PROPHECY: Return To Me
February 7, 2001

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After meditation on John 10, the LORD directed me to prophesy:

Oh my children, my sheep, I am the good shepherd. I am He who gives His life for the sheep. I am the door of the sheep. The wolf climbs up another way and refuses to enter in through the door. The same is a thief and robber.

I am watching over my word to perform it in this hour, for many have prophesied and have waited and waited....and it has seemed as though the good shepherd has not been watching over the words of His holy prophets to perform them. Yes, I have tarried...I have waited to execute judgement on many lands. I have held back the sword and the famine and the pestilence and the result: many have mocked my prophets and called them false.

Listen closely...do you not hear? Can you not see the four horsemen in their gallop through the heavenlies. To the Red horse, I say now, go forth! To the Pale horse, I say now, go forth! For truly these have been walking but I have now commanded them to gallop throughout the Earth. Go quickly my swift steeds.

Awake my children awake. Shake off the dust. Wipe the slumber from your eyes. Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Separate from compromise. Walk in daily repentance, for the day of your redemption is drawing near. Rise up, sit enthroned, for I wish to use you in this hour and only you can prevent me from using you. Follow my instructions, obey my commands in this hour. Seek the Lord and live. Set your minds on things above.

Shake off all spiritual dejection and impatience, for I, the Lord, am not slow in fulfilling all that I have shown you, but I am patient and I am filled with longsuffering for the lost, that all who are called may come to express and walk out their faith in me. Gird yourselves up in this hour of slumber. Repent my people of your slumber. Seek me in fastings and prayers as led by My Spirit. Return to me, my people, and I will return to you.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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