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Prophecy: Matthew Stephen & Stephen Bening: The STROM-BENTLEY-JOYNER-IHOP Controversy
January 16, 2010

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Dear Saints and WPA members, this is a very important letter that needs to be sent to every church member, all email lists, all web sites, and to every pastor and ministries in the world. We need a cry for repentance over all the Earth. As leaders in the Body of Christ, we call for the true Church to stand up with holy wisdom and discernment in this hour to see a true outpouring, with weeping over the abominations in the Church and America.

VMI- Urgent Give me Liberty or Give me Death

"Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" is a famous quotation attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he made in a court hearing on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, and is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. Among the delegates to the convention were future US Presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, those in attendance, upon hearing the speech, shouted, "To arms! To arms!" These words brought forth the Revolutionary war. The Red Coats are Coming, as Paul Revere said, The shout of this is going forth all over America again today A great Civil War is rising up in the Church and America.

The hour for America started in Blood and it will end in Blood. THIS IS the bad news for the Church; we will go through this night hour with much trouble and loss. The good news is, in the end of it all we win and have the victory in Jesus Christ. For, a new republic has formed in the hands of a godly people. The Bride of Christ and the whole Earth will be transformed as all things will be made new, and we will rule with Christ here on this Earth in the New Jerusalem.

As Abraham Lincoln once said “A nation divided against itself will not stand.”

I hear the cry of people and the words of war in the Church as it spreads over the earth. Those words are: "let us have our say as we smash are brothers and sisters", give us Liberty or give us death.

During the last couple of months, Rick Joyner and Bob Jones have made every effort to reconcile Todd Bentley to public ministry in the Body Of Christ. This effort is premature, misguided and wrong. Todd Bentley needs much more time on the sidelines and needs to examine himself to see whether he is even in the faith. He needs to repent and renounce his promotion of and trafficking in spirits associated with Kundalini Yoga and Eastern religions.

Some, like Andrew Strom, have written letters about these things, and he has been rightly warning about the spread of these manifestations of these spirits from the Eastern religions, and he is to be commended. Lee Grady of Charisma magazine spoke out about these things in 2008.

However, we must be careful that we do not throw away an entire generation of Christians who have gone astray into the seeking of experiences with any and every spirit and the eastern religion manifestations that accompany this "movement". Andrew, for example, has put forth a universal condemnation and a warning that we are to get away from and have nothing to do with a whole list of ministries. Bentley, Joyner and Jones have been grouped with 24 hour prayer at IHOP, and this is just plain wrong. These individual ministries must be dealt with on a case by case basis.

The words are getting pretty harsh, and they are coming from people who seem to have a spirit of hardness and bitterness about them. These are angry, fighting words. They come against the sin, but they also rip and tear the sinner, and not in a manner that will lead to repentance of the ones who have been ensnared. Is this what Jesus wants?

The key, I believe, is this: we must handle this in order and in love.

Yes, we should warn the people of the wrong they have entered into; the danger is real. Search your bible for scriptures about the "east wind"; this speaks about spirits that come from the East. The bible clearly says that the East wind will blight and destroy your fruit. Kundalini yoga is and has always been of the order of the Eastern religions. Today many of the prophetic church movements like Toronto, Pensacola and the Lakeland, the so-called "never ending Revival", have given themselves over to this deception. Some say that this is flesh, and it will die out, but it is not only flesh, it is of a demon spirit origin, and it has spread through these places for more than twenty years. It will not die out on its own. It must be discerned and cast out in the name of Jesus Christ.

Back in 1985, John Wimber, of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, was speaking at a conference on Signs and Wonders to 7,000 people. He clearly stated that the animal groaning and weird manifestations were of the devil. In fact, John was interviewed by Charisma magazine, and spoke out against and advocated the ousting of the Toronto Vineyard, out of the Vineyard movement because of these manifestations as stated above. The same manifestations and more are going on today with Todd Bentley and Rick Joyner at the Morning Star ministry meetings.

I (Matthew Stephen) went to Lakeland Florida on June 7, 2008 to the Ignite Church where the Lakeland Revival started. I walked into the Church and spoke to the head speaker of the day. The leader gave me the Microphone to speak and I called for repentance and gave a word of prophecy to the purported "never ending Revival". The Lord God said, "This began here and it will end here". Within 45 days that prophecy came to pass. I now call again for repentance to this current movement. I believe that God is about to send a mighty Judgment of fire down from the heaven, for these wicked leaders have touched the generation of the righteous; the youth of America and the nations. This cheap grace is the deadly enemy of the Church.

We, as Christians, should have nothing to do with the seeking of inadvertent and uninvited jerking and twitching. Any African knows that a human, who makes an animal sound, is manifesting the demon spirit associated with that animal. This type of manifestation is common in the African tribes, where blood is consumed in order to obtain the spirit of that particular animal. Whether saved or unsaved, this is clearly recognized by the African. Have we become so blind that we want to bark like dogs and think that God is praised in the howling? We should examine ourselves. Are we seeking the word of the Lord, or some manifestation? Is the gospel being preached? Is repentance and deep conviction of sin happening?

There will be many who will not repent. But there are those who are fellow countrymen and brothers in the household of God; though many have wrong doctrine and there needs to be a great deliverance and correction among the whole group. But we are first to go to our fellow brothers in love and reason with them. However, I would like to make this point clear. Todd Bentley has been given numerous opportunities to repent and be saved. Rick Joyner has been repeatedly called to repent of this wickedness. Therefore, the prophetic call that I (Matthew) made in Lakeland, FL has not been adhered to. Now, these new awakening meetings at Morningstar Ministries can only mean one thing; that the true fire and judgment of God upon these people will now fall, and the death judgment, which the Lord God has called me to prophesy, will now fall. This will occur in much the same manner as it happened when Moses came down from the mount and saw the Israelites cavorting around the golden calf in all lasciviousness. In the same manner as it was when Moses went to Pharaoh and decreed that the judgment would now fall upon the firstborn of Egypt, so it will now also fall upon these leaders. These leaders have come up against the true work of God among the youth, and are trying to defile it. Therefore, death judgments will now fall upon many of the leaders. (I have wept and grieved deeply over this issue and do not say this lightly.)

I (Matthew) stated in 2008 and warned that the church will say that the death devil has struck the church. It will not be the works of a death devil, but it will be the work of the Lord God Almighty!

We truly are facing one of the greatest moves of God the Earth has ever seen and it will be the last great move in our life time. This move is manifesting in the hearts and souls of primarily young people, through a YOUTH led worldwide 24/7 prayer movement that is energizing our youth. Is there bad Doctrine being taught? Yes! Is there demonic manifestation going on? Yes! But, the presence of the Holy Spirit is confronting the demonic spirits in the youth wherever this move is taking place. When we look to the bible for guidance, we always see this taking place throughout the gospels when Jesus Christ would minister and display the word and the works of God’s Kingdom. When Jesus was present, His power would show up and the demons would be expelled. Today's error is in the calling forth of the weird manifestations, and then attributing these to the Holy Spirit. Clearly this is not the manifestation of Holy Spirit, but is the manifestation of the demonic! We must discern the presence of the evil one but we have improperly attributed the insanity of evil to the unction of the Holy Spirit.

The Father God is saying to all those that have aligned themselves with these savage wolves to come out from among them. The Father God is speaking through His Son Jesus Christ and through many prophets as he calls the Church to Repentance. One of the greatest cries of my heart, on this Earth, is to see the body of Christ repent and grow up to become the Bride that Jesus is calling us to be; to be the Bride that will rule with power and love and destroy the works of satan; to see the Holy Spirit come in power, and move in the true body of Christ. We as the true body will focus on the great commission that Christ called us to focus on; to preach the gospel, feed the poor, cast out demons heal the sick, and if there be a sickness in the body of Christ then let us call for the elders and pray over the sick.

Jesus said, "I did not come to those who were healthy, but I came to the sick", and in the Body of Christ there is much sickness. The Body of Christ in America has a great need, in that, much of the body needs to get saved and healed of Cancer. Please, I beseech you by the mercy of God, let us love one another and put a stop to this Civil War in the Church. Satan has started this war, and in a sense it is a Revolutionary War. Let us reason together, for the sake of the young people who are so much in need of a real move of the Lord God in their lives!

It is my prayer that, the war that is going on in the Church, which started in blood, will not end in blood. But rather, I pray to put a stop to the plan of the devil, by being mature enough to show love and unity to our fellow brothers and country men and reason together. If you want liberty at the sake of death of your brothers and sisters, then you need to check the breach in your own life. Many people have spoken out against the true Prophets and called them false prophets, when in fact, those who do such things believe the lies of these smashing wolfs and they themselves are the false ones.

It is important to note that I am not speaking on behalf of, or defending in any way, the behavior of Toddy Bentley, Rick Joyner and Bob Jones and the likes of them who are also false. These men clearly need to repent and Bentley needs to get saved. You must get away from them and from any who have promoted them. But I see a real problem in how many have tried to handle the word of God, and have called it correction, when in fact it is a mishandling of God's word. The word is, God is about to cut off the fleshly tongues. (This problem of Civil War is nationwide, even worldwide, in the Church).

There are False outpourings going on now and these awakenings are being run by leaders that have been tainted with demonic spirits that tell us to embrace it all. They say there is no need for discernment. In fact, these movements are so immature that they do not even test the spirits. The bible tells us to test the spirit to see if it be of God. We need to cry out and repent and ask the Lord for His transforming power in our lives and cut ties and come out from among those who refuse to repent from the wickedness going on in the church today. If we accept God’s discipline with humble, believing hearts, our lives will grow purer and our faith stronger. Where evil has been allowed in to form a mixture and defile God's people, Godly leaders need to stand up, discern, and expel the evil thing and the immoral brother. We must be HOLY!

As we look at the Church in its current form, we see a church that is in sharp decline. Some of the reasons the church has no impact on the world is because the church is out of order... God is now insistent that He will bring DIVINE ORDER! For the most part, this is what we see in the body: 1. There is no holy wisdom. 2. There is no holy discernment 3. There is no call for Repentance “REPENT! For the Kingdom of God is at hand.” 4. There is no hunger for the Holy Word of God.

In many places, the only hunger you see is the hunger for riches, deception and divination, with all false signs and lying wonders of gold dust in unrighteous deception. Jesus Christ has said, there will be “a great falling away,”

I know also we will see a mighty outpouring in the last days, in times of darkness and trouble on the earth. That hour is here, now. For the Lord God is raising up John the Baptist types; the Moses and Elijah‘s. Sons of God. True Holy Prophets. It is happening now. The true mark of these men and this last hour work will have several qualities. A call for true Repentance, A call for Holy Wisdom, A call for Holy Discernment, A call for the proper order of the Church, A call for true Disciples (Discipleship for the true work of righteousness.) A call for the Holy Word of God (A call of fiery preaching) and A call for Holiness unto the Lord God.

Fire is about to come out from the Lord. Please, I beseech you, walk very carefully and weigh this word soberly. Be very careful how you choose to respond from this point forth. Watch what you say, and what you write, for the Lord is about to arise in Zion. For the sword will not only come to the land of America, but the judgment will now begin, in earnest, in the house of God in America. From this, God will separate the wheat from the tares. His word will not be defiled any longer. His Spirit will no longer be blasphemed.

Abraham Lincoln said, you have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it. This government that Abraham Lincoln saw was a government of his day, the old government is passing away. The Government of this day is God’s Government; His Bride on this Earth; for they have been given authority over the whole Earth and everything in it; to put to death the works of darkness and to destroy the kingdom of satan. The sons and daughters have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it, by the Holy Blood of the Lamb, the Loin of Judah. Abraham Lincoln said the spirit that guided him was clearly that of his Second Inaugural Address. And now inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C. is this: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds.... " Good Friday, April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. America and The Church in America, under this union, has not walked without malice. It has forgotten its' charity for all and has not stood in righteousness to do right. We have not pressed forward to do what we were called to do: to finish the race and to bind up the nation’s wounds.

God give us the sense and love to do what is right as God gives us the ability to see the right. Let us truly finish the work you have called your Bride to do. The New day is changing and there comes forth a people who will rise up with healing in their wings; Oh son’s and daughter’s of the Holy Lord God Almighty, a people of Isaiah 61:1-3, I pray that you will answer this call to know the seriousness of this letter and the devastation that will come at the loss of this next generation of youth if we, the body of Christ, do not stand up and make a clear correction and a clear sounding call of holy truth.

God Bless you,

January 14, 2010

Pastors Matthew Stephen & Stephen Bening

509-496-9740 & 954-600-6381 &

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