spirit of peace but is in truth a spirit of death and bondage. Saddam’s tears and desire to hear what I was saying spoke of the hunger and openness of many Moslems at this time to the truth of the gospel.
In all that is taking place in this hour, God has a purpose. That purpose is people. This must also and always be the purpose of the church.
The greatest war being fought today is still the war that is being waged over the souls of men and women. This war is the war that we must and we will, win.
"Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:15)
From: Parts of the above article were taken and revised from an article published earlier entitled, “The Coming War” by David White, info@MobileSOS.org or www.mobilesos.org .
110.1 2000, Vision , Statue Of Liberty — I saw the Statue Of Liberty fall on its face, but it wobbled first, and next it fell in the water and sank.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Carol Yoder: This will confirm the 1950’s Evangelist A.A. Allen’s famous vision of the Statue of Liberty and what occurred to her!]
110.2 Spring 2000, Vision, Grocery Store — I saw the people outside of a grocery store, they had carts, they were reading newspapers while waiting to get into the grocery store. The feeling was a food shortage occurred for some reason.
The Lord showed me lots of commodities—supplies, and we were to stock up on these.
It will start out with food shortages, and later commodities. We are to stock up on food and commodities.
I was also shown this again recently, like within the last 3 months of 2005, the Lord Jesus showed it to me again.
I saw in relation to the food shortages, great grabbing, stealing for food. And the Lord revealed that apparently for some there would be miraculous food supply. Like a large grain, God showed me He multiplied it so it seemed like it was never ending. I saw a piece of pie and it was like seven forks were trying to get it.
110.3 Summer 2000, Vision, Buildings Exploded — I saw large massive buildings explode, big part of a city destroyed. I do not know the city here in America. One vision of this was from the ground and another vision was from this air in seeing this occur.
110.4 Summer 2000, Vision, War Planes? — I saw the sky was filled with planes, and I saw military people jumping out of the planes. Soon the sky was filled with parachutes and next I saw them fighting with American people. I watched in horror as they seemed to prevail the American people, against the Americans.
I saw black helicopters.
I saw that the guys doing the fighting and were killing the Americans, they wore red, and they were short men. I felt they were Chinese soldiers.
110.5 Late Summer 2000, Day Vision While Praying, Invasion Of The USA—Submarine Boats — I saw submarine boats coming across the ocean, there were many of them, and they were shooting missiles toward American cities.
110.6 About 2001, Day Vision While Praying, Occult Facility & Torture & Deaths & Even To Some Christians — I saw a large facility under construction, large semi’s on the outside of this facility. There was a conveyer belt to the building. There were dead bodies from the facilities by the thousands, they were stripped of cloths, and they were stacking them on the trucks to take them somewhere.
God showed me in the rooms, they were designing evil, there was evil worship going on. One room had satanic worship, they were burning incense up to Satan.
In another room I saw some Christians/Saints, and the saints were clothed in some robes of white, waiting for their execution it appeared to be. They had machinery that was like new and it would some how bring the body apart, it was green in color.
There is a coming holocaust, God revealed some camps of the enemy that are built to Carol, and she has not released that yet from the Lord. The Lord showed her them. There will even be some torture going on, it is not a pretty sight, for she apparently was allowed to see it in the vision/s God gave to her. In the vision apparently there was cremation, and large incinerator/s she saw in one of her visions. She knew they were used for killing humans.
Three hour vision: One vision, showed a horse and buggy, it was close by to the site of the large satanic facility where the killing was taking place. I saw the scenery around the area, and it was a remote area, there was a “no trespassing sign,” they were working undercover. It was of western scenery, not of the east of the USA. The horse and buggy in the vision went past the driveway of the entrance to this facility.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Carol Yoder: The horse and buggy can mean a number of things, but it could mean that some Amish lived near by or it could mean, what one seer prophet saw and that was that the USA after the invasion would be taken back to living standards of either the 1940’s or 1950’s? We know without gas there will be a huge need for horses again for working and transportation.]
110.7 About A Week Before 09/11, 2001, Vision, Saw Twin Towers Destruction Just Before It Occurred On 09/11, 2001—Twin Towers — Carol received the Twin Tower destruction around a week before 09/11, 2001, she saw two buildings collapsing, and she knew she was to pray, and she knew she was to pray for mercy for America as well.
From: Galen & Carol Yoder, 01/07, 2006 Conference Call, yoder5666@mchsi.com .
111.1 01/24,
2000, Prophecy, War To Come During The Bush Presidency – To The Honorable
President Of The United States Of America, President George W.
Bush — During
the days of your travail during the election war, I had secured your Destiny
and set your path according to my will. For I was with you when you cried
unto me and searched my word for comfort. Now in the Twilight of the Clinton
Legacy I set before you two paths, For all things are revealed unto me in
heaven and earth and I know full well of your allegiances and your covenant
with them who are undistinguishable to the eye of the public. So now I set
before you this. Touch not the legacy of the Clinton. Do not spare
him nor come against him, For during the days of his Presidency he did not give
heed to my council even when I spared him while in office. So now Judgment
is set against him and his confederates and there shall be no escape. This sign
is set for you that you should know that my eye is upon the
gates of Washington and upon the comings and goings of those who rule the land.
Nor will I spare any nation that comes against Israel or forces upon
them the yoke of captivity that they should divide the land and my Holy Mount.
You are descendant of Kings and I have set you over The Land of America
that you should rule it. Test Me! See if by my Spirit I will not establish
these words. Increase to Israel and I will increase America. Divide Israel and
I shall divide America. If you hear me, and take these
things to heart and
consider my Holy name, Then I shall prosper you and all of America unto the
seventh year of your reign. For he who honors me in
Secret will I reward in
public. Even though the Sons of Ishmael seek to
undermine the Economy of
the Eagle and plot against you with grit teeth, I shall cause them great
Travail and place them under your orbit. I will
build your Alliances on
Solid Ground as in the days of your Father and will muzzle the bear. Let it be
known that even though war shall come in the days of your Presidency, I will preserve the
strength of America through it, If you consider my Holy name in all your
Submitted According to his
Will, Alex Puyol
111.2 11/17, 2000, Prophecy, To The Esteemed President Of The United States Of America, President George W. Bush — Hear now the Words of the Living God, you are now President of the United States for I have set you so, nevertheless your heart is lifted up so it will come pass that in the early days of your Presidency I shall cast a stumbling block in front of your Administration to cause you to stumble and you will know that I am God.
For I will sift you and those in your midst for my eye is upon the comings and goings of the White House and I shall not tolerate the iniquity that abides in Washington any longer. For you have made promises that you do not intend to keep and think that the conspiracies of your heart and the Agenda of you and your confederates are unknown.
Therefore says God, I shall reach down and remove the banner of peace from America that War will come during the days of your Presidency.
The burden of this war shall be felt to the very core of the Nation and you shall be render adrift seeking direction. For though you shall assemble great councilors and advisors "Says God" their wisdom shall fall short.
Look to your precious Economy for it is but a house of cards that shall collapse from a wind that I shall bring for a stiffneck Generation that has forgotten that America is a nation under God. For only if you turn this nation toward me "Says God" that I will renew the Strength of America and confound her enemies and give peace to the land.
Take and consider that in the day of your father's Presidency, even the first Day of his Inauguration he acknowledged me in prayer before all of America and the world and thus I acknowledged him and made him the most Powerful man in all the earth that none could stand against him.
Take and consider these words Mr. President for they are not in vain. Delivered According To his Will In his Service, Alex.
111.3 07/17, 2002, Dream, Russia & Cuba Forces Strike Certain U.S. Southeastern Locations — I prayed regarding the dream and the Lord told me to connect the dots, the US government Expenditures the citizen Mobilization. The Lord has only shown us the destruction of the US as we know it, but not the utter destruction of Russia.
The Spirit of the Lord told me that he is going to pull the restraint off of the hearts of the African-Americans and that they are going to rise up in revolt (For a Season) and have already made preparations to do so. When this takes place it is going to scare the life out of the federal government, they have no idea --- it is as if Washington sleeps, Alex.
I have just awoken from a Dream while it is fresh in my mind I will write it down. First there was this spirit that was running around stealing laid up stores of supplies and convincing people that everything was fine and when the store room was bare with just a few cans of soup the dream changed and the following occurred. It started with a call up of anyone with Prior Military service. I saw men as old as 45-50 being given uniforms and loading up on trucks to go to certain checkpoints. It seemed just as soon as that had happened, Russian and Cuban forces struck at certain locations in the southeastern US. But the fight proved more than they thought and they were driven out. Then Suddenly I started seeing pictures of several key US Cities and the people seemed to realize what was taking place and were looking for shelter. Then I saw flashes of each being struck by Nuclear Weapons, the sight was so vivid I watched as people sat in whatever shelter they could find as the end came. Then suddenly the dream started over but a few hours earlier. But this time I was not a spectator but a reservist reporting for duty, as I walked in there were even larger groups of soldiers than in the first dream and I and others were waiting for our uniforms, I then went to the officer in charge and told him that in a few hours the Cubans and Russians are going to parachute in trying to capture a few key places, he replied I know they are headed for some of our Nuclear storage facilities but we have to play things out like in your first dream. I then asked him is there anywhere that is safe? He replied not unless you can make it to Oregon or Washington State. End of Dream.
111.4 08/?, 2002, Vision, Prophets Are My Tools — I saw the Hands of God reach down into a tool box and begin to take various tools out of the Box, The Lord then asked me A Question: Who understands my Wisdom? No one Lord. I replied, The Lord then said: Wrong! You have been given understanding of my ways which is foolishness unto the minds of men, You have been peculiar and different even among the Prophets, For each Prophet is a tool created and honed by me.
My Saints are lively Stones but my Prophets are Tools, They are tools that Grind and Grate, that make smooth and Measure although they are of the same class they are all unique. Can a hammer Accomplish what a Screw Driver can?
Likewise you warn My Prophets that they are not to be judged according to the affairs of men nor through Rote of Scripture but by the utterance of my Voice. For the time is now that I will visit my Prophets and take an inventory of my tool box and any tool not fitted to his task shall I remove and anoint another to take its place. So that any who lay themselves to their own understanding and heed not my voice shall find no place within me.
You tell them that I am the Master Craftsman and they are my tools. The Lord then took that toolbox and set it down. End of Vision. Alex Puyol
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Comment by Stephen L. Bening, I note in reading the final paragraph above, that George W. Bush apparently took heed to this prophecy in his inauguration, as he called upon the Lord his God in prayer, publicly, before the whole world on that day.]
From: Stephen L. Bening at www.angelfire.com/fl3/gammandim/news.html.
112.1 Mid 2000, Vision, Vision Of Phoenix Nuked — This vision was around mid 2000. I was reading about the coming bombing of the U.S. and as I sat down in my rocker to look out my big picture window to reflect about this with the Lord, all of a sudden a laughter came forth from way down inside. I asked the Lord what was so funny about the U.S. being bombed. He then showed me a quick vision of Phoenix being bombed (I perceived it didn’t matter what city) and in the midst of that there were people walking around just fine. I then saw the enemy watching via satellite and was horrified to see people walking around in the midst of what I perceived to be a nuclear bombing. Vision ended. The lord is our high tower and our refuge and our fortress! At this time, I’m awaiting for God’s direction in moving out of Phoenix. Seems I am to be in the mountains somewhere.
From: Gaylene Wolmack.
113.1 08/16, 2000, Prophetic Word, Word Received For United States of America — Overview of warning:
§ The war was coming… And that the U.S. would be humbled. He said this word was coming up very strong in his spirit
113.2 10/24, 2000, Prophetic Word, Word Received For Washington, D.C. — Overview of warning:
§ The Lord has shown me that there will be great and terrible destruction in Washington, D.C. Trouble of every description: fires, explosions, bombs and terrorism
§ The devastation that is going to happen to the military is at the door. We must pray diligently to hold back the darkness so our troops can get into position and the description among them will not be as great
§ There will be so much exposure of rottenness in the government that the angry people and politicians would set off a chain reaction of harm to many people in the government
113.3 10/07, 2001, Prophetic Word, Judgment Has Been Decreed On America — Dr. Bohler has recently preached a message here at Agape Harvest Church in which he has said that judgment has been decreed on America. What he is saying is that America's sin has reached a point of no return and must be judged. In previous messages Dr. Bohler has always called for National Repentance that the Lord might have mercy on our nation - so that judgment might be stayed. When he first toured our Nation with this warning message and call for National Repentance he had some success in starting prayer groups that helped provide this stay of judgment for a time.
Now Dr. Bohler has said that we are at a place where each individual must search his own heart and come to a place of personal repentance in order to come through the judgment that has been set for our country. This is a significant shift in Dr. Bohler's message of warning. It was given on the Sunday morning that the bombing started in Afghanistan (pastor Bohler had no Idea that the bombing would begin that day). It was as if the Spirit of the Lord was telling us that this military action could be just the beginning. It seems as though much of what Dr. Bohler has warned the nation about over the last ten years or so may be right at the door. If you have not seen the Video's Coming Judgment on America 1, Coming Judgment on America 2. and Prophecies of The Coming Darkness, now is the time to secure your copies so that you will be prepared. They are $25.00 each and can be ordered from this site, proceeds help pay our staff and fund our food program.
Dr. Bohler is in no way saying that we should not continue to pray for our Nation, President, and military. He is saying that we have passed a certain point of no return and that it is time to make sure you are right with the Lord. Continue to pray for repentance and Revival. Dr. Bohler is a very patriotic man. He has served our nation in the US Navy as well as being a military Chaplin. Neither He nor any one associated with his ministry takes pleasure in delivering this message to our Nation; it grieves our hearts.
The message America Judgment Decreed Should be available sometime next week . If you would like a copy sent to you as soon as it is done simply send $28.00 ($25 for video $3 for shipping) to the following address and enclose a note requesting the new video America Judgment Decreed. We will try our best to keep as much info online as we can for those that can't afford the video.
113.4 10/24, 2001, Prophetic Word & Vision, Midwest Massive Loss Of Life & Emergency Prayer Alert — The Midwest is going to feel like it is under siege from terrorists. Dr. Daniel E. Bohler has just recorded a special primetime radio show here in Kansas City in which he has issued a warning to the Midwest. This warning includes all of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska. He said that Americans in these states would feel as if they were under siege from terrorists. This warning was independently confirmed to Dr. Bohler by one of His prayer team who was moved upon mightily by the Spirit of the Lord to pray for the Midwest after receiving a vision of awesome fires and explosions in buildings. Pastor Bohler has issued this warning as an emergency prayer alert. He believes that these events could begin BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Please call your church prayer groups and pastors together to pray immediately.
113.5 01/13, 2002, Prophetic Warning, More Terrorist Attacks — Dr. Daniel E. Bohler recently (01-13-02) delivered a 2 part prophetic warning to his church in Blue Springs, MO. He prophesied a massive ice storm and more terrorist attacks. The Ice storm hit Kansas City on 01/31 and was the worst ever in the city's history. He said that when the ice storm hit it would let us know that the second half of his prophecy (more terrorist attacks) would also come to pass. You need to download and install Windows Media Player 7.1 to listen to the clip below:
From: http://www.propheticwatchman.com/windowsmedia/Ice%20Storm%20Doc.wmv .
113.6 05/02, 2002, Prophetic Word, Warning To The Nation To Prepare & Pray – The Enraged Enemy Of Darkness Will Begin To Make His Move — In the late 90's Dr. Daniel E. Bohler was sent by the Lord on a tour across our nation warning that judgment was coming without national repentance and prayer. In every city he visited he would give a prophetic warning. These warnings included great storms, crime waves, floods, hurricanes, terrorism and more. To show the people that what Dr. Bohler was proclaiming was from the Lord many of these prophetic warnings would begin to happen immediately after Dr. Bohler had left the city. Now Dr. Bohler feels it is time to warn these areas that the rest of what He warned these cities of is about to be fulfilled. To find out more about Dr. Bohler and the documented fulfillment of his prophecies, order the video Prophecies of The Coming Darkness.
Dr Bohler writes... Warning to the nation. Prepare and pray. The enraged enemy of Darkness will begin to make His Move.
04/24, 2002 – Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Mobile, The Mississippi Delta Area, Atlanta, New Orleans, Huston, San Francisco. Seattle, Portland: I have preached in all these cities with the exception of San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland, prophesying great destruction and Demonic activity. We have seen many of these prophecies come to pass over the last three years. Now I ask you to be on alert - to look for the rest of what was prophesied to happen. There are deceptive plans of the enemy to do these areas great harm.
The terrorist siege that I saw coming to the Midwest was slowed and hampered by the prayers of many who responded to that warning. Now a siege of a very deceptive nature is about to come to the areas listed above. The enraged enemy of darkness will begin to make his move against these areas. You will also see cataclysmic events begin to increase.
When I put forth the prophecy concerning the danger and problems coming to our nations railroads it was only three months before this prophecy began to come to pass with an awesome train derailment in Florida and a train collision in California. Just like the prophesy of these train collisions this prophecy is at the door. We will now see great storms come that will interrupt some of the enemies plans but this will only be accomplished through prayer.
I have also received a confirmation concerning the prophecy that I gave on my tour in the late 90's concerning a massive earthquake along the New Madrid Fault line. A prophet from Europe who I respect has said the Lord has shown him that if Bush allows the peace negotiators to divide the city of Jerusalem between the Palestinians and Israel we will see a massive earthquake in America that will split our country. We need to pray that President Bush will stand behind Israel. Thank You, Dr. Bohler
From: BMagnified@aol.com .
113.7 07/06, 2002, Inspired Word, Nuclear Disasters Planned & Midwest Quake & California Quake — After a long season of prayer Dr. Bohler believes that the terrorists are planning some type of nuclear disasters. He wants people to fast and pray against it. He has also mentioned that he believes that Bush's recent speech which seemed to call for the removal of Arafat may have given us more time before the Midwest earthquake. Dr. Bohler has stated repeatedly that when our President pushes Israel to divide Jerusalem that's when our country will be divided by an earthquake. Many people evolved with this ministry are praying for our President to make the right decisions concerning Jerusalem. Please join with us. Continue to pray for California. Dr. Bohler is still sensing that they are in danger of an earthquake hitting offshore causing flooding for that region.
113.8 11?/2003, Prophetic Warning Word, U.S. Protection Removed & Revival — Dr. Daniel E. Bohler - Brother Dutch Sheets, recently in a revival, released a prophetic word and it penetrated my very soul. God had shown him as well as Norvil Hayes, as well as myself, as well as Benny Hinn that this great revival is going to be between the ages of 20 and 45. The youth. Now hear me. I'm leading up to something. He wanted this word confirmed unmistakably. Brother Dutch Sheets did when he went to Washington. When they had different one reading the Bible in front of the Rotunda. Reading it into the very heavens. Reading it into the land before the microphone. Someone came up to Brother Dutch and said Brother Dutch will you read the Bible. He said let me pray about it. And he said Amen, it's done. And he didn't know that when he said that--you'll read the Bible in the morning at 2:00am. He went alone with the Lord. He said Lord, if I've heard from heaven that this is going to be a great and mighty outpouring among the youthfulness of this nation in the ages of 20 and 45. This is where it's going to be God, and when I read the Bible in the morning before the microphone in front of the Rotunda in Washington, D.C. let it be that I read either Habakkuk or Haggai. Friend I want you to know only God in heaven could have worked it out because you see there were people reading every 15 minutes around the clock. He stepped up to the mic the next morning and he got ready and they asked him if he would like to read in Haggai and Habakkuk. Either one of them. Hey listen to me. God let him read both of them confirming unmistakably that he had heard from heaven.
I got a confirmation in the mail yesterday from a dear friend who was carried up into the heavens. He's my brother in the Lord. I know his life of prayer. I know his dedication and what he's gone through and the persecution that he's suffered in order to be the man of God that he is. Now listen to me. He said I was awakened this morning at 9:00am. Then I turned TV. on to the FOX news channel in time to see the removal of the Ten Commandments from it's location in Alabama. The next news article that appeared was a story on how today on the day that they removed the Ten Commandments which was 08/27th, 2003 was the very day that planet Mars was closest to the Earth, especially the United States, in over 60,000 years according to the astrologers who keep such records. While he was sitting there my friend was carried up into the spirit. He left his body. He went up into the heavens and he saw his body sitting on the couch. He found himself suspended in the air over America and he saw a great white wall surrounding the nation, the United States. It was a wall of protection around this nation that had been placed there by God Almighty Himself. The great white wall had many cracks in it but it was still intact in guarding the nation. The wall had been removed in an instant and was completely gone. No more wall of protection was around our nation. As God vividly let him see this in this suspended vision he heard the voice of God speak to him and say "Today this nation had demonstrated it will declare war on me. The God of the Bible and the author of the word on the rock that they chose to remove by force of their new law what's right in their own eyes, this demonstration by the rulers of America is direct declaration of war upon me and my righteousness." Then I heard "Therefore I do remove the wall of protection from this nation and it will not be rebuilt."
From: http://www.propheticwatchman.com/revival1.htm .
113.9 Prophetic Word, Heard 9.2 Three Times—Prophet Dan Bohler mentioned a lady who received prophetic, the words 9.2, she got it like 2 or 3 times, she apparently saw the Mississippi area drain the Great Lakes and what appeared to be a separation of the USA in that area, it was deeper than the Grand Canyon, and it was mentioned that no bridge will be built across it...
( I am not saying that the USA was split in two but there was a huge area now that looked like a grand canyon... some will probably think the USA got split in two but that is not always the case.)
Prophet Dan Bohler told the Christian sister that "I saw almost the same thing."
Dan Bohler called Pastor Bill Ligon at Christian Renewal, Brunswick, GA and revealed this word to him.
Eleanor told me about Jesse Duplantis taken up to the 3rd Heaven, while up there he was allowed to see spirits that God had created, there were all these spirits by the Throne of God asking "Can I come to the Earth, can I go?"
113.10 01/27, 2006, Jesus Christ Revelation—Prophetic Word, If Roe vs. Wade Is Not Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur Before Year 2010—If Roe vs. Wade Is Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur After Year 2010 —“As I was praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke this admonition to the Church: "If my people will begin to cry out in intercession for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade I will overturn this case by the end of the year 2007. I have warned my Prophets and Prophetesses of the coming invasion of America by the year 2010. I will have mercy on you America, and postpone this invasion, if you repent for the bloodshed of your most innocent!!!” —Prophet Daniel E. Bohler
During the 04/12—04/14, 2006 Washington DC Christian intercession meeting God allowed one of His well seasoned Apostle Seer Prophets to discern and release a prophetic word from HIM to His Church. This revelation was about if Roe vs. Wade was turned around by the end of 2007 that there would be no invasion of the USA until after 2010 and it was given to Prophet Daniel E. Bohler. The Apostle Seer Prophet talked about a visit of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ—prophetic given, the Spirit of the Lord spoke this admonition to the Church. Prophet Daniel E. Bohler: “Jesus visited me this year… year 2007 was mentioned and if Roe vs. Wade changed God would delay to after 2010. (Comment not by Dan Bohler or Nita Johnson: When the Apostle Seer Prophet spoke about this the first time during the meeting at some point, I felt the Apostle Seer Prophet was referring to a delay in the invasion war of the USA on her homeland soil that we now have over 200 Christians who have received prophetic details about, but it was not stated fully at that time that it was about the invasion war, however it was hinted to heavily. Furthermore, the second time the Apostle Seer Prophet spoke about it later in the meeting, the Apostle Seer Prophet was more clear and clearly expressed that the invasion war to the USA could be delayed if conditions were met regarding Roe vs. Wade being turned around before the end of 2007.) By some communication method, the revelation given to prophet Daniel E. Bohler was communicated to this Apostle Seer Prophet and in the communication it was expressed about Jesus visiting him with regards to Roe vs. Wade whether in person or by prophetic revelation. The impression I received from the first communication in the meeting was that if we in America got Roe vs. Wade reversed before the end of 2007, it appears the invasion war that has been prophesied would be delayed to after 2010.
The second time the Apostle Seer Prophet mention in the meeting about this subject, I took notes as quickly as I could and here is what I was able to get to paper, it may not be word for word but it is very close. Apostle Seer Prophet stated: “If we will intercede to stop abortion by the end of 2007 God will prevent war coming to beyond 2010! Not necessarily a terrorist attack. (Meaning terrorist attacks could occur during this time.) If we (meaning USA Christians) do not pray and stop it, we will see war sooner than later. (Meaning that the invasion war to the USA would occur before 2010!) If America continues to kill (Meaning abort babies), will suffer war (Meaning on our homeland soil the invasion of the USA). We need to pray like never before, we’ve got to the end of 2007.”
During the last day of the meeting in D.C. the Apostle Seer Prophet spoke that we Christians are to have an atmosphere of faith, not fear. Our hearts are to be filled with faith. This is what God will do in this hour. He will fill our heart, mind, soul with a most profound faith! Men, women and children, His Church—but the world will not know this faith. Hard times, real hard, but no fear. We will meet the difficulties as a child in daddy’s arms. He is not going to let you walk through this alone. No matter your past, your future: faith, hope and love; you will overcome.
Also spoke about America joined to work with wickedness every time a covenant made with devil, Satan—when an abortion occurs. Satan’s desire to make himself god has become part of the heart of America. When we are so deceived to take life—and now cloning—strong desires to take God’s place and be like God.
The Apostle Seer Prophet spoke about revelation given about President Bush and that he was created for five major foundational things for the USA, one was another opening on the Supreme Court and the a second one was: Roe vs. Wade to be overturned! The other three were not revealed yet.
The Apostle Seer Prophet spoke of a vision given in the early part of 2005: “Lord showed me early part of 2005, back in the days of slavery America was to face destruction—so complete—destruction that the nation would be “no” more; but because of great love for purpose—He raised up Abraham Lincoln—he was a gift from God to America—he is the only reason America is today!” “As I did that in the days of Lincoln, done it again. America on the verge of destruction, I raised up a man to save this nation, George Bush—he was given to the USA to save during perilous times.” Church needs to intercede!
Also, God’s Apostle Seer Prophet spoke about a vision that was received: “… I heard hundreds—thousands of babies crying in terror. Vision of untold numbers of aborted babies. This is the reason for the Twin Tower (09/2001) collapse. Disciple on this nation (USA) for abortion.
04/14, 2006, God’s Apostle Seer Prophet spoke of another vision received and here are my fast notes: “Faces on the things of this world He was behind them. But did not notice Him. I saw a man without God, world leaders, men who lusted after power and money. Lusted after material gain and fame. There was such a driving lust… that it drove them to the altar of Baal… it just grew and grew, controlled all passion of their being—it still grew, love of power and money, out of control. All were expendable for the sake of their idolatry. How can they do what they do to these babies, even the unborn expendable for the sake of their power, altars toward Baal, loving all that was profane… until they became so profane. Like man edged in wickedness! Then in sharp contrast I saw Elijah enter in, he came and knelt down, revered throughout all the Church Age, after… Jewish for generations… But he came in and knelt down before God. He bowed his head, his soul in such deep humility he did this because he realized he was unclothed—naked. He was man but naked. Kneeling before… presence before God, because of his profound nakedness before God, he knew about the altars, he knew about the men worshiping Baal—he was alone against… and he was naked kneeling before God. After a great length of time God blew His breath upon Elijah—clothed—he wore the authority, power, glory to deal with the prophets of Baal. He could now arise in great authority and boldness against the devils trying to steal God’s people. He came to not destroy altars of Baal but to build altar to worship God and honor YHVH. He built an altar not to glorify self but God of Israel. He made the worship almost impossible, been in God’s presence and who he served. Not about the altars but the majesty of God. After finishing, the man could not light the fire, Elijah knelt down bowed his head and humbly prayed. Before the devils he was bold, but before God he was broken. God sent His fire… and God destroyed the altars of the evil devil. I do not know what that means. We must come to God to remember what we are without HIM. Remember how wonderful He is—we must stand in awe of Him! Like Elijah we will wait till we are clothed with power on high—wait for God’s instruction! And what He will do. Can’t go to God with a proud heart but broken. Cry out for the unborn and the nation that has lost its way. You, Oh Lord, destroy the altar of iniquity. We shall offer up a contrite heart… for our nation—next generation.
Later an e-mail was sent out to the Intercessors and here is what was in it:
04/19, 2006, After the DC Meeting Nita Johnson Send Out This Recap: DC, Gathering of the Eagles, Passover 2006, Nita Johnson—We are so excited about the things the Lord did in the spring Gathering. We concluded our journey through the African American Experience in the United States by repenting of the atrocities of the Civil Rights Era as well as Bills and Laws that were passed over the centuries which kept them in bondage in their new home. The torrents of tears that flowed as the Lord touched our hearts with His pain and sorrow over these issues sounded like a mighty river released from a pent up dam. Jesus was identifying with the heart of man we as humans could never touch without Him. We were all deeply thankful for the privilege of sharing in His passions for a moment.
Once we finished the trail of the African American Experience we shifted gears as the Lord had prophetic words and blessings to release upon the African American race and the Chinese that were present. So we moved into the prophetic. This also was an amazing experience. Once the African American Ministers present fell and hurt herself and could barely walk. But during the release of the prophetic unction she was healed as a statement of what the Lord is about to do in the African American Community.
As we moved onto the Chinese Church the Lord released marvelous prophecies about what He is soon going to do with that Chinese Church in America. The Spirit of the Lord so testified of the truths of the amazing prophetic Words that people were trembling, weeping and going down under the power.
Next we ventured onto the abortion issue. Oh my, what an outpouring of God we experienced then. It was like and explosion from heaven. It was as though the Lord had been waiting all this time for us to finish the other concerns so we could move onto this concern. We wept and repented, and wept some more as we moved ever deeper into the Lord’s own sufferings for the babies who are His little martyrs.
After our repentance the Lord wanted to heal the sufferings of those who were among us who had themselves had abortions -- not knowing how great a wrong they had done at the time. They had believed the lie the world uses to justify their crime against the unborn. But, as the truth was laid bare these people entered into so much pain the Lord wanted to heal them in His mercy. So we took time to allow Him to do that. This too was a marvelous part of the service.
As we finished the weeping over the abortions, the Lord made clear that a terrible altar had been established upon which these babies were being sacrificed. It was an altar established to the worship of man. Before we concluded the services the Lord gave us liberty to smash this altar and destroy its power over America which we did. His Spirit helping us and working through us accomplished the destruction of this vital altar.
The day revival fell I was taken up into the Spirit. I was shown the ultimate decadence of man naked before God. I saw him rising to worship at the foot of the above mentioned altar to worship his own image. It was hideous to see the passionate lust and pride driving the souls of men. Then I was taken to see Elijah who was in another room kneeling before the bright presence of God in humble worship. In a moment the Lord sent His breath upon Elijah and he was clothed from on high. He arose to challenge the prophets of Baal.
As I shared the experience with the people everyone rose from their seats and knelt down and wept before God for humility and forgiveness for their secret sins. Deeper and deeper the pleas entered in before our Lord, pleas for humility to approach His presence.
After this, I was taken in the Spirit to Acts, Part II. I stepped right into the release of the second book of Acts as will be displayed in our day. I was standing in the streets of Israel with the Apostles watching the history changing event. I felt His presence and gazed upon the working so of His Spirit as it was then and as it will be soon enough in the world. Oh it was marvelous! Honestly I did not want to return to the GOE. It was just too extraordinary to be in the world of the Apostles during the great outpouring, but experiencing a double measure as we will see today.
Before the night came to an end, the cloud of glory, the size of a man’s hand came into the meeting and revival was released. It didn’t feel like a small amount, but rather overwhelming. The fire came and few of us could stay on our feet. I would honestly say that within say 15 minutes at the longest, 80% of the people in the room were on the floor. God did great things in our midst, just as He had promised.
Later Jesus told me that a “paradigm shift” had taken place in the Nation and in the GOE’s. The Nation and the Gatherings will never be the same again. To all those who paid the price to walk with us to bring revival to America, we thank-you! In the fall Gathering we will see a much greater display of His glory for which we will stand in awe.
We praise Him for His faithfulness. We have labored long and hard for over 5 years for this moment and it finally came…
In His Amazing love, Nita (LaFond) Johnson
After returning home from the D.C. meeting and checking the Internet for Prophet Daniel Bohler’s prophetic word, sure enough what the Apostle Seer Prophet stated was at Dr. Dan Bohler’s website along with information that a waterspout in the major Revival has opened up in Michigan already. If you desire Prophet Dr. Bohler to come to your city please contact his ministry and your request will be prayerfully considered. Call 816.697.2393 or 816.697.2513 or write Agape Harvest Ministry, PO Box 1415, Blue Springs, MO. 64013. Revival Is In The Land of America! Revival has broken out in Montague, MI. If You would like to go contact Pastor Gary Kozicke at 231-893-8900.
Dr. Bohler has been in Michigan since 03/22, 2006. God has brought breakthrough to the people. Sunday morning, the Spirit of Repentance fell on the people and the altars were full of people weeping before the Lord! Marriages were put back together, drug addicts delivered, Miracles, Healings and Salvations!!!! God is awesome and He is stirring the waters! Please pray. Pray that people will come and lives will be changed by the Power of God. Pray for strength for Dr. Bohler. God is Faithful!!!
Revival Continues In Montague, Michigan!!!—This is the third week of Revival at Christ The Rock World Harvest Church, 6985 Indian Bay Road, Montague, MI 49437. For More Information call (231) 893-8900 or (231) 329-1173. God is bringing people from different States to this revival. His Presence is Glorious as He shows himself strong. Come and be a part of this great move of God! A year ago God had me prophesy that they would see waterspouts on the lake and when they saw them they would know that waterspouts of God's glory would come to the churches in that area who wanted Him. Pastor Kozicki has a video of the waterspouts on the lake.
01/27, 2006, Roe vs. Wade & Years 2007 and/or 2010 —As I was praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke this admonition to the Church: "If my people will begin to cry out in intercession for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade I will overturn this case by the end of the year 2007. I have warned my Prophets and Prophetesses of the coming invasion of America by the year 2010. I will have mercy on you America, and postpone this invasion, if you repent for the bloodshed of your most innocent!!! In My Judgment, I will remember Mercy"... —Prophet Daniel E. Bohler, www.propheticwatchman.com
10/10,2005, Loud Sonic Boom—I was laying down resting when all of a sudden I heard a loud sonic boom!!! It startled me, I thought that an earthquake had occurred. I sat straight up in bed, my hands shot straight up in the air and I cried out with a loud voice, God have mercy!! The Lord spoke to me and said, "What you have just heard is the platelets of the earth shifting in the Central part of the United States. There will be a mercy before Judgment Earthquake. When this happens you will know that the big Earthquake you prophesied which will split this Nation right down the middle, if they split Jerusalem will happen just as I have told you."
09/06,2005, Full Cup Principle—Three issues that the Nations are dealing with currently are:
Reaping and Sowing Principle—We are in the Full Cup Principle. We have strong-armed
Israel to give Land for Peace and to split Jerusalem, we have touched the apple of God's eye. The Earth is belching out the filth and rottenness we have sown.
Judgment of God is in the Land. The government won't judge their sin and repent, The Church will not judge her sin and repent, the pride of the Church is a stench in the nostrils of God. We are reaping what we have sown. Galatians 6:7
God's Divine Countdown—We are now in the time of God's acceleration.
Pray that God's mercy will over shadow the entire area. As events unfold you may want to order the video “The Next Great Earthquake and Jerusalem a Cup of Trembling.”
09/01, 2005, Cataclysmic Events To Increase By 30 Fold—All of the cataclysmic events that have occurred in the last few years, up until this time will increase by thirty fold. The Earthquakes and Volcano eruptions that have been prophesied are close at hand. The ones that I have prophesied about the New Madrid Fault line, Northern West Coast, Yellowstone, Kansas City, Denver Co, Charleston S.C., Tsunami on the East and West Coast, also the massive eruption of Mt. Taylor in New Mexico. I have prophesied the United States would lose many cities and without Divine Intervention, we will see this come to pass at an accelerated rate. We must repent of our pride and turn from our selfish ways. We must cry out for Mercy!
It is now time to fast and pray, as we have never done before. In the midst of all this, God is bringing miracles, signs and wonders. Ps 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread".
07/11, 2005, Tsunami—The Tsunami that went back out to sea off the California coast was the Mercy of God before Judgment. The State of Florida will keep experiencing volatile weather, as Hurricanes continue to affect the State.
03/2005, Prophetic Warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!—Dr. Bohler believes the tsunami he prophesied to hit the Northern portion of California and Oregon is at hand. As of this week 4,500 shakings have been recorded in the Ocean off the Northwest coast of the U.S. This started seven days ago. Please pray that God will hold this back to give His people a chance to be warned and seek safety. The tsunami for the East Coast is also at the door as we speak!! These are perilous times, but the Lord God Almighty is in control.
10/19, 2003, Prophetic Warnings From God—(Comment ‘not’ by Prophet Dan Bohler: Christians need to remember when God gives a warning, if some Christians will confess and repent—called ‘stand in the gap,’ God can and will either remove, delay or lighten a warning. So when you read prophetic from God take into consideration that some intercession could have been done and God has either removed, delayed, or lightened a righteous redemptive judgment. In the case of the soon future invasion of the USA and such things as financial loss, stock market crashes, and or destructions, these are coming but some have been delayed because of Christian intercession—thank God! Do not get mad at God because He was gracious and kind to delay judgment and do not falsely accuse one of His true prophets because the prophesied warning did not come to pass as scheduled because godly intercession and repentance occurred by some Christians—instead be thankful the warning did not occur (soon enough you will see many more destructive events occur and you will wish they were delayed but they will not be delayed any longer for time is running out in this season)! Christians need to advance in their understanding of how God functions in these vital prophetic warning matters. In short, in the Old Testament Prophet Jonah gave forth a judgment warning but with much repentance Nineveh’s destruction was delayed, eventually the destruction did come, but it was much later—like over 100 years later… however this huge length of time will not occur for the USA at this point in history, the righteous redemptive judgment for the USA will come in a very short period of time because the Book of Revelation must be completed and we only have a limited amount of time left before the Millennium Period starts where the Jewish Messiah King Jesus Christ comes to rule for a 1,000 years. So keep all this in mind when reading prophetic. Two powerful Prophets of God a few years ago received correct prophetic from God that a major very serious huge earthquake would hit California by the end of a past year date, but some Christians did intercession & repentance and this awful earthquake has been delayed; ignorant Christians who do not understand how God functions in these matters could falsely accuse these true prophets of God because the earthquake did not occur when it was prophesied it would, but ones who have this attitude in the Body of Jesus Christ do not understand that God has the ‘legal right’ to delay a righteous redemptive judgment, for He did that with Nineveh—when they repented! End of personal comment!)
This nation of Christians will get a chance to return back to Me, to their First Love and agape one another, and if they don’t do it, if they don’t, you’ll see cataclysmic events in the financial arena like you’ve never seen. God says that by 2005 you’ll see it like Dr. Hagin said, that there is great judgment coming. God says the church can be spared of such unusual and unheard of financial, cataclysmic events if they will understand their Source and agape one another and agape Me. Be real and transparent. They can avoid this great and this awesome event that is coming. They can come through it in victory! They can come through it successfully! And the whole nation around about that is crumbling in financial pain will ask “How do you make it? How in the world do you keep smiling? How do you keep going on paying your bills?” And you will say “My God, my Father, my First Love is taking care of me! Let me tell you what He’s about!” And God says that we are on a journey between now and 2005. That every indication that can possibly be given you, will be given you because I love you so much that this shaking is coming. That this awesome trembling of the whole financial arena’s of this Nation is going to shake. You’ll see a Nation rise up after 2005. You’ll see it rise up from ashes of shame and poverty that has come to it in a time of war when every nation will want to bury you and as you fight for your very lives, says the Lord of Hosts, not only in prayer but in the military from every sector you’ll see Me come. But it will not be without a great price, says the Lord. I have come to a place that I must do what I must do for I see the whole picture, says the Lord. Rise up! Decide who you are going to be! I’ll be right there with you to point you in the direction that I have for you, says the Lord. Be My holy people. Be My humble people. Be that to which I can mold and make with the potter’s wheel to do My will in this earth. For you are coming to a time of the end, says the Lord. The years are now getting shorter and shorter. I would have liked to have already come but now it seems that is has been delayed in your eyes, but I’ve been on time, says the Lord. I see it all from the beginning to the end. Rise up and be a people of God! By faith, through humility and love, live for Me. Take this message to all of your friends and loved ones in the body of Christ for you don’t have much time to find out where you’re going to place yourself with Me. God says, get your house in order! Manage it! Supervise it! Look to Me for everything for I am the One Who supplies all your needs! Not you! Company after company will crumble during this time. You will see unemployment as it approaches 2006, in a most unheard of condition. You’ll see degradation! Men who you thought were holy will turn all out mad at God and you! But you, rise up and praise Me and stay humble before Me for I have spoken, says the Lord. Live for Me. I am the Holy One of Israel. I have chosen to speak to My people to warn you of the years ahead. Be still and know that I am God!
Lord, we thank you that the banks in this nation that are hiding the money for terrorism and falsifying accounts, that it will be revealed. And these banks will come down, says the Lord. These banks will be exposed and they will know that they have been brought down by their own foolishness, says the Lord. And the Lord says, that in the midst of all this, you will remember the prophecy. God says, that I am going to turn loose My destruction and My way of doing things, in the prison system, until every shackle is broken and every illegal mechanism that functions in the prison system have been exposed and broken. God says, I’m going to expose the Senate and the House of Representatives. I’m going to expose the Pentagon and I’m going to expose every area of illegality in this Government and it’s going to be treaded down before the people. You will wonder if there is anybody, anyplace, anytime who could ever be elected to anything that you can trust; but when you come to this place you will know that I am coming! The One that’s going to rule everything! I am coming, says the Lord! I am coming! As I told you in My Word, I am coming and I am going to set this thing straight, says the Lord of Hosts! I am coming to My Church with cleansing and purifying power!
I am going to expose every University in this nation that’s being held together with illegal funds from illegal sources of rich drug lords and law breakers. I’m going to expose it all and I’m going to bring it down, says the Lord. I’m going to shut down whole institutions that have done nothing but corrupt and hinder My work in this nation. And I’m going to do it because My remnant won’t quit praying and won’t quit believing. That’s what I’m going to do, says the Lord. If I can’t do it right I cannot answer your prayer right, says the Lord. I’m going to do it.
Every thing that can be shaken is going to be shaken in the Nation until this Nation rises up to be the people that I have called you to be! You are giving Me permission through your prayer and intercession to break the back of this hellacious devil, this hellacious principality and power of darkness that holds your Nation in bondage with hundred and hundreds of millions of dollars of illegality in the drug world. Holding whole cities in bondage and paying off mayors and congressmen and senators so that they will do what they tell them, says the Lord. That time is now coming to an end! I am now going to intervene, says the Lord of Hosts!
I’m about to invade the sports arena. I’m about to invade it from every corner of this Nation. It has become a god to even My Christians and I say to you now, you will see the sports arena’s fight for their very lives to have a crowd to come, because I’m about to expose all their gambling and corruption and all of their illegalities. And I’m about to break down those false gods of this Nation so that the True and Living God can reign!
There’s coming a revival, but it is coming in the midst of a shaking and if you don’t know your God you’ll be afraid, but you’ll have to say “I have no fear! I have no fear!”
I predict today and prophesy that Rush Limbaugh will preach the gospel! I say that he will carry the gospel to the ends of the earth! I speak forth today that he will yell it forth from the highest corners and he will pack stadiums and he’ll pack buildings and he’ll tell it like it is says, the Lord of hosts. I say today with the anointing of the Holy Ghost that God is going to raise up some men and women of God who are going to stand for Truth and righteousness and they will not be converted because of some paycheck to a Godless way! I predict it in the name of Jesus! I predict it! —Prophet Daniel E. Bohler
In 01/2001 Dr. Daniel E. Bohler, host of the national television show “The Prophetic End Time Watchman” and pastor of Agape Harvest Church in Blue Springs MO., prophesied the following warnings to his city and to the nation. Within these prophecies were detailed warnings of the terrorist attacks which have already come to pass. These prophecies can be divided into two main classifications: Warnings of coming disasters, such as terrorism and catastrophic storms, and detailed instructions to guide believers in their prayers and actions. For easy reference these prophecies have been divided into 10 categories:
1. Warning of terrorist attacks
2. Warning of middle east war and conflict
3. Warning of great natural disasters & famine
4. Warning to America’s school system
5. Warnings of disruption at the inauguration
6. Warning to America’s church
7. Warning of American economic trouble
8. Warning To Military
9. Warning to Kansas City
10. Prophetic instruction and exhortation to the Church of America
The Pentagon was attacked by terrorists on 09-11-01 fulfilling a prophetic warning spoken by Dr. Bohler on 01-19-01. “Don't go into Federal Buildings unless you have to.”
New York’s Twin Towers were attacked by Terrorists on 09-11-01 fulfilling a prophetic warning spoken by Dr. Bohler on 01-19-01.
[Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Eleanor: We know that we were created as spirits before we were put in our mother's womb and grew as a baby, we know that you had to qualify to come to the Earth... not all spirits qualified. We know that it is serious this life that we live down here... for you can return to God or end up in Hell forever by your choices... it is very serious down here... this testing place of choices. We know in Job that God tells Job that he was around when the earth was created, that was long before Job was born in his mother's womb... we know of other verses as well... We all came from God, it is wise to get very serious and get back to God for eternity, for Hell was never created for humans, but it is enlarging itself often for all those who insist on going there by their choices. We at some point after our birth, on into a couple of years started to forget about Heaven and God... it seemed to have been taken from our memory, but it is logged in our spirit! Get serious about God, you want to get back to Heaven where you once enjoyed HIM in safety... forever. This is a serious life we live down here, not to be taken lightly--for you must overcome to the end of your life. In heaven we must have felt we could handle this life on earth, but we have all come to learn that we cannot handle it at all except in Jesus our Saviour. Most do not realize they were once in heaven and enjoyed the beauty of God there... lets hurry and go back home as soon as God can get us all back in the destiny of each of our lives... make God your first priority and behold Him daily...]
From: Eleanor Matthews Bato, eleanormathews@aol.com.
113.11 07 & 08/2006 Prophetic Reformation & The Fire Of Revival Newsletter by Nita (LaFond) Johnson, Jesus Christ Revelation—Prophetic Word, If Roe vs. Wade Is Not Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur Before Year 2010—If Roe vs. Wade Is Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur After Year 2010 —
War: “However, preparing for revival was not the only instruction given in the three hour visitation back in the year 2000. We were told to labor and weep until the Nation could have a postponement of war. Since then we have wept over the atrocities against the First Nations People, and the African American People, the various inappropriate laws that fight against righteousness, our media, our justice, etc. Now we, along with most other major prayer ministries, are interceding for and weeping over the abortion issue. Millions of babies have been lost—America’s future generations are being stolen by the doctor’s scalpel. The blood of the innocent is wailing in our streets and market places because our babies are being slain without mercy. This present atrocity must stop! The Lord visited a friend of mine by the name of Dan Bohler and told him that if the intercessors would weep and pray and as a result see Roe vs. Wade overturned, He will hold back war from American shores for a considerable time past 2010. He will give us peace and not allow the enemy to prevail against us for an extended season.
We are not finished weeping until America’s unborn babies are once again safe in their mother’s womb.”
From: 07 & 08/2006 “Prophetic Reformation & The Fire Of Revival” Newsletter by Nita (LaFond) Johnson, page 3.
113.12 07 & 08/2006 Prophetic Reformation & The Fire Of Revival Newsletter by Nita (LaFond) Johnson, Jesus Christ Revelation—Prophetic Word, If Roe vs. Wade Is Not Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur Before Year 2010—If Roe vs. Wade Is Reversed By The End Of Year 2007 The Invasion Of The USA Will Occur After Year 2010 —
Washington DC Gathering Of The Eagles, Passover 2006, “Gathering In The River Of God!” War: “God has instructed us to intercede over a tragic modern day holocaust; Abortion. There was a time when I didn’t think the average American needed to have any more education on the subject of abortion. However, after our Washington DC GOE, I now realize how wrong I was. We saw aspects of the abortion issue that were more than sobering, and we prayed like we have never prayed before. We prayed in repentance, we prayed for our Nation, we prayed for those who had taken part in this terrible holocaust. The Lord ministered to and healed many who had been subjects of this kind of medical practice in the past. It was both a terrible and yet a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord.
My friend Dan Bohler says that Jesus appeared to him and told him that America has until the end of 2007 to overturn Roe v. Wade. So, we will be praying over this until we see victory. Dan further said: If our Nation succeeds in this endeavor, the Lord will hold back war well beyond 2010. So, it is a noble war to be fought and won.”…
From: 07 & 08/2006 “Prophetic Reformation & The Fire Of Revival” Newsletter by Nita (LaFond) Johnson, page 22.
From: The web site: www.propheticwatchman.com/comingstorm.htm. Dan Bohler, Agape Harvest Ministry, 1315 SW US Hwy. 40, P.O. Box 1415, Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-1415, 816.220.3206, www.agapeharvest.org, agape@propheticwatchman.com, agape@agapeharvet.org. Most of the other prophecies are from www.propheticwhtchman.com and/or www.aplus-software.com/thglory/sidroth2.htm . 1bMagnified@aol.com .
114.1 11/11, 2000, Vision, New York City — Today, I received a "mini-vision." Part of it, an angel was flying towards the United States. The angel had a bowl in his hand, and was intoning, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of New York City." Then, the angel poured the bowl out over New York City, and I saw a missile coming across the ocean towards this city.
Before I saw the angel and the missile coming towards NYC, I saw many people standing next to what I immediately thought of as "markers." I heard the Lord speak and tell us to hold on to our markers. Some of the people still only stood almost indifferently next to their markers. Others, held their marker casually with one hand. Others put both hands on their marker. Still others [myself included] literally embraced and wrapped ourselves around our markers. Then, I heard a wind began to blow until it grew into a very loud howl. I heard the Lord say to hold on, so I held on as if my very life depended upon it. When the wind hit us, only those who were embracing/wrapped around their markers remained. All the other people were blown away. It was after this that I saw the angel and the missile.
This shook me up real bad. If there is anyone you know who could talk to me about this vision, if they feel it is of the Lord or not, could you let me know? I don't want to share this with anyone because of the potential for panic of some people. There was more to this vision, but I haven't had the time to really sit down and do any writing today. If I can find the time to write it down instead of also praying about it, do you want me to share it with you?
114.2 05/04, 2001, Vision, Death Angel — I've been just sitting quietly; watching, observing; feeling some type of tremendous spiritual pressure building not only within me, but around me, and in those around me. I've seen it being manifested through despair, discouragement, frustration, impatience, anger, etc., by those who are also feeling something in the Spirit but don't know exactly what.
I felt the Lord spoke to me at the beginning of this year about hiding myself in Him, and withdrawing myself into the wilderness / desert to be alone with Him. [Isaiah 26:20-21 was impressed upon my heart.]
Then, I had a vision of the death angel. In advance of this angel, I saw people applying blood over their doors [it reminded me of how the Israelites did this when the death angel passed through to smite the firstborn in Egypt.]
These people who were applying blood over their doors were making other sorts of preparations also. These reparations appeared confusing / bewildering to me. I didn't understand all that they were doing, or why. At times, it didn't even appear that these people fully understood their own actions. It was like they were somehow moved upon to be doing the preparations they were doing. The people who had applied blood over their doors, went inside and shut the door. Others, departed and went into the wilderness.
Then I saw a very large hand with a rod in it, stretched out over America [I felt the hand was the hand of the Lord, but I could be wrong.] This hand with the rod came crashing down. I saw that the rod first smote churches, then all of America.
I saw as shepherds began to be wounded and / or flee from the churches. When this occurred, the sheep in the churches began to mill about in confusion. The whole scene was extremely troubling to me. I have a heart for those who are hurting / wounded, and to see the sheep so absolutely confused, scattered, and frightened, troubled and distressed me.
after the hand with the rod fell, the death angel followed closely on the heels
of this happening. The scenes I then "felt" more than "saw"
in the Spirit were horrifying. It was something more spiritual than physical;
something that was occurring in the spiritual realm more than just in the
physical [though it also followed into the physical realm after first occurring
in the spiritual.]
I "felt" and "saw" the ground shaking, rising up and down as if in an earthquake; the ground splitting open, etc. I felt for some reason that this first happened in the spiritual, then in the physical. Then, it was like I was above America looking down. It looked like America was a war zone. Lights began blinking off and on in several areas of America [blackouts?.] I saw and smelt that the water supply in many areas of America was bad, contaminated [something was wrong with the water, not sure what.] Cars were abandoned by the sides of roads, gas stations either shut down or with long lines of cars / vehicles at them. There were numerous episodes of crime. America "smelt" [sanitation bad?.]
I'm not
at all an alarmist. Yet, in my spirit, I am alarmed and troubled. Whatever
might possibly be going to happen, will happen so suddenly, so quickly, it will
catch almost everyone unawares and unprepared. I feel it
increasing in my spirit. It's not at the "breaking" point yet, but
it is close.
Lastly, I "saw" a door that was slightly ajar, but was being closed the rest of the way. I felt that this was the Lord saying He was allowing a small period of grace, but that it was almost over.
114.3 06/19, 2001, Dream & Prophetic Word & Vision, America’s Judgment? — I experienced the following vision: There was a tremendous mob of people. They were milling around. The noise was incredible. For some reason, I sensed that all these people were claiming to be Christians. I heard some of the people preaching and prophesying. Whenever someone began to preach and / or prophesy, crowds of people would run over to this person and gather around them. Then, another person would begin to preach and / or prophesy, and large crowds of people would then run over to that other person to listen to them.
Soon, there was a tremendous confusion of sermons and words from the Lord being shouted out to the crowds of people. The whole scene was one of absolute chaos and confusion. But suddenly, I heard a small whisper. Some of the other people appeared to hear the small whisper also. We began to follow the sound of this small whisper to its source. The source was the Lord. He was standing out in a desert, wilderness scene. A small group of people were standing quietly and solemnly around the Lord. In contrast with the mob of people I had just left, this group of people was extremely quiet and silent. They were very intense and totally focused upon the Lord. They were looking off in the distance, as if waiting for more to join them.
I watched as the Lord began to hand out small, rolled-up scrolls to each person. As each person received a scroll, they would stand to the right of the Lord. Soon, each person had received a scroll. "What is this scroll, Lord?" someone asked. "It is a message from Me," the Lord replied. "I have given to those of My children who have heard My still, small voice a message to deliver. They each have their orders from Me, and know exactly who to take the message to, and what the message is. They are to go only to who I send them to, and speak only what I have told them to speak."
Immediately after I experienced this vision, the Lord instructed me to go and take a nap; that He was going to speak to me in a dream. The Lord telling me He is going to speak to me in a dream has never happened to me before, so I tried this voice to see if it was really from the Lord or not. I went to take my nap, and before I fell asleep, the Lord spoke the following to me. He said: "I will be speaking to you in visions and dreams, and you will not understand them. I will instruct you who to speak of them to. These people will know what to do with them, and what they mean. This is a time of many voices clamoring to be heard. Pay close attention to whose voice you do and do not listen to. Take heed to your soul."
I then fell asleep and had the following dream: I was in a room. The walls of this room were covered with pictures of babies being born. I was going from picture to picture, studying each one. Each stage of labor was represented. This was the whole dream. Upon awakening, I was extremely puzzled and perplexed by this dream. The next day, I experienced another vision. This was a horrific vision to me, and I've held it inside for another day because of how truly horrible and frightening it was to me. I saw an angel with a large-scale step out of the portals of heaven. This was one of those old-fashioned type scale that has like a small bowl on each side. As one side is weighted, the other side goes up and vice versus. This angel began to place weights upon first one side of the scale, then the other. When both sides were equally weighted, a voice called out, "Hold!" (I somehow knew this voice belonged to the Lord.) There was a very intense waiting silence after this command was called out. I then realized that I was way up in the heavens, looking down on the earth. My attention became directed and centered upon the United States. I saw like a shield in place around America. Angels were on the inside of the shield, bracing themselves against it. I then saw hordes of demons on the other side of this shield, pushing frantically and furiously against their side of the shield. They were howling angrily. It terrified me. I saw those with the small rolled-up scrolls running with their message from the Lord. They were weeping and wailing as they ran, and also as they delivered their message. After they delivered their message, they would fall flat on their faces and continue to wail and lament. Many who were the recipients of these messages also fell flat on their faces after they received and read the message. I heard their cries of repentance echoing throughout America. (The dream about the babies being born came back to my mind at this point. What I was seeing in this portion of the vision made me think of a birthing of revival brought about through tears of repentance and godly sorrow.) Others who received the message, threw it away in disgust and disdain after having read it. My attention then became focused upon Washington, DC. (I was still way up in the heavens in this vision, looking down upon this scene.) Something was transpiring within the White House. I saw some sort of "waves" undulating out from within the White House. These waves had some sort of far-reaching repercussions. When these waves came forth from within the White House, I heard the angels who were still pushing against the demons on their side of the shield begin to wail and keen. When the demons saw the waves emanating from within the White House, they began to scream with victory. The angel with the scale put one more weight upon one side of the scale. One side of the scale hit the ground. When this occurred, the shield around America fell down, and the demons streamed into America, howling and in a frenzy. I heard a voice proclaim, and once again, I knew it to be the Lord's voice: "America! America! How oft I sent My prophets to you, and you scorned and ignored them. How oft I revealed Myself in majesty and power to you. You enjoyed the power and majesty, yet not the cost of following Me. "Your ground is soaked with the blood of the innocents, and how shall I ignore or overlook this when it continues daily to occur? Your streets overflow with degradation. Many of your churches reek with hypocrisy, and My sheep have been driven away and have been left to wander alone; where they have become meat and prey for the wolves. "Yet, I would wipe out these sins, and blot out their remembrance; if you had only returned unto Me with all your heart. I have stayed My judgment for a season. I will stay it no longer. You have been weighed, and have been found wanting. I have no pleasure in your judgment, America. Prepare to meet your Maker." I then watched scene after scene of carnage and terror befall America. I just don't want or desire to go into detail about it. My heart was breaking as I witnessed all of this, and I was myself filled with horror and terror.
I went into the bedroom of each of my three precious, wonderful little children. Tears of fear fell down my cheeks as I gazed down at each one of my sleeping children, wondering in my heart what would befall them. If some of these scenes I witnessed actually do come to pass, I know that one of my children at least, would not survive. She has need of special medical supplies for insulin dependent diabetes. These supplies would be extremely limited to impossible to locate or receive if any of this vision actually occurs in her lifetime. I don't have a time frame for any of this. If I am mocked or ridiculed for sharing this vision, I accept that. Once again, let me repeat, I pray this vision is false or does not occur. I will continue to pray and intercede for my country, and for a spirit of repentance to sweep across the shores of America. Yet, part of me feels that judgment will only be stayed if such a spirit of repentance does occur. The judgment is set. Too much has occurred within the borders of America for there to be no reaping of what has been sown for centuries. I love America. I love my country. I love being an American. I love the American flag and our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner." I will continue to pray for a spirit of repentance to come upon my nation.
114.4 09/12, 2001, Prophetic Words & Visions, Is There Not A Cause? — 1 Samuel 17:29 ~~ “And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 ~~ “<1> To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: <2> A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; <3> A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; <4> A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; <5> A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; <6> A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; <7> a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; <8> a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”
At the beginning of this month, time seemed to begin to speed up. It felt as if something was beginning to unravel very quickly. It had the sensation to it that there was no way to halt or prevent whatever was beginning to occur from happening. There was a feeling of inevitability in the air, as well as a sense of dread and foreboding.
Many nights, I would lie awake; so tired, but unable to sleep. My mind was filled with questions as to what I was feeling, what was happening, what was about to happen. I felt restless, uncomfortable, and apprehensive.
Yet, during these nighttime episodes of almost paralyzing fear, I would hear the Lord’s still, small voice whisper to me, “Fear not, My child. Fear not.”
Phrases and portions of Scripture would suddenly pop into my mind: “feast and famine,” “spirit of judgment; spirit of burning,” “a cloud and smoke by day; flaming fire by night,” “build up; raise up,” “repair and restore.”
I experienced a series of on-going visions; such as chapters in a book. Where one vision ended, the next vision would pick up and continue. For a while, it was a kaleidoscope of phrases, Bible verses, and visions. I was at a loss as to how to connect these phrases, verses and visions.
Then, disaster struck. America was attacked. Much of what I had been experiencing was now made clear and plain to my understanding. Perhaps what the Lord has been speaking to me will comfort and encourage, as well as strengthen and prepare, others. With a heart that continues to grieve and mourn for my nation, for America, I will seek to try and share faithfully with you the things the Lord has shared with me.
I will state that I was as unprepared by the attack on America as was most of the nation. Even though I had been feeling in my spirit for many months that something dreadful and terrible was about to strike my country, I did not know the date, the hour, the time, or the manner in which this would occur. I only felt very strongly that something was coming against my nation.
Feast Or Famine — In my spirit, I heard the phrase, “Feast or Famine.” I then saw two groups of people. One group of people was arrayed in gorgeous robes. They were seated at a banqueting table that stretched as far as my eyes could see. A plentiful feast was spread out on the table before them. They were feasting and enjoying themselves.
I then saw another group of people. This second group of people was dressed in rags. They were dirty and thin to the point of emaciation. They crept quietly up to the banqueting table, dropped onto their hands and knees, and began to eat the crumbs and food scraps from beneath the banqueting table.
“People are famished for the Word of the Lord,” God said to me.
Amos 8:11 came to my mind: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.”
Matthew 5:6 ~~ “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”
The Warning — In the vision, I felt and saw a darkness approaching. I saw flaming arrows flying towards the people. I saw as a hand appeared in the sky and swatted one of the arrows down to the ground.
Isaiah 6:9-13 ~~ “ <9> And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. <10> Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. <11> Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the house without man, and the land be utterly desolate,<12> And the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. <13> But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a tall tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.”
Spirit Of Judgment, Spirit Of Burning — Suddenly, a bolt of lightning came down from heaven into the midst of this scene. Both groups of people were startled and frightened. I heard screams and saw as both groups of people came together.
I heard the words, “Spirit of Judgment, Spirit of Burning.” Another bolt of lightning flashed, and I saw what appeared to be a shield come down around the group of people. The group of people was enclosed within the shield. It was light within the shield, but dark on the outside of the shield.
Isaiah 4:4-6 ~~ “<4> When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. <5> And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defense.<6> And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.”
Exodus 13:21-22 ~~ “<21> And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: <22> He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.”
God’s Revival — The group of people within the shield fell to their faces and began to weep and wail. I heard them calling out to God for mercy. I heard prayers of repentance, and pleas for forgiveness. “This is revival,” the Lord said to me in the vision.
Isaiah 58:6-11 ~~ “<6> Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? <7> Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? <8> Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. <9> Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; <10> And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday:<11> And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.
Matthew 5:4 and 6 ~~ “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”
Build Up, Raise Up/ Repair And Restore —In the vision, I saw the people slowly get to their feet. As they gazed out through the shield, my eyes followed the direction of their eyes. A scene of absolute desolation and destruction met my gaze. I was absolutely speechless before this horrific scene.
“What is this place?” I asked the Lord. To my horror, the Lord replied, “Your country.” I gazed again at the scene of desolation and destruction before my eyes. Yet, the shield was still around the group of people and myself. Within the shield, there was light. On the other side of the shield, there was an intense darkness. Yet somehow, I was being allowed to see through this darkness.
I saw small groups of people cloaked in dark clothing. They each carried papers in their hand and were moving with great stealth and secrecy. Each group hid themselves at certain places. I saw that these places were: cities, colleges, schools, sports arenas, amusement parks, military installations, Naval ships, and communications networks.
“They have been given an assignment,” the Lord said to me. “Some of them have been given a date, a time, a word. When they reach or hear their pre-assigned signal, they will attack. Some of them have been here for quite some time. They have great patience, and great zeal and dedication. They are in place to carry out their orders. “
I saw another group of men. The President of the United States was one of these men. They were seated around a large table, and were discussing ways and means to thwart the plots of those who were the enemy of our nation.
I watched as the President signed some papers. To my surprise, when he did so, I heard like the tolling of a bell.
“What was that?” I asked the Lord. “A warning to those who have ears to hear,” the Lord replied. “What your President is signing for good, there are those in his midst who will seek to use for their own evil and wicked agendas. My hand is upon your President at this time; to guard him and keep him from harm. While he maintains his heart aright before Me, he will be in My hand and in My care. He is in a precarious place, and the prayers of My children will help to be a wall of protection around him. I would use your President to rebuild and to raise up that which has been thrown down in your nation. I would use him to repair the breach between your nation and Myself. I would use him to restore the paths of righteousness to your nation. At this time, My favor is upon him, and the heart of your nation and other nations are with him. But know this, My child, your nation has become a nation under siege. It will suffer periodic episodes of attack and destruction. Endure these times, and I will use your nation as a light to other nations; to loose the bonds and shackles of spiritual oppression. Be with Me, and I will be with you. Though I have allowed your nation to be stricken, it was to bring your nation back to Me. I am a God of both judgment and mercy. I am a mighty King. Remember this, and fear and reverence Me."
Isaiah 58:12 ~~ “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.”
Micah 7:4(b), 7-9, 18-19 ~~ “<4b> …the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity. <7>Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation :my God will hear me. <8> Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.<9> I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness. <18>Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retaineth not his anger forever, because he delighteth in mercy. <19> He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”
114.5 10/06, 2001, Prophetic Words &Vision, A Closing Door? — I have been under a tremendous burden this week, but especially today. It has been building up and intensifying within me. The Lord has been showing me a door opened a crack, but slowly closing.
When I asked what this could mean, I felt the Lord replied that after the terrorist attacks on America on 09/11th, He allowed a period of grace and mercy towards not only America, but also other nations who were also troubled and shaken by the tragedy which occurred on our shores. Now, the door I saw in this mini-vision was closing, and was almost totally closed.
In the vision, I cried out to the Lord to keep the door open just a little longer. I tried to reach into the space between the closing door to keep it from closing completely. I was weeping and crying, pleading for a little more time.
"I granted a little more time," the Lord replied. "I heard the cries and saw the tears of many after your country was attacked. I then waited for the cries and tears to turn to true and lasting repentance. While many truly repented, there were so many of My children who remained unmoved. And they remained unchanged.
"My eyes continued to behold My sheep being wounded in My house. My eyes saw into the recesses of the hearts of many of My children, and I beheld the secret sins still unrepented of. My people remain unmoved and unrepentant. A time of Tuesdays is coming upon My people, and upon the world," the Lord decreed to me.
I then experienced a vision. In this vision, I was looking up into the heavens. I saw a door open in the heavens, and a small group of seven very large angels began to step through this door one at a time. They each held what appeared to be a bowl in their hands. After all the angels stepped through the door, the door closed.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
“The plagues of the seven bowls” Revelation 16 [Artwork by Pat Marvenko Smith, www.revelationillustrated.com, 800.327.7330]
The first angel began to pour out his bowl. The contents began to fall towards the earth. Darkness fell out of the first bowl. I saw as this darkness fell first on churches and on the saints of God, then fell on the rest of the world and the world's peoples. There seemed to be a weight to this darkness. For when the darkness fell upon people, they began to stumble and fall.
"People chose darkness over the light of My salvation," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall have the darkness of damnation."
The second angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. The second bowl contained blood. As the blood covered the earth, I saw wars and violence erupting.
"The blood I shed on Calvary was ignored and trodden under foot," the Lord intoned. "Now the blood of many shall be shed."
The third angel began to pour out his bowl into the heavens [outer space]. I saw explosions in the heavens. Debris from the explosions began to fall to the earth, burning as it fell.
"Man said he would ascend into heaven," the Lord intoned. "The pride of man will be abased."
The fourth angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. Fire was contained in this bowl. As the fire fell to the earth, it ignited numerous other fires. I soon saw as sections and portions of the entire earth appeared to be burning.
"Many have chosen the fires of hell over the fires of purging and repentance," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall begin to feel the heat from the fires of hell."
The fifth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl contained idols and images. As the idols and images fell to the earth, they struck people, wounding and injuring them.
"Just as many chose to place other things and other gods before and above Me," the Lord intoned, "even now shall those things fall upon them to their wounding and destruction."
The sixth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl was filled with the wind. As the wind fell upon the earth, it began to blow fiercely. I watched and saw as the wind blew upon everything in its path, destroying almost everything before it.
"The wind of My Spirit was stifled in the hearts of many," the Lord intoned. "Now will the wind blow unfettered, and will blow away all that offends."
The seventh angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. To my eyes, the bowl appeared empty. After this bowl was emptied over the earth, a very intense silence fell.
"My ears were attuned to the prayers of My children," the Lord intoned. "I heard the clamoring of many voices which confused many. I also heard the silence of unoffered prayers. Now when they call to Me, I will not answer."
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
“The seven bowl judgments” Revelation 16 [Artwork by Pat Marvenko Smith, www.revelationillustrated.com, 800.327.7330]
After the seven angels had finished pouring out their bowls upon the earth, the Lord called the first angel over to us.
"The darkness contained in this bowl is twofold," the Lord explained to me. "Not only is it a darkness coming upon all the world to engulf it, it is also a spiritual attack being unleashed at this present time against My people, but especially against My prophets. The enemy is seeking to confuse and silence the voice of My prophets. He is bringing a weight of condemnation, self-doubt and depression upon them. I am hiding My prophets in places of safety and refuge to strengthen and minister to them."
The Lord then called the second angel over to us. "The blood contained in this bowl represents My blood which I shed for the remission of sins," the Lord said. "Those of My people who are My servants indeed, have been applying My blood to their hearts. They have been examining themselves, and have been entering into a new covenant with Me. My blood will be over them during this time of tremendous blood shed which will come upon all the earth."
The Lord then called the third angel over to us. "Man's pride has lifted him up," the Lord said to me. "There will be wars in the heavens. These wars will be both physical and spiritual in nature. Many of My children are already feeling the heat of this battle spiritually."
The Lord then called the fourth angel over to us. "Fire purges as well as destroys," the Lord said to me. "My children are feeling the fire of purging within their hearts. This is an extremely intense time for My people. It is a time of self-examination; a time of rededicating themselves unto Me. My fire is burning all from within My children that would pollute them. Those who do not submit themselves to Me, will feel this fire as a destroying fire."
The Lord then called the fifth angel over to us. "The idols and images contained within this bowl represents a battle between Myself and false gods and false religions," the Lord said to me. "Every religion, every denomination, is being shaken at this time. Only what is of Me, and what is built upon Me, shall endure. The battles fought in the physical realm will be between false gods and the One True God. The issue central to this war will be Truth versus deception."
The Lord then called the sixth angel over to us. "The wind contained in this bowl represents My Spirit," the Lord said to me. "My Spirit is already blowing fiercely upon all who profess to be My children. Those who are not My children, will be blown away and destroyed by the fierceness of My Spirit touching upon them. Those who are truly My children are also feeling My Spirit blowing upon them. This is also a difficult time for them; for all that is within them that is offensive to truth, is being blown violently from out of them."
The Lord then called the seventh angel over to us. "The silence contained within this bowl," the Lord said to me, "represents a silencing by Me over those who have confused many by their words.
"Many of My children are feeling My hand heavy upon them, and have hushed themselves. They are waiting to hear only My voice speaking to them.
"Those who have claimed to hear My words, and have uttered their own thoughts and ideas which have confused many, will be put to silence and shame before Me. For with their words, they turned away the feet of those who were on the road to repentance.
"My people have been as the church of Ephesus. They have left their first love of Me. My people have been as the church of Pergamos. They have fornicated themselves with false doctrine. My people have been as the church of Thyatira. They have allowed false prophets to speak My words unto them. My people have been as the church of Sardis. They are spiritually dead, and dying. My people have been as the church of Laodicea. They are complacent.
"Those of My children who are My children indeed, shall be as the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. They will suffer persecution and trials, even unto death, while I am purging and refining My rebellious children. "My will and My plan is to prosper My people," the Lord said to me. "Not with finances or possessions, but with the knowledge of Me would I prosper them. To accomplish this, all that is not of Me I must needs remove. "This is a troublesome time. I am shaking mightily all things and all people. He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved."
I then saw vast numbers of people stooping down to the ground and picking items up from the ground. With their arms full of bits and pieces of what they had picked up, the people came to the Lord. They put the items in their arms on the Lord and began to build something with these items. I watched and beheld as a beautiful building began to emerge.
"I am the foundation upon which all other things must be built," the Lord said. "My people are broken. When they bring the broken pieces of their hearts and lives to Me, and begin to build upon Me, I will put the brokenness back together and raise up a glorious and victorious Church. My Church shall stand triumphant when it is built upon Me. I will have a people called by My Name. I will have a Church."
114.6 08/29, 2002, Vision, The Other Side — I was in the Spirit and found myself with the Lord beside a large body of water. The sun was shining and I felt that it was the middle of the day. There was a small, but sturdy looking, wooden ship pulled up on the sand next to the Lord and myself. I watched as the Lord pushed the boat into the shallows and stepped into it. He then held His right hand out to me.
“Come with Me to the other side,” the Lord said to me. I placed my right hand in the Lord's hand and allowed Him to help me into the boat. The Lord spoke to the boat, and without anyone steering it, the boat began to move out into the deep waters. I sat quietly and at peace next to the Lord. The sun gradually began to set, and dusk began to set in. “Look,” the Lord said to me, and pointed behind us.
I looked over my shoulder and saw a dense fog rolling over the sea towards us. We were soon enveloped in the dense fog. At the same time, it began to rain. The sea had been tranquil, but now I noticed that the water was beginning to churn. Waves began to get larger and larger. At first, I wasn't too concerned by the change in the weather. But as it grew darker and darker, and the rain began to fall more heavily and the waves got bigger and bigger, I began to feel fearful and apprehensive.
“Don't be afraid,” the Lord said to me. “I am with you.” Immediately, the fear left me. The change in the atmosphere, though, had affected me, and I now felt a vague troubling in my spirit. I also began to feel an intensity and focused concentration emanating from the Lord seated next to me.
“Look!” the Lord said to me again, and pointed off into the distance. The dense fog in front of my eyes began to slowly open. I saw a large angel standing with one foot on the sea and one foot on the shore of the land towards which the boat the Lord and I were in was going. The angel was holding what appeared to be a large, unrolled scroll in his hands. I then became aware of what appeared to be the map of the United States appearing before my eyes through the hole in the fog. I heard the voice of the angel as he began to read from the scroll:
“Oh, America,” the angel intoned, “you have not listened to the voice of the Lord your God. You have not obeyed His commandments. You have not served Him for the abundance of all the things that He has blessed you with. The Lord, the Lord your God, has lifted His hand slightly from you. He has lowered the hedge of protection that has been placed around you. The Lord, the Lord your God will allow troubles and sickness to come into your borders.”
The angel stopped reading, and I became aware of an intense silence. I kept my eyes on the map of the United States that had appeared before me through a hole in the fog.
I saw as fires began to break out in many of the states on the western section of the map. As the fires began to die down, storms arose against some of the eastern states. I saw states hit by drought, and other states being flooded. States in the center of the map turned brown as a fierce sun beat down upon them. I then saw swarms of insects covering many of the states.
To my horror and amazement, I saw as animals began to arise and attack people. At first, it was a single animal here and there on the map. But soon, there were even packs of wild dogs that began to run through cities and neighborhoods, causing terror as they attacked people.
In the midst of these scenes of horror, I saw children being snatched, stolen, injured and killed. I immediately was mindful of the many numerous child abductions that have been occurring in the United States. As a mother of three children under the age of 12, and also of a daughter who died 15 years ago, I felt my heart breaking with fear and terror and anger at these child abductions. “Hold!” the Lord said to the large angel who was holding the opened scroll in his hands.
“Why, Lord?” I wept. “Why are these things happening? Why are You allowing them to happen?”
“The angel has already told you why,” the Lord replied gently. “Even now, I will put the hedge back up around your nation if they will turn unto Me with all their heart, repent of their wicked ways, and acknowledge me as their Lord and God.”
“But the children, Lord!” I wept angrily. “Why are these horrible abductions of our children being allowed?”
“Let the little children come unto Me,” the Lord said softly. “For of such is the kingdom of God. Whoever hurts one of My little ones, it were better for him that a stone be put about his neck, and he were thrown into the midst of the sea.”
The Lord turned towards me and looked intently into my face. “Child,” He said to me, “the child abductions occurring in your country at this time are representative of two things: one physical, the other spiritual. The physical symbolism of these child abductions in your country represents My children in Israel. Your country and your President waver over the choice to stand completely alongside of Israel against Israel's enemies. At the center of this indecision, is the concern for oil. I tell you truly, there is oil in Israel. It will soon be revealed, but it will be revealed through a disaster brought about through an attack by Israel's enemies against Israel. If your country and your President stand with Israel even against growing pressure not to do so, Israel will share this oil with them when it is discovered.
“The second thing the child abductions symbolize in your nation,” the Lord continued, “is spiritual.” These child abductions represent a forthcoming attack by the enemy against My spiritual children. The enemy comes to do three things: to kill, to steal, and to destroy. The enemy is preparing to launch attacks against My spiritual children to kill, steal and destroy them.
“The attacks will come in the spiritual just as they are coming in the physical against children in your nation. The attacks will come unexpectedly and unawares; by both strangers and friends and family members. But I have given advance warning of the plans of the enemy so that My children can prepare themselves for these attacks through prayer and fasting. There is no reason for My children to be caught unawares by these forthcoming attacks.
“Through times of much adversity and suffering, I have already prepared in advance a mighty army of praying warriors who will stand between the enemy and My children who are unable at this time to defend themselves. I allowed times of suffering and troubles to come to many of My children in order to drive them to their knees and into My embrace. They have learned through these times of suffering and adversity how to pray to Me. They now know how to listen for and hear My voice. The things they have suffered will now bear fruit in their protection of those who are weaker spiritually than they are, and who the enemy has marked for his prey. They will gladly and willingly martyr themselves spiritually for the spiritual protection of others.”
The image of the map of the United States faded from before my eyes. It was replaced by an image of the entire world. I noticed without fully understanding or comprehending what I was seeing that other nations were also experiencing or beginning to experience similar things that I had just see occurring to America.
I sat silent and troubled next to the Lord as the small wooden boat continued across the stormy sea. Finally, to my relief, the boat reached the other side of the sea. I then became aware of something I hadn't been aware of before. There had been other little wooden boats on the sea with the Lord and me. These other little boats began arriving at the other side of the sea at the same time as the boat the Lord and I were in arrived. I was even more surprised, awed and amazed when I realized that not only had the Lord been in my boat with me, but He had also been with others in each of their own little boats.
114.7 10/24, 2002, Vision, The Horsemen Are Riding —
Zechariah 1:8-10 ~~ {8} I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom; and behind him were there red horses, speckled, and white. {9} Then said I, O my lord, what are these? And the angel that talked with me said unto me, I will show thee what these be. {10} And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, These are they whom the Lord hath sent to walk to and fro through the earth.
Zechariah 6:1-7 ~~ {1} And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass. {2} In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses; {3} And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grizzled and bay horses. {4} Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? {5} And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. {6} The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grizzled go forth toward the south country. {7} And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth.
Revelation 6:1-8 ~~ {1} And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. {2} And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. {3} And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. {4} And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. {5} And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. {6} And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. {7} And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say,
Come and see. {8} And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
The Lord and I, along with a multitude of people, had just reached shore. We had come across a stormy sea in little wooden boats. As we stood upon the shore, I heard a noise from behind me coming from the sea. I looked over my shoulder and saw shapes rising up from the raging waves of the sea. The shapes collected into a large mob over the water. I saw that these shapes were frogs, lizards, salamanders, etc. Yet these creatures had faces which appeared demonic. I watched as these creatures dispersed in every direction, screeching and howling, toward every nation of the world. As one group of these creatures flew over my head towards my own nation, I instinctively ducked down.
"What are those creatures?" I asked the Lord.
"Spirits of deception," the Lord replied.
The multitude of people around and with me had already formed into two groups by this stage of the vision. One group of people had already set out ahead.
The second group of people had also divided into groups. One group was composed of those who were weak, frightened, injured, weary, etc. The second group within this group were ministering to the weaker members. They were comforting them, and helping to bear them up as they walked. This group of people also, finally, set out after the first group of people.
I noticed as I looked around that this was occurring not only in my nation, but in all the nations of the world. I also realized that somehow, the Lord was enabling me to see what was occurring within both groups of people.
At first the path we were traveling on was broad and easily seen. There was also a bright light shining around us to help us see our way. Yet further on, the path became rougher and narrower, and it gradually became harder and harder to see where we were going. The light was still there, but the people and I had to keep our eyes on the light at all times in order to see it. If we took our eyes from the light for even a moment, it became dim around us, and we had to search even harder after that in order to finally fix our gazes once again upon the light.
"Lord," I inquired of the Lord. "What is happening with this light? Why does it only stay bright if we keep our eyes focused constantly on it? Why does it dim if we look away for even a moment?"
"The light is My Spirit bringing revelation to My people and to My prophets," the Lord replied. "Whereas at one time, many of My children and My prophets heard My voice easily; in the coming days, it will become more and more difficult for them to receive revelation from Me and to hear My words. They must stay in a constant state and attitude of prayer before Me in order to continue to hear from Me and to receive from Me. The enemy is attempting to smother the sound of My voice and replace it with the sound of his own voice and words. Those of My children and of My prophets who do not wait continually upon Me, will find themselves in spiritual danger of bringing to others words from the enemy, and not from Me. I will not hold guiltless those who fall prey to this snare of deception from the enemy; for I will have no strange fire upon My altar. Waiting upon Me will take much effort on the part of My children and My prophets. They will need to struggle mightily in prayer, and with fasting, to receive each word and revelation from Me. For many, the effort and the sacrifice will be too wearying for them. Those who do pay this price, however, will begin to bring forth words and revelations from Me of much greater depth and anointing. They will not speak as often, but they will speak forth My word with greater power."
I began to realize that as the path grew narrower, it began to force the group of people inward upon itself. The people began to draw closer and closer together. Soon, the second group of people had caught up with the first group of people. One large group of people was once again formed. I noticed that the weaker members of the group were automatically placed within the midst of the people for their safety and protection.
I then began to hear the sound of hoofbeats. The group of people I was with seemed to hear the hoofbeats also. I noticed that they were glancing around as I was as if to find where the source of the sound of the hoofbeats was coming from.
"What is happening, Lord?" I asked the Lord.
"The horsemen are riding," the Lord replied. "Truly, they have already been riding individually. But now, they have joined forces, and are riding together."
Suddenly, from every direction, horses with men seated upon their backs burst into my view. I saw white horses, red horses, black horses and what appeared to be horses almost greenish in color. These horses and horsemen charged towards our group. They encircled us and began to ride around us. I heard many of the people in the group begin to cry out in fear.
"Fear not!" the Lord's voice rang out in command. "Listen to My voice. If you listen for My voice, the things happening already and about to happen in the nations of your world will not strike fear and terror into your hearts. I will make a way for My people in the midst of all the troubles that are about to befall the earth. You will not fear as those who do not know Me fear. For I am with each of you, and will be with each of you. I will lead you and guide you. But you must keep your eyes upon Me. You must not allow your hearts to be overcome and overwhelmed by the coming evil days. These are times which will try the faith of each of you. But I have prepared you in advance for these days. I have given you warning, and I will give instructions each step of the way in what to expect and how to stay prepared in order to remain victorious."
I watched as the horses and horsemen formed into groups of four. Each group contained a white horse, a red horse, a black horse and the sickly looking greenish horse. They then turned from our group of people and furiously rode off into all directions.
"What about my nation, Lord?" I asked. "What is coming next to my nation (The United States of America)?"
"A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine," the Lord replied softly.
"Economic lack is coming to your nation," the Lord said to me. "There are some I will and have begun to instruct to lay up and store certain food, water household and medical supplies. There are others I have instructed to trust in Me daily for their needs, and to refrain from storing up supplies.
Nothing will remain stable in your nation for any length of time, child. This ever present uncertainty will cause many to grow weary. A spirit and attitude of quiet despair will begin to prevail. This lassitude will begin to set in place the next area of attack from the enemy."
My heart sank within me as I listened to the Lord's words.
"Do not allow yourself to lose hope, child," the Lord comforted me. "Have I not already promised that I will be with each of My children? I will not leave them or forsake them. But the days ahead are indeed days filled with evil.
"Much has been plotted against your nation, and is being set in motion. A secret treaty your President has signed with two nations will eventually backfire. This will begin to set in motion a time of persecution against My children. The agenda of certain groups of people is targeted against My children and against the Jewish people."
"Persecution?" I repeated. "Persecution here, in America, against Your children?"
"The persecution will at first come about as lawsuits and restrictions and new laws which will seek to limit the voice of My children within your nation," the Lord replied. "The persecution will then gain momentum and become more and more fierce. Many churches will be fined, and when unable to pay the large fines, will be shut down or sold. Many pastors will be imprisoned for their refusal to be silent against certain sinful practices.
Their congregations will be left untended and the sheep will be scattered if these pastors do not begin now to teach and train My children to follow Me and not man. I have set up leadership. It is leadership which will be attacked, and I would have My children know to continue to follow Me even when their leaders are removed."
Almost afraid to ask any more questions of the Lord, I remained silent for a brief period of time.
"How long, Lord?" I finally asked. "How long will these things continue?"
"These things are just the beginning of woes, child," the Lord said to me gently. "I am giving advance warning to My children not to discourage their hearts, but to prepare them. These things are at hand, even at the doors. I command My children to watch and pray, watch and pray, watch and pray. Only then will My children be able to discern My voice and be able to withstand these evil days.
"To those who overcome, I will give power to rise above that which would bring them down to cause them discouragement and despair. I have not left My children promiseless or comfortless. I am with them and will not leave them alone. Do you believe this, child?" the Lord asked me.
"Yes," I replied. "I believe this." The group I was with stood silently, watching and listening, to the sounds of the horsemen riding.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Hollie, wrote to Stephen L. Bening on 9/1/2001 the following: “… I myself have had a vision and many others of wrath and judgment falling on America. The Lord spoke the names of cities to me that were targets: New York City & Washington D.C. were two of them. Detroit is another… Cities in Florida, California, Texas are also targets. Alaska is also on my heart. From: Watchman-Prophets-Assembly/message/2228 of 2231. ]
From: hlmoody61@aol.com or www.groups.yahoo.com/group/HollieLMoody or www.manifestedlove.com .
115.1 Some Years Ago Before 2001, Dream, Asian Soldiers In Astoria, Oregon — ...Some years ago while I lived near Portland, Oregon, I had a dream in which I saw Asian soldiers with faces of iron attacking Astoria, Oregon, 50 miles away, and killing everyone in sight. People were stepping to their front doors to see what the noise was about and were suddenly killed. The number of soldiers was spectacular. Their mercilessness shocking... demonic. Many others have had the same dream.
From: www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html or Email:
116.1 2001(?),Dream, Chinese Soldiers In Colorado/America — Estimated about 3 or 4 years ago I saw in a godly dream, in Colorado, high on an overlook, I kept hearing something, I looked down, I saw all these Chinese soldiers—all marching directions. Had at least two of these dreams concerning Chinese soldiers.
A friend of mine also had a dream about Chinese soldiers more recently and he is a Christian also.
116.2 Dream, President Bush Jr. — I saw an office situation, there were three of us, outside the office a table was spread; a woman and a man, Jim Nicely started asking a blessing, a woman found out Jim was a Christian, she went into a rage.
Separate from her, I (Jim) was seeing her, she took her watch off, I saw her go to places were Bush Jr. was going to be, she was doing something in secret. All places Bush was going to be the next day. In the dream I thought she was setting time bombs on him when He arrived. The rage she had, I thought was against Christians.
From: Jim Nicely, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005, fathersvineyard@yahoo.com .
117.1 2001?, Vision?, California – West Coast Light Up – Bomb?— I saw long narrow torches along the west coastline very tall, light up, something coming, atmosphere was very serious, heavy! I saw this about 4 or 5 years ago (2005).
117.2 Two Visions, East Coast Of America— I took this down fast, and I am not sure this is the same Nicky, or a different Nicky, but here is what I took notes on.
I (Nicky) saw two visions, intercession and repentance. Chopped America, East Coast taken off North—South, land became like ashes, ocean came more out original space, like it was punishment. Now I saw entire land untouched, like God changed His mind! Somehow our repentance calmed God down, and reached out to us. Healing flow to us.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Nicky: This vision needs to be verified more… I took the notes fast, very fast. We know things will happen to the East Coast so as of yet, I would not think things would not happen to it eventually.]
From: Nicky Pan, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005.
118.1 2001?, Vision?, East Coast Nuclear Bomb — I saw a host of angelic beings on the whole east coast standing guard and watching. Armies of enemy trying to come against the East Coast. The East Coast is the latitude of Israel (Jacksonville & Savannah).
Two years ago (2005), in a vision I saw a big huge light, nuclear bombs, East Coast, Florida and Georgia area. Huge light, atomic bombs, like I was watching the news, an a East Coast Broadcaster was saying “There’s An Attack, Atomic Bomb, East Coast—get away!
Lord Jesus showed, East Coast, attack, unless my people come together in humility, if they did not there would be an attack.
I saw a massive attack to New York City about 6 (?) months before, something terrible was going to happen with destruction. I felt she was telling me this was before 09/11/2001 destruction of the Twin Towers.
I saw a massive exodus in a vision about 4 years ago (2005), in New York City.
The Lord Jesus showed me, the Lord gave me two golden keys, a huge Iron gate, one key unlocked and golden gate. Iron ancient and gold—heavenly gate. Cobblestone road I saw, shoes, men and women and children, “order the footsteps of millions.” End of vision
A few days later, go to Ellis Island & Statue of Liberty, cobblestone road, 7 shofar, blow the shofar, millions of Jews—New York, massive exodus of Jews, exit out of New York City harbor filling up shoes, only with all they could carry. Open the gates and prepare the way for Jews to go home! During the night of Av 9th, Jewish 1st and 2nd temple destroyed, now exodus out of America.
I was not able to get fully but from her, for I was writing fast, but something about peace process, Israel join NATO; America & Britain & UN – as the one world government (?), G20/G10 all part of. I am not sure what she meant by all this but I will put it in here if anyone wants to research it further.
From: Edith Farmer, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005; jealousfire@hotmail.com.
119.1 02/19, 2001, Dream, World Trade Center Warning & Fulfilled — I was standing at the top of the south tower of the World Trade Center Building and I was facing west. I was able to see everything below me and everything looked normal.
Suddenly, what felt to be an earthquake coming from below, triggered explosions and rumblings. I tried to keep standing by balancing myself, it felt like being on a surfboard… I heard screaming… screaming like I have never heard before in my life. The north tower slowly bent itself to a position where it was leaning in front of me and something stopped it. I had not fallen but I looked as if I was about to.
I could see people screaming through the windows… saying, “Help me… please, please… help me!!!” [The screaming was something I cannot explain in this verse… it was terrible.]
I got on my knees and prayed, “Father God, in Jesus Name, please help me out of this My God!! I do not want to die like this Dear God!! Oh Father, save me from this terrible death of falling to the ground!!
My house is a mess at home… Don’t let me die leaving such a mess! Amen!
As soon as I got done praying an old woman dressed in white approached a window on my left. She was walking on a platform that somehow was raised all the way to the top of the building.
The screaming of many people kept roaring in the background. It sounded like thousands. Some screamed. “Oh My God, help us please… help me please!!!”
The old woman walked up to some safety window that snapped open and said, “Come!”
The people screaming could see me leaving the other unstable tower and screamed even louder now. I said to her, “what about all these screaming for their lives?” She said, “they do not know The Father God and will die today just like you see… They will fall to the ground and nothing can save them.”
119.2 03/24, 2002, Dream, Catastrophic Event Dream – Phoenix, Arizona — …I have is that I have had dreams that come to pass as you will see further in this e-mail. My fear is that if this next dream comes to pass the entire country will never be the same, it involves an Entire American City "being GONE" as it was said to me in the dream. Gone in what way? I'm not sure. I'm not sure about anything other then the fact that I am scared about this happening. I could go on and on with my testimony and other things I would like to share with you, but I feel I should get straight to the warning dream. In order for you to understand the dream I will also include the original dream I had on 02/19th, 2001 about the World Trade Center Falling. This dream came to pass on 9-11- 01. I am not a prophet or anyone trying to make a name for myself, I'm simply someone who had a dream that God sent to me about the WTC falling, I posted it on the Internet and nobody cared about it until after the fact. This time I am sending out the dream in e-mail's so you can deal with this warning as well, and the burden will be lifted off of me somewhat because of (Ezekiel 33:6) I am asking that Christians please pray about this warning dream and ask God for direction, test this dream please. Maybe it is a false dream? Maybe not, and ask God to reveal to you a way out of this for America. I am asking you to test it because I am admitting to you that I am not above deception, its quite possible that the devil may have given me a false dream, I cannot take the chance of doing nothing because of the history of warning dreams I have had in the past, I hope you understand.
Catastrophic Event Dream – Phoenix, Arizona — I was on the phone with my old boss from a company I worked for about 6 years ago in the security industry. As I talked to him on the phone I mentioned that he should get right with God because there was not much time left before the end of the world, as I explained this I mentioned how I had a dream about the "World Trade Center" falling down (on 02/19th, 2001) and how it came to pass on 9-11-01, then I added I had a dream that showed America looking like it had fallen into 3rd World Status, all of a sudden he said "Wait a minute, my daughter had a similar dream!" then I was now no longer on the phone with him but in his house looking at his little girl who was about 6 or 7 years old. His daughter in real life is now at about 16 years old. As I talked to him in his house he explained that "He was not a Christian and his daughter wasn't either so the dream that she had might not be true." I told him that it says in the Word of God that the Lord would pour out dreams and visions upon "all flesh" in the end times. As I explained this he said his daughter's dream was showing that a Catastrophic event will be taking place soon that will drag the United States down into a 3rd World Country Status. I felt as he told me that this meant an entire city will be disappearing. I do not know if this means a "Nuclear" or "Chemical" Attack or something else. All that was clear is that a city will be attacked and that most of the people in this city will be GONE. This event will bring the country into total devastation. At the end of the dream I heard Phoenix, Arizona. This does not mean that I am certain that this is the city that will be targeted for sure because I am not. Maybe God will confirm it with you.
Shortly after having this dream me and my friends prayed for confirmation about the Location and the type of Attack. One of my Christian friends has a daughter who lives in the Phoenix Area and the same day I got the dream his daughter received an e-mail from a man she had only met once on campus with the screen name "FuturePhxFire". He was a local fireman trainee and college student whose heroes happen to be the 100's of firemen who recently died in the WTC incident. Later that day this same friend shared the dream with a Man of God who runs a Christian room on Pal Talk and before this Man of God could finish praying for my friend he was overcome with weeping and felt a heaviness in the Spirit of God all over him and could not fully understand the consequences of this experience except it being additional confirmation that a terrible judgment was about to unfold on our Nation. This Man of God later shared the dream with his 18-year-old Christian son and he was also overcome with weeping and the heaviness of the Spirit of God. Then, that same evening I went to a prayer meeting and shared it with a Pastor leading prayer who said God told him 2 weeks ago that a some type of Nuclear Attack will take place in Arizona, and that he didn't want to say anything, but when I shared the dream he said he had to talk about it. So you can see why this needs to be tested by other Christians as soon as possible. If it is a disaster coming, Christians need to call a Solemn Assembly and ask God to please show us the way out of this. I honestly believe GOD is calling this Nation to repentance right now because America's cup of iniquity is overflowing. God is getting ready to break His Silence again, suddenly, so lets not be caught off guard, and lets not fool ourselves into thinking America is in good standing with God, and that because we are sided with Israel in many ways that GOD will just forget about the 48 millions babies slaughtered in abortions since 1973 and many many other sins that have stacked up against us. The party is over if this last dream comes to pass. Lets join together and do something about it as "HIS" church. If churches work together and raise their voices against the sins of this nation, and call the nation to repentance, I honestly believe disasters like this dream showed can be stopped or delayed. So please consider saying something to your Pastor, to leaders now. If Christians work together and take this serious we can prevent this, if we sit back and have church as usual with useless meetings and conferences about nothing we are doomed.
119.3 04/10, 2002, Dream, Mike Wallace News Cast — I was watching the news on T.V. and Mike Wallace was the newscaster. It seems that Mike Wallace had left CBS NEWS and started his own show. He was announcing “INSIDE INFORMATION” he had received regarding a “TERRORIST PLOT” to launch a “TACTICAL NUKE” against PHOENIX, ARIZONA. He was using several colored magic markers to indicate on a map of the world, with the United States as the central focus, the various nations that were involved “behind the scenes” in this complex scheme to assist the Islamic Terrorists in carrying out their desires against the United States.
From: www.etpv.org or praise_christ2002@yahoo.com or www.nextcrusade.com .
120.1 04/2001, Three Asteroid & Comet Vision, One Hits Gulf Of Mexico & One Hits East Coast Of Florida & One Hits Out In The Atlantic & I Saw The Middle Of America Rise Up [EarthQuake] –Then Separate Into Two Land Masses With A Great Body Of Water Between The Two Halves — Dear Stephen, Here is the account of the vision dealing with the comets and the destruction to befall America that I was given.
In 04/2001 I was moved to ask God what was coming at us. The question was as generic as that...but not the answer. I was then shown North America on a globe. I saw three balls of fire streaking across the globe. One hits in the Gulf of Mexico...another hits near the east coast of Florida...and the third is further out in the Atlantic. I then see America get smaller. Florida is washed over as well as much of the east coast and the coastal areas of the Gulf. I asked if people would be warned of this event in any way. I was told that this was the warning. I asked again about the others that did not hear or see initial warnings. I heard that there would be a very small window of opportunity for people to get out of harms way...but most would still not listen. Then the only "close-up" view I got was of I—95... it was a death trap... and those were the words I heard too. Then I was shown a short period of relative stillness then I saw the middle of America rise up, then separate into two land masses with a great body of water between the two halves. When I inquired about what I was to do...I live In Florida...I was shown a specific area in North Carolina that I had to be at. I was also told I would be there before this happened. I am currently planning my move for asap. If finances had allowed I would be there now...but things being as they are I will be there in the next two months. I cannot even begin to list all the ways God has confirmed this for me.
Ann Peterson is currently a resident of Orlando, Florida.
From: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly/message/7613 .
121.1 10/2001, Prophetic Word, American Major Cities Leveled — I saw some American major cities leveled. We needed to pray so that the major cities would not be leveled if possible. The cities we were to pray about were: Boston, MA; New York City, NY; Los Angeles, CA; and San Francisco, CA.
2003, Dream?, America In War — About 2 years ago (2005), I saw America in war condition, war torn, things burnt, stores closed, perversion was very high.
About 1990, Dream, — I saw major earthquake in Texas, do not know what part of Texas, but this earthquake affected all the way to California, damage was done.
From: Willicia Rucker, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005, mylow1221@earthlink.net.
122.1 Around 10/23, 2001, Vision, New York City & Other American Cities — Some visions are to be shared and others may not be, and this has been the subject of my prayers for the past couple hours. For the vision I received only two hours ago was one of which I have asked God why should I share it? What would be the purpose in sharing it? Nonetheless, I know now that I must stand in front of you with the vision I received from God on this day. My son, Joel, was given leave from the IDF [Israel Defense Force] and able to come home for the Sabbath. As the Sabbath ended, and we had our Kiddush and meal, he decided to visit some friends. He had just left and I was setting on the balcony on our swing, and suddenly felt drowsy, so much so in fact I was wondering what was wrong with me. It was then that I found myself over looking what I believe to be New York City.
The Vision — There were fires and explosions all over the city and people were running in total panic. There were wrecked cars and cabs on nearly every street, and there were soldiers everywhere I looked. I felt a Holy Presence but could not see anyone. I asked if this was the World Trade Center we had just seen on TV, and He said “No, this is yet to come.” I then asked if it would only be New York City? He said, “No, many others will suffer in even worse ways. In other cities there will be death and destruction across the United States. The economy will be totally destroyed and when their god of money is gone from them, they will turn to me. But I will receive them not.” I then asked what about those who love You and are truly Your children? It was then that I could see in the crowds, those who could be identified by the Glory of God around them, and the peace they had was supernatural and it could be seen in their walk and manners. What about Israel I asked? He replied, “There will be much death and destruction in Israel for My people have sinned a great sin against Me. But I will save them as I have promised, but for those who have come against My city and My people, I will show no mercy.” I asked when will this happen? He replied, “Be ready to receive Me, for I will bring all these things to pass.” End of vision.
You may ask why would I send this out? The answer is I feel I have no choice, only God can answer the question as to what good it will do you or others. It certainly will make me look a little strange too many. But so be it, I will follow God anyhow. Shalom
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Jerry Golden, P.O. Box 591, Bet Shemesh, 99100, Israel]
From: Larry W. Taylor, Hyssop Chronicles, P.O. Box 735, Idabel, OK 74745-0735, Issue#1-2001, page 1, t12larrytaylor@webtv.net .
123.1 Before 12/2001, Dream, Vision #1–Dream Of The Future – Missiles & Bombs — I awoke from a dream one morning with sweat pouring down my face. The dream was simple; it showed the end and the way the people in this country would act. Here is the dream given to me by God.
I was standing in a doorway looking out across the horizon. The ground directly in front of me was angled downward and the ground in the distance was angled upward. It looked like a tunnel shape going from the downward slope all the way up the hill. I could see all the way to the top of the hill. Surrounding the tunnel shape land on both sides were forest of trees. I could tell that where the tunnel was now void of trees that it once was full of them also. But the ground had opened knocking all the trees down. (I did not see this occur but the evidence of that happening was clear)
There were people all around me, at least six or seven. We all saw shapes falling down from the sky. It looked as if there were fifteen to twenty of the shapes falling. Right off I knew that these fiery shapes were missiles. I stood frozen in time afraid to move a muscle. Until finally I started to move to my car. "What are those?" some asked. Other’s said "oh my God, they are meteors. Were going to get hit by meteors." Still yet another said, "those are alien ships coming." I couldn’t understand why these people couldn’t see that they were bombs. So I told them and still yet they didn’t believe.
Bewildered by these people cause they could not see the truth; I opened the door to get in my car. Just then the ground started to shake. I saw flashes of light and heard loud piercing sounds. From the opened ground come weapons of warfare that were not there before. Missiles and anti guns went off all around. There were more explosions and more loud noises. I covered my eyes half way and looked back upon the people still standing outside the doorway. I could see the fear in their faces from them knowing that they were seeing a nuclear warfare.
So I jumped in my car and headed North on the highway. I was amazed to see that very few people were headed North but the South side was jammed pack. I pulled onto the grassy median and I asked one of the people heading South, "Why is everyone heading South?" He replied, "Because that’s were they said we all should go." But I couldn’t understand because they were all headed right into the middle of the war. I was confused.
Now there was more to this dream but this is all I will include in this book. This is enough to get across what needs to. I know this dream is very self-explaining but there were a couple of parts I didn’t understand. So I prayed to God and asked to be shown what I couldn’t understand. These are the answer’s I received.
Why did the people not know that bombs were falling even when they were looking right at it? ‘You Americans are like no others. Not before you and not after you. When the bombs start to fall on America you will not understand. You in all your safety will not think that you could be attacked. But hear this, you kill by the bomb, so shall you die that way’
Listen to that people! Is it not true? We truly never think that we could get bombed like we bomb everyone else in the world. But not only can we, we will be bombed. Even as the bombs fell you wicked people were screaming meteor’s and alien’s, you had no concept that what you were seeing was missiles. You think you are safe when you are not. We are not safe. The only thing that kept us protected was the love of God. Now that we have left the "umbrella" of God, he will bring up an army to attack us. Oh the people of this country who constantly watch American planes enter other countries and bomb night and day. You American people do not understand, ‘you kill by the bomb, you die by the bomb.’
Why was everyone on the highway heading South instead of North? ‘The people of this country will only hear the words of those they think our in control or are highly educated. When all they have to do is hear my word and receive complete salvation. But because they will not listen to me I will send for their wise to become fools. I will show you who is in control. I know that you will not listen to me, your only hope in these coming days. You will only listen to those you think can help you, for that you shall die.’
123.2 Before 12/2001, Vision, Vision #2–The End Like Unto A Hurricane – Nuclear War — I had just finished driving one night when the Lord sent his spirit upon me and I saw the following vision.
I was in our living room with my family watching television. The news cut into our program. The reporter was shaking when he came onto the screen. I could see he was scared to death. "My fellow Americans." The reporter said. "I do not know how to report this to you so I will just show you the pictures." The screen went to a picture of America. In the State of Florida you could see a hurricane. My family and I watched as the hurricane moved up and down Florida without stopping and then on to the rest of America. Instead of dying out when it reached land like hurricanes are supposed to. It kept picking up speed until it had crossed over the whole country. Destroying everything in its path. Although this is something that does not occur I was not surprised. Before the hurricane did this, the reporter said, "Folks, I do not understand. This is something I cannot explain. This should not be happening. The hurricane is actually picking up speed. Let’s all pray now if you would." I shook my head when he said that last part!
Once again this vision was self-explanatory. Although this one was a little more chilling than the other was. But nonetheless I still had two questions. I did not ask God what the hurricane stood for because if you go by what you have already read in this section of the book then you will know that the hurricane represents a nuclear war. Also I did not ask God about how the news man was so shocked because I know that the answer to that question can be found in question # 1 in Vision # 1.
Why was I not surprised? ‘You were not surprised because I have told you what is going to happen and you have listened. But hear this, many, many, many will be surprised. Many will be confused. Many will be lost. But I am here for my children and when they call upon me I will not desert them!’
Why did I shake my head when the reporter asked us all to pray? ‘I have called upon each and every one of you. But you have not been willing to answer. So when you are in need, when a tragedy comes upon you and you pray for my help, I will not listen. For I have tried, I have tried over and over again to get your attention. But you do not want to hear! Because of this I will not be there for you when you are in need. But even then I will not leave the one’s I have chosen! When they call upon me I will be there for them always and forever. I am the Lord thy God!’
Read this section again if you have to. I am not the only prophet of God who is getting these kinds of visions. Turn your heart to the Almighty One. Turn your life over to the Lord. Then you will not die. But have eternally life through the love of Jesus Christ!
From: www.servingthelord.com/America_Book/america.htm or www.servingthelord.com/Prophecy/Vad/vadreams.htm .
124.1 Before 12/2001, Dream & Vision, Fire & Smoke — There were fires and explosions all over the city people were running in total panic. There were wrecked cars and cabs on nearly every street, and there were soldiers everywhere I looked. I felt a Holy presence but could not see anyone. I ask if this was the WTC [9/11/01] we had just seen on TV, and He said no, this is yet to come. I then ask will it only be New York City, He said no, many others will suffer in even worse ways. Other cities there will be death and destruction across the United States. The economy will be totally destroyed and when their god of money is gone from them, they will turn to me. But I will receive them not.
I then ask what about those who love You and are truly your children. It was then that I could see in the crowds those who could be identified by the glory of God around them, and the peace they had was supernatural and it could be seen in their walk and manners.
What about Israel I asked? There will be much death and destruction in Israel for My people have sinned a great sin against me. But I will save them as I have promised, but for those who have come against my City and my people, I will show no mercy.
I asked, when will this happen? Be ready to receive Me, for I will bring all these things to pass. End of Vision…
From: eap@mweb.co.za or www.demonbuster.com/america.html .
125.1 12/11, 2001, Dream, An Attack On America — We've heard this week from Pat Robertson as well as from the State Department, warnings of more attacks to come against America. We felt it was time to release these words of warning below as well. May the Lord keep all his children in the safety of his arms.
We had made our way to sit inside a big white dome building. There were lots of other people there - too many to count. At the top of the building was a huge hole and enemy fighter jets were flying in through the hole and crashing inside. As we rushed to get out we had to make out way around traps in the floors and in the walls.
Outside a plane had landed and soldiers were coming in. As I ran down the sidewalk away from the building with my children, we saw Don get inside the plane as a pilot and he began to shoot down the enemy planes all around us. We continued running down the pathway which was surrounded by well manicured lawns and beautiful trees. In the end, Don landed his plane near by and we were all safe.
Words From The Lord Concerning This Dream — A thousand will fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy left, but it will not come nigh thee, for you are walking with your little ones on the garden path of your God – one moment in the terror of the world and another in my Garden of Eden.
Yes, the attacks are coming. You have known the years of spiritual warfare. But now you and your little ones will be walking among the real warfare, the hand to hand combat, the terrorists attacks in the night. Oh they are congratulating themselves saying what a fine job they’ve done and how swiftly it seems over, but the warfare has just begun and it will not end until the returning of my Son. Why should that surprise you?
You have only but begun to fight. And the last and glorious battle will be such a sight, for on that day my Son shall come and sit on his throne and then you shall see the One, who’s never to be dethroned. So, do not worry, if they would destroy his dome or that home. Is it not just wood, hay and stubble to thee? Worry not about tomorrow, but think of your earthly temple and all that I have prepared for thee.
Exhortation — God would not have us to be ignorant, brethren. And yet He would not also have us to be fearful, because He designed for us to be born in this generation. He put the anointings upon us that will get us through for all the days that He has allotted for us to be upon the earth. And we can believe that our little ones will be saved, as we pray and obey, as we heed his calling, because it’s not just that spiritual battle anymore. But we are going to be seeing more and more physical battles. We’ve even heard of prophetic ones who’ve said, “I’m not going on that plane; the Lord has told me not to go on that plane.”
Even when the Titanic went down there were those that had dreams in the night; they knew that they were not to go on that ship. So we can rely on God warning us prophetically. We can rely on God warning us in his Word. And we can have joy in our hearts, for even in the battle of Jericho when they marched around those walls, did not that battle end in a shout of victory? So we can have peace, for those who are for us are much more than those who are against us. Is not the army of Angels of Heaven so much more greater, so much more greater than the opposing armies?
125.2 10/05, 2002, Vision, The Holy Spirit & His Flaming Chariot Of Fire! — Don and I went into prayer and I saw a big iron gate opening up, and a prophet was being released from prison. I said, “He's Joseph; he's coming out.” And I saw prison doors being unlocked and opening, prophets of every shape and size and caliber, all over, in the tiny towns, in the big ones, in the big cities, the baby prophets and the veterans, all were being released.
A Flaming Chariot Of Fire — And then I heard the sound of horses snorting and breathing heavily, nostrils flared. They were white horses, running as a team. They were running with all of their might, flat out. And they were pulling a FLAMING CHARIOT OF FIRE. It was being driven by the HOLY SPIRIT. He was standing and he wasn’t the sweet Holy Spirit comforter, dove we’re used to. He was on a mission, by the order of the Father. He was determined. He was fierce. I can only compare him to the picture of Jesus when he comes back to do battle in John’s Revelation. There was that face and look of determination on his face. And the horses and the chariot of fire ran full speed to their first point of destination upon a map of the United States. It was the house of a prophet. As they circled above in the air, and I saw that man of God, hear the whistle of the Holy Spirit and he responded, “Yes, Lord.” And as he moved to go he was changed from a man to an eagle and he took flight and met the Holy Spirit in the air, in the chariot of fire.
Flaming Golden Eagles — And the Holy Spirit stretched forth his arm in another direction and the chariot took off. They continued this way, crisscrossing the nation until the chariot of fire was full of eagles, which were not consumed in the fire, but anointed and brought back to life in the fire, the fire of the Holy Spirit.
And when He had picked up all who had responded to his call, the Holy Spirit breathed upon the eagles and out of his mouth came the breath of fire. And He breathed fire into the mouths of the eagles, yet the eagles were not consumed, but they became flaming eagles, golden eagles, golden eagles breathing fire. (It’s this fire of the eagles that can combat the fire of the dragon – the dragons, which will be let forth upon the earth by the enemy in the coming days.)
The Holy Spirit In Washington — The eagles then flew by the direction of the Holy Spirit as He pointed to this kingdom and that. They flew with the fire of the Holy Spirit in their mouths. The kingdoms were churches and cities and ministries. And they were lit afire and aflame by the fire coming out of the mouths of the eagles. And kingdoms were surrounded by the flaming fire. And then the Holy Spirit’s chariot came rest in the air over the Capitol in Washington! The Father in Heaven issued a decree and I saw the Holy Spirit speak and men in positions of power over this nation did hear his voice and began to respond.
From: Bonnie Franklin Carpenter’s Home Church [CHC] Intercessory Meeting, Lakeland, Florida, Prophetic Roundtable Ministries, www.propheticroundtable.org or prm@tampabay.rr.com .
126.1 Prophetic Word, Wrath… With Seals? — The wrath will be poured out upon all people. Every living thing will receive his wrath. The wrath will be sent out in vials, in bowls. The wrath will be seen by the horsemen. From the horsemen the wrath will be delivered, the wrath will be given, will be burned upon the earth.
(NOTE: The horsemen ride as SEALs are opened in Revelation. Are the seals, trumpets, and vials sequential, partially in sequence? Unknown. RAPTURE: At the last TRUMPET. Believers may be going thru half or part of the tribulation)
Keep Preparing — You will be ON YOUR OWN. Keep renewing your food & water supply & keep drawing closer to the Lord. He will see us through when we obey and honor Him. World governments will fall. People will be on their own for a while. They will need to exist. The areas that are free from radiation will be scarce. Millions will be killed. This will be a war to end all wars. The center of the country will be the safest. The outlying areas against the oceans will be bombed. (Carolu's notes: I live in Florida, but moving OUT of here! Did that page a year ago. I moved out of Florida in 12/2000)
Do not put things off that you need to do. Come to me closer and I will be your shepherd throughout this ordeal. Throughout this ordeal my people need to help my people. After this happens, you will be on your own for a few years. No one can help you. Everyone will be trying to exist.
Nuclear Missiles – World War III — (Carolu's note: Another man's vision saw FLORIDA –CALIFORNIA & NEW YORK NUKED) Soon you will see missiles flying through the dark skies & your people in your country, for being so generous to give them to other people, to the suffering of the people in the country, because of one man giving orders in that country. Those people will attack your country in fury, & the people in your country will know what it is like. Millions will be killed. When this happens to your country all HELL will break loose. They want to destroy America permanently, to wipe it off the face of the earth. Many parts of your country will not be able to be inhabited. There will be radiation to extremes in some areas. No one will be able to enter anymore. This is WORLD WAR 3 BELIEVERS. Your country will be left helpless but my people that OBEY ME and love me will be safe. I am their shepherd and I will take care of them, when they honor me and OBEY ME and love me and act on my word. But the people that do not have love, that do not want to obey me, that want to play god on this earth will be destroyed. This is before the wrath. This is before my people leave the earth. This will be soon. When this happens to your country, tell my people that they will be safe. Tell my people that I will take care of them. Tell my people that I am their shepherd. I will not leave them.
From: www.prinfla.tripod.com/warnings.html.
127.1 Dream, Sub Surfaced And Fired Three Missiles Toward The Midwest — Judy and myself; our job was to spot enemy subs that would surface on the West Coast and fire missiles at West Coast cities. One surfaced near Seattle. Judy punched some buttons on a keyboard and shot down the two or three missiles with some sort of a Star Wars missile defense system. This happened two or three times. A sub would attack a city and Judy would shoot their missiles down.
There was a feeling that we did not have many missiles ourselves.
Then a sub surfaced and fired three missiles toward the Midwest, two stayed together and went toward Florida. The other one went toward Wichita, Kansas. Judy and I looked at each other in amazement and with dread.
We were inside the warehouse of The Prophecy Club®. I saw Stan Johnson on his face, figuratively heaping ashes on his head. Behind him, standing with two other people, was whom I thought was Jesus. Jesus was watching Stan. I asked, “Is that Jesus?” to a worker who was passing by.
He said, “Oh yes. Jesus is here all the time.”
I warned everyone of the missile about to hit Wichita. Then there was a blast and a huge fireball. Someone said that we were 85 miles from the blast zone. I asked if there were any obstructions between us and the bomb blast. A worker said that there was a mountain between us and the blast. Then we looked outside and I saw a dark silhouette of a mountain with an orange glow around it. Then, someone said that if radiation was going to reach us, it would be here by now. We looked to see if there was any corrosion on the door and there was none. Then I awoke.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Dream given to Paul and Judy Benson]
From: Months 09 & 10, 2000 Newsletter, page 8, The Prophecy Club®, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, 785.266.1112
128.1 Vision, A Minister’s Vision Of War In America — Words cannot express the terror of this vision, but it went like this: between midnight and dawn, the Communists attacked America. Major cities were destroyed in a matter of minutes by long-range missiles fired from Russia and medium range missiles fired from submarines stationed along our coasts. All communications were destroyed. This synchronized with a widespread reign of terror caused by Communist saboteurs blowing up bridges, power plants, dams, etc. People fled to the deserts, mountains, and open fields where hunger, disease and death overtook them. In a couple of days thousands of Chinese and Russian soldiers were flown in to restore order. All leaders in America were immediately shot. A proclamation was issued by the Communists for everyone to return to their homes, and they would be cared for and protected. Everyone was required to register with the Communists and at that time received instructions to turn their property over to the state, with all monies. All children were separated from their parents and made wards of the state. While this was happening, all the remaining nations of the world surrendered to the Communists. The final blow came when all Americans [adults] were shipped out as slaves to every nation in the world. Every nation was calling for American slaves so they could humiliate them and destroy the last visage of Americanism. People from China, India, and other over-populated areas were shipped out to every nation under the sun. In the midst of this tragedy, prophets appeared among the people and spoke these words: “Ye would not go as a free people to all the world with the message of the kingdom. Now you shall carry it as slaves.” [Isaiah 24; Revelation 13]
From: The binder “The Day Of The Lord Is Near,” Volumes I-IV, a collection of prophecies, visions and dreams, Gwen Shaw, End-Time Handmaidens & Servants at Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Arkansas, 72641-0447, 870.446.2252, $25.00.
129.1 As A Teen, Dream &Vision, Vision Of China — I have had dreams of fighting the Chinese soldiers. In one dream when I was a teen, I was in a zodiac boat with other people in camouflage going down a river [in the U.S.?]. We saw a tin shack with a radio tower next to it. We went in the shack to look at the equipment. I saw a patrol boat with Chinese soldiers coming up the river. I quickly got some wire and hooked the wire to the door and the other end to a large battery in the shack and aimed my rifle at the door. As soon as heard a scream I shot trough the door and the recoil of the rifle woke me up. And I had another dream involving Chinese soldiers I was on a highway walking when I came across burned vehicles and other sorts of debris. I saw a Chinese soldier standing up above a crowd of people saying to surrender to us and you will have a better life. I came across a 50Cal. machine gun in one of the overturned trucks and I could only find 3 rounds and they were chained together. I loaded the gun and fired on the soldier and I woke up. These dreams were strange. I had these dreams before I knew about China and what a threat they [may be] to the U.S. I don't have dreams about killing either except in these two dreams. And I don't fantasize about killing.
From: www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html or Email:
alandewalton@yahoo.com , try naoc@postoffice.swbell.net .
130.1 Vision, Stock Market Crash & Earthquake & United States Invaded — ...U.S. INVADED: Shortly after the second earthquake the United States will be attacked by invading forces. Russia will invade the East coast and China the West coast. The invasion will include missile attacks. She was shown that the invasion would occur when people were eating and drinking which Gail believes to be Thanksgiving, but possibly Christmas. There will be nuclear attacks on both coasts, Las Vegas, and perhaps in Utah. [Note: This is supposed to take place following a 10th month Wall Street economic COLLAPSE, which will be followed by a long-lasting quake 10 days later, and a MAJOR quake that will break many dams 15 days following the first quake. She saw the invasion taking place near or shortly after the second quake. 3 1/2 years after the first two quakes, two more MEGA-QUAKES will hit that will shake the entire planet and will kill millions and literally cause whole mountain ranges to rise and fall].
...Many, including Isaiah and Gayle, have been shown the invasion of the US by Russia on the east coast and China on the west coast. Isaiah says that the invading forces, after accomplishing great destruction will be stopped by divine intervention and themselves destroyed &/or driven back. One man was told that the invasion would occur after the US ships troops to Korea. [Note: Gail has also stated that she has had dreams/visions of what may be destined to be the greatest military ground battle in the history of the world, which will take place in the Nevada desert between Eastern and Western military forces].
From: www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/chinainvasion.html or Email: alandewalton@yahoo.com , try naoc@postoffice.swbell.net .
131.1 2002?, Dream, Chinese Soldiers — About a couple of years ago from 2005, in a dream I saw Chinese soldiers, their was some kind of make shift prison camp, and even in the ground there was dug out dirt and there were bars on the tops of these kind of cells in the ground.
From: Margie Nelson revealed this dream to me along with another, at The Prophecy Club meeting at the Clarion Hotel, 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, on 07/10, 2005, during a Gary Wood speaker meeting.
132.1 2002?, Dream, Mickey Chance, Suitcase Bomb & Israel — About two years ago from 2004, I saw a person plant a suitcase bomb in Israel, when it went off, it exploded, devastation occurred in Israel, but I did not know which city it was that this occurred in the dream. Same dream – I was watching, saw another suitcase bomb, it went off, devastation, but I did not know again which city that was.
132.2 07/2004, Jennifer Chance, Atlanta Georgia — Saw skyscrapers destroyed and leveled with the ground, also fires burning in Atlanta, Georgia.
From: Mickey Chance at mickeycha@msn.com .
133.1 2002?, Vision, Economic Collapse In United States — I saw an economic collapse in America. I saw people in line, bank, and it said bank “Closed.” There was kind of like a riot. People were demanding money, but there was no money to be had.
133.2 2003?, Vision, Saw A Famine Of Biblical Proportions — I saw a famine of biblical proportions—of food, no food, and lack of God’s knowledge and understanding. I saw people eating children, the bible reveals this even. I saw people trying to eat anything, like and wading throw lakes looking for fish, and even eating algae. It seemed like I saw two seasons shown; harvest season but there was none; and winter—it was cloudy. It reminded me of a nuclear winter.
133.3 End of 12/2005, Inner Vision, Saw Some USA Cities Nuclear Bombed — God took me over the United States of America, and I could see down, it was like a map. At different spots: the West Coast had an earthquake and went into the ocean—I noticed it was wider at the bottom and narrower at the top of what occurred on the West Coast. About or around Jacksonville, Florida west through the state of Florida there was some kind of a split (earthquake?). There was some type of facture, a split up the Mississippi Valley (earthquake?).
I saw some cities that received bombs (nuclear?): Florida, both Miami and Tampa; Georgia, Atlanta; New York, New York City; Illinois, Chicago; Texas, Houston; Nevada, Los Vegas; California, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
133.4 01/14, 2006, Prophetic Word, Last Night At 3:00 AM God Woke Me Up — Last night at 3 A.M. God woke me up and let me know I was to pray: 1.) pray for the Church; 2.) a true root in the remnant; 3.) Lift up all prophets and true preachers teaching His Word; 4.) Church in general headed in the wrong direction.
From: Interview with Dr. Rod Shirk drrodshirk@aol.com, on 01/14, 2006, in Westchester, Illinois by Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous. Dr. Rod stated that his visions seem to last about an hour.
134.1 2002, Dream, Invasion Of The USA – Missile Coming From The East — A couple of years ago (from 2005) I lived in central Florida on the East Coast near Kennedy Space Center.
In the dream there were several people in our house, it was like we where having a House Church.
I saw a missile coming from the east, it looked like it was coming straight at us.
I was standing outside watching. When it hit, it landed a few blocks from us and caused an explosion on that block.
I went inside and told the people that it was to late, we had not prayed enough.
From: Bonnie Carter, Titusville, Florida; I met Bonnie while I was at the St. Louis PrayerLink meeting as I recall.
135.1 01/2002, Dream, Those Are Nuclear Missiles, The End Of This Time Is Near — In the past 2 months, I have had a couple of dreams. I honestly believe that the Lord was speaking to me in these dreams. The first one was quite long but I could send it to you from another file that I have typed it up in if you are interested. The other more recent on (about a week ago) found me flying over the ocean. It was almost in a spirit form, because there was no noise from wind, and I was not in an air plane. We were traveling at a high rate of speed as we neared the coastline. This had to have been an Arabian coastline, because there was nothing but desert. Then I saw these cylindrical things sticking up out of the sand. I asked the (person) that was with me, "What are these things on the ground?" And He answered in a very kind voice, "Those are Nuclear Missiles. The end of this time is near". Then, as I looked out to the horizon, I instantly saw a nuclear fireball. I woke up, immediately, and recounted the dream to my wife. To say the least, she was surprised. Could this be God telling us something or did I just eat some bad bean dip the night before.
In my dream, I was flying at a VERY high rate of speed over the water. I was NOT alone. It was totally quiet, no air rushing by and no engines. I was flying in Spirit form I believe. Anyway, I looked up ahead and saw that we were about to make landfall. When we did, all I could see was desert sand. Then, these small black cylinders began to crop up on the horizon. I could not figure them out, so I audibly said "What are those things on the ground?"
Then a very kind voice (I never saw a face) told me. He said, those are Nuclear
Missiles and the end of the world is very near. I looked up to the horizon, and
I saw a mushroom cloud that was horrendous. I woke up and told my wife about
it. Now I am looking for things to escalate in the world, because I believe
what I am dreaming is a vision from God.
From: Lachej1971@cs.com .
136.1 03/ 16, 2002, Dream, — I'm riding a bicycle down a street in IRAQ very fast. I'm wearing camouflage clothing that says NUCLEAR WAR. I pass a huge parade of the IRAQ military marching and I hope they don't stop me.
Somehow I get all the way to speak to Saddam Hussein. I tell him the LORD is gonna use him to start a world wide exchange of NUCLEAR WEAPONS, many countries will get involved and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will be DESTROYED! GOD is judging America because it is a wicked nation.
With his hand on his chin in a thinking posture he said. He liked the idea of AMERICA getting DESTROYED, but was pondering how much he would suffer. I started telling everyone I knew by cell phone that I told Saddam Hussein what GOD told me. I felt that it almost encouraged him to do it more and some how gave me favor with the enemies of AMERICA.
136.2 06/05, 2002, Dream, Phoenix, Arizona Is Going To Get Nuked — In this dream I was in Upstate New York and I was speaking to a young man who was a Muslim. He was asking me, “Am I going to be O.K. with all these troublous times coming”. He wanted to know if he was right with God. I said, “No, you’re not going to make it, you’re not right with God, you’re not right with Jesus Christ.” As I was speaking to this man a whole bunch of young people gathered around me and they wanted to hear what I had to say. Then I started telling them about America’s Destruction and about being in the Last Days and all the Calamities about to come upon Us. Then an older woman came over to me and asked, “Are you the same guy that was talking about destruction and naming all the cities like New York City?” And I said, “Yes, New York City, California, Las Vegas and Florida.” Then I said, “I have an UPDATE for you and here is the latest one, PHOENIX, ARIZONA.” I said, “PHOENIX IS GONNA GET NUKED!!”
We are basing this warning on the accuracy of dreams given by The Holy Spirit to several individuals with the calling of “Watchmen to America” as defined in Ezekiel 33. Make no mistake about it God has declared to This Nation of America over and over that there would be a “PAY DAY” for the abominations committed in Her Midst (divorce, infidelity, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, greed, lying, hypocrisy, witchcraft, sorcery and perversion). The weather has become bizarre, the rain no longer sustains the farmers’ crops, wild beasts attack the people, the economy is a bubble of false hope, and God is knocking at America’s Door with even Greater Threats of Judgment (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Terrorism) as He said He would to a FALSE HEARTED PEOPLE who no longer serve Jesus Christ but their own appetites. For nearly 30 years II CHRONICLES 7:14 has been spoken from the Pulpits of America as “God’s Stated Remedy for the Moral, Spiritual, Social and Economic Dilemmas” facing Our Nation. But the People of America only want to hear “Good Things” and the “Pastors and Prophets” in the Pulpits of America are only willing to tell them that which they long to hear. That God only desires to “BLESS HIS PEOPLE”. But as God’s Prophets Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah knew… God reserves “THE MOST HORRIBLE OF JUDGMENTS”, not for the pagans or the heathen, but for “HIS OWN PEOPLE” who no longer love Him sincerely but only with “LIP SERVICE” like the “ADULTEREOUS WIFE”. And so God in turning over all Judgment to His Son…JESUS CHRIST… is preparing Additional Calamities against This Nation and the only thing that will change God’s Mind regarding The Destruction of Phoenix at the hands of Evil Men (as God clearly stated He would do in DEUTERONOMY 28:49-57) is a change in heart, mind and action by the People of God living in Phoenix... serious enough to give God a reason to “Change His Mind Regarding His Ordained Calamity” (as God clearly stated in JEREMIAH 18:1-12). Otherwise Phoenix, Arizona is Doomed…Your Children Have No Future…because Destruction is Coming and Nothing can Stop It. At most it could be delayed or diminished through heartfelt intercession but nothing short of a City Wide Repentance among His People can stop this Judgment of The Lord.
From: http://www.nextcrusade.com or MichaelKRoellcompanyof@aol.com, 516.220.3907.
137.1 04/21, 2002, Dream, Tribulation Begins In 2006? — I saw myself inside of the White House of the United States of America. I knew that President Bush had just moved out and the next President was to move in. I heard or knew that President Bush's presidency was represented by the color "yellow" (seems like I saw a pale yellow). I heard, "The tribulation has already begun, but some haven't recognized it as having begun yet." I also heard, "Some have wondered if President Bush is the anti-Christ, but he is NOT," and "President Bush will complete out his term." The next President was yet to move in, and I saw that his color was a drab bluish-grey, yet I was perplexed because if the new President hadn’t actually moved in yet, why was I seeing the White House walls painted in this drab gray color already?
While I was in the White House, I had the feeling of dread in my heart and I just wanted to get out of there and run, and I heard these words about the next President or Leader: "HE WILL BE DREADFUL AND FEARFUL. JOY WILL ESCAPE AT THAT TIME. IT WILL BE A TIME TO FLEE, TO ESCAPE." I also heard that the next President "WILL BE THE END." I heard these exact words: "WITHIN 48 MONTHS WILL BE THE END!"
But then I heard these reassurances from The Lord. "BUT, THOSE WHO LOOK TO ME, I WILL EXALT, I WILL KEEP."
(Notes from Dave: Drab Grey is the color of the spirit of the beast from the pit (Rev.17:8). President Bush is not the beast but he will be used by it to bring a one world order… (http://www.americaslastdays.com/whoisantichristbeast.htm ; http://americaslastdays.com/beastcov.htm).
Remember that Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, became possessed with the mind of the beast for "seven times," which in Revelation is years (Dan.4:16). The beast will rule over the whole world with the U.S. eagle as the head. The great eagle of Babylon was the head of the image of the one world beast in Dan.2:28-3:7 and the Babylonish harlot rode the body of the beast in Revelation 17:3, which is all nations.
Determining the timing of the beginning of the tribulation from this is a lot of speculation because of the variables but I will put forth a couple of scenarios and not prophesies. The dates are not meant to be exact but general.
Scenario One: This dream says that when Bush finishes his term and the next president takes office there will be "48 months" or four years until "the end." "The end" is defined in two ways in scripture. "The end" of the tribulation for the saints is when they enter the ark before the flood, which is the year-long day of the Lord (http://www.americaslastdays.com/rapture.htm ). Without Martial Law the end of Bush's term would normally be 1-20-2009 and four years from that would be 1-20-2013. I have been seeing the end of 2013 as the end of the tribulation and beginning of the day of the Lord rather than the beginning. The Bible codes seem to support this. Our online Bible Study entitled 1948 to the Jubilee shows this ( http://www.americaslastdays.com/sabs-OBS.htm ). However, if we count back seven years from the 1-20-2013 date, we would come to the "covenant with many" and the beginning of the tribulation in 1-20-2006. But if we are in a period of Martial Law when Bush is to leave office his term would be extended. In my opinion we will be under Martial Law because it will be the timing of some natural catastrophes on America, and civil war just before the mark of the beast. If Bush's term is extended for about nine months, the timing fits what I have already thought to be correct, which is around 08 or 09/ 2006.
Scenario Two: "The end" of the age for the world is when Jesus has conquered the enemies of the kingdom. (1 Cor.15:24) Then [cometh] the end, when he shall deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have abolished all rule and all authority and power.) This would be the end of the eighth year called the day of the Lord. If we count back from 2013 eight years to the beginning of the "covenant with many" the tribulation would have started around 1-20-05. Of course, Martial Law could extend this date into the future. Some are saying the Covenant is already started but they are wrong. I have been told what the covenant looks like and because of traditions of men multitudes will not recognize it ( http://americaslastdays.com/beastcov.htm ). This is proven by the fact that Angel was told, "The tribulation has already begun, but some haven't recognized it as having begun yet."
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com.
138.1 05/09 , 2002, Dream , Chicago Earthquake — I heard the earthquake – the ground was shaking in Chicago… there was a fire like an atomic bomb.
138.2 05/16 , 2002, Vision , Chicago Earthquake — I was in a building in Chicago with my children, I heard the earthquake, the building I was in was pulled off its foundation, there were crowds of people in the streets. The earthquake is going to spread outside of Chicago… [On 05/16, 2002 – Louise stated, if I managed to get the information correct in writing it down quickly that there was a earthquake, 5.0 on the scale, it happened but I do not recall exactly where Louise stated it happened – and it was felt up near Chicago. Also, Louise stated that a prophetess lady she knew also received a Chicago earthquake dream or vision from the Lord and that she would be speaking on the radio on Monday, 06/24, 2002 on 106.3 at 6:15 A.M.]
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: I met Louise Rosenburg-Meiszner at a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International meeting in Elgin, Illinois. She was one of the guest speakers that evening & she ministered after to the people who where there. She was very tired and I was only able to get the above information from her, but it is enough to verify with what Gwen Shaw and I think Rick Joyner also received that there will be a Chicago earthquake – Chicago had a major severe earthquake 08/20, 1804. Louise also mentioned that she received regarding terrorist & a dream about asteroid hitting the earth but I was not permitted to get the details from her.]
From: Louise Rosenburg-Meiszner, phone: Armour Of God Healing Ministry @ 847.707.4293.
139.1 05/29, 2002, Dream, Fire, Bombs, And Missiles From Unexpected Places — I woke up at 4am while staying at Entheos Centre, following the prayer offensive that had taken place the day before regarding the G 8 and the previous evening on site at Kananaskis.
The dream began before 4am and it was very clear - and when I awoke out of the dream, it was as if I was still in the dream - such was the sense of urgency and concern I was experiencing.
It was at least an hour before I was able to sleep again, and even that was only for a short while before I had to get up and inform Marie. I then met with Jean Steffenson, Pat Cocking, John Robb, Peter Gardner and Marie shortly after breakfast and recounted the dream. The consensus was that I should write this down and send a copy to Chuck Pierce, as well as talk with Michael Schiffmann who was at the conference.
In the dream I was at a conference Centre, rather like an English Country Retreat Centre with a large gathering room. Several of the people at this Entheos venue were there, including Peter Gardner.
In the dream, I was sitting at a bay window beside Mike Jacobs (husband of Cindy Jacobs). I could turn around and look out the bay window since, in a sense Mike and I were almost sitting on the bay window seats that are often found in these types of older Retreat Centres.
Outside there were several green fields and hills - behind which was a fairly large city. I was feeling uneasy about something and talking with Mike and then went back and listened to the conversation in the conference room. I was not really that interested in what was taking place there. I was more interested in what was taking place outside.
I then looked out again and say a flame in the sky coming from the front side of the Centre and going towards the city (behind us) and I turned to Mike and I said "What is that"? He looked at it and he said, "Oh, that's a missile!"
I was perplexed, especially since Mike seemed to look back into the conference room and was intent on what was going on in there. I kept looking at this missile and it went behind one of the hills. There was a momentary silence and suddenly this enormous explosion took place. Fire and smoke suddenly appeared above the hill and then within seconds the whole city suddenly seemed to be engulfed in flames and destruction that was "evaporating" the city.
Flames shot up everywhere. The devastation was horrific! I remember shouting, "It has exploded!" There was a single helicopter in the sky near our Centre. We seemed to be in a middle of something so horrific - and yet - THERE WAS A DISTANCE BETWEEN US AND WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO THE CITY.
Then I heard voices coming from somewhere saying that they had not expected the missile to come from that direction. They were unprepared. There was an immediate thought I recall having that the missile had come from a ship in the sea but I am a little unclear how or where that fits in.
However it was as if the sea was near us and this was an area that had seemed to be secure, and it caught the security forces off guard. There was total panic!
I kept looking at the city. It was being destroyed with this fire and it appeared as if the ground all over the fields had large bullet holes or small bombs exploding everywhere, causing small craters to appear. We were clearly under attack, though it seemed as if those of us in the Centre were momentarily safe.
However I was perplexed that those in the conference Centre were not expressing noticeable concern in the way I felt they should! I was now "awake," but the dream was continuing on -- and then I heard this loud voice saying "This will happen; you must warn them". It was a stern, loud voice.
I was deeply upset about the city and at the same time extremely concerned about what was going on. There was now total panic and fear. I kept looking at the city burning and knew that terrorism had hit this city.
The helicopter was flying aimlessly around the sky. Though we were safe in that Centre for the time being, I knew we had to get moving. Something of a horrific magnitude had just taken place and I was filled both with horror and major sorrow for what just happened to those in that city which was now destroyed. --the dream ended
I knew I was to talk with the others as mentioned above. We had been at the Kananaskis Centre the previous evening. Some of us had concern that terrorists could easily have taken up a place of refuge there months before and could not now be detected even under the rocks or on the mountains with sophisticated sensor equipment.
Some had a concern they could easily be underground in that area and so a missile attack is not out of the question. When talking about this dream with others such as Pat, it was felt that since I saw all of this through a window that this may have been a "window" of time and that there was a season before this would happen (seeing the expanse of the field between us, and the actual city).
I am not sure why Mike Jacobs appears in the dream. He is a good friend and he is a strategist, but he had not been involved in what we were doing at Entheos for this pre-prayer event at Kananaskis. He was aware of what was happening but did not appear to become directly in involved in the situation. In the dream, he was more focused on what was going on in the room. I submit this to you for your discernment. Alistair Petrie.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Strategic Prayer Now Needed To Secure Our National Borders, By Chuck Pierce, (and Cindy Jacobs, dream by Alistair Petrie). Tuesday, 06/04, 2002. As you know, I recently sent out a 40-day prayer focus as well as a prayer alert regarding 23 consecutive attacks on "hub" cities. When I awoke yesterday morning, I began to pray for our border cities and how missiles were crossing the borders undetected.
I especially prayed for the bridge between Key West and Miami. I also prayed for San Diego, El Paso, Houston, Seattle, Chicago, and San Francisco. Since I recently came from Minneapolis, I then prayed for it and Buffalo.
Last week I also received a pressing dream from Alistair Petrie in Canada. He is a key prayer leader and international speaker/teacher. He is currently mobilizing prayer for the upcoming G-8 Summit to be held in Canada. This provided the backdrop for his dream, which appears below.
Cindy Jacobs also believes we need to take this dream seriously. She sees the need for the SPN (Strategic Prayer Network) to secure all of our national borders where there are coastlines, and specifically to pray for each place where we have Navy bases and fleets.
Remember, the attack on Pearl Harbor came against the ships. Two cities she felt we must pray for include Norfolk and San Diego, as well as other areas where we have our big aircraft carriers…]
From: usspn@globalharvest.org .
140.1 08/2002, Audible Voice Of The Lord Jesus & Dreams & Visions, Visions & Dreams Of Both The Coming Destruction Of America & Massive Repentance Revival — Mona , and the rest of the group. Let me say this very clearly so you will know you have heard a certain sound.
Issue number 1 ) don’t count on the multitude of prophets to be right Elijah was outnumbered 850 to 1 definitely in a minority yet he was right, 2 ) after 911 the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice and He said this concerning prophets and preachers; if they are my servants they will be calling my people to prayer, fasting, weeping, gathering solemn assemblies and they will lead this by example. He also said if they are not doing this they are serving themselves, building there own kingdom and not His. I will give an example a certain faith teacher who happens to live in the DFW area --- made a statement God does not want us to fear to have faith and not to fear, no call to fasting, prayer, repentance, etc. --- this man is under strong delusion and one of his spiritual sons is already reprobate, nevertheless we should still be praying that he repent. Many very large ministries took a middle of the road stance concerning 911 --- if you tell people the truth, they don’t want to hear. It doesn’t motivate them to send you big offerings. I agree the brothers that continue to cry aloud about the Phoenix thing seem to have a one track mind like that is all they can see or hear when they should be doing everything they can to motivate people to: prayer, fasting, weeping, etc. Me personally I am not a doom and gloom person, I still hold out a hope that if the remnant prays and obeys --- there will be enough repentance to delay this Judgment and give us time for a harvest.
I have had visions and dreams of both the coming destruction and massive repentance revival etc., that could push the time clock back so to say. I don’t believe they are conflicting, but they send a seeming conflicting message which depends upon we the people which are called by His name, if we will humble ourselves. confess our sins, and repent, and seek His face --- then He will hear from heaven and forgive our sins and heal our Land. I have been doing much fasting & prayer etc., to stop or delay this event or change of events from happening, because if it comes it will definitely bring about a collapse of the economy with it as of right now it is a long shot that the church will repent and turn enough to stop what is coming.
The Lord gave me a very clear dream last week in which I saw Russian troops on American soil in occupation doing house to house searches for both food and weapons. I have seen this many times before with both Russian and Chinese troops so when I got up I asked the Lord why did you give this to me now again, I have seen it before and know that it is coming. He said to me, I wanted to show you that the spiritual event or chain of events that is needed to stop or delay this has not happened yet, that this thing was coming our way and in the not to distance future if we don’t have massive repentance now and that by repentance it would have to be more then the church just weeping and praying and asking him to forgive us, but that we would have to change our ways and come back to his pattern of doing church and not mans; that the biggest thing that needed to be repented of is the bondage --- the idolatry, the pride --- the arrogance --- the manipulation --- the witchcraft --- the control going on in the church at large --- that leaders would have to repent of building there kingdoms and not Gods, … we could not go back to our old ways --- that we need to seek His face like never before. You can go up and down this land and there is almost virtually no fervent corporate prayer going on --- I am sure there are some small groups here and there, but where are they? For example, here in Raleigh NC, we need to pray for those who are crying out that they would have the fruit of peace even though give a hard message that people do not want to hear, we all need to seek His face like never before to see what He would have us to do concerning our part in preventing or stopping what would very evidently be the beginning of the down fall of America, this is a serious hour and we cannot take these things lightly our future and the future of our children depends upon it, we need a national Spiritual Awakening !!!!!!!!! RIGHT NOW, IN FACT YESTERDAY. Let us not hit the snooze button anymore, but wake up, and do our part, and rise up in the zeal, wisdom, and grace of God to pay the price it will take to have an anointing that will bring repentance to our land. Kevin Nugent
From: siloam777@aol.com .
141.1 08/2002, Dream, Missiles & Shreveport — The dream started out with president Bush coming into my small town of Ruston on a train, (There is train tracks that go right through the center of Ruston). It seemed to me it was like one of those campaigning events that used to happen on train, campaigning for president. Only the reason that he was coming through town was because of a great victory.
All the crowds
around me were in rapture before him and I was too in the dream. Suddenly I was
somewhere else
where their were two train
tracks. A train (I don’t know if was the same train) was going down the track
but the other track was free. A friend of mine was on the free track and
suddenly the train switched to the other track and killed my friend, I just
barely escaped.
Then I was back in the center of town and I saw a red line like in the game 'missile command' streak toward Shreveport, (where Barksdale Air Force Base is). It hit and I saw rocks fly from it almost hitting me, big chunks. After understanding what it was I was surprised my town has survived. I went into a clothing shop and bought one of those umbrella hats to keep the 'ash' from falling on me.
I went back outside and another 'missile command' came toward Shreveport but a little farther north except it seemed to hit 'a barrier' and 'bounced' into the air. The same missile then went into an arc and hit south of Shreveport (which is 70 miles from where I live) and closer in direction to Ruston. Big chunks of rock again flew in the air and came raining down. They got very close to me this time and one hit me in the foot and I was thinking I was pinned down by it. End of dream.
From: www.angelfire.com/fl3/grammadim/news.html .
142.1 09/2002, Vision, Invasion Of The United States — During the day, I had this vision, I saw a huge, very huge ship, and it was black, but it had a strip on top at the edge and it was white, and what I understood is that the Lord is going to permit this invasion… I felt that they were coming… to America… it appeared to be the fall time of the year… The Lord said it could be detained if America turned back to God.
From: Samuel Arroyo, 561 Weston Avenue, Elgin, Illinois 60123, 847.742.4619.
143.1 09/11, 2002, Vision, Vision Of Judgment To America — Brother Pruett's Vision Of Judgment, submitted on 08/23, 2003: Let me begin by saying that I do not claim to be prophet in any way shape or fashion. I merely speak what God has given me when He gives it. I fear and tremble to even think that He would call such a one as I am, for I am nothing. And yet, under fear of retribution and accountability for my silence I must speak what has been shown me. My only regret is that I have waited almost a full year to publish abroad, what was shown me in secret.
On 09/11, 2002, there was a large fire in my hometown. After church services that night I decided to go by the ruins and look to see what was going on. I drove my family by the smoldering ruins, then we went home. My wife needed some things from the store so she and I left home again (about 9:30PM) and went grocery shopping. On the way back through town we decided to go up on a hill overlooking the fire scene and view the damage from there. She was driving (very unusual for she always prefers me to drive when I'm with her.). As we came down the hill behind and across a creek from the ruins, we lost site of them due to a slatted fence and brushy growth that surrounded a factory yard.
As I looked out the car window suddenly I saw, whether with my eyes or with my spirit I don't know; a city on fire. There was no clear architecture, just an outline of a city overshadowed by an eerie red glow of embers and huge plumes of black smoke billowing up from the city. And the word "destruction " was spoken to my heart. I realized suddenly that GOD was trying to get my attention. I prayed silently for understanding and the words came this time "massive destruction." I began to feel an overpowering presence of God and wept under such presence, all while praying "What is it Lord, what are you trying to show me?" The words came this time " massive destruction in a few days.” By now I was weeping and shaking uncontrollably while my wife drove. She was aware that something was taking place and she too was in tears.
As I prayed on the only further words I got was "city" and "upheaval" before the vision and overwhelming presence of God lifted. Though I prayed on I got no further revelation as to what I had seen. I told a few very close friends and my family about this but kept it to myself mostly for fear of skepticism.
Some months later, through a series of events under the ordination of God, I found the prophecies of Dumitru Duduman on the Watson's Web page. As I began to read, I felt the exact same moving of the Spirit of God that I had before. The more I read the more I wept until I fell to my knees to pray. As I began to pray I came under satanic attack in the form of severe leg cramps. I forced my self to my feet and began to pray for help. The Holy Ghost spoke to my heart so plainly and said " It's the devil. Rebuke it in the name of Jesus." As I did so, within seconds the cramp went away completely and all residual pain vanished as well. Then the Spirit said "Sit down and read". I obeyed and as I read on the word of God came to me saying "This is what I showed you. This is what you saw." I read on weeping heavily until I could read no more. But the Spirit was on me mightily and I wept on for some time.
A few days ago I met another brother who is a very dedicated Christian. He walks close to God and the Lord shows him things as well. He encouraged me and chastised me as well to begin to tell what I had seen. I felt the meeting between he and I was ordained of God and likewise felt the Lord telling me to proclaim what I have seen.
The other day I received revelation of what the Spirit meant when he said it was a city. Please recall that in the days of the Bible, powerful nations were sometimes known by the name of the chief city of the land. For example... Rome, Babylon, and Tyre. The Spirit of God showed me that though He spoke the word "city" in the vision I was given, He is referring to the United States as a whole! Babylon The Great of Revelation 18 is, I fully believe, the USA.
Judgment in any courtroom is simply the rendering of an opinion. A decision that has been made. God always gave a space of grace between judgment and the execution of a sentence, to see if the people would repent. Yet the Book of Revelation said "they repented not"! Oh that men would repent before the execution of sentence upon this evil land. Given by, Brother Pruett, email withheld by request.
From: Brother Pruett, www.markswatson.com .
144.1 09/15, 2002, Visions, Visions Of America — The first in the series was an open eyed vision I had at a praise service on 09/15, 2002.
Los Angeles, California - As I worshipped I began to see the charred body of a child that was burned beyond recognition. It was upright and began to break inward upon itself, not like blowing ashes, but more like an implosion. My perspective was that of a fireman, in a school, and the body was sitting at a desk in a burned classroom. The fireman touched the body and it broke inward and collapsed downward into the desk and settled on the floor. The fireman then broke down in tears. (He thinks its a chemical bomb, but what chemical would cause this?) The scene then switched to the famous Hollywood sign in Los Angeles. It was glowing reddish-pink from flames around it. I looked up and saw 5 missiles flying overhead. I asked God where are these missiles coming from, and suddenly I was traveling very fast above the waves of the Pacific. (Sensation much like an IMAX movie) GOD said they were not coming from China. They came from a ship. I also heard the words of John 5:14 Stop sinning or something worse will happen to you.
Las Vegas, Nevada - I saw the large neon cowboy sign in Las Vegas crashing to the ground in flames. Four days before I received this vision I was worshipping in my church late one night and was told to pray about danger for the Southwest USA, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. On the morning of 09/15th before I had the vision I was leading my church service and God told me to pray protection for those cities. For several days after 09/15th I had an intense burden for these cities. I saw small snippets of other images. One image I was riding on a fire engine with other rescue workers and there was agitation and we were rushing through the streets. Another image was several people who had irritated skin with large portions of red over their skin and some had welts that had raised white spots on the skin. (smallpox?) A curtain was preventing me from seeing more. (Isolation?) I called people to pray and God said that what I saw would not happen, but I still felt burdened for these cities.
Kansas City, Missouri – 02/07, 2003 I was at a prophetic conference in Kansas City. I was listening to the speaker and began to see flashes of fire on the wall behind him. It was as if I was seeing a movie on the wall of many, many bombs falling fast, all at once, producing flashes of fire where they destroyed. Then in the service as he spoke I began to weep for America. There were no tears but my body wracked in motion of wailing. 02/09th I was in the International House of Prayer [IHOP] in Kansas City Missouri. God told me to look at Obadiah verse 4…
Though you build high like the eagle, Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down, declares the Lord. The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord God concerning Edom We have heard a report from the Lord, And an envoy has been sent among the nations saying, Arise and let us go against her for battle. Behold, I will make you small among the nations; You are greatly despised. The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, You who live in the clefts of the rock, In the loftiness of your dwelling place, Who say in your heart, Who will bring me down to earth? Obadiah.
America Shrouds - Then that afternoon I met a lady from Burma who had had a dream about a city called America. It was very beautiful built upon a plateau. Many around looked at it and wanted to go there. Then in the distance Large shrouded figures arose and began to come towards America. There was no cry from America, no warning because the sin represented in these shrouds was a sin prevalent in America and brought no sense of concern. The shrouds carried dead bodies and when they reached the city they dropped the dead bodies. Instead of causing plague as might be expected from dead bodies, these bodies began to roll around the streets and every building they touched collapsed in destruction. Each body caused vast destruction and killed many.
02/15th I began to see a dream as I laid down to sleep. I was not yet asleep and had just worshipped for 2 hours. I began to see a pile of rubble and dust floating in the air. I came upon a large rectangular structure, a military or makeshift hospital. As I approached it, I was told by God not to enter. What I would see inside would cause me hurt. I did not go in, but I knew that inside there was terrible suffering and deformities in people, not ones they were born with.
02/22nd I had another dream. I saw a large storm with black clouds and lightning. There were ocean waves that were churning. In the midst of the ocean waves I saw a yacht called America being tossed back and forth. I went and wrote it down and then put in my journal that yachts are made for pleasure and not for storms.
That is all about these dreams. I believe they are still connected and I still feel a sense of danger for Los Angeles, California. In Christ, Pastor Mark Lerseth mlerseth@jamadots.com 06/01, 2003.
From: Pastor Mark Lerseth, http://www.fidalgo.net/~rfoster/2000forward/MarkLerseth.html .
145.1 12/2002, Dream, Houston, Texas — While driving into the city of Houston, Texas to see my daughter, coming from Illinois and was driving into Houston off interstate on a secondary road, I was shocked to see a tank coming down the road toward us, my husband and me. Behind the tank was a patrol of soldiers with guns, and they had on uniforms—green kacki, greenish beige. I thought they were U.S.A. military… army on the street with rifles.
From: Becky Mauch, St. Louis Prayer Link 08/2006 meeting.
146.1 02/15, 2003, Visions, The Drama Of Your Present Situation — The Lord showed me a series of visions below and gave me an interpretation of some of the events that have been playing out in the political arena that we have all been aware of. These are serious times that we now live in and the drama that plays out in it will usher in many of the events that are mentioned in the book of Revelation, I believe. While this brings forth some heavy things, we need to continue to trust that God will see us through and that His purposes will prevail.
"The Winter months will come to an end and with the Spring new things will come. The Lord said to me: "My son, tell me, what is it that you see?"
(I saw what looked like an octopus with many outstretched arms and tentacles reaching out in many directions. The arms were writhing and attempting to reach various things around it. I then saw a bull with horns on his head being pulled into the center of an area. He had ropes on each of his legs and was being pulled into the center for some reason and purpose. After this I noticed underwater torpedoes that had been launched and were now moving through the water. One of them had been launched from the ground and I watched as it went up from the earth into the atmosphere. Then I saw a very proud man who sat upon what looked like a huge white horse. He had on a helmet and held a spear or sword in his hand. On either side of him he was flanked by others who were approaching on the land. However, what seemed to be a large white horse was actually a white elephant. As he approached, the land became the pages of a book, and the book opened to a new page. The bull was then brought out into the area where the elephant had been. It had been reluctant to come, but it was now brought forward. It looked straight ahead with resolve in its look, and draped across its back was the American flag. Now as I continued watching, a noticed a group of a swarm of insects move across the sky. As they moved, they dropped bombs below on the earth. The earth would become scarred in its appearance and cracks and the earth would become marred. Across the land then came a huge-shaped machine of an organic-type. It looked like a huge squash of some sort. Out of its center it suddenly exploded and all types of debris burst out from in it and spread across the land. It then shot fire and the fire was spreading its flames. The flames were growing and moving in various directions in front of me. The scene changed and now I saw a military-type of vessel moving across the water. Everything was in a mist so that the ships were somehow "clouded" in the atmosphere around it. A man approached again who was upon a white horse. He came quietly and then stood there upon the horse. I noticed that upon his head was a tall turban of some sort. In the sky above there were eagles that had been moving back and forth. They continued to circle across the sky. )
The Lord then said: "I now will tell you the meaning of all of this. The octopus represents how terrorism has tried to spread its arms in various directions upon the earth. The bull that you saw that was being "pulled out" represents the United States. You have been reluctant to enter into war with terrorism. You have now been brought out into the center. The elephant is the land of Iraq. The leader has been very proud and the horse that he rides upon is actually much larger than what it is. The insects that you saw is the spread of chemical warfare. The fire that you saw that exploded is the wrath of its leader. The eagles are my warriors who continue to pray for this cause. I have said often, over the last few months, that this war will usher in other things. For you see, the land will become scarred in appearance, and the state of affairs in this earth will be forever changed. You are entering into a time frame that will open up the pages of my Revelation. For the events that are outlined in my book of Revelation will begin to be fulfilled in the next few years. The eagles will continue to encircle the skies, and the prayers of the saints will continue to go up. "
(At the last I now saw an hourglass. The sand in it had almost all slipped though the upper part of its chamber. The last remaining particles of sand were slowing dropping through to finish what had remained in it.) Stephen Hanson
146.2 02/22, 2003, Prophetic Word & Vision, "Do I Desire War Or Peace?” —
[6] You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. [7] Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. [8] All these are the beginning of birth pains. Matt. 24
REV 6:3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" [4] Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.
"Many are seeking to and fro for the answers for what is happening around them. Many who seek Me believe that I am a God of war and of vengeance. I am not. But I tell you that man has propelled himself into these things. Many are the decisions of man that have gone astray from my original plan. Consider all of the wars that have happened throughout the ages. Many of them could have been prevented. Fear and retaliation beget fear and retaliation. But there are other things that happen as well. Part of this that is impending is that my prophetic plan is unfolding. On one hand it is true that many of the wars throughout history could have been prevented, but on the other hand, I have a prophetic plan for the ages. In my plan it is written that there will be many wars and rumors of wars. The final battle will be fought on the fields of Armageddon. I am not saying that this war that you are approaching is that final battle. But I am surely saying that with this war, you will be ushered into the events that lead up to that final battle. Many preach peace and march around for an end to this war. While I desire peace the chess pieces have already been moved. "
(The Lord showed me a horse. It was standing in profile in the distance. It was in the midst of clouds and was ready to come towards me. It was standing there awaiting its call to come forward. Upon this horse was a man who held a sword in his hand. As I continued to watch this horse I knew in my heart that the horse was referred to as the horse of war. From behind this horse then was another one. Upon this horse rode a man who was dressed as a Civil War soldier. This horse I believe, represented the United States.)
"There are some who believe that many of my prophets are preaching fear in this hour. I do not desire any of my children to be in fear. But if you see the storm approaching is it not good to know how to prepare for it? I desire my people to be ready and to be prepared. Seek Me above the clamor. There are many voices who preach many things in this hour. What is it that you preach? Is it in defense of yourself or is for Me? Quiet your hearts my children, and climb unto my lap and be ready. " Stephen Hanson.
146.3 06/20, 2004, Prophetic Word & Vision, The Hedge Of Protection Is Being Removed & California & Coastlines — THE HEDGE OF PROTECTION IS BEING REMOVED; >by Stephen Hanson (inhistruthprophet@e...); >http://www.angelfire.com/in/HisTruth; 06/20, 2004:
ISA 5:5 Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.
(I asked the Lord to tell me more about the coastline regions and the dangers that they might face in the near future. This is what He told me. I sought more answers and information based upon the word that He had given to me on 06/17, 2004. I do not relish sending forth messages like this, but I believe that I am to be obedient to warn you. )
"The coastlines are far from Me and my desires. All who live in large metropolitan cities will be targeted soon. Remain in Me and I will remain in you. The branch cannot survive unless it is rooted into the tree. Many of you are far from Me. Because of your great sins and wayward ways, these things are coming. If I speak to you concerning your safety, then you should move. "
(The Lord showed me a picture of the state of California. I looked at it as if it were a 3-D layer of ground with its boundaries. I saw it waver from side to side and rock back and forth. I then saw ocean waves begin to spill over onto it as it rocked back and forth. It sank and then seemed to come back up again.)
(I then saw bomber planes drop bombs below onto the ground. Concentric circles, or waves, came forth then from this action below. I saw what looked like an arm or hand coming out of the water. Someone or others, were attempting to rescue or grab this arm out of the water. Eventually it came out and what I saw was the Statue of Liberty. It had evidently been hit and now people were attempting to help erect it again.)
"I tell you that many of the freedoms that America once had, will be lost. You were once a land of liberty and promise, but I tell you that you are far from Me. You think that you will always be safe and that the wall of protection is round about you. You are wrong. Are you safe from danger when you are far from Me? Have you gone to your prayer chambers and prayed about these things? I tell you that I have warned, and warned, and warned you. A foreign power will enter into your borders; and yet, I will protect my people, says the Lord. "
(This vision/word finished with one more scene. I saw the land of America from the air, and it had a net of some sort that had been placed on top of it. Now, I saw a great hand reach down and take this net that once had been secured on top of America and was now, taking it off. It had been pinned down in all directions, and had been safely fastened to the ground around it. I watched this great hand take the entire net and ropes that held it into place, and toss it away. I sensed that now the hedge of protection that had for many years, been safe upon our nation, was now being removed. )
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Stephen Hanson www.angelfire.com or 2www.etpv.org/2001/iamagb.html .]
From: 1End–Time Handmaidens & Servants, newsletter dated 03/2000, page 12, Engeltal, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Arkansas 72641-0447, 870.446.2252. Also, 3usaprophet.com/news.html or www.angelfire.com/in/HisTruth/prophetsite.html, Stephen Hanson, 1323 Shasta Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80910, 719.283.2537, or http://www.etpv.org/whatsnew.html or www.angelfire.com/in/HisTruth or inhistruthprophet@earthlink.net .
146.4 01/30, 2005, Prophetic Vision, Florida, The Appearance Of The United States Will Change —
“For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” Matthew 24:21—22
"There is a place that you can run to and hide when the storms come upon this world. There is a place that you will be sheltered from the storms. I tell you that you can run to Me when the storms of this life rage upon you.
For there are great storms coming. They will be unequaled since the time of this world. I tell you that in the coming months and years the United States map will change. For the map of the United States will be changed because of catastrophic events. This will be because of various earthquakes and nuclear attacks."
(The Lord showed me a picture of the state of Florida. I was looking at it and then the shape of it was then transformed into the shape of a gun. It was as if the panhandle section was then the barrel of a gun. It then seemed that the state itself had become broken in half.
The Lord then showed me a picture of the United States. I was shown the state of Texas and it was broken in a piece where the bottom half of it was now submerged. It had broken off from about where the panhandle section was in the state. The Gulf of Mexico had come into most of it and had totally changed it.
Then I looked at the rest of the continent, and saw that the northeastern section of the America was being curled up like a paper. The continent was rolled up along the northeastern edges, and along the coastlines down to Florida, some 200 or miles inland. This was also on the western half of America as well, except that California was not to be seen.) —Stephen Hanson
From: Stephen Hanson, HCR 79 3081, Cuba, NM 87013; and Pam Privard, privard@iwarp.net .
147.1 04/22, 2003, Visions?, Seen Destruction For America For The Last 15 Years — My name is Carol Harp and I live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Yes, I too have seen the destruction for America for the last 15 years. God did not leave us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and sound mind. These things will come to pass in His time. Keep all He gives you in a book, and date it. The Lord had me do this... possibly for those "left behind."
Hey sister, you not going crazy, you're just being blessed! Let God has his perfect work in your life. Time is SHORT, tell others to repent and accept Christ. Love to hear from you... In Christ, Carol, God Bless.
From: Jharp70234@aol.com .
148.1 05/05, 2003, Godly Dream, A Dream 05/05th, 2003 With Dumitru Duduman In It—“The Season Of Sorrow" —Dear Brethren,
Jeremiah 10:12-13, “He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens at His discretion. When He utters His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens: and He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasuries.
It was 05/05, and it had been six years since my grandfather had gone to be with the Lord. I spent the day with my little brother Daniel, the only other member of the family currently in the US, and we kept the memory of our grandfather alive by remembering. We remembered him not as Reverend Duduman, or the Romanian man who had dreams, but as what he was to us, simply grandpa. The man who bounced us on his knee while we were still toddlers, the man who became our instant hero when he stood in the middle of a river on a hot summer’s day, and proceeded to catch fish with his bare hands. It was a good time of bonding for us as brothers, and we both came away with the conclusion that even after all this time, we still missed him a great deal.
That night, after prayer, I went to bed and I had a dream. I dreamt I was on a very high ridge, with a great valley spanning out beneath me. The night was calm, the moon and stars shining brightly in the sky. As I looked around trying to get my bearings, I was stunned to see my grandfather standing next to me. He looked young and vibrant, his hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.
“Interesting times ahead my boy, interesting times ahead,” he said. For a minute I was so shocked I couldn’t say anything. Finally I blurted out the only thing that came to mind, “They’ve been interesting ever since you left. Trial after trial, hardship after hardship.”
“Now you know how Jesus felt when He walked the earth,” he answered, “always doing good, always in the Father’s will, yet always mocked and rejected, always misunderstood and despised. Besides, it was all a test anyway.”
“A test of what?” I asked.
“For you personally, God wanted to see if you would stay true to your calling even when all seemed lost. He was preparing you and purging you, refining you, for the time when He will use you, and speak to you as He spoke to me.”
Before I could say anything he lifted his hand to stop me. His fingers were no longer crooked from his arthritis they were straight, and normal.
“I know what you’re going to say my boy, it’s not what you want, it’s not what you asked for. But you should know by now it is the task you were chosen for. In this you have no choice, besides where can you hide from the face of God. Men have tried before, look how it turned out in the end. To reject what God has planned for you is to deny God. You know what the consequences are.”
Unable to find the words to answer, I simply nodded my understanding, and allowed him to continue speaking.
“As for why the ministry had to go through what it went through, God has already spoken that to your heart. You already know the answer. God wants all that know of this work, to be certain of one thing. It is He who sustains it; it is He who blesses it, and not the hands of men or their gimmicks. Do you think any of it would still be here after all that has happened if not for God? Never doubt God’s promises concerning this work, or His ability to fulfill them. Hope in God never disappoints, hope in man always leads to disillusionment.”
“Now for the reason I am here. I was sent to show you something. Look and see,” he said, pointing down to the valley below. As I looked, I saw the outline of a map of America then the outlines of states began taking shape. As I continued to watch this map solidify, small lights began to flicker on and off in some of the states. I recognized California, Illinois, Michigan, Arizona, Washington State, Florida, and New York, among the states that lit up. The light was rhythmic, almost like a homing beacon, constant in its progression. I continued watching the lights go on and off, waiting for something else to happen, but nothing did. Finally I said, “I don’t understand. What does this mean?”
“These are the places where those who were sent here long ago, to bring fear and cause chaos, have situated themselves. They lie in waiting, planning and plotting destruction. They are as coiled serpents, looking forward to the hour when they will be loosed upon this nation. If God’s children pray, once more he will delay the season of sorrow that is yet to come.”
We stood on the ridge in silence for a long time. After awhile the lights stopped flickering in the valley below, and the map began to fade away. Suddenly my grandfather turned his head toward the east, and began to sniff the air as he used to do. “Storm’s coming my boy, and it’s a bad one,” he said. “Now give an old man a hug, and let me be on my way. Be vigilant and work while you still can, it’s all God asks of any of His servants. If the Father wills it, we will speak again.”
As I hugged my grandfather, I began to hear the rumbling of a great storm. The sky darkened overhead, and the booming of thunder was now audible. In my dream I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was in my bed, awake. I wiped at my cheeks with the back of my hand, and realized I had been crying. As my eyes began to adjust to the dark, I saw that my wife was sitting up in bed, staring at me. When I asked her why she wasn’t sleeping, she said I’d been talking in my sleep for over thirty minutes. I tried going back to sleep but sleep would not come. Finally I gave up trying, went into the kitchen and prayed until morning.
Over the past few days, I have spent much time in prayer as to whether I should share this dream or not. I believe that I am supposed to, and this is why I have included it in this issue of the newsletter. My prayer is that no one would perceive it as a reason for fear, but rather a reason to hope. God hears the prayers of His children, and as long as He encourages us to pray, we must do so without reservation. The day will come, a day I anticipate with great dread, when God will speak to His children as he spoke to Jeremiah, and say do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry for them any longer. For now, while we still can, may we ceaselessly bring our petitions before the Lord.
May the grace of the living Savior abound in you, and may the peace of our risen Lord be ever present in your heart. As always, your prayers are coveted, and our prayers are with you.
Jeremiah 18:7-10, “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it.” With love in Christ, Michael Boldea Jr.
[Jesus Christ’s Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous: Michael Boldera, Jr., is the grandson of the late Romanian, Dimitru Dudumann. Michael Boldea, Jr., Hand of Help Ministry, P.O. Box 571005, Dallas, Texas 75357, www.handofhelp.com .]
From: www.angelfire.com/fl3/gammandim/news .
149.1 05/16, 2003, Test, Russia Preparing for MOCK Nuclear Attacks on U.S, Britain — Russia Preparing for Nuclear Attacks on U.S, Britain, NewsMax Wires, Friday 05/16, 2003.
Russia will soon launch a mock nuclear attack against the U.S. and Britain during military exercises over the next week.
Moscow's Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports that Russia's strategic bombers and nuclear submarines "will deliver hypothetical nuclear strikes on the U.S. and Britain, while locating and destroying aircraft-carrier groups of the U.S. Navy."
The massive air, sea and land maneuvers are being conducted in the wake of America's stunning victory over Iraq, a long time client state of Russia.
The paper said the exercises are taking place because, "Russian military leaders have learned a lesson from the Iraq war, and intend to show the U.S. and its allies their determination to repel any potential threat coming from the West."
The Russian military, in plans drawn up at the request of President Vladmir Putin, argues that the only way Russia can deal with an escalating regional conflict with the U.S., would be to employ nuclear weapons.
Though Russia's military has been considerably downzied since the end of the Cold War, and its conventional forces hold little weight against a modern, equipped army, Russia has continued to invest heavily in strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.
Sometime during the 90s, Russia attained nuclear superiority over the U.S. While Russia's large, strategic nuclear weapons have remained in parity with the U.S., Russia's tactical nuclear arsenal has been estimated to include between 20,000 to 40,000 weapons.
At the same time Russia has continued its nuclear buildup, the U.S. has virtually destroyed its arsenal of tactical nuclear warheads. Under orders from the Bush administration, the U.S. has also been moving to further reduce the U.S. strategic arsenal. Currently, the nation's most modern fleet of ICBM, the MX missiles, are being destroyed.
The Russian military exercises show a desire by the Russian military to deal with the huge technological lead U.S. conventional forces have, demonstrated by Operation Iraqi Freedom.
According to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the Russian exercises "will be linked with destroying the U.S. satellite group in order to neutralize the NAVSTAR global navigation system, the Keyhole optoelectronic intelligence satellites, and the Lacross radio-locating intelligence satellites."
The paper said these maneuvers, "Under actual conditions of a war this would 'blind' the Pentagon and does not let the U.S. use high-precision weapons against Russian military groups."
So far, the exercises are to include Four Tu-160 and nine Tu-95MS strategic bombers, 12 Tu-22M3 long-range bombers, and four Il-78 flying tankers will be involved in the maneuvers on 05/17-18.
The maneuvers are of a "global scale," the paper said.
Major-General Igor Khvorov, commander of the 37th air army of the High Commander-in-Chief, said that the official objective of the exercise is to polish cooperation between the long-range aviation, the Navy, and other branches of the army in the western, eastern, northern, and southern regions of the Russian Federation, and over the world's oceans. This emphasizes a global scale of the impending maneuvers.
Submarines of the Northern and Pacific fleets will launch ballistic missiles. Nuclear strategic and multi-purpose submarines, surface warships of different types, coastal missile and anti-aircraft units, and the missile-carrying, pursuit, and anti-submarine aviation will be involved in the exercise.
The paper also noted that Russian warships sent to the Arabian Sea to take part in an exercise with the Indian Navy will support strategic units. They will find and destroy U.S. Los Angeles class submarines and deliver missile strikes at enemy warships.
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics: Al-Qaeda
Russia Editor's note: News Flash: China and Russia are engaging in a massive military build up – find out about this in Bitter Legacy: lick Here Now
From: NewsMax Wires. .
150.1 07/2003,Several Interesting Items Regarding The End-Time/End Of The Age, — Thank you for visiting our site. The Prophecy Club® web site is an extension of The Prophecy Club®, a Christian ministry dedicated to bringing you the best in Bible prophecy. Our mission is to warn Christians and non-Christians of the devices of the devil and judgment coming on America, and encourage them to get sin out of their life and to walk closer to Jesus Christ.
if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and
the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person
from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I
require at the watchman's
hand. (Eze. 33:6)
The Mark of the Beast - Excerpts from the End-Time Prophecy Conferences —I need to tell you how to handle this information. Some of it can give you a bad case of fear. There’s a process that people go through when they begin to come out of the world. The first stage they go through is fear. People think, "My whole world, the money system, everything’s just falling apart, what am I going to do? How am I going to live?" This fear can destroy you, and that is what the devil wants. He wants you to stay in the world, and if fear will keep you there, that is fine with him. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind, 2 Timothy 1:7. God wants us to have this information, but He doesn’t want us to get into fear. Yes, we have gone through a mourning process for our nation, and you’ll probably go through that process also, and that’s good.
By coming out of the world gets us prepared for hard times. We’ve got to understand Jesus is our salvation, literally. Jesus is literally our provider; financially, food-wise, protection-wise, in everything. This trouble (the tribulation coming) just like Daniel says, is to try, purge and to make us white. When you burn gold you don’t destroy it, you only take out the dross. It’s only going to burn the wood, hay and stubble. Much of what the average Christian does everyday is simply wood, hay and stubble. Much of what the tribulation is attacking is our flesh, the worldly part of us.
Daniel tells us there are in the Middle East, at least two, probably three more wars at a minimum, before we even get to Armageddon. Even if they are quick wars, that couldn’t be less than five years, realistically it’s closer to fifteen, twenty and who knows, maybe even forty years down the road.
If you look at where America is now, and ask yourself where America is going to be thirty years down the road? Even if there is a pre-tribulation rapture, we’re not going unscathed through the next ten to twenty years. We are going to see some trouble, and now is the time to prepare our heart. Now is the time to separate ourselves from the world.
You’ve read it; Revelation 13:16-18 – And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
In Ken Peter’s video I Saw the Tribulation, he tells us about having a dream 20 years ago when he was first called to be a prophet. The dream lasted all night long. He was shown what it would be like living through the seven year tribulation. He tells how the Mark of the Beast was implemented. Slowly and gradually, like checks and credit cards, first only a few had them. Then more and more people began to get them until almost everyone has to have them.
Ken tells about how he and his wife died for refusing the Mark of the Beast. He tells the story of standing in line waiting to get his head cut off. Of course, they gave him a choice. It was a long line down a corridor. They had people all along the line trying to get people to step out of the line. They just kept saying, "Just deny him, just deny him." They wouldn’t say the name Jesus. They never said the name, Jesus. Just deny him, deny him.
He said, "You know Lord, I don’t really want to deny you, but I’m really getting scared. This huge hand laid on his shoulder and said to the effect of, ‘Don’t worry, I’m going to be there to take care of you.’"
He watched his wife get her head cut off and then they lay him down face up, and he said as the ax was coming down, the instant it touched his skin his spirit was gone. He never felt a thing. Too many times we are afraid of the pain. He is going to deliver us. God won’t put more on us than we can handle.
In Ken’s video tape he describes what the Mark of the Beast will look like.(See illustration to the left.) It looks like a Mexico sun with a hand in it. He did not see anything that looked like a computer chip, but that doesn’t mean it was not a part of it. It would be very easy to see and it would be easy to go to the grocery store and run it through the scanner. A lot of people may think it will look like a bar code, I disagree.
The devil wants to number every person. The Bible says the number of the beast is 666. If you are a follower of the devil, the most subtle beast on the earth, you need a way to communicate to fellow followers that you are a player, you’re part of the world government, and by doing so you get more business. So you’ve got to hide this 666 in a lot of different ways.
In Barry Smith’s video Back Door to the New World Order – he says the plan is to merge all companies into only eleven companies. If they have their way we would have one bank, one place to buy cars, one grocery store, etc. We see everything consolidating. Banks are consolidating, businesses are consolidating. They have to have a way to let each other know they are a player, so I suspect they will come up with a way to hide the 666. How can you hide a 666? I believe that some companies hide it in such a way to let the other businesses know that, "Hey, I’m a player; you can do business with me."
Let’s take the Masons, for example. In the Masonic rituals, one of the things they do is take a big, giant compass and hit the person that is being initiated in the chest with it. Part of the oath they have to take is, "If it does not hurt you and a brother asked you to help him, you have to help." There’s a reason people join the Masons. They get ahead financially. They get raises, they get preferences. In the military, I’ve been told that if you are a Mason or if your family is a Mason, you get preferential treatment. You get raises faster, and you get your promotions faster. If it does not hurt them, they have to promote you. If a Mason wears a Masonic ring in court where the judge is also a Mason, they may never lose. How can you hide a 666? If you took the 6 and extended it on around the next 6 and took the next 6 and extended it around it would like a spiral or a spring. It makes a spiral. Where have we seen this before? Look at the K-B Toys sign. In the middle of the sign is the 666 spiral. In fact, when Clinton was inaugurated he said these words:
"…But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring. A spring reborn in the world’s oldest democracy, that brings forth the vision and courage to reinvent America." (Emphasis added; First Inaugural Address 1993, www.bartleby.com/124/pres64.html)
What do you suppose he was talking about? What would that mean? Kind of like Wal-Mart, (Now the sign reads Wal-Mart. Why the star?) and again I’m not saying that these companies display this symbol saying they are satanic company. I believe some graphic artists just like it. They’ve seen it in other places and include it in their artwork not knowing what it means. I’m not saying that every company that displays this spiral is of the devil. But I am saying that there ARE some that DO know what they are doing and they are displaying it for precisely that reason.
Japan is now instituting an eleven digit number, a personal identification number like a social security number. Opponents say it will infringe on people’s privacy rights, and of course, they are protesting it. They don’t like it at all. They say it’s just like the American social security—and they are right. Every nation around the globe just happens to have already numbered the people, in the planning stages, or in the process of numbering their people. Is it an accident, just a coincidence, or is it part of a plan? By Stan Johnson.
Excerpts from the Police State Presentation in the "End-Time Prophecy Conference" Videos — As you recall the Lord gave me a dream telling us that a Police State is just around the corner.
Just around the corner the police will be laying for the church. Right around the corner, and this is what God is saying to the church right now and this is what the prophets are saying - and not just me, not just one, but many of them are saying a police state is right around the corner.
Now what’s a police state? When do we know when we’re in a police state? When we fear our government. When our government is against us. When we see we no longer have a say-so and control over our government, we are in a police state.
I believe we really are already in it. I believe the noose is already around our neck. It’s just that the devil keeps pulling it and pulling - it’s just not quite tight enough to restrict our breathing—yet. We keep on thinking, "I’m just fine, I’m OK." It’s like the guy who jumped out of the 100-story building and you could hear him as he passed each story; 99, 98, 97, 96 as he’s going by and we can here him say, "I’m OK so far; I’m OK so far." He’s OK, even down to the first floor he’s OK. There’s a time coming when he’s not OK.
Daniel 11:33-35 says: And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
Trouble is coming to the world, but America will be hit the hardest, to try us, to purge us, and to make us white —even unto the time of the end.
How many of us know that God is not as interested in stars and stripes, as much as He’s interested in souls? He’s interested in how many people he can win. The whole ball game of life is the devil is trying to destroy as many souls as he possibly can, and God is trying to win as many souls as He possibly can. The devil won the numbers game a long time ago. Why? Because wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be that go therein. Narrow is the gate and straight is the path that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it. The name of the gate is Jesus. Let me just say right up front. The whole objective of this presentation is not to scare you. It’s not even to inform you. It’s to let you know the plans of the devil and the more you see the plans of the devil, the more we all should get closer to Jesus. I’m going to do my very best to convince you that you better get all sins out of your life. If you have fornication or adultery in your life, you better stop. If you’re stealing, lying, cheating, or breaking any of the Ten Commandments you better stop. If you are doing other things that you know are not right, that Jesus would not be pleased with, now is the time to stop.
The angel that spoke to Dumitru Duduman said you tell them. If they want the protection of God in the trouble ahead, they must stop sinning now. He told me a story. Two men ran across a bridge. The first man didn’t stop to pray, he just ran across the bridge. The second man stopped and prayed, but the bridge collapsed and he fell to his death. How is that right in the eyes of the Lord? I said, "I don’t know." He said, "The first man prayed all the time. The second man only prayed when he was in trouble."
Don’t wait until the time of trouble to start calling on God. You want to know Jesus now. You want to have that personal relationship now. An intimate, personal relationship now. The closer you get to Jesus, the less you fear this. If the information from The Prophecy Club® puts fear in your heart, it may be telling you that you are not close enough to Jesus. I truly believe that Daniel is for us, and one of the messages in Daniel pertaining to the lions’ den is telling us, if you’ll be faithful to God the lions won’t bite you. I need to give you a brief overview of what we’re talking about. Daniel 7:23 and Revelation 13:1 both tell us a world government is coming.
…the Beginning of God's Judgment on America? — Thank you for your loyalty. Sometimes watch-men feel things by the spirit, but have no natural way of proving them. We have no "THUS SAITH THE LORD." We simply want to warn of possible swords coming against the land. You recall Eze 33:6 says the watchman is to blow the trumpet when he sees the sword come. I do not SEE the sword I am about to discuss, I can NOT prove it, but I say, "Watch and be not fooled." I am going to say some things to warn you, even though I can’t prove them and I say in advance, thank you for allowing me to speak what is on my heart without fear of being attacked by detractors…
With most of our military half-way around the world it would be a strategic time to attack America at home.
Russians are master strategists. They have won many chess tournaments! You recall the angel that spoke to Dumitru said Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico and two other countries will attack America.
I was emailed a report forwarded from Craig Roberts reporting incursions on American soil by Mexican military. Citizens in Arizona are reporting incusions several miles inside American borders. The reports were disturbing to Americans because there were so many men, so often and they were conducting military training maneuvers deep within our borders. Citizens say they report it to local authorities. The authorities go speak with them. They talk for a while and both part smiling and patting each other on the back.
Don’t forget we took Texas, once called "Tejas," and California away from Mexico. What if they want them back and have agreed to attack America with other nations by their side in return for Texas, Arizona and California?
I recall hearing a radio program over ten years ago from David J. Smith saying several incidents had been reported by Americans on hunting trips into Mexico who happened upon Russian tanks doing military maneuvers on Mexican soil near our Southern border.
I recall Henry Gruver telling a story, I believe it was on his video "I Saw Subs Attack America."
Two prayer warriors were directed by the Lord to go to a certain beach near the Mexican border and pray. They came from different parts of the country, did not know each other, yet met by the direction of God on the same beach at the same time to pray against an approaching hurricane. The hurricane turned and hit Mexico instead. Before they finished their prayers a Mexican Army officer approached them on the beach. He identified himself as a fellow follower of Jesus. He looked the other way and acted as if he was not talking, but asked to speak with the ladies later that evening. He laid out a story of how the Mexican government announced a great discovery of oil. Shortly afterwards large pumps could be seen pumping in the region. The story from the officer was it was not oil that was discovered but rather huge underground caverns filled with water. The pumps were not pumping oil, but water. The Mexican government pumped the water out of the caverns and filled them with Russian military equipment. The officer went on to say when the hurricane hit Mexico it caused a 100-year flood and filled the caverns with water and ruined the Russian equipment. He said it was a great victory for America, because Mexico had hidden the equipment waiting for the moment to attack America.
What if Mexico still has plans to attack and has massive amounts of armaments secretly prepared? What if Russia, ("started by the Communists"—Dumitru Duduman) has a secret alliance with Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America and basically all the countries South of America, to unite and attack America up through our southern border with Mexico? Remember Dumitru was shown the fall of America will be very fast.
… Don’t forget the Arab attackers that hit the World Trade Center reportedly entered the U.S from Canada. What if Canada is not only harboring terrorists, but also has secret military plans to attack from the North. What if the plan is to have Mexico and Canada attack simultaneously. What if their goal is to make Omaha within three days? With a simultaneous nuclear attack on our Eastern and Western coasts. With our military over in Iraq we would have almost no defense.
In his 12/14, 1986 vision, (see end of this article)Henry Gruver saw our national communications cut just prior to the attack. From his description an electromagnetic pulse attack would fit his description. An EMP attack will destroy every computer chip in America in less than two seconds. This would devastate America. No cars, television, nothing with a silicone chip would ever work again.
Remember the vision Dumitru had in 35 Prophecies Dreams and Visions of thousands of airplanes flying into America dropping bombs.
"The noise of the engines grew even louder. The man beside me turned to me and said, ‘These are planes loaded with atom bombs, and no one, and nothing will be able to stop them.’"
Could it be our military is in the Middle East and we are not prepared for an attack on our own soil?
Remember the report called "Freedom from War" put out by the State Department in 1961 that proposed three things?
1. All nations must disarm.
2. All nations must turn all weapons of mass destruction over to the UN.
3. All nations will be allowed a small police force to enforce their local laws.
REV 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
The time will come that all nations will give all weapons of mass destruction to the UN and under the U.N. control all the nations of the world will attack Israel, which is the battle of Armageddon.
A precedent is when something is done once so it becomes easier to repeat it. Is the disarming of Iraq a globalist plan to set a precedent to begin the disarming of all nations? I think so.
12/14, 1986, Vision, I Saw Submarines Attack America! — By Henry Gruver. I was in Wales, on 12/14, 1986. [The entire vision is in 35 Prophecies, Dreams and Visions available from this publication.]
All of a sudden I was up above the earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. As I looked down on the earth, I saw massive amounts of different ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway, out of this inlet.
They headed down between the United States and Europe. They literally covered the whole Atlantic.
Then I wanted to see what was happening to the United States. I looked over on the globe at the United States, and saw coming out of the United States these radio communication towers. I saw jagged lines like they draw to show that communications are coming out. All of a sudden, as I was looking down on them they began to sprinkle down on the earth like dust. I thought "Oh no! They are not getting through! They are not getting through. They don’t know what is happening! They are totally oblivious!"
Then I began to see all of these submarines emerging from under the surface. I was surprised at how close they were to our borders! They were in our territorial waters! Then I saw the missiles come out of them! They hit eastern coastal cities of the United States.
Looking over across the country where my family was over in the northwest side and I saw the submarines. I saw the missiles coming out and hitting the western coastal cities.
I cried out, "Oh God! Oh God! When will this be, and what shall be the sign of its coming?"
I heard an audible voice speak to me and say, "When Russia opens her doors and lets the masses go. The free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing, feeding and caring for the masses, and will let down their weapons and cry peace and safety. Then sudden destruction will come. Then is when it will come."
That was 12/14, 1986. Glastnost and Perestroika were un-heard of at that time!
America Will Burn! — Warning From Dumitru Duduman. [The entire vision is in 35 Prophecies, Dreams, and Visions available from this publication.]
It will start with the world calling for "peace, peace." *Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries which I cannot remember, will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn."
I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "The church has left me."
He said, "People in America honor people. The honor that should be given to God, they give to other people. Americans think high of themselves. They say, I serve God, but they don’t. In the church there is divorces, adultery, fornication, sodomy, abortion, and all kinds of sin. Jesus Christ doesn’t live in sin. He lives in HOLINESS. I brought you here so you could cry out loud. Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Tell them to stop sinning. God never stops forgiving. Tell them to repent. He will forgive them. Tell them to start preparing themselves so I can save them in the day of trouble."
I said, "How will you save the church, if America will burn?"
He said, "Tell them as I tell you. As he saved the three young men from the oven of fire, and Daniel from the mouth of the lion, that is how I will save them. Tell them to stop sinning and repent.
"I have blessed this country because of the Jews that are here. I have seven million Jews here. They haven’t tasted war or persecution. God blessed them more than anyone else. Instead of thanking God, they started sinning and doing wickedly. Their sins have reached the Holy One. God will punish them with fire.
"Israel doesn’t recognize the Messiah, because they place their trust on the power of the Jews in America. When God will hit America all the nations will be terrified.
"God will raise up China, Japan, and many other nations and they will beat the Russians. They will push them back to the gates of Paris. There they will make a peace treaty, but they will make the Russians their leader. All the nations with the Russians as their leader, go against Israel. It’s not that they want to. God makes them.
"Israel doesn’t have the help of the Jews in America anymore. In their terror, when they see what is coming, they call upon the Messiah. The Messiah will come to help Israel. Then the church of God will meet him in the clouds." (1Thes 4:16)
Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ? Are your wedding clothes clean? If there are still spots on the clothes of your soul, then the blood of Jesus Christ still has power to cleanse sins. Jesus Christ will live with the church on the Mount of Olives. He himself will fight against all the nations.
I said, "If you are the angel of God, everything you tell me has to be written in the Bible. If it is not, then I can’t tell the Americans."
"Tell them to read Jeremiah 51: 8-15, he names it THE MYSTERY BABYLON, THE GREAT ADULTERESS. Also, REVELATION CHAPTER 18, the whole chapter. There it says clearly what will happen to America."
"Why did he name it THE MYSTERY BABYLON?" "Tell them because all the nations of the world immigrated into America, and America accepted them. America accepted Buddha, the devil church, the Sodomite church, the Mormon church, and all kinds of wickedness. America was a Christian nation. Instead of stopping them, they went after their gods. Because of this, he named them THE MYSTERY BABYLON.
"So you know that I truly have been sent by God. Tomorrow, at 9:00 a.m., someone will come to give you a bed. At 10:30 a.m. someone will come to pay your rent. At noon, someone will bring you a car and give you a bucket of honey."
Brothers, it happened as the angel had said. At 9:00, someone rang my doorbell and said, "I brought you a bed. I could not sleep all night long. God told me that you were from Romania, and that you need a bed." At 10:30, someone else rang my doorbell and handed me a check for $500 and said, "God told me to bring you $500!" At noon someone came and gave me a car and a bucket of honey!
The angel also said, "Before the internal problems begin in America your country (Romania) will have a revolution. This was fulfilled 12/22, 1989. [Dumitru told me about the revolution in 03/1988, over a year before it occurred!]
* Dumitru said he thought the "peace, peace" was Perestroika and Glostnost.
From: Stan Johnson, Minister, www.theprophecyclub.com .
151.1 07/26, 2003,Vision, Nuclear Capabilities Of Russia & United States —
Last night I dreamed a long dream. I watched a graph. The color of the graph was red. I knew in the dream that the graph represented both Russia and the U.S. It showed the nuclear capabilities of each country as well as the likelihood of either country starting a nuclear war. Russia and the U.S. both kept track of this graph. The graph was kind of like a watchdog device that kept both sides appraised of the others capability. It also kept the other country from beginning a nuclear war because the graph showed both sides that neither country had an advantage over the other. The graph began with each country's capability beginning at the same point. But very slowly, the graph changed. The graph for the U.S. began to fall behind Russia's graph. I became alarmed in watching this because I could see the danger we were in. Then it became apparent that the graph was not showing accurate information. The graph had been sabotaged. The graph was made to look to others like Russia and the U.S. were both still at the same place on the graph, but the graph had really increased considerably for Russia. There were many who knew the graph was inaccurate and that the threat of war with Russia was heightened. But they kept it secret to hide this information from everyone. There was a knowing in the dream that this was prior to the Bush administration. The deception and sabotage had occurred then. There was a lackadaisical attitude present in the people supposed to monitor this graph, kind of a who cares attitude. The last view of the graph showed Russia way ahead of the U.S. and that we were now in a very dangerous position on the graph and not nearly as invincible as generally thought, but the men controlling the graph were keeping this information to themselves. No one knew it but them.
From: usaprophet.com .
152.1 11/12, 2003, Vision, A Pale Horse & — A PALE HORSE: (11-12-03 www.kathleenkeating.com) A valid visionary told me today about seeing something in the sky. It was a pale horse with a rider. The horse appeared to galloping from West to East. After rebuking, the visionary asked the identity of the rider. He answered, "I am death." I contacted another visionary to confirm this apparition. The vision was confirmed and that it was from Heaven. We will see all sorts of events that will lead to many deaths throughout our country. Whether through terrorist acts or serious illnesses, death will soon sweep across the United States. Again the visionary heard that if we turn back to God now, much of this could be avoided. With human nature being what it is, we will probably see a great many deaths before people feel motivated or compelled to return to God. Things are moving forward while our spirituality seems to be stuck in the mud. We are due for a big shake up that could still be affecting us through next Spring. Reports of strange weather and signs of trees blossoming in Fall are proof that things are not what they seem or for that matter, what we expect. These things are signs for us given by God to alert us to the dangers and trials ahead.
We are not out of the woods when it comes to Al Qaeda and we are certainly in more danger of new diseases that are prophesied as being fatal. Things could happen at break-neck speed as indicated by the galloping horse in the sky. It is time to get prepared for events that will soon happen. Even though a galloping horse disappears quickly as it travels down the road, the dust cloud behind the horse lingers, obscuring visibility. A galloping horse also leaves deep tracks that take time, wind and rain to wipe out. That's what we're going to experience soon. Events will sweep over our country leaving deep tracks and scars on the people who remain. Only heavenly rain will obliterate the tracks and only a heavenly wind will heal those scars.
The progression of events along with more profound visions is indicative the stakes are now much higher than they were a few months ago. We need to pay attention to that. As the election countdown begins, we can anticipate all sorts of events as we crawl our way to 11/2004. People are ready to act and God is ready to allow some horrific events, many of which will disrupt us to the core. We will also see a rise in mental and emotional illnesses which will only respond to prayer. Unless we grasp our position with God, our psyches will be battered and tested unlike any other time in history. Advent is quickly approaching and with it, a profound penance. The Evil One is gaining strength and momentum. Ultimately, he will be crushed. Until then, he will cause incredible destruction resulting in countless deaths.
It is going to get ugly. It is going to be rough. It will continue to get worse unless we wake up. The angel of death is riding hard and he's riding fast. Only God knows how many of us will die as the pale horse races to the East Coast. We ran Death Rider in the Bible Code this week. Found in Exodus 16:3 – Death Rider, Angel, Appearance, Cloud, Harbinger, Crematorium, Panic, Predictor, Preliminary, Prolonged, Wailing.
From: www.kathleenkeating.com .
153.1 11/20,2003, Dreams & Visions, Two Warnings & Two Angels Visitations & Will Hit America And It Will Be A Terrible Birth —11-20-03, I submit this experience to you all for your benefit and prayerful consideration.....................- Susan.
My Comments on The Two warnings and the Two Angels Visitation: This series of visions took two days to cover. Monday, is when I had the two warnings. Early Tuesday morning is when I had the visitation from the Lord that shook me to my core. It took almost an hour to fully transpire, and I recorded it on tape, and later transcribed it onto paper.
The Fear of the Lord was so great that I cried out, Oh God, about 200 times in that hour, it seems like, during this experience. This experience is real and I was awake and fully participative in it as it progressed. I shook so bad, and the Presence of the Lord was so strong, that I knew that God was serious and that He had indeed begun something in America and Canada, and it began that morning.
That same night as I shared this with the people in the evening meeting, it was so strong. The Lord did amazing things in our midst. Then, He said it would rain, then snow, and the winds would blow.
As soon as the meeting ended, there was a great crack of lightning and thunder, and it rained fiercely and the winds blew hard with 60-65 mph gusts for the next three days there in the NY area. It rained that day, and then the next two days it snowed. The winds did not die down till that third day. The area suffered blown down debri and trees, and problems with the wind all over.
We have now entered into a new season of dealings from the Lord with His People...... and if it begins with us, then what will it be like for the world??? Let us all return to the Lord with all of our hearts.......... –Susan
11-10-03 Monday, Prophetic Dreams/Vision, Susan Cummings, Dream #1: I heard Inez's voice and she was making that prophetic sound that she does. Then I saw her standing by my bed. She had her hands stretched out to me. Then, I saw myself standing in front of her with my hands outstretched towards her. I reach out and take her hands, and I hear a voice say, "It is finished." And then, she was caught away straight upwards, and I looked at my watch, it was 3:33 am.
Dream #2: Later in the day….. I saw a face of a cell phone with a red flashing symbol on it. It was repeatedly flashing. I also heard a voice say, red alert, red alert. Communications are down, and a new announcement is about to occur. I woke up with a start, and looked at my watch, and it said 11:11 am. Then the Lord said, "Two warnings in one morning."
11-11-03 Tuesday, Prophetic Experience/Vision: Susan Cummings, The Angel named Holiness: I am downstairs lying in my bed. The Lord has been coming and I saw the Lord come to America. The first thing I saw is Patrick standing at the head of America. The Angel Holiness is standing next to him. I hear the Lord say, "My Angel Holiness has begun at the head and will go all across America, and His people will learn righteousness and they will be Holy. For He has released His Holiness this day in the earth and will hit America and it will be a terrible birth.
The Angel named Terrible: There is another angel standing next to Patrick. His name is Terrible, His name is Terrible, His name is Terrible. His face is like lightning, and thunder. The Lord says, "His angel Terrible will walk hand in hand with the angel Holiness all across this land. The Lord says, "Holiness." They will see Him and they will know Him as Holy and as Terrible. For the Fear of the Lord has begun to be poured out. Both angels will walk the height and depth and width and breadth of the land.
The Lord says, "Two angels with two warnings have now been sent and now they have been released. At My command they have went across the land. For I have now finished the day of their release. So, be careful how you receive Me, the Lord says, for I am Holy and I am Terrible, and you will know Me as both. For I stand at the head of the waters and I will flow down the entire land. For both of My angels now stand with open hands, and they will now mark the hearts of men." "For it has now begun, at My command."
The Two Warnings repeated: So, I say to you that My shaping is finished, and the preparation has now been completed, and those who are Mine will now, in My Chamber, be seated. Two warnings, in one morning, 11-11 is the key. And now all men will face their final destiny and will now come face to face with Me. For I am Holiness and I am Terrible, you see. The Lord began to give this to me, today, which is 11-11, and when I first looked at my watch, it was 2:55 and the Lord says, its 2:50 when He began, The two halves, the two sides of Him, that have now begun across this land. It is 3:15 am.
The Angel named Terrible comes to me: The angel Terrible has come up to me, and He is standing in front of the couch. And he looks at me, and He says that I also must stand as Patrick has stood, for I am called to walk hand in hand with Him too, all across this land. Then He reaches out, and beckons me to take His hand. So, I take His hand, and the lightening is so bright, He's so full of lightening, He's so bright, and as I grasp his hand, I don't know how to describe it, but I am taken inside of Him, somehow.
It's like, I am standing inside of Him, and the lightening and is bright light with lightening in it. And he says, "It is in Me you both will now stand. You will stand in the midst of My lightening in the midst of My Holiness and Truth and My Terrible light. You will stand in Me and you will hold My hand as I go across this land."
Significant Occurrences earlier: The time is 3:22 am. The Lord just brought something back to my mind. The other night we all went out to breakfast, and there were several of us and we sat these two tables in the shape of a key. Bill had stated that there must be a prophetic significance of it being in the shape of a key. That Patrick and I were seated at the top of the key. Patrick was on the eleventh hour side, and I was on the first hour side. If you were looking at a clock, with the numbers around the dial, and the eleven o'clock and the one o'clock, signify the beginning and the end. So this is a picture of the significance of what He said: The two ones, the two eleven's is the key, Of the beginning and the end. And the Holiness of the Terrible One has begun. He showed us all the keyhole that night: Bill was at the position of the twelve, and Brittany was at the position of the two. It signified the beginning of the release of the new. That comes by the hands of the two, which means the two angels. The time is now 3:45 am.
King James Version: The Head: Genesis 2:10-14; Holiness: 1 Peter 1:16; The angel Terrible: Nehemiah 1:5; Face of Lightening: Daniel 10:6; Judges 13:6; Matthew 28:3; Psalms 99:3; Genesis 2. -Susan Cummings, 11-20-03.
From: usaprophet.com/news.html or cummings@bevcomm.net.
154.1 11/21,
2003, Interesting Comment By United States General, General Franks Doubts
Constitution Will Survive Weapon Of Mass Destruction [WMD] Attack — John
O. Edwards, NewsMax.com
Friday, 11/21, 2003.
Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.
Franks, who successfully led the U.S. military operation to liberate Iraq, expressed his worries in an extensive interview he gave to the men’s lifestyle magazine Cigar Aficionado.
In the magazine’s 12th month edition, the former commander of the military’s Central Command warned that if terrorists succeeded in using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) against the U.S. or one of our allies, it would likely have catastrophic consequences for our cherished republican form of government.
Discussing the hypothetical dangers posed to the U.S. in the wake of 09/11, Franks said that “the worst thing that could happen” is if terrorists acquire and then use a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon that inflicts heavy casualties.
If that happens, Franks said, “... the Western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we’ve seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy.”
Franks then offered “in a practical sense” what he thinks would happen in the aftermath of such an attack.
“It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event somewhere in the Western world – it may be in the United States of America – that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event. Which in fact, then begins to unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps, very, very important.”
Franks didn’t speculate about how soon such an event might take place.
Already, critics of the U.S. Patriot Act, rushed through Congress in the wake of the 09/11 attacks, have argued that the law aims to curtail civil liberties and sets a dangerous precedent.
But Franks’ scenario goes much further. He is the first high-ranking official to openly speculate that the Constitution could be scrapped in favor of a military form of government.
The usually camera-shy Franks retired from U.S. Central Command, known in Pentagon lingo as CentCom, in 08/2003, after serving nearly four decades in the Army.
Franks earned three Purple Hearts for combat wounds and three Bronze Stars for valor. Known as a “soldier’s general,” Franks made his mark as a top commander during the U.S.’s successful Operation Desert Storm, which liberated Kuwait in 1991. He was in charge of CentCom when Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda attacked the United States on 09/11.
Franks said that within hours of the attacks, he was given orders to prepare to root out the Taliban in Afghanistan and to capture bin Laden.
Franks offered his assessment on a number of topics to Cigar Aficionado, including:
President Bush: “As I look at President Bush, I think he will ultimately be judged as a man of extremely high character. A very thoughtful man, not having been appraised properly by those who would say he’s not very smart. I find the contrary. I think he’s very, very bright. And I suspect that he’ll be judged as a man who led this country through a crease in history effectively. Probably we’ll think of him in years to come as an American hero.”
On the motivation for the Iraq war: Contrary to claims that top Pentagon brass opposed the invasion of Iraq, Franks said he wholeheartedly agreed with the president’s decision to invade Iraq and oust Saddam Hussein.
“I, for one, begin with intent. ... There is no question that Saddam Hussein had intent to do harm to the Western alliance and to the United States of America. That intent is confirmed in a great many of his speeches, his commentary, the words that have come out of the Iraqi regime over the last dozen or so years. So we have intent.
“If we know for sure ... that a regime has intent to do harm to this country, and if we have something beyond a reasonable doubt that this particular regime may have the wherewithal with which to execute the intent, what are our actions and orders as leaders in this country?”...
Capturing Saddam: Franks said he was not surprised that Saddam has not been captured or killed. But he says he will eventually be found, perhaps sooner than Osama bin laden.
“The capture or killing of Saddam Hussein will be a near term thing. And I won’t say that’ll be within 19 or 43 days. ... I believe it is inevitable.”
Franks ended his interview with a less-than-optimistic note. “It’s not in the history of civilization for peace ever to reign. Never has in the history of man. ... I doubt that we’ll ever have a time when the world will actually be at peace.”
From: usaprophet.com/news.html or John O. Edwards, NewsMax.com, Friday, 11/21, 2003.
155.1 12/07, 2003, Dream & Prophetic Voice, Nuke Attack & Revival —To: Dave Eells, I woke up this morning (12-07-03) half awake half asleep. I heard a voice say four cities have been bombed with nuclear weapons. Then I heard these were dirty bombs. Lam:3, Lev:3, Gen:3, Ex:3, Eph:3, came out of the Word after this.
I asked God for a dream ... I remembered nothing when I awoke it was not until the afternoon that it hit me. When I was asleep I heard a confirming word I had no visuals. The Lord said plainly "Joel" then again "Joel". I read the 3 chapters and see it coming through the Word. Joel 2:2,10, 30-31; 3:15 all speak of thick smoke and not being able to see the sun, moon or stars. The number of these accounts in Joel are four. Your Brother, Philip
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
156.1 Before 12/12, 2003, Vision & Warning, Map Of The USA & God Gave Time To Repent — Vision given to Aritina Patlagica in Romania: For some years now, each time our prayer group comes together, we set aside a time to pray specifically for America. One day after all the brothers had gathered together, we began to pray, and while we were praying I had a vision. I saw a large map, on which I read the words "United States of America". What could this be?, I asked myself. Suddenly a hand appeared and it began marking certain places on the map. Then a man, dressed in white appeared beside the map, and he began to speak.
"See, God has given them time to turn to Him, time to repent and make their path straight, but they did not obey. Therefore, instead of mercy He will show vengeance. Do you see the places that have been marked? Those are the places upon which His wrath will descend in different ways. God will not be mocked! Remember what I tell you, rather than mercy He will pour out vengeance."
I was shaken to the very core of my being, not from what I saw or what I heard, but from the fact that I know God fulfills that which He speaks. I am 78 years old, and in my lifetime I have seen the word of God come to pass too often to ever doubt.
From: usaprophet.com and Tim Price at Watchmen Prophets Assembly.
157.1 2004, Inner Vision , Invasion Of The United States Of America—New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, CA — Invasion vision, I saw people running for their lives—in the cities of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, CA. I saw bombs, people killing people, buildings exploded. Cried out Lord help us, saw the Blood of Jesus.
I also saw terrorist attacks in Los Angeles, CA; New York and Chicago. I saw massive structures fall. There was a huge bridge that was destroyed.
I saw the west coast earthquake. Also, huge tornadoes, massive droughts in the south of the USA, huge tidal wave in California—San Francisco Bay area, Seattle to south coast.
From: Raul Oseguera, rauloseguera@msn.com .
158.1 2004, Inner Vision, United States Of America —In the vision I was able to look at the United States, the states; the East coast at the top, it was faded, just not there in the vision, but the rest of the East coast was some what ok.
When I saw Mexico, where it connects to the USA, I was aware of a FORCE coming up, not over California, but the main part... the FORCE is not good and it is people.
On the left of the USA or the West side of the USA, some land was faded in the vision, taken over by the force as well... some type of Asian people.
2005, Dream, Asian Attack In The USA—I was watching in the dream, some Asians were coming after some of us, at the same time Germany was involved, it was in the newspaper, and I was trying to hide.
In addition, I saw that Florida was under water.
From: Lisa Pontarelli, at lmtlss@yahoo.com .
159.1 01/05, 2004, Open Vision, Saw Several Nuclear Bombs Explode In Several Cities Across America At the Same Time —An Open Vision, 02/25, 2004 Vincent Xavier xavier@san.rr.com . On 01/05th, 2004 while driving north on I-15 I was at perfect peace with the Lord and enjoying the beauty of that day. I had been in prayer and had drawn very close to the Lord in my heart. As I was driving in perfect peace with my eyes wide open, I saw several nuclear bombs explode in several cities across America at the same time. Immediately the scripture came to mind about the UNWALLED CITIES.
I did not want to see this vision and actually asked that it would depart from my mind. Yet as I continued to travel down the road I began to sense the seriousness of what I had seen. The Spirit began to speak to my heart about a SERIES OF EVENTS that will take place SIMULTANEOUSLY. The Lord revealed to me that the reason there have been no suicide bombers blowing up malls and other people oriented facilities is because in the mind of the terrorist there is a knowledge that if they were to walk into a place or be on a bus and blow it up, there would be a quick intervention that would arrest the entire population of men and women from these foreign countries throughout the United States. One explosion would not fulfill the intent and purpose of what has been planned against this country.
What is happening at this time is a planned and plotted series of explosions at the same time that will cripple and cause to collapse the nation in one day. When I saw this vision I saw cities fall in a moment. What has propelled me to write this is that approximately twenty minutes ago I was told that a “Dirty Bomb” was found in a locker in Las Vegas Nevada. I know in my heart that there are nuclear weapons in this country that are planted in several cities throughout.
Part of a prophecy 1-27-04 — "Are these not the days of the PASSOVER? Is it not the season called the 3rd month? Yes it is at this time during the third month that the dynamic of my Kingdom shall manifest in the earth. A great outpouring of My Spirit is to come and fill the house with the Glory. A great deliverance from the power of sin and death shall be broken and my people will come forth in freedom and liberty. Truly old things shall pass away and all things shall become new!"
More 03/04 prophecies http://www.etpv.org/2003/tyoac.html and http://www.etpv.org/2004/ahum.html.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
160.1 02/14, 2004, Dream, San Francisco & Explosion & Fireball —Warning dream from Chris Radic, 02/14, 04. This dream was about 2 weeks ago. I was standing in a big city. In the middle of the street, I could see evangelists on the corners trying to give warnings, but the people did not listen, they only laughed at them. Some were being taken off the streets by force... Afar off, I could see the Pacific Ocean. I could almost say for sure it was San Francisco, California. The Lord showed me that the evangelists knew what was coming, but they stayed at their post... All of the sudden, I heard an explosion, and saw a huge fire ball... As it was traveling closer to me, it was consuming everything in it path. As it got closer, I heard a sound that I have never heard in my life. It was a precursor. This explosion was so powerful, that it was like a nuclear release... and maybe it was... precursors usually happen this way... When the fire ball got to me, I was totally atomized. The only thing I could see in the street was a shadow of where I once was standing... I was then being brought up. I was about 10,000 feet up over the city. I was crying, because I thought I did something wrong... The evangelists were going up to the heavens... At that same time, the Lord told me, "No son, you haven't done anything wrong... Come here, says the Lord, let me show you the moral decline of this nation!" I started seeing like a movie of our country from 1776- 1920- 1940- 1950- 1960..... very bad all the way.....up to 2004... In all this, there were Gods chosen giving warning...but only a few listened . The nation itself, never came to full repentance... Then the lord told me, "Chris my righteous judgment is now on the nation and other nations along with her... I am going to consume them by fire, says the Lord!!" I awoke out of my sleep and started to pray in the spirit. I could not intercede, only pray, that His Will be done....
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
161.1 02/14 or 15, 2004, Dream, Golden Gate Bridge Falling Apart & San Francisco, CA—Terrorist Attack — Dave Eells, I've never been to San Francisco, but on the night 02/14, 2004 or early morning 02/15, I had a dream about a cataclysmic event coming to San Francisco.
On 02/14, I was reading about the mass gay & lesbian marriage happening in San Francisco and I was thinking about God's warning thru his prophets like D. Duduman, H. Gruver, D. Bohler and many other man of God thru the past few years.
That night when I went to bed I dreamt that I was on a car traveling across the Golden Gate bridge. All my companions were unbelievers and they seemed to be in a "joy ride" mood. As we reached half way the bridge, all of a sudden the bridge started falling apart, beams snapping and falling, and lanes breaking up, and cars started falling into the ocean like pebbles. Instantly, I knew in my spirit that a huge terrorist attack had just taken place in the USA. The people I was traveling with started screaming and panicking. I manage to calm them down quickly and then I led them to a short prayer. The first words that came to my mouth were, "Lord we are so full of sin - please forgive us ...." In the next instant, our car had reached the other side of the bridge, safe and sound then the dream ended. Shalom, John.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
162.1 02/15th, 2004, Vision, Brooklyn, New York? & Another Flash Of Light — I must write about another vision that the Lord gave me on 02/15th, 2004. I woke up at 5:30 that morning, and my thoughts were instantly filled with the names of the cities that I had ministered in during the past several years. I thought of New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, and numerous others. After praying and reading the Scripture in preparation for preaching that morning, I was getting ready to go to the church at about 9:15 A.M., when I suddenly became overwhelmingly sleepy. I was not tired and had had a good night’s sleep, but I was compelled to lay face down. Suddenly I saw a residential area of a large city. It was as dark as night, but I could see rooftops and a large square building. I did not recognize the area and wondered where it was. In an instant there was a massive explosion, and the large square building disappeared in fragments of glass and concrete. Immediately there was another flash of light, and then a column of red and yellow fire that rose high into the air appeared like a mushroom cloud. I asked the Lord where this was taking place and in the split second that I asked, the telephone rang. The phone almost never rings at that time on Sunday morning. I heard three rings, and I heard my wife say that it was a New York call as we have caller I.D. I said to her, “You’d better get it.” The caller was a man I had never heard of before, but he had obtained one of my tapes from someone and decided to call me at that moment of time. He said he was from Brooklyn. I do not pretend to know what all of this means or what the time frame is. May God help us and be merciful.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
163.1 02/16, 2004, Prophetic Word, San Francisco & Washington To Be Nuclear Attached —To: Friends, I just received a confirmation to the above. A close friend, Mike Snyder said that a very dependable brother who has been receiving many visions from God, Carl Marsinek, who was in Poland just called him (2-16-04) and said that he is positive he just heard from the Lord that within a week or two San Francisco and Washington would be nuclear attacked. A week would be the 23rd. That could confirm Philips birthday, the 22nd, as the date for the attack.
Al Queda has warned that this is what they would do. READ THIS http://www.americaslastdays.com/nukewarn.htm .
Pray for the elect in those cities. If you receive anything concerning these warnings please let me know. Your servant in Christ, Dave Eells.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
164.1 03/01, 2004, Two Dreams, Judgment on Manhattan, New York City and San Francisco —This morning 03/01, 2004 I had two dreams about possible judgment on New York City and San Francisco. First dream was: I was in Manhattan in my Mother's apartment and I looked out the window and saw three volcanic eruptions happening one after another. I noticed that there was snow in the ground, that might mean that before 03/21, the last day of winter there may be some kind of volcanic eruption, at least three of them in Manhattan, New York City.
The second dream was that I heard a Christian lady news reporter, maybe like from CBN, the 700 Club or something like that reporting that something had happened in San Francisco, around where the 49ers football team plays. Time is running out for America, let us make sure that WE are found FAITHFUL to the LORD.
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
165.1 03/14, 2004, Vision, Vision Of Warning To New York City & Los Angeles? & Saw Six Million Dying! — Excerpt from Tom Hess’ e-mail dated: 03/30, 2004. Vision of warning for the United States of America. Sunday, 03/14, 2004, a prophetess, a humble Mexican woman, who has been seeking the Lord in San Dimas, CA., [Located in the L.A. area], for 10 years was given the following revelation on 03/14, 2004. The day before let my people go! Was mailed to 550,000 Jewish households in the U.S.A. from her home town without her knowledge of the book being mailed. The text below was submitted by her:
The Church is in the greatest sin ever, the sin of unbelief. Then the book came to her mind, Let My People Go! [A book that she had never heard of before], a title she had for many years related to how the pastors in most Churches are not telling the people the truth so they can hold them to their congregations. Vi believes the United States is so proud and self-centered and this is why the Lord is upset.
Vi, from morning till night I want you to be in My sight in intercession and prayer. Rivers of blood. Rivers of blood. Saints, martyrs and all will be harmed. I am about to unleash My rage on the United States. I see no other way. Terror will strike them and they will turn to Me. I see not other way. The terrorist are already here and saw the biggest bomb is about to be thrown.
Fast and pray, fast and pray, night and day. I will save the ones in your mind, those you are interceding for. You cannot stop what will happen anymore. Pray as never before, especially for those you want saved.
The greatest bomb is about to be released. The biggest of bombs is ready. No options are left. It is happening soon [FAST]. We are already in germ warfare.
Vi, saw six million people dying in the United States of America [an American holocaust]. She believes it is New York City, which would mean two million Jews could die. She also believes that it could happen this year and that is connected to the Statue of Liberty. If this vision is from the Lord, then it is extremely serious, but maybe adequate repentance and prayer could still change things. Let’s listen to the Lord, pray, and obey.
Considering the above and following things, is there a possibility that destruction could come to New York City or Los Angeles?
There is a list of various things the Intercessor noted that also led her to believe Los Angeles maybe targeted. The point that most stood out to me was:
The birds for the first time in many years, for some reason, did not migrate to San Juan Capistrano, near Los Angeles this year.
During this time of prayer and worship, we want to pray for all the things previously mentioned, aliyah of the Jewish people [especially from all of the U.S.A. to Israel], for repentance in the Church, for all of the U.S.A., but especially for New York City and Los Angeles, CA., and God’s purposes and protection for Jerusalem, and the Arab middle east.
Shalom in Messiah’s love, Tom Hess, Pastor, Jerusalem House of Prayer For All Nations, President, All Nations Convocation Jerusalem.
Adequate repentance and prayer can turn away judgment at the gate.
From: Suzanne @ SWFerraro@aol.com or Tom Hess, Pastor, Jerusalem International House Of Prayer For All Nations.
166.1 Received For This CD During 04/2004, Visions, Prophecies Of The United States Of America & Invasion Of The United States Of America — My name is Eric Graham and I am 46 years old. I love the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and have dedicated my life to serve Him and to be used in any manner He sees fit. My anointing currently is that of prophet and teacher, I say this with all reverence. Just because someone is shown something prophetically does not elevate him or her in the Body of Christ. Doing God’s ministry is first and foremost having a servant’s heart. You must learn to serve before you can be served.
In 2001 God asked me to sell our house and go on the road for a while. This was to accomplish many things, among the many reasons, God said He wanted to show me America before He burned and destroyed it. As we were traveling God would tell me that the place where we were at, was either going to be destroyed by natural disasters and/or war or was going to be designated as a safe area. Sometimes He would show me how it was going to be destroyed and sometimes just telling me. When He would show me a safe area, I would ask Him if He wanted me to write it down and He would tell me no. God said that the reason for not writing it down was, that most of His people are not lead by His Holy Spirit and that they would try to go to these safe area’s before He made them safe. God’s timing is perfect timing and we need to learn to wait upon Him and not be pressured by circumstances and then react out of the spirit of fear. When it is time, God will lead His people to these areas. Some people are there now, preparing for those that are supposed to come. God said if you go early that most would be killed because you are operating by the flesh and not by His Spirit and you will not have His hand of protection upon you.
There are several ways that we as a nation are going to be chastened and purged. This is to make us ready to be able to wear the white wedding garment. Some of the things that God is going to use to prepare us will be natural disasters, famine, pestilence and war. I have been shown both natural disasters and war in my travels across America as well as areas that were going to be blessed. I have been to every state except Alaska, Hawaii and Nevada. Every time we were going to go into Nevada we were turned around by God, I’m sure there is something to that but I don’t know what.
I have been asked to write down what I have been told and seen and have taken this request before the Lord. This is what I am allowed to release at this time 5/18/04.
Regarding Natural Disasters; States listed alphabetically:
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Prophecies for California — While traveling in Northern California in 08/2001, going through the Giant Redwood forest the Lord told me that this state is wickedness and that He was going to destroy all this state and throw it into the ocean.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
While traveling in California in 04/2002 the Lord took me high above the west coast of the United States. God showed me that the west coast would fall into the ocean in stages. He showed me two of the stages, with the last stage I was made to know that this would be about the time of His return and that it would destroy a lot of the enemy (mostly Chinese) that had invaded and were occupying our country. There were many small Islands left along the coastline. These are the two stages that I saw (I did not try to draw in the islands as there were many and scattered. This is an approximation and should not be taken as exact.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Prophecies for Florida — While traveling in Florida in 02/2002 around the Orlando area, the Lord told me that Orlando typifies America with wanting to be entertained all the time and that it was going to be destroyed in one hour. God said that in America we have made a god of entertainment and will spend a lot of time and money in pursuing these pleasures. We have replaced Him, being led by the flesh and not by His Spirit. If only we had the same enthusiasm that we displayed for the pleasures of this world, toward Him, then He would not have to chasten us.
While traveling in this state in 03/2002 the Lord showed me what Florida will look like. The Lord took me up in the air and showed me the state of Florida after His chastening. God did not show me how or when it got to this point. This is what I saw. This is an approximation and should not be taken as exact.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
There is a large safe area in the upper north central part of Florida that will extend north into Georgia. This is indicated by the color red. This is not exact but is as close as I can get. DO NOT GO THERE UNLESS GOD TELS YOU TO.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Prophecies for Idaho — While traveling in Idaho in 11/2003 God showed me an area that would be a safe area. This is not exact but is as close as I can get. DO NOT GO THERE UNLESS GOD TELS YOU TO.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Prophecies for Illinois — While driving in Michigan in 08/2002 I was told by God that part of Michigan was going to be destroyed (see state of Michigan) when the earthquake that Chuck Youngbrant saw regarding Chicago happened. When the Lord said this, He showed me Chicago. I was shown the SE lower area of Chicago and saw roads breaking up and buildings collapse. Large rock formations that appeared to be granite shards rose up through the ground breaking up the roads and sending cars flying through the air. Expressways collapsed with cars falling off and crushing the cars underneath. I could see that this earthquake happened during the day but did not see any shadows to indicate what time during the day. This could mean that it happened when the sun was high in the sky so that there would be few shadows or that I wasn’t allowed to see what time it was. I then saw the SE area of Chicago next to Lake Michigan; starting from within Lake Michigan the ground started opening up creating a giant chasm that swallowed up buildings and roads and quickly filled with water. The giant chasm kept expanding devouring all that was in its path and filling with water going SW and then down towards the Mississippi River.
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Prophecies for Michigan — While traveling in the Upper Michigan Peninsula, in 06/2001, I was told that the Fayette peninsula area (Delta and Schoolcraft Counties) was going to be destroyed when the Earthquake that Chuck Youngbrant saw regarding Chicago happened. When this happens the water will wash away much of this area. I was told that some of the land in the U.P. would be no more.
While traveling in the Lower Michigan Peninsula along the northwest shoreline next to Lake Michigan south of Traverse City, in 08/2002 I thought to myself that it would be nice to buy some property in this area. I had no sooner had this thought, when the Lord spoke to me and said, “It wouldn’t be a very good investment.” Naturally I asked, “Why not?” and the Lord showed me. I will describe what I saw.
The area that I was in looked the same as the area that I was currently driving in, which was the NW part of Lower Michigan. The trees, which were mostly pine were the same color and looked the same as where I was driving down the road. There were a few white birch trees with leaves but looked dry. I was given a sense that the weather was hot and dry and even the ground looked very dry, like it hadn’t rained for a long time. I could see that it was during the day as it was very bright but did not see any shadows to indicate what time during the day. This could mean that it happened when the sun was high in the sky so that there would be very few shadows or that I wasn’t allowed to see what time it was. The ground started shaking violently. This went on for several seconds and then the ground started to liquefy. The hills and trees started to disappear straight down and the ground turned flat like you were at the beach. The water sheen started to appear along the top of the ground. As the land liquefied before my eyes, suddenly I was up in the air looking down at the whole state and saw the top part of the state dissolve into Lake Michigan (see pictures).
I was told By God that this would happen when the Earthquake that Chuck Youngbrant saw regarding Chicago happened. I was given a small glimpse of this earthquake and have written it down under the state of Illinois. This is what the lower part of Michigan looked like (since I did not see Upper Michigan destroyed I did not alter it). This is an approximation and should not be taken as exact.
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Prophecies for Oregon — While driving south along the coastline of Oregon on HWY 101 in 08/2001 the Lord said to me, that I was driving on what would one day be the ocean. He told me that one-day very soon most of this state would disappear beneath the water (see also California).
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Prophecies for Washington — While visiting Mt. Rainer in Washington on 08/2001 God said that this whole mountain was going to blow and would make the explosion of Mt. St. Helen would look small in comparison. In the same month visiting the destruction at Mt. St. Helen God told me that when Mt Rainer blows that this would be part of a chain reaction that would change the entire west coast line. As we were driving through this state God said that most of this state would be no more (see also California).
[Picture removed for e-mailing copy]
Prophecies for Wyoming — While visiting Yellowstone National Park specifically the geyser called “Old Faithful” in 07/2001, the Lord told me that this whole area (YNP) was going to be destroyed. Latter while visiting Mt. St. Helen and viewing all the devastation that was evident even 20 years later, the Lord told me that this was nothing compared to the destruction that YNP will cause when it explodes. This explosion will help in setting in motion the destruction of the west coast (see also California).
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Regarding War — I have seen Russian soldiers on the East coast and Chinese soldiers on the West coast; they both are vicious and didn’t show any mercy or compassion. It was almost like they enjoyed the pain they were inflicting. Of the two, the Chinese seem more vicious. God has told me that the reason for the increase of movies of late about war and disasters was to prepare the people of the united States (some of you will understand why I used a small “u” for united) for the horrors that was coming. We have been a people that are not hardened to the horrors of war and what man can do to man like a lot of other countries have been. One of the battles that take place on the East coast in the area of Wheeling, West Virginia between U.S. soldiers and militia follows the same tactics and maneuvers as was done in the Civil War. Some of you war buffs can figure this one out. God has told me that He is going to use some of the natural disasters to destroy the enemy that comes on our shores. This will be at a time when the people left of this nation will once again call out to the God of their forefathers. I was given the sense that this occurs at the end of the tribulation period. I have been shown and told of many miraculous protections through the fires. I have been shown people that are Christians and in His will that even though they are in the midst of war, the enemy cannot see them. I have also been shown Christians that are led by the flesh and the enemy not only saw them but also mutilated them. I have seen Christians that were not affected by bullets and/or bombs. I have seen Christians that were transported like Philip was in Acts 8:39-40. If you are led by His Spirit and in His will it will not matter to you if you live or die. It is only when you are willing to go through the fire that God can deliver you.
Prophecy to America — As given to Eric Graham on 4/13/04 3:34 AM: Thus saith the Lord God Almighty; My return is so close that I am even at the door. Some are ready and some are not.
Those that are ready, hear My voice and walk with Me and do My bidding and yet I am still burning the dross off of you. You understand My will and accept it; you understand what I am doing in your earthly life, that I am preparing you for a heavenly life. You are dead to the flesh and walk with My Spirit, all I have to do is gently nudge you in the direction I want you to go and you go. You don’t have to have complete understanding of what I am doing before you do what I ask. You are living by faith and this confuses the enemy. The enemy is trying to figure out my plans and that is why I don’t reveal everything yet. What I do reveal, there are those that doubt and throw suspicion on what is revealed because they are not lead by my Spirit, I use this to confuse the enemy. Those that are ready, walk with the assurance that I am with them and are content with what I have shown them. This is not saying I don’t want them seeking more, it is saying they don’t need more to be obedient. Those that are ready are prepared to be strong and do exploits; you will do greater things than My Son did on earth. The world seeks after signs and even though they will see great sign’s and wonders they still will not believe. This is so they are without excuse when they stand before Me in judgment.
Those that are not ready, I am trying to get you ready. I am not seeking a fleshly relationship but a spiritual one. To be one with Me means that you make the decision to come up along side of Me and walk with Me in spirit and in truth. I see your heart and true motives, some still think that you can buy me off with your money and time, that you can do enough good deeds that I will accept you. All I want is your love, freely given. Not because you think I will look at you better than someone else and not because you think it will give you position in My kingdom. I want your love because you want to give it freely and to be in My presence and you love the real truth from Me and not a lie from the enemy. Some of you have believed the lies of the enemy and think it is truth. Listen as I give you truth so that you will be worthy to walk with me in white. Have a personal relationship with Me by being attentive to My every move. Learn to recognize what I am doing in your life. I am communicating with many of you and you don’t see Me. How would you like it if you were trying to help someone and they completely ignored you. If you were standing on a street corner and you saw a truck coming and saw some children step out onto the street and you tried to stop them and they rebelled from instruction and continued and you saw them run over by that truck, how would you feel? Such are some of you as those children were. I can see the end from the beginning, I do have your best interest in mind yet some of you think that you know best and run out into the street to your own destruction. If that isn’t bad enough you lead others out with you destroying their lives too. Learn to die to your self and what you want and learn what I want. Trust Me when I say that you will want what I want. If some of you would only seek Me with all of your strength I would show you what I want for you. Learn to take direction and humble yourself to others for you don’t know what the outcome will be. Learn to be lead by the Spirit for that is how you show the world My love as My son or daughter. If you don’t know my will for you today how will you know my will for you when you are fleeing the terror that is coming. Some of you because you are use to running your own life, will make the worst decision and think you are running away from the terror when in fact you are running directly into the terror to be consumed. If you seek to save your life you will loose it. If you hear my voice and obey you will save your life. I may have you go in the direction of the danger only to save you through it. I can protect you through a nuclear blast if that is where I wanted you. I can blind the eyes of the enemy when I set them on your shores so they don’t see you. I can transport you to another part of the country or foreign country to do My will there. I can do things with you that you can’t even conceive of, if you would only let Me. Some of you have believed the lies of the enemy because you don’t know my word or if you do, you didn’t believe it. Seek out My discernment from My word and Holy Spirit. Some of you have shut up the Holy Spirit into a small room in your heart and never let Him out. I gave the Spirit to you as a gift and token of My love, to be used to be strong and do exploits. It is the same as you walking in poverty and struggling every month with your bills and having your possessions taken away because you borrowed from the wolf in sheep’s clothing that told you that you were worth it. If you would only open up the package that I sent to you by special delivery and that you hid away. You have told yourself over and over again that one of these days you will see what God wanted from you and open up that package. You don’t even realize that I was not trying to take from you but to bestow upon you the riches of the kingdom. If you would only open up that package you would not be struggling day to day just to exist. Some of you need to learn to rest in Me and just let Me do for you and not thinking you need to do it for Me. Some of you are reaping what you have sowed and you don’t like it, blaming Me for your troubles. If you would humble yourself and repent then I could lift you above and through the trouble. You would marvel at what I can do with your life if only you would let Me. Some of you are in trouble because you are fighting Me. I am trying to burn the dross off you and you keep running from the fire. Learn to rely upon Me and go though the fire realizing that I will not put you through any thing that I have not already empowered you for. Many of you have stopped your spiritual growth because you won’t let me chip off the rough edges. Repent and turn back to Me because you don’t have much time.
If you follow Me and let Me lead you My peace I give unto you. Whether you live or die you are content just being in My will. You can face 10,000 enemies with a smile on your face and My love flowing through you. You don’t mind that I may save someone else though the trouble that is soon coming and I may take you home. You love just having a part in My plan and don’t care how big a part. You love walking in My presence whether on earth or in heaven. You love to be called by My name and share Me with others. You want others to have the same love that you have from Me.
With more love, mercy and grace than you could ever hope for or imagine, Your Heavenly Father
From: Eric Graham at ergraham@msn.com .
167.1 05/2004, Vision in a Dream, Linda Mathew’s Vision—Terrorist Attacks In America — Saw terror in the streets of America, saw buildings, people running; Mary Ann Johnston and I were together and found a hole, terrorist after the people. We hid, we were quiet, like a hole in a building, others passed us… we were not to have any jewelry or even shoes on; somehow the terrorists could detect us by these things. Had this dream two times.
From: Linda Mathews, 2919 Arapahoe Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32210, clear2sea@aol.com .
167.2 2004, Vision in a Dream, John Mathew’s Vision—Something Awful and Fearful To Happen — Husband of Linda Mathews, she related her visions and his. Husband downtown, people were running, horror on their faces, John sensed something coming form the sky, people were fearful, but John was not fearful, most vivid dream John had ever had in his life, had it three times, one after another.
From: Linda Mathews, 2919 Arapahoe Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32210, clear2sea@aol.com .
168.1 05/09, 2004, Dream, America Attacked & Nuclear Bombs Going Off — I have something to tell you. Early this morning of 5-9-04, I had a dream that is most important. I dreamed that America was being attacked and nuclear bombs were going off. I was told to get on my face because that was all that would save me. I fell to the ground with my face in the dirt and my mouth touching the dirt. I was on my knees in a fetal position with my arms over my head crying out to God. I awoke and in my spirit was told, "what you have been hearing is going to happen." This has been with me all day. Martha Lange
168.2 1954, Open Vision, Pits Of Hell Are About To Be Released! — Mother [Bobbie Smith] had a vision approximately 1954. She was drawn to look at an old well. A white bucket was slowly being drawn up from the well. The water on the ground around the well was bubbling and gurgling loudly. When the bucket went up into the sky then she watched as it was turned upside down and came crashing into the well with great force and wrath. She heard a voice that said, “Tell them at church that the frenzy pits of hell are about to be released!” She did and the church responded with heavy weeping.
She tried to call her mother, but she [my grandmother] was sweeping the porch and could not hear. She later felt it was not for her generation.
From: Martha Lange at applegarden777@Yahoo.com .
169.1 Late 05/2004, Same Dream Twice, Russian & Mexican Over-takers & Food Distribution — Dream given to Pattie Trovato of Baltimore, MD in late 05/ of 2004; Russian overtakers.
I’ve never had an end-times dream before. This poured understanding into me of how easily our country will be taken over, and how foreign military will oversee our country.
In my dream there had been a nuclear explosion in the Baltimore-Washington corridor. I had quickly grabbed clothes, a tent, money and a little food, and stuffed them in our car. We had used the backroads to get out of Maryland. My daughter was in a car behind me with the rest of our kids. My husband was going to meet us at the campground. I was driving down a familiar highway in Pennsylvania. We were going to a camp site near Penn State College. The highway was jam-packed in both directions, traffic had come to a total stop due to some small accidents. I got out of our car and climbed up past the boulders into the trees to sit in the cool shade. It was nice spring weather. The highway was filled with people in panic trying to get to the mountains, while other people in a panic were leaving the mountains to travel down south-east. Everyone was in a panic! Four black helicopters came from over the mountain range. They started buzzing up and down the road. Two left to go south. One kept circling the area I was in, while the fourth got out a bull-horn. They announced to all of us that martial law had taken effect and that we were traveling illegally. Everyone was required to return to their homes or face arrest and confiscation of their vehicles. We thought how can we go back home? The lanes of traffic on the highway are not moving? A man in a south-bound pick-up truck started screaming at the black helicopter. He incited others to throw rocks at it, and even wanted people to turn over vehicles and block the highway to stop people from going home. A military person dressed in black with dark grey appeared at the helicopters’ door and shot the man and two others to death. Other people in the area were forced to lay the bodies along side the highway, and move their vehicles onto the shoulder of the highway. This paralyzed the people.
No one really understood how different things were going to be. The circling helicopter swooped down, and a young military man jumped down to the road, on the north-bound side. He was quite friendly, and gave new orders saying tourists should proceed to their destination. We were told we could only visit ten days or less then we were required to return to our primary residence. He told us we would want to go home anyway, because as we would not be able to buy food anywhere except pre-packaged food still available in gas stations. All grocery markets were closed. The only people that were to report to work were emergency workers. The gas stations were to allowed to remain open to allow people to get home, then no one was to leave.
Then the scene changed. I was back home, which is a twenty-minute drive from Baltimore. My family and I were watching a TV news conference on how people were coping with grocery stores being closed for the last three weeks. A military woman, dressed in the same outfit as the men in the helicopters, came to our front door. She made sure we were home, then put something sticky on our door on which to later affix government papers. They didn’t want these papers put in a mailbox. She handed us a large envelope of papers. The contents included a mandatory appointment at the school where we are registered to vote. If you missed the appointment, you delayed getting food for your family. Most people had eaten all extra food. All people were required to share what they had. Food was the primary problem everyone had on their minds. The government did not want anyone to have any food left in their house. Any person not sharing food they had stored up would have it all taken away, and go to jail. When I arrived at our place of voting, only a few people were allowed in at a time. Tables were set up as when we vote. We had to go to an alphabetized table and state our name. We had to provide proof of who we were and how many people lived in our home. They confirmed this information with a computer. Anyone not registered would have to go to a sports stadium to do their paperwork in order to get food. No more Wal-Mart food.
Each family was issued something that looked like WIC checks. Each family was assigned one grocery store in which they could shop. The Checks had food items listed, and how many we could buy. For example: 2 - 16 oz. cans of vegetables, 1 lb. Meat, 6 fruit items (fresh), etc. We could only buy at our assigned store. Everyone could only shop if you were the registered shopper and only one person per family could be registered to shop. Each person had one certain day in which to shop. I was at my assigned store. There were only a few people allowed in at a time. Once the approved people were in the doors were locked until the maximum time was over and the next group was allowed in. I only had 15 minutes to shop for the listed items on my check order, and only 5 minutes for a clerk to process everything. Each hour only 3 groups of people were allowed to enter. To ensure appropriate behavior, there were military dressed guards with machine guns at various places in the store. Some people were assigned to shop in the middle of the night. We could choose whatever brand of canned goods, or meats, but the amount was very limited. My grocery cart was only one-third full, and it had to last us all week until the next weekly appointment, when we were given another WIC type check with a limited amount of food listed to be purchased. Each persons’ check was commensurate with number of people living at their legal residence. One could buy all the paper goods and cleaners they liked.
As I was paying for the allowed food, another customer became very irate with the little amount of food he was being allowed to get. He started yelling at one of the soldiers. The soldier slowly pointed his gun at him, pushed back his helmet and stared at him a long time. This soldier speaking in a Spanish accent said, “Don’t be so upset. This will not do you any good.” He pointed at a military vehicle out in the parking lot. “Look, your Russian overtakers have had to live like this all of their lives. Now, . . . it is your turn.” The dream ended.
Toward the end of the dream I knew the nuclear attack, was not a single attack, but actually many “small” attacks, and was accomplished thru a Russian and Spanish speaking country alliance. I woke with a very clear knowing of how easily people will co-operate with a new government in order to get a little food. I saw how voting registration will be used to organize food distribution.
I saw the entire dream again, shockingly crystal clear, just as was given the first time.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Pattie Trovato: I think this is the time when Russian U.N. troops are brought in during martial law to restore order around the middle of the tribulation when the mark of the beast is being given. These smaller nukes are set by the terrorists, covertly working for the Russians and Chinese, and may be some of those coming through Central America and across the Mexican border now. Hence Spanish countries allied with the Russians. I know too that it is against the law to hoard food and gasoline and they will be jailing those who do this. There will be those who fight against this and ultimately a broad nuclear attack and invasion will come. God bless you, Dave Eells.]
From: Dave Eells, http://www.americaslastdays.com/overtakers.htm, David Eells, 6 Apache Trail, Pensacola, Florida 32506, 1.850.453.3074, www.americaslastdays.com .
170.1 06/2004, Mexico’s Training Base, Invasion Of The USA—Mexico’s Training & The Mexican’s Intend To Take The American’s Homes For Themselves After The Invasion —At David Hogan’s camp in Chiapas, Mexico, they can see in the natural, meaning this is not a vision, but can actually see the Chinese Red Army’s training BASE where Mexican nationals are being TRAINED to invade the NORTH, that is America, the United States of America with Russia, China, and other nations! Also, Paul Maxwell was telling me that the Mexican’s are being told that if they can get their relatives which are in America to go along apparently with this invasion of America, that they will give them the houses that the American’s are living in, they will get free houses, OURS, after we are invaded and moved out of them!
From: Paul Maxwell, at maxwell_paul@hotmail.com .
171.1 07/2004, Dreams & Visions & Prophetic Words, Invasion Of The United States Of America — “…I honestly believe that this nation is going to experience severe judgment for basically the same reasons as those people did in Jeremiah’s day, and probably for many more worse reasons… Jeremiah 30:11
One of many reasons I’m convinced that God’s judgment of America is on the horizon is the fact so many Christians who are very serious about our Heavenly Father are having similar dreams and visions all across this nation about FOREIGN troops and disasters on American soil. I have been collecting these dreams and visions to share with those who are interested in the subject.
I’ve also been considering some historical events recorded in the book of Josephus. Josephus wrote that during the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus’s Roman army around A.D. 70, a false prophet was the occasion of people’s destruction because he had made a proclamation they would receive miraculous signs of their deliverance.
At the same time there was a GREAT number of FALSE prophets who told the people that they should await deliverance from God. This was in hopes of getting the people to be buoyed [marker or float] up above fear and care by such hopes. Most people were persuaded by these DECEIVERS and did not give credit to the SIGNS that were so evident and that PLAINLY foretold their future desolation… They were, as Josephus put it, “without either EYES to SEE or MINDS to CONSIDER” the denunciation [reproof or scolding] that God made to them. At that time there were SIGNS that the “unskilled,” as Josephus called them, thought were good things. But the men of UNDERSTANDING knew that all the MANY SIGNS were WARNINGS of desolations that would come upon them. As we know, those desolations did indeed come upon them. The horrors of that WAR are too gruesome to mention.
There were Christians in Jerusalem who had SUPERNATURAL foreknowledge in the form of VISIONS, DREAMS, etc., about the city’s destruction. Those who HEEDED the WARNINGS fled to the mountains prior to the city’s destruction, thereby preserving their lives.
With all that in mind, why should Christians in America expect to be “raptured” out of here before going through any bad times of tribulation? What about all the scriptures that prove otherwise? (If we’ve read the Bible enough, we know such scriptures are there). What about Christians in places like Africa, China, Indonesia, etc., who are suffering severe persecution and willingly giving their lives for Christ? They are undoubtedly stronger Christian than we Americans are.
Do we think we’ll escape trouble because we’re American? Here’s what the Word of God has to say about this prideful attitude that has been prevalent around the country, especially since the World Trade Center towers were destroyed: “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” That’s in Proverbs 16:18. Also, in Proverbs 18:12 we’re told, “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty…” God hates PRIDE! And here we are in this sin—infested society wallowing in our national pride commanding God to bless America! America—45 million [more like 60 million] babies aborted, acceptance of homosexuality and divorce (even in the church), teenage rebellion, explosion of drug abuse (highest in the world), promiscuity, pornography, dumbing down the children, high taxation, gross immorality and corruption at the highest levels of the U. S. government, etc. God is NOT going to bless America, He’s going to JUDGE America and in His MERCY He’s been WARNING us…
God has blessed this nation in the past. There was a time, not even all that long ago, when Americans were highly esteemed among other nations. Some remember at time when people didn’t feel the need to LOCK their doors, school kids were reprimanded for chewing gum and talking at inappropriate times, murder and rape crimes were very RARE, abortion was practically unheard of and divorce was more like a dirty word than the household word that it is today.
Throughout recorded history, nations that were about to receive God’s judgment were warned in advance. We are being WARNED!
In reading the Scriptures, we can be assured that God is willing and able to be a refuge for those who seek His face and put their trust in Him. Psalm 9:9-10 says, “The Lord also will be a REFUGE for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble, and they that know thy name will put their trust in thee, for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.”
We must all put our trust in the Heavenly Father and FEAR only Him who can destroy both body and soul. We must be strong in the Lord and get rid of that prideful attitude that causes us to think that because we’re American we’ll be raptured out of here before any turbulent times can hit us. We must do some introspection and see where we fall short of God’s best in our thoughts, words, and actions and begin to rid ourselves of our hypocrisy. God knows we’re at different levels in our understanding and I believe He allows some slack for that just as we allow slack with our younger children because they’re young. It’s possible to hold on to hypocrisy and not even be aware of it. We need to begin to ask God to help us see for ourselves where we fall short, asking Him to create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us.
The TIMES of TROUBLE ahead will no doubt be very serious. Anyone who thinks God would not allow such destruction should read the ENTIRE Bible, OVER and OVER, COVER to COVER. That is the only way to really know the Creator’s heart.
It seems quite significant that so many people that I’ve have run across in the last few years have had the same kind of dream about Chinese soldiers wreaking havoc in America (including myself). I want to share what I’ve collected… If any reader has had such a dream or vision as these that follow, or knows of someone who has, please contact me:
The below dreams and visions all came from “The Corner Gathering” Newsletter, Julie asked that last names be withheld and I am honoring that, because what you read below will be just more witnesses to what we already have collected regarding the invasion of the United States yet to occur, hopefully enough Christians will be repenting and confessing the sins of America, and praying for the safety of our President, Psalm’s 91 so this invasion can be delayed as long as possible so Jesus can get done what He wants done first. Do not forget the moment of prayer in America has been established as is now enforce, it is 9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST; & 6:00 PM WST – stop what you are doing and go into one minute of full prayer before God for your nation, this is aside from your normal praying for America – write yourself a post it note to remind you to do this daily, it will take about 2 weeks to get in the habit, do your part as we unite in prayer for our beloved earthly homeland - America:
“The Lord also will be a REFUGE for the oppressed, a REFUGE in times of trouble, and they that know thy name will put their TRUST in THEE, for THOU, LORD has not forsaken them that seek THEE.” Psalm 9:9—10
“The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear HIM, in those that HOPE in His mercy.” Psalm 145:11
“Behold, the DARKNESS shall cover the earth, and GROSS DARKNESS the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:4
“But whoso hearkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.” Proverbs 1:33
“He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1
172.2 1996 or 1997, Dream, Chinese Soldiers In America & St. Louis — I had a dream four or five years ago (around 1996 or ’97) about Chinese soldiers in America. The setting of the first part of my dream was right outside a big city in America. I didn’t know right off what city it was. At first I saw airplanes flying over and bombing the city. From my vantage point, I could see only two or three high—rise buildings still standing after the bombing in different areas. Everything else was completely demolished. I saw what I thought was a bazooka being fired into an open trailer and a dead man came out in a flood of some kind of milky substance. I then saw a group of American men with ropes trying to hoist up a huge structure. It was the St. Louis ARCH. I knew then that the city in my dream was St. Louis and I have relatives there. Right after that I was with a couple of other Christians. The three of us were standing together and a Chinese man was firing a gun at us from a distance of about 10 feet or so. The bullets weren’t hitting us. He handed the gun to a Chinese woman who was standing next to him (I perceived that she was his wife). She separated me from the other two Christians and had me walk a little way in a grassy area. While I was walking with her gun pointed at my back, I was saying, “Thank you, Jesus” over and over. She forced me to sit down in the grass and she stood about 10 feet away from me. I was sitting with my knees up to my chest and my elbows resting on my knees. I had both hands cupped over most of my face and was saying, “Thank you, Jesus” over and over. The Chinese woman shot at me a bunch of times, but the bullets weren’t hitting me. I looked up into her face. I had never seen such frustration on someone’s face in my life. She took the gun by the barrel and came over to where I was sitting. She tried to hit me with the butt of the gun but couldn’t hit me. I knew there was a presence in front of me keeping her from being able to harm me. After that I was still sitting there in the same place and looked over to my left. A man was standing there within arm’s reach. He had on blue jeans and a white T—shirt that was too small for him (I could see apart of his fat belly). I felt compelled to reach over and just touch him so I stretched out my arm toward him. The moment I touched him, I could feel an intense sensation coming down through me form the top of my head, through my shoulder and arm and out my fingertips. The best I can describe the feeling is a “divine current of love.” Not like any sensation I had ever felt. It was so STRONG—certainly not mere human love. It was God’s love flowing through me and I knew it. About two weeks after I had that dream, I read in a book about a woman who had experienced the same thing with God’s love flowing through her and out to another person who she shook hands with. — Julie T. —END—
1929, Vision, I.C.B.M.—Inter—Continental Ballistic Missile — In 1929, I was preaching in Vancouver, British Columbia. I stood in 6th Avenue Church one day with the power of God on me. All of a sudden the ceiling just disappeared. Now when I say vision, my friends, I know that visions are what the Bible calls “night visions,” like in a dream. Dreams are also called visions. Generally speaking, a vision is differentiated by what you see with your eyes open. That which you see when you are not asleep. In this particular case, I was standing on my feet when all of a sudden the walls and ceiling just faded right out. I looked up and saw that answers to the description of an I.C.B.M. (Inter—Continental Ballistic Missile) just as real as any picture that you would see. It was passing over a skim of clouds. Not heavy clouds, but a thin skim of clouds. I was standing on the side of this mountain in a residential district. I was looking over into the [San Francisco] bay area. It would appear like I was in Berkeley… I was looking into the bay area toward San Francisco. I saw the freeway. I don’t say that it was the Oakland freeway that is there today. I don’t know where it was my friends. I do know this, that I was standing on the side of this mountain, overlooking a huge metropolis when I saw this missile directed toward the city. Suddenly, being electronically controlled, no doubt, it plummeted right down into the city and then exploded. Then I saw the fire ball, which answers to the description of what I have seen in a civil defense film release of the first hydrogen bomb explosion. This happened in 1929! The atom was NOT split until 1932! There was a purpose in [my seeing] it. I have been warning people ever since that this thing is COMING! As the day approaches, my friends, I feel more vibrant than ever before! I have got to bear testimony to what I saw with my eyes! I have got to WARN God’s people that they must live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and be filled with the Spirit if they want God’s protection in these last days!
Even though there were no freeways in 1929, I saw freeways. I saw them [people] run and jump in their cars to escape, but there was NO escape! I saw the aftermath of this explosion. I saw all of the detail. The Spirit of the Lord picked me up (like St. Paul, whether in the body or out of the body, I don’t know)! All I know is, my friends, that God took me and whisked me across that area where the bomb hit in the midst of that huge metropolis. There was nothing left. The center where it struck was molten, like molten glass. It wasn’t until I was carried way beyond the residential area, that I began to see any signs of debris. Finally, I came to what looked similar to snow or sand drifts piled up against the fences and buildings. I saw piles of iron, like broom straw, only much finer than broom straw. It was in piles, and in patterns. Everything completely destroyed! Finally, way, way out, beyond what I felt was the residential area I began to find signs of human beings, only in pieces! Torsos, heads, hands, arms and legs. They were scattered around everywhere! The Spirit of the Lord carried me out father. I began to find signs of life. People were running. Everybody was BLIND. I didn’t know in 1929 that if you are 35 miles away from the explosion and you happened to be looking in that direction you would NEVER SEE AGAIN. I didn’t know that at that time. Everybody was BLIND, my friends, they were running and screaming and bumping up against this and that and the other, bouncing back, children BLIND and screaming, and crying out for their parents, and parents for their children. The farther I went the more the confusion and the cries INCREASED! My friends, even [now] I can hear those cries! I can hear those cries—children and parents screaming out for one another! It was a terrible sight to behold! If I were to live ten thousand years I know I could just close my eyes and hear those screams and see the horror that was written all over the faces of parents and children! A terrible sight indeed.
Then the Spirit of the Lord took me, oh, I wonder how fast I was going. I could see the mountains and the hills just passing before me. I came sweeping down over a large valley. In the distance, I could see, as I began to approach, a body of people that looked like tens of thousands. I don’t know how many were there. It was a sea of people. Long before I got there, as I came down closer, I could discern them. They had their handkerchiefs and they were wiping their tears from their eyes. Then, for the first time, I began to hear heavenly anthems. I could hear the Hallelujahs—bass, tenor, soprano, and alto voices blending together. That mass of humanity were lifted together by the heavenly music. I came right down in the midst of them. There they were—God’s people. They were all dressed up like they were ready for the Sunday Service. Their hair was perfect, nothing was disturbed. There was no soil on their shirts. They were cared for so perfectly. Everything was in order. Their faces were clean, their cloths was clean. Everything was in order! The only word you could use to describe them would be meticulous! It is going to be a marvelous thing to be in the hands of God, in these last days. I say that God is going to protect His people in these last days, IF they live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and keep filled with the Spirit. — A.Cl. Valdez —END—
173.3 1970’s, Visions, Chicago Earthquake? & Invasion Of The U.S.A. — Right after I became saved I was walking down the streets of Chicago with my brother and was looking at the skyline. All of a sudden I saw the skyscrapers ahead of me began to SHAKE. It’s like they were QUIVERING and then they began to just crumble right in front of me. I turned to look at my brother and I realized he wasn’t seeing that. I turned back and the buildings were just CRUMBLING to nothingness. I heard in my spirit, “Everything that you see before you will crumble, and only that which is built upon Me [the Lord] will last.” The next moment everything was normal again. I realized that what had happened was supernatural.
Another time when I was at my office in Toledo, Ohio in the 70’s I had a vision. It was Valentine’s Day and I had made a special sweet bread for my coworkers. I was cutting up the bread to share with them and all of a sudden I was in a different place. I knew it was the END TIMES. It was a time of FAMINE and there were a lot of people coming for food. I was realizing that all I had was a little bit of bread and all I knew to do was just start giving them bread. As I broke off and gave it to them, the bread kept reappearing. I was breaking it, but the incredible thing was that I couldn’t dwell on the fact that it was a miracle in action, I had to just keep doing it. The miraculous became commonplace because of the times we were in. We were walking in the miraculous because of what was required.
I also had a vision years ago about being arrested for my faith. At that time it seemed that the arrestors were communist. It seemed like they were Russian communists. They stripped me, but I had absolutely no fear. I didn’t know what was going to come but I remember thinking I have perfect PEACE. Fear has been a stronghold in my life at times. I had the peace because of God’s love. I could have been facing torture, rape, death, but there was no fear. There was a mirror in the room and I remember looking at my face and just seeing this absolute composure. That was from the Lord.
Many of the friends that were in the group that I fellowshipped with at that time were getting dreams and visions. Some of them were Orientals. One was told of Christians being lined up and were literally being BEHEADED for their faith. But again, there was no fear. That all happened in the 70’s and then no one talked of having visions any more. That is, until RECENTLY when the Lord started bringing these back in my remembrance, as if I’m coming into a time when they will be fulfilled. —Diane W. —END—
174.4 Dream, Hordes Of Chinese Soldiers — Many years ago, my brother and I were staying on my grandfather’s farm in West Virginia during the summer vacation. I had a dream, or should I say a nightmare, of hordes of Chinese soldiers over running the countryside. They were dressed in kaki—colored uniforms and were armed. I watched as they searched every building on the farm, one of which my brother and I were in. We were trying to fight them, but they ran right by us. They didn’t seem to see us! I watched as they finished searching the farm and went on to the next one.
So vivid was this dream that, to this day (some 30 years later), I still remember it! I woke up with my heart pounding in my ears and looking around to make sure there were not soldiers there. I was shocked to find out recently that many other people from around the country have had similar dreams. —Richard, West Virginia — END—
Visions, Invasion Of The U.S.A. — In a night vision, I was called to a ship down in the ports of Astoria where the Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean. In the vision, I was on this ship standing up on the bridge with the ship captain from the Philippines, a precious brother (he was one of those that would call whenever he came within 100 miles of the port if it’s reserved to him). I was standing on the bridge and we were talking when all of a sudden I just glanced out over the inlet to the Columbia River and I saw all of these ships coming in loaded with troops. I was watching them and their ships went right around the ship we were on as though they didn’t even see it. They didn’t fire one shot at the crew on the deck. I thought this was interesting. They ran right around our gangplank, even on the dock. They didn’t even see the gangplank. I was watching this phenomena when all of a sudden I began to see the troops coming up to the dock. They threw hook ladders up and began climbing up the hook ladders onto the ports. Anybody they saw, they shot. The captain I was with was seeing this and suddenly said, “Your nation is under SEIGE.” I said, “Yes, it is, but look at this… this is different.” We looked over the bow of the ship and underneath the docks came out World War II vintage planes, American planes with the star on them and the flag. I believe that’s very significant in today’s world. I believe God was showing me something symbolically in this vision. The planes were going up into the air and firing on the other ships that all these troop carriers were coming out of. I saw a couple of them hit and go down. I was watching a war take place. I was hearing the screams of the people of the city of Astoria. They were screaming as the troops were running through the streets and ousting people out of the houses and shooting them. I didn’t see any military coming to return the fire. It’s as though we had had NO defense. As I looked at those troops all of a sudden I began to realize they were Chinese. I thought, “What are they doing here?” That was the end of the vision—when I recognized they were Chinese. That was the first vision God gave me to begin to show me some of the things that were coming. I remember that night I got up and began to walk the floor. My wife came up to go to bed and asked, “What is it?” I told her about the night vision I had. A night vision is like a dream but you can remember details. It never leaves you. If it’s a true vision from God in a dream from God you can remember the details. You don’t have to wrack your brain trying to remember it. —Henry Gruver —END—
175.5 Dream, Tribulation Time & I visited different homes. The people in the homes couldn’t’ see me. — I had a dream 23 years ago. When I woke up from the dream I was instantly able to know the full interpretation. In the dream it seemed that I was outside of my body. I was in a city and it was during the tribulation period. I visited different homes. The people in the homes couldn’t’ see me. I walked in one home that was dark. I could see that the people inside were huddled in a corner. They were cold and there was no light. They didn’t have any food and they seemed very fearful. I saw this same scenario in several homes and then I went into a home that was obviously a Christian home. There was LIGHT, although it didn’t emit from any light source because there was NO electricity anywhere in that city. Those people were happy. They had PLENTY OF FOOD. They seemed to be comfortable even though it was WINTER. They were totally removed from the situation which the non—Christians found themselves in, and their moods were totally the opposite. The Christians kept GIVING THANKS to the Lord. I also went into a home where a person who was very evil lived. He tried to do various things to me to try and destroy me, although all of his attempts failed.
I was taken into an entirely different realm and saw what appeared to be jagged, very sharp rocks that were suspended in mid air. Then I saw rounded smooth rocks that ere on the ground. There was a mortar—like substance that was being poured. The mortar did not touch the rocks in the air but it did touch the ones on the ground solidifying them into one solid floor. I had no knowledge of what was going on in this dream, especially that portion of it, but as soon as I woke up the Lord told me the interpretation. The jagged stones that I saw in mid air represented Christians; the smooth stones on the ground were those who were not saved. The Bible says that there is going to be a polarization of good and evil. There are people who are going to be 100 percent dedicated to the Lord. Those who are NOT will be serving satan. The mortar represents satan’s power over these people. Once they are solidified in this they cannot get out. The Christians cannot be touched by satan’s power whatsoever because they trust the Lord. The only indication I got was the vast difference between the two types of stones. Thus, there is going to be a complete difference between Christians and non—Christians. It’s like in the Bible where it talks about lukewarmness, in the Book of Revelation. God hates lukewarmness. There is NOT going to be a middle ground. People are either going to be hot or cold. It’s like the separation between the sheep and the goats—there is going to be a polarization, either extreme one way or the other and NOT any middle ground whatsoever. —Mike, Arkansas —END—
176.6 Dream, Chinese Soldiers In America — I had a dream years ago about Chinese soldiers in America. It was a real clear dream. I was in a train station and Chinese were coming in on a train. They had on kaki colored uniforms. I was afraid. They weren’t doing anything to me, they were just getting off of a train, but I knew that they came up to RULE us or something like that. The feeling I got from it was that a WAR was LOST and it was an OCCUPATION—not as an advancing army, but more as an OCCUPATION as taking OVER OUR COUNTRY. —Doris G. —END—
1980’s, Vision, — We moved here from Kansas City, Missouri. In the 1980’s God began to speak to us about having a vacation retreat place for families that didn’t know God. We knew the purpose would be to bring families closer together and the Christian atmosphere of the ranch would bring them to the Lord. God told us that He would bring the families to us and bless it. We prepared for ten years. We started looking in the Ozarks for property to establish this guest ranch. We found this place in 1992. It was not listed with a realtor. We bought it from an individual. When we saw it we felt it was the right place. I had a vision of a place back in the 80’s and when I saw the creek and the trees and the big bluff that we have on this property it was the same as the vision! We moved in here in 11/1992 in a trailer and started building cabins and a building for a commercial kitchen and dining area. We can accommodate as many as 30 people in the dining facility. We have family reunions and church retreats.
Whenever we started advertising our place as the ‘Last Spur Guest Ranch’ some of our Christian friends asked why we weren’t advertising as a Christian guest ranch. God wants to send people who had wandered away from their Christian roots. It has been amazing how God has sent family after family for vacation and they experience peace and realize their need to return to the Lord. God used one of the simplest things. It was so simple I couldn’t believe it could be used as an effective witness. We a lot of times have to stop before meals and wait for people to quiet down and collect their children, etc. We say GRACE at all our meals and God has used that more than once to witness to guests. We have had Christian musicians come which have also been a witness to our guests. Our conversations also have been effective in witnessing. College—aged kids from Australia came and one boy in his early 20’s was standing outside one morning looking at the beautiful scenery. I said, ‘Good morning, Thomas.” He said, “This is all so beautiful. I wonder who God is.” A lot of things like that have happened here. God has used those kinds of opportunities. We eat all our meals together with our guests and during those times the people want to know about our families and Christian upbringing. They would see our children and grandchildren interacting and would make comments that they admire our family and they would begin to feel like family and would tell us that. So some of our advertising took on the saying, “You’ll feel like family before the sun goes down,” which is on all of our brochures.
We believe this is also a PLACE of REFUGE in times of trouble ahead. This has been confirmed by prophetic words spoken over us.
Before moving here we wondered what kind of reception we’d get out here with neighbors. God gave me three really wonderful women that live here in the neighborhood and who are really strong Christians. They’re been working for me and it’s really been a blessing to find strong Christians who have received us so well.
We have been in business for 13 years now. We’ve had families from all over Europe (Switzerland, Austria, Germany, & England) and all over the United States. A lot of people keep in contact with us. We’ve had a lot of repeat business and feel real blessed.
09/11, 2001/911 has been hard on us. This last two years our business has slowed down because of it. We ask for prayer that God will increase our business. We are 17 miles northeast of Harrison on the crooked creek off of Highway 7 north. There are signs pointing the way but it’s best to call for information. We have a website: Lostspur.com. Our phone number is 870.743.7787. —T.J. & Lyn H. —END—
1983, Vision, Volcanoes Erupting In The Ocean — I had a vision in 1983. I actually saw volcanoes erupting in the ocean, then in the state of Washington followed by Oregon (where I live), and California great tidal waves and floods. Then nothing stopped the sea from coming upon the land. It was so real that afterward I went about preaching this coming calamity. In my vision I saw a MAP of the U.S. with a six—pointed star over it. It was a clear, but very rapidly moving vision. I saw that the star’s points were receding inward and it became a hexagon centered over the mid—portion of our country. The hexagon then turned into a rectangle with a dividing line inside of it. The rectangle shape shrank and became a small square centered over Northwestern Arkansas. Inside of that square I saw a burning amber dot on the map right in the northwest corner of Arkansas. During the final part of this vision, while looking at the map of the U.S., I saw a volcanic eruption off the coast of Washington. Then mountain peaks began to erupt, first in Washington, then in Oregon and California. I saw great waves and the sea came inland until it looked like the west coast sank into the sea. The U.S. became divided and many states were completely GONE, but a LIGHT like the sun shone form the NORTHWEST corner of Arkansas. —David, Oregon —END—
177.7 Dream, Chinese Soldiers & American Citizens Into Train Cars — I was at a railroad track in the small Oklahoma town that I was living in at the time of this dream (which was many years ago). There was a train with Chinese soldiers. I got the impression they had taken over the train. At the railroad track, the soldiers were forcing American citizens into the train cars. I felt afraid and resigned. It seemed that THEY HAD TAKEN OVER AMERICA. —Jane R. —END—
1991, Vision, Los Angeles, California—Violent Shaking & Sea Overtaking The Shores Of The West Coast — I have been impressed upon there is gong to be a tremendous presence of FOREIGN armies in our country. It’s like I’m having an awareness of their presence. They will be disarming the people and anyone that goes contrary to the edicts [announcement or law or decree] of Washington will be imprisoned. I see the army that wants to invade through the Ozarks trying to attack the REMNANT [small group or trace of God’s people], but God is going to bring us through it all.
Once when I was in Los Angeles, California in 1991, I had a vision while working in my office. In the vision I felt a violent shaking. The ground dropped and I had the impression the building I was in was being blown westward and that the motion of the ground caused the buildings to move sharply in a westward direction. There was violent shaking and an awful sense of fear and disaster. My vision was wiped out. I was unaware of my surroundings and then I was transported to the roof of the building. (As I’m telling this I can see it right now in my mind.) As I stood on top of the building, I viewed the ruins of downtown Los Angeles, black and smoldering as well as Hollywood. Exactly the same vision happened to me on two occasions. I know for sure that it was a vision of what is to come. At that time I thought it was an earthquake, but the sideways motion baffled me. I know it was not an earthquake but something else.
Then on several occasions I saw a VISION of the sea overtaking the shores of the west coast. As I looked on a map and prayed, the Lord moved upon me and showed me that all of the west coast is bordered by a vast range of volcanoes. I saw that all means of escape from California cities would be virtually impossible once this chain was ignited. I very clearly saw a wall of fire from the south to the north, and only one very small opening. This opening was better crossed in the very beginning because it then closed up. —Richard —END—
Recurrent Dream, The Sky Was Covered With Moons & Passing Time—Very Little Time Left — I had a recurrent dream about ten years ago. In the dream, it was about eight o’clock in the morning and I was walking to my shop. I looked up at the sky. It was full of what looked like full moons in the clear blue sky. It was pretty yet scary and it seemed so real. The sky was covered with moons. I wondered if it was the end of the world and I knew it had something to do with the Lord. All of a sudden I was back in bed and it was night—pitch black. Some very bright numbers were rolling in front of my face like neon lights, starting out slowly and then moving faster and faster like a tape in front of my eyes while I was laying flat on my back in the bed. I then started hearing terrible screams, unlike I had ever heard before. I jumped out of bed in my dream and I ran and opened my door. I knew the screams were coming from outside. I saw fireballs about the size of golfballs and baseballs that were falling from the sky. The fireballs hit the ground, bounced and rolled kind of like hail does and burned up everything. Then I woke up. I had the same dream every night for about a week. I wasn’t saved at that time. After I got saved, the Lord brought this dream back to my remembrance. As clear as a bell the Lord told me the meaning of it. The full moon in the sky meant passing time. I have since moved out of that area and after ten years, in the second month, I had this dream again. It was different but was the same type of dream and I knew that it was from the Lord. This time, instead of being in the daylight, it was in the evening and there was a quarter moon. I looked over my shoulder into the northern sky and saw several fiery things go across the sky following one after another until they began to look like they flowed together. It reminded me of watching mercury flow. I saw the stuff separate and then disappear and then flow again and separate. All of a sudden, it changed. Instead of going across the sky it was like one big fireball and was coming closer and closer to the ground, headed right for me. Right before that, I was yelling at my daughter and wife to come outside and see this thing. Just as they were coming out the door, the thing in the sky changed. Four wild—looking horses (their eyes were wild) came running toward me and then split up two and two just before they got to me and the fireball went over our heads. I then woke up and instantly knew that this was like what the Lord had shown me before, only in this case time had gone down a LOT. I believe we have VERY LITTLE TIME LEFT—for what, I don’t know exactly. I’ve been asking the Lord about this and what I should do. It was very scary, people were screaming and I knew it was about JUDGMENT. The more I see America sink [in sin], the more I’m sure that God is telling me that something is FIXING to happen that is going to bring a lot of people to their KNEES. There is something major getting ready to happen. In Ezekiel 24 the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel in the ninth year and the tenth month and the ninth day of that month. Destruction was coming upon God’s people for their sins and they were being WARNED. The Lord showed me this when I prayed and opened up my Bible to that place. America is very corrupt and I feel that judgment is COMING. God has always used heathen nations to JUDGE His people. — Steve, ARKansas —END—
178.8 Spring Of 1999, Vision, SW Denver Called Bear Valley & Missile & Total Chaos — In the spring of 1999, I was returning home from one Wednesday morning from my usual walk with a friend. She had gone to her home, and as I started down the long hill toward my house. I had full view of the areas of SW Denver called Bear Valley. Suddenly, I noticed a missile coming over the front range mountains, dropping into the valley area, and cruising easterly. It undulated with the ground surface, rising and falling as it moved over the little hill/valley areas. It was about 60 to 100 feet long, had a pointed front, small fins on the back, and was silver in color. As it went in front of me, I could hear only a slight whirring sound from it. It maintained a height of about 100 feet above the ground as it traveled along.
My first thought was that I needed to get home immediately, but then realized it would do no good and the Lord would have to keep me where I was. I watched as it continued to travel east, thinking it was headed to the “Tech Center” in SE Denver. A friend later explained it was probably headed toward the radar bubbles in Aurora where all of the U.S. smart weapons are coordinated from. I also knew others of these same missiles were coming through the mountains, headed for the city. It finally flew past on outcropping of the valley and I could no longer see it.
As I continued my walk home, I realized it was a “vision” not an actual happening at that moment. A couple of thoughts came to me: 1.) Nobody was aware of the sudden danger that was happening. 2) It was such a calm, peaceful lovely day, that was soon to be in total chaos. Life was going on as normal. I feel that when it happens, it will be a total surprise with huge devastation and judgment. Only the Lord knows when. —N.G. Colorado, —END—
179.9 Dream, War Coming To America — I had a very unusual dream. I was helping two Christian friends load cattle in a trailer. They have a big farm down under a mountain. The sky was real dark, bluish black. In the right hand corner of this dark sky was a section of misty gray light, not glowing light. In that space was some Chinese writing with symbols. I have asked the Lord for the interpretation of this dream. It seemed to have something to do with war and some kind of trouble coming on the land and there was a bar—like symbol in the gray misty area of the sky. —Free Will Baptist Preacher, Ozark Mountains, —END—
04/16, 1999, Prophetic Word, Invasion & Stock Market Crash & Lateness Of The Hour — This was given to me at 6:30 in the morning on 04/16, 1999. I never share a word until the Lord says it is time: America… My Spirit have I placed within you to lead and guide you… The dainty and the pleasurable, the false and the unreal, are soon to be EXPOSED to the entire world. A land, fair and lovely, is soon to be overrun with the armies of the wicked one. You must use the short time that remains to strengthen yourselves in Me. I will tell you what to do and where to go if you will but seek Me with your WHOLE heart. If you would seek Me in brokenness and repentance, then I would be found in you, and you would be refreshed and restored by My power.
Now I speak concerning the nations that are POISED to spring upon your country like FIRE ANTS striking, killing, and devouring everything in their paths. Russia, the bear, has not been silent or in the background. On the contrary, like the conductor of a symphony, they have been orchestrating every movement and every note of America’s FUNERAL DIRGE. China, the GREAT DRAGON, has seduced many of your high selected officials and now stands ready to launch its fiery missiles against you. Those who worship the crescent moon take council against you and have prepositioned their assassins, ready to unleash mayhem and destruction. Your southern and northern borders are armed camps. The soldiers openly divide the spoil in their hearts saying, “Soon all will be ours” Oh that My people who understood the LATENESS OF THE HOUR would return to Me.
Now I speak concerning the financial markets of the world. Seduction, seduction, seduction, will lead to their total destruction. The golden calf is now matured into a raging bull market bestowing upon its worshippers a blinding greed heretofore not seen. I’ve used the tactics of the enemy to expose the hidden works of darkness that are being manifest in reckless abandonment of the truth, and the obvious before My people. Oh how the rich will weep and bellow like a suckling calf separated from its mother, when overnight their financial altars are destroyed from before their eyes. Where will they turn? What will they do as the world’s financial markets convulse in a vomitus and perilous fashion? Yet into this endtime arena will My beloved children be trusted with the power of the Almighty God working in them? You, My beloved, will have the answers. You, My beloved, will work miracles in My name confirming, showing , and manifesting My love for as many as will listen. —Steve Q. —END—
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment: Remember the catastrophe of 10/19, 1987, called ‘Black Monday?’ When the Dow—Jones Industrial Average dropped 508 points and investors lost ONE TRILLION DOLLARS?
06/1988, Vision, The Stock Market Crash — I saw myself sitting in the living room in a friend’s home and chatting with the wife. Suddenly the husband came running into the room, shouting: “the stock market has crashed, if you have any money in the bank, you can get it out right now with a card. But that opportunity will not last long, so you better do it now.”
With that we all went to watch the television to see what was happening. Jobs for top were running across the screen at $12.00 ~ $15.00 ~ $25.00 a week. They would of course, be taken as soon as they would appear.
My friends were ministers. The wife said, well my husband and I can get roles in the movies, singing, acting, and such. Just then we were interrupted with a phone call for me for the head of a leading Church denomination. He said: “Nita, Its happening just like you said it would. The market has crashed. Oh,” He continued, “It’s going back up ~ Praise the Lord. No ~ its going back down! It’s gone! I could here the heaviness in his voice, and thought to myself, yes, it is going to be rough.
Like everyone else, my head was spinning, but I decided to stay in the ministry. So, I rose up and began to look for ministry opportunities. My pastor friend wanted to stay in the ministry but his wife wanted out because she wanted security. I couldn’t much blame her, but when I thought about the sheep of God, my heart broke. I felt they needed solid ministry leaders that wouldn’t desert them when they saw the wolf coming, at this time more than ever. Nita Johnson
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comments: The 1929 Depression was very severe, they were truly called ‘Hard Times.’ In 1929, you could expect a weekly salary of $18.00 and if you did well, to be around $25.00 – a government job. Rent could be around $8.00 a month. Church offerings were as low as $.45 cents, the people did not have much money. You collected and paid a preacher around $3.00 to bury the dead. A loaf of bread was 5 cents, eggs were 10 cents, and gas was 10 cents a gallon. Banks failed in 1929, the nation entered into ‘The Great Depression.’ Unfortunately, when the stock market crashes as it will again and the banks also close… you will see these kinds of prices again, the dollar as we know it today will be history. The Great Depression was approximately 75 years ago in America [from 2004].
Harold Eatmon: Mid-1997, Vision, The Coming Stock Market Crash — "...In my last article I mentioned a vision of the Stock Market's 'Big Board' having serious upcoming problems. I saw the Stock Market soar and then crash. After the crash, many big business corporations and private parties bought up stocks because of the low cost to buy in. Then I saw the market begin to climb again in a short period of time. Then it crashed again bringing tremendous loss, ruin, and devastation to all who bought in the first time. This is what I have labeled "Two Black Mondays." The time period between the Two Black Mondays was very close together. I could not tell exactly how close. It could be a couple of days to a couple of months. There are some tell-tale signs indicating the season and the setting. *I saw the season to be when 'the leaves fall to the ground' then the first crash would occur.* I also saw the Yen and Mark fall dramatically just before this sudden and inexplicable crash.
Like Joseph in Genesis, I believe America will have fat years of financial blessing. I also believe there are coming lean years of financial difficulty for America. I do not believe God is showing this so people can beat the game financially. I rather believe He is saying keep your eyes on eternal things. Store up treasures in Heaven." "The Lord is speaking to us through many types of revelatory and tangible waves. There are financial waves, natural disaster waves, health waves, political waves, and last, but certainly not least, are spiritual awakening waves. Whether it is natural waves of revelation or supernatural waves of prophecy, we are called to have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. God is saying these are days for repentance, healing, salvation, and blessing. Our God is speaking. The question is, are we truly watching, waiting, and listening?"
Gary Amos: Before 1998, Inspirational Word, A Time To Renew Our Covenants, Part II —Judgment Of America’s Second Generation — From 12/1860, counting sixty–nine more of our years, seventy of the prophetic years brings us to the end of the year 1929 when the Stock Market crashed and we entered into the Great Depression. There were two days of the Stock Market values plummeting. They do not even know to this day how much was really lost. But one thing is for sure, it cost us in lost dollars three times the money that America spent in W.W.I. When God brings an appointed time, and a nation has not repented, it is serious.
Where were the churches in the “Roaring 20’s”? Where were the churches in the 1850’s? Where were the prophets who could speak to the people and warn them that we were at the close of a generation, and an appointed time was at hand? Who was calling out for righteousness in the land, calling for weeping, mourning, repentance and prayer? We live in a culture that, no matter how bad things become, expects us to SMILE, make a polite joke, be happy and not think about tomorrow, but just do the work of today. If you don’t do that, people think there’s just a little something emotionally wrong with you. People thought the same thing about Jeremiah, and he was right.
America’s Third Generation — From 1929, plus seventy prophetic years of 360 days, we come to the year 1998. You don’t have to be a prophet to say this. This is a matter of the calendar, my friends. At the end of the year in 1998, the third generation of this nation will come to a close. It’s very simple. At the end of the first two generations God has brought stern, strict and calamitous judgment to punish the land for its unrepentant sin. Should God deal any differently with us and our nation than He did in 1860? Should God deal any differently with us than He did in 1929? We all understand that answer to that question if we are following the Bible. (As we all know the Twin Towers was at that time period almost, 09/11, 2001 911 occurred and it did involve our financial economics in America! But worse is coming an actual additional going down and a final crash—we know this from looking at America’s moral situation and America’s spending, and from the prophetic of God.]
Audible Voice & Three Visions, War & Invasion Of America — I was almost afraid to tell my vision of war and invasion in America. I saw a big map of the U.S.A.—not states marked off, and just in colors of greens and tans. Then I saw a black strip come on the west coast as black as black paint, it came quickly like taking a paint brush and making a quick stripe down the west border from Seattle to lower California. Then it began to spread slowly like ink in a blotter and I cried out, “What is it, Lord?” For I could not understand and did not think of WAR. Then all at once the word INVASION I heard, I believe in an audible voice, I said, “Lord, will they take all of America?” His exact words were, “They will not be stopped until they reach the Middle West.”
Three weeks later I wakened out of a sound sleep as if someone had shaken me roughly. Then I saw the terrible war. The soldiers were Chinese and a few Russians. They were dressed in red coats and caps and light khaki trousers, almost white. They ran in a sort of hop—skip way and they squealed as they fought they looked in a fiendish glee. They would plunge their bayonets in the people’s belly and rip them up. They were devils. It was fiendish hell turned loose. I told this dream to some Christians at a meeting and they told me their visions of the same.
I saw a third vision of Christian martyrs. The vision of the saints suffering was the worst and I can never forget it. Torture and rape and everything terrible. I only know that God directed my move (from California) and told me many would die, many would flee, and some would live through the WAR. One thing I know… I believe this to have come from God. So much so that I’d stake my life on it. I do not know when, but I do know it is coming.
I had not told my vision at Sioux City, but there a lady came and told how God gave her a vision of troops being sent WEST by the train load and by bus over pavement that was not as yet built when she saw it… but it now built right where she saw it in her vision. —Z. K. —END—
Dream, Persecution On Christians & Martyrdom — I dreamed that persecution broke out on Christians in America. There was martyrdom and we had to flee for our lives. Someone took me and brought me to a place where other Christians were hiding. It seemed to be UNDERGROUND. They rejoiced when they saw me come in and then we all began to rejoice together. —Free Will Baptist Preacher, Central U.S. —END—
180.10 Vision, Chinese Troops In America — I had a vision of Chinese troops in America recently. It surprised me. I wasn’t thinking about anything like that when I saw the vision. The Lord spoke to me and said, ‘The Church in America is about to come under STRONG PERSECUTION. Be ready and stay in the Word.”
If we don’t stay in the Word and stay on our KNEES in prayer we’re not going to be able to withstand the onslaught of the enemy. We’re going to have to be prepared. Christians in America have been wooed to sleep by the enemy and we’re going to have to WAKE UP.
The vision was of Chinese troops going into people’s homes. They were killing the residents but they didn’t come into my home because my home is covered with the Blood of Jesus! The troops were in uniform—what I call a sage green, not like our army. They were a very MEAN looking bunch of guys. They were cutting throats, shooting, and raping the women. It was a three or four minute vision. We’d better get ready. I’m really concerned about our churches today. It seems like we bring people in, pat them on the back and send them back out. —W.W., Arkansas —END—
181.11 Dream, Communist China In Big Letters &I Knew We Had To Hide Our Bibles — Even though it’s been many years ago that I had a dream about Communists coming into the United States, the dream came back into my mind just recently. In the dream, my children were small. They were playing outside. I looked out and saw a big army truck coming toward my home from up over a big hill. The children came running into the house. The truck had the words “COMMUNIST CHINA” in big letters painted on the side. I knew we had to hide our BIBLES. (We hid them under a mattress of all things.) The soldiers were wearing light kaki colored uniforms.
Another person told me many years ago about a dream they had where some oriental people came into our country from a submarine around the Palm Beach, Florida area. Their purpose was to go after God’s people. Betty R. —END—
182.12 Dream, Chinese Soldiers In America — My dream was of Chinese soldiers in America. I perceived that TIMES WERE HARD—not able to buy or sell. Overnight our whole country was LOCKED down. I got up to go to the grocery store but couldn’t because soldiers were in the streets and the citizens were NOT allowed to leave our houses. The Chinese soldiers spoke English. We couldn’t make phone calls either-the phone lines were SHUT down. —Jewel W. —END—
183.13 Vision, White Truck Full Of Asian Soldiers With Guns — I came to the Ozarks several years ago and had some changes which caused me to move to the state of Washington. I was working as a licensed counselor for the state of Washington and was in the Sheriff’s Department Search & Rescue near the Canadian border. I had been involved in rescue for a number of years. One evening while I had been praying for some time, I felt that I should turn the short-wave radio on. There was a teaching basically about everything that I had just been praying about. The hair stood up on my arms. I had contacted the individual on the radio and then a number of things kept coming to me about back to the Ozarks, like I would go to a café and there would be a commercial to visit the beautiful Ozarks. Everything I was getting revolved around the Ozarks being a place in the wilderness that God would bring His people in the last days for a place of refuge and then I received a letter in the mail from someone in the Ozarks.
The Lord kept dealing with me about going back to the Ozarks. For instance, I would open the Bible and there would be things about the wilderness and the refuge and this type of thing. I would get articles in the mail or hear other radio programs. The Ozarks would come up in conversations with people when I had not even mentioned anything about it. Once I was in a public place and a vehicle had an advertisement about the Ozarks. Different things like that were happening. I began to have strong impressions that I should go back to the Ozarks so I put my home on the market and gave away what I couldn’t carry to friends and headed to ARKansas…
I had strongly felt that the Ozarks would be a place of refuge during the time of what the Bible calls the great tribulation. The signs of the time which are given in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 and others indicate that the times we are living in are the END DAYS—distress of nations, etc. The Bible says that those who are His are guided by His right hand…
It was a little bit shaky—we have to have the ability to listen to that still small voice spoken of in the Bible. I headed toward Jasper, ARK. When I got there that morning as I was coming down a hill into the town. I saw in a VISION a white truck full of Asian soldiers with guns. It was a quick flash and I thought, what in the world brought this about? I had breakfast and then headed on out south of Jasper. There was a place that I wanted to visit that I had read about in the Corner Gathering Newsletter and I just wanted to talk to the people for a few minutes and be on my way. I wound up staying there for a while and helping them out. More recently I found a place to rent nearby. —Dennis M. —END—
184.14 Dream, Invasion Of USA & Chinese Soldiers Looking For Christians To Kill Them & Missiles & Daily Taking Holy Communion — I had a dream years ago when I lived in Minnesota. In my dream, I was in the basement of our house with my mom and we were in shock. I went upstairs and looking out the window I could see things blowing up all over the place. I believe they were missiles. Very recently I had another dream about the same thing. The Lord has been pressing me for a long time that His people must seek Him very CLOSELY and really be able to HEAR His voice. We are going to have to know exactly when He says move quickly. We have been impressed upon to simplify our lives. Years ago I had a recurring dream SEVEN years in a row about Chinese soldiers in America looking for Christians to kill them. Recently I had the dream again. This time I saw the faces of the soldiers and it was very obvious that they were indeed Chinese. There were thousands upon thousands of them. They were everywhere. They were wearing brownish colored uniforms. I also saw the very large, dark, colored helicopters with no markings. They were coming to Arkansas and I knew there were harmful intentions. I saw people praying and then violent winds came up and blew the copters away. I heard some talking between officers saying “We have to get over there to destroy them, but we can’t because every time we get into the area these violent winds come and we lose control of the helicopters.” Then I saw planes that were trying to come into the area but something was preventing their navigational equipment from working and the winds were heavy. Also there were massive clouds and no military personnel wanted to come into the area. There was a supernatural protection. Heat—seeking missiles were sent into the area but there was like a ceiling high up in the air over northern Arkansas that seemed to deflect the missiles. The missiles bounced off of the canopy—like thing and went some place else.
The Lord has impressed upon me to study about the manna He provided when the children of Israel left Egypt. He will supernaturally provided for His people, but we must really TRUST Him. We need to learn to NOT trust in the world at all but put ALL of our trust in Him starting now. God has been telling us to start having daily communion in our house. He said to me, “Keep your communions, it will keep you in Me, it will make you strong.” I told a pastor friend about that and he said the Lord told him that too and he started to have DAILY communion. The pastor said a friend of his called him and told him the same thing. [Editor’s note: Many Christians have been saying the same thing lately.] — Janice, Arkansas —END—
Inspirational Word/Vision, Caves & Pavilion— I was driving and a thought entered into my mind. I was seeing caves. I knew that the caves were a place to HIDE. Another time, I was awakened by the Lord and I heard the word “pavilion.” The word came from my inner—most being. Psalms 27:5 “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock.” —Cecelia, California —END—
185.15 Dream Seven Times, Armed Foreign Troops — In my friend’s dream she was shopping in a grocery store and when she looked up, she saw armed foreign troops. Shoppers were ducking down to avoid being shot. She ran out of the store. She ran through the street and couldn’t find her family. She came across a man who was badly hurt and tried to pull him up some stairs into somebody’s apartment. She’s had that exact SAME dream SEVEN times. —Friend, —END—
186.16 Vision, Bombs & Explosions — I wanted to come to a Christian gathering in Texas but wasn’t sure about being able to. About 3:30 one morning I woke up and heard the Lord speak to me saying, “I’ll give you a vision in Texas and you will know you’re in tribulation.” I knew it was God speaking to me because every time He speaks to me He uses words I would never use. This was my first vision. The Lord said to me, “Things are NOT as they appear—they are NOT as they seem.”
I did go to Texas for the gathering and while sitting with a group of Christians listening to a song, I began having a vision. In my vision, I saw several bombs go off and then huge mushroom—shaped clouds. I saw the same scene several times, one at a time, perhaps seven times in all. After that, I thought it was odd because all of a sudden I could see something descending down. It was light and then it got darker, then it was lighter and then it got darker. Then it would go away and there would be another one. It would be lighter and then it would get darker. I had the impression it was some sort of protective canopy. It seems like I saw this the same number of times that I saw the explosion—probably about seven times. After that I saw what looked like a cloud that was shaped like a tornado but I don’t really think it was a tornado. It occurred to me later that it was more like a pillar of cloud and I thought of the Bible story about the children of Israel being led out of Egypt with the pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. I believe I saw the cloud the same number of times that I had seen the explosions/mushroom clouds and the canopies. In all, I saw about seven explosions clouds, one right after the other, then seven canopies descended down, one right after the other and then seven pillar—shaped clouds, one right after the other. —Barbara, Nebraska —END—
Dream, State Of Washington & West Coast & Ocean Over Land – Washington State Gone — In my dream I was sitting on a log in Montana. The sun was shining, a bee was buzzing—it was a gorgeous day. All of a sudden I could see the state of Washington on the West Coast. The ocean had come in over the land and Washington was gone. All I could see was the ocean where Washington had been. The ocean was all gray like after a big storm and there was no more Washington. I assumed that the whole West Coast was gone. Maybe part of Idaho was also gone because it seemed like Montana ended up on the edge of the ocean. —Jane, Missouri — END—
187.17 Vision, UN Vehicles & Rifles & Oriental Troops Pointing Machine Guns In A School — I was driving down Highway 7 going into to the town of Jasper, Arkansas and as I was coming down a hill into the town, I saw a quick flash before my eyes of a white military truck which I believe toe be a UN vehicle because I have seen them before parked on a military installation in Washington state in Tacoma. The back of this truck was full of oriental troops carrying rifles. This was just a brief vision that flashed before my eyes. I was not consciously thinking of troops as I was going down into the town. Later, after I left Jasper, I told this to someone else who said that their 16—year—old daughter had seen oriental troops in a vision coming into their school pointing machine guns at the students. —Dennis, Washington — END—
188.18 Dream, Invasion Of USA & Killings & People In Cities Trying To Flee & Christians Being Massacred By The Thousands — I believe the Lord was telling that the mountains would be the safest place but that no place will be entirely safe in troubled times ahead. In my dream, my husband and I were trying to escape to the mountains because God had shown me that the mountains were the safest place. We had to leave all of our stuff behind. We were traveling down a highway through a city where we saw military men. People were trying to escape the city because of the things that were happening there. Laws had been set up and enforced and the people were told they could not leave the city, etc. When you tell people they can’t leave their city and things like that, they PANIC. Everyone had to stop because of road blocks and when they did, military men would jerk them out of their cars and shoot them. They were even shooting babies. They were raiding buildings and setting them on fire one at a time. People were trying to get out of the buildings but they couldn’t. The military men were going into Christians’ homes and killing them. I could tell those people were Christians. Also, guards were asking people if they were Christians when they stopped them from trying to flee in their cars. The ones who said YES, were shot, mutilated, stabbed… even the little babies and children. It was so bad. The children would cry for their moms and then they would be choked. L The soldiers had NO remorse—they were just carrying out their orders. I received some teaching before having this dream that was preparing me to wake the American people up before it was too late. The church people are BLINDED, they have been taught by preachers that they are NOT going to go through tribulation; they are NOT going to face anything BAD. God is just going to come down and rapture them out. That’s not so. We are going to be PERSECUTED and will go through tribulation. God had shown me this and He has prepared me but I don’t dwell on it because when the time comes I will do what I have to do. God wants us to enjoy life while we are here. I enjoy life while I am here, but when crisis comes I face it. You face a crisis everyday of your life, but how do you handle it? People in the cities are trying to FLEE and because of that they are shot, they are pulled out of their cars and shot. Christians will be HUNTED down. They are not necessarily all Christians who will try to flee for their safety; because they don’t know what they’re going to do. Many Christians don’t know what’s going to take place—they have never been taught anything. The preachers have NOT taught the people. In my dream the Christians were running like chickens with their heads cut off. They were being massacred by the thousands and thousands. —Margie, Texas —END—
189.19 Dream & Vision, The Invaders Are Coming To Kill The American Men — I had a dream several years ago. I was with some Christian friends in this dream, some of whom I know (they live around here) and some I don’t know. We were out in the black of night gathering SEEDS on one side of a barbed wire fence. Somebody was trying to find us—some enemies. We were on the correct side of the fence so they couldn’t get to us. It’s like they wanted our SEEDS. They were after us because we were Christians and they didn’t want us to have any SEEDS. The dream was very disturbing to me.
I also had a vision at another time. I saw in the vision, a military helicopter, I could hear it, feel its affect and clearly see it as if it was really there in front of me. It flew very low over my home. It was a big helicopter, unlike any I have ever seen before. It was green and huge; it was really wide and was kind of flat looking. Some are round and tall but this one looked more spread out and flat. Then I woke up.
I don’t remember if I was awake or asleep when I was having this other vision. In this vision I was in my kitchen finishing up the dinner dishes, and my husband and everyone else was asleep in the house. Three men came through the door. Their heads were covered and they had guns in their hands. I knew they were FOREIGN. They didn’t pay any attention to me as they were coming through the house. They were looking for my husband. —Cathy, Arkansas — END—
[Remember the verse/s of so many women to one man in the future… it appears in the events to come, the invaders of America are especially first looking to KILL the American MEN! They will kill anyone but they want the men dead! Remember, China has 1.3 billion and India now has over 1 billion, 1/3 of the whole world is in that part of the world and they need food and space… what do we have but food, cattle and space! I have throughout my life seen more men disregard God, and think they did not need Him in their lives… they were self sufficient. And when you attend church, look around, most are women it seems. The men need to wake up to their condition and the women need to pray for them as never before as well as make sure their own condition is holy, pure and righteous in Jesus. There is no longer time to play church or put on the face of a Christian and not be one in spirit, heart and soul.]
190.20 Vision, Taken Hostage & Guns On Us — I had this vision years ago. It was so real, I could never forget it. In the vision, I was at what seemed like an ice cream social type gathering at a town square. A lot of people were there and they were all having a good time. I noticed some trucks. Most of the trucks were white—not identical to each other but they were close. They were slowly coming in to the area we were gathered. Men were driving the trucks. I sensed that they were FOREIGN. Before I knew it, they had us all hostage. It made me think of what I’ve been told things were like during the holocaust. I was shocked that no one was reacting to this. We were held at gun point. They had a whole bunch of sacks that they were standing on. I remember that there were a couple of females holding guns on us. One was blonde and was kind of tall. We were all lined up and were held hostage. I remember a feeling of terror. No one was trying to do anything about it. I laid down on my face, right there on the ground on the town square, and just laid my head over in a grieving way. I was crying out to the Lord saying, “Lord, have MERCY and HELP us. Help us, help us, Lord Jesus.” Then the vision was over. I told the vision to our pastor and he felt like I needed to write it down so I did.
When I was a little girl, my worst dreams were of oriental people. I still remember the terror I felt during those dreams. —Tricia, Arkansas — END—
191.21 Dream, Chinese Soldiers & Ozarks Are Full Of Caves — When I lived up north, before moving to ARKansas, I had a recurring dream seven years in a row—sometimes more than once in a year. In the dream, I was in a cave with some other Christians. (Where I lived up north there are no caves and after moving to Arkansas I found out that the Ozarks are FULL of CAVES. From down inside the cave we were looking up into a forest and watching Chinese soldiers moving through the forest. We knew they were looking for Christians to kill and that’s why we were hiding in the cave. — Janice — END—
192.22 Dream, Soldiers & God’s Invisible Shield— I had a dream a couple of years ago when my husband and I were living in a mobile home. We were planning to build a new home at that time but didn’t even have blueprints drawn up yet for it. We’ve now living in our newly build home. Recently the dream came back to my mind just as clear as if I had just dreamed it and I thought, ‘oh my word, this new house is exactly like in the dream I has, even the colors.’
In my dream, my husband and I were standing in our new bedroom. I could see dark—skinned, oriental looking soldiers coming in through the front door of our house into the living room, like I was seeing through the wall and watching them come in. They were looking for people and had guns. They were SMALL men who were obviously on a mission. They were wearing kaki colored uniforms. My husband wanted to get his gun, but I had such a sweet peace. I knew I’d be alright. I told my husband, “Get behind me. If you go get your gun and make a noise like that, I won’t be able to help you.” I was trusting completely in the Holy Spirit to keep us sheltered. If my husband stepped out and worked in the flesh I knew that I couldn’t help him, but I knew I’d be alright. I wanted him to know that he would have to stand behind me (he’s not saved yet) and that they couldn’t see me. I knew in my dream that they couldn’t see me even before they came into our bedroom. I knew we couldn’t fight in the flesh and that if my husband would stay behind me, the soldiers wouldn’t’ be able to see him either. Sure enough, when they came into our room we were INVISIBLE to them. They walked right past us heading to another room behind where we were standing. The Lord wants us to know that we can REST in HIM. There’s going to be a time when we’ll have to totally KNOW that the Holy Spirit is fighting our battle and that we will NOT be able to stand in our own strength. When I woke up I was amazed that I felt so uplifted by my dream. —Donna F. — END—
08/2002, Prophetic Word, America Wake UP! — In 08/2002 I was working in the hot sun and I came inside to cool off and to get a cold drink. While I was sitting in my chair I heard the word “write.” I thought this was strange. I began to write as these words were given to me: “America, Wake Up. It is later than you think and there looms on the horizon eminent danger as never before to this nation. In any past time, through World Wars 1 and 11, none of the devastation actually entered into the United States territory.” I knew that it was going to come upon our own land. I honestly believe that unspeakable devastation is at the door. We are all very BUSY with our daily living, just as we were the day prior to 12/07, 1941. How well I do remember. We were SHAKEN out of sleep that early Sunday morning when Pearl Harbor was bombed. At that time Americans were a more God—oriented people. Let’s put God back in our life and nation—not just by going to church, but by honestly crying out to God, devoting ourselves, our lifestyles, habits and thinking to God and start to live A WAY OF LIFE that puts us on GOD’s PATH. God is trying to SHAKE us awake and says, “Choose life, not death and destruction.” We need God for His help, direction, and protection. Please pray for our nation and leaders. If you have never cried out to God in the past, then is this not the time to do so? Ask God for forgiveness, peace and direction. This is what God has put on my heart. —Gabriel, Arkansas — END—
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment: Many Christian American’s are now stopping as was done during the World War in England for a moment/minute of prayer for our President and territory of states/America, that minute of prayer is 7:00 o’clock pm EST; or 8:00 o’clock CST; or 10:00 o’clock WST. Kindly inform as many Christians as you can to join in for America’s moment/minute of united PM daily prayer before God’s Throne according to your time schedule.]
193.23 Dreams, Caves & Mississippi Valley Earthquake — The Lord kept speaking to me about mountains and caves and that He had prepared a sanctuary for His people. Over time, He gave me “Ozarks” (I live in Louisiana). Then “rivers.” Then “Northwest Arkansas.” The Lord began to give me dreams about caves. In these caves were Christians helping injured people and also hiding from someone. In a recurring dream, the Lord was leading hurt Christians to a cave where other Christians and I had set up kind of like a hospital. People would come up a trail to the cave bleeding and hurt and we would grab them and bring them into the cave and begin to treat them and minister to them. There was a camouflage net over the entrance of the cave so it couldn’t be spotted by helicopters or airplanes. In my dream, whenever a helicopter would fly overhead, everyone had to get inside the cave because we were worried abut infrared devices spotting our people in the woods. It was really a vivid dream! I remember standing in the entrance looking out. We were halfway up a mountain and there was a fairly thick forest extending down the slope to a highway that we could see about a half of a mile away. We had brothers and sisters in the Lord watching the highway from vantage points and when a vehicle carrying Christians would come by, their car would miraculously stop and our people would lead the occupants up a narrow trail to the cave while others would take the vehicles farther down the highway and hide them. I don’t’ usually have such vivid dreams—in fact, I usually don’t remember what I dream. I have had this dream SEVERAL times and it is imprinted on my mind.
About a year ago, the Lord started giving the members of our prayer group dreams and visions concerning coming judgments on America. The main concern was a natural disaster where an earthquake would cause a great gulf along the Mississippi Valley which would plunge Louisiana under the sea. The Lord told each of us, in different ways, that those who draw close to Him and listen to and rely upon Him, will be saved through the disasters. He told one couple that we would have a three—day WARNING to leave before the disaster struck. The Lord has told us this is NOT a game and He is NOT playing parlor tricks—when He says go, we had better be listening and ready!
We have learned of other Christians who have been told by the Lord to prepare “way stations” for Christians in transit. We learned of several individuals who live between about mid—Louisiana up to the border of Arkansas who have been instructed to store food and clothing for Christians traveling into Arkansas who will be directed to their homes for help. Also, we were told of other Christians who are doing the same in Northeast Texas. —Harold, Louisiana — END—
194.24 02/17, 2003, Vision, Missiles Coming From Three Different Places: Russia, China & North Korea—New York — On 02/17, 2003, I knelt down to pray. I was praying with such sincerity and honesty and a person appeared to me. I was astonished, but I wasn’t afraid. He said, “Follow me.” I saw what appeared to be missiles coming from three different places: Russia, China, and North Korea. I thought at the time I recognized New York because I saw what looked like the Statue of Liberty. I thought it must be a NUCLEAR WAR! I thought it must be in the END TIMES.
The man said, “Come with me.” I looked and saw what appeared to be a church and people sitting in the pews. Their arms were crossed. They were not praising God or doing anything—just sitting there. Over to my other side I saw another church. The people in that church were praising God, hands lifted up in worship and shouting and praising God, singing, seeming to have the victory. I looked at the man and saw that he was frowning. I asked him if he was mad at me. He said, “No, I’m made with My Church, I’m made with people playing church and I’m fixing to crank it up!” (I’m a racing fan so I knew what that meant.) Then he looked at the two churches and said to me. “The church praising and worshipping God form their HEART is the church I’m coming for, NOT the other that is PLAYING church. —J.D.W. —END—
195.25 09/2003, Dream, Military Aircraft & Jets Filling The Sky — I had an instantaneous kind of dream around 09/2003. I was outside and heard the sound of aircraft. I looked up in the sky and saw military aircraft—jets—filling the sky like a cloud as far as I could see in any direction. I didn’t see an end or a beginning of aircraft, there were so many. They were flying close together in the same direction. I felt fear. Then I woke up. I thought of the scripture Ezekiel 38:9—“Thou shall ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.” —Pastor’s wife —END—
196.26 Three Dream, Bombs Bursting & We Have Surrendered To Russia & Hit All The Strategic Air Force Bases — In my dream, I could hear bombs bursting and my father, who is 85 years old and a veteran of World War II, was with me in this dream. We were out in the country and dad looked at me and said, “Son, that’s bombs bursting.” In a flash I was in my house and a friend of ours had called saying, “We have surrendered to Russia.” I said that we haven’t even FOUGHT, there has NOT been a BATTLE. The friend said that they had just hit all the strategic air force bases and such and knocked all of our systems completely OUT.
In another, earlier dream. I was looking at a big truck in my driveway. There were soldiers (I think maybe Chinese) forcing Americans into the truck.
More recently, I dreamed that I was in a small prison cell. Since I’m claustrophobic I needed prayer for the grace to endure imprisonment. —Local Preacher —END—
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment: If I were to go to the Ozarks, I would want to live near and attend the End—Time Handmaiden’s & Servants Ministry, in Engeltal—Angel Valley, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, ARK 72641-0447, 870.446.2665, Apostle Gwen Shaw’s Ministry—which I consider high level personally. I have been there and it is beautiful. Jasper, ARK is a very, very, very small town, which I like, hidden away from the world.]
[Note: Paul Sperry of World Net Daily, 02/06, 2003 has stated that more than 1,000 Red Chinese arrived at the Chicago O’Hare airport since 09/2002. These Chinese men between the ages of 15 and 35 are all undocumented. They are held for two weeks by the INS and then RELEASED into this country because they are claiming ASYLUM. The question has been raised: If they are truly seeking asylum, why are they all MALES of military age?]
From: Julie Turner, “The Corner Gathering” Newsletter, Issue Number 16.
From: Julie Turner, “The Corner Gathering” Newsletter, P.O. Box 334, Alpena, AR 72611, cornergathering@yahoo.com, 870.420.3278.
197.1 07/28, 2004, Dream, A Dream Of A Nuclear Mushroom Cloud — A Dream Of A Nuclear Mushroom Cloud: Early this morning, 07/28, 2004, I had a dream that America had been attacked. After I awoke, I looked at the clock and it was 5:47 a.m. in the morning, so I had the dream between 5:30 and 6:00 this morning, on the aforementioned date.
I am a Godly man. I am not perfect, but I try to obey God. I have asked him in the past for the gift of being given dreams and prophecies of the future, not for my own selfishness, but for his glory and also in order to warn people before anything catastrophic happens. He is finally and quickly beginning to grant me my request and answer my prayers. Here is the dream:
In this dream, it appeared I was in my physical body, but I knew it was me but my face was never shown. It was as though I was me, right now, in the dream, looking at everything and seeing everything; not dreaming and seeing myself as a participant, but me as though I was in my physical body actually experiencing the dream and event. It was like I was seeing everything, people going about their everyday lives, the wind blowing, regular every day nature like the winds blowing, fluffy clouds in the sky, regular thunderstorms happening, people shopping, the earth and America going about their everyday living and existence without a hitch; much like now with news events happening but at present unaffecting our normal lives.
Then the dream shifted and it appeared I was living or traveling in a remote area of Florida. I know it was Florida by the topography and landscape; I know my state like the back of my hand. But everything was normal, and people were going about their everyday business and lives. It appeared that we were on a bus going somewhere and people had their radios on, and were listening to the news. Suddenly, something happened. Something extremely catastrophic and sudden. It happened without warning, was sudden, unexpected, and the people who had radios listened intently. No one knew how it happened, or who made the event happened but it was nationwide. The people around me knew what was going on and began talking about that it was just a matter of time before we may get hit. Others felt that maybe we wouldn't get hit because we were in a remote area, far away from the big metro areas. Where we were, everything was still normal, the sun was shining, electricity still worked, but you could see people in a flurry and were trying to get away in their cars. The people on the bus began to be afraid and began mentioning the fact that that we would not be able to get away, and that the highways would soon get clogged. The people around me had portable radios and were trying to listen to them to get some type news of what happened, but the radios, it seemed, became inoperative and now they could only get static; those who had one began trying their cell phones, but all they got was static, or nothing. However, everyone knew something had happened, and they also knew that it was just a matter of time before we would be affected, or even hit. People began talking about God and some of them mentioned that they knew this would happen. I began talking to them and told them that I knew this would happen also, and that I was glad I had warned as many as possible. All of a sudden, someone in the bus began screaming, we've been hit, we've been hit, look at the mushroom cloud! Everyone went to the back of the bus and the person that had shouted that we had been hit was pointing up to the sky. A huge anvil shaped cloud, which didn't really resemble a mushroom cloud, but was much larger than a mushroom cloud and was much more awesome and frightful; in fact, it resembled a freak, over-sized thunderstorm anvil. Everyone became somber. It was as though we knew that we would soon die. I began thinking about how I would soon die, and that now I must really buckle down and do what God expected; I also began thinking about how it would be like to die, and what God and heaven was like. Then we continued talking about God, Jesus and other things of God. Suddenly the dream switched.
We were still on the bus, but nothing was no longer normal; the sky was no longer sunny, everything was gloomy, the highways were full of cars filled with people, and the authorities had set up many checkpoints with these men, who were in ordinary civilian clothes, checking everyone and giving them so called tickets. Everyone on the bus was talking about what big cities had been hit. Suddenly I shouted, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Jacksonville; but Fort Lauderdale, where I now live, had been spared. It was as though I knew this. And an inner voice mentioned that only the vital cities or cities of significance had been hit. I then began thinking about how sinful Fort Lauderdale was and why it had been spared. Suddenly the dream switched again of me in a van. The fan was old, made loud sounds from the engine, and I knew that it would soon break down. The van finally broke down and now I was on the same highway that the bus I had been on was on which was now very crowded. After the van broke down I had to get out and push it. I was thinking in my mind that now I was on foot, game for robbery or attack, and the authorities would probably figure out I was a Christian and imprison me. I began walking up to the checkpoint where a man with a Haitian accent was talking to people and giving them so called tickets. He asked me where my ticket was, and I told him that I was on the highway and didn't know anything about tickets, or no one had given me any tickets. He looked at me and told me to stand by the side and wait. I was nervous but I respectfully continued pleading my case but I was very nice to the man, and inside my soul was praying that he would let me go.
Finally, he wrote something on the ticket, and then told me to go. Then the dream switched to a house, which seemed like a broke down mobile home in a remote area, and many people were in the house, laid down, covered up, and it appeared that many were getting sick.
I also saw a man, a supposed friend of mine that recently did me very wrong who I've forgiven. He didn't see me, but I saw him. I turned my head and when I turned to look at him again, he was gone; and I thought in my mind that maybe he was ashamed to see me because he was one of the ones I had kept warning about the event that had just happened. All of a sudden, I began seeing snowflake-like particles, like ash falling when you light a fire outside in the wind, and suddenly it occurred to me that nuclear fallout was happening, and all of our deaths were certain. I knew now that we would all die and began talking to the people, trying to cheer them up, encourage them, and also talked about Christ. This was the end of the dream.
From: Garry Coston, www.markswatson.com
198.1 10/2004, Vision , Invasion Of The United States Of America—“This Is My Judgment For America—It Must Come To Pass So That The Lost Can Be Saved” — I had a vision of a great plan to attack in many places in the U.S. by Islamic militants. I sensed it strongly and prayed it be thwarted. But then I began to have visions of a dark cloud rolling in. I prayed, 'Lord what is this?' He said, 'It is of me.' I went up into the cloud. I saw within it a great and powerful energy. The Lord said, 'This is my judgment for America. It is here. It must come to pass so that the lost can be saved.' Then I looked for the end of it and there was no end to the cloud. The sky became completely covered. And the Lord said, 'Never again. This country will not be the same ever again.' I saw this vision several times. The cloud is here. It hasn't left and we will see things happening soon. At one point I saw a greater number of demons operating in the US and they were laughing arrogantly, 'We are powerful! Look at us here doing evil!' I then saw God looking over the edge of Heaven and heard him say, 'Only for a time will you have power. Only to bring my will to pass. It is all given of me.'
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com/year05-14.htm.
199.1 11/27, 2004, Dreams & Visions & Prophetic Words, Invasion Of The United States Of America — On 12/12/2004 19:59:09 -0700 (Mountain Standard Time) "Edward Blue" <edsfamilee@uphi.net> writes:
I had sent this to you a few days ago, His Love, Lee Ann. -------Original Message-------
From: Edward Blue, Date: 12/09/04 12:35:33; Subject: Red Alert!
RED ALERT — 11/27, 2004, I awakened from sleep to realize that I had received a message from God while I was napping. Ringing in my ears were the words "RED ALERT." I said, "Speak, Lord, I am listening."
He said, "Tell my intercessors to get back on the wall...many are taking their rest after the election. The boundaries of the nation are being daily infiltrated with weapons. Some of the weapons are actually people." (This made me think of suicide bombers.)
"If my intercessors will arise, I will anoint them along with my prophets to dismantle the plans being made in darkness. I will cause these evil strategies to be uncovered by the rising glorious Light exploding from the prayer closets and prayer rooms of my servants.
"I am looking for somebody who will lay aside personal desires and agendas, who will be willing to sacrifice in a place of hiddenness and anonymity for the greater glory of this final harvest. Great will be the reward of those who take up the call to spiritual border control in intercession.
"Not only is this true for the natural borders of the nation, but also for the spiritual borders of the Kingdom. For just as the nation is in grave danger of infiltration, so is My kingdom...the final deception is beginning. Many people's love will grow cold...those who have not sought Me and bought eye salve that they may see and understand, will fall.
"Do not be surprised when you begin to see the 'known and the respected' lose their testimony. There is a skimming off the top that is coming." (This will be similar to the events of the 80's when many top leaders were falling.) "Pray for the spirit of repentance. Pray for grace." Now Through End of the first month is RED ALERT.
Between now and the end of 01/2005 (2005) the security status is Red Alert. Let us answer the Lord's call, go into our prayer closets, and shut the door. We have a duty to enforce Heaven's government by the law of love. If we dismantle the plans of darkness...still we must hold our position tightly. May the Lord grant us divine wisdom. For the sake of Kingdom purposes, LaNora Van Arsdall, Fountaingate Ministries, http://www.fountaingateintl.org/fountaingate@cs.com .
**After receiving this word, I was told by a pastor in Sierra Vista, Arizona (bordering Mexico), that he had spontaneously begun to weep in the midst of his sermon last week...he found out that this also happened to another pastor across town. The other pastor said the Lord told him that nuclear weapons had just crossed the border of Mexico.**
From: "Edward Blue" edsfamilee@uphi.net .
200.1 12/2004, USA Missile Defence Test Fails — USA Missile Defence Test Fails – 12/2004.
WASHINGTON - The failure of a United States interceptor missile test flight is a major blow to US efforts to have a missile defence shield in operation by the end of the year, experts and US media said yesterday.
The US Missile Defence Agency said on Wednesday that the test flight over the Pacific Ocean had failed as the interceptor missile did not take off and was automatically shut down.
A rocket carrying a mock warhead was launched from Kodiak in Alaska, but the interceptor failed to make its take from the Marshall Islands in the Pacific due to an "unknown anomaly", said the agency.
The US media gave a harsh verdict of President George Bush's planned missile shield.
The New York Times called it "the naked shield" in a critical editorial.
"If it were not for the mammoth waste of taxpayers' money, the latest failure in the Bush administration's obstinate deployment of a totally unproven missile defence system could be titled Star Wars: The Farce."
The test missile should have intercepted the dummy warhead 160 kilometres above the Earth and the failed flight cost $85 million (about R490m).
The New York Times said it was the latest proof that the shield "remains firmly in the dream stage".
The Washington Post also called it an "embarrassing setback".
The first test of its kind in two years had already been put off four times due to bad weather at launch sites and, on Sunday, due to the failure of a radio transmitter.
The last test on 12/12, 2002, was also a failure.
"Programme officials will review pre- launch data to determine the cause of the shutdown," the agency said, without indicating when the next test might take place. - Sapa-AFP
200.2 12/18, 2004, North Korea preparing material for more nuclear weapons — North Korea preparing material for more nuclear weapons – 12/18, 2004; By Satoshi Ogawa; The Sekai Nippo; Published 12/18, 2004.
VIENNA -- Claiming to be frustrated by a lack of change in the Bush administration's "hostile policy," a senior North Korean diplomat said his country is working to strengthen its nuclear weapons capability.
"My country had informal contact with the United States in New York, but unfortunately we found no change in the Bush administration's hostile policy toward us," Son Mun-san, North Korea's Councilor to the International Atomic Energy Agency, stated in a telephone interview with Sekai Nippo on 12/16.
"Because of this, the crisis on the Korean Peninsula is intensifying," he said.
"My country has no choice other than to enhance our nuclear deterrent force for the secure maintenance of our sovereignty," Son said.
Son said that the 5 megawatt nuclear reactor in Yongbyon is currently in full operation. If true, it would mean that North Korea has replaced all 8,000 nuclear fuel rods since the summer of 2003, when it declared that it had completed the reprocessing of all spent nuclear fuel rods from the same facility.
According to an IAEA official, nuclear fuel rods that have been placed in a reactor and used for one year can be reprocessed, although some variables depend on how the reactor is operated.
Noting that more than a year had passed since North Korea claimed to have completed the reprocessing of all spent fuel rods, the IAEA official said, "North Korea must be ready to begin at any time to reprocess [a new set of 8,000] spent fuel rods at the Radiochemistry Laboratory [North Korea's reprocessing facility] and extract new weapons-grade plutonium."
North Korea's claim that its 5 megawatt reactor is in full operation would appear to further cloud the prospects for resuming six-party talks with the United States, Japan, China, Russia, and South Korea.
Referring to IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei's statement in a recent interview with The New York Times that North Korea had already secured enough weapons-grade plutonium for four to six nuclear weapons, Son said, "[ElBaradei's] statement is based on fact." He thus appeared to confirm ElBaradei's assessment.
This article was translated from the original Japanese and edited by World Peace Herald. The original text is available at http://www.worldtimes.co.jp/news/world/kiji/041218-170518.html .
From: http://www.worldtimes.co.jp/news/world/kiji/041218-170518.html.
200.3 12/22, 2004, The U.S. Congress will decide whether the United States should go to war with mainland China should it attack Taiwan — Wednesday 12/22, 2004, 02:14 PM; Congress Will Call Shots In War Against China For Taiwan: Us
WASHINGTON, 12/22, 2004 Asia Pulse - The U.S. Congress will decide whether the United States should go to war with mainland China should it attack Taiwan, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said here Monday.
In an interview with the PBS television station, the number two man at the State Department said the Taiwan Relations Act requires the United States to maintain sufficient force in the Pacific to be able to deter attack but does not require the country to defend Taiwan should it come under attack from the mainland. He added that the power to declare war rests with the Congress.
He admitted that Taiwan is "probably the biggest landmine" in U.S. ties with the mainland, although the United States has managed to develop relations with the mainland while maintaining good relations with the people of Taiwan.
He said the United States deals with the mainland based on the three comuniques with Beijing, including an acknowledgement that there is but one China, of which Taiwan is a part, and added that "we'll have to continue that way."
Armitage's statement caused ripples in Taipei political circles Tuesday, with a spokesman for the opposition Kuomintang calling it a warning to Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party, which has pushed for the country's permanent separation from the mainland.
KMT spokesman Chang Jung-kung said it is an indication that Washington is trying to keep Taiwan at arms length amid increased pressure from Beijing, which bodes ill for Taiwan.
Noting that many DPP leaders who push for Taiwan independence have claimed that Washington will come to the defense of Taiwan in case it is attacked by Beijing, Chang said they should mend their ways because Armitage has made it clear that Washington will not be drawn into a military conflict with the mainland if Taiwan makes a reckless pursuit of independence.
However, Huang Chieh-cheng, director of the Institute of American Studies at Tamkang University in Tamshui, Taipei County, described Armitage's remarks as no more than a reiteration of Washington's recent calls for both sides of the Taiwan Strait to refrain from taking drastic action against each other.
In an interview with CNA, Huang said he did not see any intention on Armitage's part to give a warning to Taiwan or to pressurize Taiwan into drawing in its horns. (CNA)
From: In an interview with CNA.
200.4 12/24, 2004, Russia Tests Mobile ICBM—Inter Continental Ballistic Missile — Russia Tests Mobile ICBM (Inter Continental Ballistic Missile); 12/24, 2004 Posted: 7:30 PM EST (0030 GMT).
A Russian Topol-M ICBM is launched from a site in Plesetsk in 1999.
MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- The Russian military successfully test-fired a mobile version of its top-of-the-line Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile on Friday, 12/24/2004, officials said.
The missile was fired from a mobile launcher at the Plesetsk launch pad in the northern region of Arkhangelsk and hit a designated target on a testing range on the far eastern Kamchatka peninsula, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces said in a statement.
Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, Economics Minister German Gref and other top officials attended the launch.
Friday's launch is expected to be the last of four test-firings of the Topol-M's mobile version before its deployment set for next year, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.
The Topol-M missiles, capable of hitting targets more than 6,000 miles away, have been in silos since 1998 and about 40 are on duty now, according to military officials.
Russian media reports have said the missile lifts off faster than its predecessors and maneuvers in a way that makes it more difficult to spot and intercept. It is also reportedly capable of blasting off even after a nuclear explosion close to its silo.
"The missile can penetrate all invented and even yet to be invented missile systems, including those equipped with space-based elements, with high probability," said Yuri Solomonov, who heads the Moscow Institute of Thermal Systems which designed and manufactured the missile.
The deployed Topol-Ms have been fitted with single nuclear warheads, but officials have mentioned plans to equip each missile with three individually targeted warheads.
President Vladimir Putin has said Russia is developing new strategic nuclear weapons excelling anything which other nations have. Military analysts have said the new weapon would likely be based on the Topol-M. 12/28, 2004 1:14 PM.
From: MOSCOW, Russia (AP)
200.5 01/02, 2005, North Korea Warns USA — N Korea warns US in belligerent New Year message; By Anna Fifield in Seoul; Published: 01/02 2005 16:59 | Last updated: 01/02 2005 16:59.
Pyongyang warned at the weekend that the US's approach towards North Korea was increasing the prospect of nuclear war, in a New Year's message that included more of the combative rhetoric that complicated last year's multilateral negotiations over its nuclear programmes.
However, unlike in 2004, the message did not contain any reference to the nuclear issue, an omission likely to be interpreted positively as Pyongyang waits for President George W. Bush's inauguration later this month and details of his second-term North Korea policy.
The US and North Korea's neighbours are hoping Kim Jong-il's regime will agree in coming weeks to restart talks on dismantling its nuclear activities.
"The danger of a nuclear war is growing on the Korean peninsula as the days go by, owing to the US moves to stifle the DPRK [North Korea]," said the message, carried as an editorial in North Korea's three major newspapers—Rodong Shinmun, Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi, respectively representing the Communist party, the army and the youth league.
"All Koreans should stage a powerful struggle for peace against war in order to drive the US troops out of South Korea, remove the very source of a nuclear war and defend the peace and security on the Korean peninsula," it said.
US troops have been stationed in South Korea since the end of the Korean war in 1953, but their numbers will be gradually reduced from about 33,000 now to 25,000 by 2008 as part of a wider US reshuffle.
Saying that 2004 saw a "dynamic struggle against the US imperialists' evermore undisguised brigandish aggression and high-handed practices on the international arena," the editorial told the US it must "make a switchover in its hostile policy" towards North Korea.
Pyongyang has cited the US's "hostile policies" as the primary reason for refusing to continue the talks, and a "switchover" would likely involve economic compensation and security guarantees.
But the Bush administration has insisted it will not negotiate further until the North halts its nuclear activities.
In a sign that North Korea's stance might be softening, this year's statement did not contain any of the usual rhetoric about the need for a "nuclear deterrent". A year ago it said nuclear weapons were a "defensive measure" needed to protect itself.
The editorial also called for concerted efforts to reunify the peninsula. "All the fellow countrymen in the north, the south and abroad should make a fresh advance in accomplishing the causes of national reunification this year under the slogan, 'Let's advance, holding high the flag of co-operation for national independence, co-operation for peace against war and co-operation for reunification and patriotism'," it said.
From: http://news.ft.com/cms/s/c33546f8-5cdb-11d9-bb9c-00000e2511c8.html .
200.6 04/01, 2005, Alert Warning, China Preparing For War With Taiwan Or America? — 04/01, 2005 11:39 AM, End-Time Handmaidens and Servants Prayer Letter: CHINESE MILITARY BUILDUP CAUSES U.S. CONCERN: Two developments are focusing renewed attention and concern in Washington toward China's military buildup. Earlier this month, China's legislature passed a law authorizing military action to take control of Taiwan, if it moves toward independence or if all other efforts at reunification fail. And at the same time, the European Union wants to lift its arms embargo against China, which was imposed after the Tiananmen massacre in 1989.
A recent report prepared for the U.S. Defense Department says China is proceeding with a substantial military buildup, leading some experts to worry that 25 years after starting its economic reforms, China may soon have the means to project military power in new and, from the U.S. point of view, potentially dangerous ways. According to the report issued by the Defense Department in November and made public in January, China has built a series of facilities and strategic relationships stretching to the south and west from its own coastal waters. The facilities and relationships involve Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
The report, prepared by a consulting firm for the office of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, says the primary goals of China's strategy are to protect the sea lanes through which much of its oil travels and to build its capability for a possible confrontation with Taiwan. The report says China is working to make its navy capable of operating farther from Chinese shores, putting long-range cruise missiles on its new warships, building up its submarine fleet and developing modern undersea mine systems to help it take control of strategic areas of open water.
The Pentagon report also says China is building its air force with new long-range targeting systems and unmanned aircraft. In addition, the New York Times reported this month that recent intelligence reports indicate China has conducted an ambitious ship-building program, including 23 new amphibious assault ships that could land troops and heavy equipment on Taiwan, and 13 new attack submarines that could limit the United States' ability to come to the island's aid in any conflict. (Voice of America)
From: Gwen Shaw, 04/01, 2005 11:39 AM Prayer Letter: End-Time Handmaidens and Servants • P.O. Box 447 • Jasper, AR 72641.
200.7 05/02, 2005, Alert Warning, Asia Government Plays Down North Korea Missile Test —Posted 5/2/2005 7:16 AM; Updated 5/2/2005 8:29 AM; Asia governments play down North Korea missile test, By Soo-Jeong Lee, Associated Press Writer.
SEOUL, South Korea — Asian governments on Monday played down the significance of North Korea's latest missile test, saying it involved a short-range weapon unable to reach as far as Japan and with no link to the communist North's nuclear program.
North Korea apparently test fired a missile into the Sea of Japan on Sunday, raising new concerns about Pyongyang's nuclear intentions just days after a U.S. intelligence official said the secretive Stalinist state had the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear warhead. (Related story: Nuke meeting at U.N.)
"The missile that North Korea recently fired is a short-range missile and is far from the one that can carry a nuclear weapon," Deputy Foreign Minister Song Min-soon said in an interview with South Korea's Yonhap news agency. "This isn't a case to be linked to the nuclear dispute."
Song also commented on reports that Washington warned allies that Pyongyang might be ready to conduct an underground nuclear test as early as June, saying South Korea had not received no such warning.
Song is South Korea's top envoy to the nuclear dispute.
South Korean officials have said they have not yet detected any signs to suggest that Pyongyang is preparing for a nuclear test.
News of the test launch first appeared in Japanese media reports, citing U.S. military officials as having informed the Japanese and South Korean governments of Sunday's test launch, which took the missile about 65 miles off the North Korean coast.
Later, the White House chief of staff, Andrew Card, publicly announced the test, saying it was not surprising. "The North Koreans have tested their missiles before. They've had some failures," he told CNN.
In Japan, a Defense Agency official said Monday that Tokyo believes the missile flew only an extremely short distance and would not pose an immediate threat to Japan's national security. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda said Monday he believed it was part of North Korea's domestic military exercise and is not aimed at Japan.
"Although it's not confirmed, there is a sign that North Korea launched a small missile," Hosoda said. "It appears similar tests are conducted occasionally."
On Thursday, Vice Adm. Lowell Jacoby, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told the U.S. Senate that the North Koreans knew how to arm a missile with a nuclear weapon — a potentially significant advance for the North. He did not specify whether he was talking about a short-range or long-range missile.
North Korea has test fired short-range missiles many times. In 2003, it test fired short-range land-to-ship missiles at least three times during heightened tensions over its nuclear weapons program.
Sunday's test occurred at an especially worrisome time, with concerns that the North is moving forward with its nuclear weapons program. South Korean officials said last month that Pyongyang had shut down a nuclear reactor, possibly to harvest more weapons-grade plutonium.
North Korea shocked the region in 1998 by test-firing a Taepodong-1 missile over Japan and into the Pacific Ocean. The North said it was an attempt to put a satellite in orbit.
U.S. and South Korean officials are more concerned about a possible North Korean test of a Taepodong-2 missile, which analysts believe is capable of reaching parts of the western United States, though there are widespread doubts about its reach and accuracy.
From: By Soo-Jeong Lee, Associated Press Writer.
200.8 06/27, 2005, China Threat —
---- Original Message -----
From: Paul
Sent: 06/27, 2005 2:59 PM
Subject: China Threat & Big Brother
Beijing devoted to weakening 'enemy' U.S., defector says, By Bill Gertz, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, 06/27, 2005.
China's communist leaders view the United States as their main enemy and are working in Asia and around the world to undermine U.S. alliances, said a former Chinese diplomat. ...
"The United States is considered by the Chinese Communist Party as the largest enemy, the major strategic rival," ...
A pro-democracy activist who took part in the 1989 demonstrations in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, Mr. Chen, 37, spent 10 years as a Foreign Ministry official. He said he defected and sought political asylum in Australia to highlight repression of the Chinese people by their government and the ruling Communist Party, as well as the repression of dissidents such as democracy activists and the Falun Gong spiritual group. ...
China's government has targeted Australia as part of its "money diplomacy" and is working hard to persuade Australia not to send troops to help the United States in any conflict over the Republic of China (Taiwan), Mr. Chen said. ...
On China's military buildup, Mr. Chen said Beijing is following the strategy of former leader Deng Xiaoping, who urged China to "bide our time, build our capabilities" -- military as well as economic and political. "What that means is that when the day is mature, the Chinese government will strike back," he said. ...
Mr. Chen said the danger of a war over Taiwan is growing.
From: http://insider.washingtontimes.com/articles/normal.php?StoryID=20050627-010217-7779r
200.9 06/26, 2005, China Threat —
Chinese dragon awakens, By Bill Gertz, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, 06/26, 2005:
China is building its military forces faster than U.S. intelligence and military analysts expected, prompting fears that Beijing will attack Taiwan in the next two years, according to Pentagon officials. ...
U.S. defense and intelligence officials say all the signs point in one troubling direction: Beijing then will be forced to go to war with the United States, which has vowed to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack. ...
China's military buildup includes an array of new high-technology weapons, such as warships, submarines, missiles and a maneuverable warhead designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses. Recent intelligence reports also show that China has stepped up military exercises involving amphibious assaults, viewed as another sign that it is preparing for an attack on Taiwan. ...
Asked about a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan, the official put it bluntly: "In the '07-'08 time frame, a capability will be there that a year ago we would have said was very, very unlikely....
"The China military buildup has been accelerating since 1999. As the buildup has gotten worse, China is trying hard to mask it."
From: http://washingtontimes.com/specialreport/20050626-122138-1088r.htm
200.10 06/27, 2005, China Threat —
Thefts of U.S. technology boost China's weaponry, By Bill Gertz, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, 06/27, 2005:
China is stepping up its overt and covert efforts to gather intelligence and technology in the United States, and the activities have boosted Beijing's plans to rapidly produce advanced-weapons systems.
The danger of Chinese technology acquisition is that if the United States were called on to fight a war with China over the Republic of China (Taiwan), U.S. forces could find themselves battling a U.S.-equipped enemy.
...Many U.S. firms doing business in China, including such giants as Coca-Cola, Boeing and General Motors, use their lobbyists on behalf of Beijing. ...The Chinese government also appeals directly to members of Congress and congressional staff.
U.S. officials revealed that China's embassy in Washington has expanded a special section in charge of running influence operations, primarily targeting Congress.
...the number of high-profile cases of illegal Chinese technology acquisition is growing.
...report by former Pentagon official Michael Pillsbury highlights 16 key advances in Chinese technology -- all with military implications -- in the past six months alone.
...the Chinese are considered the most effective at stealing secrets and know-how.
From: http://insider.washingtontimes.com/articles/normal.php?StoryID=20050627-124855-6747r
American High Tech Companies are Selling China the Technology Needed to Perfect Their Big Brother Surveilance & Population Control [now in China...coming soon to USA?]
From: http://english.epochtimes.com/news/5-1-7/25560.html
200.11 06/27, 2005, China Threat — The Washington Times, www.washingtontimes.com
China stocks nukes as anti-U.S. tactic, By Bill Gertz, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, Published 07/29, 2005
China is building up its nuclear forces as part of a secret strategy targeting the United States, according to a former Chinese diplomat.
China's strategy calls for "proactive defense," and senior Chinese Communist Party leaders think that building nuclear arms is the key to countering U.S. power in Asia and other parts of the world, said Chen Yonglin, a diplomat who defected to Australia two months ago.
A recent comment by a Chinese general shows that Beijing's leaders are prepared to launch "a pre-emptive attack on the country considered a huge threat to China," Mr. Chen said.
Chinese Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu told reporters two weeks ago that China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against "hundreds" of U.S. cities if a conflict breaks out over Taiwan.
The former diplomat, who until recently was posted to the Chinese Consulate in Sydney, said the number of Chinese nuclear warheads is a closely guarded secret.
Asked about a Pentagon report revealing that China has 20 nuclear warheads that can reach almost all of the United States, Mr. Chen said, "We don't know the exact number."
"Everything about nuclear weapons is held by a very limited number of people," he said. "Even sometime vice ministers may not know because it is strictly controlled by the general staff and central party leaders."
The Pentagon report to Congress made public last week stated that China is "qualitatively and quantitatively improving its strategic missile force."
"It is fielding more survivable missiles capable of targeting India, Russia, virtually all of the United States and the Asia-Pacific theater as far south as Australia and New Zealand," the report said.
China's nuclear weapons are developed and built in secret under the direction of a company Mr. Chen identified as the Nuclear Energy Company. The company builds both civilian nuclear-power stations and warheads for missiles and bombers.
"It sounds like a nongovernment company, but it is totally top secret," he said.
Mr. Chen, who is visiting the United States and testified before a House committee last week, said that during internal discussions among Communist Party and government leaders and military commanders, military leaders often have urged going to war against Taiwan, a self-governing island -- also known as the Republic of China -- that broke with the mainland in 1949.
"I've heard a lot about the results of those meetings, and most of the military forces leaders advocate the use of force the earlier the better to solve the Taiwan issue," Mr. Chen said.
He said China's long-term strategy toward the United States was outlined by the late communist leader Deng Xiaoping in the phrase "hide our capabilities; bide our time."
"That means don't draw any attention of the Western world -- and especially the United States, to what China is doing," Mr. Chen said.
China's leaders fear the current U.S. policy of engagement with China could shift to one of "containing" China, he said.
"If the policy of the United States changes to containment, there will be no Olympic Games, there will be no business and there will be no peaceful rise," he said.
From: http://www.washtimes.com/national/20050728-110724-3616r.htm.
200.12 11/05, 2005, China Threat — The Washington Times, By Bill Gertz, Published 11/05, 2005: Four persons arrested in Los Angeles are part of a Chinese intelligence-gathering ring, federal investigators said, and the suspects caused serious compromises for 15 years to major U.S. weapons systems, including submarines and warships.
U.S. intelligence and security officials said the case remains under investigation but that it could prove to be among the most damaging spy cases since the 1985 one of John A. Walker Jr., who passed Navy communication codes to Moscow for 22 years.
The Los Angeles spy ring has operated since 1990 and has funneled technology and military secrets to China in the form of documents and computer disks, officials close to the case said.
From: The Washington Times, By Bill Gertz, Published 11/05, 2005.
200.13 05/11, 2006, Russia Threat —
Putin warns arms race not over yet
By Michael Mainville; The Washington Times, May 11, 2006
Moscow—President Vladimir Putin warned yesterday that the U.S.-Russian arms race is not over and called for a strengthening of his nation's nuclear and conventional forces so Moscow can better resist foreign pressure.
The remarks, in his seventh state of the nation address since taking power in 2000, follow increasingly sharp criticism of Russia's democratic and foreign policy directions from the United States, including a harsh rebuke by Vice President Dick Cheney last week in Lithuania.
"It is premature to speak of the end of the arms race," said Mr. Putin, who pointed out in the nationally televised address that U.S. defense spending is 25 times higher than Russia's and said his country needs to catch up.
"Their house is their fortress? Well done," he said. "But it means that we must build our house strongly, reliably, because we see what is going on in the world.
"We must always be ready to counter any attempts to pressure Russia in order to strengthen positions at our expense," he continued. "The stronger our military is, the less temptation there will be to exert such pressure on us."
Mr. Putin said Russia's military would work to strengthen both its nuclear deterrent and its conventional forces but without repeating "the mistakes of the Soviet Union and of the Cold War" by draining the country's resources.
Many analysts attribute the collapse of communism in Russia to the Kremlin's inability to keep up with U.S. arms spending during the Reagan administration, particularly its space-based anti-missile initiative known familiarly as "Star Wars."
Skyrocketing world energy prices have provided oil-rich Russia with windfall surpluses that could be used to fund at least a modest defense buildup. Russian revenues totaled $41.8 billion compared with expenditures of $25.5 billion in the first two months of this year, the Novosti news agency reported.
Mr. Putin said his government would soon commission two nuclear submarines equipped with the first new intercontinental ballistic missiles developed in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union and that land-based strategic forces soon would get their first unit of mobile Topol-M missiles.
He said the new missiles and warheads would be able to change direction in flight, foiling advanced defense systems such as the one being developed by the United States.
In the hourlong speech, which focused largely on domestic problems, Mr. Putin also responded to the wave of criticism from the United States, which questioned Moscow's fitness to serve as president of the Group of Eight industrialized nations this year after it cut off gas deliveries to Europe in a midwinter pricing dispute with Ukraine.
FBI officials say they have seen a sharp increase in Russian civilian and military intelligence gathering activities in the United States, much of it directed at stealing weapons-related technology.
"The Russians are spying at Cold War levels," one official said.
Mr. Cheney went further during a visit to the Lithuanian capital last week, accusing Moscow of backsliding on democracy and using its vast energy resources as a tool for "intimidation and blackmail" against its neighbors.
"Where does the whole pathos about the need to struggle for democracy and human rights disappear to, when the talk is of ensuring one's own interests?" Mr. Putin asked rhetorically in an apparent reference to U.S. actions in the war on terrorism, including the indefinite detention of suspects without trial.
"Then it seems everything is possible. There are no limits at all," he said. Invoking a Russian proverb, he added: "As the saying goes, comrade wolf knows whom to eat, and he eats without listening to others."
In an apparent reference to Iran's nuclear ambitions, Mr. Putin said Russia stood "unambiguously" for preventing the spread of nuclear weapons around the world. However, he also said: "Methods of force rarely give the desired result, and often their consequences are even more terrible than the original threat."
Analysts saw the speech as a signal to the West that Russia would not back down from promoting its interests abroad.
"What we saw was a declaration that Russia is coming back as a global power and will pursue an aggressive foreign policy," said Nikolai Petrov, a political analyst with the Moscow Carnegie Center. "And while he only mentioned the United States a couple of times, it was clear that Putin sees the U.S. as his major opponent."
Mr. Putin did seek to reassure Western markets of Russia's reliability as an energy supplier, saying, "We must do everything not only for our domestic development, but also to fully meet our obligations before our traditional partners."
• Bill Gertz contributed to this report from Washington.
From: http://insider.washingtontimes.com/articles/normal.php?StoryID=20060511-123243-5850r
200.14 02/22, 2006 & 07/07, 2006, Terrorist Attack Threats — 02/22, 2006: Ports sale halted. As it turned out, in 2005 we visited every city listed on the Ports Sale, prayed and repented and closed doors of danger. How could we have ever known how critical this prayer journey would be. —Nita Johnson, Apostle Seer Prophet
WASHINGTON (07/07, 2006)—Authorities have disrupted planning by foreign terrorists for an attack on New York City tunnels, two law enforcement officials said Friday.
FBI agents monitoring Internet chat rooms used by extremists learned in recent months of the plot to strike a blow at the city's economy by destroying vital transportation networks, one official said.
Lebanese authorities, acting on a U.S. request, have arrested one of the alleged plotters, identified as Amir Andalousli, the other official said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is still under way.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said, "This is one instance where intelligence was on top of its game and discovered the plot when it was just in the talking phase."
The planning for the tunnel attacks was first reported by the New York Daily News in its Friday editions, the first anniversary of the attacks on the London transportation system that killed 52 people.
The planning was not far along, one U.S. official said, but authorities "take aspirations of that sort seriously."
"At this time we have no indication of any imminent threat to the New York transportation system, or anywhere else in the U.S.," Richard Kolko, Washington-based FBI special agent, said in a statement to Associated Press Radio.
Last month, authorities announced the arrests of seven men in Miami and Atlanta in the early stages of a plot to blow up the Sears Tower and other buildings in the United States. That plan was described by deputy FBI director John Pistole at the time as aspirational, rather than operational.
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said that federal law enforcement and New York police have been monitoring a plot to attack New York's mass transit system for at least eight months.
"There was nothing imminent, but it was being monitored for long period of time," said King, who said he has received regular intelligence briefings on the alleged plot as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.
King said he had been unable to publicly disclose the plot because to do so would risk the investigation.
"This is ongoing, that's why I've said nothing about it until now," King said. "It would have been better if this had not been disclosed."
The Daily News reported that the plotters wanted to blow up the Holland Tunnel, the southernmost link between Manhattan and New Jersey, in the hopes of flooding New York's financial district. The desired effect would be akin to the flooding that ravaged New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the newspaper said.
A government official with knowledge of the investigation said while the alleged plot did focus on New York's transportation system, it did not target the Holland Tunnel. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is ongoing, would give no further details about the intended targets.
It's unlikely that any plan to flood the financial district would work because it is above the level of the Hudson River.
07/07/06 09:44 EDT, [10/2005: We have just received a phone call from Ivan and Linda Doxtater that the LA police have just arrested a terrorist group with specific plans to hit many places in that area.
They believe it is part of a synchronized strategy to hit many cities in the US before midnight tonight. This fits with a warning Bob Jones released a few weeks ago.
This was later confirmed by public News here in Calif. —Nita Johnson, Apostle Seer Prophet
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, www.worldforjesus.org.
201.1 12/04, 2004, Dream, USA—Aftermath & New Territory —I was dreaming and I heard two angels discussing 'an appointment in the aftermath'. One spoke to me and said, 'I could choose to opt out'. I made the choice not to opt out. Then the angel spoke to me what the cost would be concerning me and my family.
Then a simple contour map of the USA was shown. In the middle of the US map was shown two semi circles like ( ) with the west one running approximately along the Rocky Mountains and the east was towards the vicinity of the Mississippi River (again the map was only an outline, no precise coordinates were shown). My spirit was made to know this middle land was called the 'New Territory' in the aftermath.
Then I felt the presence of my Lord Jesus and He extended both His hands to me and in them was His heart. His heart was shown as pure white. I pondered to myself. 'Why is it not reddish?' Jesus answered my inner question and said, 'I have poured out my blood.' Then I replied to Jesus somewhat loudly, 'I wish to go all the way!' that is, with Jesus. Then I heard a large host clapping overhead. And a song was sung and I heard these words at the end of the song, 'I will drench you in wine'.
A few days later as I was praying about this dream to know it’s meaning and the size of the new land. I heard the words '1,000 miles' and was made to know that the width of the middle of the semi circles was 1,000 miles. This dream indicates that a new territory will be created after the invaders have been stopped.
A Conclusion of Events — At this time, based on prophecies of other humble servants and from what the Lord has communicated directly to me, I believe the following events will occur pertaining to the USA and the Body of Christ within (However, I do remain open to further revelation and examination.). The beginning of these events depend on the people's response to God's warning. Shall the people repent and the time be put back as in Nineveh? This is certainly my hope and prayer:
The USA will face a combined terror attack of nuclear and plague. This will destabilize the nation. This is not the end yet for her, this is a final call too all who will repent before she is soon toppled. Many will perish, but many will come to the Lord too. Jesus is the ark of safety! Then in the midst of our national turmoil, a full invasion will come from foreign lands that will include Russia and China and others. All forms of natural weapons will be thrown at the US. The US will not stand because this
nation has departed from God and trusts in its military might. She will fall, crumble and transform into a broken and conquered nation. Many, many will perish, but many will come to the Lord too. Britain will suffer too.
But within this land, a remnant of purified ones will remain and heaven itself will rise with these purified ones and defend what is left at the appointed time. This is key. The weapons of our warfare are Spiritual. A new nation will rise from within the boundaries of the old. It will be as a Great Body and a new mind shall be given to it (Daniel 7).
All things will be quickened. Conflict will continue around the world until such a time that the final beast emerges and intends to control the whole world. The very elect will be hard pressed during this final season until the Ancient of Days takes His seat and judgment is cast on behalf of the Saints. Everlasting dominion on the earth will then go to Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and His Body, the stainless Bride. Revelation 13:9-10
201.2 01/09, 2005, Prophetic Dream/Vision, Florida, Texas & The USA Will Change In Appearance — I began to dream, and a plate with a large piece of meat was placed before me. It was like a large roast weighing several pounds. I knew in my spirit that this signaled that the Lord was going to reveal weighty things. As I was about to eat, I realized that the whole of this was too much to take in and I asked the Lord, "How can I eat this?" and he replied, "Eat a little at a time." So I took the first bite.
Upon eating the first bite I saw the peninsula of Florida like a map. A declaration was spoken over it in French words and then I saw lines drawn on it like it was sectioned off in regional pieces and names were given to those sections. The names were in different languages, several appeared to be Arabic tongues too. The color of the map appeared deep blue as I looked more intently at it.
I took another bite and saw the word 'DangerX'. Then it morphed into the word 'PoisenX' and then it morphed again into the word 'RadiationX'. I heard the words 'X marks the spot' but no location of 'X' was shown at that moment.
I ate a couple of more bites and several things were shown in succession. I was taken to a home in Austin, Texas and these words were spoken, 'This shall be as beach front property.' I was perplexed and wondered how. Then I heard, 'Texas will sink.' Then I saw the words on a banner, 'Trustable Liquidators'.
I woke up and went to my office to write these things down. As I was writing I heard the words 'Calamities will drive out the invaders' and I saw in my mind's eye a map of the US as given a few weeks earlier (see below) and I heard the words 'Angels will form the protection.' And I saw a vision of
myriads of angels guarding the perimeter of this new land.
Meaning: Before I go into interpreting this dream, I must humbly admit that I do not always immediately have the full understanding of words. At times I have been too quick to release an interpretation before the word was 'digested' in my spirit, hence I have sometimes allowed reason and logic to preempt the Spirit. Some dreams, visions and words have taken years to be revealed and/or fulfilled. I only know in part and prophecy in part. I ask the reader to join with me in prayer in fully bringing these things to light. I welcome what the Lord says to the Body regarding any message.
I believe the Florida map shows a time when that peninsula will be divided up after the US has been invaded. The map appearing deep blue may indicate a 'watery' end to that occupation.
I believe the Texas scene describes a time when a good chunk of Texas will be as a gulf, reaching in as far as Austin. I looked up on the internet and found there is in fact a fault line running across the Central Texas region near Austin called the 'Balcones Fault Line.' I believe there will be a great worldwide earthquake that will cause this fault line to fracture, drop and pull in the Gulf of Mexico. 'Trustable LIQUIDATORS' in connection with the 'Calamity' word above and 'New Territory' dream below, indicates these earth changing events will destroy invading/occupying forces of the world against the US after our time of fiery purification has completed (there have been a number of prophets and humble people of God whom have seen military invasions across all our coasts, some have seen oceans pouring in on the land as well). I have seen in prior dreams and visions where the US (or more particularly the Body within) will not be utterly destroyed in this land but will be heavenly defended when this nation seems at the brink of destruction from foreign invaders. — Mike Tucker
201.3 10/28, 2005, Prophetic Dreams/Visions & Words, “Of The U.S.A., Russia And China” —
Of The USA, Russia and China, Mike Tucker, (updated):
10/28, 2005, Dream, Prophetic Word, From The East Comes Destruction: 10/28, 2005, while arising from sleep a dream and word came to me. I saw several sizeable steaks getting ready to be served to me. Then I saw a picture of a pen and heard the words, ‘Write down what you are about to hear’. I woke up and retrieved a pen and notepad. Then the word came forth so fluidly:
“From the East comes destruction. Wave after wave. China forestalls. Russia divides. China wins in the aftermath. Russia will be broken. Glory to the East. Times Time and Half a Time. Then the Son will rise and destiny will go forth.”
Meaning: The steaks I saw in the dream have always indicated that a ‘meaty’ word is about to be given. The picture of the pen indicated that I should literally write this down, not just keep it in memory. The destruction from the East is upon the United States and will come in many successive waves to overwhelm us, but after the US is beaten something new will form from its midst (Daniel 7:4 where the Lion with the eagle wings represent the Britain/USA coalition). Russia will conquer much. Russia will have a short time to divide out what it conquers, yet it shall also be divided and hurt such that the ‘Bear’ can not rise up fully again (Daniel 7:5). Though China helps Russia to attack us, China will make a strategic delay to allow Russia time to be broken after Russia conquers much. China and its allies rise for a time but another major world alliance follows it (Daniel 7:6). Then the Times Time and Half a Time of the Beast comes (Daniel 7:7-8). The end of the Beast is the Coming of the Son, Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God Almighty!
The next series of dreams have been given over the last 15 years. They depict Russia attacking and dividing up the US. Of how Russia gets other nations to help in its efforts by promising them portions of the US to divide out. Specifically I was given a dream where foreign powers were planning to assault the US. In order to secure Venezuela’s alliance, Texas was promised to go to Chavez, the head of Venezuela. Finally Russia itself will become hurt, divided and broken because whatever we sow we shall reap. Russia will sow turmoil and division thus Russia will reap turmoil and division.
10/02, 2005, Dream, Bear—Russia & USA Flag: I dreamed I saw a large bear holding a US flag on its ends. The bear ripped the flag in half down the middle.
01/1991, Dream, “Bear Face & Doomsday Written:” o1/1991, I dreamed I saw the face of a bear with the word "Doomsday" written beneath it.
06-15-93, Dream, Earthquake Shook All Of America & Sword & Mushroom Cloud: 06/15, 1993, as I was dreaming I saw a Great Earthquake that shook all of America.
Then the next scene I was standing next to a normal man in a field and we were observing Heaven above. I saw a great sword strike down out of the clouds and plunge into the Earth. The Mighty Hand that held it was covered in clouds. I spoke to the man next to me, 'Can't you see the sword?'. He said no. So I tried to describe it to him, to tell him it was the judgment of God, but he still could not see it. Then he said, 'All I see is a mushroom cloud.'
1991, Dream, Russia Will Divide: 1991 As I was dreaming I heard the following words spoken from above, ‘Russia shall divide with the strong.’
07/20, 2005, Dream, Texas To Chavez: 07/20, 2005, I dreamed I saw a round table of foreign powers. Then this was spoken, ‘Texas to Chavez’.
Early 1990’s, Dream, Ukraine Strike Moscow: Early 1990’s I dreamed I saw a force from the Ukraine strike Moscow. Russian armies became divided over allegiances. Russia was in turmoil and hurt.
01/09, 2006, Dream, America Will Be Hit From All Four Sides: Updated (01/2006), 01/09, 2006 during a dream I heard the following words, "America will be hit from all four sides". Then I heard the voice of a foreign power speaking out across his troops, "Let not your eye have pity".
01/25, 2006, Dream, Saw Wave After Wave Of Destruction Hit The USA & Map Of USA Seen—All Four Sides Of USA Foreign Troops Were Pouring In Like Water: 01/25, 2006 during a dream I saw 'wave after wave' of destruction hit the USA. It was represented as a flood of waves pouring in everywhere. Each wave was immediately followed by the next. I saw many, many people die. I saw my grandparents miraculously carried away to safety. As the dream ended I saw a map of the US and on all four sides troops were pouring in like water.
As I awoke, this was spoken specifically to me, 'Don't you worry about thing, Don't you worry about a thing'.
Then as I was about to write this dream down the Lord spoke in me, 'The enemy will come in like a flood'. I expected this Isaiah verse to be completed by 'He shall lift up a standard against them' but only the first part was spoken...
Meaning: When the avalanche starts upon the US, it will not stop until the sweeping crash is complete.
05/28, 2006, Dream & Prophetic Words, Dynamite & American Flag & Fuse About To Be Lit: Updated (05/2006), 05/28, 2006 While dreaming... several scenes and important words from the Lord were communicated:
In the first scene I was looking at a blank piece of black paper. As I observed it, raised white letters began to form the message: 'Russia Good To Go'.
Then in the next scene I was shown a stick of dynamite with a short fuse on it. The wrapping on the dynamite was an American flag and the fuse was about to be lit.
Then these words were spoken, 'Upon defeat France will swiftly deal'.
Meaning: Russia has made all final preparations to ambush the USA. It is waiting only for the 'Go' word now. The impact upon the US will be as dynamite blowing away its paper wrapping. Though France will appear to help, they will easily cave and deal for peace to save their own skins.
Please note: Per the Lord I am taking my family to a prepared refuge in the Rocky Mountains and will be out of contact for a few months. I will not have e-mail nor will I be able to make contact with the below website during this Summer. May God be with you.
201.4 Posted 06/04, 2006, Prophetic Words, “America The Wilderness” — America The Wilderness, Mike Tucker:
Revelation 12:13-16, “And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth.”
A few months ago the Lord spoke in my spirit that ‘America shall be made a Wilderness’. This simple phrase opened up a treasure chest of understanding for me. The Lord also spoke that His Judgment upon the US is a deep mercy so that the US (Eagle) shall not become part of the Beast. If you examine the Beast in Revelations no part of it has Eagle features (Rev. 13). Though the Eagle will die, a remnant of its land shall be provided for the Remnant of God. Thus America shall become a wilderness where the world system does not prevail.
Many prophets/watchmen today have proclaimed extraordinary calamities and invasions upon the USA. These events will truly reduce the USA to a wilderness. Yet it is in this wilderness that the wings of the Great Eagle shall be given to the Woman that she may find refuge from the serpent. In a previous prophecy I was shown that the wings of the eagle were actually tore off by a bear, goat and smaller animal. Daniel 7:4 gives even more detail to this event by showing the wings being plucked off a lion (the US/Britain coalition) and eventually changing that creature into something entirely different with a bear dominating soon after.
As I understand the coming events, the US will face a combination of destabilizing events such as widespread terrorist attacks, plague, civil unrest and natural disasters which will give foreign powers (Russia, China, SCO etc.) an opportunity to overrun this nation. The US military will simply be overwhelmed with virtually the entire world mobilizing and striking in concert across too many zones. Do not look to the EU for rescue. When the three coasts and all borders of the US are fully occupied and purged then a time will come when the Earth itself will shake off the occupation. Unimaginable continental changes will erupt to break the invaders and preserve the remnant in this wilderness. Whole sections of the US will sink under newly formed coasts and these calamities will vanquish many of the invaders. Heaven and the Remnant will rise at that time and push out those forces that remain. But know this, if you raise a sword before its time then by a sword shall you fall. Father shall mark the day and Heaven will lead the way. There is hope after judgment.
From: www.propheciesusa.injesus.com.
From: Mike Tucker, mtucke@satx.rr.com & Pam Privard, privard@iwarp.net.
202.1 03/24, 2005, Prophetic Word, Years 2005 through 2012 & War To America —In the year 2000, Father took me on the net, gave prophecies and provided posting sites in order to minister to the wilderness people. He said at the time that this would be for a season and during those years countless numbers have come my way and then moved on, as it was meant to be. I saw at the beginning of 2004, a definite shift in how He was to have me minister, different than the other three years, but yet the same. I know, that's confusing but it's true. Early last December He gave the last prophetic word to be posted on the net all the while talking about the end times. I wondered, why me? Who am I in the scheme of these things? Why was He telling me these things? Who is going to pay attention to me? (And to be completely honest, I would have just as well been content to go on as before ministering to His hurting wilderness people but the fact also remains His wilderness people are about to arise into the destinies He has ordained for His Faithful Ones.) Never-the-less, He has been speaking and now He said to speak about one of the events with more to be released soon.
These events/disasters/blessings and yes, even blessings cover the years 2005 thru 2012. A little has been shown as a result of the effects of these years for 2013-1014. Now in the scheme of His plan and timetable, I have only been shown a smidgen of what is to occur while He has shown more events to others of His faithful ones who He has given revelations of the end-time events.
Together, we have the big picture.....will people listen? Many if most won't but that does not detract from what is to happen...It will happen! It has already begun....
The End Times: For some time now Father has been speaking to me of the end time events, the sequence of the events (not specific dates, only the year in which they occur). This covers a broad spectrum of events - from various types of strikes in our country, to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteors/comets/asteroids hitting, tsunamis, etc., here and around the world. I have not by any means been shown everything, only portions or pieces in the entire scheme of things.
For example I was not shown anything about the earthquakes which have been happening in the North West, the plates shifting, so on and so on; nor have I been shown anything about Mt St Helens...but it is apparent that one day there will be an earthquake in this region that will be catastrophic and I am sure there are those who have been shown more about this specific area and of the ultimate that will occur.
Thus far, with the multitude of earthquakes in this area that are currently occurring, (and yes they are very real and should not be ignored) still at the moment they are only types and shadows, precursors of what is coming!
Father only gives each person snippets of these times and hopefully when He opens the opportunity for us to share with others who are also hearing - that what ensues is true sharing and more revelation will come forth for all parties concerned with the pieces coming together forming the overall picture.
He has said He does nothing before He speaks through His prophets, well He's been speaking and hopefully even the prophets will now get together and see they are not to continue operating as an island (no man is an island) any longer as 'though' they are the only ones receiving revelations on the end-times and that no one else has anything to contribute.
It is amazing when I have talked, truly talked and shared with another who has been shown revelations about these end days that a "key" would be given to each of us by Father in the midst of the conversation with each of us "seeing" something entirely differently then we saw initially and of course instrumental in the correct analysis all the way around.
Unfortunately, each of us still has that "self" in us who believes we have seen all of the truth in what He has given, and we couldn't possibly be wrong in our own interpretation, only to find that one little area which was completely different from that which we saw initially. (And we cannot now afford to even see one little area in "err") Father's wisdom, to have us join together, seeking the whole truth in what He is showing us, not relying on ourselves to see absolutely.....
As I said, I have not seen anything about the events in the North West or Mt St Helens but I have been shown the eruption of Yellowstone and the year it will happen. Most cannot even begin to fathom what the eruption of this "super-volcano" will mean to the U.S. especially the area from the mid part of the U.S. to the western side of the country but eventually affecting the rest of the United States. Many talk about the past eruption of Mt St Helens, but that was not even a "burp" compared to the coming Yellowstone eruption and the ensuing catastrophic chain reaction and results of that eruption.
As a notation here, and I will elaborate more, Father is orchestrating the end time events by the Hebrew Calendar, for that is how He works, meaning His calendar year does not begin on January 1st and end with December 31st. Also the beginning day and ending day of the Hebrew Calendar year varies from year to year. With this said ... as I stated before, I saw the eruption (and the year) of Yellowstone. Also I saw the eruption of Mt Rainier the 'next year.'
That in itself does not mean that a year has to elapse before the second event. Taking to account the Hebrew calendar (I will give the dates of the Hebrew Years, 2005 and 2006 later in this writing as examples), let's say (and this is just an example to explain this because at this time I am not to divulge anything else about the Yellowstone events) - that the 'year' of the Yellowstone eruption ends on a date in September, thus the next year will begin one day later in the same month (according to the Hebrew Calendar) so it is very conceivable, especially with the magnitude of the Yellowstone eruption and even very plausible that the Mt Rainier eruption could/would follow on the heels of Yellowstone) that both eruptions 'could' very well occur in the same month, 'but' be in different years according to the Hebrew calendar. All very interesting.....
He has showed me the years from 2005 through 2012 (and the subsequent results from those years' events for 2013-2014. These are most crucial years in the endtime scenario. Everything is definitely upon us, even now! It's right on our doorstep and we have stepped over the threshold into the thick of things.
None of this is to scare or promote fear but to show us just how closely we must stay to Him during this time and to be ready at a moment's notice when He gives us an instruction "to move" right then....to move and to not delay at all, even for a short time, for delay could mean great peril for the one doing so - well I am sure you understand. And to above all to be in prayer and close to Him, closer than a brother.
I mentioned the relevance of the Hebrew Calendar in all this, this is a KEY (for the revelations given of the last days).
One thing Father has said, is that when He is speaking about the years, 2005, 2006, etc. etc. He is going by the Hebrew Calendar for that is how He operates - not by the calendar we follow.
So, when He is talking about the events of 2005, the timeframe is: 09/16, 2004 - 10/03, 2005 = Hebrew Year 5765
2006 events: 10/04, 2005 - 09/22, 2006 = Hebrew year 5766
I touched on the subject of Yellowstone but at this moment I cannot further elaborate on this event, when I am given the go-ahead to do so, I will as well as the other revelations given. I did state what I was given permission to say on the subject.
Now on to what He has said to share at this moment: Before this year is over, (by the Hebrew Calendar of 2005) Al Queda will strike from "within" the USA. When Father would speak of this attack from within, I would hear Allah associated with the attack and always I sensed it was the aforementioned group and it well could be - but - as I was typing this, I was shown that Allah could serve as a term for a "false god" which could fit 'numerous' other key groups in this country whose sole agenda is to strike a crippling blow to this country because of their own false god agendas. In any event the attack will come and most definitely the attack(s) will come from 'within our own borders'. Large or key cities and/or key areas all over the country will be hit. This is one of the events for (Hebrew calendar year) 2005. Father said I could share this one event now of all the ones He has shown me for all the years mentioned. I hope that some of what Father has shown me for the years 2005 - 2012, even a few of these events, even this one now mentioned could be delayed by His hand, I feel some of these events "could" be delayed but others will stay right on schedule.
To presume to say which He will delay or which He will not delay or if He will delay any at all - of what He will or will not do - would be the epitome of arrogance on my part or of anyone else. He could delay one or more, or none of these disasters/ attacks for His own reasons and those reasons do not have to align with ours or what we think or perceive. HE is YHWH, Father God Almighty and HE is sovereign, ALWAYS! Many believe if we pray earnestly for all of the catastrophic events that are to come to be delayed that He will delay them indefinitely - unfortunately they are operating under a false assumption. It's in His hands, our task is to listen attentively to all He is saying to us and to obey any instructions that He gives us and this must be 'immediate obedience.'
In addition to the above revelation of the imminent attack from "within" our borders ---- (and believe me, it would please me if He chose to delay this step in the end time events, we shall see) I wish to add the following which I believe parallels part of a dream that Michael Boldea Jr. had of 'The Eagle and the Serpents.' (Most of you probably know that Michael is the grandson of Dimitru Duduman.)
What was shown concerning the attack from 'within our borders' correlates to the second serpent (snake) in his dream....
In this dream.... at first, the eagle (America) was soaring, that's when this nation was led by God and was God oriented in all ways. Then the eagle gradually began it's approach to the earth (sin creeping in little by little). Finally the eagle touched earth (going the way of the world with God increasingly being pushed out of the picture).
The first serpent was the twin towers of 9-11. In the dream it was perceived the eagle won the battle with the first snake but then the second snake appeared. Many feel since three and a half years (interesting figure, don't you think?) have gone by since 9-11 and all appears to be well, that the battle was won and we are safe. It is NOW that the second snake will appear and this attack will come "from within" our own borders. The general consensus of most of who it will be would appear to lie with my initial perception....Is that too obvious or is the obvious the answer? We shall see as many groups are "poised and ready" to kill the eagle.
The third serpent (or attack) will come from a group or confederation of nations, hence the multi-colored serpent and it will strike the head of our nation and the nation as a whole.
I am concluding this with the dream of Michael Boldea Jr. on "The Eagle and the Serpents" for anyone who has not seen it and to refresh the memory of those who have.
As I am given the go-ahead to reveal more of what He has shown, I will do so. It is most imperative that we stay close to Father's heart in these times we are facing, and not man, nothing else will do... if He is not completely in our thoughts over anything and everything that is going around us (and many of us are in very dire circumstances at this time). This is not easy when facing many problems in our lives but it must be done for it is only HE Who can bring us through these trying times ahead.
Father's prophetic timetable has begun and it will not be stopped and to be perfectly honest, it has accelerated!
From: "Stephen L. Bening" gammadim@...; Date: 03/24, 2005; Subject: Olivia Long: The End Times gammadim24 0r Olivia Long, Faithbuilders Ministries.
202.2 Prophetic Revelation, Olivia Long’s Revelation — He has shown me the years from 2005 through 2012 (and the subsequent results from those years' events for 2013-2014. These are most crucial years in the end-time scenario. Everything is definitely upon us, even now! It's right on our doorstep and we have stepped over the threshold into the thick of things. …
Before this year is over (by the Hebrew Calendar of 2005 – 09/16, 2004 – 10/03, 2005 ), Al Queda will strike from "within" the USA. When Father would speak of this attack from within, I would hear Allah associated with the attack and always I sensed it was the aforementioned group and it well could be - but - as I was typing this, I was shown that Allah could serve as a term for a "false god" which could fit 'numerous' other key groups in this country whose sole agenda is to strike a crippling blow to this country because of their own false god agendas. In any event the attack will come and most definitely the attack(s) will come from 'within our own borders'. Large or key cities and/or key areas all over the country will be hit. This is one of the events for (Hebrew calendar year) 2005. Father said I could share this one event now of all the ones He has shown me for all the years mentioned. I hope that some of what Father has shown me for the years 2005 - 2012, even a few of these events, even this one now mentioned could be delayed by His hand.…
I believe (this) parallels part of a dream that Michael Boldea Jr. had of 'The Eagle and the Serpents.' (Most of you probably know that Michael is the grandson of Dimitru Duduman.)
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Olivia Long: Remember if enough repentance in America, things can be delayed! This was apparently DELAYED!]
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com/year05-14.htm.
202.3 10/18, 2004, Prophetic Dream—Two Times, The Eagle & The Serpents (The Angel said, "this has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction) 3rd Hit/Strike of the Snake = War/Invasion To The USA — This is the message God gave Michael Boldea through a dream while he was in North Carolina. Michael asked for a confirmation of this message and asked God simply to give him the dream again if it was from him. The next night he had the same dream.
America had many chances to repent and individually some people are still repenting and asking the Lord into their heart. We praise God for this. However, since 911 we can see many in America have disregarded the warnings from God and efforts have been made across this land to allow gay marriage, remove references of God from landmarks and buildings, and even the pledge of allegiance. America is on a collision course with judgment and this is why the watchman are blowing the trumpet.
Michael has spent 18 years traveling across America 12 with his grandfather, Dumitru Duduman, warning, sharing from the word of God, and speaking only what God shows him. May God give us all ears to hear this message. (Hand Of Help Ministries)
The Eagle and the Serpents (The Angel said, "this has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.")
Psalm 34:7-8, "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him."
Upon my return to the United States in late August, I had a very vivid and troubling dream. I shared it with the staff here in Wisconsin, and with a few other brothers, but continued to pray and seek direction from God as to whether or not I should include it in the newsletter.
At the staff's urging, and feeling a release from the Lord, I have included this dream in this issue of the newsletter.
I dreamt I was walking through a sparsely wooded forest, and suddenly my attention was drawn to an eagle flying high above the tree line. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the eagle rode the thermals, flying in slow lazy arks across the blue sky. I began to quicken my pace, and keep up with the eagle's flight, all the while keeping an eye on it, noticing that it was slowly descending toward the earth. I followed it for a long time, its descend not being sudden but very gradual.
Finally I came upon a small clearing, where there were no trees, just some bushes on the edges of the green grass. The eagle landed in the clearing, and began to look around not seeming to notice me.
As I began to wonder what the relevance of this was, a man dressed in white, hands clasped in front of him, appeared beside me, and said, "Be patient, in due time you will see the purpose."
I was silent as I watched the eagle, and was beginning to grow somewhat impatient, when suddenly, it seemed out of nowhere, a brown snake lunged at the eagle, and bit down on its left wing. The snake's strike was very quick and very precise. The eagle reacted without delay, clawing and pecking at the snake cutting deep wounds in its underbelly, trying to defend itself and ward off the serpent. Just as it seemed the eagle was winning the battle, and the serpent was retreating, another serpent appeared, red and black diagonal stripes covering its body, and without hesitation struck out at the eagle's right wing, biting down, and refusing to release. After a momentary tug of war the serpent tore off flesh and feathers, leaving a large wound on the eagle's right wing. The second bite was much worse then the first, and for an instant the eagle was stunned. Then a serpent much larger than the previous two, made up of many colors, slithered toward the eagle, opened its jaws, and lunged, taking the whole of the eagle's head in its mouth before biting down.
The serpents retreated and the man who had been standing beside me, walked to the eagle, knelt down, picked it up, and held it in his cupped hands. The look of grief on his face was beyond any I have seen in my life. Just seeing the look on the man's face broke your heart.
The man continued to look down at the eagle, and with a pained voice said, "The true tragedy, is that at any moment it could have sought the safety of the above, it could have soared toward the heavens and would have found its protection. This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction."
I watched for a long time as the man held the eagle in the palms of his hands, the pained expression never leaving his features. I was too stunned to speak, or ask any questions, what I had seen having seemed so real. The feeling followed me into my waking hours as well, and each time I closed my eyes I saw the entire scene play before my eyes throughout the day.
One thing that I feel I need to share with you is that the second bite seemed to come from an unexpected place. Although I have my own opinion concerning this, I choose to keep it to myself, because expounding on personal opinion is a dangerous thing when it comes to things that God reveals.
I was hesitant in sharing this dream, because I know some will perceive it as a reason to fear. It is not a reason to fear, but a reason to be stirred, and emboldened for the kingdom of God. The reality, is that these are the times we are living in, and I for one am thankful to God for his forewarnings, knowing that His children will never be unaware of what the future holds. All I can do is urge you to be watchful, and diligent in your prayers to the Father.
This nation, today, is more in need of prayer on its behalf than at any time in its history. It is the prayers of His children that compels God to relent, and tarry. Stand in the gap, you are precious in the eyes of God, and He hears your heartfelt supplications.
Joel 2:12-14, "Now, therefore, says the Lord, turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm."
With love in Christ, Michael Boldea Jr.
From: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly/message/ or Michael Boldea, Jr., Hand Of Help Ministries.
203.1 05/2005, Inner Vision, Nuclear Mushroom Clouds — Tony speaking: During the last GOE meeting I had an inner vision. I saw a mushroom cloud, it was close to me, maybe 1/2 a mile away. I felt this was nuclear. My feelings were that it was probably the east coast of the USA. The Lord spoke to me... I'm going to show you things to come...
The next thing I saw was a volcano, it was in a distance from me... about 20 miles, in a valley, was in the stage of eruption...
About one week later in a dream there was talk about an earthquake in a seismic... Outside someone with a rod, I think it was an angel, a volcano behind a school, ...woke up saying it's today... the location I felt seemed to be in the Northwest.
From: Quick notes from Tony_Price@yahoo.com at the GOE Birmingham, AL, meeting during the first week of 10/2005.
204.1 05/13, 2005, Closure Of USA Military Bases, United States Of America Pentagon Proposes Closing Of 33 Major Bases Including 150 Military Installations From Maine To Hawaii, This Is The First Round Of Closures—More Coming! —
Posted 5/13/2005 7:54 AM Updated 5/13/2005 11:25 AM
Pentagon proposes closing of 33 major bases
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon will propose shutting 150 military installations from Maine to Hawaii, including 33 major bases, The Associated Press learned Friday, triggering the first round of base closures in a decade and an intense struggle by communities to save their facilities.
first round of U.S. base closures
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will also recommend a list of scores of other domestic bases from which thousands of troops would be withdrawn, or in some cases added from other installations in the United States or overseas. He has said the move would save $48.8 billion over 20 years while making the military more mobile and better suited for the global effort against terrorism. (Related: Full Pentagon list | PDF with plan details)
Rumsfeld's plan calls for a massive shift of U.S. forces that would result in a net loss of 29,005 military and civilian jobs at domestic installations. Overall, he proposes pulling 218,570 military and civilian positions out of some U.S. bases while adding 189,565 positions to others, according to documents obtained by The AP.
The closures and downsizings would occur over six years starting in 2006.
"Our current arrangements, designed for the Cold War, must give way to the new demands of the war against extremism and other evolving 21st Century challenges," Rumsfeld said in a written statement.
Among the major closures were Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico, which would lose more than 2,700 jobs, the Naval Station in Ingleside, Texas, costing more than 2,100 jobs, and Fort McPherson in Georgia, costing nearly 4,200 jobs.
Other major bases — including the Army's Fort Bliss in Texas, the Naval Shipyard in Norfolk, Va., and Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland — would see gains, as they absorb troops whose current home bases are slated for closure.
Before closures or downsizings can take effect, the Defense Department's proposal must be approved or changed by a federal base closing commission by Sept. 8, and then agreed to by Congress and President Bush, in a process that will run into the fall.
In four previous rounds of closures starting in 1988, commissions have accepted 85% of bases the Pentagon recommended for closure or consolidation. However, this commission's chairman, Anthony Principi, has promised not to rubber stamp Rumsfeld's list.
One major closure Rumsfeld seeks is Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota, home to 29 B-1B bombers, half the nation's fleet of the aircraft, and the state's second largest employer. That would deal a potential political setback to Republican freshman Sen. John Thune, who claimed he would be in a better position to protect the base if he were elected over former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle.
Rumsfeld also recommended closing the Naval Station in Pascagoula, Miss., which barely survived previous base closure rounds. The decision was a blow to Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., who had fought the 1995 round of closures. At stake are 844 military jobs and 112 civilian jobs.
New England took a major hit, and Connecticut suffered the biggest loss in terms of jobs with the proposed closure of the Submarine Base in New London, Conn. Shuttering the installation would result in the loss of 7,096 military jobs and 952 civilian jobs.
Another facility that barely made it through the previous rounds but showed up on the latest hit list was Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine, whose shutdown would affect 201 military jobs and 4,032 civilian jobs.
Base closings also represent a high-stakes political fight, because it affects jobs in congressional districts.
When a U.S. military installation shuts down, its officers and their families are uprooted and relocated to facilities elsewhere, leaving holes in customer bases of local businesses.
Targeted communities, with their well-being on the line, face a long fight to save their bases. Lawmakers, local civic officials and their hired lobbyists, as well as base commanders themselves, will spend the next four months trying to convince the commission that their facilities shouldn't be closed or consolidated.
For years, the military has been operating more bases than it needs for the 1.4 million troops on active duty. Congress has refused to authorize a new round of base closings since 1995 but reluctantly signed off on the idea last year after President Bush threatened to veto an entire spending bill.
Lawmakers say it is unwise to close bases while U.S. troops are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Pentagon argues that the timing is perfect to enlist cost-cutting measures given pressures from the ballooning federal deficit and to reshuffle the stateside network of bases while it works to reshape the entire military.
Closures in 1988, 1991, 1993 and 1995 eliminated or realigned 451 installations, including 97 major ones, resulted in a net savings to the government of about $18 billion through 2001. The Pentagon projects recurring annual savings of $7.3 billion from those four rounds combined.
204.2 05/13, 2005, Closure Of USA Military Bases, United States Of America Pentagon Proposes Closing Of 33 Major Bases Including 150 Military Installations From Maine To Hawaii, This Is The First Round Of Closures—More Coming! —
Posted 5/13/2005 9:37 AM Updated 5/13/2005 10:11 AM
List of proposed closings
The Associated Press
Here is a list obtained by The Associated Press of military facilities the Defense Department recommended for closure Friday. (Related story: Pentagon releases plan | PDF of plan details)
Abbott U.S. Army Reserve Center, Tuskegee; Anderson U.S. Army Reserve Center, Troy; Armed Forces Reserve Center, Mobile; BG William P. Screws U.S. Army Reserve Center, Montgomery; Fort Ganey Army National Guard Reserve Center, Mobile; Fort Hanna Army National Guard Reserve Center, Birmingham; Gary U.S. Army Reserve Center, Enterprise; Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Montgomery; Navy Reserve Center, Tuscaloosa; The Adjutant General Bldg, AL Army National Guard, Montgomery; Wright U.S. Army Reserve Center
Kulis Air Guard Station
Air Force Research Lab, Mesa; Allen Hall Armed Forces Reserve Center, Tucson
El Dorado Armed Forces Reserve Center; Stone U.S. Army Reserve Center, Pine Bluff
Armed Forces Reserve Center Bell; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Oakland; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Bernardino; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Diego; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Seaside; Naval Support Activity Corona; Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, Detachment Concord; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Encino; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Los Angeles; Onizuka Air Force Station; Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant
Sgt. Libby U.S. Army Reserve Center, New Haven; Submarine Base New London; Turner U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fairfield; U.S. Army Reserve Center Maintenance Support Facility, Middletown
Kirkwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Newark
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Orlando; Navy Reserve Center, St. Petersburg
Fort Gillem; Fort McPherson; Inspector/Instructor, Rome; Naval Air Station Atlanta; Naval Supply Corps School, Athens; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Columbus
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Honokaa
Navy Reserve Center, Pocatello
Armed Forces Reserve Center, Carbondale; Navy Reserve Center, Forest Park
Navy Marine Corps Reserve Center, Grissom Air Reserve Base, Bunker Hill; Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Indianapolis; Navy Reserve Center, Evansville
Newport Chemical Depot; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Lafayette; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Seston
Navy Reserve Center, Cedar Rapids; Navy Reserve Center, Sioux City; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Dubuque
Kansas Army Ammunition Plant
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Paducah; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Lexington; Navy Reserve Center, Lexington; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Louisville; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Maysville
Baton Rouge Army National Guard Reserve Center; Naval Support Activity, New Orleans; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Baton Rouge; Roberts U.S. Army Reserve Center, Baton Rouge
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Limestone; Naval Reserve Center, Bangor
Naval Shipyard Portsmouth
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Patuxent River; Navy Reserve Center, Adelphi
Pfc. Flair U.S. Army Reserve Center, Frederick
Malony U.S. Army Reserve Center; Otis Air Guard Base; Westover U.S. Army Reserve Center, Citopee
Navy Reserve Center Marquette; Parisan U.S. Army Reserve Center, Lansing; Selfridge Army Activity; W.K. Kellogg Airport Air Guard Station
Navy Reserve Center Duluth; Mississippi:; Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant; Naval Station, Pascagoula; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Vicksburg
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Jefferson Barracks; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Kansas City; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, St. Louis
Marine Corps Support Center, Kansas City; Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Kansas; Navy Reserve Center, Cape Girardeau
Galt Hall U.S. Army Reserve Center, Great Falls
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Columbus; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Grand Island; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Kearny; Naval Recruiting District Headquarters, Omaha; Navy Reserve Center, Lincoln
Hawthorne Army Depot
New Hampshire:
Doble U.S. Army Reserve Center, Portsmouth; Naval Shipyard Portsmouth
New Jersey:
Fort Monmouth; Inspector/Instructor Center, West Trenton; Kilmer U.S. Army Reserve Center, Edison
New Mexico:
Cannon Air Force Base; Jenkins Armed Forces Reserve Center, Albuquerque
New York:
Armed Forces Reserve Center, Amityville; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Niagra Falls; Carpenter U.S. Army Reserve Center, Poughkeepsie; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Rome; Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Buffalo; Navy Reserve Center Glenn Falls; Navy Reserve Center Horsehead; Navy Reserve Center Watertown; Niagra Falls International Airport Air Guard Station
North Carolina:
Navy Reserve Center, Asheville; Niven U.S. Army Reserve Center, Albermarle
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Mansfield; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Westerville; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Dayton; Mansfield Lahm Municipal Airport Air Guard Station; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Akron; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Cleveland; Parrott U.S. Army Reserve Center, Kenton
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Whitehall
Armed Forces Reserve Center Broken Arrow; Armed Forces Reserve Center Muskoge;
Army National Guard Reserve Center Tishomingo; Krowse U.S. Army Reserve Center, Oklahoma City; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Tulsa; Oklahoma City (95th)
Bristol; Engineering Field Activity Northeast; Kelly Support Center; Naval Air Station Willow Grove; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Reading; North Penn U.S. Army Reserve Center, Morristown; Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station; Serrenti U.S. Army Reserve Center, Scranton; U.S. Army Reserve Center Bloomsburg
U.S. Army Reserve Center Lewisburg; U.S. Army Reserve Center Williamsport
W. Reese U.S. Army Reserve Center/OMS, Chester
Puerto Rico:
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Humacao; Lavergne U.S. Army Reserve Center, Bayamon
Rhode Island:
Harwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Providence; USARC Bristol
South Carolina:
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Charleston; South Naval Facilities Engineering Command
South Dakota:
Ellsworth Air Force Base
U.S. Army Reserve Area Maintenance Support Facility, Kingsport
Army National Guard Reserve Center No. 2, Dallas; Army National Guard Reserve Center (Hondo Pass), El Paso; Army National Guard Reserve Center, California Crossing; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Ellington; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Lufkin; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Marshall; Army National Guard Reserve Center, New Braunfels; Brooks City Base; Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Antonio; Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant; Naval Station, Ingleside; Navy Reserve Center, Lubbock; Navy Reserve Center, Orange; Red River Army Depot; U.S. Army Reserve Center No. 2, Houston
Deseret Chemical Depot
Fort Moore
1LT Richard H. Walker U.S. Army Reserve Center; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Everett; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Tacoma; U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fort Lawton; Vancouver Barracks
West Virginia:
Bias U.S. Army Reserve Center, Huntington; Fairmont U.S. Army Reserve Center; Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Moundsville
Gen. Mitchell International Airport ARS; Navy Reserve Center, La Crosse
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Madison; Olson U.S. Army Reserve Center, Madison; U.S. Army Reserve Center, O'Connell
Army Aviation Support Facility, Cheyenne; Army National Guard Reserve Center, Thermopolis
From: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-05-13-pentagon-list_x.htm.
Successful ICBM Test: Russia has successfully completed a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from a nuclear submarine. The RSM-50 missile was launched from the St. George the Victorious sub from the Sea of Okhotsk recently and hit a target on the island of Kanin in the White Sea. The Russian strategic forces have conducted regular test launches of Soviet-built ballistic missiles to check their readiness.
From: http://www.mosnews.com/news/2005/09/30/submissile.shtml and The Prophecy Club 01/02, 2006 newsletter, "The Crusader."
China - War Games: China recently launched major annual war games in Inner Mongolia, pitting 16,000 troops against each other in a MOCK battle observed by military officers from a record 24 nations. The exercise, code--named "North Sword 2005" was held at the sprawling Zhurihe training base 310 miles northeast of Beijing and marked a major push forward integrated training involving the army, air force, and other branches of the military in battlefield conditions. Observers included officers from the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Australia.
From: http://interestalert.com
and The Prophecy Club 01/02, 2006 newsletter, "The Crusader."
Warship Commissioned: China's navy has commissioned the first in a new class of domestically designed and built warships, official media recently reported. The missile frigate Wenzhou entered service on 09/26, ata ceremony attended by East China Fleet commander Zhao Guojun. A report from an official news source gave no details about the ship, but Western military experts have described it as the first in the 054 Ma'anshan class, representing China's most advanced missile frigates. Along with superior electronics, anti-submarine capabilities, and air defenses, the ships boast sloped, covered sides and a special exterior paint intended to make it move difficult to spot by radar.
From: http://www.newsmax.com
and The Prophecy Club 01/02, 2006 newsletter, "The Crusader."
Censorship Tightened: China recently tightened its censorship of online news services and bulletin boards. Major search engines and portals have been ordered to stop posting unauthorized commentary...
Anyone who violates the rules faces prison.
From: http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/news/20050928/edtwo28.art.htm
and The Prophecy Club 01/02, 2006 newsletter, "The Crusader."
Spying Threat: China's intelligence services are mounting wide--ranging efforts to acquire U.S. technology and are among the most active on nearly 100 nations whose spying has undermined U.S. military advantages. Collection methodologies range from the targeting of well-placed foreign government officials, senior scientists, and businessmen to the exploitation of academic activities, student populations, and private businesses. Spies from nearly 100 nations are working to obtain sensitive U.S. technology, and the top two on the list are Russia and China. Chinese intelligence agents are "very aggressive" in business and at obtaining information through elicitation.
From: http://washtimes.com/functions/print.php?storyid=20050928-112003-8646r and The Prophecy Club 01/02, 2006 newsletter, "The Crusader."
205.1 Vision, Chinese Soldiers In America — I saw men fighting, Chinese.
From: Betty, at Gathering Of The Eagles Meeting in Jacksonville, FL during the end of 04/2005, fathersvineyard@yahoo.com .
206.1 Dream, New World Order & Half Way Through The Tribulation & Many People Are Unaware — I saw a table with many maps of countries in a room that had many books. It seemed cloudy in the room and all around. Then I saw G.W. Bush. He began speaking to me. I asked the state of his business. He said, "Business is good. All our plans are underway for the New World Order." He was proud and showing me what he had had a hand in. Then I heard a voice saying we are "half way through the Tribulation and many people are unaware."
(Note from Dave: If Bush is not assassinated because so many are praying for him and leaves office in 1-20-09, we count back three and one half years we come to around 6-20-05. However, "half way through the Tribulation" is 1260 days and not exactly three and one half years, which would bring it to around 7-20-05. If Martial Law extends Bush's term, and I believe it will, this date is pushed even more into the future. Our brother Nate discovered that the Hebrew Year 5766 = 5 x 7 x 6 x 6 = 1260. The first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation are 1260 days. That year is commonly called 2006 but it actually starts on 10/04, 2005 and ends 09/22, 2006. This could mean that during, or beginning at, 5766 the first half of the tribulation will begin. The sure date of the tribulation is hidden by the Lord so that those who have no love for truth can be deceived as Matthew was told, "half way through the Tribulation and many people are unaware.")
206.2 Bible Code By Al Sutton —
Revelation 6:1-2 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
These words were found in a Bible code matrix:
First Seal - Comet - YEAR 5765 (AD 2005) - YEAR 5766 (AD 2006) - Word of God - 9 Av (08/03, 2006, 08/14, 2005, some other 9 Av?) - Revelation - Archer - Crown - Conqueror - Horseman, rider - Horse - White - Lamb - Thunder - First Beast
I started the search for a possible date for the opening of the First Seal by the Lamb, usually assumed to be the start of the Tribulation, with this matrix. It’s impossible to guess the date from a single matrix, no matter how complex the mathematics for reasons that have been discussed by many authors. There is reason to believe that the date is in our near future. The two years 5765 and 5766 are prominent in this matrix, so I developed a series of matrices to test the possibility of guessing the date based on multiple cases.
(I am skipping a lot of Al’s scientific research here, which can be seen at http://exodus2006.com/First_Seal.htm)
1. Both year dates (2005 and 2006) appear to be significant. AD 2006 is present across the 47 matrices with about 50% higher discovery ratio. I’d put my money on 2006 just from the mathematics. There’s also a potential for a physical explanation for the importance of the year 2005, and it hinges on the word “comet.”
5. Even accepting the limitation of small numbers and a flawed model, the conclusion can be stated very strongly. The First Seal event is likely scheduled for 9 Av 2006 (sunset 08/02 – nightfall 08/03). The Tribulation is about to begin.
(Note by Dave: The White horse rider is clearly the man-child ministry which begins the tribulation.)
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com/whitehorse.htm.
206.3 Dream, Michael Weber, 8th or 9th Month of 2006 — “I had some interesting dreams with you in them last night. One was of you saying that you were getting ready to leave and I remember thinking that I wanted to go too and I had to decide if I was going to go with you. I remember in the dream that I saw an exact date on a sheet of paper but when I try to remember now it is not clear. It seems like the date was the 8th or 9th month of 2006 (08/ or 09, 2006) but I am not exactly sure on that point. I remember seeing your oldest daughter, Deborah, and Justin for sure but there were other people there that I did not know. Toward the end of the dream, we were playing soccer on a soccer field and everyone was dressed in white. I remember you saying to run into the referee who was dressed in the standard black and white outfit. I couldn't figure out why you said that."
(Interpretation by Dave: Everyone has to count the cost of losing our life and decide to pay the price of death to self to enter fully into the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught us that if we don’t lose our life in this world we would not gain our life in Him. We must run into the referee who enforces the rules of the game, Jesus. We must abide in Him constantly and not be as the worldly Christians who are back and forth between abiding in Him and abiding in the world. Soccer is a back and forth war over a black and white ball, which represents evil and righteousness. Like the Philadelphia Church, those who overcome will be all white and a stable pillar in the temple of Jesus. (Rev.3:12) He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more: and I will write upon him the name of my God... The man-child ministry will soon leave the game of back and forth becoming totally owned by Him; having His name (Greek: nature, character, and authority) on them. Then they will be used to bring truth and judgment to the world. Around 09/2006 is when I have been expecting the first-fruits to win their war with the flesh.)
206.4 Vision, Terry Lombardi, I saw a 2006 Calendar In The 9th Month With 06 — Around this same time Terry Lombardi had this Vision. "I saw a 2006 calendar in Sept with 06 circled. I am not sure if the 06 was the year or day but I knew that it was a 2006 calendar."
However this works out friends, tribulation and the end is near. For God and the brethren's sake stop investing your love, time, and money in the world and seek first the kingdom. In the wilderness your treasures that you have stored up on earth, contrary to our Lord's command, will just be golden calf idols that will be wasted. Soon sites and radio programs like ours will be illegal and multitudes will be deceived by the traditions of men waiting for their false covenants and false antichrists before they will believe the tribulation has started. Now is the time to get the truth out. All who know me know that I have never asked for help for myself except from God but I have asked for others because this is scriptural. Like myself, Pastor Bob from Spirit 1 Christian Broadcasting Network ( http://spirit1.us ) works nights, days, and weekends, to get these truths out to the world ( http://www.americaslastdays.com/liveradio.htm ). He is reaching the world by internet transmissions but is believing God for a larger transmitter to reach the whole world by shortwave. Multitudes of AM and FM stations are re-transmitting his feed. I am doing everything I can to help. If God puts it in your heart, help him. Even if we are wrong and God delays this by twenty years you won't be sorry. God bless you. Your servant in Christ, Dave.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by any of the above: The reason for including these regarding the Tribulation possibly starting is that the Invasion of the USA can overlap into the beginning of the Tribulation!]
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com/Trib2006.htm.
207.1 Dream, The Sword Is Coming To Atlanta — We live in Georgia about 40 miles below Atlanta. My husband had a dream about 2 years ago about bombs hitting Atlanta.
There is a black brother in down town Atlanta that ministers on the streets and also takes food and supplies mostly to poor mothers with children who have no income. But they feed whoever they can.
As he has been ministering on the streets, about a year ago he felt in the spirit a strong darkness come over the city. Now Atlanta has always been in darkness, but this was a darkness like none he had ever felt.
He and some of the brothers had noticed that some of the homeless people were disappearing. They have no home and no money, so they wondered why so many of them were gone all of a sudden and no one on the street knew what happened to them. This began to increase greatly.
About 6 months ago maybe a little longer, he and the brothers took food to some poor families in a trailer park. There were a lot of poor families living in the park. As they continued to take food to them every week, they noticed that there were a lot of foreign men moving into the park.
Every week they increased. They were Middle Eastern men, who were posing as Mexicans. Most of them just would not speak at all, but the ones who did, were speaking to the brothers in Spanish and said they were Mexican. Since there has been a great influx of Mexicans in the area some of the brothers had learned some Spanish over the years.
One brother who could speak Spanish well said that his Spanish was better than their Spanish. It is obvious that they are not Mexican, but middle eastern.
The brothers went to the authorities but nothing has been done. They said there was nothing they could do????
Well, several months ago, one of the brothers, started feeling in his spirit to move out of the Atlanta area. He felt that his work was about over there. He felt to search for a place in the Tennessee area. He and his wife even went there, and had decided to move.
Then his wife started changing her mind and started backing out of moving. So this brother became concerned, because he felt he was hearing this from the Lord.
So last week he began to fast and seek the Lord on this issue. Three days into the fast, early in the morning around 4 am, he was awakened. He looked up and there was a light in the room next to the wall at the other end of his room.
Then suddenly an angel stepped out of the light, like he just stepped through the wall. As he stepped from the light into the room, he called the brother by name as he was pulling a sword from it's sheath. The brother said he could hear the metal scraping as he pulled it from the sheath. He raised the sword.
He then said calling him by name, that "The Lord God" had put it into his heart to move from this place, and he was to take his family and move, because the" Lord God" was bringing the sword to this city. " He also said that he must leave soon". He repeated these instructions twice. Then he stepped backed into the light and disappeared.
This brother has never had a visitation like this before. He told his wife. She said that God would have to show her.
Please pray for this family and all of us who are in the area. I believe this might go with the word coming forth about multiple areas being hit before the year is out.
(Note from Dave: The invasion over the borders is preparing America for the fall. The minutemen are trying to close the door after the fox is in the coupe. I hope the brother will obey whether his wife will or not. He should remember Lot and his wife.)
From: http://www.americaslastdays.com/SwordComingToAtlanta.htm.
208.1 06/01, 2005, Dream/Vision (?), Saw Missiles Coming To Destroy Cities On The East & West Coast Of U.S.A. — While at a Prophecy Club meeting in Milwaukee, WI, a lady by the name of Dorene Zuege, of Cudahy, WI, talked with me about a minister she knew, named Tom, of Ziglag Ministries, WI, who related that he just had a dream regarding an attack to the United States of America. She mentioned that he had the dream on 06/01, 2005.
“He said in his dream, he saw missiles coming in destroying cites—East & West Coast, and all across the nation as well.
Before this occurs, another type of terrorist attack, (like 09/11, 2001 was a terrorist attack) will occur.
Dorene Zuege, mentioned she saw a dream, she saw that during the war, what follows a war is famine, and she saw that they were eating children.
KJV:Lamentations {2:20} Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom thou hast done this. Shall the women eat their fruit, and children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?
KJV:Ezekiel {5:10} Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments in thee, and the whole remnant of thee will I scatter into all the winds.
398 Hebrew, 'akal {aw-kal'}, a primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively):—X at all, burn up, consume, devour(-er, up), dine, eat(-er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in...wise(-deed, plenty), (lay) meat, X quite. 2003 © Bible Reader
KJV:Micah {3:3} Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
KJV:Revelation {6:5} And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
{6:6} And I heard a voice in
the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three
measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Tom or Darlene: "And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body (Josephus stood and watched a woman cook her child and eat it. We need to take what God says to us more seriously!), the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee" (Deuteronomy 28:47-53).
"…thine enemies shall distress thee: So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave: So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee…" (verses 53-55). After the Romans had killed hundreds of thousands, they just surrounded the city, waited day by day, and watched hunger work on the people. The hunger set them so crazy that a man would kill his wife and eat her.
The big move of the devil in religion today is to pad the wrath of God. Many of the messages coming forth from the pulpits are about how God loves you with an everlasting love. Certainly, He does; but my friend, what God says in His Word, He means. God's love is manifested in keeping His Word just exactly as He says.
Deuteronomy 28:56-57 continues: "The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter, And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them…" I am talking about tribulation. When we get our God stirred, we have Someone on our hands.
The historians have verified these things in their writings. Josephus said that he stood and watched these things with his own eyes. This was "great tribulation." It was the curse for disobedience and the day of God's vengeance. But another day like this is coming as well! "…except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved…" (Matthew 24:22).
In the past was the literal destruction of Jerusalem. After Jerusalem had been destroyed and the temple had been torn down (not one stone was left upon another), the city was so full of dead, stinking people that the Roman armies started out through Judaea killing everybody everywhere. Jesus had told the Christians to flee to the mountains of Judaea. Josephus said the Romans went up to the very edge of the mountains and God stopped them. If He had not shortened the days of tribulation also in the past it appears there would not have been any flesh left. They would have killed the Christians, but God protected them.
Josephus and other historians tell us that, to their knowledge, there was not one Christian hurt. Why? God gave them a sign. When they saw the sign, they were to flee, and every believer who fled was protected. If you will believe what God tells you, you will be protected by the hand of God too.
Before God pours one vial out on spiritual Babylon (fallen religion & all the other areas of fallen Babylon), He sounds the trumpet and gives every one of His people a chance to flee. He does not want them to suffer the vials of wrath that are coming on Babylon.]
From: Dorene Zuege, Cudahy, Wisconsin.
209.1 06/11, 2005, Prophetic Words, Words For Some Nations & China & America — 1:11 am looked at clock: Just a bit earlier as I was in the living room, I was thinking of my life, and how favor in my life has always been with foreigners and others who are different, even when in the medical field. I was thinking how much I longed to go back into the harvest and to bless those of other nations. As soon as I turned on the computer it read 1:11, so I waited and heard…
“Astonishing things about to happen. Development of new nuclear warheads in Persia are not alone what they have seemed. There is also development of nerve gas that will annihilate whole areas of people which they took from Sadaam. That is what they are up to!
Koreans will not be allowed to continue once China has wind of the truth of their design. Kim Jung Il is quite ambitious and tormented mentally.
There will be a new regime rise up due to the prayers of My sons and daughters for the situation there. The border will open and restoration of families and great harvest will ensue once Kim is removed from power. I am readying My warriors to go forth and proclaim victory. The people of North Korea will be liberated for the sake of harvesting of souls!
Meanwhile China is developing more and more of their own weaponry for their own designs on conquering. Greed fills the hearts of many in power.
But I will overthrow in this hour the futile plans of men and they will fight with each other as they fight for power!
There will be a nuclear attack before end of the year that will remove all complacency in this nation! But that will also lend fuel to nazism that has tried to make progress in this nation. People being beyond reason will blame Israel and Arabs and neither will be safe here after this. Many vigilante retaliations will occur as lawlessness becomes stronger! Fear will grip many hearts. The good part will be that many idols will be torn down by this event and there will be repentance from broken hearts this time, and harvest will ensue as I explode inside My people across the earth. escalation will ensue also with fervor and there will be many storms and earthquakes and flooding and famine will increase again this coming year. Understand the enemy who is the prince of the air is trying to oppose My harvest so speak to the stroms, speak to the earth and winds and do not just accept everything as MY will! Ask ME for instructions and I will speak to you!
India is about to undergo great change and My people there will experience more confrontation, but in that will be a great harvest of souls such as the world has not seen in ages past! I am longing to restore this ancient land from the hand of demons and I will also restore the lands of the east from the dragon of Buddhism. I will slay the dragons with My worship warriors! I will send them into the lands of the east to proclaim the truth, and they will bring with them My very presence that will restore and heal and convict and slay. The dead will rise, and the crippled will walk, the blind will see and all manner of generational curses will be broken and the enemy disarmed. However he will not just sit there and take it! He will arise like fire to try to devour My people! This will be a very difficult time in the ages of the earth and the earth will groan and reel with each birth pangs.
Russia will experience great harvest flooding all the areas of that nation and many will go forth and take other nations like a groom searching for a bride, will they go forth and proclaim liberty to the captives! They will dance with joy inexpressible and overflowing and the enemy within their gates will be arrested. Again at the end of such a great harvesting mid rejoicing will come forth hatred against those who love ME and the hook will be placed in her jaw for My purposes to be fulfilled.
Israel is about to do some about facing! There will be archeological discovery that will humble the nations! There will be oil and a new paradigm of relationship with the world. Men who have bowed to idols will turn in that nation to bow to the One True God! They will be humbled to see what I do to restore before the time changes. The time of the Gentiles is yet unfulfilled. Changes in America will cause many here to make Aliyah and help in building Israel up again. I will make nations jealous for what I do. The prayers of saints in Israel are not ignored! They are working towards a greater glory!
Romania and her dark history will have a reversal of heart. I will destroy the ancient foundations and there will be a flooding of souls into My kingdom in that nation! She has been like a stepchild in Europe, but I will make her My adopted princess and there will be a new hunger for spiritual things as I release My glory in the earth!
Bulgaria, Hungary, and Turkey will have a new paradigm shift in their governments at My instigation that will allow for more freedom to spread the gospel of peace! New regimes will be raised up in many nations at the prayers of My beloveds! Worship Me in the beauty of holiness and wait on Me in My presence oh beloved ones for I will not disappoint you. I long for fellowship and I will heal the deep wounds in you and between you and restore dignity and peace for a time within your borders! New changes will come through much turbulence, but will usher in peace.
I am filled with longing for My bride all across the nations! I am hungry to see My love fulfilled for them. Will you come with Me on a great adventure and leave all the comforts of this world behind for the adventure of a lifetime? I will thrust you forth into the nations with great adventure and great power as I go with you!
From: Priscilla Van Sutphin, www.upstreamca.org, and tearsofthefather@comcast.net
210.1 10/07, 2005, Dream & Vision Visitation, Saw A Vision Of Seven Cities/States In America —Prophet Pat Novak saw a vision of seven cities/states in America, she received pieces and parts. Florida was not on the map, Florida was being hidden, you can't see it...
God showed her seven cities/states in the USA; all were coastline cities/states. Florida gone, "it's hidden, can't see it"; Washington D.C. seat of government; Virginia--coastline; New York City--seat of financial; Seattle, WA--largest port on western seaport; San Francisco, CA--homosexuals, cess pool; and one was Los Angeles; another was the middle of Texas somewhere.
God was showing her strategic, He won't show her what's left after whatever happens... He was showing her before it happens whatever it is.
Prophet Pat Novak was in a meeting with Bobby Connor and Bill Johnson, and she was taken in the spirit/Spirit. She saw a ring of fire that went around the USA, she asked God is this for destruction? The fire was His presence, a wall, huge, could not get over or through; the wall was not consumed; His presence, no longer will it be black or white; they will come together to be one, to serve Jesus.
Jesus said this "God created the black nation for the soul purpose, praisers and warfare experts. Satan saw that and said, I can do something about that; Ethiopia brought in the witchcraft into Africa; blends into voodoo... because Satan is very legalistic, if you don't hit it on the head, things do not always get done!
Slavery in the USA was secondary problem for blacks, they were held back from being praisers and to save the WHITE people...
Satan's plan is to reduce this country; America morally. No more mental institutions, etc... put them to death those kinds of people; also organs will be harvested for others, etc.
Lucifer was God the Father's personal worship leader... before he fell.
Visit to Hell--Prophet Pat Novak spoke about a visit to Hell. She said the part God showed her about Hell was that it was extremely cold, totally of any natural light, only warmth came from kettles or torches of fire. Hell is cut off from God's Presence. Stars, moon and sun are God's lights. Hell, cold as Hell, Lake of Fire, it will be the only ongoing light...
[—Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous; Comment not by Pat Novak: This the second prophetic I have known about Hell being also cold.]
Pat spoke about a pastor alive today, a women, who is a pastor who is in witchcraft now in a Christian church, it appeared somewhere on the east I think she was referring too. The witchcraft she was in was over tithe; a number died over what she was preaching; she locked the church doors and would not let people get out, you could not leave.
From: Prophet Pat Novak, Jacksonville, Florida, at the GOE meeting in Birmingham, Al, during the first week of 10/2005.
211.1 Received in 11/2005, Godly Day Visions, USA Nuclear Explosion — In asking Job about the vision he received from the Lord, he stated basically the following: It appeared to be in the winter when the nuclear explosion occurred; it was in the USA, but he did not know which area of the USA; there was a huge nuclear explosion looking like the mushroom that is seen from such nuclear explosions; he saw the fallout; he saw homes, bridges and highways destroyed and he expressed it affected what appeared to be a lot of people; Job lives now it appears near the LaGrange, Illinois area outside of Chicago, Illinois.
He asked the Lord, “Why is this judgment on this land?” And Job stated that the Lord told him clearly that it was because of homosexuality.
In addition, Job mentioned that in the vision he was carrying one of his sons on his shoulders, and it appears he has two sons. We chatted about which son he felt was the one that he was carrying, and I mentioned to Job that they would be a certain age for him to do that, otherwise they would be too big for him to be doing that. It seem to startle me when I said it to him, because I realized that the son he felt that was the one—well this son was getting to the point that he would be too old to be on his father’s shoulders soon. However, it is possible it was the younger son, but if Job was right that it was the older son, well I saw the older son, and he has but a short time left before he will be to big to be being carried on his father’s shoulders.
From: Job Orjiokej, orjiokej@gmail.com.
212.1 12/2005, Given Over 50 Nationally Published Prophecies, The USA Falling & Military Tanks In The USA Streets —Prophet John Mark Pool has been in ministry for 30 years. He has ministered in Africa, Europe, Mexico, Japan, Israel, and across America. During his ministry he has taught hundreds of people to prophesy the personal Word of the Lord. Prophet John has personally given 50 nationally published prophecies. His message contains three proclamations to America: The Church Must Wake Up; The Church Won’t Fight For Jesus; and The World Is Seeing The U.S. Falling.
Topics include:
n America is groaning from the birth pains, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars.
n Anything that can be shaken will be shaken.
n America is in the early birth pangs.
n The current hurricanes are only small birth pangs.
n The user-friendly crowd, the safe—only church is in for a big surprise.
n The church is returning to the HOME churches.
n Get ready for the shaking and breaking.
The prophecies:
n Earthquakes throughout America in places not expected.
n Mississippi River will drop down and be rerouted toward Alabama.
n Electricity in various places will be shut down.
n Banking institutions will be shut down.
n Gasoline will not flow.
n The American Holocaust will arrive.
n Riots will be in various places.
n The lawless spirit will reign.
n Martial law and the police state will be in effect.
n There will be curfews and military tanks in U.S.A. streets.
From: “The Crusader” magazine, from The Prophecy Club, P.O. Box 750234, Topeka, KS 66675, www.prophecyclub.com.
213.1 12/03, 2005, Godly Dream, War Planes Over America —I met a minister and his wife, at J.T. & B. M.'s wedding on 12/03, 2005 in Harrison, Arkansas and we chatted before the wedding. The wife of the minister reported to me a godly dream she had that she saw invasion planes over the USA, war planes. I did not get her name. But her minister husband also received regarding this subject!
From: Anonymous collector of this prophetic for the invasion of the USA.
214.1 Visions, Long Food Lines & USA Draft — I saw in visions long food lines, Israel divided and long lines for the United States of America draft.
From: Interview with Sieg Kuh, Yeshua’s End Time Watchman, siegkuk@juno.com, 01/14, 2006, in Westchester, Illinois by Jesus Christ's, Apostolic Prophetic Scribe—Anonymous.
215.1 01/27, 2006, Jews—Next Giant Holocaust Soon To Appear — A Rhema word written by Wendy Alec (01/27, 2006) Hurricane Katrina—America I Am Charging You Repent* A Hard Message—A Message Of Flint*
These past weeks—there have been many strong, clear prophetic voices concerning Katrina from America declaring the will of the Lord and I rested in the assurance that that there was no necessity for a surplus voice at this time.
But in an extremely busy period of ministry, suddenly last week I felt the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit over me concerning this matter and I was deeply troubled. I sensed the fear of the Lord upon me and I knew that these could in no way be merely my thoughts or my opinions - it is a fearful and dreadful thing to attribute things to the hand of the Lord of Hosts that are merely our own imaginations.
That too held me off for days—Father—I said—there are enough voices out there speaking to this issue—God said—I want you to speak—And it was a great burden to me because I knew that so many people were suffering so terribly and that this was a hard message and a message of flint—I said—Father—If you really want me to I shall—but I said it with great trepidation over this matter—I also knew that this instance was so important to Almighty God—that I had to be so accurate in the true discerning of his purposes and his intentions.
*Economic Decline* —But the urgency continued—And as we were driving back home from our studios in Washington DC to our home in Virginia—I kept seeing in the sky huge words “ECONOMIC DECLINE” and again “ECONOMIC DECLINE.”
Then I saw an enormous hand that almost covered the sky—and I knew that it was the hand of God Himself and I watched in absolute horror as the hand started to lift itself—and I felt that the Lord said, “I Am About To Lift My Hand From This Nation.”
It was such a terrible sight and a feeling of terrible dread that overtook me that I panicked—and I said, “Oh Father, NO! You can’t lift your hand from America, America loves you, America serves you, I beg you. Don't lift your hand from America.” And God said, “REPENT”...
*“America, I Am Charging You ‘REPENT’”* —And I said, “Father, we are repenting for the decadence of New Orleans, the body of Christ in America is responding dramatically to this wake up call, both in mobilizing aid and assistance and also in repentance across the nation for the complex and many issues that we as the body of Christ understand led to this disaster.”
*Two Great And Festering Boil* —Then I saw an awful thing. It is an unpopular and controversial message, I know.
*The First Boil—New Orleans* —I saw a great and festering boil in New Orleans and the surrounding area that had burst and the puss was still oozing and the Lord said, “Yes, it is true, my body is repenting for many of the symptoms and the reason that this boil was able to fester in such a violent manner in this area,” and the words came: decadence, homosexuality, lasciviousness, lawlessness, racism, pride, Sodom and Gomorrah; all of which I could see were boiling and festering in the heart of the boil, but then I saw a small tip of a very sharp needle move towards it, and the very instant that the tip of the red hot needle barely even touched the centre of the boil, the boil erupted with violence because of all the toxic material and poison already boiling inside.
And it was such an insignificant move, with a seemingly insignificant tool, but it was the hand of the Lord that caused the boil to erupt.
*The Second Boil—The Middle East And Gaza Disengagement* —And then the Lord said, “In the same manner, Americas role in the disengagement of Gaza, has been as a red hot needle to the boil in the Middle East, I Hold My Church In America Accountable.
To the majority of my body in America, it has been a disregarded and insignificant move, they have viewed it as a needle, of little effect, but it has pierced the boil of the Middle East and I saw the words: Unleashing, Bloodlust, Vengeance, Power, Lust, Greed, Covenant/Pack of Death, Holocaust.
*An Ignition Key Condoned By The Church That Loosed The Hordes Of Hell * —And somehow I sensed that the fruit of this act by the American Government, was somehow an Ignition Key that had opened the door to release the hordes of hell and satanic princes to execute a timeline in the Middle East that would speed up the times of the hunters and pave the way for the next Holocaust, and yet the Church in America, had stood almost voiceless, bound by passivity and A Spirit of Stupor.
And then I saw a terrible thing, I saw millions of Christians all across the United States of America, with their hands raised, worshipping the Lord, their faces rapt in worship all across the nation, their bibles in hand, dressed in Sunday best, their families seated at their side, and then I heard horrific chilling screams and then I saw right next to them concentration camps and the scenes of the holocaust and although the screams were literally bone chilling and the people were screaming for help, not one of those in the churches even turned their head to look, it was as though a spirit of passivity and stupor had overtaken them.
And the Lord said, “This is what my Church did during the holocaust as the Jews in Europe burned. They raised their hands and they worshipped me. And this is what My Church have done today once more by their omission of not speaking out as My voice to the government for My people Israel.”
*Expediency, The Oil* —Expediency, and the Lord showed me “Oil” and He said, “Americas oil became a target because America sold the nation of Israel out for oil.”
(Definition not by Wendy Alec but the dictionary: Expediency = Convenience (?)
And He said, *“I Am Charging America—Repent For Your Sins Against My People Israel.”*
I said, “O Father, many people will have a hard time believing that the hurricane in New Orleans is connected with the roadmap and Israel.”
And God said again, “I Am Charging America—Repent For Your Sins Against My People Israel.”
“For I am stirred up with wrath—says the Lord, that my people have been forsaken and that my people Israel have been abandoned. For the voices that whisper “peace, peace,” says the Lord God of Hosts, “are not my voices, and the voices that sue for peace in the Middle East at this time—sue for expediency” says the Lord.
For I have heard the conversations, in the hidden places of the earth. I have heard the whispers and the strategies and the political expediencies, and my anger has been stirred on behalf of my people Israel, and yes even voices in my church arise and say, ‘peace, peace’ but I tell you, that peace is far from thee and that disaster is near.
For my hand has been stayed, but my hand can be stayed no more. For I tell you America, that I called you to protect and to preserve and to be as salt to the nation of Israel, yet you have instigated a covenant of death.
And yet you say that all is well, and yet you say that all is good, and you say, ‘we are a good friend of the nation of Israel,’ and yet it is under your watch and it is in this timing and in this season, that my people have been betrayed.
And where is the man and where is the woman and where is the Church that would stand up for my purpose?
For my purpose is not your purpose O Church. And my plans and purpose are not your plans and purpose for the nation of Israel.
And yet you nod and yet you smile and yet you say among the churches of America, ‘It is well and good.’ And I tell you this day America, ‘I hold you in the scales for what is about to come upon my nation Israel.’ And you have been found wanting!
And yet you say, ‘It is not popular to address these things, let us walk in wisdom and let it be,’ and yet by your very omissions, you have granted the enemy the power to rule. And I hold you accountable for the omissions of My church America.
For all is not well says the Lord, and all is not good. For I have seen the commissions and the dealings—for the oil and for the wealth of nations that have changed hands behind secret doors, and I have seen the cloaking and the hidden agreements that laid the foundations for the pact of death, yes, ‘even in the Whitehouse’ I have seen and I have heard, and My hand is against it and yet you say America supports Israel, but I tell you Church ‘that this next season lies at America's door—and I call you America Repent, I call you America Repent. Repent for the forsaking of my people for expediency—Repent!”
And somehow I knew that even as President Bush espoused the deals between Israel and America, that I sensed the huge outcry against him and against his office in the wake of Hurricane Katrina—was a warning from Almighty God to repent at the highest levels of government before his office was rejected by God himself.
(Please understand how hard this is for me to write as I have always been a strong advocator of this Presidency but it seemed as though I saw him seated at his desk, and when it came to issues of Israel I saw a black blindfold that completely covered his eyes and was tied tightly at the back of his head, and also that his ears were stopped by a cacophony of sounds, I saw a huge vice literally pressurizing him down and then I saw that only the Church had the capacity to lift this terrible weight of the vice away from crushing his shoulders and chest, the vice was the pressure bought to bear upon him re the issue of Israel “Public Opinion, Status Quo, Expediency—Oil” and I realized that the Lord was not holding President Bush accountable alone, but was holding the Church accountable because they were the called ones with the ability to lift the pressure of the vice off the Presidents neck by their own strong voice being lifted up in America—but there was hardly a whisper of the churches voice, only a few lone voices reached the presidents ear, but the words more often than not seemed to be stolen away by buzzing gnat like looking creatures before they could actually take root, and the President continued to be crushed by the weight and pressure of the vice.)
And then my attention was drawn to another strange and almost insignificant fact, and yet suddenly it seemed to be not at all insignificant, it was the fact that Condeleeza Rice—the voice and the Whitehouse vocal propagator of the disengagement of Gaza and the roadmap was born in the South in Alabama, and was at a church service grieving for her people. And I knew that the pain she had felt for her people was a shadow to what the God of Israel felt for the Nation of Israel. And somehow with a terrible certainty I felt it was connected—a direct result of judgment.
And I felt the burden and the grief—this time of the Lord Jesus Christ, for all the dispossessed and the homeless and the grieving in New Orleans. And how He loved them and grieved for them. And then He showed me, “The entire body of Christ in America who were mobilizing aid and assistance and prayer and support in the most incredible manner.” And I knew this was in His eyes truly noble and honorable and that the Church has yet to shine and will still be a tremendous witness in this hour, but then He said weeping, “My Church have been blinded and sidelined as to the real issue at stake here, and therefore are excluding it from their view.”
And I frowned at the Lord, looking back to the horrific scenes on the Gulf Coast—the total focus of my attention being there also. And I saw Jesus literally walk in front of the people trying to move their attention from the horrific scenes of the New Orleans disaster onto the scenes of the future—of the dying screaming people of the second holocaust, and He was weeping, and as the congregations noticed Him, they would smile at Him, some even clutched onto Him, but all seemingly without exception had their total focus on the present disaster in America, not even recognizing that the major connection with judgment was the action of the American Government to ISRAEL and the horror of the turning of the Ignition Key that would lead to a unimaginable—a holocaust worse than the first holocaust in years to come.
And then the Lord talked of conversations from some in His church that were saying, “It must be the Lord in Israel—He has allowed the Gaza disengagement.” And I realized that I too was guilty of this talk, and of this omission over the disengagement of Gaza—not realizing the enormity of the consequences, the tiny red hot needle that seemed so insignificant yet was the initiator of a covenant of death. Finally Jesus stood quietly watching this huge congregation who were so wrapped up in the necessary and the noble but also wrapped up in their own spiritual experience. Then quietly he walked away, and He walked over to the Jews in the second Holocaust and stood with the dying and the screaming and the burning, tears streaming down His face.
If we—as the Body of Christ forget the cause of Israel—We have truly forgotten the cause of Jesus Christ Himself.
I charge you beloved America, let us not lose the Hand and the protection of Gods covering. Let us not continue to walk in the sins of omission.
Let us repent before it is irreversible.
Fruits of Repentance:
1. America will be reprieved from a devastating economic decline
2. America will remain under the protection and hand of Almighty God, especially the Church in America
3. If the Churches voice on the matter of Israel rises—The power of this united voice can stop the 'covenant of death' in its tracks and the situation can be reversed before it is irreversible. It is not too late in the spirit realm, we as the Church of Jesus Christ can still change destiny in the earth
From: God's prophet Wendy Alec, http://www.unknownprophet.com/index2.html.
216.1 03/2006, Vision, Chicago Will Be Bombed At Some Point In The Future & Probably When The Invasion Of The USA Occurs—
----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah Whiteside
Sent: Sunday, 03/19, 2006 5:48 PM
Subject: "Chicago will be bombed, it appears in the Invasion of the USA when it occurs in the very near future."
"... FYI—In a recent mailing (e-mail) it was mentioned that Chicago was going to be bombed. My husband (Samuel—Christian) had told me several days earlier that when he was driving he looked up into the sky and saw the bombing.
The Lord told him not to worry because we would not be in it.
When I gave him a copy of the prophecy (there are other prophecies from God about Chicago going to be bombed at some point in the hear future) he knew it was right because it bore witness with his vision.
God bless you richly, Sarah
From: Samuel’s wife, Sarah Whiteside, in an e-mail dated: 03/19, 2006.
217.1 Godly Vision, I Saw New York—I saw New York nuked, devastated, Bridge before Lincoln Tunnel.
From: Caroline Johnson, tabernacle1967@sbcglobal.net.
218.1 Godly Dreams & Visions, Invasion Of The United States, Russia And China — “In my dreams, I was shown a "Surprise Attack" that comes from the "North" On America—they—the enemy will use tactical nuclear weapons. In the opening surprise attack, the U.S. Air Forces will suffer greatly by a "New Tactic." The U.S. Navy Fleets will be destroyed at sea and all that is in reserve will be "Hard Boiled.”
KJV:Jeremiah {50:41} Behold, a people shall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:48} Then the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the LORD.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:58} Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary.
KJV:Revelation {17:16} And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
KJV:Revelation {18:8} Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
To: in4jesusnow2008@msn.com
Sent: 03/21, 2006 8:09 PM
Subject: A little book of dreams; America—Babylon—Harlot, by David W. Kocurek, Sr.
Dear Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father, Please help me to convey to your people in these last days those things You have shown me in my dreams. With the help of the Holy Spirit of truth. That those days don’t catch any unawares—in Jesus name I ask, Amen.
Now many are beginning to see a part of the bigger picture in these last days. The Lord showed me in my dreams and visions as well—mine are of (Babylon—America—Harlot). Yes, many others have their own confirmation and their dreams and visions that are also biblical. I believe many are given a piece of Gods great puzzle in these last days before His sure biblical return. I personally take them all—dreams and visions seriously that others have shown me regarding these last days. Here are just a few the Lord gave me of dreams. In the last days, He said He would give dreams and visions—Joel 2:28. Now a watchman has to show what he sees—so grab your Bibles please and read Ezekiel 33:1—20 to find out why.
{33:1} Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
{33:2} Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:
{33:3} If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
{33:4} Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
{33:5} He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.
{33:6} But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
{33:7} So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.
{33:8} When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
{33:9} Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
{33:10} Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?
{33:11} Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
{33:12} Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth.
{33:13} When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it.
{33:14} Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right;
{33:15} If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.
{33:16} None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.
{33:17} Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal.
{33:18} When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.
{33:19} But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.
{33:20} Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.
Introduction Of These Dreams, “Little Book Of Dreams” — In my dreams, I was shown a "Surprise Attack" that comes from the "North" on America, they—the enemy will use tactical nuclear weapons. In the opening surprise attack, the U.S. Air Forces will suffer greatly by a "New Tactic." The U.S. Navy Fleets will be destroyed at sea and all that is in reserve will be "Hard Boiled." Perhaps by "nuclear torpedoes."
"World War 3 "breaks" between America and the Russia and China Alliance. Mass invasion of the U.S. Pacific North West happens to include Canada, and a huge land war starts.
Then things get real ugly, one of the Hawaiian Islands falls to the Chinese. I seen a “line” start in the Artic Ocean between Canada and Alaska, all of Alaska falls to the enemy. With western parts of Canada as well like parts of the Yukon territory and British Columbia, south down the Rocky Mountains to Montana, around Glacier National Park then straight south down into Idaho—Nevada down and up to Southern Oregon border then west to the Pacific Ocean.
War is Hell. The military drafts every one, from young boys to old men, many battles and much looting. War—with everything that goes with it—it becomes a battle of life and death.
America fights back, pushes the enemy out. Great differences of “opinions” rise among the "Governors of America," whether or not to continue the World War over seas, "Civil War" breaks out in America?
Then the unthinkable—ICBMs of the enemy, rains down on U.S. Coastal cities from Alaska down to Southern California.
I received a very detailed "dreams set" from the Lord; so as a watchman, I send it to you. Now what you do with this information is up to you brothers and sisters of America. As for me, Jesus is my refuge, my rock, and my salvation—without Him, all is lost.
A Few Words — But listen, I by no way wish for any of these things to happen. I would rather everyone come to the full knowledge of Jesus and be saved. The sin in "America and the world" has exploded into a great mess, and is self evident; everywhere you look sin abounds in great wickedness. We have a just God who warns us about these things. So we can repent and turn back to the Lord. Now it doesn’t matter to me if these things don’t come true or not, I hope they don’t. But my heart convicts me to send these dreams out, so I do.
Whatever the Lord chooses for chastisement or judgment upon America—Babylon—Harlot, that is up to Him—God and His will. May God’s will be done.
The clear message here is "repent and return to the Lord thy God and accept the salvation of our Savior Jesus." Jesus is the purpose of all biblical prophecy. He is “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Today and now is the right time for His free gift of salvation and eternal life. John 3:16, I am not perfect and need Jesus as my personal Lord and savior just like everyone else. I encourage you to seek Him, "Jesus" with all your mind, heart and soul. Search His true “words in the Bible.” Learn of your personal place in Him and of your eternal destiny with Him. Remember, Jesus loves you, and He is “our place of refuge” in these last days. Psalms 91, keep the faith. Much love, your brother in Jesus, David W. Kocurek, Sr.
Please remember, God won’t let the wicked rule forever. And God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked and neither should we. For He said that we should love one another even as He loved us, so out of love, I write to you.
The Beginning, “Surprise Attack On America” — I dreamed I was in Klamath Falls, Oregon (my hometown). I was with my wife and we had apparently just bought a piece of property with a home that needed some work. The grass was over grown up to my waist, there was some dry wild wheat growing, so to me it was fall? I just felt happy that I finally had a home of my own. We walked around to the back of this home and was talking about how we would fix the fences and mow the grass, etc. It was a partly cloudy day but was warm and nice. Klamath is known for its sunshine and warm days, it is called the city of sunshine.
Then looking "North" up in to the sky, I saw a strange pair of signs, “one above of the other.” Much like a weatherman puts on his screen. These were “two lightning bolt signs,” one on top of the other; they were huge and suspended there in the sky in the "North." As I was trying to figure out the meaning of these things I was witnessing, I saw "3" all white military jets coming out of the "North," flying slowly, 3 abreast, but about 50 yards apart. “Note, I don’t know if I heard this in my ears or in my mind, but I heard that the U.S. Air force was destroyed by a "New Tactic;" and when they reached above us, suddenly a bolt stuck close by about 15 yards away, this startled me and I grabbed my two little children by the hand and was yelling at my wife, but she only stared South with her mouth wide open in shock at whatever she was seeing southward. Then another lightning bolt stuck even closer by us, about 5 yards away. Then I turned to run, and saw another strange thing, I saw “3 all white geodesic dome tents, shelters?” I ran with the two little ones inside one, the floor was dirt, sunk; it was as if it was 1 foot counter sunk?
I looked out to my wife and was yelling at her to come in but it was as if she couldn’t hear me; she just kept looking South in shock with her mouth open. ~End Dream~
Now I thought, “Wow, a surprise attack on America from the North?” and the U.S. Air Forces destroyed by a “New Tactic?” It was all so powerful and real, but what did those two lightning bolts in the sky mean (?), and the two that struck close by us?
The Lord showed me a few days latter, while bringing in groceries I looked at the TV and to my surprise was this “same lightning bolt” sitting on the arm patch of a U.S. soldier being interviewed on a “talk show?” I ran to turn it up in time to hear the talk show lady ask him, “What do you do, what is your specialty?” He then pointed to this “Military Lightning Patch” and said my specialty is in "Tactical Nuclear Weapons." This is just one of many ways the Lord has confirms these dreams to me, and so I don’t take these things lightly, and I pray you don’t either.
Note: Klamath is home to a Military Air Base.
But little did I know, the Lord was not done with me, He had much more to show me.
I believe with God all things are possible, and I know He doesn’t play games, He means what He says, so I never doubt him. His biblical Word never lies, (Babylon—America—Harlot) as you know in the Bible—also attacked from the "North" like in Jeremiah 50:41 and 51:48.
KJV:Jeremiah {50:41} Behold, a people shall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:48} Then the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the LORD.
US Navy Destroyed And A Talk With The U.S. Admiral — I dreamed I was in a room full of reporters talking to a “top U.S. military man at a desk.” They were talking about the latest sex scandal to hit that branch of the military. The reporters were cruel and very insinuating in their questioning, even to go as far as to insinuate this officer himself, but in my heart I knew they were wrong, so I felt sorry for him. I went over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and said, it will be “ok” General. Then he turned and gave me a dirty look, it was then I realized my mistake, for he wasn’t a U.S. General but that he was a U.S. Admiral for the U.S. Navy (they don’t like that sort of thing).
Then I found my self at a U.S. Naval shipyard, I was with this U.S. Navy Admiral. I was watching many military people running to and fro. So I asked the Admiral what was going on? He turned to me and said, “Our U.S. Naval Fleets were all destroyed at sea and so we had to hurry and get these other ships up and running as fast as possible.” So I volunteered to help.
The next thing I remember is I found myself in the lower boiler room of this old U.S. Aircraft Carrier. The boiler was old and rusted. I opened it to see if I could get it up and running. I looked inside and saw cold ashes. So I took a shovel and stirred the ashes a bit, but then I saw a strange thing, in the ashes was about 3 very large eggs in there, that were cooked? As I wondered what in the world was this? Then, the Admiral came over to me this time and put his hand on my shoulder and said, "It’s no use, son—all we have in reserve is “Hard Boiled.” ~End Dream~
Wow, I thought—this is too uncanny. Modern military tactics for taking on any country in today's world is to eliminate its air and sea powers first, just like we saw in the Gulf War. But I wondered if it is possible for such an attack from the "North" on great America? Then the Lord gave me this dream.
U.S. Military War School — I dreamed I was outside at some U.S. Military War school for Officers in training—where they teach “War Tactics” and the like. It was somewhere in Eastern U.S.A.; the base or school looked very nice and well kept, the lawns were green and mowed, and the trees and bushes all looked well trimmed and the place was very nice. I saw a young military man resting and sitting on the curb. So I went to ask him this question about “the possibility of America being attacked from the North,” and ask him what he thought about it.
He said, “Oh Yes! It is possible, in fact a U.S. Admiral had even written about America’s weakness ‘in this area in the Northern parts,’” and was not pleased about it. While he said this, I got the impression that they are all well aware of this fact. Even this young military tactician knew this. ~End Dream~
America’s weakness in the North, is confirmed to me by this dream. But I wondered about those words used by that U.S. Admiral when he said to me, “All we have in reserved was "Hard Boiled.” I thought nuclear warhead attack, maybe? What did he mean by this? Then the Lord gave me this dream.
Russian Navy Shipyard — I dreamed I was at a Russian Navy shipyard in the western part of Russia. There were a large amount of Russian ships of war and submarines at the docks. I saw Russian sailors in their uniforms going to and fro about their daily duties. But no one seemed to notice me watching? I observed, a young Russian sailor loading things into this submarine—when he looked up at me and then quickly looked around to see if anyone else was watching, then waved at me to come and see something he wanted to show me.
I met him at the bottom of the ramp that went to this sub, to the dock. Then again, he then looked around to see if anyone was watching, he motioned me over to a pallet covered over with an old cloth tarp and he then pulled it back to let me see what was under it. What I saw and knew it to be, were "two nuclear tipped torpedoes," that were going to be loaded on this Russian submarine. These two torpedoes looked old style, encased in a metallic looking casing—almost lead in color. They looked “permanently sealed” so no one could take them apart (?). They were old and looked tarnished, but nonetheless, I knew in my heart that they were both “live and very lethal (deadly).” ~End Dream~
Now I understood, that what the Lord was saying to me in these dreams was that indeed, “America would be attacked.” But I know enough to know, that you just don’t attack America, the “Land of Pride” like this and not have a follow-thru plan. What was next?
I had no idea, what the Lord was about to show me next in my dreams? To me and you, we know such a surprise attack on America—would by “no doubt start World War Three—WW3.”
In Revelation, chapter 6, the 4 horsemen are released, taking “peace from the world” and “bringing war, famine and Hell.” What a very dark time this will be for the world; reread Revelation, chapter 6 with WW3 in mind, but no “doubt.”
Jesus is our only hope. Once this starts, you know many things will get way out of hand with much destruction and dieing that war brings with it, and on American soil to boot? That’s right!
What, are we as Americans in our “blinding pride,” worshiping our Liberty Bell—to say, we (USA) are invincible and indestructible (?), and no one can touch us?
Please let me assure you, our homes are made of wood and they will burn, our bodies are flesh and they will bleed, so make no mistake about it.
What is more important is not this in these last days, but rather “it is your soul that Jesus alone can save,” John 3:16. You know, it is as if this alone wasn’t enough to cause one to repent let alone a whole Nation to return to the Lord their God (???). But America the whole “Land of Pride,” repenting and returning to the Lord (?), all 300 million or so (?), hmmm—now be honest. Now lets continue with what we all know would follow such an event and what I saw in other dreams.
The U.S. Draft — I dreamed I was outside on some type of military base standing in a long line of draftees. I was at the end of this line and knew I was drafted into the war. This line went from were I was outside, down a sidewalk into a building. I was just waiting my turn to be processed in the Army. As I was waiting, I looked at another line and in that line of draftees were young boys, ages 12 and 13 perhaps. This startled me, I thought to myself, “This war must be really bad if the U.S. Army was drafting even young boys?” So I tapped the guys shoulder in front of me and asked him, “Where is this place; what is this place called?” He turned to me for a second and said, “This is "Fort Hood, Texas.” ~End Dream~
Now I have never been to Texas, and never heard of Fort Hood, Texas before, so I looked on the map and couldn’t find it, but I didn’t give up there. I went on the Internet and the world-wide-web, typed in "Fort Hood Texas." And before my very eyes, there it was. It is indeed a real place, if you have the Internet—check it out for your self. This U.S. Base is a small city of its own, but it is huge covering hundreds of miles, in just one U.S. mega military base. Now how much more of a confirmation does one person need than that? I sure don’t! Surely a world—war of this magnitude—coming to America, will cause a military draft. Fort Hood is big enough to handle thousands of draftees—with no problem at all.
Montana—Front Lines — I dreamed I was in Montana, I was a bus driver. It was my job to shuttle U.S. soldiers from the frontlines in Western Montana to the state capitol for “R and R” (rest and relaxation). Now what was strange about it was that these U.S. soldiers wore civilian clothes, and they were all quiet and not saying a word: no smiles, no conversation, nothing! I thought to myself, things must be really bad on the frontlines to have these men act like this. So I didn’t ask, for their faces told the whole story. But I thought maybe when we get to town and they get hot shower, and a hot meal they would loosen up a bit?
The next thing I remember is we had arrived and were in the shower and locker room of some school? But even then, these men said “not a word.” You could have heard a pin drop. Some heavy set man, leaned over and whispered and commented something about the demeanor of the troops? But all I could do was look at our soldier’s hopeless blank faces. I felt sad, and that perhaps we just might loose this war because the signs all looked bleak. ~End Dream~
There are many looks that men can have, but this is “one look” I hope we will not have to see, but according to this dream we will see it on faces! What would cause such “a blank stare” of these beloved soldiers defending our own country? It is not hard to envision my friends, for war is not a game, it is not super Nintendo or X-Box. When you get shot, your game is over, no second or third man or reset button; no special armor or super powers; just “flesh and bone against—flesh and bone.” War is carnage (killing) at its cruelest, not only does it scar the body, but also the mind and the heart, if you let it. Perhaps these men just had to shut these two parts down: the mind and the heart, to protect their own sanity.
War is an insane cruelty in reality, and a matter of “Life and Death.”
Oh people of America, when will you return to Jesus your beloved Savior? Will you do it now, or will you do it in a foxhole on the frontlines, or will it be to late? So please don’t wait—Jesus and His eternal salvation is just a prayer away. There are thousands of churches who make “the alter call to salvation” in Jesus’ name every week in America. Don’t you feel the Lord knocking at your heart—saying, “Come drink of His eternal salvation and water of life, freely?” Revelation 22:17
KJV:Revelation {22:17} And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 2003 © Bible Reader
Stopping The Enemy, Nevada — I dreamed I was in with a military unit of 20 men, walking north in the Central Nevada desert to stop the enemy advance, south in this area. We all had M-16 rifles but wore civilian clothes. There is not much in the desert but a few small and short cactus and brushes, only a few inches high, mostly barren and dry. As we walked up this desert valley, I noticed the ridges on either side of us running north and south, it seemed peaceful and almost surreal.
Then the peace was shattered by the sound of enemy machine gun chatter just in front of us. I hit the dirt and could see the enemy in foxholes about 50 yards apart in a line out front, across this valley; there were two men per foxhole with one main machine gun. One would fire while the other kept feeding the gun ammunition. So I returned fire from my rifle, sending a full clip back at them. As I rolled to my side to retrieve another clip of ammo, I noticed the rest of the men in my unit had found a small knoll (hill) and was moving to that safer position. So I quickly got up and followed them there, as I got behind this small hill the gun fight had stopped.
As I looked, some of the men in our unit were already at the top of this hill, and were keeping up good relations with the enemy—by chanting “choice words” and showing American sign language and some even barred all, and did the reverse bow, mooning the enemy below, crazy bunch—I couldn’t help but laugh. ~End Dream~
Now, we were just blessed it seemed that no one in our unit caught a bullet—but in our happiness—to have finally stopped, the enemy unscathed. We had to send them our worn American welcome of course. Some times it helps to find the humor in any situation, it breaks the tension, I only hope the enemy brought their film. ~End Dream~
Klamath Falls, Oregon: No Stopping Them There —I dreamed I was in Klamath falls, Oregon and I was outside in the street and a group of people were gathered around a make shift table made of plywood with maps. They were discussing the fact that the enemy had taken Medford, Oregon and was coming east to Klamath over the Cascade Mountains. There were no military present, just a civilian resistance group of locals doing their best to defend their town, such as the mayor and other local civilians.
Then some young man came running up to the group and said that the enemy didn't take the route that they expected, and so the civilian plan to stop them—was null in effect. ~End Dream~
This is my hometown (Klamath Falls, Oregon), so this dream bothered me greatly as you could understand. So I went to the Lord in prayer of course. The prayer went something like this, “Lord, ‘What should I do? Lay an ambush—fight—create a resistant group to repel the invading army, what?’”
In my heart I heard these words, “No, you can not stop them. I have plans for the people of Klamath.” Yikes, I thought! But the Lord is right, if He sends an army against a city—who can stop Him? May His perfect will be done—not mine. When God has its hand on one shoulder of a city, it is time for us—His people to let go of the other. ~End Dream~
Behind Enemy Lines: Medford & Eugene, Oregon; Oil—The Enemies Weakness — I dreamed I was outside in the hills just south of Medford, Oregon. I was behind enemy lines and I was with one other person as an American guerilla fighter in a resistance against the enemy. We wore civilian clothes and had enemy weapons—AK-47s rifles. We were walking slowly and very cautiously among the tree line heading east. Then we wondered across a strange site, in the middle of the forests. I saw a small round steel street type man hole cover. I walked up to it and it had these words written on it in steel, “Oil—Eugene, Oregon” (?). I opened it up and looked down into its dark hole and could see that indeed Oil was around its rim; like it was some type of oil depository site?
The next thing I remember is, that I found myself alone, standing outside on a deserted suburb street in Eugene, Oregon; even farther behind enemy lines. I saw many U.S. homes that were all Looted with broken windows, and garbage, and peoples stuff everywhere? But there was no sign of U.S. public people anywhere. I wondered about them, and realized the enemy must have done something with them or they escaped? But now it was all empty, I grew terrified because I was all alone, so I ran into one of these looted homes for cover. I knew that if I were caught, the enemy would not be merciful.
I was standing in the living room of this looted house, and garbage, and peoples things—who once lived there—were all over the floor. Most of the furniture was gone, the windows were broke out, someone robed and tore this place up—like all the homes I saw. Then while looking down among the things on the floor, I saw some strange things. I saw about 20 or so leather belts with shoulder straps like you see the major communistic militaries have and their soldiers wear with their long trench coats; clear signs of the enemy who held this city.
Then I spotted movement out the front broken window next door in the backyard. It was a single Russian soldier in camouflage uniform in someones back tool shed, trifling around? My heart started pounding, I didn’t want to be spotted in broad daylight behind enemy lines alone. I wanted to run and hide, but for some reason it was like I kept floating closer and closer to him, so close I could see the exceptions on his face. I realized he couldn’t see me—so I observed him for a few minutes. He was about 25 years old, with short dark black hair. He looked worried, I got the feeling things were not going good for him or his army. I felt he was short of re-supply, and was out fending for himself to make ends meet. ~End Dream~
Oil—Is Any Modern Days Military's—Mechanized—Life Blood — Without it, it’s war machine comes to a stand still; for no re-supply is possible. Oil, is key to any war; cut this off from the enemy and he will be helpless, and this was what I got from this dream; but also, my fear of them was justified: read Jeremiah 51:42, for they show no mercy. I wondered about the civilians too, read Jeremiah 51:22—23. I saw much looted homes, read Jeremiah 50:10, 26—27. There is only one "Land of pride" these days in all the world and that is America, read Jeremiah 50:32. I think our idol of liberty (the Liberty Bell) will be also punished, read Jeremiah 51:44; very disheartening I know.
KJV:Jeremiah {50:26} Come against her from the utmost border, open her storehouses: cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly: let nothing of her be left.
{50:27} Slay all her bullocks; let them go down to the slaughter: woe unto them! for their day is come, the time of their visitation.
KJV:Jeremiah {50:32} And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:22} With thee also will I break in pieces man and woman; and with thee will I break in pieces old and young; and with thee will I break in pieces the young man and the maid;
{51:23} I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his flock; and with thee will I break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of oxen; and with thee will I break in pieces captains and rulers.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:42} The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof.
{51:43} Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:44} And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.
Hunting Chinese—I dreamed I was in Sacramento, California, and I was in a U.S. military unit of 20 men. We all wore civilian clothes but had M16 rifles. We were patrolling the neighborhoods of the city, and walking down a street lined with homes, it was a nice warm day. Our job was to keep the city safe from any possible enemy that might be around or any trouble that might be. As we were walking, up ahead at some apartment buildings I could see a big commotion up ahead, with a lot of screaming, etc. Fearing the enemy, I called in an air strike, I saw the camouflaged jet swoop in low and then quickly pull up and away "without" dropping his pay load. Good thing too, because when we neared it, it turned out to be just some drunk man on the third floor in a big domestic dispute upsetting the whole apartment complex sending them screaming into the streets. I thought it was as if some of the public just didn’t understand the dangers of war on our own soil?
The next thing I remember, we were mobile riding in older military vehicles, they looked like an older WW2 barrel, from a Sherman Tank mounted on the front—like a make shift open air tank. We were told that the enemy Chinese had gotten into California from the coast and had gotten as far as the hill south of Sacramento and were hiding in the hills. Also, that they had captured one of the Hawaiian Islands. So we were out hunting Chinese.
(Then I was shown a short vision within this dream, of the place they got in. I saw a very small coastal town from the air. It indeed looked small with just one dock. Perhaps this is why it was not even considered as a landing point for the enemy and protected in advance?)
Then I was back in this open air make shift tank in the hills around Sacramento? The brushes were high and thick, but most of the brush had not budded leaves yet so much looked kind of bare. But the grass was tall and lush green. Perhaps it was late winter, early spring? As we were driving down this dirt road hunting Chinese, we happened across a whole group of Chinese military vehicles hidden and parked among the brush on both sides of the dirt road. But not a sign of enemy Chinese any wear, so we took advantage of the situation and opened up on the abandoned enemy vehicles; I open fire on the ones to my left side and the man on my right, opened up on the right; he turned to me and smiled and said, I got 5 with one shot (armor piercing round—perhaps).
The next thing I remember is that, we had spotted some Chinese on another ridge and went around to the other side so we could engage then. But by the time we had arrived another U.S. unit was already moving in to engage them. So we stopped to watch the show from a small hill to the west. Their commander was there, so I got out to watch with him—the battle about to unfold. He was an older, short, and half bold man with a big smile. He said to me, “Hey? It may be old WW2 war equipment but it still works great,” I had to agree with him. Then we both turned to watch the engagement. I watched as his soldiers advanced up this steep grassy hill, they were pulling out the tall clumps of green grass to help them up to the top. Just as they reached the top, the Chinese opened fire. I watched as our U.S. soldiers were cut down by the Chinese and then rolled back to the bottom. ~End dream~
This is a reality of war—many things are uncertain and you never know when your time is up. This is why accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior is so important in these last days.
Chinese Attempted An Interstate I-40 Highway Run — In this dream, I was just looking at a map of the southern half of America. When I saw “a yellow line appear on the California coast,” between Santiago and Los Angela (Chinese). As I watched a thin yellow line go eastward, at each town they took, I saw a yellow cluster or shield and on each cluster, was a number. The smallest number on the coast, then the next number was given to each town taken along this southern interstate route, as they advanced east across the south all the way to the Mississippi River. Never leaving the interstate across the south (Interstate 40). It was like they were trying to set up a barrier or line cutting the North off from the South? But when they reached the Mississippi River area, they could not advance or go around. Then I heard these words, “Twins will stop them.” Then I saw a two-pronged counter attack line marked in black, come against this yellow line. ~End Dream~
Now what the words, “Twins will stop them,” means exactly, only God knows. A Chinese general once stated this, “Those who are in Washington D.C. are so ignorant and slow in politics, that I can reach Washington D.C. with my tanks, before they could decide whether or not to declare ‘’War.’”
U.S.A. Goes On The Offensive — In this dream, I found myself in a U.S.A. war room—underground, somewhere near the Mississippi River (?). I saw many U.S. military personnel busily running around doing their job. In the middle of this room was a large table with a big map of the North American continent. A lone U.S. General was over looking this map and strategizing. So, I walked over to see what he was looking at. I saw a red and black line on the map: line signifying where the frontlines were and just how far and how much U.S. and Canadian land the enemy had captured in the North—West. Which surprised me, but also I should mention, I was unable to see things East of the Appellation Mountain range in the U.S. That whole area was dark before my eyes (?), liken to a dark shadow (?). So I couldn’t see the Eastern U.S. states or the East Coast.
(Note: I feel that this dark Eastern part of America area belongs to another Christian to yet come forth from the Lord in the prophetic, and reveal “what is over and in this dark area.”)
Looking up at the map, I saw where the front lines were. The enemy had captured much land in America and Canada. They held everything west and north of this line. It started at the Artic Ocean between Alaska and Canada. Then went south easterly thru the Yukon Territory—to the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, then south along the Rockies about halfway, then turned west about 75 miles or so, then south about 100 miles or so, then east again back to the Rocky mountain range. Then all the way south along this range to Montana, to about where Glacier National Park is. Then pretty much straight south thru Montana to Idaho, this line would be real close to state highway 93 South thru Montana and Idaho, to Nevada border. Then upon interring Nevada, this line made a southern loop down into North Central Nevada about a couple hundred miles (?), then back up to the Oregon—Nevada border. (The best I can describe it, is it looked like a outline of a upside down mushroom extending into Nevada, and back up to Oregon.) Then at the Southern Oregon border, the line went West pretty much along the Southern Oregon border, going straight west to the Pacific Ocean. This surprised me much, I thought that this is a lot of American and Canadian land, the enemy now held in the North West.
Then I saw this lone U.S. General, execute an ingenious “5 fold plan and counter offensive” on this map against the enemy. Launching it from the American Great Plains. ~End dream~
Now for the sake of millions of lives, I can’t, and won’t go into detail. But “The Plan” worked in getting the enemy out of America and Canada main land. However, the World War was "not" over. Also, I wondered who would help us (USA) in this war, and I was shown it would be both England and Australia. But what about Europe (?), for the most part I am not sure. Perhaps, France goes neutral—to hold the Eastern European block together by her nuclear trump card (?). But I was given this dream, about Germany and I think this dream makes an important point.
Germany Wants U.S. Nuclear Weapons Out — In this dream, I was in Germany on a U.S. Military Base. That housed Nuclear Weapons and ICBMs or (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles). Out front of this base, came a group of German elect soldiers to the bases front gate, with this warning “To remove all Nuclear Weapons off German soil,” by such-an-such a time; by the Order of German Parliament.
The U.S. responded with politics and tried to show them that these ICBM's were taken apart and not able to be used. But the Germans didn’t approve, so they came back with an official letter from the German Parliament and many more German elect troops. A German officer came forward and read this letter out loud to those at the front gate, by the Order of the Parliament of the Great Country Germany—if the U.S. doesn’t remove the nuclear weapons off German sovereign soil, that they the German Army were ordered by the German House of Parliament to seize the U.S. base and all its weapons at all cost; and under those orders, if the U.S. refused, that he then assured us that he would execute those orders from the German Parliament immediately.
I knew the Germans were not bluffing; and me, and a few others got scared and went behind the base’s building in worry. Then I noticed one base staff member went out a corner hole in the back fence, and into the woods, so I followed him out. ~End dream~
Not a good sign at all, the U.S. should not take Germany as a pawn player in politics; and should heed any official Order of its governing body, for there is no reason for people to die over such a thing. Germany is a sovereign country and we should respect their people’s wishes. If we do as their government wishes in the first place, then I don’t see why the German soldiers would have to take this base by force. Believe me—under orders of the German Parliament, the German soldiers will execute those orders.
U.S. Civil War Breaks Out — In this dream, I dreamed I was up high on a mountain in California in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range, looking westward out across the Nevada desert. With me was an older man I knew to be well trusted in the Lord—standing in front of me looking in the same direction eastward, like I was. Then I saw him do a strange thing, I saw him put a shoulder fired Cruise Missile on his shoulder and he got on one knee and fired it north easterly. Then he stood up and said, “That will reach Chicago in about 4—5 hours.” I was shocked, “I said why? What For?” He said, “To take out a key communications place there (?). Again shocked, I said, “But why, this will start a ‘Civil War,’ why fire at your own people?” He stood silent for a moment, then he turned to me with an ironist face and said, “Because, if we are going to die fighting, we might as well die fighting here.” ~End Dream~
Now in Jeremiah 51:46 in the Tyndale living Bible, it reads: 46) But don’t panic when you hear the first rumor of approaching forces. For rumors will keep coming year by year. Then there will be a time of Civil War as the Governors of Babylon fight against each other.
Now I feel that their will come this time in America, over the issue against the Federal government, who wants to continue the world war overseas vs. those in America who don’t. Thus it doses seem that some states will break from the union and in protest to that, and start a Civil War. As the Governors of Babylon fight against on another in verse 46.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:46} And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.
Nuclear Holocaust — In this dream, audible vision, I was a half asleep in my bedroom, when all of a sudden I could hear clearly a woman come on over the radio—announcing an emergency Broadcast. She calmly said: “Anchorage, Alaska was just nuked this morning (?).” Now this shook me right up in bed and I sat up, and I could still hear her talking, and she was naming off all western coastal cities of America and Canada, from Alaska to southern California. Then I realized that I didn’t have a radio in my room and the TV was off, this startled me again—and I couldn’t believe my ears then. The sound of the lady and her broadcast just faded slowly off, as she was still naming city after coastal city that was nuked.
Now we know that (America—Babylon—Harlot) is destroyed by “Fire,” Jeremiah 51:58; Revelation 17:16 and Revelation 18:8 and 18:18; and in just one day, its all over. Then Jesus returns to the Mount of Olives, and has His 1,000 year reign; then the great white throne judgment of God; then the new heavens, and the new earth, and the New Jerusalem comes down where we can all live together in peace and love forever with Him in paradise.
KJV:Jeremiah {51:58} Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary.
KJV:Revelation {17:16} And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
KJV:Revelation {18:8} Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Now if you haven't accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and would like to, just say this personal prayer with me out loud. “Dear Lord heavenly Father, I believe You sent Your only begotten Son—Jesus to die on the Cross for my sins. Please forgive me of all my sins now, I ask Jesus to be the Lord of my life and my beloved Savior from now and forever. We ask it in Your Son, Jesus’ name, Heavenly Father. Amen! John 3:16. Remember Jesus loves you, your brother in Jesus, David W. Kocurek, Sr., in4jesusnow2008@msn.com.
KJV:John {3:16} For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
05/2006, Vision, Tactical Nuclear Strike On Kingsley Air Base —
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
Sent: 05/18, 2006 9:25 PM
Subject: Vision—Tactical Nuclear Strike on Kingsley Air Base
Four days ago, while I was up on a hill over looking Klamath Falls, Oregon, I was reading my bible and praying for the city, the Lord gave me this vision.
Vision — Tactical nuclear strike on Kingsley Air Base. While looking out over the city, I saw a small nuclear explosion at Kingsley Air Base. As I watched the fireball rise, I also could see the blast wave ring go about two miles into the southern suburbs of the county, there are many homes and suburbs bordering the north end of the air base. I saw the smoke and dust rise from the homes in that area. ~End Vision~
This is just another confirmation of the first dream.
My dreams are not limited to mortal combat and war, but also the Lord's army riding white horses and His war—battling wickedness, etc.
The Lord is most powerful as is the fire of His wrath. Some I can share and some I cannot—due to the fact that these battles are yet to take place. And as a lowly soldier in His army I cannot say.
It is true the Lord's horses are white and have silver bells on them, for they are His property. Like a true King He leads His army.
Today Generals stay away from the frontlines, but NOT the Lord Jesus—He will lead His army into battle going first, then His army after Him. For they will follow Him anywhere and NEVER break rank.
Jesus Loves you, keep the faith, your brother in Jesus, David W. Kocurek, Sr.
05/27, 2006, Revelation From God, Four USA Towns The Enemy Invaders Will Not Seem To Get Past—
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
Sent: 05/27, 2006 5:52 PM
Subject: 3 Towns Of Hindrance
There will be 4 U.S.A. towns the enemy invaders will NOT seem to get past—they will be a hindrance to the enemy invaders; the Lord told me “four places.”
1. Tulelake, California: at the Oregon—California border; the enemy won’t get past.
2. Fallon, Nevada: North west Nevada; the enemy won’t be able to over take.
3. Laredo, Texas: at the Texas—Mexican border; the enemy will be stopped.
4. Memphis, Tennessee: in the I – 40 interstate highway run west to east, they will be stopped at the Mississippi River. Being stopped by Twins (??? Do not yet know what that means from God).
A wise God fearing U.S.A. Army General would be wise to use this to his advantage in the future and in his prayers as well.
Thanks, Brother David W. Kocurek, Sr.
05/28, 2006, Revelation From God, Four Towns Of Hindrance —
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
Sent: 05/28, 2006 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: 4 Towns Of Hindrance & Preparations & Expectations
Yes these things are very, very vital—also every General knows that OIL is the life blood of any modern Army—thus it is also the enemies weakness. Any U.S.A. General would be wise to keep this in mind for not only the enemy but our armies as well.
For the enemy will utilize any fuel they can take from American and Canadian fuel refineries and gas depose fueling stations, trucks, cars etc... the less the enemy has—the less distance he can travel. The same goes with food supplies and water. All are vital, but America and Canadian territories are rich in all these things. Easy use for any invading Army to use at will.
The enemy will have AIR SUPERIORITY FOR A WHILE so stay well hidden and out of the open, especially during the day. But at night the enemy will withdraw back to safe areas. Much like the U.S.A. army did in Vietnam—only we will play the role of the Vietcong this time. We will have the homeland advantage, the enemy knows this—so he will be very cruel and unsympathetic to any Americans they find alive. You can forget the Geneva Convention laws of prisoners of War. Therefore surrendering should NEVER be an option, and I highly recommend you do NOT surrender. The Bible even warns of this enemy being very cruel, so make no mistake.
In America you have the right to have and bear ARMS: to hunt dear, bear, elk, ducks, etc. If you don’t have one of these I suggest you get one; with at least 5 boxes of ammo per gun. Remember make your shots count. Because in the opening of this war it will be chaotic and American public will be on there own for a while.
Every American has the right to defend him or her self FROM ANY INVADING ARMY. But don’t lack common sense and try and take on an enemy tank column with your dear rifle, because this is NOT the movies or an arcade game; if you get shot that’s it—no restart or rewind button. So fight smart—using guerrilla hit and run tactics at night whenever possible. I highly recommend a U.S. special forces handbook, that will help teach you these vital survival and hunting tactics, specially if you are behind enemy lines.
U.S. special forces will be training in Britain and Australia, but that takes time—so be wise and prepare. Remember the best defense and offence is under God’s wings, so don’t forget your Bible and prayer. King David would never make a military move or engage the enemy without consulting God in prayer FIRST.
American public can expect Marshal Law—and fuel, food, electric shortages, phone outages and curfews; like those back during WW2 in England and like back during the Great Depression.
The DRAFT will be reconstituted and be made law again. War is hell—and even more so when it comes to America’s front and back doors via by Russian and Chinese surprise. I must say, from what the Lord showed me in my dreams, it is NOT a matter of if, but when (???).
Remember, a wise man foresees the trouble ahead and prepares, the fool does nothing and perishes.
Remember, Jesus LOVES you, your brother in Jesus, David W. Kocurek, Sr.
05/28, 2006, Revelation From God, Four Towns Of Hindrance —
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
To: in4jesusnow2008@msn.com
Sent: 05/28, 2006 1:57 AM
Subject: Basic Nuclear War Survival Skills, by David W. Kocurek, Sr.
Nuclear war is only one hour away at any given time day or night, that's 24 hours a day 365 days a year. To deny it, is only to deny yourself this truth. Many older people know this but the younger generation are oblivious to this fact, and/or the dangers that are in dealing with nuclear war.
Nuclear survival in cities only has 3 rules: #1 get out of the cities. #2 get out of the cities and #3 get out of the cities.
In my dreams, the coastal cities will be the most dangerous and heavily targeted when the enemy armies are driven back out. It is no surprise that this plan of attacking coastal cities along America’s coasts were in the ‘Cold War” Russian plans to do so. There is no reason why they wouldn’t continue this plan should they feel the need too.
Never look at nuclear detonation—it is many times brighter than the sun and it will blind you. If everything around you suddenly goes very bright, duck and cover your eyes and don’t look!!! One must keep this in mind and overcome their instinct to look and see what is happening.
Hide anywhere close by a wall under a desk, in a ditch or culvert. The blast wave will be coming next. Stay away from windows and glass. If you are caught in your car stay on the floorboard and cover your ears now, the noise will be massive like nothing you have ever heard—it will sound like a freight train or jet engine; but stay down and don’t stand up. Then you will receive two blast waves; one coming from one direction of the blast at first, then the air will rush back in to the void it left—rushing back into its area at around the same speed it left.
Now if you survive, the initial blast—count your blessings and thank God, then help administer quick first aid if needed.
Move up wind from smoke and debris, and out of the fall out zone if possible. If not, get under ground as fast as possible, like a basement. Bring and fill every water container you can find, pots and pans etc.
Food—will need enough to hold out for at least 30—40 days. Food from the house cupboards will work. Now don’t eat any thing that is dead or alive and is bleeding from the mouth, eyes, or the behind for it is not safe and you only risk infecting yourself with their nuclear toxin levels. However, an apple on a tree may have the dust washed off and eaten; remember the dust is your enemy. Eat from canned foods if possible and drink pre-bottled water if available.
Don’t go outside for any thing. If your water doesn’t work, the water in the back of the top of the toilet and in your hot water heater will work. Make your hideout; stack heavy things around you like a fort; use furniture, books, washing machines and mattresses, anything etc. Make a small place to wait out your time of 30—40 day, then it will be safe to come out.
Now this 30 to 40 day window comes from the “Russian and American Armies Policies”—that say, “The Russian armies will not enter a nuked city till 30 days after the fact.” And “American armies will not enter a nuked city until 40 days after the fact.” Nuclear scientists will not enter a nuked site till 50 days after the fact. So there you have it in simple terms.
Now if you have made it this far in good health by the grace of God, thank Him. You are almost there, but the danger still is in the form of dust or called white ash. Remember this dust or white ash from the after affects of the bomb is your enemy. So use a handkerchief over your mouth and nose, for this is a wise choice.
Try to head out to a safe town or city, along the way, don’t drink any water from any open pond or river but only from wells of from hot water tanks or from the to back of toilets.
Get to a safer area or town as soon as possible.
Your brother in Jesus, David W. Kocurek, Sr.
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
Sent: 05/28, 2006 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: 4 Towns Of Hindrance, And Preparations, And Expectations
I have answered your Questions below, but if you have more, let me know.
Marshal Law is “Law that over rides all state and Federal laws.” Should you be found by the military breaking such laws, you will be arrested and held without trial and or shot in the act of the crime without trial. Military Marshal Law is very strict with zero tolerance for insolence, so be careful and wise.
Keep your guns out of site and out of mind—these are for extreme circumstances of civil unrest and the invading armies and your own self defense.
My response in burgundy below.
----- Original Message -----
To: david kocurek
Sent: 05/28, 2006 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: 4 Towns Of Hindrance, And Preparations, And Expectations
We have prophetic that they will be taking our guns away, laws will be coming for that, and I know that means that as a nation we need the Christians to pray against it. Answers and questions below... s.r.
----- Original Message -----
From: david kocurek
Sent: 05/28, 2006 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: 4 Towns Of Hindrance, And Preparations, And Expectations
Yes these things are very, very vital—also every General knows that oil is the life blood of any modern Army—thus it is also the enemies weakness. Any U.S.A. General would be wise to keep this in mind for not only the enemy but our armies as well.
For the enemy will utilize any fuel they can take from American and Canadian fuel refineries and gas depose fueling stations, trucks, cars etc... the less the enemy has—the less distance he can travel. The same goes with food supplies and water. All are vital, but America and Canadian territories are rich in all these things. Easy use for any invading Army to use at will.
The enemy will have air superiority for a while so stay well hidden and out of the open, especially during the day.
Did you see any of this in any godly dreams or visions???
Yes, I got this from dreams, but it is also common sense and goes with studies of “War and Tactics” and the history of wars. U.S. Military Officers should know what I am talking about, if not, we are in big trouble.
But at night the enemy will withdraw back to safe areas. Much like the U.S.A. army did in Vietnam—only we will play the role of the Vietcong this time. We will have the homeland advantage, the enemy knows this—so he will be very cruel and unsympathetic to any Americans they find alive. You can forget the Geneva Convention laws of prisoners of War. Therefore surrendering should never be an option, and I highly recommend you do not surrender. The Bible even warns of this enemy being very cruel, so make no mistake.
In America you have the right to have and bear arms: to hunt dear, bear, elk, ducks, etc.
God has given prophetic that the guns will be taken away, laws... so the Christians need to pray against this...
Yes, I would guess this would be true for many cities under Marshal Law. Who being out of order –to bring back Civil and Military control over the people in those rioting cities; but not so much in the rural areas. Many of those guns confiscated will most likely end up on the front lines of this war. But lets not forget what happened to the Jews in Germany when they lost all their guns, they were simply rounded up cattle and put on trains to the death camps.
If you don’t have one of these I suggest you get one; with at least 5 boxes of ammo per gun. Remember make your shots count. Because in the opening of this war it will be chaotic and American public will be on there own for a while.
Every American has the right to defend him or her self from any invading army. But don’t lack common sense and try and take on an enemy tank column with your dear rifle, because this is not the movies or an arcade game; if you get shot that’s it—no restart or rewind button. So fight smart—using guerrilla hit and run tactics at night whenever possible. I highly recommend a U.S. special forces handbook, that will help teach you these vital survival and hunting tactics, specially if you are behind enemy lines.
U.S. special forces will be training in Britain and Australia, but that takes time—so be wise and prepare.
Did you see any of this in any godly dreams or visions???
Yes, Australia and England will be on our side and allow U.S. special forces to train in these two counties.
Remember the best defense and offence is under God’s wings, so don’t forget your Bible and prayer. King David would never make a military move or engage the enemy without consulting God in prayer first.
American public can expect Marshal Law—and fuel, food, electric shortages, phone outages and curfews; like those back during WW2 in England and like back during the Great Depression.
The draft will be reconstituted and be made law again. War is hell—and even more so when it comes to America’s front and back doors via by Russian and Chinese surprise. I must say, from what the Lord showed me in my dreams, it is not a matter of if, but when (???).
From the collection of the invasion that I have—it is also the same, not if—but when... Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson stated it was "SET," it means we can delay this invasion in our prayers but not get it removed... its coming...
I agree, its coming.
Remember - A wise man foresees the trouble ahead and prepares, the fool does nothing and perishes.
Remember, Jesus loves you, your brother in Jesus, David W. Kocurek, Sr.
From: David W. Kocurek, Sr., in4jesusnow2008@msn.com.
219.1 A Few Years Back, Story—Testimony, Red Dawn: Asian Military Invasion Of U.S.A.? — A few years back I read the story of an American woman who ran a business in Hong Kong. She fired one of the Chinese workers, who went into a rage [probably justifiable] against the forces of western corporate imperialism. He told her with full assurance that one day China would stage a massive military invasion of the USA. They would flood into the coast in the millions in massive wave after wave of invaders. They expected heavy losses, however the living soldiers would simply walk over the bodies of their dead comrades, and continue the battle. They would be like a massive wave of army ants, unstoppable [consider that Red China's active military numbers well over 5 million with tens of millions of "reserves", whereas the U.S.A.'s active military force numbers less than one million, and most of these are entabgled in foreign U.N. "peace keeping" operations. This does not include Russia, Cuba, the Arab League or any other nation that might choose to side with China in a military invasion of the USA]. Eventually, according to this former Chinese employee, the Americans would eventually run out of bullets and the invaders would prevail as a result of sheer numbers. Shades of Revelation chapter 18?
Actually, while investigating this possibility, I have discovered that there have been many others who have predicted an inevitable global showdown between the forces of Communism and Capitalism, and their respective 'World Order' agendas…
From: Email: alandewalton@yahoo.com.
220.1 Testimony, “What are you preparing to use this training for?” The shocking, consistent reply was: “For The Invasion Of America!”— ...Russian and Chinese forces are also very active in Canada. They are re-building and strengthening railroad tracks for the anticipated heavy use of railway transportation of incoming military personnel from the west coast (both Russian and Chinese forces) as well as transporting military vehicles and armaments and food supplies. New Tracks are also being laid between border states and Canada. Those people who are arrested as resisters or dissidents will also be transported in specially prepared boxcars to the death camps already established near the border, such as the one near Cut Bank, MT, (see report titled - The Death Camp of Cut Bank, Montana.) The death camp outside of Cut Bank has been conveniently located right off a major AMTRAK express line in the anticipation of transporting resisters and dissidents conveniently to their deaths by rail. Reports have been received form INTEL sources nationwide which indicate that certain boxcars are quietly being renovated from the inside so that they can be used for prisoner transport to such death camps, [Comment/Note: While I Have no proof of these reports, they do match Bible prophecy—so I include them here. In addition, I have heard this report from “several credible sources.” In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.]...
In anticipation of the coming invasion from Russia and China, Canada has even gone so far as to disband it's Western coast guard divisions, thus they are open to amphibious invasion forces. According to our veteran intelligence source in New England, the Chinese are very much anticipating an amphibious invasion of America from the West. This was openly evidenced recently through the presentation of a documentary report over the BBC television in London which detailed amphibious forces practicing war maneuvers and strategy in the Formosa Straits.
When BBC newsmen were permitted to interview these soldiers in training, they repeatedly asked them the same question. “What are you preparing to use this training for?” The shocking, consistent reply was: “For The Invasion Of America!” When it became clear that the gaff in security was created by airing this broadcast over television in England, its scheduled re-broadcast for the next day was hastily canceled. (Speculate no more on the suspicious suicide of Admiral Michael Borda... I was informed that he was terminated because of his refusal to cooperate in the covert plan by our traitorous N.W.O. forces within our own government to assist in the coming invasion of America. When he refused to go along with the plan to covertly bring Chinese forces into America thru the use of our own Navy vessels, orders were given from high to terminate him.)
From: Email: alandewalton@yahoo.com.
221.1 06/2006, Dream, Enemy Soldiers — I saw soldiers, they were there for this job, they were not USA soldiers. Where I stepped, they had to step exactly, no talking allowed, we ended up at concentration camp, they were not our American soldiers. They did what I said, I walked right through, and led them out, got through the concentration camp, they had to do exactly what I said.
From: Mary Anderson, St. Louis Prayer Link 08/2006.
222.1 1977, Prophectic Word—Prophecy, Gary, Indiana & Chicago, Illinois Earthquake — Summary of the Prophetic Word: Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana fall into Lake Michigan, earthquake eats them up.
Florida: Part of top northern area ok, but major earthquake to Florida, goes under water.
New York City: New York City gets destroyed.
West Coast—California: All but Eastern California disappears.
Texas: The tip of Texas going under water, and some of Mexico. He agreed that Corpus Christi was going under water. Mexico will be an island he stated.
There will be forty-five places of safety in the USA.
Around the center of the USA, new area—Kansas City around, I think Charles said, was where the President of the USA would be taken to from Washington D.C.
Christian falling away occurs before the “catching up” or Rapture occurs.
The invasion of the USA comes after the quakes.
From: Charles Hagadon, German Jew, 09/18, 2006, Naperville, Illinois church service.
223.1 1998, Flash Out Visions—Flash Visions Are Like Given For A Number Of Seconds But Clear, “Invasion Of The USA & Saw Two Soldiers Coming At Me With Machine Guns” —
Outer Flash Vision: This vision was about 2 seconds long. I was in Festus, Missouri and I was walking down the street to the bank, it was noon. I saw two soldiers coming at me with machine guns.
The Lord said, “You will indeed see foreign troops on this soil (USA).”
223.2 02/28, 2005, Prophetic Word & Outer Vision, Heard “Earthquake, Earthquake, & Earthquake” —
Prophetic Word & Outer Flash Vision: The vision seemed to take a few seconds when it occurred. There was a map of the Great Lakes. I saw a “dot” on the map of the Great Lakes and heard: “Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake!” It was the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan I saw, my focus was. This was all I saw.
I felt it came from beneath the Lake Michigan, or at the bottom of Lake Michigan, the earthquake.
223.3 04/2006, Outer Vision, “Skyline Of Chicago—Powerful Consuming Fire” —
Outer Flash Vision: In the quick vision I saw an outrageous fire, billowing fire, and saw the skyline of Chicago. It was a powerful consuming fire.
I felt like it was devastation, this outrageous fire.
[Comment not by Ricki Goral: There was a calendar once showing a huge pipeline that runs close to or near downtown Chicago across that area, west to east, and if I remember correctly it runs into either Michigan or Indiana. Did this outrageous fire come from an earthquake, and the major gas pipeline burst and was on fire which could set buildings on fire in Chicago, or from a bomb setting buildings on fire? Not sure yet what the vision means. In guessing it appears it could mean the major gas pipeline burst while a quake or bomb occurred? Until further revelation, we just don’t know yet!]
From: Ricki Goral, ricki@team-national.com.
224.1 01/03, 1931, Prophetic Word, Another Tribulation Will come In Your Lifetime — In the End—Time Handmaidens News letter, Vol. 6, No. 19 of 1977, Minister Gwen Shaw relates how when she was a young girl, she stood at the deathbed of her grandfather, a great, and humble farmer, pastor and prophet of God. It was 01/03, 1931, and here is the quote:
“Then he looked at me and my brother and his other grandchildren and began to prophecy of another tribulation that would come in our time:
‘This one will be greater than any the world has ever known and, oh, how these poor children will suffer.’
He wept and cried to God for us and then the Lord took him home.
I’m 52 years old now (1977), and I know that with every year I live, I’m getting closer to the great tribulation. The signs are everywhere.”
[Comment not by Shaw: Did Gwen’s Prophet Grandfather see the Invasion of the USA and other great destructions and tribulations, he saw some things that he did not give her the details on, but only the general prophetic word from God above? Gwen Shaw was 81/82 in 2006, she is still alive in Jasper, Arkansas running the ministry God has given to her. Since she is about 82 in 2006: 2006 —82 = around 1914 she was born; in 1931 her prophet minister grandfather died —1914 = she was about age 17 when this occurred with her grandfather. This was about sixty-five years ago from 2006, ponder if what is prophesied here will occur around 70 years from when it was given, that would be within the next 5 years? We shall see; or will it occur later I hope, either way look at her age and you realize that these things are about to occur very soon, we are in this season for these great tribulations, signs are everywhere.]
From: Newsletter – “Vol. 6, No. 19 of 1977.” End—Time Handmaidens and Servants Ministry, Gwen Shaw, Engeltal Press, P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Ark. 72641, 870.446.2252, fax# 870.446.2259 or ethinc@eritter.net or gwenshaw@eth-s.org or ethpr@yahoo.com.
225.1 10/12, 2006, Inspirational Word, Prepare For Depopulation & Massive Deaths — Because there will be so many deaths coming throughout the world and in the USA, it was decided to add this inspirational word so you could understand more of what is really occurring. It will give you hope in a time of great pain, massive killings, and many deaths.
----- Original Message -----
From: secrets@satelliteproductions.com.au
To: secrets@satelliteproductions.com.au
Sent: 10/11, 2006 9:33 PM
Part 19 We would see Jesus Part 4:
Seeing Jesus in everything: Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
Before all things; before time, before space, before night or day, before time or creation had begun there was but one thing; a pool of blood, a snow white lamb cold and dead.
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
World - Gk 2889. kosmos, the universe
Out of death came life; the universe came into existence and continues to exist because of the lamb slain before the foundation of the universe. The seed that fell back in an existence without time became the life, the very substance or matter of all things both in the visible universe and in the invisible kingdom of spirit.
The apostle Paul said no one lives unto themselves or dies unto themselves; Romans 14:7 Every death is a process of change. Death from the beginning has been the source of life.
This is one of the most fundamental realities of life the very foundation of all that exists: Metamorphous has always been the process of change.
The caterpillar is transformed by giving up its little grubby life in order to be free and fly.
You have to loose to gain, give to get, die to live. In the days that lie ahead, death is going to be everywhere; we must not be fazed by this. We are going to see ever increasing occurrences of plagues catastrophes such as earthquakes, tidal waves roaring, nuclear exchanges and chemical warfare. The bible indicates that before Jesus returns the earth population will be reduced by two thirds. In the midst of all of this carnage we are told to look up for profound change is coming Luke 21:28.
Isaiah 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.
3 And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!"
How could these angels say the whole earth is full of His glory? In a world of misery, war, bloodshed and treachery, how could this be?
It all depends on where you are looking: The glory of the Lord is all around us we must take time to stop and look. I have conducted over 200 weddings and dedicated countless babies and buried well over a hundred people. I have held babies as they died, encouraged teenagers as they passed from this world into the next, in this continuous cycle one thing I have learnt in this process of living and dying is that ……..
Death is but a graduation a metamorphous a new beginning: The next decade will be both frightening and glorious, frightening to those who only see death and destruction, but glorious to those who see life, transformation, hope and glory. Why am I writing like this? Because we need to be prepared to face the next few years with hope, and like the angels seeing the earth full of glory. God will transform death and destruction into unbelievable glory and wonder, in the mean time stop and smell the roses, the Lord is seen in every flower every bird every tree and most of all in every Christian, without his life and glory in all things they would cease to exist.
Take time look, see, smell, feel, wonder, slow down. Church life can often be hazardous to your health, slow down, busyness does not necessarily equate with fruitfulness often it produces baroness.
This is a time of change: In one way or another for us all, this is a time of new beginnings, grasp the moment, turn every negative, every tragedy, every death in a glorious new day, grieve if you need to but bring the grieving to an end and begin a new day. All things are working together for good to them that Love God and are called according to His purposes.
Time is short: The best years of your life can be ahead of you, if like Paul you forget the past and press on to the mark the prize of the high calling. Time is running out, your grandchildren are the last generation.
Revelation 10:6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:
Your time is now and it soon will end for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, as the world begins to spiral out of control the glory of the Lord will increase, as your eyes and mind are opened to see the purposes of God and the wisdom of God the growing darkness will be light to you.
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Trust the Lord for He doeth all things well even we understand it or not.
Genesis 50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
As we move through the next few years in a world of destruction and death, see Jesus, see His wisdom, His purposes, His compassion, and the seeds of life being sown. He doeth all things well, God will turn all tragedy into Glory, every abortion will result in more being added to the Kingdom, Satan cannot win whatever he does God turns it into redemptive purposes.
George Matheson the famous Hymn Writer wrote a hymn which portrayed the redemptive purposes of God in the midst of trouble
Oh Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow. May richer, fuller be. O Light that lightest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day, May brighter, fairer be. O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain, That morn shall tearless be. O Cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee; I lay in dust life’s glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red, Life that shall endless be.
God Bless you, N Johnson © October 2006
From: Apostle Seer Prophet Neville Johnson, www.lwf.org.au.
Benny Hinn held a meeting in Chicago last summer, 2002. At a morning session he had a prophet speak. This prophet stated during the meeting that she had more than 100 people come up to her after meetings and tell her that they saw planes hit the World Trade Towers before the destruction occurred on 09/11, 2001. I personally know one prophet myself that saw it 4 years previous but never said anything until after the fact. Bill Ewings, 05/2003, "William Ewings" bewings@cfaith.com .
There is a document spreading on the Internet where approximately 140 Christians have received the warning of godly prophetic for the 09/11, 2001 – Twin Towers In New York destruction, before it occurred in 2001, and about 40 testimonies are logged with sources sited.
A number of Christians also received from God in the prophetic warnings of the Gulf Coastline destruction, and the loss of the city of New Orleans before it occurred, 08/2005. A few of these warnings were put on “The Elijah List,” which Steve Shultz oversees and were out to the Christians before the righteous redemptive judgment occurred, two of these prophets were Kim Clement and John Mark Pool; in addition, Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson was given prophetic for the destruction of New Orleans and that it would occur in ‘one day,’ she received this from God early in 07/2005 before it occurred! God truly warned America first, Christian Americans need to take heed, more righteous redemptive judgment is coming!
B’RESHEET 13:17 [Genesis] [The rabbis teach the truth that “the act of walking through the land is a legal formality denoting acquisition – possession, gaining, getting a hold of.”]
“After these things the Word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and they exceeding great reward.” B’RESHEET 15:1 [Genesis]
B’RESHEET 20:7 [Genesis] [Moses]
SH’MOT 12:7-13 [Exodus]
SH’MOT 15:20 [Exodus]
SH’MOT 16:15 [Exodus]
B’MIDBAR 24:4 [Numbers]
D’VARIM 2:15 [Deuteronomy & Exodus 17 &Numbers 20]
D’VARIM 8:13 [Deuteronomy & Ho. 2:8]
D’VARIM 29:5 [Deuteronomy]
[In Judges, chapters 4 and 5, Deborah was such a woman and exhibited many characteristics that God used for His glory. Not only was she a Wife, Judge, Prophetess, Counselor and Intercessor, but also Warrior, Ruler, Psalmist, Administrator, Poetess, Mentor and "Mother in Israel."]
SHOF’TIM 7:13 [Judges ]
SH’MU’EL ALEF 3:15 [I Samuel ]
M’LAKHIM BET 3:5 [I Kings ]
M’LAKHIM BET 17:4 [I Kings ]
M’LAKHIM BET 22:8,12,28 [I Kings ]
“…even empty vessels; borrow not a few… pour out into all those vessels… and she poured out… and it came to pass when the vessels were full… the oil stayed…” [increase or multiplying of the oil]
M’LAKHIM BET 4:1-7 [II Kings ]
M’LAKHIM BET 6:5-7 [II Kings ]
M’LAKHIM BET 22:14 [II Kings ]
DIVREA-HAYAMIN ALEF 10:14 [I Chronicles ]
DIVREA-HAYAMIN ALEF 16:22 [I Chronicles ]
“Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established;
believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper,” [a prophet is a seer, [1] one who sees future events]
DIVREI-HAYAMIM BET 20:20 [II Chronicles ]
“And the Lord God of their fathers sent them by His messengers,
rising up betimes, and sending; because He had compassion on his people,
and on His dwelling place: but they mocked the messenger of God,
and despised His words, and misused His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till there was no remedy.”
DIVREI-HAYAMIM BET 36:15-16 [II Chronicles ]
“Thou hast granted me life and favor, and Thy visitation hath preserved my Spirit.” IYOV 10:12 [Job]
“Then thou spakest in vision to the holy one, and sadist, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.”
TEHILLIM 89:19 [Psalms ]
“Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm”
TEHILLIM 105:15 [Psalms ]
“A prudent man foreseeth the evil [sees danger], and hideth [takes refuge]:
but the simple pass on [keep going], and are punished [suffer for it].”
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
YIRMEYAHU 29:11 [Jeremiah]
“… And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God…”
YECHEZK’EL 8:1-4 [Ezekiel]
“I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me.” DANI’EL 2:3 [Daniel]
“This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, for as much as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation; but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.”
DANI’EL 4:18 [Daniel]
“… there fell a voice from heaven, saying…” DANI’EL 4:29-32 [Daniel]
“In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions on his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters. Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.”
DANI’EL 7:1-2 [Daniel]
“In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first. And I saw a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.” DANI’EL 8:1-2 [Daniel]
“Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spoke, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?” DANI’EL 8:13 [Daniel]
“So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the END shall be the vision.” DANI’EL 8:17 [Daniel]
“And I Daniel fainted and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king’s business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.” DANI’EL 8:27 [Daniel]
“We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from Thy precepts and from Thy judgments: Neither have we hearkened unto Thy servants the prophets, which spoke…” DANI’EL 9:5,6 [Daniel]
“Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to FLY SWIFTLY, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.”
DANI’EL 9:21 [Daniel]
“In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood that thing, and had understanding of the vision.” DANI’EL 10:1 [Daniel]
“And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.” DANI’EL 10:7 [Daniel]
“Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people
in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.”
DANI’EL 10:14 [Daniel]
“And, behold, one like the SIMILITUDE of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.” DANI’EL 10:16 [Daniel]
“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” YECHEZK’EL 33:6 [Ezekiel]
“V1…The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down… V4, Again he said unto me, Prophecy upon these… V7, So I prophesied as I was commanded: … V9, Then he said unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy… and say to the wind… ” YECHEZK’EL 37:1, 4, 7, 9 [Ezekiel]
“And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying. Son of man, set thy face against Gog the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
After many days thou shall be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land this is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. Thou shall ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.
Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land. Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord God; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.
Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them? And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
His secret unto His servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?”
‘AMOS 3:7—8
“The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumor from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.”
‘OVADYAH 1:1 [Obadiah]
“The burden of Nineveh. The book of the visions of Nahum the Elkoshite.” NACHUM 1:1 [Nahum]
“And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision,
and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” HAVAKUK 2:2, 3 [Habakkuk]
“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.” MAL’AKHI 3:1 [Malachi]
“But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 1:20
“And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.”
Matthew 2:12
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets:...” Matthew 5:17
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
[There must be real ones, for there to be false ones] Matthew 7:15-16
“He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward;” Matthew 10:41
“For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.”
[There is a difference between O.T. and N.T. prophets; N.T. prophets still give the details of future events! He states clearly that He has established New Testament prophets – see Ephesians 4:11 12.] Matthew 11:13
“He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?”
Matthew 16:2-3
“And was transfigured before them… And. Behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.”
[Moses was dead & was seen alive again, usually the Church today thinks that anyone (aside from the Lord Jesus & Holy angels) who is dead and seen alive today would be a familiar evil spirit, however, this is not always the case, but a transfiguration or manifestation that God permits and is allowed for His purposes – we need to discern in God which is really occurring. At times we need to be aware that both can be occurring in this area – either of God or of the devil (familiar spirit). In addition, do not forget that Christians today, are being transported/geographic translation from one location to another—they appear before you and do the business of the Lord Jesus, and now disappear before you, taken back to where they originally came from!]
Matthew 17:2
“And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no many, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.” Matthew 17:9
“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”
Matthew 22:40
“…I sent unto you prophets…” Matthew 23:34
“…he said unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.”
[Sick miraculously healed] Mark 3:5
“And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves… and the two fishes divided he among them all… And they did all eat, and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. And they did eat of the loaves were about 5,000 men.” [Food multiplied]
Mark 6:40-44 & John 6:9 [five barley loaves & 2 small fishes]
“…Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will rise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him... This is the bread that came down from heaven…” “…took bread: And when he had given thanks, he break it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me… he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup… [Holy Communion]
Mark 6:53-58 & I Corinthians 11:23-25
“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb. And many of the children of Israel shall be turn to the Lord their God. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, t turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” [There would be a first before the Lord’s first coming – John the Baptist & there would be a second before the Lord’s second coming. Isa. 40:3; Mal. 3:1; Matthew 3:1-3] Luke 1:15 –17
“And when he came out, he could not speak unto them: and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned unto them, and remained speechless.” Luke 1:22
“As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began…” Luke 1:70
“And there was one Anna, a prophetess…” Luke 2:36
“I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.” John 1:23
“Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already… And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth…” [Dead raised to life…] John 11:17,43-44
“He will show you things to come…” John 16:13
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:”[2] Acts 2:17-18
“And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began…” Acts 3:20,21
“But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:19-20
“… the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, [supernaturally geographic translation to another location – catch away, pluck, pull or take away by force; in this case it appears he did not return to where he was taken from. Many times the holy angels do take you away and return you back to your original location after an assignment is done in the Lord.] … But Philip was found at Azotus… [approximately 25 miles away]” Acts 8:39-40
“And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.” Acts 9:10
“And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.” Acts 9:12
“I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision. A certain vessel descend, ad it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even tome:” Acts 11:5
“Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision. Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not they peace: Acts 16:9
“… I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” Acts 26:19
“… believeth thou the prophets?” Acts 26:27
“…revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began.”[God revealed it through His prophets] Romans 16:25
“And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets…” I Corinthians 12:28
“…are all prophets?…” I Corinthians 12:29
“But covet [a strong movating desire] earnestly the best gifts: …”
I Corinthians 12:31
“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part…” I Corinthians 13:9
[No one prophet has the whole picture, this is why we need to collect as much as possible from the Body of the Lord Jesus, putting as many parts as possible together to see the more accurate picture or message God is revealing to us.]
“Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts,
especially the gift of prophecy.” I Corinthians 14:1
“Wherefore, brethren, covet [a strong movating desire] to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.” I Corinthians 14:39
“… I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, [whether in the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;] such an one caught up to the third heaven…
how that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which is not lawful for man to utter.” II Corinthians 12:1—5
[this was Paul — himself, he went to the 3rd heaven where God’s Throne is, while he was alive on this earth]
“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” “I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.” II Corinthians 13:1
“And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:”
Ephesians 4:11—12
[The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Prophecy.] “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost…” 2 Peter 1:21
"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day
dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts." 2 Peter 1:19
“By faith Enoch was translated…” [Supernaturally taken from one place to another.] Hebrews 11:5 & Genesis 5:24
“…He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.” III John 1:11
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ... and of the testimony of Jesus Christ… words of this prophecy… things which are written… ” Revelation 1:1-3
“Come up hither and I will show thee things… And immediately I was in the spirit… ” Revelation 4:1-2
“And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.” Revelation 9:17
“I was in the Spirit… and heard behind me a great voice… What thou seeth, write in a book, and send it unto… ” Revelation 1:10—11
“…And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living god: and the cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sear, nor the trees,
till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.”
[Servants or bondservants are the ones who get sealed/marked from God on their foreheads; a servant/bondservant is the following: 1.) Slave to Jesus Christ, they became free in salvation but decided to stay on with their Master, Jesus so to say, now they became a bondservant by choice; they actually obey Jesus; 2.) They own nothing that is theirs, for all they have belongs to the Master, Jesus, they do have things or money, but they are only God’s stewards with it, doing as God so directs, they never treat anything as if it is their own; 3.) Their time is not their own, but belongs to the Master, Jesus; 4.) They do not just claim they are a bondservant of Jesus, they actually live it; 5.) True bondservants do all things for the sake of the Gospel, they have built their life on the Kingdom of God and cannot be shaken, all around them is shaken, but they are not shaken; 6.) Being a bondservant is something you must count the cost, pray and ask God for. Bondservants give up their lives for the sake of the Gospel.]
Revelation 7:1-3
“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven...”
Revelation 10:1
“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven...” Revelation 14:6
“Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plaques.” Revelation 18:4
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10
“…holy apostles and prophets…” “…and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to show unto His servants the things which must shortly be done.” “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.” [Prophets are to be holy!]
Rev. 18:20; 22:6,9
***When printing this document the page numbers will not appear, it is vital that you hand write in all the page numbers for that is the only way you can keep track of the pages. There are over 600 pages to this document.***
How does one find “the truth?” Always remember guessing and opinions at times can be fine if they are correct, but what is better is—was there any godly prophetic revelation words revealed directly from God at all on a subject and if so, what was revealed.
Sometimes the best of Apostle Seer Prophets and Prophets and ministers of God and even lay Christians are wrong in their guessing or opinions, now they do not want to think that they could ever be wrong—but guess what, at times they are wrong!
So why not pray and “ask” God for the answer you are seeking on a subject, look at the Holy Scriptures (The Holy Bible—King James Version is better than most translations), seek out any godly apostle seer prophets or prophets or ministers of God and find out what they have received and can release from God, check out the lay Christians in the universal Body of Jesus Christ to see what they received from God (Not guessing or their opinions, but what godly dreams, visions, visitations, etc., have they received from God?), and finally what is the world doing in general about the subject you are interested in knowing more about. Now after all this research you can put together what you have collected and if you decide to do any guessing or giving of your opinion, make sure that you express it is an opinion vs. God revealed this or that revelation. For opinions are often times either right or wrong.
When we Christians who follow Jesus Christ want to know what is about to happen we do the following if we are wise:
1. Go to God in prayer and “ask” Him about things we do not fully understand. Inquire of Him what is truth in a matter. God has His ways of revealing that answer to us and in His timing.
2. Read the Word of God the Holy Scriptures about the subject, what does it say?
3. Since God reveals to His prophets events before they occur, it would be wise to inquire of the godly prophets what God has revealed about a subject or event to occur. And remember not all prophets get all subjects, so check out as many prophets as you can for they seem to get parts of the answer from God (You could call a certain subject like a godly puzzle that needs to be put together and each prophet or minister gets parts). And just because a prophet of God is right in a lot of areas and wrong once in a while in a few areas, that is not reason to discard the prophet when they are receiving true revelation from God. Many prophets know levels of things just as you and I, and not know some other areas or be advanced in those areas… such as knowing that the Ark of the Covenant is in Jeremiah’s Grotto, in Jerusalem—today. But God maybe giving that prophet or minister, who does not yet know about revelation in an area that you know all about—godly revelation on another subject that you know little about yet! So allow some slack in dealing with godly prophets and what they do and do not yet fully know vs. what God is revealing to them in revelation on certain other subjects. Be prepared, God has a habit of revealing parts to these ministers of God, and later another part comes… so at times allow that more revelation will be coming on certain subjects.
4. Listen up to what God is telling the Body of Jesus Christ’s lay Christians, for the New Testament clearly tells you that He will be giving many kinds of godly prophetic revelations to them—the Body of Jesus Christ in general. So what is surfacing from them, collect the godly prophetic and look at what God is revealing and now you have a better idea of what is about t0 0ccur before the event actually occurs or whatever your subject of interest is that you would like to know the truth about!
5. Finally, this is the last thing you do, and that is look at what is going on in the world, there will be “signs all over” to tell you what is happening and about to happen. This is the last thing you do, not the first thing as many did in Y2K and got mud in their face as the expression goes. God never told any prophet I know and can remember that Y2K would be a problem, in fact some were told it would not be a problem (Minister Hilton Sutton). Learn from that mistake and in the future remember that here are the following options to choose from, so discern and choose wisely what you will believe about a situation or subject:
a. Did you take the time to go into prayer and “ask” God for the answer to what you want to know? Why not “ask” Him first in prayer!
b. What does the Holy Scriptures say about the subject?
c. What has God revealed to His godly prophets about the matter in godly dreams, visions, visitations, etc.? The Internet is full of godly prophetic and it is also full of junk and false prophetic! You will need to learn to discern! Check out several godly prophets, not just one or two.
d. What has God revealed to His Body of Jesus Christ Church lay Christians about the matter in godly dreams, visions, visitations, etc.
e. What has God allowed in signs to be known in the general world; what is going on? What is easy to see? Like today it is easy to see that it is getting more evil and darker in the world—and why not, this is the season in the Book of Revelation for it!
f. Be careful of your intellect reasoning and emotions, for they can be right or wrong in these matters, so do not fully trust any of these areas of reasoning. Y2K was intellectually reasoned and it was inaccurate and wrong! Even be careful of when you have government records or so—called proof that something will occur, for I had a confidential report if I recall correctly it was from the Navy about many cities in the USA regarding Y2K and that report was totally wrong! In fact, I also had very good information from a mayor of a major city in the USA, like Chicago, Illinois (Words expressed from Mayor Daily to neighbors as I recall who expressed them to someone I knew, and that person told me what Daily was concerned about with Y2k), and that information was totally wrong. So learn from all this…
Now lets look at God’s revelations: Remember that there were over 140 Christians who received godly prophetic parts of the Twin Towers destruction before it occurred 09/11/01 and it did happen! Remember that there were a number who received the Gulf Coastline and New Orleans destruction before it happened and it was totally right godly prophetic—it happened! (Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson, Prophets Kim Clemet and John Mark Pool and others received the New Orleans destruction from God before it occurred!)
However, at times God will reveal a ‘destruction warning’ and sometimes the Church will find out about it and pray, confess a nations sins, and repent for that nation (that is called intercession prayer)—well God has the liberty or legal right to delay the judgment and He has done that several times already in Holy Scripture and even to America, so always keep in mind that a true word can be given in the godly prophetic like Jonah stated 40 days Nineveh would be destroyed and it was not destroyed in the 40 days, but it was a true word from God; however, because they confessed, repented and fasted—the judgment was delayed for about 150 years—it did receive righteous judgment, but it was given much later—like 150 years later! Today the city of Nineveh has a special day to honor Prophet Jonah, it is called “Jonah Day” (Apostle Andrew White from England and Israel revealed this recently). Keep this in mind as well when you are discerning a matter!
g. Or will you listen to the opinions of either non-Christians or even Christians (including ministers of God) before checking out the above first six options as many did in the Y2K matter and they ended up totally wrong! What will you decide to do?
Now please do not misunderstand, people are permitted to give their opinions to things, and their opinions are interesting to read, but do not put your trust in opinions first! Opinions and guessing is just that, however when God releases a revelation word “that is different!” If you know for sure a revelation was from God now you have something to trust that is correct, because the revelation came from God! However, even then you need to make sure that the person who revealed the revelation did not add “their own stuff” to God’s word!
Such as, there is a good vision from God on the ‘Chicago earthquake’ and the ‘invasion of the USA’ that will be coming, but the prophet who received it from God has added all kinds of stuff in his opinion(s) in with God’s revelation and a lot of his opinions are wrong to a large degree of what was added—but the original vision (s) from God were as far as we know correct, get my point! Ministers, prophets and lay Christians need to stick with “what God gave them” and after that is quoted, now later they can state in another paragraph keeping a separation of what God showed or stated. In the new paragraph they can state: “Now this is my personal opinion on what this means!” Why? So the Christians can see “what God revealed” and they can clearly see what is “the opinion of the person who received the godly revelation.” For what God revealed it totally correct, however the opinion of the one who received the godly prophetic revelation maybe right or may not be right, get my point! —Anonymous Christian
Holy Spirit God, Inspired these “Holy Scriptures” through holy men of God scribing the—Holy Bible which consists of both Old and New Testaments:
1. Tanakh—Old Testament—Covenant(s) which contain:
a. a.) Torah (5 Books of Moses);
b. b.) Nevi’im (The Prophets & the Twelve Minor Prophets);
c. c.) Kethuvim (The Writings) and the
2. New Testament—Covenant which contains the Tanakh’s many Messiah prophecies fulfilled in Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ almost 2,000 years ago. YHVH—God ended the “Law of Moses sacrifices” for sin when He sent His Son—Jewish Messiah to become the final “perfect Lamb Passover sacrifice” for all sins! It would now be an offence to try to sacrifice any more animals for sins when the One God in three offices (Father, Son & Holy Spirit God) became “a man (Son) and died for all human’s sins” if anyone wanted to have their sins forgiven—that “free gift” from God is available
(You cannot earn salvation or pay anything to have your sins forgiven, it is a free gift from God to you, if you desire to accept it, not everyone accepts it. Those who do not accept it and receive it end up in Hell for eternity! See prayer below to become a true Christian and have “all your sins forgiven instantly” by the work of the Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary—His physical death given in love for all humans to be saved for eternity, if they accept it!) Get a Holy Scripture King James Version Bible and “read it” for all the details of what God wants to say to you!
So which god would you like to choose to be your God? In India there are about or over 330 million gods—(these gods are fallen angels/demons). May I suggest you choose the only one that “loves” you, that would be YHVH/God, who is made up of three manifestations of Himself in ONE God: Father God, Son—Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ God & Holy Spirit God! And He was the God who created your original ancestors Adam and Eve and you! YHVH/God is the all seeing God, that means nothing is hidden from Him, He can see everything you have done or are doing now or will ever do, and He knows all that you think inside your mind, as well as all that you feel within. He knows what is hidden whether good or bad in the thoughts of your heart within, or the motives of why you do things. Even though He knows all this for He has the ability to know and see all that is happening—He created you, loves you, and desires that you come and be with Him for eternity.
So you have decided to become “saved” from eternal Hell fire for ever, you have decided to go and live where “love, light and life” come forth from Almighty God, who is made up of “The Merciful Father,” and “The Savior Jewish Messiah Lord Jesus Christ,” and “The Holy Spirit Comforter who loves to comfort you.” God is only One God/YHVH, but He has three ways He mainly manifests in His Oneness—He is God and He can do that, He is ONE GOD but made up of three manifested beings in One God! These three manifestations of the One God is needed for the Earth Plan purposes! So you have decided to become a Christian, one who is saved from Hell fire and one who belongs to YHVH—God!
The world is full of pagan gods, millions of them which are demons and demonic (fallen sinful angels) working hard to deceive most humans, they get their orders from high evil principalities (again fallen sinful angels) who work under their top evil leader, the fallen powerful evil angel called Lucifer, now known as “The Devil, Satan, Snake or the Dragon.” The Holy Bible tells you all about the devil & 1/3 of the angels who all choose to sin, and become God’s enemies. The devil’s job, from his own decision is to deceive as many humans that will permit him to do so. He uses the aid of the 1/3 fallen sinful angels to help do this. The devil likes for you to be as unknowledgeable or ignorant about the things of God for then he can deceive you a lot in areas, and hopefully get you to go to Hell forever, that is his main goal, souls in Hell for eternity.
The devil’s final goal is to get you into everlasting “Hell,” forever. By the way, there is a place called “Hell” in the spirit world, and if you do not acknowledge God/YHVH as the only God, your Creator, as well as confess your sins, which is called “repenting” & being sorry for having done them before YHVH/God, in the name of the Jewish Messiah—Lord Jesus Christ you will end up in there forever, that is in Hell I am speaking of. Once you get judged by God and sent there, it is not a place you can get out of; it will now become your eternal place of residing, that horrible place that it is—Hell. Did anyone ever tell you that there is no water, no fresh air there, no flowers, no sunshine, no light, no love, no cleanliness, no caring, no hope, and most of all no loving God/YHVH to care for you or love you any longer. What it does consist of is filth, dammed demons, horrible things beyond your ability to think about, and it stinks big time, as well as a great deal of eternal pain and suffering—this is what Hell is made up of and a whole bunch of stuff more that is very terrible and awful.
There is no fight for top ruler-ship between God/YHVH and the devil (the devil was originally created a beautiful very powerful holy angel who finally chose to create sin by disobeying God and do evil to Him/God). The devil is the fallen angel also called Satan, Dragon or called a Snake—he also has a number of names describing his ungodly character and attributes.
YHVH is in charge of all (He is the top ruling Sovereign Boss of all) and was never created ever, He always has been—He has no beginning and no end. Never can a created being (like angels, humans or animals) rule a Being that never was created.
God permits freedom of choice, so for that reason mainly, that is why the devil & his demons (fallen angels) are even permitted to exist after they sinned against God. In God’s Perfect Plan, at some point in the near future the devil and all fallen angels and demons will be locked up in a special confined place (Hell); won’t that be very nice, since they are behind all this massive sinning, hurts, and pains that we humans have been experiencing.
But because of freedom of choice, it has been allowed that they exist so that all humans can choose to either love God and do good; or choose the devil and do evil, these are the only options available for humans to choose. Always remember God never created the devil or the demons, they chose it themselves by sinning against God. God created Holy angels, and they were holy for a long time period, but eventually decided to rebel, disobey, and sin against God—it was through freedom of choice that they did this. God never wanted to create robots, that is why all humans must have freedom of choice.
All humans can chose to do what is right or wrong, good or evil, daily, and hourly. The Holy Scripture Bible will tell you what is good or evil. You must remember we are in the New Testament or Covenant with God, for in His Plan for mankind He has seasons that He wants certain things done. We are in the Church Period or called the New Testament. Mainly this means we do not have to sacrifice animals for sin offerings, because the Son of God—the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ came and died for us… no longer now are animal sacrifices needed as a sin offering or atonement. Even in the past when they were used, it was only to show you that the perfect sacrifice was coming once and for all—that was and is the Lord Jesus Christ/the Jewish Messiah, our Savior. That is why one of His names is called Savior. He saved us from the devil and hell forever, praise God!
If you would like to know what sins are, you can read the Holy Scripture Bible, it would be wise these days to choose a King James Version for some of the other Bibles have been messed with by the devil and are not totally correct. In the Holy Bible, it will tell you ‘what sins are.’ But to make it simple for you, some sins are things you never would want anyone to do to you, such as: lying to you, cheating you, stealing from you, showing disrespect to you, or someone committing adultery with your spouse, or bearing false witness against you, even having sex before marriage is sin, etc., and other sins that are against God, Himself are sins such as not putting God first in your life—even before yourself or your family. Since He is your Creator—He is to come first, you are to show a holy reverence and godly good fear towards Him out of respect. Another sin is to dishonor your parents—you do not have to agree with all your parents say or do, but you need to honor them, even if they are not very nice parents. God wanted all parents to love their children, but some have not done this, you are to honor them as best as you can for this will please God and is the right thing to do.
With all the pagan gods of the world (India has like 330 million demon gods), there is only One TRUE God and YHVH is His name. He also in the Holy Scripture Bible, King James Version goes by all these other names, they describe His beautiful character and attributes: Loving Jehovah, Everlasting God, Merciful God, Righteous God, Holy God, Gracious God, Helper God, Our Savior God, etc.
None of the pagan gods sent their very own self, as a Son to die for your sins or mine, only YHVH/God loved His creation enough to do that. God is Spirit, and most of the time we cannot see Him (He can manifest at times in different ways), He still talks to us through the Holy Bible, godly dreams, godly visions, godly impressions, godly thought voice, etc. God, who is Spirit—invisible to us most of the time, loved us so much that after we sinned—which the devil caused—but we humans yielded too, which separated us from YHVH/God, He wanted us back out of love, so He set it up that a part of Him, became a human being born of a virgin, her name was Mary—she was chosen for the assignment by God to carry His Son, who was God but became God in flesh—a human being, and He lived among us humans about 2,000 years ago in Israel, He had to do this so that He could die as a sacrifice to pay the price for all mankind’s sins, for those who would repent of their sins as you are doing now.
You see God is righteous, and in being fair and righteous a price needed to be paid for the sins/disobedience that you and I did, there was no price anywhere, so God loved us so much that He sent His Son—who is God, to become a human and not sin, Jesus Christ God’s Son lived as a human being and never disobeyed God the Father. This love sacrifice’s name was and is: the Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ, and after He lived as a human for about 33 years He was put on the Cross and died for all the human race’s sins, but the point is that you had to accept this love gift from God the Father, God the Son, and Holy Spirit God—the One True God.
Some do accept this free gift, many others do not—to their loss for they will go to Hell for forever, never to be able to get out ever. A personal choice is involved here. God never wanted to make robots, He wanted people to live with Him in heaven who willfully wanted to come and be with Him. So you have a choice to make today, what will that choice be? If you do not make a choice, you have already made a choice, and that is to go to hell forever.
He is waiting for your decision, do you want Him or would you prefer to serve the devil, those are your only two choices or options in this life that you are living today. Whatever your choice is it will determine where you will spend your eternity after you physically die and enter the spirit world which is invisible now to most human beings, for you will be alive in the spirit realm either in heaven or hell forever. Make your choice. If you choose the God who created you, you can now pray this prayer of Salvation, and you should immediately get yourself a King James Version of the Holy Bible and read it for directions on how to live a holy life as God will help you, and find yourself a good church to attend where they believe the Holy Bible and do all that is in the Holy Scriptures, including all the powerful gifts that God has given to His Christians as well.
Holy Bible Scripture from God to you, located in the Book of John, chapter 3, verse 16:
“For God so loved the world [you], that He gave His only begotten Son [Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ born of a virgin, and died as a sacrifice for your sins and mine], that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish [end up going to Hell forever as a spirit being after physical death], but have everlasting life. [Get to live with God in heaven or the new earth forever as a spirit being with a body.]”
This is done by confessing your sins, and obeying God, you now can live forever with Him in the 3rd heaven and whatever else He has planned for eternity—instead of going to Hell where the devil is, and where it is awful forever, because the people would not receive the gift of being saved that God provided in His great love offering of His Son, Jesus Christ dying for all our sins.
If you have decided to now become a Christian (that is one who follows the example of their Master the Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ—God’s Son; the Holy Bible will tell you all about HIM), you will need to pray this prayer from your heart in honesty or it will do you no good at all if it is not honest and sincere from your heart.
One final comment before you decide to pray this prayer, God does not promise you a life down here on this earth where you will have no difficulties—He does promise you a life in heaven without any difficulties however. Some Christians have had to lay their lives down as martyrs for God, meaning they will not deny Him—God (YHVH/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit God) even if it means they have to die physically because of it. One thing to remember, if you die and do not deny God or take the awful sinful “mark of the beast/devil” which will be given forth at some point in the near future, if you decide to go ahead and die for your belief in God as your Savior, Master, and God through His Son, the Jewish Messiah—Jesus Christ, the very next minute after your physical death, you will be taken to heaven by God’s holy angels to be with God forever, where there will be no sickness, hurts, pains, or evil and it will be wonderful and delightful and all your needs will be met; do you still want to pray this prayer of salvation now? If so, here it is:
Almighty God/YHVH, most merciful & gracious Father, my Creator; pardon me, I ask You, of my sins for I confess and repent of them all, and remove them from Your presence, and accept me for the merits of thy Son, Jesus Christ who died on the Cross of Calvary for all my sins, the free gift that I now this day accept from You because of Your great love for me and the need I have that all my sins be removed from me. I acknowledge and confess my guilt, and sins before you having disobeyed Your loving guiding commandments that would have helped me live a happier life if I had obeyed them from the beginning. I willfully confess You, YHVH/God, Lord Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit God, as my God now and from this day forth, and You only do I desire to thank, praise, love, bless, worship, adore and give my allegiance to, O Most Glorious God.
Put forth Thy mighty hand & send forth they Great invisible Holy Spirit to enter into my spirit within me now to guide me unto whatever destiny You have laid out for me, protect me that I will be faithful to the end of my life so that I can come and live with you in heaven and the new earth that you will create, forever more. I now from the deepest part of me give You, YHVH/God, my sincere appreciation and thanks, praising You for cleaning me of all sins & saving me from hell fire. I send my deepest love, and blessing to You who are so Mighty and Awesome, and bowing my whole being, kneeling on my knees, in deep reverence, with a Holy good godly fear & respect, and worship unto You, as My God!
I choose to serve no other gods from this day forth and renounce them all that I have ever served, I choose freely to only serve You, the One True God/YHVH, now and forever more. Please help me to be baptized in water (totally submerged) and “in the name of Jesus” (Be careful some minister are not fully obeying God and baptizing Christians in the name of Jesus as God told them to do, make sure they say it correctly as they baptize you, if they will not say it right go find a minister of God who will say “In the name of Jesus!” when they baptize you!) as You requested me to do this as a new Christian, and to also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in fullness for holy power from You to live the Christian life, guide me to a minister of Yours, that is holy before You, and will lay hands on me for this powerful impartation, as well as grant me any supernatural gifts that Your Holy Word Bible speaks of that You desire that I have for doing any works that You have called me to do while I am still here living on this earth until You take me home to heaven.
I confess all my sins now and will try to do so daily for whenever I fail or even think I have sinned or failed You, who I now love—because you created me and love me. If there are any curses or evil soul ties in my life, I now renounce them all according to the Holy Scriptures and ask you to break all of them in my life, and that the Lord Jesus take them all and carry them for me as He did on the Cross of Calvary. I forgive all human beings who have ever hurt or wounded me, leaving it all with You God to handle, I release them all asking You God to save each of the people so they too will not have to go to Hell forever. The Lord Jesus forgave me and I needed forgiveness of all my sins, so I forgive all those who hurt or wounded me, desiring & praying that they too would become saved in Jesus Christ.
Cover me now in the precious pure holy perfect invisible blood of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ who made it possible for me to live with You forever because He carried all my sins on Him when He came and died on the Cross of Calvary, in Israel; for He was the only perfect human who ever lived and who never sinned and He laid His life down for me. I am so grateful that all my sins are now gone, and that the invisible Holy Spirit is living inside me in my invisible spirit now which is inside of my physical body residing, and that You God/YHVH are now working with me to guide me into Your understandings and truths, as well as to be able to live with You forever after I physically die.
I ask God, that no matter how hard it gets in this life down here on this earth, that You would help me finish my life in a close communicating relationship with You, God; that I never deny You no matter what is presented before me. Help me when I don’t feel so good and things are going really hard for me, please come and help me through it all. I ask for a lot of Your Great: Grace, Mercy, Help, Provisions, Deliverance, Compassion, and Love. Send me lots of revelations so I understand what to do in situations and help me read the Holy Scriptures. Please send me someone to help mentor me into deeper things in You, God; but help them to teach me the correct things in You, God. Please start laying a good holy foundation in me that my understanding roots go very deep and secure in You Almighty God, I ask.
Thank You, God. I will now start addressing all my prayers to You, Father God, and ending all my prayers in the Jewish Messiah—Lord Jesus Christ God’s name because He died for all my terrible sins. However, I know I can talk to anyone of the three of You, God at any time. I now end my prayer today, and thank you again, in the Lord Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!
Welcome into the Family of God for now all your sins have been removed by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. The Family of God is called the Body of Jesus Christ here on this earth, and we are called Christians. There are some Christians praying for you all over the earth, and now you should also pray for all the Christians worldwide as well. This will support each other in love as we live out our lives here upon this earth and go home to be with God forevermore.
{2:38} Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
{2:39} For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
{8:16} (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
{8:17} Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
{10:48} And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
{19:5} When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
{19:6} And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
{6:3} Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
{3:27} For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
“Silent Moment Of Prayer” Daily At 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time For Christians in the United States of America
KJV:Psalms {46:10a} Be still, and know that I am God:
KJV:Psalms {84:4} Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.
KJV:Mark {4:39} …Peace, be still… and there was a great calm.
"I'm only one, but I am one. And I can't do everything, but I can do something. And what I can do, I should do… And by the Grace of God, I will do." —The Church & Bride Of The Jewish Messiah—Lord Jesus Christ!
The Christians in the United States of America are daily stopping their busy lives and coming together at the same time throughout America in united prayer with each other for the whole nation—which was once called the Union and Republic, and for America’s 300 million citizens and along with their personal family members.
(God called the United States of America a “Union and Republic,” as He had revelation revealed to Christian Washington via from a holy messenger angel that was sent to him. On the Internet do a search for George Washington’s Vision given to him from God’s holy angel while Washington was in Valley Forge in 1777—the vision was about three great wars on America’s homeland soil and the outcome of each of the wars was revealed. The first war the holy angel showed Washington was “The Revolutionary War.” The second war shown to him was “The Civil War” and the final third war shown in the godly vision revealed a future war to America that has not occurred yet and could possibly be named “God’s Grace & America’s Survival War.”)
See the chart below showing your time period for the “One Minute Of United Prayer” for the U.S.A.
The “Silent Moment Of Prayer”
This is the time you would pray for America in your location: |
Hawaii Time |
03:00 p.m. |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Alaska Time |
05:00 p.m. |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Pacific Time |
06:00 p.m. |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Mountain Time |
07:00 p.m. |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Central Time |
08:00 p.m. |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Eastern Time |
09:00 p.m. |
One Minute Of Prayer |
Christian Americans should pray for their governmental leaders, whether they are in the Body of Jesus Christ—the true Church or not. Prayer is needed for the President of the United States and his family—all the way down the governmental chain of command and authority including all military recruits—to the state and local city police and firemen.
Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
In conclusion, many Christians are finding that when they switch their prayer time to 9 p.m. eastern time, that they can pray easier, more concentrated on God, and that it is actually a more enjoyable time of prayer. For the Christians who have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit they are finding that the presence of God is coming to them during this united time when many Christians come together throughout the nation, and that the anointing comes from God and sits on their heads—it is tangible and they can actually feel when it arrives and even departs, of course it is supernatural; but it is tangible; you can experience and feel it from God. Try it for yourself and see if it is not true that it is easier to unite with other Christians and pray during this American united 9:00 pm eastern time of prayer. You can pray the silent moment of prayer or you can go into your full prayers and pray for America and the President.
“All Honor, Praise and Glory” for the work of collecting this godly prophetic is given to the Godhead—the One true loving and righteous God: Offices and titles of the Father, Son—Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit God, and to all who were kind enough to get to me the bits and pieces needed to put this collection together or helped in some other manner—I give you my sincere thanks—“Thank you!”
If it were not for God in my life, this document would never have existed, I am deeply grateful to Him!
May the Church and Bride in the USA and the world wake up to the reality of the days in which we live and start to prepare for the good and difficult events to occur.
This document was not created to scare you to death—however, godly fear is the beginning of wisdom; but to provide you with proof in the godly prophetic that an invasion is truly coming to the USA on her homeland. The Word of God requires two or three witnesses, and this document has over 220 witnesses now collected and logged for the soon future invasion of the USA.
May God bless you and your families, and may you learn to be intimate with Jesus, as your Savior, and depend on Him to help you through the days ahead, He will.
Always remember, there is the Lord Jesus’ Church, and there is the Bride in the Church, you must become the Bride to made it in a better way in the days to come and be included in the “Catching up” of the Bride.
God has revealed to an Apostle Seer Prophet, and it was revealed to me in 08/2006, that very, very soon after the next Jubilee which is in 2017 (for the Lord Jesus revealed the last one was in 1967), the “catching up—rapture” will occur for the Bride of the Church, make sure you are in that “catching up” or you will experience great horror on this earth as the antichrist is allowed to rule and enforce his evil plans.
Make it a point to pray, “God, help, protect and account me & my family worthy to escape the horrible things to come, and made us the Bride, in Jesus name, Amen!”
If you know who the scribe collector is of this collection, be kind and loving to Jesus and me, and keep it to yourself, for Jesus has me hidden away so I can scribe the last days events that He has asked me to. On behalf of Jesus and me, Thank you!
This document is never to be sold for gain. The godly revelations from God are never copyrighted, no man or woman can own them, they belong to God—and He has freely given them to His Church.
Freely you have received, freely give!
Be loving and kind to the Body of Jesus Christ in America and do your best to get this collection into as many Christian’s hands as possible and spreading throughout the Internet.
—Anonymous Apostolic Scribe of the Lord Jesus Christ
(The Lord gave me the title of Apostolic Scribe)
[1] Seer — is a prophet, I Samuel 9:9-19
[2] The actual Holy Scriptures/Torah/Bible was written thru four major ways; through 1st inspiration — breathed upon by God. 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21. 2nd dreams, while asleep. Joseph—Gen. 37:5; Pharaoh—Gen. 41:15; Nebuchadnezzar—Dan. 2:3. 3rd visions, usually awake, like a movie playing in front of your eyes and you as if you are in the events you are seeing. Jacob—Gen.46:2; Ezekiel—1:1; Isaiah—1:1. 4th prophecies, future events fore told. Saul—I Sam. 10:6; Jeremiah—19:4; Ezekiel—6:2. 5th writings. Moses—Exodus 17:14; Isaiah—8:1; Jeremiah—30:2. [From: Perry Stone’s video, Hebrew II.]