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PROPHECY: Africa-Days 32 to 44
June 6, 2005

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We have just completed a crusade outreach of Kapkateny, Western Kenya, and we have now done several days of house to house meeting work in the area of Mukhonja, Western Kenya.

All in all, the sum total of people who have prayed to receive Christ is approximately 3,000 for this period of more than six weeks. We have also seen the powerful moving of the Holy Spirit, in the giving of visions, dreams and miraculous experiences. The working of the gifts of the Holy Spirit has been very sharp and accurate, especially in the small meetings in the bush areas where other missionaries traditionally do not go because you have to go in on foot.

Furthermore, we had great breakthrough in Kapkateny. All of the pastors repented as a unified body when I confronted them with the heresy of the legal tithing doctrine as they have practiced it in the church here. They repented of the teaching that 90% is mine and 10% is God's, and have now agreed that God has purchased them in the entirity, along with their wallets.

I have preached this many times before, but I have not seen such enthusiastic repentance. It should be clear to any believer that Paul wrote 13 epistles, and there is not one word in them about a tithing doctrine. Paul set a double curse on anyone who brought another gospel, or who added to the gospel he preached by revelation from heaven, yet everyone has added this legalized abomination of forced tithing. Everyone who does this is under a curse.

I am told that legal tithing is taught as a doctrine in every seminary in Kenya. Many churches here will not recognize anyone as a member who does not tithe. That does not make it right or true. And so, we have been standing for the truth of the gospel, once delivered to the saints, and have been contending earnestly for the advance of that purity of teaching. We have been encouraging the believers to give from their hearts, and from love. They must give joyfully and cheerfully, and they must worship with their giving.

We have also admonished them to remember to give to orphans and the poor as Jesus admonished us to do in Matthew 25. We have not been slack in our performance of this duty either.

Today, our health is pretty good, and we are ready for anything that the Lord may bring. We have an air of expectancy around us. We have airplane reservations to begin our return, but future plans are in the hands of the Lord. Only he really knows what city we will be in on any day.

Yesterday, I preached in a PEFA Church (Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa). I had warned the pastor in advance that I would preach on tithing. He asked me to come, and so, I preached hard. The pastors and elders repented publicly of their legalism at the end of my message.

There are so many supernatural things I could write about, but it might seem to some as if I was trying to impress people with who I am or what I do. I consider myself to be among the lowest of the saints. I simply love to serve Jesus. I love to win souls. I love to be a vessel for God to move through, and to exhort people to repent.

Someone else can write about the miracles, the prophecies, the dreams and visions. The work has been done, and the decrees have been made. There have been witnesses, and if these things are to be spoken about, let others do it.

Things are going to begin to change drastically now for all of us. Things have happened...big things. The torch has been passed. Now, God will begin moving on things that have long been prophesied. Lord have mercy on us. Lord, may you look upon us and remember our service in the day of our trouble.

God bless you all,

Stephen L. Bening

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