PROPHECY: Becoming Less
February 2, 2001

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"He must increase, I must decrease" John 3:30

Over the years, I have heard Apostle John Neuhaus say this several times regarding modern day leadership in the church: "They have forgotten how to decrease".

Yes, we must become less and never forget how to do this. We are never too advanced to do the more base works of service in the church. At least, we never should advance to such a place, yet many do.

Most would have no problem decreasing if Jesus were present, here on Earth, doing the increasing. But they see no Jesus here and now, and consider that they are the most anointed one around. Why should they decrease? Why should they become less, they reason. There is no one else to do the work.

I love to worship the Lord in prophetic song. We have a wonderful team, of which I am one part. On some days, it seems that the Holy Spirit features me. I may be the primary lead vocalist; I may sing a new, extemporaneous song of worship. I may prophesy or speak a word of exhortation to the congregation. At other times, the Jesus in my brother must become more, and I must become less.

Tonight for example, in corporate worship, I had to become less. The focus was not on me and God was not speaking through me: He was using others. At times, I was ready to break forth and prophesy, but the Holy Spirit restrained me twice, maybe three times, encouraging me to become less. When I did, others arose with words of prophecy.

Is not the church stronger if many prophesy? Certainly! Look at this group, for example. The anointing is flowing so strongly through a couple of the other brothers that I may have to be silent for a little while. If Alex keeps writing every day, I may just have to stop writing and meditate on what Jesus is giving him.

We must learn to recognize the increasing Jesus in our brothers and sisters when He appears and be ever ready and prepared to decrease. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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