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Prophecy: Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 (The Great Earthquake)
September 25, 2017 Tishri (Mo 7) 5, 5778

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Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1A to read the addendum of the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

Link To Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.


I am thinking back just now to the words the Holy Spirit spoke to me almost one month ago that got me started on this multi-part effort in attempting to bring understanding to this labyrinth called the Book of Revelation. I woke that morning, thinking about certain sections of the Revelation of John, when the Holy Spirit interjected: "Think about it just like you would a crossword puzzle". Today, I am once again pondering on the puzzle: pondering on all types of puzzles and their many pieces. You typically make your best efforts to fill in the crossword puzzle or to put some pieces together in your 1000 piece picture puzzle, but try as you might, you are left with some big voids. Sometimes, these big voids can be downright discouraging, but if you press on with determination, you can get a breakthrough. You might still need a breakthrough to really see how this Revelation Puzzle comes together. I will get around to talking about an eighth event (I have discussed seven already). Perhaps, hopefully, that will be the one puzzle piece that helps you to see the picture as God intended it to be viewed.

No two puzzles are alike and you are an additional variable to the whole mix as you may find yourself possessing either an abundance of patience or a lack thereof, added to which your patience level may vary from day to day. So, the question is, how does the Revelation Puzzle find you today? People today are "twitterized": they have very short attention spans for reading, for the most part. Scientists have documented this phenomenon. People have developed established mindsets that, in effect, close their minds to the truth. People have been programmed by media to think in certain ways. Yesterday, I spent about five minutes watching "7 New Signs Of The Apocalypse" on the History Channel, which is co-owned by Disney-ABC and Hearst Publications. The basic premise they presented is that the Book of Revelation is going to be fulfilled by literal fires, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters. Most of you have been conditioned to think like that because those types of arguments have comprised most of your Bible Studies and your religious television consumption. Certainly, Jesus gave twenty four signs of the end of the age and those were literal wind and waves roaring kinds of signs. Peter also taught us that this present world and everything in it is reserved for destruction by fire. So, it is only natural for us to think that the entire Book of Revelation is speaking about those very same, end of the age events. But, what if Revelation is different? Those of you who went further read speculative books with arguments for this man or that man as antichrist, or you bought study bibles that argued that all of these Book of Revelation events were still future, as you were taught that God has not poured out any wrath on Planet Earth...yet. I sat there, listening to History Channel, wondering just how HOLY Disney-ABC and Hearst Publications really are? Are they qualified to tell me how to understand this Book? Whose agenda are they pushing: God's or the Devil's? Are they more pure than the publishers of my New International Version Study Bible? More holy than Hal Lindsey when he wrote "Late Great Planet Earth"? Then, with all of that attempted programming and mind blinding, the Holy Spirit, with a still small voice, early in the morning, was whispering something very childlike to me indeed when He said: "Think about it just like you would a crossword puzzle".

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 (Introduction) , then Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 (Mohammedan Rise-Turkish Woe) and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 (2 Witnesses-Everlasting Gospel-4 Angels Bound) to read the first three articles in this series and ahead to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 (The Double Judgements) to read Part 5. This marks the twenty sixth day of publication of my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago. The most recently completed work is contained in Revelation 6.

Let us return to where I left you on the chronological flow timeline from John's time to today, filling in the "knowns", presented here in the order of the strength of certainty that I have that they have been absolutely identified: 1) RULE OF PAPACY: First, identify the Divinely interpreted Papal Roman Empire of Revelation 12, 13, and 17 and notice that it speaks of Rome at chronologically advancing periods of time. 2) MOHAMMEDAN RISE: Identify the 5th trumpet as prefiguring Mohamed and his successors for 150 years of advancement, until they were stopped. 3) FALL OF PAPACY: Identify the French Revolution as representing the Seventh trumpet and five of the vials. 4)TURKISH WOE: Identify the Turkish woe of the 6th trumpet as the fourth most certain. Those that remain of the seven are: 5) TWO WITNESSES TESTIFY, KILLED AND RAISED: Identify the two witnesses and the time of their extermination and their rise, 6) EVERLASTING GOSPEL PREACHED: Identify the going forth of the angel with the everlasting gospel and 7) FOUR ANGELS BOUND AT THE EUPHRATES: Identify that it was the Turkish-Moslem horde that were bound at the Euphrates at Baghdad for several hundred years prior to the Turkish woe, matching the signification of the four angels who were said to be bound there. I have also listed unknowns shown at the beginning of the Revelation Puzzle for which I, as yet, have provided no solution:


That event represents-------------Seal 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

1)RULE OF PAPACY---------593AD------------------------------------------------1793AD
Found in---------------------Revelation 12, 13 and 17

5)TESTIMONY OF 2 WITNESSES--606AD---------------------------------------------------------1866AD
Found in-----------------------------Revelation 11 and 15

2)MOHAMMEDAN RISE-------------612AD----762AD
That event represents-------------Trumpet 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 9

That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in----------------------------------------------Revelation 9

4)TURKISH WOE-----------------------------------------1057AD--1453AD
That event represents---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in--------------------------------------------------Revelation 9

6)EVERLASTING GOSPEL PREACHED--------------------------------1560AD-------1790AD
That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 7
Found in------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 14

5)TWO WITNESSES KILLED AND RAISED---------------------------------1685AD-1689AD
That event represents--------------------------------------Last Biblical Event Before Trumpet7- Vial 1
Found in----------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 11, 15

3)FALL OF PAPACY-----------------------------------------------------------------1793AD----1866AD
That event represents--------------------------------------------------Trumpet 7, Vial 1-Vial 5
Found in-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 16

That event represents-------------Vial 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16

That event represents-------------Vial 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16

My oh my! That chart looked a great deal more impressive when I presented it at the end of my last article. Why? I left all of those unknown items out and there are a great many. But still, much progress has been made. The time-flow of events is pretty impressively laid out and matched to the Revelation events from 593AD forward, but what are we to do with seven seals and four trumpets that must correspond to historical events? It would be great to get a breakthrough and find an undeniable historical event to fit in between John's receipt of the Revelation in 90AD and the beginning of the temporal Papal rule over the peoples of Europe in 593AD.

The Holy Spirit sent me back at this time for a careful reading of Revelation Chapter one. This Revelation of Jesus Christ was SENT and SIGNIFIED to servant John by his angel to show things to HIS SERVANTS. These things must "shortly" come to pass. That much is seen in the first verse. The fourth verse then lets us know that this information is given to John so that he may pass it on to the seven churches of Asia. In short, right from the outset, we are informed that this Book is not written to the world: it is written to God's Servants and it is very likely they will be the only ones who will be granted a proper and correct understanding of those things that have been SIGNIFIED. The question then arises as prompted by the Spirit to me: What single historical event, falling between 90AD and today, would have been of the most interest to GOD'S SERVANTS? Answer: The rise of Constantine, a Christian believer, to be Caesar over the Roman Empire.

Let us assume for a minute that the angel had literally told John that, like Isaiah had been foretold about the rise of Cyrus to show favor to Jerusalem, God would appoint one such Constantine to rule over Rome and to relieve the suffering of God's servants? Certainly, God's servants in those days were in the early stretches of ten persecutions perpetrated by the Roman Empire. A prophecy of this type would have almost been too good, too favorable to have been believed. Yet, Jesus had already told John through the angel to expect signified events, not literal forth-telling. Where are we to look among the Revelation events to find such an event? Certainly, this event caused a commotion: a tremendous upheaval. Prior to this event, Rome and the Empire had been organized around Pagan worship. Pagan temples were found on the hilltops of Rome. Hundreds of years of Pagan worship, along with periods of Emperor worship, held no clue that Rome might one day be ruled by a Christian believer, yet that is exactly what happened.

Constantine told the Christian elder Eusebius, near the end of Constantine's life, that he had seen a thing in the sky: a flaming cross. Certainly, this was something not of natural origin. He was not asleep, but awake. He did not know from whence it came, but nevertheless, it burned in the sky and he saw it. The next night, he had a dream, telling him that he would triumph in battle if he carried the cross forward as his battle ensign. Seven wars later, following the victories won by soldiers over many years, carrying shields emblazoned with the cross, Constantine sat as Caesar in Rome. This was an upheaval: a political earthquake of tremendous proportions. Edicts came forth for the construction of the first twelve church buildings of the realm. All officially ordered persecutions ceased. Dreaded enemies of the church were, in many cases, put to death.

We find a prophesied earthquake in the Sixth seal of Revelation 6:13. The Greek word “seizmos”, here translated as “Earthquake”, is the same Greek word found in Matthew 8:24, where it is rendered as a “tempest” on the Sea of Galilee. The word denotes a great shaking and it's use is proper where any type of shaking will suffice, whether it be of natural, political or religious origin. There are many other aspects of the signs that are used to describe this dramatic earthquake presented to us near the end of Revelation 6. Each and every one of these signified items is shown to be portending some event other than that which they might literally suggest. They are also shown by Elliott in other scriptures of the Bible where they were utilized as signs and symbols. Read and study chapter 6 of the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. There, you will find the details in the history and the scripture that match up with every single apocalyptic symbol. This sixth seal, if properly identified here, quickly followed the very worst of the Roman persecutions under Diocletian, which then also very persuasively argues to be included there as the explanation for the fifth seal.

Let us return to where I left you on the chronological flow timeline from John's time to today, filling in the additional "knowns". Please remember that I have numbered these puzzle pieces by the strength of certainty with which I believe we have completely identified the historical event with the related scriptural signification:


That event represents-------------Seal 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

That event represents-------------Trumpet 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

1)RULE OF PAPACY---------593AD------------------------------------------------1793AD
Found in---------------------Revelation 12, 13 and 17

5)TESTIMONY OF 2 WITNESSES--606AD---------------------------------------------------------1866AD
Found in-----------------------------Revelation 11 and 15

2)MOHAMMEDAN RISE-------------612AD----762AD
That event represents-------------Trumpet 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 9

That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in----------------------------------------------Revelation 9

4)TURKISH WOE-----------------------------------------1057AD--1453AD
That event represents---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in--------------------------------------------------Revelation 9

6)EVERLASTING GOSPEL PREACHED--------------------------------1560AD-------1790AD
That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 7
Found in------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 14

5)TWO WITNESSES KILLED AND RAISED---------------------------------1685AD-1689AD
That event represents--------------------------------------Last Biblical Event Before Trumpet7- Vial 1
Found in----------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 11, 15

3)FALL OF PAPACY-----------------------------------------------------------------1793AD----1866AD
That event represents--------------------------------------------------Trumpet 7, Vial 1-Vial 5
Found in-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 16

That event represents-------------Vial 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16

That event represents-------------Vial 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16

Have you had your breakthrough yet? Can you follow along with Edward Bennett Elliott now, on my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool, as he explains that the first four seals have to do with the decline of the Pagan Roman Empire, prior to the total collapse? Have you broken through spiritually to point where you can accept these explanations? Can you also then see, following along with Elliott's explanations, that the Seventh seal and the first four trumpets have to do with the fall of the Pagan Roman Empire? I have been reading all of these things for about seventeen years, but I have only just recently received the breakthrough to be able to read these explanations of Elliott's for the Seals and first four Trumpets without objecting so vehemently that I could proceed no further in any belief in the whole. I will therefore be patient with you, my readers. Perhaps I am a bit dull, as some of the disciples of Jesus were who were slow to believe. Hopefully, I have helped you to reach a quicker resolution through the help of our Lord by His Holy Spirit, helping you on the inside.

I have no axe to grind, nor do I have any books to sell. Everything I have ever written is freely available on this site. I am only seeking to reach the true meaning of that which the angel sent and signified to John. I have concluded that the fifth seal was fulfilled by the Diocletian "Aera Of Martyrs", as it was called for many hundreds of years. There was no way to be a public witness for Christ in the Roman empire for those ten years without becoming a martyr. Still, the matching of this event with this seal cannot be done independently, for there were nine waves of martyrs prior to Diocletian's era, yet they were somewhat less in severity. There have been periods since that time where a great number were killed for some aspect of their faith. We can only match Diocletian's era of martyrs with the fifth seal signified event because it falls directly before the great earthquake of Constantine's accession to the throne in the chronological time-flow. The simple fact is that once we have gone through the eight major events that I have discussed in my four articles, we need the context of those eight in order to complete the rest of the Revelation Puzzle. We cannot identify the first four seals or the first four trumpets without filling in the eight parts of the Revelation Puzzle that I have already identified. The signs and symbols in those eight more obscure signified events could potentially apply to many historical events in the past or perhaps also, many events in the future. The question I have for you is this: Is this consistent with proper biblical interpretation? Can we do as I have done and please the Lord? Can we use eight provable events to establish a chronological time-flow assumption? Then, once that assumption has been substantially proven, can we fill in those eight blanks that might reasonably apply to any time period if they were to be interpreted independently? I believe that we can! I believe the Holy Spirit has called for just that type of interpretation.

One fellow, a reader of mine on social media, posted this criticism of my work, which is also a criticism of the work of every biblical historicist teacher for many hundreds of years. He said: "Before I spend days trying to study your teachings can you tell me if EVERY word and symbol in Scripture is backed up by history? I'm going to be very disappointed if not. Every time I embark on a historicist study it falls short several hours in and I've wasted my time."

I gave him the following answer, which was based upon the very strict criteria that he provided to me: " "1Co 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part." You have, in my opinion, imposed an unreasonable burden of proof upon me, God's servant. It is an impossible burden: unable to be borne. I have written three articles (now four) and a spreadsheet. In them, I have presented what I believe to be be compelling arguments that I believe reach the conclusions I have drawn. I would ask you alternately: Do you understand EVERY single word and symbol in the other 65 Books of scripture? Or perhaps that is too hard? I will narrow the focus down. Do you understand EVERY word and symbol spoken by the Master and written down for us in the Gospels? Do you then reject the whole because you fail to understand a verse here and there? Many people do exactly that! I humbly admit that I do not understand every single word or symbol in the scripture, nor do I even understand every single utterance of my Savior, but I happily confess that I am absolutely convinced as to the truth of the whole by that PART that I have been blessed by God to know and to understand. We are going to be judged by God for that which we have understood! We are expected by Him to be good stewards with that part and to be effective and productive: bearing fruit. I have consistently preached for thirty years to all sorts of people on various continents and in prisons and jails, as well as the internet, that we must walk in the light that we have. We must preach the part of the gospel that we know and that we understand."

I noticed last night that this same social media reader has continued to argue along this line, but with a very important change, on his own social media thread: He wrote "In conclusion, let us remind ourselves of this well-known principle of biblical interpretation. When there are Scripture texts that treat the same general theme, and yet one passage is more obscure than the other, the more enigmatic text always is to be interpreted in the light of the clearer." (He quoted this passage without giving a reference) I highly disagree (He said). I believe EVERY word is critical to the full understanding. This is the problem with historicist and preterist views. They don't support the whole of Scripture. Every historicist I've approached about this gives me the excuse that I can't possibly place such an unreasonable level of expectation upon them, yet they call themselves prophets and teachers of the Word. I can only say DANGER." (END OF READER COMMENTS)

You, the reader, will now have to make up your mind regarding which one of us is on the right track. Which is the proper method of interpretation: the one God intends for your use? Are the passages contained in the Revelation regarding the first four seals and the first four trumpets obscure and more enigmatic in their meaning than the eight easily identifiable puzzle pieces that I have identified? If they are obscure, am I correct to rely upon the making of the assumption that the more obscure ones must be force fitted into the chronological time-flow, as strongly proven by the clear chronological sequence of those Revelation significations that are neither obscure nor enigmatic? I believe that I am correct. You must pray about it and reach your own decision. I have made mine. Please realize, however, that the scripture clearly says that fulfilled events do repeat: that which has been before is that which shall be again (Ecclesiastes). Jesus even mentioned that Daniel's prophecy regarding the abomination would be repeated. I believe that when we fail to identify those things that are past, we are less likely to correctly identify those things that are still future. I leave open the possibility that God might decide to fulfill one or more of these Revelation signified events in another, perhaps wider way, at the consummation of all things. Alfred Edersheim, in his seminal work, "The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth", p592, argued that "perhaps the most valuable element in Rabbinic excommentation on Messianic times is that in which, as so frequently, it is explained, that all the miracles and deliverances of Israel’s past would be re-enacted, only in a much wider manner, in the days of the Messiah. Thus the whole past was symbolic, and typical of the future." I believe this to be a true statement. God loves to conceal a matter: it is to His glory. He has said that it is to the glory of kings to seek out and reveal a matter.

I pray that the Lord may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him so that you may see and understand that which has been hidden by our Lord in the things that were signified to John while he was exiled on the Isle of Patmos. The Divine source of this Book has been almost universally agreed to by Christian writers for more than 1900 years. May we reach unto the day where the meaning of this Divinely authored book and its' many signs may be as universally accepted and understood by all who constitute the bride of Jesus Christ.

Stephen L. Bening

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1A to read the addendum of the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

"Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875) All the major Reformers and all the major Reformation creeds and confessions adopted the historicist position — and it is this position that Elliott so skillfully defends. Included in Horae Apocalypticae you will also find a very useful historical survey of who held which positions concerning eschatology, much history on the Roman empire (and its interaction with Christianity), how the Reformation, Islam, etc. were prophesied in the Apocalypse, a world chronology according to the Hebrew Scriptures (which would make the Earth 6127 years old), patristic views of prophecy, the beast and his mark (666) revealed, and much more. The Papacy is also shown to be the apocalyptic antichrist, which was a standard position among the Reformers. Elliott also deals with Moses Stuart's Preterism. Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.


Step 1: Go to Prophetic Superpages and click on the link in the second column to the right to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and scroll down to the completed Revelation Puzzle. Keep both pages open in your browser.
Step 2: Let us say you want to know more about the Great Earthquake in the Sixth Seal. Look down the Completed Revelation Puzzle until you get to the Sixth Seal, and click on the link to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series. Keep this third page open in your browser as well.
Step 3-Click on the link to open the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool that you can easily find on any of the Puzzle Pieces articles. Keep all four pages open in your browser and click on the link for Revelation 6 and scroll down to verse 12, where you will find the scripture relating to the Great Earthquake. Look to the right to see the Volume Number and Page Reference where you you will find this information in the Horae Apocalypticae.
Step 4-Refer back to Prophetic Superpages that you should still have open in your browser and click on the link to the appropriate volume of the Horae Apocalypticae, found in the third column to the right, which in this case is Horae Apocalypticae, Volume 1, Fifth Edition. Scroll to page 235 to page 252 in the Horae Apocalypticae to perform in depth research on the Sixth Seal. Keep all five pages open in your browser to quickly move back and forth between the resources.

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"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4

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