Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly (WPA)
Emergency Prophetic Readiness

I am quite certain that at some point in the near future, the following events will transpire as we have been forewarned by contemporary prophecy:

Updated October 29, 2004
1) At 2 A.M. Eastern Time USA (7 A.M. GMT), many people who belong to Jesus will begin to awaken suddenly with a dream of an incoming celestial object. Young people and old people will awaken with an identical dream.

2) At 5 P.M., governmental authorities will be aware of the situation. At around 6 P.M., according to prophecy, the general population will be told that three asteroid/comets are inbound.

3) At around 10 P.M, Eastern Time, 20 hours after receipt of the dreams that same day, three asteroid/comets will crash into the Earth, hitting the Atlantic ocean off the US East coast, and the Gulf of Mexico.

It was for this very reason that the WPA emergency alert network was created.


If you are awakened at around 2 A.M. with such a dream, do these things:

1) Post an email message to WPA

2) Check the WPA Home Page to see if an emergency alert has been issued and if an alert has been posted.Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly

If there are three or more reports of identical dreams, we are going to issue an alert after we pray about it, of course.

Stephen L. Bening

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Watchmen-Prophets Assembly

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