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Prophecy: Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool
September 1, 2017 Ellul (Mo 6) 10, 5777
Udpated September 14, 2019

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Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

"Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875), scholarly prophetic expositor, received his education at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating in 1816. Elliott was thoroughly equipped as a scholar and was deeply interested in prophecy, spending a lifetime in investigation and seeking to understand God's mind thereon. His Horae Apocalypticae (Hours with the Apocalypse) is doubtless the most elaborate work ever produced on the Apocalypse... Begun in 1837 and finally complete in 1862, its 2500+ pages of text are buttressed by some 10,000 invaluable references to ancient and modern works bearing on the topics under discussion. Holding unswervingly to the Historical School of interpretation (Historicism -ed.). Charles Haddon Spurgeon regarded this as the finest book ever written on the Book of Revelation. Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

I have updated the publication of my Revelation Spreadsheet Analysis Tool.

Much of the work is done on it for the entire Book of Revelation I will be updating it as we go forward as there are still many things to include, but I think the work in process will be very valuable for you. Here, you can SEE the dates of when these events took place, as well as reference sources in the Historicist writings. I am not Preterist. I would call myself a prophetic historicist, but I hold the view that several vials are still pouring...something that most of the Historicist writers did not foresee 110 to 160 years ago.

There were more than 150 serious writers who interpreted the Book of Revelation between 200 AD and 1900 AD. Guinness's work, "History Unveiling Prophecy" was created through his study of those 150 works. Most of those built upon the work of those who came before them and they also shared with those who were their contemporaries. Often, they were in disagreement, but I like the respectful manner in which most of them dealt with their peers and also, how respectful they were of the views of their predecessors.

What we have, as a result, in the writings after 1800 is a sum total collection of everything they discovered in that whole 1700 years since John was on the Island of Patmos. Today, we seem to have, for the most part, a bunch of lone rangers, running around willy nilly with their own private interpretations.

The only problem I had with all of those old writings is that, at the first, it was very tough to wrap my mind around all of that scholarship. To be humble, their vocabularies dwarfed my own when I began. I was also not accustomed to their attention to minute detail. It has taken me almost twenty years of studying their works to get to the place where I believe I can now do a spreadsheet analysis that will do justice to their works.

After all, all of the Bible prophets and apostles were historicists. They looked at what was happening in their time and said, "This is that which was written by the prophet _________. So, if you want to recognize a true prophet, look for one who looks back respectfully to what the prophets before him saw. Do not be impressed by rank speculators who come up with a hundred different ideas about what they think the bible says about the future. They love to do that because it sells books. Ignore them please.

Looking backward is valuable to build you up in the Kingdom of God. You can study how people either obeyed or disobeyed God and then review the consequences. Speculating forward is of little value in developing you as a disciple. But I love to look and watch forward for whatever my Lord might want to reveal. That is TRUE Bible prophecy!

Stephen L. Bening

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 1 to read the first article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 2 to read the second article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 3 to read the third article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 4 to read the fourth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 5 to read the fifth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 6 to read the sixth article in this series.

Please go to Revelation Puzzle-Part 7 to read the seventh article in this series.

"Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875) All the major Reformers and all the major Reformation creeds and confessions adopted the historicist position — and it is this position that Elliott so skillfully defends. Included in Horae Apocalypticae you will also find a very useful historical survey of who held which positions concerning eschatology, much history on the Roman empire (and its interaction with Christianity), how the Reformation, Islam, etc. were prophesied in the Apocalypse, a world chronology according to the Hebrew Scriptures (which would make the Earth 6127 years old), patristic views of prophecy, the beast and his mark (666) revealed, and much more. The Papacy is also shown to be the apocalyptic antichrist, which was a standard position among the Reformers. Elliott also deals with Moses Stuart's Preterism. Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

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