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Prophecy: "What Are Your Values Worth?" by Mary Bening
July 15, 2015



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Job 23:10 " But He knows the way that I take (He has concern for it, appreciates and pays attention to it). When He has tried me, I shall come forth as refined gold(pur and luminous). Further reference PS 17:3 and James 1:12. If something has no eternal value, then it essentially has zero value. The more we forbid empty and especially evil things from holding weight, the more the enemy has nothing to use to constrict us. I wonder whether it would be very easy to engage in religious gluttony?

We can go to extreme and eliminate all recreation and things that are simply fun....that bring earthly pleasure. Of course, you could get out of balance, chasing pleasures and allocating little time to seeking God. I remember when I was illuminated. I thought it was probably not OK to go to a Phil Collins concert any more. Looking back, I think I was a bit too extreme, shutting out enjoyable things that would have done me no harm. I believe we are to be empowered by God to discontinue our covenants with the wrong kingdom and dethrone the false one. On the other hand we should be enjoying life without offending God.

Each person is going to have to learn how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor. The Holy Spirit is totally willing to guide us into all truth in these areas. He is the only one who can keep you properly balanced...a religious checklist cannot do it. According to ROM 12:1&2 renewing our minds is a day by day process. We have to process transformation or change with the objective that it's not only changing the attitude of our minds; but it involves also a drastic turn around in how we take care of our physical bodies as we approach our God.

It will take godly control, steadiness and walking strong within the will power of God. In other words we are to cherish what is good and wholesome, pure and holy and righteous. This correlates with" For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he". You begin to change your mind on things and your emotions and body will follow if you persist. As sons of God we have to think differently and act differently. We are to be different in every area of our lives. It is absolutely not a one time thing.

We live in this world but we don't have to be like the world. And since it seems to be so dependent on the mind, it may get harder as we get older to retain some things. This is why we send children to school as it's best to make changes while they are young. Our Heavenly Father expects us to behave like Him. But how many of us really do it? I have always taken that to mean we are to become as little children and continue to be creative in everything that I do.

I also try to force myself to learn new things and develop new avenues and gifts. What is basically the attitude of little children. They are obedient, submissive, naive and forgiving. Is this how we are? I don't think being naive is good...but the rest is good and should be desirable. Job 22:28 when God gives you a Promise, the enemy goes all out to try to kill it or cripple it with some devious plan. But your promise and its time of its delivery has a God given season of destiny and its manifestation; to live and be established. We can take solace in that our obedience has changed many lives. Anyone who has ever been exposed to the real prophetic will never be the same. Even if it did nothing to change the "harlot church" structure.

We are on earth to birth prophetic babies. The enemy will try to kill the baby...or babies. Only a few faithful will escape from Athaliah the assassin. The seeds you plant today will produce in its season. The garden is constantly producing, increasing and harvesting. So whatever you're around is going to influence you. The only choice is which field to plant in and what seed to plant, also time to plant. We five-fold ministers don't have a way at times to know whether we are successes or failures. We're trying to please a lot of people and sometimes we don't please any. As a result a lot of us leaders ate often tempted to set material goals rather than spiritual ones. We tend to measure our success if any by the size of our congregation, maybe the car we drive, the salary or the position held or invitations received. Our successes are not measured by the benchmarks of this world. This attitude is dangerous. If we are not discerning we will find ourselves consumed by pride. We cannot let our guard down that our value is measured by the world. I believe it time to find and execute new ways and strategies to determine our self worth. We can base it on our relationship with God who sees our value and it's not retail sold in stores. You can measure yourself by your potential in Christ. Possessing a good character and purity rather than success, or power or material gain is what God honors and values. Knowing this truth is very liberating. It's a constant battle and you have to continually submit yourself to work of Holy Spirit. Be a servant of love.

Mary Bening


Past articles are archived at GAMMADIM VISION: Financial Ministry and Prophecy GAMMADIM VISION

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