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Prophecy: Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 (The Double Judgements and the Healing Of The Fatal Head Wound Of The Beast)
October 2, 2017 Tishri (Mo 7) 12, 5778
Updated October 9, 2017, August 5, 2019 and June 25, 2020

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Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1A to read the addendum of the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

Link To Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.

The first four articles of the Puzzle Pieces series deal primarily with past events and how they fit into fulfilled prophecy as we find it in the Book of Revelation. Now, we will turn our view to things that are occurring and changing just at the present time and setting up the stage for the near future fulfillment of the sixth and seventh vial prophecies of Revelation. We will look now at the double judgements that our Lord will use to shock the remnant church to life; the second healing of the fatal head wound received by the Beast and how that is taking shape in our time, and finally, how we expect to see the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation take shape as we near the time of the coming of Christ and the start of His millenial reign. Take a look at the completed puzzle to see just where those last two vials fit.

You can follow these and read additional summarized commentary at the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool.

Please remember that I have numbered these puzzle pieces by the strength of certainty with which I believe we have completely identified the historical event with the related scriptural signification. The most easily identifiable puzzle pieces are shown in color. The items with no corresponding number have been filled in as E.B. Elliott determined them to be fulfilled in the Horae Apocalypticae, utilizing the chronological time flow assumption:


Conquering Invasions By The Romans--------90AD-180AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

Internal Roman Empire Violence--------185AD-192AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

Corruption In Roman Trade/Scarcity--------248AD-265AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

Death From Famine and Plague--------248AD-292AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 4

That event represents-------------Seal 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 4

Fall Of The Pagan Roman Empire--------395AD-476AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic Invasions of Roman Empire--------395AD-410AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic Invasions Under Vandal Genseric--------429AD-468AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic Invasions-Atila The Hun--------433AD-446AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic invasions: The period of Odoacer--------456AD-476AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

1)RULE OF PAPACY-SUBJUGATION OF THE CLERGY---------593AD------------------------------------------------1793AD
That event represents-------------Parenthetical Event 1
Found in---------------------Revelation 12, 13, 17 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

5)TESTIMONY OF 2 WITNESSES--606AD---------------------------------------------------------1866AD
That event represents-------------Parenthetical Event 2
Found in-----------------------------Revelation 11 and 15 and and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

2)MOHAMMEDAN RISE-------------612AD----762AD
That event represents-------------Trumpet 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2

That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in----------------------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

4)TURKISH WOE-----------------------------------------1057AD--1453AD
That event represents---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in--------------------------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2

6)EVERLASTING GOSPEL PREACHED--------------------------------1560AD-------1790AD
That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 7
Found in------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 14 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

5)TWO WITNESSES KILLED AND RAISED---------------------------------1685AD-1689AD
That event represents--------------------------------------Last Biblical Event Before Trumpet7- Vial 1
Found in----------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 11, 15 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

3)FALL OF PAPACY-JUDGEMENT ON CLERGY/FALSE PROPHET-----------------------------------------------------------------1793AD----1866AD--FUTURE
That event represents--------------------------------------------------Trumpet 7, Vial 1 thru Vial 5
Found in-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

Wrath Upon The Turkish/Moslem Power--------1810AD-1923AD-Future-----
That event represents-------------Vial 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

Completion Of Wrath Upon All Papal/Turkish/Moslem Remnants--------Future-----
That event represents-------------Vial 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

I was waking up this morning and my mind was clear and at peace. Suddenly, the Lord spoke and said:

"The double judgements will take on the characteristic of being double in a variety of ways. One way will be that they will have fulfilled a particular prophetic scripture twice."

This has been later revealed (August 6, 2019) to be the only prophetic pre-indicator of the dual fulfillment of the healing of the fatal head wound prophecy as rendered in Revelation 13:3. I will discuss this in detail at the bottom of this article.

I pondered on this and on the applicable scriptures for awhile and I began to smile, for suddenly, my mind was opened regarding why the Lord has had me working so hard over the last month to complete the four part Revelation Puzzle series and the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. . The Lord even had me hitting close to this fact that He revealed to my mind today when I was finishing up writing the Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 (The Great Earthquake) 09/25/2017.

I had written, near the end of that article, that "the scripture clearly says that fulfilled events do repeat: that which has been before is that which shall be again (Ecclesiastes). Jesus even mentioned that Daniel's prophecy regarding the abomination would be repeated. I believe that when we fail to identify those things that are past, we are less likely to correctly identify those things that are still future. I leave open the possibility that God might decide to fulfill one or more of these Revelation signified events in another, perhaps wider way, at the consummation of all things. Alfred Edersheim, in his seminal work, "The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth", p592, argued that "perhaps the most valuable element in Rabbinic excommentation on Messianic times is that in which, as so frequently, it is explained, that all the miracles and deliverances of Israel’s past would be re-enacted, only in a much wider manner, in the days of the Messiah. Thus the whole past was symbolic, and typical of the future.""

Truly, the Holy Spirit had me hitting all around today's word without coming right out and saying it. One way that events will be regarded by God as a double judgement is that they will fulfill some scripture that has already been fulfilled! Wow! It was hidden, right there in front of me, but this morning, things are becoming a great deal clearer.

This further explains the truly enigmatic Revelation 18:6

"Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double."

Now, we can see why the Holy Spirit was drawing such attention to the word "double" by using it three times. These things will be doubled in a variety of ways: even unto three ways. Yes, they will be many fold worse and perhaps much more than double in severity, yet double in terms of time proximity and double in terms of where they strike and also now double because they fulfill a scripture for a second time. So potentially, an event might be a "double" in three different ways! I can see the many fold multiplied value now of the four part Revelation Puzzle series the Lord just had me complete, for how can one think to understand and see all future events and recognize each of them as a "double" if he has no understanding of the historical fulfillment?

I believe the double judgements are drawing very near. I have recently written about two likely double judgements that appear to be coming into their season: the Youngbrandt-Chicago earthquake prophecy of 1972 and the Mivule-Asteroid burst over Chief's Arrowhead Stadium, given in 2005. This is all happening when, one by one, those who have carried forth prophecy and who have warned people about prophetic words are beginning to doubt that God speaks to man. The preponderance of false prophets and failed predictions has had such a quenching effect on the Rt. Rev. Robert S. Biermann, who had been one to give a forum to some prophetic messages. This Anglican bishop had been warning for three years from the Okeechobee, FL based short wave station on his weekly broadcast of "The Weekend Show". His latest program reveals that he has retreated back to the head in sand approach of other denominational ministers, where he stated that "we are all going to be caught as a thief in the night by these judgements".

God expects his people to separate the sheep from the goats! We must recognize true prophetic messengers and true messages and cast out those false words. None of you need be troubled by the recent false warning regarding some ridiculous end of the world prediction stated to be coming on September 23. Three times, the scripture assures us that we are living in a "world without end". God is simply treating us just as He treated Israel before us. Jeremiah was so terribly concerned about the proliferation of false prophets in his day, yet God was utterly unconcerned. He knew who the false prophets were. They would be destroyed AND THOSE WHO LISTENED TO THEM WOULD BE DESTROYED!

Jer 14:15 Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed. Jer 14:16 And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them, them, their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters: for I will pour their wickedness upon them.

Listen to the true messages. Ignore the false ones. Walk in the light and you will not be caught as a thief in the night by these things that must come upon our people and our world. (1 Thessalonians 5:2-9) The double judgements are not to be poured upon merchants, or upon kings or upon nations. The double judgements are to be poured upon BABYLON THE GREAT. She is a great harlot. She is a mother of daughter harlots. She is a murderer of the Saints and the followers of Jesus. She is a religious system, centered at Rome. She has daughters! These double judgements will pour until all the elements of the mother and daughter harlots have been utterly destroyed.

Does this day find you as a tithe paying member to a local church? Does that church more or less require you to tithe by telling you that you are robbing God if you do not turn that tithe over? If so, you are a member of a daughter harlot church! The idea for turning tithing into a law for the members of the church originated with the Church of Rome. Does this day find you submitting to a Senior Pastor? If so, you are a member of a daughter harlot church! The full embodiment of the doctrine of the preeminence of one man over the Laity found its' place in the Church of Rome. Reformation merely substituted the Senior Pastor for the Priest. Does this day find you serving in a church where true prophecy is never discussed and true prophets never take the pulpit to deliver warnings? If so, you are a member of a daughter harlot church! Come out of her, My people, is the word of the Lord to you. Are you a member of a church where you are taught that God does not speak any more to His people but that He had finished speaking once the bible was completed? If so, come out of such a place, says the Lord. The double judgements are set, decreed and released to fall upon all such daughter harlot churches. The nation and the people will be caught up in the terrible events that will come to pass, but the reason these double judgements will have been sent; the fault for it all; will lie at the feet of God's rebellious people.

Updated October 9, 2017

I sat before the Lord this morning and asked the Lord to show me something from the scripture that I did not know. He complied and caused me to notice my bible, opened before me to Jeremiah 49. I tracked back from that point to Jeremiah 45, where I began my reading for the day, but the Lord did not reveal anything new to me until I reached chapter 49, verse 12:

Jer 49:12 For thus saith the LORD; Behold, they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup have assuredly drunken; and art thou he that shall altogether go unpunished? thou shalt not go unpunished, but thou shalt surely drink of it.

This scripture is part of God's decree of judgement that was set upon Edom, as verse 10 indicates. I was not previously aware that God had spoken forth a second time in this manner regarding a commandment from the Lord that the prophet was to command that these certain nations must drink forth from the wine cup of God's wrath. This is the additional, major scriptural backing for the "calling in of judgements" that prophets must do do from time to time. The Lord had used Jeremiah 25 in speaking to me on July 5, 2008 as He sent me forth to command that this nation must drink forth from the wine cup of God's wrath:

Jer 25:15 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it. Jer 25:16 And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them. Jer 25:17 Then took I the cup at the LORD'S hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto whom the LORD had sent me: Jer 25:18 To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day; Jer 25:19 Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people; Jer 25:20 And all the mingled people, and all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod, Jer 25:21 Edom, and Moab, and the children of Ammon, Jer 25:22 And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea, Jer 25:23 Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and all that are in the utmost corners, Jer 25:24 And all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert, Jer 25:25 And all the kings of Zimri, and all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of the Medes, Jer 25:26 And all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth: and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. Jer 25:27 Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you. Jer 25:28 And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ye shall certainly drink. Jer 25:29 For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

I took note that Edom is also included among the list of nations to whom Jeremiah was sent in chapter 25. Edom is singled out in chapter 49 for a second imprecation. I took notice that it is a type of double: a double mention regarding the command to drink forth from the wine cup of the wrath of God. I then began to discuss this with the Lord. Why is Edom, alone among all the nations of the Earth, to be singled out by God for something double? A double judgement? Now, in the natural, Edom has long since ceased to be a nation, yet we know that Edom occupies a major role in prophecy, all the way to the battle of Armageddon. Edom, as the national name of Esau, still has peoples on the Earth and I, among others, have suggested that false Jews, who are really of Esau, have taken up residence in Israel. I believe today, however, that the symbolic calling forth of a double judgement upon Edom goes even further than that. This stretches forth from the recognition of those who say that they are Jews, but are not (Rev 2:9) all the way to false brethren in Jesus Christ and even unto Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots, of Revelation 17. There is still one more major symbolic connection to be made here to cement the conclusion that I reach herein that these Jeremiah scriptures are the OT rendering of the double judgement imprecation. It has to do with the name "Edom".

The name of Esau means "rough", yet he was born with a covering of reddish hair. Later in life, he became tremendously obsessed with red foods, such as the red pottage that he so desperately desired that he was willing to sell his birthright as the first born for a bowl of that red stew. From that time, Esau was called Edom (red). He became "a man called red". The color red, or a rosey red color from the Hebrew connotation and the voracious lust for that reddish food so dominated his life that he finally carried that name. So, the Lord finally opened my eyes to be able to see this morning that the double judgements have been decreed from Old Testament times against RED: against the corruption that is in the world through lust and desire and love for the world and for the things of this world. The predominating color of the Church of Rome is RED: SCARLET RED. The color worn by all of her CARDINALS is RED when they are in conclave. The symbolic color of WHOREDOM and HARLOTRY throughout almost all of human history has been SCARLET RED. Indeed, from the scriptures, we see that this false religious system and the nations she rides upon are dominated by this one color:

Rev 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Rev 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols", for the double judgements have been decreed against you when you refuse to cast down those idols and you fail to follow Jesus, walking in the light as He is in the light.

Updated August 6, 2019

Almost all of the historical prophetic bible expositors have agreed that the healing of the fatal head wound that John saw in one of the seven heads of the Revelation 13:3 beast was fulfilled and accomplished with the fall of Pagan, Imperial Rome in 476 A.D. and then the subsequent restoration of power to Rome in 606 A.D. when the ten kings of Europe became submitted and subservient to him. There was also little to no doubt among historical writers that the Papacy had received a fatal head wound when the French Revolution began in 1793, which began a process that resulted in the end of temporal, political control by the Papacy over the ten kings of Europe by 1866. These writers believed this would be a fatal wound from which there would be no recovery by the Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.

This sequence of historical events satisfied all of these historical bible expositors who wrote prior to the rise and fall of the Millerites in 1844, with their notable failed prediction of the physical return of Christ and the subsequent period in history that was termed the "Great Disappointment". After these things, we take note of the following developments:

  • 1920-Futurism, along with present day futuristic interpretations of the prophetic apocalyptic scriptures, all of them Roman Catholic in origin, became the dominant method of prophetic interpretation for deciphering apocalyptic matters and this continues to be the state of affairs today.
  • 1995-Ecumenical efforts proceeded apace to restore the reformation protestant churches to the headship of the mother Roman Church.
  • 1995-The New Geneva Bible was published with no referenced connection between the Papacy and the Antichrist of 1 John Chapter 2, the son of perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the beast of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17. Revisionist history is now beginning to come out openly in full view.
  • 2016-The Reformation Study Bible, 2016 edition, is published with no referenced connection between the Papacy and the Antichrist of 1 John Chapter 2, the son of perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the beast of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17. Revisionist history continues now in full view, in such force that even the Reformation Bible College no longer teaches the basic tenet of the Reformation: that the Papacy is the Antichrist!

    I am aware that at the first rising of the Beast, Rome first gained doctrinal supremacy. Temporal political supremacy over nations lagged behind by hundreds of years. Now, at this very hour, Rome and the Papacy have once again substantially achieved doctrinal supremacy in that almost all churches follow and agree with the apocalyptic teachings of the Church of Rome.

    I can only conclude that a second healing of the seven headed, ten horned beast, with its Papal related eighth head, which is of the seven, is now fully underway and I expect that at some point in the not too distant future, this Papal Beast will in some way be part of the restoration of a new Roman empire. Certainly, we see signs that a restoration of religious control by the Papacy is underway, but political and economic control may function in a way altogether different than it did from 606AD to 1866AD. There will also be some sort of side deal, as the Papacy had with Islam in its' infancy, that will involve an arrangement with a reinvigorated Ottoman Empire, comprised of Islamic States that will stretch from Turkey to Iran. One way or another, that "New Rome"-a beast healed of a fatal head wound for the second time, will reign over all the territory that Babylon originally ruled over. Most do not know that Islam in its infancy was funded, created and assisted by the Papacy. I have discussed all of this in greater detail at The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel When you see this taking place in a more clear way, you will acknowledge that the seventh vial of Revelation is pouring.

    This prophesied and expected second healing of the secular, political power of the beast can only be biblically explained by the prophetic word that the Lord gave me that caused me to write this article that leads to an expanded interpretation of Revelation 18:6:

    "The double judgements will take on the characteristic of being double in a variety of ways. One way will be that they will have fulfilled a particular prophetic scripture twice."

    This also sheds further prophetic light on a possible reason why "red" and "scarlet" were singled out for a double judgement in the book of Jeremiah, as I discussed in the previous update to this article that was added on October 9, 2017.

    Updated June 25, 2020

    Please realize this: a second healing of the fatal head wound that was received by the beast of Revelation 13:3 occurs only in the right, or Western leg of the statue Daniel saw in Daniel 2. (1st fatal wound-476 AD fall of pagan Rome, 2nd fatal wound-1866AD end of Papal control over the kings of Europe) That which is healed is not necessarily the Papacy as head, but the head of empire is healed and the empire is put back together. The Eastern leg of the statue, corresponding to Constantinople and later, to the Ottoman Empire, received no such fatal head wound, but the control of the empire and the nations in it transferred from one emperor to another at the fall of Constantinople in 1453AD. It is this Eastern leg, Ottoman empire that fell in 1923, 2,670 years after the foundation of the Assyrian Empire (7 times, plus two of Daniel's 75 year extension periods: 1,260+75+1,260+75).

    Know this, however: the statue was seen STANDING in Daniel 2:31 at the time in the future when it would be struck, meaning that by virtue of the second healing of the fatal head wound, now in progress, the statue will fully STAND AGAIN, even though at present, those Eastern leg, Islamic nations, do not move as one empire. Then, and only then, when the whole statue stands again, it is caused to fall, not by a head wound, but by the smashing of the feet as portrayed in Daniel 2:34. These feet are smashed when the statue is STILL STANDING. First, the feet of the statue are broken to pieces (v34). Then all the rest of the statue, meaning every single empire or part of empire or nation that is pre-figured by the gold, silver, brass, iron or clay parts of that statue, will become like chaff and will be carried away by the wind (v35). This smashing of the whole statue is carried out by the stone, cut out without hands: the kingdom of God. Therefore, "the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." (Rev 11:15)

    Dan 2:44  And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. 

    Stephen L. Bening

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1A to read the addendum of the first article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

    Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

    "Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875) All the major Reformers and all the major Reformation creeds and confessions adopted the historicist position — and it is this position that Elliott so skillfully defends. Included in Horae Apocalypticae you will also find a very useful historical survey of who held which positions concerning eschatology, much history on the Roman empire (and its interaction with Christianity), how the Reformation, Islam, etc. were prophesied in the Apocalypse, a world chronology according to the Hebrew Scriptures (which would make the Earth 6127 years old), patristic views of prophecy, the beast and his mark (666) revealed, and much more. The Papacy is also shown to be the apocalyptic antichrist, which was a standard position among the Reformers. Elliott also deals with Moses Stuart's Preterism. Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

    Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.

    Let us take a quick look at the finished puzzle, with the links. You can use this as a sort of TABLE OF CONTENTS to all seven puzzle pieces. I will also fill in the remaining puzzle pieces here as E.B. Elliott determines them to have fallen out in the Horae Apocalypticae. You can follow these and read additional summarized commentary at the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool.

    Please remember that I have numbered these puzzle pieces by the strength of certainty with which I believe we have completely identified the historical event with the related scriptural signification. The most easily identifiable puzzle pieces are shown in color:


    Conquering Invasions By The Romans--------90AD-180AD-----
    That event represents-------------Seal 1
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

    Internal Roman Empire Violence--------185AD-192AD-----
    That event represents-------------Seal 2
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

    Corruption In Roman Trade/Scarcity--------248AD-265AD-----
    That event represents-------------Seal 3
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

    Death From Famine and Plague--------248AD-292AD-----
    That event represents-------------Seal 4
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

    9)DIOCLETIAN'S PERSECUTION--------303AD-312AD----
    That event represents-------------Seal 5
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 6 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 4

    That event represents-------------Seal 6
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 6 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 4

    Fall Of The Pagan Roman Empire--------395AD-476AD-----
    That event represents-------------Seal 7
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

    Gothic Invasions of Roman Empire--------395AD-410AD-----
    That event represents-------------Trumpet 1
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

    Gothic Invasions Under Vandal Genseric--------429AD-468AD-----
    That event represents-------------Trumpet 2
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

    Gothic Invasions-Atila The Hun--------433AD-446AD-----
    That event represents-------------Trumpet 3
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

    Gothic invasions: The period of Odoacer--------456AD-476AD-----
    That event represents-------------Trumpet 4
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

    1)RULE OF PAPACY-SUBJUGATION OF THE CLERGY---------593AD------------------------------------------------1793AD
    That event represents-------------Parenthetical Event 1
    Found in---------------------Revelation 12, 13, 17 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

    5)TESTIMONY OF 2 WITNESSES--606AD---------------------------------------------------------1866AD
    That event represents-------------Parenthetical Event 2
    Found in-----------------------------Revelation 11 and 15 and and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

    2)MOHAMMEDAN RISE-------------612AD----762AD
    That event represents-------------Trumpet 5
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2

    That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 6
    Found in----------------------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

    4)TURKISH WOE-----------------------------------------1057AD--1453AD
    That event represents---------------------------------Trumpet 6
    Found in--------------------------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2

    6)EVERLASTING GOSPEL PREACHED--------------------------------1560AD-------1790AD
    That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 7
    Found in------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 14 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

    5)TWO WITNESSES KILLED AND RAISED---------------------------------1685AD-1689AD
    That event represents--------------------------------------Last Biblical Event Before Trumpet7- Vial 1
    Found in----------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 11, 15 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

    3)FALL OF PAPACY-JUDGEMENT ON CLERGY/FALSE PROPHET-----------------------------------------------------------------1793AD----1866AD--FUTURE
    That event represents--------------------------------------------------Trumpet 7, Vial 1 thru Vial 5
    Found in-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

    Wrath Upon The Turkish/Moslem Power--------1810AD-1923AD-Future-----
    That event represents-------------Vial 6
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

    Completion Of Wrath Upon All Papal/Turkish/Moslem Remnants--------Future-----
    That event represents-------------Vial 7
    Found in------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6


    Step 1: Go to Prophetic Superpages and click on the link in the second column to the right to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and scroll down to the completed Revelation Puzzle. Keep both pages open in your browser.
    Step 2: Let us say you want to know more about the Great Earthquake in the Sixth Seal. Look down the Completed Revelation Puzzle until you get to the Sixth Seal, and click on the link to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series. Keep this third page open in your browser as well.
    Step 3-Click on the link to open the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool that you can easily find on any of the Puzzle Pieces articles. Keep all four pages open in your browser and click on the link for Revelation 6 and scroll down to verse 12, where you will find the scripture relating to the Great Earthquake. Look to the right to see the Volume Number and Page Reference where you you will find this information in the Horae Apocalypticae.
    Step 4-Refer back to Prophetic Superpages that you should still have open in your browser and click on the link to the appropriate volume of the Horae Apocalypticae, found in the third column to the right, which in this case is Horae Apocalypticae, Volume 1, Fifth Edition. Scroll to page 235 to page 252 in the Horae Apocalypticae to perform in depth research on the Sixth Seal. Keep all five pages open in your browser to quickly move back and forth between the resources.

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    Troubled by a dream? You can compare it with the things that others have seen and heard, right here.
    (For example: Position your mouse cursor over California on the map, and click to see a page of California Earthquake Prophecies)

    "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4

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