Report From The Tower |
By Stephen L. Bening -------------------------------------------------- I was sent by the Lord to the "Florida Outpouring" in Auburndale, FL, at the Auburndale Life Center on Friday, April 25, 2008. I was sent with Prophet Nicholas Comas, of WPA (Watchmen Prophets Assembly on Yahoo Groups). On Saturday afternoon the following day, I was returning to my home in the Miami area, and I was talking with the Lord about it, off and on, during the whole trip. I poured out my heart to Him about what I had seen. When I arrived, the Lord spoke. He said: "THE THING IS YOUNG. RIGHT NOW, YOU CANNOT TELL BY THE SEEING OF YOUR EYES OR DISCERN BY THE HEARING OF YOUR EARS WHETHER IT IS A WHEAT OR A TARE. BUT LET IT GROW A LITTLE BIT, AND THEN, MANY WILL SEE WHETHER IT IS A HEALTHY PLANT OR A NOXIOUS WEED. SO, DO NOT PULL IT UP JUST YET, BUT PRAY FOR IT." I will now write about my observations and recommendations regarding the "Florida Outpouring". I am forwarding this writing to Todd Bentley's ministry. He does not appear to receive contact by email. If I cannot forward it by email, I will mail it to their physical address. TO THE GOOD: 1) I noted that the continual presence of God, accompanied by the glory of the Lord, was present throughout the meeting. The Lord did not come and go, or fade in any way. His presence was strong throughout. 2) I did NOT witness or discern the use of any magic art, familiar spirit, spirit of divination or any spell of witchcraft. 3) I witnessed an impressive display of the gift of the word of knowledge. 4) I experienced the joy of the Lord. 5) I witnessed and met many sincere believers who were hungry for refreshing. 6) I did NOT witness any inordinate exaltation of men. 7) The was no inordinately strong pull for money, other than the one incident I will write about below. TO THE BAD: 1) Everyone in the meeting was encouraged to receive an impartation from Todd Bentley at the end of the meeting. We were NOT told that up to six additional people were going to be touching us and hitting us after Mr. Bentley laid his hand upon our heads and anointed us with oil. Everyone who wants to attend this meeting and go forward to receive an impartation should expect that up to SEVEN people will lay hands upon you. Be warned! Prophet Nick and I both felt ambushed by this procedure. 2) Everyone was encouraged to "take an angel home with you". Never once were we told to test these angels in accordance with the instructions of 1 John, chapter 2. We were not given any instruction about how to test an angel to see whether it is an angel from God, or an evil angel. 3) We were told several impressive stories about the visitations of an angel who carried the name "Winds Of Change". This angel purportedly visited Bob Jones and Todd Bentley, and informed them that he was the angel who had worked with William Branham. We were never once told that Todd Bentley or Bob Jones have ever tested that angel in the biblically required manner. 4) The "Wind of Change Angel", the angels, the Holy Spirit, the ten anointings and the Lord Jesus were all talked about repeatedly in the meetings. In my humble opinion, the Lord Jesus was not clearly lifted up as being preeminent above and beyond all these other powers and spirits. 5) The gospel of Jesus Christ was preached only at the END of the meeting, just prior to the impartations. The call to repentance was only made during the prayer to receive Jesus, as we were led to pray: "Lord, please forgive our sins". There was no other confrontation of sinfulness, or warnings to turn from the life of sin, or any warnings that we must change our minds, be converted, turn away from our lives of sin, be baptized and walk with Jesus. 6) There were several stories given about visitations of angels, and about Todd Bentley and his visit to heaven, where he saw a multitude of angels in a great stadium. Never ONCE were those angels seen or heard to be worshipping the Lamb of God. 7) Todd Bentley disclosed to the assembly that he had a vision where he saw a light shine over a woman, and that he saw that woman writing a check for $100,000 to the ministry. In my opinion, Mr. Bentley should have only shared that vision with the elders who are working with him in this meeting. (I am assuming that he is accountable to some group of elders). By sharing that vision with all the people, that carries with it a smell of manipulation, which I sorely detest. Indeed, I and anyone else would be very foolish, even fools, indeed to disregard the cautions that have already been issued by prophetic elder Andrew Strom with regard to this evangelist, Todd Bentley, and with regard to these meetings. Be very alert and be careful. Pray! Andrew Strom-Florida--- I have prayed for Todd Bentley and for this series of meetings, that it may grow up to be the true wheat of the Lord. We hope all things and believe the best about all things, but men will make their choices. God help us all. Blessings, Stephen L. Bening |
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" Matt 4:4 "Stephen Bening" on youtube ----Find us at "usaprophet" on Facebook |
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