PROPHECY: Prophetic 9/11 Parallels/Jordan/The Storm/Burn The Bones/Another Wave of Glory
April 5, 2002

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Dear WPA and others:

I asked the Lord to speak with me this morning concerning current events, and he led me to review 2 Samuel 10 once again.

A year and a half ago, the Lord told me that the next war in Israel would reenact this 2 Samuel 10 war. Now today, the Lord had more to show me.

As I read the scripture, I gleaned two more pieces of information.

The Lord revealed that the next war will be triggered by Jordan, as they will move their armies threateningly toward Israel, and they will enlist the aid of Syria, and a few other allies, in doing so.

This will follow some type of diplomatic mistreatment of Israeli ambassadors to Jordan.

Will this happen now, or after a time Lord?

Following this, I was looking back in time to 9/11, thinking of the revelation we had at WPA just prior to that horrific event on 9/11.

My nearest prophetic utterance to 9/11 was written 8/28/01, and had to do with "Handling The Fire Of God". Bob Neuman's "Burn The Bones" article was included.

A few days later, on 9/1, Bob wrote that "The Storm Is Here".

Then, just prior to 9/11, we had a rather civil debate, in the WPA, on the merits of gun ownership by the Christian, and the right of the Christian to self defense and family protection and security.

I note that in the last few days, without really noticing it, we have returned to discussions of firearms and weapons.

This all followed what has been my most recent prophetic writing...on 3/20...entitled "Once Upon A Time In The West (In The Last Days)", in which I discussed the nearness of tribulation in America and the mournful sound that is announcing it's approach to me. One week later, the current conflagration erupted in Israel.

Now, the talk has turned to whether this eruption will go into a lull, or not. Most seem to think it will lull, now that America has attempted to reign in Israel. Such was the view of my pastor at breakfast this morning.

But I read today that up to 40 terror teams are in hiding, awaiting instructions in Israel...and that teams have been rumoured to have been dispatched to America as well. I also read that both Israel and The Palestinians have pretty much told America to take a hike with respect to American demands for cessastion of the current Israeli military operation and calls for an end to suicide attacks by the PLO..

Will their be a lull, or an even greater storm...or even another type of storm?

The Lord just told me that we are experiencing another wave of His glory. The Lord announced the arrival of his last wave to me on 9/1/2001....the same day the Lord said to Bob that "The Storm Is Here". We expected a storm, but we never dreamed it would involve the falling of the twin towers.

And so another wave of His glory is upon us. With His glory comes fire to burn the bones....the very fire of God. With His glory comes a storm. With His glory, this time, comes that haunting harmonica tune that signals the advancement of the time of reaping for our nation....that mournful sound that cries concerning what might have been, and announces the time has come for the changing and toppling of existing established orders.

I believe with all my heart that events have been set in motion for a near term arrival of an even greater storm in America. While I never say thus sayeth the Lord with respect to prophecies concerning timing unless I have it specifically from the Lord, all the parallels are there. Any man of Isachar must be a discerner of the times. These times do not bode well for America in terms of her natural glory and power. We can expect one type of storm and receive another... nevertheless... we are expecting a great storm.

To everyone who has ears to hear....WAKE UP!

I have urged all of you to make preparations for likely and possible eventualities. For those of you with ears to hear, God wants you to survive in post tribulational America. God wants you to be His ministers and the carriers of His presence to those who remain here. How great will be your testimony if you carry driver's licenses and passports from zones of destruction? You will have proof of your advance warning by God. You will find many who are willing to listen in that day.

Note that when I say that, I am not speaking of THE GREAT TRIBULATION. I am speaking of American tribulation, which will precede it and the rapture of the church. This storm will certainly come upon America before the rapture. Thus sayeth the Lord.

Wake up, and be very alert in this hour. Draw nigh unto the Lord, and He will draw nigh unto you.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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