What The Lord Said To Me Today
Danger! Make Sure You Are Moving With God

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Many are feeling what they are calling an "Ephramite Call" today. Churches are moving the cross to the side and bringing in an expensive Torah to center stage. Gentile Christians are saying that they believe they are part of the lost ten tribes of Israel. They are being encouraged to discover their tribe of origin. They are saying that they desire to move to Israel. Is this a move of God?

I love moving with God, but there is the key: I must be sure that it is God leading the move.

Joseph Smith heard this "Ephramite Call" in 1830. He wound up prophesying that the temple of the Lord would be built in Independence, Missouri and leading his people to Nauvoo, Illinois, where they hurried to complete the construction of the Masonic temple even before they completed the temple of the Lord. Yes, the Mormon's are encouraged to find out what tribe of Israel they originate from too. When they arrived in Utah, they called it Zion. Then, as David and Solomon did under the Torah, the men began to desire and accumulate many wives and even developed a doctrine that to do so was insuring that these men who had many wives would reach the highest heaven. Yes, how well they answered their "Ephramite Call".

There is truly nothing new under the sun. As I have looked at this current "move" and have examined it carefully and asked the Lord about it, I am shouting at the top of my lungs to whomever may listen: DANGER! I am called, appointed and anointed as a prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I say again, DANGER!

This is taking you away from the gospel; this is taking you away from power and authority with God; this is retaking up the works you should have rested from by now. You have been provided with Jesus, our Sabbath rest. You should be laboring to enter that rest from your works. "For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his."

Do you believe that you can meander back under the yoke of the law and suffer no consequences? If you accept the yoke of one law and make obedience to that a co-condition for salvation with belief in Jesus Christ, you bring yourself back under the absolute requirement to keep the whole law.

I further warn here that there are mind blinding spirits at work here, affecting those of you who are exploring around the periphery of this movement. You need to get away from this. You need to respect your enemy. Don't dance with the devil: he'll make a fool out of you.

Do not think that you are so smart or so capable or so in control of yourself that you cannot be blinded by Satan. Satan is able to blind you if you step out from under the umbrella of protection you have in the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ. If you step out from under that total reliance upon the atonement of Jesus, you are subject to the workings of this mind blinding spirit. He will cause you to carry a bible but to be unable to see certain passages. I say again, DANGER!

There is no lack of power or authority with us. We are what Jesus has enabled us to be and we move in his strength and in his timing, but I will not sacrifice the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for signs. Truly, signs will proliferate in these last of the last days: even the calling down of fire from heaven will occur. It won't always be the Lord's people doing it.

If signs are all you are seeking, you'll not know the company you are keeping.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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