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Prophecy: Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 (The False Prophet-The Pyramid-The Clergy)
May 8, 2018 Iyar (Mo 2) 23, 5778

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Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1A to read the addendum of the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

Link To Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.

You do not need to read this series of articles so that you will become an expert in history! Rather, you need to know these things because, as the scripture says, "that which has been before is that which shall be again". The intricacies of the Roman Catholic clergy pyramid are historically interesting to ferret out, but I am more interested as I see this pyramid being reconstructed today in the millions of independent churches where a Senior Pastor rules over his subjects like a king. These Senior Pastor kings extract tithes from their subjects in just the same way as the prophet Samuel warned Israel that their Kings would do to them in 1 Samuel, Chapter 8. I also take note that these same independent churches and their Senior Pastors are now aligning, because of a desire for covering, underneath the authority of Bishops. These Bishops have now aligned under the so called Super Apostles of our day. This desire for covering is nothing more than the workings of the old Mystery Babylon entity, at work in another cycle of pyramid building. So, the abominable thing that took six hundred years to form in the Roman Catholic era has now begun to take shape in the first fifty years of the charismatic era. These things are powerfully relevant to how we understand what is happening in our churches today.

I closed with the fifth part of the Revelation Puzzle series some seven months ago as I had thought that I had finished with the first phase of the Revelation Puzzle: the goal of which is to make the Revelation of the Apocalypse understandable. The postscript to that fifth part of the series closed with a conclusion where I stated: "the double judgements have been decreed from Old Testament times against RED: against the corruption that is in the world through lust and desire and love for the world and for the things of this world. The predominating color of the Church of Rome is RED: SCARLET RED. The color worn by all of her CARDINALS is RED when they are in conclave." So, I notice that the Lord had begun, at that time, to shift my gaze to the Cardinals and the Clergy of the church of Rome, which are an element just below the Papacy in the hierarchical order of the Roman Catholic Church. In short, the Lord was shifting my prophetic gaze to the whole pyramidal structure of the apostate church of Rome, and hence, the Lord was connecting this work regarding the puzzle pieces of the Book of Revelation to the defining vision I received some twenty seven years ago: The Lord And The Pyramid

Please open the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. and take a quick look at Revelation 12:3 and note that the reference here is to a beast, a great red dragon, or antichrist, who has crowns upon SEVEN HEADS. Now, look at Revelation 13:1 to see a beast, or antichrist, who has crowns upon TEN HORNS. I have previously explained that the Revelation 12:3 beast refers to Imperial Rome, under the rule of her SEVEN HEADS or types of government: her Caesar's being but one of the seven, prior to her collapse in 476AD. Revelation 13:1 refers to Papal Rome, ruling over her TEN HORNS, which represented the ten kings of Europe, at a later time, from 606AD to 1866AD. Now, let us shift our gaze to a time later in history, near unto and after the fall of Papal Rome, in Revelation 17:3, where we find this same seven headed, ten horned beast at the time when she is judged by God.

So, we find that this is the same beast portrayed at different times, portrayed in three different Revelation scriptures. The middle one: the Revelation 13 beast, differs in that a second beast is portrayed in Revelation 13:11-17 as arising from the earth. Please follow down the Revelation 13 page on the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. and you will see that I have written commentaries along side each verse. This beast is a lamb like beast with two horns, but he speaks like a dragon. "Beware of them which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The historicist writers were of unified opinion that this second beast, also referred to by many as the false prophet, symbolically represents the clergy as it stretches down the sides of the pyramid from Pope, to the Cardinals, to Archbishops, to Papal Councils, to Priests, Friars, Monks, Nuns and all the others included in the Roman Catholic compendium. By connection through the Revelation 17 Mystery Babylon, MOTHER OF HARLOTS, every non-Roman Catholic harlot church and clergy have a familial relation as they do their work as daughter harlots.

May I remind the reader, once again, that we are told in the very first verse of the first chapter of the Revelation that the angel sent and SIGNIFIED these things to John. Also, verse 6 informs us that He "hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father". Consider then Pro 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Does not the scripture strongly imply that you must be a king and a priest unto God in order to be able to search out these matters. Since it is the glory of God in the concealing, I conclude that it will also require that God's king and priest must have His glory upon him or her to be able to search these things out. Witness then the horrible price we have paid in being connected to defiled churches and in wallowing in personal defilement ourselves: all of which keeps the presence and glory of God from resting upon us and, as a consequence, leaves us in darkness and confusion of understanding. We must come out and walk in the light to understand these and other things that have been hidden.

Scofield, in his Study Bible, in the 1917 edition, in his commentary on chapter 1, verse 5 of the Book of Titus, reports that "The eldership in the apostolic local churches was always plural. There is no instance of one elder in a local church." There was not a single Senior pastor in the local churches of the Bible! Elliot, in the Horae Apocalypticae, Volume 3, page 162 writes "It is to be understood, then, that until near the close of the second century, the Churches of which the Christian community consisted (Churches independent though federatively united) were under the government each of its proper Bishop; and that of these Bishops none were possessed of superior rank or authority over the others." So, we see from these two quotes that it took the first two hundred years after the birth of Christ to move from a system where there were no Senior Pastors to a system where every church had a Senior Pastor. We see in this development that Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots, had begun to construct the pyramid from the bottom up. By the time we reach to the end of the third century, we find the emergence of Metropolitan Bishops as the next rung up the pyramidal ladder, as Elliott writes on page 163: "Let nothing be done by the Bishops without the cognizance of their Metropolitan, was one of the so-called Apostolic Canons, which represent to us the government and discipline of the Churches of Eastern Christendom in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Moreover to the Bishops of Rome, Antioch, and Alexandria, as the Capitals respectively of Italy, Syria, and Egypt, to the first more especially,—there was accorded a certain pre-eminence over other Metropolitans, not indeed of authority, but of rank and privilege."

By 378AD, the authority over ecclesiastical matters by these Metropolitans had become established in the Western empire as had the right of appeal to Rome under the Law of Gratian and Valentinian. (Elliott, Horae, Vol 3, p165.) By 529AD, Elliott writes (p167) that it (Justinian's Code) "made all matters of simony and clerical irregularity or insubordination, as well as of heresy, matters for Episcopal or Papal jurisdiction ;—and, even in civil and criminal causes, assigned to the Bishop's court equal jurisdiction with the ordinary tribunal, and required episcopal sanction ere execution of sentence on the condemned." Finally, by 606AD, Elliot writes on p168 that the Papacy under Gregory finally achieved ultimate domination over the rest of the clergy: the capstone of the pyramid had now been placed. The entirety of Western Clergy willfully submitted to this Pope, who reigned, along with those who followed for 1,260 years over the ten kings of Europe. Hence, we see that it took a little more than six hundred years from the birth of Christ for this monster to emerge...this thing as the Lord called it when He showed me the vision of the pyramid of the church. It is a monster and the Lord hates this thing and He is devoted to its' final destruction, whether it takes the form of a Senior Pastor, lording over his elders, deacons and other ministers, or the worldwide version of the same.

Construction of this Roman Catholic pyramid began sometime, late in the first century. The pyramid building efforts of our day simply skipped the plural bishopric form and went directly to the formation of independent churches, each with their own independent Senior Pastor, beginning in the 1950's to this very day. Sometime later, let us say at around 1970, many of these independent Senior Pastor headed churches began to form under the larger ones whose Senior Pastors became their Bishops. This formation of the latter day, charismatic, full gospel pyramid began in just the same way as that of the Roman Catholic pyramid: from the bottom up. The 21st century saw the emergence of the Apostolic Round-tables and the Super Apostles who have been gathering the Bishops under their so called covering. And all of this has primarily had its' start in America, where there has been constant efforts on the part of businesses over the last two hundred years to form monopolies through the use of vertical consolidation, though our government has fought ardently against this force at times. This same vertically consolidating pyramid building effort has been underway in the churches that CLAIM to have the greatest power and authority with and from God. These CLAIM a practical ownership to the signs and wonders of God, just as the Roman Catholic church before them was obsessed with supernatural signs and wonders at every turn, which thing led to the worship of dead saints and prayers raised to the virgin Mary. Sadly, I must conclude that most of the signs and wonders were probably false in both cases, yet God is still on the throne and is still honoring His word, even if His people and their leaders have strayed from Him. Will these modern day, so called super apostles name one of their own as a defacto, charismatic Pope? Time will tell, but the Roman Catholic example would suggest that the pyramid will not be complete until they have done so and put the capstone in place.

Stephen L. Bening

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1A to read the addendum of the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

"Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875) All the major Reformers and all the major Reformation creeds and confessions adopted the historicist position — and it is this position that Elliott so skillfully defends. Included in Horae Apocalypticae you will also find a very useful historical survey of who held which positions concerning eschatology, much history on the Roman empire (and its interaction with Christianity), how the Reformation, Islam, etc. were prophesied in the Apocalypse, a world chronology according to the Hebrew Scriptures (which would make the Earth 6127 years old), patristic views of prophecy, the beast and his mark (666) revealed, and much more. The Papacy is also shown to be the apocalyptic antichrist, which was a standard position among the Reformers. Elliott also deals with Moses Stuart's Preterism. Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

Please review and use my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. This series of Revelation Puzzle articles is meant to be used in conjunction with the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in various writings. I hold the view that several of the vials are still pouring...something the Historicist writers could not have foreseen 110 to 160 years ago.

Let us take a quick look at the finished puzzle, with the links. You can use this as a sort of TABLE OF CONTENTS to all seven puzzle pieces. I will also fill in the remaining puzzle pieces here as E.B. Elliott determines them to have fallen out in the Horae Apocalypticae. You can follow these and read additional summarized commentary at the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool.

Please remember that I have numbered these puzzle pieces by the strength of certainty with which I believe we have completely identified the historical event with the related scriptural signification. The most easily identifiable puzzle pieces are shown in color:


Conquering Invasions By The Romans--------90AD-180AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

Internal Roman Empire Violence--------185AD-192AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

Corruption In Roman Trade/Scarcity--------248AD-265AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

Death From Famine and Plague--------248AD-292AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6

That event represents-------------Seal 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 4

That event represents-------------Seal 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 6 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 4

Fall Of The Pagan Roman Empire--------395AD-476AD-----
That event represents-------------Seal 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic Invasions of Roman Empire--------395AD-410AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 1
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic Invasions Under Vandal Genseric--------429AD-468AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 2
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic Invasions-Atila The Hun--------433AD-446AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 3
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

Gothic invasions: The period of Odoacer--------456AD-476AD-----
That event represents-------------Trumpet 4
Found in------------------------------Revelation 8

1)RULE OF PAPACY-SUBJUGATION OF THE CLERGY---------593AD------------------------------------------------1793AD
That event represents-------------Parenthetical Event 1
Found in---------------------Revelation 12, 13, 17 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

5)TESTIMONY OF 2 WITNESSES--606AD---------------------------------------------------------1866AD
That event represents-------------Parenthetical Event 2
Found in-----------------------------Revelation 11 and 15 and and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

2)MOHAMMEDAN RISE-------------612AD----762AD
That event represents-------------Trumpet 5
Found in------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2

That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in----------------------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

4)TURKISH WOE-----------------------------------------1057AD--1453AD
That event represents---------------------------------Trumpet 6
Found in--------------------------------------------------Revelation 9 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2

6)EVERLASTING GOSPEL PREACHED--------------------------------1560AD-------1790AD
That event must happen before---------------------------------Trumpet 7
Found in------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 14 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

5)TWO WITNESSES KILLED AND RAISED---------------------------------1685AD-1689AD
That event represents--------------------------------------Last Biblical Event Before Trumpet7- Vial 1
Found in----------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 11, 15 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3

3)FALL OF PAPACY-JUDGEMENT ON CLERGY/FALSE PROPHET-----------------------------------------------------------------1793AD----1866AD--FUTURE
That event represents--------------------------------------------------Trumpet 7, Vial 1 thru Vial 5
Found in-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

Wrath Upon The Turkish/Moslem Power--------1810AD-1923AD-Future-----
That event represents-------------Vial 6
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6

Completion Of Wrath Upon All Papal/Turkish/Moslem Remnants--------Future-----
That event represents-------------Vial 7
Found in------------------------------Revelation 16, 17, 18 and The 2,670 Day Prophecy Of Daniel and Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 and Revelation Puzzle-Part 6


Step 1: Go to Prophetic Superpages and click on the link in the second column to the right to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 and scroll down to the completed Revelation Puzzle. Keep both pages open in your browser.
Step 2: Let us say you want to know more about the Great Earthquake in the Sixth Seal. Look down the Completed Revelation Puzzle until you get to the Sixth Seal, and click on the link to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series. Keep this third page open in your browser as well.
Step 3-Click on the link to open the Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool that you can easily find on any of the Puzzle Pieces articles. Keep all four pages open in your browser and click on the link for Revelation 6 and scroll down to verse 12, where you will find the scripture relating to the Great Earthquake. Look to the right to see the Volume Number and Page Reference where you you will find this information in the Horae Apocalypticae.
Step 4-Refer back to Prophetic Superpages that you should still have open in your browser and click on the link to the appropriate volume of the Horae Apocalypticae, found in the third column to the right, which in this case is Horae Apocalypticae, Volume 1, Fifth Edition. Scroll to page 235 to page 252 in the Horae Apocalypticae to perform in depth research on the Sixth Seal. Keep all five pages open in your browser to quickly move back and forth between the resources.

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