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Report From The Tower

August 25, 2011 (Updated February 7, 2016)

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I have done a great many radio programs on this subject, but today, the Holy Spirit has reminded me that I have not put all of this together in writing before, and that means that He means for it to get done. There is something about writing: it has a permanence and a weight of impact that the spoken word never can match. The effect is different. The spoken word is wonderful and for that reason, I will continue to do all the radio that I can do, but God always will require me to write while it is still today, and we can still work for the Lord.

The title of this article is "IN THE SEVEN YEAR AMERICAN TRIBULATION".

I previously wrote an article, available by link on this website, entitled "SEVEN YEAR AMERICAN TRIBULATION"
, where I dealt with the underlying revelation that the Lord God had given me the previous day on October 2, 2002: that America would suffer a seven year tribulation period all its' own. Go to the link to see the details to discover the detailed reasons for this, but the sweet and short of it is that it was primarily American theologians who added a seven year tribulation period to the bible. That word, given to me, announced God's intention to act in accordance with His previously expressed intentions as written in Revelation 22:18:

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book."

I assure you that God means to do this. For those of you who think it not fair for the nation to suffer because of the foolishness of her theologians, I would bring before you the foolishness of the Americans who have heaped to themselves these foolish theologians who have spoken to them the things that their itching ears wanted to hear: namely that they would escape all of this in a secret pre-tribulation rapture that is also not clearly laid out in God's word. Yes, this adding to the word of God has truly been an American joint venture between her priests and her laity, and both will suffer loss.

I had a relationship that lasted seven years almost to the very day: December 12, 1992 to December 12, 1999. During those seven years, I suffered six periods of abandonment that lasted for periods of from three months to eight months. After five of those separations, the Lord directed me to take her back. God later revealed the purpose for these troubles: to bring me a revelation of a seven year American tribulation that was to come upon my nation would be like my time of trouble in that it would have six waves of trouble that would last from three months to eight months. Five of these waves would be followed by short times of recovery, only to see all hope lost once again by the arriving of successive waves of trouble. These six waves of trouble were to be fit inside of a period of seven years of length.

Such a period of time was announced by the word of prophecy, and so, I could expect that it would commence also by the word of prophecy. So it was that the Lord spoke to me in the night of May 28, 2008, that I was to expect the commencement of all that He had shown me on the seventeenth anniversary of the point where the Lord began to reveal to me the future events. I wrote about this event at this link: "SEVENTEEN YEAR COMMENCEMENT"

I had written at that time that I expected the events to begin on November 21, 2008 to coincide with the seventeenth anniversary of my first open vision of economic calamity and the spreading of riot around the globe. This I saw in open vision as I was taken by the Lord to a high altitude, over Europe, and descending down over Europe, I recognized the Eiffel tower, knew by revelation that the world was suffering economic calamity. Then, I saw rioting, anarchy and chaos spread outward from Paris, France. "EUROPEAN OPEN VISION"

Later, I realized that I had suffered a personal loss and that it had wider significance as a prophetic marker on September 26, 1991, when I was terminated from the last full time job position I held before entering the ministry. The Lord had indicated that it was a prophetic indicator for economic trouble for the world seventeen years hence on September 26, 2008. So, the first wave of the seven year American tribulation may be regarded as having commenced in September, 2008. On September 15, 2008, Shearson Lehman failed, along with trouble resonating throughout the US economy. The next three months saw numerous banks and companies fail both large and small. And so, the first wave ended, and the recovery that has stretched until August, 2011 began.

The election of Barack Obama stirred the hope of many Americans (myself excluded). Now, in the fall of 2011, principally all of that hope of change has faded away to the place that now, here at February 2016, there is a looming expectation of financial doom. No one knows exactly when this next wave will strike. Five more waves of trouble in the SEVEN YEAR AMERICAN TRIBULATION remain. Most of these remaining waves of trouble will now be of the longer variety: six to eight months each in duration. So, the remaining time would have originally stretched through the end of 2015, but God revealed during the "God's Fillibuster Tour" in Washington D.C. that he had granted a delay, and that the remaining five waves would be compressed in time and will be mainly trouble with only very short lived and illusory periods of recovery following them. So, the back line has been moved from September, 2015 to some future date.

The eight types of events that will happen in the near future are:

1) A rocky hurricane period; a year of deadliness. It is no time for a hurricane party;

2) Flash flood, sudden onset, earthquake type events in line with "here comes the flood" indicated for Washington D.C. and other places, with even a 2 square mile area in one city being drastically affected by some type of a "flash event", even in Washington D.C.. This could even be damage caused by "flash mobs";

3) Power plant terrorism and power grid shutdowns and electricity failures and interruptions;

4) California earthquakes indicated for San Diego and other cities, fulfilling a single staff judgement, previously called in by Matthew Stephen, like an "8";

5) National Capitol, spiritual realm events, heralded by ZERO HOUR-It is now here! Zero hour at Tripoli hints that it is near time for the Tora, Tora, Tora Pearl Harbor type event: the surprise has been achieved. (I said, on August 20, that it could even be a natural earthquake in Washington D.C.. It isn't only for our capitol. The battle is now on; REPENT!

6) Border flare up incidents, particularly in the Middle East, Israel and Egypt and Syria and cross threats and regional wars;

7) Mother nature take-downs (It is really Jesus) stirring up the weather and storms blowing against harlot apostate religious institutions, Jesus is taking on the entire Nicolaitan, single pastor controlled system, He is starting this up in earnest right now;

8) Two or Three big quakes indicated. Double judgement and Double quakes. The end result of the full arrival of this, the second wave of the seven year American Tribulation will be the total economic collapse of America. This is going to come in with bank closures of six months and the full interruption of national commerce until an attempt a recovery can be mounted. This will be accompanied by racial and ethnic violence and rioting, particularly in urban centers.

These are the events and types of events that are indicated for the second and third waves of the six total waves of tribulation. Also indicated is a terrible, East Coast, USA tsunami. All those who are aware of this prophecy should have on their mind, at all times, that they may need to evacuate low lying, coastal areas at a moments notice subject to the instantaneous leading of the Lord through the speaking of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Those wise servants of the Lord, who have been aware of this prophecy for ten years, should have taken some preparatory actions by this point, as led by the Lord.

Stephen L. Bening

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"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4

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